#still love that cartoon character with everything that I am and every day of my life
skinnypaleangryperson · 5 months
My BoJack x reader fanfiction that came out a couple of years ago solely from a profound spiritual borderline psychotic experience mixed in with severe alcoholism and terrible jobs and an American crisis not being able to believe that this is the rest of my life has finally reached over the 2 million mark on Archive of our own, which basically means that my writing career is about to either take off, stay the same, or people are going to write articles about how bad it is once it gets big enough to appease people's boredom in their free time
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malenjoyer · 1 month
I know right now may not be the best time to say this, but I'm kind of still processing how fast this all happened. As someone who likes to look over artists' past work esp my fav works daily and just suddenly noticed that they're almost all gone: twitter, instagram, and tumblr. It frustrates me that not only has this situation affected you, but how it really takes one selfish and inconsiderate person to ruin everything for others. I truly hope that you can heal from this and maybe we might see those pictures again, but this is just soo much to process. Just love and support for you <33333 🥹🫶😭🫶🫶🫶🫶
Hi. I’ve privated a lot of my work on tumblr and Instagram, so they’re not gone forever. I still have a lot of positive memories with them so I didn’t want to delete them. I wanted to keep all the nice comments and support I’ve gotten over these past few years.. I might unarchive them sometime in the future when I’m more okay with it being looked at. Twitter, I had no choice but to delete it, especially ones with dick, jason, and Peter Parker. My brain freaked out a little bit from seeing evidence of the person saving my art and making fake clip files with them. Logically, I am aware deleting my old art in response is stupid.
But it wasn’t limited to just comic art, it was other interests I had too which was really uncomfortable that someone would go to the extent of pretending they like other stuff I liked. They would also paraphrase tweets I’ve made about my personal life onto their own twitter. That just isn’t okay.
Every interest I’ve ever fallen in love with meant a lot to me. This is probably not publicly known information since I’m relatively private, as a depressed autistic person, a lot of who I am is what I end up liking. My friends and relatives describe me as dressing up like a cartoon character, because everything I like is so visibly obvious. I become utterly consumed in my favorite things. Suddenly, it feels like all of my control was taken away from me. My interests collected over the years were no longer just mine, it was someone else’s because they decided to lie and it was easier to continue lying. I don’t know how much was saved. There was a screenshot of a message with over 8+ of my art works sent excluding the fake files.
I don’t have control over it. The impersonation of my identity and my life experiences.
But I do have control over who gets to see what I put out in the future. I could probably write this better but I’ve rewritten a lot of things within these two days. Rewritten posts over and over so it sounds less aggressive, less hurt, less like I am trying to call for a witch hunt and more just taking extra precautions. I don’t think I have the energy to rewrite this to seem less vulnerable/pathetic.
I want to apologize to everyone who hoped I’d keep my past art public. I know how it feels. I’ve been fans of artists who just blew up their account one day and never came back. I only privated them on tumblr and Instagram. That’s all I can do. Honestly, I’m hoping a part of my brain just forgets some of this happened since depression does come with memory loss.. This post is now too long.. but I hope it gives some insight for what’s happening on my side of the brain. I appreciate all the support so far.
If you see me acting a little weird on twitter, I’m just trying to regain a sense of control over my identity.
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queseraone · 29 days
Rank the episodes of season 6… 😈
This took me forever, because I had to go back and look at transcripts and watch clips for several episodes...
And being the insane person that I am, my ranking process involved giving each episode a grade for (a) the episode itself, and (b) the Chenford.
Fair warning, this is a loooooooooooooooooong post, but here we go (from worst to best, in my humble opinion):
6x10 | Escape Plan Listen, I hated this episode. Take out the Chenford content and it absolutely lands near the top of my list of most-hated episodes of The Rookie ever. Because it barely felt like an episode of The Rookie—it was a constant parade of villains. I don't watch this show to follow random bad guys, I watch for the characters I love. And we spent less than half of the episode with my people (one day I'll re-watch and keep track of the exact percentage). I haaaaaaate Monica (she's honestly like a cartoon villain at this point), and I still have no idea who the Big Bad is/was?? Could someone please enlighten me?
The Chenford scenes were about the only redeeming moments for me. Love, love, loved the return of our beloved Battle Couple™. I loved seeing them riding together (Chenford in a vehicle together is everything to me), and they had some great conversations that very much felt like small steps forward. But those small moments weren't enough to redeem an incredibly disappointing episode for me, so that's why this lands at the bottom of my list.
6x05 | The Vow This episode ranks low because nearly every plotline felt abrupt and forced. There wasn't much follow-up to previous plot (the Budny shooting was apparently resolved to the point that Lucy was okay with being gifted a reminder of a moment that had her breaking down the last time she was on our screens...), nor was there enough build-up to anything we saw. It very much felt like they needed another episode or two in between to fill in a lot of those blanks.
I liked the Chenford (or I guess the Tim and Lucy mostly) because it definitely packed an emotional punch (especially the scene when Tim shows up at her place and she turns him away), but the contrast between Lucy laying awake worrying about Tim and her almost comedic use in Aaron's storyline was jarring, like we were watching two very different versions of her character. We know she's damn good at compartmentalizing, but that felt like a stretch.
6x03 | Trouble in Paradise This one is tricky for me, because while I loved the Chenford in this episode (it included one of my new favourite Chenford moments!), the episode itself was a snooze. I give absolutely zero fucks about Nolan and Bailey, and spending a huge chunk of time following them on their snooze of a honeymoon is not it. I still can't tell you what happened on that island(?), I just couldn't get invested (also that was the least romantic/passionate honeymoon to ever happen). And we had very little of Angela, Nyla, Aaron, etc., so that was a bummer too.
Seeing Tim and Lucy riding with Celina was fun, the Chenford domestic moments were lovely, and it was so nice to see Tim being so supportive of Lucy through her detective exam and with the trophy (!!!!), etc. Great moments, but I just can't get past the dreadful A-plot of the honeymoon.
6x01 | Strike Back My biggest gripe with this episode was that it felt anticlimactic following the intensity of 5x22. Yes, they picked right up in the immediate aftermath, but it was lacking somewhere. I think because they did that time jump and seemed to leave that whole storyline in the dust until the end of the season.
There were things I liked and things I didn't like with regards to Chenford. This episode was a great example of the challenges that come from the transition from TO/rookie to sergeant/aide, to boyfriend/girlfriend. TO Tim and BF Tim are very different, and the lines got blurred a bit. I hated the sprinkler thing (that's not on Lucy or Tim, that's on the other officers, and that's the hill I'll die on), but the conversation at the end of episode was so intense, and that's exactly what I want, the show to make me feel things.
6x09 | The Squeeze I'm going to start this one off by saying (again)—it was Lucy's birthday. What in the Sixteen Candles!!!! This is a timeline fumble, even for The Rookie. In that opening scene at the apartment, I was fully expecting Nolan to open that pastry box and having cupcakes or something, so I was flabbergasted when they just blew past not only the fact that it was her birthday, but that she also spilled so many feelings and he was basically like “okay, cool.” Nolan is a terrible friend (if they can even be called friends at this point).
Moving past that... where the hell was everyone?! Tim wasn't in the second half of the episode, Aaron had all of four lines, Bailey wasn't in it at all... and yet Monica. was. everywhere. Ugh.
ANYWAY. I did love seeing everyone rally around Tim (even though it made it even more obvious when they weren't when it was Lucy going through a difficult time). And the highlight of the episode for me was the Chenford elevator scene. Watching Lucy clearly contemplating, then making the decision to follow him into the elevator—I love that she acknowledged how she was feeling, but still managed to set that aside and be there for Tim. What a showcase of her empathy. (But truth be told, she needed that hug just as much as he did.)
6x07 | Crushed I LOVE seeing them all working together on one case. The team dynamic is a huge draw for me, and it's definitely something they've moved away from in the last couple of seasons (a byproduct of moving half of them out of patrol). So that felt like a really welcome return to their roots.
