#stinging nettle anon
thebasilbuffet · 4 months
*There is no response.*
- Nettie (Stinging Nettle)
"...Hm. Little guy doesn't seem bruised or anything. I hope it's okay."
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(Basil picks up the stinging nettle's soil and roots and carefully carries them to a crate full of fresh soil. He replants the stinging nettle as well as he can, and brushes any loose soil off of it.)
"There you go, all better! Lemme know if you need anything, okay? ...And please stop getting into such dangerous situations.."
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beauleifu · 2 years
I like kiwis BUT DAMN THEY TASTE SO SOUR- My tastebuds are burning from the taste. But,,,imma side with the kiwi team because it’s cute😌✊
DAMN kiwi anon you got another soldier TREAT THIS ONE WELL OR ELSE
*gives you water and hugz before sending you out into the battle*
fare thee well, my fren
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izel-scribbles · 3 months
JELLYFISH VS SQUID ANON HERE AND YOU CHOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER CONGRATULATIONS (jellyfish are my special interest and I will talk about them to whoever's willing to listen)
Have some jellyfish I like as a gift and token of goodwill (I have to give up anonymity for it but it's worth it I promise)
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Egg yolk jellyfish - Phacellophora camtschatica
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Moon jellyfish, a classic - Aurelia Aurita
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Blue cannonball jellyfish - stomolophus meleagris
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Various sea nettles - Chrysaora genus
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Barrel jellyfish - Rhizostoma Plumo
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Stygiomedusa Gigantea, commonly known as the GIANT PHANTOM JELLYFISH. Cool as hell, sighted about 110 times in 110 years. Yeah. That species doesn't actually have any stinging tentacles: the fabric-like arms extending out of under the bell are its oral arms, used to guide prey towards its mouth.
It has a symbiotic relationship with a fish - Thalassobathia pelagica - in which the fish rids it of parasites in exchange for the protection of the phantom's bell. They live in deep waters, around 6000 feet deep. Despite having been sighted very few times compared to other species, they seem to be living in every ocean except the arctic.
Final fact about them: They name is latin for "Giant jellyfish of the Styx river".
Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoyed reading this.
whoa those are some cool jellyfish!! thank you for enlightening me to the existence of such gorgeous creatures /gen
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Tumblr needs more soup discourse! For some reason I'm way more certain Vinelle has a soup recipe than I am that you do (do you even soup, bro?) but that's nonsense because I don't actually know either of you and I *probably* don't have a psychic gift for detecting good soup recipes (recruit me Volturi!)
Anyways do you have a favorite soup? I'm partial to tom yum soup, but I always look up the recipe online. The best soup I ever made was from stinging nettles, but sadly that recipe is lost to us.
Hope you're having a soup-er day,
@therealvinelle has discussed soup here.
I do soup with the caveat that I don't have any super secret ancient grandmother's soup and I'm not good enough of a cook to come up with shit entirely from scratch.
But here's one of my favorite soups that I've made recently (recipe from magazine).
Per the recipe:
Hot and Sour Soup with Shrimp
Time: 35 minutes
Serves: 4
3 cups chicken broth
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1 tablespoon soy sauce (don't cheap out, get the good kind)
1 8oz can of sliced bamboo shoots, drained
2.5 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tsp white pepper
1.5 lbs medium raw shrimp peeled and deveined
8oz firm tofu, drained and cut into 1 inch cubes
1 tablespoon corn starch (or xanthum gum/other thickening agent)
2 tablespoons water
1 large egg white, beaten
2 tablespoons chopped scallions
2 tablespoon chili oil
Combine broth, mushrooms, soy sauce, and bamboo shoots in a large sauce pan and bring to a boil
Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes
Add lemon juice, white pepper, shrimp, and tofu to pan
Bring to a boil
Cook 2 minutes or until shrimp is almost done
Combine corn starch/thickening agent with water in a small bowl stirring until smooth
Add thickening mixture to pan
Cook 1 minute stirring constantly with a whisk
Slowly drizzle egg white into pan, stirring constantly
Remove from heat
Stir in scallions and chili oil
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cgogs · 2 years
then literally why can't you denounce dream and his stans it's not that hard
Ok fine rundown under the cut
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Look at these pictures of nettle she is my c!awesamdream baby from a very long au and she is so very special.. she likes to play pretend with tea sets and she loves snakes bc when she was little she got bit by a snake and got very sick for a week and almost died and when she woke up she developed a fascination for poison and also a boosted immune system. Shes a huge daddys girl but she also loves her mom so so much (dream is called mom because his first child briar just started calling him it one day and he rolled with it) but they have a complicated relationship because dream is really, really depressed and is deeply unhappy with his life and how trapped he feels :(
He still loves his daughter so much tho so so much. Her name is sort of matchy with briar as well (hes the c!dnf baby) so its like yk, dream is only capable of producing stinging things... briar and nettle :] its also a reference to a fairytale called the 7 swans where briar references sleeping beauty.
