#stop trying to make him look taller by giving him hair that stands 2 inches ksoakpakapamapakaoaka
lover-of-mine · 10 months
i hope they pull back on the quiff a bit and give eddie a softer hairstyle this season…. mainly because R always looks SO NICE when his hair is all messed up and flopping over his forehead from wearing the helmet (see: after the alpaca incident or when he bandages ana’s hand or even 6x18). but also because, with all the love in the world………. Rs hairline is receding a bit now 😅 BUT MOSTLY FOR SOFT MESSY EDDIE
Darling, every day I manifest that the 911 hairstylists will lose all the gel and pomade and just let Eddie's hair be. Give me fluffy haired Eddie at all times. I agree with you, he looks his best when his hair is all messy, he doesn't need the quiff. Throw away the pomade!
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emotionalcadaver · 11 months
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Part 16: Because You'll Be Together
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Robert Fischer x OC
Summary: Alice helps with the planning of the inception.
Word Count: 3,306 
Notes: No warnings this time.
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Chapter 2: Catharsis
She arrived at the warehouse with Eames in the late afternoon, both of them a little frazzled from the plane ride. Well, she was a little frazzled. Eames would probably be more or less incapacitated until tomorrow. But she’d wanted to see where they would be working and say hello to everyone, and he’d agreed to tag along.
She suspected that he just wanted to see Arthur, but she didn’t mention it. 
“Well, look who’s here,” Arthur beamed when he saw her, coming forward to pull her into a hug. “Glad you decided to join us, Al.”
“Yeah,” she smiled sheepishly, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder. “Good to see you, Arthur.”
“Uh, this,” he gestured with a sweeping arm to a woman only an inch or two taller than Alice, with curious eyes and dark hair. “Is Ariadne. The new architect.”
“Hi,” Alice smiled at her, shaking her hand warmly.
“Hello,” Ariadne had a soft voice, glancing at her shyly.
“Look at that, the three As, together at last,” Eames said. Arthur shot him a puzzled look.
“Jetlag,” Alice explained in a whisper.
“I hope that nickname isn’t gonna stick,” Arthur mumbled. 
“Just for that it is!” Eames shouted from where he’d gone to set his bag down. Alice snickered, stretching up on her toes, she craned her head around a mess of vials and tubes in the corner.
“Hi, Yusuf.”
He poked his head up from under a shelf. “Oh! Hello, Alice,” he waved to her. She turned back to Arthur.
“Where’s Cobb?”
He jerked his head towards a back room. “Brooding. You gonna say hi?”
“After I shout at him for a little while.”
Arthur cracked a smile. “Don’t be too rough. He didn’t know Robert was the mark until after he’d accepted the job.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she set her bag down and began to make her way towards the room Arthur had gestured towards. Banging her knuckles against it, she waited until she heard a grunt of acknowledgment before wrenching it open and stepping inside.
He was just standing at a table, staring at the spinning top, not moving at all as it spun and spun. Neither of them said anything, until it had toppled to a stop and he snatched it up. 
“Hello, Dom.”
“Alice,” he looked up, face twitching into a sad attempt at a smile. “Eames actually convinced you to come.”
She slammed the door shut with the heel of her shoe, stalked towards him, then stopped. If she got any closer, she might strangle him.
“What are you doing?” she asked, voice trembling with rage. Cobb sighed.
“Look, I didn’t know it was Fischer when I said yes–”
“You shouldn’t have said yes the second that inception was mentioned!” she shook her head. “Of all the people here…”
He hung his head. “I have to get home, Alice.”
A sound of frustration left her lips as she began to pace, back and forth steadily across the room, shaking her head. Cobb watched her.
“Why’d you come back, Alice?”
“Because I know that you’re going to try this with or without me. And with me, at least Robert has some chance of not coming out of this a fucking vegetable.”
“I would never do anything to endanger Robert, I know how much he means to you–”
“You already are endangering him,” she snapped. “This mission inherently endangers him, so don’t give me that shit.”
Cobb looked her up and down. “You swear more than when I last saw you.”  
“Yeah, well, it’s been a stressful fucking year.”
“Maurice’s failing health has made things difficult, I imagine.”
Scoffing, she slumped backwards against the table, her hands bracing against it. “Like things weren’t difficult enough already,” she muttered.
“He can’t break free, can he?”
Alice jammed her eyes shut, both grateful and hating her former mentor’s power to so easily read her. “No,” she admitted. “He wants to, but he can’t bring himself to.”
“Maurice fucked him up good.”
“It’s not just Maurice, it’s the entire company. It’s like a massive cancer, destroying everything in its path. And everyday, I watch it chip a little more away from him,” she wiped at her nose. “Everyday, he turns a little more into his father. I see it. He sees it. He talks all the time about getting away. About not wanting to be like Maurice. But he just…can’t bring himself to do it,” she wondered if this was what Cobb had felt like, with Mal, when they were trapped in limbo. Trying to break free from her shattered reality but not able to fully do it. She ran a hand tiredly down her face. No. She wouldn’t be like Cobb. And Robert sure as hell wouldn’t end up like Mal. Not if she had anything to say about it.
“So that’s why you came? To help him break free?” Cobb had walked around the table to stand beside her with a sigh. Alice looked at him gravely.
“I have conditions.”
“I’m all ears.”
“Precautions will be taken, to ensure the idea won’t spread or follow him afterwards, like it did with Mal. Eames and I will be in charge of actually implanting it.”
“Why Eames?”
“Because given your track record I trust him with this more than I trust you.”
Cobb frowned. “Harsh,” he gave her a humorless smile. “But fair.”
“Cobb…I understand that you want to get back to your children, but Robert’s safety has to be my priority here.”
“He won’t be in any danger.”
“Point still stands.”
“I understand.”
“Cobb,” she still didn’t feel like he did. “Promise me, that you won’t let anything happen to him.”
Cobb looked at her steadily. “I promise.”
∗ ∗ ∗ 
They gathered in a small circle of chairs around the room. Cobb had newspaper clippings and photographs splayed out over the desk. Alice raised an eyebrow as she looked it all over.
“Thorough. You know you could have just called me, right? I’d have been able to tell you most of this.”
Cobb shrugged. “I wasn’t as convinced as Eames was that you’d say yes.”
“Ye of little faith,” she spun around her chair, grinning at Eames where he was sitting next to her. She continued to swing back and forth lazily in the chair as they began to bounce ideas off of each other. 
“I think positive emotion trumps negative emotion every time. We all yearn for reconciliation. For catharsis,” Cobb was saying, tapping the table. “We need Robert Fischer to have a positive emotional reaction to all this.”
“Alright, well try this: um…‘my father accepts that I want to create for myself, not follow in his footsteps,” Eames suggested. Cobb nodded.
“That might work.”
Alice shot Eames a triumphant look. They’d had lots of time to brainstorm together on the plane trip from Sydney.
“‘Might?’ I think we need to do a little better than ‘might,’” Arthur grumbled. 
“Thank you for your contribution, Arthur,” Eames bristled. Alice rolled her eyes. Like kids on the playground, those two. Pulling each other’s hair so the other would notice them. 
“It’ll work,” she said as the two continued to bicker, taking a sip from her coffee. Cobb glanced at her and she shrugged. “I know him better than anyone,” a pinprick of sadness struck her. “All he’s ever wanted is for his dad to love him.”    
∗ ∗ ∗ 
The planning was going well. Her narratives for each level were coming along nicely, and everyone was working well together. Ariadne had fit into the group seamlessly, and Alice liked her. They spent a significant amount of time in the dream space during their planning, and she often kept an eye on the little architect, playing around with the landscape of buildings in the background while the rest of them paced around the streets she’d already constructed and talked. She’d picked up on it fast.
The only one who was a bit of a problem was Saito. He’d made his distrust of Alice clear, and refused to speak a single word to her after their first introduction. Alice couldn’t exactly say that the feeling was unreturned. It wasn’t like he’d hired Cobb out of the kindness of his heart to help Robert wrestle himself free from a company intent on sucking the very soul out of him. He just wanted his company to win. 
But, Cobb must have said something to convince him she was trustworthy, because he permitted her to stay, despite his clear misgivings. 
She was leaning against a table in Yusuf’s makeshift lab next to Eames, watching with growing amusement as he tested out the sedative he’d been designing. Specifically that the inner ear customization he’d included in it worked, so that a kick would actually wake them up. 
Neither of them could hide their snickers as Yusuf tipped over the chair Arthur was sleeping in. Arthur shot awake while he was in free-fall, arms flailing as he landed on the group with a thump.
“Glad you both are enjoying yourselves,” he glared up at them. She and Eames just grinned at him innocently. 
∗ ∗ ∗ 
It was later than she usually stayed, but she’d wanted to wrap up her work on the second layer before going back to her hotel room. Her stupid, cold, empty hotel room. It had surprised her how homesick she’d become, considering how often she and Robert traveled.
She was probably just missing him. 
Yawning and stretching in her chair, she flicked off the little lamp at the corner of her desk, pulling off her reading glasses and rubbing her eyes while she tucked them into a case that went into her purse.
Standing, she spotted another light on in the warehouse. Head cocking, she approached Ariadne’s work station lazily to find her hunched over in her chair, fiddling with a pen. 
“You know, if you made a big enough of a fuss, you could probably get Cobb to pay you overtime,” Alice smiled good naturedly, hopping up to sit on the table next to her. Ariadne started, giving her a nervous smile. 
“I’m not working on sketches or anything.”
“Then what’re you doing?”
She sighed. “I’m trying to pick out a totem. Arthur said I needed one.”
“Hm,” Alice tilted her head as she tugged her hair out of the bun she’d put it in while she was working. “Any ideas?”
Ariadne sighed again. “Not really.” 
“You don’t have anything that you keep on yourself at all times?”
“Nothing unique enough.”
“Well, sometimes you have to find an object, and then make your own modifications to it to make it unique,” she watched Ariadne frown. “It can be difficult,” she comforted.
“What’s yours?”
“It’s, uh, this,” reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the little silver pocket watch, holding it up. “I have the time set to run a specific way, so all I have to do is check it.”
“I see.”
“It’ll come to you,” she tucked the watch back away. “Sometimes the totem choses you just as much as you chose it.”
“Yeah,” Ariadne rubbed a hand across her face. “Thanks.”
“Sure,” jumping off the table, Alice tugged the strap of her purse up higher on her shoulder. “I’m going back to the hotel. Don’t forget to lock up when you leave.”
“I won’t.”
She got only a few steps before Ariadne called after her.
“Hey, Alice?”
Spinning on her heel, she looked at Ariadne quizzically. She was biting at her lip. 
“Cobb stays late. Sometimes with Yusuf. Sometimes by himself. Says he’s running experiments, but…”
“You’ll get used to Cobb’s eccentricities,” she said, but still cocked her head. Considering everything that had happened, the idea of Cobb running experiments made her nervous. “Any idea what they’re about?”
Ariadne shook her head. “I thought you might know.”
“Mm,” her foot tapped against the floor anxiously. “I’ll ask him about it,” when she looked back at Ariadne, she saw the same worry she carried reflected in her eyes. “Thanks for telling me.”
∗ ∗ ∗ 
She just about flew across the room at the sound of her phone buzzing, snatching it up and holding it to her ear.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
A wide smile bloomed unconsciously across her face at the sound of his voice. “Hi.”
“How are things going?”
“Good, actually. It shouldn’t be long before I’ll be able to come back home,” she plopped down on the bed. “Any updates?”
“Nothing noteworthy,” he sighed, sounding tired. “How are your friends?”
“Everyone’s good. The new architect is sweet. I like her,” she stretched out on top of the comforter, staring up at the ceiling as she talked. “It’s been good to see everyone.”
“I bet. Maybe when this is all over I can finally meet some of them.”
“I think they’d like that. How’s work?”
She couldn’t help the soft laugh at his grunt of disdain. “Alright, I won’t ask.”
“No, it’s fine. Just…you know,” Robert huffed. “The cats miss you. Spooky keeps waiting by the front door like she expects you to come home.”
Her heart twisted a little at the mental image. “Aw, I miss them too. They’ve been keeping you good company though, right?”
“Oh, yeah. They’ve officially stolen your spot in the bed. I think you may have to fight them in order to get it back.”
She laughed. “What time is it over there?”
“Uhhh,” she heard him shifting as he probably checked his watch. “Almost eight in the morning. You?” 
“Almost midnight. I was just about to get in bed when you called.”
“Mm. I’ll let you go so you can sleep, then.”
“Yeah,” the mattress shifted under her when she sat up. “Listen, I mean it. I’ll be home soon.”
“Okay. Just keep me updated.”
“Will do,” she worried at her bottom lip. “I really miss you.”
“I miss you too, sweetheart.”
She was half tempted to curl around the phone, not wanting to let the sound of his voice go yet.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Of course. Sleep well.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The line went dead and she sighed in soft longing. She loved her friends, and it was wonderful to get the chance to actually spend more time with them. But Robert was her person; always had been, and ever since they’d gotten together they’d been practically attached at the hip. It was hard being so far away from him for so long.
Setting the phone aside on the bedside table, she wriggled underneath the comforter and flicked off the light, curling up. It felt strange to sleep alone. She’d grown accustomed to the weight of him beside her, the warm heaviness of his arm around her waist. More often she used his chest as a pillow more than her actual pillow, and the soft sound of his snores lulled her better than any sort of sleep medication ever could. It felt foreign to sleep alone. Lonely and cold. 
She didn’t sleep very well that night. 
∗ ∗ ∗ 
“Ari says you’ve been working late most nights,” she brought it up to him as casually as she knew how, while they were going over the narratives she’d written. 
“I have.”
“She said you’re running experiments.”
Cobb shot her a pointed look. “Nothing like…like what happened.”
“Yeah, but something’s wrong. And it’s not just worry for your kids,” she leaned closer.
“It’s nothing.”
Alice rolled her eyes, grabbing her coffee and taking a large gulp. “Don’t pull that shit with me. I know you too well,” kicking the other chair out towards him, she nodded at it. Cobb looked for a moment like he was considering just booking it away from her, but then he huffed and slouched down into the chair, expression a little like that of a child brought into the principal’s office for doing something bad.
“Arthur says that there have been some problems on some jobs you two’ve been on,” she hugged the paper coffee cup to her chest. “That Mal’s been showing up and sabotaging things.”
“It’s under control.”
“He said she shot him.”
“Goddammit, Arthur,” he muttered, rubbing a hand over his forehead. “Look, I have it under control. I’m taking precautions…it’ll be fine.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t–”
“I’m not sitting this out, Alice,” he said sternly. “With Ariadne designing the mazes and me not knowing the designs, there’s no way even if Mal comes in she would be able to get to us.”
He seemed surprised that she gave in so easily, leaning back in his chair. She just looked him up and down for a while, taking in the tired, stressed appearance. So unlike the man who had hired her so many years ago.
“Is it a relief? Whenever you see her?”
“When it’s just us in the dream, she seems more herself. But when there are others…” he shook his head. “I don’t recognize her.”
“I’m sorry,” she remembered what a comfort Robert’s projection had been to her, during the time that they’d been apart. And he wasn’t even dead.
Cobb just shrugged, helplessly.
∗ ∗ ∗ 
“Oh, shit,” the realization came to her suddenly. Oh. Oh. Cobb was going to be so mad at her. “Hey, Yusuf?”
He peeked his head out from behind a tower of vials. “Yes?”
“So, uh, ha ha. Funny story. Before you all came to me about this, I may have trained Robert’s subconscious to defend itself from extraction.”
Yusuf took off his glasses and stared at her. He leaned back for a moment, deep in thought, and then shrugged.
“I doubt with sedation it will be much of a problem.”
“You sure? His projections will be militarized.”
Yusuf shook his head. “The sedation typically helps keep the projections a bit more…docile. They’ll still attack if provoked enough, but they’re slower about it.”
“Okay, then. I guess we don’t have to worry about that then,” she nodded, relieved.
∗ ∗ ∗ 
It was the last day before her scheduled flight back to Sydney, and she was gathered with Cobb and Eames, ironing out the final details of the plan.
“He hasn’t got any surgery scheduled, no dental, nothing,” Eames grumbled. 
“Wasn’t he supposed to have a knee operation?” Cobb asked. 
“No,” Alice shook her head. 
“Nothing. Nothing that’ll put him under for anywhere we need. We need at least a good ten hours,” Eames muttered. 
“Sydney to Los Angeles,” Saito pipped up from where he’d been staring stoically out the window. “One of the longest flights in the world. He makes it every two weeks.”
“That’s right,” Alice nodded. Eames stared at her.
“Really? Every two weeks?”
She nodded again. “It’s grueling.”
“He must be flying private,” Cobb mused.
“Not if there were unexpected maintenance with his plane,” Saito tilted his head. 
“It’d have to be a seven-forty-seven,” Arthur was approaching them with Ariadne in tow.
“Why’s that?” Cobb asked.
“Because in a seven-forty-seven the pilot’s up top and the first class cabin’s in the nose. So no one would walk through. But you’d have to buy out the entire cabin. And the first class flight attendant.”
“I bought the airline,” Saito announced. They all stared at him. He stuttered. “It seemed…neater.”
Cobb nodded, smiling. “It looks like we have our ten hours,” he began to jog down the stairs.
“I’ll make sure that he gets on the same plane as you,” Alice said softly to Eames. 
“When’s your flight out tomorrow?”
“What will you tell him?”
She shrugged. “As much as he wants to know,” she scratched at her nose. “I’ll call you when Maurice is dead. If the doctors are to be believed, it won’t be long now.”
He patted her shoulder comfortingly. “This’ll work.”
She gave him a wobbly smile in return. 
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husbandohunter · 3 years
A Small Predicament [Baby Genshin x Reader]
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Characters: Scaramouche, Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo
Synopsis: Cursed for a week, the boys either have to live with it or find a cure as soon as possible. You on the otherhand hoped otherwise.
(A/n): It only takes ONE glance for me to start having ideas. It was twelve in the morning yall, enjoy~
Oh here's part 2
• "Oh you shrank? I couldn't tell-"
• Threatens that he will murder you to pieces and burn your remains but his voice was so squeaky and high pitched (voice crack) that you couldn't help but burst into a tearful laughter. 
• Its payback time  Bully him, take his hat and hover it above his head. Truthfully, without his hat Scaramouche looks like a little schoolboy. Overall less intimidating.
• Tries glaring. Cute. He's really bratty as a kid, sitting on a high chair (which you had to help him get on) and demanding his servants to do his bidding. In reality, his personality never changed. You realized that even as a grown up he still acts like this (bratty kid in a grown man body).
• The curse made his week a living hell. Signora had the audacity to pull his ear when he misbehaves. Childe constantly messes with his hair while giving head pats and the WORST of all, pinching his cheeks. Scaramouche never wanted to commit arson so bad in his life.
• Eventually finds a cure so he doesn't have to deal with it anymore and orders everyone to never speak of it again. Though, he's plotting how he'll get revenge on everyone who made fun of him using the very same curse (You better run).
• "Oh…Oh my! Diluc you're just so cute!" 
• Diluc grimaces as you glomp him in this state. How can you help it? With his head so small it makes his hair all the more fluffier! His coat no longer fits him to the point the sleeves had made past his fingertips. He tried wielding his claymore again, only to lose balance and fall flat onto his bum
• (insert kid voice "Retribution!") Did I mention the babyface?
• Diluc tries to act as if everything was normal, acting like the Darknight hero and Mondstadt's Tycoon but fun-sized. He couldn't. There was no way people would take him seriously in business meetings. Same with fighting abyss mages, his smaller form was too much of a disadvantage. Thus you ended up doing most of his paperwork.
• One time you caught him sitting on the floor couldn't reach his office desk  while reading away the various books for a cure. It was three in the morning. You told him it was way past his bedtime and he argues saying when did he ever have a curfew schedule. In the end you managed to convince him and he begrudgingly obliges.
• The type to NOT ask for help even when it's obvious that he really needs it. Before he was the one who helped you reach things from the top shelves, oh how the tables have turned. He avoids Kaeya like a plague unless he was in it for another round of funny remarks. When he wanted to go out and get some fresh air, you insisted on accompanying him. Worst mistake in his life. A travelling merchant bumps into you and commented that you had a very cute son. Diluc was mortified.
• The day ended up with him sulking in his room. Although it was tempting, you resisted from cooing over his adorable form after days of treating him like a child. It wasn't because you were teasing him, Diluc just works so hard that you wanted to spoil him a bit. At least he could still play a game of chess with you.
• When things went back to normal, Diluc ensures that you will NOT see him as your son.
• "Well look who it is, my little Prince Kaeya~"
• Tries really hard not be bothered by it at all. Kaeya still maintains his suave facade, throwing in a couple of flirting lines here and there (and forcing his voice to go a few octaves too low in which puberty has yet to occur HA). Though no matter what approach, he couldn't ignore the sparkling mischievious glint in your eye. You were obviously not taking him seriously.
• Things couldn't get any worse. He lost his masculine physique and boob window, he wasn't able to go to certain places without supervision. But the worst thing of all was that he was underaged. Kaeya hated the fact he couldn't drink anymore, he even insisted you to sneak him a few bottles (which you refused) and had to settle with plain beverages such as fruit juice (what an insult). He was never really grounded since his childhood days but he certainly felt like he was grounded now. 
• Kaeya still kisses you on the lips whether you like it or not. If you ask him to sit on your lap, he will find a way to turn the position into his favour such as resting his face between your breasts. You're not gonna treat him like a kid, nuh-uh, he actively avoids it.
• Since his personality still remains, Kaeya is a naughty child. He will use his innocent appearance to sway people (even you) to get what he wants. That was how he was able to take a sip of the wine he stole somewhere (he wouldn't tell you). Diluc scolded him heavily and threatened to ban him from drinking from his Tavern for a week (they ended up arguing, Kaeya being the passive aggressive little shit he is).
• He was extremely relieved to return back to his normal form again. He has so much to catch up (specifically his bedtime activities with you *wink wonk*)
• "Hmmm to be honest, this actually suits you very much."
• Unlike the other boys, Childe was completely okay with it. Turns out that YOU were the one who was not going to be okay. If you thought taking care of Teucer was energy-draining then expect Childe to take that tenfold and beyond.
• You've officially became his full-time babysitter who is in desperate need of a raise (and rest). You can't take your eyes off of him and archons forbid that he will ever meet Klee. One point he'll be running ahead by your side and the next you'll find him getting himself in a 1vs7 situation with some shady looking treasure hoarders. Childe genuinely thinks he could take them on but the curse downgraded his abilities. You carried him and barely made out of it alive. (This made you ponder whether the best solution would be to strap him against a chair for the time being…)
• Childe being a child will eat all the candies and ice cream he pleases. You wonder if the curse also turned him a few years back or was it that he acts like this simply because he wanted to (it was the latter). He loves being spoiled, spoiled by you! Childe demands your full attention, spoon-feeding his meals, back rubs and head pats. Yep, he's definitely doing this on purpose.
• Did he just call you 'mommy'? (Childe has mommy kink confirmed).  He has so much energy that it was exhausting, you literally had to drag him away from what ever he was doing in order to get him to bed. "No Childe, your sleeping time is 9p.m stop whining." He bargained that he'll sleep if you sleep beside him (you didn't get any sleep. You knew what he was planning. In the end, you tried to make sure he didn't sneak out behind your back.)
• Finally you were able to get out of that hell-hole. Childe promised to make it up to you, you deserve it after all~
Small (aka Xiao)
• "Did you know in the Liyuean language, Xiao translates to small?" You didn't say that out loud. Not when he's this angry (this angy)
• He just stands there, crossing his arms and grumbling. You were hesitant to touch him in case he might hiss at you. Xiao has always been short, maybe an inch taller than you, but seeing him like this made you think 'my almighty yaksha can't be this cute♡'
• He gets mad when you no longer call his name for help. How could you? He's just so precious~ Xiao makes it clear that no matter what form he takes, it doesn't make him weak ("Adepti and you mortals are nothing alike." Or so he says but you could tell he wasn't running as fast as he used to because…small legs). You may not comment on it aloud but he can tell just by the look on your face and it irritates him.
• Also the type to not ask for help but worse. Xiao is an agressive little kid, he seems as if he'll be willing to bite someone's finger off if they try to pet him (He gives strong cat vibes, so thats understandable). His spear was too big for him to wield so he often has to put it away or else he might knock someone over with it. Xiao hates being short so you'll be hearing him complain alot.
• Since he was an adepti, he didn't need to sleep however, the curse must have brought down his power by a significant amount to the point you DID catch him napping. You almost swooned out loud just by taking a glance upon his face. For once he didn't wear his signature grumpy look. Xiao appears like a normal child, one full of innocence. His snoring was soft and breathly but that just meant he was deep asleep. (You wished to take a picture). 
• Of course, everything had to come to an end (much to your disappointment), he still complains about the incident to this day.
• How is it possible for a baby to still look so handsome? (Must be his godly abilities)
• Zhongli is unfazed by this 'curse' since his past lives have already taken many forms. Though for some reason whenever he walks down the streets of Liyue, young girls, mothers, ladies all come him was and start complimenting him and gushing over him (he was suffocating). They'd squeeze him tight or squish his cheeks, it only takes once glance before the little girls start blushing and hiding behind their moms.
• Needless to say, despite what form he is in, Zhongli is still able to get free stuff. He got some free candies and some free kites to play with. You had to help him carry his items. Zhongli ends up tripping too much because his tailcoat reached his feet (he decided to just take it off. You had to hold that too). Seems like he can have anyone do things for him in the end HA.
