#study history
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blondebrainpowered · 25 days ago
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Artist Jonathan Harris and his painting titled “Critical Race Theory"
It’s a hauntingly effective image. A blonde figure stands, back to the viewer and paint roller in hand, covering up the images of Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, and Malcolm X with strokes of white paint. Critical Race Theory (2021) has been embraced as a powerful reminder of the importance of teaching and preserving Black history.
The canvas is the work of Detroit artist Jonathan Harris, who, since taking up painting full time nearly four years ago, has dedicated himself to making work expressing his lived experience as a Black man in the U.S. Critical race theory, which examines the ways in which racism is embedded in our nation’s legal systems and policies, has been circulating in academic circles since the 1970s. But it began making headlines, especially in conservative media, in 2022 as some local lawmakers sought to proactively ban its teaching.
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mandyying · 5 months ago
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studying is something I can do forever. there are days and months when I don't feel like studying at all. i procrastinate, I binge watch shows on Netflix, I cry, I get anxious but it's okay. you got to feel worse before feeling better. life isn't perfect and if there's no struggle then there's no fun. I'll continue to capture these moments and let the world know how I feel and accept it with open arms. idk who needs this but let me tell you bud, it's okay to feel however and whatever you feel. you're not alone in this journey. feel free to ask, say or write anything to me
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dosesofcommonsense · 8 months ago
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The new trend: Democratic Socialism.
For everyone who has studied history, we easily connect the dots and label it communism/socialism. The trouble is our young people are missing giants gaps of history.
(I live in Texas.)
In high school, students get:
- 2 semesters of diluted Texas history
- 2 semesters of diluted world history
- 1 semester of diluted government
- 1 semester of diluted economics that also includes personal finance (but doesn’t teach how to gain Financial Freedom)
Last year, we had a kid transfer in from Missouri. I was in that ARD (he needed some additional learning modifications) and listened to his class needs. He was an 18yo and ready to graduate in MO; in Texas - based on his classes - he was labeled a 10th grader. Sounds crazy.
Just because you think each state is teaching similar things; they’re not. (2) semesters is not enough time to cover the expanse of history. It’s not enough time to cover the last 50 years! So, it’s no wonder our kids are learning less and less.
Our college kids are not being taught to think. They’re being manipulated and indoctrinated. Many don’t know the difference between facts and feelings or truth and propaganda.
We must teach our kids and our society ALL of history (the great and the ugly) so that we can learn from it and attempt to not repeat it. We need to discuss things and keep our communication open. We need to meet for coffee and depart as people who agree, or disagree, and stay people and not someone who’s less of a person for having a different opinion or path for a solution.
“Those who do not know history are destined to repeat it.”
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cocrante · 1 year ago
I can confirm that Nico di Angelo would have been part of the Italian nobility ~☆
For those following my streams of consciousness, they know I am planning to write a fanfiction about Maria di Angelo and Hades, a retelling of their story in an entirely Italian context.
Currently, I am researching, or rather reviewing, the history of my country and the poets who have been part of it. If I manage to write everything I have in mind, it would make me immensely happy
However ~~ the reason I say Nico would have been a noble is very simple. In canon, it's said that Maria's father was a diplomat.
Now, diplomats in Italy in the 1900s were cultured, educated individuals, commonly noble people. Nico's grandfather is a nineteenth-century man; in 1800s Italy, nobility was at its peak, only later did the bourgeois classes emerge, the classes of wealthy merchants commonly called "new money" and these people, during wars, such as the First World War, financed the armies, but noble men, like Nico's grandfather, engaged in diplomacy and worked behind the scenes of the war.
So Nico is not only the Ghost King but also a Marquess in Italy [even though titles in Italy have been defunct for decades but still]
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ihaterusame · 5 months ago
This is not an attack on anyone, but my sister is in collage and writing about things pertaining to 9/11, the Cold War, the Middle East etc, and I hate RusAme more than ever, ship what you ship im not stopping you this isn’t to start a ship war but seriously study o these damn things, this fanbase it’s the first to talk about issues like colonization and all that mess but will ignore this issue, mind you I adore these characters separately.
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aspiramy · 7 months ago
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write history
write computer science record
music practice
anatomy practice (upper body)
draw jojo poses
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aressida · 6 months ago
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castratedtestimonies · 7 months ago
@panheadjeff The fact that comments are turned off on this post should make clear how open to learning about history this person in fact is, but in case the OP is an open-minded person, let's see how well this goes. It is most certainly true that almost every ethnic group in the world, west of about the Gobi Desert, has been subjected to slavery at some point in their distant past, many of these ethnic groups simply did not exist once one goes far enough into the past.
