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rimarkka · 2 days ago
Sirius: I hate my last name
James: oh, padfoot, do you want my parents to adopt you and we can share my last name then?
Regulus: I hate my last name too
James: marry me
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rimarkka · 5 days ago
black brothers, some letters, 698 words
Dear Brother,
I’m not angry and I don’t blame you. I’m glad that one of us is free. They would never let us both go, but as long as they have me, you shouldn’t worry about anything.
When you left, you did not take your pajamas. Mother did not touch your room, I helped. We could meet in secret, I would give you your pajamas and then bring you other things that you need.
It’s probably logical that Potter bought you new clothes and stuff. I noticed the new hair clips. They’re cool. You look great with long hair. Glad you don’t need anything.
Slytherin don’t talk about you anymore. I know you’d want me to rip out their tongues. But it’s a delicate situation. And I was careful. It wasn’t that hard. They will no longer whisper about your escape.
Congratulations on winning the game. I am looking forward to the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. As a child you liked to teach me flying. It was fun playing with you. You’ll look at me on the Quidditch field, won’t you?
I didn’t bother your friends, okay? I know you don’t believe me, but I really happened to be there. I know you like them for some reason. So I usually avoid them. I don’t know how I got involved in this argument, but I didn’t do anything. I’m sorry.
You know, we could celebrate Christmas together. Here. At Hogwarts. I could send a letter to mother that I have an educational project and she would let me go. You might not go to Potter this time. Your James can stay too if you want.
The holidays were boring as always. But I’m sure you’ll be amused by the story of how our cousin told us about her engagement. Her fiancé is terrible. I held back laughter all evening. If you were there, I’m sure you’d laugh awfully loud
I don’t sleep well at night. It’s convenient to be the prefect and leave the room so late and look for the stars, looking for you and me. And on the last full moon I saw you after  the break. Do you also sleep badly? Do we have the same nightmares?
I heard you successfully created your patronus. Congratulations. I tried too. What memories did you use? I was thinking about you and me as children. But it didn’t work out. Our childhood really wasn’t happy, was it?
I saw you with that boy. Lupin, right? That’s great. You look happy. I’m glad you’re loved. It would be nice to give him something from the House of Black. Mother would be angry. And your boy would be happy. And you’ll be twice as excited. You know, I could steal something for you.
Mother is planning something with our cousin. I think we both know what and who I’m supposed to meet. I don’t want to come home for the summer, but I know I have to. If I could, I wouldn’t do what I would. I’d like to believe that you won’t hate me for this mark.
I know about your hero’s club of light power. You always had so much energy in you. Don’t be distracted, be careful. These are not ordinary DADA classes. This is the real world. There are many useful books in our house. If you only asked, I would let you study them.
Congratulations on graduating. Your grades are... okay. I won’t see you next year. I don’t know if I’ll ever see you again. Perhaps it would be better if I never saw you again. You should live free and happy. I hope so.
I know you burn all the letters. And I know you’ll never read it. So I know that I can write and tell you at least what I’m going to do. I would like you to be proud of me, but at the same time I know that your ignorance is for the best. There’s nothing to be proud of. Today I am consciously going to die. I regret nothing, except that I never really said goodbye to you. So I do it now.
Best regards,
Your Regulus
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rimarkka · 5 days ago
Hermione: okay, what happened?
Harry: what? I didn’t even say a word
Ron: yeah, and that’s the problem. You didn’t say a word about Malfoy today
Harry: what the hell, I don’t have to talk about Malfoy
Hermione: but you usually do
Ron: you don’t shut up about him, mate, seriously
Harry: well now I don’t want to talk about him
Draco: *passes by*
Harry: *a silly little smile*
Hermione: NO WAY
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rimarkka · 7 days ago
Dispute between Regulus and James is a contest, who will first find Sirius and complain to him
Sirius if it’s Regulus: prongs, do not offend my younger brother James: you always call him a prat Sirius: he’s still my little brother, and I have to make sure his lover is reasonable Regulus: *stuck his tongue*
Sirius if it’s James: Reggie, don’t be a prat Regulus: you’re on his side when I’m your little brother! Sirius: *sigh* you clever fellow, spare my poor friend James: yeah, HIS BEST FRIEND
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rimarkka · 9 days ago
Regulus: I’d kill for James Regulus: ask me to kill for you James: *quick glance at Sirius* Sirius: wtf prongs you should say no James: I am physically unable to refuse him Sirius: Regulus:  James: *sigh* no need, Reggie, thanks Barty: ewwww it’s so boring James: but if you ask, I think it’s hot
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rimarkka · 10 days ago
Regulus: get off, I’m not going to listen to you Sirius: I’m your older brother! Regulus: not mentally Regulus: you’re literally a big baby Regulus: and I’m the one who take care of your shit Regulus: so just shut your face already
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rimarkka · 13 days ago
Jegulus, if Regulus had run away from home, 379 words
Sirius was overjoyed when Regulus agreed to stay with the Potters'. Although he didn't know what to expect, he was thrilled nonetheless.
