#still hoping craps be gone tomorrow though
wosoamazing · 2 days
The Descent
(Yes) I deleted my other Magda and Pernille fic, for no other reason than it was crap and this could replace it. I hope you like this fic, I did try to make it as accurate as possible in terms of the medical side of things however it may not be completely accurate. I am open to doing a part 2. 2k words Warnings: severe sickness, ambulances, hospitals/icu
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You felt sick, your stomach churned and your whole body ached. Normally you would be fine sleeping in your own bed when you felt sick, but this felt different, you didn’t want to be alone, however as you stood in front of Leah’s door you hesitated, the game against chelsea was tomorrow and you didn’t want to ruin her sleep or make her sick, but the way your vision blurred quickly wiped away all of the hesitation and you gently knocked on her door.
“You’re all good to come in,” Leah called out.
“Um, c-can I sleep with you tonight?” you asked, barely audible as you avoid eye contact with her.
“Of course,” Leah replied, “do you feel sick?” she asked as she noticed your clammy skin and pale face.
“A bit,” you mumbled as you sat down on the bed.
“Okay, you get yourself comfy and I’m just going to grab some things, just in case,” you slightly nodded at her as you slipped under the covers, curling up into a ball. Leah would be lying if she said she wasn’t slightly concerned, you’d been living with her for 5 years now and you weren’t often affected by illnesses.
Whilst Leah was gone you’d subconsciously reached out for her hoodie that laid on the middle of her bed, so you could hug it, trying to find some comfort. She quickly returned with a bucket, several drinks, an ice pack, some medicine and a thermometer. 
“I’m just taking you temp quickly,” she whispered to you as she brushed some of your hair out of the way before placing the thermometer in your ear, frowning moments later, “38, you’ve got a temp, can you take these for me?” she said as she handed you your water bottle and two tablets, you did as she asked before rolling over.
“Try to sleep okay, but wake me if you need anything at all, even if just for a hug,” you nodded as your eyes slipped shut.
Leah turned off the lamp before grabbing her phone, quickly composing a message to your aunt.
To Magda: Hey, just a heads up Mini has a fever and she doesn’t look too good. I've given her some meds and she is sleeping in my bed (she asked) so I can keep an eye on her easily at least, but I doubt she’ll play tomorrow. I’ll still bring her to the game though and make sure she gets checked out by the medics. From Magda: Thank you Leah, let us know if you need any help.
Your parents died when you were a baby, and Magda became your guardian, it was only two years after she’d signed for Chelsea that you got offered a contract at Arsenal, which you took. An arrangement was made with the club that you’d live with Leah and some of the team 2 nights of the week and the rest with Magda. However as you got older and training got more intense you moved in with Leah permanently, but you still did see Magda and Pernille quite often.
It was only two hours later that you awoke to a wave of nausea washing over you, feeling worse than you ever had before, you tried to swallow the nausea however your attempts only made it worse and you knew you needed to sit up. Sitting up felt too hard, it shouldn’t have been that hard. You wanted to cry, pain had settled itself deep into every inch of your body.
“You okay?” Leah asked, as she noticed you had sat up.
You shook your head as you covered your mouth, Leah quickly placed the bucket in front of you before you started to heave violently into the bucket, your body swayed slightly and Leah quickly but carefully moved so she was sitting behind you, you inbetween her legs which your helping to keep your body steady as she rubbed her back. When you finally finished your body practically went limp as you collapsed back into her, your head lolling against her shoulder.
“Le, I don’t feel well,” you weakly breathed out, your heart racing as your whole body shivered, despite the heat radiating off you.
“I know, I’m sorry, I’m just going to check your temp again,” you hummed in reply, as she mumbled a daint ‘fuck’, the thermometer displaying 41.
“Think ’m gonna pass out,” you slurred as your body became even more heavy.
“No, you’re okay, just close your eyes and take some breaths,” Leah tried to reassure you, whilst remaining composed as she dialled 999.
“Can you tell me what's happened?” One of the paramedics asked as they started working on you.
“About 2 hours ago she said she was feeling sick and then just 15 minutes ago she woke up and threw up, and she was suddenly lethargic and her temp was 41 and so I called and since I called she’s thrown up twice more,” The paramedic nodded as she took over, checking your pulse and eyes.
“Okay, we’re just going to get you onto this stretcher and into our ambulance, so we can start some fluids and try cooling you down,” she said, but you could barely process what was happening, your head was spinning and you felt like you might die.
Leah sat at your head, watching as the paramedic and special care paramedic worked on you, she’d messaged Magda and Pernille after hanging up with 999 and told them what was happening. You drifted in and out of consciousness the whole way to the hospital, still however finding the conversation Leah was having with the paramedic about football calming.
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Magda held Pernille’s hand tightly, as Pernille drove the both of them to the hospital. The swede could hear her heart beating in her chest as her worry for you increased with every minute. Her throat tightened as she felt the feeling of dread rise inside of her. What if this was something serious, what if she lost you too.
“What if she’s not okay, what if we’re too late,” 
“She’s strong, you know that, she will be okay,” Pernille replies as she squeezes Magda’s hand reassuringly.
Magda nodded, but she couldn’t deal with all the thoughts going through her brain. “What if this affects her career? She’s been working so hard, the world cup…” her words trailed off, the weight sitting on her chest only growing.
“Let’s not think about that right now, we just need to focus on getting her the help she needs,” Pernille replies and Magda nods and she swallows thickly.
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The fluorescent lights in the ICU were harsh, illuminating the entire ward. The beeping of machines, the hushed voices and the tears from others only heightened Magda’s anxiety, they could see you slightly, through the glass doors of the ICU waiting room, the doors to your room were open and many nurses and doctors were working on your small and fragile body, the sight making Magda’s stomach churn.
“We’re here for her, and I’m here for you, you don’t have to be strong this time,” Pernille whispered as she squeezed Magda’s hand, knowing how hard it must be for her.
“Are they going to tell us anything? It’s been an hour,” Magda asked, trying to keep her tears from spilling over, she felt like she was teetering on the edge of a cliff, on the edge of just completely breaking down.
15 minutes later a doctor walked into the room, and sat down in front of them, his expression was serious but kind, “Magda, Pernille, so your daughter-” Magda didn’t hear anything else, the word ‘daughter’ hitting her like a wave, reminding her of exactly how she ended up with you as her daughter.
“Magsy,” Pernille said softly, the doctor having stopped, noticing Magda had zoned out, clearly very used to distressed families, “you’re okay,” Pernille continued, wrapping her arms around her nodding at the doctor to continue.
“She’s experiencing severe sepsis. We’ve started aggressive treatment but she will need to monitor her closely, we’re almost certain the cause is infection, we just can’t seem to pinpoint its location,”
“Can we see her? Sit with her?” Pernille asked as tears rolled down Magda’s cheeks.
“Of course, she has a feeding tube and oxygen mask currently, along with many monitors and pumps connected to her, so you just need to prepare yourself for that. Just make sure you keep your voices down,” Pernille nodded before they stood up to follow the doctor.
As they approached your bedside Magda felt the lump in her throat grow, she just wanted to be able to make everything better and she couldn’t.
“Älskling,” she whispered as she sat down in the chair beside your head, Pernille standing behind her with her hands on her shoulders, “we’re here, Älskling. We’re right here with you,” you stirred slightly, eyelids fluttering, and for a brief moment, Magda thought you might open your eyes. But they remained closed, and she felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes, she couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.
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You stirred, the heaviness in your body was almost suffocating as you pried your eyelids open, only to be greeted by the harsh fluorescent lights, and the machines around you beeping. You squinted trying to focus on the figures hovering beside you.
“Älsking, can you hear me?” Magda’s voice was laced with concern, yet you could pick out the slight relief in her tone. You turned your head slightly and saw her, tears glistening in her eyes, which were puffy. You nodded, as your eyes slipped closed again, and Magda moved to hold your hand. She really wanted to just curl up in your bed with you, but that was frowned upon in the ICU.
It was a few hours later when you woke up again,  finally felt coherent enough to take in your surroundings, and realise you weren’t at ‘home’.
“Where…. Where am I?” you managed to croak out.
“You’re in the hospital, the ICU to be more specific, but you’re going to be okay,” Pernille whispered, both Magda and Leah asleep. You tried to reply but a wave of nausea rolled through you, forcing you to swallow your words back down, Pernille’s brow furrowed with concern, “Do you feel sick again? Do you want a bowl?”
“I-I’m okay,” you said as you shook your head.
“You’re a terrible liar, but I’ll believe you, just breathe through it,” Pernille said softly, just as a nurse walked in.
“Oh, I see we’re awake and more alert by the looks of it, I’m Linda, I’m just going to check your vitals and top you up on some medication, the doctors will do rounds soon, so if you’re happy to wait until then for information they’ll update you then” Linda said and you nodded.
“Are you all missing the game?” you asked Pernille and she nodded.
“The teams don’t know why though,” she replied and you sighed, “none of this is your fault, Chelsea will definitely win now though, with Arsenal missing it’s main centre back duo,” you rolled your eyes at her as both the nurse and her laughed.
After a while, four doctors entered the room, all of them holding tablets, “Good to see you awake,” one of the said, his tone professional yet warm, “you’re responding well to treatment, but we need to keep you here for observation a bit longer, at least until it’s clear the infection is going away or we find the source,” he continued speaking but you zoned out, not wanting to hear more, it was starting to dawn on you that this was a lot more serious than it seemed to be at the start. You wanted to play again, you wanted to ask if you would be able to play again. But you knew getting healthy was a priority. Not everyone makes it out of the ICU, you knew that.
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erwinsvow · 4 months
i want rafe and reader at midsummers 😩😩
i did with shy reader being nervous before! hope this is okay ♡
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a big public event—and that too on rafe's arm for the first time in front of his family and all of his friends, along with everyone you seemed to know too. it was enough to have you in hysterics, but you kept all the turmoil in your brain inside, not wanting rafe to think you couldn't handle this.
rafe had invited you for a reason. the last thing you wanted to do was disappoint him, but your own nerves were taking over.
what if you did something wrong? like embarrassing yourself and rafe in front of everyone. or worse, if you said the wrong thing or froze up in an important moment? the thoughts clouded your mind, made everything seem hazy in the days leading up to the party.
you'd been to midsummers only once before—forgoing the other years since going out to a big party with the entire town didn't seem appealing at all, only going if your parents dragged you.
but this year was special—your first with rafe, and he had cared enough to ask you along, as his date. you'd gone to the shops and picked out a pretty white dress and blue shoes to match him, nails painted and hair done.
even now, all dressed up and waiting in your bedroom for rafe to come get you, you debated if you could really do this. so lost in your thoughts, applying layers of lip gloss and staring in the mirror to catch any last minute imperfection, you don't even hear rafe come in.
"c'mon, kid. ready? car's runnin'."
you turn to look—like always, rafe looks so handsome your heart hurts. he gets closer, and you want to shy away, maybe crawl under the sheets with him and wake up tomorrow morning after this whole thing is over, but you refrain. rafe kneels down next to where you're seated on the vanity, a hand on your knee.
"you look beautiful."
the way he says it, you believe him.
"thanks," you breathe out, still staring down at him.
"c'mon. don't wanna be late, right?" nodding, you follow him downstairs. when the two of you arrive at the party, your heart is thudding in your chest. you grip his arm tight before he can lead you in, moving to the side of the entrance.
"i-i just need a minute, please. i-"
"s'okay. something wrong?" rafe leans in to ask, and you feel flushed all over again. he cares, and all you want is to please him, make him feel like he doesn't have to worry about you tonight. you swallow uncomfortabtly.
"yes. i just-i'm.. being me. sorry."
"don't say sorry." rafe does the thing, the thing that always makes you melt, taking your chin into his hand and tilting your head up so he can look at you. "you wanna leave?"
"no, no, i- we just got here. i can do it. this is important to you."
"you're important to me. not this crap. you wanna go home? i'll take you now."
when he says it, you feel like you're floating. you shake your head, following rafe in, and though for the last week you'd been scared about this very moment, it doesn't feel so bad now that rafe's reassured you. he's good like that, good for you, calming you down instantly.
you sip on a drink and stay attached to rafe's arm—briefly wondering if he wants you to go mingle alone. but when you try to pull away, he doesn't let you go, hand wandering to your waist and holding you there firmly.
you smile up at him while he's in conversation with someone, and though he's still talking, rafe takes the minute to look down and smile at you.
