#still wanted to post it cause it was fun to make^^
kitsuga · 2 days
Meticulous. {Asmodeus x Reader/MC}
A fic in which doing MC’s hair turns into something intimate for Asmo. 
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Tags: fluff, asmo doing readers hair, kissing, not beta'd, not edited, gender neutral reader, asmodeus/asmo x reader/mc, obey me!/obm/om, asmodeus/asmo
Word Count: 742
A/N: Written on: May 16, 2021 
I! Just! Wanted some cute Asmo especially since I just keep having only angst ideas for him, the poor boy I promise I love him lmao; short but sweet!
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“If you sat still darling, it wouldn’t hurt.” Asmodeus leaned forward close to their ear, the mixture of his smile and his breath tickled their skin. “Would you like me to kiss you better?” 
“Don’t you mean kiss IT better?” 
“I know what I said.” 
Asmo fixed his posture, his delicate hands deftly working, weaving, one bundle of hair over the other into a tight, intricate design. He hummed to himself, a smile on his face, while he ignored their outbursts every now and again that he had pulled their hair a bit too much. It was a calming action, sitting in (mostly) silence with them sitting between his legs; they spent their time scrolling through their D.D.D., stopping now and again to show Asmo some post on Devilgram that caused him to rant and rave about whatever the picture was of. 
It was fun to play with MC, dressing them up as though they were his own personal doll—but this was different, this was something much more... intimate, than that. It was easy being with them, no need to push to be center of attention because MC’s eyes were always only on him. In his room, in relative peacefulness, he can rest easy knowing their energy, time, and anything in between were all for him; their smiles, their touches, all of it was his and it made him feel as though he were the only one in the world. He wanted to be the only one in their world. 
“Asmo, stop—ow!” 
“I warned you to quit moving!”  
Their hair was so fun to play with; it was calming, really. The pattern of the movements he had to make to braid along with the fun of running his fingers through their hair made him feel like he could close his eyes and do it all day long. One strand here, another there, a quick tie off then he gets to go in for another few strands—the mundane actions that normally would frustrate him brought him a lot of joy so long as they were involved.  
He looked over their shoulder at their phone once more, seeing a text from one of his brothers, asking MC for their time. He pouted, hoping to keep them around for the rest of the night. He tugged a bit on their hair again. 
“Okay-- ouch! Asmo!” they waved his hands away from their hair, leaning their head back so that they could look up at him. “No more, we’re done for the night.” 
“Aw, but my love--” 
“Nope. You’re going to yank my hair out at this rate. We can call it a night—Satan wants to watch this show--” 
Asmo jutted his bottom lip out, gently holding the sides of MC’s face before they moved to leave. Looking down at them, upside down, it was hard to read their face but Asmo didn’t mind. He wanted them to stay and that’s what mattered to him. A soft kiss to the tip of their nose, one to their forehead, and a few to their eyelids that fluttered shut as he leaned in; his voice came out like honey, the hushed tone tickling their face. 
“Can’t Satan record it? I was really hoping that you’d stay.” 
A few more kisses to their face; the apples of their cheeks, underneath their eyes, barely ghosting their lips. He pulled back a bit to look into their eyes, his face screamed pleading more than it did pout anymore. 
They looked lovestruck; he could feel the heat in their face, their half-lidded eyes drunk with love that screamed ‘kiss me’ focused only on his lips, their teeth just slightly tugging on their own bottom lip. The very look caused Asmo’s heart to race, his pulse growing rapid—he was sure MC would feel it as their hands wrapped around his wrists. The smile on his face grew devilish as they gave a slow, slight, drunken nod.  
“Yeah... okay. I’ll stay.” 
He smirked against their lips, his hands now moving down a bit to ghost over their neck, feeling them shiver a bit as they let themselves relax completely in his lap. He kissed them gently—to tease—and let his fingertips dance just underneath the edge of their shirt. Asmo giggled before kissing them over and over again, speaking softly in between. 
“Oh good--I can show you just how meticulous my hands can be.” 
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fasolabean · 3 days
warninggg this is a long one ,,,
(Okay so I started writing this uhhh vent before more posts on the n//fts appeared later so plz keep that in mind hah)
So I haven’t been too active on here for the past month – a bit personal start, but I’ve moved to a different country whooo!!!! (its terrifying) (my brains been involved in fandom stuff as usual but physically I wasn’t lmao).