• He still got that drippy voice and you're just like ???? "What on Teyvat Zhongli, you're a kid." This is why you can't see him as one, its nearly impossible.
• Actively avoids Hu Tao and Childe. Once Hu Tao caught sight of him and chased him for hours, he couldn't stay in one spot knowing that she might just pop out of no where. Childe still spoils him, however Zhongli feels irritated by the fact the only things Childe buys him toys (its different when other people do it.)
• Everytime you guys go back strolling through Liyue, you had to hold his hand in case more women come swarming hin again. You swear that at this rate he might get kidnapped because hes just such a beautiful baby.
• Zhongli learned an important lesson after his curse was lifted: no matter how many years he lives throughout  never take a form of a child.
• You find him buried beneath a pile of books and had to dig him out before he suffocates.
• Albedo has the cutest eyes, they're big and round full of curiosity and they sparkle too (he has the prettiest eyes out of everyone tbh). He is the only person who is fascinated by this outcome and immediately goes in the wild to test out his new physique. 
• He was always curious why Klee T-poses when she runs so he decided to try it out himself. She was thrilled to find out that she now has a little brother to play with. In the end, Albedo indulges in the games she always wanted to play but couldn't because he was too old: princess dress up tea parties.
• You felt many things when you saw Albedo wearing a frilly gown and a plastic tiara tucked on his head. Deep down you knew regardless of what gender Albedo was still pretty. Klee even had the guts to redo his hair and hardly anyone was able to recognize it was him at all. He has pigtails, PIGTAILS! You made sure to burn that image into the very depths of your mind forever.
• The only advantage was the he was ablw to fit through small spaces, other than that, being small was way too inconvenient. He knocked down a few of his potion bottles which damaged the floor (thankfully not him) because they were lethal (he wonders how Klee was able to not injure herself when using bombs). You carried him and lifted him to alot of places such as trudging through the snow because Albedo would surely fall on his face due to his small form.
• Enough was enough, he only lasted a day with this and decided to just make a potion and put an end to the curse once and for all. 
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ladywaifuuwrites · 4 years
Pillars reacting to their crush who’s small but strong
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Request: male pillars reacting to a really strong female pillar whos like super short like 4′10-5′ and they crush on them.
Pairings: Male pillars x fem! reader
Synopsis: Their crush is a strong smol pillar ^_^
Warnings: manga spoiler
a/n: I smiled at your request since I’m small too. Like I’m 5′0. And I’m kinda scared to do face to face classes since the boys at my school will tease me for not getting taller. Hmph. SO HERE YA GO. You’re the first request! Have a nice day whoever u are!
And I am so sorry this is so long! ASJDAOFHHASK. I got carried away in some of those storylines. I hope this makes sense (wrote this when I was hungry).
This would be a headcanon I assume. 
I’m sorry if It’s taking me long to answer requests but don’t worry I’ll write those! I’ll probably upload rules for future requests :)
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Giyuu Tomioka
yo this guy is tall not kidding
Giyuu is head over heels for you. He’ll want to protect you since you’re the most precious things he’s ever laid eyes on
Sparkles in his eyes whenever he sees you✨
He doesn’t want to lose you so he’s butting in on all of your missions. You get annoyed and you think he’s looking down on you.
You two get into a fight and doesn’t fix it since Giyuu’s communication is bad. It ends up in you walking away.
Nighttime and demons are lurking around in the forest as you take a stroll to clear your mind. Then a demon launches on you but thanks to your quick reflexes you dodge.
It’s a strong demon, close enough to become one of the lower moons. But nothing you can’t handle.
Giyuu senses a demon nearby and he frantically searches for you. *sim dads reaction when the mother goes into labor lmaooooo*
Lights fill up an area of the forest from the techniques you use. In like 2 strikes the demon dies.
He finally finds you as the demon’s ashes blow away. Your hair is dramatically blowing too.
He’s just staring at you then hugs you “I’m sorry. I’m not underestimating you…I just want to protect you.”  
Then all good. He’s amazed by how strong you are despite you’re short stature. You’re going to missions together and sometimes he just watches you finish off the demon. Just happy to see that satisfied smile you have when you kill a demon.
Muichiro Tokito
When he first met you at the pillar meeting, he muttered his thoughts, wondering how could someone be that small? You’re in the same age but you’re small.
Shinobu heard him since she was beside him and said “that’s rude to ask someone”. She’s lowkey offended.
Tengen retorts to Muichiro. “You’re small too…??”
Since it’s rude, he kept his mouth shut. You’re the same age as him when you entered the corps. He thinks you’ll grow up anyway. 
Surprise surprise you grew up, 2 inches. But still small. 
He gets nervous a bit around you since puberty did you good. Won’t admit it though.
Cue swordsmith village arc
He’s having trouble dealing with Gyokko. (I hate his face. It’s weird and ugly.)
Then minutes later, you show up out of nowhere, giving great damage to the demon.
“Are you okay?” you ask him with concern and you two fight off the fish demon.
He’s in awe because you actually took over the fight. Sure you have injuries but those are minor compared to his and you were very careful.
He’s injured so he couldn’t do much but you saved him and the civilians by defeating the demon. That’s when he realized how amazing you are and you earn his respect. 
Days pass by and you two along with the other demon slayers are commended by Oyakata-sama.
He thanks you when the both of you are walking together. He’s very grateful for what you did and you two become closer afterwards.
“Ah young love.” Mitsuri sighs blissfully as she watches you two leave the headquarters.
Kyojuro Rengoku 
Kyojuro knows you’re small and he knows you’re strong. You’re one of his trainees along with Mitsuri, so you’ve known each other for a long time now.
You rose to the ranks of the pillars with Kyojuro’s guidance. And now you’re looked up to by the whole organization because of your excellent swordsmanship despite your small figure. 
So you’re tasked to train 20 slayers ranked below Tsuchinoto. You take them to a clearing in the forest where training equipment are already placed. You train them by remembering what Kyojuro has taught you over the years. And you smile, seeing your past self in the struggling slayers.
You gave them a 10 minute break and after 10 minutes, you do a headcount to see if everyone is in your proximity. 
Oh no. A slayer is missing.
So you set off to find the missing one and there you found him. 
Hanging upside down from the arms of a large demon. The boy is muttering apologies for straying faraway and is begging for you to save him upon seeing you. 
You are annoyed at the fact that he has disobeyed your orders and is now at the hands of danger. But this was no time to be blaming someone for a boy’s life is at stake here. 
You jump into the air and you take down the demon pretty easily with one strike of your sword. And you catch the falling boy bridal style with your annoyed face. 
You put the boy down but suddenly a demon comes attacking you both. You kill it but more of it comes at you. They are easy to take down but it keeps coming, making you tired if you have to do this all night. It just won’t stop multiplying.
You think you’ve killed almost all of it but then the slayer screams “(L/N)-SAN!!!!!”. A monstrous looking demon bares its claws at you, but before you could react a flash of flames appears right in front of your eyes. 
“Kyojuro…” You whisper in relief as he slays the final demon. The bright flames sparkle in your eyes as you’re once again amazed at the man.
Kyojuro looks at you and comes over. “You’re so amazing.” You manage to say. 
He smiles and says. “No. You’re the amazing one.”. You always manage to face whatever challenge and it always ends up in you winning. Kyojuro knows how hard you proved others wrong by becoming a strong pillar. 
Super proud of you cause you’re strong. He actually watched you battle those before jumping in to save you.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
He doesn’t really care if you’re short or tall
The important things is that you’re useful to the organization
When someone teases you about your height, you end up feeling down and he’s there to beat that someone’s ass.
He doesn’t like to admit it but he’s a softie when it comes to you. You eventually break down his walls and now you can say you’re friends with the scary wind pillar.
You always tease him though and he’s always annoyed. But everyone thinks you’re both dumb since it’s very clear that you two like each other but you still deny it.
There’s this time where Sanemi is visibly struggling fighting demons as you watch him peacefully on a rooftop. He’s glaring at you and asks you “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”.
You just smile at him sweetly😊
Sanemi pretends his heart didn’t do a flip. But his heart stopped when he saw a demon behind you on the rooftop.
He was about to call your name when another blink and the demon’s head was cut off.
He was surprised since it all happened so fast. You go down to the ground, landing safely as you battle demons that the frozen Sanemi left.
It just took you 10 seconds to eliminate those demons and Sanemi’s mouth is left agape as he watched you.
You weren’t normally like this. So why the sudden surge of power?
“Sanemi hun. Close your mouth.” You say to him with a blank face, but before you could go past him, he gripped your wrist tightly and placed your small body in front of him.
He dragged you so easily lol.
He hugged you with your faced buried on his chest.
It was the comforting kind of silence. Sanemi was scared losing you to that demon but deep inside he knows that you’re strong.
Won’t admit that your moves are amazing.
Gyomei Himejima
This man is the strongest in the demon slayer corps and the tallest
Lmaoooo you would be like a mushroom beside him💀🍄
Gyomei actually gets out of tricky situations easily because he’s that strong
You’re a fairly new pillar who earned her spot 3 months ago. You two were assigned on a mission together. A gigantic demon appeared throughout the village that was between the regions you and the stone pillar were assigned in.
Gyomei knows your capabilities so he trusts you in doing a good job, but he can’t help but worry about you.
He doesn’t care if you’re small, he thinks that height isn’t the basis for an excellent demon slayer. But he’s still worried, so he looks for you. I don’t know how he looks but he looks.
Then he sees you fighting off demons very easily. A determined look is seen across your face. Gyomei feels he’s tearing up because he’s so proud of you. Proud boyfriend here somethin.
You were just a weak mizunoto years ago and now you’re a strong pillar who can fight with him side by side.
When you finish off the demons, you look to see Gyomei smiling at you. This were the fruits of the harsh trainings you went through, it made an excellent swordswoman.
Among the pillars, you stand beside Gyomei in rankings. So you’re powerful like wow. O_O
Obanai Iguro
He’s small but have you seen him fight? He’s a demon slayer with remarkable speed and you won’t know he’s attacking you because his moves slithers secretly like a snake.
You’ve always admired Obanai even you’re now both pillars. And that admiration bloomed into something more.  
He’s a strong pillar despite his small stature and that’s what you aim for to be like.
You’re trying to show off your moves to him every time you’re in battle together, to show him what you can do. To which he’s just “meh”.
So you give up on trying to show off and just do it for the sake of the people you’re saving.
You really gave up on showing off, but you can’t help it cause your breathing forms are flashy. Obanai doesn’t show it but he loves that display of power you have when you’re fighting.
Poor man doesn’t realize he’s in love with you even though others point it out.
He’s having trouble dividing his attention on protecting the civilians or fighting the demons. Luckily you were near the area so you came to his aid.
You slay the demons with your sharp and precise movements in just a short amount of time.
He’s like 😲 but when you turn he’s back to 😐😷
He’s one of the guys who won’t admit that you’re amazing and won’t admit that he likes you. You force him to confess though.
Tengen Uzui
If Obanai doesn’t admit he likes you, this guy would shout that he likes you
Would openly flirt with you because why not? There’s nothing to be shy about.
Always takes the chance to compliment and flirt with you.
“You’re cute (y/n)” “Thanks” Tengen finds your height cute because the height difference is HUGE.
Another mushroom like moment💀🍄
He knows you’re strong so he likes to train with you. Always ends up letting you win because he just likes it when he’s pinned down by your smaller figure.
When a demon invasion came in your area,, you fight them off while Tengen is called for backup.
He slays the lesser demons easily and found you fighting a stronger demon while protecting some children behind your back.
He smirks and leans against a tree, arms folded while watching you fight off the demon. 
You did it so easily making Tengen’s eyebrows rise.
Then you see him and ask him “what are you doing?”.
“watching you.” He finds you hot and sexy when you have that focused look in the middle of a battle. He won’t say it out loud because you might smack him in the face.
Super amazed at the fact that you’re stronger than the other pillars despite your small figure.(he thinks you’re stronger than him but dismisses that because pshhhhhh).
Will throw you over his shoulder at random times. Thinking that his antics will make you fall in love with him.
And it did…
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cynettic · 3 years
Stay with Me pt.3
Summary - You manage to escape from Scaramouche, if only for a moment before you realize there’s no escape. It only takes until you’re sitting back in your regular spot that you know what you need to do.
Pairings - Kitsune!Reader x Yan!Scaramouche
Warnings - Suggestive content, mentions of death, swearing, slight gore / blood 
A/N - Its really hard to make this depressing while I’m vibing to Rasputin. Like no joke- I have it on one of the 1 hour playlists :D
Here you’ll find -  pt.1 and pt.2
He’d left a key.
Scaramouche didnt make mistakes, not while he had you captive in the vicinity of his bedroom. He didnt have room for mistakes, not when you were watching his every movement while he was in your line of sight. 
Sure, he mightve killed a person or two in front of you, but those were necessary mistakes. There was a sign on the door, it specified not to enter. You’d understand that, right?
Thats what he thought at least, lulling himself into belief after belief that you’d be there waiting for him every time. That you’d welcome him with open arms, even if there were chains ensnaring your wrists. That you’d accept your fate at his hands and submit yourself to him.
The Balladeer was a fool.
He’d kept you there for too long, and while you searched for an easy way to escape, time sent your head spinning. Into a spiral that begged only for the wind against your face, back laying on dirt with the familiar chirping up birds waking you up in the morning.
You wanted to go outside.
And when push comes to shove, you had to risk a little more to make it happen. Lure him into bed with kisses while your hands unbuttoned his vest. But what he believed to be alluring contacts was just your way of finding the keys hidden in the back pocket of his shorts.
It wasnt hard to find the one to your cuffs while he was asleep, cuddled in your chest with both arms around your waist as if to get you to stay put. You took the key, hiding them back in his clothing and hoping he didnt notice.
He didnt say anything the next day.
You werent going to wait any longer.
“Oh for fucks sake, why won't the goddamn door open?”
The room was left in tatters behind you, a little gift for Scaramouche once he got back. Turns out a pair of chains can smash up a lot of things, and rage can be used as a great source of strength when contained for such a long time.
But you’d done more than throw the blankets around, cut up the drawers and smash open the windows. Because your fists had bled red when you punched through the glass, puncturing your skin. Your knuckles were an ugly red, bruising already.
Ah, Scaramouche deserved a much better gift.
Gruesome as it was, you rubbed your knuckles against the pale walls. Till the blood stopped coming, till there was a nice little message for the boy which you held so dearly to your heart.
The first time you’d found out about him being a harbinger he’d told you not to call him by that name. You weren’t someone he associated with by work, you were a treasure to him. That’s why you continued to call him as he pleased, although the temptation always arose.
You were no longer his.
Shoving the door with your hand again, palm fiddling with the handle and groaning when it hardly budged. “Stupid,” you grumbled when the knob began to loosen. Backing up, you charged with your shoulder to the door, full force as the momentum broke the hinges. The door fell down with you along with it.
It was expected, you’d been stuck in the room for a long time, and thats considering you’d sat on the ground for decades. Your body was slight numb, muscles sore and unused for so long. 
“You a-arent supposed to leave your room!”
A young man stood in the hallway along with a woman who looked relatively the same age. The two were wearing uniforms, flinching when you stood up from the debris and off the door. “Excuse me?” You asked, voice unnecessarily icy and stern. But you couldnt care less, you were going to get out of this house, damn anyone who stood in your way.
They both continued to shake when you walked towards them, staggering from side to side. The woman stepped up in front of the man, presenting a brave face. “If you leave the mansion, the harbinger will kill us all!”
“Well then I expect you should be on your way then. Actually…” you gestured to the maze of hallways. “You can lead the way.”
Your hand went limp to your side, an exasperated looking momentarily crossing your face before you sighed. “Im not staying trapped in that room, I’m sorry if that ruins your life, but frankly you're not the one stuck in there are you?” You took an extra step just to intimidate them, eyes wide to make the appearance of crazy. “It would be a great help if you showed me where he hid my vision too.”
“We can show you to the door…” The man began, “But the whereabouts of your vision are unknown, he wouldnt tell us something like that.”
A gift bestowed from the gods, a piece to help me thrive with my ambitions and pursue my goals.
You really wished you’d taken to clawing out Scaramouche’s face instead, but you’d take what you got. Right now your main priority was getting out of this place, even if it meant leaving a piece of you behind.
“Door.” Your voice was raspy and there was a terrible feeling that crawled up to your throat, but you didnt have time to be emotional. “Show me where the door is… please.”
The conflict in their eyes dissipates by the time they lead you along, mumbling words between themselves. You didnt bother to try eavesdropping, you were so, so tired. You wanted to go home.
Anywhere. Anywhere but here.
It took a few minutes until you were standing in front of a grand door, almost twice the size of you and just as wide. You then began to notice the decorational plants and furniture that filled the empty space, there wasn't an inch of dust. Even though you could tell none of it was used.
“Hurry,” the man warned when you paused. “I dont know when our master is coming back, but if its soon, we’ll all be screwed.”
You couldnt feel your head as you numbly nodded, hand clenching the knob and flinging the set of doors open. “Thank you,” you merely mumbled, taking your first step out of the house in what felt like forever.
The days after that were a blur, the area around Scaramouche’s house were nothing but void. Empty and filled with forests and vast plains. You knew he didnt like people or socializing in general, but to this extent?
Your only option was to run.
Let your feet take you somewhere, anywhere. It was a constant pattern of running and taking breaks, leaning on a tree and gasping in a few breaths before you were again scurrying through the forest. 
And yet you felt better than you’d felt in past months that you’d been stuck with Scaramouche.
Food became any boar you came across, the claws you’d spent so long hiding with Scaramouche coming to unleash a wrath beyond your comprehension. Till the animal was cut to shreds and no meat was left even to eat. You’d slaughtered it, without intention to eat or benefit for it, you’d killed it just to kill.
“I’m sorry,” you’d sobbed into the ground where you’d buried the harmless animal. Forehead pressed into the dirt as you pleaded for forgiveness to whatever archons would accept it. You couldn't even remember what archons you were supposed to pray to. “Forgive me- forgive me…”
But eventually you found your way around to somewhere you knew. Territory of Inazuma where you could find your way back, back home.
Where was home?
You’d been on the run from the vision hunt decree, abandoning your post for the Kitsune Saiguu for such a thing. Even now that you could return without a vision and as no threat under the decree…
You’d sacrificed everything for your vision.
Where were you to go now…?
Rain patted down, the trees providing only a slight cover as stray drops fell into your matted dirty hair. You didnt mind, it hid the tears that slid down your lifeless face, feet taking you into the far meadows of your hometown. Till you plopped down underneath a tree, knees curled to your chest and arms hugging them close. You were crying.
You were home.
“Awh,” a ginger haired murmured, elbow resting on the cool wood of the tabletop. “Is little Mouchie sad? I heard your kitty cat escaped~”
A death wish, even fatui that idly minded themselves around the bar knew it. Sipping cold drinks and swirling their cups, the soft chatter was nothing but a distraction from the main course of events. That being the smaller Harbinger who sat sulking in his seat, hunched over with a drink in hand. He’d drank far more than what was on the counter, but everytime he finished a glass, he’d smash it on the ground, watching the fragile glass shatter into pieces.
“I dont have a cat,'' was his only response, tone daring Childe to pursue further. To give him a reason to start throwing the glass in his face instead.
And Childe was an idiot when it came to challenging someone.
“No cat?” The rest of the drink in the taller harbinger’s glass was gone when he threw his head back. “Hmmm, I cant think of what else could’ve had you so enraptured in returning home then~!”
Scaramouche didnt respond, uneven bangs shadowing the bags under his eyes. “Stronger,” he said instead, elbow on the counter and hand outstretched for something. When there was no movement from the man managing the wine, the harbinger looked up. “I need something stronger to drink,” he repeated, voice seething.
“Of c-course!”
The glass was nestled in Scaramouche’s palm in no time, fingers curling around the circular form to down it in seconds. The drink merely slid down his throat in one movement, alcohol burning his senses. It didn’t matter, he was numbed by the growing rage inside of him.
Finally, he turned to the ginger haired boy, eyes hazily dancing along the counter till it reached his fingertips. Up his hand and along his arm, till Scaramouche was staring right into Childe’s eyes. “They escaped,” he admitted softly. “But it’s alright, because I sent something that’ll bring them back.”
Childe paused, raising his drink up away from his lips to pose a question. Hesitation danced along his features before he brought the glass back, he’d rather not provoke the shorter male any further. Wasn’t like he could interfere anyway.
“That… that…” 
It was preposterous, having returned to that same spot for a day or two and heading back to the hometown you’d once lived in. The one Scaramouche had lived in. There shouldn’t have been an issue, you were solely gathering supplies for the sake of it, ambition driving you to travel far far away.
Out of Inazuma.
It was your new beginning, convincing yourself that you didn't need a vision. Finding some sort of purpose before Scaramouche shattered the vision and your life along with it. You’d seen how people had reacted when it had been ingrained in the statue, neutralized and broken. They lost hope, purpose and aspirations for anything new.
It’s not like the Raiden Shogun took my vision.
But you’d taken that fact for granted, expecting some sort of new start without Scaramouche. A victory, getting away from him just for a split second and getting out of Inazuma altogether, you’d never see him again.
Until you got his message.
“How the hell…” You crushed the note until it was just crumbled paper in your hand, slowly leaning on the stone wall. “Piece of shit… what kind of person even…” 
Not only did he manage to find you, but without making his presence known, he’d tugged at your one weakness with an ease that had you down on your knees.
You threw the paper to the ground, deliberate as you stared past the alleyway. Pensive as you considered your options. Damn, what options did you even have? You’d been an idiot to underestimate Scaramouche, he wasn’t a child, you knew that… but archons he seemed like one when he was with you. Shown you a vulnerability he wanted only you to see. But maybe that had been part of his plan all along, until all you believed was his soft demeanor.
He may act like a child, but he’s a harbinger.
You stared down at the crumbled piece of paper in disgust.
Not only that, but he has no regard for human life.
Either way, you’d lived decades more than him. You could face him, you would present yourself to him just as he expected you to. Even when everything in you rejected the idea, sobbed at the thought of returning to that house, those chains. Being locked up and confined only for the purpose of coddling a small boy, a selfish boy, a cruel boy. 
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
You’d figure out a way, and this time you wouldn’t rule out the option of his death.
Oh darling Y/n, how have you been?
I hope this letter reaches you rather soon, we both have much to discuss, no? About me, about you, and much more. You see, I’ve taken up quite a distaste to your little friends. Stone statues in Inazuma as small as Kitsunes truly hold no purpose, what will they do, come back to life? Haha, I should think not. I’ve already arranged to have them demolished, who knows what kind of material they might possess. Ah, and of course I’d show you the finishing product, unless you’re willing to come and have a chat with me once more? Under the Sakura tree like we used to, you’ve waited years, I believe you can wait for me?
I hope this letter reaches you in best interests. I’m always looking out for you after all.
Sincerely, your Balladeer
It was raining.
Beautiful weather as you lay sitting there, feet crossed and tucked in the same you’d often do. After all, there was no need to fear the vision hunt decree or the Raiden Shogun. Let them come, let them take care of you before Scaramouche did.
You werent cold, not when the cold drops dampened your clothing, slipping down the length of your spine and drenching your face. Despite having lived in a luxury residency for such a long time, this was where you were most comfortable, enduring whatever the weather had for you, taking it with a smile. Because you were waiting…
The Kitsune Saiguu was a distant memory.
You were waiting for Scaramouche, the young boy that often bound into the field in lengthy strides, childlike wonder in his eyes. The one who’d cried when the other kids pushed him away, the one that just wanted to be praised. You’d held him in your arms, and now, even knowing the results, you wouldnt have done differently.
He was just a boy.
Just a boy when he joined the fatui, looking for praise that he was given. He created chaos and bellowed orders with a cruelty that was highly looked upon. Told that he was doing well, so he continued to do so.
He’s just a boy.
You wished you’d held him in your arms, if not only for a tad longer. Shield him away from the wrongness of the world, if only for one last time.
Banishing away your hatred for him was hard.
But you found it under the tree, rain soon dimming down to a clouded cold breeze that swept through the meadow. You’d hated him while stuck in the mansion, but you could now see it from a larger point of view. What he did was wrong of course, but you could remember him so vividly now. His small form giggling, tiny arms around your neck. 
“Play with me!”
Was it your fault?
For not holding him tighter? For trying to rectify his bad doings and teach him what was wrong and right? Maybe if your grip was firmer, if you’d spoken to him about the warmth he’d given you that day when playing cards...
“Lazy ass.”
Burying down that pile of worry and insecurities, you took a deep breath in to relax. The edge of your lip perked up, only slightly. “Still terrible with your social skills arent you?”
Slowly securing a dry space under the three with you, Scaramouche sat down. His features were the same ones you’d grown accustomed to at his mansion. Rich clothes, sharp eyes, and the baby face that refused to go away. His movements were soft as he pulled out a deck of cards. The two of you didnt speak as he distributed them between you both. It was tense… no, it felt too much like the warmth form long ago to be tense. You only wished the situation to be different.
“I love you.”
But you could only offer a bitter smile to his words. “I love my vision,” you replied. “I love the Kitsune Saiguu, and I love my friends.”
His touch was gentle when his fingers came to gently cradle your cheek. Holding your face dearly as he peered into your eyes, his were soft. Different from the cruelty he held within, the hatred that burned and destruction that seeked to explode.
You saw a little boy.
Your hand came to press his hand further against your cheek, till you slid his palm to your lips. He appeared so calm when you pressed the first kiss, lips tracing the lines along his palm with all the care in the world.
But you needed to change your view, see him as the man he now was. As the man he had become.
