#stonegrot fic
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
What I'll be working on and uploading soon!:
Tavra x Onica
2 Lips x reader fics
Headcanons for gelflings coming in contact with humans
Amri x gelfling!reader
Rian and Deet with their little brothers
A fic request with ocs that was discussed through private messaging
Cute Stonegrot headcanons
Headcanons of Rian and Deet as parents (to Jen)
Stonegrot playlist
Rian with little Jen
Zoot x OC (requester asked for either this or their oc x poly!mayhem - I'm very sorry but I'm not incredibly familiar with or have experience with that type of ship so I'm worried about doing something wrong with that and writing something that wouldn't be correct! Do feel free to ask me again in the future though as I plan to explore that concept more soon!)
Rian x human!reader
I'M ALIVE and ready to write (again)
Me returning to Tumblr after months of a hiatus and finishing all my requests? It's more likely than you think!
And I actually mean it this time.
If you're just finding me- hi! I'm Maya, a 22-year-old Creative Writing student who loves Dark Crystal and Muppets a little too much!
2023 was an amazing year but also so horrible at the same time. I'm doing a lot better and finding motivation to write again! And what's even better is my college finally started to offer a Creative Writing major and when I saw that I switched majors so fast. I have learned so much already and think the things I will write for you all will be much better than all my previous writing!
Now that I'm actually fully back, feel free to send me any requests for The Dark Crystal (including Age of Resistance) and Muppets! I do have a few rules as well as more info about requests that you can read below! Please read the whole thing before requesting something (I tried to keep it as short as possible). I would be happy to write something for you! :) Please be patient though as I'm going in order of oldest to newest requests (and some people have been waiting nearly a year... I'm so sorry!) Check the comments on this post for a list of requests I have that I'll be working on and finally posting soon!
I also just love talking about these things in general! Feel free to ask me anything (thoughts, theories, etc). about The Dark Crystal/AOR or Muppets! You can PM me as well if you'd rather talk there :)
Love you all! Hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves! Xx - Maya
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All I Ask of You (Chapter 5)
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance fic
Deet x Rian
She walked into his life when all seemed lost. He accepted her when the other surface dwellers didn’t. She was gentle. He was brave. Their first impressions dwelt in their minds and their feelings grew as their journey wore on. They supported each other, comforted each other, and gave each other strength. Together, they were a light in the darkness.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5.
The plants around Rian withered and died.
Gone. She was gone. Not gone in the way Mira or his father were gone, but still lost to him.
He tried to follow her, but bramble and thorns stopped him at every turn. He would never make it through the forest, not like this. He needed to go back and resupply if he wanted even a chance of finding her.
He turned and trudged back to Stone-in-the-Wood. The jubilant sounds of celebrating gelfling only put a lump in his throat and a weight on his heart.
Though they won, the battle only brought him horror. Dueling the General and plunging his sword into flesh, the reemergence of the Hunter and nearly getting his head torn off, Deet taking the full power of the Emperor’s magic.. Terror ripped through him when he saw that beam hit her. She screamed out in shock, in pain, in fear, and he was once again helpless to stop it. Once again, he could do nothing but watch as someone he loved died.
But she did not die. She struck back, taking out one of the Skeksis, proving the Lords were mortal. And if they were mortal, they could be defeated.
After the Skeksis retreated, he was concerned only with ensuring his friends were unharmed. He hugged Gurjin, saw Brea embracing her sister, then watched Deet wonder off into the woods.
When he made it back to the village, he was acutely aware of the eyes on him. Strangers looked at him like he was some sort of hero, but he didn’t feel like one. While everyone around him was filled with elation, he felt lost in a haze.
“See, there he is,” Gurjin cried, bringing Rian back to the surface.
He looked up to see his friend and Mother Aughra resting on the steps of the Maudra’s Home Hearth and his feet carried him to them.
“What’d I tell you?” Gurjin went on. “Probably snuck off for a snog.”
“But Deet’s not with him,” Kylan whispered back.
“Rian?” Brea stood up to greet him. “Where’s Deet? When we couldn’t find you two after the battle, we thought you were together.”
“Deet…” he muttered, watching their faces slowly melt into dread. “Deet is…” He choked on his words and his friends exchanged fearful glances.
“Deet?” a new voice behind him spoke. He turned to find himself faced with Deet’s father. “Has something happened to my daughter?” Every fear imaginable flash through this father’s eyes.
“Deet is alive,” Rian stumbled out, unable to keep this poor gelfling in suspense any longer. “It’s the Darkening, I think. Her eyes were purple and I could see veins in her arms.”
A grave look passed on Aughra’s face. “Maudra Argot tells me the sanctuary tree gifted her with its powers,” she said, standing up and walking over to them. “If that is true, she may have taken its ability to absorb the Darkening without being completely destroyed.”
Hope grew in his heart. “So there’s a chance? We can save her?”
“As long as she still lives, there’s always a chance, but I haven’t a clue how to reverse it.”
Rian’s eyes turned back to the forest. The spot Deet disappeared through drew him to it like a magnet. He needed to find her. He simply needed to. “I’m going after her,” he declared. “Someone needs to bring her back. If the Skeksis get to her first…” That was a chilling thought. They saw how much power she wielded and, whether they wanted to take her out or harness it for themselves, that made her a target. It wouldn’t be the first time they made a gelfling their slave.
“But how will you find her?” Kylan asked.
“Her power’s leaving a trail,” Rian explained, recalling the path of dead plants that lay in her wake. “I should be able to catch up.”
“But the animals that were possessed by the darkening became aggressive,” Brea argued. “You saw what she can do. What if-”
“She wouldn’t hurt me!” Rian snapped. “She wouldn’t hurt any of us. She…” He looked around at his friends’ worried faces, all seeming to ask how he was so sure. But how could they forget? This was Deet they were talking about, kind, brave, gentle Deet. He couldn’t imagine a force in Thra that would compel her to harm an innocent creature, let alone one of her friends. “I just know she would never do such a thing.” And if they were in my place last night, they’d be sure too.
They knew nothing of the word they shared the previous night. He didn’t feel right telling them. It felt too intimate. They were words he might have kept secret even from her if he thought she wouldn’t reciprocate. But the drink and the dread of the coming battle possessed him and he asked her to pretend to love him, just to ease his grief and loneliness from a moment. It was a greater gift than he could imagine when she promised her love was real.
