#sticky toffee cake
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cocho388 · 1 year ago
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Saw this at the last minute, but I'm 5-hours in the future so there.
With the exception of an annoying holiday bug going around, I enjoyed my English Christmas with my BF @agent-everfree and his family in the UK. I even got to infiltrate the Brits with a sticky toffee cake:
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The way they do holidays over here are so much more TAME compared to the states, and that's so refreshing. =u=
I hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday celebration, and wish for a VERY Happy New Year.
Since I am 5-hours ahead, I'll let you guys know how that goes. :V
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icleanedthisplate · 1 year ago
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Tuna Tacos, Pan Seared Black Seabass, Curry Duck Breast, Poblano Mac & Cheese Casserole, Honey Soy Brussels, Sticky Toffee Cake (shared all). Table 28. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.13.2024.
NOTE TO SELF: Everything here was fine, but it lacked that special something to make it worth talking about. With the exception of the Brussels, which were excellent. The rosemary crema was interesting, in a good way. I've always wanted to go to Table 28, but -- for the money -- I'm not sure I need to go back. If the vibe was better, maybe, but the vibe is weird -- probably because it's in an old Best Western hotel.
Currently ranked 4th of 13 January meals.
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kirstythejetblackgoldfish · 2 years ago
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Thornton's sticky toffee cake
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p1nkc4lyps0 · 1 year ago
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you tumblarinas seem to enjoy when i draw the autism creature [ie my second most liked post] so heres a couple doodles i found while archiving of some tisms, including a batch [haha] of sweet treats inspired creatures from november/december 2022
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bbangyah · 9 months ago
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sticky toffee pudding
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travelling-my-little-pony · 10 months ago
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Mermaid Applejack rests upon a sticky toffee pudding in a lake of custard.
In Tavistock, in Devon, England.
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morethansalad · 11 months ago
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Vegan Carrot Cake Sticky Toffee Pudding
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months ago
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National Chocolate Covered Anything Day 
Indulge in a chocolate fountain or fondue to dunk any treats you fancy or drizzle your favorite desserts in delicious sauce and syrup.
Chocolate, a candy loved by both children and adults alike. But how much can it go on? What edible creations can molten chocolate create? Where in the world are certain chocolate dishes made a favorite staple? Well, in order to find the answers to all those questions, we must do a time-hop into the past, for this is the search of the history of Chocolate Covered Everything Day!
Learn about Chocolate Covered In Anything Day
Who doesn’t love chocolate? It’s creamy, sweet, and delicious! While we can all eat chocolate on its own, it is fun to combine chocolate with other ingredients as well! A lot of people love strawberries dipped into chocolate; a real classic. Or, how about some chocolate pretzels? There are plenty of weird and wonderful ideas you can try as well, such as dipping French fries into chocolate ice cream. Hey, don’t knock it until you have tried it! If you have ever wondered what something would taste like in chocolate, today is the perfect opportunity for you to find out.
History of Chocolate Covered Everything Day
We all know and love the dark and sweet bricks called chocolate, we even melt it down and put on our ice cream! When was this delectable treat created? The history of chocolate begins in Mesoamerica. Fermented beverages made from chocolate date back to 1900 BC. The Aztecs believed that cacao seeds were the gift of Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom, and the seeds once had so much value that they were used as a form of currency. After chocolate’s arrival in Europe from oversea expeditions in the sixteenth century, sugar was added to it and it became popular throughout all of Europe, first among the ruling classes of the European societies, and then among the common people. Jose de Acosta, a Spanish missionary who lived in Peru and then Mexico in the later 16th century, described its use more generally.
Loathsome to such as are not acquainted with it, having a scum or froth that is very unpleasant taste. Yet it is a drink very much esteemed among the Indians, wherewith they feast noble men who pass through their country. The Spaniards, both men and women that are accustomed to the country are very greedy of this Chocolate. They say they make diverse sorts of it, some hot, some cold, and some temperate, and put therein much of that “chili”; yea, they make paste thereof, the which they say is good for the stomach and against the catarrh.
How to celebrate Chocolate Covered Everything Day
To celebrate the day where we coat everything we can in chocolate, we go out and find an affordable mini chocolate fountain, and then we buy whatever we like to go with our chocolate, take it home and set it up, and then enjoy the chocolate covered foods in the comfort of our own home, enjoying it any time we want! We can also celebrate by buying chocolate syrup, heating it up in a bowl and have a bowl of ice cream with a hot chocolate syrup topping.
