#still a narusasunaru
matznothere · 3 months
need to rewatch naruto ngl they were my "babys first gay people"
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weirdlyprecious · 1 year
Ok ok I saw this. This is so sooo stupid but BUT LISTEN!
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I knew Sasuke was a Leo but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Ino is a Libra and it shows here that according to their “astrologer” Ino is more compatible with Sasuke.
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October 10th. Yep. Hahahahahahahahhhahaha. I can’t. Even in extra stuff like this SNS still wins !!!!
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coffeebuoy · 9 months
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snsmonth day 7: living together
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cloudabserk · 1 month
Hi dumb question why is it 'sns' for sasunaru? I thought 'sns' was for sasunarusaku at lease that was the acronym used back in ff. Net days of old
Thanks sorry to bother
so basically in yaoi circles there was a convention to always put the top’s name first. so by calling it either sasunaru or narusasu you were immediately declaring your position on this controversial issue. a lot of people still use those differing names as slang to differentiate who tops in the given work. anyway sns is sasunarusasu, and nsn is narusasunaru, i’m pretty sure both are used to show either 1. you’re not indicating a particular top and/or 2. they switch
i have never heard sns used for sasunarusaku before, but also i only used ffnet for wolfstar. when i was 13. in 2016. so i don’t know the vernacular
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chicaotaku17 · 2 years
Ok, time for a long text post:
Disclaimer: I don’t usually, until this, do this kind of stuff, but I feel it necessary
Just saw here the post of an official Naruto/Boruto art with many characters, their spouses, the kids, etc., but one thing caught my eye: Sasuke’s expression.
To the SasuSaku shippers, it’s a shy/bashful expression at being fed by Sakura with everyone there… but it doesn’t look like it!
Yes, I know there are still people who either:
Hate NaruSasuNaru
Are homophobic (let’s face it, it is a thing still damaging our society)
Don’t agree with SNS shippers
Are just blind/in denial
Yes, SasuNaru didn’t become an official/canon ship in the end, but not for lack of wanting. Kishimoto himself wanted those two to end up together! HIS EDITORS/SUPERIORS were the ones who said “no”. Heck, Kishimoto has WRITEN Shonen Ai (boys love) stories before!
The fact that many people call us NSN shippers mean names, just because we “support a noncanon ship that shouldn’t exist” or because our ship “is not actually a ship, they’re just friends”… please go check your eyesight, because SasuNaru was non officially official throughout the entire Naruto, Shippuden manga/anime.
I mean… two boys who are alone, who have experienced the cruelty of the world first hand, who wanted to be friends but became rivals instead to start a bond, eventually becoming friends… and even though one of them left, the other spent 3 YEARS looking and chasing after the other (even when everyone else had already given up!)… during a war one of the two SHARED WITH EVERYONE HIS FEELINGS TOWARDS THE OTHER, during one of them’s reflexion he admired that he could see the others perspective because of his constant support, have called each other their soulmate… dude, that’s not just friendship, that’s true love!
And then they give us the “sequel”… both married to women neither of them payed real attention to during the entire length of the series to justify them being married… that’s just sad.
I know this is not gonna be liked by a lot of people… but it’s just my honest and humble opinion.
(If you made it to the end, comment 💙🧡)
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fortnitekushina · 2 years
naruto is literally the brokeback mountain of shounen anime
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larimarz · 2 years
alright ok you know what? i'm gonna respect canon. i'm going to, just for a moment, let go of shipping; i am going to experience this totally unbiased, and respect canon, and- these two in canon still-
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llkocoumll · 3 years
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*Whispers* still gay
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narusasu-on-crack · 4 years
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dear lord 😑 
no listen... why does Sasuke blush ONLY when he ‘fake’ kisses Naruto, huh? He literally blushes right after this scene. Literally he doesn’t blush for anyone else.
