#stever rogers x bucky barnes
late-to-the-party-81 · 4 months
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right
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AN: Have a silly little ficlet that fills my last June-iverse space and an adoptable from Stucky Bingo.
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden/Kudos are loved, comments are golden
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Master list | Stucky Bingo Master List | June-iverse Round 2 Master list
Summary: Knife thrower Bucky is just trying to practise with his act mates. What he doesn’t need is Nat and Clint speculating about what has made Trapeze artist Steve move stiffer today.
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Relationships: Knife Thrower Bucky x Trapeze Artist Steve
WC: 1k
CW: Modern AU, Circus AU, Top Bucky, Bottom Steve, Light Bondage, Flashbacks, Secret relationship.
Bingo Fills and Challenges:
@stuckybingo - May Adoptable: “Have you done this before?”
@buckybarnesevents Into an alternate June-iverse - C4: Circus AU
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The handle of the knife vibrated where it was sticking out of the target board, a scant half inch from the top of Natasha’s head. The redhead herself was totally non-plussed, her attention focussed not on either of her act partners, but on the rehearsal that was happening up above them all.
Bucky snorted and rolled his eyes at her blasé attitude and threw another knife which found purchase in the wood between her outspread fingers. Beside him, Clint was checking the fletchings on his arrows.
“You really should be paying attention, Nat,” Bucky grumbled. “What if you need to move at the last moment because my aim is off?”
“That has never happened and I doubt it ever will,” Nat replied, her eyes still on the aerial artistry that was holding her focus. 
Bucky couldn’t really blame her. It was amazing the way that Sam, Steve, and now Peter, flew through the air, almost as though they had wings. Sam and Steve had been working together for years, honing their performance as trapeze artists, with Peter recently joining them permanently after years of diligent training in and amongst his performances with the Clown troop.
Just as Bucky was about to throw his next knife he saw Nat’s eyebrows draw together. “Is it my imagination or is Steve looking a little stiffer than usual?” she asked.
Clint pulled his gaze from his beloved arrows and craned his neck. “Maybe he pulled a muscle or something?” 
At his words, a memory from the night before flashed before Bucky’s eyes.
The muscles in Steve’s arms strained and his chest heaved. His signature white vest had been pulled up to reveal his sculpted pectorals and was now tangled around his wrists, limiting his movements. One of Bucky’s knives was thrust through the wadded cotton, pinning it, and Steve, to the wooden tent support behind him, leaving the blonde trapeze artist totally at his mercy.
“Maybe Brock finally wore him down?” Nat mused and Bucky blanched at the thought. 
“I don’t think so,” he countered, hoping that his voice sounded merely conversational. “Steve’s been quite vocal about how he isn’t interested in Brock. He isn’t one of Brock’s lions to be tamed.”
Steve was trying so hard to keep his vocal responses as quiet as possible, but all those little moans and whimpers that spilled from his lips as Bucky explored the expanse of his chest with his fingers, lips, teeth and tongue were like music to his ears.
“Have you done this before?” Bucky’s voice was low and husky and he knew there was no way he was disguising the hunger in his eyes.
“Yes,” was Steve’s breathy response. “Give it to me, Buck. I won’t break.”
“Who was he hanging out with last night?” Clint asked.
“I thought it was Thor, Carol and Val? Maybe they finally succeeded in luring him to their bed?” Nat stepped away from the target and pulled out Bucky’s knives one by one, handing them to him as they switched places. 
“Maybe he tried lifting one of Carol’s weights again?” Clint pulled on his bow string, warming it up, before notching an arrow and loosing it. Bucky felt the breeze from it pass his left ear before he heard it imbed itself.
“Well he is strong,” Nat responded, “but not like them. He’d be better off sticking to aerobatics.”
Steve’s legs were wrapped around his waist, and Bucky pressed as close in as possible as they kissed, their teeth clashing. With his hands he held Steve up as they rutted against each other.
“Doesn’t seem to be affecting him too much though, if he has hurt himself,” Clint stated before loosing another arrow. 
Bucky cast his eyes upwards to watch as Steve, hanging upside down from one of the trapeze swings by his legs, reached out and caught Peter as he was thrown from Sam’s grip. Everytime he watched them his heart was in his mouth, which felt ridiculous considering the act that he was involved in was equally as dangerous. Peter’s former act mates stood manning the ropes of the safety net, ready to let it down at a moment's notice if anyone fell into it. The thunk of another arrow, landing between his spread legs, the flight feathers kissing his crotch brought Bucky’s focus back to where it should be.
“He seems as flexible as normal. And look at his glutes!”
Steve was almost folded in half, his legs over Bucky’s forearms, as Bucky held on to his glorious ass and fucked into him, delirious with pleasure.
“Down boy,” Nat chuckled as Bucky moved away from the target, Clint taking position ready for Nat to practise with her throwing stars.
“‘M just saying,” Clint replied with a shrug that was almost ill-timed. “It’s not like you can’t not notice Steve’s ass. Although Sam’s is definitely a close second.”
“You’re quiet, James,” Nat observed with a tilt of her head. “Don’t wanna speculate as to what made Steve walk with a limp today?”
Under Bucky’s gaze, Steve bit down hard on his lip and the fabric of his DIY bondage started to tear. Steve’s muscles flexed even more and then he was coming, his cock spurting between them as his body pulsed and squeezed around Bucky’s cock. Bucky threw back his head, letting go of his control, and filled Steve up.
Bucky snorted derisively. “I’ve got better things to do than get involved in gossip. Why don’t you ask Wanda? Isn’t she supposed to be the mind reader?” Nat opened her mouth to reply but at that moment the trapeze trio all jumped down into the safety net and Joaquín, Kate, Yelana and Miles hastily lowered it down. Making use of the distraction, Bucky decided to make a swift exit. “See you guys later. I got some stuff to do.”
Clint looked at Nat, confusion writ on his face, but then Steve passed them with a preoccupied expression, having excused himself from Sam and Peter.  As if a light bulb had gone off, Clint said “They’re fucking aren’t they?”
Nat smiled, knowingly before she threw her second star. “Absolutely.”
