#stopped watching power rangers when Ninja Steel came about
tmnt-obsessed-ace · 2 years
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augment-techs · 5 months
Okay, let's start with the live action and work our way into the comics:
MMPR--Turbo: I'm sorry Jason, you are so boring and basic, I wasn't that sorry to see you go. At least Rocky had half a personality.
Dulcea; because there was no reason for her to wear that wardrobe and I kind of hate her for being a little creepy with the teenage boys. Mr. Stewart; I never once saw him in canon, which really just makes me hate him more for not surrendering his parental rights so Justin could be legally emancipated and move in with literally any of the older Rangers.
Jerome Stone: FUCK YOU FOR NOT NOTICING BULK AND SKULL WERE MISSING AND SHOWED MORE FEELING FOR THE CHIMPS THAN FOR THE YOUNG ADULTS!! Alpha 6:--tell me I'm not the only one that wanted to shoot him in the head each time he spoke.
Professor Phenomenus...Why is he here.
In Space: ...Andros before Zhane came alive. The whole time he was a prick, but at least Zhane offset that behavior.
Lost Galaxy: Trakeena's dad is disgusting for forcing the transformation on his daughter. And all the rest, but especially that.
Lightspeed Rescue: Jinxer, Vypra, Loki--why are any of you here?
Time Force: Mr. Collins throughout 90% of the season can go fuck himself. Also Alex in the second half of the season. Also...can I count the entire civilization of the 31st Century? Like, this is kind of fucked up.
Wild Force: I hate you Animus, I hate you Shayla, I hate you Master Org.
Ninja Storm: ......................Unfavorite is a biiiiit of the stretch, but I can I give you a total lack of feeling for Hunter and Blake and call it a day? Also Choobo, but that's just because he's kind of irritating.
Dino Thunder: ...Wow, this is gonna make me look bad, but for the sake of answering the question as truthfully as possible...Dr. Oliver. I'm sorry, but Tommy here was purely for filler and his haircut fills me with boiling rage. Especially during the Frozen in Place and Invisible to the camera episodes. Fuck right off, please.
SPD: ....Birdy was meaningless. But I also dislike Doggie when he's such a fucking self-important prick that needs to be kicked in the dick by Kat. So...59% of the time.
Mystic Force: Please don't kill me, but...Udonna IMMEDIATELY after she found out Nick was her son. Like, I get it, she got her child back, her husband is still under mind control and out in the world, she's on cloud nine. But this makes her look really, really, really insensitive. And presumptuous. Every time she called him Bowen I felt a little bit violent.
Operation Overdrive: Andrew Hartford can take a red hot poker up his entire ass. I haven't finished the season yet, but ideally, Spencer would get a divorce from him and full custody of Mack.
Jungle Fury: ...Dom is a perfectly nice guy, but he is so very boring that half of the people that watched this season forget he exists. And I am one of them. I also hate that they hooked him up with Fran. NO.
RPM: Colonel Truman. Especially when he pulled a gun on Dr. K. Who is a CHILD. He lost ALLLLLLLLLL respect at that moment.
Samurai: *picks up a rifle and sets it up in a sniper's nest* Mentor Ji. Not an actual mentor. Just someone who maintains the status quo for the sake of "honor" and "tradition" and all those other terrible terrible things that basically guarantee no Red Ranger ever made it to forty.
Dino Charge: James Navarro is a fucking deadbeat. I don't care if he stopped aging and was tasked with great power, he's a fucking dickhead.
Ninja Steel: I don't care for Redbot. He's a sweetie, but I do not care about him in any meaningful capacity. Also Dane Romero is kind of a waste of...any meaningful screen time.
Beast Morphers: Steel Silva is wonderful as a robot, but I failed to see the point of turning him into a human. Also, can I register the Heteronormative Romance EVERYTHING to do with Zoey and Nate as an Unfavorite Character? It seems tangible enough that it's its own entity.
Dino Fury/Cosmic Fury: Santaura's monster form was awesome, but I very very squicked when I found out she was heavily pregnant in Cosmic Fury--like, how? Also Zayto is a little bit too much in one season and a little too little in another. Ollie is oddly safer from me when he's a single entity or evil or unlocked from evil--or right next to Aiyon and nowhere near Amelia. This could be your fault. Boom! Comics: HAAAAAAAAAAA, we are in for a wild ride.
Drakkon from being broken out of his prison dimension and all the way up to being shot in the chest by Ranger Slayer. He was great in Shattered Grid and the early comics, but very little else. I am sorry, but the minute he got that haircut, he became extremely annoying.
I know we are supposed to be sympathetic to Kiya's plight. We are supposed to be aware that she has been fucked over every which way. But the second she turned to murder and made everything worse because she couldn't control herself or seek help for her PTSD? Buh-bye.
Marleau Eskin is the supreme bitch that doesn't realize she's in an action adventure series and while I hate her, I kind of wish she'd come back and give the Rangers more things to deal with as actual teenagers.
Dayne was interesting for a moment, but I really don't see why they keep bringing him back. I get he makes an excellent excuse for lore dump, but...
Dark Specter is the most boring cosmic entity that has ever graced these pages and he also was the one that turned Coinless Zack and Skull into Lava Zombies. And worse than that, he used Skull as a his own personal Viewing Globe before assigning him the task of letting the other zombies into the Coinless base before he got decked by Bulk. Also he steals children to use them as vessels. Also he apparently is the reason Rito Revulto is a walking skeleton and an idiot.
Last but certainly not least: Finster. An actual, factual murderer who killed his wife and ritually resurrects her only to kill her again when she shows fear of him every single time. That's not getting into the shit he pulls experimenting to create new monsters and what he probably helped Drakkon do to Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt. Of all the characters on this list, I hate him most of all.
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what-the-whump · 7 months
Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
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All through January I had been going back and watching a lot of the shows that I was obsessed with when I was younger. Power Rangers was something pretty high on that list, had a bit of a record of where my favourite characters had some whump so when I went through the Febuwhump prompts I thought it was be fun to try and do all of them with Power Rangers whump, including as many different series as I could.
All my posts are linked below and the colours of the prompt are referring to which ranger (or rangers) are getting whumped
Happy Febuwhump Everybody!
DAY 1: helpless - Power Rangers Jungle Fury, 1x27, Tigers Fall Lions Rise.
DAY 2: solitary confinement - Power Rangers S.P.D, 1x30, Missing.
DAY 3: ALT "I love you" - Power Rangers Time Force, 1x22, Lovestruck Rangers
DAY 4: obedience - Power Rangers Samurai, 1x09, I've Got a Spell on Blue
DAY 5: rope burns - Power Rangers Ninja Steel, 1x16, Monkey Business
DAY 6: “you lied to me” - Power Rangers Dino Charge, 1x08, Double Ranger Double Danger
DAY 7: suffering in silence - Power Rangers Mystic Force, 1x05, Whispering Voices
DAY 8: “why won’t it stop?” - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, 1x35, The Green Candle Part II & 1x50, Return of an Old Friend Part II & 2x07, The Green Dream & 2x08, The Power Stealer & 2x09, The Beetle Invasion
DAY 9: bees - Power Rangers Megaforce, 1x05, United We Stand
DAY 10: killing in self defence - Power Rangers Super Samurai, 2x18, Evil Reborn.
DAY 11: ALT last man standing - Power Rangers Mystic Force, 1x11, The Hunter.
DAY 12: semi-conscious - Power Rangers Turbo, 1x18, Passing the Torch Part I.
DAY 13: “you weren’t supposed to get hurt” - Power Rangers Dino Thunder, 1x21, Copy That.
DAY 14: ALT human weapon - Power Rangers R.P.M, 1x13, Brothers Keeper.
DAY 15: “who did this to you?” - Power Rangers S.P.D, 1x33, Badge.
DAY 16: came back wrong - Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, 1x31, The Last Ranger.
DAY 17: hostage situation - Power Rangers Jungle Fury, 1x13 and 1x14, Ghost of a Chance Part I & II.
DAY 18: too weak to move - Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, 1x14, Shark Attack.
DAY 19: “please don’t” - Power Rangers Wild Force, 1x08, Soul Searching
DAY 20: ALT human shield - Power Rangers In Space, 1x05, Never Stop Searching.
DAY 21: unresponsive - Power Rangers Ninja Storm, 1x12, Return of Thunder Part III.
DAY 22: “you weren’t meant to be there” - Power Rangers Super Megaforce, 2x20, Legendary Battle.
DAY 23: presumed dead - Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, 1x14, Curse of the Cobra.
DAY 24: “i’m doing this because i care about you” - Power Rangers Dino Fury, 2x13, Love Hate.
DAY 25: ALT Found Footage - Power Rangers Dino Thunder, 1x04, Legacy of Power
DAY 26: “help them” - Power Rangers Time Force, 1x12, Worlds Apart.
DAY 27: left for dead - Power Rangers Beast Morphers, 2x10, Intruder Alert
DAY 28: “no… not like this” - Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, 1x01, Lightning Strikes.
DAY 29: not allowed to die - Power Rangers Operation Overdrive, 1x32, Crown and Punishment.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How Power Rangers Dino Fury Finally Embraced The Franchises Continuity
Warning: This article contains POWER RANGERS DINO FURY episode eight spoilers.
For the better part of 20 years Power Rangers has actively resisted a strict continuity. Sure it would drop a reference here or there but most of the time the show was content to keep its season closed off from one another. When we did get references or connections to the past they were often throw away at best and actively contradictory at worst. Sure we had a few great callbacks like Dr. K’s return in Beast Morphers but on the whole, attempts at continuity were few and far between and rarely successful. However when Power Rangers’ newest season, Dino Fury, premiered something was very different. The first episode brought back the Morphin Masters, a group of characters that hadn’t been seen in the show since its first season but were intensely speculated on by fans. Unlike many other attempts at continuity this one felt thought out, a way of expanding the Power Rangers lore and providing a way for fans to connect past seasons. It didn’t contradict anything, it actually made a few seasons connections to the wider Power Rangers universe easier to understand. If that’s all Dino Fury had done, that would have been a big win… but it didn’t stop there. In Dino Fury’s second episode we were introduced to J-Borg, a robot comic relief sidekick, who was shipped to BuzzBlast in a box from Hartford Industries. If you don’t remember, Andrew Hartford was a main character in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive who created a robot son, Mack, who became the Red Ranger. He also owned Hartford Industries, so it’s more than possible he continued to make robots!  The episode didn’t make a huge deal out of it but if you were looking you’d see it. Another great reference.