“Rian…” Mother Auhgra took him by the shoulder. “The road diverges here. If you choose the path that leads to Deet, take caution. It is true she is still there. Her light has not gone out. But that’s not all she is anymore.”
“Thank you, Mother Auhgra. I will head your advice. But as long as there is still a spark of Deet left in the world, I won’t lose hope.”
Mother Auhgra nodded and gave him a half-smile. There was a look of thoughtfulness on her face and her third seemed to see beyond the path before him. He knew from legend Mother Auhgra could all the paths gelfling could take and where they might lead. If this was true, and she didn’t try to stop him, which he took as a good sign.
“And you, sir,” he said, turning to Deet’s father. “I promise you, and your husband too, that I will return your daughter safely to you.
“Thank you,” her father said, tears forming in his eyes. “I can tell you’ve been a good friend to her. I trust you will do everything you can.”
Deet’s father then pulled Rian into an embrace. He couldn’t help but feel some sorrow in his heart. He’d hugged his own father for the last time the night he died. Rian already had his last chance, but Deet hadn’t, not yet, not for a long time. She would see her family again. He’d make sure of it.
The door to the Home Hearth opened and Seladon stepped out. “She’s ready,” she said, a grim look on her face. “You may tell the Stonewoods they can come in now if the wish to pay their respects.”
“Respects?” Rian asked, breaking away from the hug. “Respects to who? What’s going on?”
His friends all exchanged worried glances before Brea stepped forward to speak. “I’m afraid we have some grave news as well.”
Rian looked down at his Maudra lying motionless on a table in her throne room. Around him stood the remainder of the Stonewood warriors. Seladon let the Stonewoods in first to pay their respects before the other glelfing.
The mood hung like a shadow over their heads. Maudra Fara had been their leader since the end of the Arathim Wars. She took the crown before she even came of age. She was strong-willed, just, and brave. More than that, she loved her clan above all else. Sadly, while she led a great many into battle, she was left with a much smaller number of mourners.
To Rian, though, she held a special place in his heart. She was a good friend of his father and he had the privilege of knowing her as more than their clan’s leader. He got to peak behind the Maudra’s stern demeaner and saw Fara’s softer side. He watched her tease his father and have a laugh at the great warrior’s expense, one of the very few who could. When she visited the castle, she always made time to check in on him and ask how he was. Her love for her people showed in the time she gave to each one of them, even a childling growing up away from his clan.
Truly, they would never see another like her again.
Which left one question hanging over them all. “Had she chosen an heir?” Rian asked, looking down at his Maudra’s quiet face.
She died without children, and so, she would have chosen a successor to carry on if the worst should happen. Which it did.
The Stonewoods behind him were silent, save for some uncomfortable shuffling. He looked to Seladon, who shook her head. “We received no record of this in Ha’rar.”
“Where’s her lead advisor?” he asked, turning to the other Stonewoods.
“That would be Cohl,” one of the Stonewoods answered. “They evacuated with the other non-combatants.”
“And her guard Captain?”
The Stonewood shook his head. “One of the first drained, sir.”
His heart twisted. Of course. It made sense. Take out the clan’s leadership first, leave the maudra alive to keep the rest of the clan in line… Great Thra, he hated that he could think like them. “So who’s in charge here?”
They met his question with expectant stares. He looked them over. They were foot soldiers and a few lieutenants. They were used to taking orders or relaying decisions to their higher-ups. None were prepared for command. But the answer in their eyes was obvious.
After all, they answered his call. They followed his plan. They fought in his battle.
“It can’t be me, so who is it?!”
His outburst echoed off the walls. The Stonewoods shifted, exchanging glances. Their answer hadn’t changed, despite his protest, and he couldn’t blame them. No Maudra, not captain, and no advisors. Who else was there?
After some more non-committal shifting, Seladon spoke up. “Who is your fastest rider?”
One of the Stonewoods stepped forward. “I am, Maudra.” Finally, an answer.
“Go to the place where the non-combatants are hiding and bring them news of Maudra Fara’s death. The lead advisor should act as leader of the clan until a new Maudra is selected according to your clan’s customs.”
“More than one should go,” Rian added. “The Skeksis may have retreated for the day, but there’s no telling what they might have lurking in the forest.”
As the Stonewood warriors decided amongst themselves who should go, Rian turned to Seladon and tried to convey his thanks in his eyes. She nodded and smiled slightly in return.
Once a decision was made, the Stonewoods split into two groups, those who would escort the non-combatants back to Stone-in-the-wood, and those who would prepare Maudra Fara’s funeral ceremony. They left to carry out their duties, leaving Rian and Seladon alone in the throne room.
“She shouldn’t be buried until the rest of the clan returns,” Rian said, turning back to Maudra Fara. “She’ll want to say goodbye to all of her children.”
“Of course.” Seladon said, approaching Fara’s body. “She was a titan. A fighter to the end.”
“Yes…” Rian couldn’t stop staring at her still face.
“We must fight in her place,” she continued, placing a hand on his shoulder, “now that Thra has called her home.”
“Killed by the Skeksis, you mean,” he seethed. That little flare of anger was the first emotion to penetrate the numbness he felt since stepping in the room. He felt strangely sober, despite the circumstances. His Maudra lay dead before him and his eyes were shockingly dry. Perhaps he simply ran out of tears to shed. But a tiny flame of fury flickered in his heart like a candle in a fog. It could weaken and die or grown strong enough to burn down the whole world. Only time would tell which.
“Can I ask, why can’t you lead until a new Maudra is selected?” Seladon said. “You led the battle, after all. Your clan seems to respect you.”
Today they do. He shook his head to cast the thought away. “You weren’t out there when I explained.” He went on to tell her about Deet’s disappearance. “I made a promise that I would find her and bring her back safely. I can’t break that promise.”
Seladon listened quietly, no judgement on her face. When he finished, she nodded. “I understand. I’ll see to it that Fara is properly returned to Thra and a new Maudra is crowned.”
“Thank you. I appreciate your help,” he said, wishing there were words strong enough to convey his gratitude. She truly had no idea how much it helped him to know he was leaving Fara in capable hands. “I should say my goodbyes now. I won’t be able to stay for the ceremony.”
“I’ll leave you alone, then.” Her hand brushed his back one more time. “Take all the time you need.”
