#but im glad i kept going with it bc i got to a point where i sorta captured the lighting i was going for
shigayokagayama · 1 year
incomplete list of weird/interesting manga-anime discrepancies
-you know the bit where they break into the girls highschool in episode 2? yea thats chapter 56. spliced into the middle of chapter 4. its supposed to go before the bit with the ghost family as a lead up to the mogami arc with mob starting to consider evil spirits as just as much “people” as living humans are. all things considered its kind of weird how well it fits its anime placement
-ritsu in the manga gets introduced in the same chapter as teru. you dont see mobs family at all for the first few chapters. infact i dont think his parents appear until like. chapter 25????? every interaction you see between mob and any of his family is completely made up for the anime
-in the manga during the claw arc instead of reigen sending them away all the lackeys just stood there awkwardly during the fight w the scars fdnjksndkjgnd
-mogami arc got GUTTED my god. the part where the fake psychics tried to murder minori got removed, shinras role in the arc got reduced to basically nothing, they move mogamiland ritsu to a bridge like 50 feet away instead of having him walk right over mob, mob only gets beat up like twice, the cat lives, the boxcutter bit is totally removed, the fight with the spirits is made a lot more abstract and less graphic. like im glad this one took the hit instead of the separation arc bc i cant imagine that arc ever being effective as one episode but wow.
-putting the “mob finding his family dead” thing at the end of the episode instead of in the middle of a chapter where it originally was was an objectively hilarious move
-rip the scene of teru outsmarting all three claw guys and saying “say old man have you ever been tortured before” unfortunately all scenes of teru being competent are not plot relevant and must die. also teru can make shadow clones
-hey remember those weird satellite people in claw keeping the viewer updated on where all the characters were in that infinite arc?
-mob with a gun.
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-mob getting briefly knocked out while fighting toichiro and dimple possessing him then getting kicked out was replaced w toichiro just throwing him out the window or somethhing???
-toichiro saying that he only kept the super five around as spare batteries and draining serizawas power getting cut was a personal affront to me
-every single emotion mob cycled through in the anime got a 100% meter. the kid was super emotionally unstable in that fight
-that old man whos house they went to whos wraith made everyone asleep that they exorcised? yea they anime team made that up. they never went to his house in the manga, he just went to spirits and such for a shoulder massage
-manga reigen got 0 money for helping the yokai dude. it wasnt on the table. also most of the stuff he was saying was lifted from a video game serizawa played which he pointed out. also serizawa thought getting arrested was a type of spell
-takenakas general meanness was significantly toned down manga takenaka was a huge bitch
-in general the alien arc was a lot funnier in the manga? like the scene where reigen crashes they had reached a dead end on an extremely narrow path and were driving in reverse while tome and takenaka were screaming at each other in the back and inukawa was 5 seconds from snapping and killing everyone in the car. these might be my favorite pages in the entire manga they as so fucking funny
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-originally when tome said she wouldnt keep climbing reigen suggested mob carry her with telekinesis (which horrified her) and mob said he was too motion sick to use his powers (obvious lie) but could carry her instead which got her to get up
-mezato asking mob to sign a t shirt for the psycho helmet cult in exchange for relationship advice got cut
-i cry every day that the sequence of ???% waking up didnt get animated it set a very different tone than the anime did. the anime was like. slow build up of dread. the manga was immediately bone deep horror i was literally sitting in my room yelling “WHAT???” over and over again at my computer as i clicked through it
-shigeo and mob conversation cut down significantly, all the references to the body improvement club being mob making a new self rather than embracing who he really is and being scared that all the friends hes made wouldnt like the real him removed </3
-the scene where reigen takes his shoes off is made a lot less somber and depressing. it feels less like “oh he knows hes going to die” and more like. triumphant? in the anime
-100% shigeo kageyama is an anime addition they added specifically to ruin my “the first time we see mob 100% is to fight dimple and the last time is to stop himself from fighting dimple” observation
-anime teru generally seems like hes in a better place than manga teru? manga teru seems very melancholy and like he doesn’t really know what to do with his life or his place in the world (which seems to put shigeo off) but anime teru is like wanna go shopping ^_^ *sips tea happily*
-manga shigeo deliberately threw the cake directly in reigens face and my fury over them making this ambiguous will last until i am dead
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iheartcake123 · 1 month
hii hello!! I'm your new follower. I really like and enjoy your stories, especially with sweet home's fanfiction!! Eumm- if you don't mind, can you make another story about Kim Yeonghu x reader and others soldier x reader please?? I'm desperately want it, but it's kinda difficult to find more stories about them :(
anyway, have a good day and thank you <3
hello!! im so glad you enjoy my fics :) im so sorry this has taken so long😭 but i am working on more fics currently and will have some more up soon!! (hopefully lol) in the mean time here’s a jin-ho fic since i’ve never done one for him <33 let me know if you’d like a part two bc this was so fun to write hehe
bang jin-ho X f!reader for @kuebandungs
you had met jin-ho through your work with the platoon. you were very skilful in technology before everything happened and when the platoon needed help, you were first to give a hand.
you worked along side jin-ho and discovered he was quiet, he kept to himself mostly and only really spoke with those he was close to. which wasn’t many.
there’d be times where he had no choice but to converse with you. after all, you would help the platoon members whenever they asked.
this time was like no other.
“did you try disconnecting and reconnecting it?” you asked jin-ho and he sighed in response
“that was the first thing i did” he told you and you nodded.
“well it looks like we have to take it apart” you pulled a seat up and was about to sit next to him.
“don’t worry, i can do it myself” he stopped you before you sat down.
“right..” you awkwardly cleared your throat and moved the chair back the original position “well if you do need a hand, give me a shout”
you then slowly walked away, to head back to your room. as you made your way back sergeant tak was in the hallway and he joined you.
“y/n, how are things going? i heard you’re helping the platoon more often” he said accompanying you.
“yes sir, it’s mainly just with little things here and there though” you answered with a smile.
“how would you feel if i got someone to start training you, that way- you can join the platoon and help with excursions? you’d basically be a second to jin-ho”
“oh um i appreciate the offer sir but i like where i am at the moment. i don’t mind helping the platoon here and there but just the thought of helping with excursions is a bit daunting”
“i can’t say im not a little disappointed y/n but i understand, just think about it and if you do change your mind. i’ll be more than happy to sort something for you”
you sent sergeant tak a small smile with a nod before rushing back to your room.
you couldn’t possibly help the crow platoon.
before you knew it, you were in front of sergeant tak again. this time, you were agreeing to his offer.
you didn’t know why you changed your mind. but you did.
“im glad you’re joining us y/n. bang jin-ho! come in!” sergeant tak had yelled that last part and in came jin-ho who saluted the sergeant before standing straight.
“from now on, you’ll follow jin-ho’ lead. he will train you and will get you prepared for what’s ahead. once he’s happy that you can protect yourself, then you’ll start by going on excursions. is that okay?” sergeant tak told you and you nodded.
“yes sir” you voice was quieter than expected.
“good. you may both leave now”
with a nod you followed jin-ho out the room.
“uh so what do we do first?” you smiled at jin-ho and he let out a sigh.
“look y/n, i don’t know what made you want to join the platoon. i didn’t think you would but here we are. so, we will train whenever we get a free chance. follow me” jin-ho got straight to the point and you followed him.
he took you outside, it was chilly and the dark grey clouds made everything feel especially gloomy.
“you need to run from here to the fence and back 100 times” he pointed to the fence in the distance.
you let out a laugh. he surely had to be joking, right? however, when he didn’t say anything further, it suddenly set in. he wasn’t joking.
“seriously?” you questioned and he just nodded.
with a gulp you started to run. as you did each lap, you felt your legs burn as you mentally pushed yourself to continue. no matter how much your body told you to stop, you were determined to complete the 100 laps. the trick was making sure your pace was consistent and you blocked out any distractions.
by the time you had completed it, the sun was beginning to set and you felt like throwing up. you hadn’t stopped for a water break and you wanted to just collapse. a part of you was also pissed off.
why did jin-ho throw you in the deep end by making you do 100 laps? was he trying to test you? see if you’d quit and change your mind about the whole joining the platoon? well if he was, you weren’t going to give in and give up so soon.
“happy?” you voice was harsh as you tried to catch your breath while making your way back into the stadium.
jin-ho stared at you as you walked away. you desperately wanted to just fall onto the floor and curl into a ball but you weren’t going to do that in front of him. instead, you dragged yourself through the halls back to your room where you immediately collapsed onto your bed and chugged down a bunch of water.
“asshole” you cursed throwing your bottle across your room.
not shortly after, there was a soft knock at your door and you huffed before opening it.
“what do you want?” you immediately questioned after seeing jin-ho stood there.
he had his hands on his hips before he reached his hand out.
you wearily shook his hand.
“welcome to the platoon” he nodded his head and you raised your eyebrow “i’ll be honest i didn’t think you’d finish those laps but you proved me wrong. the real training starts tomorrow”
jin-ho then let go of your hand before promptly leaving.
you couldn’t understand him.
over the next few weeks you trained with jin-ho on various things like fighting, self defense, stealth and how to use a gun. this was all so that you could start going on expeditions with the platoon when they went.
it would’ve been a lie if you said it was easy. most days would end with you laying in bed with all your limbs aching but it was slowly getting easier. you had started to see a change in your self. the way you carried yourself was a lot more confident and platoon members started to respect you more. in fact, you’d become close with some of them. more specifically seok-chan.
he was just a really kind person and he helped you a lot. and while jin-ho wasn’t horrible, he was surprisingly very strict and you’d only converse with him when he was giving you orders. there was a tension between the two of you and you couldn’t quite understand it.
the day started like no other, you woke up early, got changed and headed to the training area. you started with a warm up and soon decided to do some boxing. there was a punching bag in the corner of the room so you wrapped your fists up before jabbing the bag.
one. two. one. two.
you had a rhythm going.