Then the eighth episode of Dino Fury aired and they really stepped up the continuity. We not only get the return of Mick, a main character from Ninja Steel, but an actual explanation for that season’s main power source, the Nexus Prism. The Prism in Ninja Steel was a frustrating macguffin, a source of seemingly endless power and abilities. Here though we finally get some explanation of its origins… and it was created by the Morphin Masters! In an incredible sequence where Red Ranger Zayto reads the mind of the Prism (which also helps to flesh out its semi sentience) and we get a flashback of its creation. We learn that deep in the past the Morphin Masters created mystic artifacts to power teams of Rangers. They not only created the Nexus Prism.. but also the Dino Gems (the power source of the Dino Thunder Rangers) and the Energems (the power source of the Dino Charge Rangers.) This is a mind-blowing revelation that helps to not only establish the origins of these powers but tie them back into the Morphin Grid, a source of many teams powers. Power Rangers has sometimes been vague about which teams tap into the grid and which ones don’t, but here we get full confirmation of the Morphin Masters involvement in creating these specific powers. It also gives them a more concrete origin. Before now the Dino Gems were simply salvaged from the asteroid that wiped out all dinosaurs on Earth. The Energems were simply created far in the past.
It also stands to reason that other power sources for past Ranger teams were created by the Masters to. Dino Fury smartly doesn’t try to broadly say the Masters created EVERY power source, but it did choose two that had vague origins. It gives enough concrete information that lines up with the past to help fans connect the dots for the rest if they so choose.
We also learn that the Masters have been observing past Ranger teams, though for what purposes outside of being vaguely mystical we don’t know. However, we do learn the Nexus Prism has a new mission on Earth… but we don’t know what it’s doing. It’s an intriguing mystery, one we can only hope will help tie together more lore from Power Rangers’ past.
The way Zayto connects with the Nexus Prism is also heavily reminiscent of the now obscure Power Rangers Dino Thunder special ‘Before it Began’ that was available on that season’s DVDs. There, Blue and Yellow Rangers Ethan and Kira came across a rock that seemed to be an embodiment of the Morphin Grid itself (though this was left somewhat vague.) In the special, the Morphin Grid asks the Rangers to import their knowledge,which leads to flashbacks to several Dino Thunder scenes. It was a strange DVD special at the time that didn’t make a lot of sense… until now.
Mick brings along the “Legendary Ranger Database” which is established to have a connection to the Morphin Grid. This helps to explain that rock in ‘Before it Began,” albeit not directly. It gives fans enough ground to comfortably infer that teams directly input their memories into the database via the Morphin Grid, as seen in ‘Before it Began.’ Perhaps this also explains how Tommy knew so much about past Ranger teams in Dino Thunder. It for makes the Ranger Database Noah had access to in Super Megaforce make much more sense.
This episode is a treasure trove for fans, giving them a ton of lore to play with and helps to make the Power Rangers universe feel more connected. One of the things that made Power Rangers so beloved in its early years was its interconnected continuity. Sure it wasn’t perfect but it made the franchise special, it rewarded you for watching. It was doing a rough pass at what the MCU is now celebrated for!
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It’s exciting to see Power Rangers smartly play with its own continuity again. Longtime fans get something for them but more importantly it gives younger viewers some incentive to check out past seasons (and of course buy toys based on them.) In the age of streaming and home media this is a smart move on the franchise’s part and we can’t wait to see what else Dino Fury has in store when it returns from its hiatus. I
This season has been a solid entry in the franchise so far. All these continuity references are great but they wouldn’t mean much if the show itself wasn’t enjoyable on its own. If you haven’t watched Dino Fury, now’s the time.
The post How Power Rangers Dino Fury Finally Embraced The Franchises Continuity appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3gjABA0
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kimberlyannharts · 5 years
SOOOOO I’M BACK FROM RANGERSTOP 2019!!  i had a super awesome time running my first art booth, and so many other amazing things happened as well! (copy-pasted from my twitter threads lmao i’m still so tired)
- so far the booth has been a fun experience!!  I sold a few prints stickers and a shirt!!  and even when people didn’t buy anything it was still great talking to people esp this family with little kids who were SO excited to hear about me meeting ajj 
- LOTS OF ACTORS CAME BY OUR BOOTH TOO some for just a few seconds but they said they’d come back the rest of the weekend.  special mention goes to Richard Mystic Force who did that cute cheesy YOU DREW THIS?????  THAT’S AMAZING spiel i love him so much
- DWAYNE MERCURY RANGER IS SO SWEET AND MY NEW BEST FRIEND he remembered me from pmc and we just talked about everything from hugh jackman to what programs I used to draw.  He’s so wig
- I went to see nic mystic force yellow and I mentioned I hadn’t eaten all afternoon and he was like “oh me neither do you want something??” and just. pulled a giant bag of starbursts out from under his table and handed it to me
- MELODY ASTRONEMA IS SOOOO NICE AND SWEET SHE TOLD US SHE LOVED US INSTANTLY AFTER WE INTRODUCED OURSELVES!!!!!!  also her favorite astronema wig was the blue one just for trivia reasons.  and she agreed with me that the wildcat zord looked like a sheep
- also someone pulled the fire alarm so we had to evacuate for like fifteen minutes.  our first thought was SAVE THE TOYS
- so the day started out awesome when aljin jungle fury stopped by our booth before the crowds started!!!  his fiancé got one of my alpha shirts WHICH SHE WORE THE REST OF THE DAY I WAS DYINGGGGG
- ALSO he stopped by later and he had a little box of krispy kreme donuts so of course I was like “lol power rangers always get krispy kreme” and he was like “oh do you want one?????” So that’s the story of how I got a donut from Theo Martin.
- I MET CARLA PEREZ RITA REPULSA!!!!!!  I GAVE HER A PRINT AND SHE LOVED IT.  she wanted a shirt too but I didn’t have any her size :c so she told me to dm her once my store was ready!!  I’M GONNA SLIDE INTO RITA REPULSA’S DMS
- I asked her about her scenes with zedd and she said she always had a great time with the suit actor!!  she’s been wanting to get him to come to a con but he’s kinda ghosted which is kinda a recurring thing whenever we talk to actors about casts
- speaking of talking about casts we chatted with Dwayne and apparently he’s still on great terms with the overdrive girls but hasn’t heard from the boys in years.  which sucks bc idt we’ll ever get a full overdrive reunion BUT HEY we can hold out hope for girls coming back
- WE’RE MAKING FRIENDS WITH SO MANY CAST MEMBERS Richard Mystic Force passed by when we were packing up and he was like “ARE YOU OFF???” and checked that we would be there tomorrow I love him
- BUT YEAH tbh I didn’t go around to cast members too much today, but I sold lots of stuff!!!!!!  it’s such a great feeling that people like my stuff enough to buy it dhhdhd
- OH ALSO we saw Glenn Ninja Storm and I asked about the visor-opening thing - apparently that wasn’t an irl thing, they wore a closed helmet, then stopped the filming and switched to an open helmet, and the opening effect was added in post.  just fun trivia
- but okay today was the last day and so business was a little slow SO i made more of an effort to see the actors.  my main one was rj cyler!!
- literally the first thing out of my mouth was YOU’RE TALLER THAN I IMAGINED he thought that was funny djdhdj but all of our conversations involved me craning my neck up.  enduring neck pain for you king
- we talked a lot about his little role in swamp thing!!!!!  mostly about how his characters are always dying specifically dying in water.  he’s like it’s awful bc his mom watches everything he’s in and it’s like NOOOOOO
- also at some point Walter Jones came over and he and RJ had a moment and he was like “sorry for taking your time!!” like king no Walter Jones can interrupt me any time he wants thank you sir
- then we spent literally ALL OF OUR TIME WITH WILL NINJA STEEL IT WAS SO GOOD we had a big group hug at the end and his biceps were literally crushing my neck.  I’m sorry this is gonna sound like a kink but thank you king
- nic mystic force yellow randomly stopped by the booth and we started talking about my nick/fire heart print.  apparently everyone on the cast HATED saying fire heart bc saying it in an American accent was just so weird and different compared to saying it in a kiwi accent
- Richard mystic force was leaving until he made eye contact with me across the center and walked all the way to us to say bye.  somehow I became bffs with nic and richard?? well nic is chip solidarity at least.  richard is just really really hot
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kathillards · 6 years
rangerstop day one
so we avoided the megaforce rangers all day bc we wanted to surprise them at our photo op so for most of the con we wandered around looking at art and toys and bought so much shit oh my god there are so many talented artists here one lady was selling POTTED CLAY DOLLS and i almost bought a kat doll but. restraint. because i spent $80 at ceevee’s table and i still want more from him (he also remembered me from morphicon I LOVE POWER RANGERS YOU GUYS. I LOVE POWER RANGERS SO MUCH. I DONT HAVE ANY MORE ROOM ON MY WALL FOR THESE PRINTS BUT IM GONNA FUCKING MAKE ROOM.)