Seladon walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. The sound echoed off the walls. He looked down at Fara again. She still looked proud and strong, despite everything. He waited for words to come to him, but there were none. Strange how, now that he had time to say goodbye, he couldn’t think of what to say.
Say what’s in your heart, a sweet, familiar voice reminded him. A half smile tugged at his lips. He opened his mouth and started talking.
That night, Rian returned to his grandmother’s house to prepare supplies for his journey. He took a bow and quiver full of arrows from the armory, as well as an extra sword, just in case. While he knew the woods well enough to survive on the plants that grew there, he also took some warrior’s marching bread and an extra water skin.
As he was running a whetstone across one of the swords, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” Rian called, expecting one of his friends. Instead, Deet’s father entered the room.
“Sir,” Rian said, setting his sword aside and jumping to attention. “Is there something I can help you with?”
“I was just hoping to talk to you,” the older gelfling said, joining Rian in the living room.
“Of course, sir.”
“Lath’N” Deet’s father answered. “You can call me Lath’N. There’s no need to be so formal.”
“Alright, Lath’N,” Rian said, inviting him to sit down. “What can I do for you?”
“I just wanted to thank you for looking after my daughter,” he said sitting beside Rian on the sofa. “I’m glad she found such a good friend on the surface.”
“It’s Deet who’s been a great friend,” Rian said, feeling a warmth in his cheeks. “I’m only doing what she would have done for me.”
“That is good to hear,” Lath’N said, looking over the supplies on the table. “I see you’re preparing for your journey.”
“Yes, I plan to leave as soon as the first brother rises. Don’t’ worry, I’m a good tracker and I know these woods well. I won’t lose her.”
“I have faith in you.” The older gelfling’s eyes lingered on Rian’s face. “Forgive more saying this, but you look tired.”
“Well, I did fight in a battle today. And trained with some the fighters this morning… almost died a time or two…” he trailed off. So much had happened, it felt like weeks had passed. It was hard to believe that, just this morning, he woke up with Deet in his arms.
“And that was all just today,” Lath’N said, summing up Rian’s thoughts. “But I didn’t mean like that. You look a different kind of tired. It’s not fair, really. You’re too young to look this tired.”
“A lot’s happened in the last…” He stopped as he tried to count the days in his head. How long had it been? Everything was starting to blur together.
Lath’N reached to the table and picked up the sword Rian was sharpening. From the way he held it, Rian could tell it wasn’t his first time holding a blade. “Fine sword you’ve got here. What kind of steel is it?”
“I don’t really know. I lost my sword the first time I fought the Hunter. This is a spare Naia and Gurjin brought me from the castle… Or, is this the one I took from the Circle of the Suns? Or the armory? Been through a lot of swords lately. Do you know about smithing?”
“Just tangential stuff you pick up through training.”
“Training?” Rian asked. “But, Deet told me her fathers were nurloc farmers.”
“I am now,” Lath’N laughed. “But in my younger years, I was a castle guard.”
“You? Really?” Rian let out a small laugh as well. “Forgive me but, there have only been about a dozen Grotton guards in history.”
“That’s true.” Lath’N smiled and extended his hand. “Meet number twelve.”
“It is an honor, sir.” Rian shook his hand vigorously. “You must outrank me.”
“I doubt it. I left when I was still young.”
“Oh, may I ask why?”
“Well, when I joined, I was young, with dreams of adventure. It turned out to be quite different from what I expected.”
Rian nodded. “It might sound strange coming from me, but the castle could be very dull.” He’d heard similar things from guards who’d come and gone. He’d tell them, ‘if you want adventure, you should join the Sifa.’ Most coming in didn’t realize how boring the castle was. Gurjin, who joined because ‘they say nothing ever goes wrong at the castle’, was the only one who had a different answer.
Lath’N laughed. “Yes, but that’s not what I meant. There were things I liked about it, like meeting gelfling from all the different clans. But everyone was so on-edge all the time, and always so formal. It was very different from Grot. We’re a small clan, so it’s more like a big family. We’re more laid-back and friendly.”
“That sound’s nice,” Rian mused. Although ‘laid-back and friendly’ hardly described his family…
No that wasn’t entirely true. His grandmother, for example, was always kind and comforting. And she told him funny stories from when his father was a kid, which was a plus. Then there were the times when he was young and his mother was still alive, and they all lived in a little house on the edge of the village. He remembered how his parents would smile and laugh together. How his mother would teach him old gelfling songs. How he’d watch his father practicing drills in the yard and how his father would invite him over to try the moves. How sometimes, on a quiet night, his mother would read him a story, usually and old gelfling folktale, and he’d look up to see him father smiling at them, just content to watch them exist.
It would be nice to have that again, but, it seemed like an impossible dream.
“The thing I think I disliked the most,” Lath’N continued, “was that, when you were out on escort duty, you had to hold yourself above the other gelfling, like you weren’t just like one of them.”
“I know what you mean,” Rian said. Lath’N general assessment was right. Life as a guard was not only dull, but tense. You weren’t a gelfling when you were on duty, but the Skeksis’ hands. You were meant to do their bidding without question. But they made it seem like it was a privilege to be serving them, like you were a step above everyone else. And that’s exactly how they’ve been fooling us for a thousand trine.
“I grew up in the castle,” Rian went on. “There wasn’t a lot to do as a childling. I was always getting into trouble. But you’re right. I was always on edge. I always had to be out of the Skeksis’ way. If I was too much of a bother, they might have had me sent from the castle, away from my father.”
Lath’N’s face looked grave. “That’s a terrible burden for a child to bare.”
Rian almost didn’t know what to say. Lath’N’s sad, disappointed eyes bored into him. He wasn’t disappointed in Rian, but in the circumstances of Rian’s childhood. No child should be forced to grow up as lonely as you did, they seemed to say.
Rian’s heart tightened and he forced out a laugh. “It wasn’t all bad. The guards mostly treated me like a little brother or cousin. And, when I got old enough, my father gave me sword fighting lessons every morning. Plus, I got to spend my summers in Stone-in-the-Wood. It was a lot like how you described Grot. The villagers were usually friendly and welcoming. At least, I had other children to play with.”
“You know, you light up when you talk about Stone-in-the-Wood.”
A soft, genuine smile came to his face. “I’ve made a lot of fond memories here.” Even just last night, he thoughts as he remembered the feeling of Deet’s lips of his.