I’m not saying this kiss was on purpose but COME ON do they really expect us to just sit there and pretend that nothing happened when
They kissed twice in canon
there was a freaking heart splash wave thingy 
they both blush like useless gays after
no thank you love I have eyes 💗
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thebroenbrothers · 4 years
ok so dark!Naruto is a fun depth we get to explore in and outside of canon, but can we talk about sweet!Sasuke? Sasuke if the Uchiha slaughter had never happened? We delve into what would happen if Naruto were to give into the bitterness and evil surrounding him, but what if Sasuke never did???
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Bang Crush Part 4
also read:  part 1 , part 2, part 3
"I think it is a mistake worth making," I said. I could see him turn his head, his eyes looking at the ground as he left the lab.
“So it turned out there was a dryer, like..Right next to the lab.” Nardo scratched his cheek nervously, “Pretty convenient place since the lab coats get washed and dried there.”                                                                                 “Was finding it what took you so long?” I asked, kicking my legs out of pure boredom.
“I was kinda watching the dryer...I don’t know why I did that...I wasted ten minutes of my life watching the thing turn.” Nardo shook his head as if he was reflecting upon life and all his bad decisions. “I don’t regret anything.” He put his hands in the pockets of his lab coat before approaching me. “And these were in your pockets.” He handed me a frozen yogurt gift card. Of course, the pants originally belonged to Izuna. It was his gift card, I can’t even remember the last time I ate frozen yogurt.
“Thanks,” I said examining the gift card.
“And this.” I looked up from the card and I could feel an imaginary brick fall on my head seeing him hold a strawberry flavored condom. It almost felt like Izuna was a seer and predicted all of this. My hand reached for the condom, but he suddenly pulled it away. I looked up and I could see an amused look.
“It is a little odd, don’t you think?” He looked at the condom he was holding between two fingers, “Because I recall you telling me you are a virgin.” His eyes met mine again.
“Owh you caught me,” my voice couldn’t have been more sarcastic, “I planned this all out. Y’know that girl that spilled the chemicals on me. Yeah, I paid her to do that, and the rest just fell into place. I was actually trying to bang you.” I leaned in so I could reach for the condom, “And I can say it is going pretty well.”
Nardo looked slightly confused, his eyes were narrowed as if he was trying to figure me out.
“Really?” He asked, there was no surprise in his voice what so ever. Somehow, that felt like a good thing.
“I am joking,” I said as I chuckled slightly.
“You are a pretty good liar.” His suspicious look faded slightly, “That is not a good thing.”
“Owwhh~” I placed my palm on my cheek, “Do I get punished now?” I saw Nardo stiffen and his head turning slightly red..Well I had made him uncomfortable now. I shouldn’t have said that. Now he must think I am weird as fuck.
“I was joking. Don’t take it literally.” He exhaled relieved.
“For a moment I thought I was in a bad porn and I was tested by fate.” “When you say bad porn ..What..Do you mean? As in naughty bad? Or actor is fucking ugly kind of bad?” I heard Nardo laugh at my question, but I guess it didn’t come through him that I was actually being serious. “Well?”
“I guess the one where the storyline is good but the grammar is bad.”
“Wait…What porn has grammar?” I narrowed my eyes.
“I read a lot of-” he suddenly waved it off, “I am not discussing porn with you.”
“Alright fair enough.” I got off the desk, “You think my pants are dry by now?”
“They should..Probably any minute. I will fetch them.”
“I will come. I want to see what kind of manipulative powers that dryer has. Y’know catching your eyes for ten entire minutes. I must learn its secret.” He opened the door and I saw this small smirk on his face as I walked out of the lab.
“Right? Or left?”
“Left,” Nardo said and I took a total of two steps before feeling his hand on my shoulder, he pulled me towards the other side. “Left.” He repeated.
“Uhm..Right!” I said, feeling embarrassed.
“No left.” He laughed at his own joke.
“Y’know, the reason why I mess up left and right is not because I am stupid...Well partly.” I rubbed the back of my head.
“Nobody thinks you are stupid.” He said.
“I beg to differ.” I muttered, looking at the ground before meeting his eyes, “It is actually because I am.. Someone that is known as Ambidexterous.”