FIRST UP mike ginn because i got ceevee’s huge rpm gold and silver prints to get signed by them and the minute i got up to his table he was like “oh hi didn’t i see you at morphicon” and i was like YES and he was like “and weren’t there a bunch of you” and i was like YEAH LOOK ITS MY FRIENDS and he was like “and one of them was like super shy” because at pmc abbey had told him that our friend tabby loved him but was shy so he called her “shy tabby” and we all pointed at tabby who was trying to hide from him and we were all laughing and he just pointed at her for a minute to tease her and then he walked around his table and got behind her and pretended he was gonna jump at her it was so FUNNY AND CUTE HE LOVES HER HES THE CUTEST and he wanted us all to be in the pic i bought and i mean who am i to say no to mike ginn, the greatest gold ranger of all time
SECOND well li ming was busy (bc she’s a LEGENDARY RANGER BITCH WE STAN THE QUEEN OF RPM) so we turned around and jessica rey was there and SHE WAS LIKE “DIDNT I MEET YOU GUYS AT MORPHICON” because we talked to her for like literally 20 minutes at pmc just shittalking jdf and we were like HELL YEAH ugh she’s the cutest and we again talked to her for like 20 minutes (no shittalking this time) about what we loved about wild force and she was telling us about the alyssa’s father episode bc duh thats our fave and how the actor who played her father was like a famous actor but she knew him bc he was the real dad of one of the PAs and she didnt know he was famous and it was so cute shes so cute and tabby bought a white tiger hat from her (and a bunch of other things BUT THE HATS WERE HAND-CROCHETED THEYRE SO CUTE) and she was telling us just like. shit that happened in her day. and we LOVE her shes so great. AND THEN while we were talking to jessica, ann marie crouch came back bc they’re sharing a booth!! and she was dressed in her princess shayla outfit!! so kat and ben started talking to her god shes so nice and beautiful and she was selling little christmas ornaments of her flowers from her headband they’re so pretty and i told her “wild force rangers are ON POINT with the merch bc everyone else just has headshots” and she was like omg did you hear that w/ her handler and they high-fived (bc her handler made the ornaments) AND THEYRE SO CUTE. JESSICA TOLD US TO COME BACK SO WE WILL bc we have more things to get signed by them. she was also wearing a white tiger wild force hoodie she looked so cute.
THIRD then li ming was free and ofc i had to get her to sign my rpm silver print and shes SO NICE AND PRETTY AND she asked us what the japanese on the print said and we were like “it says you’re the best rpm ranger” and that gem’s said “my sister is cooler than me” and she laughed and we told her how much we loved her in the anniversary and how she was the strongest and most powerful rpm ranger and how she was the REAL LEADER gosh i love her and then we took my photo and SHE LET ME HOLD HER RPM TOY GUN THING i love herrr
FOURTH oh god okay so abbey couldnt be here but we wanted to get her shit so we went to sean cw johnson’s table bc duh and sapphire steph (of sapphire management, she handles like. a lot of rangers. SHES SO COOL) was handling him and we were talking to her and kat facetimed abbey to show her all of sean’s merch and he had these little coins that we got for abbey and asked if he could sign them and we were just talking to steph i dont even know about what i love her and abbey was on the phone and we were like telling them that she loves lightspeed thats why we’re facetiming and SEAN ASKED TO FACETIME HER AND SAY HI bc she was right there and also i showed him  and steph abbey’s little carter art of “get in losers we’re going demon hunting” and they both LOVED IT and then he was like “wait ive seen this art before” and i was like “yeah bc you fucking replied to my tweet about how dino charge is better than lightspeed” and he was like “oh yes i do remember that you said it was worse than watching paint dry and you wanted to gouge your eyes out with a spoon” and i was like I DIDNT SAY THAT I WASNT THAT MEAN (i was pretty mean, im so sorry sean i love you) im not gonna link the tweet bc I CANT BELIEVE HE FUCKING REPLIED TO IT AND REMEMBERED bc he was like “i’m not even on social media” and i was like “well you popped up in my notifs soooo” and he was like “no i respect your opinion even if you’re wrong” lmao and he asked what i didnt like about it and obviously i couldnt say “too many white people” to his face so i said i watched 20 episodes it was boring and we HATED captain mitchell bc we hate shitty mentors and we only love rangers and he was like “okay that’s fair” and i was like “and i didnt like that carter had this whole hero worship thing of captain mitchell when he was a shitty dad and like... is this your king???” (i literally said that why am i like this) and he was like “oh well he was kind of my king” and steph was cracking up at the black panther reference she was like “you guys are a hoot” oh and then we got him to do a video shout out where he says abbeys fave line “freeze missiles? sounds cool” and we were like DO IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT, YOURE AN ACTOR so he pretended to get in character and it was so cute and he told me also “i respect that you’re not fake and you stand by your opinions” and i was like ya cuz lightspeed sucks (no i didnt say that) cuz he was like “some people will be like ‘time force is overrated’ and then go up to michael copon (his booth was behind us) and be like ‘oh i’m a huge fan’” and we were like oh we’d never do that and he loved us even though i was so mean to him IM SORRY SEAN I WILL BUY SOMETHING FROM YOU TOMORROW as we were leaving he said to me “tomorrow you can be fake its fine” hes literally like. so cool. and also handsome. but lightspeed is still boring im sorry.
FIFTH we were wandering around again looking at toys and shit and tabby and ben wanted dino bite cafe shirts so we went to marvels by mossers which was right next to brennan and the sudarso brothers and we started talking to the guy there (aiden, not mosser) about, you know, the stuff they were selling and whatnot he’s so cool like they’re all so cool we talked for ages?? bc tabby had to go to the atm to get money and she took forever so we were just standing around saving her spot in line and aiden asked us like how we became friends when we’re all from different states and we told him we met online bc we love power rangers and we met up at morphicon and loved it so much we came to rangerstop and he was like oh thats so cool (this will be important later ok) anyway im just saying WE HAVE SO MUCH FUN JUST TALKING TO PEOPLE LIKE JUST. JUST TALK TO THEM. EVEN IF THEY’RE NOT POWER RANGERS. like this guy wasnt even a pr fan but he was so chill anyway i love everyone in this bar.
then we went out to eat but got distracted by gazbot’s booth of his HELLA COOL PRINTS and we bought abbey a balance print and an alpha print and kat bought all the six megaforce rangers and tbh tomorrow im gonna go back and get ninja steel blue BECAUSE while this was happening peter texted me “saw you and said hi but you seemed busy haha” becAUSE i did not stop to say hi to him (because he had a line!) while we were by marvels for mossers anyway i felt bad but we were hungry so went out to the food trucks and we saw two ranger actors whom we will not name come out to smoke together which was HILARIOUS (we love them anyway its ok) and THEN
SIXTH we came back inside bc i wanted brennan to sign my dino charge red print that i got from ceevee (also a shoutout to his handler who is really cool and talked to us and just. guys. i love everyone. i love EVERYONE.) and hes sooooo pretty god and his handwriting is so cute it looks like a child bc he’s left-handed and i asked him why the other dino charge rangers werent there and he was like “well davi’s filming and michael and camille dont really do cons” lmao and i told him i went to school w/ michael and camille and he was like “oh cool my sister-in-law went to that school” when i told him what university it was anyway hes just so pretty. im blanking on most of our conversation. then ben talked to him bc they’re both left-handed and reminded him that he instagrammed ben’s art and they message on insta and it was very cute #bennan for life bitches he also signed ben’s dino charge hat
SEVENTH so you know yoshi and peter are right next to brennan so i was with taylor (@ crossbuild on twitter, rocking the ryuga banjou cosplay) and she wanted to meet the sudarsos so we went over to say hi and peter came over and hugged me and we talked and he was like “since i dyed my hair blonde ive gotten like three more roles” and i was like “blonde privilege” (he looked. surprisingly good with it.) and he was telling me that he and yoshi are playing monkey demigod brothers?? or something and that’s why they both dyed their hair blonde and we also talked about kamen rider (bc taylor mentioned it) and he said he wants to watch wizard and i was like YES WATCH WIZARD ITS MY FAVE and he was like “everyone says bad things about it!” and i was like FUCK THEM JUST BECAUSE ITS SLOW-PACED and he was like “no you know i love slow pace” and i was like yes its very episodic but its SO GOOD THE CHARACTERS ARE SO GOOD they just had an issue w/ the lead actress being an idol and he was like “oh well so is lupinyellow” and i was like DO YOU ACTUALLY WATCH LUPATO bc he does keep up w/ sentai but hes always behind and he was like “dont spoil me im three eps behind” and i was like “well thats pretty good for you and also nothing happens in lupato” and he was so offended on its behalf and i was like “name one thing thats happened peter” and he was like “uh gold showed up???” and i was like “that happens every season” but then i was like “dont get me wrong i love lupato its my fave show of all time” (because it absolutely fucking is) and he was like “i thought so i was so confused” lmao (bc like. im always tweeting about how much i love lupato.) anyway yeah i asked him which kamen riders he’d watched and he was like “you know this pearl” which i did i just enjoy pretending i dont know anything about him. watch wizard y’all. and meanwhile, while i was talking to peter, ben and the others were meeting yoshi and ben was getting his dino charge dvd signed and he gave yoshi his art of koda WHICH YOSHI LOVED and ben was gonna pay $30 for the autograph but yoshi was like “no take it back” and he was like “you’re not gonna sell th dvd right” and ben was like “no i’m keeping it forever” and he was like “ya then you’re not paying for it” bc he LOVED THE ART AND HE LOVES BEN AND US hes so handsome irl like fuck man. who allowed dino charge rangers to exist in the mortal realm. he also gave me and ben cheetos later (he offered them to everyone, we were the only ones who accepted. i love hot cheetos.) 
EIGHTH we went to the alphas to get the alpha print signed for abbey and first of all, david fielding’s (zordon) handler was there (david wasnt there) and we were talknig to him and he was like oh im a HUGE power rangers fan i have boxes in my basement full of old power rangers toys and we were like “oh big mood” he was cool too man everyone is so cool i just love. to talk to them. and kat was getting the alpha print signed by romy and she was SO SWEET and we told her how much abbey loved alpha and went to search her art on twitter to show her and she LOVED ALL OF IT she was so sweet her handler was so sweet too and then we went to peta’s booth AND SHE HAD ALPHA GAY PRIDE SHIRTS AND STICKERS so we’re gonna buy those for abbey tomorrow
after that we were hanging around the nearby toy booth avoiding the megaforce rangers who were RIGHT next to the alphas (all together bc they’re codependent losers and we love them) and AIDEN FROM MARVELS BY MOSSER CAME OVER WITH A DINO CHARGE IRON-ON PATCH AND JUST SHOVED IT IN BENS HAND AND SAID “i want you to have this for free because i loved talking to you guys and you deserve it and i love when people meet like you guys did” bc of our little story of how we became online friends and met up and love each other and LIKE. BEN WAS ABOUT TO CRY. I LOVE US AND EVERYONE AT THIS CON. 
