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𝓢𝔬𝔩𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔞𝔫 𝓐𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔪𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔤 // 𝔖𝔦𝔫'𝔡𝔬𝔯𝔢𝔦 𝔉𝔦𝔢𝔩𝔡 𝔐𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔠 // ℌ𝔢𝔯𝔟𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 𝔚𝔶𝔯𝔪𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝓐𝔠𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔡 ℌ𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔢 (Likes and follows will come from @magics-of.)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
solautumn · 2 years ago
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solautumn · 2 years ago
fuck disappearing under mysterious circumstances i want to start APPEARING under mysterious circumstances. walking through a deserted eerie forest? im there. exploring an abandoned 1930s mine that no human has set foot in for 55 years? there too. touching down on mars? guess whose annoying face you see poking out from behind a rover
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solautumn · 2 years ago
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solautumn · 2 years ago
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Orchids are happening around here.
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Phalaenopsis varieties.
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solautumn · 2 years ago
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witchsona commission for cosmicwitchboy
space/cat witch
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solautumn · 2 years ago
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Mushroom or art?
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solautumn · 3 years ago
love cosmic horror because like. ‘you have knowledge inside you that you cannot bear to face, because you know if you truly comprehend it, you will no longer be the person you once were. you will not be able to go back. the new world you will see will be beautiful, but few else will see it that way’ is just like. yeah bro im trans too
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solautumn · 3 years ago
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San Luis Potosí, Mexico by Abraham Pérez
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solautumn · 3 years ago
Wood’s Will Be Done
Part III: Gridania’s Law Enforcement and Military
This wraps up my post series on the three Grand Companies, though I am still contemplating a similar post on Ishgardian law and military. We’ll see!
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Gridania’s Ruling Body, Elemental Law, and Crime
Encyclopedia Eorzea - Government: “The rule of Gridania falls to the Seedseer Council, a body composed of chosen officials known as Hearers. These conjurers are able to commune with the elementals, and decide the course of the city-state through discussion and consensus. Around the time of the Calamity, however, Gridania’s fate was so uncertain that Kan-E-Senna - the Elder Seedseer and head of the Council - assumed direct control. At present, she continues to preside over all affairs of state.”
Encyclopedia Eorzea - The Seedseer Council: “The Seedseer Council is a forum for Hearers to share what they have learned from the elementals, and decide matters of state. In effect, the Council is the highest power in the land, and the arbiter of Gridanian law. One must wonder, therefore, why they conduct their business at the Lotus Stand, an outside area with no roof. Scholars contend that this is for the benefit of the elementals, so they may watch the proceedings. While decisions are put to a vote, policies sometimes reflect the will of the elementals more strongly than the opinions of Hearers. Following the Calamity, however, this system has changed. Faced with the challenges of the Garlean Empire and rebuilding, Gridania could scarcely afford time spent in debate. Thus, the Council has vested its full power in Kan-E-Senna until such a time as the danger has passed.” 
Tales from the Twilight - True of Heart: “Made up of the gifted Hearers, who could hearken to the voices of the elementals, the council governed Gridania in accordance with the will of man and elemental alike. However, the spirits of the forest did not speak as people did, for their thoughts were borne on waves of aether. Any effort to translate them into words was, at best, an interpretation of their intent. Thus were the Hearers forced to infer and embellish─not out of a desire to mislead or manipulate, but out of necessity. Nevertheless, this process invited interpretations of interpretations, which all too often led to disagreement and discord. Matters of great import would become mired in debate, which would subsequently be settled with a vote.”
Kinnison: “Beyond here lies the Lotus Stand, where three Seedseers hold counsel. They are rarely to be found here, however, as their days are spent in the forest, hearkening to the whispers of the elementals.”
Encyclopedia Eorzea - Beliefs: “Gridanians know the blessings bestowed upon them by the elementals, and heed well their will. Behind this lies a fear of disturbing the peace of the Twelveswood, and being cast from the forest by enraged elementals - just as the Ixal once were. Yes, Gridanians have earned a reputation as stubborn amongst the other city-states of Eorzea, as they can be so unyielding in their commitment to the forest laws as to appear unadaptable and brittle.”
Bertennant: “It is by the blessing of the elementals that we Gridanians dwell in the Twelveswood. See to it that you do naught which brings our people to grief.”
Raya-O-Senna: “When in the Twelveswood, one must ever be mindful of the elementals. They suffer none who disregard their laws. I shall personally deal with those who defile the sanctity of the forest. That is, if the elementals haven’t already seen to them. Theirs is a swift and brutal justice.”
Balan: “Refugees must first spend a night here in Quarrymill that the elementals might judge them worthy of living in the Twelveswood. Their decision cannot be appealed. Every one of us, Gridanians included, dwell here only by the elementals’ leave.”