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Tag list: @christywrites, @alexakeyloveloki, @doasyoudesireandlive, @galactusdevourerofworlds, @crayongirl-linz, @mightstill, @nicoline1998enilocin, @starrkermarvel, @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989, @kombatfather1796
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scentedpepper · 2 months
Frozen Bonds
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• credit to rightful owner
Summary: In the confinments of a sorry excuse for shelter, you and Bucky create a cricle of untouched energy.
Content Warnings: Slight descriptions of injuries.
Other Pairings: Steve Rogers x GN Reader, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes, Sam mentioned
This is not the marvel fic I was talking about in my jasper post lol
Takes place after the events of Captain America: Winter Soldier in which Steve and Sam go searching for Bucky
Still disappointed that there wasn't some movie or series to highlight this, I wouldve killed to see more Steve and Bucky content but also just more Steve content
You can handle an arctic environment well. You were constantly stuck in the arctic territories when you were still only a few thousand years old. Even with nothing but a tree or two, there were constant blizzards that would drop the temperatures to below zero fahrenheit and you struggled not to maintain a persistent living in the environment.
It was not the cold you were worried about, nor the snow blowing through the gap below the creaky old wooden door of the cabin and the floor. The structure felt claustrophobic and like a prison. It may have been centuries since you've ever worn a collar of any kind, but you had the idea that this was what it felt like to be back in those shackles again.
And yet, even these thoughts seem to cease to the back of your mind when you heard the thrashing and screeching as the Winter Soldier kicked and punched against his restraints behind you. He was making an absolute ruckus that you're half sure would prompt concern if it weren't for the sound of the storms blizzard blanketing any other noises he made.
You looked to him almost plainly, unimpressed by his antics but the disdain in your brow was quite obvious. It took a minute of his flailing against his restraints –bounds of thick, purple, dark purple that often was mistook for black, wounded tightly around his body, unbreakingly– for him to settle with the fact that his arm was no match to your divine powers.
Once he was silent, only but a livid panting that made his teeth chatter, did the harsh bite of frost in the air seem to calm. Slowly, the flurry dissipated and the room warmed– but only just slightly.
There was a piece of cloth tied around the lower half of his face but the way he stared at you, with eyes so pale in their darkness they made the ice they mimicked miniscule in comparison, made it known that he was intending to kill you.
He has no idea who you are. Letting him fume had hardly done you any favors besides the sense that the feeling is mutual.
With a rather annoyed sigh, you snapped your fingers, the tattered fabric disappearing into nothing but a fine mist.
There was a flash of some expression in Bucky's eyes, something similar to discomfort, but you're sure it's more from the fact that you can snap your fingers and practically strip him of his dignity than it is to the lack of comfort he might've had with a cloth over his face.
He's a lot more appealing than you remembered.
The silence settles with a prickling heat between your two equally stubborn bodies, Bucky refusing to say a word and you finding that the conversation would hardly flourish from a one-sided endeavor.
Your tempted to put something much harsher than a cloth over his mouth as he seems to grunt in your general direction with his gruffness and animalistic-like grit. He's like a broken lion. No wonder he was named as the Winter Soldier– he sure acts like one.
"Struggle all you want. You're not getting out of those bindings." Your tone leaves no room for further questions on the matter, but that did not stop him from growling further.
He did not speak back, only stared as you made way for the shabby window nearest to you. The view was that of only what you saw two hours prior, a never ending amount of tall white snow, the skies dull and cloudy with the flakes dropping off into dark spots where dropping temperatures naturally followed suit.
You felt a breath gather in your chest in anticipation, as if Steve and Sam might suddenly appear amongst the snow, only to release it with a sharp exhale, running a hand down your face and grasping at the wrinkles beginning to form in the skin.
It was just you and Bucky in these depths of nothingness.
And as the realization truly dawned on you the weight of your long past seemed to seep into every inch of your body, spreading a new chill across your bones even the hot blood pumping in your veins cannot thwart.
He does not speak.
He does not shout.
Save for the soft rustling of the howling wind and your thickening inhales and exhales, a sound that does not register into his ears.
Barely anyone knows you're here except a distant pair who won't return for the foreseeable future. They don't know about the Winter Soldier and the mere thought of death does not seem to register within your mind.
You are not threatened by the man staring at you like a wild animal trapped in a cage, biding the perfect moment to strike. If you do not respond to his caging, you may become a potential hunter yourself, though the very idea of sinking your claws into his jugular crosses your mind more than once.
You resist, saving Steve from heartache had to be at the top of your list of priorities and until the struggle that brought the two of you here, you had no qualms about wanting to bring him home. But Bucky is in there somewhere and this has turned from finding the Soldier into saving him from the cage of his own mind.
Patience. You were nearly the last thing in the universe to have it, but at this very moment, saving someone's soul and life is a reason to gain a little bit.
It was just you and Bucky.
"We'll be here a while. I'm afraid the conditions are too harsh to go looking for Steve and Sam. " You turned to face him with crossed arms, standing away from the window. The sound of your voice is unfamiliar, more alien than a stranger and the sensation of foreignness spreads over your body. He did not look impressed with the situation or with the presence you pose, but he did not protest it. "Nor will I be leaving you to wreak havoc and harm. "
Bucky's gaze shifts to the window as he pulls at the restraints a final time before settling, but you swear you see a glare.
"Are you aware of your misdoings? Can you talk, soldier?" Your tone was brisk and non-nonsense, hands falling down to your waist as you shifted your weight from one foot to another. You didn't like just standing around to look pretty.
You would speak to him in terms he knew. Simple, clear and to the point. "Steve had informed me of the things Hydra did to you, including something similar to these bindings. "
"Soldier..." Bucky repeated hoarsely, squinting in your direction. Siff, riddled with so much thickness from lack of use.
It was a start.
"I am not an enemy. Steve and I are here to take you home. "
His expression melted as you scanned him, dark eyebrows pinching together as he seemed to not believe you. His body was insistently and involuntarily twitching, and every instant seemed to make his muscles more tense, more rigid, like he was fighting a losing battle in trying to keep himself still.
Your lip quirked, the slightest of a fraction that you're sure his boring eyes caught as you regarded the human before you.
You hadn't noticed in the whirlwind, but his shivering was nonstop, a convulsion you hadn't remembered because you had not been looking for the telltale signs.