NINTH so we went back across the room to the sudarsos bc ben wanted to give peter his preston and marv art so i was like “we have something for you” and shoved ben at him and he LOVED THE ART (of course bc ben’s art is amazing) and was like “i’ve seen this on twitter dont i follow you” and ben was like noo you dont and i was like “no, i just retweet ben all the time so hes on your timeline anyway” AND THEN HE PULLED OUT HIS PHONE AND FOLLOWED BEN IN FRONT OF US and then also later he took a SELFIE w/ the three pieces ben gave him and tweeted about finally getting to meet this amazing artist and @-ed ben and it currently has like 100 likes so ya ben’s famous now go follow him @brodyromero 
AND THEN FOR THE MAIN EVENT THE MEGAFORCE PHOTO OP THAT WE BOUGHT AND WANTED TO SURPRISE THEM TONIGHT AND we also went to walmart earlier and got rainbow cupcakes for them and a candle that says 5 to celebrate their 5th anniversary bc we are that extra. side note, there was an ADORABLE little boy in line behind us in a pink mmpr diamonds t-shirt and he was freaking out at everyone and saw a blue ninja steel cosplayer and went OH MY GOD ITS NINJA STEEL BLUE and he was the only valid fan at the entire con and we let him cut in front of us (well we let everyone cut bc we wanted to be the last people in bc we are dramatique)
TENTH THE MEGAFORCE RANGERS so like the whole day we’ve been stressing “what if they dont remember us what if they dont care what if they dont” and then we entered and the literal second they saw us it was like. azim’s WHOLE FACE LIT UP AND HE WENT “OH MY GOD YOU GUYS CAME ITS MY GIRLS” (cuz remember we’re #azimsangels as per his hashtag) and HUGGED US ALL IMMEDIATELY oh hes such a good hugger and they saw our cupcakes and we were like “its for you for your fifth anniversary!” and they were so happy and surprised and ciara was like so jumpy and she like hugged us all SO BIG SHES SO CUUUUUTE they are all so fucking cute cameron remembered us too and came to give us hugs and kat got pity hugs from christina and john mark, the dignified ones (they were very nice, its just everyone else was clearly high and super jumpy and SO HAPPY TO SEE US) and andrew was just there looking gorgeous. sorry i cant say anything about him bc if u look into his eyes u black out and that happens to all of us. idk if he said anything. hes too pretty to exist. and we were like WE CAME TO FLORIDA TO SEE YOU GUYS because we loved meeting you at morphicon so much (which is TRUE we planned this all so last-minute bc we were like. fuck it lets go to fucking rangerstop we wanna see the megacast again.) and god they were so HAPPY. AZIM WAS SO HAPPY. CAMERON HUGGED ME SO TIIIIGHT. azim like crushed us all in a group hug the second he saw us. and then we took the photo and ciara literally just JUMPED into ben and kat and tabby’s laps bc they were sitting on the chairs and i got in the back in the middle of ALL FOUR BOYS like oh my god i cant even look at myself in the picture we got bc i’m surrounded by the literal hottest guys in the world like what the fuck. andrew gray TOUCHED ME. like holy fuck. and christina posed w/ the cupcakes and cameron held the 5 candle and was like “COME ON JOHN LETS BLOW IT OUT” and that was their pose and the rest of us were just cheesin and god its so cuuute im gonna make them all autograph it tomorrow and i also got megaforce red and silver prints from ceevee to get andrew and cameron to sign. and then after the pic christina tried to give us back the cupcakes and we were like NO THEY’RE FOR YOU THEY’RE YOUR BIRTHDAY GIFT and cameron literally started jumping up and down like a little kid he was like “WE GET CUPCAKES” and i was standing next to him so i said “we got rainbow ones so everyone was kind of represented except you sorry” and he looked at me and was like “yeah because nobody cares about silver” and i was like nooo its bc its hard to put silver on frosting and he was like yeah thats true AND THEN as we were leaving and they were like thank you for the cupcakes!! he was like “are there drugs in them” and kat was like “no” and tabby was like “yes” and i said “next time, for your 10 year anniversary” and andrew was like “ten years!” all chill like. i love him. king of red rangers. cameron said “love youuuu” to us as we left. i would quite literally die for all of them.
afterwards we were waiting around to get our reprints and azim came out and stopped to talk to us and we were like “where the fuck is your girlfriend we only came to see her” and he told us she’s flying to london :( and then he was like “are you guys coming tomorrow come hang out at our booths” (we were like “we have shit for you to sign we’re not just gonna loiter” and he was like “no just come hang out”) and he said “i wanna tell you guys the most heartwarming story that’s happened at rangerstop, a four year saga” so he like. REALLY wants us to come back tomorrow like what a cliffhanger that was!!
we also saw catherine and li ming bc the 25th anniversary photo op was right after us they’re so pretty!! im gonna visit catherine tomorrow and get my PINK RANGER W/ DRAGON SHIELD PRINT SIGNED BY HER ugh ceevee’s art is literally so amazing bitch. fuck. and then steve was also there and tabby was like “we love you steve!” (she said that for every actor that passed us but nobody heard her EXCEPT STEVE) and he stopped and turned back and was like HEY GUYS, love him. AND THEN SELWYN ALSO SHOWED UP FOR THE PHOTO OP and then on our way out of the photo op hallway he was ahead of us getting water in the hotel lobby so we stopped and said hi and introduced ourselves and i was like “we met you at morphicon” and he was like hmm (he was the only one who didnt rmr us at all clearly BUT HES STILL SO VALID. I LOVE YOU SELWYN.) and he was like “why don’t you guys get a picture with me” and we were like “well we’ll be here tomorrow to see you” and he was like “no we gotta do it right now” so he and tabby took a selfie LITERALLY THE CUTEST. HES SO HANDSOME. I LOVE POWER RANGERS.
also psycho red is hot
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tigerlover16-uk · 8 years
How long would you like Super to go on for?
That depends. How many years am I going to live?
Okay, seriously, I don’t know how long Super is going to go on for. I would like it to continue for years, if possible I’d like to see it go past EoZ or have a sequel show that goes past it. Like, Super would be Dragon Ball to that show’s Z. I’d love to see a full, Z length or longer series set in the period after EoZ that doesn’t completely screw up the potential of that time period like GT did. Let Super go on for many years if possible.
Can I be honest here? Part of the reason I’m happy about Super’s existence whatever it’s faults (Which are still far less than it’s positives to me), and why I hated GT so much, is because I don’t think Dragon Ball SHOULD have a definitive end point. Any ending it does get should be open ended, giving a sense of closure but also plenty of potential for more stories afterwards, like EoZ did.
Dragon Ball to me is a franchise like Star Trek, Power Rangers, Yu-Gi-Oh, Star Wars or Marvel comics. It’s a never ending story, where the focus may change as time moves forward and certain characters become more or less relevant given the circumstances, but there’s always more stories to tell as long as there are new ideas. I want to see Goku going on more amazing adventures and fighting new, interesting foes and exploring new places. I want to see more of the supporting characters develop and what new paths their lives take, and the universe further expanded, or expand upon the things we already have.
I know some people want Dragon Ball to simply be a complete story the way it is. And the original manga and two anime are masterpieces that deserve to always be shared with and loved by new generations for the wonderful, life enriching works of art they are. I respect that idea.
But personally, I’ve never understood that viewpoint. Since I was a kid what I really loved was that there was just SO MUCH of this series, all these great stories, and then after watching Z and GT they aired the original series and that was great seeing everything that lead up to the stories I’d already been watching. I never wanted it to end, because it was such an important, wonderful part of my life that never ceased to fill me with joy and spark my imagination.
And then it did end. And while I still loved what we got, except for maybe being just okay with GT back then… I was still sad. I was always unfulfilled afterwards. And while I moved on to other interests, it frustrated me for years because I could never find vhs or dvd sets for the show anywhere I looked here in Wales, and they didn’t re-air anything for years after Dragon Ball ended, so I was stuck for a chance to re-watch it until Kai came about and then eventually watching it online. It was only through getting an amazon account a yew years ago where I can now say I’m lucky enough to own anything from this series on DVD to watch at my leisure, and I’m making the most of it and I’ve read as much of the manga as I can get my hands on too, after only getting to read the occasional volume from libraries.
It frustrated me for years that they weren’t making more Dragon Ball stories, and the most we got were occasional specials that I couldn’t even watch a lot of them for a while because no UK release. when I heard there was a new movie coming out (Battle of Gods) I was really happy, and I got it on DVD as soon as I could and I love it, I re-watch it all the time because MY GOD it’s so much fun. Then when I heard there was going to be a new anime coming out, it made my heart soar. After waiting half my life for something new that wasn’t a game (Most of which that had stories were just re-tellings of the show, or at least the few I could get a hold of) or other scattered media I found online like the old movies (only a few of which I ever got to watch in full on tv), it felt like God was granting me a gift.
I was so happy about it. And while I didn’t watch any of the show until halfway through the Champa saga (I was planning to wait for the dub, but eventually I just couldn’t), I did keep up to date with news on the show frequently. And watching the Champa saga, while I had my gripes like Buu and Piccolo not getting as much to do as I’d expected, I honestly really, really enjoyed myself. And for whatever ups and downs we had with the Future Trunks saga, I’ve been enjoying the show ever since.
It may not be perfect, but between this and getting access to a lot of Dragon Ball media, as well as fan content like the abridged series, multiverse and a bunch of other stuff that i’d avoided because it’s only in the last few years I’ve been comfortable enough to take an interest and involvement in fandom stuff, it feels like a part of my life, and a part of myself that went missing has been restored. We’ve had our bumps on the road, but with the franchise feeling like it’s starting to make a comeback and the Dragon Ball room being a thing now, I feel so happy and content, that even with all the nonsense that life throws at me all the time and my boatload of insecurities and concerns for the future, I have plenty of things to look forward to.
It’s comforting. It may not be the only franchise I love and that’s a big part of my life. I’m a huge geek, I have tons of shows, comics, movies and stuff that I follow. My favourite fictional character is still and always will be Spider-man, and he’s always going to be extremely important to me more than any other character. But Dragon Ball as a whole just fills a special place in my life that no other franchise really matches up to.  And I’m so glad to be able to follow a new anime again after so long.
If it were up to me, Super would never end. It would just get better and better with each new saga so that everyone would be happy with it. I know that’s probably unrealistic, but I legitimately don’t want it to end.