Lath’N gave him a curious look. “And yet, when you came of age, you stayed at the castle as a guard.”
“Of course.” The comment surprised him. No one ever questioned his decision to join the guard, not even Rian himself. It was what he was always supposed to do, what was expected from him. “My father was the captain for most of my life. I was to follow in his footsteps.”
“Seems to me you have. He was a great hero, was he not? And now, so are you.”
“That…hadn’t occurred to me…” It was true, come to think of it. Victory crumbled to ashes so quickly, he hadn’t had time to process what happened. But, all those gelfling who came up to him and congratulated him, they must think so. Although, he was not the one who dealt the final blow. “Deet’s the real hero. She’s the one who sent the Skeksis running. Even before that, I never would have made it this far without her.”
“Deet is something special,” Lath’N said with a wistful smile on his face.
“Yes,” Rian agreed, a smile growing on his face as well. “Very special.”
“As are you,” Lath’N said, putting his hand on Rian’s shoulder. “Not everyone could go through all you have and come out the other side still standing, let alone continuing to fight.”
“I must.” Once again, Lath’N surprised him. Of course he was still fighting. What else was there to do? “We’re at war now and it’s a war I started, so I better finish it.”
“You can’t blame yourself for this.”
“It’s true through. I’m the one-”
“Are you the one responsible for a thousand trine of Skeksis rule?” Lath’N asked in a surprisingly firm voice. “This war was a long time coming and the fight is bigger than any one gelfling. I believe there’s an old Stonewood saying. ‘There are times when the blade is necessary.’”
“Yes, and this is one of those times. But there’s more to that saying. ‘The hand that wields the blade cannot help the fallen to their feet.’”
“So, you put your blade side when the fighting is done.”
“That’s right,” Rian sighed, looking at the sword on the table. “What are you getting at?”
Lath’N looked at him with his gentle eyes. “I only wonder if this is the life you would have chosen for yourself, if you had the choice.”
Words lodged in his throat. What would he be if none of this had happened? If he was never a guard? If the Skeksis never came to Thra? His whole life was so tied up with the guard and Skeksis and now the rebellion, it was hard to imagine anything else. His life would be completely different. Thra would be completely different. But, was there any point in wondering? The war had begun. The Skeksis needed to be dislodged if the gelfling were ever to be free. “It hardly matters now.” He may not get to choose but, if they won, future generations might.
“Still, it’s something to consider,” Lath’N said, picking up the sword to inspect it again. “When you set your blade aside, Rian, what will you do?” He put the sword back on the table. He then said his goodbyes, wished Rian best of luck, and left him alone.
Rian went back to preparing for his journey, but his eyes kept lingering on his sword and Lath’N’s question stuck in his mind. Should they win, should the Skeksis be defeated for good, should the gelfling finally have peace, what would he do? Could he set his sword aside? Could he find something else to do with his life, something he truly wanted?
They needed to win first. The war had to be fought. They were being hunted and killed. The Skeksis would wipe out all gelfling if they could. They needed to save Thra, as well as all gelfling-kind.
But, after that, if they won, Rian may, finally, have a choice.
The first brother had just cracked the horizon when Rian began his journey. Pure exhaustion was the only thing that allowed him to sleep that night. His mind was too full of dread to give him pleasant dreams, but, luckily, there were no nightmares either. Just a night of blessed, dead-to-the-world slumber. It was the best he could hope for, but it didn’t compare to the night before, holding Deet close and warm, his face nestled in her soft hair… It was only one night but the bed still felt empty and cold without her.
He stepped outside. A thin layer of fog hung in the chilly early-morning air. A few remnants of battle lay scattered on the ground. The streets were empty, but not like they were when he and Deet first arrived. He could walk through the village, knowing the gelfling were sleeping safely in their beds, or at least under the roofs offered to them. He was leaving this place full of life, but only for now. I’ll be back, he promised himself. And I’ll be back with Deet.
As he made his way to the edge of town, a voice broke through the morning silence. “Thought you could give us the slip, eh?”
Rian’s heart lifted at the sound. He turned to see his friends gathered behind him. “What are you all doing up so early?” He hurried back to them with a smile on his face. “You’re not planning on coming with me, are you?”
He was of two minds about that. On the one hand, he appreciated the support and the company. Plus, traveling in a group would be safer, should they run into any trouble. But, he needed to travel light and move quick if he wanted to catch up to Deet. Besides, the other gelfling would need leadership if they were to defeat the Skeksis for good.
“No,” Seladon clarified. “There’s too much to do while the Skeksis still reign.”
“And someone needs to make sure the clans are still standing when you get back,” Naia added.
He nodded. Of course, Deet was only one mission in this great game. They each had their own paths to follow. He could only hope they’d all lead back together again.
“We wanted to see you off,” Kylan said. “And wish you good fortune on your journey.”
Gurjin smiled. “And you didn’t really think you could leave without saying goodbye, did you?”
“Thank you, all of you,” Rian said, his heart full. “I know we all have our parts to play. I wish you all good fortune as well and that, someday, we will all meet again in happier times.”
“I wanted to give you this.” Brea stepped forward and handed him a little leather-bound book.
“Your journal? Are you sure?”
“I’ve written a lot about Thra’s history in there. The Skeksis have tried to stamp out much of it, but I want to restore it to all gelfling. Knowledge can be a powerful tool against a cunning foe. I hope it will help you on your journey.”
“Thank you. I’ll make good use of it.”
“I know you will.” Tears welled up in Brea’s eyes and she pulled Rian into a hug. “Bring her back.”
“I will,” he vowed, his resolve hardening even more.
“You’d better,” Gurjin said, his smirk doing a poor job of hiding his fears. Rian transferred from Brea’s arms to Gurjin’s. “Watching you make a fool of yourself over a gelfling you fancy is one of life’s greatest joys.”
Rian let out a breathy laugh. “There’ll be plenty of time for that.” He’d wonder how Grujin knew, but they’d been best friends long enough to become familiar with each other’s subtleties. He was sure Gurjin could read him as easily as he could read Gurjin.
His best friend released him and Naia stepped up next. “Deet’s a sweet girl,” Naia said, hugging him. “If you let anything happen to her, I’ll have your head.”
“I’d deserve it,” Rian answered.
When Naia was finished, Kylan took his turn to embrace Rian. “I know you’ll do everything you can to keep her safe but remember to keep yourself safe as well.”
