#structuring my entire life around not getting yelled at
vhstape · 1 year
eating fucking. stupid meatball hot pockets. if i bite into a weird texture im killing myself on the spot. tbh.
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glass-cannon-kitty · 1 year
I can do this. It’s just casual Crystal conflict. It’s not hard. Just relax. It’ll be fine. Just do what your teammates do. You’ll be fine. It’ll be okay.
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staytinyville · 9 months
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For my Cult of Dionysus Secret Santa @thelargefrye I hope you love this as much as I did.
↣ Summary: You grew up thinking there was something wrong with you when you couldn’t step a single foot into a church without getting sick. It wasn’t until you became friends with 8 boys that your worry of being possessed by a demon passed and you realized where it was you actually came from. 
↣ Characters/Pairing: ot8 ATEEZ x Reader 
↣ Genre: smut (mdni)
↣ AU/Trope info: Fallen Angel!au, Religious!au, Inspired heavily by Death of a Bachelor album by Panic! At the Disco (Specifically Hallelujah, Emperor's New Clothes, and Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time)
↣ Word Count: 9,024
↣ Warnings: Very wrong depictions of the church, small amount of blood, I swear you might think it’s grooming but it’s not because I do in fact explain how everything worked, soulmate type deal almost
↣ A/N: This is the longest imagine I have ever written (that isn’t an entire like chapter type fic). But damn if I didn’t love writing this and creating the story. If some of these conversations didn’t make me giggle. Really got my creative juices flowing with this. 
Staytinyville’s Permanent Taglist
↣ Affiliates: @cultofdionysusnet , @pirateeznet , @wonderlandnet
↣ Special Thanks: Thank you @saradika-graphics for the amazing banners! Please go check her out if you have specific banners in mind. She is great!
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You couldn’t remember a time where you didn’t have one of the four boys flocking at your side at all times. You could remember meeting them in grade school–three boys who had chubby cheeks each and eyes that sparkled every time they looked at you. The fourth one came in the following year seeing as he was younger than you all. But still once he made his way into your life things had always been the same. 
You, Yunho, Yeosang, and Mingi were all in the same grade–being in the same kinder class at the age of 5. You stayed quiet that first day of classes, opting to stay where the teacher had assigned you to and listen to every instruction. The table was meant for four kids, and seeing as your class only had so many girls, the teacher had made a move to place at least one girl at each table.
So you were destined to be sat with three other boys who beamed the moment they saw you. They each introduced themselves that day, sharing their school supplies or making sure they were always next to you in the line. You had thought you had made great friends that day, having people to play with rather than just waiting for someone to go up to you. 
It was an eventful year for your little 5 year old brain to really see that over time the other kids seemed to talk behind your back. It was often petty little toddler drama about a girl who didn’t want to be your friend because you were friends with one of the boys they had a crush on. There was one fight that had escalated too far that six children had to be taken into the front office to have a talk. 
Like always you were giggling as Yunho chased after you, Mingi and Yeosang trapping you on the playground to keep you from running away. Yunho had told Mingi and Yeosang to go the other way, wanting to catch you before you got off. But you found another route and ended up on the other side of the playground. 
Just as you were about to jump off the last step of the structure, some girls quickly crowded you causing you to flinch from the sudden invasion of privacy. You froze on the steps, standing above them as you looked down. 
“Excuse me.” You politely told them, trying to move around them. 
They barely moved as you reached the ground, causing you to bump into their shoulders. “You need to stay away from Yeosang! He’s my boyfriend.” One girl called out. 
You turned around confused, frowning at the girl’s words. “He’s my boy friend too.” You tilted your head to the side. “He can have more than one friend.” You explained to her. “He has Yunho and Mingi too.”
“No! He’s only mine.” She continued to yell–she even stomped her foot. 
“Hey, don’t yell at her.” Mingi said, coming up as the three boys finally caught up with you. 
“Yeosang, tell her you're my boyfriend.” The girl pointed her finger at you, causing you to hunch your shoulders back as tears began to form in your eyes from her anger. 
Your lips began to tremble, which Yunho immediately saw. He took your hand then, pulling you into a hug. 
“I can have more than one friend.” Yeosang told the girl. 
“No! You can only have one.” The girl continued. 
“Then I want (Y/N). She lets me have more friends.” Yeosang walked over to where Yunho was hugging you, taking your hand into his. 
“No! You are mine!” With that the girl quickly shoved Yeosang and Yunho off you. 
Her little hands were on your body as she shoved you down onto the floor. You yelped out, feeling the small pebbles digging into your palms as they created wounds. You started to cry loudly, making the girl look at you with wide eyes. 
“(Y/N).” Mingi cried, his own tears forming in his eyes as he saw you hurt. The boy quickly dropped down to you, hugging you closely to him. Yeosang sat down too as Yunho looked around to find a teacher. 
You, the three boys, the girl who had pushed and someone who saw in passing all were sent to the headmasters to talk about what had happened. Your wounds were used as evidence for the girl's shove, even if she tried to argue that you had shoved her too. But all three boys were backing you up and the kid who was there as a witness solidified things. 
That was the day things settled in that you were not going to make many friends who were girls that year. The class already had a few and they all disliked you because you had all the boys wanting to be your friend. 
When you three had entered 1st grade, you had all met Jongho who was a year below. You all had an assembly in the gym when you met the boy first. He had sat next to you and gave you a kind smile, kicking his feet from sitting next to you. When you all would get the chance to play on the playground together he would be seen running with all four of you, keeping up. 
It was also discovered that he lived in the same neighborhood as you all, right next door to Yunho. So when you would have playdates, all of them were invited. It didn’t feel right when one of them wasn’t present. Like there was a part of you missing. 
Jongho had been the first one to ever be missing from some playdate, which led you to realize the problem you had when he was gone. The three boys who had known you for longer than a year were quick to realize when something was wrong with you. 
“Are you okay?” Mingi asked.
“I miss Jongho.” You spoke out loud. 
The three boys all looked at each other, humming in agreement. “We can go see him.” Yunho suggested, coming to a stand from the coloring all four of you were doing. “His parents told me I can go over whenever I want.” The boy added. 
All four of you quickly got up and followed after Yunho. He walked over to the younger boy’s house next door, knocking once he made it past the porch. Jongho’s mother opened the door, greeting all of you. Her eyes lingered on you for a moment, clearing her throat as she turned back to Yunho. 
“Can Jongho come out and play with us?” He asked the mother politely. 
“Jongho has to finish homework first and then he can play.” She answered. 
“Can we help him?” You immediately spoke up, not wanting to waste more time without him. “It will go by quicker.” You explained. 
The woman thought for a moment before sighing and allowing you all to walk in. Jongho was in the living room doing his homework at the coffee table. When he saw all of you walking in, he grinned grew and his eyes sparkled. 
“They are here to help you finish. Not play.” His mother told him. “You can do that after finishing.”
“I’ll help you.” You told him, sitting down next to him to where your shoulders touched. 
So you spent a good 15 minutes helping him out with his work, the three other boys watching and helping out where they could. By the time you knew it, all four of you were outside playing tag like normal. However, you still felt like things were missing. 
Because of them, everyone else in your class seemed to avoid you. The girls called you names for always hanging around boys. You tried to do what they did–tried to play their games and ask your parents to dress you up in pretty clothes to fit in–but no matter what you tried to do the others would still alienate you out of games because they knew the boys were always on your side. 
You once tried to get them to stop being your friends in 2nd grade but it seemed to prove difficult. Every time you would distance yourself from them, nightmares would plague your sleep leaving you crying at night. You worried your parents so much they tried to find a solution by taking up a religion they thought would be able to help you all. 
However it was obvious that did not help. Not until Yeosang had gone up to you the day after you tried to get them to leave you alone and asked if you were okay. That was the first night you had not had a nightmare. It was also the day you realized you couldn’t be without them. 
So you grew accustomed to their presence. 
You could remember the first time your parents had forced you to go to church with them. It was the Sunday after you made up with the boys and spent a couple of days without nightmares. You were only 7 when you stepped into the place of worship. 
You remember it like it had just happened the day before. If only because it was the start of a horrendous life that your parents wanted for you. At least a life they forced on you. 
“Hey you go, (Y/N).” Mingi told you, handing you a chalk stick to continue painting along the sidewalk. 
“Thank you, Mingi.” You answered him, bending down to color in your poor drawing of a unicorn. 
“Anything for you.” The boy beamed, giving you a tooth filled smile. 
You blushed, eyes almost closing from how wide you had smiled back. You, along with your four boyfriends as your classmates called them, were all enjoying the Sunday sun drawing on the neighborhood sidewalk. 
Yeosang had been kind enough to bring out his chalks and called upon all of you to spend time together. Yunho had come from down the street with Jongho, while Mingi joined you quickly, seeing as he was your next door neighbor. 
“(Y/N).” You snapped your head up, seeing your parents looking at you coldly from the front porch. 
“We have to go.” Your mother called. Her eyes scanned over the four boys that seemed to crowd you, wanting to share your space. “Now.” She said harshly.
You got up in a hurry, wiping your hands on the grass for a moment so as to not stain your white church dress. “I'll see you guys later.” You gave the boys each a smile, turning around to join your parents in the car. 
The moment you stepped through the large doors of the brightly colored church it felt like your throat closed up. The stained glass that showcased different kinds of stories made shivers go down your back. The pews that were lined with more church goers made you miss a step and almost trip on yourself. 
And the large cross that was placed directly in the middle of a stone table made you feel nauseous. 
“Stop slouching.” Your mother scolded, pushing your shoulders back to straighten you out. 
“I don't like it here.” You whispered, swallowing down the bile that was rising in your throat. 
You flinched and turned behind you as you heard some screeching noise. It made the hairs on your arms stand, leaving you frightful. 
“How can you say that?” Your father shook his head. “This is a house of god. He has done no wrong to you for you to say that. You should be thanking him because we are here to help with your nightmares.”
“My nightmares stopped though.” You told him. 
You began to roll your shoulders, your stomach making weird noises as the cross seemed to get bigger the more you stared at it. You squeezed your eyes shut as the screeching was suddenly heard directly behind you, rocking back and forth to get it to go away. 
The old man you knew to be the father began to speak to the mass, which only made the swirling of your stomach get worse. “I don't know.” You shook your head, hands clutching onto your dress. “It feels really stuffy in here.” You swallowed again. 
And when the father began to recite words from the holy book, things made you go dizzy. 
“I'm going to be sick.” And with that you turned to your mother and let go of all your breakfast into her lap. 
“(Y/N)!” Your mother screeched, standing up and interrupting the sermon. 
And that was the start of your anxiety-inducing journey of attending church every Sunday and throwing up every week. It got to the point where you were terrified of stepping into the church, not wanting to have the acidic taste fill your mouth once again. 
“Why does she get sick so easily, father?” Your mother cried. “And it's only in the church!”
“I cannot explain it.” The man sighed, shaking his head. “But there is something that is tethering her to the other world.” He looked out the window to see you playing in the church yard with your four friends. 
“Something attached to her.” He finished. 
Your parents looked at each other. As they saw you laughing with the young boys, they frowned as they thought about something sinister overtaking your body without anyone knowing. 
“An exorcist?” Your mother whispered. 
“We can try.”
And so you sat patiently a couple times a week for the next few years as the father received things in a language you didn’t understand. A couple of times it would be your church's pastor, other times it would be someone new they would bring in thinking it would change things. At one point you heard your parents talking with the pastor that they had brought someone in from the Vatican. 
However, even then, you sat patiently swinging your legs back and forth as they would repeat the words you had learned by heart at that point. You would repeat it in your head to go to bed, even telling the father of the church that you did that. 
It left him and everyone else baffled at how you seemed to get sick so easily in a church but somehow didn’t react to the exorcism. It seemed that whatever was keeping you from going to a house of worship was not what they had originally thought it to be. 
“Please we've done everything but there is nothing!” Your father had finally started to cry after years of trying to fix your problems. 
“Your daughter doesn't have a demon attached to her.” The pastor explained. “Nothing close to sinister. At least not that we can tell.”
“Then what can it possibly be!?” Your mother was frustrated. 
“God is punishing your child for something she has done.” Was all the father told your parents. 
They kept trying–taking you back every week to see if one day you would magically stop getting sick at the church. You went your entire grade school and middle school life getting sick to your stomach until you left the wooden boards and felt the dirt under your shoes. 
You tried to make your parents stop taking you, but they stuck to their belief that you had something inside of you that needed to be expelled. So you endured it. You cried on Saturday hoping that the next day would be the day everything stopped. The day you were finally free of the sickness that tormented you each time you saw that white building. 
Until one Sunday, things took a turn in a direction you didn’t know if you were allowed to go in.
Puberty had come and gone for each of you, changing everything to prepare yourself for adulthood. You had all taken classes that explained most of what it was–what was the human body and what came with it. You were taught what most people needed to know in order to have a smoother transition into your teenage years. 
However what the classes didn’t teach you was the sickening feeling you got each time you saw one of the boys. It left you feeling icky because of how much you wanted to be with them–how much something called you to them. You had asked your parents about it and they only gave you angry responses. They had told you to stop seeing the boys for a while but when the nightmares returned you couldn’t stay away. 
You had sat down with the boys to ask them about it. And they all seemed to have the same answers. 
“I don’t know. Ever since I started puberty I’ve been having these weird dreams.” Mingi told everyone first. 
“What kind of dreams?” Yunho asked. 
“I think it’s heaven.” You looked at him oddly, tilting your head to the side. You didn’t notice how the other boys all shared the same look. 
“I have those too.” Yeosang spoke up. “We’re all there. With other people too.”
“It seems like you’re looking through someone else’s memories.” Jongho explained. “Yunho?”
The boy had a dazed look on his face, seemingly lost in thought. He quickly looked up at the others, giving them a kind smile. He was the oldest out of all of you, probably the smartest seeing as he always had an answer for everything. 
“You’ll understand when you finish going through puberty.” He told you all. 
“I don’t have those dreams.” You frowned. “They didn’t tell us it was part of puberty.”
“For us it is.” Yunho told you. “You have to wait for yours.”
While you were glad to know you weren’t the only odd one out, you were still left confused at how much Yunho didn’t seem to tell you. And the confusion only reached tenfold after each of the boys began to talk in private or hang out without you. You were upset about those kinds of things but you realized they were boys–you weren’t always going to be there with them. 
The Sunday that changed your life was some random one in your Sophmore year of high school. 
It was the day your new neighbor had moved in. He was a year older than you and the boys–already a junior in high school. You had been walking home from the library with your four boys, pressing yourself to whoever had been walking next to you that day. You had explained to your parents that you had to finish a report before going to church that day.
“Such a pretty girl.” Jongho brushed your cheek with the tips of his fingers. “My love.” He whispered.
“Did you say something, Jongho?” You asked, turning from your conversation with Yunho.
“No.” The boy grinned. “I was talking with Yeosang.” He answered.
“Are you still going to church?” Yeosang asked, coming up next to Yunho who stood to your left. 
You had to lean over to see around the tall boy, smiling grimly at Yeosang. “I have to. You know my parents always make me.”
“Would you like for us to go with you?” Yunho asked, fingers brushing against your own causing yours to twitch. 
Things had started to change between the five of you when you had all entered high school. You began to see each of the boys differently. You watched as they grew out of the chubby cheeks and turned into handsome men. 
Yunho and Mingi grew to be the tallest out of all of you. Jongho began to fill out his body, his baby fat filling the right places as he began to look like a bear. And Yeosang was probably the one who called all the girl’s attention. His birthmark was the one thing that made you recognize the boy anywhere. 
Because of this, you started to question if things were going to be okay. Having a crush was nothing you were new to. However, being in love with all of them made you anxious. It wasn’t normal. Not from what your parents would explain to you. Not from what you read in the book they made you study. It was a sin. 
But how could you say anything when you couldn’t even step foot into a church. 
“No, it's alright.” You smiled at him. “You guys do enough.”
As your house came into view, you all saw a moving truck parked in the road. The house next to yours–the one that wasn’t Mingi’s–had the door open with people moving in and out. 
“You guys have a new neighbor.” Yunho told you and Mingi.
“I guess so.” You spoke up.
You weren’t able to see the subtle look each of them gave each other. They gave small nods of their head before turning back to look at you. “Let's go say hello.” Yunho added. 
And so there you were, standing on the porch waiting for your new neighbor to walk out. And when he did, your lips pressed into a thin line as you took him in. He reminded you of the angels you would read about, the ones you would see depicted in pictures. You didn’t think that was how they truly looked. You couldn’t see them as cherubs that flew around with wings. 
In your eyes all you could think of is black feathers that fell from the sky. A bright light that shined in your eyes from a part of you that was taken away. You couldn’t look at them for too long, being reminded of something that you didn’t want to be. However for some reason, this was one you couldn’t tear your eyes away from. 
“Hello.” He smiled at you. “I'm Seonghwa.”
“(Y/N).” You shook your head. “These are my friends.” You gestured to the boys standing at the end of the porch, all of them giving nods in greetings. 
Seonghwa gave them a smirk, nodding his head back before turning to look at you. “It's nice to meet you all.” He spoke out loud.  