“I love you,” he repeated, and you let go of his hand. It fell limp by his side, cards all but forgotten. There was a much more pressing matter at hand, because you truly needed to see him as he was.
It was necessary if you planned to kill him.
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stay-midnight · 3 years
Spark of Possessiveness
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> Requested
> Word# - 3.2K Words
> Minho and Jisung x Male Reader
> TWs - Possessiveness, Little to no plot.
> Kinks and Warnings - Top/Dom Minho and Jisung, Bottom/Sub Male Reader, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Blowjobs, Consensual, Spitroasting, Marks, Hair Pulling, Dirty Talk, Degradation (Prevalent, I mean alot), Punishment, Soft Aftercare, Jealousy, Cum Swallowing, Barebacking, Minsung is wild, wannabe dom reader.
> A/N - My comeback fic hehe, anyways I wasn't fond of the way I wrote it but hopefully it's enjoyable enough! Thank you anon for giving a Minsung request~
Minho was leaned back on the kitchen counter, gritting his jaw at their now-missing boyfriend, he felt the need to throw his phone away at 21st missed call.
Jisung was not as calmly angry as the other since he was frantically walking back and forth at the amount of time it has been since their boyfriend got coffee (3 hours to be exact).
Minho is incredibly worried knowing they were past idols knowing that people may exact revenge plots at them after coming out to the general public and disbanding the group after so.
Jisung look at the older, “He’s gonna be okay right?!” He asked in a worried tone as to which Minho just nodded and responded with a headpat, which eased Jisung for a bit.
Minho sighed at the unknown location of their lover till they hear a ring from the front door. Jisung with hastened feet and sharp ears, he rushed to the door immediately — leaving Minho in a second but the older shortly trailed after in a bit.
Jisung was fast in unlocking the door, thinking it was you forgetting the keys.
In a moment, Jisung was face to face with 2 familiar set of eyes and a missed gaze.
You were laughing happily with your two companions, jokes aside — you pulled out your phone at the thought of forgetting something and saw 21 missed calls and 15 unread texts in a moment you saw your lockscreen.
Stopping abruptly in your movements, you look towards yours and your boyfriends' front porch — You weren't ready for the anger of your boyfriends after just remembering that you didn't tell them about the sudden meetup. A smile passed your lips in a flash of excitement
You slowly walked up the stairs, gazing at your two friends with a forced smile but at the same time you couldn't ignore the bubbling of excitement from the pit of your stomach. “You good, Y/n?” they both asked in wonders to which you just smiled as a response.
“Yeah, I just forgot my spare key that's all. Do you wanna join for dinner later?” you asked with a bright expression but your mind is collapsing with unholy thoughts at the awaiting sight of angry lovers.
They both shook their heads, “We have things to do, but we’ll greet Minho and Jisung before leaving.” Jeongin answered and lovingly kissing you on the cheek.
Seungmin let out a silent snort before, continuing sauntering up the stair. With shaky hands, you press on the doorbell to which Seungmin and Jeongin just look at each other with confusion at the sight of your trembling fingers.
The door bursted open in a millisecond to reveal a Jisung looking ready to devour a prey or something. “Hi Sungie..”
Jisung eyes darted to the boys next to you before landing on you, “Hello, Y/n” He says, hiding a different tone of his voice before smiling light-heartedly at Seungmin and Jeongin before he looked at you.
“Are you both coming in?” he asked in a patient tone, but his hands were getting antsy.
“Nope! We’re just here to bid farewell after seeing you and.. Where is Lee Know-hyung? Is he here?” Jeongin asks curiously, trying to get a peek to the inside of the house by looking over Jisung’s shoulders.
Speak of the devil, Minho appeared behind Jisung shortly with a blank face before he turned to look at you with a totally-not-nice-and-has-evil-plans kind of glint.
To which you just ignore by letting out an awkward cough,
“Well, We have things to do right now.. Good seeing both of you after two years!” Jisung voiced quickly before basically grabbing the clearly nervous boy at the middle.
“You too—” Jeongin got cut short by a slam of the door.
“Is that how normally he greets old friends?” Jeongin piped up in question, looking at the taller for his reaction at Jisung’s unnerving dismissal.
Seungmin raised his shoulders as an answer before he turned to look at the younger, “Maybe he’s still mad when we plotted to bring him in a poly relationship.” Seungmin sighed, walking down the stairs with calm steps — seeming unworried and carefree at possible redflags.
“Plotted? You make it sound so evil—” Jeongin responded with a disagreeing huff.
Seungmin rolled his eyes, “Let’s just go~ I wanna rest at our new apartment.” He yawns, hooking his arm around Jeongin when he got into his reach.
“M'kay ” The other agreed.
“Will he be okay though—” Jeongin asks in a worried tone.
“Dunno, Minho and Jisung are a kinky bunch.” Seungmin responded calm as ever.
“How do you know that?!” Jeongin looked at Seungmin with his jaw dropped and like a snooping fox, he was curious for juicy information.
Seungmin let out an airy laugh, “Wishing I didn't know it though.” The older responsed, a flashback flying over his head as a frown on his lips appeared.
Jisung slowly led you inside your home to which he let you sit on the couch while he stared down at you impatiently with a raised eyebrow — repeatedly tapping the floor with his foot. Eyes piercing you.
Minho was not giving off as much presence as the quokka but his cold resting face was enough to send shivers down your spine
While you, a bunny clearly trapped inside a den with beasts hungering for you and a reason.
“I left my phone accidentally on silent...” you mumbled out, lowering your own head in embarrassment. Jisung clicked his tongue and Minho walks over, sitting right next to you. Looking at you with a glare that caused you to stay silent while Jisung licked his lips in anticipation, clearly turned on by the elder’s gaze.
He grabbed your chin tightly, forcing you to look at him. His hold forcing you to pucker your lips, your Adam’s apple bobbing at the fact your own dick was getting hard from this, too which Jisung immediately took notice, smirking at the small bulge appearing.
“That’s not a good enough reason, Y/n.” Minho said sharply, his voice dripping with arrogance. Minho doesn't like playing and you know that, his punishments are rough — you know that from experience. Jisung of course, was having a good time at how the elder was talking to you — his own length spraining against the jeans he was wearing.
“It’s the only reason I have—” You defended, earning a tight hair pull from Minho which made a whine escape from your throat. Jisung was also getting restless and impatient and Minho immediately took notice.
“Head to our room Ji. I’ll bring the whore in a bit.” He said in a tone which you both found frightening and a turn on. Jisung nodded and grinned straight at you before rushing to the room in excitement.
With Jisung gone, Minho initiated a rough kiss with you to which you tried to return as much as you could but it ended up being a messy and wet kiss.
Minho continued the kiss, pushing you down the couch in doing so. Bringing you closer to him before pulling away with a hum, “Don’t you have something to say, slut?” He asked, wrapping his hand around your throat — not squeezing but enough to make you constricted in a way as you rutted against his thigh that he placed between your legs. Your cock was throbbing inside your boxers as you already felt your high coming on in a bit which Minho didn't take notice off.
You opened your mouth but a moan slipped out causing your top to chuckle amusedly at how much needy you were right now. “I— I’m sorry...” you said in the sincerest way possible, you rutted against Minho’s muscular thighs and in a bit you came inside your boxers.
Minho looked at your blissed-out face and that's when he noticed a very small wet spot pooling on your jeans. “Ji wouldn't like this.” Minho laughed amusingly, knowing that Jisung doesn't like anyone releasing until he said so. (That also applies to himself.)
He withdrew his hand from your neck — you finally releasing a breath you didn't know you needed. He stood up soon after, gesturing you to follow to which you did — following him with small footsteps.
Jisung eyes lit as you and Minho entered the room, he was disappointed though that you both still had clothes on.
He was okay with it though, what he didn't like was the wet spot visible on your clothed crotch, his eyes looked scary, like a ferocious animal.
Jisung stood up to which you looked at him questionably, completely unaware of Jisung’s dislike of releasing before himself.
You watched as Jisung stopped in front of you and before you knew it, you were pinned against the recently closed door, his strong hands trapping your arms behind your back. “Kinda unfair, you came before us.” he said through clenched teeth, pressing you harder against the door.
Minho took a sit on the bed, letting the younger have his own fun.
“Taking our cum would be a great way to makeup, don’t you think?” Jisung said, biting the top of your ear softly.
“Y- Yes, Sungie..” You said in a small voice.
“Good.” he hums, satisfied a little.
He pulls away and sat down back slowly with Minho in a bed, the older wearing an obnoxious grin as he leaned to whisper words into the Jisung’s ear causing his face to contort into one of an amused expression.
They then turned to you standing there, looking confused of their secret conversation. Jisung didn't like that though, “What did I tell you, baby?”
Your mind was blank before you mumbled a “Sorry.”
Jisung huffs disapprovingly but inches you to continue.
You first remove your shirt, a little bit of marks appearing faded, now contouring a bit more into your skin tone. The marks are from last night’s wild but fun time. Jisung smirks widens, his pride getting uplifted by the marks he left on your clavicle, while Minho just smiled satisfied at the teeth marks on the outside skin of both your nipples.
You typically shy away from their stares but now, feeling a bit confident (and bratty), words leave your mouth that was unexpected by your boyfriends, “You seem to like what you see.” You said, filling your voice with a mocking tone that flared up both of them up.
“Maybe I should instead punish you both i— instead for being needy.” Your voice wavering at the middle of the sentence, but you expertly covered it with a cough.
Minho stood up suddenly,
His eyes, gazed at you, “Such a talkative slut, aren't you?” He stated, his face serious as he slid his hand down your pants before pulling you close to him. “Look at you trying to act all dominant, in the end though, you just want to be fucked.” Minho stated, sliding his hand now through your boxers.
“Is that why, you went out with Seungmin and Jeongin? To be fucked?” He asks, Jisung in your sideview staring at you with a glare as he waited shortly for answer.
Your still kept a challenging gaze on Minho, trying to keep composure and not give in. “No. I went out with them so I could fuck th—” Minho grabbed your dick, stroking it forward angrily before you could finish your sentence, a quiet mewl passing your lips.
Jisung grumbled something behind him.
“Watch your words.” Minho said bitterly, his other hand finding way to your buttocks.
Your eyes glazed over the dominant before he withdrew his hands inside your boxers, before he threw you on the bed, surprising you and Jisung.
You try to pull yourself up but Minho encased you, his strong chest making contact with your back.
“Stay still like a good little bitch, and we’ll actually let you cum. Unless you want the same thing to happen the last time we punished you, hm?”
Minho’s voice was slick, calm and punishing but at the same time, just really hot. Your bulge felt uncomfortable against the bedsheet.
Jisung wanted to join in the fun too so he moved closer and grabbed your hair making you look up at him, “He put you in your place so easily, Where did all your confidence go? What was that about fucking us?” Jisung mocked as you glared at back pathetically.
Jisung did the honors of pulling your pants down with ease, Minho went to grab items needed before Jisung landed a harsh slap on your ass, your lips bruising as you bit it to catch a moan from slipping out.
Minho smirked and signalled Jisung to get into position as the man complied, Minho already slicked two of his fingers before he placed his fingers between your crack teasingly wetting your twitchy hole with cold lube.
Minho rubbed your rim as you glared at your other lover at the front of you, you looked up to Jisung in feigned annoyance due to his hands pinning you down.
Jisung’s eyebrow twitched in irritation before he mumbled through soft lips, “Color?”
You look up at him throwing your act away for a moment, “Green.” you answered before gritting your teeth to which the Jisung noticed and his face shifted into exasperation of your attitude.
Jisung started to undress himself, first unbuttoning his jeans before throwing away his shirt, revealing his buff body and slim waist to which you tried your best not to gawk at.
Jisung then smirked, “You seem a bit dazed, pretty toy~” He said, mocking you as he noticed your submissive nature starting to unfold just from your expression.
Minho then heard what Jisung and his smirked widened before he finally inserted two fingers into your ass, Minho’s own dick was getting hard from your hole swallowing his fingers.
Jisung signalled Minho to do something before Jisung stood up and went away from your sight, clearly planning something.
You were irritated at the lack of attention to your prostate so you shamelessly push back against Minho’s digits to which Minho responded with a mocking laugh, “See. You like this, wonder how did you even think of fucking us. When we know how much you like having cocks fill your hole.” He said amused.
You laughed, “Oh really? Maybe I should fuck you dumb to pro—” Minho clearly had enough of your act as he jabbed his fingers as deep as he can making you choke on your own spit — not even finishing your sentence.
You felt both of them turn you sideways and flip you over so that your legs were spread and your head hanging at the side of the bed, you were faced with an upside down Jisung with playful grin as your own dick was laid flat on your stomach leaking precum against your tummy, smearing it white.
“I think the slut needs his mouth shut, don’t you think Min?” Jisung said playfully, sparing a glance at Minho before turning to you.
Minho looked amused by Jisung’s word before nodding at him in a very agreeing manner.
Jisung’s dick was very hard and approximately shorter than Minho’s size, red at the tip and veins prodding his side, it was curved outwards and pretty overall, matching his buff yet slim body.
His dick slapped against your face as he look at you teasingly, “Open your pretty mouth toy.” Jisung said roughly, slapping his dick against your cheek.
Minho saw this and clicked his tongue, removing his fingers to which you sighed at.
Minho removed his clothes swiftly as the wind, throwing away his shirt and showing his full body in display for Jisung to see.
He looked at Jisung with a glint in his eyes before his hand slapped your dick harshly to which you couldn't contain a loud moan in, Jisung took the chance and slid his dick into your mouth and down your throat, your neck slightly bulged from this man’s cock.
Minho took pleasure at the sight of Jisung’s dick fitting against your mouth, so too, he wanted to join. He quickly drizzled lube on his dick before pushing against your hole, eliciting a choked out sound against Jisung’s cock.
“Good little cockslut, taking both me and Sungie’s cock. See, look at your useless dick.” Minho said, grabbing your cock, squeezing your leaking tip while watching you choke on your words against Jisung’s cock with a satisfied expression
“Wet and messy. You can't even fuck a fleshlight properly, what makes you think you can fuck us?” Said Minho, his voice intoxicating and seductive as he continuously pushed until his hips connected with your ass and his dick pushed near up to your abdomen.
Jisung continued his thrusts, taking pleasure from your mouth’s wet cavern, he curses under his breath at how close he was already.
Minho took this chance to grab your waist, slamming into you vigorously at the same time Jisung pulled away. They both panted as they thrust in a rhythm.
After both were consumed by pleasure and lust, barely any words were exchanged — and the sound that were enveloping the room was the squelch of lube, skin slapping against skin, breathless pants, and your drowned out moans.
Jisung sighs after a while as he came down your throat as you swallowed it, though your mouth was probably gonna be sore in the morning atleast it was fun seeing them being possessive.
Minho took alot while to finish as Jisung already pulled out of your mouth as your laid your back tired as you just let Minho plow your used hole, pulling you back on his cock while you let out weak moans every now and then when your good spot was hit.
Your head felt funny and didn't even notice Minho pulling out and coming on your stomach with some his cum reaching up to your lips. “Fuck.” he groaned out as he panted after reaching his high.
Minho took a hold of your cock which he jerked off, “Gonna cum...” you mumbled to which Jisung had already returned from his small trip to the bathroom, “Cum.” Jisung said as he wanted to watch you release
Jisung smiled at both of you releasing, before he pulled you up so that Jisung could walk you over to the bathroom while Minho followed closely, laughing at the limp that was already noticeable. “Looks like Min fucked you good~” Jisung teased as you pouted and hit the man on the chest for his annoying teasing.
Minho snorted, “You did too, he may be silent as a bug tomorrow because of a sore throat~” Minho teased, laughing when you glared at him.
“I hate you both.” you said in an unusual raspy voice, to which both of your lovers just giggled at.
You three arrived at the huge bathtub that Jisung had already prepared, he helped you get settled on the warm water of it and soon after, both also entered the warm bath.
Minho pulled you up on his wet chest while Jisung laid his head on your shoulder, “Were you fine with that earlier, baby? Or should we tone it down a bit?” he asked, playing with your collarbone.
You smiled suddenly at the question, “It was okay, I had fun.” you answered him as you leaned further into Minho’s warmth.
Jisung suddenly snorted at the side which caught both your attention, “The little dom act that you put was kinda cute.” he said, giggling.
You look at him and huffed while Minho laughed with him as you splashed some water at Jisung’s face causing him to retaliate.
In the end, the bathroom floor was a mess.
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This is a book there will be a few chapter
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5
After 10 minutes, I check my clock 7:15 am , grabbing my phone off the charger and my backpack , exiting my room making sure to close my door behind me, heading downstairs towards the kitchen, I grab my bento 🍱 and a water bottle , heading towards the door I began to put on my shoes . When my shoes were on I yelled goodbye to my older brother and headed out the door. Once I made it out the gates and past the butler, I started my 15 minute walk to school.
About 5 minutes in my walk , I began to hear yelling, stopping in my tracks I turn both ways to see where the sound was coming from seeing a alley not to far ahead I walk towards the alley, when I finally make it to the alley way , I see a group of 4 guys surrounding a boy who looked around my age with blonde hair.
It took me a couple seconds to process what was going on, but after a while I decided to try the help to boy, making sure my mask was secure on my face as I slowly approached the group of guys. Before I could get any closer I see the short blond kick one of the guys in the temple knocking him completely unconscious. 'guessing that's the leader' I thought as I stop in my tracks to watch what would happen next. When their leader fell to the ground they became more anger and started to rushed at the short blonde.
As I watched the blonde closer I could see that he was smirking signaling the guys to come at him, which they gladly did. As one of the guys were near the blonde ready to throw a punch the blonde quickly dodged the punch, after dodging the punch the blonde then punch the guy in the gut with a strong amount of force causing the guy to drop down.
After a few more minutes, all the guys where down and the only one standing was the blonde .
"Hey.. are u ok-" before I could finish my sentence my back hit the wall with a good amount of force
"You didn't see anything got it" the blonde says
Nodding my head yes he then dashed out of the alley way leaving me completely shocked and confused, shaking my head I quickly take out my phone to check the time 7:30 am, 'shit I'm going there late' I thought as I ran as fast as I could the rest of the way to school.,
Finally arriving at the school gates, making my way in the school building, heading straight towards my locker , I began to put my things away. Once everything I don't need for class was put away, I then headed to my first period before the first class bell rings
As I was heading to class I feel something cover my eyes
"Guess whooo" ??? Says
"Um let me think..
Hina" f/n say as I laugh a bit
Quickly moving her hands and laughs along we then began to talk about our weekend and everything that had happened lately
Once we arrived to class we proceed to take our seats which are next to one another. Once we were seated our teacher came in not long after and class then started for the day.
~time skip after school~
It was now the end of the school day , As I was heading back to my locker to pack up my things, as I was packing a boy comes and stands next to me signaling that he was waiting until I was done, once I was done I turn to the at the boy. He was a few inches taller then me , black hair that was pulled in a ponytail, as I was examining him I notice that he's carrying a small box
"H..hi your L/n F/n right" says the boy
"Yes...who wana know" F/n say as you pull you back pack over your shoulder places the other hand on your hip as you look at the boy
"Well..umm..I wanted to give you this" he says nervously
"Who is it" F/n say keeping the same stance as before
"Oh we-well you see it's a-a gift or con-confessio"
"Sorry but no thanks" F/n say as you cut him off
Turning away from the boy who head is now hung low, as you exit the school gates you began your walk home.
~15 minutes later~
As I was getting closer to home I sudden stop in my tracks, seeing a crowd of guys who yelling and seem to be cheering on someone, putting on my mask as I was closer to the crowd of guys. Once I was near the crowd I began to ouch through hearing some whispers as I push threw the crowd
"It's the dark shadow"
" U wouldn't mess with her if I were you"
" It's said that she beat a guy so bad , he had the go to the hospital"
As I continued the push past the crowd, I noticed a boy with blond hair on the ground he liked pretty beaten up...yet he was still fighting. The taller guy then yell to get a bat.
'a bat really to a fist fight...how pathetic' I thought as I start to walk to the blonde, before the bat can connect with the blondes head I quickly grab to bat stoping it in mid-air.
As I catch the bat, gasps where heard from the crowd, I could see shock all over the guys face, which make f/n smirk under her mask. Her eyes glistening with so much excitement.
Taking the chance while the guy was still in shock , f/n yanked on the bat pulling the guy closer to her, pulling up her leg and kneeing him in the stomach so hard the guy started to cough out blood, taking the bat f/n then bats the guy in the side causing him to fall down for just a few minutes
Turning to the blonde f/n then kneels down to be fave to face with the blonde , after studying him for a couple seconds, you pull down you mask and give a warm smile
"Hey I'm f/n..what's your name" f/n says as she hold out a hand completely ignoring the crowd staring in shock
"Ta-Takemichi" takemichi says as he looks at the girls hand and shakes it
"Well takemichi starting today we're friends yea" f/n says as she helps the takemichi stand on his feet
"Ugh yea" takemichi says as he looks behind f/n fear showing on his face
As you see the sudden change in Takemichi face, pulling your mask back up , you then turn around to be met with the guy from earlier, seems he was up quickly then you thought he would be 'maybe I should've hit him a bit harder' f/n thought as she stares at the guy no fear in her eyes as they have a stare down
As she noticed he was getting ready to charge at her , f/n then got in to fight stance ready to throw a blow when needed
As everyone turned to see who it was f/n noticed tow blondes, one who looked about 6 ft taller maybe taller, his hair was braid to the back and a dragon tattoo was on the side of his head, the other blonde was the complete opposite, he was short maybe 5 ft no taller then you, he was eating on something but you couldn't make it out
"Oi Ken-chin I'm out of dorayaki"
"I told you not to call me that stupid name in public"
As the pair slowly approaching , I noticed that the taller blonde was know as 'Draken' and if they did they would be beat to a pulp. As my eyes lanes back on the shoulder blonde still not knowing exactly who he is. As they we getting closer I turn to see that the ENTIRE crowd was BOWING. 'Wait why are they bowing as if the president just arrived' f/n thought as she was opening her mouth to say something
"Good afternoon president" the crowd says
Getting more confused , looking back at the blonde pair to see the taller blonde was now standing in front of the host of the "show" in one quick motion the blonde kicked the male in the stomach causing him to fall in a bow as the smaller blonde continued to walk towards me and takemichi
"Who died and made you king.. Make sure the be this low when the president arrives" The taller blonde says
"Ye-yes sir" the guy said groaning for the kick
As the short blonde stops in front of me and takemichi, my eyes grow wide, it's the same blonde from the alley way. As he begins to smile at me and takemichi, he then begins to speak
"What's your name" the short blonde says as he looks at takemichi
"Tak-takemichi" takemichi says as he looks at the smaller blonde
"And you are " the smaller blonde then turns to you
"Why would I tell you make name" f/n says as she watches the smaller blonde
"Aw come on" the smaller blonde then pouts
"I don't know you" f/n says in a cold tone rolling her eyes and looks away from the blonde
"Well then I'm Mikey also know a-"
"The invisible Mikey" f/n then looks back at the smaller blonde shock in her eyes, mouth a-gasp under her mask
"Now we know each other so what's your name"
Hesitating for a minute as you bite your lip you 'I'll just tell him I'm dark Shadow most people know anyways and i dont know him enough or trust to tell him my real name' I thought sighing before I spoke
"Just call me Dark Shadow for now" f/n says as she looks at the Mikey
"Wait" Mikey says as he thinks for a moment
"Your the known Dark Shadow" Mikey says as he looks at her with shock
"Yea why" f/n says in a questioning tone
"Well any one who haven't met the dark shadow thinks" Mikey hesitates for moment
"I'm a guy I'm assuming" f/n says before Mikey could speak
As Mikey nods you you stare in his eyes with a bunk expression on your face even though it can't be seen
"I know ... I like it that way honestly" f/n says in a blank tone
" Well then starting today Takemichi , Dark Shadow were now friends ok" Mikey says as he smiles at the two
As takemichi and f/n just nods in agreement, talemichi still in shock as he now friends with The Invisible Mikey and The Dark Shadow, while f/n just didn't really care about the situation to much anymore slowly losing interest and wanting it to end sooner
Mikey then turn and walks back to the host of the 'show' , as Mikey got closer to the host you noticed that his aura changed, it was the happy childish aura he had when he first walked in , no , it was more dark , as if signaling to anyone who approaches will surely have a hard to escaping , feeling a wet flow down you legs as you cross you legs, butting your lip under your mask as you continued to watch what Mikey would do
"Are you the host of this show" Mikey says a dark aura surrounding the two as he continues to approach the male
"Y-yes s-sir" the host says stuttering with every word fear clearly seen in his eyes as Mikey gets closer , staring into Mikey eyes , there was nothing, blank, fear grew more into the older male waiting for what ever was to happen to him
When Mikey was finally in front of the older male , like the ally in a quick motion Mikey's foot was meet with the guys temple, after the guy fell and Mikey continued by putting a foot on the males head causing him to be completely unconscious
"Stop bring down tomans name" Mikey says leaving the crowd, once again, in complete shock, turning to takemichi and f/n as he noticed your legs crossed tightly he then smirks, giving you a quick wink
Blushing as you turn to look away, Mikey then walk closer to give giving you a tight hug, leaning to your ear and his hands travel to your waist
"If I knew my fighting turned you on like this I would've took you with me that day Ms. Dark Shadow" Mikey whispers in your ear making sure to give it a quick lick as he pulls away leaving you a blushing mess , Turing and walking away
Stoping beside Draken, earning a smack on the head , Mikey quickly puts and turns to loo up to Draken
"It's not nice to touch a women without permission" Draken says not giving Mikey a glance
"But she likes it " Mikey turn to wink at you cashing you to fighting your legs a little more , smirking as he turns back to draken
"See" Mikey says
"You still need permission Mikey" draken replies as he turns to walk away, turning around again to face both you and takemichi
"See you guys tomorrow takemichi and ms. Dark Shadow" Mikey says giving a warm smile as he turn to follow draken quickly exiting after disappearing then crowd then began to vanish to, finally in uncrossing my legs as I turn to say goodbye to takemichi and quickly run home
'At all times why would it happen now' I thought as I run the last 10 minutes home
~arriving home~
Finally arriving home I quickly unlock the front door , as I step in the house I make sure to close and lock them door, before entering farther into the house I take off my shoes, heading towards the kitchen making sure the check the time, 9:30pm, 'it's pretty late, maybe I should eat a small snack , a little studying , shower then bed ' I thought as I heat up some left over from the night before
Once my food was heated, I grab a (favorite drink) and (favorite snack) then head toward my bedroom, opening the door and placing everything down carefully, i then began to eat, after I was finished eating, I grab my books and start to study for next weeks test
~25 minutes later ~
As I started to stretch I click the power button on my phone to check to time, 9:58 pm, yawing as I close my books and place them back in my school bag, throwing away my trash, and pruning away the dishes I then headed back to my room making sure to turn off the lights, as I place my phone on it charger I climb into bed. It don't take long before I drifted into a deep sleep.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
The Farm
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Damian Wayne x Jon Kent
Summary: just 2 boys in love but won’t admit it. I have the attention span of a butterfly so this is as close as I get to a slow burn lmao. I just think they are adorable and I headcanon Damian as demisexual. I did actually age them above 18 but this is sfw. Only a little kissing. There’s a bigot but he gets punched.