I really enjoyed watching Tim and Lucy in the immediate aftermath of the breakup. Do I wish we'd seen Lucy opening up to someone other than Sgt. Grey? Yes. But more than that, I'm glad we got to see her processing. She's hurt, she's confused, she's angry, and she's earned the right to feel all of those things.
Dr. London read Tim like a fucking book, and his actions solidified that—this is just another example of the way Tim continues to delude himself into thinking everything's fine, when in reality it's absolutely not (ahem, lie detector scene). I'm really happy that we saw him pursue therapy of his own volition, not because it was department-mandated or because someone was requesting it. Recognizing that you need help is a huge step for anyone, but it feels particularly monumental for Tim.
6x02 | The Hammer What a fun episode! Was it the best? Absolutely not. Was it worthy of being the monumental 100th episode? Eh. But as a whole I really enjoyed this one! It started off strong with the return of “Daddy Cop”—HELL. YES. And I really enjoyed the way they carried plotlines early in the season. Th first few episodes flowed together quite well, and it really felt like it was spanning a handful of days. The group scenes (the bachelor and bachelorette parties) were a lot of fun, I really wish they'd do more of those! I actually liked Nolan and Bailey's wedding vows (it's probably the closes I've ever been to caring about their relationship). I was pleasantly surprised to see Henry again, though it felt like a waste to go to that trouble (on-screen and off) to not have a scene with him and his dad. There are a lot of other characters I would have preferred to see instead of Skip Tracer Randy (Elroy! Ben! Pete!), but I did love Grey's “Sit down, German.” 😂
And then the Chenford. Again, it flowed really well from their tense moment in the previous episode (I'm reluctant to call it a fight), and it was nice to see them navigating the aftermath of that, and then come back together at the wedding. The thing with The Hammer was ridiculous in the most TR way, so I enjoyed that whole interaction. The ring imagery was !!!!, but also feels a little bit cruel in hindsight, knowing where they were going with that relationship this season. But I'm going to stay firm to my thinking that they couldn't possibly be cruel enough to do that without actually making it happen for real one day. ANYWAY. I loved hearing them say “I love you” (though I still wish we saw the first ones), and the dance scene was, overall, wonderful. I loved that it was Tim approaching Lucy, the “it's about damn time” look on her face, the way they come together so easily, the way they look at each other... love.
6x08 | Punch Card Another instance of seeing the team working together, so that contributes to this landing high on my list. (The good parts outweighed the absolute absurdity of Nolan and Bailey seeking medical help when they've only been trying to get pregnant for about five minutes.)
It was fun to see Lucy as a TO. I've long thought that path could be a good fit for her, however I'm not on board with the idea of it being something she resorts to after not be able to pursue the career path she really wants... The show would never do it, but it would certainly be fun to see Lucy be an incredible training officer in parallel to Nolan doing a terrible job at it (no one will convince me that he's a good TO, he's awful). Regardless of the longer term intentions for this, it was nice seeing Lucy work with Celina and to see her kicking ass at it.
And then, of course, the Kojo scene, already such a favourite for me. Beyond seeing my beloved pup again, it was also such an important moment, for Tim, for Lucy, for Chenford. We've seen Tim put on this strong façade (as he always does), but this really shows the audience just how much he's hurting in the aftermath of Ray/the breakup. And it also lets Lucy see that Tim still cares, because until now, she's been more or less been operating on the assumption that Tim walked away easily. It felt so incredibly hopeful, and showed us just how deep their feelings run.
6x04 | Training Day There was a lot to dislike in this episode (Nolan saying the exact wrong thing to Lucy, Angela and Nyla not being as supportive of Lucy as I'd hoped/expected, seeing Lucy struggling post-exam results...), but there was so much to love.
I love Tim and Aaron working together, and Tim busting out a training acronym just makes me so damn nostalgic. And sorry not sorry, it was refreshing to see Nolan get called out (and face repercussions, however minor) for his ineptitude as a training officer. Because while, yes, Celina is a rookie and bound to make mistakes, like Nyla said, “as her TO, that is on you.” I know he's the main character, but I'll say it until I'm blue in the face—it's so fucking boring watching a character win over and over and over again. There's no depth there.
Lucy being an absolute badass was wonderful, and when I tell you my heart stopped when I heard that gunshot, my god. And that hospital scene??? What can I say but the hospital scene!!!!!! That was everything. Great music (*sidebar, they've made some really beautiful song choices this season!!), great to see Tim rushing to her side, and it was just the greatest of the great to watch him supporting her, the way she melts into him, how impeccably Melissa acted that scene... all of it was phenomenal.
6x06 | Secrets and Lies Oh god, what does it say about me that my favourite episode of the season was the one with breakup?!?! 😅 But seriously, the episode gave us alllll the emotionally intense moments, and I'm here for it. Loved the Tim and Angela scenes (my favourite relationship on the show outside of Chenford), loved Nyla working with Aaron again and seeing her dip her toes back into UC work, loved seeing Commander West(!!!!!) back.
Obviously the breakup (and the events leading up to it) was painful as fuck, but they did it SO well. Eric and Melissa acted the hell out of this episode, and it paid off in a big way. It was emotionally compelling and I felt (and continue to feel) so strongly about their scenes. They made it so easy to feel for both of these characters, and that speaks volumes. It hurts like hell, but it was so well done!
Whew, longest post ever! (I suppose I could just have gone 10, 5, 3, 1, 9, 7, 2, 8, 4, 6, but... that's boring!)
Again if I was ranking on Chenford scenes alone, things would certainly shake out differently. And even still, I could probably swap a few of these spots.
Thanks for the fun/exhausting question! 💗
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the way that you think misogyny is over when you're a kid but you've been being forcefed it the whole time is crazy. Like I thought Susan B. Anthony solved all of my problems in the 1920s or whatever but like. it's everywhere. in music and school and cartoons it's just while. and racism too like. holy fuck.
ezekiel got punished for being a misogynist and that's all well and good, but then duncan gets away with EVERYTHING. like. from day 1 he was blatantly a misogynist. "what's for dinner woman?" LIKE HELLO why did they just say that? and not do anything about it? the entire show he was clearly not loyal at all to courtney like. he was so obviously flirting with heather all the time. and gwen too. I can't even explain how horribly misogynistic duncan was in the whole show.
and owen- oh my god. NO ONE TALKS ABOUT OWEN. the "double babe olympics", the "now it's just owen and two hot chicks". and so much like. NO ONE BRINGS THIS UP!!!
katie and sadie. anne maria. even dakota honestly. they were all just. misogynistic stereotypes. like hello. especially the way that anne maria is demonized when she did NOTHING WRONG. and this isn't limited to total drama but it drives the "the worst thing you can be is feminine" bullshit. like obviously you should be allowed to be masculine but I didn't want to be girly as a kid because I thought that meant I was stupid and one dimensional.
bridgette and geoff. okay. bridgette was absolutely TORN TO PIECES in this fandom for cheating on geoff. and you know what? I do think that's valid. BUT! EVERYONE IGNORES GEOFF. season two he was literally a demon like he was straight up evil he was worse than heather and NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT these same people who love geoff HATE ON HEATHER for being so mean but hello geoff is RIGHT THERE he borderline was trying to kill people. and he ALSO cheated on bridgette. celebrity manhunt special, anyone? but no. apparently he did nothing wrong.
and I'm not even going to get into the love triangle.
and the racism like what this show did to leshawna is UNFORGIVABLE. total drama action especially and like I love the season but the racism is so rampant in it like holy jesus. and then like. every character of color is a stereotype ESPECIALLY IN GEN 1. the only gen 1 character I can think of that had nothing racist or like stereotypical to do with them is like. sierra. and then eva, even though she's not poc she's still a stereotype of east european people. I'm not going to get all that into the racism though because I am white and I don't really think I would be all that good to speak on it.