But I wanted to talk ab the n//ft (censoring bc idk ab bots here) thing bc while some people on here provided some great context and threads, most of the talk has happened on twitter. So like. Since it was first confirmed what the raffle thing was I was veryyyy disappointed, especially bc K has made fun of this very thing on stage previously. And like yea, the nature of what hes doing is different than the n//ft crypt0 scams, since the cost of the paywalled content is set and not fluid and the raffle thing was free to enter, and I know there have been threads about the website not being the worst on twitter (link) (edit: now here on tumblr too). But still man. Both of these could’ve been done on either an independent website or through stuff like youtube members or patreon. Or hell, even just on the merch store? Like buy a promo code that buys you access to the material?
Also like I get that this was probably a contract that would be rly hard if not impossible to terminate. STILL though, I wish we just got an even short thing like “hi sorry I wasn’t aware this is gonna be a one time thing we’re not doing it again”. I don’t mind extra content being paywalled personally, I know some people do, but I just really wish it wasn’t don’t with that technology. And yes, I also now know it’s a safer way to handle shit like that but I just cant see this excuse being used for commercial use? Like maybe I can see why I could be made to use it for like idk an important document, but a raffle ticket? Nah
I also, ugh. Felt weird about mikke in the team since the winter. This whole thing seems to be – at least to a large extent – either done or influenced by him, judging by even the fact that the europass thingy webpage has oy photomikke marked (no im not buying it but i did look around curiosity was stronger). Also the previous thing that had made me go hmmm about käärijä as a brand was the bnb, which now seems to be ran entirely by mikke and his wife. Like stick to your photos man? That being said tho, Jere IS an adult and he IS the face of this brand. If he doesn’t think hes qualified to make business decisions all by himself (which I get, this shit is hard), nothing is stopping him really from getting a professional to help him with those things. And if there IS something stopping him then hey man I think you should go to the press with that lol. From any interviews ive seen or read, you can feel he feels this responsibility to keep his friends and family that initially helped him afloat. But I wish he understood that not letting people who in the end are not professional about business and PR and having them stick to their own thing does not have to mean cutting them off.
But now I just wanna share a thought that to some might seem like me defending him – which, in case you didn’t get I am very much not lmao. The thing is, im really glad the fandom is able to call him out on a shitty thing – like a bad baaad business decision. You can like somebody’s art, hell you can even like the public person they are, while not agreeing with everything what they do. What annoys me though, is that apart of the kä fandom, he is also often talked about (usually negatively) in the wider esc fandom. Over the past week I’ve seen multiple threads on twitter from people that rarely ever mention him about this. That would’ve been like, not that much of a deal (though sometimes it really got… engagement bait-y) but the amount of bodyshaming and shaming of his fans that comes up with every valid criticism is making me wanna pull my hair out.
Especially cause he’s neither the first finnish esc-related artist to do that (Robin and Cyan Kicks are mentioned on the kollekt website) nor is he the first esc artist of his influence to do it either. Last year Loreen and Alessandra have released n//fts last year, and Loreen did a very similar raffle a couple months ago. Now I wanna be very clear: I don’t want this to be like. Cancelling these people, that would be so hypocritical of me. I also don’t want this to be like a fandom war like oh youre mad he did xyz?? Well THIS and THIS person did THAT!!1! I’m just merely annoyed that these people doing essentially the same thing went with no echo at all, but now I’ve seen us (the fandom) be literally called the r slur and the most vile things being said about jere and, for some reason, his appearance???
Idk man. I really try to  make it clear im not trying to excuse his decisions and I think being angry and/or disappointed at him is absolutely understandable. Im just angry that every single time he fucks up, every single time he makes a mistake, my timeline is filled with a wave of people rejoicing in it. I know he’s a controversial figure, he’s been one since day one, but I just wish he’s gotten the same amount of shit his peers do for the same actions? And this happens every time, and each time im like “well ig I can see why hes so bad when it comes to criticism”. Because imagine doing a thing that your peers have done with no/minimal criticism and then the moment you try it out you get people calling your fans slurs and commenting how stupid you are. Like ngl id also think any criticism was hate lmao.
Again I wanna be very VERY clear im very critical ab what he chose to do. I wish he took some responsibility – and hope he maybe does, at some point in the future. This year has been a whole lot of bad business decisions for the käärijä brand in my eyes, and I hope he can actually see where its gone wrong and do something about it, both for his and our sake. I am also happy to see fellow fans who are able to call out their fave. But man I am TIRED of him just getting all the shit (from people who very visibly fans are not)?? And now I have the proof that it is comparably more than other people and not just my bias towards him because wdym there’s been at least 4 esc artists, 2 of which more famous than him, and 2 umk artists doing exactly the same thing with almost no echo??