“You have to enlighten me with that term.” He opened the door of a small room and allowed me in. “There is not light. I think the lightbulb is burned out,” he held the door open behind him as he looked at the dryer that was set for another 5 minutes. I stopped over the little vacuum machine. “So what is Ambi..Something. Not an illness I hope.”
“No,” I looked at the timer of the dryer, “It is basically when you can..Use both your hands as the dominant one.”
“Like Tesla?!” He snapped his finger, “That is cool. Were you born that way or…”
“No, when I was younger I came to the conclusion that I was not very strong to beat my opponent. I relied on the element of surprise and technique…. Well, it is a long story, but in short, it was good to throw a knife from the left hand to the right, instead of just being left.”
“God, what have you been through as a kid?” I suddenly felt a hand wrapped around my shoulders and he pulled me closer. “I scolded my boy for running around the house with sharp pencils. I can’t imagine him fighting with knives.” As he was talking I turned my head to his hand around my shoulder, seeing the bandage wrapped around it. I noted it before, but...I wonder why.
“What happened to your arm?” I asked. I put my hand over his bandaged one.
“Owh, it is a funny story, I burned it as chemicals fell on it and it is sunlight sensitive so I must avoid light at all cost. That is why I bandage it.”
“Your surname becomes more and more ironic.” I turned my head and chuckled. I heard a loud “Bang” sound and the room was suddenly pitch black. I turned my head around to the closed door. Followed by hearing two familiar voices shouting: “For the sake of the Bang Crush!” I didn’t have to walk up to the door to know it was locked from the outside. However, Nardo did not put two and two together...Which made me question who was bad at maths.
“Did students just lock us up?” Nardo tried to open the door.
“Save the trouble...They will unlock it soon enough.” I said.
“How do you know?” He asked. Well...How was I going to explain the “Bang Crush” thing to him?
“Uhm...Five older brothers...Remember?” I coughed...Might not have been the best lie to come up with. I turned towards the dryer to see how much time there was left.
“You think there is a torch here somewhere?” I could hear Nardo move his hands over the shelves I tilted myself on the dryer so I had some platform to sit on. I wondered how the man could even make anything out of the dark. It seemed there was no light except for the timer. I suddenly felt a hand right on my crotch. My throat was numb and I couldn’t make any kind of noise, not even a stupid squeal or yelp.
“I am so sorry!” He removed his hand and I pulled my leg towards my chest. I guess my face could have become a red lamp at that moment. I swallowed, what was I supposed to say? It is alright? Of course, it is alright! He is my Bang Crush. Wouldn’t it only be fair for me to touch his? I opened my mouth to say something, but I could hear his foot hit the vacuum machine that was on the ground. He fell forwards, but lucky for him he didn’t hit his head on the dryer. Instead, his face fell on my lap and I managed to hold him and help him back up. “What is wrong with me!?”
“It is alright, shit happens.” I couldn’t surpass my smirk. My cold hands were right on his naked chest and I could feel his nipples getting hard. I needed all my willpower to not just pull him towards me and kiss him. I lowered my hands and my fingers felt his abs just before they were forced to get back towards me.
“Alright, so you are on the dryer.” I could feel his hand trying to find my exact position. His hands ended up on thighs, and he probably just wanted to make sure to avoid any awkward touching, but I must say ..I loved his grip.
“Yes, and you are right in front of me.” I guess my joy was hearable from my voice, I couldn’t hide it. “Isn’t this funny.” I laughed. I swear I will make sure to thank Izuna later. I heard Nardo exhale deeply.
“So Hime, was it?” He asked and I made a confirming sound, “How long have u been in the closet?” He laughed at his own play on words and I just chuckled. This is how aniki must feel when he laughs at his boyfriend’s puns.
“When we are out of the closet, we should get coffee,” I said.
“Definitely!” He said, “With apple pie.”
“Or donuts that are filled with jam.” I put my hand on my stomach, “Yes, I am hungry.” I sighed.
