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scuffle-with-spirals · 1 year ago
I swear people don't talk about the shit that just happens in DS visual novels enough. Like yeah okay we lawyering but you better get this parrot to cough it up on the stand. Hey let's do a detective story but have the presentation be just one of the most impressive uses of the hardwares capabilites and be the most visually interesting shit ever just because. Yes you are a surgeon slicing and dicing and laser beaming the fucking patient but can you disarm a bomb
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sadthixx · 3 months ago
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so i tried making homemade hot cocoa and
holy shit
here I'll even share a recipe below the cut PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF ITS GOOD-
All I did for this is a small cup of milk, a little bit of coffee cream, a bit of sugar, a dash of cinnamon, a Tony's chocolate bar (you can use any ofc), and a very, very small amount of salt
To prepare it, break the chocolate and save for later. Get a small pot and pour a small amount of milk and cream to heat up on medium heat, stir it so it doesn't get a skin on top of it. Once it's warm, pour in some sugar, and whisk until all the sugar is melted. Put in a dash of cinnamon and whisk for a moment.
Finally, the chocolate. Whisk in the chocolate, and keep whisking as you drop in more pieces until it's all gone. It should look like someone put a lot of chocolate syrup in for chocolate milk. Super. DARK-
After the concoction has been created, carefully pour it into your mug. Yes, it'll be a half cup full (if you made a full cup tho it'll be very hot), but it's hella worth it. Pour a small splash of cold milk and cream, and for optional stuff you can add marshmallows and a candy cane
Pleaseeeee I hope it works out for y'all, it's so good it's like a cup of love fr-
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twotriickhoofbea2t · 1 year ago
One of the most important things to know about me is that basically my first "original character" was a girl who could split her skin open to transform into a "Bug Demon" and i made this when i was like, 8.
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thegreeninyoureyes · 1 year ago
nah i don't have any trouble with my height! *sudden realisation that if i were taller it would be easier for me to kiss my friends on the head* NOOOOOOOO
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captainjacklyn · 2 years ago
When your boss is an old best friend of yours and you still get along.
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1ohwon · 4 months ago
. . . . B r E a U x -!-
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It was that simple
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just-french-me-up · 24 days ago
'ao3 needs a like and dislike button'
what you need, my algorithm-rotten minded friend, is a grip
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apollos-boyfriend · 4 months ago
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thegeekgene · 2 months ago
Someone at an old job asked why I wanted to write up the meeting minutes for our team and I said 'i wanna control the narrative' and they were like 'what' and I pointed out that no one was gonna remember what we said in six months and so my interpretation of the meeting would dictate the assumed reality of what happened
"none of you ever send corrections when I offer the draft so y'all have consented to my version"
"we don't read that shit"
"you must trust me implicitly to create our shared reality that's so sweet"
That's how several coworkers decided I was a supervillain and how I learned several coworkers didn't understand record keeping as like a CONCEPT
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thetruekyle · 5 months ago
Frfr.. Badlands is still a whole jam... and while IICHLTIWP was good, imposing, and reverent in its own ways -the earnest emotional purge and humillity you tapped into and vibed on back at the start (imo) still resonates far more fiercely than the industrial fire that has inexplicably begun to spread up the walls. J/s. I look forward to whatever art you share next either way, but thats just my 2 cents of feedback .... 😊👍
Did you guys know that I have over 28 SINGLES that are platinum or multi platinum? I have 2 that are diamond. All this is the US alone. I’m also one of the only artists in history to *replace themselves* (!!!) at #1 on the radio.
But. Did you know my most critically acclaimed album was also my worst selling? My only Grammy nominated album is the one without a single hit?
Listen, album time is coming and I see a lot of people nostalgic for the before-times for varying (and opposing) reasons and I just want to say: They won’t all be Manic. They won’t all be If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power. They won’t be Badlands because it won’t be the first time again, and they won’t be HFK because they all have to be different. They are all something new. They all become something unique.
If I wrote music, recorded it, and you listen to it? Then I’ve done what I’ve come here to do. The zeitgeist is fickle. And I just have to do the same thing every time. Write it, record it, release it. How it’s received and how it performs isn’t up to me. It’s not even up to you. (Well it’s a little bit up to you) but mostly it’s up to something entirely cosmic that I co-exist with. I am places I never dreamed I would be.
I can’t wait to see what (or who) The Great Impersonator will become.
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know-ill-keep-moving · 4 months ago
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viktor vs cait innit
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thisisalovestry · 3 months ago
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file -> phrases that are going to shift something in me forever
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great-and-small · 1 month ago
Trends on other social media sites:
Try this new dance challenge! Post your glow-up! Get Ready With Me!
Trends on Tumblr:
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pkaykim · 13 days ago
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Valentines gift for my girlfriend
Please don’t repost on other platforms!
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