jokuhobitti · 3 years
Oh My God They Were Quarantined
Chapter 4: He likes guys Pairing: Narusasunaru Rating: T (goes up at some point) Tags: Moder AU, roommates, strangers to lovers, eventual smut Summary: “We’re gonna spend to next two weeks here together, might as well enjoy it.”
Read on AO3. Chapter one Chapter two Chapter three
”I’m telling you, if you didn’t have red wine, I’d have left you eating alone” Sasuke said, sipping his drink.
Naruto smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, I figured. But you haven’t really given me a chance to get to know you.”
Sasuke arched his brow. “Why should I have?”
“Becauff!” Naruto said his mouth full. He swallowed and continued. “We’re gonna spend to next two weeks here together, might as well enjoy it.”
“And getting to know you will make me enjoy my time?” Boredom was evident in Sasuke’s tone.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I’m a blast.” Naruto said, grinning widely.
“So,” Naruto waved his forks around, thinking. “What brought you here during the pandemic?”
“Ookay. What kind of work?”
“Meeting clients.”
“Right, cool
 I’m here for work as well. ‘They paying you for the quarantine period?”
“I’m supposed to be on holiday.”
“That’s so cool! Me they aren’t even paying! It’s still kinda like a vacation though.” He took a pause to think for something else to ask.
Sasuke pitied the man and decided to put some effort in as well. “Where are you from?” He said, sighing.
Naruto’s face lit up. “Konoha! You know, it’s a small village near–“
“I know where it is. My parents are from there.”
Naruto looked shocked. “No way! What are the chances of that?”
“Hmm.” Sasuke too was surprised that they both had connections to such a small town, but he did not feel like openly showing his emotions. Not yet at least.
“I just moved to Tokyo though, like a month ago or so.” Naruto continued.
“For work?” Sasuke was slowly warming up to the conversation.
“Not really.” Naruto looked away and scratched his neck awkwardly. “I just wanted a fresh start, you know? Bad break up with my boyfrie–I mean, ex-boyfriend.” He let out an embarrassed laugh.
Sasuke froze. ‘He likes guys. He likes guys! He likes guys–’
“I weirded you out, didn’t I?”
“Oh– No. No!” Sasuke said quickly. “I mean, I know what it can be like. Bad break ups
 w-with guys.” Sasuke mumbled the end, blush creeping up his face and neck.
Naruto smirked. “You do, huh?”
Naruto was nice, polite, social and he had a nice smile. And he was hot. And he was into guys. Sasuke’s quarantine was looking better already.
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jokuhobitti · 3 years
Oh My God They Were Quarantined
Chapter 3: The task of...?
Pairing: Narusasunaru
Rating: T (goes up at some point)
Tags: Moder AU, roommates, eventual smut
Summary: Naruto would have joined him even if just to get to stare at Sasuke panting but since Naruto had already gone to the gym that afternoon, he didn’t really have a good excuse to go again.
Read on AO3. Chapter one Chapter two Chapter 4
Naruto knew exactly who Sasuke was.
Having arrived at the hotel Naruto had been informed that he would have a share a room with a fellow traveler. He had seen the other person’s name on the room contract and as usual, conducted a social media search with the man’s name. He found out that Sasuke was a work driven young man with good looks. And into men. Sasuke may have hidden his sexuality from his work peers but Naruto knew where to look. Finding his hidden social media accounts was not hard if you were Naruto fricking Uzumaki.
So, he knew the man’s job, hobbies, social circle, family connections and personal preferences. And Naruto wanted to add himself on that last item.
The task appeared even easier than Naruto had anticipated. Sasuke could not get his eyes off of him. Poor man probably thought the sunglasses he wore hid his hungry gaze, but Naruto knew when he was being lusted after.
After the first evening together at the bar Naruto had spend almost every second with Sasuke. Sasuke was a good listener, not so much of a talker. A bit serious, but Naruto had gotten him crack a smile every now and then.
They had gone to the pool side after breakfast and Sasuke had not said no when Naruto asked if they could have lunch together. Naruto had learned something new about the man, something he had not found out from social media. Sasuke did not eat paprika.