“I heard about the farm,” Damian said as they sat on a rooftop in New York. “Sorry.” They were drinking milkshakes after saving the city. Well Jon was as Damian had a vegan smoothie instead.
“Yeah, they foreclosed,” Jon said, his bright blue eyes uncharacteristically stony. “Thanks. Just wasn’t expecting it is all.”
“You know I could help you.. financially. If you need,” Damian offered carefully. Jon shifted in his seat and took a drink of his shake.
“It’s not your job. I’ll figure out how to keep it. Don’t worry,” Jon said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Congrats on vet school. Not that it’s a surprise. You were top of your class.”
“Oh thanks. But seriously, I have no problem writing a check right now, Jon,” Damian emphasized. Jon stared at him silently. It was so tempting to let Damian solve his problems but that wasn’t the Kent way.
“I don’t know,” Jon said shifting uncomfortably. Damian noted that it wasn’t a no.
“I will be going to school in Metropolis in the fall. The farm in Smallville is a lot closer to the university than my place in Gotham,” Damian said hoping to come off as casual. Apparently not as Jon almost fell off the roof in shock.
“Live- with me,” he asked, his eyebrows rose quickly.
“Oh, I suppose. Yes, that is what I would be proposing,” Damian answered. Jon looked at him with wide eyes before clearing his throat and softening the look on his face to more neutral. Damian definitely wasn’t meaning ‘moving in’ moving in. He was just being practical. He wasn’t in love with Jon the same way Jon was head over heels for Damian since he was like 13.
“It would be practical for us both,” he said and Jon relaxed. Yep, normal Damian not thinking of the social meaning of his words.
“I don’t have a butler,” Jon warned. “And I sometimes forget to do laundry or dishes.”
“Then I will make a chore chart,” Damian answered and Jon’s heart soared a little at the domestics of it all. Jon nodded with a grin.
“So when do I get my roommate?” Jon asked lightly. Or what he hoped was lightly. His farm was saved and Damian was moving in. He was surprised he wasn’t levitating yet.
“I need to sell my apartment first. And pack,” Damian contemplated. “Also I need to buy the farm. I’ll need 4 days.”
“4?!? I mean- that’s fine,” Jon answered. He began immediately imagining all the work he needed to do before Damian could move in. “You work fast.”
“Yes, money talks,” Damian answered as if it was normal for a 20 year old to say. Jon nodded and resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
True to his words, a moving truck showed up 4 days later. Jon had cleaned and organized everything, even scrubbing the walls and sweeping the barn. The workers quickly set up everything in the spare room just as Damian arrived.
Damian arriving was a sight Jon would never forget. Damian wore a black turtleneck with the sleeves rolled up and a tan pair of dress pants over shiny black leather shoes as he carried in a large paper bag of produce. Damian had grown so much from the tiny 13 year old Jon had first known. He was now a full inch taller than Jon and probably 10 lbs heavier. It was funny since Jon was the one currently running around as Superman.
Damian sat his bag on the kitchen counter and wiped sweat from his brow. Jon was much more casually dressed in old blue jeans and a white t shirt with a rolled up and open red plaid button down over it. An old blue baseball cap was thrown over backwards on his head and little curls stuck out.
“You brought food. You know this is a farm, right?” Jon said with a smile. “We’re kinda known for having food.”
“I brought food to cook tonight,” Damian said trying to be casual. He had actually taken far too long deciding on the perfect food for him and Jon to eat their first night as roommates.
“Are you cooking for me?” Jon said with a pleased smile. The moving company was leaving and it was just the two of them.
“Yes, I thought it would be a good start,” Damian said formally. “No need to be so happy. It’s just dinner.”
“Of course,” Jon said trying to straighten his face. But how could he when Damian was living with him and cooking for him? Impossible task.
Damian busied himself in the small kitchen, looking in every drawer and cabinet. He noted that in the dying evening light, it perfectly captured the sunset. That was something that people paid huge amounts to even glimpse from their place in Gotham and Jon got a 360 view everyday.
“Well I have to feed the animals but I’ll be back soon. Do you need anything before I go?” Jon said in the doorway to the kitchen. He had thrown on a pair of rubber boots.
“Tt, you dare care for animals without me?” Damian said with a frown.
“Well I just thought- I mean you can- but you’re cooking,” Jon sputtered and Damian smiled.
“I’m playing with you. I’ll see them tomorrow. Otherwise the meal will be ruined,” Damian said. Jon laughed and shook his head as he left.
Damian looked at the photos that lined the hallway, smiling as he saw pictures of Jon as a child. Jon holding a fish he caught. Jon swinging a baseball bat. Jon holding up one end of a tractor. Right above it was a young Clark Kent doing the same. Damian shook his head with a little smile. He would never admit it but he was head over heels for Jon. Had been for a few years now.
“That’s the first time I lifted a tractor,” Jon said beside him. “Dad was so proud.”
“I imagine,” Damian answered. Clark was such a sore subject for Jon. His father had only been presumed dead the year before. Jon took it hard. He didn’t speak but watched Jon from the corner of his eyes.
“He never wanted to force me to be Superboy. I practically begged him. He was scared it was too dangerous,” Jon said with a sad smile. They both walked in the kitchen and Damian finished the food. Damian brought it to the table just as Jon shyly brought out a bottle of wine.
“Mr Kent, where did you get that?” Damian said with a little smile.
“Actually there’s an entire wine cellar full of the good stuff. Your father is quite fond of giving wine as a gift and Dad never liked to drink. So he stored it here,” Jon said pulling out a wine opener. “I thought we could drink it for him.”
“That’s very illegal,” Damian said expertly opening the bottle. “We’re both technically underage.”
“Anything is legal with enough money,” Jon said with a little grin and Damian laughed.
I’m an awful influence,” Damian replied. They spend the rest of the night eating and drinking wine before both crashing in their separate rooms in the early morning.
Jon crawled out of bed only a few hours later to feed the animals and get started on his day. He thanked his Kryptonian DNA for the lack of hang over he worried Damian would have. He crept quietly past his roommate’s door on his way out.
Jon returned a few hours later, still rather early, and was surprised by the smell of coffee. Damian was cooking breakfast for him. For them, Jon reminded himself. Damian was just his roommate. Damian nodded and poured Jon a cup of coffee.
“I thought you would still be asleep,” Jon admitted.
“I don’t require much sleep. Plus I want a tour of the property,” he said. Practical Damian as always, Jon thought.
“Sure, I’ll take you around. The farm and then town,” Jon added taking a huge plate of scrambled tofu and fried tomatoes. Damian had anticipated that.
“That’s a good plan. I don’t want to stand out in town. Should I wear a plaid shirt,” Damian asked.
“Uh, yeah. If you want. T shirts and jeans are fine too,” Jon said.
“May i borough these clothing from you? Mine are not appropriate for a farm,” Damian said casually and Jon willed himself to not have any emotion that Damian was going to wear his clothing.
Damian was extremely handsome in Jon’s plaid shirt and a pair of jeans. His bright green eyes and tan skin popped in the shirt and he had brushed his black hair neatly back as it had gotten long enough to fall in his eyes. Jon couldn’t help but stare at his Damian in his clothing. Logic be damned.
“What?” Damian asked looking at himself. “Does it look bad? I don’t want to appear foolish,” he said about to pull off the plaid shirt.
“No! No you look good. Nice,” Jon said and Damian’s lip twitched towards a smile.
“Thank you. Would you like to show me town first? Before we get muddy,” Damian said.
“Sure, that sounds good. I need to pick up feed anyways,” Jon said. They loaded into Jon’s old pickup. Krypto hopped into Damian’s lap as if he always had done it and they set off to town a few miles away.
“Here’s the library and the best Waffle House in Kansas. Second only to Ma Kent’s,” Jon said as they drove around. He showed Damian all the important sights in town. Damian had a hard time believing that everything was so compact and so small. Even the diner that Jon said they would eat lunch because they had the best pie short of Ma Kent.
They both, and Krypto, got out at the feed store and they treated Jon like old friends. He grabbed a basket and pushed it to the back as he chatted about all the interesting animals people owned to Damian. The Ferguson’s owned a pair of alpacas and old Skipper Smith had a parrot and monkey as pets.
Jon didn’t pay any attention as he easily lifted 4 50 lb bags of feed and casually put 200 lbs of feed in the basket. Damian looked around to see no one near. Jon did it again.
“Should get us through the week,” he said with a grin.
“You do know that most people don’t pick up 4 at once?” Damian told him quietly as they moved to the register. Jon stopped before nodded and laughing.
“You know I’ve never thought about it. Let’s get going before the diner gets a lunch rush,” he said. Jon tried to act more normal putting up the feed bags but tossing them one handed like bags of bread into the bed of a pick up truck was far from normal. Damian couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
The diner had about 12 booths and a row across the counter like old times. It probably was an older restaurant with the light blue tile and actual jukebox. Damian didn’t know what rush hour could possibly look like with all 7 people he’d seen since entering town but Jon seemed pleased to be earlier than them.
An older lady laid down a menu between them both and offered them coffee with a big grin. Jon ordered a chicken fried steak and Damian ended up getting the waffles. It was the only thing probably vegetarian on the menu.
“Oh shoot, I forgot you don’t eat meat. Sorry. Should I change my order,” Jon said raising his hand.
“No,” Damian said grasping Jon’s hand and pulling it down to the table. Jon’s heart just about beat out of his chest. “It’s fine. You don’t have to change what you eat for me.”
“Okay,” Jon said and the waitress came back to the table with drinks and eyed Damian’s hand on Jon’s.
“This your new partner, Kent,” she asked and Jon noted the judge tone to her voice as she sat down their glasses. Homophobia was still alive in the country. Damian didn’t notice.
“Yes, I just moved in last night,” Damian answered and Jon was frozen in time. Damian doesn’t understand what he means, Jon thought. He can’t.
“Oh, is that right? Took off to the city and brought back a city slicker. Well, each to their own,” she said with a passive aggressive smile. Jon sighed as she walked away. He didn’t know how to explain that to Damian. Was Damian even gay? Too late now. The whole town thought he was.
After eating their meal, Jon asked the waitress for pie to go. The diner had filled up and far too many people were glancing at the pair. Damian assumed it was because he was new in town or possibly they recognized him as a Wayne. Jon knew it was that he had brought home a man. Damian also didn’t quite pass as white with his tan skin and Arabic features so probably a dash of racism too.
Jon drive down to the park at the edge of town and parked by the pond. He put on a nice face but worried that Damian wouldn’t have as easy time in Smallville as Jon hoped.
“Something on your mind, Kent,” Damian said, sitting on the back hatch of the truck watching, the ducks swim.
“Nothing. Maybe I’m a little tired. Should have gone to bed earlier last night,” he said with a laugh. Damian looked at him out the corner of his eye but said nothing and continued eating his pie.
“This pie is made with quality,” Damian said and Jon smiled.
“Better than Alfred’s?”
“Different. Alfred makes amazing meat pies but he never quite understood American pies,” Damian answered. Jon nodded.
“I have to work the rest of the week,” he warned Damian.
“I have plenty of paperwork to keep me busy,” Damian answered. Jon knew he never had to worry about Damian that way. He always kept busy. This was probably his longest break.
The next 3 weeks consisted of getting up early to care for the animals before Jon left to work at the local paper. Damian would jog 3 miles down the dirt road that the Kent farm sat at the end of. By the end of the first week, a few of the neighbors would even wave at him. Jon counted himself as having the will of a Green Lantern to leave before Damian returned every morning. Damian was a sight to behold in his post workout glow pre-shower. He would come home and most of the time Damian was cooking dinner for him. Jon was really falling for the domestics of it all.
“Don’t get used to it, Kent,” Damian warned after Jon complimented an amazing dish Damian made. “Once school starts I can not act as a housewife to you.”
“You aren’t- Dami, you’re far from a housewife,” Jon sputtered. “I know that Flamebird has been seen in metropolis a few times this week alone.”
“Well, I needed to keep busy,” Damian said with a shrug. “Eat your eggplant.”
“I’ve probably eaten more vegetables this week than I have since I would summer with Ma,” Jon said. “But this is pretty good.”
“You’re welcome,” Damian said with a pleased smile. After dinner they sat on the swing on the porch and swung as they watched the sunset like an old married couple. Damian looked at Jon more often than he needed to as they talked about nothing. Jon was so pretty in the golden light. His bright blue eye and freckles looked adorable to Damian.
“And then in August we harvest-“ Jon had been saying before Damian cupped his face and pushed his lips against Jon’s. It was rough and their teeth clanged together and Jon pulled back with an “ow.”
“Shit,” Damian said, moving to get up. “I shouldn’t have- forget I-“
“Wait,” Jon said and Damian froze. He looked so uncertain and Jon had never seen that before. “Can we- can we try again?”
“You don’t have to pity me,” Damian said curtly, getting up. “Forget I did that. I apologize,” he said going inside.
Jon sat for a minute in shock. He had been in love with Damian forever and Damian finally kissed him and he couldn’t even enjoy it. Jon went inside and stood in front of Damian’s door. His hand tentatively considered knocking but Jon couldn’t do it. Just as he turned to walk away, Damian opened his door.
“I have to go to Gotham,” he said suddenly.
“What? If it’s me, you don’t have to leave,” Jon said quickly.
“No. My brothers need me,” Damian said and Jon noticed he had his suit on under his clothing.
“Do I need to come?”
“No. It’s okay. I’ll be back later this week hopefully,” Damian said dashing outside. The screen door swung and slapped the doorframe loudly. Jon ran on the porch.
“Week?” He called as Damian’s car pulled out the drive.
Jon fretted and obsessively watched the news everyday. Krypto was getting anxious without his 3 mile jog every morning. Late on the fourth day after Damian left, Jon heard the front door open. He raced to the door. Damian looked weary and had a slight limp.
“Hi,” Jon said looking Damian over and Damian offered a tired smile. Nothing broken. “Do you need help?”
“No. I need to sleep and I will be fine,” Damian said stubbornly. Jon rolled his eyes and helped him to his bed.
“Do you need anything?”
“No thank you. I will probably sleep late tomorrow,” Damian warned.
“Sure. Of course,” Jon said slowly closing the door as Damian fell asleep. Jon barely slept that night and got up early and called out of work for the day. Damian got up uncharacteristically late around 10 am.
“How are you?” Jon asked, offering him coffee. Damian took the drink before sitting next to Jon. He had a black eye and that limp was still around. The sun shone in bright in the kitchen and Damian was once again reminded the vast difference between smallville and Gotham.
“I’m fine. Thanks,” he said quietly. Jon didn’t want to pounce Damian the first second he got home but it was very hard to not want to talk about the kiss.
“You got mail,” Jon said, handing Damian a big Manila envelope that had come in the day before. Damian wordlessly opened it as he sipped coffee.
“Oh it’s yours,” he handed it over to Jon. Jon opened it with a confused look.
It was a deed. The Kent farm deed. The Kent farm deed in Jon’s name. He looked up at Damian who had a tired half smile.
“It’s in my name. You put it in my name,” he said. “W-why?”
“It’s the Kent farm. There’s too many things with the Wayne name on it,” he shrugged. “Plus I’m far from a farmer. It should be yours.”
“God Damian,” Jon said with tears in his eyes. He pulled Damian into a hug who squawked a protest that Jon ignored. “Thank you. I can’t- thank you,” he said wetly. Damian ignored how Jon was quietly crying on him. His grandma and dad passing had affected him hard and Damian knew he was crying over more than a house and land.
“You’re welcome,” Damian finally whispered and Jon cried even harder. Damian softly pat his back awkwardly. Jon leaned back but didn’t let Damian go. He gazed at Damian with the softest look.
“God Damian,” Jon repeated. “Do you even know how much I love you?”
Damian froze and just blinked at Jon who had pulled back but not out of the hug. “What?” He simply said and Jon’s face started to contort in pain. “Hold on,” Damian said and Jon warily looked at him. Damian knew he had to lean in or Jon would take it back and Damian would be too scared to do anything until Jon did this again. And he wasn’t sure how long Jon would wait.
Damian gently cupped Jon’s face in his hands and Jon breathed in quickly. Damian was clearly nervous. Damian noted how his face was soft and his skin warm. This time he gently bent over and softly pressed his lips against Jon’s. Jon quickly reacted by leaning in toward Damian. Jon could feel the rough pads of Damian’s fingers and taste the coffee Damian had been drinking. After a short while, Damian pulled back but not away.
“I truly care for you too,” he said softly and Jon grinned. “I’ve cared for you for a long time.”
“Same,” Jon said before leaning in to kiss Damian again. Damian kissed for another few seconds before pulling back again. This time Jon tried to follow his lips before stopping. Jon’s breath was erratic and fast. “Sorry,” he muttered.
“No. It’s okay. I’ve just never- I’ve never“ Damian started a bit lost for words. Jon understood what he meant.
“You’ve never been with a man,” Jon said gently.
“I’ve never taken the time for relationships with anyone. I’ve always been too busy,” Damian admitted. He played with the edge of a napkin nervously. He would never openly admit to being worried that his lack of experience was a flaw.
“We can go slow. Whatever you want,” Jon said and he finally looked at Damian the way he had never let himself before: like he was in love with him. Damian nodded.
“I’ve just never found anyone that interesting. I mean, beside you. After a while. I wanted to throw you off a bridge at first,” Damian said and Jon smiled.
“I know. You told me,” Jon said. “We should go out to eat. There’s a place downtown that has vegan options.”
“I didn’t even know there was a downtown here,” Damian admitted and Jon laughed.
“It’s a small town. Not a hut in the woods.”
The place wasn’t ‘rush hour’ packed but had plenty of tables with patrons. Damian and Jon sat at a booth and Damian almost couldn’t handle the lovey way Jon was looking at him. Jon was staring at Damian like he was the moon, even though Damian stood out like a sore thumb in the rural town in his turtleneck and dress slacks. But that was his comfort clothing and he had given up on fitting in long ago.
“I’m going to the restroom. Order for me?” Damian asked and Jon nodded. As Damian walked towards the back of the restaurant, a man in a brown jacket and rubber boots purposefully shoved Damian with his shoulder as he walked by. Damian turned to glare at him.
“Sorry, didn’t see any fruitcakes around here,” the guy said and Damian bristled. Before he could make a scene, Jon moved over to them.
“Hi Tyler. Do we have a problem here?” Jon said uncharacteristically cold. That guy didn’t realize that he picked the worst pair to insult. Tyler looked between Damian and Jon before deciding the fight wasn’t worth it.
“Nothing worth it,” Tyler said turning around. “Bad enough to bring a fruitcake to town, it had to a brown one too,” he muttered and Damian stiffened. He knew that he got looks when he went into town. He was probably the only person that spoke more than English or Spanish in town and certainly the only one to speak Arabic.
But before Damian could do anything else but feel disgust, Jon had punched the guy in the face. Well it was more of a flick with his fist but the guy went down like a rock. Damian hid his smile as him and Jon were hurried out of the restaurant with their food to go by a worried waitress who apologized to the pair.
As they walked back to the pickup truck, Damian reached out and grabbed Jon’s hand who lit up almost instantly. Damian ignored the butterflies in his stomach as he walked. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Jon either.
“You know, it’s not everyday that a guy gets Superman to defend his honor,” Damian said quietly but playfully and Jon laughed.
“Can’t handle bigots. I’ll let you punch the next one,” Jon said with a shrug.
“I would have punched that one,” Damian answered. He turned and pulled Jon to face him before taking his free hand that wasn’t carrying a bag. Damian gently cupped Jon’s face to place a kiss on Jon’s lips before going back to walking. Jon had a stupid smile all the way back home.
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doyumacy · 4 years
hello oh my god i love ur works and i was wondering if you are accepting requests jdnnsns if so, could i requesf a haechan fwb w lots of nipple aucking oh shit bye.
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ (ɴɪᴘᴘʟᴇ ᴘʟᴀʏ, ꜰɪɴɢᴇʀɪɴɢ, ᴏʀᴀʟ ᴍ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ, ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴇx) ꜱᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ, ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1,9k
pt 2. here 
It’s been five hours since Donghyuck received that message, and five minutes since you have been standing outside your dorm, hesitant to knock.
Once you finally do, the door opens within 3 seconds, you don’t get a chance to react before you're pulled inside and shoved against the door, a pair of lips immediately plastering itself against yours.
You're taken aback, obviously, but this isn’t the first time so there’s no reason to be alarmed.
You kiss back, leaning towards Donghyuck, hands going up to wrap around his shoulders. When he pulls away, you're both panting, staring at each other intensely.
“I missed you.” Donghyuck says.
You blink. "It's been only 3 days."
Donghyuck breaks the distance, pulling you towards the bed. “I had a rough day today.” He says, kissing your neck. You squirm, trying to hold back a moan.
He is peppering your skin with light kisses before climbing on top of you, hovering over him.
“Make me feel better?” Donghyuck asks gently, hand going up to cradle your face.
You and Donghyuck aren't dating, in fact, you've known Donghyuck for around 5 years. You are what everyone calls 'best friends' but one night everything changed: you two were at a party and ended up getting wasted and eventually got horny. It didn't take you two long before going to his car and fucking in the back to then continue in his dorm.
You nod in response, immediately leaning up to connect your lips to his.
The kiss goes from soft and gentle, to a more hungry and passionate one. Donghyuck shifts his hips downwards, crotch rubbing against yours. You let out a moan that you were trying to keep in.
His hand goes from beside your head to your body, trailing down from your chest to your shirt, removing your turtleneck sweater.
You rut his hips against Donghyuck eliciting a groan from the taller.
Once your turtleneck sweater is gone, Donghyuck puts a hand on you and his palm is meeting with the fabric of your bra. He pauses, pulling away from the kiss slightly and smiles at you. “Went shopping?”
You bite your lip nodding. “I knew you'd like it.”
He bites your lip, pulling it away with his teeth. "I love it."
You lean forward so he can help you to take off your bra, and once it's gone, he places his hands on your breasts. "Fuck, I love these. They're so pretty."
You shiver, Donghyuck gives gentle kisses on them.
Every time you fuck it’s never rushed or rough, always slow and passionate, and it just makes the sex way better.
Your hands move to the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it off him and tossing it to the floor along with yours. You stare for a split second, at Donghyuck's broad shoulders and toned arms. He's beautiful.
Donghyuck connects his lips against to yours and it’s a mess of tongues. He takes your hand in his and puts it on his body, letting you run your palm down his chest and abs. He lets out a groan, feeling your soft caresses on his body. Your hand goes lower, to the waistband of Donghyuck's sweatpants and he can hear you gasp once your hand slipped in, palming his erection.
Donghyuck groans and ruts his crotch against your hand. He returns the favour to you, palming his erection over your jeans. You shudders, holding back a moan.
He traces his tongue around your left nipple, barely touching it, and just building up to the act. His tracing circle gets tighter and tighter until he is finally giving proper attention to the nipple. You moan arching your back so he could have more access to your nipples.
Tonguing your nipple, and then blowing gently on it, waiting for it to stiffen. The pace he is going out is making you tremble with the need for more, everything is just so slow. Donghyuck takes his sweet time, licking, sucking, then blowing, keeping his eyes focused on the task. When you start to breathe more heavily, he encloses his lips over the nub and sucks hard. Your back arches again, as Donghyuck sucks now your right nipple, pulling it away with his teeth to harden it further, then goes back to sucking it again, and biting. You close your eyes groaning and shift your legs and rubbing them together to create some friction to appease the itch to his cock, which had been straining against the zipper of his jeans.
You move your hands down, trying to reach your pussy and give yourself some form of relief, when Donghyuck stops completely. He grabs both of your wrists angling away from your body and over your head, he holds onto them with one hand. Donghyuck with the other hand free, he brings it down to pinch the abused left right. It throbs, its puffed red and wet appearance an aching sight, and you can't help but moan when he presses the pad of his index finger right over the tip, pressing down hard.