I'm also not going to speak about the fandom because this is already long enough but the fandom needs to GET THEIR ACT TOGETHER! it is okay to make mistakes, but what you need to do is REALIZE and BETTER YOURSELF! a lot of other people talk about misogyny in the fandom so please go read what they have to say too. I've seen popstart's posts and I think they do a wonderful job of speaking on misogyny and so you should DEFINITELY check them out. they inspired me to make this post.
but anyways. it doesn't even stop in the reboot. ripper and chase are just misogynistic and emma's whole character and it's just like. so bad. and then there's the whole "there's no homophobic characters!" like thanks terry wow. he can excuse misogyny but he draws the line at homophobia. after like what 15 years nothing EVER gets better because it seems like women are always the joke.
there obviously shouldn't be homophobia and racism but there also shouldn't be misogyny. and there shouldn't be pedophilia. it's so disgusting. and it needs to change.
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nayialovecat · 9 months
The Ink Demonth 2023 - Day 30. Duck
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Day 30. Duck Crossover: DuckTales "Let's split up," said Scrooge McDuck. Because what could go wrong? :D
In his "youth", Scrooge McDuck had so many adventures, sometimes accompanied by teenage Donald and Della Duck, that I assume they may have ventured into an abandoned, strange animation studio in the 1960s... Whenever I think about Della and Donald's past, I imagine her as a carefree, hyperactive girl running forward screaming "adventure" - and him as a sensible, prepared for everything, skeptical young man. Please don't deny my imaginations.
I love DuckTales. I watched this cartoon when I was a little girl - I even had a radio play based on a time travel episode on cassette. I learned to draw characters and their expressions using Donald Duck newspapers, using the tracing method on the glass. Comics about Donald was probably first I ever made. Donald Duck, his large family and, above all, Scrooge, whom I adored - this was a large part of my early childhood. Unfortunately, unlike W.I.T.C.H. my huge collection of Donald Duck and Gigants issues didn't survive - one day I discovered that my mother simply took everything and gave it to some library, hospital or simply threw it into the trash. I was very sorry :c
Let's talk about the DuckTales reboot for a moment. Generally, as an huge fan of various things, I am often quite skeptical about new products, reboots or new series and I'm strict in my assessment. Sometimes I will get into a new series, but often I will say "it's not as good as the original" (because very often it's not). But in the case of DuckTales, I think the reboot is wonderful. The characters have been refreshed, the nephews have gained individuality, Donald Duck has gained a much nicer character (just like Daisy). Sometimes a little voice inside me says "wait a minute, no, it was different in the canon" - but then I say to myself "but this is a different canon." There are three things that irritate me and I can't forgive for the reboot. The first one is Gyro. What the hell did they do to him? Where is my lovable, overworked scientist, too polite and gentle to refuse Scrooge a job for a miserable salary? No, Gyro is terrible in the reboot, I hate every single second of the show with him on the screen. The second one is Magica de Spell. Why is she completely, absolutely and totally evil? This was not the Magica whose adventures I read and loved! What did they do to her? Where is Magica's love for family (i.e. her niece)? Where's Magica, who treats Scrooge as her frenemy? Where's Magica, who cries her sorrows to her broom and is bound by a cursed fate to Number One Dime? They made her the main villain, completely leaving out cool criminals like the Beagle Boys! And the last one, but I should actually start with this... a drawing style. This one repels me. These square heads and crude drawing style irritate me terribly. But then I saw a new series of classic Disney cartoons featuring Donald, Mickey and Goofy - and I realized that there are worse drawn things. Of course, there are still a few things that irritate me, but I often dismiss them - and I enjoy watching the reboot.
Finally, I will just say that although I really like the past of the characters in the reboot, I am irritated by Della's character. I do not like her. Maybe it has to do with the fact that, being a mother myself, I give my child the highest priority - a woman abandoning her tiny children to satisfy her ambitions is something incomprehensible to me - I have neither respect nor pity for Della and I believe that family (or at least her children) should reject her and be unwilling to forgive her. I know that's a cruel opinion. I haven't watched the entire series, but the episodes I've seen of her return irritated me. I admire Donald's composure. I would probably totally beat up my sister if I were in his place. Della also annoys me in all the episodes with her and Donald's past. She's almost as annoying as Mabel from Gravity Falls.
Bendy and the Ink Machine (c) Joey Drew Studios Inc. DuckTales (c) Disney Sammy and the Ink Machine (c) Nayia Lovecat
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sabrondabrainrot · 3 months
Hihi! What are 5 things that make you happy? (bonus, ask the last 5 people in your notes :0)
TMNT - Seriously like every show and movie is GREAT and I'm currently reading the IDW comic. I've literally adopted each and every turtle as my own son.
Trigun - Vash the Stampede is my BABY GIRL and MY HUSBAND. I've been into Trigun since I was a lee wass. I love Vash so much. I got my dad to actually watch Trigun with me so it's something really cool to bond over with family. Trigun stampede is also like SO good. I also read Tri Max in the library and didn't publicly cry. :)
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle / XXXholic / Magic Knight Rayearth/ Clamp - I'm super into these classical shoujo series. They shaped how I am as a person to this day. Clamp was a lot of firsts for me in terms of manga reading so they're forever in a special place in my heart.
Scum Villain's Self Saving System - This book lives rent free in my mind. I can't believe how funny it is. It's so insane and I love every second of it. How am I somehow Binghe and ShenQingQiu at the same time, but lowkey I want what CumPlane have IRL. that's the ultimate romance to me and they're platonic .
Lout of the Count's family - LITERALLY go read it this series. Cale Henituse, young master silver shield, is EVERYTHING. That sweet man who adopts everyone is just like me FR except we're nothing alike BUT I STILL LOVE HIM.
My secret 6th - DO YOU KNOW Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint is written by a married couple???? Kim Dokja is apparently modeled after the wife??? Hello??? I'm not normal. I'm not sane.
I'm asking you next @noname-nonartist @wrathofnature @wallstoothin @wizard-finix @tinyballerinadancer1 :>
real answers below
Art/ Creative Expression! Being able to draw pretty neat stuff whenever I want is so awesome! It's more then drawing, I like writing and making stuff by hand too.
Super generic answer but my family! I have a pretty small family and a bunch of pets. We're all super close and they bring me joy. I like helping and taking care of them and I like it when they help and take care of me!
Another Generic answer, my friends! Sometimes they're the reason I get up out of bed! Friends are awesome like that.
Brainrot! Zoning out about my latest brainrot is my life copium. I like to imagine my current fav character being horribly tortured by the narrative but it's ok because my brainrots always have hurt comfort. Or I just imagine bundling up my Oshi in a blanket and giving them a warm bowl of soup. It can go either way really.
Cartoons, Anime, Movies, Media/entertainment in general - I can't get enough of them. They're just so delightful especially the ones with whimsy.
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alexissara · 6 months
My Favorite Movies/TV/Anime of 2023
Going into 2023 I've done a lot more taking in art then in previous years and this section is all about the audio/visual/auditory art I've taken in this year and enjoyed. In fact it's a content and clickable top 10 list! Wow so engaging, much content, please enjoy. This is gonna be inclusive of movies, cartoons, anime, TV shows, etc because I don't engage any one of these mediums alone enough to make a nice little list, at least not this year.
These are roughly in an order by how much I enjoyed them but these are different pieces of art that hit you in different places for different reasons and no one piece of art here is like "Better" than the other. Ask me at a different hour let alone day and this list could be all scrambled.
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Adolescence Of Utena
So I finally watched some Utena, I mean I watched a little but of Utena before, just a few episodes with some friends but I watched the full ass movie now so that counts for something. The anime is really artful and it's a very compelling queer coming of age story with all the messy trauma and feelings attached. It's a weird movie, a girl turns into a car, and that's amazing, 12/10, another girl can also turn into a car, we're really just living the dream here. Finally true lesbian representation is when a girl can turn into a car and I am here for it. It's a really great piece of art and I am glad to have finally got to take it in and enjoy it.
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Glass Onion
So this is probably the biggest surprise on the list for folks who follow me but one of my girlfriends really loves mysteries and so a Glass Onion I did watch with her. It's super funny and fun, it's just good. The cast has good chemistry, the jokes land, the mystery has fun twists, and it's just a good experience overall.