“balance your weight. you’re all over the place” the sudden sound of jin-ho’ voice shocked you and you rolled your eyes before doing what he told you.
jin-ho folded his arms as he leaned on the door, watching you train.
you felt yourself begin to heat up. you hated when he watched you because he always managed to find flaws in whatever you were doing.
you really did try your best to continue but you just couldn’t. you brought your hands to your side and rested one on your hip as you turned to jin-ho.
“i don’t understand what the problem is? i just want to train in peace without the pressure of you watching. you look at me as if everything i do is wrong. so please show me if you think you can do better!” you snapped at him.
jin-ho smirked slightly as he stood straight.
“okay, i won’t watch you” he answered and you breathed a sigh of relief.
“thank you-“ you began but he cut you off.
“i’ll fight you” he started to wrap him hands
your jaw dropped.
“what?” you gulped.
“let’s spar, seok-chan says you’ve improved and since you don’t want me watching. maybe fighting and sparring with you will be better. and there’s no rules with this, punching and kicking are allowed”
he finally finished wrapping his hands.
you couldn’t back down so you both got into position. you held your hands up in front of you to defend yourself and at the ready to punch.
a couple of minutes into it and you found yourself with a bloodied lip. you could taste the blood in your mouth but you refused to let him win. with one swift movement you made contact with his chin and he stumbled backwards slightly. after he regained his balance he lifted his leg and you felt it hit your stomach which caused you to fall on your back.
you winced in pain as you glared at jin-ho. you attempted to get up but he then managed to get you into a head lock. his arms tightened around you and although you tried breaking free, you couldn’t. plus it was getting hard to breath so, a few seconds later and you found yourself tapping out.
jin-ho immediately let go and you let out a harsh cough as you caught your breath. you remained on the floor with your hand on your neck slowly going back to normal as jin-ho stood above you.
when you looked up, he had his hand out to help you up but you ignored him.
you didn’t need his help to get up. jin-ho let out a chuckle as he watched you get up. you avoided his gaze as you turned your back on him, you brought your fingers up to your busted lip and winced in pain as you saw your finger covered in blood now too.
“your lips bleeding pretty bad, let me have a look” jin-ho’ eyebrows furrowed in concern and he reached an arm out to your shoulder.
“leave me alone” you instantly brushed him off and harshly moved away from him “i don’t need or want your help”
after saying those words you left the training room, ignoring jin-ho calling out to stop you.
you were now sat in front of seok-chan in the infirmary, he was cleaning your lip and trying to make you feel better.
“he only pushes you so hard because he wants what’s best for you. im sure he can see the effort you’re putting in and appreciates it” seok-chan said as his eyes remained focused on your lip.
“yeah, well it sure doesn’t feel like it. it seems quite the opposite- he hates me and i don’t know why” your voice came out in a croak as you held back tears.
why didn’t jin-ho like you? and why was he always so hard on you?
“trust me y/n, i wouldn’t lie to you” seok-chan finished up with your lip and you hopped of the table.
“i know…thank you for tending to my lip. i better get back to training or something” you blinked back tears and left to go back to your room.
meanwhile, seok-chan had gone to find jin-ho.
“jin-ho!” he called out to him and he hummed in response “you really bust y/n’ lip up pretty good. do you think maybe next time go a bit easy on her? she’s been finding it a bit tough”
“what do you mean? she did well. considering when we began she couldn’t even throw a punch” jin-ho answered.
“come on dude, she was almost in tears when i saw her. you’ve been so tough on her and she thinks you hate her. i’m not trying to tell you how to do your job but just take it a bit easier on her”
“does she really think that i hate her? i know i’ve been tough on her but i don’t hate her. seok-chan do you know where she is?”
“i don’t know, i think she’s gone back to her room or the training area”
jin-ho felt really bad. did you really think he hated you? he searched the training areas firstly but after seeing you weren’t there, he headed over to your room.
he hands banged on your door urgently and when you opened the door your eyes went wide with shock.
why was jin-ho here? and why was he knocking like a mad man?
he didn’t say anything and entered your room, closing the door behind him.
“jin-ho. why are you-“ you tried to ask him but he’d stopppef you mid sentence.
“do you think i hate you?” he blurted out and you were stunned. he was never so impulsive or erratic, usually he was very serious, calm and collected when he spoke.
this was different.
“who told you that?”
“y/n is it true? you think i hate you?”
you meekly nodded looking at the floor.
“why do you think that?” he stared at you so intently and your heart beat quickened as you briefly looked up and locked eyes with him.
“you’re just always so strict and you never say anything nice. i know im crap at this whole platoon stuff but im still learning and i think you forget that” you said honestly.
“i can assure you that i do not hate you, not even close. y/n you’re doing so well with training and i push you because i know you’re capable”
“but- you’re always so cold towards me and you barely talk to me..”
his eyes softened as he saw how upset you were and it was your first time seeing him like this. he actually had emotions.
“i promise you, i do not hate you. tell me how can i prove it to you” suddenly he brought his one hand up to cup your face.
you were in awe.
this was a whole new jin-ho.
“tell me y/n” his voice was soft and you admired jin-ho’ warm touch.
he waited for you answer.
“tell me”
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hiemaldesirae · 3 months
Swap AU:
Val wasn't too slow, he didn't come at all to Vox's distress call. He thought Vox could handle it. He spends the first 4 years as Alastor's thrall dead, as do most of the soul that Val owns. (Angel included.) Killing Valentino and the souls he owns gets old, however and sinners are getting tired of the same old pornos, so Valentino gets to go back to work, but thanks to their multiple horrible deaths, Valentino and his contracted souls are alot closer. They even have a discord server dedicated to bitching about Alastor. Now that Vox is back, they've added a sever dedicated to getting pictures of Vox for Valentino so they all don't die horrible deaths--and also, Valentino rewards everyone with every new picture with a raise of 50 dollars, so it's nice incentive.
Alastor on the other hand beside killing Valentino and his contracted souls for the first 4 years, made a shrine with Vox's heads--except for the very first one. That one he slept with. That one remain's in his (formerly Vox's) bed everyday, waiting for Alastor's return everynight so he can curl around it and murmur the words he never got to say to his beloved Vox one last time.
When Vox returns, Sir Pentious joins the hotel because Vox has always been his favorite of his favorite of the Vees, and if he's joined another Overlord and started something else, the Sir Pentious will try it out!
Angel Dust is there because he doesn't want to go through the absolute HELL the first 4 years under Alastor was, he wants no repeats. No one Valentino included DOES!
Husker actually loves working with Vox, and loves sending smirks at the very pissed off shadow Alastor (not knowing Alastor is watching from the Shadow's eyes.) and the side hugs, the cuddles, Yeah, they might piss off the Shadow and Alastor even even more but he deserves it--Vox still has nightmares about his near death.
OHH okay okay i see. that clarification. Actually made things 1000x worse for me actually im gonna throw up. this val trusting in voxs abilities to the point where it made him lose one of his best friends for years vs show val jumping to vox the moment that it became clear the other couldnt hold his own..... so sickening what the hell. the guilt that val must feel in specific for voxs disappearance and presumed death- honestly hes probably glad for dying so much those first four years because it took his mind off the fact that it was HIS fault all this happened to vox and him and vel. i just want an oddly tear filled reunion scene with the two vees where vox is like "i thought you guys just didnt think i was important enough to come help" and voxvel start actually bawling bc theyve missed him so much and theyre so glad he's back and *safe*. also the discord server inclusion is hilarious as hell thank you for that mental image nonny
oh my GODD thats actually so sweet im gonna be sick. i just know those former heads are kept clean and swept everyday both by niffty and alastor himself, and the one in his bed is probably propped up by all the most comfortable pillows while alastor himself just goes without a pillow.... WHAT WORDS. what FUCKING words if it was i love you ill actually just implode on the spot nonny ill get raptured and itll be all your fault /lh
+ pentious finally gets an audience with his idol! aww this is so sweet im gonna get cavities. hopefully he doesnt get hit with the kys this time but oh well if he does cause i support my wife committing crimes
Also. Vox having nightmares about the time he nearly died.... do you think that he has like ptsd flashbacks or something everytime he sees a radio. im gonna be SICK fuck oh my god. do tou think ohe day he just . meets al again and immediately tries to run away or something while the other hotel members go to his defense because they know the shit hes been dealing with from al....
p.s. nonny are you planning on turning this into a fic or something anytime soon? because if not.... can i write one based off these ideas 🥹
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gojoest · 9 months
ok i am finally home and it’s STORYTIME WITH THE WAITER !! *rubs hands together* long post btw my thoughts are very hectic i am sleep deprived and hungover so excuse me t-t
so last night we went to this place with 2 of my coworkers (that are also close friends of mine) — it’s a club restaurant actually, the music is chill and not so loud until about 10-10:30pm so you can eat and chat with friends and then after that it’s showtime (hot men put on a show, they dance and strip, the latter is not that hardcore btw). turns out they organize different shows every night so it’s not always that. ANYWAY, we had a waitress assigned to our table but the place was so full and she was busy running around catering to everyone so instead of waiting i asked the waiter in question for the menu :3 so he brought us 3 and was like “sorry my coworker is very busy, if she can’t handle all her tables i will gladly take care of you tonight”. guys he is super cute i tell you, he’s got that big smile on his face all the time and a super positive energy flowing from him + he jokes around with ease and just seems to be so easygoing and friendly and i find that so attractive NOT TO MENTION he is very handsome and has a beard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sadly though he didn’t end up taking our table bc the waitress made it work somehow, she was super lovely btw <3 he was constantly passing by our table though and we both shamelessly stared at each other every time lmao
anyway as the night went on and we downed 4 bottles of wine and started dancing my mischievous coworkers invited him to our table for a bit and he did not decline even though he was working, he just casually sat down with us and behaved like we’ve always known each other ajksdskas. so we poured him a glass of wine, said cheers and then danced a bit AND THEN t-t my coworker took an empty water bottle and spun it on the floor (do you see where i am going) and it ended up pointing towards me and the waiter t-t and that same coworker was like “you have to kiss her now, these are the rules” and i was like :0 just standing there like :0 what :0 what :0 he then came to me and looked me in the eyes and put his hands on my cheeks but didn’t kiss me immediately, i think he was waiting for my reaction like i’m going give you 3 secs to push me away if you don’t want to but ofc I DID WANT TO KISS HIM so we in fact kissed.