Here's some more pictures of her w her parents
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Do u like her anon
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unhonestlymirror · 4 months
Anonymous: Hi all! My boyfriend stings his dick with bees. I'm shocked. He tells me that this is how he prepares for our meetings. I didn’t know about this, but now I have found out. Has anyone had this type of experience? Please share your opinion.
Ukraine: We need the photo!!!
Estonia: Is this self-medication, or are there already offices with such services?
Belarus: The bee is already on the verge of extinction. If you are abroad, call wildlife rescue or animal protection.
Latvia: Offer him wasps, at least they are reusable, and they will definitely make him plump and last for a long time☝️☝️☝️
Belarus: What about anaphylactic shock???
America: In Texas, they use old scorpions for this; their venom is milder than young ones.
Lithuania: I understand that this has nothing to do with the case, but what country does anon live in?
Ukraine: Do you need a visa there?) I suppose you should have a black and yellow suit with you
Bulgaria: Anon, you recently asked why he doesn’t have an erection when you have one! Here is your answer!👌😂
Poland: Because anon is not a bee?
Finland: I'm worried: what does anon do in winter? Advise him to switch to nettle wraps - you can even grow it in boxes in winter.
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portal-au-ask · 7 months
hi its me again, palm tree anon. [proceeds to eat raw stinging nettle]
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thebasilbuffet · 9 months
Other dad, can I have my knife back?
- Nettie (Stinging Nettle)
Wait are you talking to me or Zacharie lol. Well I can't talk for the merchant but I'm not letting you get that bali-whatever back. Basil seems pretty upset about it, I think you're better safe than sorry. Sorry bout that
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Truueee, but I'm sure you gotta wash them first at least!
*They can't help the teasing smile that creeps back in their face as they listen to James' story.*
Hey. Hey Jamie. What tasted better, the crayon or the nettle?
(NOOO THAT SOUNDED HORRIBLE, they had stinging nettles on the grassy fields by our primary school yard. Kids would get in trouble for walking through there on top of feeling the pain, I can't imagine just how bad it'd be to feel it in your mouth!!)
Mod B: I'm lucky I never actually put it in my mouth. The pain in my hand stopped me before I could have a proper chomp
"Crayon." He says, almost immediately.
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fallenclan · 9 months
An Otter's Song
a fucking FANTASTIC poem by dice anon!!! he submitted it and asked for it to be posted, so he could stay on anon, so I will put it under the cut :) it's SO fucking good holy shit
An Otter's Song
He wasn’t known for his knowledge, ever.
A kitten, adopted by
Scorching skies and stinging nettles, 
was known.
He was perceived 
And seen. 
He existed.
  Ivy leaves curled around his chest once
Suspicion making his eyes water.
Flashes of lanky reeds drifting in the breeze
And ivy leaves snaking through his bones.
  The scorching skies and nettles protected.
The kitten, happy
Began his journey.
A crow’s feather in his paw
A grin on his face
And those eyes.
Yellow, gleaming white and blue in the sun.
The scorching skies once remarked it was akin to the light
Of the brightest fire in the sky
Glimmering across a frozen landscape
  The sky cracks momentarily
And tears fall.
Nettlestem’s eyes, wide with fear.
Dog bites, huge and deep, cover her body.
The kitten, aged enough to grieve right, weeps.
  His mama has passed
And it’s the first time he’s seen his mother cry.
  Otterpaw wasn’t known for knowledge, ever.
He was seen as a playful cat 
but one laced with a deep-cutting sadness.
He was perceived and seen.
He didn’t think he could exist like he had before
But he’d survive.
Not live, but survive.
  Maple leaves covered his pelt
And the sun freckled the ground where he trained.
Training upon the cliff sides of the peak
He almost slips.