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One Piece Film Red
I am not a One Piece fan, I do not care for One Piece, It's like fine Shonen. However, this movie fucking slapped, it was a good fucking time. Uta is One Pieces best character and she should show up and take over the final arc of the manga because she is so good. The music was fucking killer with Ado slaying every single fucking song and it really just hit. Every song is so good on it's own and in it's context. It's what you want from a truly killer musical experience and every song being from "the villain" is just extra fun. The power of friendship and bounds is really great here, it's just good and well animated even if the women all have the same exact body.
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Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
I finally watched this movie after all the hype had died down and well, it was worth the hype, it isn't my favorite movie of all time but it's a good movie. It's funny, amazingly acted, well shot, silly and just in general a good time. It touches on a lot of good themes of family, trauma, homophobia, expectations, and parental relationships. I think the queerness coulda been better in the movie and have complaints on how that is displayed here but I mean it was at least a little bit queer and that's more than most movies. As a former actor who really loves the craft I envy everyone involved too for getting to be in such a fun film, I can only imagine what a blast it was to see the final product of what I am sure was a ton of hard work to make something so fun.
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Gundam The Witch From Mercury - Season 2 
Gundam ended on more of a whimper than a bang to me. Which is both not uncommon for a Gundam series to have a shitty ending but also not shocking given this series was given it had a much shorter run time. Regardless of me thinking this half of the anime is much weaker than the first half it still undeniably striking in it's animation, stunning visually, engaging to watch with a cast of very endearing characters to watch in the dramatic stakes of it all. The very end was not terrible but the time we spent to get to the final epilogue moments were questionable. Regardless, this show did not kill off Prospera, Chuchu, Secelia or Rouhi and they all were in a lot of these episodes so like an 8/10 cuz their all fucking brilliant and I really like Sulletta a ton too, I am just probably Mio's weakest solider among lesbians preferring my sweet little nervous lesbian settle down with a nice earthian girl or make use of her second hand to be polyamarous.
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Kakegurui Twin
I never have and likely never will watch Kakegurui's main series but the twins series female focused cast and yuri energy captured my attention and so I turned it on. Wow, what a fucking ride. This over the top gambling game is Jojo's bizarre adventure, is sports anime, is card game anime, it's the raw spirit of these things radiating in the horny submissive lesbian factory and served back in animated form. The fucking faces these women get to make as they smugly battle in bounts of gambling is just so delicious and the tension they manage to put into each of these games of chance as the fucked up students try and cheat each other and win is just brilliant.
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Harley Quinn 
HarIvy is a ship of all time for me, it's hard to have the concept of a show be "HarIvy comedy" and me not to at least kinda enjoy it and I enjoyed it a lot this new season. At the start of the season I wasn't click with it, it felt weird and forced for Harly and Ivy to be placed in these really binary hero and villain roles but in the end that's what it was really about. Neither of them are traditional heroes or villains and the show actually recognized that and let them trying to fit into the strict mold of the universe as an active issue for themself, their sense of self, their relationship, the world and more. From time to time they felt fairly out of character but I am just happy to see this arcs over all themes and the work they put into that.
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I’m In Love With The Villainess 
While I would have rather had a tighter pace that went through the first two books of the series rather than one and some tiny jumps into the second book I'm In Love With The Villainess still managed to be one of my favorite things to watch this year with me viewing it multiple times. Rae's Isekai fantasy of being bullied by a hot rich woman and the eventual need to confront her own internalized homophobia and self pity as blocking her path to happiness are fun to see. Rae is really good in the anime adaptation and in it more than any other adaption it feels like everyone is friends and cares about each other which fits the light hearted comedy tone better than the light novels Rae will kill anyone for Clair, she has no friends mindset.
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Scott Pilgrim: Takes Off
This was the biggest surprise of the year. I had grown out of Scott Pilgrim, while I was a fan of the comics before the movie was even a thing, I watched the movie before it even released, I even at some point was collecting the colored editions, I eventually soured on the series and sold everything I had of it. I wasn't excited about the anime and felt more like "let it go" then "OMG thing from when I was young" but hearing the good things I heard about it and about the Scott twist along with seeing the great animation in the OP I decided, fuck it why not give it a shot. So I did and wow, it's really good. It's a great take down, commentary, adaption, whatever it is of the original work. It is Scott Pilgrim having grown up alongside me, funnier than ever and a lot better about everything. I really loved all the changes and it still felt very true to the heart of Scott Pilgrim which is messy adults trying to fix their fucked up selves and relationships.
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The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady
This certainly sits among my favorite anime of all time and very highly if not number one. MagiRevo mastered a light novel adaptations tempo perfecting how to make one season of what would be a nothing slow burn with no pay off at the novel and mangas pace into an exciting action packed yuri with more gay kisses in it than the rest of the years anime put together. It's funny, charming, fun but it also captures some really hard emotions too, I'll never forget the scene with Anis being pressured by old men to have children and stuff and the utter disgust she has at being treated like a piece of meat as she attempts to fill her role to the kingdom. It is devastating and heart wrenching and it just makes all the joy feel so strong.
If you want to help me enjoy more art then consider checking out my Patreon or Ko-fi and giving me a little bit of cash so I can do more of this kind of writing but also like make lots of my own art, art is hard to make and costs money and like maintain my chronically ill and trans body also takes money so anything helps, thank you. If you want more details on any of these I do have reviews for many of the pieces of art above but you can also let me know you want more and maybe I'll write more.
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 5 months
top 5 primals/bosses?
Now it's time for BOSSES, no primals allowed! I'm going to be kinda vague in spots, as some of them feel like spoilers, but anyone who's current in the MSQ will likely pick up what I'm laying down, while people who haven't fought the bosses I'm talking about will hopefully not piece anything together from it.
I like most boss fights, mind you. But we all know the ones everyone loves. Your Dying Gasps, your Seat of Sacrifices, your Castrum Fulminises, your The Final Days. Those go without saying, so I'm not saying them, although I will say they are loved for a reason, and I love them too. But instead, I'm saying the top five weirder ones I love.
#5: Refurbisher 0: Did you know that's the name of the Eyes of the Creator boss? You do now! I love this fight for a very simple reason: I know how the adds work. I cannot tell you how many times I have popped into an in-progress raid and saved everyone from their wiping hell because I know how to do the adds. I feel so competent! Like a true hero! And so I get way more excited about getting this boss than I probably should.
#4: The Last Boss in the Antitower: I only ever seem to get this dungeon when someone - and sometimes more than one someone! - is running it for the very first time, and without fail, that person watches the final boss' intro and says some variation of 'what in the fuck???' in party chat. Could be a completely silent run up until then, but that sprout is going to have some feelings they need to get out and I love that. Especially since I was once that sprout, asking what the fuck.
#3: Lahabrea, Every Time, But Especially the Last Time: I have loved this dorkus since I switched to the French VAs in ARR. I didn't need the extra shit that made other people love him too, not that I objected to it. But listen. Listen to me. Lahabrea's French voice actor is a goddamn delight. He loves being evil so much. Is he an absolute fucking cartoon every time we fight him? Yes. And his French voice actor knows it, and puts everything he's got into chewing the scenery. I could listen to this man yell French words I do not understand at me for hours and hours (and believe me, I have). And I love how whenever he comes up in conversation with other Ascians, they NEED to dunk on him. Need. He is objectively ridiculous and I love that so much for him.
(By the way, if you never did his new ARR fight that got put in after they revamped Praetorium, it's definitely worth doing once for the experience.)
#2: Greg, Every Time, But Especially the Last Time: I love Gilgamesh, a lot. And I love how goofy his trials are. But I especially enjoy how the last time we fight him (so far???) is also almost always a clusterfuck when it pops up to say hello in trial roulette. I like doing old content that can still trip people up, years and years after it came out, and Greg can still make an entire full party faceplant. I love that for him.
#1: The Voidcast Dais Guy: I don't actually know the general feelings about this dude as a boss, he's probably in the 'goes without saying' category REALLY. But he is another one I fucking love almost entirely because of his French voice actor. Even when he's speaking quietly, he is speaking in All Caps. He lets words roll around in his mouth forever. He is in absolutely no hurry to say them. Do I understand what he's saying? I do not. Well, except when he's yelling MISÉRABLE at me. The actual fight is fun (imo), but I am pretty sure at least 50% of my enjoyment of him as a character and as a boss comes from him YELLING AT ME EN FRANÇAIS.
