#still baffled by the decision to cover their faces
arabela25 · 1 year
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Eurovision Song Contest 2023 countdown: 35 days left!
We Are One - Wild Youth, Ireland 🇮🇪 [x]
23 notes · View notes
cry4mina · 6 months
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism (Part 4)
(Nayeon x Fem!reader)
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Take Me Back to Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite - Part 2
Take Me Back To Eden - Aqua Regia - Part 3
Word Count: 8.5k Angst/Angst/Smut Summary: Reader finds out the truth behind what Jihyo and Nayeon has been up to, she takes the steps to become more independent and heal her grief, only to fall back into old habits. TW: Betrayal, suggestive themes, lying, break ups, cheating, manipulative behavior, anxiety, top!reader x Bottom!nayeon, choking, degradation, truthfully its rough sex but anyways, let me know if I missed anything! A/N: After a reasonable amount of requests I decided to continue the series. I also decided to write smut for the first time. Thank you to @saiiidahyunee @neoplatinum and @miinatozakiii for the help/advice for this part! <3 (srsly, this wouldn't have happened without them)
“Did she believe you or do we actually need to stop seeing each other?” 
Pulse radiating in every cell of your body, waiting to see if there’s another text from Jihyo. Absolutely baffled as the lie shatters your consciousness, returning you to the jagged spiral you were still reeling from.
It was true. She did this to you. 3 years of deception and it was all happening right under your nose. 
Knees buckling underneath you as you think back to the conversation you had in the kitchen the night prior. 
The tears she shed, the way she spoke…the way she studied your face… She was acting through the whole thing and you believed her. 
“Nothing has happened since, and nothing like this would ever happen again. I wanted to tell you but the person I was then and the person I am now are two completely different people. Even that version of myself would never dream of hurting you in such a way.”
 Stomach churning at the words previously said, fighting back the hatred growing in you. 
‘Please understand that I would do anything to remove this from my past…our past.” 
Nauseously fighting the tears threatening to spill from your eyes, remembering how your skin felt against hers as you slept next to her the night prior and you cringe knowing it was all fake and you had fallen for it. 
Nayeon’s phone vibrates in your hand again, revealing another text from the other responsible party. 
“We can lay low for a little while and let it all simmer down, if that’s easier. But I don’t want to stop being with you.”
As you stare at the screen, truth reflects back onto your face, flashing through your memories with her. Decorating the house on the holidays, her meeting your parents, anniversaries, going out to dinner; Even the small touches to show affection that intertwined themselves into everyday life hardened your exterior as you built your walls back up brick by brick wondering how long they’ll hold up with the digital reinforcement you’ve stumbled upon.   
The need for the truth pokes at your chest while opening the text thread between her and Jihyo. 
———————————Yesterday 11:34 pm——————————
Jihyo: Y/n didn’t seem to believe me when we spoke, I hope she listens to you or we might have a problem. 11:34pm
Nayeon: We might have a problem then 11:35pm
Nayeon: I don’t know if her and I will make it thru this 11:35pm
Jihyo: Do what u can. We will just have to cover our asses if the company finds out we are sleeping together. 11:37pm
Nayeon: It seems like she can’t really make a decision. I put her to bed a little while ago because she was exhausted. 11:38pm
Nayeon: She did bring me dinner last night… 11:38pm
Nayeon: She actually just came to the living room and def only in underwear…I’ll update u in the morning. 11:40pm
Jihyo: Just because she’s the piece that’s keeping the public and our company from finding out doesn’t mean I want to hear stuff like that, Nayeon. 11:42pm
———————————Today 8:12 am——————————
Jihyo: Did she believe you or do we actually need to stop seeing each other? 8:12am
Jihyo: We can lay low for a little while and let it all simmer down, if that’s easier. But I don’t want to stop being with you. 8:14am
Forgetting to blink as you’re reading the thread, in disbelief that you almost gave them the forgiveness they asked for. Caught between the smoke and mirrors, an illusion painted for the public eye to cover the secret that only they knew. 
Screenshot clicks lightly as you send yourself the evidence and delete the pictures from the text thread as well as Nayeon’s phone. You wanted to be able to look back on this and remind yourself that she was responsible, and that you'd never give her another chance. 
Sliding her phone into your pocket, you walk into the bedroom. 
Nayeon is distracted in the bathroom preparing for your morning shower together. Hearing the door of the shower sliding open and the sound of the head sputtering to start. The clashing of the water hitting the tile mimics the storm you felt brewing up inside of you.  
As your rage builds you quickly grab a backpack out of the closet, unintentionally knocking a tote bag down as you pull the straps. Trinkets of all kinds scatter across the floor, you flinch at the sound and look down at the mess before immediately unzipping the bag.
“Is everything okay, baby?” Nayeon yells from the bathroom, it's muffled by the foam of her toothpaste as you hear her spit into the sink.
Body tensing at the pet name, knowing the illusion of the past 3 years was uncomfortable and devastating. 
“Yes. Just dropped something.” You shout back trying to hide the towering rage that is rocking against the winds of change your digital confirmation created. 
 “Okay, my love, I’ll be waiting for you in the shower.” She sings back trying to play cute with you. 
You roll your eyes while shoving the bag full of everything you’d need for the next few days as quickly as possible. Clothes, charger, wallet, important documents, and your laptop. 
Putting on the first pair of pants you see and not even bothering to change out of the oversized sweater you threw on to cover up while you had your morning coffee. 
Quietly running to the dresser to grab some socks, your foot kicks some of the mess left on the floor. Sighing at the annoyance of it being in your way but it slows down enough to see what the contents were. Jewelry you’d never seen, love notes opened with a wax seal, and countless pictures of Jihyo and Nayeon together. 
Frozen in fury as you take in what you’re unintentionally uncovering, a singular tear drenched in anguish falls - the tap on the photo echoing in your ears. Reaching your limit and the overflow of emotions are about to spill out of you in a slurry of misery and hatred.
Grabbing the specific Polaroid of them kissing, tucking it into your pocket with her phone and leaving everything else where it landed. Preparing for the confrontation, knowing she’ll probably try to cover it again. No more running from it and no more hiding from it, you had her cornered with the proof that she was a liar. 
Hopping onto the counter in the bathroom, you waited for Nayeon to realize you’re there. The shower door is slightly open, she left it for your entrance. Opening her eyes momentarily to see you staring back at her, much like most mornings. 
This morning was different though, after the fight you got into that spread out over a week and the information you got this morning; there was a thickness in the air that wasn’t just steam. Almost visible in how it intimately caressed your heart into a conflicted mess of emotions, waging wars inside your chest.  
 “Aren't you gonna join me? I’ve got a blank canvas for you if you’d like to make more art out of me.” She coyly says, winking at you.
 Your cringe is covered by the steam coated glass, repulsed by the thought of this stranger touching you the way she used to. The trust was no longer there. Being past anger, past sadness, and clinging to the numbness so you could get through this conversation. 
Trying to keep your brain on track when Nayeon steps out of the shower and walks towards you, seductively. A thin layer of sweat is starting to appear on your skin as she gets closer to you, you’re trying to talk yourself out of the thoughts of what would happen if you just showered with her and forgot what you found. 
You can’t do that to yourself, you know that. You would never knowingly accept less than you deserve but your heart was fighting you with every step she took towards you.
She puts her wet hands on your thighs, allowing the material to cling to your skin, “why are you wearing these? Just so I can take them off?” Her pupils are wide as she fixates on your face watching you half glare back at her.
 Swallowing as you try to keep yourself from shaking as the numbness wears off and turns to despair and then shifting erratically to pure anger and then back to despair again. The pattern is familiar, you’ve lived it before a few times. Trying your best to conceal the rapidly changing mood and keep a straight face.
 It seems to go unnoticed as she parts your jean clad legs and slides her waist between them wrapping her arms around your neck. Shivering at the warmth of her skin against yours as her fingers lace through the hair on the back of your head, trying to get you to cave into her wants. 
Your body is definitely reacting to her being this close to you the way it always did. The ache in your core screaming at the familiarity but your mind is repulsed. How many times had she done this with Jihyo? 
Not pulling away, allowing her to set herself up, the same way she let you. Leaning into your ear, lips brushing against its shell as she whispers “I’d love to take this off, if you’ll let me.”
“Do you really think you deserve it after what you’ve done?” sternly leaves your mouth. 
Clench her thighs as you speak, she loves when you talk to her that way. Not realizing that your voice is heavy with a different type of malice, not the usual light hearted mask you wear for her when she wants some roughness. 
 Hands come off your neck and slide under the sweater. She’s relieved you don’t have a bra on as she scratches harshly down your back, like she always did during sexually driven moments much like this one, in an attempt to rile you up more. 
It works for a moment, you groan and chase after her lips as she teasingly pulls away from you. Challenging your power and being a brat, refusing what you were asking for to intentionally make things more heated. Two can play that game.
“Close your eyes and hold your hands out.” Softly spoken while only an inch away from her face. Her half lidded eyes looking up at you for a moment. The sparkle for you is still encapsulated in her big brown eyes. 
Immediately listening, placing full trust in you. Removing her from between your legs, you guide her back and against the glass shower door. It rattles on impact as she leans against it, inciting a gasp from her. 
Her hands are up and out, waiting for whatever you had in store for her.  She’s smiling up at you, eyes closed, intrigued about what you’d place in her digits. 
Reaching into your pocket and pulling out her phone and the picture. Looking at them one more time before placing them directly into her hands, almost as an offering, like it’s your ticket out of this mess you unknowingly found yourself in. 
“You can open them now.” Tone leaving little to mystery as it sneers out of you. 
Her brows furrow as she realizes something isn’t right. Nayeon opens her eyes and looks down at what you’ve placed in her hands. Confusion waves across her face until she sees the image of her and Jihyo kissing, staring back at her. Hearing the gasp leave her lips, a deep gust of air is still not enough for Nayeon as she almost starts to panic.
You’re out of the room in seconds, her quickly following behind you, she grabs onto the sweater leaving a wet handprint that matches the ones on your thighs. 
 “Please, let me explain!” she begs frantically and tugs on the sweater harder to try and get your attention while you’re gathering more necessities for your daily routines. 
“Drop the act, Nayeon. I don’t want to hear anymore from you.” Your tone is growing more callous as time goes on. It roughens up the few soft spots she had even if it was entirely her fault you were going through this life changing event.
 Her face shifts from worried to annoyed as you sprint around the room, not bothering to organize anything being placed into the backpack.
“And where are you going to go, huh?” she asks, tilting her head and dropping her arms to her side heavily, allowing her frustration to show for a split second before she remembers she’s still completely naked and dripping wet from the shower on the rug in your bedroom.
Taking a step forward to get in her face, you startle her, not expecting you, soft gentle y/n, to approach her in such a way. Leaning back when you stepped forward but not breaking eye contact. You watch her leg start to bounce as she gets more anxious realizing you were angry in a way she had never seen, fire behind your eyes noticeable as you adjust your stance to show her you weren’t backing down and you were no longer scared to lose her. 
Movement feeling foreign to her as she’s unable to keep calm like the Nayeon you knew of. Backed into a corner and baring her teeth as you confront her about her wrong doings, is an attempt to control the situation and she was about to try an old tactic that had worked previous to this. 
Playing with the belt loops on your jeans, she brings her voice back to the sweet one you used to know,  “Are you just going to keep running away from me? Or can we talk this out? I thought we were okay. I thought we could get past this together” Retorting in a semi-cooled tone. Eyes watering again and the block of ice in your chest is trying to thaw in you as she leans in to put her satin lips on yours for a small second of contact before you avoid the affection, knowing you’d crumble at the act. Not allowing yourself to fall into her grasp again, knowing she was willing to hurt you in an incomprehensible way, and feel no guilt.  
“That was before I saw those texts and before I found the bag of secret Jihyo shit in the closet, Nayeon!” 
Looking down at the phone you handed her to read the message. The realization of what’s happening washes over her face, it couldn’t be played off as a misunderstanding anymore. She had been caught red handed and had to deal with the consequences. 
Nayeon leaned in harder to her act of fake innocence, insinuating that you were in fact the big bad for violating her trust like she wasn’t the one who burnt yours to crisps and used the ashes as eyeshadow.
“Why did you go through my phone?” She crosses her arms, pushing her breasts together. She’s trying to distract you with multiple tactics but it wasn’t working, her act faltering when scrutinized. . 
Extremely angry, your brain couldn’t see her as anything other than an enemy. “Is that really what you’re worried about right now? Our entire relationship was a false front for you and Jihyo and all you can do is try to flip it on me?! …Who made you like this?” harshly asking just trying to understand what she had to gain from hurting you in such a way. 
“You don’t trust me?” Nayeon says sweetly, touching your torso again. Pulling away roughly, unable to  believe it’s even a question she thought would be a good to say out loud, when you both knew what the answer was. 
 “You have been cheating on me for the entirety of our relationship and you have the audacity to ask if I trust you? Fuck you.I gave you the opportunity to be honest with me and you threw it right back in my fucking face, Nayeon!” laying into her, letting out every drop of anger she caused you through your teeth.
“3 years of what?! You completely ruined everything, our entire relationship was fake so you could fuck Jihyo without suspension! So absolutely not, I don’t trust you in any sense of the word.” voice starting to crack as you tear up, “and to think I was actually going to propose to you” letting the sadness of the future lost memories drain out of you onto the person who caused it all. 
Speechless and not believing that the docile person who was head over heels for her could have such venom to spit. A new light is shining down on you as you display your livid behavior. Oddly, even more attracted to you than she already was, she was in a trance as she realized what you said. 
“You were going to…propose?” Quietly said back to you. Her eyes are saddened as she starts to understand the weight of her choices and all the things that will never happen again between the two of you. The guilt cuts deep, creating a sharp sting in her chest as a heart string popped.  
Rolling your eyes and open the drawer in the kitchen that normally is reserved for “junk” to pull out a little black box, slamming it on the counter. “I really wanted to…” allowing yourself to be vulnerable for a moment as she reaches out to open the jewelry box and sees the perfect ring. 
The pear shaped diamond in the middle was huge, with little diamonds laid into a rose gold band. This is how she described her dream wedding ring to you on your 3rd date. You wrote it down in the notes of your phone for the moment you would need it, thinking she was the one. 
Eyes matching the diamonds, sparking with light as they fill with tears. She never thought about how much you paid attention or how well you knew her. Too wrapped up in playing her role with both you and Jihyo to even think that you were set on her being the one you wanted to spend your life with.  
“I need you to tell me how it started. I need to know why.” speaking cold heartedly, keeping the distance between the two of you. 
“...It did start with a drunken night. That was true. I never tho-” She started as she lowered her eyes. 
“Look at me when you’re talking.” deliberately call her out, rattling her a little bit, her face turns red, eye wide as she goes to speak again.
“I never thought that it would go this far with her. I really was genuinely upset when Jihyo told me what happened the first time. I didn’t remember anything at all and then she convinced me not to say anything and then we hung out a few days later and…it happened again but sober this time and it just never stopped. There was no emotion behind it for me, I swear. I love you, not her.” 
A freight train crashes through you as you reel at the information hitting your ears. 
“You don’t get to say that. You don’t get to claim you love me when you’ve been living in a black light paradise with someone else this entire time.” hissing dispassionately to assert your words.