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tkingfisher · 1 year
I have had a WEEK.
First Hound got into some chocolate. Ok, this happens to dogs all the time, it’s not baking chocolate, and I know perfectly well that it is not INSTADEATH. Online calculators by weight are like “Yeah, that’s nothin’.” This dog has eaten rotten toads, hardback books, cigarettes…she is a canine garbage disposal. She has also never been sick a day in her life.
Then she starts eating grass. Except Hound does not know what grass is, so she is just in the garden tearing off Random Leaves. I end up chasing her around going “That’s an elm! That’s sticky germander! That’s a rare Himalayan salvia! What are you DOING?!”
Obviously this happens at one AM. Because of course it does.
Then finally she makes a noise like a murloc having an orgasm and all the plants come back up.
Fine, I think. That’s that. Nature takes its course.
Which just proves that I am, in fact, staggeringly naive. The next morning, Hound is breathing shallowly and lethargic. We drive her to the vet school ER an hour away. We explain about the plants and the chocolate and the murloc noises to a nice young vet with a manbun who looks about fifteen years old. They take Hound back, and discover Hound is having severe arrhythmia. Which is a chocolate toxicity symptom. Except we all agree that the quantity she got hold of absolute should not have done that, but hey, maybe she has developed an unexpected sensitivity. They keep her overnight. I leave a large deposit on my credit card. We drive an hour home.
The next day I come pick her up. A nice vet who actually looks old enough to drink gives me a list of symptoms to watch out for, including extreme lethargy. They give me back some of the deposit. Hound comes home.
The next morning, she is extremely lethargic and furthermore, Not Eating.
In a hound, loss of appetite generally happens several hours after all clinical signs of life are extinguished. I drive her an hour to the ER. A nice vet who appears twelve says her heart is working perfectly fine, and suggests pancreatitis. Let’s do an ultrasound. Err…in a few hours, they’re kind of slammed. I go to a coffee shop and attempt to work.
The ultrasound fails because they can’t see around Hound’s stomach, which is enormously swollen. They do an X-ray. There is something weird in there. Foreign body, it looks like. Not blocking anything, just sitting there. “Foamy mass” is the term being used. It has air bubbles. Chocolate wrapper? Weird mass of leaves? (Oh god, was she eating frog eggs out of the pond again?) The vet decides to induce vomiting to get the prize out of this particular canine Kinder Egg. I sit in the waiting room and attempt to work.
An hour and a half later, the vet comes out and says, in awestruck tones, that they have given Hound two doses of their strongest emetic and she will not vomit. “This dog has an iron stomach!” she says. I explain about the toad and the cigarettes. She asks if they were at the same time. (They were not.) Hound stays overnight. I leave a second, larger deposit on my credit card. I drive an hour home.
The next day, the vet calls me, says “So I wanted to give you an update—oh crap! STAT TRIAGE! I’ll call you back!” and hangs up. Some hours later, she calls me back. No, the foamy thing is still there. Stomach is less swollen, though. They’re still hoping she passes it. By the way, did I know Hound has erhlichiosis? I did not, but at this point, nothing surprises me. Hound stays overnight again.
The next day, Hound is transferred to Internal Medicine. Her protein levels are weird, but she is not retaining fluid. (Yay?) If the weird foamy mass is not gone, they will have to perform surgery tomorrow. I leave a third, even larger deposit over the phone. Hound stays overnight again.
The next day, a new vet, of indeterminate age, but with a strong desire to make sure that I understand every single aspect of every single test begins explaining to me about blood protein levels and that they need to do a targeted ultrasound to make sure she doesn’t have a GI bleed. I am so deep in the hole at this point that I’m just like “Yeah, whatever, do it.” Hound stays overnight again.
He calls the next day to say that she has no bleed and no pancreatitis. What about the foamy mass?
What foamy mass?
The…the one that was…I saw the X-rays…?
Well, there’s nothing there now. Maybe she passed whatever it was. No blockages anywhere. They went over her innards with a fine toothed comb. She’s eating like a horse, incidentally. Would I like to take her home tomorrow?
I drive an hour. I get Hound. The vet’s working theory is an erhlichiosis flare-up brought on by chocolate shock. She gets antibiotics, anti-nausea meds, and special bland food in case her appetite decreases. I receive a tiny amount back on my deposit. We drive an hour home.
Hound, cognizant of her delicate digestive state, immediately attempts to break into the litterbox and eat cat poop. I deliver a lengthy lecture on the evils of dumpster diving. Hound gazes at me with great earnestness, then belches gently in my face. Learning happens to other people, not Hound.
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The face of a canine garbage disposal who cost me more than my first car
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
02/22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby's 3 cameos Jeez; Clowning/Honking (no clown pictures); PhoneInFriday in the UK; SaveOFMD Crew Events on IG; Fan Spotlight; Custom Jackets; Collages; Chxrlotte New Song: OFMD; Morale/Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
== Rhys Darby ==
Good god, 3 Cameo's today? I hope you all enjoy dopamine-- remember to take a break in between because SHEESH. My brain overloaded real bad on #VitaminRD.
= Cameo 1: =
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The latest cameo features Rhys as Murray from Flight of the Conchords Thank you @it_llpass and "The Maybe Dids", a group of FotC fans, for getting this cameo and sharing it with everyone! Rhys Sings Leggy Blonde at the end, be sure to hold onto you seat. Src: Cameo Link - Also up on the Repo in the Cameo's section
= Cameo 2: =
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This cameo was put together by NDKiwi and The Giggle Bytes (and special thanks to @yronnia for keeping me in the loop, I've been waiting for this one since you mentioned it! The Giggle Bytes are a group of fans who really love Rhys and his Robots and sound effects! Thank you to everyone who was involved in getting this wonderfully whimsical video made! Src: Cameo Link
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= Cameo 3: =
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Thank you to the HWCC for this wonderful clowning video! Rhys scared the crap out of me in the first 6 seconds, so CW with jump scares friends. Src: Cameo
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Speaking of clowning...
== Clown/Honk Alert ==
So normally I would leave this in the cast & crew section, but they're part of the honking narrative today so here we go! The very first thing today that triggered some honking was Con O'Neill posting on his IG page the Rotten Tomatoes stats (which btw I know a lot of you have been reviewing-- and it's totally working! Those numbers have gone up from the last time I looked! GREAT JOB!)
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Which of course Samba, and Erroll posted in their IG Stories. Then, to add to the excitement, one of our crew-mates @soglamwow on twitter @'d Samba with our latest stats and he RESPONDED.
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Annnnnd to continue the clowning, Rhys JUST SO HAPPENED to take a little hiatus from Cameo until March.
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Okay so AND THEN, a sweet article from Paste was published today, and in it, Vico Ortiz talks about the SaveOFMD effort! See some of that article below!
These Thems‘ Vico Ortiz and Gretchen Wylder Talk Industry Obstacles to Making Queer Stories
If you've never seen These Thems' Please watch them here on youtube!
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Now, this is all pure speculation, but the scuttlebutt around the bronzetub booze cooler is there seems to be a LOT of engagement from multiple cast members across MULTIPLE platforms SPECIFICALLY having to do with the renewal. All of that + Vico having an article published giving shout outs to the crew? AND Rhys deciding to take some time off (which could be because he's cranking out cameos like no tomorrow, or because he found out what Vianton means, we don't know) all together in one day--- FOLLOWING multiple days of BTS and increased engagement on all platforms... it seems like a perfect storm for clowning/honking.
I found this on @mytabsclosed's Twitter after writing this up, so it's definitely the TLDR; version:
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I wouldn't be surprised if we get some sort of breadcrumb from Chaos Dad tomorrow, but don't quote me on that. I can clown town and hope though!
== UK Folks! ==
Feb 23 is #PhoneInFriday - Call in to B.B.C. 3 to request Gnossienne No. 5 at 6:30 am G.M.T., and B.B.C. 2 to request The Chain at 4 pm G.M.T. Those outside the U.K. can text or email! Need info on where to call/email, visit: How to Call into BBC
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== Save OFMD Events on IG ==
The Save OFMD Crew has been doing a lot of fun engagement events on IG the last couple days! Yesterday was #Wrong Wednesday where folks submitted their incorrect captions for various pictures. Just a couple highlights below!
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Today was #TheoryThursday! It's still going on if you're interested in joining! Just comment on their post here!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Custom OFMD Jackets =
Tonight's new fan spotlight is @investedfandoms on Instagram! They make custom OFMD Jackets -- made to order! Check out these awesome designs!
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If this is something you're interested in feel free to hit them up-- they're $200/each or if you provide your own jacket, $175 (which includes shipping). This is their only source of income at the moment so if you'd like one, this would be a great time order one and help out a fellow crew-mate!
= Collages =
More Collages for the month of February from our fabulous crew-mate @ WanderingNomad!
Day 22: #Boyfriends!!
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Catch Up: Day 3: Kristian Nairn!
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== Chxrlotte New Release! ==
Chxrlotte is a UK artist that gained public attention after the releease of their Good Omens song "Come With Me". She's just released a new song "Message In A Bottle" which is all about Our Flag Means Death! Thank you @libbyroseitm for sending me the deets on this! Please give it a listen! It's really lovely. "Message In A Bottle" On Spotify
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== Morale / Love Notes ==
Wow friends. Today was a big one. Lots and lots of trending, lots of cameos, lots of honk honk honking. It was seriously busy. I hope some of the activity has helped raise some spirits! The cast & crew are definitely seeing our efforts and really showing us they are! Remember that when things feel down, they know we're fighting and they're behind us too! Vico's words: "It also makes me hopeful seeing how y’all are mobilizing and are incredibly earnest and passionate about seeing queer content on TV or wherever that may be. It makes me, as a producer, as a writer, as an actor, excited to know that there is a community of folks who are going to support queer content that I make and attach myself to with friends that are also queer creators, and writers, and producers, and actors, because I want to give it to y’all.”  And to end on-- words from Rhys' own mouth today in one of his cameos: "Don't Stop Clowning! Until you get arrested!"
Okay lovelies. It's that time again for me to be annoyingly loving towards you. I hope you're ready! Did you know you're doing an amazing job? Like, a fucking stellar job. Whatever you're struggling with, however you're coping, you're kicking ass! You are still here with us, and I am so fucking grateful for that! I know sometimes it's really hard to give yourself self-love (I am in fact terrible at it), so I just wanna take this moment to let you know I am rooting for you! Everyone on our crew is rooting for you! You are doing your very best, and there's no one in this world who can compare to you and what you're going through. Your struggles are hard, but you are making it through because you are a strong, resilient, powerhouse of a human being! YOU are a force to be reckoned with. YOU are a kind and caring soul who puts so much good into the world. YOU are an inspiration. YOU are mind-blowingly amazeballs (that's the technical term) and you are going to do marvelous things no matter how big or how small they are. I believe in you and so does everyone on your crew, whole-heartedly. When you're ready, go shine lovelies, you deserve to shine.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd regarding gifs tonight-- The moment I saw it, I knew this was todays Darby Gif, Courtesy of @ofmd-ann, and then of course, found this lovely Taika Gif today courtesy of @agaywithcoffee that seems pretty appropriate.
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dayfalwastaken · 1 year
William Afton and the woes of computing.
If it were up to Steve Jobs and Wozniak, he would’ve most likely been called a hobbyist. A hacker if they were being generous. Some poor sod who took apart commercial products so he could build ham radios, but William had long since stopped assembling walkie talkies. It was his kind of practice of taking everything apart that had enabled him and Henry to develop the Springlock suits. The same could be said for all of their creations, including the software. Early on in their work they had discovered just how tedious animating by hand could be, for example. If they wanted as many unique shows to be played for their customers with as little repetition, as opposed to their competitors, they’d need a new method of making Freddy and Bonnie move. That was how they’d come up with the motion capture sensors within the Springlocks. An elegant, simple yet genius solution.
The problem, however, arose from the fact that cutting edge tech build in a garage by two guys in their spare time was still built in a garage. It was prone to failure more often than not. For all of their refinement and attention to detail, the animatronics glitching while in the middle of a performance had been and remained a real possibility. They’d been lucky no glitches had occurred thus far, but William found himself not being very optimistic for the foreseeable future from how things were currently going for him.