Your legs keep shifting, and that is when Donghyuck's knees come between your legs to stop any form of friction from happening. You try to push yourself down, to get any form of contact other than that on your chest, but Donghyuck won't touch him.
Donghyuck alternates between the two nipples, sucking one and pinching the other, pressing the red angry tip with the pad of his fingers, then he grabs and squeezes around your right nipple, gathering the flesh towards his mouth and bit down hard. You scream, your sensitized nipple aching and the burn is pleasure that bordered on pain.
“Hyuck! S-stop, no more... fuck!”
Donghyuck smirks around one nipple, and presses two fingers inside your mouth. You, in your persistent need for release, just suck on the fingers obediently, when Donghyuck pulls them out, coats them with your saliva and rubs them on the abused nipple.
Donghyuck kisses your lips and his fingers go up to unbutton your jeans and unzip it agonisingly slowly. He pulls the restraining fabric off your legs, leaving you bare with just your matching underwear.
He sits up and pulls off his own sweatpants before going back to you on the bed.
You decide to take charge this time, pushing him onto his back and climbing over him. You move downwards, till your face is aligned with his hips. You slowly kiss the line above Donghyuck's boxers slowly, trailing down the v line. You pull down his boxers bit by bit, kissing every inch of exposed skin. Once you reach low enough, you pull off Donghyuck's boxers entirely, freeing his erection.
You start by kissing the tip, trailing down his member slowly. Donghyuck lets out a sigh, hand slowly reaching down to curl itself into your hair.
Without warning, you take his entire length into your mouth, head bobbing up and down. Taken aback, Donghyuck yanks on your hair and lets out a loud moan. You look up at Donghyuck with his member still in your mouth, only to find him staring back at you.
“Fucking shit,” Donghyuck lets out an even louder moan.
He stops you, feeling himself almost reaching his point. Donghyuck pulls you up in a messy kiss, you laying flat against his body. His hands slips from your waist to your panties, slipping underneath to cup your ass. You groan into the kiss, hand gripping his shoulder.
Donghyuck breaks the kiss, reaching forward to his bedside table for the condom. He passes it to you and you wrap his cock. He then flips over so you are under him again. He pulls your panties boxers off, discarding it on the floor beside the bed.
“Ready?” He looks up at you for permission before carrying on. You nod and he inserts his first finger into you.
You gasp and grab at the sheets. He starts moving his finger at a steady pace, you moan in return, gripping at the sheets harder.
“Ah... fuck Hyuck,” Donghyuck inserts a second finger without warning, making your back arch.
You moan shamelessly as Donghyuck continues moving his fingers and stretching you out. When Donghyuck inserts the third finger, you start to see stars. You let out the loudest moan you have let out thus far, quickly biting your lip to shut himself.
Donghyuck pauses, he looks up to your distressed expression. “What are you doing? Don’t stop.” You whine.
He smirks, going to kiss you shortly. “Let me hear them.” He whispers into your ear, watching you squirm below him.
When Donghyuck moves his fingers again, you don’t hold back, but you try to keep your volume to a minimum in case you disturb the neighbours.
Once Donghyuck feels that you're ready, he pulls his fingers out. You mewl at the loss of contact and arch up, hoping for some sort of contact with him. Donghyuck climbs over you, so that he’s hovering over you, both faces aligned with each other.
Donghyuck aligns his member with your entrance and takes you in an open mouth kiss to distract you before he slides in. You moan out mid-kiss, back arching, leaning up towards him.
"Fuck, I've been fucking you daily, why are you still so tight?" He hisses.
He chooses that moment to thrust his hips forward, catching you off guard.
“Fuck! Hyu-“
Donghyuck then picks up his pace, thrusting in and out in.
“Fuck, baby,” Donghyuck moans out, burying his face in your neck. He presses his lips to your collarbone, kissing and sucking at a certain spot, making you gasp out, there's too many things going on at once. You wrap a hand around his back, gripping at this back.
Donghyuck quicks his pace. “Donghyuck. Hyuck.Hyuck." You chant his name out in pleasure, squeezing your eyes shut in pleasure, feeling warmth pooling in your stomach. You're close, you can tell Donghyuck's close too with the way his hips start to go faster, god bless his stamina.
Donghyuck comes first, shooting into the condom whilst inside you. That made you tip over the edge.
Donghyuck pulls out and pecks you on the cheek before he gets up to clean. You're too tired to move, staying in the same position trying to catch your breath.
He grabs a towel afterwards, cleaning himself up and you before putting on his boxers and going back to bed beside you, handing you one of his shirts. You put it on and sit on the bed. "Can we order something to eat? I'm starving." You say.
Donghyuck grimaces. "I actually have plans with the guys in half an hour..."
"Yeah... right. Then I should go," you get up from the bed looking for your clothes.
"But see you tomorrow?" Donghyuck looks at you.
He looks at you getting dressed and after you're ready, you grab your backpack and turn to Donghyuck who pouts and pulls you by the belt hoop of your jeans. He wraps his arms around your waist. “No goodbye kiss?”
You give in to Donghyuck's pout, lean down and cup his face before planting a kiss on his lips. You break the kiss walking to the door.
“I’ll call you?” He calls out from where he is standing.
You nod and wave goodbye before leaving his dorm. Once you're out the door, you lean against the wall, clutching your chest.
It hurts.
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byuntrash101 · 3 years
Betcha, you're gonna be mine
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Pairing: Idol!Baekhyun x You
Genre: Idol!AU, smut 🖤
Tags: mild dom/sub dynamics, deepthroat, some dirty talk, a little plot (not much)
Raiting: 18+
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: Working at KBS is fun and exciting especially when EXO-CBX is having their debut stage here.
General Masterlist
Tag list: @lovebuginlove @ohh-baekhyun @bobohumyonlyboo @smolbeanmika @making-me-blush @wooya1224 @yixing-jaehyun @baekklove @lalalala-lav @deligxt @xofanfics @byunsugar @dixnysustae @to-all-the-stories-i-love @artisticcgroove @myexoobsession​
A/N: the inspo for this comes from this gif right here. If you wanna be tagged plase tell me I well gladly add you. Plus feedback is greatly appreciated ^^ my asks are ALWAYS open💖!!
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Betcha, you’re gonna be mine
You’re heading to the studio, it’s a regular Wednesday to you. Regular as could be as you ride your bike to the studio, just like you do every day. It’s nice and sunny out, still a bit chilly like it should be, it was early in the morning and spring was just starting.
You park your bike just outside and go through the glass doors of the KBS building. You greet your colleagues and smile. Everyone looks excited and just a tiny bit nervous today. Because today isn't so usual after all... EXO-CBX are doing their debut stage today.
Everybody is excited to see EXO because they are always funny and professional, without mentioning great performers. Basically they are a joy to have a on the set.
You, too, are kind of excited. But for you it’s usual since it’s a brand-new exciting job.
As a sound engineer, you know exactly what to do before the idols come in. You get the mics ready and pair them, check the sync with the monitors, make sure the mixing programs runs smoothly… You are so focussed on the job that you don't even notice Minlee, your best friend, creeping up beside you.
“Hey y/n, Chen Baek Xi is at hair and makeup” she says with a bright smile which doesn't keep you from jumping at the sudden outburst from your colleague.
“Awesome," you answer, holding your chest still slightly in shock. "The mics are ready”.
At this moment, the celebrity trio comes from hair and makeup. Still pretty focused on the monitors you don't pay much attention to them as you pass the three mics to Minlee.
“They’re there please mic them” you hand the mics without even looking at her because you spot something weird on the mixing program and you’re already trying to fix it.
Minlee gives you a nod and goes on her way. She approaches Baekhyun and smiles, presenting the mics. He lifts his gaze and recognizes her.
“Hey! Minlee!” he says smiling. Minlee giggles.
“Hi, she says, I have to mic you please turn around.”
He does as she says. His gaze sweeps the room, he nods and smiles at the familiar faces. Then, his eyes land on you. His smile fades away as his eyebrow lifts to let appear an intrigued look.
“Hum, Minlee, who’s this?”
“Huh?" She turns around to see you still occupied with the program. "Oh, it’s Y/N. She started working here around 2 months ago.”
“Huh, OK.” He says nothing more. But from this moment he is incapable of letting go of the thought of you. He observes you as you are busy on the computer. You don’t even notice his piercing eyes on you. An sly smirk progressively curling up his lips.
Baekhyun is not the timid kind. There’s a reason why he got as far and as quickly as he did in his career. Of course, talent and hard work was a big part of it. But Baekhyun’s secret was knowing exactly what he wanted and never missing the chance to cease the opportunity. 
And at the exact second, he laid eyes on you, you became exactly what he wanted. And the opportunity was right now.
As soon as he was done with Minlee and the mics he stepped down the stage and walked nonchalantly to where you were sitting now since being crunched over the monitor wasn't exactly the best thing for your spine. He stood just right in front of you.
“Hi” he simply says, flashing his charming smile.
Your eyes slowly leave the computer to meet his eyes. Dressed in this expensive suit, hands in his pockets, red shiny hair perfectly sitting on top of his head, smiling and looking down at you. You looked at him in awe. He chuckled, satisfied his entrance had the desired effect.
“You are new here, right?” he smiled again, being even more ravishingly handsome, which you really thought wasn’t possible.
You quickly regain your composure by slightly shaking your head, smiling back politely at him.
“Yes, I just started a few months ago”, you replied as you got up. Thinking that somehow the sitting position puts you at a disadvantage… But how wrong you were… because now you stood right in front of him. Dangerously close. Despite not being the tallest, he was still a good bit taller than you which you didn’t expect. You tried holding your chin up and looking indifferent, trying to ignore the frenetic thumping of your distraught heart. But that was nearly impossible.
“Oh, you did” he said slowly as he took a step in your direction, closing in the distance between the two of you. Out of instinct you tried stepping back but your calves were already pressed up against the chair you were sitting on a few seconds ago. He was so close that you were scared he was going to feel the heat burning in your cheeks. He smiled, flashing his glistening teeth.
“Yeah, I was just thinking that I never saw you before. And there’s no way I would have missed a beautiful face like yours” He said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Feeling is fingers against your skin sent a shiver down your spine, making you weak in the knees. You couldn’t get your eyes off him, his presence was so alluring. The way his eyes pierced right into yours, the way his lips curled up in a flirty half smile, the way his deep honey voice sunk into your very being.
It felt like the world stopped. Time frozen still as you locked eyes with him.
Like there was nobody else around. Nobody else to see when he inched his lips closer to yours as his warm breath tickled your cheeks.
“Baekhyun!” Jongdae shouted from across the stage. Suddenly you were brought back to reality. Baekhyun closed his eyes and tilted his head slowly, pinching his lips. Looking annoyed he turned around and took the stares back to the stage.
You shook your head trying to collect your thoughts. You reached for your water bottled and gulped it down to cool you off. It worked to some extend and you were able to focus on the recording.
Right after CBX proceeded with the prerecorded stage for the music show of the evening. The whole time you couldn’t keep your eyes off Baekhyun as he was singing, dancing and of course flirting with the camera. No doubt, he was good, very good!
As soon as the performance was over Minlee took your headset off and smiled at you.
“Y/N, did I have a stroke, or did I saw you and Baekhyun flirting right before the recording?” you almost choked on your saliva.
“N-no, we were j-just talking” you stuttered. Minlee sighed.
“Y/n, you should go for it.” You almost choked, again.
“What are you saying Minlee?”
“Maybe this opportunity won’t present itself again y/n!”
“But…” you couldn’t finish your sentence that Minlee took you by the arm.
“Alright let’s get their mics” she pulled you to the three idols. Minlee rushed to Minsoek and Jongdae.
“Can you take care of Baekhyun please Y/N?”
“Y-yeah” you whispered almost. You walked to Baekhyun.
“So, you gonna take care of me? Huh?” he said lifting his arms and an evil smirk on his face.
“yes” you replied as simply as possible. He let out a soft chuckle.
“I can’t wait” he said licking his lips and making sure his eyes were locked onto yours.
You procced to wrap yours hands around his waist and untangling the wires. Your hands going up to his ears and unhooking the mic. The whole time Baekhyun didn’t even blink once. Like he was trying to memorize every detail of your face.
Your job done you were about to swiftly escape Baekhyun’s hypnosis, but he caught your wrist and pulled you in closer. Whispering in your ear.
“Let’s not lie to each other and continue what we were doing in my dressing room.”
You were about to politely decline but he interrupted.
“You can’t lie to me y/n” he then let go of your wrist and left the set. Your eyes followed him until he disappeared in the hallway. Hearing your name being whispered like this gave you chills and sent the butterflies in your stomach flying around. You didn’t even know how he came to know your name, but you didn’t care.
You brought your fingers to your lips. What should you do? Baekhyun was right… you … wanted him. But this kind of … meeting was a first for you, you were always a good girl. Never once in your life you thought you would be able to do that but… you addressed a puzzle faced to Minlee. To which she responded with an excited smile. She gives you a hand gesture to urge you to follow him.
“Well fuck it” you thought, and you proceeded to also disappear in that very same hallway.
Once in front of the door you knocked carefully. The door opened right away. He was there, standing right in front of you. He had taken his blazer off, his tight white shirt was letting you see how broad his shoulders actually were.
“Ah, y/n, you almost made me wait.” He motioned to invite you in. So you did and closed the door behind you. 
The room had no windows, the only light source came from the vanity mirror. The atmosphere was intimate… Suddenly you realized what your visit here implicates. You feel your heart jump up in your throat and your stomach sink to your feet. 
He walked slowly towards you. Soon, your back was pressed against the cold wooden door. Except this time, Baekhyun placed his hand on the door, near your head. His face was getting dangerously close to yours.
“You really are pretty,” he softly whispered, analyzing your face once again. His breath tickled your cheek.
“T-thank you,” you stupidly replied, unable to think of anything else.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body. His lips were so close yet so far.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, tilting his head, like he wasn’t going to wait for your answer, but he did nonetheless. You nodded slowly unable to speak, your eyes fluttering between his lips and his unwavering dark orbs.
Finally, the last millimeter was no more, your lips met. You felt his free hand wrap around your waist and pulling you even closer. His breath was getting irregular as the kiss got deeper. His tongue and yours dancing with each other.
His lips drifted to your neck as he trailed his way to your collarbone. Nibbling on your skin and leaving his mark. His hands passed underneath your shirt making their way to your breasts. You gasped for air. Baekhyun’s hands were roaming your body like they were familiar with it, like he knew by heart every mole, every birthmark, every freckle, every sensitive spot. He knew exactly what to do.
Soon, lust clouded your judgment,making all your worries and your bashfulness vanish. You started to become more daring and started to unbutton his shirt. Baekhyun smiled at your newfound confidence. He helped you with your quest, taking the shirt off his broad chest and  sending it across the room. For a brief second your eyes landed on his perfectly sculpted body. He took your breath away with every glance at his smooth skin.
He lifted your own shirt over your head. Kissing your neck, he unhooked your bra with a dexterous and swift movement.
He took a step back to admire your details. You felt his gaze burn into your body, exploring you. You should have felt embarrassment, but strangely you didn’t. 
You, too, took the time to look at him. Now you could clearly see how broad his chest and shoulders were. His silky skin still glistened from performing under the heat of the spotlight earlier. He was lean and his abs were toned. His body was close to perfection. No, it was pure perfection, along with the rest of it. You exhaled deeply.
He licked and bit his lip. His breath was still a little short but he looked hungry, ferocious...
“Take the rest of your clothes off for me baby” his soft honey like voice contracted with the commanding tone. You felt your cheeks getting warmer as you unzipped your pants. Slowly you rolled the denim off your skin. Revealing the black lace underwear you decided to wear this morning.
Baekhyun brought his fingers to his mouth, playfully flicking his tongue at his fingertips.
“That too” he motioned with his chin to your underwear. You slowly took it off too. Being completely exposed like this to him. Showing yourself so vulnerable in front of him. All of that... It pleased Baekhyun. Greatly. A mischievous smirk stretched his lips.
“Get on your knees baby” he said quietly but firmly, hand on his growing bulge. You did as he said. He pulled a chair from underneath the vanity and sat on it, whipping out his member. You bit your lips witnessing such a lustful sight. Arousal building up in between your legs.
“Come here baby girl” he called you. You crawled to him, still on your knees. He licked his lips and smiled looking down on you, revealing his pearly teeth.
“Good girl” he whispered as you reached him. He brushed his thumb on your lips before pushing it in between your teeth. You playfully opened your mouth and started to lick the tip of his fingers. He let out a satisfied chuckle.
“Come on baby girl don’t make me beg for it” he said pointing at his bulging member. You nodded and approached closer.
His dick was red, slightly twitching from all the teasing and kissing, obviously longing to be touched. You carefully wrapped both your hands at the base. You approached your lips slowly and took a look at Baekhyun. He had a pained look on his face, eyes fixed on your mouth, eyebrows deeply knitted. Clearly those were the longest seconds of his life. You kissed the pearly tip that was already oozing precum. A small string linked your lips and his tip. You licked it all off. The salty taste filled your head. He was biting his bottom lip and holding in his breath, looking down on you and stroking your hair gently.
You took him passed your lips. He let out a muffled groan throwing his head back, his eyes tightly shut. You continued to swallow him till you felt him tickling the back of your throat. With slightly teary eyes you slowly moved your head back. We repeated the same movements, making him languish for more. He chuckled.
“You like to tease me, huh?” you looked up at him. He was smiling, but almost in a threatening way. He looked impatient, hungry, reckless.
“Don’t tease me too much, okay baby?” he said, ever so slightly, thrusting his hips, forcing open your mouth. He twirled your hair around his fingers firmly holding it, pulling it with just enough force to coerce you. The heated sting on your scalp made you meekly moan.
“You’re a good girl right?” he growled in a whisper. His dominant behavior lighted a fire inside you and you started sucking him vigorously. He sighed in pleasure.
“Yes baby girl, you know how I like it, right?”
Encouraged by his deep moans you gave him your everything. Forcing his girthy length even past the back of your throat and stroking with both your hands the parts you couldn’t reach with your mouth. Baekhyun groaned loudly, biting lip. You liked the effect you had on him.
“Hmmm. S-Slow down baby, I might c-cum.” He said a painful look on his face, his lips swollen and red from trying to restrain himself.
You felt him throb in your mouth and pulling your hair to force your tongue off his cock. You looked at him, his face was flushed, his bangs were stuck to his forehead with sweat.
“You don’t want the fun to end here, right baby?” he said out of breath. You shook your head. He got up and took off his pants and underwear.
“Sit there, baby,” he said, pushing to the side the empty plastic coffee cups, makeup palettes and brushes. You placed your butt on the cold wood of the vanity. Legs crossed. Baekhyun approached you, he swept his hair back, slightly soppy.
He admired the curves of your body once more. One hand stroking his cock, he looked at you with a menacing evil glint, shooting a shot of electricity down your spine.
“Tell me what you want baby girl” he said in a rough, husky voice. You smiled teasingly, pulling your lips in a half smirk. You spread your legs slowly, provoking him. Revealing your sopping and quivering center.
“I want you inside of me Baekhyun” you said in a pleading tone. “I’m all wet and ready for you”. Baekhyun chuckled.
“Good girl”
Baekhyun took a step closer and playfully rubbed himself against your folds. You let out a small whimper. Baekhyun looked at you right in the eyes and smiled as he slipped into you. This time you couldn’t help but to moan loudly, sighing in pleasure as you felt his warmth inside you.
He started out slowly but quickly picked up the pace. You felt the pleasure radiating in your entire body. This full feeling soon clouded your head and you couldn’t think about anything else, malong your mind completely blank.
“You like that baby girl?” he asked looking at you.
“I love it. You feel so good inside me” you whined in pleasure. Your hands desperately searching for some kind of grip to hold you in place as Baekhyun slammed his hips into you forcefully. Making your messy hair jump to the rhythm of your skin clashing.
“Yes baby” he said in a groan.
You could feel yourself coming closer and closer to your release. Your breath was hectic as tension started building in your legs and you threw your head back in a lingering moan, trying your best not to be too loud.
You lifted your head back to look at Baekhyun. Him, too, seemed close. His hair was damped, droplets of sweat forming shiny wet paths on his broad chest. His expression was rough, his eyebrows were frowned and his jaw slightly pushed to the front.
Baekhuyn notices your legs shaking.
“Y/N are you gonna cum?” he said in one short breath. You nodded. He smiled devilishly before laying his hand on your throbbing center and circling your clit with his thumb.
As soon as you felt his fingers on you, you knew your orgasm was closer than ever, goosebumps running across your body, your legs shaking irreplaceably.
“What’s my name baby? I want you to say my name when you cum” Baekhyun said in a low husky voice, half groaning, half moaning.
Hearing his hoarse voice combined with his skilled fingers and rough trusting was enough to send you over the edge.
“Baekhyun!” You shouted planting your nails in the wood of the vanity. Your entire body shaking, giving in to the pleasure he was gifting you. You closed your eyes shut as your walls clenched around Baekhyun's thick length, desperately twitching in a powerful and long-lasting orgasm. The sensation spreading to your entire body, it was a first for you. Still cumming you managed to open one eye to look at Baekhyun.
His face was bright red, droplets of sweat dripping alongside his ears. His expression was rough, wild. His eyebrows deeply furrowed, and his mouth half opened, inhaling and exhaling rapidly. His thrusts were stronger than ever. Finally, you felt him release.
“Oh baby” he said in a low moaning voice, his nails digging into the side of your thighs. He delivered long ropes of thick and sticky cum inside you.
He started to move slower and slower. Before pulling himself out. Drenched and out of breath he looked at you still dazed and laying on the vanity. He was smiling happily, almost innocently, turning into a completely different person than the one that was relentlessly fucking you seconds before that.
“Y/N, I can’t wait for our next comeback.” You looked at him, he was a mess -a beautiful one at that-, and you too probably.
“Me neither”. You said smiling too.
General Masterlist
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sparklysung · 4 years
© sparklysung – 2021. all rights reserved. no reposts, modifications and/or translations allowed.
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pairing – huang renjun x female!reader
genre – fluff, smut | non-idol!au, neighbours!au
warnings – voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, fingering, penetration, protected sex
word count – 3.150 words
summary – after being caught jerking off to his neighbour, things only got better for renjun.
note – writing this was so frkng difficult and i’m still not completely convinced, but i hope it lives up to your expectations, tho! i’m sorry if it doesn’t :’) but i tried my best. also, i finished it earlier than i thought lol. enjoy and now, just you wait for part iii soon!
taglist – @junguwuuu​ , @prvncejxon​
part i ; part 2 ; part 3
to say that renjun was mortified was an understatement.
after the incident of you catching him red-handed, he started avoiding you like the plague. he even started keeping his bedroom curtains closed, afraid of being seen inside and you deciding to confront him about it.
the poor boy couldn’t even sleep properly. he kept waking up almost every night with sweat coating his forehead, dark hair sticking to it, while heavy breaths filled the room.
the times when renjun was lucky, the cause of his insomnia was a wet dream, in which the both of you did everything but innocent things. every time it happened, he woke up in the middle of the night or early in the morning with a painful boner, precum staining the crotch of his boxers. either way, it always ended up with his hand down his pants, desperate for some kind of relief. never, not even during his teenage years, had he experienced so many wet dreams in such a short amount of time.
though when he wasn’t, nightmares tormented his slumber, messing up his sleep schedule even more. he was terrified of the idea of facing you after what happened, as he expected you to think the worse out of him. and to be fair, you had every reason to.
the sleepless nights he spent turning and rolling around in his bed plus the time he spent studying and working on his school assignments had deep dark circles forming under his eyes. it also had become part of renjun’s routine to fall asleep on his desk at school, too tired to pay attention to what was happening during class. and he was getting out of excuses for his exhausted state.
you were driving him crazy and he didn’t know how much time he was going to last until he broke down.
the day renjun most dreaded eventually came when he accidentally bumped into you while going to the nearby store.
it was supposed to be a quick and easy task. he just needed to buy some groceries his mother needed to make dinner later that day and the only person he would be required to talk to was the cashier. so he thought he was safe. that’s why, for the first time after the incident –as he had named it–, he decided to go out of his house for other than school and take a break from everything.
“ouch,” renjun didn’t look up at first, so he didn’t notice it was you who he had bumped into, his attention focused on the place where his arm was hit. “i’m sorry, i wasn’t paying attention,” he mumbled, ready to continue his path to the store.
“it’s fine, i noticed,” he froze in his spot as realization fell on him that it was you, the last person he wanted to see. his head shot up, eyes wide in panic and breath turning uneven as his mind raced with thoughts of how to get away from you as fast as he could.
maybe he should go back to china, after all, change his name and erase all traces of ever being alive.
“renjun, right? your name is huang renjun?” you slightly tilted your head and renjun thought he had never seen someone look so effortlessly pretty, his heart felt like it was about to combust. curiosity about your good looking neighbour –who you’ve been wanting to get to know so bad for a while– grew inside of you as you observed him nervously moving around. and had to admit you were especially intrigued after seeing him so unashamedly touching himself with his eyes locked on your body.
a completely different side of him from what you were currently seeing.
gathering the little courage he could find within his body, he spoke up, “uhm, yeah… i guess that’s me?” the sound of his awkward laugh made a smile form on your face.
“so…” renjun awkwardly scratched the back of his head, “i’m sorry for, you know… snooping around and nutting off to you like that, you know, a few days ago.” his hands started getting clammy as he felt his body heat up. “i know it wasn’t nice of me and it was so wrong… i just…” you almost let out a small chuckle at his flustered state.
as he stopped talking and just stared ashamedly at the floor, you decided to tease him just a little bit. “you just…?” you raised an eyebrow, waiting for a response before continuing, “you just happened to have your hand on your dick while looking out of your window the moment i caught you?” you jokingly questioned.
when his eyes opened wide with shock and the tip of his ears turned red out of pure embarrassment, you knew you’d hit the right button.
