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mandyying · 4 months ago
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studying is something I can do forever. there are days and months when I don't feel like studying at all. i procrastinate, I binge watch shows on Netflix, I cry, I get anxious but it's okay. you got to feel worse before feeling better. life isn't perfect and if there's no struggle then there's no fun. I'll continue to capture these moments and let the world know how I feel and accept it with open arms. idk who needs this but let me tell you bud, it's okay to feel however and whatever you feel. you're not alone in this journey. feel free to ask, say or write anything to me
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thestudysphereconsulting · 1 year ago
Study Abroad
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Looking for study abroad opportunity?
This new year is bringing new academic opportunities for you from across the world.
Hurry up, pull up your socks and get ready for exploring the opportunities for foreign education.
Best abroad universities are seeking admissions.
Connect with us and get the complete informations and support for making your foreign education dream true!
Fill This Form For Register: https://forms.gle/73c8zByBCGtv8U5e7
Reach Us Now: Website: https://thestudysphere.com/ Mail : [email protected] Contact No: +91 9299994451
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study-in · 1 year ago
Blogger video
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ninnythreadgoodw · 2 years ago
mid-term assignment to write, have to study to my exams, have to present a spanish work tomorrow, oh my
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bruxasdebolso · 11 months ago
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wigglesdtuff · 1 year ago
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bonus study !
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multilingual-wannabe · 10 months ago
if you're looking for translation exercises in your target language may i suggest linguee.com. if you're familiar with the interface it provides a real life example of term you searched in the first language and a corresponding real life example of the term translated in the target language. both examples have the link to the source. most sources are 'official' sources so it's pretty decent translation practice imo.
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zizsmthg · 5 months ago
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Am I dreaming?
Is there more like us?
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Y'ALL I'M SO SORRY I MISSED TIDBIT TUESDAY!!! SOMEONE SUE ME WAGHHH to make up for it please accept tidbit THURSDAY (a lil longer than usual 'cause I'm real sorry AGH)
"Oh fuck." Dallas skidded to a halt, heaved in the fridged night air in gasps that burned down his throat 'n panted out his nose in hot bursts. Johnny froze beside him, wrapped hands around his biceps 'n dug his nails in.
They were cornered. Fuck. How had Dallas let that happen? But he knew how. 'Cause at some point c'mon just high tail it this way 'n they'll get sick of chasin' 'n bail had become duckin' alleys 'n leapin' fences 'n the sound of sirens comin' ever closer.
Johnny's eyes are sharp 'n dark 'n watchin' Dallas close, his back to the tall fence that bordered the lot. Jesus Christ. Dallas should have been more careful. Ain't no way both of them are gettin' over that. He bites his lip. Hard.
Well. Nothin' to be done about it.
He tears his jacket off his shoulders, slips it off his arms 'n shoves it into Johnny's hands. Johnny hesitates then lets out a low noise, shakes his head, tries to force the worn leather back into Dallas' arms. "Dal, no, c'mon."
"Stop wastin' time, Johnny." His voice comes out a little harsher than he means it to, scrapin' against his chest as his heart bangs away under the veins in his wrists. In one smooth, practiced, 'n worn movement done a hundred times til it was rounded at the edges, he slides his St. Christopher over his head, his ring from his finger, droppin' them both into Johnny's already waitin', upturned palm.
The sirens reach a crescendoin' pitch, wailin' 'n yowlin', the lights cuttin' long, low shadows across the lot. They were out of time.
"C'mon, kid." Dallas doesn't wait for him to comply, just grabs for his ankle 'n hoists him unceremoniously over the rustin' fence. Like he was already expectin' it, Johnny twists, manages to land on his feet. The sleeves of Dally's jacket hang low over his hands 'n for a moment they both just stand there, lookin' at each other through the braided metal. 'Til Johnny can't stand it anymore, tears his eyes away 'cause lookin' at Dallas like that reminds him of Dally on the other side of chains that can't be cleared as easily as a boost 'n a well-placed leap.