And because I don't want to spoil nothin', here's Bjalla dropping a meteor on something or other:
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Thank you for the ask! <3
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soapsdish · 9 months
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tag gamerules: favorite: movie, hobby, animal, character, color, place, season, album, food
movie: attack the block - 2011 had some banger movies and this was one of them. it's got everything one could hope for: great actors, superb acting, action, quirky weirdness, kickass aliens, and john boyega's movie debut! I could rewatch this right alongside the abyss ('84), the thing ('82) and battle los angeles (2011).
hobby: gaming! I'm a hardcore gamer that likes just about every genre on the market but I'm particularly in love with horror/zombies (multiplayer so I can play with friends), action-adventure, and looter shooters.
animal: cats! I love pretty much all animals but these little land sharks hold a special place in my heart and my life. I've got two right now but I want more. My husband has to reign me in...even though he's just as bad. What can I say? we're cat parents.
character: g.i. joe was one of my favorite cartoons growing up and thus my love for military men and women bloomed. at first I had all the love for shipwreck and lady j but then this man appeared: sgt. ronald tadur aka Dusty (Rudat). he's a desert survival expert/specialist who is so damn good and loyal and wonderful that I still simp for him decades later. he will always be in my heart.
color: usually i'd just say black but, well, midnight blue is simply gorgeous and I've got an accent wall in my bedroom with gold leaves dotting it. it's such a pretty color.
place: the woods! I cannot live without trees surrounding me. I basically forced my husband (then bf) to move up with me because I refused to live in a city of any kind. before I really lost the ability to walk unaided I used to trek through the woods behind my grandparents house on the mountain and through the woods behind the little places I grew up in. (we moved a lot when I was younger). I still like taking a trail or two in a state park but I so freakin' miss being able to just get lost in the thick of'em and spend hours just exploring.
season: fall! i love watching the leaves and brush change, the pumpkins and gords starting to adorn street corners and window displays, pumpkin spice EVERYTHING, the cooler temperatures (sweater weather!!), and the coming of Halloween!
album: needtobreath's hard love - this album saw me through a rough patch and kept my heart filled with a soft kind of wonder. all the tracks are excellent but I've got such a hardon for HAPPINESS and the signature song hard love. honestly, i pretty much have a love affair with all their albums. Bonus: HAPPINESS, Bottom of a Heartbreak, I am Yours, and West Texas Wind are 100% blorbo songs.
food: stromboli!! omg I could eat this deliciousness every single day and not tire (not with how many combinations you can make). it's so good ;A;
Thanks so much for the tag: @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot
tags (if you'd like): @caroll-in @ex-umbra @tacticalanxiety @starlight-shades @deadbranch @losersimonriley (honestly I'd tag every single follower and mutual I have because I love learning things about people!)
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lmk-aus-galore · 8 months
Cinema Sins/Wins Rip off of Lego Monkie Kid
Inspired by @satansaidmyturnintheh3llscape
-I won’t be counting Animation Mistakes, because Idk how to do that, and I myself am a beginner animator (more like incredibly amateur, to the point I’m asking my sister for help) Unless of course the Animation is obviously and clearly having a mistake for me to watch. (Or it is said in the wiki) The other reason is because I don’t want to keep repeating a scene just to check for an animation mistake.
-I also won’t be counting flashbacks as ‘mistakes’ because most of them are based on bias.
-I’ll be formatting it like this
-Most of this is Commentary, so there won’t be a last sentence nor win or sin counter.
-This is mostly for fun, no need to get offended.
Alright I’ll be placing the rules every single time, without further ado, let’s get into the episode
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-Already we’re having a good start to the episode, having a look at our dear boy’s daily life.
-And already we see the side effects of being a people pleaser…
-And already we can see the negative effects it’s having on MK-
-I do wonder if that paint’s gonna last in the water…heck what does the water look like with all the painting he’s doing?
-So is it normal for people to go at the arcade every night?
-Stress in a TV show, this is why kids, you don’t overbook and you can always say no.
-‘Wow MK, you look like hot garbage’ that line always throws me off for some reason, Tang was brutally honest here-
-Also he’s here again, so he just comes there everyday…I feel worried for his stomach-
-That bowl of noodles is obviously MK’s breakfast, no way in hell is Pigsy gonna let him eat that.
-I always wonder, if the place is so busy, then why is the shop always empty?
-‘You’re pushing yourself too hard MK, working all day, partying all night, painting boats?’ And this my friend is the reason you’re not a dad, you’re a mom.
-But in all seriousness does anyone not notice that for MK or…?
-‘I don’t wanna let my friends down y’know’ establishing the character development right away.
-I’m still wondering why Mei is partying every night at the arcade.
-It’s specifically the arcade even- like they don’t even go anywhere else-like seriously girl how are you not bored yet?
-MK forgetting Wukong’s abilities makes him more life-like cause damn even I don’t know all his abilities, like, we know the main ones are in the show, but in the original JTTW he’s confirmed to have the ability to revive the dead-
-‘One of Monkey King’s 72 transformations’ wait, is that true? Or is this a mistake? Does this even count as a transformation?
-The animation is so beautiful :3
-Glad they changed it to blow, in one translation, Wukong had to chew on his own hair and turn it into a hair ball before making it into a monkey, that would have been unsanitary to be honest-
-I’m also guessing they changed it to blow as in ‘Blow life unto it’ Idk, I’ve seen a lot of legends in Asia that tell about the creation of people and how Gods literally have to ‘Blow air into them’ to bring them to life.
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-Tiny little detail that not everything about the animation is copy and pasted.
-Love how Tang slowly gets concerned over time- perhaps this is how he just becomes that other parental figure in his life?
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-Another tiny detail, both MK’s don’t leave at the same time.
-Man, Tang’s really chill compared to his past life-
-So…when delivery MK was made…was the reason he ate all that food was because this MK was skipping breakfast? Because he’s taking those orders surprisingly fast…
-I LOVE Party MK
-Again, Tang why are you still here?! That amount of noodles can’t be good for your stomach.
-Notable detail, Pigsy squeals when scared.
-I know some people will call this out as fat shaming, but they may be trying to do the old 2015-2019 format of cartoons. Still this might be offensive to some people.
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-See this is why you shouldn’t constantly work someone to perfection.
-Also Porty MK got a point Mei, no one parties this much- So kinda miscommunication there?
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-Ok that is a concerning amount of hair loss…
-Although Delivery MK is pretty adorable, he acts like a baby :3
-‘I don’t know.’ PFFT HAHAAH- it’s funny cause it’s never really said in the book how Wukong got rid of his clones.
-Delivery MK confirms that even the clones can lift the staff.
-The fact the only wavy kung fu MK knew was that one move Wukong taught him last episode.
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-I kinda feel bad for these clones tbh.
-‘OG MK in the House Yo!’ ‘I don’t even know what that means!’ Implies that MK would have learned ‘90’s’ or ‘party slang’ if he kept partying with Mei.
-You know, MK being evil is terrifying tbh.
-‘You’re really bad at making clones by the way’ Sorry Mei- but uhm, I think the clones are him, just in a much deeper level than you’d expect.
-Why did you need that many clones?!
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-Ok, first off how was this legal? Secondly, did Porty MK bribe the owner or something? Thirdly, How the hell did you even make this?!
-Oof, played yerself.
-The fact the hair just…sticks.
-‘Did you learn your lesson?’ Yeah, it’s MK learn to say no, and Everyone, ask someone else, he isn’t the only person in the world. Seriously guys, from what I see you only overwork him.
Yeah! Sorry this came late-
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turtle--soup · 12 days
1 for all Raphs
1. What do you like or dislike about this character?
Wow. Buckle up kiddos - I may be here for some time...
Mirage Raph
My favourite thing about this idiot boy is that he goes at everything full force. Everything. There is no chill with this guy. And yes that means he's sometimes very aggressive. But this Raph is also very emotional - like when he thinks Splinter is dead when they find him in a tank in TCRI and Raph immediately bursts into tears and rushes to retrieve his sensei's body.