Just in the past hour he’d gone through four crashes and had his program freeze twice. Each one of them could’ve permanently corrupted the tape, which would’ve screwed tomorrow’s show. Suffice to say, William had gone and deleted all of his hidden text files. He owed Henry an apology.
Bent forward with his chin resting on his arms, William fought off the sleep as he stared blankly at the ongoing animation. Funny how now of all times he was regretting investing in that coffee machine for his office. He’d always had his secretary bring him his morning coffee… He really should’ve thanked that woman more often.
Wow, William. Missing your last job? You’re getting sloppy.
But it was the little things he longed for. Briefly, he questioned whether the people that had worked under him thought much if his departure from the company. Had they considered him a good boss? A part of him hoped they did. He’d done his best in spite of the menial rewards of his high position. In his opinion.
Though, to his exasperation, and without notice, the replay froze. Grumbling to himself, he made a mental note of the timer beneath the Camera Port and hit the refresh button, hoping to God this wouldn’t be the tape’s last straw. His fists clenched when he didn’t see the loading icon spinning. There was no icon at all in fact, like the screen had frozen along with the app.
C’mon, this shouldn’t be so hard on your graphics card! What more do you want from me? But of course, there was no response. Screw it. First thing tomorrow I’m making some phone calls and getting better parts. I’ll pay for them later. Henry would no doubt complain about it, but if William was gonna have to do this on a regular basis he wasn’t about to waste his time on broken hardware. He’d look into the code later, but if there was something wrong inside he couldn’t afford to make repairs with stuff reserved for the Springlocks. Those two took priority over everything else.
He kept clicking on the refresh circle, thinking that maybe input lag had gotten in the way, but nothing was happening.
Seven minutes in and he was about to drive his fist through the monitor. Thankfully, on the eight-minute mark, his prayers had been answered. Two pop-ups revealed themselves on the screen. He read the first one.
You are running low on memory.
Recommended action: Save your files and restart all open programs.
“Oh, piss of! You stupid, two-bit piece of crap!” Holding the mouse with enough strength to crack its plastic casing, he clicked on the second pop-up, daring it to say something that’d further anger him.
You have one (1) new video.
Play it? Y/N
“…What?” Anger was immediately replaced with confusion and a sense of morbid fascination. This confirmed the computer was bugged, but the programmer within wouldn’t stand not seeing what had been produced. It could be nothing but a black screen and static audio, perhaps created from misinterpreted code, but he had to see. Open Source allowed for pretty much anything to be made so long as one knew what they were doing. It wasn’t unreasonable to imagine a glitch causing statements to be read out of context and be crapped out into a video.
William’s finger inched closer to the Y key. What a ludicrous message indeed. And yet, his gut was telling him he was in for a big surprise.
The moment the video began playing, the entire screen had been engulfed in a white light, blinding him momentarily. The second thing to happen was the music. Blasting at full volume, a company PSA-type melody- the kind usually played in advertisements- rang out, so loud it could be heard throughout the whole restaurant.
William fell off his chair, close to spilling his third drink over the keyboard. Dazed and covering his ears in pain, he pulled himself up, barely seeing enough to turn the volume dial down enough to where his eardrums wouldn’t explode. He spent the next couple of second rubbing at his eyes and groaning. Once he’d regained his vision he propped up his chair, just in time to catch the light fading into something more recognizable. A cartoonish, white bear character with pink round cheeks and purple accents, waving at the camera. On his head was a top hat not unlike Fredbear’s, while on his chest were two black buttons and a bowtie. Below it, a red introductory card. It said; HELLO, my name is Helpy.
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sonicasura · 2 months
Concept Of The Hatching Second Chances Idea
It had been a rough day Kafka, the 22 uear old just couldn't catch a break. First thing that happens when he wakes up he stubs his toe, at work he slips and drops his lunch, then he get's intestine duty ( he suposes he should be grateful he didn't eat lunch) and then to top it all of his Moped's engine stalled on him and gave out meaning he have to go to the mechanic. This left the down trotten 22 year old to walk home on foot.
Kafka: Man, nothing went right today, it seems it's just one of those days. I hope tomorrow will be better and have 100% less intestine duty.
This definitely wasn't Kafka Hibino's finest moment. That combined with his recent failure at the Defense Force exams didn't help either with his mood. Simply sighing and countinuing his trek back to his were he hopefully could just lie down and eat ramen to forget his woes. Turning the corner of the street something odd caught his eye. Something white and shiny peaking out of the alley way. Curiousity got the best of him and soon he stood in front of the alleyway were he was met with a pretty big egg.
Kakfa: Huh?!?! Is this a Kaiju egg?! Crap I better call the Def-
kafka's sentence was cut off by the loud cracking of the egg, signifiying what ever was in there was getting ready to hatch.
Naturally Kafka remained calm and colle- nah you all know he was freaking out.
Kakfa: OH NO, OH NO, OH NO, IT'S HATCHING!!! I gotta hide and call the Defen-
Once again Kafka got cut off, this time by a bright light which seconds later dyed down revealing watch hatched. The Kaiju was the size of a full grown cat, completely green, and sported some insectoid and draconic traits, it had 3 eyes on it's head and little nubs were it's horns would be, though the most eye catching thing was the second face on it's stomach which had two eyes and a bird like beak.
Kafka had now gone to uber levels of panic, so much so that he didn't notice that the little monster was now waddling like a baby duck towards him. This caused Kafka to notice at the last second and trip over himself, were he then craqled backwards until he hit the alley wall.
Kafka had never been this up close to an alive Kaiju and it honestly terrified him, it didn't matter that it was a baby, all Kaiju did was cause death and destruction nothing el-
He felt a tug on his pants legs, this snapped his focus back too the baby Kaiju who tugged on his pants leg again, until they noticed they had gotten Kafka's attention. This is when they did something that shocked Kafka, they put there claws up and started scrunching there fists in the same way a baby would want to be picked up.
Di-Did the baby Kaiju see them as their parent?
Scrambling back to his feet Kafka began to ramble.
Kafka: Gah, listen I ain't your mom, and I am no Kaiju either ok, so uhhh ohh! * Brings out phone* I'm just gonna call the Defense Force and they'll take....care.....of.....you...
The words started to fizzle out as Kafka comprehended what he just said. The Defense Force wouldn't just release them into the wild, they would...kill them.
Something about that... just didn't feel right.... no what was he saying it's a Kaiju, a creature that raze cities within an hour, the creatures he was going to be killing in the future. Ya, they were just a Kaiju, he just had to look down and oh ohhhh no that was a mistake.
The tiny green Kaiju countinued to innocently look at him with all five eyes, still holding there claws up and there bird like mouth began chirping.
He... He....He...He couldn't call the Defense Force, knowing that the small baby monster would be killed on the spot. Though what was he supposed to do, it's not like he could.... raise them.
Could Kafka raise a Kaiju?
Looking down again he saw the monster still waiting to be picked up and that's when he made a decision completely devoid of logic.
He picked up the baby Kaiju
Kafka even after years passed couldn't explain why it felt right holding the baby monster in his arms, but that night he felt like a missing puzzle piece snapped into place and he walked home with the baby Kaiju intow.
The worst day just turned into the best day of his life.
Hope you enjoyed
Post in question.
Congrats Kafka, you are now a dad to one of the most unconventional children ever! He definitely doesn't regret it though even when Psaro accidentally freezes his blanket a few times thanks to nightmares. This is his kid no matter what.
Kafka will continue to say that even at the risk of having to answer the Defense Force in an interrogation cell.
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chaotic-super · 2 years
Live With Me - Chapter 8
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Read the first 7 chapters on Ao3 here!
Lena has spent the majority of her time in Hawaii relaxing in the shade, hiding from the sun and praying that she doesn’t go back home looking like a lobster. Somehow though, she’s now sitting on the edge of the bed at home while Kara attentively rubs aloe all over her sore red skin, all the while looking like a sun-kissed goddess. It’s unfair really.
Kara whispers apologies at the back of her head every time she lets out a wince or inhales particularly deeply, the touch of her fingers becoming lighter but continuing their perpetual motion, rubbing the aloe into her skin as cleanly as she can, trying to add an extra thick layer onto any spots that look worse than others, like the back of her neck that is already starting to peel.
Clenching her eyes shut she counts the seconds until it’s over, simultaneously loving the caress of Kara’s fingers, each stroke bringing with it a fresh wave of cool relief and wishing that they could be banished from her skin.
“Are we almost done?” She asks through clenched teeth.
“Almost, just got to get your cute little red ears.” Kara singsongs and a second later, Lena feels Kara smoothing a single fingertip over each of her ears, coating them well enough that some of the sticky aloe will get smeared into her hair, something Lena just can’t bring herself to actually care about.
Lena’s lips curl dangerously, not from the pain but from Kara’s quip. “They are not cute.”
Kara shuffles around from being behind Lena to standing and making her way around the bed, heading for the bathroom to wash her hands. “They are too!” She calls, disappearing from view.
The urge to argue strikes Lena but honestly, they have just had two weeks of pure bliss full of relaxation, peace and each other all the while being free of distraction, stress and technology so it would be a shame to bring down the mood now.
Kara emerges from the bathroom soon after, face aglow with her overflowing positivity that has had a chance to recuperate and refill her body from where she lost it during the whole Maxwell Lord ordeal followed by an excess of work, both at CatCo and at home where they were redecorating the house to move back in, something that they still haven’t completely finished but are hopeful to do so soon enough.
“I have returned,” Kara announces, handing Lena a shirt to slip on even though she wouldn’t mind it a single bit if Lena were to stay topless.
“Thanks,” Lena takes the baggy t-shirt and slips it on, “and I see that. I missed you, after spending two weeks attached at the hip, having you gone for even a split second me feeling strange.” The line starts off sarcastic but turns to mushy lovey-dovey halfway through.
Kara pecks her on the cheek. “Same here, baby, but now we have to get back to reality and separate long enough to go to work again.”
Moving to get into bed, Lena pulls back the duvet and slips beneath it, holding Kara’s side up for her so she can climb in beside her. “Uh, work. That’s not something I want to be thinking about right now, I can already guess that I have a crap ton to catch up on.”
“Yeah but we can worry about that later, we still have tomorrow off before we have to head back so let’s make the most of it and slob in front of the TV and lazily catch up on emails at the same time, it’s a win-win, we get a head start on work and we don’t have to move.” Kara snuggles into Lena’s side, throwing her tanned arm over Lena’s waist.
Leaning down to press a kiss to Kara’s lips, Lena hums in support. “Sounds good, darling.”
Snuggling down into the sheets, glad to be back in their own bed after being away from it for a couple of weeks, they close their eyes, nothing but happy thoughts on the forecourts of their brains, excited to get back to their lives, ready to live and be a normal couple without anything extreme happening.
“Night, babe.”
“Goodnight, darling.”
Sitting on the couch opening up her laptop to see if she has any important emails waiting for her, Lena is taken aback by the sheer volume of the unopened messages she has to read, most of them from Jess and a few from Samantha Arias, her best friend in Metropolis and her COO, the person who makes all major decisions for her at L-Corp when she isn’t available.
It seems as though she has had to do just that for her while she’s been off the map too because there is an endless amount of emails sent to her. Most of them summarizing everything that had transpired in the last couple of weeks that she’s been completely oblivious to.
“Oh god.” Lena gasps when she starts scrolling through them, looking at the subject lines and seeing how they are getting longer and longer like Sam and Jess had so much to say that their summaries were longer than half of her usual emails.
Kara peeks over her shoulder, her own laptop on her lap but not yet opened. “What is it?”
“Apparently there is some major work for me to be catching up on based on my emails, there’s over two hundred here to go through. It might actually be easier for me to give Sam a call and find out what happened.” Lena says, eyes still flickering over her emails, trying to make sense of what they are getting at.
Kara’s eyes widen comically when she sees the number of unread emails sitting in Lena’s inbox and nods rapidly. “Good idea, that looks…”
“I was going to say yucky but that works too.” Kara mumbles, reading the same subject lines that Lena just read. “You should do that now, some of these sound like Sam is two minutes away from spontaneous combustion.”
Wasting no more time, Lena gets right on that, digging her phone out of the pocket of the hoodie she stole from Kara, the one she’ll never admit is her favourite because of the large, printed DANVERS on the back, and swipes through her contact list until she finds the contact of her COO.