In the evening Naruto was alone in their room. Sasuke had gone to the hotel’s gym. Naruto would have joined him even if just to get to stare at Sasuke panting but since Naruto had already gone to the gym that afternoon, he didn’t really have a good excuse to go again. So instead, Naruto had visited the hotel’s kitchen and asked if he could get some dinner ingredients to their room. He had been given some chicken breasts and salad, and on top of that he bought them a bottle of red wine from the bar.
Naruto had cooked the dinner and set the table. Now all he had to do was to wait for Sasuke to get back. Naruto wanted to surprise him with a romantic candlelight dinner. Sasuke seemed like a guy who would appreciate that kind of thing. At least the wine would be to his almost snobbish taste. Naruto was far from anything snob but somehow, he found Sasuke cute and interesting.
Naruto hoped this dinner would be enough to convince Sasuke it would be safe for him to stop pretending to be straight.
Sasuke was sweaty, tired and he smelled. He wanted to shower and then relax with a good book. Maybe a glass of red wine. Just an easy evening, alone.
After opening the door to their room, a loud sigh escaped his lips. He had been welcomed by Naruto, holding two glasses in one hand and a bottle in the other.
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jokuhobitti · 3 years
Oh My God They Were Quarantined
Chapter 2: Perfect cover
Pairing: Narusasunaru
Rating: T (goes up at some point)
Tags: Modern AU, Roommates, Eventual smut
Summary: Sasuke’s plan to escape the constant speech was more successful than his plan to avoid his roommate all together. Naruto had found Sasuke’s idea of spending the day by the pool an absolute delight and joined him.
Read on AO3. Chapter one Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Sasuke was successful for his age. He liked working, he was good at it. Great at it, actually. He had 50 people working under him and he only answered to two bosses, one of them being the CEO of the company Sasuke worked for. So it was safe to say he was successful for a 24 year old and needless to say his young age and success had pissed more than a few people off.
So why was a successful young man spending two weeks stuck in a quarantine hotel?
Workaholic as he was, Sasuke had unkept holidays piled up. His boss had forced him to take them now, saying it was the perfect opportunity for Sasuke to relax and enjoy the hotel pool and margaritas. Sasuke had planned to work through the quarantine but his boss had taken his laptop and said he would ship it to Sasuke only when the two weeks were over, and his work trip would begin.
Sasuke felt cursed.
He was forced to “sit back and relax”. He had no intention of spending any more time in the hotel room than absolutely necessary. His roommate, Naruto, was not a slob like Sasuke had initially though, but God did he talk. Constantly. Without a break. Sasuke was not sure if the blonde even breathed properly between his words.
Being forced to seek peace and quiet from the poolside with a margarita in his hand was not the reason Sasuke felt cursed though. It was the sight in front of him.
Water dripping from the blonde hair to his toned, well refined back, mouth formed in perfect content smile, blue eyes sparkling in the Sun, perfectly shaped ass badly hidden by wet swimming trunks
 And all out of Sasuke’s reach.
Sasuke’s plan to escape the constant speech was more successful than his plan to avoid his roommate all together. Naruto had found Sasuke’s idea of spending the day by the pool an absolute delight and joined him.
And so Sasuke found himself by the pool, slowly accepting his fate as he sipped his margarita that Naruto had so generously bought him.
And no, Sasuke had not asked Naruto if he was into men. With how much the blonde talked, Sasuke wasn’t sure if he’d even get a word between to even ask. Moreover, Sasuke was afraid of the answer. Straight men tended to get offended or disgusted if a guy showed interest in them. And Sasuke didn’t want the remaining 13 days to be any more awkward than they were already.
That didn’t mean Sasuke would have the willpower to not torture himself by watching the nearly naked man from afar.
While he felt cursed, Sasuke did admit the pool offered a perfect excuse to wear sun classes and stare to his heart’s content.