He can also be a silly little goofball sometimes - the antics he gets up to while the others are preparing Christmas dinner and putting up decorations in the Leonardo Microseries issue puts me in mind of 2003 and 2012 Mikey. I think he's the one that the 'teenage' part of the series title applies to most out of the Mirage Turtles, at least in the parts I've read, and I love how messy and rough he is because of that.
1987 Raph
My boy! (Heads up - I am likely to say this more than once...)
Okay, part of my love for this particular red boy is nostalgia. I grew up with the 1987 cartoon and Raph has been my favourite turtle for as long as I can remember. Little me thought he was the funniest (I was right) and Rob Paulsen was in other shows I watched (that man was everywhere back in the day it seemed) so he felt familiar too I guess?
But outside of that, I love his trademark sarcasm. Being someone who deals with Situations badly and kind of automatically responds with sarcasm and eye-rolling to cover up for the fact that I am genuinely uncomfortable or nervous... yeah, he's a relatable kinda guy! Role model. Absolute icon. The silly ever.
1990s Movie Raph
I don't know how to word this exactly, but he's really cool? Like, actually cool. In an awkward, grumpy 90s teenager kind of way.
I love the relationships this boy makes with people - he's so surly but everyone seems to be able to see straight through that, and he's just so adorable with Yoshi in the third movie! Also that bit in the third movie when he gets all excited about how clean the water is... He's a sensitive little guy really!
2003 Raph
My boy! (See?)
I love this boy like... so much. I have Many Emotions!
He is such a sweet little guy. Yeah sure, he will take every opportunity to throw shade and throw hands, but he is so protective of his family and anyone else who he thinks deserves it. Which is a surprisingly large about of people.
I love how he interacts with Tyler in Lone Raph and Cub and with Mrs Morrison in Touch and Go because I think they're good episodes to show how adaptable he is with others. He approaches different people differently and is pretty sensitive to their emotions - like when Leo is going through it at the start of season four Raph steps up and responds in the way that he thinks will help Leo most...
Yeah, I could probably go on for ages about 2003 Raph! But I won't...
2007 Raph
Ah, Mr Abandonment Issues! I love the fact that he's missing his big bro really mad that Leo hasn't gotten in contact and everything's changed and he's uncomfortable about that the others just don't seem to care that there's still crime on the streets so obviously the only thing to do is give himself an edgy name, dress up and take on all the thugs in New York City by himself. Obviously. Batman gets it.
Honestly though I love him. I just really wish there had been some less tense interaction between him and Donnie and Mikey...
2012 Raph
He does a really good impression of someone who doesn't care for someone who's so highly strung!
One of the things I love most about him is how Disney Princess he is with small animals lol
I also love his fighting style (2012 is good with fight scenes!)
2014/OotS Raph
You know when Mikey is introducing all of them and he says that Raph is a big cuddly teddy bear if teddy bears were incredibly violent? He's... not wrong!
My favourite scenes for him include the one where he's racing to save his brothers in the 2014 movie and he is just tearing through everything and everybody who gets in his way and he just throws this one guy at a wall like he's just throwing like a pillow or something (MM Raph does this too in the No Diggity scene!) and the bit in the aeroplane in OotS. Also just the fact that when he finds out that Leo told Donnie to forget about them turning into humans without consulting the others, most of Raph's issue with that is 'but what about Mikey though?' He's just... such a big baby!
Batman vs TMNT Raph
He is. So square.
Like the shape, not the 70s slang.
Just... a wall of turtle.
He is gruff as all hell and I love his relationship with Damian Wayne. Raphs just like to adopt small boys, apparently.
Has anyone read the Batman/TMNT comics btw? Just thought I would take the chance to ask! There are two whole Raphs at the same time in Batman/TMNT 3!
Mutant Mayhem Raph
My boy my son my terrible child!
He's so full of chaotic energy when he's in his comfort zone - fighting and messing about with his bros - but when he uncertain about something he can get really quiet and looks for reassurance. If you look at him in the background when other characters are talking, a lot of the time he looks like he's really trying to take everything in. I feel like he's naturally a worrier, like Leo, but he tries to hide it by being loud and angry. One of the things I really want to see in TOTTMNT and the MM sequel is how he gets on with Bebop and Rocksteady now they're living with them in the lair! They had a lot in common in MM and I've always wanted Bebop and Rocksteady to make friends with the turtles because I love those idiots! We'll see...
I'll just briefly mention a few more that I haven't actually seen much of...
I haven't read much of IDW but I liked Raph in the Turtles in Time time travel thingy bit that I read I guess? He seems pretty standard?
I've seen like... one episode of Rise so far. Raph seems like a sweet dude, and I love his voice. I am interested to see the tough guy/ big softie ratio getting played differently when I do get around to it!
I'm two episodes into Next Mutation. Raph is kind of a meathead but honestly I feel like that's just the vibe of the show?
Uh. I watched Choujin Densetsu-hen once many moons ago? From what I remember, Raph in that is just a Japanese take on 87 Raph?? I need to watch that again...
Um. Yeah.
tl;dr - I'm a sucker for characters who have 'opposing' character traits and 'tough guy who's actually an absolute sweetheart' is one of the best examples of that I guess?
Apologies to any Raphs I may have missed! I am very forgetful!
Anyway, thank you for the ask and I'm sorry I took so long to reply! (I kept getting carried away...)
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scremogirl · 10 months
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Hello everyone! If you didn’t see my intro post in my pins, my name is Sosa/Sos (So-S)
𝐊𝐞𝐲/𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤
✧✩🜚𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐈𝐂 🜸𖤐✰
☾✧꥟ 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ✧✰☀︎︎
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫
JuJutsu Kaisen
One piece
Demon Slayer
Hunter Hunter
Kuroko no Basket
Saiki K
Marvel (Includes spiderverse)
Ocs; such as yanderes etc.
Twisted Wonderland
God of War (This is mostly self indulgent but if you ask I will)
𝐖𝐡𝐨’𝐥𝐥 𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫
(In the order above)
All characters except; Momo, Hiyiori, Toshiro (romantically, I can write platonically like friends), Orohime, Neil, kakakura school squad, child characters (Toshiro and Neil fit this for me), Yami, almost all sterwritter except for a handful (request one or message me and I’ll tell you if I do it or don’t). And sometimes Renji (I can only see him with Rukia sometimes).
All characters (If you request Orochimaru imma kill you)
All characters (Except panda, Mahito, and puppet form mechamaru. If you request any of these ur weird)
All characters
All characters
All characters (except Murichiro, Nezuko, Gyokko, Daki, Uzui (+) wives, Iguro and Mitsuki; THEY ARE MADD FOR EACHOTHER AND NOBODY ELSE)
Phantom Troupe (+) Illumi (No Hisoka)
All characters
All characters
Saiki only
Almost any DC character you can think of I’d probably write for them. (Except joker I will refuse)
Justice League (Cartoon)
Justice League Unlimited(Cartoon)
Same thing as DC. A little less for this one but still.
X-men evolution
X-men anime
Everyone but Tuk and Spider (1st and 2nd movie)
Yours or mine
Almost anyone but Chucky
No Goblins
All characters but Ortho and Grim
⚠︎︎ 𝐍𝐎 𝐆𝐎⚠︎︎
Blood play
BDSM (maybe some light bondage)
Knife play or any weapons
Play 🍇 (maybe dub-con but I’m not sure)
“Daddy” kink (kinda a hypocrite for this but I will write for “Mommy”. Papi/Pa/Papa is all okay for me.)
Not that’s it’s a “No go” for me but I don’t write for things that don’t match me. For example; I will not write for other races or body types. That’s why I prefer to keep all my “y/n’s” either gender neutral, afab, only describing them with black features, or just not describing them at all.