However, he certainly wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted him in the morning when he entered the kitchen.
"Morning, Padfoot," James greeted him cheerfully.
Sirius, not a morning person, responded with a simple moan.
"Hey, Sirius"
The sight of Regulus, peaking out from behind James' back, was enough to make Sirius's brain either kick into overdrive or completely shut down.
Regulus sat at the table wearing James’ red training shirt, 'Potter' emblazoned across the back. Regulus hated wearing anything but black. He had to.
His usually perfectly styled hair was disheveled, the curls looking soft and natural after James had run his hands through them. Regulus hated touching, especially his hair. He had to.
Regulus sat comfortably in his seat, with one foot tucked under him. Their mother would have never allowed him to sit in such a relaxed manner. And Regulus has always been a dutiful and graceful brat. He had to.
Regulus had always been guarded and reserved, never allowing anyone to see him in a vulnerable state. Regulus hated to be soft. He had to.
But as he sat at the table in the oversized training shirt, with his hair tousled and his foot tucked under him, Regulus looked a strange sense of comfort that Sirius had never experienced before. Regulus looked like a feral cat that had wandered into a cozy home. 
As Sirius stood frozen in shock, James quickly finished preparing breakfast and placed it on a plate in front of Regulus. James hated cooking. He had to.
"Enjoy the food, love"
"Thanks, Jamie", Regulus placed a soft, tender kiss on James's cheek
James hated this form of his name. He had to.
But for some reason his friend kept watching Regulus with a delighted smile. Sirius could see pure adoration in James' eyes, and for a moment, Sirius worried that James might completely melt.
As he watched the scene unfold, Sirius was overwhelmed with a tangle of emotions. It felt wrong, but also incredibly right.
"No way. Too early for this shit"
Sirius closed his eyes, indicating that he was done and ready to return to sleep. He had to. 
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rimarkka · 13 days ago
James: do you think Regulus flirted with me? Barty: he promised to curse you James: yeah, it was hot James: so? did he? Barty: ofc he did
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rimarkka · 14 days ago
Walburga: this Potter boy not only seduced Sirius, but also kidnapped him! Regulus: mother, what disgusting things are you saying Regulus: Sirius is not in a romantic relationship with Potter Regulus: I am
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rimarkka · 15 days ago
Hi! I have read through all of your harry metas and I love them!!! And it made me wonder whether you had any personal head-cannons regarding him? Like any unpopular ones that are not mentioned in the books or discussed by the fandom. I found only a precious few posts regarding this matter, so yeah I would like to know yours if u do have any.
Hi, thank you so much! 💕
Honestly, I'm pretty sure I just sprinkled Harry headcanons throughout my various posts but I'll try to comprise a list of some of my headcanons that popped into my head here. As such, these are all my random headcanons about Harry, some have more reasoning behind them than others. So, here are some of them in no particular order:
1. I think Harry is gay (could be demi but I don't think he's interested in women and he is interested in men. Personally, I headcanon him as gay).
I have a whole post about it here, but I don't know how common of an opinion it is since I see mostly bi Harry and not gay ones.
2. I see some fanon Harry's portrayed as very small, but I don't think he is. In my head, he's about 5'11 (by book 7) and in canon, he can lift Mundungus by the throat with one hand so... I think he's pretty fit actually. (Though he's very thin due to malnourishment). He's just always compared to Ron, who is like, ridiculously tall. I also think he was short for his age up until and including book 4. Between books 4 and 5 is when he had his first real growth spurt.
3. I think he was born Master of Death and that a lot of his miraculous survivals are because of that.
4. Harry has ADHD. It's my way to explain his tendency to be very observant of some things and not others, his crazy good selective memory, and his tendency to fail when he starts overthinking. Idk, I have ADHD and I'm getting these vibes from him (or projecting, who knows).
5. In my head, the epilogue isn't canon, so Harry breaks the curse on the DADA position, like, 5 years after the war, and starts teaching it. Until then, McGonagall just made sure to hire teachers only with one year contracts.