“But two things can be true at once, like you always say…” throwing back at you with a smirk knowing how much your own rhetoric being used on you makes you angry. 
Aggressively grabbing your backpack again and heading towards the door again, once intimidating, now a way to safety as you jerk it open, feening for escape from the heavy atmosphere. Your steps are quick and precise as you make your exit. 
 “I made a mistake, y/n. She’s not you. She will never be you.” Almost shouted at you as one foot stepped over the threshold. 
 “You were the mistake and I hope your guilt drowns you.” 
An anchor pulls your heart to the bottom of the ocean. You told Nayeon to drown but it was you who couldn’t swim. Pulling harshly at your arteries as you sludge towards your car, feeling as if you’re moving in slow motion just trying to escape the shark infested waters.
Remembering this same feeling from before, but this one was much more certain. With the evidence in front of you, the admission from both parties, and the way Nayeon spoke to you- there was no more safety in who she portrayed herself to be. The illusion has smashed into shards of false love, leaving you to pick up the pieces. 
You drive to Momo’s house, not bothering to call before showing up, you don’t think you could speak anymore, your jaw is tense the entire way there to hold everything in. 
Walking up to the door and hitting the door bell, the dogs bark to alert their owners. The locks click open and the door cracks open to reveal a surprised Momo. 
“Y/n, what are you do-“ cutting her off as you collapse into her arms. You kept it together long enough to get to your best friend, but now the dam was broken and unable to contain the pure pain that was born from the cruelness Nayeon showed you.
Momo drags you into the house and sits you on the same couch you slept on days before, sitting next to you and trying to comfort you as you shake and sob, wrapping your arms around yourself trying to create a sense of safety for yourself that couldn’t be torn from you.
“Y/N, what happened?” Momo is so concerned with your inability to calm down, it’s starting to make her upset. 
Dahyun walks into the room, hearing the commotion. The loudness of your sobs ringing in her ears with her heart sinking into her stomach as she sits on the other side of you, joining Momo’s effort to comfort you. 
Shakily breathing as you try to regulate yourself yet again, this time it feels harder than the last because at least last time there was hope. You are only experiencing extreme sadness and betrayal, with a lot of anger mixed in it but there was no hope present.   
Unaware of how long you’ve been crying as Dahyun gets up “I’ll go make up the guest bedroom.” Rubbing your back as she walks past you. 
“Thank you,” you squeak out through your teeth, struggling to calm down. 
Momo has a look on her face that could cut diamonds. Anger radiating off her cheeks as she grabs her phone, taps it a few times and brings it to her ear quickly, she stands and taps her foot waiting for the other person to answer.  
Nayeon is heard on the other side, “is she with you?” 
Momo’s face is repulsed by this considering the state of you in front of her but she answers the question anyway,
 “Yes, what happened? She’s obviously not okay. Tell me what happened.” Momo’s arms are crossed, standing up she shifts her weight from one leg to the other. 
“I don’t know, she just got upset and left”
“Nayeon, I have known you for years.You’re lying. Y/N wouldn’t just show up sobbing uncontrollably for no reason, so tell me what happened or I'm hanging up.” talking with her hands, raising them in a frustrated manner as the lies keep coming.
“Well if she didn’t want to hurt herself she should have gone through my phone.” annoyance present in Nayeon’s tone.
Momo looks over at you, devastated for the second time on her couch pulling your phone out in silence and showing her the text thread screenshots you had taken earlier.
“It’s not as big of a deal as it’s being made out to be.”
“Are you serious right now?” Momo harshly questions as Nayeon continues. 
“Are you going to question Jihyo like you questioned me? Or are we just gonna pretend like she’s not part of this too?” 
The sharpness in her tone was something you had witnessed before but the taste of her name coming out of Nayeon’s mouth was unbearable.
Momo gasps at the new knowledge that has now been thrown at her. Completely statuesque, as she tries to wrap her mind around what Nayeon just said.
 Momo’s eyes look up on your screen to reveal the name at the top of the text thread: Jihyo  
The rush of emotions she was experiencing was overwhelming to her senses, momo’s voice choked with tears as she spoke to Nayeon.
“Wait…what did you just say? J is Jihyo?!” Momo says in complete disbelief, shocked at not only what she’s reading on the screen but by what she was hearing from one of the parties involved.
“Yes. So please call and interrogate her. Can I speak with my girlfriend now?”
“No, you can’t. I am not friends with people who do this type of thing, Nayeon. How could you do this to y/n?” she shouts through the phone, hunched over with a hand on her knee, trying to understand all the pieces of this complicated puzzle.    
Momo, trying to keep the anger she felt under wraps, started pacing in the room taking laps around the couch as she spoke. 
“Nayeon…are you kidding me? How long has this been going on?” Confused was an understatement, Momo was completely overstimulated with the information she was being given. 
 Never noticing the connection between how close Jihyo and Nayeon were, always sharing hotel rooms on tour, finishing each other’s sentences, the looks across the room, Nayeon staying at Jihyo’s house frequently…it was all starting to add up and Momo is seeing red over the pain of her best friend being hurt beyond belief, and by someone who was supposed to be her family. She was just as angry as you were. 
“Momo, I don’t want to do this right now, Can I please speak to Y/n? I’m trying to save my relationship and not be put under a microscope by you.” 
“I can’t believe you would do this. You spoke of Y/n like she moved mountains for you and this is what you’ve been doing behind her back? I’m disgusted with you and your actions…and I’m pretty sure she’s your ex-girlfriend now but you knew that already, didn’t you?” 
Momo hung up quickly, not caring about what Nayeon had to say back to her. More worried about you and your emotional state than anything Nayeon had to say.
 “Did she tell you why or was it her avoiding the question?” inquiring as she took a seat next to you, giving an apologetic look and a bear hug to try to make you feel better. 
“She told me enough for me to want to leave my home, technically she didn’t even tell me, I found a secret bag of Jihyo stuff in our closet with a bunch of pictures of them together, and one shot of them kissing, wax sealed love letters and jewelry.” Voice cracking and shaking as you bite back more emotion. 
Momo gasps as the story unfolds before her, she can’t believe what she’s hearing. It is so polar opposite of what she expected of her members. She always thought they were kind and loving. She imagines what y/n might be feeling in all of this. 
“I am so sorry. Please let me know how I can help you get through this.” reaching for you to pull you into a warm embrace. 
“Well, I’m definitely going to need to find a new apartment so if you want to help me with that I’d be grateful.” half chuckling through some tears, trying to add a little light into the situation. You hated the idea of someone else being upset because of this situation.
“Consider it done” Dahyun walked back in with swollen eyes, sniffling. She probably overheard the argument Momo just had and was reflecting the same amount of empathy as Momo was. 
“We can start tomorrow!”
About 3 weeks went by and you were slowly showing signs of your old self. You were going out with friends again, hanging out with Momo a lot, and starting to become present again, no longer constantly seeing the rewind of Nayeon’s innocence faltering behind your eyes. Still receiving texts from Nayeon at least 2 times a day. They served as a reminder of what once was. 
Momo and Dahyun were patient with you, letting you speak with them about the effects this trauma was having on your mental health. It’s always hard to watch your loved ones go through something this difficult but it was obvious that they were proud of how you were handling it, even if it was hard. They were always there to remind you that you could do hard things. 
Finding a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom that was close to Momo and Dahyun’s, signing the lease immediately. It was a slight upgrade to the studio that you and Nayeon occupied previously. The kitchen was bigger, the natural light was brighter, and the bathroom had a large bathtub that you could fully lay down in, which you were looking forward to. 
Spending a week finding the perfect furniture for it, designing the interior however you wanted and making it your own space without someone else’s opinion in the back of your mind was fun. You enjoyed doing this for yourself, fixating on something that had to do with you alone. You felt the ashes from previous ruin sprouting stems as you tried to move on.
You had really been focusing on yourself, trying to resurrect yourself after total devastation. Pulling out the roots, and planting good ones so later on you could reap the benefits. Changing the perspective of your brain was hard, but well worth it.
Being in a better place mentally and emotionally as your sense of stability was so close to being present again, you thought it was time that you continue with the last step of separating from Nayeon.
There was still some stuff you wanted to get back at your old apartment but you didn’t want to run the risk of Nayeon being there. You had no desire to face her, especially while you were still mending. You decided to reach out to her to let her know you’d be coming by to get the rest of your things. 
“Hey, I’m going to stop by today to get my stuff. I’d really like it if you weren’t there.“ You hesitate to hit send, not wanting to come off in a rude way. Quickly realizing how absurd that was and hit send. 
 “So now you reply? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for weeks… are you doing okay?” almost immediately after the message was delivered, like she has been staring at the thread waiting for you to say something. 
“That’s not your concern anymore. What is your schedule like this week? I won’t be long. I’d just like my things, thank you.” you replied with haste, just wanting this to be over. 
“I’ve got something scheduled at 5 today. You can come then if you really don’t want to see me.” 
You can hear the pout over the text message without any hint of it present in the text. This instinctually sparks sadness in you. Biting the inside of your lip and type out a few replies before deciding to just drop it. A wave of the past just flashed in front of you, causing you to fall into loneliness, something you’d fought to keep at bay. 
Checking the clock and it’s already 3pm, you finish up what you’re doing in the living room and take a cold shower before setting out to the apartment one last time.
Stepping into the once familiar place, you are hit with the smell of vanilla and sandalwood. “That’s odd” thinking to yourself, wondering if she’s left a candle burning as you walk in, sliding your shoes off by the door. She always forgot to blow them out after lighting them or would fall asleep on the couch with one lit. 
You were right, but with an added twist, the candle was burning in the center of the coffee table flickering against the shadows in the room around you. The flame was blocked out by the shadow of someone on the couch in the dimly lit space. 
“I thought you had schedules.” sighing, irritate at being met with another moment of dishonesty.
“I just needed to talk to you…” she whispers, she had been crying. Hearing it in her voice and seeing it on her face as she turned her back to the candle, taking in your features like it was the first time she’d ever seen you. A  tinge of hope runs through her, your face must be showing sympathy.               
“I needed you to be faithful and that was too much for you so I don’t really want to do any conversing with you.” asserting that you’re completely vexed by her as you walk into the bedroom to gather the rest of the stuff you were taking with you. 
Following you closely, a habit you used to think was cute as she watches you pick up small knick knacks from your childhood, clothes, and some other important tokens left behind. Sorting through every drawer to make sure you got everything, wanting this to be the last time you’re in the once shared life.    
Almosting touching you with how close her proximity was, she wondered if you’d give her some of your time so she could plead for you to stay when you finally spoke up. 
“Can you stop hovering so I can do what I need to and leave?” 
“Can you just talk to me for a second?” Nayeon replied equally annoyed and choked up as she watched you tuck all she had left of you away. 
Turning around to face her, “Fine! What do you want?” 
You’ve never shown her such apathy, the emptiness that rings in your voice hollows her chest out as she takes a few steps forward, you are surprised by the sudden closeness when she leans in and kisses you roughly. 
You gasp which leaves an opening for her to slide her tongue into your mouth, the neediness pouring out of her drenches you with adrenaline and you slowly succumb to her as she bites your lower lip and tugs gently. The world stops.
Every ounce of love you ever felt for this person came slithering back into your mind for a split second, followed by anger as you remind yourself of the betrayal. 
You can’t believe she’s just throwing herself at you. Body reacting exactly how you would expect when your recent ex partner kisses you like this, the familiarity of her hands on your body sends jolts of comfort and excitement through you and you aren't strong enough to fight the primal urge. 
Trailing her hand up your back under your sweater while keeping you distracted with her mouth and sinking her nails into your shoulders, dragging them slowly down your back, causing you to lean into the kiss even more, moaning into her mouth as she smiles. 
Falling into the trap she was setting and you knew it. 
Hands slowly find their place on her waist, she kisses your jaw whispering sweet nothings into your skin. 
“Baby, please stay” she lays another kiss farther down your jaw
“I know you missed this” laying another kiss
“You are always so hungry for me…show me”
She ghosts her lips up and returns to yours as she kisses you passionately, revealing pure lust as she grips onto you. Bringing your hands up to cup her face, allowing yourself to get lost in the breathy haze, heart pounding as you feel your body temperature rise, effects of the love that once was and the lust that now is. 
Spiraling in the dizzying moment,you and Nayeon sink into each other, closeness returning as you’re swept away by the intense feelings you’re both harboring. Hands are exploring as you fumble around, not allowing space between you as you both collapse onto the bed, hungirly taking each other in as you gain control, Nayeon is lost in the essence of you and it was your turn to hold the power.  
In addition to getting on top of her, you place your knee between her legs- just enough out of reach so that she couldn’t get a good position on it. You were going to give her this moment to remember and you were going to make her earn it.
The heat emanates off her as you rip off your sweater tossing it aside. She’s looking up at you like you put the moon in the sky as you reach your arm around and unhook your bra, letting the straps slide down your arms slowly, her eyes wide with anticipation as you remove it, throwing it on top of the sweater. 
Nayeon’s hands reach up, eyes darkened as she tries to touch you when you slam her hands back down into the softness of the sheets, pinning her to the mattress forcefully above her head, glaring into her with white hot anger.  
“No,” as you hold her in place, your body pressed against hers, faces close enough to feel each other's quickened breath. Nayeon sees the flash of spite in your eyes as you press your mouth on hers, it makes her ache while she is refracting desperation, subtly grinding on your thigh as she lets your tongue dance with hers.
Pulling back from the kiss to admire the sight before you; Nayeon is anchored to the bed by your hands, whimpering and grinding on your leg practically begging for you to fuck her. 
Faces return close enough for your lips to lightly graze, teasing her as you remind her where you stand, “Tell me… does Jihyo excite you like this or is this only for me?” with a sultry nuance. She squirms underneath you as you taunt her, her eyes flickering down to your thigh as she tries to grind into you to get some friction to satiate the ache you’re creating within her, only for you to pull your knee back just enough so she can’t reach it. 
 She whines “y/n…please, it’s only yo-” getting up before getting the full answer and dragging her legs to the edge of the bed letting them bend over the edge, pulling her shirt off frantically, exposing her tits. 
 The knot in her stomach tightens as she watches you become completely carnal, continuing toying with her. Lightly tracing her chest with your finger before you kissed her again, this time more aggressively as if you are claiming what had been yours. She groaned into it, always loving when you got like this, you’re ghosting your finger along the waistband of her sweats as you pull back from the kiss again and attacking her neck leaving a trail of dark marks down to her chest. 
“She’ll have to admire my artwork for the next week and I hope she enjoys it” leaving bite marks and bruises as you descend down slowly.
You take one of her nipples into your mouth and swirl your tongue around it, you can hear her breathing hitch as you roughly pinch the other one. Without letting go of her bud between your fingers you detach your mouth and slide your other hand up to Nayeon’s throat, lightly squeeze and ask “Does Jihyo fuck you like the slut you are? Or does she leave you for me to ruin?” 
Nayeon let out a wail as the words cascaded off your tongue, completely bewildered at what is happening right now as she feels the intoxication of your agitated demeanor wash over her while she grows impatient. Pushing back and trying to take the power from you when you mimic your prior movements and slam her down on the bed, letting her know that wasn’t going to happen.