He gazes behind him and sees it for the first time
Practically stalagmites, the stones rise upward as if
To touch the stars
  The distraction gives Maplethorn 
A chance to dodge the next strike
Otterpaw almost falls, unbalanced.
Maple leaves push him back up from the cliff sides
And save him from those unforgiving spires.
  A golden lion stands atop a stone
And gazes down upon him.
He is perceived in this moment
But not understood.
He runs quickly, and was named for that.
But all he can think of are those rocks
That spiral up and down.
That pierces his dreams
And makes them bleed.
  He runs and runs and runs and runs and–
An eagle’s call stabs into his heart.
The sun almost blinds him
And he practically falters.
  He rips and rends into its flesh and feathers
And it falls.
The sky rushes around him as 
He panics to get to his paws.
It feels horrible and the wind
Seems to be punishing him.
  The sun blinds him.
The scorching sky does nothing.
Waltzes past without real care.
  Blood stains Scorchstar’s mind.
Her scream is still echoing in her ears.
Reverberating and curling around her mind.
She cannot and will not
Forget it.
  Otterslip was a fast cat, able to scale the cliff sides, 
And efficiently.
He had to. 
It could be a life or death moment.
Something snaps as hail beats down on him
And he lets it.
The scorching skies have 
Stopped giving him warmth.
  In her final gasping moments
She confesses to her son.
She killed the sun and snuffed it’s flames
And she made sure nobody knew.
He watches her, expression blank.
There was time to get help,
But Scorchstar refused it to make things right 
With the stars.
She will remain among them in death
And he will not.
  He snakes among the grasslands, claws out.
He needs to be angry
And to let it all out.
He hunts for a cat to hurt, and finds none.
  Although, he does find three kittens
And they are hidden with plants.
Grass sways in the breeze, thick with dewdrops.
Yew berries dip low, heavy with their own weight.
Ivy, like before, winds upward. 
It is not within his bones. It never will be.
  He was perceived and seen. 
He existed.
And he will make sure he is known.
  A storm rumbles high above.
Whispers curling around his ears.
The wind rushes around him
Like before,
But now it is tainted with hostility.
Eyes blink open around him.
  He is witnessed
And he is monstrous.
  A dog’s snapping jaws, foam dripping red around it’s
Slobbering jaws.
Grasses torn up
Roots dislodged and ravaged.
Ivy leaves curling around
Weeping and crying.
Yew berries 
Dripping with dewdrops and tears.
  A dog has ruined his life.
The wounds of Nettlestem are seared into his eyes.
The gasping breaths of Scorchstar are whistling in his ears.
The scent of that crimson blood of Grassroot  in his nose.
  He lashes out, and the cliffsides rise up to greet him.
The storm rumbles, but ceases.
It’s screech echoes around the stones
It’s eyes stare as the sickening
Echoes around the land.
He tastes iron on his tongue.
The storm has ceased.
Like his mother before him had snuffed out
The sun.
  He runs.
He was named for his speed.
He stumbles.
Slipping on his past.
His eyes, once honored for their beauty
Are bloodshot as he yowls out.
The golden lion watches, horrified.
  Like before
Otterslip is witnessed.
He is seen.
He will never be understood.
His flesh, destined to be meat and bone
And nothing else.
Otters are predators after all.
They must be dealt with.
  The lion roars
And he runs.
He feels the thick light of the sun on his back
And he cannot tell if it is the damnation of Sunwish
Or the regret of his mother.
It doesn’t last long though.
Rain begins to beat down, thick and heavy.
Bulging with regret and woven with the scent of smog.
  And those eyes.
Yellow, gleaming white and blue in the sun.
The scorching skies once remarked it was akin to the light
Of the brightest fire in the sky
Glimmering across a frozen landscape.
  The fire is gone
There are dancing colors in his vision.
Bismuth in nature and reflecting off each other.
He cannot remember where he is.
Blood stains his paw.
He shifts it, and pain fires up through his leg.
  His leg aches.
The stones around him are gleaming with
That shimmering crimson.
That crimson that stains every moment of his life.
He looks back on his memories, operose.
  Viscera and gristle stain his mind
And he feels guilt.
He does not know if he should.
The sanguineous nature of the clans
Stain his judgment, clouding it.
He is blind
And he is exactly what StarClan wants in a victim.
  He stands before the stars.