His eyes trailed down your body, taking note of your nice dress and ruffled socks. “Are you going somewhere?” He asked.
“I have to go to church.” You answered.
“Do you need company?” He immediately asked.
“Not at all.” You shook your head. “I won't be long.” You felt the need to tell him. “Thank you.” You quickly added, minding your manners. 
“Anything for you.” Seonghwa smiled softly. 
You didn’t question the way he spoke to you. You had other worries on your mind as you drove towards the building that had left you with trauma. However this was the day that changed all that you had known about the church.
You had walked calmly behind your parents that day, head dropped to the floor as you prepared yourself for the nauseating feeling that would ultimately burst the moment you passed the doors.  But your shoes scuffed against the floorboards, creaking with each step you took deeper into the building. 
You had reached the pews and the seats your parents normally sat at. You sat down, looking around as you waited for something to start giving you anxiety. You had never made it farther than the music that the choir sang–usually letting go of your breakfast by then. 
And yet, you were there the whole time, listening as a young man played the piano for the choir. You listened to the father you had become acquainted with as he began the sermon, speaking about the god that the people worshiped. You flinched as each new song began to play as the man skimmed his fingers along the keyboard each time. 
And when the final song came to a finish, your family looked at you with wide eyes. Tears began to slip from their face as you had not gotten sick once. Not a single complaint about a bad stomach. Not even a single peep from your lips as you seemed to be in a trance the whole time. What they didn’t catch was the way your eyes were directly at the new boy who played within the choir. 
The father was the first to greet your parents in astonishment as he watched you standing directly in front of him after the hour long service. He couldn’t believe that here you were standing next to him without so much as looking green. Even he couldn’t believe his eyes.
You couldn’t look him in the eyes, choosing to glance around at the church that you had never gotten the chance of admiring. Still though, the glass stained windows with depicted stories left you unsettled–like a bug crawling under your skin. 
“You don’t like them either?” You turned your head, facing a boy who had blue hair. 
He was looking up at the windows, sucking his teeth as he sneered at them. When he turned back to you, your eyebrows rose. You got the same feeling you had when meeting Seonghwa, flashes of falling feathers seeping into your mind. Your mouth opened as you let go of a breath, pressing your lips together as you didn’t know what to say. 
“Oh, this is Hongjoong.” The father introduced the boy to you and your parents. “He’s one of the orphan boys the church took in. They will be under my tutelage.”
You kept your eyes on him, trying to find out what it was that made him so familiar. He reminded you of your friends, like you had known them forever. Like he meant something more to you. 
“An amazing boy with the piano. A protege, honestly! If he hadn’t insisted on wanting to become a father, I would have had him become a performer.” The father laughed. 
Your parents beamed, telling Hongjoong he was an amazing pianist and that his performance was grand to watch. With your parents occupied over talking about your sudden healing, Hongjoong took the liberty of taking you away to the piano, sitting down carefully as he began to lightly press on the keys. 
“You did play beautifully.” You told him. “I had never heard something like that.”
Hongjoong laughed, smiling brightly at you. “It means a lot coming from you.”
Hongjoong began to play another tune, causing you to become dizzy with an emotion you couldn’t explain. While he continued to enjoy his playing, you took the liberty of moving up the little stage at the front and behind the stone table. 
Nothing seemed to cause you any harm. Not until you would catch sight of a mis-depicted angel. You subconsciously would sneer at them, quickly turning your head to avoid further headaches. You could feel the statues mocking you, laughing at your expense. When you reached the cloth covered stone table, you turned, looking out over the empty church. 
Taking in the deep breath you felt something buzzing around the building, malice seeping out of its presence. You frowned, shoulders shaking from the ghostly being. You felt fingers touching you harshly, as though they wanted to hurt you–pulling at your hair, pinching your skin. 
Hongjoong had stopped playing, turning around to face you with wide eyes. But you were too in your own head to notice that something had moved the large cross off its hanger behind you. 
All you heard was your mother’s scream and people rushing forward. You turned around to find what it was they were looking at, only catching sight of the large wooden structure heading towards you. It never touched you though, someone having reached you on time and quickly saving you from a large gash to the head and possible death. 
You flinched a bit, eyes closing shut as you were brought out of your stupor. You turned to find your savior, catching sight of a man with cat-like eyes. He had broad shoulders, ones you were gripping onto to keep from falling over. 
“Are you alright, heaven?” He asked you quietly, his lips a breath away from yours. 
You nodded your head softly, feeling your legs come back to life as you tried to stand on your own. Your fingertips tingle when you feel his own slot themselves between yours, interlocking your hands. He helped you to stand on your own feet, keeping you at arm's length. 
You didn’t notice your family and the father quickly making their way over to you. You didn’t hear them fussing and asking you if you were okay. All you could see was the way the boy’s eyes seemed to sparkle as they looked at you. 
“Thank you so much, son!” Your father patted him on the back. “You have no idea how terrible that would have been if (Y/N) had been hit.”
Your mother was frowning at the cross, keeping an eye on the wood figure that was on the floor in shards. “You don’t think-” You mother began but was stopped as another boy came up to the statue and quickly began to clean it up. 
The father began to speak to him, causing you to look over at him. They were discussing how the statue had fallen, taking note of the nails that had been embedded into the wall had popped out. The father turned back to your parents, but you kept looking at Hongjoong and the other two boys cleaning up the cross. 
“No,” The father waved your mother’s worry away. “It was faulty screws.” He pointed up to where the cross was. “Nothing out of the ordinary.”
You felt sick to your stomach as your eyes zeroed in on the screws. Your lips turned up, hearing someone snicker in your ear. You looked over your shoulder, trying to find the issue. It wasn’t until you heard someone’s sharp intake of breath that you turned around to find the problem. 
“Your hand.” You said, finding the boy who had started cleaning up first cradling his finger that had a bleeding poke from a splinter. 
You leaned down next to him, between the one who had saved you cradling his hand closer to you. He watched as you carefully took out the splinter before moving his finger up to your mouth. You didn’t know what came over you, or how it was you knew to do that. But you slowly licked over his wound, cleaning the small droplet of blood from his palm. 
It wasn’t a lot, maybe a drop or two that seemed to cause a small dribble. As you pulled away from him, you looked up to see all three of the boys staring at you with wide eyes, mouths agape. Your own eyes went wide, quickly letting go of the boy, coming to a stand.
“No!” The boy spoke up, standing next to you. “Don’t be sorry, my love.” He told you, eyes bright as he looked at you. 
“You’re (Y/N). Right?” He continued, holding his hands together at his chest making him look cute. 
“Yes.” You nodded slowly, a bit speechless from his looks. 
“I’m Wooyoung.” The boy smiled. “The man who saved you is San.” He gestured to the broad shoulder boy. “It feels so great to be with you.” He reached a hand out for you, gently cradling it with his. 
You didn’t question any of their words that day. You didn’t think much about their nicknames for you or how they spoke as if they had known you for ages. Any sane person probably would have, but you weren’t normal. At least not until you had finally met all 8 of them. They made you feel whole–like that was a part of you missing this whole time. For once in your life, there was nothing wrong with who you were–what you did. 
At least that was what you thought. Your family thought something else completely. 
When you finished high school, they had tried to take you away from them all. They didn’t like how much they all doted on you. At least not all of them. They didn’t like that you spent so much time with them–alone. They would yell at you, call you names that made you look down in shame. 
You knew all about those people who roamed the streets at night, looking for company. That wasn’t who you were. Wasn’t who you wanted to be. But you couldn’t let go of them. You needed them all there with you or else it wouldn’t feel right. They meant everything to you, just as you meant everything to them.
But still, you chose to appease your parents. You would go to the church–confess your sins to the father who had known you since you were a child. He wouldn’t tell you anything but you knew he would repeat what you said back to your parents. And when you did you would get looks that showed they were disgusted with you. 
First they were terrified of you, worried that something was inside of you that was not meant to be there. Now they were disgusted, and knew exactly what it was that made you sick in church. God knew the kind of person you would become so they punished you for it. Now you had to repent to fix the mistakes you were bound to make. 
You were going for your weekly confession, bringing along the five boys who had always trailed you since high school. The other three were waiting on the other side of the church doors, any moment they would come out to greet the others as they would wait for you to finish and then walk you home. 
“We'll wait out here for you.” Seonghwa spoke to you, leaning down to touch his forehead with yours. 
“I'll be quick.” You told him, giving the other four boys a smile. 
You walked in as you had for the past 20+ years of your life. You took in a breath, knowing that the sick feeling wasn’t going to come up after so long. Your feet shuffled towards the box that you had memorized inside and out. You knew where every splinter was, every scratch, every paint stain. It was something you were once again forced to do–even after so many years. 
You sat down on the bench, closing the door behind you and waiting for the father to get situated. When he did, you leaned back, head bumping into the back rest. 
“Forgive me father for I have sinned.” You spoke monotonously, already knowing how things were going to go. 
“What troubles you my dear?” The voice spoke up, catching your attention as you sat up. 
“Hongjoong?” You questioned, turning to the side where the father would normally sit. 
You could barely make out his dazzling grin, the way his cheeks rose as he smiled at you with glee. You knew how he looked–you always enjoyed looking at all of them. But you were here to confess about him, you couldn’t exactly tell him about it now. 
“Hello, my dear.” Hongjoong smiled.  
“Where’s the father?” You asked. 
“He is allowing me to take his place for the time being. Let me get some practice in–think of me as the father.”
You sat back, sighing as you realized you weren’t going to be able to get out of it. You wanted to get it off your chest–having had it pent up for the last couple of days from when you last confessed. It was always the same thing over and over again. But with Hongjoong now being the one to listen to you, things changed. 
“But that's why I'm here, Hongjoong.” You sighed, dropping your head back. “I have to confess I have not been on the right path.”
“And what path is that?” He asked, sounding professional. 
“One of sin.” You answered. 
“Is that what you think of it?” He spoke up, eyes on you as he kept his head forward. “Why?”
“Because I am not meant to be greedy.” You whispered, turning away from him knowing he was one of the reasons. 
“You think it’s greedy?” You heard him lean forward, chin moving to rest on his hands. “To have feelings?”
You didn’t know how it was he knew, but it seemed like he did. He knew where it was you were going with the whole thing. Of course he did–him and all the others always knew. 
“It’s greedy to love.” You explained to him. 
“It’s how we procreate though.” Hongjoonf shrugged, moving to sit back again. “So why is it?”
“Because I’m not supposed to love 8 men.” You cried. 
He kept trying to get you to say it, and you did. You didn’t know if you were meant to–this wasn’t the normal conversation you would always have with the father. All he knew from all that you would tell him was that you spent too much time with men and it left you bothered. 
Truly it didn’t. It left your family bothered, so you would try to lessen their anger by doing as you were told. But here you were finally confessing the real reason you felt like you weren’t good enough to be a person. Because you had been so traumatized that you began to think what you were feeling wasn’t right. 
“It’s not okay! I am to be the wife of one man only. I have to give him children and continue my family line.” Your voice quieted down, looking down at your hands. 
“And?” Hongjoong only shrugged. 
“I can't love all of them!” You gasped out, coming to a stand but immediately sitting back down knowing there was no space. “That's being greedy.”
“I don't think you should worry about being greedy.” Hongjoong sighed, leaning back nonchalantly. “You are your own person who deserves everything she wants.”
He paused for a moment, making you turn to look at him. You couldn’t see him completely but you knew he was in thought. 
“Do you love us?” He asked you suddenly.  
You felt your breath stop for a moment. Your fingers twitched on your lap, clenching onto the fabric of your skirts. “It's wrong—”
“Do you love us, (Y/N)?” He asked again, stopping you from continuing your rant. 
You had never thought of the word when thinking about the boys. You knew that there was something there that seemed to call to you but you had no idea that it was love. You couldn’t be without them just as they couldn’t be without you. You would get physically sick not being able to spend time with them together. 
There wasn’t a time where you wouldn't think about them. Wouldn’t want them to be at your side to take care of you. You knew they meant so much to you. A lot more than you were willing to understand. It went beyond physical emotions. It was something out of this world. 
“Yes.” You answered quietly. 
Hongjoong paused once more, the silence filling up in your throat as your words lingered in the air. 
“Then come home to us.”
You went home that day. To your parents waiting for you to have dinner with the rest of your family. Watching as they all bowed their heads in prayer, reciting the same words as the ones from the morning at breakfast. Calmly eating with your head down to avoid catching your parents eyes. 
You took slow bites, making sure you didn’t catch too much attention to yourself. You tried to make yourself small, but of course, even if you did, you were still noticeable in the eyes of your parents. 
“Did you go see the father today, (Y/N)?” Your mother started, calmly eating as though she wasn’t about to cause a scene.
“I did.” You answered.
“And those boys?” She continued. 
“What about them?” You didn’t look at her, trying to show that you weren’t really bothered by her question. 
“Did you see them?” She asked again. 
“No.” You swallowed your food. 
You didn’t think your parents were dumb. You knew even if you denied your mother’s question they would know that you had been with the boys. It was the same thing over and over again. As it has always been since you were a little girl. It wasn’t physical abuse but mentally you were exhausted. 
Before bed, you sat on your knees, clasped your hands together and recited the same prayers you had for years. Your parents made you sleep with the door open, they could hear you skip a day of prayer. It was the routine. What you had engraved in your head for years. 
It was easy to fall asleep. Easy to fall prey to a dream that makes you gasp for air. A dream that showed you just the kind of life you used to live. With whom you used to live. 
The walls were too bright, you couldn’t see anything past what was above you, what was next to you–under you. The feathers felt soft under your fingertips, almost like you were on a bed instead of the ground. You could feel their hands softly touching your skin with their fingertips–it made you close your eyes as tears began to pool.
“Don’t cry, my heaven.” Your eyes slowly opened, coming face to face with Seonghwa.
You hummed, a hand moving up to touch his cheek. “Seonghwa.” You whispered, stroking your thumb along his cheek. 
He smiled at you, moving back. His hand drifted down your arm, pulling you to a sitting position. As he sat behind you, pulling your back to his chest, you noticed someone else coming up at your side. They lightly grabbed onto your hand, pulling it up to kiss your knuckles.  
“Jongho.” You breathlessly spoke up, smiling at the man. 
“Yeosang.” You said next, your other hand moving to grab onto the man who walked on your other side. 
“My love.” He whispered. 
“Heaven.” You looked down, giggling as Wooyoung pressed his cheek to one of your thighs. 
Letting go of Jongho and Yeosang, you ran your fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp lightly. 
“Sannie.” You smiled, watching as the boy pressed his own cheek to your other leg. You did the same as you did to Wooyoung, watching as his eyes closed and he hummed in content. “Sweetheart.” He hummed, giving your knee a kiss. 
You almost hit his cheek as your body tingled from his lips pressing against your skin. You giggled, stroking his skin as he reveled in your touch. 
You felt two more people make their presence known at your sides, touching your shoulders as their heads nuzzled closer to your neck. 
“You made it.” Yunho breathed against your skin. 
“We have been waiting for so long.” Mingi left a small kiss on your neck, leaving you to close your eyes in pleasure. 
“Mingi.” You answered breathlessly, rolling your head to give him more room for kisses. 
Opening your eyes, you turned the other way to smile at the boy at your side. “Yunho.” You smiled, moving to rub a thumb along his cheek. 
You took the moment to look around some, noticing there was one still missing. You knew he was here–you always knew when they were all there. 
“Hongjoong?” You quietly called out, looking in front of you as a silhouette appeared and began to walk closer to you. 
The other’s began to run their fingers along your skin again, applying both light and harsh pressure. All of your skin was on display, nothing hidden to their eyes just as nothing of theirs was. You could feel their skin on yours, feel their warmth radiating onto your very being. It made you dizzy. Made you want to fall into the bed of feathers and lay with them as you were meant to. 
“We are yours to please.” San whispered, rubbing his cheek against your thigh.  
“Yours to do as you wish.” Wooyoung’s hands moved along your other thigh, messaging the skin. 
“We are here as your lovers.” Songhwa whispered in your ear from behind you. 
“You are our one true treasure.” Jongho squeezed the side of your hip.
“We will do all that you ask of us.” Yeosang’s hand came up to brush against your breast.
“The reason we live.” Yunho’s lips brushed against your cheek, nose bumping along your temple. 
“The final piece of our earth defying souls.” Mingi kept his lips pressed to your neck. 
Someone pulled at your chin, making you look up at him. You breathed out your mouth falling open as Hongjoong kept his lips just enough away from yours to make you tremble. 
“Our angel.” He was the first to take your lips.
The others moved out of the way as Hongjoong leaned over you, pushing you back against Seonghwa. His knee placed itself between your legs, causing you to move your hands down to his naked thigh. You let go of him though when more hands started to roam your body once more. 
You felt hands start to play with each of your breasts, fingers lightly skimming over your nipples. Two more pulled your thighs apart, hands slipping between them as they messages your heated skin. A pair began to rub at your hips, pressing his fingers into your soft skin. Separate hands rubbed at your neck, thumbs pressing into your pulse point causing you to feel dizzy from the lack of air. 