“Don't. Move.” Stoically said while standing up, sliding her pants and underwear off to reveal a string of arousal clinging to the fabric and the soaked mess that she was. She was already clenching around nothing. 
“Pathetic.” You smirk. 
“Does she ever make you this wet?” as you part her lips with one hand, gathering her arousal at her entrance with your finger, and slowly bring it up to your mouth, sucking it clean. She rolls her hips up at the sensation, body screaming for more. 
“I told you not to move.”
Nayeon whines loudly, “Please, Y/n…touch me” begging for some continuous form of contact and being sure not to move while your stand above her watching as tears well up in her eyes. 
“...so needy… does she make you beg for it like this?” the words daunting as they snake out. 
“You’re so good at lying, I’m sure she thinks you belong to her.” 
“What was it that you said earlier?” following up slyly while lowering yourself between her legs, knees on the floor and arms are wrapped around her thighs, with hands planted on her hips keeping them in place. 
“You’re always so hungry for me…” breathing out as you traces patterns on her lower stomach and bring your face closer to her pussy, 
“…show me” she sighs out as you dive down into her folds, moaning intensely as you tangle yourself between her legs. She feels you devouring her sloppily, not leaving a single place unexplored as she tries to buck her hips into your mouth.
Nayeon is seeing stars as past experiences flood back into memory, senses heightened as you consume her more possessively than usual. She loves this version of you. 
Hands holding onto her so tightly as you start sucking on her clit, she squirms under your grip, squealing at the erratic pattern traced with the tip of your tongue before giving her the rhythm she craved so desperately. 
Nayeon’s breathing gets heavier as you stick to the pace you know she likes, building her up to where you wanted her. The moaning gets louder as you continue lapping at her, hands go up to your hair, locking you in place as you bring her as close to the edge as possible. 
Hearing her high pitched whines and feeling her pussy clench around nothing, completely stopping everything that you are doing.  
“Wha?!-..” she let out a groan that could’ve shattered windows as you stood before her, watching her react to the orgasm being ruined. 
“Why would you do that?!” she groaned out, squeezing her legs together again. You lightly smack her thigh, telling her without words not to. The slap radiates through the room and leaves a small red hand print displayed. 
Enjoying the blissful anguish on her face as you licked the evidence right off your mouth while removing your pants and underwear. Getting on the bed, straddling her, wetness visible as it drips off of you, she looked up at you with wanting eyes, hips still rutting, and knowing exactly where this was going.
“Did you really think I’d give you what you wanted so easily?” you start scooting up so that your knees are on either side of her head, a mere inch from her face.
“You’ll have to earn it.” Leaning forward and head between your legs, tongue out already anticipating the taste of you. 
A gasp echoes in your chest as she licks the inside of your thighs, making sure not to waste a drop of you before taking one big slow lick up your slit, doing that several times, causing you to thrust into her more before attaching her lips to your clit and finding the rhythm she knew you wanted. 
Drowning in her all over again as you feel the knot in your stomach stir, you need more from her but she wasn’t going to give you that right away.
“Naye- ..fuck, just like that -on” you whine her name, slowly start to fuck her face. 
“More.”  Demanding breathlessly, feeling your release building throughout your body, muscles tightening as she shakes her head no, trying not to remove her mouth from you.
“Nay-“  a guttural moan stops you mid sentence, knowing what she wanted from you. 
“Baby…please, I need you” pleasure all consuming, you’re aching for her inside of you.
Before you can ask again, a long finger slides into your core and starts pumping forward to hit your g-spot a few times before adding another finger. 
Another loud moan, as you steadily rock your hips against her mouth, building on the list you were already feeling. Close to breaking, you feel one of her hands slide up to your chest and start tugging on your nipple, that’s what sends you over the edge. 
Throwing your head back as your breath quickens, grinding against her face, with a death grip on her hair. Shaking on top of her as your orgasm rips through you, she keeps going, letting you ride it out. 
“Good girl,” you say breathly as you scoot back to straddle her hips again, body feeling like static as you come down. 
Catching your breath while looking at her cum covered face, you know you aren’t finished with her just yet. Leaning up to you, wrapping her arms around you and kissing you. Tasting yourself on her as you pull her arms off of you.
“I missed the way you taste.” she cooed as you stood up again, half wobbling as you were still recovering. 
“Didn’t I say not to move?” sternly rolls off your tongue, her eyes widen as you push her back down roughly and spit directly onto her pussy. Not that you needed the extra lube, you spread it around her entrance before slamming 2 fingers into her.
“Fuck, Y/n…” she moans as you pump your fingers quickly into her, feeling how wet she is from the orgasm you stole. She thrusts harshly, forcing your digits deeper into her.
“You don’t cum until I say you can.” growled at her from between her legs - peering up to see her face, eyes clamped shut as she leaked out onto the sheets - impatiently waiting for you to stimulate her in some way. 
You can’t help but torture her a little. 
“Does Jihyo make you wet like this? Or is she a shit replacement fuck when I’m not around”
She doesn’t even hear what you’re saying while she’s writhing underneath you, completely fucked out and trying to focus on not cumming while you’re toying with her. Your mouth finds its way to her clit causing a frantic moan to rip through her chest, hands pulling at the sheets as she holds everything back.
“Ca- can I cum please?” She screeches between moans, nodding your head back to her while keeping the same circular motions going with your tongue on her clit, picking up the pace of the fingers inside her as she screams out - back arching, body tense, and clenching down on your fingers as she cums, gushing all over your hand. 
Trying to take a breath, she squeals because you never stop fucking her at a relentless pace; she’s immediately back to moaning your name. 
“Baby, What are yo-” words cut off as she loudly moans, giving her a second to try and finish the sentence. 
“Use your words” as you pick up the pace even more, holding her down onto the mattress with your left hand on her hip, pounding your fingers into her. 
Unable to speak coherently, almost screaming as she tries to formulate sentences. 
“You wanted to cum so bad, so give me another one.” Answering the question she couldn’t ask while snapping into her g-spot, bending down to put your lips on hers again, giving her a taste of herself as she moans into your mouth, unable to hold back from the feeling of being over-stimulated. 
She feels the tension inside her forming again, threatening to burst at any moment when you lean over to ghost your lips over her ear. 
“I bet Jihyo doesn’t make you cum like this.” Violent combustion dispels from her body as she tenses underneath you, screaming into your mouth and sinking her claws into your back while riding out her orgasm.
Both of you lay on the bed, attempting to catch your breath. She rolls over to you, and tries to curl up in your arms but you get up before she can get too comfortable.
“Baby, where are you going? Sleepily stated while staying on the bed.  
Silence as you put your underwear back on.
Silence as you slide your pants on 
“…are you leaving?” She says in a sad tone, leaning up on her elbows, watching you put your shirt on and gather all the stuff you came to get. 
She is in complete disbelief as you walk out of the bedroom door, hearing you put your shoes on in the kitchen and then hearing the door open. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?…what is that on your neck?” heard from the kitchen. Nayeon’s eyes widen as she realizes the time and the plans she made…with Jihyo. 
“I don’t really think she will be much use to you tonight but you’re more than welcome to try.” You say condescendingly to Jihyo as she stares at you about to walk out. 
“Oh, by the way” , turning your head to her as you open the door.
“I hope you like the way I taste. Enjoy.” smiling at her as you walk right out of the apartment. She stares at the front door in disbelief as she’s figuring out her next move, now in a similar position to where you were.
“Nayeon!” screamed loud enough for you to hear while you’re walking toward the elevator. Not even being able to help the smirk across your face knowing she’s about to get an earful. Laughing to yourself as you call the elevator.
Starting the ride home, you think about exactly what just happened. Unable to believe you allowed yourself to fuck Nayeon and act like that towards Jihyo. Thinking about it not with regret, but with a blend of malice and sadness. They were both important to you, previously but that’s reality anymore.
Looking into the rearview mirror at the complex behind you, almost a far-well glance for you as your phone vibrates in your pocket. 
Pulling it out to see Jihyo’s name across the top and hit the end button, sending her straight to voicemail. She calls again, same response. The third time your phone vibrates, you answer it 
“Can you stop calling me? I obviously don't want to talk to you.” sounding heavily annoyed. 
“…Y/n?” A familiar softness rings on the other line as you look at the phone number that isn’t saved.
“Oh…uhm, sorry…I thought this was Jihyo. I don’t have this number saved in my phone…”
“That’s alright” a small chuckle follows, “It’s Mina.”
Take me Back to Eden - The Summoning - Part 5
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lizzieislife94x · 8 months
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Oh No Honey (e.o)
Requested <3
 LizziexG!P Reader
How has this book got almost 60k (this was last year still upset it got removed at 700k reads efff wattpad for that 🤣) reads I'm baffled thank you to everyone who reads and votes it means alot it let's me know I'm doing something right for you beautiful people as always my requests are always open don't be scared to message me if you have a request. 
Y/ns POV: 
"Should we have chicken for dinner baby" my wife asks as she rests her hand on my lower back her touch still sends fireworks through my body "yes!" I say excitedly as she smiles and pecks my lips "youre such a child" I smirk and quickly wrap my arms around her in the middle of the store spinning her "but you love me and you wouldn't have me any other way" she smiles wide as I set her down "you have that correct baby I wouldn't have you any other way, you're mine and I'm yours" I feel my heart glowing as I get down on one knee "Elizabeth Chase Olsen will you do me the honour of marrying me" I say with a bright smile as I hear a few gasps from shoppers around us I see her face turn bright red as she pulls me up "I hate you sometimes, I already married you now I'm questioning my decision" she says with a playful tone as she kisses me passionately before breaking away to continue our shop after 20 minutes I put the last bag in the trunk and jump in the passenger seat and smile as we head home. 
2 hours later
I sit uncomfortably on the couch as my bulge presses uncomfortably against my pants I look down and mumble "really really I see my wife naked all the time you always act up" lizzie steps back in still naked as she towel dries her hair "did you say something to me baby" I groan to myself as my eyes run over her body "no baby" i say sweetly and smile I get up covering my bulge as I make my way to the bedroom "baby I'm going for a shower so if you need me you need to come in" I wait for a minute for her reply "ok baby ill get started on dinner" I remove my clothes a sigh of relief washing over me as my dick springs free from its prison I turn the water to cool trying to get it down but it doesn't seem to work I quickly get washed and wash my hair before wrapping myself in a towel and laying on the bed I open my towel and look at my hard member as I contemplate what to do, I should be able to quickly jack off while lizzie does dinner she'll never know before I know It I wrap my hand around my hard member and slowly start stroking myself moaning at the feeling I let the pleasure take over me as my hand pumps up and down faster I throw my head back as I bite my lip to muffle my moans I can feel my climax coming fast as I picture my naked wife's perfect body "oh no honey what do you think youre doing" I instantly stop all movements as my eyes shoot open staring at my smirking wife "why are you in bed playing with yourself honey why didn't you come to me what has you all hot and bothered" she saysin a teasing tone walking closer to me "I uh I saw you naked" I sigh as she giggles "baby you see me naked all the time " I look up to her as she eyes my solid dick "I know and you get me hard everytime I try and deal with it because I don't want to always bother you with it" I say as she climbs ontop of me making me moan "but did I give you permission to touch yourself honey" I shake my head looking into her eyes "no im sorry baby I won't do it again I promise" she grinds her pantie covered cunt up and down my shaft as I moan louder "you know I have to punish you right baby" I groan "please baby just fuck me" she giggles getting off me and I notice the wet patch on her panties turning me on more she comes back quickly with silk ties "arms" she simply states as she ties my arms to the bed then my ankles quickly follow "fuck"
I moan as she pulls her top off and pushes her panties off she quickly returns to her position making me moanas her wetness helps her grind up and down my shaft I swear she can make me cum just by doing that it doesn't even need to be inside her "please..please don't tease me mommy I'm sorry" I whimper as the pleasure runs through my body "awh my poor babygirl you should have thought about that before touching what's mine" she hisses into my ear as her hands gently squeeze my tits "its gonna be a long messy day honey ive told you no touching without mommys permission your dick is mine" she smirks as she quickens her grinding I feel my orgasm about to snap and she hasn't even put me inside her "go..fuck gonna cum mommy" I pant as she slaps my left tit "don't even think about it you cum when I say so understand" she starts to pinch my nipples as I close my eyes and groan she continues her movements fuck I just need to touch her "cum princess" I feel myself explode at her words as we both moan my cum shooting up my stomach "mhh so pathetic honey cumming when mommy was only grinding on you" I feel my face heat up as she smirks and takes some of my cum on her fingers and sucks them making me instantly hard she let's out a surprised squeal followed by a giggle "we've been together so long but it always surprises me when I feel your dick getting instantly hard when I do something so simple" I bite my lip as my eyes are glued to her "please fuck me mommy I need to feel you gripping me" she leans down kissing me gently rubbing my cheek "will you touch yourself without permission again" she whispers into my ear causing me to moan "no mommy I p..p..promise I won't please" she smirks against my ear as she lifts herself a little grabbing my dick before sinking on top of it bottoming out as her hands rest on my chest a loud moan leaving both our mouths "mmmh so fucking big honey you want mommy to fuck you" I try to thrust my hips as she smirks "please fuck me" I whimper as she starts to bounce on my dick slowly her eyes glued to mine "always so hard for me babygirl" I nod and moan as she bounces faster "wanna touch you mommy please" I beg as she goes faster bringing me to the edge quickly "not yet honey not yet be a good girl and cum with mommy" I moan as she slams harder and faster I feel her walls gripping me tightly sending me over the edge I shoot my load deep inside her as she come undone above me her thrusts slow and sloppy "mommy.. " I pant as she looks up at me with a smile "yes baby"she breaths out "wanna touch and fuck you" I moan as she leans forward and unties my hands before climbing off to untie my legs as soon as I'm free I grab her onto the bed and kiss her roughly my hands running all over her body as she moans into my mouth biting my lip "how do you want me honey, tell mommy " I move my lips to her neck "hands and knees" I breath out against her sensitive skin she quickly gets into position making me bite my lip at the sight infront of me I rub my hands over her ass as I spread her cheeks she moans as I move my face down and let my tounge tease her dripping entrance as I taste her juices I smirk when she loses her balance a little falling forward as my tounge teases her I pull away and she groans "ill eat you once I fuck you mommy" she moans as my words hit her making me smirk she has all the control but I love the little moments she gives up, I position myself behind her as I slowly sink inside both of us moaning eachothers names my hands gripping her hips making sure she takes every inch, fuck she's so tight "yes baby so good" she squeals out as I start thrusting harder and faster "uh fuckkk y/n right there...thereeeee"
she screams as she squirts all over my dick I speed up my thrusts a little as she shakes under me before i finally cum inside her "fuck mommy" I breath out while panting I slide out and she rolls over pulling me into her arms as I cuddle into her chest humming in satisfaction "fuck you done so well baby" she praises making me smile "thank you mommy" she plays with my hair as I fall into a happy slumber in my girls arms.
AN: hope you enjoy ill get another posted later 😌 word count 1.5k 
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My Roommates Ex - Chapter 6
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Chapter 6! And it's a good one! Last chapter for this arc, there's a third one i had started years ago but hadn't finished, so I will work on that to continue the series so you all can see how you and Heeseung are doing.