“I’ll try.”
He stepped away from Kylan and found himself faced with Seladon. She was their All Maudra now, but in that moment, she looked shy and nervous. He could understand why. Most of them barely knew her. She was summoned to the Crystal with them, but she refused its first call. Their little band of friends had been through so much together. Perhaps she felt like an outsider.
She stepped forward but made no move to embrace him like the others did. “When you find Deet, tell her…” she cast her eyes downward, “tell her I’m sorry for treating her so poorly when we first met.”
“You’ll be able to tell her yourself.” He strode forward and embraced her. “I swear it.” Whatever mistakes she made in the past, she fought alongside them in their battle again the Skeksis. She was his sister in arms now. If they were to ever win the war, they needed to stay together.
The hug ended and he stepped back to see the sad smiles on their faces. He was grateful for them all. Their seeing him off was not only a testament to when great friends they were, but to how much they all loved Deet. “Thank you, all of you. When we next meet, I’ll bring happier news. I promise.”
“I’m going to hold you to that,” Gurjin smirked. “Go on, now. Go be a hero.”
Rian took one more look at his friends, then turned to head out of town. They called out their final farewells to him. Each one filled his heart with hope as he disappeared into the Endless Forrest.
#the dark crystal#the dark crystal: age of resistance#the dark crystal: aor#the dark crystal fanfic#the dark crystal: age of resistance fanfic#deet#rian#gurjin#seladon#brea#kylan#naia#lath'n#stonegrot#stonegrot fic#deet x rian#aor#sweetiepie writes#sweetiepie08#sweetiepie fanfic#sweetiepiewrites#fara
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Wrote a hurt/comfort fic with Brea and Kylan, pre-relationship, as I hope they end up together. Feedback is much appreciated!
#brea x kylan#kylan x brea#clever and wise#brea of vapra clan#royal melody#kylan of spriton clan#the dark crystal: age of resistance#the dark crystal#kira’s parents#*coughs*#aor fic#stonegrot#implied rian/deet#rian x deet#rian of stonewood clan#deet of grottan clan
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I do apologize for any typos or mistakes within the fic. This was a long fic and sometimes i dont catch a few. I also changed the title--originally it was “A love for Sunsets” but as I worked on the fic, the title wasn't quite fitting so i changed it
Hopefully the fics I write for Stonegrot week are not as long as this one.
Hope you enjoy!!!
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Here’s my first contribution Stonegrot Week Year 3!
Day 1: Kiss the Girl
Chapters: 1/7 Fandom: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (TV), The Dark Crystal (1982) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Deet/Rian (Dark Crystal) Characters: Rian (Dark Crystal), Deet (Dark Crystal) Additional Tags: Stonegrot Week Summary:
For Stonegrot Week Year 3 – a series of seven vignettes based on this year’s daily event prompts. All chapters are the same timeline/universe and span from the Garthim War to beyond the Great Conjunction.
This is a different timeline/universe from my ongoing fic “Wellspring,” but it is connected to stories from the first Stonegrot Week (“Chosen”) and Stonegrot Week Year 2 (“The Undarkening,” “Ale and Bellow Bread,” “One Hour” and “Pause”).
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heyo friends! @tofadeawayagain, beingheretoo, and I have been working on a super fun project for a couple months now: “Thra Actually,” a Dark Crystal modern AU / grad school AU. The name comes from we are doing a “Love Actually” style approach, and each focusing on different characters/pairings set in the same world and story.
Currently, we have three things in the collection. Bee has a lovely fic about Brea & Kylan meeting, as well as a super fun casino one-off, and I have a drabble featuring a stonegrot & drenchgrot mini golf double date. there are more stories in the works as well!
anyway. modern gelfs. grad school. a fun collab project. what’s not to love???
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Deet/Rian (Dark Crystal) Characters: Deet (Dark Crystal), Rian (Dark Crystal), Laesid (Dark Crystal), Argot (Mentioned) Additional Tags: Stonegrot week year 2, Hurt/Comfort, Injury, Mild Mentions of Blood, My first Dark Crystal fic since March, This might be OOC Summary:
Deet injures her wing in a flying accident. Thankfully, Rian is there to help her back on her feet.
What’s up party people, I’m back on the writing train.
My first fic since March, so this might not be the best in quality. I tried though.
This is for Stonegrot Week Year 2, Day 5. Enjoy!
#the dark crystal#the dark crystal: age of resistance#my writing#stonegrot week#stonegrot week day 5
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I know its stonegrot week but please go check out @xylune‘s fic featuring Seladon and our mysterious handsome freckled paladin
#the dark crystal#the dark crystal: age of resistance#seladon#freckles#paladin#gelfling#my art#sketchy#I had to draw something im really enjoying the story#side characters and characters that have little to no bg are my JAM
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Hello! For the ask meme, could you do Deet and Rian for 15 (what cologne or perfume they would use)? Also, what is their natural scent w/o perfumes?
Hi anon! I already answered what I think Deet smells like here. So, in the interest of offering something new, and because I have a surplus of time right now due to the quarantine, I wrote another short fic! This one took me a little while because I’m new to writing Stonegrot, but I hope I did their dynamic justice.
The Smell of Morning
Faint golden light streamed through the open window along with the aromas of damp rich soil, adine moss, and the early spring buds coming into bloom. Deet lay with her head on Rian’s chest, awake and listening to the even rhythm of his heartbeat as he slept.
She was only half awake. Even after so long above ground the light of the three brothers always woke her - too bright even as they still hung low in the sky.
But she was glad for it. This was a rare quiet time, separated from the war and violence they would have to rise and face. But in slow easy mornings like these, when the light of the three brothers still mixed with fading starlight, she could relax. She could rest and draw comfort from the smooth expanse of Rian’s bare skin, let him coax her back to sleep as her senses filled with his warmth, his smell, and his gentle loving touch.
When she woke again the light was brighter but still hazy and dim. There was also a weight on her body, and she angled her head to see Rian laying almost on top of her. His arm was swung around her wast, his leg thrown up over her hips, his face buried in the crook of her neck.
Deet kissed the top of his head. She could smell the oils he used in his hair - pine sap, ta tree, and shea - meant to keep it glossy and bring out the blue. Pulling back, Rian stirred and the looseness in his sleeping limbs vanished as he pulled her closer.