Hongjoong leaned back from your lips, watching as your eyes fluttered open. “Tell us what you want.” He whispered. 
He leaned back then, allowing you room to look at them all. Seonghwa’s lips skimmed the shell of your ear. Mingi and Yunho kissed your shoulders. Jongho and Yeosang attached their lips to the side of your breast. San and Wooyoung placed open mouth kisses along the side of your hips. 
“I want all of you.” You breathed out. 
“Then take us.”
And so your head fell back onto Seonghwa’s shoulders, eyes falling shut as you felt all of them attach their lips to your body. They all kiss and suck at their own pleasure, leaving marks on your body that let them know who it was that you belonged to. They all left their own special marks, different shapes and sizes–in different parts of your body. 
You felt them everywhere. Felt them touch you in a way you had never been touched. They showed you things you would never be able to see on your own. They made you feel things you had never felt before. It was euphoric, a feeling you would never be able to get enough of. You needed more–something they gave you. 
You had them all. One by one they took the time to worship you. 
Hongjoong was the first, taking your lips and allowing himself to feel your warm walls around him as he laid on top of you. Seonghwa came next, keeping you sitting on his lap as you bounced with his thrusts. Yunho had you lay on your back, legs held up to rest on his shoulders as he held your thighs. Yeosang had been the most gentle, spooning you from behind as he kept one of your legs up to keep you from getting tired. 
San had you on top, sitting on him as he laid down and used a hand to grope your breasts. Mingi didn’t hold back and held you up against him, groaning and whining in your ear. Wooyoung was a childish one, taking you from behind while he held you against his chest and his fingers lightly pushed into your neck. Jongho was the last one, but he was the longest, taking his time and slowly moving to keep you from burning out after so many orgasms. 
And once you were done, heat leaking with so much cum, you still felt full and complete. Even if you were tired and probably hallucinating from everything but you knew now what you were. What you had been. And you knew the reason you were casted out. It was the very same thing that had stuffed you full one by one. 
You had been greedy in heaven.
It was somewhere in the middle of the night when you had woken up. Fog was settling in outside as the streetlamps illuminated the neighborhood. It reminded you of a horror movie but you knew where the real horrors lied. You felt something had changed in your body. Something that didn’t leave you scared of who you were or what you had. 
You were no demon from hell that had come to create chaos. You were a daughter of god who had chosen to love instead of following orders. You were an angel. The angel who had 8 men waiting for her at their home. 
And so you left in that moment, pajamas still on your body, feet bare as you walked towards the church you grew to hate so much. You could hear the whispers the closer you got, but you only sneered their way. You jaw locked, not wanting to hear another moment of their mindless gossip. 
When you threw the door open, the whispers stopped, everything coming to a harsh silence as you looked down at the aisle and towards the altar.
Hongjoong sat in the middle of the stone table, playing with an hourglass in his hands as he flipped it back and forth. The other seven boys were scattered around, turning their heads the moment they heard you enter. You walked closer, fingers twitching at your side. 
“Why were we casted out?” You asked, taking the steps that led to the small stage. 
“Because our love was seen as greedy.” Hongjoong stood up from the table. “What we do isn’t what others think is right.”
“Father would never think that.” You told him, looking at all the boys who gave you small smiles. 
They grew closer to you, Hongjoong taking your hand and turning you around to sit on the table. They began to surround you as they had in the dream, touching your body. 
“It wasn’t father.” Yunho answered you. “It was our brothers and sisters.”
“They would never understand what we have.” Jongho told you. “Too jealous of the power we had together. 
“But yet, father gave us the chance to find it here–on earth.” Seonghwa smiled, lips brushing against your hair. “We have you here with us now.”
Your lips pressed together as you glanced over all of them. All those feelings you had since you were a child were making sense. The time when the boys went through puberty and were having dreams of heaven. The times when they would hang out without you. You understood where it was they were coming from, but it only left you confused on why you had taken so long to notice where you were in your past life. 
“Why did it take me so long?” You asked. “Why were you all able to find the truth before me?”
They took a moment to look at each other, telepathically coming up with an answer to your question. They already had it but they had to make sure they worded it in a way that you understood. 
“Father had us know the truth before you did because you went through challenges that kept you from learning the truth” Yeosang explained to you. “Your parents prevented you from seeing who you truly were which led to you having inner struggles with yourself.”
“The moment you realized you loved us was the moment you found your past self.” Wooyoung smiled at you, eyes tearing up at the thought of you finally being with them fully. “Your parents were filling your pretty head with nonsense about the church that made you question everything about us and yourself.”
You moved a hand out to wipe at his eyes, making the boy nuzzle into the palm of your hand. 
“We never questioned what we felt for you so we found ourselves quickly.” Mingi began. “We all understood once we finished puberty. It was when we all got our wings back.” Mingi said.
“Wings?” You furrowed your eyebrows. 
The boys suddenly grinned, all perking up at the idea of showing you something magnificent. San, Wooyoung, and Yeosang all moved to stand in front of you, hands stretched out not wanting to let you go for a moment. 
The only things in the whole church that had lighting were the candles practically finished burning through and the bright full moon that was on full display behind you, but you could easily see the boys clear as day. They stood a good amount apart, squaring their shoulders and the moonlight that showed through the window behind the pillars. 
A cloud suddenly passed over the moon, blocking out the light for just a moment. But in a quick second the moon flooded its light causing shadows to fall behind the boys. Your eyes went wide and a small gasp fell from your lips as dark shadows of wings displayed themselves on the pews of the church. 
All three boys had different shapes, different places that had holes but you could clearly see them. Just as quickly as they appeared, they quickly disappeared the moment another cloud passed over the moon. You looked up at them, breathless from the stunning sight.
“They’re beautiful.” You whispered.
The three boys smiled at your statement, quickly making their way back over to you. They reached their spots, finding a way to touch you once more. 
“They are nothing compared to what they used to be. But it means so much to hear you say that.” Yeosang softly told you. 
You felt at home. Safe in their arms and caressing touches. You had nothing to worry about now that you knew the truth. Nothing to hide from. And no parents to think about anymore. You were your own person–much more powerful than they could ever be. There was no reason to be scared of them anymore. You were someone who found their heaven. 
“What about heaven?” You asked suddenly, remembering your old home. 
“We don’t need it so long as we are together.” San kissed your knuckles. “You are the last piece of our puzzle.”
“Welcome to our heaven, my love.” Hongjoong kissed you then.
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Permanent Taglist: @hecateslittlewitchling , @ldysmfrst , @rln-byg , @vampcharxter , @angieskzzzz , @puppyminnnie , @smilingtokki
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
I have a Buck (911) fic idea. Buck saved reader at the tsunami. Reader can't swim that good, so she was really scared and he comforted her. Reader took care of Christopher while Buck was saving other people. Two weeks or something after the tsunami they meet again. Maybe reader is working at coffee shop and they meet there. Reader can't stop saying thank you to Buck and maybe he asks her on a date at the end.
You don't have to write this if you don't want to. I got this idea and thought I'll send it to you.
arms of a stranger - e.b
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summary: request above :)
evan buckley x reader
the tsunami had entirely taken out a whole community and a street of small businesses. it came rushing through, causing immediate calamity and jeopardy. not the most ideal first date, but definitely gets you closer to strangers.
the first wave had washed buck and christopher off of the pier, sending them away with bits and pieces of the structure. y/n had been shoved under the waves, which were horrifying but also marvelous. her lungs were filling with water and sand from the shores. it felt like every time she came up it wasn’t worth anything, as she would be pulled back under seconds later.
she heard the screams from buck, hearing the sharp yells of someone’s name. the adrenaline in her system kept her brain moving speedily and her heart beating fast. the red engine had sparkled out of the corner of her eye from the sizzling sun of california. she forced herself over, when the man gripped her arms and pulled her on. she bent over, coughing up water and leaning back on the truck.
“hey, are you ok?” he asks, worried.
“yeah, i’ll be fine. are you two alright?”
“we’re good, just scared shitless,” buck chuckles a little, trying to bring a little light to the disaster.
“same, i’m no mermaid.”
“it’s going to be alright, ok? i’m here for you,” he reassures immediately. he must have an instinct to protect people, she thinks.
y/n vividly remembers sitting next to christopher, watching buck save other people, and bring them to the top of the truck. she remembers the exact feeling of her jeans sticking to her thighs and her scraped arms from the wood and sticks in the water. he was just a little boy, he didn’t deserve to be in the middle of such a mess. when people had succumbed to the oceans, she covered his eyes to maintain his innocence whilst she couldn’t look away.
buck had come back and forth, saving several people. she immediately admired him. you have no idea the amount of courage and selflessness it takes to put yourself in the eye of the hurricane. and buck did that without thinking twice. most people would stay put, but he knows there’s no point to life if you don’t do everything in your power to make it a better place.
all hell broke loose when the truck shook, knocking several people off as buck watched christopher disappear in the waves. everyone was separated. no one knew how to get back, and everyone was shaking in fear.
hours went by and the sun went down and bucks panic didn’t go with it. he lost the one thing he was given to care of. christopher was a light in the tunnel and the one who truly got him out of bed. people only had good intentions and the world took that to an advantage.
y/n walked around, soaking wet after the water had started going back out to sea. she wandered around the town, looking for anyone she knew or something familiar. suddenly, nothing had become safe until she saw the sitting boy on the steps of a building, his eyes small and tired. the one she tried so hard to save from floating away, and she prayed he was going to be ok when she walked over. he was slumped to the side, his head leaning on a railing. “y/n?” christopher’s eyes focus, squinting at her.
“oh my god, christopher! you’re ok!” she runs over with whatever energy she has left. she pulls him into her, checking him over with her hands on his face. “are you? i’m so sorry, buddy, it all happened so fast.”
“i’m ok, i’m tired though,” he remarks. “where is buck?”
“i don’t know, ive been trying to find out for you, but the woman said there’s going to be units here soon. we can find him.”
“is he dead?”
y/n pauses, taken aback by his statement. “i don’t think so, chris. he’s a tough guy, really tough.”
“he just got hurt, what if he is again?”
“he was hurt?”
“at work.” y/n sighs, looking around again for anyone before moving to sit next to him. christopher leans on her shoulder, dozing off lightly as y/n happily allows it.
at least fourty-five minutes go by before ambulances and rescue personelle arrive to the scene. there were probably a hundred people clattering about, trying to find out if their family or friends were alive. y/n was given oxygen along with christopher, who shared the tank due to an emergency shortage.
they were transported to the nearest hospital right after sundown. christopher arm was tangled with hers for balance, trying to find his dad and buck. y/n observes buck and the other man, diaz on his name tag. they both have tears in there eyes as buck stutters on about the boy. eddie looks behind him, about to run out of there and search for christopher when he sees him limping over, exhausted. “christopher?”
“dad!” he yells, as eddie sprints over to take him. he checks him over the same way y/n did, making sure every single part of him is safe. y/n looks away as eddie carries him away to get checked out and she locks eyes with buck. he’s talking to his fellow firefighters, them observing his disoriented condition. when he stares into y/n’s pained expression, his knees give out but his eyes stay locked on her. he blinks a few times and somehow, she vanished right before his eyes.
he had a whole speech to give her. she saved christopher, and she saved him. he could have never made it out of this alone and he had to say that, but she was gone before he knew it.
two weeks had passed since an entire portion of los angeles had been demolished in two minutes. the city coming together to help everyone affected was truly beautiful, but something was missing in bucks eyes. he felt like he had to see y/n, but he had no idea how to reach her or where to find her. he wanted to give her anything she wanted for being there.
he roamed around on calls, taking a second glance at anyone who resembled her or her name. maybe he misheard it or something? he didn’t want to give up, but everyone had been telling him to let the tsunami go out of his mind with the tide. one of those ways was to avoid that day and the reminders. was it the best coping mechanism? absolutely not, but buck would try anything and everything to forget a trauma.
until he was asked to watch christopher again, he thought there was no point in bringing up the memory for especially you. you’d been there the whole time, being a bad swimmer and nearly drowning with no past disaster training. buck had that, and she was worse off than him, he thought. when christopher mentions her name, he realizes there is no point in trying to forget. this happened and there is no erasing it, maybe what he needed was y/n.
he took christopher for another day out, far from the shore and the non-existent pier. they’d gone to the indoor arcades and fun little places to hang out or just talk. buck was desperate for an energy boost, so he dragged christopher into the nearest coffee shop. it was an adorable little place with a few businesspeople sitting around on their computers. the smell of coffee and cakes hit bucks nose delightfully. his eyes land on y/n, casually making an latte like it’s muscle memory.
he stares at her in delight and christopher is the one to nudge him close to the counter. “hurry up, buck!”
“i’ll be right with you in one,” y/n’s sentence comes to a halt when she turns around to see buck, the man who saved her, standing behind her. “second. um, hey! how are you guys?”
“we’re good! i- im good, i didn’t know you worked here.”
“have been for a while, it’s easy money for school.”
“oh, nice. what are you in school for?” y/n explains her whole major to buck and why she’s here, practically giving a life story.
“sorry. that was a lot of information you don’t care about,” she laughs, pressing the cover onto the hot drink in her hands.
“i care a lot!” buck says a little too fast. “or, i care about you. how have you been doing?” y/n looks down at the boy with a radiant smile, wanting to show her bravery and strength in front of him, but it’s hard. “hey, chris. why don’t you find somewhere to sit?”
once he walks away to pick out a table, she begins again. “it’s been tough. my sleep schedules all messed up and focusing is like trying to fight a grizzly bear.”
“i’m so sorry, y/n. it’s been so hard trying to deal with it. but give yourself time,” he says sweetly. “you won’t heal if you force yourself.”
she gives him a little smile, appreciating his generosity and now starting to appreciate his looks. her eyes dart around his face, looking into his alluring blue eyes and his lips, and she couldn’t forget that birthmark that is perfect to her. he’s a beautiful man, but an even more beautiful soul. firefighters come with a lot of respect in society, but she had that for him even before she found out. he would never say something too fast, but he noticed her the first time he saw her and grabbed onto her. his rescue response had turned on and was stronger than ever, and the aftermath made him fall in love with her resiliency. she was insanely hot, he had to admit. buck’s gonna buck.
“thank you, buck. for everything. i want to give you the ends of the earth,” she grins. “but maybe we can start with a free coffee?”
“a free coffee sounds amazing,” he replies. he builds up the courage from his crushing self to ask her yet another question. a more bold on, at that. “do you wanna go out sometime? maybe not on top of a fire truck, in a flood?”
y/n’s heart burst right then and there. she had been dying to ask him to same thing, but figured he was too busy with work. besides, he does what he did for her every day so she figured it meant nothing. at the end of the day, it did. “i’d love too!” she shoots out her words rapidly, almost immediately curing bucks anxieties. she shakes her head quickly, trying to rub off her hyper mood. “i’d really like that. here, this is my number,” she writes down the ten digits on a scraped receipt, handing it to him and walking away to make his drink and a snack for christopher.
“perfect,” buck states with a sly wink. “expect a text or two tonight.”
y/n turns back around, heading to the employee room. she can’t find it in her to wipe the rich smile on her face. meanwhile, buck walks over to sit with christopher at the counter by the window. christopher’s grinning at him, high-fiving him and saying, “and buck has done it again!”
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angstywaifu · 3 months
The Lost Sister - Part 38
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC (Ophelia Riorson)
The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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Betrayal and anger is all I can feel from Violet as she takes in what’s just happened. Her eyes scan over us all as the Gryphon fliers leave. I can see how nervous she is as she takes us all in, her gaze hardening as it lands on Liam and I. Xaden and Garrick approach her as if she’s a startled animal, worried she could dart off if they make the slightest wrong move. So similar to who I’d approached Garrick last night.
”Were we ever really friends?” She whispers, turning to Liam and I. Her voice void of any emotion.
”We are friends, Violet, but I owe him everything.” Liam answers solemnly as he looks at her. “We all do. And once you give him a chance to explain-”
Another wave of anger barrels into me, causing me to stumble back into Bodhi who reaches out and steadies me. Bloody hell. She was angry.
”You watched me train with him!” She yells, shoving Liam’s chest, causing him to stumble back towards me which brings her attention back to me. “You both stood by and watched me fall for him! You told me I made the right choice!”
”Oh shit.” Bodhi whispers behind me.
”Violence, let me explain.” Xaden says as he steps towards her.
We all take a collective step back as power ripples through the air around Violet as she turns towards Xaden. “If you even think about touching me, I swear I’ll fucking kill you.” As if to cement her point lighting cracks across the sky.
”I think she means it.” Liam mutters as he stares up at the clouds.
”I know she does. Everybody, go back to the shore. Now.” Xaden commands, his focus fully on Violet.
We all hesitantly leave them. I know Xaden can handle himself, but Violet’s signet could be dangerous when she’s angry. Already proven by the lightning she’s managed to summon without even trying to.
And we do. I turn my back on my brother and Violet. And for the first time in my life, I’m actually scared to leave him alone with her as another lighting strike careens across the sky above me. Malek help us all.
”Well that went well.” Bodhi mutters sarcastically as we all make it back to the dragons.