Pairings: Heeseung and you
Warnings: Bound/gagged against will, cursings, language, smut (lots of smut and it's very descriptive), unprotected sex, voyeurism, rough sex, intense sexual acts, demeaning acts, vengeful acts, MDI this is 18+ only. I think that's everything. MDNI
-Begin Read-
Heeseung walks away leaving behind a baffled Samuel, who attempts to break away from the chair, only to find that his efforts remained unachievable and draining. His jawline was still glazed with the blood from his injury, he was breathing heavily from exhausting a tiny bit of energy, which had done nothing for his intended goal, other than creating the noise of squeaks and creaks from the base of the chair, caused by his wiggle.
Admiring the shadow casting over his features, you watch as Heeseung turns and walks in your direction. Once he approaches, he stops and stands right in front of you, a hand raises and with his palm facing him, he extends two fingers towards you and gently signals for you to stand. Not saying a single word.
Standing in front of him, your dress torn and hanging by a single strap while your hair remains in a disheveled state, he takes the same hand that gave you the signal, and brings it to your face, cradling your injured cheek ever so softly.
“Are you going to be alright?” You nod in response, fully understanding what he was entailing. Looking at your injured cheek as he places his palm over it, covering it delicately to suppress the stinging, he continues to communicate to you.
“You gonna be able to hang in there?”  You nod yet again, only this time you admit a slight gulp but reassure him with a very subtle smile.
He leans in for a kiss.
Through the sentimental grace of his gentleness and passion, he kisses you seldomly, leaving his eyes to be barely open as he watches over you.
Remaining so focused on the ardor of his touch, your mind evolved to a state where you lacked any emotion, thought, or judgement on what was about to happen. The anger and frustration you felt before have subsided the moment Heeseung caressed your cheek, yet you remained steadfast in your decision to continue, for the sake of putting an end to this once and for all.
With Samuel being strapped onto the chair, seconds away from witnessing a phenomenon that only you and Heeseung have experienced. You vaguely watch as he forms a bitter expression, a contrast from his horrendous appearance after being man-handled by the one who stood before you.
Heeseungs reaches and takes both your hands into his, you look down and begin watching his thumbs stroking the back of each hand as he held them lightly. Watching him apply the airbrush strokes on your skin, he remained careful to put just enough pressure to promote skin to skin stimulation as his hand carries the weight of yours, keeping them elevated. It became symbolic to you. It reflected the birth of your relationship, when he came to you during a time, very much like tonight, and lifted you.
Lifting your gaze, your eyes are soft and filled with the utmost sincerity, they reflected pain and hope. Returning to the calm and relaxed tone that you have become so familiar with and built the foundation of your melody on, he showers his voice on to your lips as they maintained surface contact as he spoke.
“Ready?” You nod for the final time. Taking a deep breath, you ready yourself for his mark
“Say my name.”
“Not that one, pretty baby.”
Mr. Hyde. 
Out of the two faces in Heeseungs sexual nature, you got the pleasure and joy of experiencing Heeseung’s Jekyll side nearly all the time. The one side that allowed you to be his equal during sex, allowing you to explore, go fast, go slow, go shallow, or go as deep as you want to, and he gave you all the time in the world to enjoy it. It was the side that you are used to and are very familiar with when it comes to sex. Heeseung’s Jekyll.
Then, there was Hyde.
The tearing of your dress produced a sound that settled in your ears, as his hands rips it away your delicate and supple skin, your lace panties followed the same fate. You looked down at the silky materials that lay puddled on the floor, when he took his hand and grabbed your neck, strong hold style.
You felt the squeeze around your throat, it was strong and harder than any other moments where he squeezed your hands, your arms, waist, or hips. He applied pressure, slowly and steadily, just enough for you to gasp. He kisses your mouth as he pulls you in by the neck hold, and presses your body against, the material of his fully clothed frame, shaming you into cowardice as you stand completely nude before him and the bound Samuel.  
With that rush of force and strength that you are very familiar with, you feel your body being projected in fluid motion with the grip round your neck remaining, and the other around your waist. You felt a tingle beneath your feet as they lose contact with the ground and meet the air, and in a blink of an eye, your back side lands on the bed, his body falls dense on top of yours, just as it had on the first night.
Dipping his groin into you, the pressure of his region and the material of his pants shove into you, sinking you into the bed. With firm contact and pressure held, he repeatedly dips in, stimulating your senses as you feel the combination of relief and hard pressure, alternating pumps against your pelvis.
They started slow, but didn’t take long to speed up, all sparked by the moans you were beginning to discharge, all the while your mouth was sealed by Ethan’s.
His kisses are rough, harder, and deeper, and his tongue remains just as penetrable as his member. It pushes through the skin of your lips, the slight parting of your teeth, and begins to circulate every part of you. It swipes every corner as you feel it flicker and rub the roof of your mouth as the saliva begins to collect on the outer corners of your mouth, all thanks to his relentless performance in his kiss.
Once more, by the hold he has on your neck, he pushes your face away to break the kiss, to peer into your eyes as his face remains an inch away from yours. Looking up beneath his hat, you could see his features lurking in the shadow, leering down at you.
Noticing his hair appearing shaggier, his brows positioned closer to his lids, hovering, and casting a shadow above his black eyes, which had seemed less round and more narrowed due to the heaviness in his lids, the expression staring at you was baleful. The dark expression of Ethan Lee had fully taken over, not a trace of Heeseung’s shining spirt can be seen.
When it came to the exhibit of adulation, there are two signature traits used between the two sides, displaying the flavors of their affection to you.
While Heeseung always uses the tip of his nose…
“Say my name.”
Ethan uses his teeth...  
His teeth: they bite, they hiss, they clench, and they grit against each other whenever he looks at you with his signature grin, that radiates a rebellious, and naughty flare, opposite of the sophisticated and suave appeal it normally had.  
Ethan returns to his harsh kisses, delivering a burning desire in each one as he pushes deeper into your mouth. He takes his hand, and presses two fingers on the surface of the flesh in between your folds.
He pushes hard.
The kiss was nearly broken when you moaned out in desirable pain and pleasure, as he maintains the intensity of the pressure and rubs his fingers up and down. Pushing the plate of his chest deeper against your delicate breasts, until the soft fullness is shoved up against the hardened plate beneath them, you begin to develop shortened breathes that become in sync with the motions of his fingers.
His hold on your neck slightly loosens, he extends the length of his thumb and index finger upwards, cradling both sides of your jawline as his palm stays planted over your throat. The added pressure from the fingers guiding your face off to the side, he forces you to look over in the direction of an aggravated and panicking Samuel.
As your face remains off to the side, Ethan leans in and bites and licks the helix of your ear, enabling you to let out a sudden yelp, ranging in a high pitch. Through the painful squinting of your eyes, you watch as Samuel jolts from shock in the chair upon hearing your high tone piercing the room, similar in both volume and vibrancy of glass shattering. With the deepest tone you’ve heard from him yet, Ethan firmly demands on you to answer him, as you feel his thumb apply pressure, pinning your face in place and looking into Samuel’s direction.
“Tell him who fucks you.”
“Tell him who breaks you.”
“Tell him who you belong to.”
“Ethan Lee!”
In a bursting motion, he peels off your body the very second you cry out his name. Maintaining his hold on your neck, he pulls you up as you emerge and adopt a kneeling position on the edge of the bed, while he steps over and stands in front of you. He alters his hold, releasing your neck, only now he tightly grabs a handful of your silky strands and tilts your head back, projecting your face to be in full sight before him.
Administering another deep kiss, you feel the smooth thickness of his tongue reaching down your throat, traveling as far as it can go as you feel the calisthenic pressure of his facial muscles pressed against yours. Feeling the pull of your hair, your face recedes back as he looks down at you, making firm eye contact, he tells you…
“Open your mouth.”
The moisture immediately meeting the air causes the ball of spit to become cool and feeling extremely foreign as it lands on your tongue, riding down the flat surface of it, until it disappears in your swallow.
 As you remain propped on your knees, he takes the firm hold in your hair, and gently pulls you in until your foreheads press upon one another, your eyelashes give each other butterfly kisses as they flutter against each other. Looking directly into the iris of your eyes, he tells you to undress him.
Starting from the top, you take off the cap that hid his eyes. Fully exposing his sinisterly handsome features, you can clearly note how his hungry expression causes each facial trait to become sharper and defined, enhancing an ominous version of male attraction. The malevolent shape of his eyes that suited the matte black of his iris, his cheeks appearing slightly contoured from the stretch of his wicked smirk, initiated by his lips that would, normally appear slightly pouted and hold shape, yet have now been masked thin and wide as he displays the teeth that would clench on your neck.
The moment you finished pulling off both, the long unbutton sleeve and his white fitted tee, he tightens the hold on your hair and slowly pulls your face in, kisses your mouth as his vengeful grin lies an inch away from you face.
He directs you to face off to the side as he brings you in and presses your cheek against his chest. The coolness of his body against your skin pleasantly startles you as you begin to sense a subtle change in your demeanor. A boldness that you never carry, yet suddenly enumerates as Ethan conducts his performance. There was an urge, it was faint, but somehow you felt it slowly creeping and reaching out to you with a voice inside your brain that wasn’t entirely your own but similar. It communicates to you, screaming for you to reach up and place your hands over Ethan’s button and zipper.
Satisfied at your response, he slowly drags the side of your face downward, as it remains plastered on his skin. Watching your hair trail behind the drag and drape his muscles as the tiny hint of sweat starts to coat his body, causing some of the strands to stick to him. Feeling the softness of his skin on yours as your face maneuvers down closer to where you wanted to be, the urge is compelling you to act in a manner you are not accustomed to but are beginning to feel ease conducting it.
Your face continues to drag down as you shift your positing by sitting on the edge of the bed, legs extended and cradling Ethan in between as he stands in front of you.
Upon feeling the material of his pants meeting your face, you begin undoing the button and the zipper, you loosen the material and drag it down as far as you could until it begins to fall on its own and collects around his ankles. You feel the light massage as he runs his fingers slight run and spirals the strands of your hair around them. Inserting your fingers inside the band of his boxers, you pull them down to meet with his pants, and unleash the rest of him.
As soon as his skin is embraced by the stagnant air, his hands cup your face, along with strands of hair loosely cradled and framing your cheeks in between his hold on you. He brings you closer and guides you to his erection, specifically the tip. He rotates his hips to trace the lining of your lips. Displaying a tender side of his love in contrast to the roughness of his lust, Ethan is beginning to balance out the nature of sexual aggression, by inserting moments of softness, like the one he’s doing now.
The smooth tip gently rides along the corners of your mouth, until it he pauses the motions and rests the tip against the center of your lips. Your eyes look up and is directly met with his black stare, the thumb belonging to the hand that remains cradling your cheek begins to softly stroke your face, as you both maintain strict eye contact. Without breaking the gaze that you both share, you watch the shape of his eyes widen as you begin to feel him push himself in, the tip glides in between your lips, meeting the moist and warm shelter of your mouth and the slick bedding of your tongue.
His mouth widens slowly as you continue to stare into his eyes, watching them shift back at the subtle slant of his head, projecting them to appear narrower and half closed as he looks down at you and watches you take in every inch of him inside your mouth.
The sound of Samuel jerking upon watching you take Ethan’s shaft all the way in your oral cavity is heard amongst Ethan’s low growls. Forced to watch as you perform an act to another man that he never had the pleasure of receiving from you. The creeping urge speaks to you once more upon hearing Samuel’s wines, expressing satisfaction of Samuel’s growing torment and Ethan’s gasps of pleasure.
Your eyes become half shut at the slight discomfort of the stretch you feel in your mouth and locked jaw. You continue to watch Ethan’s face finding pleasure at the feeling of you sucking and massaging his skin with the soft flesh and smoothness of your tongue. He sets the pace, fully in control as you feel him cradling your face and keeping it in place, as he thrusts his hips. He starts off slowly, gently, and compassionately.
The more he growls, the louder you moan, the creeping urge pulses in your chest each time it hears Ethan, as if his low and steady roars was summoning it to come to him. Submitting tides of vibrations to dance along his lengthy muscle, your painful and desirable moans edge him to a peak of trembling pleasure as he picks up the pace and begins to go faster, fucking your mouth harder.
Your nose harshly taps the base of his groin repeatedly as his hips thrust towards you. The collected pools of saliva seep from the corners of your mouth, smearing all over your chin and dripping along your jawline, as you continue to coat the moisture on his skin. The stretch of your mouth is tight, your jaw is locked and sore, your eyes have barely become shut as you feel the tears building up and stream from the outer corners as Ethan fucks your face, going faster and harder the closer he comes to orgasm.
Once again blurred by the tears that collect in your eyes, your lids squint shut, squeezing them to escape and stream down your face as you feel the strain of soreness and exhaustion hitting every facial nerve. The throbbing tip reaches and punches the back of your throat, causing you to emit muffled yelps of pain that you oddly find satisfying.
Initiating your gag reflexes that you desperately try to control as he relentlessly thrusts, you’re breaching a level of desperation to find relief from the physical distress of relentlessly being thrust into. Succumbing to the extreme discomfort of the stretch in your facial muscles, you place your palm on top the back of his hand that is firmly latched on to the side of your face.
Despite the aches, your heart flutters at watching Ethan as he tilts his head far back, only the protruding Adams Apple and the soft underside of his jaw is in view as he faces the ceiling, releasing his groans through his wide-open mouth. The bobbing of his Adams Apple as he breaks from his gasps and swallows, motivates you to push through the pain as you tighten your grip on the back of his palm. Feeling the shift in your grip, he maneuvers his index and thumb, hinting for your fingers to weave through his, intertwining each extremity as you feel loose strands of your hair tangled in between each one of his fingers and knuckles, as you interlock them with yours.
The smothering of saliva, tears, and the foam caused by the friction of the moisture and continuous rubbing of the skin, fabricates the tacky and thick salivary strings of moisture, that bridges your mouth to various parts of his girth.
With one hand locked with his, you feel desperate to grab hold as the soreness in your face becomes too straining, you move your free hand, and grab hold onto his pelvic muscles, spreading the fingers over the skin over the subtle protrusion of bone. You dig your fingers in, hoping to find relief as you feel your face breaking, when not a moment too soon, you feel a rush of pleasure and satisfaction when Ethan’s gasped moans become harsh and graces your hearing. Upon hearing him, another pulse of the creeping urge beats inside you.
His final thrust goes deep and remains as you feel the rotation of his hips, the tip of your nose dragged against his skin as he remains pressed into you. The warm, salty, and bitter taste coats your throat as you feel the minor twitching of his muscle flick against the roof of your mouth. Your eyes slowly re-open, slightly blurry and swollen from the mass production of tears, you look down at the at the length that settles in your mouth and admire the subtleness of veins pumping a rush of blood as you swallow his essence.
Pulling your face away, watching the strings of thick, messy saliva linking between your tongue and his dick as he slowly pulls out and admires your face through heavy eyes.
The stain of fresh tears that left the glistening trail down passed your cheeks, while overproduction of squinting and wincing enhanced the swollen redness in your eyes. Your mouth struggles to close as the soreness overwhelms you.
