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moor-mother · 2 years ago
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Multigrain Struan Bread
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perrydoane · 9 months ago
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struan teague
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asgoodeasgold · 3 months ago
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Shadow of Night Read Along 2024 Ch24
Matthew Goode's neck
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"‘Perhaps I can be of some use,’ Matthew said. ‘You, Master Roydon?’ ‘If you would permit me to take this book, I could try to have it put back where it belongs – and have your book restored to its rightful owner.’ Matthew pulled the manuscript toward him. ‘I would be forever in your debt, sir,’ Dee said, agreeing to the deal without further negotiation. The minute we pulled away from the public landing in Mortlake, I started peppering Matthew with questions. ‘What are you thinking, Matthew? You can’t just pack up the Voynich manuscript and send it to Rudolf with a note accusing him of double-dealing. You’ll have to find someone crazy enough to risk his life by breaking into Rudolf’s library and stealing Ashmole 782.’"
Matthew makes a reckless promise to Dr Dee and Diana calls him out. Yes Matthew is crazy enough to try and steal a book from the emperor of Bohemia. Hair-brained schemes are a specialty.
Ok, so that's the plot out of the way. Can we talk Matthew Goode's neck 🔥. Or rather stare!
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📷 Sky/Bad Wolf A Discovery of Witches (2021) s2:03 my edits
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thealdersgateoffice · 2 months ago
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Catherine Standish in every episode of Slow Horses
1.02 Work Drinks 🐌🐎
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agentgreenbean · 1 year ago
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slow horses as textposts part 3/?
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lovetgr76 · 6 months ago
Catherine & Jackson
They’re not a couple, but they kind of are… here’s how… or why… maybe… Starting from S1e1 - written for a friend to show how this show is NOT about Catherine and Jackson... but also, it's TOTALLY about Catherine and Jackson! lol - feel free to chime in with thoughts, feelings, etc.
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S1e1 Failure is Contagious
First time we see Jackson, he’s waking up, it’s a mess, he’s coughing and smoking at the same time, he looks outside, gloomy, raining, but wait… his eyes are caught by something, and he follows …
Catherine is seen crossing the street, in her boots and coat and purse strapped across her chest, with the floral print umbrella.
Standish, make her way up the street, clocks Moody at the bus stop, makes her way up the 4 floors at Aldersgate and is unseen/ignored by all of the other Slow Horses.  She gets to her office, turns on the light, puts away her things and 3 seconds later…. “STANDISH!” lol – she’s been noticed!
She is seen making her way to his office with a stack of folders but stands at the doorway to his office and doesn’t speak until she is spoken to –
Are they all in? – Lamb; All except River and Sid – Standish; Last one in can clean my lav - Lamb
*banging happens as someone is opening the door downstairs*
Standish and Lamb look disappointed in the slow horses in general for a moment.
I thought spooks were supposed to be stealthy – Lamb
Catherine grants him a tiny smile as she turns to go back towards her office.
Other Slow Horses comments and interactions w/ Standish
River – makes the “a reason not to blow my brains out!” comment
Struan – that Catherine is a tough nut to crack
Min – She never lightens up. Lamb’s lackey.
Louisa – talks about … what happened before (aka Partner)
Sid arrives with the laptop – aka SOMETHING happens at Slough House and …
“STANDISH! Flash Box!” – Lamb
Standish brings the Flash Box, stands silently, assists in getting it open…
“I’ve got a call to make, so if the pair of you wouldn’t mind, you know, fucking off” – Lamb
To Standish – Get me Lady Di.
Jackson is sleeping (or is he?) with his feet on the desk & Catherine (with coat and scarf on, as if ready to leave for the day) comes in to put a stack of folders on his desk.
She moves another folder to make room for the stack, putting them carefully on the edge of his desk.
Lamb kicks them over, on purpose, without reason… other than his… amusement? Into the trash can next to his desk and onto the floor as he leans back and sighs while watching her
What did your last servant die of? – Standish
Interesting that she calls herself servant, instead of secretary or personal assistant.
She immediately kneels to pick up the folders.
What did your last boss die of? – Lamb
He puts his feet back on the floor and reaches into a drawer to pull out TWO glasses and a bottle.
Because Standish is kneeling, this is at eye level for her and she hears the clinking of glass, trying to keep her head down.
She clearly sees Lamb pulling out TWO glasses, while gathering the folders in her arms, but is seen looking up at him, and then back down to the floor, then at the glasses being filled… as the moody music starts to play – this is dangerous territory, even if we don’t know it yet.
Standish puts the stack back on the corner of his desk and stands up while staring at the two glasses… she glances at Lamb, but goes back to staring at the booze. Dark music continues to suggest the seriousness of the moment.
Standish standing straight is seen as trying to calm her own desires as we see her shoulders go from tense and tight to her seemingly sighing and becoming resolved… as Lamb moves a glass of whiskey directly in front of her, taking a deep breath himself, in direct contrast to her own breathing.
Wanted to add that this particular moment has been brought up to the actors in interviews where Gary Oldman was asked WHY Lamb would offer Standish a drink knowing she’s an alcoholic.  Oldman stated that he sincerely believed Lamb was a bit jealous of her, her ability to say no, her resolve.  He, Lamb, would not or could not say no to whiskey and he admires / appreciates that she won’t… no matter how he tries to needle her – to anger her – to provoke her – and then to offer her – her preferred poison… his preferred poison!
Standish glares at him for a moment shaking her head “NO”… she will NOT drink today, and walks off as he’s already finishing his own drink.
Lamb finishes his drink in one gulp as Standish walks out and he’s left alone looking down at her offered drink, gulping that one down as well.