Their judging gaze pierces him.
  He is witnessed.
He is truly seen.
Every aspect of his life, examined.
Every action, weighed and debated upon.
The scorching skies say nothing.
The stinging nettles accuse her son of those crimes.
  He will not get a chance to defend himself.
The stars will never understand him
And he will not try to get them to.
  He doesn't understand himself.
All he knew is that there was a storm.
And that it beat down and oppressed him
And its winds spread lies.
But it was gone.
It’s eyes and lies
Dead by his own paw.
  He is witnessed.
The trees branches wind around him
Bark snapping and curving around his pelt.
He screams.
  He thrashes.
He cannot escape.
He speaks to another cat, one last time.
  “I’m sorry! I’ll do anything, please!”
Stormsight watches, guilt clear in his eyes.
Otterslip screams.
Sinewy strength beats back at the branches.
  “Let me see my daughter! I want to say goodbye!”
Grassroot does not appear.
Otterslip, lachrymose to a pathetic extreme
Wails for his life.
“Let me try to be better!”
  The branches tug at his pelt.
“I’ll do good!”
Thorns stab into his brown pelt.
  “This is not mercy!”
He screeches and sobs.
He roars.
  The trees claim him.
His fatal wounds bleed
With a thick dark fluid.
It is practically oozing from his pelt
And from his open flesh.
There will be no storms here.
There will never be any sun
And no plants will sprout.
  The ivy leaves that once woven around his bones have died.
The stinging nettles in his fur have shriveled.
The scorching sky has ceased its warmth.
The grasses, unrooted before, are gone.
The yew berries have rotten.
The ivy around his paws has crumbled.
  He walks onward.
The red forest follows.
Its silence is oppressive.
  A crow’s call makes his ears perk.
He looks up
And a new sight is before him.
A hazy image of the sky 
And unfamiliar cats.
He turns away, lashing his tail at it.
He feels some of his feathers slip from his tail
And he turns to pick them up.
  The image is gone, and so have the feathers.
Realization slams into him.
He is dead
But he still has power among the living.
And he will have to use it
To live again.
  He was once witnessed
And he will inflict that pain upon another.
  i wrote a snippet of this as propaganda for the favorite cat poll but then realized that it was actually turning out okay, so i finished it :3
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poltergeist-coffee · 11 months
IT'S PLAYING INFAME(brazilian song by supercombo+kamaitachi) ON PAC'S LIVE YEAAAH He's a bit traumatized, just a tiny bit And it's raining (Thank you about the color thing lol) Cephea cephea, the jellyfish of the bissexuals There is aways a character that is associated as the sun in every media Qforever is one of them(pspsps fellow insaneduo enjoyer, you know, right? You know, the sun and the moon- one of the qcellbit's hc that exists is that he is a vampire, he really goes with that vibe of gothic emo- y'know that I'm trying to say) And oh gosh BRAZILIAN ALERT PAC ENTERED THE TRAIN STATION That's my streamer AND IT'S PLAYING MICHAEL JACKSON
And the chat is going insane, they have so much trust issues with bbh And Pac will be a vampire for hallowen:D He's telling bbh and he just "you know what's vampire are known for, right?" "Drinking blood?" "Yeah" "I'm not a big fan of blood, I prefer meat"
Most normal conversation bettwen them They are getting along
"Homo-sapian version of whiter bear" -Pac 2023
Uh... Bbh is planning a vacation to Pac? Okay, chat is freaking out From Bbh's pov, Pac is a cute lil guy, from Pac's pov bbh is very sus Someone on the chat just asked "Why is Bad so suspect with everyone but cell?" Good question, next I went to Etoiles' live for a single second and there's was a chaos happening Ofc he was fighting And is playing metal(or rock? I don't really know the difference, but I looked it up and is To Be Loved by Papa Roach, I liked it) I don't undertand a word he's saying but this will be what will be playing on my background That man has so many arrows on him
(Also, I need you at some point to look on google "hmmm vrido" I dunno, it's just funny) AND NOW IS PLAYING ENEMY BY IMAGINE DRAGON YEAAH
Alright, jellyfish:D I think they are the Pacific Sea Nettle(Chrysaora fuscescens) because I think the antlantic ones are more transparent. The bell is yellowish or reddish-brown with a darker margin. The bell diameter can be up to 30 cm (1 ft) with oral arms reaching as long as 1 m (3.3 ft). Oral arms can reach 3.6-4.6 m (12-15 ft). However, ton average, the sea nettles are are usually smaller. But here's a fun fact about the name, the genus name of sea nettle jellies, Chrysaora, comes from Greek mythology. Chrysaor, reportedly a giant, was the son of Poseidon and Medusa. His name translates as ‘golden falchion’. A falchion was a commonly used curved fighting sword that could cut through armor, a reference to the stinging ability of these jellies.