“Don’t get up. Not yet.”
His voice was muffled against her skin, and his breath was warm and sour with the taste of morning. Deet smiled. He’d be embarrassed if he knew. Rian could be so vain, treating his skin with tonics, sucking on reed stems to keep his mouth sweet tasting, taking great pains to keep clean and fresh like river rocks pulled from the stream. Even his clothes and armor had to always be neat and shining, adding notes of metal and polish to his normal scent.
But Deet liked the way he smelled now. It was natural, the tang of stale sweat mixed with her own musky smells from the night before. So, as he kissed her neck she knew he would taste the dried salt that was surely there.
Pulling out of his arms, she turned so they lay face to face. Rian smiled at her, reaching out to lay a hand on her waist. Deet reached out in response, cupping his cheek. His eyes fluttered closed, and she wasn’t sure if it was a reaction to her touch or if he still was caught between sleep and awake.
But as she traced the curve of his face, the strong angle of his jaw, and the soft skin of his lips, it didn’t matter.
The morning was long and they would have time to be together.
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Future Dark Crystal AoR fanfics
Hi, in light of the recent disappointment (can’t even say it. So sad) I thought I could help by maybe giving some of my fellow fans a few things to look forward to.
Lately I’ve had a burst of gelfling-related creativity and I’ve begun many WiPs for our heros of Thra. Here’s a list of things I’m working on , a short description, mu plans for them, and where they are in progress.
One thing to note, though. As I am a sucker for a happy ending, all my fics take place in a no-gelfling-genocide au. (unless otherwise specified)
All I Ask of you: First few chapters are up here. Cannon compliant love story between Deet and Rian. The first few chapters will follow the story of the episodes with novelization and extra scenes thrown in. Once I finish the season 1 chapters, I plan on taking the story past cannon and hopefully give it a good ending. (Stonegrot)
Time not Wasted: First chapter up here. Slice of life about friends having a few drinks and having fun. Will be 2 chapters long. Chapter 1 is about Gurjin, Mira, and Rian enjoying a night off in a tavern. Chapter 2 will be about the heroes of Thra getting together after the war to share the different drinks of their clans and enjoy each other’s company. (Chapter 1: Rian x Mira, Chapter 2: stonegrot)
Trial au: A cannon divergence au in which Rian is captured at the Crystal Castle after witnessing Mira’s death. He is then put on trial for Mira’s murder in a case that draws the attention of all of Thra. Currently in the outlining stage. Will be multiple chapters. (implied future stonegrot, and maybe Gurjin x Rian x Deet OT3? we’ll see what develops).
Child Rian fic: A pre-series slice of life fic about Rian growing up in the Crystal Castle. Ordon attempts to bond with his restless, mischievous son while teaching him the lessons he’ll need to know to succeed as a Stonewood warrior. Currently in outlining stage. Originally planned as a one-shot but it’s getting long, so, it most likely will be broken down into multiple chapters.
Gelfling Pride & Prejudice: Pride & Prejudice au. Takes place in an au in which the Skeksis never came to Thra and the gelfling progressed without their influence. Stonewood Warrior, Rian, and Master herbologist, Deet, meet at a ball and fall in love. They seem incandescently happy together until Rian unexpectedly leaves her without an explanation. Brea, Deet’s best friend, must help mend her friend’s broken heart and get to the bottom of what happened. Also, she must figure out why Rian’s dour friend, Rek’yr, won’t stop staring at her. (In case you couldn’t guess, Deet & Rian = Jane & Bingley, Brea & Rek’yr = Lizzie & Darcy). Currently in the Outlining stage. Will be multiple chapters. (Stongrot, Brea x Rek’yr, and a splash of Tavra X Onica).
This is all I’ve got for now. Unfortunately, I don’t have a timetable as to when each will be out, but I am determined to turn these WiPs into finished fics. I know I’m not a particularly popular writer in the fandom, but I hope I can give you something you’ll enjoy.
#the dark crystal#the dark crystal: age of resistance#the dark crystal: aor#the dark crystal fanfiction#the dark crystal fanfic#the drak crystal ff#the dark crystal: age of resistance fanfic#fanfic#sweetiepiewrites#sweetiepiefanfic#rian#deet#stonegrot#stongegrot fanfic#rian x deet#deet x rian#brea x rek'yr#brea#rek'yr#gurjin
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Would love to read a stonegrot fic where Rian and/or Deet AREN’T like, super thrilled to have a chilldling. Like, they are in the middle of staging a revolution. I know that we all think that they’re Jen/Kira’s parents/ancestors and I love that idea. I would just like to read something that acknowledges their responsibility to Thra even while they’re falling in love?
Why was this so long this was supposed to be short and funny jfkkhfslln ignore me. You might think “Lana why don’t you write that fic?” .........that would require me to do things..............😶
#the dark crystal: age of resistance#the dark crystal#age of resistance#aor#tdc#tdc:aor#stonegrot#rian#deet#jen#kira
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Here you go! Hope you enjoy this Stonegrot fic!
I have about 3 more fics lined up coming soon...
#rian x deet#stonegrot#rian and deet#aor fic#brave and gentle#rian of stonewood clan#deet of grottan clan#the dark crystal: age of resistance#aor#brea of vapra clan
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10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
I can never really seem to choose a favorite ship out of my three, but StoneGrot was the first pairing I shipped, though I always feel the most excited when I see a new RoyalMelody fanfiction posted.
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Just added the final chapter and epilogue. This was a lot of fun to write! Now looking forward to getting back to The Wellspring!
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Series - J.M. Lee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Deet/Rian (Dark Crystal) Characters: Rian (Dark Crystal), Deet (Dark Crystal), Shoni (Dark Crystal), Amri (Dark Crystal), Aughra (Dark Crystal), Lath'N (Dark Crystal), Argot (Dark Crystal), Naia (Dark Crystal) Summary:
Commission/trade with myfanartblogplusshippingtrash on Tumblr! They gave me an outline based on JM Lee's novels that basically asked: What was Rian doing for most of the story? How did he get from points A to B? And, most importantly, how did he find Deet, who only briefly appears as his companion near the end of Flames of the Dark Crystal?
This is a Stonegrot fic with some mature themes (however, they are not explicit and ultimately I've rated it T+). Some things are AU, but overall this is set firmly in the novel canon, which is different from the series canon, and the characters are slightly different as well. It's been a fun challenge!