”Well? You think that went well? She nearly fried us all.” Liam states as he looks at Bodhi as if he’s sprouted a second head.
”But she didn’t.” He states, just as another lighting strike happens. “Well not yet anyway.”
”She wont.” I tell them as I sit down against a boulder, leaning my head back against it as I shut my eyes. “She might be pissed, but she still loves him.”
”If it wasn’t for your damn signet I’d be questioning you a lot right now. She’s about ready to kill him.” Imogen states as she joins us.
Garrick chuckles, “So was Ophelia when she figured it out.”
”I was always curious, how did you find out about this? I knew Xaden planned to tell you, but he never said how you figured it out before he got a chance to.” Imogen asks, the gravel shifting next to me as she sits next to me.
I open my eyes and point over at Garrick. “This idiot over here got me one of my favourite foods that you can only get from Gryphon fliers.”
Despite the seriousness of the situation we’re in and what has just happened Imogen and Liam burst into laugher, Garrick glaring at the two of them as Bodhi stifles his laughter.
”And you’re meant to be the observant one.” Imogen jokes as she smirks at Garrick, causing him to glare at her more.
”Get ready to go. As soon as those two are done we’re leaving.” Garrick growls before walking off towards Chradh, leaving us all behind to fall into a fit of laughter.
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Something is wrong. Something is very very wrong. This outpost is empty. Too empty for an active outpost.
”What the hell?” Garrick striding past us to observe the courtyard in the centre of the structure.
Our footsteps echo off the walls way more than they should. This outpost should have hundreds of infantry and riders stationed here. But as I reach out with my signet to feel for anyone else, I come up short. We’re the only ones here.
”Stop. There’s no one here. Divide and search.” Xaden commands us before turning to Violet and I. “You stay with Garrick, and you don’t leave my side. I don’t think this is a War Game.”
I nod and pivot on my heel to follow Garrick who waits in one of the archways with Imogen. Imogen leads the way as Garrick falls into step next to me, one hand grasped around a sword, the other ghosting my lower back. We search every room we come across. All of them abandoned and empty. Not a single thing left behind or out of place. This was planned and thought out. These people based here had time to pack up and leave. Finally we make it to the third floor where a lot of the leadership we’re based at outposts. Their offices lining the corridor. The three of us split up, knowing we need to hurry up. Just like the other rooms every thing is empty. Till the last one. Sitting on the desk in the centre of the room is an envelope. And envelope addressed to my brother.
War Games for Xaden Riorson, Wingleader of Fourth Wing.
I immediately recognise the hand writing. I’d seen it many times before while being under Melgren’s care. Colonel Aetos. That was his hand writing. Countless time’s I had been tasked with passing documents and letters between the pair. There was no denying that was his hand writing. I grasp the letter in my hand, rushing out the door and nearly crashing into Garrick who had clearly come to find me. He goes to ask me something, but as I hold the letter out to him he snaps his mouth shut. His eyes focusing on the letter in my hand. He takes it from me before grabbing my hand and leading me down the corridor to the stairs that will take us up to the tower.
”Imogen, we found something.” He calls out before rushing up the stairs.
I hear Imogen rushing to catch up to us as we bound up the stairs. I have to let go of Garrick’s hand due to him being able to skip multiple steps at a time due to this longer stride.
”I have something!” Garrick calls out, clearly being able to see Xaden from the tower.
As I make it to the top, I see Garrick vault over the edge to cross over to Xaden via the thick rampart connecting us to where the others are. Imogen and I quickly follow after him to join the others. I can already tell as we get closer Xaden has pieced together part of why we are here. The worry on his face is crystal clear as he looks down at Violet. Shit.
”It’s addressed to you.” Garrick says to Xaden as he hands him the envelope.
Violet glances at the letter, her eyes skimming the hand writing on the front. And I can tell she knows who it’s from as well. “That’s from Colonel Aetos.”
”What does it say?” Garrick asks, folding his arms over his chest as he waits for Xaden to tell him what it says. “What’s our assignment?”
”Guys, I see something just past the trading post,” Liam says to us as he looks over the village below us. “Oh shit.”
At the same time I feel the panic set in from both Liam and Xaden. I quickly rush over to Xaden and take the letter from him. My eyes quickly skimming over the contents. Oh shit. Instantly Garrick is at my side, my face clearly betraying my emotions as I stare up at Xaden in panic. We have been sent here to die.
”It says our mission is to survive if we can.” Xaden says glumly.
Garrick shakes his head at us, lacing his fingers behind his head. “That’s not….”
”Guys, this is bad.” Liam shouts as Imogen rushes to his side.
Xaden looks back at Violet who is very much blaming her self right now for what’s happening based off the guilt I can feel flowing off of her. “This isn’t your fault.” But I can tell she doesn’t believe his words as he turns to look at us all. His eyes settling on me. Our conversation from earlier becoming reality with the words that leave his mouth. “We’ve been sent here to die.”
@riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh @leptitlu @came-to-laugh-but-cried @onthewaytotimbuktu @daardyrnitta @lovemesomevesey @mxtokko @krowiathemythologynerd @callsign-blue @1islessthan3books @side-angel @wolfbc97 @just-an-ace-elf
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utilitycaster · 2 months
Hi! Hope you don’t mind me asking but, I’ve seen you comment about a “fjord moon” theory every so often in your tags, and I’m quite curious what’s it about? I don’t think I’ve ever heard about it, is it something more prevalent in twitter spaces?
It started in Reddit spaces but it had a moment within the fandom at large during Campaign 2, especially after a YouTube video surfaced shortly after the campaign had come back from hiatus in August 2020. It hasn't come up lately since Campaign 3's plot pretty thoroughly debunked it, which wasn't necessary for reasons I will cover below.
I talked about how stupid it was at the time, and will do so again but I don't feel like looking back through my archives to find that post, so: the idea was that Fjord was from Ruidus. I call it a theory because its creators called it a theory but it was really just a lot of incoherent yelling that unfortunately happened to fall into the hands of a prolific and popular but talentless video maker and was boosted by a prolific and popular but deeply stupid figure on CR Twitter.
You can read it here but in short he basis was that Fjord was actually a Spelljammer Space Orc (Scro; yes this is just Orcs backwards; Spelljammer is not exactly the most brilliant of concepts) because he was intelligent and walked upright, ignoring that Spelljammer was, at the time, from D&D 2e only which can generously be described as "wicked racist in the depiction of orcs". Not that 5e is not without its foibles, but it had largely 86-ed the worst of the racism that pervaded earlier orc depictions. Also Garthok pre-dated Fjord and was a half-orc with the same intelligence, but what are facts to an idiot. So anyway this guy working off a deeply racist older concept for orcs spun this into a wild conspiracy theory involving the fact that Travis likes Dragonball Z; something about the film Spaceballs (as far as I know Travis has said absolutely nothing about this, this is just that the Mel Brooks Star Wars parody and my personal childhood favorite Spaceballs exists I think?) and various other random pulls from science fiction media. This guy asked a question at a panel and mistook the cast looking at him like he had lost the plot as a sign he was onto something. Somehow, people listened to him.
Here's the thing about theorycraft. It is more important, in writing a theory, that you base it on evidence than that you get it correct. Any dipshit can guess and any lucky dipshit can guess correctly, but if you show that you can't structure an argument for beans, anyone who can structure an argument for beans will rightfully look at you and say "well, they predicted something once, but that's a fucking fluke because they're a fucking joke." Theories should explain something that needs explanation (Fjord having an INT of 14 and the name Fjord and being an orphan does not). They should not solely rest on things the cast likes or things that merely exist in-world and certainly not from Spaceballs and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the connection of which to Critical Role in that Reddit post is not explained, ever.
To give some examples of good, mediocre, and bad but at least not nearly that bad theorycraft: the theory that Ashton was a meteor that was around early in C3 is in my mind not very good, but at least it fits within Exandria canon and explained something about Ashton needing explanation at the time. The theory that The Emissary is the source of the stasis bubbles is in my mind a very good one explaining several key mysteries (source of stasis bubbles; why Erathis sent him rather than coming himself). The theory that Bor'Dor was a dog was fucking stupid and made no sense nor did it explain anything that needed explanation (and also wildly misjudged how border collies behave) but did at least not say "also, the TV show Lassie...exists in our reality, and this is evidence" The Fjord Moon Theory is maybe the stupidest and worst CR theory I've seen in my entire life, and it's up there for fandom theories over all. I get that it was August 2020 and I don't begrudge people who were very bored and scared from joking about it while not taking it seriously, but I do begrudge those who did take it seriously because like, come on.
Anyway, I bring it up in tags sometimes because many of the worst C3 takes on Twitter that make it to me via "can you fucking believe this" screenshots in the groupchat are either started or propagated by Former Moon Theory People.
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tunaababee · 6 months
we will be everything we say - a feysand friends-to-lovers AU 💖
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masterlist // fic playlist // read on AO3 // overall rating: e // wc this chapter: 2.3k // updates Mondays (aest)
Feyre Archeron has been best friends with Rhysand Sterling ever since she moved onto the same street when they were kids - the two became absolutely joined at the hip, with nothing able to come between them.
As they get older, life gets more complicated and things get harder. Not everything comes as naturally as it once did. People change, things happen, friends... drift.
But after drifting apart, maybe life can push them back together again, in time.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
welcome to my very first feysand longfic! this fic is planned to be eight chapters long. while the fic is rated e overall as smut will eventually happen (spoilers i guess lol), this chapter is as clean as it gets haha.
i hope you all like it! as always, big props to my beta reader @climbthemountain2020 who is forever and always my favourite cheerleader!!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Chapter 1: five and six
The sunlight beat down warmly against the soft, plasticky material that covered the entire expanse of the playground. Kids yelling and chatting, scraping knees, throwing balls and playing with toys. Parents murmuring and chuckling amongst themselves, reading books or watching intently. It was a beautiful day for a Sunday in the town of Prythian and it seemed that nobody was going to let it go to waste. The flowers and shrubs that surrounded the edges of the playground were on full display, spring in full bloom around them.
Little Feyre Archeron had mixed feelings about these days. She did love them sometimes, sure - the sun was very nice against her skin, and the flowers around them were very beautiful. The bright and sunny day did make the colours of the playground look bright and enticing... But at the same time, she very much preferred to fill in her colouring book to her heart’s content inside. Feyre didn’t have to worry about losing her favourite crayon colours or pencils in there, nor did she have to share them with anybody but her sisters if they were at home. Nesta and Elain didn’t even really use them that much - it worked out great! However, Feyre did love any excuse for her father to take her and her sisters out for the day, especially when it meant ice cream afterwards. So she sat at a picnic table, a fierce intensity in her little frown, as she tried to make the prettiest Princess Ariel anybody in this playground had ever seen. Elain was busy playing shop with Nesta underneath one of the play structures, Nesta making sure that nobody was trying to cut her younger sister an unfair deal or push her around while their dad kept Nesta in check about being too mean to any of the other kids.
Feyre barely paid attention to her sisters, let alone any of the other kids on the playground. She was going to create a masterpiece.
That is, until, a slight shadow was cast along the bottom of her colouring page, shading Ariel’s feet and preventing Feyre from seeing it properly.
“Hey!” She grumbled, turning around before meeting the gaze of a little boy with a mess of black, slightly curly hair atop his head and deep blue eyes. He was slightly taller, slightly older, but not by much. “Your shadow is getting in the way of my Ariel picture.”
“Oh. Sorry.” He stared down at his feet a little, shuffling to the side and out of the way of Feyre’s colouring book. “Um. Can I sit here too?”
“If you want. But you can’t colour in on this page, this one’s mine! My sister Nesta already coloured another page of mine and it was very rude.” Feyre huffed slightly at the memory before returning attention to her page.
“That’s okay.” He shuffled onto the bench, sitting right up next to her and watching intently with a little amazement in his eyes. “Wow, you’re really good at colouring. It’s all in the lines and everything!”
Feyre couldn’t help but feel a large sense of pride swell in her chest at that - nobody ever paid attention to how much care she put into her colouring in. It was her favourite thing to do, and she wanted to draw pictures just as pretty as the ones she would colour in when she got older. She gave the boy a big, toothy grin.
“Thank you! I’m almost done, I just need to finish her shoes. You can colour the next one with me if you want. You just need to be careful with the crayons, they’re my special ones.” She looked back down at her page with the same intensity as before, but with a little more excitement about her as she scrambled to finish the picture so she could partake in the next with her new buddy.
“I will, I promise! My name is Rhysand, but I like to be called Rhys. I’m six!” He held his little hand out with enthusiasm, his skin a warm golden brown and a face full of hope. “Maybe we can be friends!”
Feyre paused a moment, taking care to place her colouring implements delicately on the page before taking his hand and shaking it up and down furiously. Just like all the serious grown-ups do, right? “My name’s Feyre, I’m five so I’m nearly as big as you. I’d really like to be friends with you - I haven’t been here very long, so I don’t know anybody else yet. My mommy and daddy said we had to come here for daddy’s work.”
She let go of his hand to put the last touches on Ariel’s shoes, taking a triumphant look at it before turning the page. A stark black and white depiction of Aladdin and Princess Jasmine - him in his normal outfit and Jasmine in her princess outfit, of course. Rhys let out a little gasp of excitement, searching excitedly through Feyre’s crayons before pulling out a purple one. “Oh, Aladdin is my favourite! He looks just like me!”
“Aladdin is pretty cool. I think Jasmine’s clothes are sooooo pretty, and she even gets to have a pet tiger! She’s really brave.”
They both set to colouring in, Feyre taking her time and trying her best to impress her new friend even further with her awesome colouring skills. Rhys wasn’t as great at staying in the lines as her, but that was okay. They were having fun together, and Feyre felt a little less alone than she had when they had first arrived at the park. She loved Elain and Nesta, but they always stuck together and it could make her feel a little left out. But Rhys? Rhys was her friend. She hoped they could stick together just like her sisters did, too.
The two chattered away incessantly as they coloured, even moving to do their own little drawings all around Aladdin and Jasmine and trying to make a silly story out of the whole thing. Rhys said that he knew a lot of kids, but not many of them really talked to or played with him very much. His dad was really busy, but his mom always did her best to make him feel special. They went out together a lot, and it was always the favourite part of his day. Feyre told him how her sisters were 7 and 8 years old and they always thought she was a bit too little to play a lot of their games with her, which was SO unfair because she’s a big kid too! She talked of how her dad liked to treat them to ice cream after their park adventures, and how her mom never, ever really liked taking them and always seemed to be a bit cranky, but that was okay. We can’t be happy all the time - she knew that from when she couldn’t get her drawings to look just like how she wanted them to or when her and her sisters were playing Barbies and it wasn’t going how Feyre thought it should. Why can’t her Barbie have cool superpowers AND live in the dreamhouse?
It definitely made Feyre feel more than justified when Rhys wholeheartedly agreed with her.
Soon enough though, the peak sunlight of the day had started to wane a little, beginning to hide behind the few clouds that decided to rear their heads in the sky. Her dad began to walk over to her, Nesta and Elain holding each of his hands. Nesta, unsurprisingly, looked a bit cross while Elain was jumping for joy.
“Feyre, honey, it’s time for us to go so we can get some ice cream. Come on, pack up your book and your crayons so we can take them home.”
Feyre pouted furiously at her father, bottom lip getting slightly wobbly as she crossed her arms.
“But I don’t wanna go yet! I wanna stay with my friend!”
“Your friend might have to go home soon, too. We should let him get back to his parents.” Her father looked exhausted, already tired of this fight and wanting to simply take them back into their regular routine.
“I don’t wanna! He won’t have anyone else to play with!”
“Feyre, honey-”
“Rhys? Rhys, baby, where’d you go?” A woman with hair as pitch black as Rhysand’s came walking over with a smile across her face as her son waved at her from the other side of the park. There was no way this could be anybody but his mother, and she seemed so kind and warm in her demeanour right from the start.
“Mama! I made a new friend! This is Feyre!” He went bounding over to her without a second thought, babbling excitedly to her about everything they had talked about earlier. His mother had kneeled down to be eye level with him, before turning her gaze on Feyre with that same warm smile.
“Really? Well, it’s lovely to meet you Feyre.”
“...N-Nice to meet you.” She was a little shy around grown-ups she didn’t know, but if it was Rhys’ mother, Feyre could will herself to be brave. Feyre’s dad waved at Rhys’ mother, reaching a hand out to make introductions.
“Hey there. I’m Gerald, Feyre’s dad.”
“Rebecca, I’m Rhysand’s mom. Nice to meet you.”
Feyre’s dad gave her a polite, if not slightly strained, smile before trying to urge Feyre to come with him despite his full hands and her open defiance.
“Come on Feyre, if you don’t use your listening ears, we won’t get any ice cream.”
“But can’t Rhys come? He’s my friend! He should get ice cream too!” Feyre pointed at her friend with a stubbornness that ran through the Archeron women that wouldn’t be diluted, even in childhood. Rebecca couldn’t help but look at Feyre with a softness in her eyes, glad that her son was finally starting to make friends.
“We don’t get to choose that for him, baby. Come on-”
“Oh, I think we might have some time to go for ice cream. What do you think, Rhys?” She grabbed Rhys’ hand as he pumped a little fist in the air, Feyre beaming at him before she took that free hand with gusto.