I think I saw other jellyfish but I can't find it right now I will see if I can find any other later - Plate anon
me giggling and kicking my feet thinking about qforever and qcellbit being sun and moon coded they're so sun and moon i love everything about them im going to throw them out the window affectionetly
tbh chat is valid for having trust issues with qbbh u-u he hasn't been very nice to pac so.....
PAC BEING A VAMPIRE FOR HALLOWEEN WOULD BE SO CUTE :"DD my art of him and forever with vampire pac is so canon now lets goooooo (ignore that forever is still missing yahooooooo) (I HEARDD THAT FOREVER GOES HOME TOMORROW THO?? HE MIGHT BE HERE FOR THE EVENT SATURDAY!!!!)
"I'm not a big fan of blood, I prefer meat" well cellbit likes both so....uhm....
"Why is Bad so suspect with everyone but cell?" maybe because cellbit has known him the longest...? i don't know asndvjksda that's so silly tho i love that for qbbh
etoile was doing a dungeon for the Resistance >:DD he was getting lore and i heard that he got his ticket from the dice minigame thing so HE CAN JOIN EVERYONE ON SATURDAY IF THE TICKETS ARE IMPORTANT!!! LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!!
"hmmmm vrido" f!cell eating people
...okay anyways JELLYFISH!! I've seen the pacific sea nettles before when i visit an aquarium sort of near where I live :DD they're common around where i live i guess? they're very pretty. i didn't know that about their name!!! that's so cool >:OO the marine biologist who named this jellyfish must have been a nerd lol /aff
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liquid-geodes · 2 years
You'd look so nice covered in stinging nettles
I was just thinking about you murder anon
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I can totally see Grizzly forcing everyone who cooks in the canteen to bake him a giant birthday cake.
Greetings Anon ^^
I really like that idea of yours and I can see it as well.
This caused Giordano to be hospitalized at least once, he and Nutmeg baked a, very, very tall birthday cake for Grizzly, trying to fulfill all the wishes he had for the cake, which caused it to end up being large and massive.
However, for some reason, a food fight broke out in the canteen, and the food cart on which the cake was carefully moved, got hit, which caused the large desert to loose its balance, and fell directly on Cannelloni.
Nutmeg, was, not pleased by this, actually, she was very mad, the messed up canteen was one thing, but that Giordano got injured and send to the hospital with a mild concussion was another.
As head cook she, tries to keep calm, but, on this day, nearly everyone present in the canteen was ordered by her to clean up the mess, while she was gone, to visit her assistant cook.
She sternly told them that if she would see one dirty spot when she returned that for the rest of the year there would be only stinging nettle stew on the menu.
Yours sincerely
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oh-boy-me · 4 years
Hell's Kitchen and Nightmare?
Hell’s Kitchen: What’s your regular coffee/tea order?
≫ I don’t like coffee, so I guess my coffee order is “please don’t give me coffee” lol. As for tea, my go-to is peppermint tea, very strong, with no cream and no sugar.
Nightmare: Share your favorite demon/memory card!
≫ Oh hmm, I haven’t thought about it recently but I think these are good contenders for my favorites!
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As you can probably tell I don’t own the memory card yet, so this is purely based off of aesthetic.
Obey Me! themed ask meme here!
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enbies-and-felonies · 3 years
wait did you know that you can eat stinging nettle? theyr sooo fuckin gooooddd. okay so yknow how kale is rlly good for you? but it tastes like shit so nobody wants to eat it it? well stinging nettle is better for you than kale. but it tastes like spinich???
really?!???? like it’s GOOD?!???? and like i know kale is good for you but i REALLY hate the texture
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foxflightly · 6 years
Woo! First nettle sting today! Worse than I thought it would be and also not as bad as I thought it could be?? Makes sense? Anyway, got some beauts for a tincture, and cleavers are in flower too so I got those. So excited!!
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