itsacrowd-a · 2 years
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Hello all! I've gone & done a revamp!
This is an independent, mutually exclusive multimuse with verses all over the map. Main ones include: The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, and much more!
The Links: Google Site (Rules, Muse list, Bio & Verse links) | Introduction Form
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
I gained some followers somehow! Hello, I hope everyone is well. Please fill out the interest checker, and I’ll try to reach out this week<3
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
Hello, it’s me, constantly being reminded that I have TVD and SPN muse brain rot that is almost always active
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
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"When the timing is right, he's gonna be so great."
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
rebekah  hadn’t  known  what  to  expect  walking  back  into  a  town  she  used  to  paint  red.  she  was  the  mischevious  type  to  a  few  and  kevin  very  much  brought  that  out  of  her.  and  she  never  regretted  whatever  ridiculous  shenanigans  they  got  up  to  because  it  was  him  and  there  wasn’t  much  to  do  in  the  town  to  begin  with.  now  they  were  ‘  adults  ‘  or  ‘  grown  up  ‘  rebekah  didn’t  know  what  phrase  to  use  and  they  were  reuniting  because  they  are  both  home  from  college  now.  rebekah  decided  to  study  business  and  not  law  like  her  parents  wanted  and  there  is  this  weird  tension  between  her  and  her  father  who  pushed  the  idea  on  her  but  anything  to  get  out  of  that  house  and  see  kevin  again. she  is  picking  up  the  chinese  food   and  driving  to  their  spot  behind  the  park  where  they  used  to  talk  about  their  futures  like  they  even  knew  what  they  were  talking  about.  college  was  good  and  freeing  and  she  wasn’t  put  under  the  microscope  of  being  from  an  important  family,  she  was  free  to  be  herself  but  it  was  missing  something  and  that  was  always  kevin,  her  best  friend.   rebekah  hugs  kevin  tightly  when  she  sees  him  and  as  promised  over  text  a  few  tears  slip  from  her  blue  eyes  but  she  is  happy,  always  happy  to  see  him. “  as  promised,  food  and  no  shrimp.  “  she  giggles  quietly  and  settles  next  to  him  on  the  blanket  and  sets  the  food  down  carefully  throwing  him  a  pair  of  wrapped  chopsticks  before  she  breaks  her  own  and  starts  to  carefully  open  the  containers,  the  sweet  smell  of  their  favorite  food  clouds  the  air  and  rebekah  smiles  over  at  the  male  beside  her.  just  like  old  times,  she’s  glad  nothing  had  truly  changed. “  how  was  your  flight?  “  rebekah  asks  with  curious  intentions  and  picks  up  some  chicken  eating  it  quickly,  she  was  freaking  starving  and  adjusts  her  jacket  laying  back  slightly  to  watch  the  stars  begin  to  come  out.
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If history told him anything, it was that he had no clue what to expect from their reunion. What it also taught him, was that it didn’t matter. Feelings that he thought he could shove away came fluttering to the surface each time her name popped up on his phone. Kevin was back in town, visiting his mom for the break- something he normally didn’t do. It had been easy getting tangled up in work, and being anywhere but the town that reminded him of everything he’d lost, or screwed up. It shouldn’t of been a surprise, the way seeing her ignited a swell of mixed emotions inside him. There’s a sadness that he’s been gone so long- that they’d spent this time apart; that he can’t just pick up where they left off and make everything right again. This mourning of the past washes over him as he forces himself to be in the moment. A big smile pulls over his features after he hugs her tightly, and is seated next to her. The chopsticks land in his hands with ease as he catches them, opening the container of food in front of him; he could eat like this one night- one night wouldn’t mess with his physique. “Uneventful.” Kevin answers her honestly, glancing over at her as she looks up- the shifting luminescence of night beginning to paint her features in a familiar light.  “So tell me, how's college? Any big news? How long are you back for?” There’s that familiar excitement Kevin always had. It was easy slipping back into the way things used to feel when they were together. For a moment, he was allowing himself to feel those things.. But only for a moment. Too much, and he’d fall right into the memories of how he’d blown it all up. 
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
I have come to the hesitant decision to put all of my blogs aside from this one on a hiatus until the summer course is finished. That doesn’t mean I wont be on them at all, but I am going to stop stressing about trying to put time elsewhere because Jess is just the absolute brain rot right now. 
The multi will probably be the only other blog that stays somewhat active but I’m also going to call that one on hiatus as well. I know you guys understand, and I thank you for your patience with me<3 
I look forward to the days when I’m not so busy and I can get right back into writing like crazy everywhere again. 
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
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365 days of Tim and Lucy: 12/365
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
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“Somethin’ like that.” Lip took a drag from his cigarette, wondering if there was even anything for them to do for Carl. At this point, he was digging his own grave and they weren’t going to be able to pull him out of it anytime soon. “Just know that most of this shit is Frank’s fault - not yours. You were good to those kids, alright? Frank’s the one who fucked us all up.”