“fuck, i-i’m really freaking sorry, alright?” his hands came up to cover his face, voice wavering. “i don’t know what else to tell you or how to make it up to you?” he spoke quietly, unsure of what he was saying. your smaller hands took his out of his face, forcing him to look at you once again.
“oh, don’t worry about it, renjun,” you took a step closer without letting go of his hands, your chests almost touching, “you’ll have an opportunity to show me how sorry you are and make it up to me.” with a breathy whisper in his ear, you let go of him, turned around and walked away.
renjun stood there, dumbfounded, not knowing at all how to react.
you were so confusing to him. always so mysterious, staying locked inside your room instead of going out with your friends –and he knew for a fact you had quite a lot–. he had never seen you bring people to your house, let alone your room. he could tell you weren’t exactly shy, but more on the quiet side. you liked keeping to yourself and being a spectator rather than the main character, but either way, you were captivating. so much so that you didn’t need to be in the spotlight to be the center of attention.
since the first time he laid eyes on you when your family was moving in next door, he couldn’t take them away. it was like an invisible force pulled him towards you, making him want to get closer.
but you were out of his reach. and out of his league.
he could never catch up to you after class ended, as you always left as soon as your teacher bid goodbye. so he rarely got to see you due to being in different classrooms and hanging out with different friend groups.
that frustrated renjun to no end.
it felt like the universe just didn’t want you two to happen. like it despised the idea of something sparking between you. like it wanted you apart and as far away as possible.
that’s one of the reasons why he ended giving up on trying to get to know you. apart of you apparently not being interested in him anyway.
the one day renjun decided to open his curtains to let natural light and fresh air in, you happened to be at home. just like the first time. he felt a strange sense of déjà vu, as this was the first time in a while he was looking past his window and into your room.
through the also open curtains, he could see you, looking prettier than ever. your hair was messy as if you had just woken up from a nap. your oversized clothes made you look even smaller than you were. biting back a smile, renjun thought about how you would look like wearing his clothes. he was a few inches taller than you, so one of his shirts would probably fit you like a short dress.
he was scared of how much he had been thinking of you lately, especially of the way his heart fluttered against his chest whenever he did. the two of you hadn’t even held a proper conversation, he knew how slim the possibility of something happening with you was and yet he was crushing on you.
renjun didn’t notice he had been staring until he felt your intense gaze burning back at him. his eyes moved away from you as heat rose to colour his cheeks, tongue poking the inside of it. his hand ran through his hair, softly messing it up, to distract himself and prevent him from looking back at you.
he had been caught staring by you, again.
renjun tried to control himself, nails biting into the skin of his palm. he knew you were watching his every move the exact same way he was watching you. you had already confronted him one time about it and it was pretty awkward. he didn’t want to go through something similar again.
once was enough.
his eyes darted back towards you when you moved, successfully getting his attention back to you. neither of you broke eye contact as you positioned yourself so he could see you perfectly from where he was standing up. you laid on your bed, back pressed against your mattress as your head sunk into your pillows. he gasped when your legs opened, allowing him to look at both your face and hand as it slid down to the crotch of the leggings you were wearing, lightly rubbing your clothed bundle of nerves. 
renjun forced himself to stay still and not give in so easily. his jaw clenched tightly as ragged breaths filled his room. he could feel his hardening member throb from the confines of his pants.
he wasn’t sure if you were just testing him, trying to see how much you could push him until he finally snapped, or if you were making a move on him, putting on a show to hint your interest.
and he was scared he was mistakenly reading your signs.
he knew he couldn’t afford fucking up his nearly non-existing chance of getting closer.
tugging your pants down your legs, you threw the cloth next to your bed. the revelation of you lacy panties made a groan fall from his lips, his own hand betraying him and making its way to the tent forming in his pants. fingers squeezing his bulge, he chewed on his lip.
you had him just where you wanted him, hot and bothered, hand rubbing himself through his clothes. he looked so good and you couldn’t wait to see him cumming again. truth is you couldn’t stop thinking about the fucked out state he was in a couple of days ago since he left you to get yourself off to the memory of the sinful things he had done.
you pushed the cloth aside, too eager to touch yourself to properly undress. gently massaging your folds to spread your slick arousal, you sighed in content. you would be lying if you said you didn't enjoy the way renjun was eyeing you hungrily, hands aching to touch you.
seeing your parted lips, red and swollen from biting into them, he wished he was able to hear you and listen to the sound of your moans and whimpers. all of the times he had fantasized about it flashed before his eyes as he tried to pretend they were coming from you.
“f–fuck,” mouth agape as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, hand sliding up and down faster when he saw your lips move into what seemed to be a moan of his name.
he hoped he was right and you were actually calling out his name while touching yourself.
soon enough, your fingers were plunging themselves as deep as they could go inside your pulsating core; renjun’s hips fucking his fist as fast as his body allowed him. loud moans and groans filled both of your rooms, neither of you bothering to keep quiet inside your empty homes.
both your orgasms came faster than you thought, thighs shaking as you both threw your heads back, crying out each other's names. renjun shot his load, his seed dripping down his hand, eyes focused on you as your walls clenched around your fingers, juices running down and staining your bedsheets.
your chests heaved with every pant you let out as you tried to control your uneven breathing, neither of you moving a muscle as you stared into each other's eyes.
the second time renjun got to see you put on a private show for him was slightly different. 
this time, you weren’t exactly alone.
bitterness filled renjun’s body as he saw a guy, who he thinks looks an awful lot like one of his classmates, entering your room, hands intertwined with yours. his mouth fell agape when you closed your door and made your way towards the guy, who was sitting on the edge of your bed. he saw you straddle him, hands going to his cheeks before leaning in for a kiss.
renjun couldn’t see the guy, as his back was facing the window, but he didn’t need to, he could tell where his hands had travelled and it made him feel sick to the stomach. he didn’t like one bit of it, standing there by his window with a clenched jaw.
he wanted to be the one there with you, sitting on your bed with you perched on his lap while the two of you kissed. he wanted to run his hands along your body, softly caressing your sides. hold your smaller hands in his bigger ones, comparing them and laughing happily at the difference. tell you how beautiful you were and how he thought you were a work of art that blessed his eyes every time he looked at you.
it hurt his heart to see you with someone else that wasn’t him, but at the same time, he couldn’t bring himself to look away. not with the way your eyes had wandered out of your window until they locked with his. he was about to yeet himself out of this world, hand reaching to close his curtains until you smiled at him.
you just smiled. at him. after catching him staring, again. while you were with another guy.
renjun stood frozen, hand mid-air, not knowing, again, what to do with himself. seeming to notice his internal conflict, you resolved you could be a nice neighbour and put on a show, just for his eyes to witness.
it was like a switch had been flipped inside of you.
he saw how your expression changed and he didn’t know if he should have been afraid.
with one of your hands, you pushed daehyun’s chest –the guy you were with– so he was laying down. the new position was perfect for renjun to see everything; he could see your hands pressed against his chest, hips hovering over his and hair covering your pretty face.
he tried to ignore the way the guy’s hands explored your body, feeling every part of you.
without breaking eye contact with renjun, you pulled daehyun by the collar and connected, once again, your lips. he propped himself in a more comfortable position, resting on his forearms. you pressed yourself down on him, rutting against his groin and earning a groan.
the bulge in renjun’s pants was getting more noticeable as time passed, but this time he didn’t restrain himself from touching himself.
two could play this game.
clothes flew all around the room as you both undressed. you pushed daehyun so he was laying on the bed. after rolling a condom on his shaft, you straddled him again, his hands coming to rest on your hips and help you grind on his length pressed against his stomach. a sigh fell from your lips as his hip bone came in contact with your sensitive clit.
with one of your hands holding onto his shoulder, you positioned yourself right above his dick. and as much as renjun despised the idea of someone else being so intimate with you, he was still curious about how you looked like when being pleasured. he wanted to see how your face contorted in ecstasy when cumming undone.
as he saw the guy’s cock ease into you, he tried to ignore the burning feeling in his throat.
lower lip caught between your teeth to prevent blurting out renjun’s name instead of daehyun’s, you couldn’t help yourself but imagine him instead of the man currently thrusting up into you.
you wanted him, not daehyun. as hot as you thought the latter was, something in the way renjun looked at you as his hand moved, trying to replicate the rhythm of your hips, turned you on to no end. you wished you were gripping into renjun’s shoulders instead, tugging at his hair, while he pounded into you and his fingers played with your clit.
and oh, how he wished he was that asshole.
definitely, you behaving so dirty under his intense gaze without a trace of shame, eyes never leaving him instead of looking at the guy you were with, was such a turn on for him. it made him think that, hopefully, you craved him just as much as he craved you.
daehyun kept ramming into you, both hands resting against the mattress and leaving your clit unattended. you internally scoffed, reaching out to get the job done by yourself. renjun seemed to understand your upset state as he visibly scowled, glaring at daehyun.
the asshole was only focused on chasing after his own orgasm, without thinking the smallest bit of the beautiful girl sitting on top of him.
renjun huffed angrily, he surely could treat you better. he would prioritize your pleasure before his, stay hard for a whole day without complaining if it meant he could make you feel good.
if only he could take care of you just how you deserve.
he could sense the change in your demeanour as soon as your fingers got to work, and he took a mental note to treasure this piece of information and make good use of it if he ever got the chance.
soon, the tightening knot in your lower tummy snapped and just like that you were cumming, squeezing around daehyun as he groaned, thrusting harder. your eyes closed, head tilting to the side and hands gripping the sheets while sloppily grinding down on him.
“so pretty, fuck,” renjun’s hips stuttered while his hot seed dripped down to stain his pants, a guttural groan leaving his chest. 
and yet another pair of pants ruined.
but he wouldn’t mind dirtying more if it was because of you.
he reached for some tissues from his nightstand as he looked away, sudenly feeling ashamed.
renjun usually prided himself on thinking objectively before acting, but he was aware that letting all this happen wasn’t one of his wisest decisions.
or was it?
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yee-fxcking-haw · 4 years
•Soul On Fire•
Summary: Just cheesey porn with a dash of plot. Very mushy, very chick flick feeling. Hitoshi and reader try to decorate for Christmas but get distracted, Hitoshi has a BIG surprise for the reader.
Pairing: Pro Hero Hitoshi Shinsou x FemReader (both aged up)
Warnings: Oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, light spanking, lots of romantic feels, a sprinkle of praise kink.
Word Count: 3,307
A/N: This is DIRECTLY inspired by that one scene from Tom and Jerry that's going around tiktok when Tom tries to romance that pretty white cat. I wrote this after three cups of hot chocolate at 2 am entirely manic and full of gooey romcom feels.
"You're going to fall."
"I am not."
"Right on your ass."
"Toshi. Stop."
"You're totally gonna eat shit."
You're on the last step of the pitiful, three step ladder you borrowed from your neighbor, reaching with every inch you have left to place the star on top of the Christmas tree that's tucked into the corner of your living room.
Decorating is happening late this year… late being Christmas Eve. With you being a full time student, and Hitoshi being a full time hero, hanging tinsel and trinkets kind of ranked low on the priority list. This is your third Christmas together, but your first while living together after moving in this past spring. Toshi insists that the decorations aren’t necessary, but you want to have a tree up at the very least.
It’s nice to see him relax, though, so you’re okay with throwing a tree up with some lights and calling that Christmas. You both agreed to keep gifts minimal this year, trying to make it as easy going as possible, but a part of you does want to partake in some of the cutesy festivities, especially with him.
"You could always get off your ass and help me, oh great lanky one." You grumble, finally securing the star on the highest branch, pouting when it tilts over from the weight.
"Oh, of course, how insensitive of me." His voice is dripping with sarcasm as he lazily stands up from his spot on the couch. He gently sets his coffee cup down before sauntering over to you.
You don't like the look in his eyes, all lavender and mischief as his mouth twitches into a smirk.
"Don't." You say shortly, lifting on your toes so you can fuss at the lopsided star.
"Don't help? You're giving me mixed signals, love." His arms loop around your waist from behind. Even with your elevation, he's a decent amount taller.
Against your will, you melt into his arms. He nuzzles his face into your neck before blowing a fat, wet, raspberry against the skin. You reach for his hand and yelp when he hoists you into the air and off the ladder. You want to protest, but all you can do is giggle as your chest fills with fondness and warmth.
He falls back onto the couch with you, landing with a huff as he squeezes you against him.
"It looks marvelous, darling." He says in a mock trans-atlantic accent. He's learned that funny voices and terrible accents are the way to your heart.
"You're hopeless." You laugh as you squirm around a little so you can turn. Once he realizes you're trying to face him instead of escape, he loosens his arms enough for you to turn.
You place your knees on either side of his legs so you can straddle him as you tangle your fingers in his wild, violet waves.
"I very well may be, but whose fault is that?" He says with his velvety voice, leaning in to kiss your nose quickly.
"Did I mention cheesy?" You laugh, letting him shower your face in soft kisses.
"Oh, do you want cheesy?" He says, sitting up suddenly as he slides his hands to hold your back so he can lean you backwards slightly.
The sudden shift makes you cling to the front of his shirt as more laughter tumbles from your lips.
You look up into his enchanting eyes, the soft glow from the lights make them twinkle like brilliant gemstones.
"Oh, mademoiselle." He says in a terrible french accident.
"Oh no, Toshi, please don't." You protest between giggles.
He plants sloppy, dramatic kisses along your collar bones. As comical as they are, the feeling of his mouth on your body makes your skin run hot.
"Baby, I want to finish decorating for Christmas before it is Christmas." You breathe.
"Perhaps I can change your mind with a bit of… romance, my dear?" He wiggles his eyebrows as he continues with his dreadful accent.
You can't help but throw your head back and laugh into the air as he chuckles against your neck.
"That is so bad." You say with a playful slap to his chest.
He slides one hand up to cradle the back of your neck, keeping the other wrapped around your waist. He plants a kiss on each cheek in a melodramatic fashion.
"Oh how you set my soul on fire." He continues despite your criticism, his lips are relentless against your neck.
"Am I taking a break from decorating?" You ask, hands slipping to the back of his head so you can play with his hair.
"Please?" He drops the accent when he says it, eyes darting to yours in hopes you'll relent.
"Hmm… convince me." You say with a teasing grin, knowing he'll catch your implications immediately.
He doesn't waste one second before pressing his lips into yours. As always, you're filled with a wonderful, buzzing sensation as his mouth works against yours. Behind closed doors, Hitoshi is a hopeless romantic, all gentle touches and poetic confessions of love.
You break for just a moment, foreheads pressed together as you both drink in the dazzling atmosphere.
"You taste like coffee." You whisper, still grinning like a fool.
"Good thing you like coffee" He says, lips brushing yours slightly.
"I love it." What a pair of cheese balls you two are, but you wouldn't change it for the world.
"I love you." He breathes before kissing you again.
Slowly, he pulls you back up so you can straddle him again. Your lips move more boldly, hands grab with more urgency. You both take your time undressing each other, kissing newly exposed skin and whispering praises.
Soon he has you laid out on your back, panting beneath him as he slides his lips down your body. First between your breasts, them down your stomach until he's just below your belly button. He flips one leg over his shoulder as the other dangles over the side of the couch.
"Gorgeous, gorgeous girl." He muses, mostly to himself, as he grabs at your hip with one hand and the top of your thigh with the other.
The hand on your hip moves inwards towards your lower stomach, his touch is feathery and taunting. His eyes dance with mischief as his thumb traces lower.
"You're a tease." You sigh as you card your hands into his hair.
"You just lack patience." He whispers before pressing a wet kiss to the inside of your thigh.
"Relax, sweet girl. Let me have some fun."
His jaw drops and his tongue lolls out before he dips down to lick so slowly up your lips, he just barely flicks your clit with the tip of the muscle. Tease.
Your head flops back and you focus on relaxing the rest of your body like he taught you. Your eyes flutter shut when you feel his hand leave your hip, knowing exactly where it's going.
You feel two of his fingertips slide over the hood of your clit, pressing in gently before moving in lazy circles. The stimulation is so faint, just a hint of what he's capable of making you feel.
Then he moves lower.
Fingers slide down to gather the slick leaking from your aching hole, just to slide back up and start his lazy circles again. This time he gets right on your clit, pressing just slightly harder.
"Shit- Toshi, right there." Your voice breaks as your head shoots up, you shift up onto your elbows so you can watch him work.
The sight sends you reeling, sweat turning cold as you meet his lust blown, calculating eyes. Without looking away, he presses his mouth into the soft skin of your thigh again.
With a devilish look, his tongue pokes out so he can lick a long strip upwards while his fingers continue their teasing. Your walls flutter around nothing while he does this, your breath leaves you lungs in a shuddering sigh.
"Please, baby-" Anything else you might beg for is stolen from you as he slides his hand back down to your hole, only this time they press in with his middle and ring finger.
He twists his hand so his palm is facing the ceiling before he curls his fingers towards himself. The pads of them rub right along your sweet spot, your legs twitch as you sob gently, hands grasping at the couch beneath you.
"Please what?" He starts to pump his fingers in and out of you so damn slowly.
"Please, put your mouth on my pussy." You gasp as he pushes his fingers all the way in.
His eyes turn even darker before he bites the skin of your thigh where he was kissing.
"I love it when you talk like that." He mumbles before dipping his mouth down to tongue at your clit immediately.
You can't rip your eyes away from him while he licks at you. His fingers maintain their lazy pace as he flattens his tongue and moves it in slow up and down strokes.
All of you starts to wind up immediately, your walls tremble and pulse as your abs tighten and your breath hitches.
"Oh my god, Toshi." You whimper as the tension in your core builds.
He doesn't stop, he doesn't increase anything, he just keeps going.
The hand that isn't knuckles deep inside you reaches up to play with one of your nipples, tweaking and tugging. Your back arches at the added stimulation, small cries rip out of your throat when the fingers inside you crook just right.
You feel so hot, so full, so worked up. His tongue massages your sensitive bud as his fingers hit every single sweet spot inside you. You cry out and twitch as you finally fall over the edge. Falling doesn't seem right though, you don't feel any pull from gravity. You feel weightless, floating and flying through all of the sparks that twirl around you as you clamp down on his skilled fingers. He stays put between your legs, tongue and fingers guiding you through your climax.
“Perfect baby, that was perfect” His praise makes you dizzy, his fingers slow inside you before he pulls them out just so he can take them into his mouth with a sinful look in his eyes.
“-And so fucking sweet.” His eyes roll back as he licks his fingers clean.
“You’re incredible, Toshi.” You smooth some of the hair away from his forehead.
He scoots up to rest his chin on your stomach, he looks up at you with unusually bright eyes. It’s probably the warm wash of the christmas lights, but the bags that typically sit under his eyes almost look nonexistent.
“Get up here." You say with a weak voice.
"Yes ma'am." His voice is syrupy and enchanting, making you feel impossibly warm from the inside out.
He scoops you up into his arms with ease, settling you both back onto the couch so you can straddle him again. You feel him everywhere, in your chest, your bones, especially between your legs. Your hips grind down on him, hands needy and selfish as they find any skin they can.
“Wanna feel you, please, let me feel you.” His words all mush together a little, almost drunk sounding as his hips press up into yours, his heavy length stuck between your bodies.
You just nod and whimper against his neck when your head falls forward as you lift yourself up slightly, inviting him to shoot his hand down so he can line himself up at your entrance.
“So good, so fucking good.” He pants as you settle back down, taking him in easily as you do.
You don’t think the feeling of Hitoshi pressing into you like this will ever get old. It’s all so perfect, so quiet, so safe. Your nails dig into his pretty skin as you settle onto him completely, enraptured in the dull stretch he provides, mesmerized by his tip kissing your deepest sweet spot.
His arms snake around your waist, lifting your torso up just slightly. He holds you in place as he presses a kiss into your temple. Your hands find his hair again and you gather as much as you can. You both moan against each other when he rolls his hips up the first time.
“You’re so good for me, kitten, so damn tight.” He whispers before nipping your ear.
You can’t respond, you don’t even know how.
His hips keep rolling, then he's thrusting, then he’s fucking.
He keeps your torso locked against his as he snaps his hips up into yours, hot pants of breath fan against your neck as you whimper and tremble in his lap.
“You always like it when I get going, don’t you darlin’?” His voice rumbles against you, deep and full, punctuating his words with the snap of his hips.
You sniffle and nod, maybe answering somewhere amongst the string of moans and whines leaving your body as the pleasure builds inside you.
His palm cracks across your ass suddenly, then he grabs at the meat of your hip afterwards. It’s not a show of dominance, definitely not punishment, when you finally meet his eyes you know it’s all passion. All consuming, delirious passion.
“More, Toshi, please.”
“You got it, love.” He buries his face in your neck and lets out the most gorgeous, strangled moan as he starts to fuck you even harder. He spanks you one more time as he takes every inch of you, intense and dedicated.
With every thrust in he pushes you closer and closer to the edge. He angles his hips up just a bit more, rubbing your insides just right.
“There- fuck, baby- right there, right there.” You cry out into the room.
“Shit- let me look at you, let me see that pretty face.” He fists his hand into your hair so he can pull your head up, again the movement lacks any possessive bite, he’s just guiding.
“You’re such a good girl, so fucking good.” He’s close too, he always gets mouthy when he’s close.
Your walls start to pulse around him as he pounds away at your insides, his fingers sink into your hip as the other pulls your head back a little bit more.
“Oh kitten, I felt that, you close? You gonna cum for me?” He lures you in with his filthy words and his rich voice.
“I’m- Toshi, oh fuck- fuck, fuck, fuck.” You sob out each word as your body seizes completely, heat settles between your legs as your walls start to clamp rhythmically around him.
“That’s it, cum on that cock, cum on that fucking cock.” With a few more deep, sloppy thrusts he stills inside of you, spilling into your cunt as he groans in the back of his throat.
You both moan and twitch and whimper against each other. Your bodies shiver and grind, hands cling as breathing slows and you both just feel everything all at once.
“So good, so beautiful.” He mumbles into your damp neck.
As you both roll through your aftershocks as you slide your hands up to cradle his face.
“I love you, bad accents and all.” You kiss his forehead, his nose, his chin.
He just chuckles and stays still, letting himself be loved.
“I adore you.” He beams up at you, that mischievous glint dances in his eyes again.
“Don’t move.” He says before depositing you onto the couch.
You plop down with a small yelp of protest which he promptly ignores. You shake your head as he dashes off down the hall. You assume to get a washcloth or something, but why so abruptly?
You shiver a little bit, your damp body making you feel a little too cold now that you’re not moving so much. You scan the room for the discarded clothing, eyes locking on his shirt immediately. You throw it over your body and let the black fabric drown you, the long sleeves swallow your hands as the length of it meets the middle of your thighs.
Hitoshi thumps down the hallway and rounds the corner with a little too much speed and certainly no washcloth. He’s thrown on a pair of basketball shorts, they hang off his toned body so well, making your mouth water and your thighs rub together even after you’ve been so satisfied.
“Shirt thief.” He laughs before walking towards you lazily.
He settles on his knees in front of you, hooking his hands under your knees so he can pull you towards him. He moves so your thighs are around his ribs and his arms are around your hips.
“Round two already?” You tease, running your hands through his messy hair.
“Bet you’d like that, little minx.” He pulls you in and lays his head against your chest.
You giggle as you soak up his warmth, hands twirling his wild strands as he lets out a long sigh.
“I do adore you, you know that, right?” He asks as he brings his head up so look at you.
“I do, are you going to tell me what that weird exit was about?” You ask, bringing one hand down to caress his cheek, curiosity digging at your brain.
He settles back a little, putting just a bit more space between you so he can look you in the eyes completely.
“I love you, you make me feel alive and awake and aware. You make me feel seen and known and so fucking loved. I want to keep feeling that way, and I want to make you feel that way.” He says, his words make your heart soar and tears well in your eyes.
Then he’s reaching for his pocket.
Then he’s pulling out a little black box.
“You really do set my soul on fire, so… would you please, please marry me?”
He pops open the box and it’s perfect. It’s your favorite stone set beautifully in the metal you like, nothing over the top, simple and stunning. There’s not even a second of thought, every inch of your being loves Hitoshi Shinsou. It’s been that way since you first met him, that lanky mess of purple hair and bad jokes. This is all you want, it’s all you need.
“Yes, duh, absolutely, yes, yes, yes!” You sink off the couch so you can kneel with him, throwing your arms around his neck and knocking him onto his back. You attack his handsome face with kisses, grabbing the sides of his head to hold him in place.
“Who’s cheesy now?” He laughs as he grabs you by your sides and flips you over, between giggles and kisses he somehow gets the ring out of the box, he pulls you up to your knees as he mirrors you on his.
You offer him your left hand, when did it start shaking? Slowly, like he’s scared you’ll run away, he slides it onto your ring finger.
“Toshi, it’s so pretty.” You breathe.
“Well, then it matches you, love.”
He kisses you again, long and deep, hands on your waist as yours fly to the collar of his shirt, wishing to pull him closer and closer.
“Merry Christmas.” He mumbles against your lips, both of you grinning so much you know your cheeks will hurt.
“Hell yeah it is.” You reply, filled with the love you feel for your person, for the man that will be your husband.
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winchesterxxi · 4 years
For the Best (Din Djarin x Reader) | PART 1
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PART 2 ⇒
Rating: G (General Audience)
Type: Angst
Summary: Din has put his life at risk one too many times in order to protect Y/N. But how much is too much?