“You should keep your mind off it,” Nardo said, “How about a game, to make the time pass?”
“Do I look like your eight years old son?”
“No, my son is blond.” He said, “And he can count.”
“See how much shit I give,” I commented.
“I can’t see anything in this dark.” He stated.
“Exactly,” I smirked when he remained quiet.
“You really enjoy love-hate relationships, eh?”
“Love-hate? I thought there was only love here.” I used this as an excuse to wrap my arms around his torso, “Right now you are my favorite teacher.”
“Aren’t you suddenly a sweetheart?” I could feel his hand go through my hair. “Truth or dare?” I asked. I figured since we were in a closet anyway. I could use it to my advantage.
“Truth.” He said and I let go of him.
“So how big is your dick?” I heard him scoff.
“What is wrong with kids these days.” “So?” I asked.
“Tch...Dare..” He muttered.
“Fine, show me your dick.”
“I could do that, but-”
“You are scared?”
“No, it would be a waste of your dare. Since you won’t be able to see it anyway.”
“Hnnnn….You are right.” Well, it was the idea that counted anyway, “Kiss me?” I suggested. I heard him chuckle. I wondered if he was mocking me or if he found my request cute? I looked up, and I suddenly felt his lips on the corner of my mouth. It wasn’t anything near sexy or hot, but it was a kiss. A kiss near my mouth.
“Owh.” He pulled back, I figured he wanted to kiss my forehead, but I moved without him knowing. “There you go.” He said, patting my cheek. “Satisfied?”
“Yes~!” I said, “your turn.”
“Truth or dare?” He asked.
“What is your backstory.” I swallowed.
“Dare.” I changed my words fast.
“Hnn..Tell me your backstory.” He used my trick!
“Pfff…Well, I guess you are  referring to the moment I fucked up.” I sighed and was thinking deeply, “Basically I fucked up ever since I was zygote!” I laughed, but he wasn’t laughing...That made me nervous.
“You know, I am actually concerned about you.” I felt his hands on my face, making me look up. Perhaps it was the idea of eye contact that matter or perhaps he had good night vision.
“Are you this concerned with all your students?” I tried to laugh it off, “You must have your hands full then.”
“Not all are this fucked-up.”
“Itai~” Those words hit the heart, but well I was used getting hurt. I suddenly heard a beeping sound and I looked under me at the dryer. “Pants,” I said out loud. Nardo knelt down and grabbed the jeans before handing them to me. I put them on, pulling them over my thighs. Izuna had great taste in pants, but damn did I hope he would get bigger thighs in his life so I wouldn’t have to wrestle so much.
An eye blinding light caused me to shut my eyes. I was forced to open them and get used to it. My eyes were burning, but I managed to make out a silhouette. The silhouette of the cleaning woman. She narrowed her eyes.
“Ooh, thank God, you have opened the door-”
“No, honey, you don’t get to thank no God.” She moved her finger while she spoke. I quickly pulled my pants up.
“W-what…” Nardo looked confused at the cleaning lady before looking at me.
“I have to ask-” Nardo was about to say something, but the woman shushed him, she turned her head to me. “Are you here against your will?” She rested her hand on her hip.
“What!?” Nardo looked at me slightly panicked.
“No! No! I mean..I am in this closet against my will. The real closet, not..Like..Sexuality...Sexuality wise it is just confusing as fuck, y’know, but that aside! It is not that I am against my will with Nardo! I totally like this guy. Not that we are together..No..He has a wife and kids, but-” I suddenly felt Nardo’s hand pressed against my mouth.
“Just stop, you are making me sound bad in front of the cleaning lady.” He whispered. I put his hand off my mouth.
“Sorry…” I said. He turned his head around.
“So~ Uhm….Thanks for opening the door…” I could see a sweatdrop appear on Nardo’s forehead the moment the cleaning lady narrowed her eyes and indicated she was keeping her eyes on him. I got off the dryer and followed Nardo out of the closet.
