#this isnt meant to be like the ship but ig you could read it that way
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Y'ALL I'M SO SORRY I MISSED TIDBIT TUESDAY!!! SOMEONE SUE ME WAGHHH to make up for it please accept tidbit THURSDAY (a lil longer than usual 'cause I'm real sorry AGH)
"Oh fuck." Dallas skidded to a halt, heaved in the fridged night air in gasps that burned down his throat 'n panted out his nose in hot bursts. Johnny froze beside him, wrapped hands around his biceps 'n dug his nails in.
They were cornered. Fuck. How had Dallas let that happen? But he knew how. 'Cause at some point c'mon just high tail it this way 'n they'll get sick of chasin' 'n bail had become duckin' alleys 'n leapin' fences 'n the sound of sirens comin' ever closer.
Johnny's eyes are sharp 'n dark 'n watchin' Dallas close, his back to the tall fence that bordered the lot. Jesus Christ. Dallas should have been more careful. Ain't no way both of them are gettin' over that. He bites his lip. Hard.
Well. Nothin' to be done about it.
He tears his jacket off his shoulders, slips it off his arms 'n shoves it into Johnny's hands. Johnny hesitates then lets out a low noise, shakes his head, tries to force the worn leather back into Dallas' arms. "Dal, no, c'mon."
"Stop wastin' time, Johnny." His voice comes out a little harsher than he means it to, scrapin' against his chest as his heart bangs away under the veins in his wrists. In one smooth, practiced, 'n worn movement done a hundred times til it was rounded at the edges, he slides his St. Christopher over his head, his ring from his finger, droppin' them both into Johnny's already waitin', upturned palm.
The sirens reach a crescendoin' pitch, wailin' 'n yowlin', the lights cuttin' long, low shadows across the lot. They were out of time.
"C'mon, kid." Dallas doesn't wait for him to comply, just grabs for his ankle 'n hoists him unceremoniously over the rustin' fence. Like he was already expectin' it, Johnny twists, manages to land on his feet. The sleeves of Dally's jacket hang low over his hands 'n for a moment they both just stand there, lookin' at each other through the braided metal. 'Til Johnny can't stand it anymore, tears his eyes away 'cause lookin' at Dallas like that reminds him of Dally on the other side of chains that can't be cleared as easily as a boost 'n a well-placed leap.
Cops are crossin' the lot now 'n Dallas glances over his shoulder, haloed 'n silhouetted in the red 'n blue. "C'mon Johnny Cakes. You gotta beat it." 'N his voice is low 'n urgent 'n he wants to sound cool 'n tuff but it cracks just a lil' on the edges. But he's gotta get the kid outta here 'cause Johnny had a chance. 'N Dallas wasn't gonna let him go down for somethin' he could throw himself in the way of.
"Dal, please-"
"Johnny please." 'N then he's runnin'. 'Cause Johnny was never as brave as Dallas Winston. 'N he never would be.
Dallas watches his shadow slip away 'n sighs, bares his teeth 'n grins 'n throws his hands mockin'ly into the air. Johnny can hear his gunfire laugh crack crack crack-in' as he ducks into an alley 'n disappears.
Johnny clears the Curtis steps in one long leap, bangs the door open harder than he means to 'n flinches. Four heads whip around, Soda 'n Darry already risin' to their feet.
"Johnny? What's-?" Darry freezes, takes a good look at the jacket slidin' from Johnny's slight shoulders, the pendent bit between his teeth, the ring he's gotta keep his fingers bent so it doesn't slide off, 'n sighs. He abandons the plate of dinner he's inevitably just sat down for 'n snaps his keys from the counter.
"Johnny, you ok?" Soda shoves his chair back so it scraps against the tile 'n Darry winces.
"'M fine." He drops the St. Christopher from his mouth, hoists the jacket up. "It's-"
"Dallas." Darry toes his shoes on, grabs a sweatshirt discarded beside the door. "If the station calls, let 'em know I'm already on the way." He sighs again. Johnny sways on his feet, the adrenaline rushin' straight out of him 'cause Darry's got it now. Got him now.
"Johnny, you ok kid?" Soda's got his hands on his biceps now, lookin' him close in the eye.
"Yeah," Johnny heaves in a breath, runs a hand under his nose 'n winces when dry blood flakes off under his fingers, "S'ok."
Soda glances over his head 'n Darry pauses, gives him a look that levels him to his core. He was real good at those. But whatever he sees convinces him Johnny ain't lyin'. He hovers in the door a moment longer, watchin' Johnny with those ice-green eyes before he shakes his head, leans over, 'n brushes the last of the dried blood from Johnny's face.
"Y'know, kid? You look just like him in that." 'N none of them are sure that's a good thing. But Johnny just grins, crooked in the way he learned from Dallas.