Your eyes searched the room briefly before you decided on discarding your heavy cloak, pulling it over your head as his next exhale came out shaky and uneven. He blinked once, eyelids drooping, fluttering for a moment, but did not show a sign of questioning you in the slightest. He just followed you with those impossibly dark eyes, sharp like he might bite your face clean off at any minute.
When you successfully unraveled yourself from the knit, you took a large step toward him, one he evidently tried to back away from as his entire body did a grandiose shake. The purple restraints are only held by his arms and legs, like snakes they constrict closer and closer, preventing his back from going completely rigid.
Carefully you shifted yourself down in front of him, on your knees, so your face is aligned with his. His expression reads of horror, jaw clenching, neck making a painful vein appear, his only outlet of aggression. He is too tightly wound, too closely under these restraints that you doubt there was a chance he could take a swing.
He grumbles something under his breath, a curse or something, looking away from your face and that's when you start.
Bucky jerks violently at the first touch but doesn't pull away when you open up the soft bundle and cover him with it. He doesn't relax, he just stares and bares his teeth again as you smooth the fabric over every inch of body.
When you reach his neck to pull the front over his shoulders and part of his chest, he glares daggers.
You say nothing about the goosebumps that prick at his flesh, brushing your fingers down his collarbone. His partially exposed chest was bare, his clothing dangling off in a jagged tear, riddled with his own cuts and scrapes and burns and nicks.
After staring at the flesh that doesn't frost anymore due to the fabric, he blinks his long lashes up at you. He repeats you softly, slurring the syllables into one another.
"Soldier. "
Biting the inside of your cheek, you pulled away, nodding to him. "...yes. "
"Soldier...not a tool. "
Ah, a memory.
Bucky blinked around with his heavy lids, turning his head to look away from you and take in the small space of the cabin.
"Yes. “
This seemed to be all the exchange he wanted to have with you, for as soon as the words left his lips his head fell down and he closed his eyes. He was still panting, breaths even slower, but less ragged. He was giving up his fight. And losing whatever energy he had left.
"Steve will be very pleased. “
When he opened his eyes, so heavy like those of a drowned man, the blue looked at you a different way. Distant, yet seeping into your very skin.
He was a mess and needed a bath and fresh clothes. Blood painted the surface of his pants, browned from exposure, scraped and damaged. His hair was nearly a matted pile with flakes of what you imagined was old ice crystals and debris littering the strands.
A hand, metal and sturdy with rivets that shone bright against the chipped paint beneath the arm, reached up. You tensed, expecting an attack, a jarring tug at your throat as his arm fizzled against the bonds and extended far enough to grace your close proximity with just the edges of his fingertips.
Instead, your eyes flickered to where his touch didn't quite touch and it became apparent that there was a spark energy there that seemingly only you and he could feel. The way his eyelids flutter—he either feels that charge or he can feel your heartbeat from the heat.
With a scowl he jerked back his hand as if it burned and eyed his own limbs with a confused hatred. A whimper escaped past his lips, an animal sound, something that you've never even registered an animal making except an angry crow.
Before he could fall too far into the emotion you cupped your larger hand over his smaller, flesh one, and coaxed it forward so that his rough digits ran against the softer expanse of your skin. He locked eyes with you, fierce again as you guided his fingers to the pulse in your wrist.
"Do you remember Steve?"
In the moments he did not respond you regarded how strange this action you took was, and then, you considered what it would feel like to feel the life in a human. You began to bring your index and thumb to his neck to test the theory, but he flinched backwards, not letting you near.
"Do you recall when he rescued you, and all those people you'd killed when you shot at me?"
Another inhale.
From the tension growing in your jaw and the way his brows started to shift and wiggle you know that in some part he did remember. There was such hate brewing in the deep of the winter of his eyes that you thought it could rival yours and perhaps not even the raging storm outside could surpass.
"That is why we are here. " You placed your hands on either side of your thigh, giving him an equally intense look. "Steve would tear down the ends of the Earth if it meant saving you. "
You could see his face break, a micro-expression barely there but noticeable. If he wasn't consciously trying to hide, if he had any more energy than what he contained, he would've shown more of a reaction.
"Do you know who I am?"
Bucky began to sweat at your lowered voice. The tension radiated through his skin and in the way his mouth tensed, but nothing else was given away.
Pursing your lips, you put your hand on his again, once more bringing it to you until you felt the energy. Steve had told you about the warmth radiating off of Bucky before the war, but it felt much different than what you'd expect, warm in his pulsating touch in a way that made your skin crawl.
You realized the first time around how ridiculous this act must look, yet you pushed his fingers down again, against your pulse.
"...beat. " He did not look at you when he spoke, only staring hard into his tarnished fingers. "Heart. Heartbeat. "
You turned his hand in yours and flattened his palm out on your chest, the center of his hand atop your heart, his fingers stretching over the expanse of your clothing. You began to hum deeply, focusing your breathing until the room fell silent for several seconds, save the occasional gust of wind.
"Steve told me that he thinks you and I will get along. “
Bucky stared dead on into the center of your face, a long look that's almost dreamy when his eyes begin to move and the skin over them soften, twitching when you blink and he registers the movement of your irises.
"You both are quite extraordinary. “ You murmur, sliding a hand over his shoulder and nudging him gently. "Bucky, " you say his name slowly, testing the waters with the human as you stare at his form. "forgive me for the pity but, you are not a toy. “
His shoulders drop a little, making his body fall slack, exhausted from whatever fighting he was doing on the inside, defensively protecting him from anything your presence might unexpectedly cause. He was so twitchy and it probably was that his body didn't have time to rest.
"Not a tool. "
That voice; low and jagged, that's a voice that's just pure gravel mixed with sandpaper. It just, oozes distrust and fatigue.
He's quiet for the rest of the minutes, still glancing up to you from time to time, but lets your comfort swallow him in, his breaths having since then calmed. He's stopped his trembling, as if in your company was a protection against the bite of cold.
And his hand still holds firm against your chest, feeling the rapid pace of your heart, your unnatural heartbeat, now seeming rather steady to him.
Bucky opens his mouth and it appears that the words are on the tip of his tongue, like a sponge taking up water, soaked in the ways of speaking but needing just a little push to release.