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: CHAPTERS 14 & 15 SPOILERS
A/N: this a long one, so strap in. and fun fact, that’s my favorite gif of din, ever. something about the ruffled hair, the worried eyes and the facial hair just hit the spot. (UPDATE: Hi so apparently people want this to be a series??? So part 2 is in the works but because this was intended to be a one shot apologies if it seems rushed)
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Din would give his life to protect the ones he loved. It wasn’t just a case of honor and duty anymore but rather of pure unfiltered love, which he’d never admit out loud or phantom of letting you know. Most of the times he’d do it so unconsciously that it was as if a primal instinct took over him when it came to protecting either of you. Sure you were a grown woman, with amazing hunter skills but for him, you were something that he had to protect, without making it too knowledgeable to the people around him.
That is why he was quite reluctant to take you along with Mayfield to the hidden Imperial rhydonium refinery on Morak to get Moff Gideon's ship coordinates.
“Din, I’ll be fine.”
“What if-”
“No discussions. I’m going.”
And he just silently nodded his helmet in a yes ma’am manner that made the whole crew on the back of The Slave side eye each other.
Once inside the officer's mess hall, where the terminal Mayfield needed is in, he notices his former commanding officer, Valin Hess, and fears being recognized, refusing to step into the hall.
“This is your part of the job. You go in there and you get the bloody coordinates.” you hiss at him through your own helmet.
“My part of the job? I drove us here while under attack and saved our asses, and you have the nerve to say this is my part of the job? No way I’m going in there.” he looks between you and Din.
“I’ll do it then.” you say decidedly, but before you could take a single step into the hall, Din grabs your upper arm.
“What do you mean no? He won’t do it and you’ have to take your helmet off which is not happening.”
“Why would I have to take my helmet off?” he questions through his modulated voice.
“All the terminals in this refinery can only be accessed after a facial recognition scan. I noticed it while we were making our way through the halls.” you explain causing Mayfield to throuw an impressed look in your direction.
All three of you fall in silence for a few seconds, considering how you would go about reaching the terminal and before you could say another word, Din steps away from you and Mayfield not even giving you time to process what was happening or try to stop him.
With just a few strides he was standing in front of the target terminal pressing a few buttons and for two times getting an automated voice stating facial scan required. Sensing his distress, you try to walk to him only to have Mayfield’s hand forcefully grabbing you and pulling you back to where you were standing.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he whisper-yells, scolding you.
“I’m trying to help.” you answer with the same voice tone, releasing your arm from his grasp.
“He can take care of himself.” you don’t say anything but instead turn your head in Din’s direction, just like Mayfield as you hear the facial recognition being asked for a third time, initiating a countdown.
Din reaches for his helmet and you cut your own breathing. and there’s a slight buzz in your ears. The world stops spinning when your eyes catch the back of his head and the curling of his brown hair strands there resting. You can’t believe what he just did, exposing himself like that and introducing his face to virtually every security control in the galaxy. 
Even though his back was still facing you, there was almost a sense of disrespect in looking at him, almost as if you’d caught him undressing. 
Then, from the corner of your eye you can see Hess approaching him. 
“Trooper!” Hess shouted to him. “Hey, trooper!”
Din turned his head in Hess’s direction and as soon as your eyes caught a glimpse of his skin, you looked away - this didn’t feel right. He didn’t have a say on whether or not he’d want you to look at him and you didn’t want him to be even more uncomfortable than what he already was.
“Pay attention when a superior addresses you. What’s your designation?” 
“Transport crew,” he said. No helmet modulator whatsoever and his honey like voice slipped so easily into your ears. 
“My designation is Transport Copilot.” his voice said again and you could hear to slight tremble in his statement.
“No, son. What’s your TK number?” Hess insisted
“My TK number... is...” he tried but nothing comes out, and you know that this might be the moment that gets all three of you killed. That is until Mayfield steps in front of you and quickly strides to Din’s side.
“This is my Commanding Officer TK-593, sir,” Mayfield quickly says, and gave Din a look of reassurance before turning in your direction and motioning with his head for you to come closer. Slowly, with the riffle still under your harm you approach the three men all looking at you. “And this is my First Lieutenant TK-234. I’m Imperial Combat Assault Transport Lieutenant TK-111, and Sir, I’m afraid you’ll have to speak up to him a little bit, since his vessel lost pressure in Taanab.”
You are standing next to Din and you now realize how he was only a few inches taller than you without the beskar armor, his chin just little above your eye line. For a moment you imagine how enjoyable it would be to lay your head against his shoulder or nuzzle against his neck, heights perfectly matching.
“What’s your name, Officer?”
“We just call him Brown Eyes,” said Mayfield with a mocking undertone in his voice “Isn’t that right, Officer?”
Brow eyes you thought. Brown eyes... that suits him.
With your peripheral vision you can see Din slightly nodding with his head. You still din’t dare to look at him.
“C’mon, let’s go fill out those TPS reports, so we can go recharge the power coils-” Mayfield started, trying to get done and over with this situation 
 “You’re not dismissed.” you all froze. 
“You the tank troopers that delivered the shipment of rhydonium?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.” 
“Yes, sir” Din was the last to answer and you could feel the vibrations of his voice next to you.
“Well, you three managed to be the only transport today to deliver their shipment. Come with me, hmn? Let’s get a drink... Brown Eyes.”
As soon as he turns his back Mayfied follows suit and you can see Din looking at you, once again, through the corner of your eyes, but you look straight ahead and walk behind Mayfield.
What you didn’t see is that you left a hurt man behind, one that wished for you to be the first person to look him in the eyes but that now thought that he was so hideous that you couldn’t even bear the sight of him.
Sitting down on a nearby table, Mayfield took the seat in front of Commander Hess and you to his right, leaving the seat in front of you free for Din to take his place at the table.
“So,” said Hess, “What shall we toast to, boys, and girl? I can blather on, about ‘to health’ or ‘to success’, but... I’d like to do something a little less rote.” he turns to Din “Where you from, Brown Eyes?”
“How ‘bout a toast to Operation Cinder,” Mayfield intervenes.
“Now,” says Hess “That’s what I’m talking about.”
“No,” Mayfield continues. “No, you don’t get it - I lived it. I was in Burnin Konn.”
“Burnin Konn?” “Mm.”
“That was a hard day. I had to make many... unpleasant decisions.”
An exchange between the two men initiates but all you’re focusing on is keeping your eyes looking down at either the table or your drink avoiding Din at all costs. But then, feeling his eyes practically burning a hole in your forehead you realize how much of an asshole you are acting like right now.
This man trusts you with his life. And you with his. You both had made sure to make that known a few weeks ago when you almost got killed by this enormous Ice Spider in Maldo Kreis and he told you to instead of running away from the spider to try and run into and under it.
“Are you crazy?” you cried out
“Do you trust me?” he asked
“With my life.”
“Me too. Then do it.”
And so, your eyes start to trail their way across the table. To his chest plate. To his neck. To the bottom of his face, noticing his light stubble and mustache. To his eyes. And then, just like that, wind knocked out off you. 
Your furrowed and anxious brows soften and your teeth release you lips, that you were biting trying to not think too much. Your whole body softens and as you look at him in adoration.
And he is looking at you. Adoringly. These two people that have known each other for so long, longed for each other for so long are finally meeting each other, actually seeing each other for the first time. For him, it’s the first time he sees the true color of the flush of you skin or how blood tinted your lips are as he doesn’t have the slight darkness of his helmet distorting them.
He wants to kiss you, so bad.
“You see, kids,” Hess says snapping you both from that moment “Everybody thinks they want freedom, but what they really want... is order. And when they realize that, they’re gonna welcome us back with open arms.”
He lifted his glass, and Mayfield chuckles. Both you and Din look worriedly at him knowing how he is about to go out of his mind
“To the Empire.” He drank and Mayfield fires.
You and Din look shocked at each other before turning to Mayfield.
“What the hell?!” you scold him.
Suddenly, stormtroopers appeared from all sides, and the three of you grabbed your weapons, starting to shoot everyone on sight, Din in front of you. Eventually, they were all down and there were just the three of you standing in the room.
Mayfield jaunts ahead “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Turning back to Din, you meet him looking down at you, his expression soft again. You reach for his helmet, pressing it against his chest.
“You did what you had to do. I never saw your face.” He looked back at you.
“It’s okay. If there is a next time that I can look at you, I want it to be out of want. Not out of need.”
He looks at you, actually thinking about whether or not he’d go back to hiding himself from you but ending up nodding and putting it back on.
“Thank you.” he says voice muffled by the helmet.
“You’d do the same for me.”
Yes he’d do.
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You sat in the main chamber of the Slave next to Mayfield as the rest of the crew conversed in the upper room trying to come up with the next part of the rescue plan.
“You’re going to get him killed.” your head turns in his direction. 
“What?” you question not sure of what you heard.
“You’re going to get him killed. Today, that man went to the terminal to prevent you from going. He put himself in front of you, shooting at a whole battalion of stormtroopers. He stayed behind so that you could be the first to climb into this very ship.” 
You look down, remembering today’s events.
“He just did that for you, and Cara told me that yesterday he almost made a roast of himself when he thought you were on the Razor Crest when it got blown up. He was actually going to walk up into a ball of fire because he thought you were there. Don’t you get it? He might be one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy but that man goes completely irrational when it comes to you.”
“What are you trying to say?” you asked confused and trying to mask the hurt in your voice.
“I know this is going to hurt to hear but... maybe you should go away. At least until he gets the kid back so that he can concentrate only on that.”
“Are you saying that I’m a distraction?”
“Your not a distraction to him. You’re his priority. And that has proved itself to be beyond dangerous.”
He stands up without another word and climbs to the room above, letting you to sit with your thoughts, going over the exchange that just happened.
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Boba had stationed the ship on some random planet for the night and while everyone was sound asleep, preparing for what they had to face the next day, you spent the past hours pacing in your room, Mayfield’s words still echoing in your head.
That’s why you were now standing next to your bed, a bag with all of your belongings on top of it. This is for the Best. If I stay he’ll probably get killed. You repeat over and over, recalling all the times that Din risked himself for you, the ones that no one but the both of you knew because they weren’t there to witness them.
This is for the Best.
Decidedly, you sling the bag over and across your shoulders, silently opening the door to the outside of your chamber and sliding it close. It’s better this way: to leave without saying goodbye, during the dark of the galactic night. A goodbye will wreck you and a goodbye would make you stay.
This is for the Best.
You repeat one last time, once you step out of the ship into the frosty night air, taking one last look back, before walking away, wishing that the next morning people wouldn’t panic and rather understand your decision; wishing that Din would some day forgive you.
This is for the Best
✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸
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sgtjbbhasmyheart · 4 years
Drunk Texting Is(n’t) Bad for Your Health- Chapter Seven
Series Summary: Talk about your unconventional meet-cute! Bucky receives a text by mistake requesting he prove he’s not Reader’s sister. The easy dialogue between Reader and Bucky sparks a natural friendship, but could it lead to more? Bucky still deems himself unworthy of any form of affection or love. Reader is hellbent to prove him wrong. With the help of some (meddling) friends along the way, Bucky may get his happily-ever-after after all.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2684
Warnings: ANGST, bad language words
A/N: Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your love and support for this series! Everyone who has liked or reblogged this week after week means the world to me!
A/N 2: I split their date into 2 parts because I wanted to give perspective from both sides. Enjoy Bucky’s POV first!
DO NOT copy or replicate without my permission.
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An anxiousness bubbled up inside Bucky as he and (Y/N) stepped out of her office building and onto the crowded Manhattan sidewalk. It was five o’clock, meaning every other yuppie in New York was trying to get somewhere as well. Walking shoulder to shoulder with her felt like a feat in itself. Everyone around them seemed to be heading in the opposite direction, and they were fighting against the current like a pair of spawning salmon swimming upstream.
With his size and stature, most passers-by gave Bucky a wide berth. But with (Y/N), they didn’t. They jostled her like a small boat caught at sea during a storm; they gave her no mind in their rudeness. She fought to stay astride him as businessmen shouldered past her like a runningback fighting to make it to the endzone.
A feeling of protectiveness washed over him. Longing to whisk (Y/N) away from her place on the dirty cement increased with every step. The defensive surge fizzing right below the surface wanted him to tuck her into his side and glower at anyone who dreamed of coming close.
Bucky couldn’t, of course. He had to play it as if they’d only met a few days ago, no matter how much he wanted to. Instead, he grasped her empty hand and led her through the swarm of fellow New Yorkers.
(Y/N)’s hand was warm inside his, and the very thought of him touching her made his pulse quicken. The reaction wasn’t unpleasant. Though, it fuzzily reminded him of his teenage years. He was nearly one hundred years old! He shouldn’t be acting like a lovesick fool.
But here he was- swooning over a girl like he was fifteen again.
Bucky felt a yanking on his arm as (Y/N) pulled him from the stream of rushing bodies. Unmoving, at the edge of the rush, he found it was easier to breathe again. The fretfulness bled away once they were standing still.
He peered around, questioning why they’d stopped. Wedged between two high-rise buildings was a squat cafe. The shop’s window front beamed onto the footpath like the mecca it was, calling bystanders in from the street. Above the green striped awning over the entrance spelled out Deja Brew in colorful, blocky letters. Bucky chuckled at the play on words.
Towing the door open, (Y/N) tugged him in further.
Stepping inside the brightly lit coffee shop, Bucky was blanketed by the overpowering scent of fresh coffee grounds. It was potent, hanging thick in the air. Taking a deep breath in, he was transported back to a rickety kitchen and a second-hand table, where he and Steve would take their morning coffee and breakfast. The smell reminded him of simpler times. Times before all the trouble Hydra had caused. He let go of a nostalgic sigh.
“Right?” (Y/N) asked, standing at his side. He’d nearly forgotten she was there. “I love it here. It always feels like coming home.”
Bucky grinned down at (Y/N), understanding how she felt. The exposed brick walls, the tidy, destressed floors, and the primary colors being strewn about the space gave him a sense of sentimentality.
“I come in here several times a week,” she explained. “Not just because it’s convenient, but it reminds me of growing up.”
Bucky nodded in agreement, taking in the warm atmosphere of the quaint shop. “I get that.”
The pair strolled up to the counter and, presumably, the barista taking orders. Without looking in their direction, the young man in an apron spoke in a monotone, “Welcome to Deja Brew. What can I get started for you?”
A smile slowly crawled across (Y/N)’s lips. “Hey, Bryson. Didn’t know you were working tonight?”
Bryson’s head whipped up so fast; Bucky thought it might detach from his shoulders. His cheeks dimpled, and the corners of his striking green eyes crinkled into a bright smile. “Hey, beautiful!” Bryson beamed. “I’m doing a double--covering for Kari. I wasn’t expecting you tonight.”
“You know me,” (Y/N) said with a tinkling laugh. “Just can’t stay away.” Bryson replied with his own laughter.
A flare of jealousy twisted unexpectedly in Bucky’s gut. Was (Y/N) flirting?
Bucky supposed he could consider Bryson classically handsome. He was taller than Bucky with short, sandy brown hair and broad shoulders. His muscular frame filled out the black polo shirt he wore, but he wasn’t overly bulky- like he played baseball in college. There was a smattering of light freckles over his high cheekbones and straight nose. And eyelashes to rival Steve’s.
Was this his competition?
Bucky grumbled to himself and gritted his teeth as he watched the two giggle over some inside joke. There was an envious gnawing behind his ribcage as Bryson leaned onto his elbows over the countertop, inching closer to (Y/N). That was his girl!
Without warning, like a shaken soda bottle, his voice exploded from his mouth, dripping annoyance, “I’ll take a medium Americano, a chocolate croissant, and whatever the lady is having.”
Shocked back into the present by Bucky’s gruff words, Bryson shot upright. His startled green eyes shifted from (Y/N) to Bucky and back again. Bucky could barely contain his eye-roll as the other man feigned busyness after being caught slacking. It was apparent Bryson only had eyes for (Y/N), or he would have noticed she wasn’t alone, despite Bucky standing mere centimeters away from her.
Possessiveness tingled at Bucky’s fingertips, and the compulsion to wrap his arm around (Y/N)’s waist was strong. He wanted so badly to reach out and pull her close. Show this punk who she belonged to.
Regardless of his feelings, though, Bucky had no claim over (Y/N). He’d known her as Bucky for a scant three days. He imagined she’d known Bryson a lot longer. He couldn’t profess his desire to be hers in such a short time, no matter the urgency. It would come off as weird and controlling.
So, he resolved to bite the inside of his cheek and grin and bear it. He could bide his time, right? He’d waited seventy years. What’s another seventy more?
Bucky cringed internally at the thought of waiting.
“(Y/N), you know this guy?” Bryson inquired, acting as if he’d finally grown a pair, with a bite to his words.
Bucky’s pulse fluttered as (Y/N) turned to face him, a smile on her lips and something sparkling in her eyes. “I do,” she said. “He’s my date.” She grinned bigger with a cute scrunch to her nose as she said date.
Bryson’s eyes widened in alarm, then quickly narrowed in suspicion as he observed the flowers (Y/N) held. Bucky wondered, momentarily, if he was the first guy (Y/N) had ever brought into the shop. Was Bryson just as jealous as he was?
It wasn’t until he saw the almost imperceivable head tilt to get (Y/N) to step away from Bucky’s side did he realize what Bryson’s genuine concern was about.
(Y/N)’s brow furrowed in confusion as she took a stride to her right.
In a hushed whisper, Bryson asked, “You know who he is, right?” Bucky’s super-hearing picked up every word.
(Y/N) unsuccessfully tried to blink away her uncertainty, causing her eyebrows to pinch together further. “Who exactly is he, Bryson?” (Y/N) pondered, an edge of irritation leaking into her speech. She crossed her arms over her chest, drawing her sweater tighter around her body.
Bucky could hear it in her voice. (Y/N) knew precisely what Bryson had meant and was trying to draw it out of him.
“You know,” Bryson said, not even trying to whisper anymore. “He’s that guy.”
(Y/N) cocked her head to the side a fraction. “You mean the guy who the US government exonerated for any and all crimes he may have committed as The Winter Soldier? You mean that guy?” (Y/N) deadpanned, uncrossing her arms. Bryson stared at her blankly.
“What about the guy who got drafted into a war unwillingly?” (Y/N) continued. “Or the one captured by the enemy and experimented on against his will?” Her hands curled into fists as the tension in her body rose. Bryson’s eye contact suddenly became very jumpy, unable to focus on her now and for a good reason.
“How about the guy who fell from a train- survived- and had his arm barbarically amputated?”
Bucky watched (Y/N)’s hands tighten further, blanching her knuckles of any color. He shuffled forward, ready to jump in if need be. Although, she was doing a good job holding her own.
“Don’t forget about that one guy who was tortured and abused, brainwashed, and forced to commit unspeakable atrocities for over seventy years, all in the name of a cult,” (Y/N) stated, pressing her palms flat against the countertop and ducking her head, trying to catch Bryson’s eye. His face flushed visibly in embarrassment.
“In case you aren’t caught up on your current events, Bryson, that guy’s name is Bucky Barnes,” (Y/N) spit sardonically.
Bryson raised his eyes at this, and the look on his face darkened. “Regardless of whether he was brainwashed or not, he’s an Avenger,” Bryson sneered, his gaze sliding to Bucky. “And that makes him dangerous.”
What the hell was this guy’s problem? Bucky wondered, wanting to wipe the smirk off his smug face.
(Y/N) let out a humorless huff of a laugh. Her lips spread into a thin line. “No more dangerous than the possibility of being struck by lightning or getting hit by a subway train.”
Bucky chuckled inwardly as Bryson flexed his jaw in frustration. (Y/N) was really getting to him.
Bryson’s expression morphed into something more sinister. “I mean, are you really going to take the word of some ‘expert’ from a third-world country that he won’t turn into a murder-bot again?” The air-quotes in his tone punctuated the contempt he undeniably felt.
Anger blossomed in Bucky’s chest at the degrading mention of the Princess of Wakanda. He owed everything to Shuri. If it weren’t for her, he definitely wouldn’t be in New York right now but on the run again. Shuri saved his life.
Bucky took a step toward the counter, intending to do something, anything to shut this jackass up. Instead, (Y/N) placed a calming hand to his sternum, stopping him from doing anything rash. The look of disdain on Bryson’s face amplified the longer (Y/N)’s touch lingered on his body, and that was equally as satisfying as causing this prick bodily harm.
“While your concern is unwarranted,” (Y/N) assured, “it’s also unwanted. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
She gazed up into Bucky’s blue eyes fondly; a charming smile curled at her lips. “Besides, I don’t think he’d hurt a fly now.”
“It’s your funeral,” Bryson mumbled under his breath. (Y/N) didn’t catch it, or she paid it no mind.
The affection Bucky felt for (Y/N) at that moment swelled exponentially. He was in love with her, he realized. It was no longer just a crush.
No one, other than Steve, had ever championed for him as openly or as forcefully as she had just then. The adoration accumulating in his heart felt like it would erupt at any minute. She made him want to believe in love again. She made him think he might be worthy of that love someday.
He’d have to find a way to earn it, somehow.
Staring into her beautiful face and seeing compassion and empathy made him want to press his lips to hers. He still couldn’t believe she’d found him on accident. It was all so serendipitous.
There was one crucial roadblock obstructing his path to happiness, though. One he couldn’t possibly ignore for much longer without consequences— figuring out how to tell (Y/N) he and James were the same. But how?
Until then, he’d enjoy the ride.
“Hey, Bryson,” (Y/N) vocalized, her timbre a saccharine sweet. “I’ll take a medium iced mocha with extra whip and a white chocolate raspberry scone as well.” She winked at Bucky.
A scoff came from low in the pastry case causing Bucky and (Y/N) to titter in laughter.
“Wow. That was-” Bucky started, trying to find the words to explain how her coming to his defense made him feel.
(Y/N)’s pupils dilated, the gravity of the situation sinking in. “Oh, my God!” she said in a near panic. “I’m so sorry!”
Bucky smiled at her warmly. “There’s nothing to be sorry for.” He brushed a stray hair from her cheek delicately, his fingers dallying along the soft skin. The palm of his hand settled just below her ear, on the side of her neck. His thumb bobbed up and down with every clench and unclenching of her jaw.
“You must be so sick of hearing the same argument over and over again. People deciding your guilt or innocence based on first glances,” (Y/N) murmured, finally dropping her hand from his chest.
Bucky wondered if she could feel the pounding of his heart through all the layers of clothes he was wearing. “It’s nice to have a cheerleader, for once,” he answered honestly.
The corner of (Y/N)’s mouth quirked up. “I’ll always be in your corner, Bucky.”
His stomach dipped at her words’ implications. He whole-heartedly believed she would. “Thank you.”
(Y/N) shrugged in response. Over her bouncing shoulder, Bucky caught a glimpse of Bryson scowling at the two of them from his spot at the espresso machine. Bile churned in his belly. Bryson was turning into a nuisance, like a mosquito at a summer barbeque.
Bucky brought the hand at (Y/N)’s neck down to her upper arm and rubbed it gently. “Why don’t you find us a seat. I’ll finish up here,” he said, giving her a lopsided grin. She returned the gesture and nodded her head in acquiescence, sweeping past him.
Bucky followed her movements through the coffeehouse as she picked a cushioned bistro set positioned near the front windows. The waning light of the day cascaded through the clear glass, highlighting her delicate, feminine features. She was breathtaking.
Turning to face the dreadful barista, the grin on Bucky’s lips faded into a frown.
Bryson set their order down roughly on the register counter and proceeded to punch in the items on the touchscreen. He remained silent, mulishly waiting for payment. The death glare he wore seemed to be permanently etched into his features now.
Bucky could tell he was seething; the vein in his forehead throbbed with every beat of his pulse. Instead of engaging, though, Bucky smirked and slid a twenty-dollar bill toward the other man.
Bryson angrily scooped up the money. He bent his head closer to Bucky, gnashing his teeth. “If you hurt a single hair on her head, I will burn you to the ground,” he taunted, reaching into the till for change and tossing it on the counter.
Bucky’s expression never faltered. His exterior remained composed, cool as a cucumber. Inside, he raged like a bull seeing the color red. He wanted nothing more than to mop the floor with this asshole’s face. Alternatively, he gathered the littered change and dumped it all into the tip jar sitting beside the register. He stared Bryson dead in the face, a ghost of a smile still clinging to his mouth. “And if I ever hear of you treating (Y/N) with the blatant disrespect you showed her today…” Bucky paused, his voice calm and controlled. He leaned forward, pushing in closer to Bryson’s ear. “They’ll never find your body.”
The joy he felt coursing through his body as Bryson’s eyes stretched to the size of saucers and his Adam’s apple wobbled as he gulped in fear was indescribable.
Bucky gathered their drinks and pastries, pivoting towards the table where (Y/N) sat. He shouted over his shoulder as he walked away, “Have a good day, Bryson!”
Chapter Six (Part 2) | Chapter Eight
DTIBFYH tag list:
@hommoturttle @courtneychicken @vicmc624 @shawnie--jo @redbarn1995 @learisa @austynparksandpizza @ddowii @comeasyoudar @notsoinnocentrebel @i-have-no-life-charlie @champagneacademiaproblems @oldschoolkiddo @jillweasley @thefridgeismybestie @versacefloors @justab-eautifulmess @the-doctors-fallen-angel @saintsha @artaxerxesthegreat @emmabarnes @captain-asguard @herondalesunsetcurve @holl2712 @rosalynshields @met4no1a @kitkatd7 @broccoli111 @beautifulsweetschaos @strawberrywoman @tlcwrites @aerolanya @socalgem1124 @cminr @fangirl-swagg @broco8 @chook007 @dracris33 @fuxk-no @gudenuph @is-human-i-think @catgirl1321
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archiepudding · 4 years
Confession | Dom!Dabi x Reader [Part 1]
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Pairing: Dom!Dabi x Fem!Reader (Minors do not interact!)