6. I headcanon the Potter family had more estate than just the cottage in Godric's Hollow and Harry finds out about them at some point after the war. I mean, they are reasonably rich, have a Wizengamot seat, and had more family members until very recently. They have to have more houses.
7. I think Harry and Kreature actually become friends after the books. I think they could've during the books too, Harry finds Kreature's sense of humor funny even as back as OotP:
“. . . Smells like a drain and a criminal to boot, but she’s no better, nasty old blood traitor with her brats messing up my Mistress’s house, oh my poor Mistress, if she knew, if she knew the scum they’ve let in her house, what would she say to old Kreacher, oh the shame of it, Mudbloods and werewolves and traitors and thieves, poor old Kreacher, what can he do. . . .” “Hello, Kreacher,” said Fred very loudly, closing the door with a snap. The house-elf froze in his tracks, stopped muttering, and then gave a very pronounced and very unconvincing start of surprise. “Kreacher did not see Young Master,” he said, turning around and bowing to Fred. Still facing the carpet, he added, perfectly audibly, “Nasty little brat of a blood traitor it is.” “Sorry?” said George. “Didn’t catch that last bit.” “Kreacher said nothing,” said the elf, with a second bow to George, adding in a clear undertone, “and there’s its twin, unnatural little beasts they are.” Harry didn’t know whether to laugh or not.
(OotP, 107-108)
I just see a lot of sassy potential in their dynamic.
8. Before he was hit with the killing curse, he and Lily had the same eye color, a deep, bright green. After Halloween 1981, Harry's eyes are always the shade of the killing curse, which is similar to before, just slightly lighter and brighter. It's barely noticeable unless in certain lighting, but Sirius was sure he was hallucinating from exhaustion on a few nights in Grimmauld Place where he looked at Harry, and his eyes shined just a little off, a little too brightly, the wrong color for just a moment.
9. He had at least 1 too sexy dream about Tom Riddle, and he never told and never will tell anyone if it's up to him. He tries to pretend it didn't happen tbh.
10. Same as number 9 about Sirius, honestly...
11. His animagus form would be a Raven. (Although I can see a few other forms as possible as well)
12. Sometimes, when I draw Harry, I add a little white streak of hair from his scar because I think it looks cool. Also, white hair and death connotation, so, yeah. I'd like to think that the white tuft became larger after he died and came back in the forest.
13. I usually imagine his scar going down through his eyebrow to around his right eye, basically I like it when Harry is very obviously and clearly marked by the killing curse. Unfortunately, canon contradicts this by him being able to cover the scar with his hair, and Snatchers in Deathly Hollows believed him to not be Harry Potter when he made shit up, so the scar probably isn't that noticeable. I'd like to think it is larger with very few lines going below his forehead, and just very very pale and almost invisible when Tom isn't angry over something.
14. He's short-sighted. Aka, his glasses are for looking at things far away, and if he wants to read, he can do so without the glasses, assuming he's holding the page close enough to his face. Actually, contrary to fanon opinion, I think Harry can see without his glasses, it's just really hazy, but if you stand close enough he would recognize you without his glasses. His sight isn't that bad.
15. I think throughout the series, his wardrobe slowly becomes more wizardy (and it could be really cool to implement something like that in the TV show). Basically, in year 1, he's always wearing his school robes over Dudley's muggle clothes, but through the years, he ends up buying random wizard clothing artifacts. So, in later years, he occasionally wore jeans under his robes, but sometimes he wore wizarding shirts. Sometimes, in books like 4 or 5, he could wear muggle sneakers with a casual wizarding robe on the weekend. Like, idk, I like the idea of this gradual change in his wardrobe and by book 7 when they are actively on the run from the ministry he's finally really looking the part of a wizard, but he isn't part of their society because of the war. Like, I just like this arc to his fashion that I made up in my head.
16. The one thing I might agree with the epilogue on in my headcanoned future, is that Harry declines going back for 8th year. Except in my head, he doesn't immediately go to Auror training, instead, he tries to take some time to figure his life out after everything, realizes he wants to go back to Hogwarts and that he doesn't know how to just sit down after 17 years of running on adrenalin and he ends up returning to the optional 8th year like 3 months late.
17. Harry's patronus is never going to change. He isn't going to allow that piece of his father to die, so I don't think it would change.