Cops are crossin' the lot now 'n Dallas glances over his shoulder, haloed 'n silhouetted in the red 'n blue. "C'mon Johnny Cakes. You gotta beat it." 'N his voice is low 'n urgent 'n he wants to sound cool 'n tuff but it cracks just a lil' on the edges. But he's gotta get the kid outta here 'cause Johnny had a chance. 'N Dallas wasn't gonna let him go down for somethin' he could throw himself in the way of.
"Dal, please-"
"Johnny please." 'N then he's runnin'. 'Cause Johnny was never as brave as Dallas Winston. 'N he never would be.
Dallas watches his shadow slip away 'n sighs, bares his teeth 'n grins 'n throws his hands mockin'ly into the air. Johnny can hear his gunfire laugh crack crack crack-in' as he ducks into an alley 'n disappears.
Johnny clears the Curtis steps in one long leap, bangs the door open harder than he means to 'n flinches. Four heads whip around, Soda 'n Darry already risin' to their feet.
"Johnny? What's-?" Darry freezes, takes a good look at the jacket slidin' from Johnny's slight shoulders, the pendent bit between his teeth, the ring he's gotta keep his fingers bent so it doesn't slide off, 'n sighs. He abandons the plate of dinner he's inevitably just sat down for 'n snaps his keys from the counter.
"Johnny, you ok?" Soda shoves his chair back so it scraps against the tile 'n Darry winces.
"'M fine." He drops the St. Christopher from his mouth, hoists the jacket up. "It's-"
"Dallas." Darry toes his shoes on, grabs a sweatshirt discarded beside the door. "If the station calls, let 'em know I'm already on the way." He sighs again. Johnny sways on his feet, the adrenaline rushin' straight out of him 'cause Darry's got it now. Got him now.
"Johnny, you ok kid?" Soda's got his hands on his biceps now, lookin' him close in the eye.
"Yeah," Johnny heaves in a breath, runs a hand under his nose 'n winces when dry blood flakes off under his fingers, "S'ok."
Soda glances over his head 'n Darry pauses, gives him a look that levels him to his core. He was real good at those. But whatever he sees convinces him Johnny ain't lyin'. He hovers in the door a moment longer, watchin' Johnny with those ice-green eyes before he shakes his head, leans over, 'n brushes the last of the dried blood from Johnny's face.
"Y'know, kid? You look just like him in that." 'N none of them are sure that's a good thing. But Johnny just grins, crooked in the way he learned from Dallas.
"Y'know? There are worse people to be like."
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drawthething · 1 year ago
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Pssssh I ain't giving a damn about Jimmy Jr's headphone anymore (lying) Society needs to remember the non verbal communication superpower of earphones
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study-in · 1 year ago
Study In website
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reeebz · 5 months ago
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I'm the smartest girl in town!!!!!! ask anyone!!!!
(doodles cuz I got wonderlust on the brain)
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boonanaghost · 11 months ago
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I love splatoon plaza messages
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bruxasdebolso · 9 months ago
Self-love Spell Jar
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This is a basic spell jar for self-love. It can be made with things you probably already have in your house.
• Make sure to cleanse the container before adding the ingredients;
• White candle can substitute any color candle;
• Rosemary can substitute any herb;
• You can add or remove ingredients as you want, remember to follow the ingredient's correspondence;
• Always set your intention;
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borealiszero · 5 months ago
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Boothill dumps
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multilingual-wannabe · 9 months ago
frenchblr or rather french tumblr is there a french community? less on the side of french learners community more on the side of french blogs i.e. ppl posting in french whether it's native speakers or not? i'd love to frenchify my dash more for immersion but it's so hard to find blogs
frenchblr ou plutot les francophones sur tumblr y a-t-il une communaute francaise ? pas necessairement pour ceux qui apprennent la langue en ce qui concerne astuces et conseils mais j'aimeria trouver des personnes qui publient en francais que ce soit les natives ou les apprenants ? j'aimerais bien suivre plus de blog francophones afin d'augmenter l'immersion
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