There are lots of great chocolate desserts you can make on this day as well! We all deserve a treat now and again, and what better sweet treat than a chocolate-based dessert? From sticky toffee pudding to dark chocolate fondant, we take a look at the best desserts for chocolate lovers.
Let’s start with a Chocolate Sticky Toffee Pudding. This is a delicious traditional English dessert with a chocolate twist. When done correctly, sticky toffee features a rich moist sponge that is topped in a thick and indulgent toffee sauce. It is served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The coolness of the ice cream against the warmth of the toffee is an exquisite combination.
How about some Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding? We recommend pairing the bread and butter pudding with a tasty rum banana ice cream. It’s comforting, creamy, and delicious.
You will struggle to find a dessert as decadent and indulgent as Dark Chocolate Fondant. You need just the right amount of gooeyness in the middle. The dessert is usually finished offer with a smooth and refreshing vanilla ice cream and a thick salted caramel sauce. Prepare for your taste buds to be sent into overdrive.
Finally, do you feel like being adventurous? How about some Chilli Spiced Chocolate Cake? Chilli and chocolate are two ingredients you wouldn’t expect to work well together but they make a delicious pairing. It’s not simply a case of making chocolate spicy. Both ingredients have real, varied fruit flavours and so it’s all about pairing them in a complementary manner, which is what you can do with a Chilli Spiced Chocolate Cake. Take this luxurious dessert and give it a contemporary edge by adding chilli, which gives a pleasant kick that will warm the back of your throat.
All in all, if you are a lover of chocolate sweets, you can rest assured that you will be more than happy with one of the four delicious desserts that have been mentioned! There are plenty of other recipes that you can try on National Chocolate Covered Anything Day!
Aside from making your own desserts, National Chocolate Covered Anything Day presents you with a good opportunity to support a local chocolatier. With the increase in the production of commercial chocolate, a lot of people overlook just how delicate and difficult the art of making chocolate can be! So, why not support your local chocolatier and let them know that you are amazed by their incredible work?
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automaticdestinytrash · 1 year ago
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Trillionaires slice with a medium sticky toffee latte.
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the-cottage-cookbook · 7 months ago
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 7 months ago
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BBW Slatkin and Co Recipe Winner 3 wicks: -Frosted Tangerine Cake -Toasted Pistachio Delight -Sticky Toffee Pudding
mid-late 1990s I think? maybe early 2000s? I want the Pistachio and the Tangerine ones soooo bad. I don't remember these at all though?
found on Mercari, user Magic and Moonbeams
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sendintheantiheroes · 2 years ago
I really despise with all my being the fact that the only two vegan dessert options you're faced with in most UK restaurants is either:
A. Sorbet
B. A dark chocolate tart so rich you feel sickly after just one bite
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lookashiny · 11 months ago
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(via Sticky Toffee Pudding Cake - In Bloom Bakery)
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aurora--sky · 2 years ago
10 potraw od RobinKLocksley, cz. 3 | Polskie Tłumaczenie
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Tłumaczenie 10 potraw od RobinKLocksley, część 3
🏳️‍🌈 Pride Cake Pack:
Rainbow Sprinkle Cake - Tutaj mamy wielopoziomowe ciasto, wielu widziało wcześniej tęczowe ciasta, ale są one tworzone przez tworzenie poziomów z różnymi kolorowymi barwnikami spożywczymi dla każdego poziomu i łączenie ich razem z lukrem. To ciasto jest posypane tęczową posypką.
Trans Marble Cake - Wykonany również przez barwienie każdej warstwy innym kolorem, ten tort ma typowe niebieskie, białe i różowe kolory flagi trans. Chociaż ma posypkę na wierzchu, bok ma piękny marmurkowy efekt. To ciasto ma luksusowy malinowo-czekoladowy smak.
Non-Binary Galaxy Cake - Ten tort ma ostrzejszy wygląd, jest ciemny z błyszczącymi dekoracjami tortu dookoła, wygląda jak fioletowo-żółta galaktyka (aby reprezentować kolory flagi). Wewnątrz ma wielopoziomowy efekt opisany powyżej, tym razem z kolorami niebinarnej flagi, każda warstwa biszkoptu ma piękny korzenny smak (podobny do przyprawy dyniowej lub chai). Na zewnątrz ma efekt kropli z ciemnej czekolady.