Finally able to feel a sense of relief after experiencing the physical aggression of being completely fucked raw in the face, you gaze innocently at Ethan. The collected foamed moisture that coats your entire jaw glues small pieces of your hair to your face, constructing a look of pain and satisfaction, as the physical attributes of your features clearly reflect the disheveled strain of being ravaged, at the expense of his pleasure.
Pinning your arms to your side, feeling the grip of his fingers wrapping around your arms, he gently straightens your posture, bring your chest up just enough until his tip rests in between your breasts.
Feeling the creeping urge pulse within you yet again, you feel the immense joy and pleasure at the prospect of satisfying Ethan. Once again finding yourself feeling bold and stepping out of the norm of your behavior, you take it upon yourself to collect the head with your open mouth as your hands reach up to cradle Ethan’s forearms as he maintains pinning your arms to your sides.
Sucking, licking, and kissing it, showing your endearing appreciation for it, his fingers stroke your arms in notion that hints his gratification. Following his notion, you squeeze each mound together and allow him to poise a certain demeanor towards you, one that reflects his authority and your obedience to him. Something that Samuel never experienced as he witnesses the out of character trait you display of caressing Ethan’s cock with your breasts as you suckle on his tip.
Ethan hunches over and takes a massive inhale atop your head, the scent of roses and jasmine from your hair intoxicates him. The smoothness of the strands nuzzled against his face, as he sways his nose from left to right, enjoying the stimulation of his nerves reacting to the glaze of the silk threads that sit atop your head.
“Lay down.”
Ethan’s voice remained deep but had become soft upon releasing in your mouth. You lay yourself on the bed as he completely removes the remainder of his clothing. He crawls on top of you, the coolness of his skin becomes warm as it coats you. He grabs on to your breasts with both hands as he leans in and kisses you, passionately and less aggressive as he had done earlier. Recognizing the characteristics of this kiss, you realize who it was that was giving you this softness. Heeseung.
For a momentary pause, Heeseung returns, and gives you the gentle affections that soothe the harshness of Ethan’s fervor. His thumbs traces circles around your areola as his hands gently squeeze and massage the fullness that filles them. The gentle smacking of your lips against his as he continues to massage your mouth with his tongue, all the while he nuzzles the tip of his nose off to the side of your face.
He breaks from the kiss and observes your current state. You watch as his eyes, which have become less narrow and slightly reverted to the round almond shape they normally display, looks at you endearingly, proudly, and encouragingly. He releases the hold on your breasts, instead, he props himself up on his forearms to hover over you, gaining a better projected view of your appearance. He shifts majority of his wait on to one propped arm, while bringing a hand up to gently swipe the strands of hair that were plastered to your jaw, a typical habit of Heeseung. He gently smiles, noting the wrecked version of your beauty that he’s not accustomed to seeing.
“You gotta hang in there baby.”
You nod at his encouragement, feeling the air breeze through his nostrils as he chuckles, all the while stroking your face so gently with the back of his fingers, using his thumb to swipe any remaining streams of tears that haven’t dried up.
Through his illuminating passion, it coaxes Ethan’s raging one, taking a moment to calm and initiate a balance. It was as if he came out to tell his other face to play a little more nicely with you.
Heeseung leans in and kisses you. Just seconds after experiencing that warmth and tenderness, you feel the sudden twist in the aura of the room as the kiss transitions. You feel his skin, which had felt soft and relaxed, to grow tight against yours. His tongue that was gently massaging you, is now treading deeper as you feel his face go from feeling light as a feather to hard and heavy, once again shoving deep it the kiss, and leaving you feeling smothered.  
His hands return to your breasts, only this time they no longer lift and massage the fullness of their shape, instead, their grip is tight and admits harsh squeezes as his fingers bury into your skin.  
You moan in wincing pain at the arrival of Ethan once more, yet he remains no less dear to you than Heeseung. Through the extremities of Heeseung’s charitable sentimentality, and Ethan’s arduous vigor, the balance that coexist in one body, mind, and soul allows you to experience a diverse range of pleasure.
During all that had transpired, you had paid no mind to Samuel’s presence, nearly forgetting he was there. You were swimming in an ocean of Ethan’s raging waves and Heeseung’s playful splashes, feeling detached from the world and floating on cloud nine.
As much as they both loved that you were relishing in a moment, where only Heeseungs heaven and Ethan’s earth existed, the fact remained, Samuel needed to pay, and you are the key component to that harsh lesson he was about to receive.
Samuel needed to pay not solely because of his insults, that was only a small fraction of it. He needed to pay because with every beat of his confused but unchanged, and abusive heart, the words he spoke came straight from it. He meant it. All of it.
Whatever transpired during his time away from you had caused him to lose control of whatever good nature he had, and allowed himself to be impressionable, succumbing to the pressure of exaggerated ambition and egoism.
He lost all authenticity as the person that was molded by the good people that had surround him, the type that enabled him to better himself through hard work and perseverance. Instead, he opted for an easy way out, or tried to, which further hindered his outlook in life and people, especially women. All of which, Heeseung and Ethan wouldn’t have paid no mind to, yet the fact that Samuel wanted to drag you into it, putting you under the same classification of all the things that contributed to his artificial state of mind, became unforgiveable.
You were far from anything that attributed to Samuel’s failures and stress. You were the light, not the black hole. You were the ease to the tormented conscious. You were the touch, hearing, taste, and sound in life. You were the warmth, comfort, and the kisses from mother to child. You were a great number of things. Many things.
But you were not, nor have you ever been or will ever be, the pitiful excuse of a boy who couldn’t handle the concepts of being a greater man, and Ethan, upon witnessing the offenses committed against you, craved blood, and vengeance.
Lifting himself off, he once again steps off and stands next to the bed. Admiring the beaty of your naked body laying shyly on the bed, he extends a hand to you, pulls you up, and guides you to follow him, towards Samuel.
Standing before the prince who never became king, Ethan stands you in front, as he holds you close from behind.
Peeking from over your shoulder, Ethan delicately moves your hair that draped over your breasts while having an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling, and keeping your backside close to him. So close.
He eyeballs Samuel, noticing the boy unable to control himself and commits to staring at your body, your face, and the essence of your femininity between your legs that has been left unbroken throughout the evening. Noting Samuel’s gaze on you, Ethan smirks and chuckles, wickedly.
“Mmm. I know, isn’t she the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? There’s nothing in this world like her, is there?” His voice was dangerously deep, and maintained the usual calm and relaxed form it typically is spoken in.
“I thought that ever since the first moment I laid eyes on her, back when you still had her.” Samuel breaks his stare and looks scornfully at Ethan muffling out yells and cursing’s through his gag.
You stood staring wide eyed, not in shock, just overly observant and calm. The trust you had in Ethan was beyond any measure of trust you had with Samuel in the past. Gazing down to the floor, Ethan takes notice. Using the same hand that moved the hair away from your breasts, he reaches up to lift your chin, turning your face towards your shoulder that he was hovering his face over. With both of your side profiles facing Samuel, Ethan initiates a passionate kiss, as he gently breaks it, he looks you in the eye.
 “Ready?”  You nod as Ethan gives you one more tender peck on your lips.
The major factor you noted about Ethan, when triggered such as tonight, was his ruthless brutality in eliminating whatever threat or enemy he senses. It ranges in various levels depending on how extreme he feels he needs to be. It was also prevalent in Heeseung although, not as ferocious and heavy as it was in Ethan. However, you’ve witnessed that side of Heeseung a few times in the past when he exhausted just a sliver of the extremity to cast the Gabe away from you during his approach.  
Knowing the dark side of Heeseung and Ethan’s quest for justice, you fully embrace the concept of being a part of it. Not just because you were directly involved, it was because you had a desire to be in it with Heeseung and Ethan. To be like them, and to be whole with them. Which was why the moment you felt Ethan’s hand press on your lower back, leaning you in forward and hovering over Samuel’s lap, your face merely inches away, you did not object.
Ethan’s arm around your waist supported your weight as you stood bent over, his thighs pressed up against the back of your legs and your rear was firm and tight, and you braced yourself for what was about to come.
Looking directly at Samuel, you stood nearly emotionless as he quivered in an ultimate state of discomfort, to the point where he reinitiated his attempts to break free, but failed and grew overly exhausted from the effects of the drugs, he sits motionless and defeated.
Ethan’s free hand grabs the shaft and guides it over in between your legs, he traces the tip in circular motion, slightly digging it in between the lips of your folds, yet refrained from penetration, until he gave his mark.
“Say my name, beautiful.”
Looking at Samuel, staring into his shivering and fearful eyes, your lids come halfway down as you reply.
What transpired immediately after was a harsh reminder of what you felt the first night, where you got to experience Heeseung, but traits of Ethan towards the end. Yet, unlike that night, the performance you surrendered to right now was split between the two, you were subjected to a session in the side that was entirely Ethan.
The thickness of his girth stretching, tearing, ripping, and splitting you open was beyond any other pain you’ve felt. The friction delaying the entry, prolongs the tortuous pain you were enduring as your body reacts and tries to relieve the trauma. The first night, Heeseung had initiated stimulation, allowing for your body to draw drops of pleasure, even though the pain you felt of his entry was still unbearable.
Ethan wanted the pain. You knew he did, and you allowed him to give it. Feeling the juts of his cock entering as he pushes it through the opening, the intense burning and tingling sensation that you recognized on the first night, appears. The tearing of your flesh was too much to bear as you yelled out in pain with your head hanging down, the strands of your hair fall forward and dangle above Samuel’s lap.
Finally, as he inserts the last inch of his shaft, you try to regain your breathing and as you breach the sensation of hyperventilating. When you suddenly felt Ethan’s free hand grip the indentation of your waistline and tightens it. Not granted with enough time to process the sense of his touch, Ethan starts to thrust.
Your body bounces and shifts forward, and you lose your breaths as he fucks all the air out of you. The hard impact of his groin popping and smacking into your rear in an increased pace caused you to feel the need to grab on to something. Instinctively reacting, you grab on to the arms of the chair to try and stabilize yourself as your body is jolting forward at a very high momentum as Ethan uses the grip on your waist to pull you in, only to slam you forward with his thrusts.
Your hair moves in motion from the jolting, Ethan watches, as the loose strands fly over and brushes against Samuel’s face as you get fucked right in front of him.
Feeling overwhelmed by the pain of Ethan’s large size splitting your walls, and digging deeper into you, you couldn’t help but start screaming, which in turn shocks Samuel nearly to tears as his eyes begin to shine from the glaze of moisture.
Unsure if you can take anymore, you begin to beg Ethan to bring Heeseung back, wanting a break with the gentle side before pursuing.
“Uh…you gotta h-hang in there baby..hang in there. Fuck. I wanna see…my pretty girls…face”
Replaying those words in your head, you did your best to try and distract yourself from the pain by digging your fingers in the arms of the chair, but the plastic cover prevented you from doing so. You weren’t thinking nor were you feeling anything else other than the pain that throbbed in between your legs, deep within your gut, you slam your hands on Samuel’s lap, allowing you to prop yourself a bit more stable as there was more space for you to grab on to.
You raised your head, ferociously panting for air and furrowing your brows trying to stabilize yourself, having not realize that, not only had you just forced Samuel to witness a side of you that he could never render, but to also feel it being done to you by Ethan, as your hands squeeze his thighs and your fingers dig in against the cloth of his jeans.
Your face reflected pain, excruciating pain. There were moments where your brows straightened as you tried to develop some level of composure, but as Ethan gained more distance going into you deeper, you went back into the destroyed state yet again.
The sound of skin slapping and the popping of your ass cheeks as he rams into you, encircles the entire room. It felt like an eternity before it hit you, but when it finally came, you felt that familiar sense you had five months ago, when you realized that sticking through the pain was worth it. The tingling and numbing sensation, though faint, begins to heighten an indescribable sense rising from your core, and you begin to scream less, and moan more.
Upon hearing the first moan since entering you, Ethan’s grip on your waist consoles the pain that remained lingering, by stroking the skin with his thumb as he thrusted.
“Shhh...that’s its baby, moan some more and breathe for me. You gotta breathe.”
He verbally guides you upon noticing your intense and relentless gasping was restricting your air intake, causing your moans to cut short and becoming breathless.
The heightened peak of the numbing and tingling sensation was emerging, it felt so good. Too good. The overstimulation of his thrusts caused your chest to become sore, and tears to recollect in your ducts.
Removing one hand from Samuel’s lap, you reach behind to plant it on Ethan’s groin, trying to push him back and delay his thrust as you felt your legs begin to tremble. Everything was feeling too damn good, and you found yourself in a contradiction of want more and wanting less.
Not at all mad by the placement of your hand, in fact, you just gave Ethan leverage. He takes your arm, grasping it above the elbow and pulls, drawing you to arch your back more than how you had it before, and lifting your chest upwards, fully exposing your bouncing breasts to Samuel as well as your entire throat as you throw your head back. Not only did he have a clear full view of Ethan wrecking your body, thrust by thrust, but he would hear the words that you spew out of your mouth, words that he never heard you say before.  
“E-Ethan..Ethan! To-too…too deep….too”
You start sputtering out to Ethan’s relentless motions as he continues to go deeper, breaking you. The mixed sensation of pain and pleasure has caused your walls to drool excessively and seep out, coating everything around it.
“I know…beautiful girl…I know.”
By now, you began panting like a rabid dog as Ethan draws near to the spot, he had reached the first night, even though Heeseung was the one that broke through the walls.
When it came to hitting that perfect spot, you learned that it could only be reached after enduring the sensations in the following order unfathomable pain, overstimulation, intense pleasure, discomfort, and then ecstasy.
“Uh! Ethan!”
You begin moaning out a combination of vocal gasps and prolonged whines, for after enduring and climbing the orderly ranks of the sensational hierarchy established, you have now reached the level of discomfort. Your pants grew more frequent, barely able to breathe, your heart feels like it’s going to explode out of your chest. Your mouth goes from dry to regaining moisture, drooling out from the corners of your lips. The creeping urge pulsates in your chest yet again.
“Yeah baby…come on. Come to me.” Ethan smirks as he whispers, relishing as it draws near, coming closer to him.
Feeling a rush of moisture flooding your entry and coating Ethan’s cock to a lustrous shine, you suddenly felt that creeping urge pulsate inside you, only this time, it wasn’t just a single beat, it remained and started to crawl out. The voice in your head telling you it wants more, that it felt so good, and it wants more. The more it kept telling you that Ethan’s cock felt good, your body became hypnotized and soon, you were at that stage where the pain had fully subsided and your walls begin clenching, pulsating, and throbbing against Ethan’s shaft.
 He was so close to that spot, you began to prepare yourself for the type of pleasure that was going to follow once it’s reached, which will be one out of two ways. Whenever Heeseung reached it, he kissed it.  With Ethan, he bites.
He gets closer and closer, the creeping urge is closer to bursting out, which was something that you only felt when getting fucked by Ethan, never present when you and Heeseung engaged in sexual intimacy.
The pulses of your walls grow intense, and fast. The throbbing and clenching sensation overwhelms you as you feel it swallowing Ethan’s cock and pulling him in deeper, causing your hips to gyrate. Feeling the vibrating motions of your body, Ethan goes faster, knowing you’re close, which means he will be too.
As he gains speed and intensity, you can no longer breathe, the pants and moans have stopped, and you remain bouncing fiercely with your mouth silently wide open and your eyes tightly shut.