after we were done kissing my coworker literally placed the bottle between us again, didn’t spin it this time just put it there between us like ok round 2 now, keep going KSJHDKSJSAA and he looked at me and was like “how about you kiss me this time” with a smug smile. part of me wanted to slap him but a bigger part of me wanted to keep kissing him so that’s that sigh we kissed again. HE IS SUCH A GOOD KISSER it’s not my fault :/
later we had some time to chat and exchange numbers etc.. and im glad we did bc i wanted to apologize to him for what my friends pulled with that orchestrated spin the bottle. and he was like “i am very content things turned out that way actually and i hope you don’t mind it either, and also — i hope you are single too” <- he looked so cute saying this that i ended up kissing him again help. then we talked some more and kissed some more. around 3:30am we had to leave bc we had work in like a few hours so i called a taxi and he waited with me outside even though he was still at work (i hope he did not get in trouble for that + spending a lot of time with us t-t) and then opened the car door for me and told me to text him when i get home t-t but i forgot bc i was a bit drunk and all i wanted to do was sleep right away so i just passed out. BUT HE CALLED ME and was like you home safe? and i was like yep yepp !! then i saw that he texted me a few times to check on me and maybe got worried that i did not reply so he called t-t
today he kept texting me all day casually updating me on how his day is going + asking questions about my day and etc. he sent me a selfie in the morning and was like “ok since you’re not drunk anymore can you please look at me and confirm that you still like me” LMAO he is so !! doki doki !! makes me laugh a lot but also i want to punch him sometimes bc he’s so smug but then again i can’t bc he’s also very cute and pretty t-t anyway i shall keep you updated on mr waiter v_v WAIT actually he’s also an engineer but works as a waiter too + he’s a foreigner but has been living here for a long time, knows the language fluently and has the cutest tiny accent when saying certain words IT’S SO CUTE anyway i need to take a shower now i am so tired t-t
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alitgblog · 4 months
ok thoughts for volume IV bc I actually enjoyed it a lot lol
also I'm currently on a Jin route (i might switch to claudia i have not decided) so that's important context lol
I Spy was an interesting concept for a game but if i can nitpick here, it felt much more like a firepit game than a challenge and that would be nice to have some variety since last week was the Heartbreaker thing and next week we have Excess Baggage.
For whatever reason I can't remember the format of the show rn but I think if the game is gonna continue with doing about a day more or less per volume, it should be like the show where there is at least one or two major events being either dates (where couples are either all in the same area, one couple goes out of the villa, or there's bombshells involved), challenges (where they go out onto the stage and do some physical challenge), or parties (which can include games). And right now I feel like we're getting three challenges in a row and I'd rather we change it up. But that's besides the point
anyway i believed Jack when he said his secret wasn't supposed to cause drama but I did not believe Theo at all and the fact that we got to tell him that later? Great choice. (and also so in character for MC to tell him off and him to just continue pretending like she didn't say that)
Also very flirty moments with Claudia is what is making this Jin route so hard. she's very forward and the fact that you can pursue her so soon is great actually. I thought maybe she and theo would share a slow burn route but it seems like it might be just Theo (or that you can't officially couple up with her later but apparently you can kiss her and go to the hideaway and stuff so that's cool).
I'm always hoping for non MC centered drama and we got it (but also there WAS MC centered drama too so that's even better)
I love to have a character to hate/dislike, so thank you so much Sophie and Jack. I can't imagine what it would be like with Luna and Jin though because they seem way more chill whereas I can see Sophie (a PERFORMER) doing all that and Jack (self proclaimed romantic) also just doing stuff to fit with Sophie.
And honestly still having residual feelings from the previous episode works. Like, yes to the Jack and Emel kiss (at least from Jack's POV about being insecure about Sophie,,, I'm not so sure about Emel but as someone who played it flirting with Oakley up until the end of Vol II and knowing Emel wants a romantic guy like Jack, I will let it slide). I kinda wish it implied more that Jin rejected Sophie so that's why she didn't pick him at the last recoupling so she's still hurt and still antagonizing MC and Jin for that reason. Otherwise it's just like, why are they still mad though?
Emel and Oakley are so cute. I also kept wishing after S5 and S6 that we got more strong couples in the game and I'm very glad they seem happy and if anything happens to them I'm gonna be so upset.
And tbh Jack and Sophie making it work is so nice too. Even though I think they're gonna keep having a lot of drama, it's entertaining and it's also great to have a couple that's probably gonna get dumped or split up at some point (and you know they're not gonna make it on the outside).
I don't care for Brad and Christy at all but why is that option 29 gems?? Like even asking for drama about the Islanders currently in the Villa is 17 gems (which I still don't think should be behind a pay wall but it feels like that one might be more relevant).
I do like that Jack is trying to be sweet to Sophie because even though he has also been an asshole to MC and her couple, he's still a possible route for if you replay, so that's nice they're not making the other LI's unappealing like in S6 (...yet???? im not giving fusebox the all clear yet)
I hate that Jack called his apology thing a game, I wish he just gathered everyone at the firepit and did the same thing but not called it a compliment game.
in the same vein, why did he invent the chemistry game because that feels like they should've gotten a text about that and then the next text about voting for the couple with the strongest chemistry to go into the hideaway would make more sense.
regardless, I really liked Jack's compliment to MC because that's how I've been playing this character and the fact he pointed it out, I feel like she'd love that. Also everyone else's compliments were fun too except maybe Sophie's which is funny.
And then he tried to make a joke at the end which was bold, but then I found out it might have been Jin's fault which is far more in character but again I don't know how well that would play out if I was playing a different route.
Also you can cheekily ask Oakley how he felt about Jack's joke about Emel being the best kisser in front of everyone and you best believe I did that
Then everything seems fine until the chemistry game and then suddenly Sophie, Jack, Emel, and Oakley are doing fine and everyone else is not and I love that turn in drama. Again, can't speak for a Theo route but the way suddenly Claudia is in between Jin and MC is crazy and Jin has a somewhat reasonable response (considering that fusebox wanted to give you space to go to the hideaway with Claudia). he probably forgave MC too fast imo but that's on me for playing the messy route.
Also Claudia's response after hearing Jin and MC are going to the hideaway together instead of her and MC is so good. Like she does convey she's disappointed but understands, and MC says there's still time for them, and Claudia's response is like it would blow your mind like we gotta give Jin a fighting chance, and I love that. also bc I'm indecisive so I'm glad her routes not closed yet.
as much as I like the drama, Tyler did not make a big splash so it does feel like we just got drama four volumes in a row, so I'm kind of hoping we get a bombshell mid challenge. Unfortunately, it's the excess baggage challenge, which I do like and I think we're due for this challenge to show up, but a bombshell showing up mid excess baggage challenge is literally what happens in S3 so I don't think I'm right.
I already posted my little joke about the Hideaway scene but yeah it's so much better than it's been recently. And like it looks like there's a few more options to change up the scene/dialogue so that's good they put effort into small stuff like that
and I'm not advocating for them hiding scenes behind a pay wall (like I rather them put these expensive gem choices behind drama I don't care about, that's fine) but like if there was ever a time to have a pay to win part of the game I would've made it this and not the kissing challenge. HEAR ME OUT: so it's like an early in the game hideaway first of all, technically you've known each other for like four days and if it comes up again for free, i wouldnt even miss it. Second, it kinda dismisses the drama that JUST happened. Like, either Theo or Claudia have just blown up their strong couple to pursue MC and their LI doesn't do anything? And the other couples vote for them anyway? Like get rid of the gem choice early on for MC and Jin to prove their chemistry and have them stumble anyway. Then after the Claudia/Theo confession, the gem choice is MC announces she wants another shot and because Sophie, Jack, and Emel like her for solving their drama they agree. And then MC can choose her second try with Theo, Claudia, or her LI. And then still has the chat later with her LI and then you win with whoever you pick (or I guess if you pick Theo then you don't bc I guess it's the slow burn route. Maybe you get a chat with him on the daybeds or SOMETHING lol). And third, Jack did this whole campaign to get him and Sophie to a stronger place so like there was a perfect backup couple right there.
and also some non volume specific thoughts:
I'm kind of excited to replay and like couple with Jack or Oakley at this point because I'm curious if the dialogue is much different. I really like Jin's dialogue and it fits his character, so I'm wondering how much of it is copy paste (but most people here are also on a Jin route so I can't cross reference damn).
also I would've reordered the past couple of episodes so that like Luna and Tyler would stay for longer and have a bigger impact but I don't need to make this long post even longer so maybe I'll post it some other time
still don't know why it's called tempting fate but if we're returning to the non themed seasons I'm not complaining
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the-gayest-show · 13 hours
you know guys they weren't wrong about the episodes "house's head" and "wilson's heart"
they actually were underestimating how bad it gets. actually
you know. those people. they made a point. they were like "OMG house's head wilson's Heart" and I saw some cool fucking FANART and I'm like "damn what could possibly happen" and then....