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The water’s hot?! – or: Deet getting a bath
So somebody in the Resistance Discord server said something about Deet getting cleaned against her will, à la Podling Deterge. I wished for an actual fic about it. Then I thought, why not write it myself? Here we are, then, seven hours later at 3:20 a.m.
Update 2019-10-03: Added author’s note at the end.
Update 2019-10-09: Revised version now on AO3!
Length: 2,001 words
Characters: Rian, Deet, Brea
Pairings: Rian × Deet (Stonegrot)
Rating: T
The first time Brea told her she should take a bath, Deet was offended.
‘What? Do you think I smell bad? Or that I’m ugly, or that I’m disgusting—?’
Brea kept her grim smile. ‘No. But I’ve noticed the looks some of the people are giving you,’ she said. ‘You … and Rian,’ she added more quietly.
‘What about Rian?’ Deet asked. ‘What does he have to do with me?’
Brea laughed. ‘Come on. I’ve seen the looks you two give each other. And you’re walking around this place holding hands. You’re not fooling anyone.’
Deet said nothing, but seemed to take a sudden interest in the ground at her feet. Brea chuckled. ‘Everyone knows. And most find it really sweet. But some—’ she grew more serious, ‘—don’t understand. They’re still living their old lives, thinking their old thoughts.’ Deet was a hero now and the people showed her respect – many of them wholeheartedly, but some of them only begrudgingly. ‘They frown upon the Grottan. And upon those who’d take them as partners. Let’s not confirm them their prejudice, shall we?’
The next few times Brea asked her to take a bath, Deet was annoyed. ‘Go away,’ she’d say, or ‘I’m fine, thank you,’ or ‘Stop nagging me.’
Brea did not stop. She kept nagging her about it. ‘I think you’ll like it,’ she said one day. ‘I know I always feel refreshed and clean and beautiful after a bath.’
Deet still declined, as always. And she’d still walk around the place holding hands with Rian and earning the stares and whispers of the older and more close-minded citizens.
Eventually, Brea had had enough.
The next day, Brea intercepted Deet in the morning when she was about to leave. ‘Come on,’ Brea said, grabbing her hand, ‘off we go. Bathing time!’
‘Wha—No!’ Deet protested. ‘I’ve got things to do!’
‘Like snogging Rian?’ It was a shot in the dark, but Deet’s speechless spluttering in response confirmed it.
Deet tried to free her hand from Brea’s. Brea kept a firm grip. ‘You can do that in the bath, too,’ she said (it was a lie; she’d never allow it in her presence), dragging Deet towards the bathhouse. It wasn’t easy; the Grottan was struggling and fighting every moment, and she was strong, and Brea was weak.
Deet managed to yank her arm free and took off, running straight towards Rian’s quarters. Brea grinned. Deet was so predictable. Brea knew what would happen now.
And … there he was. Rian, a grin on his face to rival her own, pushing a furious Deet in front of him. ‘Morning, Brea!’ he called.
Brea joined them. ‘Hello, Rian.’
‘I can’t believe you’d betray me like this!’ Deet hissed. ‘Let me go!’
‘Sorry, Deet,’ said Rian. ‘I’m with Brea on this. Relax. It’ll do you good.’
‘Right,’ said Brea. ‘We’ll undo your braids first, loosen up your hair so we can wash it properly. Sound good?’
Deet was no longer fighting them, or angry with them; she had resigned herself to her fate, though not without fear. She sighed and simply said, ‘All right.’
Brea and Rian set to work, removing the little bands and undoing Deet’s braids in front of a mirror while she looked on in wonder at her hair, bit by bit, falling loose in little wavy strands. It took time; the braids were thin and all in all a bit chaotic.
‘Right, that’s the last one done,’ said Brea eventually. ‘How do you feel?’
Deet was quiet for a few seconds, running her hands through her hair. ‘Different,’ she said eventually. ‘My hair’s all … smooth now.’
Rian chuckled. ‘Not yet it isn’t. Look at this,’ he said, ruffling the messy hair on top of her head. ‘But we’ll do something about that later.’
‘Yes,’ said Brea. ‘This was just preparation. Let’s get you into the water now.’
Deet turned to face her, eyes wide. ‘Now?’
Brea smiled at her. ‘The water’s fresh and hot. No time like the present.’
‘The water’s hot?’
‘Aww,’ said Brea. ‘Yes. It’s hot. Otherwise you wouldn’t get clean and it wouldn’t be half as good.’
‘I’m scared.’
Rian took her hand in his. ‘It won’t hurt,’ he said. ‘Though it will be uncomfortable at first. But you’ll soon get used to it. Trust me.’
Deet pulled Rian into a hug. ‘Thank you.’
Rian pulled away after a short while, still watching her with the same admiration and love as he always seemed to do. He turned Deet gently around to face Brea again.
‘Come on,’ she said, placing a hand on her arm. ‘let’s do this. You’ll need to take those clothes off.’
Deet, fiddling with her hair, uncertain, glanced at Rian.
Brea followed her gaze and hummed in amusement as she glimpsed Rian’s face. ‘Already undressing her with your eyes, aren’t you?’
Rian blinked and stared back at Brea, ears twitching. ‘No,’ he said, ‘no…, I was just looking at her.’
Brea narrowed her eyes. ‘If you can’t behave yourself, I’ll have to ask you to leave.’
Rian huffed. ‘Fine. I’ll turn my back. See? I’ve got my back turned. Now go ahead.’
Brea glared at him – well, at the back of his head – before turning back to Deet. ‘Do you need help?’
‘Er – yes. I’d like that. Thank you.’
Together, they removed Deet’s shoes, her dress, and her undergarments, and eventually, they walked over to the bathtub. Brea put a hand in the water. ‘It’s cooler than I’m used to,’ she said. ‘I guess this will be just right for you.’ She motioned for Deet to climb in.
Warily, Deet put a hand in the water first, mimicking Brea. She moved it around a little and eventually let out a tiny little laugh.
‘This feels so weird!’
Brea smiled. ‘It’s hot water and soap. It’s good, I promise.’
Deet dipped a foot in next, and quickly pulled it out again, splashing Brea with a few drops. ‘Ow! It’s hot!’
‘Yes. Your feet are more sensitive to heat. You know Rian said it would be uncomfortable at first.’