TLDR (thishasover1kwordsfuckshit); I wish he did better, simply. I kinda cling to some hope that maybe hey finally this time he will see that criticism can be constructive. I think this is still a level of fucking up that you can like, come back from. Pity it’s connected to the eurotour since kinda souring my excitement ab my first concert in a new country a bit :(
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bluebelleisabelle · 2 days
I was inspired by @ifwebefriends’s post in which they made a TADC episode 3 bingo card, and I wanted to make one of my own based off of theories I have :) check out their post to see their ideas!
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Many of these are likely going to happen (i.e. the Pomni possession is heavily implied in the teaser), but I still thought it would be fun to see how many of these I got right or wrong.
(I hope you don’t mind that I wrote down a couple of the ones you put down. Cause omg Bubble is absolutely going to say something out-of-pocket 💀)
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black-arcana · 3 days
THREE DAYS GRACE Announces Return Of Original Singer ADAM GONTIER
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Canadian rockers THREE DAYS GRACE have announced the return of original frontman Adam Gontier. The 46-year-old musician, who left THREE DAYS GRACE in 2013, will share lead vocals in the band's new lineup with singer Matt Walst, who has fronted THREE DAYS GRACE for the past decade.
THREE DAYS GRACE teased a reunion with Gontier earlier this week by posting a voicemail message in which Adam told Matt that he would "be at the studio soon, if you can just let everybody know."
Gontier said about his return to THREE DAYS GRACE: "I feel like it's been seamless, better than we were expecting. It's like we got back in a room together and picked up where we left off. We have been friends for so long, it's kind of natural to get back in the room together."
Walst added: "It's been so much fun and inspiring making this record. Combining over 20 years of THREE DAYS GRACE and doing something that no band has ever done. I'm excited for the fans to hear it!"
In April 2023, Gontier reunited with THREE DAYS GRACE onstage during the band's concert in Huntsville, Alabama. Gontier rejoined his former bandmates when they opened for SHINEDOWN at the Probst Arena At The Von Braun Center to perform two classic songs from THREE DAYS GRACE's 2006 album "One-X": "Never Too Late" and "Riot".
THREE DAYS GRACE later shared a post-performance photo with Gontier on social media and wrote in an accompanying message: "Soooo we did a thing."
In July 2022, Gontier said that a reunion with his former bandmates was "likely" to happen "down the road at some point." The Canadian-born musician made his comments just a couple of weeks after he and two members of the band's most recent lineup, bassist Brad Walst and his younger brother, vocalist Matt Walst, were inducted into the Norwood District High School Hall Of Honor in Norwood, Ontario.
Asked in an interview with Rock Feed if he would be open to working with THREE DAYS GRACE again now that he appears to be on good terms with his former bandmates, Gontier said: "You know what? Yeah. I mean, for sure. We've all grown up. It's been a while. There's no hard feelings or anything like that. We're all in touch now and we talk and text and stuff. We haven't really talked about doing anything — not yet anyway — but I feel like something like that is most likely down the road at some point," he added.
When interviewer Brian Storm noted that Adam's reunion with THREE DAYS GRACE would be a "big" deal, Gontier said, "And it would be a lot of fun." Storm then reiterated that the reunion would be "very big," to which Adam said: "Probably would be. You never know, man. We haven't really talked about it. But, yeah, I guess we'll see."
Earlier in July 2022, Brad Walst spoke about reconnecting with Gontier at the Norwood District High School event in an interview with Tommy Carroll of the 97.9 WGRD radio station. He said: "It's funny 'cause the high school's been calling us for years. And, obviously, we've all had kind of different schedules, and Adam's been doing his thing and we've been doing our thing. And until recently, to be honest, we hadn't really spoken that much — we'd text and stuff. But Adam's moved back to the area, and he's got a great family and a great wife. And we've all kind of been chatting and hanging out. Yeah, I called him and just said, 'They want the three of us' — they want Matt, Adam and myself. And everyone agreed, and it was, like, 'Okay, let's do this.' So it was pretty cool to see [our] high school, where you grew up… It's nice to be acknowledged."
He continued: "It's funny, 'cause I texted Adam, 'You made the Hall Of Fame.' He's, like, 'Yup. Straight-B student.' [Laughs] But I think just having us together in that room was way more powerful, for sure. So it was a pretty cool feeling."