Feyre’s dad mouthed a ‘thank you’ at Rebecca, her giving a wave in a universal indication of ‘no problem’. The group of six took up the entirety of the pathway, the two parents hanging back a little bit to chat whilst the four rambunctious kids led the way. Rhys led the charge, knowing the way to the ice cream parlour like the back of his hand while he and Feyre swung their hands together between them. The two avoided cracks in the pavement, nearly falling over each other several times, but the air was filled with laughter and probably the most talking Feyre had ever done since they had moved to Prythian in the first place. After a few careful reminders not to cross the road without their adults, to look both ways and to not be silly as they crossed the few stretches of road that laid between them and the ice cream parlour, they arrived at their destination. The minute they were inside, Feyre practically pressed her face against the glass of the service counter to look at all the flavours they had.
“What flavour are you gonna get?” Rhys mumbled to her, staring with just as much want and hunger in his eyes at the gallons of ice cream before them.
“Choc mint. That one’s my favourite. What about you?”
“Choc mint is okay, but I like boysenberry the most. It even has all the cool swirlies in it!” He pointed excitedly through the glass, Feyre making a small face.
“Mm. That’s a good choice. It’s really pretty.” Feyre pulled away from the glass to lightly tap at her father’s arm, relaying her order as Rhys did the same with his mom before they all sat down at the biggest booth they had available.
“Since you two walked to the ice cream parlour with us, are you just parked here or do you live nearby?” Gerald asked Rebecca, the kids too busy waiting impatiently for their orders to be delivered to their table to pay attention to what they were talking about.
“We’re not too far from here, just a block or two over on Orion Avenue.”
“Ah, same street as us then.” Feyre’s ears perked up at that.
“Oh, you’re the ones who moved into number 31 then? We’re a few doors down at 25.” Rebecca mussed up Rhys’ hair with a grin, pressing a kiss to the top of his head as the two ever-excitable children looked at each other.
“You’re at number 31! That means we’re almost neighbours! We can play all the time!”
“I can show you all my cool toys!”
“I can show you all my toys too! This is so awesome! Mama, can I go play at Feyre’s one day?” Rhys’ little face was full of wonder as he looked up at his mother, practically pleading with her.
“One day, yeah! But her parents have to say yes, too. I think after we have our ice cream we’ve all had enough adventure for one day, though.”
As if she had spoken it into existence, the heaped cups of ice cream were placed in front of everyone and they didn’t hesitate to dig in.
After ice cream, the group proceeded to walk home together in the reddened rays of a setting sun on a beautiful afternoon, the two fast friends holding hands the whole way home. Before they had to go their separate ways though, Feyre and Rhys shared a tight hug.
“You’re my best friend now, so we have to play together all the time, okay?” Feyre whispered to him, like it was a secret just for the two of them.
“Okay! I’ll see you later, Feyre!”
Rhys and Feyre waved at each other before walking into their homes, not knowing that in that moment they’d found a soft place to land in one another for years to come.
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holdupjack · 1 year
The Captains Princess
Part 2
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
AU: Pirate/Monarchy
Third Person P.O.V:
September 18th, 1655
Hermione Granger was part of a well-known and very respected royal family that looked after the island country that fell under Danish rule.
(A/N: I'm talking about Iceland btw, or Islandia if you want to be technical. If I read my history books correctly, which I probably didn't, then Iceland should have been under Danish rule at this point? I'm not sure, just go with it lol)
The island held a Volcano in the southwest, the land around it was now uninhabited, after a horrible tragedy ten years ago.
The mountain had suddenly come to life, spewing ash and molten rock onto the people below. Everyone at the edge of the city was able to evacuate at the time, but most were lost under the hardened rock or simply melted away.
Hermione was eleven at the time, and she remembered watching the smoke pouring over the mountains from her window.
Her mother had ushered her away, closing the window and cooping her up in the library for the entire week.
Yet, she saw what was happening at night.
The sky had gone dark, the lack of the sun and stars caused by ash as it was carried by the wind and into the main city. It covered everything like black paint, forcing everyone to cough and heave as they shoveled everything into wagons, sending it back into the outskirts of the destroyed town.
It took months, but eventually, Hermione was free to roam the city once more. Later did she learn how many of the people had died from the ash and eruption.
The number was staggering.
Now she is twenty-one, well almost, and the population had doubled in size since that day.
Her coronation was to be held tomorrow, on the day of her birth, and where she would take over the kingdom for her father and mother. It wasn't something she was excited about, but she knew it needed to be done.
In all honesty, she wanted to see the world.
She wished to explore the structures of Egypt and the booming colonies of America. Everything she had read in books and newspapers fueled her intrigue to extreme measures, but she had a job to do. Whether she wanted to do it or not.
Hermione now sat in the city garden, the smell of the Lupine flower filled her nose as royal guards stood close by.
Seagulls called over her as she heard the yelling of men and women near the docks, the shade of the Aspen Tree above her made it easier to read the newspaper in her hand.
'Virginia Blockaded By England After Declaring Allegiance To The House Of Stuart'
Hermione knew little about what went on around the world, but it still shocked her with the decisions people made.
"Come on Cap! Why did we even stop at this god-forsaken place?"
The Princess's eyes flickered up to find a group of three walking down the sidewalk nearby.
A woman around her age stood in the middle of them with a wide grin. Two tall men walked on either side of her, they seemed to be twins. One had long hair that was up in a ponytail, while the other kept it almost like a guard's military cut.
"I told you two, we need a new navigator since the last one died in the battle outside the British seas!" She replies as they made their way into one of the pubs. Hermione raised an eyebrow as the group disappeared into the building, the door shutting loudly behind them.
Her curiosity peaked, she wondered how this girl became a captain so young, and had so many questions about the lands outside of her own.
"Excuse me Princess, but we must get you back to the castle. Your mother wanted you to help pick out the last bit of details before your celebration tomorrow" A guard states as he had somehow snuck up beside her.
"Oh yes, let us be going" Hermione mumbled as she stood up and folded the newspaper under her arm. Her eyes stayed on the pub door a few moments longer before she ripped them away.
Yet, she thought back on the Captain.
Only had watched her for less than a minute, but now she seemed to hold her curiosity by the neck.
Maybe she would see her tomorrow?
It was an 'everyone invited' event after all.
September 19th
Hermione sat on her father's throne, wearing a beautiful pure white dress that had originally been her grandmother's coronation dress. The Royal Tailor had taken in it for Hermione to update it to the current times of fashion.
She felt like she was getting married.
Well, she supposed she was in a sense? She was vowing her time, love, and dedication to her country.
The main hall was filled shoulder to shoulder with everyone around the land. Children, adults, and elderly alike all talked amongst each other as servers passed out food and drink.
The coronation wasn't till later in the night when they would crown her at exactly twelve, so she may begin her reign as queen immediately.
Hermione looked down at her lap and sighed softly, she felt as though her life was slipping through her fingers.
A soft whistle cut through the crowd.
She looked back at the party, no one else noticed the call for her acknowledgment, but it wasn't hard to find the whistler.
The Captain from the day before stood at the edge of the crowd, looking up at her with the same grin she wore in the street.
Instead of the normal attire that the women wore, she sported a nice white shirt and some black pants. Hermione could see the passing judgment people gave her as they walked by.
The future Queen raised an eyebrow, to which the Captain nodded her head over to the open balcony near them.
Hermione gave a small smile in return as the Captain disappeared back into the crowd. The royal stood up to follow after, but her mother walked up to her with a puzzled look on her face.
"Who were you eyeing in the crowd? A future husband?" She asks with a slight tease in her voice as Hermione chuckled at the question.
"A new friend, maybe" Hermione replies as she started to make her way into the crowd, her mother raises a brow at her retreating form.
"Getting some air?" She calls after, but Hermione was already too far by the time she did.
The music from the small string band seemed louder on the main floor as people greeted and smiled at her.
As she got to the doorway of the balcony, a guard stopped her with his arm.
"Do you know the woman that is standing out there?" He asks, as she peered out into the night, she could see the back of the Captain's head.
"Yes, and I would like to talk to them in private if you don't mind?" She replies to which he drops his arm and nodded.
He quickly opened the door for her and closed it as soon as she stepped out into the cold air.
"It's nice to finally meet you Queen Granger" the woman speaks as she turned around and smiled again.
"I'm not Queen yet, and please, call me Hermione" she replies as she stepped to the edge of the balcony and looked over the almost vacant city.
"Greetings then Hermione, my name is Captain Y/n Y/l/n. At your service, of course." the woman greets as she held out her hand for her.
Why did that name sound familiar?
Hermione watched her with a playful intrigued stare as she let her hand be taken and kissed upon by the sailor.
"What may I do for you, Captain?" Hermione asks as she felt goosebumps raise from the skin the women had pecked.
The Captain smiled again as she watched the Princess stand at the parapet with her.
(A/N: a parapet is a wall-like structure around a balcony or terrace, saved you guys a Google search.)
"Well, a little birdie told me that you're a prodigy at navigating and that you have helped map out this entire country with your expeditions," Y/n says and Hermione chuckled.
It was true, when she wasn't forced to be cooped up in the castle, Hermione was out mapping and exploring the country. She had journals upon journals in her room filled with sketches of plants, animals, and landmarks.
As you could guess, she had learned from the guardsmen how to use the stars when a compass would fail them in their endeavors
(A/N: btw, didn't know that compasses were invented so early. The first one ever recorded was in 1190. Omg we're learning so many things in this imagine, I love it.)
Her parents were always so worried about killers and thieves when she would plan a trip, but it wasn't like she wasn't being sent out with a small army with her.
"Yes, may I ask why you wanted to know?" Hermione questioned as she stared up at the beautiful night sky. Millions of stars poked through an inky abyss.
"I'll reveal that later on, but before I do, it seems you have questions to ask me" Y/n replied as she smirked at the beautiful royal.
Hermione hummed and thought for a moment, she had many questions, so she had to play her cards right.
"Are you part of a fleet? Or are you a...freelance type of Captain?" the Princess asks discreetly as she heard one of the Guards talking behind the glass door.
"Let's just say I have more fun without a boss around" Y/n replies as Hermione chuckled.
Great, she was talking to a Pirate.
"I'm surprised you haven't recognized me, I've been in the paper recently" the Captain states, causing Hermione to turn to get a better look at her.
Y/n poses as it clicks in Hermione's mind, no wonder her name sounded familiar.
"Wait, are you that Captain that stole almost half of the treasury of Venice?" she replies as Y/n began to snicker quietly as the Princess stared at her in disbelief.
"Ah don't look at me like that! We gave almost all of it back to the people!" Y/n says as she continued to grin at her, to which Hermione just chuckled in astonishment.
"Have you come to steal our treasury then? Distract me while your friends pillage us dry?" she asks with honest questioning, which caused Y/n to laugh softly at her conclusion.
"That's a smart idea, I might have to try it sometime, but no. We didn't come to steal any money from you." she replied as she turned her body toward the Princess, who didn't even look concerned at the fact that she was standing shoulder to shoulder with an enemy of many cities
"Then why did you come here?" Hermione asks as she turned herself towards her mysterious company.
Y/n's eyes travel down her body slowly, the royal felt hot for some reason, it wasn't foreign to Hermione to feel men undressing her with their eyes.
Maybe because it was a woman this time around that she felt...different.
Yet, it wasn't an uncomfortable feeling.
"My crew and I came here looking for the best navigator in this country since we're on a hit list in the other ones," Y/n says as she gazed back up into Hermione sight. The Captain's intrigue in her past time now made a lot more sense.
"Before you even ask, the answer is 'no'." Hermione states as Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Aw come on Princess, I've been watching you at this party all night, and you have been miserable!" Y/n sighs, which sort of reminded Hermione of an annoyed child trying to prove their point.
"I've made a promise to my country-"
"Not yet"
"-and my parents! I'm not going to run off with some pirate Captain that thinks of herself as a modern-day Robin Hood!" Hermione whispers with her own annoyance laced in her words.
"Who said you have to take over anyways?" Y/n asks as she stepped closer, forcing Hermione to take in the sea salt aroma she carried on her skin, which wasn't a surprise.
"No one said! I'm just doing my due diligence to my family-" she was cut off again by the captain's eye roll.
"You know what? Why am I even arguing with you? The answer is 'no'." Hermione whisper yells as she turned on her heel and went to step back into the party.
"When was the last time you did something for yourself?"
This made the Princess pause and turn back around. Her mouth fell slightly at the question that was just asked to her. She has never been talked to like this, and it ticked her off to see that Captain's face was still grinning.
"Excuse me?" She laughs out in disbelief as Y/n jumped up onto the wall around the balcony, and sat down.
"It's a fair question, you seem like you've had all the fun sucked out of you since you were little" Y/n hums as Hermione slightly tripped up on her dress, but walked up to her nonetheless.
"All have you know, I am very fun" she protests with a pointed finger as Y/n just playful smiled at her, trying to keep the conversation going between them.
Why was Hermione even trying to defend her personality from some grinning criminal pirate?
"Also, stop smiling!" She whispers as Y/n looked her over again, letting her lips fall from her toothy grin to a subtle rise of the corners of her mouth.
"I'm sorry Princess, I just find you very pretty" she admits, which caused Hermione to be struck dumbfounded.
Who just admits that after asking a Princess to join their gang of murderous pirates?
"Well, uh, thank you," Hermione says as she cleared her throat, and smoothed down the front of the dress. Her embarrassment from her outburst started to set in, she never got this upset with anyone, and she has sat down with political parties.
"But flattery won't get you anywhere" she states as Y/n picked at a loose string on her pant leg.
"Listen, my ship is docked at the east bay. I'll have one of my men holding a lantern on deck during his patrols, in case you want to visit me before your crowning." Y/n says as she jumped back into the floor and dusted off her pants, pulling out a pocket watch.
"You have two hours before you get crowned and we head off to some new land that people are calling the 'West Indies'. A friend of mine was even able to send us a map of its location, we'll get there with or without you." Y/n states as Hermione's interest seemed to skyrocket again.
"You said that you needed a navigator? Won't you get lost?" She replies as Y/n stuffs the device back in her pocket.
"I'm not just a ruthless Robin Hood Captain with a small army of society rejects, but I'm also a decent enough Wayfinder!" Y/n hums as she went to step towards the door, back into the party. Hermione quickly stopped her with a hand to the Captain's chest, she burned her eyes into Y/n's.
"You'll be lost within a day" Hermione states as Y/n leaned closer, causing their noses to bump slightly.
"Maybe, or we'll be right as rain" she replies as they stared at one another with glares that held different meanings. It's quiet between them as the people in the hall began to sing a drinking song.
"Too bad you'll be marrying yourself off to some child-like man" Y/n mumbled as she let her harden gaze drop, Hermione furrowed her brows at the statement.
A questionable time to bring that up.
"Why do you say that? Do you think you could do better?" She asks with a scoff as the Captain took her arm and began to move them to a secluded corner.
"Much better" Y/n whispers as they hide from any prying eyes in the main hall. Hermione hummed as the woman stepped even closer, their heads tilted to the side as their lips ghosted one another's.
"You say that, but you probably have a different girl in your quarters every night," the Princess says as her hands grasped Y/n's hips in an attempt to steady herself.
Hermione started to question her own intentions at this moment, trying to figure out how their argument turned so scandalous in a matter of seconds.
"I haven't been to bed with another in many voyages, but when I saw you in that garden yesterday, I knew that needed to change," Y/n admits as her body pinned Hermione to the wall behind her.
"You saw me?" Hermione asks as the sailor hummed and pressed a kiss to the corner of the royal's lips.
"My crew thinks I'm just asking you to be our navigator, but I have had my own intentions from the start," Y/n says as she left a trail of kisses down to Hermione's neck.
She should push her away, Hermione knew better than to let a random criminal kiss and nip on her skin like this, but in all honesty...she was enjoying this Captain's touch more than she would like to admit.
"Come sail by my side, be my Princess" Y/n whispers into her ear, sending a shiver down Hermione's back as goosebumps rose onto her arms and her hands gripped the woman's hips.
"I don't know you, or your intentions" Hermione replies as Y/n kissed her jaw, but she ultimately hummed in agreement.
"That's true, you don't know anything about me" she states as she backed away to look at the flushed girl, who looks as if she had dipped her face in red paint.
"But, we have a little bit of time before your crowning, so what would you like to know?" Y/n asks as she stepped away and jumped back to sit on the balcony again.
They could now be seen again by any snooping partygoers and patrolling guards.
Hermione stood up straight as she pushed down the wrinkles on her dress, and brushed away any lint or dirt she saw.
"You!...you should know better than to push yourself onto a Princess!" She whispers as Y/n's grin made its reappearance, almost teasing her to come closer and make it disappear.
Whether from a slap or a kiss, Hermione wasn't certain.
"You could have pushed me away" Y/n replies, making the young Granger pause and try to come up with a valid excuse.
"You caught me off guard"
Y/n began to quietly snicker as Hermione just huffed and crossed her arms against her chest. She was making herself out to be a stupid bratty princess, and she was not.