Deet nodded, and slowly, and carefully, put the foot back in, then her leg, and finally, she was standing inside the bathtub. The light wasn’t very bright, otherwise, Brea thought, she might have seen clouds of dirt in the water around Deet’s foot. ‘Careful now,’ she said, ‘that you don’t slip.’
‘All right,’ said Deet and put her other leg in.
‘Now, sit down, but try to keep your hair out of the water.’
To Brea’s surprise, Deet did as she was told without complaining, and, sitting in the water, gently stirring it with her arms, seemed almost content.
Brea turned around towards Rian and out of the corner of her eye saw him quickly turn his back to her again.
She gave a small yelp of indignation. ‘Have you been peeking?’
Brea scoffed at the blatant lie, but didn’t press the topic. Instead, she grabbed her hairbrush, sat down behind Deet, and started gently and methodically brushing the hair hanging over the side. ‘Relax,’ she said. ‘I’ll brush your hair first, then we’ll wash it. I’d usually brush my hair, or have one of my sisters do it, before getting in, but—’
And then the memory came rushing in and she lowered the brush, turned away, buried her face in her hands, and sobbed, because never again would Tavra be brushing her hair, or Brea would brush hers.
‘Brea?’ she heard Deet’s voice from behind her, accompanied by the sound of water splashing, and ‘Brea!’ came Rian’s voice from across the room. In an instant, he was at her side, a hand on her shoulder. ‘What’s wrong?’
When she didn’t answer, he didn’t press the issue, but took her in his arms, and she cried on his shoulder until she found her voice back. ‘Tavra,’ she said. ‘She’s … she’s gone. And my mother.’
‘I understand,’ said Rian softly. ‘I lost Mira, and my father.’ He slowly pulled away. ‘Now, I think we’d better get on with our work before Deet gets jealous.’ And there it was, the usual mischief in his voice, back as if nothing had happened.
Brea, eyesight somewhat blurry, turned back to Deet. She looked sad, too. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I wanted to comfort you, but – I didn’t want to make you wet, too.’
Brea couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s kindness and thoughtfulness. She found her hairbrush and turned back to resume brushing Deet’s hair. The ends were now wet, she noticed, because Deet had turned her head around without paying attention to her hair when Brea had started crying.
‘I was saying,’ Brea began, slightly annoyed at how whiny her own voice sounded, ‘I’d usually have my hair brushed before getting in the water, but it’ll take some time for you, so I figured you might get comfortable.’
‘That sounds good,’ said Deet. ‘Sorry for getting it wet.’
‘It’s no bother,’ Brea assured her, still diligently working the brush through Deet’s hair, strand by strand. ‘Are you comfortable, though?’
‘It’s … not bad.’
Brea smiled to herself. She’d been right.
Brea had eventually got tired and asked Rian to take over brushing and eventually wash Deet’s hair. She’d sat on a chair and watched them, and occasionally they’d talked, but they’d mostly kept quiet. She’d been getting bored and hungry, though, and eventually, on a whim, she’d decided to leave the two alone. ‘Try not to get yourself too wet,’ she’d told Rian before she left, leaving him speechless and Deet sniggering.
It had been too early for lunch, so she’d just had a small snack and gone to her room to write in her journal. Now it was nearing lunchtime and she was starting to wonder why she hadn’t seen or heard from Rian and Deet yet.
It wasn’t until after lunch that she did. She greeted Rian with an approving, ‘You have successfully managed to keep dry!’
Rian gave a little awkward laugh. ‘Yes, I have. It’s not my fault, though.’ He gestured towards who was walking behind him, holding his hand.
If it hadn’t been for the fact that her eyes still looked distinctly Grottan and she still wore the same dress, Brea would’ve hardly recognised Deet. Her skin, now a much lighter shade, seemed to glow; her hair, loosely falling down to her sides, rivalled Brea’s own; and she was beaming.
‘Well,’ Brea said eventually. ‘Happy to be out of the water again?’
‘No! Everything’s cold now. How do you manage to get out once you’re in?’
‘Ha! Not very well, if I’m being honest. How do you feel, though?’
‘Different,’ Deet said. ‘Like a new person. I feel like I can’t do anything now because I’ll get tainted. Ugh, it’s horrible. I love it!’
Brea walked up to Deet and hugged her. ‘Didn’t I tell you?’
‘Yes,’ she heard Deet’s muffled voice say. ‘I was just scared.’
‘Your hair smells so nice now,’ Brea remarked.
‘Yeah, it does, doesn’t it?’ said Rian. Brea chuckled.
‘Your dress doesn’t, though,’ she added, breaking away again. ‘Might want to wash that, too.’
‘Maybe we’ll do that in the afternoon?’ asked Rian nonchalantly. ‘I mean, since we’ve already taken the day off—’
‘So she can spend the rest of the day in her underwear? Wouldn’t you like that.’ For Thra’s sake, that man was really bad at concealing his desires! Brea shook her head in amusement. And he seemed to have a lot of them, too.
It wasn’t her problem, though. Deet was a grown-up, she should be the one to handle him.
Brea remembered Rian’s remark that it wasn’t his fault for keeping himself dry. Yes, she thought. Deet could handle him.
And then she noticed that Rian’s hair had some subtle, yet significant differences to earlier when she’d left him. Oh, well. Maybe she couldn’t.
Or maybe it didn’t matter, as long as they were happy and together.
Author’s note:
A part of me is dissatisfied with how this turned out. It’s not particularly realistic; it doesn’t quite match the way I think the world would actually work or the characters would actually act. For instance, I don’t believe Deet would really be this averse to washing. I also kept some things deliberately basic or vague to avoid having to come up with things; for instance, when and where it happens, why they’re together and Deet’s not Darkened, what their actual work is that they’ve taken a day off from, etc.
But in the end, who cares? It’s just a bit of fun. Realism and internal consistency don’t matter for a little standalone piece like this. I can throw as much characterisation and world building out the window as I like. :)
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I’m so sad I can’t participate in Stonegrot week school has been getting INTENSE! Sad times, but I’ll make do reading everyone’s amazing fics and reblogging all the beautiful fanart I’ve seen. You keep doing your thing, funky little Stonegrot fandom😊😍
#the dark crystal age of resistance#the dark crystal#stonegrot#rian x deet#deet#rian#stonegrot week#i love this fandom#you guys are all amazing!
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