She’s half expecting Sam to miss the call since it’s so early, just going on seven, but not three rings in the phone is being picked up, the voice of an exhausted and overworked woman on the other side of the call.
“Lena, you have no idea how glad I am that you’re calling, I’m drowning in work here and I might actually murder some of the board members if I have to listen to their farty-old white-men voices again.” Sam huffs.
“Good morning to you too Sammy, I just opened my laptop to see an atrocious amount of emails sitting in my inbox, would you be a dear and please explain to me why there are so many and summarize them for me so I don’t have to read them? Today is supposed to be my last day off and I was hoping it would be relaxing.”
Sam’s voice is way too sharp for how early it is and makes Lena reflexively move the phone away from her ear when she starts talking. “Lena now is not the time for relaxing! The board is lobbying for us to buy up shares in Lord Industries and take them over, at least half of them are, and the other half hates the idea and are threatening to quit, which usually I wouldn’t care about because I hate all of them, except Sweet Old Dan, but that many board members dropping off at once could cause our stocks to decrease, we’re in a conundrum and need you to come and save us.
“I think Jess might have had a mental breakdown between trying to put off scheduling meetings because you’re away and nobody seems to understand that we weren’t about to drag you back from Hawaii to deal with this bullshit, seriously I found Jess rocking back and forth under her desk yesterday and it took everything in my power to not drop down there and join her. Help us!”
Lena doesn’t even have words to deal with that right now because…what in the actual fuck? “Ok, I’ll pick up breakfast and head into the office.”
“Don’t forget the—“
“Coffee, yeah. I got it. I’ll be there soon.”
The phone call ends with Lena feeling all of the stress her vacation just released her from dumping back onto her shoulders. “Honey we’re home, time to get back to work.”
Kara presses her lips together tightly, not sure whether or not she finds this annoying or funny, or a little bit of both. “Come on, baby. Let’s go get dressed properly and head out, the quicker we get there, the quicker you can fix all of the world’s problems.”
Lena scrunches her eyebrows together, her hand seeking out Kara’s and holding it on her lap, taking in the last few calm moments she has before jumping back into reality.
Eyes closed, she senses Kara moving beside her, pushing herself up off of the couch and tucking her laptop under her arm, preparing herself to sacrifice her day off because duty calls, as it always does. They should have added one extra day in Hawaii, then they wouldn’t have to deal with this today.
She throws her arm out blindly, humming when Kara grasps hold of her hand and pulls her up off the couch. “Come on, you.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Me neither but your company is very important and we can’t complain that much after than incredible vacation we just had. Sam and Jess need our help and so we need to go and have a turn at facing the terrible beasts in the boardroom.”
Lena snickers at her. “That’s easy for you to say! You don’t have to go anywhere near the boardroom.”
Kara shrugs. “Yeah but I’ll be in your office getting my own work done and being there for moral support, it’s close enough.”
“I still have that office I set up for you to use at L-Corp if you want to work there?” Lena asks as she lets Kara drag her up to their bedroom, grumpy from having their day snatched from them.
“Why would I do that when I get to watch you be all sexy and in charge if I stay in your office?”
Lena smiles at the teasing question but she can’t keep one thought off her mind nevertheless. She never should have checked her emails.
Jess is by her side the second she and Kara enter, tablet in hand and a small stack of folders beneath that.
“Ms Luthor, thank goodness you’re here. There’s a lot for you to catch up on, Ms Arias is waiting for you in your office too, she’s very stressed and has been pacing and mumbling something about waffles.”
Lena takes the stack of files from her, Kara walking behind them with her arms full of their breakfast and the tray of coffees. “Thank you, Jess. She’s probably waiting for us to bring her breakfast, we stopped by Noonan’s on the way in. You still like bacon and cheese turnovers, don’t you?”
Jess nods, her eyes wide and mouth dropped open. “You brought me breakfast too?”
Kara steps forward to join in the conversation properly. “Of course we did.”
“Jess, you know you basically run half of this company, that’s why your salary is so high, and you’re also very deserving of having people acknowledge that,” Lena adds.
Kara smiles at her. “This is our way of acknowledging that, well that and we were already there and figured you hadn’t eaten so we’d might as well get food for all of us.”
Jess stands there in silence as the elevator takes them up to the top floor, her cheeks flushed from the compliments but she’s otherwise the face of professionalism.
Sam is waiting beside the elevator for them, ready to pounce for the coffee the second the doors open, making them all jump and rear back from the sudden intrusion into the small space. “Give me that!”
Sam takes one of the coffees, takes a deep swig and sighs happily against the rim afterwards.
“Feel better now?” Kara asks.
“So much.”
Lena skirts around her, leading Kara and Jess out of there and towards her office, dropping the files onto her now cluttered desk and motioning for Kara to put the food on the coffee table beside the couch across the room.
The four of them take to the couch and the chairs opposite, digging through the bag to divvy up the food, handing Jess her bacon and cheese turnover, giving Sam her waffles, and Kara and Lena each having pancakes.
“Right, so, do you want to update me on what exactly is going on now?” Lena asks, between bites.
Jess starts them off. “With Lord Industries collapsing, a lot of the board members want L-Corp to buy them out and take over their work. There’s a lot of patents they have that could really come in handy with a lot of our projects and since L-Corp has been gradually expanding, they don’t see why we should pass up on the opportunity.”
Sam continues on from there. “But on the other hand, it could reflect on us negatively, and if it gets bad enough, Lord industries could take us down with them.”
Kara pouts around her fork. “How would it take L-Corp down too? Why would it be bad?”
“Kara, everyone knows that you two are involved, seeing as you took him down, it would seem off If Lena suddenly bought up the company, people would speculate, and even if they don’t, being involved in a company that was planning to do such awful things isn’t a good look.”
“So, we frame it right, I can get a reporter friend of mine in from CatCo to come and write up a piece about righting the wrongs and using the bad technology for good.” Kara shrugs, “don’t you guys have people to do stuff like this for you anyway, to save your image?”
All three women freeze around her, looking at her curiously while she just keeps eating her pancakes like she hasn’t just given them the answer to their problems in the most nonchalant way possible.
Sam explodes first. “Six days!” She aggressively runs a hand through her hair, her messy ponytail getting even messier. “We’ve been dealing with this for six days, and you just stroll in here and give us the answer that all of the people we pay to give us that answer, sit on their asses and send us paperwork full of question marks!”
“Do they literally send you paperwork with-“
“No,” Lena answers Kara’s question, resting a gentle hand on her forearm. “But thank you, darling, you just gave me a very good pitch for the board and I am confident that I can get them to accept it.” Lena turns her attention to Jess, “when is the meeting scheduled for?”
“Eleven, Mr Yeung refused to come in any earlier than that.”
“God, I love Sweet Old Dan.” Lena smiles. “I hate early morning meetings.
Sam clutches her fist to her chest, nodding happily. “Damn right, he is my favourite board member.”
“Can we finish eating now?” Kara asks, thoroughly enjoying her food.
Nobody is about to be putting up a fight about that because Kara has just given them the answer to being able to take a breath for the first time in days, one that is surprisingly simple but their scattered brains just couldn’t quite grasp onto.
Lena is unbelievably proud of Kara and even more grateful that she’s solving her problems without even breaking a sweat, they might actually be able to have a relaxing evening before properly jumping back into normal day-to-day life again tomorrow.
Kara is completely cut off from the fact that she just saved them a bunch of stress and is just happily munching away on her pancakes, still in vacation mode and just going on autopilot and taking it easy, happy to just sit in the company of her girlfriend and her friends. She’s counting Jess as her friend even if she wouldn’t admit that she’s friends with her boss and her boss’ partner, she’s totally going to force her to come to game nights in the future, just next time, they won’t be going shopping together first, never again.
Once they’ve eaten, they jump into work, catching up on paperwork and solving problems in a few different departments as well as trying to come up with the best way to pitch Kara’s idea to the board so that they can take over Lord Industries, something that Lena is actually very much on board with, thrilled to have some of the technology that they have.
She has tried to poach a few of the scientists and engineers from there before so she’s really quite pleased to have the opportunity to have them working at her side, something she’s not planning on letting slide.
All the while that they are doing that, Kara is working across the room from them, getting caught up on her emails and doing some research into some articles she’s been thinking of doing, some of which she just knows will be hits for the magazine.
She’s really glad that she can get more articles she wants to write greenlit so much easier than she used to be able to, Kara supposes that she has Max-The-Ass to thank for that. Without him doing such terrible things, she’d never be in the greatest spot she’s ever been in career-wise.
She’s already sent an email to her co-worker with a heads up that she’s putting them up for a good opportunity to get a good article but it isn’t set in stone yet. She got a reply within the hour telling her that they are up for it so she could relay that information over to Team L-Corp, who are huddled around Lena’s desk, looking like a bunch of college students cramming for finals.
Kara waves them off when they head off to the meeting, happy to keep on working on her research and relishing the temporary silence that comes with it, but also thinking of the potential questions that are going to be asked when another reporter takes on the article about the L-Corp/Lord Industries merger.
Enough people know about her and Lena that she can’t write it, but her not writing it after exposing Maxwell Lord will be enough to get people asking questions that will probably lead them to figuring out her relationship status, and effectively outing them but they haven’t really been hiding their relationship anyway and a lot of people already know just through word of mouth.
Kara isn’t ashamed of her love and she’s fairly certain that Lena isn’t either, but it’s still going to put them in a predicament, the kind she will have to ask the advice of the person best suited for dealing with the media. The one and only Cat Grant, she has an innate ability to come up with plans that nobody else could even dream of and she’s a great Kara wrangler when she needs to be, ever the mentor.
“Gotham isn’t a safe city, Kara, I’m just worried about you and I can’t stand the idea of you getting hurt,” Lena complains, staring at Kara while she packs up her travel bag, sitting stock-still because if she were to move, she’d give in to the nagging voice in her head that’s telling her to go and unpack everything Kara has packed.
Kara rolls her eyes at Lena’s dramatics. “Lena, I’m only there for one night, I just have to go to this convention and get a few quotes. I’ll literally only be there or at my friend’s place.”
“Which friend is this?” Lena asks, not remembering the names of any friends Kara has in Gotham.
“Kate Kane. I haven’t spoken to her much since I did her coming out piece a couple of years ago so when I called to tell her I would be in town and asked her if she wanted to grab lunch, she insisted that I come to stay with her, apparently, the only good hotels in Gotham cost an arm and a leg so who am I to complain. Besides, it will be good to see her.”
Lena’s heart sinks in her chest, pulled down out of the way to make room for the jealousy bubbling upwards. “You’re staying with Kate Kane? As in the owner of Wayne Enterprises? Darling, I can afford a hotel room for you, you know that’s not an issue.”
“I know, I just want to catch up with her,” Kara pauses midway through folding some pants, glancing over at Lena only to see a green monster sitting in place of her girlfriend. “Baby, she’s just a friend, there’s nothing to be worried about, I mean sure, she’s gay and has been known to have quite a few lady friends, but this lady is really just a friend, plus she reminds me of my sister a little bit so believe me when I tell you that there is only one woman for me.”
The jealousy fades just a little, “promise?”
“You know I do, Kate Kane’s millions of tattoos don’t impress me as much as your boobs, and I mean that sincerely.” Kara giggles.
Lena’s eyes widen a fraction. “You’ve seen her tattoos?”
“She is allowed to wear short sleeve shirts, baby, I saw her arms and when I told her that I liked them, she told me she has them all over her body. I’ve always had another woman lingering around in the back of my mind stopping me from indulging too much in those kinds of things anyway. “
“And who is this woman?” Lena smiles hopefully, her jealousy making her need to hear Kara telling her directly what she wants to hear.
Kara drops the clothes she was holding onto the top of the bag, sauntering around the edge of the bed until she’s perched next to Lena’s outstretched legs from where she’s half-sitting-half-lying down on Kara’s side of the bed, Kara’s pillow held tight in her arms because she’s missing her before she’s even gone.
Wiggling her eyebrows at Lena, Kara smiles playfully. “She’s this gorgeous brunette with beautiful green eyes and an affinity for getting jealous when her girlfriend leaves for a single night.”
“Hey!” Lena calls out, grabbing Kara by the shoulders and pulling her in tight, trapping her into a spontaneous tight cuddle. “Take it back and I’ll let you go.”
“I can’t lie, Lena!” Kara isn’t really trying to get out of the hold, happy to be in Lena’s arms at any time of the day, no matter what.