spoilers under the cut.
i can't do this. Wilson suffering montage is not what I wanted to keep me up at night. I think amber's ok but her death was so hard on Wilson I sobbed when he did look at this mans GLOWING BROWN EYES AND TELL ME YOU DIDN'T WANT TO HUG HIM AS SOON AS HE BROKE DOWN IN TEARS
dear Tumblr it's 1:30 am in the morning I started a mdnight push thru of this episode i'm not the same man I was 43 minutes ago do you FUCKING hear me
even HOUSE got in tears. and NOW he feels Wilson is gonna blame him and house blames himself and wishes HE died in the fucking bus crash and not the healthy young doctor i'm going to ducking die I'm going insane
like bro. it started off ok with house's head, yeah? I LOVED the direction. it was going great! we had these fun montages of house trying to rejog his memory by almost killing himself and seeing hallucinations everywhere. we had oh so much going on. Wilson isn't too bad in this one. Wilson is fine, house is probably on the verge of killing himself and everyone's like "you know you should stop actually" but he doesn't and then we end off with "you know the 2nd sick patient is AMBER" *credits roll, immediately clicks next episode*
but then it got BAD. wilson's heart got me crying. like ok i'll admit I knew amber was gonna die that was smth I kept in the back of my mind but wilson. he made it happen. ok first off, credits where they're do to the director of both episodes and the actors. Wilson was sobbing so hard I STARTED SOBBING. Robert Sean Leonard you son of bitch when I CATCH YOU RSL I WILL HUG YOU TO OBLIVION
he's not like any other patient's family ever he cries the biggest tears and goes absolutely feral. idk how amber felt towards bro but Wilson is in LOVE with her. it SHOWS. did you see how hard he SOBBED during that episode when they said she was going to die I was crying too
no but then Wilson he uh forces house to rejog his memory one last time and then the WORST MONTAGE EVER STARTS. THEY PLAY THE MOST FITTING EMOTIONAL SONG AND SHOW EVERYONE AFTER AMBER'S DEATH IM SOBBING IM ON THE FLOOR I SAW THE OG 3 REUNITE I WANTED TO THROW MY LAPTOP ACROSS THE ROOM (a feeling that has occurred multiple times in 40 mins)
save me season 5 save me or else house writers are catching these hands
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omo-queer · 8 months
alright so i eventually came because i gave in to my vibrator and released myself while doing so🫠 Im a beginner at edging and holding help</3 but it still felt sooo good, for my next hold ill try to have an accident and wont keep my vibrator anywhere near me
But i felt the desperation waves so intensely because i followed your advice!!
I have to say my brain was fuzzy and i kept drinking but my kidneys started to hurt so ill have to be more careful next time :] 🪼
that sounds incredible!
all the pressure and the good feelings from the vibrator must have been so tempting, no wonder you let yourself come. i have intentionally avoided letting myself use my vibrator much over the last 26 days because i feel like it'd just be too easy to let myself go over.
edging can be difficult when you're starting out bc you have to learn where the point of no return sits for your body. it's easiest to keep control if you don't get right up to the very edge, instead stopping a little before that (but hard edges are so fun).
i'm glad you got to feel some really good desperation, and i'm especially glad you stopped when you found your kidneys hurting! safety is super important and i'm glad whenever someone makes the responsible choice in a situation like that.
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sugar-omi · 28 days
No he passed me even tho he yelled the whole time so thank the gods! But fuck he was so annoying, and then when I had to go in and sign some stuff I was a little shaky from being yelled at the whole drive and the lady just laughed thinking I was just excited that I passed. NO GIRL IM TRAUMATIZED!! I now am scared to ever drive again so that whole thing was a waste
and the guy was a fucking volunteer and friend of the owner!!!! and he was playing rap music, which is fine right but inappropriate in this setting (they even had a fucking dress code. I couldn't have my shoulders out i think, or shorts/skirts shorter than my arms.... are we in school?!??!)
and before I even got in the car, he asked me "so what do you do first?" n I'm pointing out EVERYTHING n he's like "your seat belt. put on your seat belt 🙄" AND WHEN I ASKED WHERE HE WANTS ME TO PULL OUT FROM, bc we stopped in a MALL parking lot to switch (there were 2 other girls w me), he was like "oh lord, we're in for a ride..."
AND HE HAD BEEN BANTERING WITH THE OTHER GIRLS N EVERYTHING. N WHEN I WAS DRIVING HE KEPT GOING "get away from the curve, get off the line... get. off. the curb!!" AND IM IN THE LINE...
I prbly looked like a drunk or total amateur whose freaked tf out to others on the road, please.
and I think the owner set me up w him on purpose and was tryna set me up w him again, bc she said to my mom "she was supposed to drive with him"
HE ALSO HAD US ON MAIN ROADS. like there's a 4 way near my house, n I live by a hospital, a nursing home, several doctor offices, fast food places, gas stations... everything to attract at least one of somebody.
mind you, this was his first time driving w us, and really not the best road for us to drive even though we'd all driven before, even at least gth w our parents yk.
n mannm you should seen him!!! straight outta the 70s!!!! he was clinging on desperately to youth lol 😂
anyway, was so glad to not drive w him after that, altho i did do some parking w him but that was at the end of the course. he also yelled at me at the end n was making snide comments the whole drive
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familyabolisher · 1 year
re: annihilation im glad im not the only one who disliked it lol! ive struggled thru the second book as well bc people keep telling me the third is the best but. we'll see. id be curious abt ur thoughts & if you have similar critiques (lack of interiority for the mc for one, a lack of clarity on Whats Going On but not in a fun way imo but in a way that makes me really unsure what the Point of it all is, & (book 2) just. the most tedious mommy issues ive ever had to read thru) or if its something else entirely. no pressure tho! i just like hearing ur opinions on things.
tbh my immensely pedestrian answer is that i just couldn’t get on with the style at all—it felt very clumsy and, like, amateurish. i got the sense that vandermeer wanted to narrate The Horrors in a quotidian, somewhat clinical tone that established a discordance around an effort to record and empirically tackle something that resisted the boundaries of human language and communication, and i think a more skilled writer could have pulled that off to great effect; however, as it was, he neither leant far enough into that voice that the discordance could fully emerge & exert a significant enough narrative force to make the piece compelling, nor relaxed it enough to allow his language to play around with the lurid, macabre, paranatural setting. 
like, for example, i’ve just gone to a random page to give you some sense of what i mean.
This was really the only thing I discovered in him after his return: a deep and unending solitude, as if he had been granted a gift that he didn’t know what to do with. A gift that was poison to him and eventually killed him. But would it have killed me? That was the question that crept into my mind even as I stared into his eyes those last few times, willing myself to know his thoughts and failing. As I labored at my increasingly repetitive job, in a sterile lab, I kept thinking about Area X, and how I would never know what it was like without going there. No one could really tell me, and no account could possibly be a substitute. So several months after my husband died, I volunteered for an Area X expedition. A spouse of a former expedition member had never signed up before. I think they accepted me in part because they wanted to see if that connection might make a difference. I think they accepted me as an experiment. But then again, maybe from the start they expected me to sign up.
this is like … the first time we get a real, direct account of the biologist’s backstory. it’s like a speedrun of heterosexual our wives under the sea (also a bad book btw lol) and is supposed to pack a pretty hefty emotional punch, but it’s just … well, i mean. “a gift that was poison to him and eventually killed him.” like, the extract falls back on cliches; the prose lands in a very ‘safe’ register and feels a little afraid to push anywhere significantly outside of that. this is pretty representative of (what i read of) the whole book, tbh—and it stings especially when you have things like a mysterious tunnel-tower seemingly made of flesh that only the narrator can see that’s spawning fungi spelling out sentences as other characters in the novel start to die … like, that’s good, and that’s just really not being communicated on the page in any compelling manner. 
it felt as though vandermeer had established this fascinating world and then just failed to communicate any of it to any memorable standard. also, the pacing was all over the place, lol—like, take your time with it a little more, spend some time on setting and description! or if you want to lean into that clipped, clinical account, maybe experiment a little more with the texture that that could lend; like, journals, reports, the kind of temporal weirdness that those can generate (as is common in the gothic novel, for instance) … like, there were just a lot of ins where vandermeer could have negotiated a more interesting piece of work than what i was reading.
it just felt very, like—the word coming to mind for me is ‘timid.’ like the text found its own concepts a little too unwieldy and pared itself down into a very meek prose rather than rising to the challenge that its scaffolding presented. and as a result, i was just, like, bored and irritated trying to read it. i’m told that the film is very different so i might give that a go at some point, but i really couldn’t push through to the end of the book, lmao. maybe it’s worth reading for like the last 70 pages, but i’ll never know. sad! well there’s other genre fiction
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menalez · 5 months
A girl I dated at years ago, in a fit of rage, nearly choked me to death because she convinced herself I was sleeping with a male. All because I didn’t want to have sex with her, which is something she knew from the start and was okay with waiting. It was not the first time she had put her hands on me either, but it took her almost ending my life for me to take a hint and stop making excuses for her. At the end of the day, I had no business being with her type or trying to convince myself that I was fit to live in a Set It Off reality (lmao too adventurous and trying to be captain save-a-hoe) She had a history of thug activities, so I take full responsibility for what I got myself into and how I allowed myself to be a victim. This is a gold star lesbian btw and she’s since been to jail several times for beating on females and a multitude of other petty crimes/demonic activities. Last year, she apologized to me (7 years late girl) and admitted that she purposely gets herself sent to jail because she enjoys all of the female attention she gets there as a masculine female. Truly Pathetic and I regret not listening to my mother when she’d literally told me “that girl is a demon and you need to stay away from her.”