“You are making this really hard for me, Sasuke..” He sighed as he walked a few steps ahead of me.
“I can make more things hard.” He suddenly turned around. “Your job, your life, your relationship.” I coughed, “Your penis.”
“You talk so big-”
“I can show you big.” I fingerbanged him. He covered his eyes with one hand, but I could see his cheeks getting flustered. “Isn’t this sexual harassment?” He muttered, but I could still hear him.
“I can show you sexual. You can judge if it is harassment later. Y’know, when you recover.”  He removed his hand from his eyes.
“You seem to be on fire with your remarks. But, kiddo, first button up your pants.” I looked at my crotch with my open button and zipper. I then looked back at Nardo and raised an eyebrow.
“So~ what are you looking at, hah?” I cocked my head and I saw him open his mouth to say something, only to be left speechless. I buttoned and zipped my pants up, “Well, now coffee date should really happen. You should know I am still classy.”
“It would only be fair, right?” He smiled, “And it would actually be even better to get to know each other more now.”
“If you want to unlock my sad background story and get access to my mentally ill head. You will need at least three dates.”
“Fair enough. I drink a lot of coffee anyway.” He extended his arm and I couldn’t surpass a small victorious look. This was really happening! I was about to wrap my arms around his, but before I could even touch him.
“Professor!” I glared at the unknown student running towards us, “The lab, there’s a smoke everywhere!” She was panting.
“What happened?” Nardo looked concerned.
“I left my project for only one minute for a pee break and suddenly..There was this white smoke, everywhere.”
“What is wrong with this school.” Nardo shook his head and jogged after the student towards some other lab in this university. I narrowed my eyes…I was so close. I heard some small chuckling and I recognized that chuckle all too well. I kicked the boy’s restroom door open and saw Naruto right next to the door.
“You said you would leave me alone.” I hissed.
“I didn’t do nothing.”
“We both know you did.” I narrowed my eyes, “What did you do?”
“I could try explaining it to you, but we both know chemistry is not your subject and you won’t understand.”
“Naruto, I will strangle you.” I threatened.
“Damn Sasuke,” He smiled, “You need to get laid.”
“I am trying!” I hissed.
“Why all the effort? There is a bathroom stall here, and I am free.” He had this stupid smile on his face. I wondered how he managed to find a way to punch me in the heart. It wasn’t fair I was the only one getting hurt. I pushed his head against the wall and he hissed in pain. Now we were even.
“Don’t play with me.” I turned myself around to walk away.
“Sasuke, how about a kiss for the pain? Dattebayo.” I turned my head to look at him. He was making fun of me…I could see him rub the back of his head that hit the wall and give me that smile...Was that supposed to be an innocent smile? It didn’t seem like one. It was more devilish.
“Naruto,” I turned myself around, “You know what my biggest mistake in life has been?”
Naruto’s eyes turned serious and the stupid smile was gone. He lowered his arm.
“Letting you in my life. Itachi is right, you don’t belong there.”
“That hurt, Sasuke.” Naruto inhaled deeply and I could see him bite his lip.
“Good. Makes the both of us.” I stared at the sinks, “Just stop making fun of me.”
“I wasn’t making fun of you.” He stated.
“Yeah right.”
“But I wasn’t! It is completely in your head!”
“Is this my fault too now?” I looked him directly in the eyes, “Am I delirious? Is it my anxiety? Or some other stupid mental illness. That;s good right, cuz your dad won’t go out of business as long as I am mentally fucked-up. You made that clear.”
“I am not trying to go off-topic, but aren’t you the one trying to fuck the professor?”
“Don’t you have a pill to take? Cuz you are really jumping to a lot of conclusions.”
“Hey, I ain’t trying to get in the pants of a married man.”
“But you shoplifted an expensive bottle of liquor and I got accused for it! And you dare to question me! How about you look at yourself!? You ain’t a goody two shoes, so stop pretending!” 
Naruto remained quiet and his eyes lowered themselves to the ground. “Why do you have to be like this.” He sounded frustrated and mad.