Lena grips her more, clutching the blonde to her chest and refusing to let go. “I don’t want to be without you, I know that’s super clingy because you are only going to be gone for a single night and we have been apart before for much longer but I’m going to miss having you koala onto me in the night and I’ll struggle to sleep without the sound of your snoring in the background.”
“You know, you could always come with me? If you can take the time off from L-Corp that is, I know you are still super busy from taking over Lord Industries.” Kara offers, clinging onto Lena right back, making zero attempts to pull away from her.
Lena thinks it over. She could push back her meetings and just take her paperwork with her. There are actually a couple of storage units in Gotham that still need to be checked out that she’s now the owner of Lord Industries, thanks to Maxwell Lord, so she could always go and take a look and see what’s in them and use that as her excuse for travelling up there.
It was surprisingly easy to get the board to agree to have L-Corp take over what was left of Lord’s pathetic company once she’d put her pitch in and had actual answers to their questions, thanks to Kara’s genius ability to have an insane amount of clarity while eating breakfast. Taking over just means that she’s spent quite a while now going over everything that L-Corp now owns and trying to organize it, a feat that is rather difficult if she does say so herself.
“What about Kate though?”
“What about her?”
“Well, are you willing to cut your visit short and come and stay in a fancy, costs an arm and a leg, hotel room with me?”
Kara tightens her grip, nuzzling her face into the space between Lena’s neck and her shoulder. “Don’t be silly, I’ll just call her and she’ll let us both stay, she actually asked me if I was bringing anyone with me, so she’ll be cool with it.”
Lena doesn’t really want to be staying with Kate Kane, not even because of who she is as a person, just because she can’t seem to extinguish the burning of jealousy that’s still sitting in her chest, the niggling little feeling that’s telling her that even though she can trust Kara, she doesn’t trust this other woman that she’s never met before.
Still, it’s better for Lena if she’s there to protect her woman so she’ll put up with it…for Kara’s sake, definitely not to appease the jealous monster inside her.
“Call her and ask her then, if she says no then we’ll stay in a hotel instead,” Lena says, finally.
Kara grins up at her. “You got it, boss.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. There’s a couple of work things I can deal with in Gotham while I’m there anyway, so I’ll go and do that while you’re at your convention.”
“See? It’s a win-win.” Lena can feel Kara’s lips pressing tiny kisses into the side of her neck. She stretches her neck out, asking for more but is disappointed when Kara extracts herself from her arms.
She’s about to complain but as she watches Kara dive for the closet to dig out Lena’s travel bag so she can start packing that one too, she has nothing to say, relishing in the overwhelming amount of love and fondness she has for Kara.
All of the jealousy that Lena had managed to push away during their trip over here has come right back. Lena is not happy with the way Kara is being engulfed in a spontaneous hug from the overly tattooed Kate Kane.
They release the hug after just a couple of seconds but to Lena, that’s a couple of seconds too long. She stalks her way over there, sticking out an aggressive hand for a handshake. “Kate Kane, I presume? Lena Luthor, Kara’s partner.”
Kate takes her hand and when Lena crushes her fingers, she doesn’t so much as flinch, an amused smile the only reaction on the woman’s face. “Lovely to meet you, Lena. I feel like I already know you, Kara talks about you whenever we speak, she did even before you two got together.”
Lena sees a healthy blush coat Kara’s skin at being called out and it makes Lena all the more protective of her, she’s not losing this beautiful creature to anyone.
“All good things?”
“As if I could ever find something bad to say about you.” Kara answers, wrapping her arm around Lena’s waist, sighing happily when Lena’s arm comes around to wrap around her shoulders in response.
“Shall I show you guys to your room so you can store your bags?” Kate asks, thoroughly amused by the show.
Kara nods eagerly. “Yes please, that would be awesome. Can I see your library after? I only got a peek at it last time and I’ve been wanting to explore it ever since.”
Kate hesitates but the sly quirk of her lips shows Lena that it’s all a ruse. “I don’t know, Kara, I don’t know if you can be trusted without a chaperone.”
Lena seethes.
“We can go once you’re settled in. How about you come and get me from my office once you’ve unpacked and then we can go? You still remember where my office is, right?” When she’s finished speaking, Kate sends an indecipherable look Lena’s way and the uncertainty of what it means makes her all the more enraged, especially since she can’t show it without looking like an unreasonable, jealous bitch.
“That would be awesome. Lena, I spotted some first editions in there last time that I know will make you drool, you’re going to be amazed when you see them.”
Lena can’t trust Kate but seeing Kara be so oblivious to Kate’s attempts and instead thinking about her and her interests only solidifies the trust she has in her girlfriend. “Sounds fascinating, darling. We should go then, so you have a proper chance to look around.
Kate doesn’t say anything, just takes Kara’s bag from her and heads up the stairs with the intent of leaving Lena to carry her own bag but Kara just takes Lena’s from her in one hand and Lena’s own hand in the other. “Thanks, Kate!” 
Lena’s happy to have a few moments of privacy with Kara before they have to put up with the woman that Kara calls a friend once again. “Is there actually much point in us unpacking? We only have our PJs and our clothes for tomorrow.” Kara asks as she unzips her own bag.
“Not really but if you take out our clothes, I can ask Kate for an iron so you don’t have to go to your convention with creased pants,” Lena says, plopping onto the edge of the bed and toeing off her heels, regretting wearing them just for travelling in but she needed to be looking her most intimidating for the initial meeting with the woman that seems determined to get under her skin.
Kara does just that, piling up hers and Lena’s clothes atop of the dresser. She turns and sees Lena trying to massage some feeling back into her feet. “You didn’t have to wear heels. You’re very intimidating even when you’re wearing flats.”
“Who says I was trying to be intimidating?”
“The suit you matched your heels with.” Kara giggles, a happy melodic sound completely void of malice or judgement.
Lena looks down at the blue suit she’s wearing and has to agree, she has been a little extra. “I don’t like her.”
“I know but she’s my friend and she’s purposely trying to wind you up because you’re letting her, she’s not actually flirting with me, she’s just messing with you, it’s written all over her face. I actually have the perfect way to get back at her.” Kara squeezes the top of Lena’s thigh and Lena covers the hand with her own.
Darkening her eyes, quirking her lips up into a smirk and dropping her voice into a sultry drawl, Lena speaks. “Ms Danvers, are you suggesting we terrorize our host?”
Matching Lena’s demeanour, Kara leans in closer. “Damn right, I am. I say we play her at her own game, lean into what she’s doing and let her flounder.”
“You want to make her think that you’re willing to cheat on me to see what she’ll do.” Lena isn’t a massive fan of the idea of Kara flirting with Kate but the devilish look Kara has and the way her brain works is a massive turn-on.
“I know what she’ll do. She’s going to panic and it’s going to be glorious.” Kara chuckles, a deep rumble in her chest that Lena can’t resist smothering.
Pressing her lips into Kara’s, she attacks her with forceful movements that are sure to get her what she wants.
Kara is more than happy to sit back and let Lena take over, to be engulfed in the physical force of Lena’s desire.
Lena’s tongue demands entrance that is freely given, Kara letting her in and being a more than willing participant in Lena’s possessive display of adoration of her.
When Lena finally pulls back after a few minutes, Kara’s lips are bruised from the force of it and from the cheeky nips Lena was rewarding her happy sighs and throaty groans with, and Lena’s lipstick has been transferred from her lips across to Kara’s, a messy sight that makes Lena want to take her right there.
“You ok, darling?” Lena teases Kara, the thoroughly possessed look on her face, making her want to do it all over again.
“Peachy.” Kara answers, voice a little higher than usual.
Lena smiles, her jealousy finally leaving her because seeing Kara like this is enough to finally reassure her, Kara’s not going to leave her, much less for a woman much less adequate. “Let’s get cleaned up a little then. We need to go and get Kate, I can’t wait to see her reaction to our little game.”
“You’re bad, Lena Luthor.”
“It’s your plan, my love.” Lena counters, giving Kara one last peck on the lips before pulling her up and towards the ensuite.
Kara shakes her head. “And you’re way too excited about it.”
Lena doesn’t respond to that, just finds a washcloth to help Kara get the lipstick off her face, purposely leaving a little bit of it that is left on her neck from where she had travelled there at some point during their impromptu make-out session, a little mark just to show Kate, or anyone else that tries to steal her woman, that she is off limits.
Kara takes the cloth after her, doing the same for Lena, except she makes sure it’s all gone, unaware of Lena’s little claim on her.
“Ok, you’re all done, ready to go?”
“Yep. Let’s go.” Lena entwines their fingers, resting her free hand over their linked ones as they walk, letting Kara lead them to where she remembers where Kate’s office is from the last time she was here.
They take a couple of wrong turns, Kara not completely sure where she is because while she thought she knew where she was going, she’s not been here in two years so she’s a bit lost. “Um, I know it’s on the floor below the top one, we might have to try them all because, apparently, my memory isn’t as good as I thought it is.”
Lena honestly couldn’t care less, she’d wander around any building with Kara forever as long as she keeps on holding her hand. “That’s ok, we can just keep looking.”
They find the right floor but are left to their own devices to find the right room. There’s a surprising amount of either completely empty rooms or rooms where all of the furniture is covered with dust sheets.
Lena tries one of the handles and when she sees what’s inside, she can see why Kara wants to come and explore in here. “Now that is one hell of a library, we should have one like this.”
She pulls Kara inside and runs her fingers gently over the spines of the books to her left, amazed by the floor-to-ceiling shelves of books and entertained by the fact that there’s even one of those ladders that you can move around the shelves to reach the ones that are higher up.
“I thought I told you to come and get me.” Kate’s voice interrupts their staring.
“I couldn’t remember where your office was, it was pure luck we even found the library.” Kara smiles.
Kate smiles back at her, still in fine form. “Perhaps I should be wary about letting you out of my sight then.” She takes a quick glance over at Lena after she says it, making Lena realize that Kara was completely right, she’s doing it on purpose.
Kara kicks right in with the plan. “Maybe you should.”
Kate’s eyes widen momentarily from the flirty tone and the way Kara’s eyes roll down her body briefly but otherwise brushes it off, justifying it as her reading too much into it because surely Kara isn’t going to flirt with her in front of her partner.
“So, Kate, where are these first editions I’ve heard about?” Lena takes over, rejoicing in the uncertainty in Kate’s eyes.
Kate jumps at the chance to show off her collection and heads across to another one of the shelves and when her back is turned, Kara and Lena share a secretive smile and a fist bump.
“They are just over here, I have a bunch of the classics. I wish I could say that I put the collection together but I inherited all of this so I can’t take the glory.” Kate says.
Lena steps forward to take a look, genuinely curious about the books, and more than willing to put the plan on hold for a second so she can indulge in the shelves of great literature before her.
Kara doesn’t have the same idea, not missing her opportunity to mess with Kate, purposely brushing her hand against Kate’s when she moves past her to get out of the way so Lena can get to the books.
“Hey, you wouldn’t mind giving me a tour of the place, would you? I want to see how you’ve organized this place.”
For a second Kara thinks she’s pushed it too far, too soon but Kate doesn’t let on and just squeaks out an uncharacteristic, “ok.”
“Great, shall we start over by the door?” Kara asks, getting a rapid nod in return.
Kate heads off to the door, making sure to stay a step ahead of Kara so their hands don’t brush again. It gives Kara the chance to look back at Lena and give her a sneaky wink, an act that is returned with a knowing smile.
Read 2 more chapters early on Patreon here!