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jokuhobitti · 3 years
Oh My God They Were Quarantined
Pairing: Narusasunaru
Rating: T (goes up at some point)
Tags: Modern AU, Roommates, Eventual Smut
Summary: Sasuke stood frozen in the doorway.
“Oh, the room service, right? Finally! You can start anywhere you like!” The man yelled from the uncovered bed where he was munching chips in just his boxers.
This was going to be the longest 14 days of Sasuke’s life.
Read on AO3. Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter one: Meeting the Slob
Sasuke was tired. An international work trip during Covid-19 pandemic was just his luck. His flight had been only 6 six hours but with all the safety precautions it had taken him all day to finally reach his destination.
Okay, well that was an over statement. It would take Sasuke two more weeks to reach his destination. Right now, he was in a quarantine hotel like all the other foreigners who had entered the country and placed in the quarantine hotel for two weeks each. The hotel didn’t have enough rooms for all the foreigners traveling alone so Sasuke had been told he’d have to share his room with someone from the same country as he.
So not only was he tired, he was pissed. It pissed him off that he would have to waste away in a hotel room for two whole weeks, that the pandemic had lasted as long as it had, that he was tired and hangry, and that he couldn’t even go to his room and mope alone. He would have to share. He had been told that his roommate had arrived on the earlier flight.
Dragging his luggage along the corridor Sasuke found the door with number to match his key. Preparing himself mentally for the social interaction, he turned the key on the lock and pushed the door open. No amount of mental preparation could have saved him from the sight that met his eyes.
For someone so gorgeous, Sasuke’s roommate (he assumed), he sure was messy. Didn’t his flight arrive just two hours prior Sasuke’s? There were clothes thrown all over the furnite, towels on the floor, take out packages here and there and if there had been covers on the bed, well, Sasuke didn’t know where they had disappeared.
Sasuke stood frozen in the doorway.
“Oh, the room service, right? Finally! You can start anywhere you like!” The man yelled from the uncovered bed where he was munching chips in just his boxers.
This was going to be the longest 14 days of Sasuke’s life.
Sasuke pulled his luggage inside and closed the door behind him. He eyed the room and spotted the phone. He walked to it, took up the handle and pressed the key for reception. “Hello, my room needs a cleaning and new set of sheets. Room number 347. Is the lobby’s bar open? Great, thank you. And can you hurry with the cleaning? Thanks, bye.” He hung up the phone and left the room without saying a word to his roommate.
Finding a seat at the lobby bar was easy. If only getting rid of his roommate was too. It seemed the slob had followed him. Sitting opposite from him was now a still gorgeous, blond, tanned panting man. He had even found some clothes to put on.
“Jeez, I asked you to wait!” He puffed and signed for a waiter to bring him a drink. Sasuke didn’t answer him.
“I even called after you, didn’t you hear me?” Sasuke saw the man had tattoos not only on his arms but his cheeks too.
“Hmm.” He took a sip from his drink.
“Yeah, I knew it. You heard me. Why did you run off like that? I didn’t even get to introduce myself!” The man in front of Sasuke thanked the waiter and turned back to Sasuke. “If this is about the room, let me explain.”
Sasuke offered him a glare.
“Right. You see, when I arrived, they said that’s the only room available. But the last people who were there had just left, and the room service hadn’t had a chance to go there yet. I was exhausted and just wanted to lay down. I took a dump, then took off the old sheets and relaxed. Then soon you showed up and I mistook you for the room service. That’s all, I swear. It’s not my mess.”
Sasuke listened to the man’s story seemingly uninterested. The man sure had made the worst impression of the century. Only reason why Sasuke was still listening to the man was the fact that he would be stuck in that room with this idiot for 14 days and his mind had started to look for clues if the man was straight or not. Slob or not, he was hot and two weeks would go by quicker if Sasuke could fuck someone during that time. And of my, would this blond be a great candidate. Judging by his looks, not by how he kept his room. No matter how he claimed the mess to not be his fault.
“And my name’s Naruto by the way.”
And his name was Naruto. Sasuke could chant that in bed, sure. It’d work.