"You know that asking someone you find pretty to join your crew and leave her country behind, isn't a very good way to ask them on a date" Hermione chuckles as she started to relax slightly, now finding her smile less irritating as time went on.
"I've never asked a woman on a date before, I use to only pay for their company when I was younger," Y/n says as she shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her dangling feet.
Hermione noted the embarrassed behavior she exhibited, almost like she was insecure that she had to pay for a woman in her bed at night.
"I understand when it comes to society on land, with their prejudices about two women being together." Hermione starts as she thought back on the people who had been run out of their city because of silly ideals.
"Yet, I thought Pirates didn't care? As long as they got their drinks, money, and partners out of it." She asks as she heard a clank of beer mugs and cheers from men inside.
"Of course, they don't care, it's just hard to date another sailing woman, especially if they are part of another ship" Y/n answers with a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
"You must have girls on your own crew then?" Hermione questioned as she took a step closer. Y/n look back at her with a laugh and shook her head in quick succession.
"They're like my sisters!" Y/n states, which made Hermione chuckle as well. She guessed that made sense since probably being on a ship for months on end would bring them all closer as a family more than anything,
"Also, all of my crew has lads or lasses back home waiting for them to return" Y/n continues as she laid down on the parapet, one leg swung over the edge while her other foot was planted on the stone, and her knee pointed to the sky,
"Be careful, we're high up" Hermione stated as she stepped closer, her fingers twitched as she stopped herself from grabbing ahold of the girl.
They were just one story up, but it was still high enough to break something.
"I've fallen from the crow's nest of my ship, multiple times! This is nothing." Y/n chuckles as she locked her fingers and puts them behind her head as a makeshift pillow.
"I'm guessing you drank one too many pints?" Hermione asks as her eyes scanned the Captain's body.
"See? You're getting to know me so well already!" Y/n replies as they chuckled together.
"Did you land in the water each time? Or have you somehow not died from that yet?" The Princess asks as her hand finally grasped the hem of her shirt.
"Almost all were in the water, but last time I hurt myself real bad" Y/n replies as one hand snuck out from under her head and hooked a finger around the fabric between Hermione's breasts, pulling her closer again.
They weren't hiding anymore, this was a dangerous position to be in, but maybe that was the point.
Was Y/n trying to get her shunned from the castle for engaging in scandalous behavior with another woman?
A fucked up way to force her to join her crew?
Hermione suddenly backed away and cleared her throat, pushing down her wrinkles again.
"As entertaining as this conversation has been, I must go back to my party" she sighs as her chin went back to being high and mighty, and her back as straight as a wooden beam.
"Do you have to?" Y/n asks as she sat back up, causing Hermione to smile. Her childlike questions were almost begging, like she truly didn't want Hermione to walk away.
"I must, it is my birthday party after all" she replies and Y/n hums as she thought of an excuse for her to stay just a little bit longer.
"Just answer one more question," Y/n asks to which Hermione raised her eyebrow in return as the Captain stood back in front of her.
"Will I see you tonight?"
They stared at one another for a few moments, the air around them was chilly, but a slight heat seem to burn between them.
Hermione then just walked away.
That told Y/n that it wasn't a 'no', but it wasn't a 'yes' either.
She wondered what went through that beauty's mind, and if she knew that she had easily gotten a stoic sailor on her toes.
When Y/n had arrived back at the port with no one in tow, Ginny gave a loud sigh from the deck of 'The Morrigan'.
"Captain on deck!" Ron yells near the bow of the ship.
"Is she-" she starts but the Captain quickly raised her hand in a 'stop' gesture and grabbed the lantern that hung near the entrance of her quarters.
"She still has an hour until her crowning, which I told her we will leave at exactly then also," Y/n says as she handed Ginny the lantern, and smiled at her irritated expression.
"What does that even mean?" the ginger replies as the sounds of her twin brothers echo from the crow's nest.
"Look at that whale Freddie! Looks like your ex-girlfriend!"
It was funny to think that half her crew was just the entire Weasley family.
"Just keep this lantern lit as you do your patrols around the deck" Y/n states as she patted the girl's shoulder and disappeared into her quarters.
As the door shut behind her, a soft groan came from her lips as she grabbed her hat from the hook on the wall.
Placing it on her head, she took a seat at her desk and began looking at the new inventory report.
Molly has requested more fruit cabbage for her kitchen, while Draco has asked for a new pair of boots. Harry needs new glasses, and Blaise needs to go to the blacksmith and sharpen his swords.
Y/n felt a headache begin to form as she tried to figure out a way to get everyone these things. This kingdom had almost everything, but she would have to dig through the old navigator's journal entries to find out where they got Harry's glasses the last time he broke them.
She needed help, and she didn't know how to ask for it without looking vulnerable in front of her crew. Y/n was only one person, and she needed someone as sophisticated as Hermione.
Granted, Y/n still planned to make Hermione hers, but that would have to wait.
Minutes went by quicker than she had realized as she scanned through the reports of everything below deck. She eventually noticed that it was ten to twelve.
"Come on Hermione" Y/n whispers as she stood up and walked back onto the deck.
"Begin preparations for departure!" Y/n yells out as a chorus of 'Ayes' rung out around her.
Ginny still stood near the walkway with the lantern in hand as she stared out into the town, which seemed devoid of life if it wasn't for the castle that was lit up like a fireworks display.
"I don't think she's coming" Y/n whispers as Ginny just hummed.
"You've always been so quick to judge" she replied as her eyes flickered towards different corners of the streets that stood in front of her.
"Ready Captain!" Percy states from his post as he stood at the stern with his hand on his pistol.
Percy always seemed to know when trouble was headed their way, it was almost like a gut instinct for him to grab his weapon.
"There she is" Ginny chuckles as she tapped Y/n's chest with the back of her hand.
Y/n's head snapped to find Hermione bolting down the street towards them, she now wore pants and a shirt instead of the beautiful white dress she had been given earlier in the day.
The Captain quickly made her way to the walkway, but soon noticed that she wasn't just running to get to them in time. Y/n heard the yelling of guards and began to smile.
"Once she's on the ship, time to go!" Y/n called as Draco took ahold of the wheel, and barked orders at the boys on the deck.
Hermione caught the Captain's eyes as she dashed down the dock towards them, and smiled at her, to which Y/n broke out in a grin in response.
"Come on Princess! We don't have all night!" Y/n teased as she held out her hand for her to take across the board between land and ship.
As soon as their hands grasped one another's, Y/n yanked her on deck and let Ron and Harry quickly pull the wood onto the ship as well.
"Full sails! Get us out of here!" Y/n yelled as the woosh of the sails fell and took in the wind of the sea.
Tens of hundreds of footsteps pounded on the dock as they pulled away, one guard had managed to jump and grab the side of the ship, but Pansy was able to just lean over and wack away his hands with the butt of her sword.
He didn't fall into the water at first, but her threat was able to make him choose his fate.
"Let go, or I'm chopping them off"
He quickly dropped into the cold unforgiving ocean.
Y/n darted towards the stern as The Morrgian began to take speed and drift off into the night.
She watched as hundreds of guards stood at the docks watching as their future queen ran off with one of the most hated pirates in the seven seas.
"I'll kill you Y/l/n!" A man yells from his place in the troops, from the crown on his head, she hadn't had to guess that he was King Granger.
"Well, that's one way to make a first impression on the crew!" Ginny snickers as she greeted Hermione on the deck.
"It would have been a lot calmer if my father hadn't caught me sneaking away" she replies as she put her back into a ponytail with a few hairpins she had left in her pockets.
"We'll have an introduction party tomorrow, right now Hermione and I need to begin setting a course for the West Indies" Y/n joked as she made her way back to the deck, Hermione stumbled slightly as the ship swayed side to side.
"Don't worry Princess, you'll get your sea legs eventually" the Captain snickers as she gestured to her quarters, and held out her hand for Hermione to take for stability.
As she took it, Blaise began to sing a chantey proudly, to which the crew joined in as well as they began their Mundane chores around the ship.
Y/n shut her door behind them, muffling the ruffians, as Hermione took in the beautiful books and maps that were scattered around.
"These are beautiful" Hermione whispers as she walked around the space with so much intrigue.
"I would hope so, since you'll be living in here" Y/n states as points to another desk that face the window that looks out into the sea behind the ship. A small bed lay next to it, almost looking untouched since its last owner as many books and papers were scattered around the space.
She could see her home fading away as they drifted away further.
"Wait, the Captain and Navigator share the same room?" Hermione asks as she turned back to find Y/n suddenly standing almost face to face with her.
"Of course, you're my right hand now" she mumbles as her eyes flickered around Hermione's face.
"If there wasn't already evidence of this cot being lived in, I would think you had done this on purpose" Hermione chuckles as Y/n brushed past her and took a seat at her desk.
"We could always push our cots together? Make this space very lived-in" Y/n suggests as Hermione stood in front of her, the only thing separating them was the desk of the captain.
"You would like that, wouldn't you?" the former royal asks as she leaned down and restart her hands upon the wood.
"Certainly, I like to have my treasures close by me" Y/n whispers as she herself leaned closer, and like earlier in the night, they stared at one another intensely.
Hermione smirked and brushed her nose against hers in a teasing manner.
"You think of me as one of your treasures?" she replies in a hushed tone as she heard a soft shudder come from the sailor.
"Yes, I've caught myself a princess after all" Y/n mutters as Hermione pecked the corner of her mouth.
She was using her tricks.
"Did you? Or did I catch myself a Captain?"
Y/n's grin found a home on her lips once more for the night, before being wiped away with a kiss from Hermione.
The captain saw stars behind her eyes that were more beautiful than the ones in the sky.
The poor Captain tried to chase after another one as she backed away with a mischievous smile.
"As fun, as it is to fool around with you, we do have work to do" Hermione states as she walked towards her new desk, her hand squeezing Y/n's shoulder as she went by.
Hermione could feel eyes burning into the back of her head as she sat down and took a book from one of the piles.
"If you want more, you have to woo me, my Captain," she says as she whispers the last part in a sultry tone.
Even though her decision to betray her country was almost just for the fact to see the world, she also knew a part of her wanted to see how a flirty Captain would treat her during their months at sea.
She knew sooner or later she would allow herself to be taken into the Captain's arms and ravished behind closed doors.
Yet, she still wanted to be treated like a proper lady, and it was going to be fun to watch an urchin like Y/n try her best at it.
Hermione could only chuckle as she heard Y/n walk out to the deck and begin asking questions about dates to her crew, having left the door open slightly.
This is going to be fun.
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bonebabbles · 1 year
DOTC has the most frustrating incarnation of StarClan in any arc, ever. It's one thing when they're cryptic spirits who you can only see at the sacred Moonplace, or catch glimpses of in dreams, but they're showing up in full Princess Leia ass hologram form every month and STILL can't just be straightforward.
The culture doesn't evolve naturally, the characters aren't really making interesting choices based on the people they are, they just gather around to hear the Turtle Tail Broadcast and then react to the plot as it happens to them.
As frustrating as books 1 - 3 can be, at least they're based on group politics. At LEAST the characters are reacting to each other.
Digressing... they all have a dream by StarClan which tells them to go to Fourtrees again, where they all waffle about the dream and what "Spread And Grow" is supposed to mean. (because starclan is poofing the clans into existence now. forget books 1 - 3 where characters had agency.)
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Gray Wing: "We can't all live together because My Dearest Brother couldn't handle not having an armed militia to listen to his orders :( He has a sensitive condition where if he doesn't yell at a minority for 5 minutes he will die"
cop sky
Tall Shadow: "perhaps we should not structure our society around the emotional sensitivity of a dictator who invented borders."
Thunder: "both sides are equally bad"
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THIS is why I can't ever be upset with Tall Shadow, even after the Bumble Debacle. She will point out something completely true, or do something violent in response to Clear Sky being a snarling hog, and then get equally blamed for HIM escalating the situation into a fight.
It's not "squabbling" if she's pointing out the SOLE reason they were fighting was because of this evil dictator, and Gray Wing is wrong when he says, "living together has never worked." Clear Sky continues to be the problem, JUST like he was before, because he has not fundamentally changed.
But she's a woman and being mildly critical of the writer's pet, which means she gets lumped in with HIS emotional outburst.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 8 months
he loves me not || Fred Weasley
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Title: he loves me not Pairing: Fred x Reader Warnings: talking about periods/breast development. Fred is kind of a shit head.   Summary: my friends from home don’t know what to say A/N: here it is, the next part in the anthology!! Honestly i actually really love this one even though the structure of the storytelling changed as i wrote, i feel like this ended up just how i imagined it!
Fred is the last person she expected to be standing there when she walked into her favorite bar after the world’s longest day at work.
Y/N does a double take, her steps faltering as she watches him laugh. His head tips back, exposing a pale stretch of skin that she used to imagine pressing her lips to as she daydreamed about what her future might look like. Now it just makes her sick to think about. 
He notices her then, his hooded eyes opening wide as they stare at each other across the crowded room. His gaze keeps Y/N rooted to the ground, forcing the people coming in to step around her. Fred seems just as shocked to see her, and his friends start to nudge him, noticing the strange look on his face. 
Less than twenty feet separates Y/N from the person she used to know best in this world. The person she’d thought would always be by her side, who’d follow her no matter the path life steered them down. Her best friend in the entire world. 
Now they’re just two strangers, staring at each other in a bar. 
How the hell did they end up here?
Summertime always smells like freshly cut grass and the lemonade Mrs. Weasley seems to be constantly stirring up to refuel the brood of kids that flit in and out of her house all day - and there is no place in the world Y/N would rather be. 
She’s wading through the creek in the Weasley’s backyard, her brand new sneakers so thoroughly soaked and muddy she can practically hear the way her mum will yell when she gets home. But she doesn’t even care about the trouble she’s sure to be in, not when Fred is by her side, laughing wildly as they chase frogs and small fish through the shallow water. 
When the school year ended last month Y/N was afraid that this summer would be different than the others. Because when they started Year 8 in September she thought it would be like any other school year - but boy had she been wrong about that. 
It seemed overnight all of the girls in their year stopped looking at boys as friends and started to look at them as something more. Crushes is the word they’d used. In between lessons and during lunch girls would crowd around each other, watching the boys with rose tinted cheeks as they whispered about who they thought was cute and who would make the best boyfriend. 
Y/N sat with them more out of obligation than anything, since she’d much rather be goofing off with Fred and George and whatever other male classmates decided to join in their games. So instead of playing with her friends she’d sit there and nod along as they whispered about Fred’s eyes and George’s hair and Thomas’ smile, all while the only thing Y/N was thinking about was how things had changed. 
Year 8 also brought a lot of personal changes in Y/N’s life. 
Suddenly the elastic on the soft cotton training bras her Mum had purchased before Year 6 was digging into her sides hard enough to leave deep red marks on her skin, and at one point she could barely get them over her chest. She’d had to upgrade to an actual real bra before school even began, and by the Christmas holiday she’d already needed to change size twice. 
And that year Santa didn’t just bring her a few bras for her newly grown breasts, but it seems her period was packed away under the tree as well. What she thought was a stomach ache leading up to Christmas Day evidently turned out to be the arrival of her so called “womanhood” if the blood staining her Christmas PJs was any indication. 
She spent the week between Christmas and New Years carefully waddling around, afraid that too much movement would cause the pad stuck to her underwear to slip and she’d end up bleeding all over herself. 
When school started up again in January she no longer knew where she belonged. On one hand she still wanted to be out there with Fred, running amuck and causing trouble when the teacher wasn’t looking. But on the other hand she didn’t quite fit in with the girls in her class either - even if she agreed with Marci Joe that Fred is by far the cutest boy in their Year. 
So when school got out for the summer, Y/N had worried that things would be different. Worried that Fred would look at her like the other boys seem to now, that instead of seeing Y/N the girl they grew up playing with they’d see Y/N, the girl who’s boobs they like to stare at. (Even if deep down Y/N really did hope that Fred had noticed her boobs at least a little bit.)
And okay maybe things are a little different. 
Like how her cheeks heat up when Fred grabs her hand to help keep her balance as they jump from rock to rock through the creek. And how sometimes she can feel her tummy flip upside down when Fred laughs at something she’s said. And maybe, just maybe, her smile was a little bit too big and she felt a little too proud when Fred turned down Marci Jo’s invitation to the movies to grab some ice cream with Y/N instead. 
But none of that matters as long as Fred is still her very best friend. (Even if Y/N hopes in her little heart that someday he might be more than that too.)
Y/N’s head snaps up at the sound of his voice, and she prays the flush on her cheeks isn’t obvious as she slams her journal shut. She knows there’s no way Fred would be able to read what she’s writing from where he leans against the entrance to her room, but just the thought of him recognizing the scrawl of his name with little hearts doodled by it is embarrassing enough to have her shoving the book under her pillow for good measure. 
“What are you doing here?”
The smile that appears on his face causes a surge of butterflies to rock through Y/N’s stomach, and she practically holds her breath as he steps further into her room. 
“Is that any way to greet your best friend?” Fred teases. 
His easy going demeanor instantly soothes her nerves in a way that only Fred ever seems to be able to, and she rolls his eyes at him. 
