#stranded gameplay
melsie-sims · 1 year
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Daily Dice Roll #7
17 = A fire starts in the middle of camp.
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basiliskfree · 7 days
I forget how much I like just being thrown into a story, what's going on who knows your going to try and piece things together though context clue and like it!
Characters already know the basics of the world so your just going to figure out why the hell a baby is in a jar.
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ilikedetectives · 1 year
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tlgtw · 6 months
MGSV really is *so* misogynistic it is honestly hard to believe. It has ONE named female character, just one. And holy shit, the things they make that single woman do.
I don't know what happened. Or how Kojima thought what we was doing was defensible.
I could just link to the introduction of the SKULL snipers from Mission 28 Code Talker but even that I feel is so unbelievable to see with your own eyes that it would exit the mind as soon as it stopped playing.
Literally every criticism made during that era toward's this game is accurate. Every single one.
It might legit be the WORST example of "male gaze," literally literally ever. Out of everything.
If MGSV had outright no women in it whatsoever it would be better than what this is.
The cutscene for when Big Boss comes to Mother Base after not showering was what sealed it for me.
And the fact that there were people back then who thought they could defend this perhaps makes it even more deranged.
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llynwen · 1 month
why. why is there a piss button. mr kojima do you have a piss kink answer quickly
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sercphs · 3 months
i have won.
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potential-fate · 10 months
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“Oh, shit.” Ashe said quietly, “Hey, we should go, yeah?” 
Roman stared across the room. He wasn’t sure what was more irritating; the fact that Abe was here, that he was here with Callum, or the fact that it even still bothered him. 
Ashe touched the back of his hand lightly and Roman looked back, seeming to register reality once more. He glanced down as Ashe wound their hands together and tugged lightly towards the exit and then back up at the other’s expression. He sighed, “yeah, sorry. I’m good. I swear.” 
Ashe gave him a half smile, understanding written on on his face, “Come’on. Let’s get out of here.” 
“Yeah. Wouldn’t want to ruin my night, right?” Roman smirked sarcastically. 
“Exactly.” Ashe gave him a genuine smile in return, “So let’s get out of here. You can chill at our place if you want tonight.” 
Ashe pulled him towards the door, and Roman couldn’t help but smile slightly. Ashe’s carefree attitude was contagious. He let the blonde pull him out the door of the club and back to the rest of their friends, who were sitting on the sidewalk laughing too hard for any joke that possibly could have been made.   
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wp100 · 2 months
it's funny when people are like "dont play the first game, janky controls!"
idk man, i like the jankiness of old games, it's what made older games so unique and quirky and cool. a lot of new games do the same thing but in a different way, and that's kinda boring after like the 3rd game.
(unless it's pokemon and im playing the 3rd, 4th and 5th gens, theyre still fun to play to this day, despite Diamond/Pearl/Platinum being SLOW as hell during battles)
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freytful · 3 months
I've seen people complain about death stranding putting all of the Plot in the second half of the game, and I think i disagree with that being a problem. It lets you experience the gameplay loop and learning the (bonkers) worldbuilding before it shakes it up with specific plot and character details to keep you from getting bored in the second half of the game. It seems like good narrative game design to me. I guess the first half was a bit boring but I think thats the point. and I kinda like it like this
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thefirstknife · 2 years
Following up on the ask about the Titan supers, going for the fantasy expectation question specifically- Titans are, thematically, front-line tacticians. People throw around Spartan, Paladin, Soldier, titles like that. What bungie seems to see them as is a big gorilla, or the Hulk, and I feel that does a disservice to the actual characterization of the class. Even if it does different things in gameplay, debuffing for example, running around punching is creatively boring. I'd like a utility supe
The problem is, how do you translate "front-line tactician" into a playable ability? A tactician is someone who makes plans to execute a strategy. Titans are well known to be able to make plans, both ahead of time and on the go, as well as improvise in the heat of battle, but that is simply incredibly metaphysical to make first person shooter gameplay out of.