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milascenta · 1 year
August 9th 22:32
I apologise for not posting in a while, I've been dealing with massive migraines for a bout a month or so. But I have found the culprit and have fixed the problem, I'm feeling much better now. I should be able to get back to streaming soon too, with better equipment/quality. I realised too late that my second monitor had been going on 10 years now so it was giving out this high pitched signal, I just thought it was my mild tinnitus. My tinnitus was being compounded on, giving me massive headaches and making me feel just crap all the time, turning off the monitor would even help too, I would have to completely disconnect all the cables for it to stop, which is just inconvenient. I thought I was going crazy for a while just hearing this tone constantly in my room, but thinking it was just my tinnitus. But my tinnitus isn't that bad, just the usual you'd get from listen to live music constantly and working with audio in general. So its calmed down a lot recently too. So I realised it was my second monitor and got rid of it, got a new one (pretty much the same as my main one just smaller, same refresh rate same brand and even same product line, only difference is panel, main is IPS and 2nd is now VA, idk really know the difference lol) so it looks a lot better and I'm really happy with it. It feels just like having one massive monitor, I don't think I would get a wide screen monitor I like having two separate ones, but they feel so similar neither is better, obviously main is a few inches bigger though. During this time though I hadn't felt like doing anything, not going on tumblr just kinda rotting away with my head exploding. I have been doing my Dr appointments though and only have a couple left, I need blood tests and then hear back from the Lung specialist about my echocardiogram (just to make sure my heart is ok after everything) and then its back to the surgeon for talks of surgery to finish everything. Its finally getting there and I can move on with my life. My arm still keeps me up at night and hurts constantly but after surgery it should be good, also I am going to ask if I can keep the piece of my rib they cut out haha, surely they can't say no, its literally me and mine hahaha. I'm going for blood tests tomorrow, hopefully, or at least to be able to get an appointment for it, then off to hematologist then surgeon.
I'm sorry I was gone, I've still been here reading your posts though. The service looked lovely, the bikers showing up was really touching and exactly what I thought would happen, they stick together. The flowers looked beautiful and also your nails. I understand it was hard, It would be weird if it wasn't you know, I understand that it sits heavy with you too, you will get stronger with it. I know there is much else to do now other than process and sometimes that feels worse than having to deal with things because at least there's something to do, but this is finally time for you to process and feel and become you. But I know thats not easy, and thats ok. It reminds me of something someone told me a lil bit ago, "A cut in a tree doesn't prevent it from growing, a cut in a tree doesn't grow larger or shrink, the tree becomes larger though. The tree continues to grow regardless. The tree grows until and you realise that the cut looks smaller in comparison, it isn't smaller, but the tree is larger" and I try and think about that sometimes because its easy to let things consume you, let things grow larger than you and before you realise it. But everyday you're growing, everyday that tree is getting larger and stronger, and in comparison the cut gets smaller and smaller. Don't let bad days turn you off that, and don't forget the good times.
I really hope you have fun in London next week, thats soo awesome you're seeing Joji, I would love to see him one day. Been a fan of him since his FilthyFrank days and legit thought he was so talented as a musician and that he was hiding it under so many layers of irony haha. Now he's like one of the biggest muscians in the world which is crazy.
I'm sorry you're not feeling well, I hope you get better soon, take time to relax and hydrate properly. I look forward to you streaming, even if its just once it will be so fun! Don't put too much pressure on not being able to right now, getting better is more important.
"Now the dark begins to rise, Save your breath its far from over"
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karenjill-blog1 · 3 months
Hi friends. It’s the 4th of July at 10:05 pm. These people around here are fireworks crazy. My windows are rattling with every boom! I don’t mind it though. It reminds me of when we were kids. My parents would take us every year to see fireworks. The Symphony played. We sat on a blanket and ate snacks. It was nice. Tonight I’m 52 years old. My 13 year old daughter is in her room doing God knows what. She hates fireworks. Too loud for her. Which is fine with me. I’m over the traffic and the parking and all that bullshit anyway. I’m old. I know I’m not really old, but I feel like I am. I passed up two great concerts last summer because I couldn’t stand the thought of all the traffic, and how long would I be gone, and do I really want to leave my daughter home by herself, and the dogs, yatta, yatta, yatta. Ugh. Meanwhile, I just changed my sheets. I’m looking forward to going to bed. My bones are aching, and my feet are pounding, and my vag is itchy. My old fucking vag. She is dry, and she is uncomfortable. My doc gave me a tube of estrogen cream that I am supposed to apply daily to keep my lady bits from drying up and cracking, and turning into dust. I don’t know. It’s just not right. I’m not sure if I have a yeast infection or what. This getting older crap sucks. AND I still get my period every 28 days. I’m going to be 53 in precisely 20 days. Seriously? Can we shut this thing down? With the exception of my pregnancy of course, I have bled every month for 42 years. Holy fuck. I spoke to a woman last week who didn’t start menopause until she was 60. SIXTY!!!!!!! I’m not even thinking about my 60’s. I’m just trying to make it through every day without punching people. This is some bullshit. Also my ears have been ringing for over a week now. Just add it to the pile. All of the people in my father’s family go deaf. My brothers and I joke about who’s going to be deaf first. I’m certain it will be me. I am the female embodiment of my dad. I’m really hoping this is not the Rosenfeld curse upon me right now. I had my ears looked at by my doctor last week, and she saw nothing in there. So I am going to give it another week and see if allergy medicine will clear this up. Then I will seek either an ENT, or an audiologist. Fucking what the fuck. I feel like that lady in the video where she falls in a parking lot, and just lays there. She starts yelling, “I’m done! I’m just done! I fell, and I’m fat, and I’m done. Let the cars run over me.” It’s hilarious. It’s hilarious because it’s so relatable. I think we all feel like that lady sometimes. I want to be done too, but I can’t. I have a great kid who needs me. If I didn’t have her I might be that lady laying in the parking lot. And I might let cars run over me. But tonight, I will lay in my clean sheets. I will shmear some cream on my vagina, and also possibly treat myself for a yeast infection, I haven’t decided yet. I will fall asleep to the now distant sounds of fire works, just beyond the constant ringing in my ears. Good night, world. Tomorrow is going to suck, as well. 🤣🤣🤣
0 notes
roman-cates · 1 year
"Yeah, I can be quiet," Roman says from Bryce's side. He looks a little pale, but determined. Bryce gives a slow nod, dials Mal with his right hand. The left hand holds Roman lightly.
"Bryce," Mal answers brightly, "What's up?"
"I was going to ask you that," he tells her. "Heard through the grapevine that you acquired a new pet."
"What's that saying about gossip flying faster than…Something." She laughs. "I have. He's much better looking than yours, and just as well-trained."
"Just as…?"
"I can take him out in public too." She's smug. Insufferably smug. "Just like yours."
"Really." His voice is flat. Not disbelieving, not exactly.
"Really." She must have heard it as a challenge. "Oh, Bryce, you should meet him. Maybe I could bring him to dinner at your place? Let the puppies play?"
"Maybe." His tone hasn't changed at all. "I'll think about it."
"You do that," and he can hear her smile, "Or both of you can come here, of course. Oh, I got some of your research today, but not all of it. Are you getting slow in your old age?"
"I'm working on it. You sent a hell of a long list." He allows a little impatience to creep into his voice for that second part. There's no way she's actually thinking about each item on the list. They must be there as cover for the things she cares about.
"Yeah, yeah. I still need those cameras set up, too."
"You shouldn't, not until I've gotten you every last answer on that list." Which isn't true at all, but should goad her into letting him stay home tomorrow.
"I'll get all the warehouse cameras up by the end of the week," he tells her. "And start on the retails ones next week."
She grumbles a little, but says nothing discernible in reply.
"So, where'd you get this new pet anyway?"
"One of my teams found him. Took him along with the money we were owed. Oh, Bryce, he's adorable. And he'll look so good bleeding, I just know he will."
Bryce rolls his eyes. "I'm sure."
"I'm serious, though, I want him to see yours. I'll get cook to fix your favorite dinner…"
"Let me think about it. Dinners with you and my pet haven't exactly gone well, so far."
"So let me fix it. I'll send you a few dates." There's a loud noise behind her. "Oh, I've gotta go. Byeeeee!" And she hangs up.
Bryce brings the phone down from his ear. Scowls at it. Puts it back in his pocket. Turns to see how Roman took it all.
Roman can hear Mal answer the phone when Bryce calls... She asks what's up...
"I was going to ask you that. Heard through the grapevine that you acquired a new pet."
Roman misses part of Mal's response due to his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Then she laughs. "I have. He's much better looking than yours, and just as well-trained."
He doesn't need or even want Mal's approval, but he feels lightly offended anyway. Better looking... He rolls his eyes a little, shoving off the offence. No duh he looks like crap. He's been locked up for two years. Hasn't had a haircut. Can't shower or really bathe properly. Has been literally tortured for two years...
"Just as…?"
And Roman can'tquite make out the next part either. Something about going out in public, he thinks.
"Really. Oh, Bryce, you should meet him. Maybe I could bring him to dinner at your place? Let the puppies play?"
She... wants Roman to meet him? Why? What good could that possibly do? Not that Mal would care. But why would they need to meet?
"Maybe. I'll think about it."
Fuck, he hopes Bryce says no.
"You do that. Or both of you can come here, of course. Oh, I got some of your research today, but not all of it." Roman tunes out of the conversation for a moment, mind racing.
Mal has a 'pet'. Another man being held captive, from the sound of it. And he's 'well trained', supposedly. Behaves as cooperatively as Roman does, and Roman knows it's not for the same reasons.
"I'm working on it. You sent a hell of a long list. .......... You shouldn't, not until I've gotten you every last answer on that list."
Even though he's not actively trying to listen, Roman can hear Mal's, "weeeeeell…"
"I'll get all the warehouse cameras up by the end of the week and start on the retails ones next week. So, where'd you get this new pet anyway?"
It takes Roman a moment to focus in and make out what Mal is saying again.
"Oh, Bryce, he's adorable. And he'll look so good bleeding, I just know he will."
That remark makes Roman freeze up a little.
"I'm sure."
"I'm serious, though, I want him to see yours. I'll get cook to fix your favorite dinner…"
"Let me think about it. Dinners with you and my pet haven't exactly gone well, so far."
Lost in thought now about the dinner with Avery, Roman misses the last bit of what Mal says...
When he manages to pull himself back out of his thoughts, Bryce is looking at him.
"... Is... she going to kill him, you think..?" He asks, voice a little weak.
0 notes
dzpenumbra · 1 year
Today has been... kinda crap, honestly. I didn't really do anything and I've been very depressed.
I woke up after 2 hours and had this dream that was... basically like a YouTube video but as though I was the camera. And it was in this style that's been growing in popularity of like... AI-generated scripts and storylines and dialogue and shit. And it just really upset me. This is really the next extension off of reality TV, where the primary goal is to produce as much "passable" script and material ("content") as possible to flood the market, to optimize your chances of getting views. Then... farm the ad revenue. Aka the new business model for entertainment media.
It upset me deeply because the theme branched off into... it being about how YouTube is blatantly and openly marketed towards families... read that as - marketed towards kids. So.... what I was seeing... was a generation of children being raised on stories that not only don't have any specific lesson to teach or moral to pass on... but are essentially just scraps of other stories mulched by an AI algorithm and pasted together as something passing as unique. Like that cheap particle board that all fucking furniture is made of nowadays, just chipped pieces of wood glued into a mass that looks like a board, that's covered in paper painted to look like woodgrain. And we're doing that... with the socialization and cultural education of an entire generation of children. And I fast-forwarded 20 years and imagined how that generation would grow up. And it made me really sad.
I don't really like this world, honestly. I don't like this culture. I don't know why everyone is in such a hurry all the time, or tries so hard to stay busy as much as possible. I don't know why we always need more more more, and need to push the edge further and further.
I really hope it's not everyone. I really hope there are people out there that are content with a simple life. That still appreciate someone taking the time to tell a story, or share their own story, or to make something by hand, out of real things. Rather than take short-cuts in order to mass-produce. I swear, any idea I have... I feel this social pressure to immediately ask myself "but how do I make 5000 of these?" Fucking why? Why the hell would I want to make 5000 copies of something unique and special? What does that contribute?
The more I see people content in imitation, the more it makes me feel like... the world doesn't really have a place for what I feel compelled to do.
And yeah, I guess I'm kinda in a depressive existential rut right now. I didn't paint the board today. I just kept putting it off and never came back to it. I added a second coat of wax to the beads, I'll see how they look tomorrow.
I'm just... kinda exhausted and depressed and weighed down. And that just kinda turned into a day of sitting around and watching YouTube. I wish I had been more deliberate about the decision to take the day off, I wouldn't feel so bad about it.
I just don't really know what my place is here. And I'm getting a lot of conflicting ideas pouring into my life about... setting goals. Like... a lot of the "live Here and Now" stuff is very contrary to making life plans. So... if you're truly living in the moment... why would you ever apply for a college program? Why would you ever sign a lease? Why would you plan a long-term decision... like taking courses for qualification in a career path. What's the point? Because you're supposed to just... do whatever comes your way and make the best of it. Because setting goals leads to suffering. Even if you achieve your goals, it's never what you want, and the gain is fleeting and then... gone. Where true bliss is being in the moment and making the most of it. So... what's the point of aspirations?