"You feel...different. "
You glance down at his hand, his knuckles covered in dust from the ground outside, caked thick around the scars and small holes torn into his flesh, hair sticking out in tufts at the junctures of his fingers. You are hesitant to shake his hand from your body, but it has become heavy and hot like a stone.
Your other hand raises up to close over his as you contemplate what exactly he meant, if he was regarding your alien heart, the tubes and arteries not functioning in the same ways his did, or something else. Something described in history as fate. But it was not your primary focus as you gently pull his hand from your sternum, lowering his arm down onto the mattress of his lap.
"You've no reason to fight me or harm me, Bucky. "
His jaw drops slightly, you hear an airy sound slip free before he frowns.
"Just you, Bucky. No soldier. "
There, he seems to register the repetition, his body visibly relaxing. It seemed you were talking him through and settling him down. His mind would not wander to the soldier tonight, nor would he struggle.
No response; you would make him one soon enough but for now you stayed with his hand in yours, keeping him there. If he really wanted to, he could maneuver himself away, but he didn't.
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aikaterini-drag · 1 year
Bucky Barnes
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Series (explicit 💦):
Fading Scars • Bucky Barnes gets re-captured by Hydra. He is sent on a mission to abduct a woman named Grace. But he will soon find out that she is all he could ever ask for; his salvation, his whole world.
Super Soldier, Super Dad • For Sergeant Bucky Barnes, life had been filled with nothing but missions and uncertainty. But everything changed when he met his Jane. She walked into his world and cast away the nightmares. She made him smile, made him love again, and gave him life’s most surprising gift— their child.
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Alpha Bucky Barnes (explicit 💦)
Craving • Your Alpha returns from his most recent mission, he has missed you and he craves for the scent and feel of your body.
Princess and the King • Urged by a bout of jealousy, your Russian Alpha fucks you from behind.
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ONE-SHOTS (No smut ✨)
Unspoken Desires • Bucky hesitates to open up to you, fearing to tell you how much he admires and wants you (takes place during tfatws, shy Bucky)
First Date • Your first date with Bucky (takes place during tfatws, kisses, boyfriend Bucky, fluff)
Into the Heart • How it would feel to be intimate with Bucky Barnes (established relationship, fluff)
Wrapped in affection • Snuggling in bed with Sergeant Barnes (fluff, kisses)
All-consuming Love • Bucky loves you more than anything in the world (implied smut, fluff, intimacy)
The Dance of Raindrops • Caught in a sudden downpour couldn’t be any sweeter (comfort, fluff, intimate kisses)
Fragile Embrace • Bucky is afraid to hug you tightly because of the serum in his system (implied smut, fluff, intimacy)
Caring Boyfriend • Bucky has never before seen you get sick or feel unwell, and now he's in overprotective mode (caring overprotective Bucky, fluff)
Smiles and Smooches • You get drunk and demand kisses and hugs from your boyfriend. He is more than happy to please you. (emotional security, fluff, kisses)
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ONE-SHOTS (explicit 💦)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes × Fem!reader (no mention of y/n)
Whispers of Rapture • Bucky wakes up from a nightmare and longs for the warmth of your skin against his (needy Bucky, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex, cockwarming)
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Special Content (explicit 💦)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes × Fem!reader (no mention of y/n)
Night of Sensual Delights (Halloween Special) • You plan a sweet and romantic Halloween night with but your boyfriend has other ideas for enjoying his candy (oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex, cockwarming)
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I strictly FORBID any form of reproduction, replication, or translation of my stories without my explicit consent. This includes reposting my stories on other websites, platforms, etc.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Fake mate masterlist
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Summary: Faking it is not that hard.
Pairing: Alpha!Stucky x Omega!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, shitty parents, feisty omega, fake relationship, bisexuell Steve & Bucky, implied smut/claiming, fluff, nesting, scenting, Bucky is a big softie, a/b/o
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
Contains: 💔 angst // 💕 fluff // 💦 smut // 🖤 light smut // 🤍 implied smut // 😈 darkish
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Fake Mate (1) 💔 💕
True Mate (2) 💕
Loving Mates (3) 💕🖤
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Ghost of Us — Chapter 5
Master page <last next>
This is the sequel to my book Ghost of You. Go check it out before reading this one.
Pietro Maximoff x fem! Mutant!reader
Warnings: The usual
Word Count: 1.9K
If you want to be added to the tag list, let me know :)
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Pietro’s P.O.V
A grunt escaped my lips as a sharp pain shot through my ribs. Immediately, my eyes opened as I lay on the ground. It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the surrounding darkness. And once they did, I grew more confused.
What the hell happened?
My surrounding became clearer the more aware I became. The scent of pines reached my nose. The grass and dirt under my legs as I slowly sat down. The flutter memory of sweet lips on m-
The moment that thought entered my mind, I became painfully aware of the absence of warmth her closeness provided me as we fell from the sky. I scanned my surrounding but found no trace of her. Too fast, and too early, I stood up, but the moment my legs straightened under me, they gave up. Quickly, I took a hold of the nearest tree. I took a deep breath as the dizziness left my body.
I looked down at myself and was not surprised to find myself bleeding through m shirt. I shrugged nonchalantly.
It would heal.
But she wouldn't, something whispered at the back of my mind, and worry swallowed me whole. She could be hurt. No, she could be dead.
Alarms flared in my mind. Ignoring the pain in my leg, I gave one step then another until I was running the fastest I could with blood running down my thigh from something that had stabbed the flesh.
Every second that passed without seeing her, conjured images of her lifeless body laying in my arms. The images were strangely familiar and made my heart ache.
She had to be somewhere around. But she wasn't. My breaths became erratics as panic flooded my system. She wasn't here.
I put my hands on my knees and took a deep breath. Panicking wouldn't help me find her, but fuck, if the thought of losing her made my insides twist painfully. After a painful deep breath, I straightened and made to move, but the sound of branches snapping above my head made me halt.
I looked up and there she was, hanging like a damn doll from the highest point, the only thing keeping her afloat being the fabric of her shirt stuck in the branches. I felt my heart stop beating for a second as I couldn't discern from where I was if she was still breathing.
With shaky feet, I started climbing. My leg was in vigorous pain, but at least it had stopped bleeding. The higher I got, the less I could feel my leg, but that didn't stop me.