I think the story could go on too with many new shows. What, Goku eventually gets too old to be the main character? We have Uub. As much as GT wasted him and as rushed as EoZ might have been, there’s potential for him, Pan and the younger generation of characters to take up the mantle of earths defenders while Goku takes up Master Roshi’s role as the wise old mentor who occasionally helps out.
Heck, have him tap into whatever it is Roshi uses to let him live hundreds of years to aid and inspire generations of martial artists and heroes. Just don’t do whatever the heck GT did with it’s ending and I’m cool with it. Piccolo and Buu could possibly live for centuries, so they could be around too for many stories to come. Heck, maybe Roshi and Babba or other characters could continue being around. We know Hit is over a thousand years old, he or other characters like him could always show up in distant future stories. New characters can always be introduced over time to supplement and replace the old Z fighters as they pass on with old age, hopefully after plenty more development and closure and getting to live fulfilling lives. I seriously want Yamcha to find a woman that loves him and get married already like the poor guy deserves.
I know I probably sound like I’m delusional, but think of it. Star Trek had many new series set long after the original series, and they all attracted new generations of fans and gave old ones new stuff to enjoy (Well, except enterprise. No one likes that). And while they’re controversial among Trekkies, the Abrams reboot film series did help bring in many new fans. I have a friend at the kennels I work part time at who went on to binge every Star Trek series except Enterprise after watching them. And there’s a new Star Trek show on the way.
Power Rangers is constantly coming out with new shows, and while they all feature a new cast of characters and a self contained story after In Space, they’re all still in the same continuity. I haven’t watched any shows regularly since Wild Force, but I plan to start bingeing my way through to catch up eventually, and I’ve kept track to some extent through linkara’s history of power rangers videos. And yeah, the franchise has bad shows now and again, but more good or even great installments, and while it stumbled a bit with Samurai and Megaforce it seems to be on the mend with the latest show, and Ninja Steel has Judd Lynn on board so that traditionally means it’s gonna be great. Still weary about this movie adaption, but whatever. The franchise can keep going as it is along with supplementary material as long as there are sentai to adapt. And those are never going to stop.
And Doctor Who is NEVER going to end, even if some idiot did get it cancelled for a bit that one time. It’ll always find a way to come back to life.
A lot of franchises are capable of continuing forever given the right premise and circumstances. Dragon Ball has always felt like one of those to me. Heck, supplementary material provides some good ideas for how the story could be continued, like take some ideas from Dragon Ball Online, which Toriyama contributed to. Stuff like Majin Buu creating a wife for himself and producing an entire species worth of children opens up endless possibilities of new characters and world building. Or Tien and Krillin restarting the Crane and Turtle hermit martial arts schools, that’s a good way to keep them relevant.
We’ve got a whole multiverse now and multiple timelines. Literally anything is possible. The Dragon Ball universe is so rich and constantly changing and evolving. It’s like real life that way. Supplementary material here and there is good. But I want more. I want more side manga, things that explore other characters personal stories like maybe delving into detail on Master Roshi’s past at last. I want to see them start making movies every year or two again like they used to. I want to see more Dragon Ball tv specials, like Bardock and History of Trunks that expand on characters and stories that haven’t been fully explored. Heck, give us a special that deals with Future Trunks and Mai going to that new Future Timeline created at the end of the Future Trunks Saga.
And I want to see new anime every few years. Always more stories to come.
I’m not blind to the potential issues with this idea and approach. I know it’s asking for a lot. But it’s what I’d like to happen. It’s what I’ve always wanted to see, and with Super it feels like we have some glimmer of hope for that to become a reality. I don’t expect everything to be good, but we can and likely would get some great stuff out of it, and regardless of whatever else the franchise does, we’ll always have the perfection that is the old series and the manga. I’m going to share them with my kids if I’m ever lucky enough to have any, and I know many, many other people will.
So why not keep making more shows? Why not keep making more stories? Why not have Super go on for years and have another show after it, so long as those stories can be good? Hopefully with Toriyama’s oversight and advice if he’s willing, but I understand and would wish him the best if he decides to not be involved any more past a certain point to just enjoy his life like he deserves, the wonderful old man.
I don’t know how long Super is actually going to go on for. But if everything from this point onwards can be good to great, then I’ll be happy. I don’t want it to end anytime within the foreseeable future, and I don’t want Super to be the last Dragon Ball anime we get. People can have a wide range of opinions on this topic, none of us truly know what’s best for a franchise like this I think. But I like that it now feels like the doors truly open for endless possibilities again, which is one of the things this franchise has always been about to me. And I hope Toei and Toriyama and just anyone who cares to do good things with this franchise takes advantage of that.
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wbwest · 8 years
New Post has been published on WilliamBruceWest.com
New Post has been published on http://www.williambrucewest.com/2017/01/18/west-year-ever-pop-culture-review-2016/
West YEAR Ever: Pop Culture In Review - 2016
Thank 8 pound, 6 ounce newborn Baby Jesus that 2016 is over! I mean, I guess there was some good stuff peppered in there, but it was an overall rough year for a lot of people. I tried to keep my sanity here on the blog, but even I checked out for the month of November. Like Kenny Rogers told us, sometimes you’ve gotta know when to walk away. But I did make a return in December just to kick the year in the ass on its way out. So, besides celebrity deaths, what did 2016 bring us? Well, there was that week we were all mesmerized by Pokemon Go! Those were fun times. We got new X-Files episodes. Peyton Manning retired after winning the Super Bowl with the Denver Broncos. Atlanta and Luke Cage came along and entertained us on television. And things weren’t too shabby here on the blog either.
During Spring Break Week, I discussed several of the most underrated TV theme songs, including Webster, California Dreams, and Enterprise.
I also covered the worst Batman comic ever written, in the form of Just Imagine Stan Lee’s Batman
I did my annual Fall TV Upfronts post, where I discussed the upcoming fall lineups of the major broadcast networks.
A post that was several years in the making, I ranked the Hot Moms of Teen Shows over on The Robot’s Pajamas
I also did a guest post ranking the hottest Power Rangers Villains
It wasn’t all fun and games, though. The country was going through some dark stuff, and I’m particularly proud of this West Week Ever where I discussed the racial problems in the country.
I also experience my first live wrestling event as I attended a taping of WWE Monday Night Raw.
I brought back my graphic novel review column, Adventures West Coast, where I covered Wonder Woman: Earth One.
I also brushed off my Comical Thoughts column, where I discussed IDW’s disappointing Hasbro-centric Revolution event.
Finally, I closed out the year with a post that I’m particularly proud of, discussing the greatest problems facing comic retailers.
I saw about 13 fewer movies in 2016 than in 2015. It wasn’t for lack of trying, but there are only so many hours in the day. As you know, I’m not necessarily Mr. Movie, so I’m not even going to try to rank them. Here they are, simply in the order that I saw them. Wanna know my thoughts? Plug the title into the search box up on the top righthand corner!
Movies I Watched This Year
Beauty Shop
Bikini Spring Break
Fifty Shades of Grey
X-Men: Days of Future Past (The Rogue Cut)
We Don’t Live Here Anymore
Gone Girl
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2
The Martian
Inside Out
Batman: Bad Blood
Son of Batman
Batman vs. Robin
The Hundred-Foot Journey
San Andreas
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
Autism In Love
Cop Car
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice
Dead 7
Justice League vs. Teen Titans
Pacific Rim
All Things Must Pass: The Rise and Fall of Tower Records
Unhung Hero
The Boss
Captain America: Civil War
They Live
Ted 2
Zoolander 2
The Ladykillers
10 Cloverfield Lane
X-Men: Apocalypse
The Intern
You’re F@#k’n Dead!
LEGO DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered
LEGO DC Comics Superheroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of Doom
The Good Dinosaur
Sleeping with Other People
Big Hero 6
The Night Before
The Equalizer
The Bronze
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping
Batman: The Killing Joke
Sharknado: The 4th Awakens
Suicide Squad
The Day
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Independence Day: Resurgence
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Meet The Hitlers
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates
Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising
Doctor Strange
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  West Week Ever Recipients of 2016 (with commentary)
1/8/16 – Fall Out Boy’s “Irresistible” video
I’m a huge boyband fan, so the news that one of my favorite bands (Fall Out Boy) had reimagined the It’s Gonna Be Me video by one of my favorite boybands (*NSYNC) definitely made my week. The sheer fact that it didn’t really move the world of pop culture, however, shows you how slow of a news week it was. There would be many weeks like this in 2016.
1/15/16 – Power Rangers
This was quite the week for the Power Rangers franchise. First off, it was revealed that Saban would be skipping the train-centric sentai series Ressha Sentai ToQger, and instead adapt Shuriken Sentai Ninninger as Power Rangers Ninja Steel. This announcement was almost a year to the date of the premiere of the show (scheduled to debut next Saturday), and we spent the next few months getting casting and toy news about the show. Meanwhile, the #0 issue of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic was released by Boom! that week, setting up a series that is so much better than it has any right to be. I’ve written about it several times over the year, as I’m a big fan. And finally, former Wild Force Red Ranger actor Ricardo Medina was formally charged that week for killing his roommate with a sword. All in all, I think Power Rangers truly earned the West Week Ever that week.
1/22/16 – DC Entertainment
The Suicide Squad trailer was released this week, as well as the series premiere of Legends of Tomorrow. The Suicide Squad promotion machine would see its ups and downs over the year, the Legends premiere was fairly strong, even with a bunch of useless characters (I’m looking at you, Hawks). The show would get stronger in its second season, but this is where it all started. We also got a DC movie special hosted by Kevin Smith, giving us some Wonder Woman and Justice League footage. Marvel usually dominates the news cycle, but DC showed that they can also step up to the plate.
1/29/16 – The X-Files
When news of an X-Files revival hit, it was pretty big news. Then it launched, and it wasn’t exactly what folks were expecting. Clocking in at 6 episodes, only half of them focused on the conspiracy aspect of the show, plus they were aired out of order.  I went from really liking the premiere to completely forgetting it existed, in a very short amount of time. If it was going to get the WWE, it would had to have been this week of the premiere, as it ended with more of a whimper than a bang.