"Y'know? There are worse people to be like."
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hyanikaa · 4 years ago
Chapter 1 • The Secret is Out
So I created an AU where Memey’s cookie monster suit/onesie is possessed by a demon.
My friend Carrot helped me with this fic, go give them a like and follow on IG
WARNING//(Gore, Violence)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
Blaza ruffles out of the crowd that gathered around Laff and Socks and noticed Memey panicking. He walked over to the blue man and grabbed a chair to sit on. “Memey, what happened?” Blaza said, his voice dead serious, it’s wasnt like Blaza to be dead serious about things, so his voice sent chills into Memey’s spine. “I don’t know..” He stiffened, “I actually don’t know- I was just here in Medbay, working..” he trailed off, voice shaking “I don’t remember eating them..” he choked a quiet sob. “How could you not remember such a... vital time stamp?” Blaza asked, still holding a dead serious tone. There was a slight quiver in it as Blaza started to lose his composure after glancing at the clueless Laff. “I-I’m not sure, one moment I’m in the Medbay and the next I’m-“ Memey cut off his sentence. He couldn’t finish it.
“Oh my god, oh my god-“ Socks held onto everything around him for dear life, like the world was about to tumble down around him. He whimpered at the digging pain in his stomach but still sat in the same position, his eyes wide and cautious. “Woah, woah, calm down S-“ Dino started, reaching their hand to Socks only to have it smacked away. “...no, no, I’m sorry, I just...” Socks’ chest rose and fell quickly like a guinea pig sitting still in fear. “What’s bothering you?” Dino asked quietly, not wanting to draw attention from the crowd. Socks did not respond in words, instead he let out sob, holding onto his arm as he remembered the pain that struck him when it got ripped off. “Im sorry.” He let out, hugging himself.
 Nadwe burst into the room, holding onto the door frame for support as he caught his breath. Socks let out a loud yelp from the noise before calming down and hugging himself again. “Oh... my god...” Nadwe breathed out, letting out a final long breath before standing up straight. “I’m so sorry I’m late. The doors to electrical and storage shut.” He immediately read the room and looked towards Blaza for help. “...it’s not good. Me and Dino walked up on... Memey. Uhm...” Blaza stuttered, trying to keep it down. “Memey was... eating Laff and Socks... Laff doesn’t remember but...” Blaza glanced over at Socks. “Socks clearly does. Memey doesn’t remember either. Once their bodies have fully regenerated we have to discuss this.” Nadwe absorbed the words and quickly stiffened. Blaza swore you could hear the gears turning in his head. “...I’ll go talk to Laff. You guys sort things out.. yeah...” Nadwe trailed off before tipping both of his hats as a goodbye and walking towards Laff’s medbay bed.
 Nadwe sat down beside Laff, “How are you holding up?” He asked. “I dunno mate, I was just walkin down to electric an then I woke up here.” Laff replied, looking around the room then at Nadwe then his hands. “Nadwe...” Laff started, “Hm?” “Is it normal, to feel agonizing pain like you’re bein’ eaten, even if you’re not?” He asked, looking at Nadwe with desperate eyes that wanted answers. His eyes widened at his question, holding his hand up his mouth, he knows what Laff meant, Blaza told him what has happened. But he felt guilt clawing at him for not telling the whole picture. He just sat there, lowering his hand, “I don’t know Laff...”
 “Socks, calm down!” Dino said, almost a hint of begging in his tone. “Please, please! Socks...” Dino almost started to cry themselves. Seeing Socks in the shocked state hurt Dino’s heart on a level that couldn’t be described. Socks closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, trying to forget the gnawing sensation in his arm. “I-I’m sorry, Dino. It’s just.. a lot.” Dino nodded and quickly placed their hands on the sheets of the bed, eyeing the wound before opening their mouth to talk. “After you and Laff have recovered, i think we still have to... discuss it in the cafeteria. Are you going to be okay...?” Socks sat straighter, contemplating in his mind of the scenes that could play out. “I-I should be okay. It’s fine, I’ll be fine. I just...” Socks looked down on his bandages hands. “Can’t look at him right now.”
    Days passed and the two were now physically healed, though that incident left them psychologically scarred, not just them, but also to Blaza and the others that saw the incident first hand. It terrified them, was that really Memey? What happened? These questions and many more invade their thoughts like wildfires. But those questions will now be answered, right? Memey will explain what that thing was, right?