“If we could just take a do-over, you know? Nice to meet you, I’m your roommate.” Naruto offered Sasuke his elbow instead of a handshake. Sasuke gave him a calculating look. Maybe it was the beer he just finished or his dick hoping to get this guy in his bed, but he met Naruto’s elbow with his own. “Sasuke.”
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jokuhobitti · 6 years
And They Were Roommates
Naruto | General Audiences | AO3 | 540 words | Fluff
NaruSasuNaru | Modern AU
Key turned on the lock, and Sasuke opened the door to his new apartment. Free of roommates, peaceful. He finally had a normal home for a man of his age, he thought.
 He settled in. It didn’t take him many days to unpack and decorate. Actually he didn’t decorate that much, carpets and curtains were just about enough for him. No table cloths for him, no. For the first two weeks Sasuke was happy and content in the new place. Then something started bothering him.
 At fist he didn’t realize what is was about the place that made him feel awkward. When out, he did miss home and wanted to return there but once back home he wanted to go out again. He was restless. The place was missing something. It didn’t feel like home.
 After having lived there for over a month Sasuke’s discomfort began to show also outside his home. His colleagues at work began to wonder about him, had he been through a break up? He looked so depressed and out of it.
 Actually, Sasuke had stopped seeing someone. But it wasn’t like Sasuke had ever been in a relationship with that someone. And Sasuke would not let himself think that his home felt empty because he hadn’t seen Naruto in weeks. Not after Sasuke had moved out of their shared home.
 It all happened because their common friend, Sakura, had suggested that they share an apartment to save up since both Sasuke and Naruto had been complaining about rent prizes and difficulties with saving money for future. Then after almost a year of living together they had both gotten new jobs and decided it made sense to get their own one-bedroom apartments again.
 Except Sasuke only found out he was miserable without Naruto to drag him along to his daily shenanigans after they moved apart. And only after living by himself for several weeks. Now if he could only confess this to himself so that he could move on to the next step: contacting the other.
 But when had Sasuke ever been the active one of those two? It was an ordinary evening of feeling lonely and awkward in his apartment, while thinking of how in the world did he not realize the affection he had had for the other while he had still had him within grasp when there was someone banging their fist on his door.
 He opened it to reveal Naruto, and even though you may not have been but trust me, Sasuke was surprised. Rising his hand with motioning for Sasuke to keep quiet for a moment, Naruto took out a letter from his pocket and with shaky hands he began to read. Words of friendship and companionship, need for the other and of love were the ones that Naruto read out, never lifting his gaze from the paper.
 It was hard for Sasuke to let Naruto finish reading and not just hug him right after popping up at his door. In stead, he crossed his arms and leaned on the doorframe. Sasuke couldn’t help but let out a rare smile. His dobe was back in his life. And this time he wouldn’t be so stupid as to let him go.
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jokuhobitti · 7 years
Anna Ma Kerron Mit’ Rakkaus On
Rakkautta kuvaillaan ruusunpunaisina laseina, jotka peittÀvÀt normaalin nÀköpiirin sokaisten rakastuneen tÀysin kaikelta pahalta ja rumalta nyt, kun hÀn on rakkauden vaikutuksen alaisena. Kuin alkoholi, huume, olisi hÀnet vallannut ja ottanut omakseen vaikuttaen kaikkeen pÀÀtöksiinsÀ tehden elÀmÀstÀ turhankin ruusuista peittÀen alleen todellisen karun harmauden, joka aitoon suomalaiseen maanantaihin kuuluu. TÀmÀ kaikki on harhaa. Ei rakkaus tee sokeaksi eikÀ aseta silmille pinkkejÀ pleksejÀ.
Rakkaus kyllÀ nostaa kohteensa ilmaan, oikein roikottaa kainoloista. TiedÀttehÀn, niin kuin lasta roikotetaan. Kumppani seisoo takana ja nostaa kainaloista, vÀhÀn heiluttaa puolelta toiselle ja laskee sitten taas maahan. Halaa ehkÀ hellÀsti vielÀ ja voit kÀÀntyÀ syleilyssÀ sitten kasvotusten hÀntÀ kohti. SiinÀ te sitten olette. YhdessÀ ja kohtaatte.