Nothing would.
Not again.
I immediately grew confused, where did that come from?
I shook my head to clear my thought. It didn't matter, I had a mission, and couldn't get distracted over concussion thoughts.
When I finally reached her, it was like being punched in the lungs. Her soft hair was coated with blood that ran down her face and chest. Bruises and scratches adorned her ghostly pale skin. A big patch of blood on her shirt caught my attention, I couldn't see the wound, but in the way it wouldn't stop leaking blood, I knew it had to be serious.
I couldn't distinguish if the movement of her chest was the breeze or her breathing, and that terrified me. As fast as I could, I crawled along the bough of the three to get as close to her as possible. I placed my hands around her waist and slowly tugged her towards me. The branches holding her uptight released her, and before she could fall, I pulled her ice-cold limp body to my chest. I didn't have time to check if she was alive, it was getting dark, and I needed to find help as fast as possible. Or that's what I convinced myself of because I knew if she was dead, I wouldn't survive it.
With her safely secured in my arms, I descended as fast as I could, avoiding making sudden movements that could worsen her wounds.
Once on the ground, I repositioned her body, one arm behind her knees and the other behind her shoulders, so I could move faster, and keep an eye on her.
I never had an issue with my healing, it was mostly fast, but it did take some time, something I didn't have right now. My leg was fucked, and I couldn't run, so I walked, and sprinted for as long as I could manage.
Darkness surrounded us as the sun faded away, bringing coldness in its absence. I kept walking, I didn't know where, I just walked. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes into hours. We were lost, and she was hurt, and I couldn't do anything for her more than the stupid tourniquet I made a while ago.
At this point, my leg was completely useless. I knew a little rest would heal it enough, but there was no time. I was afraid time had already run out, and that the girl in my arms was anything more than a body.
It was so dark I didn't see the void in front of us. Grunts escaped my lips as we rolled downhill. I tightened my arms around my girl and didn't let go. I tried to slow us down by gripping onto something, we were going too fast to be able to make out anything but the pain of our descent.
Before I knew it, we reached the bottom. For a moment, I just lay there. My ears were ringing and my head hurt. I must have hit it with something.
A tiny whine woke me up from my disoriented state. I held my breath and waited. The body over me stirred, and a painful moan escaped her lips.
My body protested as I sat down, avoiding moving her as much as I could. Slowly, I moved her battered body, so she was resting in my lap. With delicacy, I didn't know I possessed, I cupped her face. The moonlight allowed me enough light to see her gorgeous eyes slowly peel open.
Y/n's P.O.V
Back when I was in the asylum, darkness would be the first and last thing I would see. I guess, in a way, it was a form of torture. One they knew worked wonders on me, especially before they did procedures on me.
I didn't know it then. They feared me. They were so scared they didn't dare touch me before chaining me in the dark, because they knew what the darkness did to me. They made me weak so they could torture me. The warm-up, I think they would call it.
I have to say, they really knew what they were doing. Leaving me in complete darkness for hours before they came to fetch me, gave my mind millions of possibilities to imagine what they would do to me next. Not knowing what they were going to do to me, made everything worse. Torturing me wasn't enough, they had to break me.
And they did, for many years they succeeded. But they never foresaw the variable that is called Pietro. I wish I could say he mended me and put me back together, but that would be a lie. You couldn't mend something that would break every day. So no, he didn't fix me, but he didn't have to, because he did something better. Pietro Maximoff gave me something to look forward to every day. So when he left, my world collapsed, and it was like i never left that place to begin with.
So when I opened my eyes to complete darkness being held by him, I knew I had to be dreaming, because Pietro Maximoff was no longer mine.
I was sprawled in his lap, his hand cupping my cheek as he absently caressed my skin. I tried to sit down, but the sharp pain that shot through my ribs and stomach made me cry out in pain and panic. I hadn't realized when I first woke up, but I was now acutely aware of my wounds. A sob left my lips, as the skin around my wound stretched.
“It's okay. I've got you” Pietro croaked, his other hand stroking my hair as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.
“It hurts, Piet.”
“I know, scumpul meu. I know” His hold on me tightened as he rocked us back and forth. It really is bittersweet, that even after everything we've gone through, the only time he can hold me is when I'm on the brink of death.
“We really need to stop meeting like this” I humorlessly laughed. I really hated this, and after all I've gone through, I desperately needed a break. Wong would have a field day hearing this story, I couldn't wait to tell him all bout Pietro again. He might act uninterested, but he loved the gossip I brought to the sanctum. I smiled at the thought. God, I missed them so much.
“No, no, stay awake” I felt his finger brushing through my hair. I hadn't even realized I had closed them. “Please don't die on me” He begged, his mouth on my forehead. I was half passed out, but I couldn't help the snort that left me. If only he knew.
“Oh, believe me, this is not the way I'll die” I assured him, just before consciousness slipped through my fingers.
Pietro's P.O.V
“FUCK! No, no, wake up” I could hear the panic in my voice, but I didn't care. My hands were shaking so much, it would've been impossible to check her pulse. I rapidly lowered my head to her chest and when I heard her heartbeat, I almost fainted with relief. Without thinking, I gathered her in my arms and simply hugged her for what felt like hours.
This was the first time in the day when I knew she was alive. She was badly hurt and lost way too much blood, but she was alive.
The adrenaline wore off ages ago, but out of nowhere, energy surged through my body. The pain was still there, but it was more manageable than it had ever been. I have no idea what just happened, but it didn't matter.
With her delicate body safely tucked in my arms, I stood up and walked as fast as I could without wounding her any further. Kilometers of trees and green surrounded us, making me lose hope that I could find a place where she could rest. I looked down at my arms and noted her skin had gotten paler, and she had started shivering. I brought her closer to my chest in hopes she would absorb some of my heat.
I really had no idea where I was going, and I needed to figure it out now. Earlier I can swear I saw some birds flying north, if we follow that route, maybe we-
I stopped in my tracks and looked at my surroundings. We were the only people here, I was sure of that, but deep down I knew there was someone with us. Out of nowhere, an icy feeling overcame me, it was weird, like cold water. I absentmindedly remembered someone describing the feeling as 'having a bucket filled with ice thrown over your head'. I shook my head. I was getting paranoid.