Nonco Menanco: “Gridania’s guilds share a comradery unlike any I have seen elsewhere. The manner in which they aid one another is truly inspiring. It goes beyond mere unity on the battlefield. They provide for one another in times of piece, as well—giving whatever they can, and taking only what they need. All of Eorzea could learn much from their example.”
Alaire: “Young Gridanians rarely leave the forest for the other cities. There may be the odd exception, but for the most part, to hail from the forest is to know its safety.”
Giah Molkot: “Wander where you will, adventurer. But know that the forest will not suffer those who do not belong beneath its boughs to remain forever.”
Nellaure: “An outing into the forest can be quite an ordeal. And that’s assuming you can get the consent of the Wood Wailers and Gods’ Quiver. But leave that to us.”
Marcelloix: “I was able to obtain all the necessary permissions. It seems there have been sightings of some dangerous beasts recently, so the Wood Wailers and Gods’ Quiver have agreed to extend us their protection.”
Lionnet: “Lest you wonder, our outskirts are tightly patrolled to counter the Ixali threat. I may add that those same patrols will not hesitate to deal with any who threaten the peace of our citizens. Do not imagine yourself above our laws.”
Bryde: “If you wish to reside in the Twelveswood, you must exhibit the proper respect for nature. The Ixali beastmen hunt forest creatures for sport and topple trees for their misguided rituals. Will the elementals punish these savage intruders, you ask? It is not a question of ‘if,’ adventurer, but ‘when.’”
O’dhinek: “The beast tribes are as different from us as night from day─plain and simple. There’s no sense trying to understand them, much less live side by side.And a swift exile from Gridania awaits any who hold otherwise. Aye, we had a healer years ago who found that out to his cost. Seemed a good enough sort… until the day he tended to the wounds of an injured bloody Ixal, citing ‘the healers’ oath’ or some such nonsense. What could possibly bring a man to take pity on that filth?”
Averay the Ardent: “Move along– I have my hands full with this merchant. We have strict rules requiring all foreign goods to be inspected by a mage before crossing our borders. Alas, some outsiders remain ignorant…”
Pimoh Nelhah: “Nophica’s Altar is a holy place. It is here that the Hearers communicate the will of the elementals to men. The elementals govern all aspects of life in the Twelveswood, from the creatures we may hunt to the articles we may bring into their domain. As a result, foreign merchants dread visiting this place, conscious that their wares may be unwanted.”
Duimessand: “It is a sad fact that many who disrespect the ways of Gridania have not the slightest inkling that they have done so.”
Foforyo: “Just you remember this - the reward for impudence is exile, and that’s if you’re lucky. Others are claimed by the wood, turned into wildlings - a far grimmer fate.”
Beli: “I’d give anything to have the power of the moogles - to be able to call upon the elementals within things to restore them. Gods, don’t tell anyone I’ve said that. Most in these parts think it near heresy to want the powers of nature for oneself.”
Brother Telent: “Didn’t kill too many, I hope. Foul beasts they may be, but they are of the wood. It’s not our place to kill as we see fit, as Eorzeans elsewhere do. Doing so only angers the elementals, and brings the greenwrath on us all.”
Maisenta: “Let me guess: you had your misgivings, but couldn’t let your conscience get in the way when there were fortunes to be had. So you cast your lot with Baert, covered your eyes and ears and hoped for the best. Ignorance of your complicity is no excuse, Rishushu. I hear that the Wood Wailers and Gods’ Quiver are taking particularly severe measures regarding the sale of stolen and poached goods in light of recent events. A word or two from me and you’ll spend the night in the comfort of your very own gaol cell.”
Castellaint: “What brings you to Quarrymill, adventurer? Mayhap you heard that our pact with the elementals permits hunting in this area? Do not think that gives you leave to strip the forest bare. Such freedom is only granted to those who temper their actions with restraint. Any who would do harm to the Twelveswood… well, I’m sure you have heard tales of the consequences.”
Radiant Tear: “What’s your quarry, friend? Mostly free rein for huntin’ game ‘round here. Them conjurers cleared it with the elementals and everythin’. Gods, you’re a bloody adventurer? Ain’t no huntin’ here for you. Your kind ain’t never satisfied, no matter how much killin’ you does.”
Open Season: “Though poaching is one of the most severe crimes in the Twelveswood, often punishable by death, there is no end to the constant flow of those who come to the sacred forest in search of exotic pelts and horns to sell to dubious traders from the Far East.”
Wlfric: “The poacher escaped!? Inexcusable! I should have known better than to entrust such a task to an adventurer. Those who defy the elementals’ will must be served justice, or we all shall pay the price. You’d do well not to forget this.”
We Didn’t Start the Fire: “A fire set by poachers to flush animals out of their dens and into waiting traps has destroyed a large tract of woodland in the Central Shroud. Subsequent efforts to reforest the area by local botanists have been hampered by the unprovoked attacks of frenzied woodland creatures. To safeguard the lives of the men and women working diligently to restore the wood to its former glory, the Greatloam Growery is calling for adventurers to aid in culling the ravenous beastkin.”