“You know I didn’t mean it like that. Molly said you and George were spending the night at Thomas’ when I called earlier, I was just surprised to see you here, that’s all.”
Fred waggles his eyebrows at her as he takes a seat on the end of Y/N’s bed. “You called the house looking for me? Y/N I’m blushing.”
Y/N leans over to punch Fred on the arm, desperately trying to cover up the giddy feeling she gets from Fred being here in her room. 
Because of course Fred is her best friend in the entire world and he has been since they were four years old. But at some point in the last twelve years she’s started to look at Fred in a different way, and in the last few months she’s decided to stop lying to herself. 
Fred will always be her best friend, but she’s no longer afraid to admit that she wishes someday he’d be more than that too. 
She remembers thinking how it seemed like a switch flipped overnight when all the girls in their year stopped looking at boys as friends and started having crushes on them, and now it seems another switch has flipped and suddenly everyone now has boyfriends.
Well, everyone except Y/N.
And it’s not like boys haven’t been interested in her. There was Thomas and Lee, and even Danny in the Year above. Turns out once boys grow out of that immature phase where they call boobs flower buds and laugh as they jiggle awkwardly during gym class, they’ll do just about anything to sneak a peek at them. 
But when Thomas and Lee had asked, Y/N didn’t even hesitate when she shot them down - giving them both a generic excuse that they’d been friends for too long for her to see them any other way. She’d thought about saying yes to Danny, mainly because at sixteen she’s the only girl in her year who hasn’t been kissed outside of a round of truth or dare or spin the bottle. But then Fred had invited her over to watch a Star Wars marathon and by the time Y/N decided to circle back to the raincheck she’d asked Danny for, he was already dating a girl in his Year. 
And it’s not even as if she really wanted to date Danny. It just felt nice to have someone see her as more than just a friend. It felt nice to feel pretty and feminine. To be noticed. 
Even if she wasn’t noticed by the boy whose attention she really craves. 
“So you never answered my question,” Y/N starts after a few moments of silence. “What are you doing here?”
The wicked grin she gets as a response tells her everything she needs to know.
They’re at the party for an hour before Y/N loses Fred in the crowd. She’s feeling loose from the lukewarm beer and shots that tasted more like ethanol than vodka, and somewhere in the back of her mind she had the hope that tonight would be the night. 
Their night. 
Sober Y/N is not brave enough to take that next step to push them past the friendship stage, but drunk Y/N is ready, willing and eager to take one for the team. It doesn’t help that Fred had been so sweet and attentive since the moment they arrived at Thomas’. The party was already in full swing, and Fred had held her hand tight as they weaved through the crowd. Every drink she consumed had been given by Fred, each one handed off with a wink and a promise that he’d always take care of her. 
Like an idiot she’d let go of his hand, trying to shout over the music that she was going to run to the loo and Fred should wait right there. And to no one’s surprise when she finally found the spot where she left him twenty minutes later, Fred was nowhere to be found. She’d searched the ground floor and the first floor already, and as she stumbles down the stairs into the basement Y/N is sure she’ll find Fred hanging out on a couch ready with some stupid joke about how she finally found his hiding space. 
What she doesn’t expect to find is Fred sitting on a couch with Marci Jo, his arms around her waist as they attempt to suck each other’s faces off. She’s not sure if it’s the alcohol or the heartbreak that makes her stomach turn, but suddenly the only thought on her mind is getting the hell out of there as soon as possible. 
Turns out tonight was the night. Just not their night. 
Things haven’t been the same since the party. 
Fred had been everything to Y/N, and now she could barely stand to look at him. It wasn’t just that he’d broken her heart that night, it was that he completely changed after that night. It was no longer just Fred whenever they hung out, it was Fred and Marci Jo. She didn’t even know Fred gave a second thought about Marci Jo, and suddenly she was taking over every aspect of Fred’s life. 
Trips to the park, to get ice cream, movie nights at the Weasley’s - anything that Y/N and Fred used to do together now had to include Marci Jo. And Y/N wouldn’t mind her tagging along as much if they weren’t so absorbed in their own little bubble to notice her existence. Too many times she’d left their hangouts early, the two of them too busy making out or whispering to each other to even notice Y/N had gone home.
Losing Fred as a potential romantic partner had been sad, and she shed many tears over that lost possibility. But losing Fred as a best friend had been absolutely devastating. Fred had been the one constant in Y/N’s life, and suddenly without him there she had no idea what she was doing anymore. 
“Hey stranger.”
Y/N looks up from the fire, giving Fred a nod. “Fred.”
Today was their last day of college, and of course Thomas had to throw a huge party to celebrate. Y/N hadn’t even wanted to go, she’d planned on spending the night up in her room, writing until she finally felt exhausted enough to fall asleep. But this would probably be the last time all of them would be together, before University and adult life took over, and some yearning for the way things used to be coaxed her out of the house tonight. 
“That’s how you greet your best friend?” he teases, taking a seat next to Y/N on the bench. 
She laughs, but there’s no humor in it. “Okay, sure.”
They’re silent, both of them focused on the way the flames dance to avoid having to look at each other. It’s been a little over a year since they’ve been alone together, and Y/N feels a pang in her chest at how awkward it is to be sitting with Fred, when it used to be as natural as breathing.  
Fred is the one who breaks the silence. 
“I overheard my Mum talking with yours’ on the phone this morning. London, eh?”
Y/N shivers as he bumps their shoulders together. “Yeah. I leave for my summer program next week.”
“Wow, already?” he blows out a breath. “I can’t imagine this place without you, but I always knew if anyone could make it out of this shithole, it’d be you.”
“Oh fuck off,” she blurts out, shocking them both. Even with them drifting apart Y/N has never been anything but polite with Fred during their short interactions so the anger in her voice is a surprise. But she lets it build, too tired of pretending that she’s okay with what happened between them. 
“The only reason I ever thought about sticking around is you, you moron. You love this stupid shithole too much to ever even dream of doing something else with your life. And even though I never had the same dreams as you, my need to leave never outweighed my need to have you in my life. But now I can’t wait to get the hell out of here, and please don’t pretend that you’ll be shedding a tear over my absence.”
“Don’t do this,” Fred seethes, tearing his eyes away from the fire so he can look at the one brewing in Y/N’s eyes. “You’re the one who pulled away, don’t put this on me.”
“And you’re the one who kissed Marci Jo and blew everything up! My heart used to beat for you Fred Weasley, and everyone in this town knew it except, apparently, for you.” She stands up then, the yearning for nostalgia that brought her out tonight fading fast. “You prioritized getting your dick wet over our friendship, so do not blame me for pulling away. Have a nice life, Fred.”
Y/N ignores his calls of her name as she storms away, letting everything she’s lost go with every step away she takes.
Her editor told her not to do it. So did her agent. And her Mother. 
But as she stands in the middle of a busy bookstore, seeing her debut novel sitting on a shelf for the very first time, Y/N does not feel an ounce of regret as she takes a copy into her hand and flips to the dedication page.
Fuck you, Fred Weasley - you know what you did.
Y/N can tell the moment Fred decides he’s going to approach her. Even though it’s been years since they last spoke she can still read him like a book, and his thoughts are written across his face in the look he’s giving her.
Watching him take a step towards her breaks Y/N of whatever trance she’d been in, giving her the forethought to step out of the entryway and over to the wall. Whatever conversation she and Fred are about to have shouldn’t be taking place as people shove past them to enter or exit the pub. 
The smile on Fred’s face as he approaches is cautious, and Y/N silently wishes she’d at least had the chance to grab a drink before this confrontation. She has a feeling she’ll need it. 
“Hey stranger,” Fred greets, knuckles white from how hard he grips the bottle in his hand.
Y/N nods in greeting. “Fred.”
“That how you greet all of your best friends that you haven’t seen in a while?” he attempts to joke, a fleeting smile on his lips. When Y/N does nothing in response but quirk an eyebrow, he lets out a nervous chuckle. “What?”
“Nothing,” she says, shaking her head. “Just not sure I’d describe us as best friends.”
“Really?” Fred asks, but the tone in his voice suggests he’s anything but surprised at her rejection. 
Yes really, Y/N wants to spit back. There’s an anger bubbling in her stomach, a feeling she hasn’t felt in the longest time. A feeling she thought she’d gotten over in the years it’s been since she left her hometown and all of the people in it behind. But it roars back to life, so full of life that she thinks it may have never been dormant. 
She stopped thinking of Fred Weasley as her best friend a long time ago. 
“Guess I deserve that,” Fred admits after a moment of silence. “And I’m not really that surprised considering you dedicated your first book to telling me to fuck off in front of the entire world.”
Y/N snorts a laugh. “Yeah, well. You deserved that too.”
They both just stand there in silence, and while Y/N feels nothing she can tell Fred feels awkward. His jaw twitches, a telltale sign that he’s trying to figure out what to say next. She lets him struggle for another minute before giving him a brief nod. 
“Well then. It was,” she hesitates, not wanting to say that it was good to see him again. Because it wasn’t. Y/N could have gone the rest of her life, fully content with never seeing or hearing from Fred Weasley again. “Have a good rest of your night.”
Fred’s mouth opens as if he’s going to say something else, but after it hangs there for a few beats he snaps it shut again. With another curt nod Y/N joins the stream of people heading towards the bar, finding that walking away from Fred Weasley the second time is just as easy as it was the first time. 
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yellowkitkieran · 1 year
Surprise (Martin Ødegaard)
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Word Count: 700
Genre: fluff
Summary: Requested by anonymous. You and Martin both play for Arsenal teams, and you make the most of the little moments where you can.
Being a professional footballer has plenty of perks. For one, you have unbreakable friendships with more than a dozen women. Another is that you get to do what you love every day and get paid handsomely for it to boot. Little girls across the country tell you that you're their role model, which is perhaps your favorite perk of all. 
Up until recently, the worst part about your life has been living away from your boyfriend, Martin. Now that you've signed with the Arsenal women's team, you bump into each other from time to time and it makes it much easier. 
Today, you've checked the schedule ahead of time. You know the men's team will have the grounds after you finish up in an hour, and you've got a plot cooked up to scare the daylights out of your boyfriend. Martin takes his job as captain very seriously, and you know he likes to show up early and help get the field set up before the rest of the team arrives. So once you've finished your training and have showered up, you decline your teammate's offer of catching a ride home in favor of hiding in a ball cart. 
Your temporary home is cramped and dark, but you only have to wait a few minutes to be rewarded with the sound of Martin's voice. 
"...thanks mate, I've got it!" The cart moves and you clamp you hand over your mouth when Martin swears. "Faen- this is heavy today innit! Hey James! Good to see you again yeah! How's the kids?" 
You roll your eyes at how adorable Martin is. Honestly he's the most endearing man you've met. How many footballers remember the names of the entire staff, let alone their family structures? You'd bet you can count them on one hand, but Martin is certainly the best at it. 
Muscles cramping, you bide your time until Martin laughs and the cart begins to move again. The next time it stops, bits of sunlight peek through the holes in the cart and you're sure you're pitchside. The lid is pulled back and you smile to yourself, waiting until a shadow passes over the top to jump up and let out a wordless yell. 
"Ah- fucking hell!" Martin jumps back, his eyes wide as he stumbles. You're fully aware of a few team members staring, some laughing along with you as you clutch your stomach with the force of it. "Elskling? Oh my god- you scared me! What are you doing in the ball bin?!"
"Scaring you, duh! Clearly it worked!" You wipe at your eyes before climbing out, the remnants of your laughter continuing to shake your chest. "You should've seen your face- oh it was hilarious. I should've had a camera on!" 
Martin's cheeks are red and he shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. "Right, well- you got me! I had no idea… I mean I did think it was awfully hard to move that cart but I never thought someone would be hiding in it! You're lucky I love you, you know!"
You shake your head and wrap your arms around his waist. This close, you can feel his heart hammering against his ribs, letting you know how surprised he'd been. You peck his lips and hear a camera click off to the side, grinning to yourself. 
"Ah, I guess maybe I caught you on camera after all. I'd expect that to be posted on all the socials in an hour or so." 
Martin groans, head tipped back with a rueful smile, "you're out to embarrass me, aren't you?"
"Mmmm, maybe." You tap your chin thoughtfully, "or maybe I'm just creating plots to kiss you as often as I can."
"Well in that case…" Martin firmly holds your hips and dips you backwards, giving you a deeper kiss whilst his teammates begin to file out. They hoot and holler, shouting encouragements at their captain. The while thing makes your cheeks burn, as does the sparkle in Martin's eyes when he pulls away, "I'd say keep it up elskling, because your plot is working."
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thatbigbisexual29 · 11 months
Play with us, Papa Rei! (Buddy Daddies)
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HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM ALL OF US TO YOU! WE WISH IT WAS OUR BIRTHDAY TO WE CAN PARTY TOO HEY! Ayooooo happy birthday to my dearest and bestest friend on this site, @giggly-squiggily !!!!!!!! Gonna be honest, I had this one saved and unfinished in my drafts and thought "She would love this!" so HERE WE ARE!!!!! Like I said in a message before, I'm super glad to have you as a friend! I truly appreciate you and your friendship, you've even inspired me to post some of my own fics! (Which was not as scary as I thought it would be XD Sorry this is a bit late, but I hope you enjoy it! This one is for you :3 And again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
The days when Miri was home from school were probably the most eventful days Rei’s ever experienced in his life. She was such a wild bundle of energy that he could barely keep up sometimes. Thank god Kazuki was there to help out. Even though he barely acknowledged it or said anything, he genuinely loved and appreciated the help the older man gave. And now was no different. She asked, no, demanded that the two build her a massive pillow fort to her liking. And since they couldn’t say no to her cute face, they got to work. Soon enough, all the couch cushions, pillows, and blankets in the house had been used to make a, quite honestly, impressive pillow fort in their living room. And Miri was so overjoyed.
“Thank you Papa Rei! Thank you Papa Kazuki!” she squealed, diving into the opening. Kazuki momentarily panicked as she jumped in with no caution for the structure of the fort! But, he soon relaxed as he saw their girl laughing happily.
“Papas! You need to come in here!” she claimed, grabbing Kazuki by the wrist and pulling him in, giggling loudly at his grunt of surprise. He chuckled and cuddled close to her, making her laugh even more.
“Thank you for your hospitality, Lady Miri! I was afraid I would go cold and hungry this night, but you have saved me! How can I ever repay you??” The blonde man played up, relishing in his daughter’s squeals. Rei lifted up the blanket entrance and watched them, the slightest smile on his lips. He was proud of this. It wasn’t a shabby job, at least not to him, and Rei knew he was going to be invited in by both Miri and Kazuki. As comfy as the inside looked, it would probably heat up real quick. Not to mention he was wearing a long sleeved shirt. So he dropped the blanket curtain and attempted to make his leave.
“Papa Rei, wait!” Miri cried, poking her head from the fort. Rei sighed. Busted. “You need to play with Papa Kazuki and me in the fort! Pleeeeeeeeease???”
“Yeah, pleeeeeeeeease Papa Rei?~” Kazuki also poked his head from the blanket, smirking and egging the former assassin on. With a quiet groan, Rei obeyed their orders and crawled into the space with cheers from the two invitees.
“So! What are we gonna do now, Miri?” Kazuki asked, a big grin on his face. With a starry-eyed look, she ran out the fort yelling behind her, “Let me get my things!” Rei glared at Kazuki, mentally cursing him out for the fate the younger man just exposed them to. The little girl rushed back with an armful of bright hair clips that immediately made the men cringe.
“Let me do your hair Papas!” she asked loudly. And it was less of an ask and phrased more like ‘I’m going to do your hair whether you like it or not.’ Kazuki, of course, didn’t mind. Rei was against this idea entirely. But, like always, he couldn’t say no. Kazuki was first and mixed in with sitting still for Miri to finish his hair, he also had to keep Rei from escaping constantly. After Miri was done making Kazuki a “pretty lady” (Rei chuckled at that), it was Rei’s turn to have all the attention on him. Miri held up a bunch of sparkly bows that she could put in Rei’s hair. The man sat still for several moments as he took in the sight of the bows… then he raced for the exit.
“Wh- REI GET BACK HERE!!!” Kazuki exclaimed, grabbing the former assassin around the waist and falling to the floor with him. “If I have to put silly bows in my hair, then you do too!”
“Never!” Rei shouted as he reached for the door, so close to the outside! Then, Rei felt a poke to his armpit that made him shoot his arm down with a squeak. He turned to look at Miri, who poured angrily yet adorably at the man.
“Papa Rei!” she fussed. “You promised you would play with us! Good daddies don’t make bad promises!”
Kazuki grinned immediately while Rei furrowed his brows with guilt. She was right. He had promised. But then again, that was when he had gotten home from a long day and was half asleep. It technically didn’t count! But he couldn’t let her down… it’s decided then. He will play with his family! … That doesn’t mean he won’t be hard to get though!
“If you tell Papa Kazuki to let me go…” he looked at Miri with a mischievous half-grin. “I’ll tell you where he hides his chocolate pudding!”
Miri gasped excitedly while Kazuki made sounds of betrayal.