I don't know. I have a lot of conflicting ideas floating around in my head, and that combined with... feeling like I don't have a lot to show for my efforts...
Okay, here's the core of it. My work is my contribution to society. As a member of society, of Life, of the history of the Universe... my contributions are my work. My words, my stories, my thoughts, my experiences, my poetry, my music, my drawings, my paintings, my creations. It feels like society doesn't want them. Any of them. And they are direct reflections of me, just as a writer's writing is a direct reflection of the way they communicate. I don't feel valued. I don't feel... wanted? I feel like a burden on society.
I just smelled a skunk. XD What a wake-up call! Talk about "not valued by society..." Hey, at the end of the day? People are more willing to tolerate me "wasting" all my time painting designs on skateboards or polishing rocks or wooden beads... than they are tolerant of just letting a skunk live its fucking life. So... I guess I can count myself as lucky?
Ever since I truly applied myself to reconnect with my artist-self 5 years ago, and kicked my own ass out of critical creative block... I have been constantly pressured by every source around me to simply do ANYTHING else. I've even asked, what do they want me to do other than this? Because I've really felt this sense of urgency from them... as though my vacancy from where I'm "supposed to be in society" is causing problems in the mechanical function of society. As though others are suffering because I'm choosing to make art instead of... deliver pizzas? Am I supposed to be stocking shelves at a soon-to-be-extinct brick and mortar shoe store? Am I supposed to be checking out groceries at a grocery store right next to the self-checkout? Am I supposed to be prepping vegetables for the chef of a trendy vegetarian restaurant? Am I supposed to be helping customers at a board game shop? Where am I supposed to be? And the resounding feedback I have gotten has been essentially, "yes, any of those, literally anything but what you're compelled to do with your existence." It makes me wonder... if my compulsion as a human was to... teach... or cook... or repair cars... rather than make eclectic art and dabble in spiritual practices and write a ridiculous amount of stream of consciousness journaling every night... Would I have gotten support? Or would I have gotten the same message? To just pick literally anything else, because fuck me. To go work for someone else, who did have social support, who did have investors, who did have customers, who people were willing to take a "risk" on. Who society gave the thumbs up to.
Yep, whenever I talk like this... the depression is hitting hard.
I just don't really know what to do with my time. I have so many ideas that I really would love to just sink all my time into every day... but it just seems like... like I'm talking to a wall with every piece I make. Like none of my accomplishments and achievements mean anything at all to any other living being. Like my contributions to society are entirely meaningless.
Yep, that's definitely depression. And isolation. Yep. I'm not gonna feed that beast anymore, he got his fill. I'm gonna go take a late-night shower and try to watch something funny to cheer up before sleep. Therapy tomorrow, after 3 weeks of isolation. 1 hour of real human interaction. We'll see how it goes.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Is a giant number of people hoping to get out of here and leaves in such a moron gas so dumb. He dumps all over his own ruins his own day it's terrible his kids just as stupid as people are a bunch of f****** farts too. They've lost so much stuff in the past year and can't even figure it out they have absolutely no clue what they're doing none
So we're going to start on other businesses start taking them apart. We know about Max. Huge businesses are signing today but we have to make sure that we start taking over the remainder and not to get lethargic and do it really quick we only have a small window so I'm going to assign that and people going to start moving fast. There's a giant number of them too and there's just a multiple businesses and big ones are going to call them up by grouping by clans and things like that won't be that difficult but we have to get going on other huge companies are coming in now
*Southwest Air they just drop their drawers they lost a huge amount of money in the stock market and they can't afford to be in operation and they don't know how to run their own business a lot of the executives went through hell I can't do it and they can't apply their time to it either and more or less don't want to they said they're parting pigs around and s*** around and tons of people are not them and the truth is different plans and different races. We don't have a hard time doing it so it's a humongous airline it's 33% of the airline business and it's coming in today we're sitting down and meeting with them and we're going to have a very huge huge meeting at the event center and we're going to close on it. It's gigantic. And we're signing on the airlines about 2:30 p.m. and once we do that we're going to start taking over the small ones and keeping their plans at the airports I'm going to put people on our airplanes which have been certified and we're going to take the pilots out of the plains and escort them to the hotel or prison it's going to be their choice
We are here yet there's a lot of stuff going on but these are major major things that are changing these people are losing everything and they're acting like they're not losing a thing and it's very strange but they've been living this way for a long time and when they were super powerful they didn't feel any better just sat there and making dumb noises and dumb faces doing the same stupid things that they always do. No he's like right up on him you don't like that kind of behavior I left a couple times he left and he's checking to see if he's messing with his bike and that's why he's right up on him but really they're going to have a big very difficult day today we're going to be facing bja down and it's not going to work out for them
Tons of issues with them already. But really. Trump's just come in and threaten to say that their bases are gone and everybody dreams about the day and the time and it's gone even though two of them are out they're still three out of the five but still 10 small ones are being attacked and they'll be gone too so it's going to have to wait till tomorrow but tonight they're going to start hitting here again and the guy saying it's going to be done now so I'm not sure what the hell he's thinking our son is not going to attack a piece of crap when he sees him hauled off to the police and in prison every day and knows he's going to get put in the prison in the middle and he's going to die his general grievous so he's a loser trying to insight attack all the time and we're going to take him to court again that's also the point these guys are losers for a long time and they can't even work with each other in the same company and can't even like make it through the day they're horrible losers
Thor Freya
There's more companies that we're beginning to take over and it is a new start on them two of them are
*Swiss Miss and every single subsidiary and there are thousands this company is gigantic and it's really one of the first chocolate companies that were taking over and there are others but this one is huge and it happens to be the largest producer of hot chocolate mix on Earth it's probably bigger than a quick mix and there's certain implications
It is a company that deals with Coco which is really part of cookie and there's going to be huge attention because of it and it's already starting
More shortly
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herunstablelogic · 11 years
Dear Baby,
It’s me again. 0644 –why do I still use military time? I’m not even with Collin anymore– and I am trying to occupy myself with activities before I go to bed at 0800. I’ve been up for a while. Fell asleep on the couch during a movie at dinner… which has happened a lot quite recently, but I cleaned my room and I can finally move around in it without crushing something of mild importance. Still doing laundry though, there’s a lot.
While cleaning my room I found the white velvet heart shaped box that Nathan gave me on Valentine’s Day. I stood staring at it for a few seconds, running my fingers over the velvet and remembering the scene like it was yesterday. I hadn’t seen him in years, and he looked so different than what I remembered sophomore year. He was so tall, mature, and his voice was so… deep. I remember smelling his deodorant when I climbed into the truck, it was so compelling.
Speaking of Nathan, I walked up to his house because while cleaning my room I found that my dagger sheath and car repair manual were gone… last time I remember he had them both; the sheath for Halloween when we dressed up as Ms. Lovett and Sweeney Todd. He wasn’t home so I left a note on the door in messy handwriting, “I came by for my dagger case and car repair manual. I think you might have them?” I haven’t heard from him. I might have to go up there again tomorrow. I kind of want them back… he blocked me on a writing site that he got me to join. I wonder if he’s writing again now that we broke up.
Well, I work New Year’s Eve. Still haven’t gotten my paycheck but I checked online, and it’d been stamped the 27th so I should have gotten it. Did they not mail it because they didn’t have my address? I don’t know… I’ll ask next time I work about it. It was for $251.83 so I really want it. I need to put some of it away, maybe $100, to save for a future apartment and the rest I need to get stuff with: razor, underwear, a new bra because mine are falling apart… the good stuff.
Being an adult with responsibilities is both fun and terrifying. I love having choices and checklists -I feel like Goob on Meet the Robinson’s- but also, I am constantly scared of messing up. What if I do something wrong? Get the wrong health insurance and have to pay a crap load of money? What if I get fired? What if I don’t make enough money to keep my place? my dog? my car? It’s all very scary… I hope you won’t be as afraid as I am. I hope I can prepare you better than I have prepared myself. I love you my darling. It’s 0700. I am craving coffee so I will have a cup before bed. Maybe my poor choice in hours for my coffee consumption won’t rub off on you.
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alex-anon · 3 years
I usually don't do this two days in a row (so close to the semesters finals no less) but I swear if I have back cramps tomorrow I'm just not going to school, it's for the best today I was about to pass out even with medication.
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dumbkatsu · 2 years
your writing is rlly good :)
can I request.............cuddling hcs w/ xoe lian?
Hi anon! Thank you so much for your kind words <3
Yes, I would be delighted to write for the best boy xie lian!! He's one of my comfort characters. I hope that you enjoy these hc! Pls don't send my address to hua cheng though XD.
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Ok so for starters he gets very shy and nervous when you try to cuddle the first time.
He doesn't know where to put his hands in a way that isn't weird.
Although he's crazy strong, his touch is as light as a feather. He's so gentle and caring in his touch. He treats you like the most precious thing on earth.
Seriously considers calling either mu qing or feng xin through the array. This boy istg
Pls help him
He almost broke down when you sat on his lap the poor guy.
You thought he might actually have a fever.
So after he's more comfortable, he basically has it nailed to a science.
He knows your favorite spots to caress depending on how you are feeling that day, he knows exactly what to do.
He never really had much physical affection since his cultivation method wouldn't allow it. But he realized how much he yearned for your embrace when he had a tiring day.
He would come from behind and wrap his arms around your waist and bury his face in your neck and quietly sigh.
Then he would wobble around with you for a while until you eventually laid down to cuddle and relax.
When you have nightmares, since he has a light sleep, he will always be there to comfort you and ease your worries.
He'll cradle your head rocking you back in forth and brushing your hair while he whispers:
"Shhhh it's ok dear, I'm here, I'm here, I've got you. It was just a nightmare. I'm real. Focus on my heartbeat and try to follow my breathing"
He wants to ask you all sorts of questions but decides to get you back to sleep and ask you tomorrow if you're comfortable with it.
His favorite place to touch you is your belly and your hands.
Your belly is so soft and your hands are so elegant.
He likes to compare hand sizes and play with your fingers.
It takes some time until he's confident enough to start kissing you other than your cheeks or forehead.
He discovered that he really enjoys kissing your shoulders while cuddling.
He also becomes more cheeky and enjoys making you flustered.
Like sometimes his hands would travel a bit more to you're inner thighs and he liked to see you squirm.
Speaking of which, when you sit on his lap straddling his hips, or when you caress his tan abs after you saw him working in the fields that afternoon.
He's gone
He has a mix of embarrassment and arousal that he doesn't quite know what to do.
Give him a bit of reassurance and he'll get there ;)
Also, there was this one time when he watched feng xin scare the crap out of mu qing by putting his cold hands on his neck
Poor you
Now he teases you a lot when he has cold hands.
Most of the time he's the big spoon. But on the days when he feels super duper tired he goes for the little spoon.
In the mornings this guy looks like he's attached to you by the hip.
He's like a koala
His iron grip doesn't let you leave
And he teases you about it too.
There are days that he hums you a lullaby for you to fall asleep.
You feel yourself ascending while listening to his angelical voice for real.
He says he prefers to hear you sing and bashfully denies that he's a good singer when you compliment him but you beg him to sing to you twice a week.
He loves to see how happy you get. Moving your weight from one foot to another, so he obliges.
His best sleep is hands down with your arms wrapped around him, carding through his soft hair while his head rests on your chest, listening to your heartbeat.
Remembering that you're still there.
And you're not going anywhere else.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Not on my boat
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary | whilst helping Sam fix his boat, during the midst of its progression, Bucky corners you within the old Wilson heirloom, leaving your friend and future captain, rather disgusted in the both of you.
Warnings | tfatws spoilers, mentions of death, some angst, smut, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, bit of choking, swearing
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Hearing the waves crash against the side of the boat brought a smile upon your face, as you felt the breeze brush against your face. It was peaceful, fixing something rather than leaving it broken in order to save lives. If you weren’t swarmed with the government on your tail about how you were not allowed to use your powers, you’d be living out a free and happy life with the man you loved.
You were enduring a break from your assistance on the old Wilson vessel, your legs plodded around its platform, as you surveyed every piece that was in progress. Soon it would be in tip top shape, and when Sam and Bucky’s relationship was on par with that, that was when the two of you had planned to leave. There were plenty of things the two of you had to make up for before you could reside in peace; one of those things was that list of his.