Everything else is pretty much on the table
Lastly, I am in school so I can’t say that my posts will be consistent. But my goal is to try and post an Imagine, Full Fic, and headcanon every week. They all might be on the same day, one on Mon and 2 on Fri, scattered throughout the week. My goal is just to post at least 3 diff works a week. We’ll see cause I might give up 😭. *Update 10/5/23; I realized that I post an Aot fic at least once every week at this point. It’s eqsy for me to write them so it might be a weekly thing. I’m not sure tho let me know what you think*
Prompts and Req are welcomed. All you need to do is tell me how you wanted formatted, headcanon, full fic, imagine or even one shots. Then tell me your idea or prompt. I’m open to making new friends and you don’t even have to req anything, we could just interact. If you are having a hard time finding a post of mine just copy and paste one of the keys provided above into the tags. I also need to figure out how to turn posts into a link. Help plz. THANK U.
- Love, Sosa.
Just as an FWI, this is temporary until I set up a new and improved list. Be a little patient as it it will take a while to do.
Thank you ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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ahundredtimesover · 2 months
omg i didn’t think you’d answer my ask HAJSHSJSKS cue the kilig feeling 🥰 everything i know about basketball, learned unwillingly cos of my kuyas and tatay who changed the channel whenever there was a san miguel/tnt/lakers ateneo game PLUS they made me watch slam dunk din so every time yoongi mentions that my eye twitches cos *war flashbacks to when i wanna watch my cartoons*
but i’ve come to terms with the trauma EME 😭 jk lang it actually helped when i started writing for my uni’s publication and covered basketball games. sa uaap, i’m also really a fan of admu kahit di ako atenista HAHAHHAJSKSJS and yes that doug kramer clutch—one of the highlights of the entire uaap tbvh. i can’t imagine witnessing that LIVE. iba na rin uaap ngayon eh. (and ph basketball in general. sad na wala na yung hype masyado which i’m not surprised at all given how problematic the players are like???? sighs. toxic masculinity ew—theory q lang naman tho)
your writing is AMAZING pls like i’m not even kidding. you’re seriously one of the best writers across all platforms bc you can truly see and feel the effort you put in making your stories and dare i say you also don’t make your audience feel dumb (i can make a whole other 10-page essay about this PLS pero wag muna) and respect them by creating all these nuanced and character-driven stories (which is SO hard to find). i’m rereading “a still day or a hurricane” as a law girlie now 🥺
i hope the stories never stop forming in your head and i hope you experience so many great things in life that will inspire you to continue writing for many years to come cos who says there’s an age limit in writing fanfics???? 🧐 but also don’t forget to take care of yourself, ate mimi (yie ate 🥹). stay hydrated in this god awful heat!!! baka dumalas ako sa inbox mo i’m SORRY
- coj 🩵
Hiii I am here! Late to reply but I'm here! And lolll a usual story! It often starts with the men haha. My dad was a huge fan, too, so our TV always had basketball on. But I've come to love the sport even as a spectator! Whereas you've come to use it as a journalist nakkssss 😌😌 hahaha but true. PH basketball is sooo different now. I think it's also the culture. I can't even keep up with the conferences and the players and stuff. Nice to know my UAAP heroes are thriving but it's just not the same.
As for your lovely words... THANK YOU. 🥹 I'm such a context person in that I like exploring the why's of people - why they do what they do and say what they say. It always comes from somewhere, and a lot of it is fear. It's such a human feeling, so is desire. But I love writing about love, too, and that itself is complicated and beautiful. And I know it's just fanfic but it's a way for me to kind of release all these reflections and insights into the world and I'm just happy you're able to connect with these very flawed fictional humans! There's a little of us in them for sure! 💕
Lol sometimes I wish the stories would stop bc I won't stop thinking about them! I literally have scenes and dialogues written up for stories that idk if I'll ever get to actually write but yeah, hopefully there's energy and inspiration to match the ideas. One day I’ll probably have a “scenes from stories I’ll never write” post 🥲🥲
Pls stay cool and hydrated! Be safe always! 💕💕
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spooksicl-e · 1 year
As both a 3D animator with a 2D Artist brother (meaning "Man who looks at Everything with High Scrutiny for Anatomy") and a Christian, (not like,,, vehemently, I am still mentally ill and cringe 👍) I do not put this lightly when I say I took one look at one of your art pieces and AUDIBLY went "My god..." under my breath. Your art is enchanting in a way that very few could put into words, an impossible task that I will now do:
The lighting accomplished by your shading breathes a certain life into the characters as if I can SEE the blood flowing through their skin with every beat of their hearts. Little details like the Corduroy pants of,,, fuck that could be watson OR sherlock,,, (please tell me who the greying one is, he's very pretty) or the little work of the tendons in his hands. Though artistic it makes them distinctly human, like I could peel their skin off and find a fully-drawn set of bone and muscles underneath aswell.
And DON'T get me started on the HAIR! It's like looking at someones scalped wig that got cranked through a cartoon machine, an insane amount of detail baked into a cartoony little simplified outline. And even the crinkles in the clothes, perfect and understandable in a lovely manner; breaks and folds in just the right areas that just compliment the natural "Reality Turned Hydraulic-Press Into Cartoon"
BEYOND speechless at this-
i’ve been trying to figure out how to reply for the past two days, and i think you’ve properly gagged me by waxing three paragraphs of poetic in my ask box
i suppose i can only offer a massive thank you and hope you understand just how grateful i am for your VERY high praise- it was certainly a memorable notification to wake up to!
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multitrackdrifting · 11 months
Some people have asked me why I'm able to enjoy so much media and they don't assume that I'm uncritical of it or anything like that, they're just wondering why I barely ever let gripes bother me and it's because I think that sometimes in life we just need to enjoy something that's not that fundamentally life-changing but just fun. Like I think Konosuba has a stupid premise for example, but watching it is fun because it's like chewing cotton candy. I'm not expecting something thoughtful or progressive, I'm just trying to watch a band of idiots on their silly journey.
That's a lot of words to say that everyone should enjoy some mid media because even getting a marginal amount of entertainment in spite of something being flawed is still a worthwhile journey more often than not. Even if the only thing you take away was "wow I didn't like that" you still have a jump off point to talk about something with somebody else, I don't watch Riverdale thinking "wow this is the best written thing ever" but the absurdity is its own form of entertainment and being a person that knows about it has led to many long conversations with people explaining how wild that show gets.
I don't watch, read or engage with stuff looking to get the maximum impact out, sometimes my brain just needs something to chew on, even if it's ultimately unsatisfying or bad. I think we'd all be a lot happier seeking less perfection & accepting that sometimes it only takes one character or one scene or arc or something to ground it in our memories. Being "meaningful" or having "memorability" is not a function of flawless construction - usually something we like has pitfalls, but you don't have to justify that you are fully cognizant of the flaws of something you like all the time (granted, I do harp on my gripes with G-Witch but anyone who has spoken to me about it knows I loved watching it and still like it now). You don't have to feel paranoid that you come off as uncritical about something you like - unless it's like Hetalia then you probably should but pretty much everything else you're probably good just having a smile and enjoying what you enjoy. I think people assuming you aren't smart enough to recognise writing failures or flaws in something is more of a projection of their own moral standards unfairly unto someone else who isn't even doing wrong by saying "I like this flawed media without self-flagellating myself every time I mention it".
I think the internet fosters a sense of hyper-vigilance around "I like this thing that's stupid to others but please don't think I'm a bad person for that". To view other people in such absolute terms is to reject any interest in acknowledging their complexity as capacity for critical reflection, and that's why I have such a lax attitued about mostly anything and generally talk about things I like even if I do stop to complain about this or that, I don't think that proving I have a brain inside my head is a priority when I say "I liked watching this 6/10 show". The most simple concept is this: life is already really fucking hard, I am not trying to optimize my free time by watching the Citizen Kane of Cartoons all the time when I have 1-4 hours free per day after work.
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“Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug & Catnoir”: Its Characters Are The Reason Why It’s So Loved
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AN: Spoilers for seasons 1 – 3 of “Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug & Catnoir”.
Honestly, when I watched this show for the first time, it wasn’t my favourite (which seems to be a running trend nowadays). For one, I hated the costumes of Ladybug and Catnoir. There also weren’t really any stakes. Every episode had the same structure and almost every problem was fixed by the end of the episode. Which, seeing as it is for a younger audience makes sense. And I also think Thomas Astruc just wanted a relatively light-hearted show (in between torturing the audience with the romantic subplot).