In 1992, Gontier, Brad Walst, Phil Crowe, Neil Sanderson and Joe Grant formed GROUNDSWELL while most of the members were still in high school. That band broke up in 1995, but two years later Gontier, Sanderson and Walst reformed as THREE DAYS GRACE. Gontier left the band in 2013 and was replaced by Matt, the vocalist from another Norwood band, MY DARKEST DAYS.
In a 2007 interview with The Oklahoman, Gontier said that he met some of his first bandmates while they were freshmen at Norwood District High School.
"I ended up hooking up with Brad because we had the same love of music," Gontier said. "He didn't play anything at the time. I suggested him getting a bass, and he did."
Gontier said that Canadian bands, including THE TRAGICALLY HIP and OUR LADY PEACE were early influences, along with the Seattle rock scene, particularly the group SUNNY DAY REAL ESTATE.
Gontier initially went into rehab in 2005 in Toronto after admitting an addiction to Oxycontin. The rehab stint influenced some material which would appear on THREE DAYS GRACE's "One-X" album, including the songs "Pain" and "Over And Over".
Gontier left THREE DAYS GRACE in the spring of 2013. At the time, the Canadian rockers cited unspecified "health issues" when his departure was announced. Adam later released a statement explaining he exited THREE DAYS GRACE to pursue new projects, and not to deal with addiction.
Gontier is currently a member of SAINT ASONIA, which also features STAIND guitarist/founding member Mike Mushok. The quartet is rounded out by Cale Gontier (bass) and Cody Watkins (drums).
THREE DAYS GRACE's latest album, "Explosions", was released in May 2022 via RCA Records.
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dunkelrotzuschwarz · 8 months
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filling in the gaps, build a problem that neither of us need
dodie - hate myself
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poisonousquinzel · 6 months
"harley quinn's never had a good design in the last deca-!" WRONG dropkicks you through a brick wall
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moeblob · 5 months
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Happy Birthday to Ferdinand von Aegir!
I actually made 33 emotes, affectionately known as Aegirglyphics to some, for my own personal use on discord. However, I figure why not share some of them! They're free to use for discord servers/icons/pfps or whatever. However, my only request is Do NOT use them as subscriber emotes on Twitch. You can make them free follower emotes but you are not to make them locked behind a paywall.
#fe three houses#ferdinand von aegir#discord emotes#i thought long and hard about this bc idk the actual want for emotes i made ages ago but#i still love my son and its his bday ad so i should be nice and share#since i no longer have nitro and can no longer use them myself#the fact i can technically post 30 at once was tempting but#some of them arent living up to my standards and also just might not be easy to use in most contexts#so those im gonna skip on lol#whoever wants 21 aegirglyphics tho have at em#i think i might have posted some before? but only 10 and i dont recall which ones#if you want a secret the last three and the middle on the second row are my favorites to use#i used concernednand (the upper one) so much#the internet concerns me guys it was a valid use every time#debated sharing heartnand but honestly the world could benefit from it imo because gotta spread that love#fun lil trivia i love making emotes and so when i was in a server and people knew me as the ferdinand fan and artist#someone was like why hasnt salmon made a ferdinand emote yet#and im like bc i dont run the server and i cant just demand they add my art#and then a mod was like i didnt wanna put pressure on salmon but i thought about it so i was like bet#and then drew a server exclusive happy ferdinand emote#and that was the start of me somehow being able to have like.... ten emotes in that server#some of them were just me joking and then mods encouraging me#cause i used to use felix for every single art prompt theyd give and one week someone said the prompt was pog#and i just was so upset because dude why would i wanna draw felix for that hes not pog#so a mod was like hey if you make a pog felix emote we ill add it to the emotes here#so i once again was like bet and then posted it and then they really added it lmao#anyway sorry for so many rambles please feel free to use them on discord in whatever server#i cant really expect everyone to credit me but also im not really concerned since i fear people know my nands a mile away
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wildstar25 · 7 months
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MiqoMarch Day 01 - Introduction
Arsay is not one to boast, but still she would speak of her roles and titles with pride. She saw them as proof of her worth in the world. After a break from facing apocalyptic scenarios, Arsay has begun to learn that she should strive to view herself beyond her accolades.