Rakkaus on sitÀ kun et enÀÀ joudu kohtaamaan vaikeuksia tai iloja yksin. Saat jakaa arkea toisen kanssa. Askel ei ole sen keveÀmpi kuin ennenkÀÀn, mutta ehkÀ kotiin on mukavampi tulla kun siellÀ tietÀÀ olevan jonkun toisenkin. Jo se, ettÀ ulko-ovessa lukee omasi lisÀksi jonkun toisenkin nimi on kiva lisÀ, joka hymyilyttÀÀ aina uudestaan. Luo turvantunnetta, kun tietÀÀ, ettei tarvitse olla yksin. Kun flunssaisena nÀyttÀÀ iljettÀvÀltÀ, tulee toinen silti yöksi nukkumaan viereen. Tuolloin tuntee rinnassaan sen lÀmmön toista kohtaan, kumppani on vierellÀ vaikka itse haisisi ja tukka olisi vÀlillÀ likainen.
Pinkki sÀvy taas, se joka toistuu kaikissa uskomuksissa, tulee arkeen kaikesta siitÀ seksin mÀÀrÀn tuomasta kasvojen punoituksesta.
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jokuhobitti · 7 years
rakastella rakastaa pitÀÀ kii      tukea sinua
rakastella rakastaa pitÀÀ kii      ja lukea
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jokuhobitti · 7 years
Imagine your OTP playing Twister and getting kind of touchy-feely.
Mcspirk, drunk
"Just who thought playing Twister with a Vulcan while being drunk was a good a idea?! And that is a retorical question Jim!" "Oh com'on Bones, this is fun!" Jim laughed as he spinned the board again and then stopped the ruler where he pleased. "Right foot red." "You totally cheated" "Doctor, if you minded more the game and not your banter with the Captain you migth actually last more than three spins at a time." "Shut up! You damn Hobgoblin... It's just cause of those damn fine legs of yours that you keep your balance." Leonard said in his not-so-sober-state and tried to move his right foot. In the proces he grabbed Spock's waist and began to push him out of the way. "Doctor, I think you are playing against to rules." "Fuck the rules, they are for sissies anyways. You don't see my arse on the ground, do you?" "Technially-" "See then, I aint lost!" Leonard reached for his beer and took a gulb, in the process he had leaned on his hand in a matter so that his backside was completely expoxed to the other male being positioned on the gaming board befind him. "You're hands are touching the ground over the board so you have indeed lost the round. Yet again." "Waaat?! No rules says no beer grabbing." "Yeah Spock-" This time it was Jim from his position from the sofa, watching all this madness take place between his first mate and one very drunk chief medical officer, "-maybe some butt grabbing then?" Spock turned his gaze to Captain and then back to Leonard he was shooting a killer glare at smirking Jim now. Spock raised a brow and grabbed Leonard's befind. "In a matter like this?" "Yes, in that matter." "Woah woah woah! What's what?!" "Butt grabbing, as Cpatain stated." "Captain states." Jim smirked and raised his glass to Leonard who lowered his head in a sign of giving up. There was simply no winning with his boyfriends.
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jokuhobitti · 7 years
Imagine Person A of your OTP really getting attached by how warm Person B makes the bed when they fall asleep together/cuddle
Naruto padded the place on the bed next to him. "Hurry up Teme, I'm freezing over here!" He whined and pulled the covers tighter around his body. He had fewer and a little flu and damn Kyuubi wasn't doing a shit to make him heal quickly from it. Sasuke leizury walked around the room, slowly taking off all his clothing, folded them on the chair next to the wall and seemed to have all the time in the goddamn world. Naruto whined some more and muttered something about sexy ravens being smug on purpose. Sasuke turned around and the smirk on his face told Naruto he had been absolutely right. His naked boyfriend finally snugg under the covers and Naruto immediately wrapped his leggs around the other one's waist. "Woah, you're warm!" Sasuke only hummed in response and then they fell asleep holding each other close.