2/5/16 – UnderScoopFire Podcast
I appeared on the UnderScoopFire Podcast 8 times over the years, and had a great time on every one of them. Those guys are some of my good friends that I’ve met online, so of course I was sad to see it go. After 150 shows (give or take a few. Yeah, I’m not letting that go!), I think their swan song deserved the West Week Ever.
2/12/16 – Denver Broncos
I couldn’t give two shits about sports, but Lindsay’s from Denver, so we’re a Broncos household. So, everything was coming up Milhouse this week, as the Broncos won Super Bowl 50. Not only was it a nice, round, milestone number, but it also served as future Hall of Famer Peyton Manning’s final game. It was the perfect storybook ending that sports fans seem to love so much. So, yeah, they totally deserved the West Week Ever.
2/19/16 – Deadpool
Deadpool came out and blew away everyone’s expectations. I mean, this thing is getting nominated for awards. And not Razzies, too! Personally, I thought it was too gratuitous. I’ve gone over my reasoning before, so I won’t rehash that here. Still, it went on to become the second highest grossing superhero film of the year, just behind Captain America: Civil War. Totally deserved.
3/4/16 – Fuller House
After Girl Meets World came along, the runway was cleared for any and every nostalgic reboot to come along. And along came Fuller House. Every fan of TGIF awaited it with bated breath, hoping for the same mindless entertainment they got from the original show. And it did not disappoint! The second season just debuted a few weeks ago, and it’s already been picked up for a 3rd on Netflix. This show not only showed the power of Netflix as a home for original comedies, but also showed that old dogs still have some fight left in them. I think this was definitely the high point of that week.
3/11/16 – Jay Pharaoh
This was a slow week. Sure, Pharaoh did an amazing impersonation spree during that week’s Saturday Night Live Weekend Update. Like, it was AMAZING. And to pay him back, the show fired him at the end of the season. He’s OK, as he immediately booked a Showtime pilot, but the fact that this was the most noteworthy thing of the week shows how slow things were.
3/18/16 – Nothing
Some weeks you’ve just gotta call a spade a spade. Instead of insulting anyone’s intelligence, nothing had the West Week Ever.
3/25/16 – Wonder Woman
Like a lot of people, I did not like Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Like a lot of people, I also felt that Wonder Woman was the brightest spot in that dark film. Totally deserved
4/1/16 – Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice 
I may not have liked it. A lot of folks may not have liked it. But it made some money. A lot of money. And it was the true springboard to DC’s cinematic universe. So, for its money-making and its importance, I think it earned the West Week Ever. Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean that it’s bad. It just wasn’t for me.
4/8/16 – American Idol
Idol‘s series finale aired that week, marking the end of a pop culture juggernaut. Unlike The Voice, Idol actually created household names. It gave us Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken, Carrie Underwood, and Fantasia. On the flip side, it also gave us William Hung, Taylor Hicks, and Daughtry. It spawned so many copycats, but it was the original recipe. Its influence may have waned in later years, but no one can deny what it was in its heyday. I think it’ll eventually come back, but this was when we said “Ta ta, for now.”
4/15/16 – Marvel
That week, we found out Natalie Portman wasn’t coming back for Thor: Ragnarok, we got a teaser trailer for Doctor Strange, an we learned that the new Spider-Man movie would be called Spider-Man: Homecoming. Marvel definitely dominated the news cycle that week.
4/22/16 – Harriet Tubman
While it was pretty monumental that a woman (a Black woman, mind you) would be adorning American currency, it doesn’t really move the pop culture needle that much. So, I ended up giving the West Week Ever to a dead woman – in a column that has a pretty strict No Death policy. This was kind of a slow week…
4/29/16 – Beyoncé
The singer dropped the surprise album Lemonade following their airing of her HBO special. One of the songs alluded to the possibility that her husband, Jay-Z, might have cheated on her. For the next week, everyone was pondering the identity of “Becky, with the good hair”. This is the kind of thing the drives pop culture. Totally deserved.
5/6/16 – Captain America: Civil War
I had seen the movie, and thought it was excellent.
5/13/16 – Captain America: Civil War
Then the movie made a lot of money. I mean, a fuckton of money.
5/20/16 – Nothing
It was just one of those weeks
5/27/16 – DC Universe: Rebirth #1
DC Comics lost a lot of fans after the New 52 event, in which they rebooted their universe. So, the Rebirth event was something of a mea culpa to those fans. More like a “Please come back! We promise to make stuff you’ll like again!” And for the most part it has worked. This special not only brought fan favorite Wally West back into the fold, but it also sort of introduced the Watchmen comic into the mainstream DC universe. We don’t yet know how that’s all going to play out, but this move helped DC to dominate more market share than Marvel for most of the year.
6/3/16 – Ecto-Cooler
I never really liked Ecto-Cooler. I mean, it tasted kinda like tropical piss, but I loved the fact that Slimer was on the box. That’s about where my nostalgia ended. But a lot of y’all out there LOVED that shit! So, when it was announced that Coca Cola was bringing it back in conjunction with the Ghostbusters movie, y’all started assembling street teams to track it down. I swear, if the 2016 election had been run in a manner similar to the vim and vigor displayed trying to track down green sugar water, I might actually have some hope for tomorrow!
6/10/16 – Awesome Con 2016
Slow week. Cool show, great company, but slow week.
6/17/16 – Hamilton
I discovered the Hamilton soundtrack the same week that it won 11 of the 16 Tony Awards for which it was nominated. We’ll talk more about the show later, but the West Week Ever was deserved, even if the wins did fall short of the Tony Award record.
6/24/16 – Black actors in Hollywood
This was more of a joke, as every Black actor in Hollywood was being cast in the upcoming Black Panther film. That trend has continued since this post. Still, slow news week.
7/1/16 – The 683 New Members of the Oscar Academy
Another joke. Due to the #OscarsSoWhite hashtag, signifying that the Academy was lacking in diversity, 683 people were invited to be members, bolstering the number of women and minorities. Still, slow news week.
7/8/16 – TNA’s The Final Deletion
Oh, man! This thing was incredible. They went on to milk it for the rest of the year, andI missed all subsequent installments. Still, this got me to pay attention to a wrestling promotion not owned by Vince McMahon, and for a brief moment, all wrestling eyes were on TNA to see what Matt Hardy would do next. Completely deserved.
7/15/16 – Pokemon GO!
This game came along and took the world by STORM. To say it was a success would be an understatement. It was envisioned to promote fitness, as kids would have to walk around to find perks and to get their eggs to hatch, but there were workarounds. Hell, I drove around looking for Pokestops. For about 4 weeks, this was all anyone could talk about. It was the Tamagotchi of a new generation, and I think, outside of all the political stuff, it’s one of the things we’ll remember most about 2016.
7/22/16 – Ghostbusters
It was a slow week, but Ghostbusters and the Republican National Convention were the only newsworthy events of the week. As much as we want to pile on that movie, it did take in a respectable $46 million, and it set a record for Paul Feig/Melissa McCarthy movies. I know a lot of folks don’t feel the movie’s deserving of any kind of accolades. As you saw above, I didn’t watch it, but I still think it’s not as bad as people would like me to believe. I swear, though, had they named it anything other than Ghostbusters, we’d still be talking about it.
7/29/16 – DC Entertainment
DC, back with their SECOND West Week Ever of the year? The word on the street was that they “won” San Diego Comic Con, with their new footage of Justice League, as well as the debut of the Wonder Woman trailer. Considering Marvel usually dominates SDCC, this was a feat worth acknowledging.
8/12/16 – Suicide Squad
The movie made $160 million in 5 days, which is nothing to sneeze at. Plus, I actually enjoyed it. I didn’t like it as a component of DC’s cinematic world building, but I liked it as a standalone thing on its own.
8/19/16 – Ryan Lochte
He was an Olympian at the center of a fake robbery attempt in a foreign country, who then fled to let his teammates take the fall. It’s the stuff of a great Aaron Spelling show. He had the West Week Ever simply because he got away with it.
8/26/16 – Guardians trailer
Slow news week, even if the trailer is pretty awesome. Billed as “Russia’s Avengers”, the English version of Guardians trailer started making the rounds because of its crazy action and gun-wielding bear man. Yeah, you’ve gotta see it to believe it. The movie might not even be released over here, and if it is, it’ll never get higher than cult status. Still, if you want to know what everyone was talking about that week, it was Guardians.
9/2/16 – Are You Being Served? one-off special
Some might say this was a slow news week, but I think this applied the West Week Ever to an international stage when I typically just focus on the US. After all, this special didn’t even air in America (nor has it since, nor do there seem to be plans to do so in the future), and I had to resort watching it on YouTube. Still, I grew up with Are You Being Served? and I was more than curious to see how an update of it might hold up. With a few small exceptions, it was pitch perfect, and definitely in the spirit of the original series. This one might’ve been a bit personal for me, but I think it was the best part of this particular week.
9/9/16 – Atlanta
The show just won the Golden Globe for Best Comedy Series. I think I called this one correctly.
9/16/16 – Better Late Than Never
Another personal one for me, but it’s my site, so whatever. I’m more than certain none of my friends were watching this show, but I watched it weekly with my mom and we enjoyed it. I wrote about it to get folks to seek it out, but I doubt that happened. Still, in a week when nothing happens, things like this are allowed to shine.
9/23/16 – Lindsay West
Mah wife. Running your first half marathon is pretty impressive. And nothing happened in the overall pop culture world. If you’ve followed West Week Ever since the beginning, you know that every so often some random person gets the honor. Hell, last year, my kid had the West Year Ever, so you never know where I might play that card.
10/7/16 – Luke Cage
It broke Netflix! So many people tuned in that Netflix couldn’t handle it. I still haven’t seen it, but I haven’t heard a bad thing about it other than the fact that it kinda drags in the middle – like most Marvel Netflix shows.
10/14/16 – Will & Grace
Considering I think I was the only one impressed by this Will & Grace special that was designed to get folks to get out and vote, I’m sure a lot of folks disagreed with this choice. Still, if you were a Will & Grace fan, then you can’t deny how great it was to see those characters in a way that felt like they’d never left us.
10/21/16 – Logan trailer
Can’t say much more because the movie’s not out yet, but we were ALL talking about this after it dropped, and it’s on most folks’ most anticipated movies of 2017 lists. I don’t think it’s going to disappoint.
