red-pill-junkie · 3 years
I loved the production design of Dune! 
The movie itself however...
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DUNE by George Hull / Deak Ferrand
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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The UFOlogy Tarot Campaign is now live on Kickstarter!
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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Commission for a Twitter account devoted to Fortean and paranormal topics. Perfect opportunity to show my love for Indiana Jones!
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
So gnostic!
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Soul searching in the forest, I found myself —-
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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Commission done a while back for a client developing a card game centered on angelic beings.
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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Latest commission: what does a Sorcerer Supreme do on his free time? why chillax with his cat while eating noodles and drinking fifth-dimensional beer poured by the angel of Death itself, of course!
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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Latest commission: The Catsorcists
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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An old cartoon I did (one of my first as a digital artist in fact) to illustrate the book of my friend, Greg Bishop. I cringe at the crudeness of the artwork, but the gag still makes me smile 
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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Latest Star Trek Commission. And yes, Roddenberry didn’t consider how the miniskirts of the original Starfleet uniforms would not be suited for a captain...
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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Star Wars commission. My most challenging illustration yet!
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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Commission for an e-book’s cover. The story is about a raccoon monk who is an expert martial artist and is also on a very important mission just when the world is about to end. You can find it on Amazon’s Kindle store
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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Commission I made last year. Any Blake’s Seven fans here in Tumblr? :)
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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Oklahoma wants to open up the ‘Bigfoot hunting season’! What do you think?
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red-pill-junkie · 3 years
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I mostly use this platform to promote my illustration work, but today I decided to share my new cover designed for my friend Adam Gorightly’s latest book.
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red-pill-junkie · 4 years
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I know I know... this commissions would have been better suited for Halloween, but I was mucho busy back then ;)
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red-pill-junkie · 4 years
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Art Commission: Wonder Women! 
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