“It is called honesty.” I folded my arms.
“It is called ‘pushing people away’. I suddenly get why your brothers want to stay away from you.”
“Why don’t you do one smart thing in your life,” I had to take a deep breath. My hands were itching to punch him in the face at this very moment. I felt the pressure in my chest and this lump in my throat. His words hurt. Perhaps because it came from him, or maybe because he was telling the truth. Either way, I wanted to hurt him..It wasn’t fair I was the only one feeling like this. “-and follow their example.”
With those words, I left.
oxooxoxSpecial thanks to @emeneska-chan
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inrainprose · 5 years
Hey! First things first, I love your writing! Your Naruto and Sasuke adopt each other series is awesome and I love it. Your Naruto comics are also really funny 😁 For the ask game you just rebloged: what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from?
Well funny you should ask, because Naruto/Sasuke is actually my very first pairing haha. I became obsessed with Naruto when I was in high school, and hanging around various skyblogs (the place to be back then) I stumbled on fanarts and later, fanfic. SNS led me to fanfiction.net and fandom life, and for that they’ll always have the number one spot in my heart.
And I’m very glad you like my content, thank you!
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tru-yuu · 6 years
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Sasuke huffed, inwardly amused nevertheless. If he knew Naruto was such a fascinating person, he would have tried to chat with this dumbass ages ago.
I’m finally done! I was inspired by @fourangers‘s Mirai Kissaten! It just got me in that cafe mood ya know? Like that soft, dim lighting feel. Idk. I wanted to capture that in this piece. I was just gonna have a sketch but it got way outta hand and here we are. 
Please give it a read if you’re into a nice slice of life, cafe sorta meet-cute!
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sasukeless · 3 years
what's up i just got into naruto this year- why is the ship thing sns? like why is that second s there? stay sexy my friend ✌🏻
ahh tbh i also got into naruto early this year so all ive gathered is mostly from what ive been told or what i see lately.
anyways to put it short, sns comes from sasunarusasu.
apparently people used to fight over dumb top/bottom discourse (some still do) and sasunaru and narusasu were related to people's preference. sasunaru w sasuke = top/naruto = bottom and narusasu w naruto = top/sasuke bottom. in the end people that were neutral in the whole topic or didnt care about either just ended up coming up with sns (or also nsn which is basically the same: narusasunaru)
its pretty dumb in my opinion but i wasnt surprised since i have seen the same discourse in other fandoms because people are just obessed with top and bottom for no reason. anyways i hope that helps!!
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jokuhobitti · 3 years
Oh My God They Were Quarantined
Pairing: Narusasunaru
Rating: T (goes up at some point)
Tags: Modern AU, Roommates, Eventual Smut
Summary: Sasuke stood frozen in the doorway.
“Oh, the room service, right? Finally! You can start anywhere you like!” The man yelled from the uncovered bed where he was munching chips in just his boxers.
This was going to be the longest 14 days of Sasuke’s life.
Read on AO3. Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter one: Meeting the Slob
Sasuke was tired. An international work trip during Covid-19 pandemic was just his luck. His flight had been only 6 six hours but with all the safety precautions it had taken him all day to finally reach his destination.
Okay, well that was an over statement. It would take Sasuke two more weeks to reach his destination. Right now, he was in a quarantine hotel like all the other foreigners who had entered the country and placed in the quarantine hotel for two weeks each. The hotel didn’t have enough rooms for all the foreigners traveling alone so Sasuke had been told he’d have to share his room with someone from the same country as he.
So not only was he tired, he was pissed. It pissed him off that he would have to waste away in a hotel room for two whole weeks, that the pandemic had lasted as long as it had, that he was tired and hangry, and that he couldn’t even go to his room and mope alone. He would have to share. He had been told that his roommate had arrived on the earlier flight.
Dragging his luggage along the corridor Sasuke found the door with number to match his key. Preparing himself mentally for the social interaction, he turned the key on the lock and pushed the door open. No amount of mental preparation could have saved him from the sight that met his eyes.