10/28/16 – The Walking Dead
I don’t watch it, but I did tune into this episode just to watch a man die. Or two men. Whatever. All folks could talk about this week was whether or not the show had gone too far. The Walking Dead dominated the discussion, so this West Week Ever was well-deserved.
11/4/16 – The Chicago Cubs
Um, the “cursed” team won their first championship after 108 years. Yeah, this was deserved.
12/2/16 – Search Party
I don’t feel like a lot of my readers had seen the show when I wrote this, but I know a few who checked it out because I’d written about it. That’s why I do this, kids! It was one of my favorite shows of 2017, and if you haven’t checked it out yet, I’m not quite sure what you’re waiting for.
12/9/16 – Hamilton
Hamilton for the second time this year. The last time was for its Tony wins, but this one was two-fold: The Hamilton Mixtape was released and a beautifully pirated copy of the play was uploaded to YouTube. I watched it during the 5 days that it was allowed to stay on the site, and I can now die saying that I saw Hamilton. This was on the heels of a controversy where the cast members took a moment to address Vice President-Elect Mike Pence while he was taking in the show. For the next week, the conversation was whether or not they should’ve done that. So, it’s safe to say that Hamilton was on everyone’s lips around that time.
12/16/16 – WWE’s New Day
Yeah, then the lost two days after I posted this. I guess that’s how the cookie crumbles. Still, they deserved the West Week Ever for all they had put in leading up to this point.
12/23/16 – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
It was the last thing to make a dent in pop culture before the clock ran out on 2016. A lot of folks are saying it’s one of their favorite Star Wars movies. I don’t really get that, but I’m happy for them if that’s the case. I thought it was entertaining, but I didn’t really like it. It’s hard to explain, and I’ve tried. Still, there’s no way anything else is going to take center stage when there’s new Star Wars to be consumed.
So, who had the West Year Ever? In the past, I’ve added up who had the most West Week Ever wins and then it’s a runoff. If we’re being honest, Death had the West Year Ever. There were SO many celebrity deaths this year, that it would take another post just to do a proper In Memoriam for everyone we lost. And of course, you have those guys who wanna “Neil deGrasse Tyson” everything by pointing out that people die all the time, or that the year is an arbitrary number. Whatever, asshole. That doesn’t help anybody, and it’s why you don’t get invited to many parties. Anyway, I don’t like to focus on death in West Week Ever -not because it’s morbid, but more because I feel like I’d have to acknowledge every celebrity death, even when I didn’t personally give a shit about that person. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
Doing the math, it’s a three-way tie between DC Entertainment, Captain America: Civil War, and Hamilton. DC Entertainment really stepped up this year, taking a good chunk of the comics market share away from Marvel, as well as by launching their cinematic universe. After years of being the joke of the industry, DC finally started pushing back. And the Rebirth initiative didn’t hurt things, either. Meanwhile, not everyone loved Civil War. I did, but even I’ll admit that it’s basically “Dawn of Justice Done Right”. They’re both superhero slugfests that surround the concept of dead moms. Some called it “Civil Bore”, but I don’t agree with that. Still, I have to kind of acknowledge that there is a divide out there. Finally, there’s Hamilton. It had a big year, but I don’t know if we’ll look back and say “Hamilton really came into its own in 2016.” If anything, that’s more likely to happen at a time when the show can more easily be consumed by the masses. So, Hamilton’s year may actually be ahead of it, but it’s not 2016. So, I think it’s pretty clear. 2016 was the year where retailers stopped buying everything Marvel was selling, and so did the fans. The quality of Marvel’s output was in question more this year than it was in recent years, yet people still seemed to be able to find positive things about the DC Universe. Meanwhile, their movies might not be your cup of tea, but they made money, and the critics haven’t deterred them from forging ahead. So, with that, I believe I simply have to admit that DC Entertainment had the West Year Ever.
0 notes
kathillards · 6 years
OK SO THE CRAZIEST THING HAPPENED TODAY you guys ok it was me and abbey and jaz and we were heading out of the con to get lunch right and while we were debating what to get we saw someone sitting alone on his phone on a bench and GUESS WHO
it was fucking JUDD LYNN
and ofc being who i am i went up and was like hi are u chip lynn we’re huge fans love ninja steel and he was like oh really what are your faves and we like. talked to him about power rangers and how we all met thru dino change (well while it was airing so not technically a lie) and he asked if we grew up on power rangers and asked our favorite seasons and if we were at the ninja steel panel and what we thought about the beast morphers cast and we asked him for their names but he said they’re not finalized officially yet even though he Has them so he wouldn’t tell us
and we told him we love ninja steel I TOLD HIM I LOVE BEAST MORPHERS BLUE AND WILL BEING DESI AND I OWE HIM FOR THAT which is true and he asked if we were going to the ninja steel signing and we were like no the line is insane and my feet hurt (true) and he was like
“well what if i get you to the front of the line”
and we were like CAN YOU??? and he was like yeah
and i was like WILL YOU and he was like yeah
so he took us back to the convention center and all the way around and we talked about power rangers and beast morphers and shit the whole time and guys he was like “what’d you think of beast morphers red isn’t he striking??” and i said YES KEEP HIS NATURAL HAIR PLEASE and i yelled at him for not letting zoe keep her natural hair and he also said “and jackie our yellow she’s only 18” and i was like she’s so cute but pls stop casting blondes for yellows and he was like but we need a variety of hair colors and i was like cast a fucking redhead then idc
anyway then we made it to the ninja steel line and he was like “we’re gonna tell them you’re my personal friends” and he went and talked to the staff person and then waved us over and we totally cut in line to see the ninja steel rangers and oh my god so then WE MET THE NINJA STEEL RANGERS AND GOT THEIR AUTOGRAPHS ON A POSTER THAT I AM GONNA PUT IN MY ROOM and and and
jordi was soooo beautiful and sweet omg actually jaz and i totally ran into him on our way back from the con EARLIER and he was going for lunch but he was so gracious and kind and took a PHOTO with us and talked to us and then he recognized us and i was like sorry we stopped you omg and he was like no don’t worry HES SO SWEET
and i like leaned over abbey at one point and i was like hey peter i’m pearl cuz like you know. we’ve been talking for like a year and a half and he was like oh my god and he GOT UP and came around the table to HUG ME he’s so sweet and he was talking to me about how i got there and i was like yeah judd got us here and he was like you GOTTA talk to him about becoming a writer on pr they’re looking for interns and i was like yeah but in NEW ZEALAND peter anyway then he got back to his seat so i could get his autograph and he asked if i told judd all the problems i had w his writing and i said no i was totally fake PETER and he was cracking up and god i hope he doesn’t know how to check this blog ever
and then WILL OH MY GOD he is so hot and sweet and i asked him if he was desi and he was like yeah i’m half indian i don’t know if that counts and i was like YES YOURE MY ONLY REPRESENTATION and he asked my name and i said pearl and he said oh i have an auntie named pearl LIKE PLEASE WILL. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
and then CHRYSTI she’s so pretty i complimented her super cute pink pantsuit and she was like THANKS they finally let us choose what to wear lmaooo every neo saban pink says this and they’re valid and i love them
AND THEN ZOE AND NICO and i told zoe i was kathillards on instagram and she talked to me there once and that we LOVE HAYLEY SO MUCH WE ARE ALWAYS LIVETWEETING NINJA STEEL TALKING ABOUT HOW WE LOVE HAYLEY she was so sweet and kind and BEAUTYFUL and oh yeah we had been talking to judd about how we looove that calvin and hayley had an established relationship and he was at the end of the table w nico so he leaned over and was like they LOVE calvin and hayley being together and we were like YEAH BUT WHEN WILL THEY KISS and they loved us ok they’re both beautiful and kind and i looove them and also 👀👀👀 they were verrrry touchy w each other
and then chip also signed our poster so we have like three special ones and we were like wow thank you for this what the FUCK??? and we were like standing around talking for a bit just about like. he made a joke about calvin and hayley sleeping together in the finale and we were like whoaaaa anyway then we said goodbye and... yeah it was fucking wild???? i’ll take a photo of my poster and all my shit when i’m home because. oh my GOD YOU GUYS.