that sounds horrible 😭 i’m so sorry u went thru that. especially the fact that she did that to u for not being ready to have sex.. just horrible and gross. i’m glad u stood ur ground and dumped her in the end at least.
i have a similar story with my ex (she’s bi tho) & she was violent for no reason. just seriously mentally unwell basically and the red flags were pretty obvious but i overlooked them bc i guess i just did not see my self-worth. she also choked me and it was literally just. random. she’d wake up and immediately get on top of me and choke me. one time i think she did it as some kind of “joke” and i ended up throwing up bc of it … also she had a few weeks in our relationship where she was basically storing cocaine for dealers at her place & she was stealing cocaine from them and going on cocaine binges which u can imagine how she’d act in those moments if she was trying to kill me when she’s sober! she was on ketamine once and literally bit my friend. just insane stuff. and ppl like that are never worth it nor can u somehow “save” them bc when they’re that bad, they usually don’t care to make themselves better. in my case she even tried to convince me that IM the one who’s worse off.. bc i “cry too much”. also she stole my wallet and when the police said they saw who stole it and described her to a T, she convinced me that she knows who it is and will find this woman and get my wallet and money back. would give me these stories about it too.
also the woman u dated sounds .. desperate tbh! from my experience at least, masculine lesbians don’t need jail to find interested women. they tend to get plenty of attention in general. at least that was the case for basically every masculine lesbian i had a thing with. she must rly have low self-worth and have problems to be putting herself in and out of jail just to get more female attention. i hope she gets better bc i assume she must be miserable if she’s still living like that. i’m glad ur out of that situation and kept urself safe,, it’s rly not worth it to date women like that n to tell urself that you can somehow “save” them,, i learned that the hard way 😭 u deserve better than that. no point in regretting it tho— we can’t undo our pasts, but we can at least use these negative experiences as ways to improve ourselves and teach ourselves somehow. at least that’s what i tell myself to cope with what i’ve been thru lmao,, and at least i can say in terms of my ex, it did teach me to look out for red flags more and not disrespect myself so badly that i’m willing to be abused and exploited and manipulated in the hope of gaining a woman’s love
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novembermorgon · 2 months
Hello op tis me again!! Apologies for taking [checks notes] 84 years to get back to you I have had A Week. However!!! Cayn and Ysabel continue to live rent free <3 like I'm just so obsessed with how gothic they are which is like. My favorite thing tbh. Part of me is gratified bc everything you said I kept nodding and going yeah I thought so, because your art was so *clear* the vibes were just. So easy to read (in the best way). I THOUGHT the ring was a match with Aegon's and also rip the rat tail long live the rat tail. I have to say Ysabel haunts me but Cayn scratches an Itch. Like. U feel me? Cayn belongs squarely in Hannibal NBC with his palatable person suit that is doing very little to distract *him* from the fact that he's about to eat someone whole and raw and it's probably going to be someone he loves before he moves on to someone he hates. Maybe it'll even be the same person. Who knows!! There's this tragedy to them both but Cayn is almost trying to tell himself he can Change it and Control the way the tragedy will fall (and getting humbled bad lmao) while Ysabel is like. Carrion carted away by the waves. Never stood a chance and at some point she stopped fighting very hard. Also I feel like. There's this Deep Intimacy yet Huge Emotional Distance between Aemond and Ysabel where neither knows how to communicate or really Approach someone so instead they have to consume maim kill leave a mark. I cannot touch you except to hurt you ect. And her obsession with him is in and of itself so haunted bc it's like she wants to Eat Him but she Doesn't but that way she can Control It but. And we stay at that but. While with Aegon and Cayn it's like yes I do like you. I fear writing the stronger word. Instead I will eat you whole and you will remember me by the imprint of my teeth on your side and I will remember you by the way I bloat with desire for you and choke on your blood <3 and it's like wooow. Wooow. Love it. Obsessed with it. As you can tell I do not like them normal. Do u know what happens to them at the end of the war? I can't imagine Ysabel ending up any better than Helaena. But also. I gotta say. Big fan of tragic siblings I am—I have So Many Feelings about these two relating to each other qnd hoe The Love Was Apparently There and it Didn't Change Anything. Too many feelings to put it too words. After all that word vomit (thank u if you read the whole way through) I wish to tell you that u have inspired me to make my Bolton oc more weird and unsettling and haunted. My disgraced Lenora and her legion of skinned animals and skulls <3 My Shadowskin Lady. I want her to be such a Freak while also being so tragic and doomed to being nothing but a third wife <3 but anyway!! I have stolen enough of your time and wish you good luck with your commissions!! Thank uu for replying to me and I look forward to future works on these doomed suckers 😌
under the cut because this got long ..
it did make me sit and stare and giggle a little bit because its true you were very on the mark with them . i do think part of the charm with the boltons Is their inability to be anything but very un-subtly gothic and weird and strange . you look at them and you can immediately clock what's going on here .
and its very true… ill be so real and genuine i STILL havent watched hannibal the whole way through but ive absorbed the vibe enough through many years of being a gay person online to where yeah definitely this guy has some hannibal in him . that bit of restraint in really really trying to put yourself in a square that slowly but surely begins to crack under the weight of at the core needing to feed the urge to hurt something . believes himself to be strong enough to keep it away but ultimately the same fate waits each time …… similarly to ysabel . they both end up in the same place of hurt inflicted on others and in turn on themselves but while cayn fights against it and tries to rise above it ysabel leans into it and accepts it regardless of how much it scares her because she's always been taught to lay down and take whatever comes her way as a polite nice lady that doesn't fight and doesn't say no .
i do like to spin their relationships around in my mind . both separately and between each other . with ysabel i feel like her most intimate moments Are when she gets to be a little unhinged ie biting and chewing on someone etc because its very raw . so entirely separate from anything she knows and anything that's expected of her and so desperate and pleading that it gets very real . whereas cayn for a long time sees that violence as a failure to himself and in turn prefers to sit down and have a polite conversation and only thinks of how it would be to reach across the table and strangle a man . ultimately though that violence is inherent to him i like to think he wants to feel in control of it . wants to have the upper hand no matter what and doesnt like when it becomes an urge that just drives you without thought or reason . ysabel starving animal who cant help it vs cayn predator on a calculated hunt etc in the end theyre both very much formed by being raised by a dad who was so much worse . united in misery and a root of violence and hate and death that was planted in them from the moment they were born . they both have it and they will never escape it because there was never a point where it wasnt there. as for endings ….
i'm a little conflicted on them both partially because i still need to iron out some war details etc but as a general frame of reference it ends aaaalmost the same as in canon beyond the fact that the greens win a little more vividly . well . as much as you can 'win' a terrible tragic war with your own family . in the end jaehaera + aegon + alicent + cayn + ysabel and her kids are alive . aegon iii and viserys ii hang around too like in canon . i imagine errhhmmmm… (taps my noggin) aegon remarries . ive been fond of cassandra baratheon stepmom to jaehaera lately . well.. king's landing politics ensue . everyone is sort of miserable . i swear that i'll get to figuring it all out one day . i swear!!!!
most relevant to court i guess would be ysabel since i imagine she remains in the red keep for most of the war and after it . mentioned somewhere i think but she has two kids - a daughter (aelora) and a son (baelor) both of which make it through the war - but baelor is weak and sickly kind of partially because ysabel is basically left half-bedbound after her second pregnancy that probably shouldn't have happened in the first place . … he dies of illness pretty young which sends ysabel spiraling even worse than she already was post war . girls who have their bodies irreversibly ruined and torn apart to where they can barely function anymore in the hopes of having a son - giving a little boy to a husband who is bound to die at war and having your son follow closely behind and having it all be for nothing . i think she grows to resent her daughter silently for being a girl (westerosi misogyny so deeply seated even in its women) and i don't think they ever really grow all that close . sits and rots in her chambers or in the gardens and dreams about her dead son and her dead husband instead of looking to the family she has that are still there .
i think she's kind of disconnected from court just based on the fact she's entirely too hurt physically and mentally to really even be able to contribute much . she's allowed to sit in her misery because she's family to the targs atp but it's a little rough . in a little twist of weird connections i think she would get along with aegon iii pretty well in the sense that they're both horrendously miserable and she projects some sort of son onto him. sits and reads with him and talks about whatever kids talk about and acts like nothing is wrong for a few hours
i played with the idea of her eventually joining the silent sisters as a sort of final frontier of guilt and shame and horror at what her life becomes but i don't think she would even have the drive to do that much at the end of the war LOL
and cayn …
this one is trickier because he's …. … ……..? i dont know. i think its tough to find a real direction for him in my mind and i cant figure out why . but i think i got it.. more context first > their dad dies during the war, i imagine somewhere around rook's rest after the north is openly split apart or a bit later on when they actually try to go against the starks directly, and in my mind it kind of leaves cayn in (similarly to ysabel) in a state of being trapped in the past in a place he can never return to . their dad represents everything cayn believes he should be and all he should live up to and all his house and family stand for and seeing him die really does get to him . not to mention he also gets hurt pretty bad - just that chunk of harm that comes with war and what it'll do to a man. forever stuck on some field of battle far away and the world keeps spinning but you never quite spin along with it . dons his dad's armor and now suddenly he's saddled with the weight of responsibility and duty and all their family's pain both literally and metaphorically . kind of resembles the bolton skinchanging theories if you really get insane about it ie you take on a man's skin (his weird flesh armor) and now you're just as much him as you are yourself etc
i imagine he returns to king's landing for a while after they've duked it out with the starks for a bit and the north cools off a little . comes back and he's hurt and aegon is hurt and barely conscious half the time and his facade probably drops pretty harshly . spends some time taking care of aegon and doing what he's told and dreams about the fact that there has to be a purpose and a meaning to fighting a war . goes against what he used to want (restraint) and drives himself to violence and hate because if he doesn't then he'll sit down and think and realize that his dad died for nothing and theyve been fighting stupid battles for a cause that he doesn't really care about . rabid guard dog off the leash with no true goal he wants for and no true cause he believes in .