Asexual Flower Cake - Piękny kwiatowy tort z delikatnie lawendowym kolorem na zewnątrz, zwieńczony jadalnymi kwiatami i jeżynami. Wewnątrz tort ma cztery poziomy, z których każdy reprezentuje kolor aseksualnej flagi. Jest aromatyzowany jeżyną, fiołkiem i innymi owocami. Kiedy jest podawany, jest dostarczany z porcją jagód i kwiatów.
🍮 Sticky Toffee Pudding - Lepki deser toffi, czasami nazywany sticky date pudding, to wilgotny biszkopt parzony z daktylami i polany sosem toffi. Zwykle podaje się go na gorąco, a niektórzy lubią dodawać do deseru lody lub krem.
🧇 Blueberry Waffles - Gofry z jagodami to odmiana klasycznych gofrów, danie w stylu słodkiego deseru wykonane z ciasta na zakwasie i często zwieńczone różnymi rzeczami. W tym przypadku są one zwieńczone jagodami. Do ciasta można dodać też inne rzeczy, w tym przypadku jagody.
🥕 Gajar Ka Halwa - Gajar Ka Halwa (zwany także gajar halwa lub halwa z marchwi) to indyjski słodki deser z rozdrobnionej marchwi zmieszanej z cukrem i mlekiem lub skondensowanym mlekiem, wodą różaną, kardamonem i szafranem. Deser jest gotowany w garnku, aż marchew będzie dobrze upieczona i posypana prażonymi orzechami.
🍋 Lemon Mousse - Mus cytrynowy to słodka letnia przekąska o smaku cytryny wypełniona lekkimi bąbelkami powietrza, które nadają mu lekką i przewiewną konsystencję, jest orzeźwiająca, idealna na czerwcowe upały. Ten mus składa się z przecieru cytrynowego, ubitej śmietany i cukru, aby nadać mu lekko musującą konsystencję.
🎂 Red Velvet Cake - Tort Red Velvet to ciasto w kolorze czerwonej czekolady lub czasami wanilii, zwykle (także tutaj) pokryty białym lukrem (czasami lukier jest aromatyzowany). Ciasto zwykle składa się z dwóch lub trzech warstw. Kolor ciasta można uzyskać za pomocą buraka lub czerwonego barwnika spożywczego.
🍜 Miyeok-Guk - Miyeok-guk to koreańska zupa przygotowywana z wodorostów i zwykle wywaru z małży lub ryb, zmieszana z sosem sojowym, olejem sezamowym, czosnkiem, cebulą, szalotką, solą i prażonym sezamem. Tradycyjnie tę zupę spożywają młode mamy przez kilka tygodni po urodzeniu dziecka. Jest również spożywana w urodziny jako hołd złożony matce.
🥣 Spiced Beetroot Soup - Ten przepis na zupę łączy buraki, bazylię, bulion warzywny, chili i inne przyprawy, aby stworzyć pyszną, rozgrzewającą i aromatyczną zupę, którą Twoi Simowie będą się cieszyć. To idealne, łatwe danie dla Twoich Simów jako rozgrzewający zimowy obiad lub kolacja.
🍜 Kimchi Noodle Soup - Ten przepis na zupę łączy Gochujang (pasta z czerwonego chilli), kimchi, makaron i bulion, tworząc smaczną i sycącą zupę. Zupa jest przygotowywana przez smażenie cebuli, dodanie kimchi, a następnie bulionu grzybowego, a następnie dodanie niewielkiej ilości pasty z czerwonego chili przed ugotowaniem makaronu w zupie.
🍝 Butternut Mac & Cheese - Makaron z serem i dynią piżmową to łatwy i szybki posiłek podobny do zwykłego Mac & Cheese, przygotowywany przez gotowanie makaronu w sosie piżmowym, czasami z dodatkiem sera lub odżywczych drożdży dla smaku. Często do potrawy dodaje się warzywa, aby uzyskać coś ekstra (w tym przypadku jarmuż i szpinak).
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Pride Cake Pack SFS | 7.5.2023
Sticky Toffee Pudding SFS | 7.5.2023
Blueberry Waffles SFS | 7.5.2023
Gajar Ka Halwa SFS | 7.5.2023
Lemon Mousse SFS | 7.5.2023
Red Velvet Cake SFS | 7.5.2023
Miyeok-Guk SFS | 7.5.2023
Spiced Beetroot Soup SFS | 7.5.2023
Kimchi Noodle Soup SFS | 7.5.2023
Butternut Mac & Cheese SFS | 7.5.2023
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sillyvisionbakes · 5 months ago
Sticky Toffee Pudding
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jupitercl0uds · 6 months ago
will i ever know the difference between a cake and a pudding i wonder
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