peter is such a good hugger. please let him never read this because we ran into him at the car valet too completely by chance and i was like hi and we walked inside and he got distracted by fucking kyle higgins but it’s chill because me and abbey and ben waited in the lobby and got to meet ANDRE AND TELL HIM WE LOVE HIM AND HES SO SWEET AND TOOK PICS WITH US but i look terrible this was at 10 at night after we watched crazy rich asians so i’m not posting that shit but just believe me it happened and i love him (andre, not peter) more than my own life
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kathillards · 6 years
misc morphicon stories
ok so i feel like i’ve talked FOREVER about all the wild shit that happened to us at morphicon (running into rangers at the car valet!! meeting chip lynn!! azim calling us his favorite ladies at the con!!) but i wanted to make a write up for all the stuff i haven’t talked about yet because i have to remember all this and i want you all to experience it too!! it was so fun oh my god if you haven’t been to morphicon... start making plans for 2020 guys it is legit INSANE best weekend of my entire LIFE
- ann marie crouch is AN ACTUAL PRINCESS SENT FROM HEAVEN we ran into her on our way back to the hotel one of the days and we were like omg it’s princess shayla we love you!! and she was so sweet and stopped and talked to us even though she was on her way out for a nap and she was in full shayla gear she looked so pretty! and we saw her on the way back too she had changed into casual clothes but still rocking it WE LOVE ONE MENTOR ONLY
- jessica rey is so funny and adorable omg we stopped by her booth to buy wild force pins (kat and abbey) bc the wf rangers come PREPARED w/ merch and nobody was there so we all just started talking to her and told her how we loved wild force and alyssa and abbey said she loved the ep where alyssa beat up the boys and she’s so cute and fun to talk to!! she told us about the shades of pink panel and i was like “is alyssa a pink or a white ranger” and she was like “lol i dont even know” also she had her handler take a staged candid of us talking to her because she loved us lmao. and then we were talking about white rangers and all of us were like “fuck tommy lives we stan alyssa only” and she laughed and immediately started telling us about what a dick jdf had been to fans the day before lmao (also for real...he’s a dick) and i was like YOU ARE THE SUPERIOR WHITE TIGER RANGER god shes so cool she loved us and didnt wanna stop talking but we had to move away cuz ppl were lining up for her behind us rip
- RICHARD AND ANGIE oh my god ok so i’d stopped and talked to angie on the first day and also the second day and i told her i’d come back later bc i wanted a photo w/ BOTH OF THEM and i did tell her how much i loved madison and vida like we are ROCCA SISTER STANS FIRST PEOPLE SECOND and shes so cute and she remembered us every time!! and then on the third day i finally got to talk to richard and he’s so sweet we talked about mystic force just at his booth for like ten minutes waiting for angie for the photo op, he asked us our fave episodes and i said dark wish and he actually remembered it so i think he might be the only actor at the con who watched his season. and we told him we loved the mystic force theme song AND HE STARTED SINGING IT. and someone had left him a green zeo figurine for...some reason and he told us “i dont even fucking know who that is” (but nicer lol he is very charming and polite) and we told him it was adam/johnny and he was like ohhhh lmao i love disney era actors not knowing SHIT about saban era. like he literally worked with johnny. i love him. AND THEN HE ASKED US ALL TO BE IN THE PHOTO and since kat paid for half of it we were like aight its a group thing and its the cutest photo i love disney era actors only
- i think i talked about meeting dwayne cameron already but god hes so sweet and i felt bad for him bc caitlin next to him had ppl she was talking to but he was all alone so me and abbey just went up and started talking to him and i told him i loved overdrive and i told him i recognized him as ethan’s bully and we talked about tyzonn and vella and just overdrive in general and hes so SWEET and he HUGGED ME SO TIGHT GOD i think he really enjoyed us like. actually loving overdrive and being able to talk about it. AND HE RAN INTO ABBEY IN CARS LAND AT DISNEY ON MONDAY AND GAVE HER ANOTHER HUG hes so cute (angie was also there with him I LOVE DISNEY ERA SOLIDARITY)
- met monica may and cerina vincent on saturday, not a lot to say bc i only talked to them a bit and took my photos but they are both so beautiful and elegant and classy and i told cerina i loved her in stuck in the middle :’) ranger ladies are so intimidatingly pretty god. also picked up this huge LEGIT spd poster and im gonna put it up in my room as soon as i can because oh my god its professional quality it looks so cool. we also talked to greg aronowitz bc kat wanted her poster signed and hes so cool we told him how much we appreciated everything he did for spd AND THAT WE WERE ON HIS SIDE ABOUT FEMALE RED FUCK DISNEY.
- god what else uhh we wandered around the toys section a lot on saturday/sunday bc we’d kinda. seen everyone. and there were a lot of panels on sunday so nobody was at the booths. i picked up those amazing rider/sentai prints from ceevee SUPER TALENTED SO WORTH IT. also got me a meteor storm figuart B) which i havent taken out of the box yet but i will
- HECTOR AT THE CAR VALET he literally announced he would be at morphicon the day before and then we saw him while waiting for our car and SCREAMED and he was so chill and cool and he came over and hugged us all hes so hot. AND THEN LATER WE RAN INTO SELWYN WARD AT THE CAR VALET and he also laughed when we squealed and came over and hugged us all and guys he smelled soooo nice i was like right up against him i could have died hes so handsome and perfect.
- we also ran into steve cardenas at the car valet like right when we were all leaving the hotel for the last time and we told him that we loved him and i said i was so excited that it was rocky coming back for the anniversary instead of fucking jason and abbey was like “justice for forever red!” and he was like hah i know right anyway every single actor in this franchise hates jdf lmao that was just the vibe of morphicon and it was valid
- fun fact we did not see jdf ONCE. not going to the con, not at the hotel, not ANYWHERE. just his crazy lines. he was like the douchebag cryptid. im glad tho he can stay that way.
- i talked about meeting andre on saturday night right??? hes so SWEET I LOVE HIM he was so happy when ben gave him his fanart of eddie and took a selfie w/ ben right then and there and also took a pic w/ me and abbey ugh i love him i told him he was so valid for being a power rangers youtuber and liking megaforce AND THAT HE’S THE BEST INTERVIEWER THEY’VE EVER HAD (i also told azim this, i’m very passionate about this subject, every other ranger interviewer sucks ASS)
- jason faunt at the elevators!! hes so sweet i told him how excited i was for the anniversary and he said yeah theres a lot more plot going on and told me to take a selfie bc they couldnt stop him here fhjggd i love that pic i love him AND THEN ALSO later we ran into NAKIA IN AN ELEVATOR AND SHES SO SWEET I SAID “WE LOVE YOU WE WATCHED ALL OF ZEO FOR YOU” and she was like aww thank you so much!! a literal goddess AND THEN LATER AS WE WERE CHECKING OUT karan walked by us to go to nakia and i was so excited i waved and said hi to her and she said “hi baby how are you” SHES SO WONDERFUL I LOVE MY MOTHERS
- i think i told the chris reid story already but like. hes so charming and was so nice even tho i interrupted his express checkout but like. i Had to tell him how valid ninja steel was i was literally like fuck the dudebros they’re so annoying you guys fighting w/ that one guy on twitter over the kcas was the FUNNIEST thing to EVER happen to this fandom and he laughed.
- we also went up to kelson’s booth later and told him how much we loved mick and all his roles!! and talked to him forever about all of them, told him we were kalish/disney era supremacists, told him HOW GOOD HE IS AT VOICE ACTING WE LOVE FLIT AND NORG IN THIS HOUSE he looked so happy :’) i feel like everyone just compliments him on boom which, no offense, but appreciate your voice actors guys. i told him we grew up on disney era and it was like new zealand only had twelve actors and he was five of them and he laughed and was like yeah. i also told him how we loved mick and brody’s father/son relationship and he was like yeah they ended up liking that a lot too which is why they sort of pushed brody’s real dad to the side so mick could shine more and i was like that’s LEGIT. i also told him the prism was brody’s mother and he agreed so that’s canon now. AND I TOLD HIM how fucking dark ninja steel went w/ his storyline literally being about slavery and human trafficking and he was like I KNOW RIGHT and we just talked about how dumb everyone is for being mean to ninja steel and chris showed up at this point too and we all laughed about it together
- ok and then tbh we just spent all of sunday loitering around the megaforce cast but it was worth it because they LOVE US oh my god we talked to them like all sunday about just. everything. azim’s gf jordan was there and she kept telling us to just stick around we talked to her a lot, we asked her about alex heartman and like where tf was he and she said he was working :( BUT AZIM AND ALEX ARE STILL CLOSE so victory. azim also told us a bunch of little stories like how he and the megaforce cast searched for a house to stay in together and ended up finding one at the base of a volcano and he and drew would race around the volcano in the mornings like the crazy people they are, we told him how much we loved andrew’s ACTING SKILLS and “do you see any tears” and he cracked up and said “they used to call me ‘freaky tiki man’ all the time because of that one line” and he told us about other fan encounters and things, we told him on saturday how we all met and became friends because we were the only ppl who loved and defended megaforce and he was SO TOUCHED HES SO SWEET GOD i would die for him. 
- cameron gave us (me and kat) all his money to buy him lunch from the food trucks and i guess just trusted that we loved megaforce so much we wouldn’t just run away with all his money????? and he was absolutely correct we got him teriyaki chicken with garlic noodles and he loved us. his handler also asked us to buy him food and gave us his CREDIT CARD dfhdgfjgdf like power rangers people are wild man. who just gives their credit card to random 20yo girls and just. trusts that they love this children’s show so much they won’t steal it??? i mean they were right and we didn’t but still. AND HE MADE ME AIRDROP one of my megaforce reaction pics to his phone because he loved it so much (it’s the one of jake and emma and orion looking super done, that i had ben redraw for me, so we showed them both pics and all three of them LOVED IT) and cameron even looked ben up on deviantart to see it fdgjkdfdg he loves usss. christina was telling us how they were talking about us at dinner and cameron told her that we were his favorite part of the con :’)) azim also mentioned that they talked about us at dinner because he said to kat “we were discussing that you look like that girl from 10 things i hate about you who was julia stiles’ best friend” LIKE IMAGINE. HAVING THE MEGAFORCE CAST. DISCUSS WHO YOU LOOK LIKE FDJGKDHFJGD they’re so cute ugh and azim and cameron hugged us all goodbye and john mark and christina said goodbye too and i just. love them. so much. 
- at one point cameron asked me and kat how old we were and she was like “twenties...as a group we are in our early twenties” and he was like “.... so old enough to know how a hangover feels right?” and we lost it dfgjfdkdgjh and i said “if i were an actor i would just be stoned the whole con” AND CAMERON JUST NODDED AGGRESSIVELY god the entire cast was definitely hungover and they’re so valid. except christina, we asked her and she said she only had a milkshake so maybe she was their designated driver. 
- andrew is so chill too (i mean i do think he is perpetually high but its fine) i think he just loves talking??? like he’s there for the babies (so many babies!! and they love troy so much!!! hes so adorable with them) and then he just wants to chill like we went up to him on sunday and he was like oh hey did you guys see this picture and he pulled out his phone and showed a pic of the megaforce cast doing a goofy zombie pose at their photo ops and he told us his backstory on each of their zombie poses like. who does this??? he’s so adorable.
- and ofc we stopped by christina again on sunday bc she’s THE FAVE and shes just so cuuute ugh and i told her i loved all asian rangers bc i am asian!! and she was like omg are you?? and i was like yeah i’m south asian and she was like omg so that’s all part of asia too OH I GET IT SO WE’RE BOTH ASIAN and i was like YES AND YOU’RE ALL MY RANGERS and she smiled at me it was like staring at the sun tbh. i love and would die for her.
- when we went to say goodbye to the megaforce cast cameron just looked at all of us standing around his booth and was like, so genuinely, “you guys are the best” and it still makes me cry thinking about it. AND AZIM’S FACE when we all said “megaforce’s defenders never surrender!” to him he had the sweetest smile god i really would take a bullet for the entire megaforce cast in a heartbeat. they are the sweetest angels & deserve the world. if any of you breathe a word wrong about jake holling in my general vicinity ever again i will fry your intestines and eat them for breakfast thank you GOODBYE.
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