by the time the war ends and aegon remarries i imagine he leaves court because admittedly he would actually seethe a little bit seeing aegon married again . with helaena it was okay because i think he recognizes neither of them chose that and neither of them (from my perspective) really love the other in any romantic sense but when it's an active choice he gets really really upset . silently of course . <3 the gay yearning catches up with him and he faces the fact aegon is barely a person anymore and he has no place at court in turn . goes home to the north and with the greens sort-of-winning he's given winterfell and titles and they settle into some kind of peace for a little while. he marries a karstark girl because it's what his father had intended for him and they're about as unhappy as you can get in a relationship. maybe they have a son in time but more than likely not. i think while everything kind of holds up for a while there are a lot of issues here that don't seem to ever really get resolved properly - lots of unhappy lords and lots of bastard siblings who think they know better and lots of rumors and disagreements and a steady swirling pot of disaster boiling under the surface. i can imagine he goes off to fight off some rebellion after a good few years and ends up dead . maybe for the best .
i dont know if ysabel even really processes it . i think if she wasnt already so unresponsive she WOULD just step out a window
in another reality that im going to manifest in my mind space cayn stays in king's landing after the war and has someone else manage the north . sticks around and tries to ignore the fact that he's jealous and angry and feels no satisfaction or ease even when they've won and the war is over . sticks around and has a toxic evil homosexual relationship with the king that grows strained when he has a new wife and a kingdom to run properly this time and they settle into a horribly tense unbearable distance that's broken only when cayn steps up and poisons him or just chokes him out or something and proceeds to kill himself ala your first gay situationship where dying feels like a good alternative to having to process the fact that you cant really be together . hope you understand . either way the boltons (well . the ones that are relevant in this case there are always cousins and second cousins etc in asoiaf to pick up the slack) fizzle out and end up miserable or dead even after the promise of power and status is fulfilled . don't aim too high or you'll have that much further to fall if you will a whole lot of nonsense being put out here but i hope you enjoy whatever's cooking …. really really appreciate the interest and im glad to provide whatever u might be wondering about + more ramblings… would LOVE to see more freakish bolton ocs also . there is nothing like a horrible house that raises horrible people who reek of tragedy and terror and a doomed narrative and SO many chances to make something so fun please tell me more !
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honeyxgang · 1 year
im slowly being forced outta retirement bc nobody is writing the fic ideas i have in my head so to start here’s some waka headcanons. mostly sfw but gets spicy toward the end so yktv mdni
Short King Waka Headcanons 🤲
doesnt just like trolling people, he can also be very playful
actually did really well in school just didnt like going relatable
shit almost went left in his youth with alcohol but his friends helped him through shoutout to the final timeline
loves kissing and his favorite feature on a potential love interest is lips so hope you’ve been hydrating. bonus points if you have on a gloss instead of lipstick. the shine catches his attention
is eternally grateful to rihanna for fenty gloss he’s now willing to go to war for her
if he really likes someone he gives them a nickname
is very physically affectionate. hugs, cuddles, holding hands, etc he doing allat
since he has an oral fixation he actually takes really good care of his teeth + makes sure his lips are always moisturized
aka straight, white teeth + and a literal perfect smile 😩
wears cologne. he smells delicious. probably the mixture of the cologne and pheromones
doesnt enter into romantic relationships often instead being more likely to flirt casually with absolutely no intention of it going anywhere/the occasional one night stand
believes in letting girls down gently if they do catch feels though
team his parents are alive. no sibs though
gets mistaken for a child me too
has a motorcycle and a car (i see him as a man with money idc idc idc)
deflee into rap, hip hop, and r&b
comes off very very very aloof until he gets to know someone. he’s not shy through
some girls are disappointed to get to know him and find out he’s not even the stereotypical bad boy/fuckboy. dude watches documentaries and enjoys learning new things and is completely unashamed of that and would probably be first to apologize in a fight. his version of netflix & chill is him putting on a wwii documentary and you not being there
that’s one way to pique his interest though teach him something he didnt know before
wears other jewelry too (necklace, bracelet)
the type of bf who would lose his mind if you got a necklace with his name or initials
very laidback and slow to anger
he fought in his youth because he was targeted for his height. then he kept fighting bc he liked throwing his weight around 🤷‍♀️
hates bugs to the point where he might make you go kill whatever has got in 😐
could use some work with verbal communication (“im glad manjiro died” cmon bruh. ik that happened in one of the fucked up timelines however im sure he still sucks bc he only talks to 3 people)
by that i mean he can come off sounding harsh af when that’s not his intention. unfortunately he’s a straight arrow. hope you have tough skin
keeping in line w black twitter’s “dudes w the best d” ranking since he is both skinny and short he is hung like a horse that’s where his height went and knows what he’s doing when laying pipe 🤌
high school was a very horny time for him
you would not fucking guess that just by looking at him and idk where he tucks his third leg
seriously theres always a moment of silence when he gets his pants off. whoever is about to have their spine realigned is like 👀 and he’s just sitting there like 😏
tripod is long and thick good luck sis 🫡
doesn’t do one night stands often or at his place bc once somebody gets a taste they’re ready to commit to his dick marriage
uses condoms bc he’s not ready for fatherhood. if he doesn’t have any he’s not penetrating. yall can do oral though
1000/10 in bed because he likes eating pussy AND will fold you into the mattress 🧎‍♀️
loves getting his dick sucked and he 100% believes in dsl’s 🫦
they gotta look natural though. he has a grudge against kylie jenner for influencing so many people to get botched lip injections 😒
he’s gonna watch bc the way somebody lips stretch to fit him + get all red and plump from putting in work? >>>>>>>
100% the type to grab hair
and the headboard
also will push your knees to your chest if yall in missionary seriously he’s small but man’s is strong
comes to the slow conclusion that he’s an ass man and therefore loves anything from behind
if you’re sending nudes gon head and send something in a thong or g string. if you haven’t heard from him in a few days he might call you
will spank you. just be ready for that
believes life is too short for bad sex and therefore is permanently on demon time 😮��💨
you’re going to question all of your life choices once youve survived finished. also good luck walking
maybe take a day off work
in conclusion i am down bad
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rumpunch · 1 year
HIIII so… i finally got to see hadestown this weekend (the national tour production) w two of my best friends 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 i knew we were gonna see it for months but i didnt want to post abt it beforehand / acknowledge it in any way after making plans bc i was scared i would jinx it like what happened when i posted / talked abt seeing shows on the west end and then covid hit and sent me home lol. but i can’t believe i finally saw it!! it doesn’t feel real and honestly didn’t until right now as im writing this….. being in the theater was truly an out of body (and mind lol) experience for better or for worse. this was my first time seeing a show since covid and im soooo glad it was this one given how much it’s meant to me for all these years 🥹💗
i have a lot of thoughts on the production and also the plot / story so here they are lol:
production thoughts
for context ive never seen a hadestown 👢 before, i told myself that i wanted my first experience of seeing it to be actually seeing it in person. but ive listened to the obcr 5798673594 times over the last 3 years and the songs have become thoroughly woven into my life... so that made for a really weird experience where i knew every word but was watching it unfold for the first time and yet i knew what was coming for the most part. that also could be chalked up to the fact that ive seen so many gifsets and have read so many posts about other ppl seeing the show so i did know about some visual things.. but yeah it was just weird what i knew / expected and what i didnt lol
my friends and i sat in the back right corner of the mezzanine (like the LITERAL corner. no chairs behind us or next to us and the exit right next to us) and sadly the balcony in the set was cut off for us so we had to keep leaning across each other or scrunching our heads down to see the action up there :~/ but it was ok
i think bc of the above two bullet points + the fact that i really did not let myself believe that i was going to see the show bc i was scared of jinxing it + me having depression / possible derealization issues that i did not have when i first got into this show... i was kinda numb the entire time which sucks a little. i cried a couple times (happy / disbelieving tears in road to hell (persephone's entrance specifically for some reason, idk why it wasnt the "aight"s LOL) and any way the wind blows, sad tears in doubt comes in) but i didnt really... process anything in the moment or really experience the epic highs and lows of it while watching it. i just generally wasnt very moved! and im processing the show right now for the first time. and that kinda sucks and is unlike me and unlike what i thought seeing it was gonna be like. in a similar vein i found myself really focused on whoever was in the spotlight and im kinda mad at myself for that bc this is a show where SO many little details / context clues are communicated when ppl are in the background. but its fine i guess, i may be in a weird place mentally but i got to see it and maybe i'll see it again someday and be more moved
the cast was PHENOMENALLLLLL. j antonio rodriguez was our orpheus and he was the standout for me, his singing and acting as were breathtaking! i was frustrated about hannah whitley (eurydice) though bc like (and i feel bad for saying all of this)... nobody can be eva noblezada but hannah was missing a lot of notes / singing off key and kept like.. idk what the technical term for it is but she was kinda singing on her own beat and adding in a lot of pauses or rushing into things instead of staying on pace with the music and also she kept kinda revving up into the high notes and all of it grated on me. but i grew warmer to her singing in act 2 and i really appreciated her acting throughout! i didnt rly have many thoughts about hades (matthew patrick quinn), persephone (maria christina oliveras), or hermes (nathan lee graham) aside from ADORING all of their performances and what they brought to the roles compared to the obc! and the fates (dominique kempf, belén moyano, courtney lauster) / ensemble (kc dela cruz, colin lemoine, sean watkinson, shavey brown, raquel williams) / musicians were INCREDIBLE and had such amazing chemistry with and between each other :~D
antonio made for a bolder more charming orpheus and hannah made for a darker moodier more tortured eurydice which was interesting. but (and maybe this was just me dealing with the whole numbness / already knowing what to expect thing) i wasnt really convinced about their love story (specifically the early parts of it in act i as they were falling in love) or that orpheus in particular was insecure and vulnerable to the fates. but they did have some good chemistry in act ii especially and i was rooting for them so hard despite knowing wht was to come :~(
i knew that on broadway they have that little elevator in the center of the stage so i was curious about how it would work in the tour and... they had this giant oven box thing with moving doors! i actually really liked that, it made the whole idea of traveling to / from hadestown seem more sinister. that said i was kinda bothered by it during doubt comes in because orpheus and eurydice had to walk around the entire stage to make sure eurydice was positioned in front / inside of the oven and it kinda spoiled the ending in a way (even though we all know how that ends)... im guessing that on broadway its less exaggerated and you dont see it coming bc all eurydice has to do is just move over to the side a little. but idk i'll finally let myself watch a 👢 and see what the difference is
i couldnt take my eyes off of hades and persephone during promises. they started the song with hades kneeling with his head against persephone's stomach and then he stood up and they just hugged.... for a LONG time. like at least 3-5 minutes. and i was like god i wish that were me and i was thinking about what that mustve been like for the actors playing them.. like if thats a moment that they share and look forward to or whatever bc i know i would. it made me think about jenna's dear baby monologue in you matter to me LOLLLL
i saw from another post i read on here (as i was pregaming for the show by scrolling thru my hadestown tag LMAO) that orpheus runs through the audience at one point? and he didnt do that for us that i saw which i was bummed about. maybe thats just a broadway thing
i had no idea the set splits open during wait for me!!! it was so cool
i also didnt know / fully realize that hades produces a flower for persephone during epic iii 😭 the tears in my eyes... also speaking of epic iii hades singing the lalalalalalalaaaa got a LAUGH and i was so MAD!!!!! i get that its kinda funny because it just sounds so weird in his voice and its a startling moment... but that pissed me off bc the moment is supposed to be so tender and heartbreaking and the audience didnt appreciate that.. augh.