For someone so gorgeous, Sasuke’s roommate (he assumed), he sure was messy. Didn’t his flight arrive just two hours prior Sasuke’s? There were clothes thrown all over the furnite, towels on the floor, take out packages here and there and if there had been covers on the bed, well, Sasuke didn’t know where they had disappeared.
Sasuke stood frozen in the doorway.
“Oh, the room service, right? Finally! You can start anywhere you like!” The man yelled from the uncovered bed where he was munching chips in just his boxers.
This was going to be the longest 14 days of Sasuke’s life.
Sasuke pulled his luggage inside and closed the door behind him. He eyed the room and spotted the phone. He walked to it, took up the handle and pressed the key for reception. “Hello, my room needs a cleaning and new set of sheets. Room number 347. Is the lobby’s bar open? Great, thank you. And can you hurry with the cleaning? Thanks, bye.” He hung up the phone and left the room without saying a word to his roommate.
Finding a seat at the lobby bar was easy. If only getting rid of his roommate was too. It seemed the slob had followed him. Sitting opposite from him was now a still gorgeous, blond, tanned panting man. He had even found some clothes to put on.
“Jeez, I asked you to wait!” He puffed and signed for a waiter to bring him a drink. Sasuke didn’t answer him.
“I even called after you, didn’t you hear me?” Sasuke saw the man had tattoos not only on his arms but his cheeks too.
“Hmm.” He took a sip from his drink.
“Yeah, I knew it. You heard me. Why did you run off like that? I didn’t even get to introduce myself!” The man in front of Sasuke thanked the waiter and turned back to Sasuke. “If this is about the room, let me explain.”
Sasuke offered him a glare.
“Right. You see, when I arrived, they said that’s the only room available. But the last people who were there had just left, and the room service hadn’t had a chance to go there yet. I was exhausted and just wanted to lay down. I took a dump, then took off the old sheets and relaxed. Then soon you showed up and I mistook you for the room service. That’s all, I swear. It’s not my mess.”
Sasuke listened to the man’s story seemingly uninterested. The man sure had made the worst impression of the century. Only reason why Sasuke was still listening to the man was the fact that he would be stuck in that room with this idiot for 14 days and his mind had started to look for clues if the man was straight or not. Slob or not, he was hot and two weeks would go by quicker if Sasuke could fuck someone during that time. And of my, would this blond be a great candidate. Judging by his looks, not by how he kept his room. No matter how he claimed the mess to not be his fault.
“And my name’s Naruto by the way.”
And his name was Naruto. Sasuke could chant that in bed, sure. It’d work.
“If we could just take a do-over, you know? Nice to meet you, I’m your roommate.” Naruto offered Sasuke his elbow instead of a handshake. Sasuke gave him a calculating look. Maybe it was the beer he just finished or his dick hoping to get this guy in his bed, but he met Naruto’s elbow with his own. “Sasuke.”
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amaterasluts · 3 years
Hi, Maude!! How about NaruSasuNaru or InoSakuSaiLee??
Hi Stormy!
Naruto likes a party and Sasuke would rather stay home, so they compromise. They eat the best damn ramen there is for dinner and then they play some games together. They get to Ino's party later than everyone and they have a fun time with their friends. Sasuke is more romantic than you'd think at first sight and he loves a midnight new years kiss ;) They leave soon after because they're both quite tired and they fall asleep cuddling.
Ino, Sakura, Sai and Lee to me are people who are quite high energy (Sai maybe less, but still). As I said Ino organizes the new years party, so they help her decorate. Lee gets really involved and hangs balloons on the ceiling. Sai puts his artistic talent into it and Sakura helps Ino with the baking and the flower arrangements. Everyone has a say in the flowers though, because they're important to Ino and so are her lovers opinions. They all look dazzling for the party and they take cute pictures all together before everyone gets here.
✨ send me a ship and i'll tell you how they like to spend the new years ✨
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