Your walls vibrate at high velocity and Ethan feels the pleasurable rush of heated moisture and the vibrations pounding his dick, causing him to release inside you for the second time, shattering Samuel’s ego.
In that very moment, you lost yourself seconds before you begin to feel yourself cumming with Ethan, mixing your fluids together in perfect harmony. Right before you feel the orgasm, the creeping urge screams out of you, it rages in pants, containing a similar nature and energy that matches the vibe of Ethan. It flourishes out, with the extreme need to be with him, as you finally take a breath yo-……
“Samuel, you mentioned earlier that you prefer girls that smile, right? Let me introduce you to someone, she has a pretty name, I picked it out myself…
 Baby, don’t be rude, manners, remember? Introduce yourself and show him your beautiful smile.”
“Nice to meet you, my name is Eden.”
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schraubd · 1 year
How To Hack The Law
Do you ever idly puzzle through various ideas for a "perfect crime"? It's awkward to talk about -- you don't actually want to do them, you don't actually want to give anyone a bright idea, but they're still so interesting to think through.
The legal community is abuzz with the story of a lawyer who relied on ChatGPT to do his research and submitted a brief filled with entirely invented cases. ChatGPT just made them up out of air -- complete with names, citations and quotes -- and the lawyer dutifully added them to the brief. When opposing counsel tried to read the cases for themselves, they were baffled because they couldn't find any trace of them. The presiding judge went so far as to contact the clerk of the courts where the cases were allegedly filed, confirming their non-existence. Now the lawyer is facing sanctions; he is begging for mercy on the grounds that he had no idea ChatGPT would lie to him like that.
I know of very few lawyers who have sympathy for this lawyer. But imagine a slightly different case. Let's say that LexisNexis developed a glitch where it invented a case. If you typed in the (invented) citation to the case, it would pop up on Lexis the same as any other case -- name, judge panel, court, reasoning, everything. But the case isn't real; it was a complete invention. If a lawyer came across such a "hallucinated" decision on Lexis, I think we'd be very forgiving if she ended up being deceived and relied on the case in her briefs. Indeed, I actually wonder, in a situation, like this, how long it would take the legal community to figure out that the case wasn't real.
For example: the last case contained in volume 500 of the Federal Reporter (3d) is Jacobsen v. DOJ, 500 F.3d 1376 (Fed. Cir. 2007). That case ends on page 1381. Suppose an enterprising criminal hacks the Westlaw and Lexis database* and adds another case, call it Smith v. Jones, cited to 500 F.3d 1382. To further cover her tracks, the criminal "assigns" the case to a panel of judges who are no longer active on the court, to make it less likely one of them will see it and be like "I don't remember that decision." Smith v. Jones, of course, can be about and say whatever the criminal (or the unscrupulous lawyer who hired her) wants it to. Need a precedent that appears to decisively resolve a contested point of law in your favor? Voila -- the new case of Smith v. Jones is there to meet your needs. Indeed, the diligent criminal could add one or two new precedents per volume on a range of topics, providing bespoke "new" precedent to shift the legal terrain on an array of different issues.
If this happened, again I ask: how long would it take for the legal community to figure it out? If the initial hack was undetected, could one get away with doing this? Certainly, there would still be ways to confirm the cases are not real. If one back-checked the cases back to the clerk's office, one would discover they're vapor -- but realistically, that almost never happens. We take Lexis and Westlaw as proof enough; I'm not sure I can imagine a circumstance where I would try to confirm the veracity of a case I saw on Westlaw or Lexis by contacting the clerk's office. There probably would be some other hints that the cases were suspect -- the lack of citations from other cases would be a significant hint that something is shady -- but I can imagine a crime like this slipping by us for some time. And the longer it goes unnoticed, the more these cases have the opportunity to subtly adjust the overall trajectory of law in a new direction.
It's a scary thought, no? We're very reliant on the robustness and reliability of online databases. If they start to falter, we run into seriously trouble very quickly.
* Note: I assume -- and desperately hope -- that this is difficult-to-impossible to do.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/hLkYFA1
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yeosatinyngz · 2 years
hi, i'm baffled- you're so talented and friendly! happy anniversary, i hope i'll get to see you around for even longer! <3
for your amazing event, may i have mitsuya takashi with the prompt 16. “you two make such a cute couple.” “we’re not a couple.”?
(i don't mind who's speaking, feel free to choose it yourself!)
have a stupendous day/night and take care!
Hi! Omg stop, you’re making me blush and shi- you’re so sweet! I got you covered bestie. Thank you so much and I wish you to have the most fantastic day/night, take care of yourself!
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#16: “You two make such a cute couple.” “We’re not a couple.”
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You have always admired Mitsuya, he was in your eyes the embodiment of a perfect human being. You joined the sewing club solely because he was the president and it meant you got to see him more. Your decision to join his club was one you didn’t regret as not only did you learn how to sew but you were able to become good friends with the lilac haired male.
After the club was finished you headed home with Mitsuya’s company as usual, which was what you always looked forward to. While you both were walking, an old lady in front of you guys fell and dropped her bag causing her belongings to spill onto the sidewalk pavement. You both hurried over to her side and helped her up. Mitsuya helped support her to keep her steady on her feet while you quickly crouched down to pick up her stuff and swiftly shoved them back into her bag.
Standing back up you handed her bag back to her, “Here you go ma’am.” “Oh thank you both so much, you are good kids.” You both just told her that it was not a problem at all and that you guys were just doing the right thing. She gushes at you both, “You two make such a cute couple.” “We’re not a couple” You quickly interjected. The woman was surprised but quickly added, “I’m rooting for you two” before she waved a bye to you both and went on her way.
You guys then continued walking but Mitsuya was deep in his thoughts. You were calling out to him until he finally snapped out of his thoughts. “Huh, what’d you say?” He asked. “I was just asking if you wanted to grab a bite to eat, what are you thinking about?” There was a moment of silence where he contemplated if he should just come clean or not, “Back then, why’d you deny we were a couple so quickly?” Shock was visible on your face, why was he asking you this?
“Well I just thought it would make you uncomfortable since someone as perfect as you would probably take great offense as to being seen as my partner.” Now it was his turn to be shocked. “What? I would never take that as an offense, rather I see it as a miracle.” You search in his eyes to see if he was lying or not and all you saw was pure genuine reflecting in his lavender orbs. “Was that a confession?” “I guess so, I wish I prepared a better one though but I want you to know that I’m not perfect, you are, you’re perfect for me.”
You smacked your hand over your mouth. Even after hearing those words coming out of his mouth, you still couldn’t believe it. Seeing you frozen in place Mitsuya wondered if he said anything wrong. “Uh Y/N, you ok?” You finally blinked after unconsciously staring into the void. “No- yeah, I’m just beyond shocked. I like you a lot you don’t even know.” “I’m glad to hear that cause I like you a lot too and I hope I conveyed that clearly.” You smacked your hand over your mouth again, internally screaming from how he was the sweetest guy ever to exist on this earth and how you will love him till the end of time.
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mickimomo · 2 years
The 'I Worship My Wife' Committee (Part 2)
The Duck Crisis
Link to Part 1
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Aneka came into the meeting sniffling with puffy eyes before taking a seat.
Oni: Udade, what's wrong?
Attuma and Namor looked at the sniffling midnight angel while the priestess offered her tissues.
Aneka: I asked Ayo if we could get a duck, and she said no.
Namor: Why do you want a duck?
Aneka: They're cute. They're fluffy. *starts crying again when Namor doesn't look convinced* I don't even know why I'm try to explain this to you.
Oni: Hey. Hey. No. No. We are a committee of simps. We are also a support group. When one of us is down, so are the others.
Namor: I'm perfectly fine.
Oni: *gently pats Aneka's back* You can't just shut down when the Queen Killer gets snippy.
Namor: Stop calling me that.
Oni: Then be nice.
Namor: It's a duck-
Attuma, waving off Namor: -Why did she say no?
Aneka: She doesn't want to deal with the poop. But I told her I'd handle it. And she still said no.
Namor: Did you put on the little red dress?
Aneka: Yes. *sobs* I pulled out all the cards, and she still said no.
Attuma: All of the cards?
Aneka: Yes. I put on her favorite lingerie. I let her slut me out. I was covered in hickeys for days. And she still said no!
Oni: Oh- uh- food!? What about cooking her favorite food?
Aneka: She ate it and said no.
Attuma: Uh- massages and gifts?
Aneka: She got it and said no.
Namor: Did you try holding out?
Aneka: I struggled and caved when she ate some fruit out of a cup.
Oni: With a spoon?
Aneka: No. *sniffles* Just with her tongue.
They all kissed their teeth and groaned.
Namor: Okay. Well. You just need to do what I do.
Aneka: And what do you do?
Namor: Do what I want and then ask for forgiveness when Shuri finds out.
Oni: Didn't Shuri ignore you for a week last time you did that?
Namor: Please don't remind me.
Attuma: He also had to sleep in Talokan.
Namor: Attuma.
Attuma: I do not like this idea.
Oni: Yeah. The committee is voting to reject that idea.
Namor: Fine. What if a duck magically appeared in your house?
Attuma: Magically?
Namor: We sneak one in.
Oni: Ayo will stab and cook that duck.
Aneka, sobbing hard again: I don't want my duck to be eaten.
Namor: Fine. Then what if we gift you one?
Aneka: It's not the saaaaameee.
Attuma rubbed her back as she wept before tilting his head: Have you cried in front of Ayo?
Aneka: What do you mean?
Attuma: I rarely tell Okoye no. But seeing Okoye cry when I do makes it very difficult for me to stand firm on my decision.
Aneka: Do you think it'll work?
Oni: I think it's worth a shot.
Namor: Yes. Cry and deny her any pleasure. She'll be gifting you a duck before you know it.
Aneka: Okay. *sniffles* I'll do it.
Attuma: Good. Now. Off you go. You are to report back to the committee once you get your duck.
Aneka: Alright. *rubs her eyes*
Aneka walked into the room with three little ducklings peeping and scurrying after her.
Oni gasped at the ducklings as the midnight angel came in with a bright smile on her face.
Namor laughed softly as the ducklings settled by her ankles as she sat down.
Namor: Looks like you were very successful.
Aneka: Yes. *beams* Ayo saw how puffy my eyes were after our meeting yesterday. She was so heartbroken that we went and got a few ducklings to lift my spirits.
Attuma: Good. *hums in approval*
Oni: So. What are their names?
Aneka: This is mthubi, meyi, and mvulo.
Oni: The lack of creativity is baffling.
Namor: What do their names mean?
Attuma: Yellow, May, and Monday.
Namor: You are that fluent in xhosa?
Attuma: Originally, I studied it to swoon Okoye. *shrugs* Our children will be well-versed in the tongues of our people. So now, I must speak it well enough to help them learn.
Aneka: The babies haven't even been born yet, and you're already making plans.
Attuma: I read to them while rubbing her stomach. I read that children can hear you in the womb. *grins* I want them to know that I'm always there for them and K'iin.
Oni: Aw. That's so sweet. Now I almost want a kid.
Aneka: Me too.
Namor: I'm sure Ayo and Namora would love to hear that.
Oni: No. No. You didn't hear that. I just want to he auntie of the year.
Aneka: Same here. I've heard Okoye's cries of frustration. Being pregnant doesn't look like it's fun 24/7.
Namor: A child is a blessing.
Oni: Yes, but I don't think I'm ready for the woes of carrying one.
Aneka: I already cried to get myself three ducklings. Okoye cries if the sky isn't blue.
Attuma: Do not mock K'iin.
Aneka: I'm not mocking her. I'm just saying.
Oni: You better stop before you get jumped.
Aneka: *raises her hands in surrender* I. Am. Sorry.
Attuma: I forgive you.
Namor: Shake on it.
They shook hands before a duckling ran over Attuma's foot, causing them all to laugh.
Link to Part 3
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batmanqa12 · 2 years
The King of Flowers
"What is it?" asks Thorin one day, when he notices Bilbo standing above him whith outstretched hands and something looking like a circle made of flowers.
"Ermmm... It's a crown. For you." answers the hobbit nervously. He is afraid of the king's reaction. What if he won't like it? Oh, how stupid of him to even try giving him the flower crown. What can he think of Bilbo?
"And where is gold and rubies?" dwarf asks again, even more confused. He has never seen in his long, long life a crown made of flowers.
Bilbo starts shiftint his weight from foot to foot.
"This is a different kind of a crown. Would you like to try it on?"
The dwarf nods and kneels on one knee. Bilbo carefully puts a flower crown on his head and makes a step back to admire his work. Indeed, the flowers he had chosen were perfectly made in aspect of colors and pattern. It was worth it to stand up earlier that morning and go to the nearest meadow near a rivulet. Dozen of ceratostigma willmottianum, a bunch of striped squills, two cornflowers and a nigella damascena in the middle surrounded by amaryllis and daisies.
"Why did you give this to me?" another question comes out of still surprised dwarf.
"You will be a King, and every king deserves a crown. You especially, my lord."
Thorin laughs softly.
"Thank you for such a noble gesture, I will keep this in my heart." he takes off the flower crown and puts it into his pocket. "I don't want to damage it." he explains to the questioning look Bilbo gave him. Both of them look at each other with hints of sparkles behind their eyes.
"TAKE THIS HOBBIT AWAY! I will never again befriend a wizard or a traitor." while saying that, he pushes halfling away.
Bilbo with his eyes full of tears, climbs down the rope. He notices that Thorin is taking something out of his pocket and throws it onto a ground, into a puddle.
The flower crown.
Bilbo runs quickly, takes damaged wad of flowers and squeezes it hard, keeping it close to his heart. His back is hurt after hitting a hard rock but it is nothing compared to the pain of his soul. Ruined hobbit rushes to Gandalf.
Thorin is watching a whole scene feeling baffled.
He wants to grab for flowery crown just as always when he needs to make a decision. In his pocket there is nothing but a golden coins. He is walking on a gold floor, sees golden ornaments, watches golden sapphires.
Gold is crushing him. It becomes cold, this kind of yellowness unbearable.
In the blink of an eye, he starts to drown in the floor, collapsing into it, getting covered by gold from everywhere. He wants to get away, he doesn't need gold anymore. I don't want this chains, take them off me!
He would give anything for the blues and whites of flowers!
He drowned.
"Forgive me, my dear Master Burglar."
Thorin smiles despite the pain and blood in his mouth. Bilbo is holding his friend's hand, full of sadness. He pulls out an old flower crown and tangle it between their wrapped hands.
"You don't have to apologize for anything! It was the greatest honor any Baggins couldn't have ever dreamed of!"
Thorin knowing he doesn't have a lot of time, looks at their locked hands.
"If everyone cherished music, food and happiness above gold and power, the world would be a merrier place."
He once again squeezes Bilbo's palm harder.
"Farewell, Friend!"
"Nnno, Thorin, no!" Bilbo starts nodging the dwarf in vain. He can't do anything.
Thorin... is gone.
Bilbo stands next to Thorin.
His tears stream down his face.
He takes out a crown and places it on dead dwarf's head.
Crowned in flowers, a sword and an arcenstone, ready to rest. Beautiful like a King of Flowers, deadly as a dragon. Dead as a Death itself.