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shepards-folly · 9 months
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shout out to the fellas who can’t help but assume everyone is mad at them if they even sound slightly upset (it’s me i’m the fellas)
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
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2023 Las Vegas Grand Prix - Qualifiying - Fernando Alonso
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teakoodrawz · 4 months
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" I'm a Psycho, loving it~ "
#[album]#ask to tag#cw#Music Shot#S-2#also i just wanna mess with its expressions and poses cuz it's fun#he can turn the black face into a screenface. changing any shapes and expressions as it pleases#horror. realistic eyes. tv static. etc but he prefers the original triangle smiles more#also i'm planning to redesign S-2 right now#S-2 focuses only on killing / violence to gain LV and he's stuck that way and called it a purpose to wipe out population#He got so focus on gaining LV because it made him feel so powerful and wanted more feeling like it's the only thing that made him feel aliv#i'm okay to spoil his story and all. He's made out of human determination in Mark's body and became a split personality to him#that's why S-2 and Mark are both corrupted because they're still not compatible to each other in one body#instead of being unstable in physical form. his mind is. because Gaster used a different formula but failed again#Gaster was trying to cure Mark because he was really ill and about to die#I only took the references/theories from the original undertale amalgamation obviously#S-2 was formed from Mark's own negative emotions and personalities then it became its own character#which causes the two (or Mark or S-2 themselves) to self-loathe with each other#it's literally like looking in a window as a mirror talking shit to each other#The real good Mark in this au is Mark himself. he just needs to be set free from this misery (and need to get rid of S-2 if possible)#that's why in my old Mark death posts. S-2 was gone from self-forgiveness meaning Mark forgives himself and deserves to be happy#(because everyone don't deserve to hate themselves)#i'm gonna keep the left eye joke not being available when doing the horror screenface cuz still wanna make it a Mark thing to him#cw horror#cw eye contact
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sysig · 11 months
For the last day of requestober, can you please draw something spooky/scary with Negative RGB? With all the cool lighting stuff you've been doing recently, I think it could be very dramatic, and I'd love to see him in your style!
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Day 31 -Pl̷̼͙̯̼̟̈́͒̃̓͆e̵̢͔̞̤̯͗as̴̨͆̒̏e dö̸̧̢̝̳́͝ not̸̨̞͔̗͆̔͝ͅ ̶̦̋͒a̵̪͋̉̈́̒djus̶̪͔͎̘͈̍́̂̅̚t yö̶̙̺͎́͘u̷͚̙̿̓͆r sc̸̙͍͒rę̸̰̺̣̿̓͌̔̎en̴̏̈́͊ͅ
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
late as per usual, but this was April's theme back at the Black Butler Animo: (video)games!
I chose a game that not so many people know but still is my favorite game so far(I mean sure I haven't played so many but whatever) so yea, I'm gonna chose it as an AU. the dialogue is pretty weird cause I'm trying to cram exposition in there lol, but whatever, hope the art's fine atleast.
*ciel speaking*
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*sebastian, then ciel speaking*
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*ciel speaking*
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witchspeka · 2 years
I wanted to make an analysis but I made this instead
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[ID: A three-way Venn diagram with Shou, Teru, and Ritsu from Mob Psycho 100.
Shou: 🔥child of divorce🔥
Shou + Ritsu: misplaced sense of responsibility over op family members
Ritsu: too much self awareness, outwardly polite
Ritsu + Teru: inclined towards violence, superiority complex that compensates for insecurity, impulsive
Teru: not a gram of self awareness, "humble" (in quotes)
Teru + Shou: developed main character syndrome to cope with The Horrors, neglectful/shithead parents, blunt
All three: psychic middle schoolers with issues. End ID]
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darlingod · 10 months
have you read the lost sisters novella? if you have, has it changed your perspective on taryn in any way?
Yes I have! And I guess it has changed my perspective slowly over time, but how I feel about her still hasn’t changed you know? I’ve never liked her but now I understand why she does the things she does. She’s a lost, terrified, fragile, and naive mortal just as Jude was, and probably a little more so. She was as determined to fall in love/find love as Jude was determined on becoming a knight.
Although I don’t hate her anymore, it doesn’t mean I like her. Understanding her didn’t make her more interesting or likable imo, but the shitty things she does make sense.
In the end I dislike her less, but I don’t like her more than I did before. I’m not on a pro or anti Taryn side. I just never really cared about her character altogether.
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Various sketches of the mane 6 as villains
I’ve had a lot of fun thinking up this idea :DD I might do full references for them if I find the time
Bonus Pinkie y Dash interactions bc I love this version of them soooo much
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They hate each other n prank each other all the time <3
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