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jokuhobitti · 7 years
Oh oh
Sasunarusasu drabble, short, humorous?
I'm sitting here in a Burger-Cafe, thinking what the fuck should I write. Should Ii write about the things I see, about some deep thoughts I could pretend were running throught my mind? Or perhaps I should write about that annoyingly hot blond at the opposite table who wont stop making eyes at me. Oh no, he noticed me scoffing at his way. His grin only widened. What's up with him. And wo is that tanned in the middle of the winter anyays? "Heya, I'm Naruto! Believe it!" The Gorgeuous piece of ass said (yes, he had purpously leaned in a way that had given me a good look). What a flirt. "Why would I not believe it?" "Dunno, Dunno care. You gonna eat that?" He asked and simitaneously already grabbed the rest of my burger. "It mah ettin' momh yu kno." "I beg your pardon?" I watched him swallow it and then he told me again: "It was getting cold. They brought it to you like, 30 minutes ago." "And you have been watching my actions for the last half an hour?" "Yes, so what if I have. Gonna do something about it, Mr.My Hands Never Stop Typing." Sure enough, I had never stopped typing. Little distractions, never mind how sexy and piercing yees they owned too, good God how many good features did God fit in one man, didn't throw off a mighty Uchiha. Which I was. Always. Ask my brother. "Well I was not going to eat it so it doesn't matter even if you ate the gross thing." "Gross? Why are you here if ya think this stuff is gross?" Naruto actually was humored by me now and leaned in, his eldow on the table and his face gently resting on it. "They sell caffee." Was my simple answer. And true enough, my feet had been killing me and this had been the first place I saw that sold caffee and let me sit down. "You're interesting. So do I gotta stare at your face, which I wouldn't actually mind doing at all, for another hour or can I already have your number?" I swear the smile on his face did some coloring on my cheecks. I didn' asnwer, I simply pulled out my wallet and slipped him my business card. "Uchiha Sasuke, huh? Nice to meet you Sasuke. And even greater to get to fuck you" And with a wink, he was gone.
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jokuhobitti · 7 years
First off, this requires a lot of faith. There’s just no trying this with half arsed means. Be focused and determined. Be sure this is what you want to do and what you want to accomplish. This can’t be done over night either. Catching a mammal is a serious business and it has lot of consequences. If I was your parent I’d mention the responsibility also but as I am not I shall not. Taking responsibility over a full-grown mammal is of not our interest here but sharing everyday life and choices with particular individual is, however.
 Onto the subject then; to catch a mammal one needs to set a target. You can’t catch one without having one, willing one at that, in your sights. That’s the first obstacle. It’s not just you whose opinion matters here. Actually some might worry more about the mammal’s opinion of the capturer than other way round. So once you find your mammal that pleases you as much as you please it, go for the kill.
 Well not literally of course. We will want that thing alive. It won’t do you much good if it’s not breathing and going on dates with you. A good way to take a mammal off the market is to tell the mammal straight off that you’re interested in it. Make clear statement of how you want to posses and mark the mammal, to from that day onwards have no other mammals interact with your mammal in ways that could be described intimate. Most mammals will take this as flattery if the interest is mutual. Of course there’s a chance you will fail. Every step has that possibility. I can’t protect you from that chance. If that is to happen all I can recommend is low fat vegan ice cream and watching romantic comedy while crying your eyes out. Get over it and start looking for next mammal to harass.
 In case of you’re not a total failure in life and do indeed manage to catch a mammal, well done. Good job. Now you only have to keep it. And we have arrived at the phase where mom and dad would get to have their speech of responsibility. Are you ready to be in a relationship, can you look after a mammal? What does having a mammal require, what do mammals eat? You know, all these are easily accessible on Google. Every time you find yourself thinking: oh shit my mammal is so weird right now I have no idea what to do, just do a quick internet search and all trouble be gone. A lot of people unite in having trouble keeping their mammals and let me tell you, we are so difficult. Luckily mammal keepers share their knowledge with each other.