Oh why does it have to hurt so much?
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 2: Hidden Inventory 2
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Wow, lot of twos in today's title. Once more I really feel on the fence about sharing my gripes with JJK, but at the same time I almost just want to feel heard in my disappointment and sadness that we're seeing what we are. I'll probably say it every time, but this doesn't mean that I hate every second and frame of these episodes, there's good stuff within too, it's just that the overwhelming majority feels wrong. So I guess it's time to humor me if you will as I recant my grievances with today's JJK episode.
You know, I really thought it was going to be a one-off. That we just got season one's OST in the first episode for some random reason. Does not seem to be the case. The standout, and "JJK" sounding tracks are all from the first season in this episode as well. What amounts to background noise that is entirely forgettable is the new soundtrack, aside from the choice of classical music over a Toji scene, and the well placed choir later in the episode. This is basically to say, any "JJK Flair" you might catch from this episode is old news, all of the new music moves towards a generalized and far more often than not flat delivery that rips yet another section of this anime's heart out.
And you know, on the topic of simple things that feel robbed of their character? The eye catch. I get it, they want something more "uppity" to match the perceived vibe of Geto and Gojo. But the concept of "the strongest", and the person that's always in their shadow, is not at all grasped through a simple xylophone-esque tune couple with whatever fluttery animation this is.
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Kind of crazy that we haven't made it to the episode itself yet, so let's fix that. Broad strokes first, the composition. What was up with episode 1? It's so obviously better here in 85% of the scenes, and for what reason? I guess in general, the lighting and shading overall is more plain, but it's not like there was a mountain of things to draw in the first episode anyways. That said, there's still very glaring and weird issues with composition through the episode, and I don't understand why. At the very least, they show with today's episode that they can properly composite scenes, but just choose not to with a good few (and oddly enough it's that nearly all of these scenes are just too dark).
For example, these two scenes take place in the same setting/area, but the exposure and brightness are totally different? Gets a pass on the shading on Geto because I couldn't find a good scene that showed Geto properly while including the shading, but just know that it does remain.
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And this is far from the only example of the oddities in regards to composition. The moment a scene is "intense" or combat erupts, they completely crush the lighting and composition for reasons that I simply can't understand. Just take a look at this. I really don't get it. These two characters are facing each other in the scene, so how one is far brighter than the other I have no idea.
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I was tempted to provide a third example, but Tumblr does sadly have an image limit, so I'll be moving on. Though really it's backwards to start my complaints from the top since the broad concept of composition has been covered now. So we go to Geto. What is Mappa's obsession with unnecessary character acting? Not only is this instance excessive like usual, it goes against the actual concept of Geto's character? Not that he can't enjoy tea, but he very clearly is meant to be depicted as a high school kid that's glued to his phone. He's meant to be shown as young and closer to Gojo, but instead we get a scene that frames him as far older? Gosso seems to really have it out for Geto through these two episodes.
And of course, the character acting is another discussion entirely. They age Geto painfully with how they have him behave compared to the manga. Just baffling decisions that seem entirely needless.
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Also please Mappa I'm begging you, why are you treating Toji like this??? Like, I'm sorry, who is this man? It's the kind of pointless thing that gets me pointlessly worked up because there's just such little resemblance to what makes Toji, Toji. They've erased the heart of the soundtrack, they've erased the art style that fans have loved, and now they've moved onto erasing the hearts of the characters and their expressions.
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Expression, let's go there. I'm a fan of how goofy the manga can get with Gojo (and Geto) at times, but I feel like throughout the episode they go from narrow, to very comfortably missing the mark on its humor, and in doing so end up butchering more than a few scenes.
This example is of the more mild misses, but it's pretty easy to see how Gege's humor is completely missing from the anime's version.
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Anyways, back to my poor child Geto, being abused by Mappa. I swear they hate him for some reason, because what is this? Geto feels that two of his curses have been exorcised and tells Gojo they need to go get Riko, but compared to the manga? There's just so much. How Geto tells Gojo about getting Riko before he starts moving in the anime. He doesn't hang off Gojo but rather walks away briskly, and the look in his eyes is just entirely different. I might forgive them for not showing how it is that Geto realizes his curses have been exorcised, but I won't forgive them for changing the very basis of his character. That sinister feel, the cunning that emanates from his sharp gaze, the look that never falters. Geto's in the zone in this moment, and you can tell that from the rip with his narrow eyes and his interactions that are catching up to his thoughts. All of that is missing in the anime though, and it's deeply disappointing.
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You know, if I keep this up I'll be here all day. Question! Which anime is this from!? If you answered JJK... you'd be right, sadly. The art style is just so painfully generic to what Mappa is doing these days that it hurts my soul to see.
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Alright, the next big offence. I'm pretty sure most knew it was coming, but it hit painfully hard today. That is, the combat. There was never going to be anyone that would match Park's combat with JJK, and I wholly accept that as fact. What I don't accept is how Gosso sees how focused on Choreography JJK is, and decides, "You know what? I'm not interested in that, let's do all close ups and isolation for the combat". And it pisses me off, it's good work. It's well animated, and it's entirely wasted as a mockery of what JJK is.
Just look at the difference to the manga. Not even that, look at the difference in combat style. Geto uses an open hand in the manga, but it turns into a closed fist in the anime? I really feel for anime onlies that are getting the anime's version of JJK.
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Back to Gojo. I can't believe they attempted to pull a scene from an anime original gag clip from S1 into S2, and just made a lesser version of it.
The actual definition of "Unspoken Rizz vs Sexual Harassment". If it also wasn't obvious, the manga version of the panel doesn't remotely compare.
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And you know what? It's a good segue to my next issue: it's too damn happy. The episode, and Hidden Inventory as a whole so far, has been too uppity and the added/changed pieces are what makes it worse. For whatever reason, Gosso has taken the idea of goofy Gojo and Geto as the notion that everyone is goofy, and it's a massive misconception, that leads to unnecessary scenes like this one that use chibi characters instead of regular ones to crank the humor up to 11 and have it linger for far more than the manga does.
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Alright, next person, Kuroi. I'm not surprised, I'm really not, I swear I'm not. But God, are eyes and facial expressions just something that the staff don't care about this season? How is this instance of Kuroi meant to compare to and display what the manga Kuroi is? The two aren't even close. And for what reason. It's literally a pair of eyes that someone looked at, and decided needed to be all the way open in blind rage, rather than the reserved yet poised feeling they gave off in the manga.
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To be honest, there's still a bit of episode left with Gojo's fight against Bombastic Bagman, but I just don't have the energy or desire to complain in detail. It's alright? It's a very anime-only depiction of it that changes things, and needlessly so at that, but it's also not terribly offensive. It took this second season only two episodes for me to become apathetic towards the issues we're faced with, and that just feels incredibly depressing. I love JJK a great deal, and within 2 of the 23 episodes this season, I've grown tired of my own complaints.
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macaroni-rascal · 9 months
You know how I said that man would inevitably disappoint me? Well holy fucking shit if this isn't the only time he's ever delivered, and in the worst possible way. There won't be any CanNats fashion takes from me if he dares show his face there because I don't intend on watching. His blatant disregard for every human being he's ever come across is downright psychopathic and it's been filling me with rage for days. I can't imagine what that poor woman has gone through, carrying the trauma all these years, while watching him soar in his career and get praise, support and love from the blissfully unaware. I'm so sorry she went through that and I'm happy for her that she felt healed enough to expose him.
That said, Skate Canada wouldn't be Skate Canada if it did anything right. It's failed test after test, each of increasing difficulty, each time hiding behind a "due process" that is conveniently designed to fail survivors. But the sheer spinelessness it's been displaying in this case is such a low point, it's limbo dancing in hell. What baffles me is that it isn't even trying to cover its own ass, and I don't even know if it comes from hubris or sheer ineptitude and passivity. Even if it has no procedural recourse, the fact that no one, especially IAM, has had the cojones to go up to this fool and tell him in no uncertain terms that he won't be going anywhere next week is baffling to me. Their lack of self-preservation in this case should be studied by psychopathologists. I've felt for some time now that IAM has been losing its moral compass, but I was torn to shreds for voicing this opinion online, because this is apparently a lot of skating fans' emotional support coaching team. But they're human, and fallible, and in this case, they seem to be dying on a hill that's barely even a mound and it's bananas to witness. They so easily could've claimed an injury, announced a retirement and bounced, but they went to the GPF regardless, and their coaches at the very least went along with it, despite the fact that they were simultaneously screwing over another one of their teams in the process, in this case AlliSaul. I've long advocated against the disease that is skatingitis, which is the condition of not being able to see anything outside of skating, with the most severe case ever being Aljona. But how does this level of loss of perspective even happen? How far does one's head need to be up one's ass not to be able to read the fucking room to this extent? Are they truly that arrogant to think they can just show up at Nationals like it's nbd? At the very least, the other competitors don't deserve this shit to cast a pall over their event, which for many will be the last of the season.
I also can't help but think about how he inserted himself into Lolo's life, pursued her relentlessly despite her having a bf at the time, and he's now passed like a tornado through it, probably leaving her wondering what the hell it was all for. And the callous way he's treated her over the years, even calling her "a nobody" in the retelling of the tale of their tryout and decision to skate together, as if he is in any position to look down upon her. He had the right idea that time when he stabbed himself with a knife he himself had forged. How poetic, he should turn it into a hobby.
They weren't kissy at the GPF but she still made the decision to attend this event with him and pretend everything was hunky-dory, nothing to see here, business as usual. I understand wanting one last hurrah, but if this is a case of a trauma bond or codependency or whatever, why is nobody on her team looking out for her well-being? Why is nobody putting a foot down? What on earth do they think is going to happen? He's basically comicbook villain levels of vile. And to also think of all the collateral damage he's caused in the form of talented skaters quitting because he showed up to skate for Canada and they felt like there was no room for them to move up? Hell, Caro and Shane switched fucking countries at great personal expense and by all accounts Skate Canada made them pass through the Devil's Anus to do it, and now to watch it cower and dodge responsibility when it comes to something so fucking major? Seriously, when will there be a reckoning for Skate Canada? It's been losing the plot for a long ass time, doing clown shit even in a court of fucking law (thank god for that judge, though). What needs to happen? Does Sheldon Kennedy need to roll up there and bitch-slap some sense into them? What is the hold this raggedy-ass, good-for-nothing, held-togehter-with-paperclips, manbun-for-personality violent rapist have over them? He's done. Why go down with the ship? It's all disgusting and infuriating and disappointing and scary. All of these people have the integrity of an H&M t-shirt that falls apart after a single wash as far as I'm concerned. But I know nothing will change unless we hit them where it hurts, which is why I'll be contacting their sponsors, and I urge others to do so as well, because skating has been an amoral system for far too long and the victims are too many at this point, and clearly nobody cares about them. Something's gotta give. Anyway, I wish Marjo and Zak a very 4CC medal and Corpse Bride a good time at Worlds, amen amen amen.
Posted without comment because I have nothing to add, you've said it all.
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19thperson · 3 months
19th Steam Next Fest Impressions - Day 5
Day 0/Day 1/Day 2/Day 3/Day 4
Silent Hill 2 but sci-fi. Not to beconfused with the other Silent Hill 2 but sci-fi.
It's a flying car future and your flying car crashes you into a long abandoned town covered with a Mystery Grey Substance and a lot of dead people, some of them not all the way dead.
The game then tells you to go into a decrepit apartment complex. Just like Silent Hill 2.
The game has both tank controls and contextual direction control. I have unfortunately betrayed the church of tank controls. It felt more intuitive, and the game didn't consistently use hyperspecific camera angles enough to bother.
Has a legitimately creepy atmosphere, and the combat controls run the line between intentionally awkward without being infuriating. Which makes one last decision baffling.
If there's enemies nearby, you can't enter doors or use key items. So it feels like the game's structure is encouraging combat that its mechanics are discouraging.
Hoping that this is either a specific quirk to that one encounter/demo, or I was just somehow missing the prompt.
Puzzle adventure game. The protagonist, Jemma, instead of moving normally, moves the entire row/column of tiles, and whatever else is on it, with her. She can also wrap around the edges of a path. Easier to explain in images than words...
the puzzles that come from this are pretty good so far. Arrange a sword to push into a monster's face, or placing weights on buttons and then trying to find a way to move that doesn't dislodge the button weight you just placed. Trying to maneuver around the few objects that can't be moved by you. And the trailer suggests they have a lot more to add to these building blocks.
I really like the presentation, especially the trick of having comic panels floating in the background to show details/movement that can't be shown with the sprite art.
I Was Lost
It's almost unfair that I played this right after the incredibly well done Arranger.
A simple maze game where you can re-arrange certain parts of the maze, with the gimmick being that the levels form poetry.
Alone as a puzzle it's... fine. Had a couple head scratchers.
Problem is that the poem it forms is specific to the demo. Whose meaning is "this is just a demonstration of something." So the poetry is the means for this game to generate pathos and they've already undercut it.
Hopefully the final game will have something to actually say, and do something interesting with the game mechanic. Because the demo doesn't.
Anyways, wishlist Arranger. And play Void Stranger.
Nekokami - The Human Restoration Project
A Dorfromantik-like, where you play as far future space cats, using their advanced technology and the borrowed power of nature spirits to try and resurrect their long extinct servants: Humanity.
Dorfromantik was fun but also kinda lost its novelty after a while. And a lot of successors look like they fall in the same pitfall. This game does some stuff to offset that.
The plot is mostly fluff and has some awkward "this was definitely translated" wording, but it's still nice to feel like something is progressing. Each level also has different win conditions, like having multiple fully leveled up flower fields.
I also like the kami-storm system. Midway through a level, a powerful kami will appear and change the rules somehow. The family kami will drop her kittens off for you to babysit and the little fuckers will laze around making certain edges unusable. the rain kami causes water tiles to appear more often as well as setting up little "rain bombs" that'll fill areas with water unless defused by placing a tile over. Stuff like that.
Lastly, it introduces two conflicting scoring systems: population and kami approval. Anything that ups the human population will displace nature and leave less room for kami, and you need to balance those at the same time.
Its interesting. Not mind-blowing but interesting.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Increasingly I think the writers of RWBY have catastrophic misunderstandings of plot and character that are at best at the level of young preteen fanfic authors who at least are very obviously still learning how to use these tools and at worst to the point they need to retake entire English courses.
Hbomb briefly touched upon it in his "RWBY is Disappointing" video when he dissected when RWBY "borrowed" a Cowboy Bebop intro scene for Spike and used it for Ruby, and how the writers didn't consider how the situation would characterize Ruby or didn't bend the scene to fit her.
Jaune is also another sufferer of this. His whole premise is supposed to be the ordinary guy a la Sokka, but he's written like a character that got isakai'd into RWBY and found himself enrolled in Beacon beyond his control.
It's particularly glaring because although Sokka has no bending abilities, he's still an inhabitant of the world, and has at least general knowledge of what bending is and its significance, as shown in the first ep of ATLA where he knows waterbending is part of the Water Tribe's culture.