 They all gathered around the table in Cafeteria. Socks was with TBH who was supporting him, was his leg injured? surely not. Laff was already in Cafe before the others could arrive, how did he get there without supervision? Once a everyone was there, silence filled the room, it was deafening. Why did no one wanted to talk? Why were they so silent—
Blaza cleared his throat, breaking the silence. It wasnt like him to start the discussion, it wasnt like him to be serious and not even break a smile. He didnt. “So, I think we all know why we’re here.” He stated. Everyone turned their gaze to Memey except for Socks, who looked down at the cafeteria floor. “Memey...” Oompa asked, the eye on his head turned towards him in curiosity. Oompa had been in Navigation and hadn’t heard of the attack until much later. Memey sighed and looked across the table to Socks, who didn’t look up. “I-“ Memey started, feeling a lump in his throat. “I’m... not sure what happened...” he gulped as the pressure tensed. He took a moment to think. “You’re not sure what happened...” came a small voice. Socks looked up and slammed his fists on the table, shaking a few of the old drinks over. “YOU’RE NOT SURE WHAT HAPPENED.” Socks let out a crazed laugh before standing up. “You almost KILLED ME. YOU almost ATE ME. SCRATCH THAT, YOU DID EAT ME. IF BLAZA AND DINO HADN’T COME, LAFF AND I WOULDN’T BE HERE RIGHT NOW. AND ALL YOI HAVE TO SAY IS YOU’RE NOT SURE WHAT HAPPENED.”
 Memey’s face paled at Socks’ statement, he’s right, he did eat them, he did. But why can’t he remember? Why can’t he remember meeting Socks in the hallway between Storage and Lower Engine? Why does his head hurt when he tries to remember? Why does everything hurt— Memey block his ears with his hands, pain clawing and screaming in his head, he shrank down from the meeting as he submerged himself into his thoughts. His eyes started watering as the pain get more and more out of hand. “Shut up...” He quietly said. Socks watched as Memey covered his ears, shaking and shrinking to the table. Memey muttered something. “What?” Laff asked, trying to pull Socks back into the seat. “SHUT UP!!” Memey screamed, still covering his ears. He looked desperately at the people around him, pressing his hands tighter as the voices screamed louder with each look of dismay. He let go of one hand and wiped the tears pouring from his eyes, hearing a tight, high pitched note as the voices screamed into the ear. He quickly escaped the cafeteria, making his way to the left side of the ship and hiding in the corner of reactor.
  “The hell of a discussion that was,” Oompa said, getting up and slightly looking at the red button in the middle of the table. “I’ll go find Memey. You guys...” he looked at Socks, who started taking in more shaky breaths. “You guys calm down Socks.” Memey crouched down behind the engine on the top part of the ship, he’s tired, he’s drained from the joyful tone he always had. “What wrong?” It asked, “Oh so now you’re here?!...” Memey hissed at it, it stayed quiet for a bit, “Was not cookie?..” he snapped. “OH SO THAT WAS YOUR DOING?!” Memey said, totally enraged by the thing, “I TOLD YOU I WAS GONNA GET YOUR COOKIES AFTER I REST- BUT YOU DIDNT LITSEN- YOU STILL WENT OUT TO LOOK FOR ONE, AND NOW LOOK AT MY SITUATION!!!” He vented out, calling the demon hurtful things, it felt guilty for not waiting, it dragged it’s host into a situation that could have been avoided.
 “Memey? Was that you?..” Oompa called from the hallway. Peeking from the front of the engine, his eyes widened as he backed away, “You’re not MemeGod...” he quietly said as slowly went to grab his gun. “Cookie?...”
Socks huffed as he felt his confidence dwindle and his strength deplete. He dropped down into his seat and wiped his eyes, anger pushing more tears down his face. “Socks...” Laff started, placing a comforting hand on his arm. “It’s so stupid. It’s all so stupid,” Socks whimpered. “God, It’s all so DUMB. It’s just so...” Socks let out another sob, covering his face with both hands. “After all the pain of being ripped apart, eaten alive, all Memey has to say is... I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED?” Laff looked towards Blaza for words. “Socks, you know that wasn’t him. He couldn’t have done it purposefully. He wouldn’t. You and I both know that.” Blaza finally gave a small grin. “You and I both know the stupid FatMemeGod. He wouldn’t do that.” Socks listened and didn’t respond. He knew this was one of the rare times that Blaza was right. Memey would never do that.
“But...” Socks started. “If that wasn’t Memey...”
 “Then who was it...?”
“NO STOP-“ a scream was heard from upper engine, they all looked at eachother, worry plastered all over their faces, they got up from theirs and bolted towards the origin of the noise.
 They weren’t prepared, they weren’t prepared to see this. Oompa was knocked out, head bleeding. And beside him was Memey, or was it actually Memey?...