It was a ledger of the amends that he had to make, a reminder of all the lives that had either taunted his own, or he had stolen from whilst he was not himself. James did not deserve the grievance that he was pardoned with, he was struggling, that much was clear. He had lost Steve, and then he was forced to watch as the shield had been handed off to some wanna be cap. To say he had been furious at Sam was a deep understatement, but as said, he was making amends.
Sam was a good man, you had learnt that much from the time that you had spent avenging to him. You had yet to tell him, but you weren’t planning on going back to that life after Karli was stopped, you wanted to continue working in the small shot bar slash grill, where Bucky and Youri would visit during your hours for lunch, and remain in that partition of worlds. Having Bucky and normalcy was a fine balance, which was a deep seated structure that you deeply needed.
If you did not have that then you were sure you’d explode, and hurt someone, or break something. That was no longer your duty, the fighting that you had spent most of your life giving into was coming to an end, and you were more than fine with that. A civilian life sounded good enough, and something that you could definitely settle for, though, you weren’t sure that Bucky would do the same, you hoped that he would.
That gleam in his eye was far too noticeable every time that he looked at that star striped shield. It had brought him much pain, but it had been there in the corner of his sight everywhere he had went. And now, Sam Wilson, the man that his best friend had entrusted with it, finally accepted the mantle, holding it in his firm grasp, ready to become the next captain to walk the earth, and both you and him knew that he would do far better than Walker could.
He was already a hero, he’d been fighting the Sam foes as Steve for some time, that was enough to know that he was ready. His hesitancy had been understandable, more so after listening to Isiah, though, it was nice to see Sam take his own path on this one. There were pictures of his younger self assembled upon the wooden walls, he was with his sister Sarah. She seemed like a nice woman, a part of you wished that you get to know her better, but she wasn’t a buyer into the whole superhero get advantages agenda, and nor were you.
From what you could tell, Sam had his advantage right here; his family. Sarah was supportive of him, always aiding him necessary, whilst she simultaneously raised to young boys, that looked admirably up to their uncle, and feeding the kids that they went to school with because their parents had no intention to. If you could, you’d buy a replica of her life, her head was above water, although the boat almost wasn’t.
The boat. It was an heirloom, something that you did not have of your own family. Everyone was gone, the only person you had was Bucky, and thinking of him caused a light chuckle to fall from your lips, he made you endlessly happy. But neither of you could have the picture perfect life, and that was why the pair of you worked, you were each well aware of the restrictions that taunted you both, and had both been down dark roads on more than one occasion.
Things were turning brighter though, as the sun glared through the old glass, casting luminosity to stroke the high points of your face. A gently creak had your head diverting to the door way, where no other than James Barnes was leant up against, his metal arm pressed to the frame as he adoringly swept his oceanic pools over your form, slowly stepping closer.
“What are you thinking about doll?” He asked you, his tone genuine, as you sighed from his words, rubbing your eyelid as you felt a small itch. You puffed your cheeks, as you placed your hands on the super soldier’s waist, rubbing small and vigilant circles through his grey shirt.
“Too much.” It was an honest answer, everything was rattling around like pins in your mind, sinking in and letting loose to their own will. They could not be organised, they would only tumble about again, until the box was empty, though, for now, you had nowhere else to put them.
“Sarah said we could spend the night.” At his words, you hummed, taking note once more of how generous the woman indeed was. “We get the couch, so you best be on your best behaviour baby girl, nothing dirty goes on inside.” A small smirk crept its way onto his handsome face as you gasped at his spoken intention, lightly hitting the vibranium of his arm.
“Why do you blame me for not keeping it in my pants?” You interrogated him, glaring up at the man with a furrow between your brows. “You’re the one that corners me, a lot like this actually, so that you can get your own way and fuck m- oh, that’s exactly what you’re doing now, isn’t it?” You scoffed, crossing your arms and stepping away due to the man’s hormonal impulses. “Why am in not surprised?” You asked yourself, shaking your head at the behaviour of your partner.
“Hey, I’m doing us both a favour. Sex in someone else’s house is not exactly appreciated, and there’s kids, that i would rather not risk getting caught by.” He moved towards you, grabbing an ass cheek in each hand, as he pulled you closer by his grip. “At least then, there’s a chance I can survive the night, without being woken up by you sucking me off, or riding me.”
He was pushing your buttons, and he far well knew that, almost too well. It was his technique to get you riled up, that way, there’d be no dismissal of his current proposal, though, you continued to wear that adorable frown that he loved so much, and so, he gave your ass another firm squeeze, causing you to gasp against his chest. “Fucking on their dead parents’ boat isn’t exactly respectful either.”
“We’re helping fix it, may as well take our break on board, let loose a little, release all that’s clouding your mind.” He shrugged, knowing that his words were tempting you into complying with his lustrous whim, and so, to put another step in to helping his cause, he stepped back, reaching behind him to pull his shirt over the back of his neck, leaving his muscular torso bare, and free for your eyes to roam.
“That’s not fair.” You whined at him, not stopping yourself as you moved closer, and smoothed your hands down his stomach. “You’re such a tease Barnes, why couldn’t you have just fingered me in the public bathroom and waited until tomorrow?” A groan slipped from your mouth, as you peppered kisses over his warm flesh, tasting the sweat on his skin as your tongue swiped over the ridges of his six pack.
“Where would the fun have been in that?” He watched you roll your eyes, but continue to work your way down to his navel, stroking his v line with your fingertips. “We’ve had sex on a plane, might as well add a boat to the list.” Bucky remarked, groaning as you put your weight down onto your knees, looking up at him with your pretty eyes, as you palmed him through the denim of his jeans.
He could feel his cock stirring beneath the material, wanting more, eager to breach the layers that were keeping your tongue from rotating around him. But he remained still, as you swept your hair out from your face, the noise of your pulling down his zipper audible, as you sent him a naughty grin. The man above you licked his lips, breathing a sigh of relief when you tugged his jeans and boxers down, his erection swiftly bouncing up, the leaking tip pointing rudely at your face.
With a quick hand, you grasped his length, rubbing over his veins as you pumped him, spreading the moisture of his precum over his rigid skin, aiding you in your movements. As you proceeded to jerk him within your grip, your mouth moved forwards, your breath fanning over his balls before your tongue slipped out to stroke them, swiping up the droopy skin, as you suckled one into your mouth, contently moaning from the flavour of his skin.
Your eyes had shut as Bucky opened his own, watching you through a hooded gaze as you happily assisted his genitals, sending him into a crusade of pleasure as you used your well adversed skill set upon him. Your bottom lip ran up his shaft, slowly dragging along his reddened skin, until your reached the tip, your hands fleeing down to fondle with his sack, as your mouth stuffed itself full of his cock.
“Baby girl.” He breathed, his chest feeling tight as he stood there, practically naked aboard your friend’s boat. James gritted his teeth, watching as you effortlessly bobbed your head up and down half of him, lazily grinning as gagging sounds eventually emitted from your throat as you had him down the back of your throat, saliva slipping down your chin as you shook your head from side to side with him choking you with his dick.
Though he worried not for your struggle, not as you moaned against him, your lashes fluttering though your eyes were shut. He reached his vibranium hand down, stroking the side of your face with the cool metal, a high whine whistling it’s way out of your nose. Your spare hand reached up, cupping it against you, as you hollowed your cheeks, steadily breathing your nostrils.
A light frown covered your face as you focused on smoothing your tongue on his underside, causing Bucky to throw back his head, his stomach sternly clenching as he felt his balls twitch; and then, before he could fathom it, he was filling your mouth, cumming down your throat, as he pulled out, the last of his seed falling upon your tongue as he manhandled himself, feeling sensitive as he watched you fumble your tongue around your mouth, swallowing the mix of your spittle and his cum.
“Taste so fucking good.” You spoke, laughing lightly as you stared up and saw his dazed expression. Bucky pulled you up, his hand cupping your ass again, as he backed you up against the dash, your back lightly hitting against the window as he pulled at your shorts, whisking then down your legs, rubbing you through your underwear. His tongue explored your mouth, tasting himself as he located your clit, your arms grabbing at his shoulders to push him down, to which he complied.
His noises echoed through your mouth, as he pressed kissed along the top of your thighs, his fingers surpassing the seams of your panties, swiping at your entrance, until his prodding ceased, and he sunk his middle finger into your pussy, feeling you clench around him instantaneously. His teeth bit into your skin, emitting a squeal out of you as you harshly tugged his hair, making him rut his loose cock against nothing but the air.
“So wet.” He mumbled against your skin, as his vibranium snapped the sides of your underwear, letting the damp material fall to the floor, as he licked circles around your clit with his tongue, pulley airy sounds of pleasure of of your lungs. He slipped in another finger, his nose being pressed against your mound as you tugged him even closer, feeling as though you were almost there. Then you came, his fingers quickly exiting you as his tongue plunged in your entrance, cleaning up all your juices.
“Need you to fuck me Buck, please honey”. The man stood, stroking his hard cock as he teased your entrance. He swiped it through your slit a couple of times, before slapping his head against your clit, making your mewl against his lips, as you licked your essence from around his mouth. “James...” His cocky demeanour returned, as he watched you glance down at his cock, pressing your lips together in desire.
“Thought you didn’t want to fuck me on the boat.” He sneered dominantly, gripping your throat with his vibranium fist, giving it a tough squeeze, finding it endlessly hot as needy tears pooled in the corners of your eyes. Your lips pouted as you sputtered to speak, but you were just so hungry for him. “Guess I’m just gonna have to take pity on you doll, aren’t I?”
With that,he wedged his way through your folds, filling you to the brim as he bottomed out, gently releasing your throat to paw at your tits through your shirt. “Move baby, move.” You mumbled, your head feeling dizzy as your nails dug into the back of his neck, pulling him closer so that you could place tender and supple kisses across the front of his shoulders.
And so, he began to thrust into you, keeping a grip on your hips as he raised your leg around his waist, driving into you deeper, your head tiredly lulling as you chanted his name in soft and delirious pants. “So damn tight angel.” The soldier muttered, biting down onto your chin as he kissed his way up to your lips, abusing the swollen flesh a little more. The kisses were sloppy and downright needy, his vibranium hand held your chin up so that it would tip in rhythm with his movements, making access to the inside of your mouth easier.
“Buck.” You mumbled against his lips as your eyes rolled, your own hand circling your clit as you jutted against his exceeding administrations, one hand crawling up into his scalp as you let our small screams. You were indefinitely close, and as Bucky swerved his head around your own, moving his lips to nip at your earlobe, you came, coating his cock in your wetness, as he continued to hit his hips against your own.
It wasn’t long until he followed after, your clumsy hands trailing down to roll his balls in your palms being the last thing to push him over the edge. Bucky remained standing between your legs, each of your heads resting over each other’s shoulders as you felt each other, eyes closed, and smelling how the aroma of your sex wafted around you, like a personalised perfume.
“Hell no.” And the peace was broke, as Sam’s voice broke it. He had his hands on his hips as he shifted his gaze away from the two of you, unimpressed by what had happened. “The two of you get a break and you - not on my boat!” He practically screeched like a falcon at the pair of you, his arms flailing about like a bird’s flapping wings.
Although he was maddened, it didn’t settle well with you. You were too far out of it to acknowledge what he must have thought about the on deck dick that you had gotten, you were too lost in Bucky, the feeling of him still inside of you, and the falling of his cum out from beneath you both. “You know what, I’m outta here.” Sam left, quite glad to do so.
“You alright doll face?” Bucky asked as he pulled out, making you wince from the feeling of emptiness. You nodded as he reached for your underwear , leaving them be when he registered he had torn them, and instead opted to picking up just you’d shorts, pulling them onto your legs, redressing himself afterwards.
“I love you Buck.” You smiled tiredly, humming as he pecked your lips a few more times, combing his hands through your sex hair, as he returned the facial expression, seemingly calm. It looked good on him, the pair of you had momentarily forgotten your traumas, and it was bliss.
“Love you too darling.” He pecked your nose, staring lovingly into your eyes as he helped you down, and abled you with support to stand. “Unfortunately I think our breaks over beautiful.” He spoke, his hand upon your waist as the pair of you walked from the scene, going to fetch a bottle of water from Sarah, whom you hoped had not learn of your oversea adventure .
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