I resumed my walking, but suddenly, as if being pulled by a rope, I headed west. I had no reason to head that way, but call it desperation or familiarity, I went with my instinct. And just when I thought I was wrong, I made a turn between some thick logs, and a wood cabin appeared in front of my eyes.
@vicmc624 @austynparksandpizza @im-gemmy @in-my-body-bag @theyaremorethanjustfictional @rats-socks @letsloveimagines @filmsbyblair @tofeartheunknown @n1ght5h4d3-24 @reallysparklychaos @batataconqueso @pink-hufflepuff @olipratton @unfortunatelyelliot @scarlletgrayson @susanaleitao510 @angelstitch1
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This is from Steve's girls' POV
Ooh I love your continuation. Sorry I took so long to get back to you! Both of those girls really don’t have a choice. I’m curious about that “buyout” haha. Steve’s girl says she’s not minded towards baking. I wonder if she ever shows Steve some of her other talents that might impress him. Maybe she’s a good dancer? And he likes her private show. And is Steve a faithful lover or do things ever escalate with Bucky’s girl?
No worries. We all got things to do. Here's a little somethings.
Know Better
Bucky: Just Desserts, Three's Company
Continuation of Baked Over
No explicit warnings but you know the tone of my work. Steve is controlling.
Please let me know what you think <3
You put away what’s left of the pie, placing foil over the top to keep the crust fresh. As you rinse the crumbs off your hand and turn on the dishwasher, you sense a shift to your left.
You look over as Steve fills the doorway, brushing his fingertips over his thick beard thoughtfully as he watches you. You give him a smile.
“That was nice,” you say to fill the silence of his consideration, “thank you, Captain.”
“Mm,” he breaks the threshold as he pushes away from the doorframe, “I’m curious, did she help or did she make the pie herself?”
You blink and keep your smile from fracturing, “we both made it. Wasn’t it good?”
“Very, but honey, this wasn’t just a playdate, you have to learn,” he stops before you as you stand with ankles crossed and sway anxiously. You put your thumb to your lip and sink your teeth into the tip. “Stop that.”
He nudges your hand away and girds your nervous habit. You instead nibble your lower lip instead. He tuts and runs his thumb across it as he deters your chewing. You make yourself stop.
“Sorry,” you swallow as you look up at him, his eyes drowning you at once, “I helped. Promise.”
He tuts doubtfully, “if you’re going to be my wife, you need to learn, not help.”
“I’m just not good at it but I’m trying,” you wince as he lifts his hand to cradle your face, his skin rough and calloused, sending a shiver through you. Get out if you can. Too late for that. 
“You’re good at other things,” he resigns as his hand descends and he curls his fingers to caress your neck with his knuckles, “great at things…”
“Thank you, Captain,” you try to keep cool as he brushes his finger down the strap of your apron.
“Maybe she can come back,” he speaks as he plays with the frill along the sweetheart cut of the apron, “teach you more… she’s good, you know? Obeys. And she keeps Bucky happy,” he looms over you, “and she’s beautiful, isn’t she? Keeps herself tidy. Sometimes when I watch them together… I wish we were more like that.”
“Sorry, Captain–”
“Yeah, I think he knows,” he continues as he gropes you through your clothing, “doesn’t leave me alone with her anymore and I can’t say I blame him.”
Your chest twinges at the suggestion. You can’t help the shadow of a frown that casts over your face, “you…”
“I won’t say it hasn’t crossed my mind but she’s my best friend’s girl and I got you, honey,” he shoves two fingers into the deep pocket of your apron and tugs with a growl, “mmm, I want you…” he steps closer, “upstairs…” he grazes your hair with his other hand, “in only this,” he runs his fingers back up a fold of the apron, “waiting for me…” he purrs as he leans in, his hot breath sending a shiver through you, “and you can show me what you’re good at.”
“Yes, Captain,” you answer.
“I gotta lock up,” he tilts his head until his neck cracks, “but you better be ready for me…” he frames your waist and snarls hungrily as he eyes your body, “I’ve been ready for you all night.”
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pandagirl45 · 1 year
Tony would be the one to romanticize space so much to the point, he gets the brightest look on his face. Eyes glistening as he begins to talk about it, as much as it scares him, it makes him feel alive. Because he knows somewhere out there is beings like them, someone like him who also gushes about intergalactic, internebula locations.
The way he stays up late at night, when he can't cut through the sky, he makes the projections. Watches the way the holographic planets twirl and spin. He accounts the constellations known, and he makes up new constellations himself. He charts them out, making up stories in his head. The arrow. The widow spider. The arm. Lightening and the thunder. A gun for the shield. Rhodium center.
All these constellations. He recounts those stories he made up. Building them up. The dragons the swim through the inky skies. The heroes the rush through the firey night sky. Tony stared with love and fear. He knows one day, these stars, his stories will be gone. He worries as he burn these stories to his mind.
"Wait, the widow did what?"
Tony felt his cheeks burn, clint eyes big with wonder, "She danced for the freedom of her friend. The winds that swept around was enough to..."
Then, that was when he been mumbling the stories throughout the weeks, months even. So much so, the team knew. Began to try to find the stars that made up even the little bit of their constellations.
"Where is your constellation?"
Tony felt his shoulders bunched up, a weary smile, "I... I never thought about myself."
He looked to the man with the metal arm, "Steve is flatter, so many adventures, sort of wish half of that was real. Maybe with the blue radiance."
Blue... what?
He listened this time, enraptured by the new constellation. Polaris as the starting point. Tony listened as steve came in to finish the first tale.
He felt the company grow as he look to the night sky with the team. Thor excitedly regaling a battle, one that added in tandem with Bruce and clints. Rhodey laughing at his own tales, interweaving with others.
The warmth Tony felt, he settled into the gun and shield eyes happy to close taking in the stars and heroes.