Wind-up Succubus: “One of countless clockwork servitors discovered in the home of a Gridanian goldsmith recently hanged for the crime of ritual summoning. It is believed while crafting the automatons, he became increasingly obsessed with the void, until the darkness bid him do the unthinkable.”
Syro Fulke: “What news of the thaumaturge? Hm? What you brought? A sealed letter? Indeed, everything seems in order. This document carries the proper seals, in accordance with Gridanian law. Should Ailith break her oath and sin against he wood again, we will be within our rights to deal with her as we see fit.”
Judgeray: “In the distant past, the Gridanians used to try individuals suspected of heinous crimes by forcing them to share a pond with this extremely venomous stingray.”
Buscarron: “Aye, Laurentius confessed to his crimes. I just had word from the Twin Adder. Seems he marched straight into the Nest and gave himself up.”
Haurtefert: “Sad to say, even a place as peaceful as Gridania is not without its crime. Still, I cannot help but feel for those imprisoned here. The gaols of Gridania are a far worse fate than those of the other nations.”
Foulques: “It is only a matter of time before they betray you. Aye, just like those wretches who saw me imprisoned and exiled. I was once an upright citizen of Gridania, and a man of the Lancers’ Guild. Yet life was not easy. For want of the coin to obtain the barest necessities, I conspired with my closest comrades to steal from the guild’s coffers.
The theft soon came to light, and though there were no suspects, it was clear that the deed had been perpetrated by someone within the ranks. An air of suspicion hung heavy over the guild from that day forth, until at last, unable to bear the guilt, I convinced my accomplices to join me in confessing… Only for them to bite their craven tongues after I had stepped forward and admitted my part in the crime. And so it was that I alone took the blame!
‘Of course it was the Duskwight,’ everyone said. ‘Was there ever any doubt?’ It all made perfect sense! Despite my heartfelt pleas, my so-called friends denied any involvement. Instead they called me vulgar names I do not care to repeat.”
Buscarron: “To be fair, the Duskwights can be an unruly lot, but they ain’t so bad once you get to know them. And it don’t seem right to bar a whole race of people from the Druthers for the misdeeds of a few. There should be at least one place where anyone willing to pay the coin and drink in peace is welcome, don’t you think?”
Wood Wailer: “Keepers of the Moon, eh? If it were up to me, I’d hang every one of you, let the Twelve sort out the ‘Claws from the rest. Now, stand with your feet apart…”
Sharp-eyed Keeper: “Die wailing, little lancer. We recognize no laws─neither of men nor of elementals. What we want, we take. That is freedom. That is our way.”
Elemental Housekeeping: “Of overgrown traces of Gelmorra, few remain to disturb the order of the forest, yet occasional ruins are still found that must needs be removed. What is under the forest may stay, but our laws decree that no stone of Gelmorra mar the home of the elementals.”
Raya-O-Senna: “It is our duty to facilitate harmony between man and elemental. All the laws of the forest count for naught if we fail in this.”
Sanche: “My name is Sanche. It was twelve years ago that I fled Gridania with my infant child. She was born a Padjal, and you know what that means…  The conjurers would have snatched her from my arms, and taught her to be a servant of the forest spirits. By Gridanian law, they were well within their rights to do so.”
Raya-O-Senna: “And yet, for all his stubbornness, there is some truth to my brother’s words. Ancient laws forbid us from sharing the teachings of white magic outside of our own kind. There are reasons for this, which I would share with you when the time is right.”
|More in depth lore on the Elementals, Hearers, Padjal, Fane, Hedge, and Greenwrath can be found here.
Lore on the Wood Wailers, Gods’ Quiver, Trappers’ League, Holtwatch, Toto-Rak, Spirithold, and the Order of the Twin Adders can be found below the cut in the Read More. Hope this helps! Be sure to share with your Gridanian friends!
| Ul’dah | Limsa Lominsa | |You can find all my lore posts here!
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solautumn · 3 years ago
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westcoaster7.62 on ig
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solautumn · 3 years ago
An Irrelevant Character Guide:                                           Sjan Phis
What I tried to make:
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What his family sees:
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What his allies think:
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What I think he is:
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What he really is:
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Tagged by: @todaluk​​ Tagging: @songs-of-stars-ffxiv​, @sunnyeel​
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solautumn · 3 years ago
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Mushrooms 🍄 ft. Rain droplets.
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solautumn · 3 years ago
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solautumn · 3 years ago
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solautumn · 3 years ago
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 ♡ 癒しの自然風景 ♡
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solautumn · 3 years ago
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solautumn · 3 years ago
the fact that a cat considers “sit in the same room ignoring each other” to be an acceptable social activity and not an insult is great for me because that’s how i like to socialise
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