Next time we see Standish, she’s at her AA meeting.  She is not speaking, just listening, but we see her struggling a bit emotionally.  She is remembering finding Charles Partner’s, her ex-boss…
She is seen with flowers, she’s younger (hair color is darker?!) – she’s got makeup on – she wears no makeup now – her skirts are a bit shorter, her neckline a bit lower – she’s smiling and looks beautiful as she calls out for Charles. She finds him, though, we only see clues – he’s got Opera music playing, he’s in the bath, there’s blood dripping outside of the bath, and she sees him, she gasps and covers her mouth in shock. Music is intense and dramatic, this is traumatic.
Catherine is called out in her AA meeting, asked if she wants to speak. 
My name is Catherine and I’m an alcoholic. I’ll just listen tonight. – Standish.
Slow Horses are gathered in Roddy’s office watching the latest news about the hostage situation when Lamb is seen walking in from the stairs. Lamb says explaining the situation to them is like explaining Norway to a dog, and demands that they all go back to shuffling papers.
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swdefcult · 4 months ago
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sconesfortea · 2 years ago
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Countdown to the 60th anniversary rewatch | 3.03: Gridlock
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pairs-studio · 6 months ago
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pagan-stitches · 5 months ago
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I hope everyone who celebrated had a wonderful Michaelmas!
This year’s Struan Micheil (St. Michael’s) cake in honor of my Scottish ancestors. Click on the link for recipe and information about the folklore. I usually serve it with blackberries and cream but was fresh out this year so sweetened it with a little maple syrup. I also came across a recipe that added some caraway seeds and as a big fan of seed cake, I had to try it! Yum!
Note: it turned out dark but did not taste burnt.
@graveyarddirt you were asking if I made it this year? 😉
@labradorduck you were asking about Michaelmas celebrations? Mine is mostly cooking, feasting and some years weaving corn dollies.
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perrydoane · 9 months ago
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struan teague
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ethicaltreatmentofcowplants · 3 months ago
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And with a high friendship but only 12 points in romance, Jayla is the lucky sim. She’ll be heading offsite for a date.
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The group arrived last night to meet the household’s newest addition: Jon Bon Pony. They won’t be training him as such - merely taking care of him and helping him get accustomed to sims.
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In spite of Cassie’s best efforts, I think we’ve now lost Struan. 
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As Mister prepares breakfast, we say hi to our new wall feature: eliminated contestants. With Lee having scarpered off before Lilac could capture his likeness, she works on a piece that encapsulates her feelings towards him instead.
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After his first night in a new place, Jon Bon Pony is a little scared, but is soon consoled by Struan. Indeed, I’ve yet to see him look at any woman the way he gazes adoringly at that horse. Let’s see if Lilac can sway his attention during their solo date later.
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Also I’m sorry that the tv premiere was so awful for you, Jon Bon Pony. But perhaps you're a shade too young for Game of Llamas?
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Between Jon Bon Pony, Baarry White and a shirtless Mister, there’s so much going on in this picture. But along with a good dose of calcium, Tiago knows the best way to start a day is through memes.
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And oh hey, he’s a CHEERFUL sim now. Good for you, buddy.
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Lilac discusses art with Jayla, and for some reason it costs them friendship points?
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Someone not waiting for Struan to get his head back in the game is Cassie. She confesses her attraction to Lilac, and they soon make their way to somewhere a little more private, which means: chore montage hour!
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Jayla gardens, Tiago fishes, we’re running low on bread so Mister cooks up a few more loaves, while Struan checks in on his child, Jon Bon Pony.
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They've wrapped up by now, so it’s time for Struan and a ‘refreshed’ Lilac to head off for their solo date.
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As per usual, I have Lilac perform one friendly and one flirty interaction during these, then the rest is up to the pixels.
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While Lilac is crushing hard and Struan’s romance bar is not in the red by any means, there’s a lot of goofing around and pranks between these two - and if anything Struan seems more eager to get back home to his four legged child. 
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It’s tough balancing romance with being a single parent.
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Jayla arrives, and after a tense game of DON’T WAKE THE LLAMA, gains a sentiment from Lilac.
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Just when I think that these two are destined for Friendsville, Jayla compliments Lilac’s appearance - and Lilac has never needed much in the way of encouragement…
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(Me attempting to be classy and subtle for Tumblr.)
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Back home Mister’s cooked a perfectly fine meal, but instead Tiago opts for leftovers - why, dude, why. We thus close out the night with some possessed flirting.
But it seems that Struan was merely conserving his energy for someone else 😏
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@bakersimmer @tipsy-clouds @igglemouse @lindyloosims @simsfvr
chestnut ridge lot by @spookcy
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thealdersgateoffice · 2 months ago
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Catherine Standish fleeing from Struan Loy and his overbearing enthusiasm.
Slow Horses | 1.02 Work Drinks 🐌🐎
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theskyehealers · 5 months ago
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Alden did not know how time had passed so quickly, and now that their twins were nearing two moons old, he had decided on sharing the news with his family. The psychic connection between himself and Alynne had been how he initially wanted to share the news of Daphne having brought their latest bairn into the world. Yet, to please Daphne, he had had missives created, and quietly, Alden made the official announcement of their twins, their sweet boy Oliver, already so curious and pale-haired, just like his mother, and their newest daughter, Ivy...their gift from the goddess herself. He could have been replete, but everyday that followed, he thanked Daphne for bringing so much precious life into their world.
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lovetgr76 · 6 months ago
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Fuck yeah ♥ - Jackson Lamb
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simikae · 1 year ago
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a quick doodle of my darlings egret and struan for oc-tober, day 5 (relationships). do you think love wins? vote now on your phones!
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