 Obviously I myself must be a master of mammal keeping. Otherwise I’d not be writing a guide of how to catch and keep a hold of one. So this article must be trustworthy, right? With these words I wish you good luck and rosy days in your relationship.
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jokuhobitti · 7 years
(well someone has a crush..)
Around the same time I met you, in the apartment above mine, the people living there started keeping a lot of noise during the nights. I couldn’t even focus my own thoughts over that bass. Until one day I saw through the window into that apartment: it was empty. No one lived there.
I came to realization
 I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. The bass I heard in the nights was my own heart.
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jokuhobitti · 8 years
omg hahha toi youtubeAU narusasust oli paras XDD
Aaw kiitti :')
0 notes
jokuhobitti · 8 years
Imagine Person A wearing a turtleneck and Person B holding the neck of it down to give Person A a hickey.
Short sasunarusasu drabble
”Hey Sasuke, wanna make out?” They were sitting on the living room sofa at Sasuke’s parents house. Naruto and Sasuke were the only ones there at the moment; lectures had ended early that day. Sasuke snorted. ”Way to bring up the romance, Dobe.” And turned the page of the book he was reading. Naruto leaned in close. ”Dobe, move your head I can’t read.” ”Hold on, I’m just checking the page number.” He grabbed the book from Sasuke’s hand. ”278, remember that.” And closed the book. ”Now then” Naruto tossed the book somewhere on the coffee table. ”That was from the library you know. If they make me pay you’re dead.” Sasuke said having crossed his arms and sitting there unamused. ”It’s a paperback who cares.” Naruto grinned and climb on Sasuke. ”So Teme, are we gonna make out or what?” He tried to unhook Sasuke’s arms and failed. “You’re not exactly helping with the romance, you know?” Naruto’s smile never faltered even if the Uchiha showed no signs of affection. “Throwing my book away isn’t setting the mood.” Sasuke said right before Naruto kissed him. He nibbled on Sasuke’s lower lip but got no response from him. “I’m also throwing myself at you.” He said with his lips still touching Sasuke’s. Naruto started pressing kisses all over Sasuke’s face, from his cheekbones down his jaw. “I don’t know why you think throwing things is a good thing.” Sasuke’s tone had the same fake bored touch as it had had so far while Naruto was doing as he pleased. “Oh c’mon.” Naruto said while pulling Sasuke’s turtleneck down. “We won’t be alone for much longer anyways so just bear with me.” And with those words he lowered his head to his boyfriend’s neck, sucking and kissing the pale skin. Sasuke mumbled something about dammed Usuratonkachis but opened his arms to wrap them around the blonde’s waist and pull him in. Naruto angled his head better and pressed harder, suddenly very determined to leave a mark. Sasuke relaxed and let himself enjoy the attention Naruto was giving his weak spot, damn it felt good to have him sucking on his neck. He leaned further back in the couch and Naruto followed suite. Then they heard key turn in the lock and front door opening. Naruto lifted his head and looked towards the door. “Told ya.” Sasuke pulled him in for a quick kiss and then fixed his collar. “Pick up my damn book.” He said and Naruto scoffed playfully at him.
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jokuhobitti · 8 years
Dear Dobe
I wanted to write you a poem. A sonet. Anything. I wanted to do that to really show you how much I appreciate you. You deserve to know you're loved. So I kinda hate myself for not being able to do so. Then again, maybe you'd appreaciate actions rather than words, hn? Yeah love notes are for suckers anyways. This message can be exchanged for one blowjob at any time. xoxo Sasuke
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jokuhobitti · 8 years
I’m walking through the streets, Cum leaking from between my butt cheeks. I feel just like a whore, Of that, you can be sure.
Work starts by nine. By then I’ll look just fine. And no one will know How my night did go.
And when the evening comes I’ll be back in his arms. I’m hooked on his love, My hole fits his dick like a glove.
We are the Sun and the Moon. And you’ll be seeing a ring on this finger very soon.
