#strategic marketers
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chilligroup · 6 months ago
Web Design Sunshine Coast – 3 tips to improve your website speed!
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To enhance your website’s performance, especially for businesses on the Sunshine Coast, it’s crucial to focus on improving your site speed. A fast-loading website not only ranks higher on Google, which prioritizes sites with optimal load speeds, but also keeps visitors engaged. If your site takes more than 4 seconds to load, the bounce rate increases dramatically to 90%, leading to potential loss of customers.
To achieve an optimal load speed, ideally under 2 seconds, consider factors like hosting quality, the number of images or videos, and third-party integrations such as Facebook Pixel or CRM tools. Tools like Pingdom and Google Search Console can help you test your site’s speed and identify areas for improvement.
Here are three key tips to boost your website’s speed:
Optimise Images: Ensure images are appropriately sized and in the correct format (PNG for transparency and JPEG for photos). Use tools like Photoshop or free alternatives such as Tiny PNG to compress images without losing quality.
Clean Up Your Database and Plugins: A cluttered database filled with drafts, revisions, and unused plugins can slow down your site. Use tools like WP Optimise to clear unnecessary data and deactivate or delete plugins that aren’t essential.
Choose Quality Themes and Plugins: Start with a solid foundation by selecting a good host, a content distribution network (CDN), and efficient themes or plugins to minimize site speed issues.
For more complex optimizations, such as compressing files, minifying code, and leveraging browser caching, consider seeking professional help. Web design experts in the Sunshine Coast, like Chilli, can provide tailored solutions to enhance your website’s speed and overall performance. If you need assistance, contact a specialized agency to ensure your website is both user-friendly and SEO-optimized.
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ryllen · 19 days ago
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"I told u zayne, i can"
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the-way-astray · 4 months ago
i need to know the general consensus on this
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walpu · 9 months ago
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not to overthink but I find it interesting that Aventurine is the one who comments on Boothill's announcement that goal to find Oswaldo
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welcome-to-green-hills · 4 months ago
My guess is that another trailer will release either next Thursday or the following Tuesday. Any other guesses on when it will drop?
Hi Hon!❤️✨
If I had a say in it, I think that it would be wise to release it closer to all of the American festivities in the last week of November. I say this with the intention of A). Avoiding the convention of politics over Thanksgiving dinner, and B). Family/Friends looking for a gift related to Sonic while Black Friday shopping. It’ll be fresh in that person’s mind and on their radar to do something with people come Christmas.
That’s just my thought, though😊 I’m very open to it releasing earlier.
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dizajn · 3 months ago
Marketing i Veštačka inteligencija (AI)
Veštačka inteligencija (AI) sve više menja način na koji kompanije posluju i komuniciraju sa svojim kupcima, a marketing je oblast gde AI ima ogroman potencijal. Evo nekih ključnih načina na koje se AI koristi u marketingu:
1. Personalizacija sadržaja: AI analizira ogromne količine podataka o korisnicima (demografski podaci, ponašanje na internetu, istorija kupovine) kako bi kreirala personalizovane preporuke proizvoda, ponude i sadržaj. Ovo pomaže da se poveća relevantnost marketinških poruka i poboljša angažovanje kupaca.
2. Automatizacija marketinških zadataka: AI automatizuje repetitivne zadatke kao što su slanje email kampanja, zakazivanje objava na društvenim mrežama i upravljanje oglasima. Ovo oslobađa marketinške stručnjake da se fokusiraju na strateške inicijative.
3. Poboljšanje ciljanja oglasa: AI algoritmi analiziraju podatke o korisnicima kako bi identifikovali najrelevantnije ciljne grupe za oglase. Ovo pomaže da se poveća efikasnost oglašavanja i smanje troškovi.
4. Chatbotovi: AI pokreće chatbotove koji pružaju korisničku podršku, odgovaraju na pitanja i vode korisnike kroz proces kupovine. Ovo poboljšava korisničko iskustvo i dostupnost podrške 24/7.
5. Analiza podataka i predviđanje: AI analizira marketinške podatke kako bi identifikovala trendove, predvidela buduće ponašanje kupaca i optimizovala marketinške strategije.
6. Kreiranje sadržaja: AI alati mogu da generišu različite vrste marketinškog sadržaja, uključujući tekstove, slike i video zapise. Ovo pomaže da se ubrza proces kreiranja sadržaja i oslobodi kreativnost marketinških timova.
Primeri AI alata u marketingu:
Google Analytics: Analiza veb sajta i praćenje ponašanja korisnika.
HubSpot: Automatizacija marketinga i upravljanje odnosima sa klijentima (CRM).
Albert.ai: Platforma za AI marketing koja automatizuje oglašavanje i personalizuje sadržaj.
Grammarly: AI alat za proveru gramatike i stila pisanja.
Izazovi i etička pitanja:
Privatnost podataka: Prikupljanje i korišćenje podataka o korisnicima mora biti u skladu sa zakonima o zaštiti privatnosti.