18. Like what I mentioned above about his eyes being just slightly off from Lily's eye color, I think his resemblance to James is like that too (and the books support me on this). In SWM Harry mentions how James has a longer nose than him and a different eye shape, and I think if you looked closely at James and Harry side by side, you'll see more and more of these differences. They look the same when you don't think about it, but once you look, they don't look like carbon copies of each other at all. I think Harry has James' eyebrows and jaw structure though.
19. For some reason, I headcanon Harry was born on the evening. Like, around 7 or 8. I really don't know why.
20. Harry doesn't know it, but he is attractive. I mean, I'm not sure I mentioned it, but girls in books 5 and 6 start looking at him, and sure, he is the Boy-Who-Lived, but if he wasn't attractive there wouldn't be that many attempts to dose him with love potion. Also, he is the son of James and Lily, so the potential there is high.
21. I'd like to think he keeps the ability to speak Parseltongue even after Voldemort dies and the Horcrux is gone. I like to think the Horcrux wasn't the only reason he could speak it. Like, in my headcanon, Lily is a descendant from a Gaunt family squib line and that's why Voldy's soul triggered the Parseltongue gene that was already there. So, in my version of the books in my head, Harry could still speak it even after book 7.
Like, these are the ones I could think of off the top of my head.
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rimarkka · 15 days ago
Harry, nervous smile: I need to tell you Harry, quickly: I’m dating with Draco Malloy Hermione and Ron: *unimpressed look* Ron: good joke, mate Harry: what? No, I mean, seriously Hermione: yeah, of course Harry: Harry: so? Do you mind? Ron: whatever you say Harry: oh, okay Ron: hey, Harry, where are you going? Harry: I have a date Ron: really? With who? Harry, slowly: with Draco. I told you guys about us last week Ron, disbelieving: uh, if you want to think so Harry: okay? Hermione: wow, who gave you these flowers? Harry: It’s Draco, obviously Hermione, giggling: well, yes, obviously Hermione: no, really, who? Harry, slowly: Draco. Draco Malfoy Hermione, disbelieving: uh, as you wish Harry: okay?? Harry, excited: guess what?! Harry: we’re getting married! Hermione and Ron: WHO? Harry, tired: please stop, it’s not funny anymore Harry: Draco and I are getting married. No matter what two you say, you’re invited Harry and Draco: *exchanged of wedding rings* Ron: so, it’s some kind of prank or something? Hermione: I don’t think so… Ron: bloody hell
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rimarkka · 16 days ago
Pandora as a seer and Regulus as her friend are wondering about love in their first year at Hogwarts
Regulus: do you see someone?
Pandora: yeah, but it’s kinda… weird
Regulus: what do you mean?
Pandora: for some reasons you’ll dating a deer
Regulus: a deer?
Pandora: maybe it’s a metaphor?
Regulus: doesn’t make it better
A few years ago
Regulus: *dating with James*
Regulus: well
Regulus: fuck
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rimarkka · 16 days ago
Barty: are you alright?
Regulus: don’t dare touch me with your hands
Barty: *pushes Regulus with his foot* ARE YOU ALRIGHT?
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rimarkka · 17 days ago
As James wandered through the room, he came across Regulus peacefully asleep on the couch. He couldn't resist the urge to gently remove the stray strands of hair that had fallen onto Regulus' face. 
However, his tender moment was interrupted when he suddenly found himself lying on the couch, with Regulus now hovering over him, holding a wand against his throat. 
Regulus needed a moment to fully awaken and realize it was James beneath him.
"Oh, sorry, Jamie"
Regulus removed the wand and yawned.
"It’s just my reflexes," he muttered, still half-asleep.
Regulus then laid his head down on James' chest and continued sleeping, using him as a makeshift pillow.
James was shocked and a little intimidated. However, he couldn't help but be impressed. He fell in love with his boyfriend even more.
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rimarkka · 17 days ago
James: hey, love!
James: *pulled Regulus to his waist and reached for a kiss*
Regulus: *lovingly rolled his eyes and playfully evaded a kiss*
Sirius: please, prongs, NO KISSING in front of ME
Regulus: *unimpressed look*
Regulus: *dragged James into a deep kiss*
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rimarkka · 18 days ago
Sirius: I give you my blessing
Regulus: nobody asked you
Sirius: so, when are you two getting married?
James: Padfoot, what happens?
Sirius: when you marry my brother, you will be officially my brother-in-law
James: OH MY-
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rimarkka · 18 days ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
They will be alright.
Post war they both come back to finish their studies. And they find some comfort on each other. They like to hang around a certain table in the Library… and they don’t know what will happen, but they know that now, they will be alright.
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