I asked myself what would @wizai like to read and that’s why there’s now a lil silly sasunarusasu thing on my blog 
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jokuhobitti · 8 years
Person A of your OTP comes up to Person B saying he needs an ambulance and that’s how they meet
Narusasunaru No warnings Fluffy, maybe
Sasuke was enjoying a latte at park, a thing he rarely does but now that he’s at it he finds it quite relaxing. It’s a warm day, not too hot. Barely any wind. No loud children in the park yet either. “Excuse me?” Sasuke looked at the stranger who just tapped his shoulder. A blond, probably in his twenties, Sasuke guessed. “Yes?” He asked but his tone clearly told this stranger that Sasuke was not happy to be interrupt. “I think I’m starting a seizure, I might need an ambulance.” He told Sasuke while sitting down next to him. Sasuke gave him a questioning look. There was no panic in the stranger’s voice. “What do you mean you think you’re having a seizure?” “I mean that there’s a chance I’ll soon experience a horrid death right at your feet.” “Don’t you mean in my lap? Who told you it’s okay to use me as a cushion?” Sasuke didn’t quite know how to handle this strange man, who had just lied down and rest his head on his thighs. “Just bear with me for a sec okay? I’ll be fine in a minute.” Closing his eyes he let out a long breath. “You sure about that? It was “I need an ambulance” 2 minutes ago!” “Naruto.” “Huh?” The blonde in his lap had turned his head upwards and their eyes met. “My name’s Naruto. What’s yours Mr. Business man?” Naruto said and turned his head side ways again. He looked really comfortable laying there like that, Sasuke thought. “
Sasuke.” He said and took a sip of his coffee. He made a face after finding out it had already gone cold. The day was still nice, park still quiet and work wouldn’t begin in another hour. “Okay, I’ll let you use my lap. Be thankful.” “Oh, I am.” Naruto said and Sasuke noticed the smile on his lips. For a while neither of them said anything. Sasuke was actually beginning to think this stranger was not so bad, he was fairly attractive but other than his seizures, he didn’t know the man. “So where were you headed?” He asked Naruto. Naruto gave Sasuke a measuring look. “Work.” “So I’m “Mr. Business man” but you have a job yourself? Interesting.” He said raising a brow at the man still relaxing on him. “You’re wearing a fancy pansy suit.” Naruto said matter of fact-ly. Sasuke sighed. “And you’re not. What do you do for work?” “I’m a waitress.” “Don’t you mean waiter?” Sasuke asked with a smirk. “No, I mean I work in a cosplay coffee in a maid costume.” It took Sasuke a small moment to come up with the following: “There’s a cosplay coffee here? I wasn’t aware.” “Such surprise! I mean, pretty much all of our customers are business men like you.” Despite his cheerful voice, Naruto still had no intention of getting off Sasuke’s lap. “Really?” Sasuke asked surprised, for real. Naruto snorted. “Of course not you idiot, it’s just teens from the school that’s close by.” Sasuke gave Naruto a glare, which he didn’t see since his eyes were still closed. “Don’t you feel better yet?” “I feel great.” “Sarcasm, really? If you’re fine then let’s both head to work.” “Aaw but I like it here. You have a nice lap.” “Well you’re gonna have to make a new appointment with this lap ‘cause it’s gotta go to work.” Sasuke said and stood up, causing Naruto to almost fall off the bench. Sasuke fidgeted awkwardly for a second before making his mind and turning to walk towards work. Again, he felt a tap on his shoulder. “What?” He asked turning around. “So the next appointment, I was thinking you could come get me from work. My shift ends at four, I’ll see you then.” A card was pushed to his hand while Naruto pressed a kiss on his cheek. “You’re cute, Sasuke.” Naruto winked and then went to other direction. Sasuke stood astonished for a second before he yelled after him: “Wait, what about your seizure?” Naruto turned around and continued to walk but back wards. Smiling, he yelled back: “Oh, I just thought I was gonna have a heart attack but turned out it was a crush!” Seeing Sasuke’s cheeks grow red he smirked and waved but continued then to walk away. Sasuke looked at the card placed in his hand, it was the maid coffee’s ad including its address. “That Usuratonkachi
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