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, smut, chocking, slapping, quirk play, sadism, panic attacks, assault, dubcon
Notes: Your quirk is telepathy. Anything written in ‘bold and italic’ is the character’s thoughts. [Not necessarily all from the quirk]
Smut section will be in the second part.
Summary: Following one of your shifts at the bar, you end up facing a little trouble. Who knew Dabi was the sentimental type.
Part. 2
11:23 PM                 27th April
You weaved in and out of the mindless bodies dancing, sweat lingering with the humidity of the club. Empty glasses and bottles were strung all over the tables, you collected as many as possible and balanced them on a tray. You emerged back behind the bar, the glasses being placed on the counter ready to be put through the wash. You look to your left to find Naomi, one of your collegues, flirting with one of the customers. She was always the center of attention, not that I could say I minded. 
“Another round of beer for booth 4" You hear from behind you. You look back at Naomi who was completely unfazed by what your boss had just called out to you. 
"I'll cover it!" You sighed, and wiped down the tray, setting down the drinks. You stopped at the booth and placed down the items carefully. Under the low light, you could make out the group of four men around their mid to late forties. However, the one that stood out to you the most was the bald man nearest to you. There wasn't anything special about him, it must have been the way the light bounce of his hairless head, you thought until you noticed the way he smirked made him seem like an asshole. Counting by the number of glasses they had on their table, you noticed they should have been cut off hours ago. You leant across the table to collect a few of the empty glasses, as the bald man's gaze followed you, locking onto you breasts.
"Have I got something on my chest... sir?" You clench your teeth in frustration on your final word.
"Yeah... my eyes" His comment was followed with a wink. You purse your lips and clench your jaw, in attempt to brush off his comment. 
‘The things I’d love to do to that sweet body of yours. God, I think I’m getting hard just thinking about it!’
You would have thought that these things wouldn't get to you by now, but they still make your skin crawl. You straighten yourself up and walk away with the tray half full. 
‘I do not get paid enough for this shit!’ you think to yourself.
You went back behind the bar, your tray thrown down, empty bottles scattered the side. "What did those glasses ever do to you, you OK?" Naomi walked over to you, a bottle top being played with in her hands.
"Yeah, just one of those nights I think. Nothing that I can't handle, though" You smiled bleakly at her, she didn’t buy it. 
“Look, Y/N - “
"Can I get a gin and tonic and a shot of vodka?" A voice echoed behind you. You muster up a bright smile, or what is known as your 'customer service face' and turn face them. Your face dropped as soon as you realised who it was. 
“What are you doing here, Dabi?”  Dabi was lent on the bar, sweat fell from his forehead. He rolled his eyes before taking out his wallet.
 "I’m here for a drink, what does it look like?" You bit the inside of your lip, holding your tongue. 
“There are thousands of bars, couldn’t you go to one of them?”
“And miss watching you follow my orders? Now why would I do that?” His lips pulled into a smirk. “Why you even working in this shit hole, anyway?” He shouts as you prepared his drinks. 
"I've got to pay the bills some how. Not like I can live the ‘criminal life’ with telepathy and my quirk certainly isn’t up to par with putting someone like you in jail. So both villain and hero are off the list" Your voice was spitting with pettiness as you exchanged his drinks for cash.
“I mean you could steal people’s pin codes...” You weren’t sure if he was trying to give you genuine advice or rub in your lack of ability. Your face contorted into an irritated expression, as you resume cleaning the bar. 
“Haha. Very funny, nice to see you still think you have that comedic charm!” Your sarcasm didn’t go unnoticed. He lets out a breath of a laugh, it would have been audiable hadn’t it been for the music. "You look like you could use a break" He turns and hints towards the crowd of people dancing.
"Depends what I'm taking a break from... society, work... you? Either one would be preferable right now." 
Dabi shakes his head in amusement. "And you’ve clearly still got your sense of humor."
You rolled your eyes. "I'm glad to be of service." You spit as your eyes narrowed. A smile beamed across Dabi’s face before he grabbed his drinks and started off into the crowd. Just as you thought you would finally get some peace, you hear a faint yell coming from the dance floor.
"Hey, Y/N! I’ll meet you after work!" Dabi’s turquoise eyes met yours, as you turned around, a feeble attempt to mask your smile. You didn't reply to his comment as you simply gave him the middle finger. You guys got on in small doses and he wasn't a bad guy, aside from the obvious reasons that he was a high level villain. He definitely knew which buttons to push, especially when it came to you. You went back to your normal routine for the rest of your shift. 
02:33 AM                       28th April
The night had a chill in the air which hit you as you began to lock the doors of the club. You threw your bag over your shoulder, the strap pulled down on you (h/c) hair. As you walked under the moonlight you rememberd how this was the only thing that made your job worth it. Finishing during the early hours of the morning the streets were always silent. Your thoughts could run wild without the imposing mutter of people on the street. You were a few blocks from your apartment when you heard the slight chatter of voices.
“She would be lucky to be with such a man, the whore!”
You noticed it was the same men who oogled at your tits earlier that night. Great, you thought. You averted your eyes to the floor, hoping that they would just let you walk past. The smell of putrid, day old sweat mixed with stale beer and a trail of burnt tabacco.
“Hey, sweetie. You got a light!” 
“No, sorry. Goodnight.” 
“Oh, shit. You’re that waitress from the bar.”
“Why don’t you join us for a good night, sweet heart!” His friend chirped in, his voice almost as sleazy as the first.
“Creepy old men aren’t my type...”
“No need to get nasty, doll. I can show you a real good time” The way his words slid off his tongue repulsed you.
‘I’d fuck the shit outta her!’
Your face creased in disgust at his thoughts “I seriously doubt that!” His eyebrow raised as he seemed to get turned on by your aggressive replies. You caught on “Ew, no! Screw you, old man!” The first slap shocked you as you held you cheek, a small trickle of blood ran down your face from where his ring caught you. You were led by your hair, almost thrown into the alleyway. Your chest moved up and down rapidly as you you realised the danger you were currently in. You shifted your weight as you dodged his attack, his punch nearly coming into contact with your jaw, but your victory was short lived as his other hand caught you square in the ribs. You dropped to the floor as the violence continued in your weak state. A swift kick came into contact with your abdomen as your breath hitched in your throat. You blocked the next one with your arms, as you attempted to get on your feet. Everything was a blur, you could barely see, let alone defend yourself. At this point adrelalin was the only thing keeping you conscious as each blow sent pain searing through your body. His hand grazed your scalp as he pulled your hair, directing your face to his.
“Such a pretty face, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it...” A blade was pressed against your skin, it reflected in the moonlight. Your hands trembled as you tried to push him away with the last bit of your strength. You couldn’t scream. You were fighting with every inch of your life, but you felt hopeless. You were too weak. Your arms felt as though there were cement blocks attatched to them, rendering you powerless as you tried to fight back. You were already on your knees. Despite the shit you had endured, you didn’t want to die. “Please...” His figure didn’t stand that much taller than you but you had never felt so small in comparison. Darkness consumed you, the coldness of the night clung to your skin as you could barly keep your eyes open.
“Get your hands off of her. NOW.” Your attention shifted, as you are dropped onto the dark pavement below. 
“Oh who’s this? Mr big shot I see. You think you’re going to get brownie points for being the knight in shining armor?” One of them yelled.
“Keep talking, you bastard. It’s going to make this a lot more fun!” The figure moved under the street light. He wasn’t sure what had taken over him, but in the moment he couldn’t bare seeing you like this.
A strange smell took over your notrils as blue light illuminated the darkness. It was nothing like you’d ever experience before. The smell of burning flesh almost made you sick. You watched as your fellow friend emitted blue flames throughout the alley way, his heat radiated higher and higher with each step. Hairs on your neck stood on end as the men’s screams filled the quiet streets. They flaied their arms around, as they moved them to their face as though they could shield themselves from the battle against the flames. As the flames englufed them, you could hear the sound of them sizzling as though they were meat on a barbeque. You laid there as you watched their clothes melt onto their skin, before their bodies dropped to the ground, their voices fell silent.
A strong arm wrapped around you, your head rested on his chest. “I told you to meet me after work. Why do you never listen.” his voice sounded distant as you chose not to argue.
“Dabi? Where are we... going?” 
“I’m taking you to my apartment.”
“No, just put me down... I’ll be... fine” He doesn’t even bother to give you a reply. He knows you are in no fit state to go home on your own. Your eyes begin to fog over before everything went dark.
03:58 AM                     28th April
You opened your eyes, your head pounded against your skull. Pain coursed through you as you rolled your shoulder forward.
“Ahh, she’s awake.” 
“What time is it?”
“I think 4 A.M, you haven’t been down long. What do you remember?”
“ I rememeber getting out from work, getting jumped by some assholes and then...” You buried your face into your palms, trying to hide from Dabi’s gaze.
“Then what?”
“You killed them...”
“Ahh that’s good. Here, why don’t we try again and see if you can put even more disgust in your voice!” His voice spared you no sympathy.
“What do you expect, Dabi. You didn’t just killed them. I heard their screams as you burnt them to death!” you screamed back, your arms flaied in the air.
“Well things never go acording to plan, huh?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What ever you make of it, princess”
“No. I want you to explain!” You demanded.
“You were supposed to meet me after work, Y/N. If you had just waited this would of never of happened!”
“Oh, so I’m to blame for this? Wow, way to make me feel even shitter tonight, Dabi!” Your eyes narrowed.
“You’re such an ungrateful bitch! I put my neck out to save you tonight! I should of just carried on walking!”
You wished in that moment you could just switch off your emotions. His body became distorted as your vision was being consumed by tears. No. You refused to let him get to you like this. You sat up from the sofa, your tone cold.
“Maybe you should of.” Even through your attempts of concealment, you both could tell that it sounded more pained than anything.
He paused before he chose to speak. A sigh breaking his lips. “I shouldn’t of said that. Look, I put a shirt on the bed for you in my room. You’ve got blood all over, why don’t you go get a shower and we can talk about this after?”
You removed your clothes before setting them on the radiator. The bathroom wasn’t very big. As you moved from the door, the toilet was on your right, a white sink and basen opposite. A cabinet was above the sink, mirrors attatched to the doors. The aroma of burnt wood combined with a fruity smell of body wash accosted your senses. As you climbed into the shower, your body immediatly felt soothed, your muscles reducing their need to spasm. You could already feel the tension lifting slightly as you closed your eyes, the water running over you. Tears rolled down your cheek, the water from the shower masking them as you rest your head on the wall next to you. The warmth carressed your skin as you felt safe enough to let your emotions escape. You huddled your knees to your chest as you momentarily flashed back to being in the cold, dark alley. You scrubbed your body as you rememeber where the man had touched you, you almost caused your skin to bleed as you tried to wash away the disgust you felt. Small experations of pain escaped your lips as you tried to supress them, but once you started you began to release an unbroken stream of tears. 
A small knock, hit the door.
“Y/N, are you ok?”
“I’ll be out in a minute!” You tried to keep the acid from your tone, but you weren’t sure you were able to censor yourself anymore that night. 
You opened the doorway to the main room, Dabi couldn’t help but stare. The way that his shirt fell over your curves, he loved it. His eyes trailed over your breasts, not long falling to your slender waist. He had noticed the way you damp skin glistened under the his apartment lights.
‘I’ve never seen that shirt look so good before. URG! Wait can you hear me? Blink 5 times if you can. Wait, why would you let me know you’re in my head. Shit. Erm, think of something funny..... DAMN! Where is Twice when you need him?’
 “Hey, Y/N, you want to watch a movie? I made you a hot chocolate as well.”
“Is that an apology?” 
“Don’t push it.”
You enjoy his discomfort as he shifted his weight between his feet. You had almost forgot that Dabi had a soft side. Not many people were shown it, and you felt blessed to be one of them. Underneath, he really did have a nice personality, sometimes it borderlined charming. You took the mug from his hand, your fingers brushed over one anothers during the exchange. Dabi felt his pupils dilate as a grin soon spread across his face.
“What are we? Five?” Your thighs burnt as you charged to the sofa, claiming the middle seat as your own. 
You and Dabi were sat on his sofa, the space between you basically non-existant. You were trying your best to maintain your composure, but you kept shaking, it was part of the reason you actually hated visiting Dabi’s apartment. It was as though he had never heard of the word heating before, which is kind of ironic. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see you curled into a ball, your body twitching every so often.
“You cold? Or in pain?” He glanced over to you and then the blanket over in the corner.
“A little of both...” You replied sheepishly. You breathed a sigh of relief as Dabi got up and placed the blanket over you, his body closer now. You found yourself snuggled into his chest as his arm rested on your shoulder, pulling you into him. You suddenly couldn’t concentrate on anything but the sound of your heart jumping out of your chest, you were tempted to use your quirk, to see what he was thinking but you didn’t want to invade his privacy. You hadn’t noticed before but the way the TV light illuminated his face, he looked quite beautiful, his expression somber. It was quite different from how you saw him most days, even though you didn’t agree with what happened tonight, you started to feel guilty for the way you spoke to him earlier, however, before you realised that you were staring, Dabi’s eyes burned into yours, your eyes widening with embarrassment. 
“Why are you staring?”
“I wasn’t!”
“I literally just caught you, Y/N. Don’t try and bull shit me!” Your bodies moved slightly apart, you now faced one another. 
“Sorry, I...erm. I just wanted to apologise for what I said earlier. You were just trying to help and I acted like a bitch. What I should have said was ‘Thank you’.” After your apology, you both sat there, both averting eye contact. You couldn’t help but cringe at your own words, you can’t believed you just admitted you were wrong to Dabi - of all people. 
 “Took you long enough!” Dabi doesn’t miss a second before he replied. Your fist collided with his shoulder, pain reminded you off what you had experience earlier that morning.
“Ow. Shit. God, you’re such an ass. I can’t believe I just apologised to you! I take it back.” 
“Oh no, you can’t you’ve said it now. You can’t take it back. Tough luck, princess.” he taunted as he closed to small gap between you. His breath hit your face, as you glanced at his lips. You pulled him by the top of his shirt as he leant into you, your mouths begged to be with one another. The kiss was soft in the beggining, it quickly being changed to a deep one. Your moved your hands from his shirt to his neck, forcing him towards you. Dabi obliged, as his body pinned you against his sofa. Your hands crept along his waist as you pulled him onto you, your legs wrapping around him. You winced in pain as his arm brushed over your ribs. He pulled back from you, his hand removed from under your top.
“Are you ok? Do you want to stop?” 
Your cheeks glowed red as you slowly pushed yourself out from underneath him, your arms clicked under the pressure.
“I think that’s probably best...” Although he said nothing, you could tell he was disappointed. You were so embarrassed. 
“I think I should get going anyway. I’ll just go get my things.” Your voice chocked you in your throat, you felt like such an idiot.
“Don’t be awkward, Y/N. I’ll sleep on the couch. You can have my room. I’m not going to make you walk to your apartment after what happened tonight.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind, honestly.” 
“No, it’s fine. I’ve slept in worse places, trust me.”
You both sat there, the silence killing you both.  You decided to drop it and chose to accept his offer, not wanting to get into another disagreement. You were certainly more of a hot head and after tonight your fuse was even shorter. “Ok, well I should get some rest.”
“I’ll see you in the morning.”
You took a deep breath and smiled to his reply. You made your way into his room before you sinked into his sheets, tiredness taking over. 
03:15 PM                     28th April
Dabi woke up, the afternoon light filling his apartment. He groaned as he rolled off the sofa, cracking his back from his uncomfortable night sleep. Dabi entered his kitchen, and thought after the night you had he would at least try and make today go a little smoother for you. The door to his bedroom creaked open as he walked in with a plate full of pancakes, a few peices of bacon on the side. Not long after he entered, he slammed the plate on bedside counter. His bed looked almost untouched, hadn’t it been for the screwed up blanket thrown over the top, he wasn’t even sure you had stayed. The room felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, he had never noticed how empty it had felt until that moment, but he wasn’t sure why he felt this way. It’s not like he was used to you being there. He returned to the sofa, scanning every inch until he found his phone, your contact hovered under his thumb. He called you, it immediatly going to voicemail, his voice wavered as he left a message.
“Hey, Y/N.  Look, I’m sorry about what happened last night. I didn’t mean to make it awkward between us. If you can just give me a call back, when you can.”
As he remained in his apartment close to his phone, he waited for your reply, only to find it never came.
Part 2
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
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PAIRING: Bruce Wayne x reader
SUMMARY: Being laid off isn’t very fun but Bruce tends to find himself even more entangled in your life, including his alter ego—Batman.
A/N: I’m loving this series and if you are, feedback is appreciated. Thank you for reading my crappy stuff aka my daydreams <3
WARNINGS: Guns! Death threats! Crying! A mental breakdown!
James Taylor’s Fire and Rain plays like a funeral hymn on the record player, echoing through your studio apartment. You’re sitting on the ground, back against the ratty couch with a pizza box on your lap. You take a bite of a BBQ Chicken pizza slice, furiously wiping your tears away as you replayed the events from six hours ago. From being called to the principal's office to only be told that you’re one of the non-tenured teachers to be laid off due to cutbacks. Gotham High was...a tough school. The students were mean to you because well, you're young and always gave them the benefit of the doubt. Plus, you taught English Literature and frankly, your students didn’t exactly enjoy the subject as much as you wanted them to. Nevertheless, you’re devastated. Teaching was a dream of yours, and it’s being taken away from you. You cried all the way back home, tried to call your mother but it kept going to voicemail. You must have called someone else, but you don’t remember and couldn’t care less to check your phone—the whole day went by like a blur.
Then, there’s a sound. An insistent buzz, it’s the doorbell. You furrow your brows, not recalling ordering anything else other than the large pizza from Domino’s. Yet, it doesn’t cease, and you’re forced to bring yourself to stand on your feet, instinctively flattening your tousled hair to make yourself seem somewhat presentable. Like, you’re doing fine and you have everything completely under control. Maybe, you did call your mother, and she’s at the door. You’re hoping she is although she’s going to kill you for the mess.
Another buzz and you’re toddling across the wooden flooring and towards the doorway. It’s starting to become infuriating by the second, like a house fly don’t won’t stop bugging you. Considering the mood you’re in, it doesn’t take much to tick you off. Swinging the door open, you expected to see the radiant face of your mother but to your surprise, it’s not.
It’s Bruce.
You haven’t seen him in two weeks.
You nearly choke at the sight of him in a slightly crumpled oxford blue dress shirt, sleeves rolled up, hair as much of a mess as yours and tired eyes staring down at you with concern. You note how Bruce is very charming, no matter how disarrayed he is. Meanwhile, you’re realizing the current state must be a little startling. Your eyes are probably bloodshot, hair still in a tangled mess and glaring tomato stains everywhere on your GCU t-shirt. This is such a low point for you.
“Bruce,” you say, voice raising an octave with wide eyes as you stare at him like he’s grown another head, “What are you doing here?” His frown is immediate, seemingly confused by your question. “You called me.” He gestures to his phone within his grasp. “It sounded bad even though I couldn’t make out what you were saying half of the time,” He chuckles and holds up a familiar looking paper bag “So, I got you bagels. Three of them. Thought you could use some of these.”
It takes a second or two for you to finally process what he just told you before your emotionally wrecked brain decides to do the most irrational thing ever—You just start sobbing. You’re crying so hard that it terrifies Bruce. He blinks, thoughts racing. The sight of you in complete misery strikes him like a punch to his gut and for the first time, he doesn’t know what to do. Not immediately. Yet, through glassy eyes, you manage to notice the way his face dropped and morphed into pure horror. Justification is key, you don’t want to weird him out and think you’re crazy. You wave your hand in the air dismissively, rubbing your eyes as you spoke between strangled sobs. “I’m sorry, it’s been a tough day and that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me all week.”
Your words are a tug to the heartstrings, and it sends his head reeling but relief was all that overwhelmed him. Bruce would never wish to see you hurt, especially when it’s caused by him. Actions of affection were primarily reserved for those closest to him, but he never experienced the urge to be intimate and care so much for a person ever since his parents died. Yet, out of everyone, you’re the one that brings out the most in him. Moving closer to you, he reaches and pulls you in a hesitant embrace. You stiffened at the mere touch of his arms around you, unsure of what to do with yourself.
Sure, you had a fair share of intimate moments with the man but this, this was different. You couldn’t shake the thought of how something so warm felt so right, smelt right. Despite the fact you had been trying to suppress your feelings for Bruce, and this was doing the exact opposite of that, you can’t help but feel this was what you needed at the moment. So, you let your body sag, muscles becoming loose and you let yourself truly cry for the first time.
You end up inviting him in later, when your tears are dry. You eat two of the bagels, sharing the last one with him. You called a peace offering, a gift of appreciation, for the whole emotional massacre you unexpectedly shoved at him. He simply laughs, eyes crinkling with fondness. He thinks you’re beautiful, especially when your hair is wild, laughing like you don’t have a care in the world. It’s what keeps him grounded, to know you’re raw and very real. The next thing you know, you end up shuffling cards of UNO until the wee hours of the morning—exchanging knowing smiles and Bruce trying to pick a Wild Draw card from the deck to get you to lose. But, he lets you win anyway.
He slept on your couch that night, still in his dress shirt. You must've peeked a glance at his sleeping form, squeezed onto the couch that’s clearly too small for him. Cute. You snap a picture before heading to bed. For blackmail purposes, of course.
You end up working a night shift at a burger joint called Big Belly Burger somewhere in midtown. Your first week comes and goes, and you’re starting to hate how your uniform itches and how the restaurant can get really filthy by the end of the day. Yet, it’s the kids from Cameron Kane High that come after school that keeps you going because it makes you miss being a teacher even though they tend to leave a mess after a meal.
Thursday comes and you’re exhausted. Even so, you’re thankful it’s a slow night. You’ve done all your cleaning duties earlier on and Lucie, the manager went out to buy a pack of cigarettes from the convenience store around the corner. Hence, it’s just you, slumped against the counter, devouring a Triple Belly Burger.
You’re half way through the burger when you hear the door swing open. Expecting to see Lucie, you turned around to see two men brandishing handguns your way. “Everything from the register, now!” The taller masked man shouted, gun gesturing to the cash register. Your eyes are wide, and you can feel your chest heaving. There was no way you’ll be able to fight them. Not two of them with guns pointed at you.
The burger drops from your hand and so does your heart. With trembling hands, you slide the drawer of the cash register open and begin pulling out dollar notes. From the corner of your eye, you spot your phone on the counter, close enough for you to make an emergency call. Your eyes scan the two men wearily and with every ounce of courage you had left, you managed to unlock your phone, pulled up the messaging app and texted the first name on the list: Bruce Wayne.
help, was all you managed to say.
To say your luck ran out was an understatement; you were never lucky anyway. One of the robbers must have caught on to what you were doing and just as the call goes through, he snatches your phone away, throws it onto the ground and shoots it.
So close, yet so far.
You don't know if the message got through.
The muzzle is now inches away from your forehead, and you hear the cock of the gun. “Don’t you dare pull somethin’ funny like or I’ll blow your brains out. Give us the money, now.” It was in that moment, your tears give way and your life flashes before your eyes. You pray for a miracle, a savior.
Then, you see him.
A looming figure appears by the doorway and your breath hitches. It’s Batman, looking like a Goddamn angel. The robbers seem to realize this too, guns quickly directed towards the vigilante. He launches batarangs to the pair of men and immediately disarms them. In a flash, he knocks them out, unconscious bodies dropping to the ground like dead flies.
You stare at him in awe although he’s very frightening and intimidating but Batman...just saved you. Now, this is a story you’re going to be telling everybody until the day you die. He approaches you with caution, and you instinctively take a step back. Then, he calls you by your name like it’s second nature. You stare at him with blank amazement, brows raised.
“You know my name?” Your voice dwindled; It’s so soft and timid you hardly hear yourself. Despite the mask, the vigilante looks like his brain just short-circuited for a moment. He clears his throat.
“...Bruce has mentioned you.”
You ignore how his synthetic voice makes every hair on the back of your neck stand and the familiarity that struck for a split second when he said your name because you’re too wrapped up with the fact that Bruce has discussed about you to his other ‘best friend’ as one might call it. Brooding over this lump of a thought, the corner of your mouth twitches. “He did?” you say with a hint of affection. It’s hard to read the man under the mask, whoever he was but you’re certain he looked taken aback by your response. Maybe, it was the way you delivered it—the longing in the very core of the expression. You may have outed your feelings for Bruce to...Batman.
This doesn’t get any stranger than that.
“Yes,” he replies curtly, and you hear the police sirens afar. “Are you hurt?” Like the true caretaker of Gotham, he wants to be sure you haven’t been injured. You shake your head, lips pressed together. The whaling of the police sirens grow louder, lights of red and blue flashing before your eyes. He appears like a shadow against the glaring lights from the police cruisers and before you can blink, he flees with a muttered ‘Goodnight’ and disappears before the police come flooding in and does Lucie. The poor woman looked at with frantic eyes as soon as she glimpsed the two men on the ground, groaning in pain.
The glint of the batarang on the floor captures your attention, you smile at this.
You may or may not have taken it back to your apartment that currently sits proudly on the bookshelf in your living room.
You’re so telling Bruce.
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