lotusfartstwice · 3 years
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Disaster bi energy 🥴
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amaterasluts · 4 years
Hi, Maude!! How about NaruSasuNaru or InoSakuSaiLee??
Hi Stormy!
Naruto likes a party and Sasuke would rather stay home, so they compromise. They eat the best damn ramen there is for dinner and then they play some games together. They get to Ino's party later than everyone and they have a fun time with their friends. Sasuke is more romantic than you'd think at first sight and he loves a midnight new years kiss ;) They leave soon after because they're both quite tired and they fall asleep cuddling.
Ino, Sakura, Sai and Lee to me are people who are quite high energy (Sai maybe less, but still). As I said Ino organizes the new years party, so they help her decorate. Lee gets really involved and hangs balloons on the ceiling. Sai puts his artistic talent into it and Sakura helps Ino with the baking and the flower arrangements. Everyone has a say in the flowers though, because they're important to Ino and so are her lovers opinions. They all look dazzling for the party and they take cute pictures all together before everyone gets here.
✨ send me a ship and i'll tell you how they like to spend the new years ✨
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
(InoSakuSaiLee anon) Why did I just get the idea that Neji's summoning animal is a hamster??
Ya know, I’m not sure? But I’m sure it’s somehow @i-reallyshouldbeworking ’s fault
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narutomemes · 4 years
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
I’m not usually super into like multi/poly ships but if I were to be into any of them this one would probably be it
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coza-main · 4 years
I saw you were talking about ships.. Personally ship Neji, Tenten, and Gaara.. Temari and Shikamaru... Kankuro and Kiba (I also ships Kiba with 2 others)... And InoSakuSaiLee....
I’ve never considered InoSakuSaiLee!!! That’s interesting to think about! I also ship Shika and Sakura pretty intensely (although let’s be honest, Sakura can be shipped with just about everyone. Homegirl has RANGE) and I do love Sai and Ino together. You’ve given me things to think about, Stormy!!
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lotusfartstwice · 3 years
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It started soft in the corner then it devolved pbbt
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They cute tho
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
(InoSakuSaiLee anon) Here's an au, Sakura is a medic student trying to survive college when she gets wrapped up in supernatural shiz. First of all, her apartment is haunted by a cute ghost named Ino, who has been there since the medieval era. She literally runs into a shapeshifter named Lee when she got lost at night. And her neighbor is a vampire named Sai.. Then when she thinks she's getting used to things she finds out her bestfriends are a Kitsune(Naruto) and a Tengu(Sasuke).
You should write a fanfic on these!!! They’d be really good I’m sure. And I’d def read it 👀
They sound super legit for sure! 💕💗
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
Hey Lucas! I hope your day gets better, happy Sasuke Saturnday btw.. I love this weekly holiday.. Also, my InoSakuSaiLee incorrect quote is getting more popular.. I feel like soon enough it won't be such a crack ship and will have a fan base.. I think you were the first person I brought this ship to... Love ya!!
Oh thank you! And yes it is a beautiful weekly holiday 💖❤️
Oooh yes! I love multiships and I’m glad you brought it with all your lovely hcs 💖❤️✨
Love ya too!
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
(InoSakuSaiLee anon) Darn me for having a soft spot for cute animals! Like at (almost) every animal post I see I have to stop and look at the adorable thing. And irl when I see an animal I'll quickly look at it while smiling internally. While when I see one online I sometimes can't help but smiling externally.
Happy to help! :)
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
(InoSakuSaiLee anon) I hope you don't push your spouse off of a cliff on your winter wedding.. Also what's your favorite season? Mine's winter..
I wanted a beach wedding but then he said he’d be afraid he’d drown...
Cannot believe my own best friend doesn’t even trust me smh
My favorite season is autumn!!! My birthday is the first day of autumn so that makes me really happy 💕💗
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
(InoSakuSaiLee anon) Sorry you've been having a terrible week. If you want I could dm some cute animals to you later? Also you saying that we were already friends makes me so happy!
That would mean the world to me 🥺💗
And ofc 💕🤧
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
(InoSakuSaiLee anon) Or Lee wants to adopt EVERYTHING! Bunnies? Yes. Cats? Of course. Puppies? YES! Those weird looking fish? Yep! The other three have to drag him by the heel to get him out of there.
He thought every animal in there was exploding with youthful energy to the point where even after they dragged him out, he had to call Gai Sensei to talk about it
Gai got so excited that later that day he bought Kakashi two more dogs
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
(InoSakuSaiLee anon) I just remembered seeing a post (not sure if it was yours or not) that said something along the lines of "What if your icon was your therapist", and I just stopped and was silent for a moment, because if that was the case my therapist would be a piece of coral and I don't know how to feel about that..
Doesn’t coral die when it gets stressed? So that means you could be it’s one and only therapy session.
I think it’d be an honor 🤧
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
Hey it's the InoSakuSaiLee anon and imagine this, Sai catches a cold and the other three freak out! Sakura is demanding the hospital gives her medicine for her boyfriend, Ino is cooking so much food so he is fed, and Lee gets ever blanket and pillow he can find so he's comfortable and rested. They all cuddle afterwards.
Hi anon!
And literally. Bless you for putting this headcanon in my brain
And yes! I imagine Sai would have a headache and Lee would accidentally be too loud with the
And then he’d try to help Ino cook but would accidentally break the cutting board while trying to chop vegetables
Then try to help Sakura with making medicine and get the formula wrong.
Then he’d just settle for getting blankets and stuff for Sai
It would be SO cute
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
(InoSakuSaiLee anon) I wonder what would happen if Ino, Sakura, Sai, and Lee went to the pets store?? Also that one time, how did we go from ranting about how much we hate Hiruzen and Danzo to talking about our favorite colors?
Sai and Ino would DEFINITELY want a bird. Sai for inspiration and Ino, just because they look nice. Sakura would probably want something cute and low maintenance like a bunny and Lee would just be happy to be brought along ^~^
In the end they didn’t get a pet but they did make the pet store employee very awkward for almost an hour. Better luck next time for them >.<
Also I do not remember abt that but Danzō and Hiruzen should’ve died MUCH earlier and my favorite color is aqua blue ^~^
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tastes-like-miso · 4 years
I'm back and I do like sweets, but I don't like chocolate because when I have a very VERY small amount of it I get sick for a whole week. In other words I'm allergic to chocolate.. (InoSakuSaiLee anon/ chocolate isn't that good anon)
Omg hello sweet anon <3
I at first thought you were one of my mutuals fucking with me lmao
Allergy is VERY different. Getting sick from something can just make you hate the whole thing all together
For example I’m intolerant to eggs. So anytime there’s something that tastes super eggy (and shouldn’t) I can’t stand the stuff
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