since its pride month the set was initially lit up with rainbow lights and in act ii hermes had little rainbow tassles on the ends of his sleeves!! :~D
plot / story thoughts
another context bullet point to kick us off: i discovered hadestown in the spring / summer of 2019 which was an INCREDIBLY formative time for me and so many aspects of the show (creative expression as a tool / forum for bringing about the world as it could be (and illuminating the possibilities in the world as it is), discovering that you have agency, love / loyalty / betrayal / sustenance, finding your purpose, etc.) were profoundly relevant to things that i was awakening to at that exact place and time in my own life. so i went into this experience hoping to have more insights like the kind i had when i first listened to the obcr... and i didnt really. i mean i had some but they didnt feel as profound i guess? and again that may just be me having mental health issues now that i didnt have then.. but that was a thing that i was aware of and kinda sad about. so yeah
that said... the main thing along those lines that i did take away (which really only hit me while watching epic iii / promises) is like... love is agency is love is agency is love.... or something like that. at least that they coexist and happen together. the oppressive conditions in hadestown and the poverty in the overworld strip the gods and humans alike of... their humanity (which is weird to apply to the gods but still)! their sense of self, and their love for each other and the world. the moment that became clear for me was in epic iii when the workers took off their goggles one by one and it was like.. they could See again! they could see themselves and each other, they were holding hands with each other and singing together. and they saw a future that they could create together. and hades was letting persephone dance and she kept spinning away from him with her arms outstretched like a bird but then coming back... idk. im not articulating this well and i need to think about it more and let it simmer for a bit and maybe watch a 👢 to get all the details. but it was like yeah... the opposite of capitalism imperialism etc etc is love and agency and they go together and they are the same thing.
another thing i need to think about more: orpheus went to hadestown all by himself to get eurydice! how come he was so confident then? he was LITERALLY alone. he didnt know where she went or if she would come back with him. and he didnt have the workers following him (though they were there in wait for me swinging the lamps, but i interpreted them as being like... part of the scenery i guess). he was completely alone and operating off of hope AND THE FATES TAUNTED HIM TOO and he was like... fine! so then in doubt comes in.. when he has all these people including eurydice following him... like idk. maybe its just because he'd confronted hades who couldnt fully be trusted and he knew that eurydice had turned her back on him and stuff... like maybe its just because on the journey back he'd experienced things that caused him to doubt / mistrust the people he was journeying with / from and that's what made him vulnerable, not so much the physical loneliness but the emotional loneliness that comes with a betrayal. which is something i just realized typing it out lol. but that kinda agitated me bc its like... he was FINE the way up so why did he crumble on the way back :~(
doubt comes in is such a fucking GUT PUNCH btw. i wanted to cry harder but didnt let myself bc i didnt want to be too loud or soil my mask. but i was so so scared to see it and it devastated me. its just so... SAD. and its so... like i relate to / identify with orpheus SO much yes in part because of the creative expression / seeing the two worlds thing but also because of doubt comes in specifically. its just so so so sad. he had all of these people including the person he loved most cheering him on and echoing to him. and he couldnt hear them. and he couldnt internalize how much they loved and believed and trusted in him. and he turned. that is so wrenchingly real. and it hurt so bad to see it playing out on the stage knowing what was about to happen and then WATCHING it in all the brilliant horror. like thats another insane thing the way the lights get so wildly bright. actually now that i mention that i think the lights are brighter in hadestown when bad things are happening. like hades saying I CONDUCT THE ELECTRIC CITY etc etc. that could be a whole post. someone should make that
im thinking a lot about The Song and whose song it is and actually WHICH song it is. bc if you think about it... so we're introduced to the lalalalalalalaaaa and whatever song that is which builds in the epics. and that song incites a lot of action like orpheus (quite literally!) tuning out eurydice which causes her to choose to go to hadestown, and hades realizing what love is and whatever. but another song that is equally if not more catalytic is.... IF IT'S TRUE!!!! bc thats the song that sparks the revolution among the workers and gives orpheus hope that he almost lost after learning about eurydice's betrayal and inspires eurydice to fight for something instead of succumbing to her fate. and in wait for me reprise when eurydice is singing "echoing OUR song" "the falling of OUR feet" ... like they're not alone as just the two of them, the workers are coming too!! so which song is she referring to! what if it's actually "if it's true" and the hopes that orpheus has stirred up about what the world could be?
btw speaking of orpheus tuning out eurydice... im sure this point has been made 5476463979 times but its rly interesting to think about how love languages (for lack of a better way to put it, ik that can be kinda reductive) work in this show. eurydice and orpheus both attempt to address the storm but the ways they choose to do it are different / dont align: eurydice tries to manage the short term by searching for food and firewood, while orpheus works on the song that will bring spring back and stop this kind of disaster from happening again. but iirc they dont talk about how they're going to take these two different but equally important strategies — eurydice at least interprets the song as being unimportant and orpheus just... straight up seems unaware of the food / firewood thing also being important. so theres a communication failure and eurydice interprets the silence as abandonment (for good reason, also relatable) and turns her back (ha!) on orpheus. and then with hades and persephone... hades does all these big flashy power gestures to show his love for persephone but it's the exact opposite of what she wants and they dont see eye to eye about how to express their love for each other either. yeah
speaking of eurydice making that choice... like yeah. sigh. betrayal is such a huge thing in this show. trust and betrayal. eurydice was (kind of) leading orpheus through the immediate short term danger of the storm and she turned on him. and the fact that she did was part of the reason orpheus turned on her. they made their vows in promises that they would walk side by side but he couldnt get over it (partially bc they literally weren’t allowed to physically walk as they planned but still). and eurydice said "im right behind you and i have been all along" and its like no you havent been thats the entire plot of the show lol (again for understandable reasons but still!)
another thing im sure has been analyzed 456456984 times but its interesting to think about hermes watching everything playing out while knowing how it will end and not choosing to intervene. idk what that means and my laptop is running out of battery so im not going to dig into it but im just thinking on it. BUT ALSO THAT GOES FOR US AS THE AUDIENCE like so many ppl probably know how it ends and maybe some ppl are seeing it multiple times and its like... anyone could intervene and change the story (within reason ofc). also goes for the other ppl on stage too like the musicians etc. its just interesting to think about the implications of that and what would happen if someone tried it both "in character" and "out of character" i guess
its interesting to think about the role walls play in the show too. like the wall hades is making the workers build to keep out the "enemy" and keep them (him) powerful and prosperous in their (his) isolation vs the walls repeating the falling of feet, echoing songs... letting people know theyre not alone. and the fact that that doesnt happen in doubt comes in even though orpheus is being followed by a whole crowd basically. idk. fascinating
ok those are all of my thoughts i think! i also saw some interesting posts / takes that im going to rb again bc theyre on my mind as i interpret the show but i dont want to put them in this post bc theyre not my original thoughts. ty for reading if you did :~D this is a glorious new era in rumpunch nation im so glad and grateful that i can finally say ive seen this beautiful show!