As an example, would I like if, as a Titan, I could use destructible environment to quickly create a throwing melee or super? Sure. A game where a piece of concrete can be destroyed and then you can pick it up and use it to throw it at enemies or create a temporary barricade or do whatever else you might come up with to simulate a front-line tactician would be unfathomably cool. And also impossible to do in Destiny as it exists right now.
We can extend that to other classes as well. Warlocks are scholars and students of the arcane space magics and should be able to specialise in specific fields and then weave them as they see fit in millions of different ways, but instead their supers are; throw void orb, throw void orb but it tracks, you are void orb, solar sword on fire, solar sword on fire in the ground, electric fingers, electric beam and stick.
Hunters are supposed to be agile scouts and explorers who trek the wilderness and map the unknown, but I'm forced into known missions with fireteams instead of having an open world to map out alone for others. My supers are gun with three bullets, gun with six bullets, knives, bow with one shot, bow with three shots, knives, spin stick, throw stick and tornado.
There's very obviously a limit to what the class is in lore and setting and what it can be in gameplay. I totally understand the disappointment about the new super being seemingly "the same" as the last one ("element on fists, punch"), but I feel like a lot of the complaints and demands are quite literally impossible and unreasonable. And some of the complaints can be applied to other two classes as well.
I think it's good to tell Bungie that we would like more variety in supers, especially as it pertains to their viability in various content. I would 100% love for an additional super for stasis and strand and for Titans to have more ranged options because in a lot of cases you can't really get close range to enemies. Stomps, pushback, environmental hazards and other issues limit what we can use melee abilities for.
Obviously I've not played the strand stuff so I'm working with what we've been told and shown, but I think it's fairly obvious that strand IS a utility super. It's the most utility since void and overshield; strand not only gives you and your teammates damage reduction, but also controls the battlefield by suspending enemies. Like, by all accounts strand is a utility subclass with a lot of debuffing and buffing options and movement utilities.
I also think it's reductive to say that the new strand super is just "gorilla." It really isn't. I am not aware of gorillas being able to control the battlefield by suspending enemies in the air and locking down a whole section while empowering allies with damage reduction utilities. And being able to control the battlefield and empower your allies while you plan out your attack and dish out damage is, quite literally, a tactician move.
I think both Behemoth and Berserker are much closer to the front-line tactician fantasy since void. If anything is "gorilla" it's Fists of Havoc. A lot of people shit on Behemoth but if you really want utility and being able to perform multiple tasks at once with your super, Behemoth is one of the things to pick. Need to kill enemies? Got it. Need to freeze them while you deal with something else? Got it. Need to block off an area? Got it. Need to create barricades for your team? Got it. Your team needs overshield which you can give them by making stasis shards with your super? Got it. The problems with Behemoth not being used much are with a completely different section of issues, which is activity, encounter and enemy designs.
If Berserker is truly similar in any way, then it's in this this way imo, as it gives you options to use your super in different ways for different purposes depending on what you need. Like a tactician. I think people are way too focused on the idea that you use your fists and not at all focusing on the actual utility and options of the super. Though obviously if someone just isn't vibing with it, it's not something that people can change.
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poprockspillage · 1 year
what if death stranding was good
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melsie-sims · 1 year
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dreamy-cowplant · 1 year
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In the last half of 1316, Eydis have birth to a very small baby girl they named Delia. Not long after, the bubble that the Broughton family seemed to be in since the beginning of the famine, burst. The lack of food finally caught up with Eydis one hot summer day, and she collapsed. When the family found Eydis she was still alive, but it was too late to help her. Leif pleaded for his mother, but it was no use.
Eydis passed away in 1316 of starvation.
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Revna was quick to come over and try to settle the household, which deeply unsettled Leif. He understood that Revna was the only person keeping little Delia alive, but she was slowly encroaching on the every day tasks that were his mother’s responsibility. The family had barely had time to mourn before Revna was invited over, and Leif thought Wilkin was a little too eager to have Revna stay with them.
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(We have now officially begun gen 2)
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aboutbeverages · 7 months
I may need to use this Strand build for Supremacy during Guardian Games!  Destiny 2
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fallenrazziel · 2 years
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The World of Death Stranding #23
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rey-of-luke · 8 months
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