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Fiona laughs, but the uncertainty is clear within it. “Yeah,” her brows rose for a second before pushing together. When Lip wanted to be, he was really good at making her feel better. It meant a lot to hear him say that. “There wasn’t much I could of done to make it worse, right?” She joked. “What do you have goin on tonight? Anything good?”
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
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unsure  what  she  should  say,  she’s  still  a  little  buzzed  from  the  beers  nate  gave  her  and  she  blinks  slowly.  her  and  lip  had  been  talking  for  awhile  now,  he  seemed  like  a  cool  guy,  someone  new,  but  cassie  didn’t  have  time  to  make  new  friendships  or  even  relationships.  she  never  felt  less  worthy  than  she  did  tonight,  overstepping  boundaries  with  nate  jacobs  and  then  almost  getting  caught  by  her  best  friend.   should  she  really  be  anyone’s  girlfriend  at  this  point?  blinking  still  her  facial  expression  is  one  of  calm  and  she  slowly  smiles,  perfecting  that  smile. what  was  the  harm  in  a  distraction?  she  could  probably  calm  down  with  whatever  was  in  that  joint  too.  and  having  company  did  not  seem  too  bad,  besides,  lip  was  probably  thinking  the  same  thing. “  yeah,  we  can  go  out  back,  i  saw  a  deck  and  a  swimming  pool..  “  cassie  hums  and  finds  her  white  jacket,  taking  a  moment  to  smooth  down  her  blue  dress,  no  one  knew  her  panties  were  laying  in  the  back  of  nate’s  truck.  smooth.  “  why  did  you  say  it  was  lame?  “  trying  to  strike  casual  conversation  so  she  doesn’t  go  into  a  mental  breakdown  tonight.  that’s  the  last  thing  she  needed. 
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There was a weird feeling in the air at this party; from the beginning, Lip had felt that things were off. It wasn’t like him to pry though, and the nice cocktail of weed and vodka were keeping him from trying.  “Yeah, sounds good. It’s a little crowded in here, anyway.” This town was something else; this fancy house, everyone dressed like they’re ready to walk on the red carpet- and then there was Lip, in his worn out boots, jeans, a grey tank he was wearing at the shop earlier, and an undone short sleeve button up. It didn’t need to be said; the fact that he didn’t belong here. These were the kinds of kids he’d sell drugs to at a premium- if the market hadn’t already been cornered.  Once they’re outside, he finds a spot with two pool chairs, taking a seat and pulling out the flask from his back pocket- not that there wasn’t plenty to drink here already.  “Just still adjusting. Parties from my old school were just different.” He could tell she wasn’t feeling great, but he chalked it up to typical party drama, or maybe the drinks weren’t agreeing with her.  “I almost thought you weren’t gonna come.”
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
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@itsacrowd​ asked: “i’m literally cringing at the person i was 20 seconds ago.” - Elena to Fez
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Fez stared her down. He’d heard a lot about self-loathing in his day but nothin’ quite that intense. He blinked, mouth falling open in a sympathetic frown. “Wow, that’s some heavy shit–only 20 seconds. You regret sayin’ hi to me or something?” He asked.
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Elena’s brows rose as she realized how what she said must of been taken. “No- no, I-“ She wasn’t used to this- Jeremy was the one who liked getting high. “I just mean.. I don’t know what I’m doing.” Elena sighed, running her fingers through her hair, pursing her lips together. Elena had gotten enough information to know where to go; a convenience store, where a guy named Fez would probably be willing to sell her something. “I’m just looking for something... gentle? Is that the right word?”
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
I will be doing a follower/following clean up at the end of the week!! 
Please like this if you want to continue, or start to interact!
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
//little PSA here: sometimes as a multimuse blog it is super hard to tell which muse(s) or fandom is the main reason that you followed me. Personally, I will not be offended if you jump into my inbox or IMs and straight up tell me which muse you came to interact with. That way I don’t end up sending you a meme for a muse that you are unfamiliar with or try to force something where there isn’t a natural interaction. ❤️
[other multis can reblog if you agree]
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
“create the content you want to see!”
but I’m tired
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
 @elenaloveablekotsala​​ liked THIS for a one liner from ELENA (& you can too!!) [DAMON]
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“This isn’t you, Damon.”
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
@softpeeps​​  liked THIS for a one liner from ELENA (& you can too!!) [ESME]
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“I don’t think they’re opening for another hour... I already tried to get in.”
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
@smotheredtragedy​​ liked THIS for a one liner from ELENA (& you can too!!) [STEFAN]
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“Do you want to talk about it?”
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itsacrowd-a · 2 years
As always feel free to DM me to plot for any of the one liners, or wing them. I’m game for whatever, just trying to wake my muses up<3
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