Recently, I felt a little nostalgic so I found the show on Netflix and I binge watched all three seasons within days. And the whole time, I was either laughing, face palming, going aww, having my heart broken or angry. The characters in this show are handled expertly. Everyone (except Lila the liar and Chloe’s “mother”) has depth. They are three-dimensional human beings and even when they’re being horrible, it still feels like we’re dealing with a person rather than a shallow cartoon villain.
But my absolute favourite thing, which I can’t believe I missed the first time I watched it, is the sheer level of diversity present in the show. The characters are from a diverse range of ethnic backgrounds, they have vastly different body shapes and vastly different personalities. This show represents actual people rather than cardboard cutouts of the ideal Eurocentric person.
And I like that they didn’t fall into a “Mean Girls” trap (much as I love that movie, I have complaints). Chloe is rich, blonde and a terrible person. However, while so many shows fall into the trope of having the meanest girl being the most popular, this show represents people’s actual reactions to a horrible person.
They hate her and she only has one friend. In fact, when she says she’s leaving Paris forever, they throw a party (don’t worry, it’s justified – she’s responsible for half the villains getting acumatised). Moreover, the main character: clumsy, awkward, super nice Marinette is loved. She even becomes class rep while competing against Chloe. Which is a completely human scenario. Of course the people would prefer and vote for the nicest girl in the class rather than the meanest. It’s human and it doesn’t settle for unrealistic drama. There’s actual development.
Abuse And Isolation
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Adrien’s father and Kagami’s mother are clearly extremely abusive people. They abuse their kids via isolation and emotional manipulation. If you disagree with me, please go and look up the definition of abuse and its many forms. I assure you that both Gabriel and Tomoe fit the bill perfectly.
Both Adrien and Kagami are kept isolated. Adrien is home-schooled, initially, and has to fight to be allowed to attend school. I’m assuming Kagami is also home-schooled because her mother is even worse in terms of isolating her daughter. They are both actively discouraged from making friends and are told to see themselves as above everyone else. Both of their lives are incredibly structured and they are expected to maintain perfection in everything their parents want them to do.
I think this was the least light hearted aspect of this show. And I am glad it exists. It shows kids that there are many types of abuse and even though it defies the generally light-hearted nature of the show, it needs to be included. And I know people are reluctant to label parents as abusive but I think at this point, it would simply be denial not to.
It is clear that Adrien and Kagami’s abusive childhood has caused a significant level of trauma. It’s more obvious in Adrien but I think that’s mostly because he is a protagonist in the story. The clearest example of the trauma that’s been inflicted on him is shown in the “Sandboy” episode. Adrien’s worst fear is being caged. Compare that to Marinette’s which is her crush telling her he’s in love with someone else and you can see the damage done to his psyche. His fears transcend those of a teenager with a healthy home life.
Adrien is actively being prevented from having any sort of stability in his friendships. As someone who has been isolated her whole life, I can assure you that even with the best of friends, it is easy to become disconnected. Even when I saw my friends at school, it was hard for me not to feel lonely all the time. And because I constantly had to say no to invitations to hang out, I often ended up being less connected with my own friends. Even if other people have good intentions, it’s hard to really feel connected with someone you only ever see at school.
And on top of isolating his son from the rest of the world, he is distant and cold 99.99% of the time. Adrien has very limited social interactions outsides of school and modelling and he can’t even reach out to his own father. Regardless of how cool his room is, it’s an incredibly lonely existence. One that will certainly mess up a child.
In fact, though he doesn’t know it, his father is constantly endangering him. Gabriel has no regard for his son’s mental health and sense of security. As long as Adrien is alive, Gabriel can justify it. Not only that, Gabriel has repeatedly shown that he is not unwilling to use his own son as a pawn. The worst being when he knowingly acumatised Adrien (in Catnoir form) in order to get the Ladybug miraculous.
I have heard people criticise the “Cat Blanc” episode for its portrayal of Gabriel. Instead of being redeemed, Gabriel only made himself seem heartless by using his own son as a means to an end. But for me, I think it’s perfectly in character. This is a father who does not care about his own son above the barest minimum. As long as Adrien is alive, Gabriel doesn’t see himself as doing anything wrong.
And that is the clearest example of an abusive father. If you disagree with me then you clearly don’t know what abuse is (or you haven’t gone far enough in the show). And I’d like to remind everyone that neglect is also a form of abuse and Gabriel certainly neglects his son. He may take care of all of Adrien’s physical needs (except maybe food #feedadrien) but he has no regard for Adrien’s need to have love, compassion and connection. Things every child needs.
Chemistry Between Adrien and Marinette.
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You may know that Ladybug and Catnoir have an incredible level of chemistry. The way that they coordinate around each other and the sheer amount of flirtation that goes on is OTP worthy. What you may not know or may have missed is that Adrien and Marinette also have chemistry. If, in a more reserved, sweet, gentle way.
Some people complain about not wanting Adrinette to happen only after they find out each other’s real identities. Their justification being that it wouldn’t be real in that scenario. Adrien would only date her because she’s Ladybug and she’d only date Catnoir because he’s Adrien. They complain that Adrien needs to fall for Marinette and Ladybug for Catnoir for it to be “real”.
What they don’t realise is that this has already happened. How, you ask. Well, let’s consider. Both of these characters are borderline obsessed with the person they’re in love with, to the point that they would ignore any other potential partners. Marinette certainly forgets other people exist when Adrien is around and I think, Catnoir also kind of does the same thing.
Let’s also consider the fact that Adrien is incredibly clueless. The man forgets his brain sometimes (which fair: he has been isolated his whole life). He is shy, reserved and sweet enough to give you toothache. If he liked someone other than Ladybug, it wouldn’t be obvious. But there are definitely signs that he likes Marinette.
Example 1: The first day of school, he is devastated by her misunderstanding a situation and hating him as a result of it. Example 2: The desperation with which he tried to free her from her acumatised father. Example 3: When he misunderstands her awkwardness as her being upset with him, he is devastated and does everything in his power to make it up to her. Example 4: He spent his entire weekend away looking for constipation meds for her (after she’d accidentally given him a prescription rather than a love letter). And then he gave it to her with no comment. He didn’t tease her or even mention it. And example 5: All the times he’s defended her and the times he shielded her from an acuma with his own body. (There are so many other examples but we don’t have time for them today).
The above examples along with the sweetness with which he treats Marinette perfectly shows that he likes her more than a friend. That’s perfect boyfriend material right there. Not a single other character gets this much attention and sweetness from him. Marinette is also frequently the first person he goes to when he has a problem. He genuinely trusts her judgement. And let’s not forget that Marinette forgets how to string sentences together around him so it’s not even a situation of them just being really close friends. It’s him actively getting through Marinette’s awkwardness in order to be close to her.
And let’s not forget that the man is very shy and doesn’t have much confidence in interacting with other people. While Catnoir has no problem flirting and joking around, Adrien is sweet. Even around Ladybug, he’s just kind of shy and sweet. No flirting. No obvious signs. So why would he display those around Marinette (at least as Adrien, that is)? It would be completely out of character.
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The characters in this show are from a diverse range of backgrounds and the women, in particular, have a diverse range of body shapes. Women in media, or at least women portrayed to be desirable, are frequently forced into a skinny, fair cardboard cutout. This show completely throws out the perception that all women have the same body shape.
And even better, this show makes women with vastly different body shapes and skin tones desirable. It shows that a woman doesn’t have to look a specific way in order to be someone else’s object of desire. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.
This is an amazing message, especially in a kids show. Growing up, I never saw myself in traditional media and so I never saw myself as beautiful and when other people called me pretty, it would annoy me. I am so grateful and happy that my future kids will at least have shows where they are represented.
I also love the fact that the main character is a Chinese-French girl. Mixed race kids are portrayed in traditional media so little, it’s like their existence is being erased from these shows. I really appreciate that this show does not hold back on the diverse representation. It’s something that all kids should be able to see. Both so that they can accept themself and so that they can accept others.
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