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Polyamorous : Seven Days (Final part)
Pairing Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes, Stucky x reader
Warning: fluff, smut, talk of the future 
The First kiss |  The first touch | Moving In | The day they left for war | Found you | The day Stark found out | Big Change | The Train | The Plane | Alone | Unfortunate sequences of events | I know her | The Resturant part 1 | The Resturant part 2 | It’s me | You can keep her | He’s okay with that | Mama loves me | Kissing Captain | Kissing Winter | Healing | Hurt | We’ll Wait | Memories | Prude | Whore | Put in her place | The day Stark Jr. Found out | Now you know |  Nursing | Like a Virgin | Morning After | The Catacombs | Off with her head | Grieving the Insane | Let me make it up to you | Punishment | Spiderling pt1 | Spiderling pt2 | Twentieth-century love | The new we can imagine | Connection | Please, marry me | Walk me | Stand with me | Final touches | I Do | Honeymoon | A moment of Paradise | Pictures from Paradise | The Fever | The bad days | Let’s talk about it | Practice makes perfect pt1 | Practice makes perfect pt2 | Seed | Unknown Stolen | unfulfilled Duties | Talking Emotion | Next Step | Holy Shit!! | First steps to hope | She’s Awake | Nicknames | The Mother and The father | The Boy | The Name Game |Talking | Not Ready | No Boy | Returning lust | Seven Days (pt1) | Seven Days (pt2) | Seven Days (pt3) | Seven Days (Final Part)
Day 7 
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“Aren’t you excited?” (Y/n) asked Ash as they both sat in the back seat. 
For their final day of vacation, the throuple decided to spend it as a family picking up Ash from Wanda. 
“I don’t know where we’re going” Ash said as she looked outside the window trying to guess their location. 
“We are going on a picnic. Do you not want to?”
“No, No. I would like to go. What did you pack?” Ash asked quickly dispelling any doubt or misunderstanding that (Y/n) had. She hates to see her distress. 
Ash Listened as she listed off all of the the foods, she had brought with them. Which was a lot a family of super soldiers ate three times as much as the average. She didn’t know why but listening to her made her feel good. Maybe it was how soft her voice was or the obvious joy in it or the care she spoke as she explains each person individual lunch. She just seemed so happy. 
“I even brought desserts. But we can stop for ice cream or something too. would you like that?”
Ash nods she couldn’t find anything to say. (Y/n) didn’t take offences simply smiling with her. She continued to talk about what they would be or could do for the rest of the day. Ash continued to listen to her soft voice. 
“Isn’t this amazing?” (Y/N) asked as she laid across Bucky’s lap as they both watched Steve and Ash play catch and run about. “I never thought we’d have this. I never imagined”
“I know what you mean.... after everything this seemed impossible” 
“Yet here we are” 
He looked down cupping her face he leaned down and gave her a kiss. “Here we are” she whispered against his lips. 
“Children present” Ash spoke as she approached her other parents 
“This is a public park, for shame “Steve teased as he came over as well collapsing on the blanket next to them. Ignoring his weak protest (Y/n) pulled him into a kiss as well. “You’re going to get us in trouble” 
“Let trouble come” Bucky said as he ran his fingers through Steve’s hair. 
Ash turned away from her parents giving them the illusion of privacy despite being in a public park. 
The family was left alone in the park with no one approaching them overall. In the week vacation Steve grew a bit of facial hair, and Bucky was covering his arm, topped with sunglasses, and hoodies the Avengers looked unrecognizable to the average citizen. (Y/n) believed this was why they were overall left alone and had yet to be bombarded by paparazzi. Keyword ‘yet’ she knew they were lurking somewhere. 
And by being left alone she meant now one was out right approaching them the family did catch a throuple eyes and disgusted looks when they shared a kiss. No one had the balls to approach the beef men and their little girls. 
“Ice cream?” Ash asked as she nodded to the little stan by the sidewalk surrounded my families with small children, but they were starting to trickle away. 
“I’ll go with you” Bucky said as he got up carefully. As he moved Steve took his place with (y/n)’s head on his lap. It didn’t bother asking them what they wanted he already knew. 
“How are you feeling about this so far?” Bucky asked as they walked “and I don’t just mean the park I mean... the family” 
“I... I like this family. I’m happy with You, (Y/n), and Steve” Bucky smiled pulling her into a side hug “And Peter” and there went his smile. But it brought a smile to her face. 
Ash knew despite their (Steve and Bucky’s) show of distaste for Pete.  they did like and trust her with Peter. He was her first real friend. She cared for him deeply and she knew that they knew that. Which is why they let him stick around. 
“How about everyone else? The team?” 
“I like them as well. They take good care of me, you all do.”
Reaching the line Bucky looks back and Steve and (Y/n), they were cuddling. “How would you feel if we moved out?” she looked at him confused “The team is planning a move upstate and we weren’t planning on following them. Thinking about getting a house away from all this”
They paused their conversation to get their sweet treats and began a slow walk back. 
“You’re leaving?” 
“we’re not leaving the team. we’re- Ash I would like to know if you’d- How would you feel if we no longer lived with the team?” Ash could tell Bucky was getting a little unnerved with the conversation. 
“How would that work?”
“we’d commute back and forth for work. And you could go anytime you wanted and- and ...” he sighed “Peter could come to the house as well. He’d be welcomed.”
Ash smiled “I think I’d be okay with that. Yeah” Bucky smiled nodding. She was okay with it. That’s all he needed. She’d be okay. 
After their picnic the family went for a bit of shopping which lead to Ash getting a plushie fox (oh the irony) and (Y/n) getting a large yet very cute plushie cat. She named it Alfred. 
“Move out the way I’ve got to show Alfred his new home.”  (Y/n) said as she pushed pasted the others stepping out of the elevator.
“Sometimes I forget that’s our wife and not our child.” Steve said as he watched (Y/n) so off their home to Alfred.
“You’re our child” Bucky said looking down at Ash. 
“she’s happy” Ash said as she went to join (Y/n) in giving the tour. 
Steve and Bucky just smiled.
“What are you doing?”  Steve whispered against (Y/n) lips as she kissed him. He held her hips as she grinded on him.
“Kissing my husband”
They were in bed she was on top of him in nothing but a white shirt that belonged to one of the boys (it was anyone's guess as to who). Bucky was in the shower and Ash was in her room. Down the hall. 
“shhh” She shushed him pulling off the white shirt before returning to his lips “I’m making love to my husband” she started trailing kisses down his jaw, neck, and chest.
“what about Ash? what if she hears us?”
“Then be quiet” she said as she reached his waist. Kissing his hips as she pulled his pants down slowly. She little gasp as he sprung free. Steve bit his bottom lip as she began to stroke him. He could already tell being quiet was going to be difficult. 