“Rei!!! You can’t just do that to me! And Miri! Don’t even think of switching sides! We’re putting bows in his hair whether he likes it or not!” Kazuki declared as he now wrapped his arms around Rei’s chest to keep him in place.
“But Papa Kazukiiiii! I want chocolate pudding!” Miri whined. Rei struggled in Kazuki’s grip, he was stronger than he remembered, as he kept his grin. The pair knew she would start helping Rei as soon as she could. To get her back on track, Kazuki reached out one hand and quickly scribbled his fingers against her belly. Miri squealed with laughter and backed away, holding her tummy as she giggled.
“This is no time for chocolate pudding, Miri! We have to-” Kazuki paused. An idea formed in his head. Rei acted as if he’d read Kazuki’s mind because they made eye contact and the former assassin shook his head feverishly.
“Kazuki, no!” Rei said in a hushed panic. Kazuki only grinned evilly.
“Kazuki yes!! Miri, help tickle Papa Rei!” Kazuki quickly sat on Rei’s thighs as he forced his arms above his head. Huh, he was faster than Rei remembered too.
“Will I get-?” Miri began before Kazuki shouted, “YES you’ll get chocolate pudding!”
“Weeeeee!” Miri squealed as she ran over. Kazuki already started on scratching over Rei’s ribs, giggling at how Rei immediately squeaked at the touch. The former assassin pursed his lips together and puffed out his cheeks in an effort to keep the laughter in. Miri, who began repeatedly poking his side, laughed at his funny face.
“Hahaha! Papa Rei’s making a pooping face!” Miri exclaimed. Kazuki immediately started laughing at her declaration, as he found it hysterically accurate. And with the combination of Miri’s joke, their combined laughter, and the hands tickling over his ribs and sides, tipped the scales a lot quicker than anyone anticipated. Rei started giggling and quietly laughing with his family.
“Aha!” Kazuki barked as he caught these adorable sounds. “Hear that, Miri? He’s laughing! We’re one step closer to getting him to surrender!”
Miri squealed happily and began to use both her hands to poke Rei’s sides, all the while she chanted the words ‘chocolate pudding’ over and over again. Rei shook his head back and forth with glee, smiling wide and freely as Kazuki turned his hand into a claw and vibrated them in between his ribs.
“Khehehehehehe! Ahahahahahahahaaaa! Sttthhahahahahahahap! Get off mehehehehehehe! M-Mirihihihihihi, quihihihihihihit it! Kahahazukihihi, knock it ohohohohoff!” Rei wheezed with laughter as he addressed the man above him and the girl beside him. He rocked his torso back and forth as the two continued to tickle the former assassin silly.
“Papa Kazuki! Let’s get his tummy!” Miri said. Kazuki gasped with delight as Rei groaned in despair.
“That’s a great idea Miri!” Kazuki said as he shoved Rei’s shirt up to his neck. Rei continued to shake his head no, but his smile didn’t leave his face at all. “Alright, Miri! Should we do raspberries or nibbles?”
Rei’s eyes shot wide open at the question and he tried to sit up and pull his hands away. Miri placed her finger to her chin and pondered, humming in thought. Rei tried hard to yank his wrists from Kazuki’s hand, but that bastard just kept him still using his other hand! Rei growled at him and Kazuki stuck out his tongue.
“Raspberries!” was Miri’s decision.
“Raspberries it is then! You ready, Rei?~” Kazuki cooed at his partner, wiggling his eyebrows at the younger man. Rei attempted to scowl at the blonde, but his wavering smile would not leave his features. Then he jerked and barked out a laugh as Miri blew a raspberry on the former assassin’s side. Miri giggled hysterically at his reaction.
“That’s not funny Miri!” Rei fussed, blushing like no one’s business. Kazuki and Miri began laughing again.
“Of course it is, Rei!” Kazuki exclaimed. He was next to dip his head down to Rei’s smooth belly and blow a torturous raspberry.
“GAHAHAHAHAHA! Ohohokay- ohokay. Thahat’s enough. That’s enoHOHAHAHAHAHAF! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOOO! Ehehehehehehehehehe! C-C’mohohon! Youhu guys!” Rei tried to argue, but he was interrupted by the two taking turns and blowing raspberries until his wheezy laughter turned silent.
After one final raspberry from Kazuki, the blonde man let go of the former assassin and scooped Miri in his lap so they could give him a break. The younger man immediately curled up after being let go and panted, still giggly after the whole ordeal. Miri covered her mouth and giggled with him while Kazuki took in the sights and sounds fondly.
“So,” he started, “you gonna actually play with us now?”
Rei peeked his eye open and looked at the two, noticing how big Miri’s eyes were, hopeful that he’d say yes. Rei just chuckled and pat her head.
“Yeah, I’ll play.”
“YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!” Miri squealed at the top of her lungs. She wiggled out of Kazuki’s grip and jumped onto Rei’s arm, flopping over him and laughing while he grunted. The older man growled in a playful manner and caught the little girl in his arms.
“I’m gonna eat you!” he exclaimed as he nuzzled his face into her ear, lightly nibbling it and making the girl squeal and laugh like no tomorrow. Kazuki  leaned his head on his knee and watched on lovingly, thinking that his life couldn’t get better than this. In truth, it could, especially when he saw their reactions to pulling out three cups of chocolate pudding.
Happy Birthday, Rei, he thought.
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astrronomemes · 2 years
a collection of quotes and quips from popular internet posts. change & alter as needed.
“Actually, all of my systems are nervous.”
“As a kid, if I misbehaved, my dad would come into my room and shoot me in my head with a real gun, killing me. It made me a stronger person.”
“If I was stuck in a timeloop, I’d desperately explain my situation to you every single reset.”
“Be the surreal nonsense you wish to see in the world.”
“Before anyone asks, yes, I did ruin everything with my hubris.”
“Call me biodegradable, because I break down really easily.”
“Dads will see their kids and be like, is anyone going to emotionally damage that? and not wait for an answer.”
“Don’t mind if I don’t.”
“Due to personal reasons, I will be named an enemy of the state.”
“An extreme sport: maintaining your opinion after somebody disagrees with it.”
“God knew I would be too powerful if I could do math.”
“Gonna start referring to all my past traumatic experiences as ‘lore’.”
“Have some compassion! And eat a mango! That’s it!”
“Herbs and spices in the house tonight... everybody just have a good thyme...”
“I find a guy attractive. Do I stab him?”
“I hate this place. I want to go to Build-A-Bear.”
“I have been having a weird fucking time.”
“I hope I give off the vibe to all animals that I am their ally and friend.”
“I think I’m doing quite well for someone who’s internally breaking down every second of every day.”
“I think my dark undereye circles are adding to the aesthetic, actually.”
“I think the easiest way to feel “wanted” is to simply rob a bank.”
“I wonder what I could do if I didn’t structure my entire life around avoiding getting yelled at.”
“If you find me while we’re playing hide and seek, I’ll fucking kill you.”
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I wonder what I'd be able to do if I didn't structure my entire life around avoiding getting yelled at
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birrdies · 2 years
4 or 30 for the angst prompts perhaps?? >:D
4. “Stay… Please stay.” + ethdubs
The fence is cold against Etho’s back. It seeps through his clothes and chills him more than the snowy night ever could. Most nights at the snow castle are cold, turning his breath to steam, but this is a whole other beast entirely. It permeates his bones, his skin. 
Perhaps the body curled up opposite him would have provided warmth once, inside the cobblestone structure where they’d be spared of some of the night’s frigid air. 
He’s used to the cold, to numb and pink fingers. But this is far worse— the fence splitting far more than just the castle grounds in half. Arbitrary lines, they are, but with the power to cut him deep, where he didn’t know it could hurt. 
“We can still fix this.” Bdubs still sounds like himself. Because he still is himself, Etho’s thoughts whisper in disbelief. But he knows it isn’t the full truth. Something changes in you when you bear a red name; Etho isn’t foolish enough to think otherwise. No matter what Bdubs says. 
No matter how much he begs. 
“We can’t,” Etho says, distant and cold just as the night is. He curls his knees close to his chest, so as to preserve the slightest bit of warmth. He could just go inside and find warmth there. But he can’t bring himself to move. Not yet. 
There’s a shift on the other side of the fence. Bdubs rattles the fence, not brave enough to reach through but desperate enough to try. Etho doesn’t turn around— he can’t. 
“And why not?” Bdubs croaks. There’s a challenge to his voice, just as there always is. “Is it because I tried to kill you? I already apologized for that.” 
“And I’ve already forgiven you,” Etho says, yet another fact. He stares at the soul soil beneath his feet. Yet another unkept promise. It seems this castle is riddled with those. “You were trying to fix things… in your own way.” 
“Then what’s your problem?” The bite is back in Bdubs’ voice, the same kind of fierce desperation as a hungry animal. “We can be together again. It’ll be easy!”
Etho turns his head to look at the expanse of the fencing, running a straight line through the belly of the castle. It feels damn near infinite in the darkness. “You tried things your way. This is my way.” 
“What, this stupid fence?” Bdubs scoffs. “Just like those god-awful stairs were you doing things your way?” 
Etho’s smile is a small and private one, hidden by the mask and reserved for himself and the cold night alone. “I can’t join you on red, Bdubs. I just can’t. You should be glad I didn’t just kick you out.”
“I would’ve killed you if you tried,” Bdubs says. 
“So you see why I’ve had to do this.” Etho reaches over his shoulder to run his fingers over the cold, frosty wood. 
“…You could always give me a life.”
It is the easy option, isn’t it? It should be. But Etho knows he won’t be able to. For he’s nothing if not a selfish man, and the pain of splitting what meager life he’s built at the seams with wooden fencing is a far easier price to pay. Etho’s always been alone. He’ll get used to it again. But he won’t always have three lives. 
Etho stands and starts to make his leave. He can’t bear the sounds of Bdubs’ breathing behind him, can’t handle the guilt gnawing at him from the inside like a parasite. If he stays any longer he might just give into them— into Bdubs.
“Etho, wait,” Bdubs says. “Hold on just a minute. We— We can still sort things out. I didn’t kill you when I was the boogeyman! Does that not count for anything?” 
“It’s cold, Bdubs,” is all Etho says as he continues along the fence, back towards his part of the house. The snow crunches like fractured glass beneath his feet. 
“Etho! Hey!” Bdubs yells it this time, his voice carrying through the courtyard. “Just— Stay. Please, stay, just for the night. I just want tonight.” 
Etho stops mid-stride. He’s never known Bdubs to be a man to beg. He takes and he demands and he’s brazen about it in a way that no one else is. And for the first time in the hours they’ve been sitting out in the cold, Etho turns around. Because he’s only a man, and every man has a weakness. No matter how blind he pretends to be. 
Bdubs stands next to him, across the fence, his hands red from the cold as he grip the wood until his knuckles turn white. His eyes are wide, catching the moon’s foggy glow in them. In this light, Etho can almost forget they’re red. He can forget the knife in Bdubs’ hands, angled right at his throat. He can forget the threats and the debts and the curses.
It can be just them, tired and shivering beneath the stars, but together at least. Or, as together as they can be with the fence between them. 
It’d be easy to say no. But it’s even easier to cave in. Just for tonight. Etho nods; he doesn’t trust himself to say the words aloud. Nor does he want to hear them— to hear the way he betrays himself. Tomorrow, when the sun comes up and chases away the lingering cold, they can return to this: their snow castle split in two.
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lovingdilfs · 2 years
The girl of my best friend pt.1
Description: 1958 you moved to Memphis because of your dads work. School was the greatest thing not before meeting Jack. You and Jack became inseparable and even feel in love but that changes when Elvis comes back to town. (Based on the song The girl of my best friend)
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: angst, sex, alcohol and cursing
A/N: I just wanted to say thank you for all the likes on my last post, really appreciate it 🫶🏼
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The summer of 1958 had made a dramatic change in your life, your father moved the entire family out to Memphis, because of his work. You were still pissed at his discussion because it meant you had to start all over with the social part at your new high school, but thankfully there was only two years left before you graduated. The social part didn't really come as easy has you had hoped. You were alone most of the time, only time you spoke to someone was when they asked to borrow a pencil or what the time was. You didn't really fit into the school, your style didn't really helped you either, always polish white shoes, fresh ironed dress and your hair always sat in place.  You were a walking example of the upper class and you were embarrassed about it, but you couldn't help it.
Weeks had went by slowly, and everyday felt like hell walking into school. You were ready to drop out, if you could and moved to another school, but you kept reminding yourself that in two years you would be able to get out of this town and travel around the world - it was the only thing that kept you going.
You had opened more and more up and felt more relaxed in school, you had been talking to a "lot" more people. Jack, his name was Jack. The first encounter with him, was in the hallway were he ran into you because he was late to physics, causing you to drop all your books on the floor.
"I'm so sorry miss, I will help you" he said kneeling down to the floor, collecting all your books.
"No, it's fine" you said while bending down and holding his wrist.
"You sure?" He looked at you, he had the cutest puppy eyes, beautiful brown hair and a perfect bone structure in his face.
You were breathless of the sight of him. "Y-yes, I see you're busy" you chuckled at your own words. He smirked at you, pushing himself onto his feet again.
“Thank you, I owe you one" he yelled while running down the hallway. His words left a smile on your lips.
And ever since your little meeting, you two had been hanging out at school and one time he invited you out on a "friendship date" as he called it.
"You, me and how to Mary a millionaire, tomorrow at 19'o'clock... deal"  he said with excitement in his voice.
"Deal" you replied to his invitation.
"Great I'll pick you up at your house" he said while walking away while giving you a thumbs up.
"Wait Jack, you don't even know where I live" you yelled after him.
"I'll find it, doncha worry" he talked back.
Oh this guy!
Everything was great about Jack, he had becoming a closer and closer friend, you two were inseparable. Everywhere he went, you were there and opposite. But things became a mess when he kissed you, it changed your friendship and the way you saw each other. You loved Jack but in the friendly way, but the friendly way quickly turned into a more intimate relationship.
You still remember the turn over, it happened at a party. You had been drinking a bit to much, to calm you own nerves.
Everything was going great, until the clock hit midnight and you had been taken way too many shots.
It wasn't your intention to do what you did, but jack was there and everything happens so quickly and...
One year quickly went by with the flash of a blink, You wouldn't believe yourself if you said to yourself one year from now that you would be sitting at your boyfriends graduation.  
You still had one year left of high school, but you knew it would be over before you knew it. Summer break was just starting and things were going smoothly, you had been making friends, a great payed job at a diner and even gotten a boyfriend how much could you possibly wish for...
"Baby I got someone you have to meet" jack was almost out of breath, of saying hi to all of his family members that were attending at his graduation party.
"Huh, what Who-" the sight of the beautiful young man standing in front of you had you breathless, you felt like you had seen the young man before.
"Hello miss" the sight of you had his eyes widened, he held out a hand to you.
"Oh gosh, hello... you-" you shook his hand and he cut you off before you could end your sentence.
"Y/N right, I feel like I have seen you before..." his eyes was locked on to you. You felt a red flush take over your cheeks, his deep blue eyes burning into your mind. His cologne waved over your face like a heat wave slapping your face.
Then you remember...
One night you had to close the diner alone, when this tall handsome man came walking in, 10 minutes before closing.
"I'm sorry, are ya closed" his thick southern accent, played a melody in your ears. You turned around to answer him, his face inches away from you. You moved away to breath fresh air and not his strong manly cologne.
"I'm closing in 10 minutes" you said, your heart were pumping fast, almost scared that he could hear the sound of it.
"Okay great, can ya bring me miss. Thompson? She knows what to get me" He said, while seating himself at the barstools.
You dried the counter off, "I'm sorry sir, I'm the only one here" you siad while looking at him.
"Really? Are ya new honey?" He asked with a frown look.
"I have been here since may"
"Ohh, I see. Whatcha name doll?" He stood to his feet, while admiring your body.
"Y/N" you said slowly.
"Well Y/N you tell miss Thompson, I'm in town okay" he walked slowly up to you, making sure he looked at every inch of you body.
You just nodded at his words. He took one last look at you, before backing off and leaving. Before you even could get his name he was already driven off.
And this was the last time you saw until the graduation party.
"Me? No I don't think so" you answer with a bit of sarcasm in your voice not to make it awkward.
"Oh sorry for manners, my name is Elvis" he looked at you like it with spark a light in your eyes, but nothing. 
"Well nice to meet you Elvis, how long have you two known each other" you kept trying make a conversation not to make any awkward silence now that Jack had left you two alone.
"Oh Jack and me go way back, he's like a little brother to me" Elvis said while shifting his attention to Jack.
"Really... he has never really talked about you" you said with questioning voice.
"It's long story but I left for Germany 2 years ago to be in the army, Jack was pissed at me for leaving him behind but I couldn't stay" Elvis explained while trying to lock eyes with you.
"Oh so that's why you're back in to-" you cut yourself off before ending your sentence, you hoped he didn't hear it, but of course he did.
He faced the party again and before leaving you he smirked at you
"So you do remember me" he whispered in to your ear and walked off.
You were left stiffened as his warm breath, sending shivers down your spine.
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