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junjiie · 7 months
ok got too excited for a sec and unfollowed you ignore that- but long awaited sol opinion time???
batter up wasn’t bad. idm the song tbh and at some point it might grow on me but overall the sound was boring tbh… no hate at all to the girls and stuff bc they’re so young but i feel that the company hyped this gg up for so long and with the reputation of being the next gg up yg after blackpink, the final product is less of a “this is trash” and more of a “this was all you could really do?” bc i know for a fact they probably have newer sounds kept away in the basement somewhere.
the vocals, rap, and dance are all great. but the main issue is that a lot of them are still minors. mainly the youngest who is 13. her voice will change a lot as she grows older and i hope yt know how to accommodate that properly bc i know for a fact that companies will force artists to sing in a certain range for their whole career bc “it’s what the people want”
i saw people complaining about not having a storyline to their group and tbh, i don’t think a group needs a story to be popular. i get that having concepts like that is what makes k-pop what it is, but if you focus too much on a storyline for your sounds, you lose part of the musical ascent and limit yourself to certain topics. im actually glad in this case that yg didn’t didn’t end up going with a storyline path bc it would restrict them further and with again, how they all are, having to make a concept that will fit the members for the whole long run is hard.
i think storyline are wonderful if you’re able to show subplots and different meanings within the songs without having to stick to that one story; each song is a tale itself. ateez and txt pull these off well imo just bc of the way they storylines are already so complicated, meaning you’d have to dig deeply into things for the lore. it’s not constricted to one side of things. idk if any of that made sense-
the mc was. boring… idk like i feel like the could have done so much more to show case them? the rap line had a good part in the mv where they got more physicality but the vocals just. stood. idk. maybe that’s just my inner performer who was told to use up the stage a lot coming though LMFAO
omg i hope you enjoyed this little spillage of my thoughts. i don’t think i’ll follow baby monster just bc it feels odd? to follow them when again, over half the members are younger than me TwT
ok soju show coming to you… sometime. that channel… always so late to things smh
SOL OPINION TIME!!!! iput my Glasses on and fought away the eepiness for this 🤓
1 - !!! THIS !!! i don’t think it’s a bad song at all. i did think it sounded a little like. quiet? but that’s j me probably ive had my headphones in p much all day at tinnitus inducing volume so. Yeah ❓ from what ive seen most people don’t think it’s bad or anything, the complaint is that it’s boring. like. lazytown snoozefest big yawn boring. they put people through that long of a wait and built up that much suspense and excitement for it to just be. That???? kind of giving low effort laziness i fear.. like at least make it a little bit life changing damn
2 - THIS ABAINNNNN more groups need to start making music for the sake of it being music my god 😭😭 the lore and storylines are cool if you’re into that but if you’re a more casual listener and you don’t wanna get into all the things you feel like you need to know prior to a release bc of all the importance the story has to it then it kinda sucks ??? take sticker for example (ijbol) . that was not complicated intricate story telling . they were cunty cowboys and taeil had a dog
3 - the mv erm… it was there idk 🙁 someone said if u told them it was a nugu group w $10 and a dream they’d believe it and lowk i would too 😭 some bits were cool ig but i was thinking…. its called “batter up”…. so couldn’t they do sth fun and . yk . baseball themed?? taking terminology from a game and then not hsing thatgame j sounds kinda stupid like i get u want them to look perfect and cool but its Right Thre .
THANKU FOR SPILLING UR THOUGHTS BSF!!! sry if i wasnt v coberent im tired lmao. i wont b following them either i j wanted to see what other people thought abt it :o
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tojikai · 2 years
Alright, but if Y/N is indeed pregnant, could you let her keep the baby? I saw the “mentions of abortion” tw but like please, I want her to keep it. I don’t even care if she doesn’t get back with Satoru in the end. I don’t know but I’m always so soft for babies.
So, I see that some people have this very visceral reaction to Y/N in this chapter, and guess what? I want to defend her like those K-Pop stans. I don’t care about changing their feelings about her but I just want to let them KNOW.
Y/N has made a mistake, a single one, and it makes her no different from Rie, the other woman, but seriously, Y/N is still far more dignified than Rie can ever be. Both committed a mistake. And then what? Rie decided to continue to live in La La Land and created more fuckery while Y/N did everything she could to not do anything wrong again. Y/N immediately told the truth to Suguru and Shoko while Rie and Satoru knew the truth but kept it a secret to save face or whatever tf. After the cheating, Y/N was firm with Satoru about not getting back together with him while Rie went ahead and accepted Satoru’s advances despite feeling guilty.
I saw someone say Y/N is bad at decision-making. LIKE WHERE??? Unlike Rie, Y/N made all the right decisions for someone in her position. They are a foil to each other and the entire series shows how different they are as a person by showing what they decided to do after making a mistake. Like are you being serious with me now? But I don’t know, maybe you read this series with your eyes close or smth, and you simply refuse to see that. Rie and Y/N are the “same” in this situation but overall, as a person, they are not.
LOL, alright, sorry for going off like that, I’m Y/N's biggest fan as you can tell. She’s not me, she’s my precious baby 🥺.
All in all, thank you, Kai, for this chapter! Oh man, this series is going to end soon. What a ride it is! I can’t wait to see how this will end. I actually can’t believe that you just started writing when you created this blog. You’re so good??? Coincidentally, I was an English Major too LOL and I wish I was as talented as you. Once again, really enjoy this update. Looking forward to the next and have a nice weekend, okay? <3 (2/2)
you know what, YOU'RE HEAVEN SENT. im so glad u pointed that out bc there's an ask in my inbox that seems to be downplaying rie's actions yet enraged by what happened between yn and satoru. i cannot bring myself to post it bc it stressed me a bit LMAO, it's like they just skimmed through every chapter and paragraphs. like they didn't pay attention to the contexts and hints that i put it in there. i mean we all know what yn did was wrong, i am not justifying it and that is why yn's facing the consequences now. yn acknowledges it and is doing everything not to do it again, unlike rie who stood tall and straight despite knowing that her new rs is a product of betrayal. i just … dont get what they're fighting for. really.😭 LMAO and im glad u mentioned this bc i was having a really hard time thinking where i lacked explaining in the story. i understand that there are still things which are unclear right now. but that's why we still got 2 more chapters left😭
anywayssss, omg as usual, that was an amazing read !! 2 more weeks and this series is over 😭 this is the longest one i've written yet. and yeah i started writing on april 19, wrote home and posted it on the same night😂thank you so so much and omg you're an english major too !! im sure you can write fics as well, u just have to start !! your reviews and analyses are GOLD, never fails to amaze me how you always get all the points that im trying to get across in the story. im grateful for all of them and for your support, you're amazing, thank you sooooo much !! <33 i hope you're doing great~
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seriouslychloe · 1 year
spoilers ahead for outer banks season 3!!
lets talk season 3! so i personally really like the season! (besides big john, but we will get to that later) i loved the vibes it gave off! and we got jiara AND cleope!!! so lets start with what i loved, i really like the barbados scenes, which are like the first 2 episodes. i loved the rafe and kie scenes (im NOT a riara shipper but you do you boo) im really glad they stuck to them hating each other. also im glad that kie actually looked scared and acted scared bc she is kidnapped by a man who is threatening killing her if she doesn’t give him a diary???!!!? + she also kidnapped with her like sworn enemy who is also a killer and isnt aware of his next move. i also loved the island scenes and wish we got more :(. i loved episode 5! the train sequence was really interesting and i was laughing so hard when cleope tried to convince the police guy (so good at explaining ik ik) they were in love (but we all know they already were) and the motorcycle scenes were my favorite! the scene after jj crashed his motorcycle was also a great one! + im so glad sarah got a hug with jj rooting for cambank sibling. the “dont ever do that again” 😩✋✋😭 . i loved episode 7 too! the topper and kie interactions 💀 also the fight with jiara was AMAZING!!!! kie looked so defeated when he said it wasn’t gonna work 😭. i loved the music after the fight too (kinda random lol). for the things i wished were different…to start, big john. tbh i liked im better dead. he had WAY TO MUCH screen time! i just wanted clarification that he showered at some point this season his beard was giving me ickk. another thing, i wanted more angsty, emotional scenes. these kids have been through SO MUCH!! they showed a little bit of jj’s mental health but it was like 1/4. im glad they showed more of sarah’s as well! but i really wanted to see more of kiaras emotional side (i am kinda biased) but like she has almost drowned in the MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN holding her best friends dead weight in her arms for a LONG TIME after he got hit on the head most likely suffering from a concussion, she has almost drowned in a sewer, she has betrayed her parents trust but then again its as much their fault that it is hers, she lost 2 of her best friends only to find out they were alive again like a few months later, she has been shot at multiple times, she was kinda guilt tripped into a relationship with pope (no offense to pope, again it was both their faults), she has been abducted twice first by saving someones life then being strangled to go to this killers house, second by being strangled the same way with her parents sitting there watching her to be sent to this wilderness camp that was gonna put her on medication, also rafe said that he was gonna find her and get revenge on her-, she was rejected by the person she lovesss 😍😍 and kept on trying (but thats gotta hurt), she also was called a kook by her best friend, she knew he didn’t mean it but, she has always had trouble fitting in and wanted to be a pogue and rafe also called her “at least half kook” so thats also gotta hurt, and like so much more so I WANTED A BREAKDOWN SCENE >:( (preferably with jj comforting her ) reverse hot-tub scene anyone?? but i also wanted more scenes with all the pogues. this season felt like a constant high and i think there needed to be a break where everyone can just BE HAPPY!!! also like the 4 original pogues scenes pleasee :)! i HATED the stopper cheating scenes (their ship names stopper for a reason-) i just want jarah b to be happy and together for at least one season-, thats all i’m asking. i think overall we needed more pogues being there for each other and comforting each others. also i didn’t like the time jump-, although i’m glad the pogues got a win, i don’t want them to be separated next season. i have run out of space now and have been writing this for 45 minutes but what are your thoughts? id love to know! :)
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