 He was screaming, he was rejecting and refusing, he was jerking and kicking himself, pulling the hood of his onesie away from his face. Why is he pulling it away? “LET GO!-“ Memey painfully screamed as the demon took over its host, the hood closing shut. It stood up from the cold ground he was sitting on and shook off the blood on its hands. Memey? seemed taller, this isnt him. Who is it? Why was Memey refusing? Why was he screaming.
 The tall figure spoke, “Memey friend?...” (help me). The two voices overlapped, but it was clear the two said different things.
 “Oompa!!” Blaza yelled, running over to the bleeding figure on the floor. “BLAZA!!” Nadwe yelled as the creature took a step towards the two. Nadwe rammed himself into the creature and watched as the originally derpy eyes turned sinister and creeper. However, this creature had double— no, triple— the strength of Memey. It quickly overtook Nadwe and slammed him onto the ground, leaving him pushing the wrists upwards and the creature  snapping its jaws at his head. Socks quickly pulled Memey off of Nadwe, helping him up. The creature roared in frustration. The space that held Oompa and Blaza was empty. They’d escaped, but the ship was only so big. It all happened in slow motion. Nadwe swung Socks around and switched positions with him, tanking a large crunch down on his right shoulder blade. “AHH!!” Nadwe yelled as a loud crack was heard from the bone splitting under the pressure. His hats dropped to the floor as he tried to escape the monster’s grasp. "You hurt Memey..." It said, it's voice rough from underuse. "Why did you hurt Memey?!" it grip tightens on Nadwe as it screeched multiple questions at the two. Socks ran into Medbay and grabbed a fire extinguisher, he rushed back into the area, screaming his anger as he slammed the extinguisher into the tall figure's head. Knocking it unconscious. Nadwe let out a weak noise on the floor choking for air as the blood form his shoulder began to pool. The mouth of the monster cranked open, exposing an unconscious Memey inside with a bleeding head. Socks huffed a bit to catch his breath, setting down the fire extinguisher. Tbh didn’t hesitate and picked up Nadwe, setting him on his back. He lifted Memey up as well and quickly darted towards medbay. To his surprise, Blaza and Oompa were nowhere in sight. “Socks,” Tbh called, quickly looking back into the room. “Go look for Blaza and Oompa. Where’s Laff, that kid??” Socks darted down the halls as Tbh set down Nadwe and Memey. He quickly pulled out a roll of bandages and tried his best to wrap the bandage around Memey’s head, moving aside the hood with surprising ease. Seems like the onesie also wants Memey healed as well. Tbh turned his attention to Nadwe’s shattered shoulder. Socks eventually found Blaza and Oompa in Admin. Socks peeked from the door, “There you guys are..” Socks huffed, relieved they weren’t that injured. “How’s Oompa?..” “Not good..” he replied, putting his hand onto Oompa’s neck to find a pulse. “Is he still breathing?...” Socks worriedly asked, “...” “What?..” “I can’t feel any pulse..” “oh god...”
Socks rushed towards the two, he’s desperate, he’s not used to experiencing any violence first hand, he’s scared, he doesn’t want to experience a death of friend first hand. But he did. Oompa laid limp on the floor where Blaza placed him, there was no sign of life, he died..
The two went back to Medbay, when the scanner started beeping, creating high pitched sounds that hurt TBH’s and Nadwe’s hearing. Nadwe leaned up from the bed, moving carefully trying not to disturb TBH who was patching his wounds. “What-“ he was cut off as a loud choked scream was heard as the scanner stopped screeching.
 Oompa dropped to the ground, coughing up air as he suddenly regains his life. “A-alive... holy crap... I’m alive...” Oompa gasped, clutching his heart as a fin reminder that his life lives on. Socks tackled Oompa in a hug, slurring words together as worry and relief washed over the two of them. “Im so surprised!! I thought you’d died!!” Socks yelled, hugging Oompa tightly. “You and me both...” Oompa hugged back and looked up at Blaza, who let out a sigh of relief. Oompa patted his heart twice and a thumbs up, reassuring Blaza from afar that he was okay. Oompa coughed and spat more blood. “Shoot... the medbay scan doesn’t quite heal large wounds...” Oompa said, his grip getting loose as blood continued to pour down his head. Socks quickly helped Oompa to a bed and took another roll of bandages, beginning to wrap it slowly around the wound. Nadwe sighed in relief as Tbh finally finished putting his shoulder blade back in place. “Nadwe, you’re so stupid,” Socks said, sitting down and pouting.
“What...happened?..” Memey said as he sat up from the bed, he flinched at the burning pain that scattered around his body. Looks like him kicking and banging himself into the ground and walls did a toll on him. “Glad your awake MemeGod.” “That is so unlike you to be nice Oompa- ow-“ his head still hurts.
 “Mind telling us what happened back there?” Blaza asked.
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