For example, while there are people who clearly define themselves as Greeks and Turks now, these were not clearly separated and independent in any meaningful way only 300 years ago. And under Ottoman rule, boys from Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, as well as many parts of what is now known as the Middle East were taken as slaves to be raised as Janissary warriors-agents.
Another example is the English. Although peasants in Britain had basically no rights, the Daneland introduced certain rights to certain ethnic groups and denied them to others--all of which would nowadays be considered English. None of these groups were slaves at any point. Peasants simply are not slaves.
Another great example are the Slavic peoples. The root of the name is the Roman's referencing the entire ethnic group as slaves. However, to say that it is one ethnic group is extremely controversial. The Kievan Rus did not arrive in what is now Russia until long after the groups in the region became known as Slavs. Many now believe that all Slavs should be united under Russian rule. But these were entirely different groups before the 800s AD. In fact, Ukraine and Russia are having a war over this very question as we speak. Even to this day, pan-Slavic activists and political leaders span the political spectrum, with many believing in outright anarchy as a good solution to this problem. However, to be absolutely transparent here, Slavs have never once, in the history of the world, been slaves in Morocco, to take only a simple example. Or to Arab rulers. Or to Chinese rulers. Most of the history of the Slavs, they were serfs, along with the same social status of many other ethnic groups in the Russian Empire's dominion. Serfs are not slaves, although serfs were born into serfdom and never escaped it. Serfs, much like peasants in most of continental Europe, could marry as they pleased, and when not called upon to serve, had relative autonomy--the difference being that if a serf was called to serve, they were effectively a slave.
Debt slavery is still legal in many, many places in the world. Until very recently, and still in many cases, if your clothes read "made in Singapore," or "made in Philippines", it was likely a piece stitched by debt slaves. To this day, the United States makes explicit allowance for slavery, regardless of race, on the basis of criminal punishment. When the Romans made Slavic peoples slaves, they were not what is called "chattel", meaning that their children were not necessarily slaves, and their race did not necessarily guarantee that they would be slaves all their lives.
Africans whose ancestors were sold as slaves by other Africans to European colonists were literally forced to breed, and all of their children were by definition legally slaves. For almost 400 years, Africans in the Americas were born and died slaves, and their manumission was simply illegal.
So not all slavery is equal.
"Everyone was slaves", well, no, actually many Indigenous groups in Latin America and North America were never slaves, but instead were simply wiped off the face of the planet by slavers and their soldiers. If you care about history--if you really do care about history--posts like this are anathema. Don't pretend to understand history and then falsify it.
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blondebrainpowered · 1 month ago
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mandyying · 27 days ago
study study study
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doctorsiren · 5 months ago
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Day 20 of Sirentober / Doctober
Hands / Journal
You can tell who never made a deal
Available as a print on my Etsy Shop
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dosesofcommonsense · 9 months ago
Read the Constitution for once, and you’ll understand why.
**Every founding father was a felon according to England.
Convicted felon, Donald Trump is legally banned from entering these countries, how can he possibly serve as President of the United States?
🇬🇧 UK
🇮🇱 Israel
🇨🇦 Canada
🇨🇺 Cuba
🇨🇳 China
🇯🇵 Japan
🇮🇷 Iran
🇮🇳 India
🇦🇺 Australia
🇳🇿 New Zealand
🇹🇼 Taiwan
🇿🇦 South Africa
🇲🇽 Mexico
🇰🇷 South Korea
🇧🇷 Brazil
🇮🇪 Ireland
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sukinapan · 5 months ago
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constanzarte · 4 months ago
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Pierre-Charles Comte, The secret rendezvous
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sacramentohistorymuseum · 9 months ago
We are often asked if multiple ink colors can be used on a single impression. In this video, Jared letterpress prints a phrase about museums showing that 6 ink colors is possible. The phrase “Museums are not neutral” was printed with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple ink using our Washington hand press. The wood type used is 15 line pica in size and the typeface is French Clarendon.
Our museum, like all museums, is not neutral. People often argue that museums should be neutral or that museums can’t be “political.” However, museums actually are cultural institutions that originate from colonial acquisition and they are about power. History is often written by the victors. It is important for museums to focus on multiple sources and perspectives, especially historically underrepresented groups. Promoting diversity is important to understanding a more holistic history of events.
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