Pristrasnost AI algoritama: AI algoritmi mogu da repliciraju i pojačaju postojeće predrasude u podacima, što može dovesti do diskriminacije.
Zavisnost od tehnologije: Preterano oslanjanje na AI može dovesti do gubitka ljudskog dodira i kreativnosti u marketingu.
Uprkos izazovima, AI ima potencijal da revolucionizuje marketing i pomogne kompanijama da efikasnije komuniciraju sa svojim kupcima. Važno je da se AI koristi odgovorno i etički, uzimajući u obzir privatnost podataka i potencijalne pristrasnosti.
Autor: Predrag Petrovic, AI Marketing Strateg
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kazehita · 1 year ago
“Don’t do free marketing for corporations” this is true however in stars and time is hardly a corpo and i desperately need it to explode in popularity in order to be happy
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righteousruin · 1 year ago
made myself mad again thinking about writers who Miss The Point and how Bane was only on venom for like ~6 months in the comics but some writers decided it's his whole personality and he's just an Arkham Roid Rhino even though he passed the vibe check and didn't even go to Arkham even though his attorney begged him to plead insanity and go because he wouldn't face charges and he said absolutely not they're my crimes they're my charges they caught me slippin and that's on me and then not only stayed OFF of venom for the remainder of the pre-reboot comics but also actively destroyed networks that developed and distributed it, and then directly because of Batman's repeated radical compassion, dedicated his life to doing what he believed was right (even if it still involved murder) and actively protecting people he believed were innocent and helping people he thought needed help. Because he promised Batman he would do better. BeCAUSE OF BATMAN SHOWING HIM THAT WAS AN OPTION.
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chilligroup · 6 months ago
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In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, writing good copy is still important for a business’s SEO success. Well-crafted copy not only engages with your audience, but it also boots your search engine rankings. Here are five essential copywriting tips that will enhance your SEO and digital marketing strategies.
Learn More: https://www.chilligroup.com.au/5-copywriting-tips-to-boost-your-seo-and-digital-marketing/
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aqvarius · 1 year ago
i started playing irresistible mistakes again and now that i work as a marketing consultant i can feel myself screaming internally at some of the work problems this mc gets hung up on lmao
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agimamedical · 10 months ago
Healthcare Management System at Agima
Enhance Your Health-care's Performance with Us!
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Take the next step in your organization career with Agima Medical Management's strategic planning management!
Our tailored approach will help you deliver the outcomes of your dreams in the competitive healthcare field.
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absolutedigitalbranding · 11 months ago
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Social media marketing for small businesses is all about being strategic. While enterprise companies have the luxury of dedicated resources and time, small businesses must be more agile, nimble, and creative. #smallbusinesssupportingsmallbusiness #brandingsmallbusiness Build your brand with digital media & take the benefits of social media branding contact Absolute Digital Branding & Public Relations. By Absolutedigitalbranding.com #Internetmarketing #Marktingstrategy #SEObrandingagency #SEO #PPC #SMO #SMM #SeoCompany #digitalmarketingcompany #socialmediamarketingcompany #absolutedigitalbranding #searchengineoptimization #advertisingagencyinmohali #facebook #twitter #marketingonline #internetmarketing #follow #digitalagency #marketingagency #motivation #digitalmarketingtips #onlinebusiness #websitedesign #marketingonline #brand #ABSOLUTEDIGITALBRANDING #BEST #PUBLIC #RELATION #AGENCY #IN #CHANDIGARH #MOHALI #PUNJAB #NORTH #INDIA #onlinebranding #branding360degree #SEObrandingagency #websiteranking #websitetrafic #Digitalmarketing #OnlineAdvertising #instagrammarketing #web #technology #marketingonline #content #instagrammarketing #advertisingagency #web #buildingrelationships #globally #customer #internetbranding-at Absolute digital Branding & Public relations.
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indepthjaybeats · 1 year ago
Unleashing Your Flow: Releasing Freestyle Videos
Unlock unrivaled productivity & unleash your flow with this tried & tested guide. Learn strategies to optimize & increase your focus.
Introduction: Picture this: a dimly lit room, the hum of a beat lingering in the air, and the raw, unfiltered energy of a freestyle that is unleashing your flow. Freestyling isn’t just an art; it’s a window into the soul of a rapper. Now, imagine harnessing that raw talent and turning it into a strategic move that not only captivates your audience but skyrockets your music sales. Today, we’re…
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View On WordPress
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shayenaxcrino · 1 year ago
Project on Gym Management Software by Xcrino
The Project on Gym Management Software by Xcrino aims to provide a comprehensive solution for gym owners and managers to effectively manage their fitness centers and improve member satisfaction. This cutting-edge software offers a wide range of features and tools that streamline operations, enhance the member experience, and drive revenue growth. By leveraging the power of the Yoactive Gym Management Software, gym owners and managers can effectively manage their fitness center, improve member satisfaction, and increase overall revenue and profitability.
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