Jaune by contrast has a baffling lack of knowledge about fundamental aspects of his own world for someone who is supposed to live in said world. He doesn't really know Aura or semblances until Pyrrha explains it to him and for someone who wants to get into Beacon to the point of cheating he seems to have done woefully little research on Hunters and their profession and the Academy's entrance requirements. This is the mark of an isakai protag or a similar fish-out-of-water character who has found themselves in a world they're unfamiliar with, usually out of their control, which is NOT what Sokka is but is what Jaune embodies.
The purpose of these characters is an easy way to explain or introduce key fundamental concepts to the audience, in this case, Aura and semblances. But for that to work the character needs a reason to not have the knowledge already. Which Jaune does not have. He is an inhabitant of his world, like Sokka is with his own world. He should have at least surface knowledge of Aura and related concepts, IF ONLY for the purpose of making him look like he belongs in the world. His lack of knowledge is completely dissonant with that and it does make him look more like an isakai protag, like he's literally from another world and got sucked into the show or something. And the writers seemingly have not caught on that they're writing in isakai protag with Jaune or that the way they're doing it doesn't mesh with a sokka-esque character.
In terms of plot its even more egregious. Jaune is not really needed to function as the character he is written as because of the initial setting being in a school where there is already an excuse for core concepts to be delivered. It's just as easy to have the core 4 delivering the same info discussing homework or studying together.
The Atlas arc is also a huge sufferer of this lack of foundation. Jacques should not have been running for a seat. He should've been either lobbying the council or funding several politicians that align with the SDC. That's what corporations like him do, because they cover more ground like that, and it's also less obvious to the general public that he's shoring up his own interests. It's also a better long-term decision for him because he'd have his fingers in several political pies and it'd be significantly harder to get rid of him than just one election.
An election plot would also call for RWBY as a team to engage in more activism themselves aside from just helping Ironwood, if the election is that crucial. Talking to the people of Mantle, going to protests against the SDC, etc etc. Heck, talking to the people of Atlas City and Atlas Academy would've probably been better, since the natural conclusion would be Jacques's supporters are mainly in Atlas City, and they're already staying in Atlas Academy.
It would also give Atlas City and Atlas Academy narrative faces, so to speak. Because Mantle doesn't lack narrative faces, or people who represent the general attitude and climate of Mantle, from the Happy Huntresses to the single moms who attended Robyn's rally. Atlas City has what could be said to be narrative faces in V1 Weiss or the snobby party, but that's the 1%. What does the middle class in Atlas City think of the election? Is there even a middle class? Does the middle class live in Mantle or something?
The "save everyone vs save what we can" plot was also bunk. Those types of plots are usually constructed so that the person who says that they can't save everyone isn't really shown as wrong, however the one who wants to save everyone and does accomplishes their goal at personal risk to themselves. So they don't look like an asshole, like Ruby does.
Stripping a lot of nuance from tropes/types of plot seems to be what RWBY thinks is "subversive" or the writers genuinely don't understand why the nuance to the trope or plot type is important. I can't remember if it was you guys or someone else who brought this up, but for the Wizard of Oz characters, eventually the writers reduced them to "hehehe cowardly lion is actually a coward and tin man actually doesn't have a heart" when it's like congrats, you've made objectively made worse characters by taking essentially half the premise of their allusions literally.
The writers seemed a lot more comfortable with smaller scale character interactions like in the Poser era and they honestly should've just stuck with that. No big plot, just 4 girls bonding and attending fight school. It would've also given them a lot more room to make mistakes because if the plots/interactions were fairly contained, the bleedover of mistakes into the wider story wouldn't be such an issue.
But no.
We have this instead.
Speak Kiwi, speak into the microphone.
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royalreef · 1 year
@chaosmultiverse​ || Continued from here.
      “Then I shall obtain housing for them as well, but as you are here now and here first, then I see it is only reasonable to begin with you.” Miranda made some dismissive gesture with her hand, flicking it in the air as though to chase any buzzing doubts away. 
      Though, as much as it took Salil through a loop, it didn’t seem as though Miranda was sharing the same sentiment. There was no unusual expression on her face, just a curious tilt of her head, a flicker of her fins in thought. It was more some kind of expression of stubbornness itself, a sticking conviction that Miranda wasn’t about to just abandon, even if she had already been turned down before. That made sense, in a way. Anyone in her position would still want to ensure that her family, her new family that felt... more natural, than her first ever had to her, easier for her to sink down into and pull the covers up to her chin and to settle down into a new, accepted norm — that they would surely have all of their needs met and to be set. Miranda had the means to do so, and she could even ensure that they would be set for life, and... who wouldn’t? It was natural, to want to help, to be so desperate to do anything to help.
      The sticking issue, however, was that what Miranda was talking about didn’t reflect right. She was taking this seriously, yes, but not seriously enough. Her tone, her words, the easy promises that came — if Salil was trying to give this weight, to make this decision mean something, then it was wasted. She wasn’t talking like she was speaking of a house. She was talking as if she was speaking of spare change, of picking up a snack while she was already out and about, as if it was something that was baffling to even consider the thought that Salil might even owe her something back.
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      “I imagine you would want something close to the camp then, yes? Or not, you may wish to have a more proper, independent place of operations... Rural or urban, whichever would you prefer? I can also consider and accommodate for anything specific you would like to request, it is really no issue. What of architectural styles?”
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chickenmetenders · 7 months
actually yk. natsume licking the jam off yume fingers reqyest
[human au? lol] [this is a reference to Kokoro Tenn's Valentine's Day art, which is a reference to that Valentine's Day gacha story]
"See, wasn't that easy?" Mamiya drawls.
Natsume, who had managed to keep up the intense bedroom eyes for the entirety of the photoshoot, quickly drops the professionalism and pulls on an intensely annoyed face. "No!" he yells. "That was the worst, most excruciating, most--most horrible hour of my life! Oh, uh, because of him, not you." The last sentence is directed to the photographer, who laughs, unperturbed, and waves them off to the dressing room.
"I can't wait to see the finished pictures. You were holding that chocolate like you were about to make out with it," Mamiya snickers as they walk down the corridor. He licks the jam off his index finger. Tastes sweet.
Crap, wait, he forgot to ask for a paper towel or something. Mamiya spreads his fingers and frowns at the amount of jam on his hands. It's... kind of a lot.
He sucks on a spot of jam on his thumb, hoping that the dressing room is stocked with paper towels, wondering where the closest sink is in case it's not, when suddenly he realizes that Natsume has stopped walking. When he turns around, confused, he sees that Natsume is staring him, scrutinizing him with a look of revulsion on his face.
A lightbulb clicks.
"Something wrong?" Mamiya asks innocently, opening his mouth wide to drag his jam-covered middle finger against his tongue, and as expected, Natsume's brows twitch further down. This is too easy.
"You are disgusting," Natsume says emphatically.
"Whaaaat?" Mamiya drawls. He licks a blob of strawberry out from between the gap of his fingers, delighting when Natsume's lips twist into a sneer. "Well sor—ry I don't have anything to wipe this shit off on."
"Your pants—"
"You're saying I should wipe my hands on my pants? The pants that we're modeling for the designer? Gee, I wonder why I didn't think of that."
Natsume's face flushes. "Well— Well! Stop licking yourself! It's gross!"
"Eww, why would you say it like that? There's something wrong with your brain." Mamiya pokes his pinkie into his mouth and sucks off the last of the jam on his right hand. Then he sticks his hand in front of Natsume's face for him to see, and Natsume screams and jump away.
"All clean!" Mamiya announces, grinning.
"Get away from me!"
"And now for part two!" Mamiya says, bringing his left hand, still covered in strawberry blood, up to his mouth.
"You— Stop that!" Natsume yells. grabbing Mamiya's wrist in a vice grip.
Mamiya winces internally. Natsume is, upsettingly, stronger than he looks. "If you hate it so much, then you lick it off!" Mamiya says, forcing out a laugh.
He expects Natsume to scream again. Failing that, he expects Natsume to give him a dirty look and let go of his hand. Failing that, he expects Natsume to turn into a red, sputtering mess and run away.
But for every one hundred of Natsume's actions that Mamiya can predict, there's always one impulse decision that Mamiya could never see coming even if you gave him three thousand years.
Natsume flushes, angrily tugs Mamiya's wrist up, up, until his hand is at his lips, and then Natsume is bowing his head and licking a stripe of jam off Mamiya's finger.
... What.
Huh. Huh! What a weird thing to be happening. Maybe Mamiya's hallucinating. Or maybe this is one of Mamiya's weird fantasy dreams. Real weird thing to be dreaming about, but hey, Mamiya's had worse, more embarrassing dreams about Natsume. So. Yeah. Mamiya will wake up, covered in sweat, any second now.
... Any second now.
The drag of Natsume's wet tongue against his skin sure feels incredibly, uncannily life-like.
"Uhhh," Mamiya says.
Belatedly, he tries to pull his hand away, but Natsume's grip refuses to let him go. He keeps licking, and lapping, and sucking on the stuff on Mamiya's hand with his warm mouth, and Mamiya stares at him dumbfounded, too busy being baffled to be flustered or even turned on.
Finally, Natsume finishes, and when he gently detaches his mouth from Mamiya's hand, Mamiya is shocked by the slick amount of saliva left behind.
Mamiya's heart is going to jump out of his chest.
"... This is grosser than if I had just licked it off myself," he says faintly.
"Wh-Whatever!" Natsume says. There's a splotch of jam-colored spit at the corner of his mouth, and Natsume raises his arm to wipe it off with his sleeve, then seems to remember that the coat doesn't belong to him and puts his arm down. Mamiya wonders if he should wipe it off for him, but before he can even blink, Natsume's tongue darts out and swipes it all into his mouth.
Mamiya stares.
The magnitude of what he's done seems to suddenly crash into Natsume all at once, and his face turns as red as the Communist Manifesto. His expression looks to be somewhere between frustrated and mortified, and then Natsume is turning on his heel and stomping away. "I-I'm going to change!"
Mamiya is too shocked to figure out how to move, at first. He hears the swing of the dressing room door opening, and manages to swivel his neck in time to peer down the hallway and see the door slam shut.
And then he looks down a little further down the hallway. Squints.
... What the fuck. The restroom is literally right there.
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bookwormscififan · 5 months
First Words
Read on AO3!
A/N: @iamvegorott gave me the prompt a week ago to explore what the twins' first words would be in the Papa Night AU.
Night pinched the bridge of his nose with a heavy sigh, watching as the twins slapped food-covered hands against his polished wood dining table. He had turned away for a moment, but it was just enough time for the boys to stick their hands into their bowls of porridge and make a mess.
“Will you never obey my orders?” he groaned, moving to find a cloth to clean the hands of the twins. “You surely must understand the consequences of your decisions, knowing how you hate my cleaning your hands.”
Mare held his hands out for Night to clean, looking at him with guilty purple eyes. He kicked his feet, impatiently waiting for the god to clean him properly before lowering his hands and watching as Phantom was cleaned.
“Now, have you had enough to eat?” He asked, looking at each child in turn before taking away their bowls. “Let me put these in the kitchen, then I’ll come and put you both to bed.”
Bringing the bowls into the kitchen and scraping the remaining food from them, Night paused as he heard a clatter followed by a whoosh signalling one of the twins had started a fire. Sighing, he put the bowls in the dishwasher before moving back to the dining room.
“Papa!” Night froze. It was a petulant voice, filled with childlike annoyance, spoken in a whine over the crackling of the centrepiece on the table. “Papa…” That was Mare, looking tearfully at Night with a trembling lower lip while Phantom laughed beside him.
“Say that again.” Night’s voice was soft, awestruck as he looked at the child, waving a hand to extinguish the fire without tearing his gaze from Mare.
“P-Papa?” Mare let out a questioning yelp when Night scooped him up into his arms, holding him close to his chest and brushing his fingers through his hair.
“I—” There was no explaining the feeling swelling in his chest, the warmth that spread through him as Mare cuddled close. He let out a baffled huff at the dampness surrounding his eyes, freezing when Mare lifted a tiny finger to wipe away the tears he didn’t know were falling.
“Pa?” Looking up, he saw Phantom still sitting at the table, watching the god with confused and curious eyes. Shifting Mare to balance him on one hip, Night moved to Phantom and gently lifted him, walking both children to the couch and sitting with them on his lap.
“Boys,” he began, pausing to clear his throat. “Do you think of me as your father? Your… ‘papa’?” Mare and Phantom looked at each other before turning back to Night, leaning forward to hug him tightly.
“Papa,” Mare whispered, burying his face in Night’s jacket.
“Pa,” Phantom echoed, curling tightly into a ball in his lap.
A hesitation, a halting of breath as Night processed his twins’ utterances. His twins. Chaos-born children abandoned in the dead of night and left to freeze under a blossom tree. His children.
“Yes,” Night’s voice was barely above a whisper, holding his boys close as he let his emotions flood through him. “Yes, my sons, I’m your papa. I swear to always be your papa.”
@brokentimewatch @dungeon-dragons-dragons @rattyboyisemo
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
i honestly still can't wrap my head around that jimin was denied by hybe to have a mv for each of his songs, which were just four in total, just to let taehyung have mvs for all his boring songs. and the worst part of it all, i'm sure the company made jimin feel like he was asking too much for his debut album(!), at least given the way he reacted in that interview in which this info was disclosed.
i'm not sure if the decision came from mhj or hybe or it was an agreement, but the mistreatment jimin is subjected to couldn't be more evident. th may be underperforming and falling short to produce the results his fans (and perhaps himself) expected from "the most biased" member of bts, but this doesn't erase the push he's been given, too. it isn't the jk-like, golden star treatment kths thought it'd be, but it baffles me that dude had a tiny desk concert, iu and new jeans kids to cover his songs, some playlisting, five mvs, and he still is underperforming (notice that i'm not even taking into account logistics, shipping and re-stocking, which were also an issue in jimin's debut).
face thrived with barely nothing. it literally set the bar for all the other solo debuts, as well for future releases (wasn't namjoon whining about "wanting to get better numbers" right after like crazy debuted at #1 or something like that?)
i wonder if in some blessed day armies will open their eyes to the mistreatment and sabotage jimin has been under for years now from this godawful company. i guess only when bts as a band falls apart. but i truly, truly hope jimin leaves before that.
Layover is doing good for a two star album ( my rank btw). His debut was very underwhelming. He's doing so bad on charts it's not even funny. Like it's okay to flop but it that hard. If BTS was to disband he might as well consider his music career over and just be an IG model he's good at that with his fake aesthetics and plastic personality. Or be a tiktoker because his career is nothing without BTS
Unlike jimin whom if BTS would disband he'd actually be bigger than who he is. I feel like at some point the group is inhibiting his growth in many aspects idk how but it is. With regards to the company I think what happened to face haa been happening to jimin in the group for so long because if they could turn him down on his request for his album lord know what ideas they've turned down from jimin whilst in the group because they seemed"impossible" or alot. If he can write his whole album why didn't he write songs for BTS then. And have you heard his demo for Fake love it's so good.
Armies can see the sabotage but they'll never admit it, not only do they not want to admit that Hybe is shit ass company they want to keep living in this bubble of theirs that they've created. They're so deluded. Trying to convince us and themselves that jimin wanted what happened to FACE. Like how??
New jeans coving Taes song sounds forced poor girl didn't even looked like he wanted to do it.
Is it only me who cringed when Tae does the Tata mic thing now and when he is trying to look cute?
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