(Y/n) gave the tip a few kitty licks before taking the rest of him in her mouth. He whimpered as she slowly started to bob her head sucking his tip slowly. She bobbed her head slowly taking more of him in her mouth as she went until she got to the hilt. Her nose brushing against the little tuff of hair he had. 
Steve gasped as she started to play with his balls massaging and tugging at them. She moaned around him sending vibrations. He subconsciously started thrusting his hips gently into her mouth as she stopped moving, he didn’t even know he was doing it. Until she stopped him pinning his hips to the bed. She pulled off with a pop. 
“So eager, can help but chase my mouth huh” she said as she stroked him with one hand and fondled his balls with the others. Kissing his tip (Y/n) let go and crawled up his body straddling his hips and hovering over him. 
“So impatient, at least you’re quiet” she said as she began to slide her pussy over his cock. Steve let out loud a whiny moan “spoke too soon”.
Leaning forward she kissed him as she lowered herself on to his cock. He moaned against her lips. She pulled away letting out a breathy moan. He grabbed her hips to still her, but it didn’t work. He started whining as she started riding him. She covered his mouth. 
“Fuck... you feel so fucking good. “He moaned against her hand “You’re cock feels so good in my pussy. It feels so fucking good. I know, I know.”  she bites her lips to hold in her moans. He held on to her hips moving thrusting up into her. 
“Feels so good... fuck so good” she moaned burying her face in his shoulder. 
Suddenly he stopped she tried to move her hips, but he held her. She moved her head to look at him when she suddenly found herself on her back. Startled she grabbed onto his shoulders. He didn’t stop there. Biting her shoulder, he thrusts into her reaching new lengths. She moaned out loud before covering her own mouth with her hand. 
Steve moaned into her shoulder as he thrusted into her. It seemed that (y/n) was having trouble following her own rule of silence. The room was filled with the sounds of muffled whines and moans and skin slapping. 
(Y/n) dug her free nails into his back as he pulled her legs up on to his hips. 
He groaned as he felt her wall clamp down on him as got closer to her climax. He wasn’t going last. Reaching in between their bodies he found her clit and rubbed it into a few gentle circles. That was all she needed to reach orgasm her hand wasn’t enough, so she bites down onto his shoulder moaning into his skin. Steve came to a still gripping the sheets. 
Once down calmed down from her orgasm she let go of his shoulder kissing. 
“Go ahead cum in me” she whispered as he began to move his hips again. “Come on cum in me fill me up I know you can”
She continued to whisper encouragement as he picked up the pace thrusting into her. His thrust became slobby and uneven. And his moans and whines becoming louder, and she didn’t have the heart to silence them. 
(Y/n) cupped his face and watched him face as he came inside of her. She moaned as she felt his cum paint her walls. “Oh fuck” she whimpered as she felt rope after rope of cum shot inside of her. 
Once finished he collapsed on top of her out of breath. He kissed along her neck and shoulder. 
“you guys are terrible at the quiet game.”  The couple looked up to see Bucky leaning against the bathroom doorframe in nothing but a towel. “I could hear you in the shower. Let’s hope Ash didn’t hear you”
“How long?” (Y/n) asked 
“Since the beginning” he said as he approached them “you were a bit loud”.
“I’m sorry” 
“Don’t be. Made my shower better.” he leaned over brushing his fingers through Steve's hair and kissing her. 
Sitting up Steve pulls out he sits back and watch as his cum spills out of her. Using his fingers, he scoops it up and pushes it back inside of her. Bucky watches as this happens. 
“I’m happy you two had fun. Go hop in the shower while I change the sheets.”
“Can we take a bath instead?” 
“Of course,” Steve said as he picks her up bridal style and carried her into the bathroom. 
“What is this?” (Y/n) asks as she sits in bed flipping through a binder her husbands had handed her. 
“They are plans for a house” Steve says, “to build a house.”
“To build our house” Bucky corrected. “A while back we bought some land. Finding a house with all the right things seemed difficult so we figured we just build one with all the right things. And make it a Suprise.” 
“But then life got in the way and a lot of things changed. So, it was pushed to the back burner.” 
And it was true they had far too many things happening to worry about building a house. Tony did offer a helping hand in making their blueprints and offering numbers on construction workers and companies. But once their grieving process started, he not only put a hold on the construction of their house but the compound as well not wanting to abandon the throuple in their time of need. 
“These were the plans we had before everything” Steve said as he flipped to the blueprint, he and Bucky decided on first. And the updates they made to include Ash. 
They watched as (Y/n) slowly turned the pages looking at each and every one from the blueprints to phone numbers and cost. She took it all in. The final picture was a sketches made by Steve of their future home and all the possibles. 
“This is our home?”
“it’s going to be”
(not my sketches)
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Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land - Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Part I| Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V| Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X
There is a P.S. coming too.
Epilogue. Homecoming.    
        You didn’t know how but you found yourself in his arms, not letting go. You knew that you had shot him, you remembered but thank heavens, you had missed. A part of you was wondering whether or not you had missed on purpose or you were just a bad shot. You thought it must have on purpose; something deep down inside you made you miss. You hoped.         He didn’t dare move, enveloping you in a bone-crushing hug, muttering words that you didn’t quite catch, but you understood their nature. You both had been through hell. This was salvation. His arms felt like home; you had been robbed of that feeling for a while now. His scent was calming your nerves. You knew that you would never recover from that kind of devotion. You were sure you didn’t want too either.               His hands were pressing you closer and closer. He felt as if he had gone to war and came back alive to find you. In a way, you both had. You knew that the others would take care of everything, but you didn’t want to let go and help them. You needed to be selfish for a while.
        His hair was longer, it curled around the nape of his neck. You found yourself exploring him again, trying to figure out when those fine, almost indetectable, lines begun their journey on his face. He had those bright crystal blue eyes that seemed to notice every single detail about you. They were so expressive, but now you found so much more in them, turning silver on occasions. He didn’t like to shave so he always had stubble on his cheeks, if not a full beard. Lately, a beard made him comfortable. His deep, smooth voice was usually mumbling your name. Now, with a sense of desperation and agony. His biceps had become massive; you didn’t know how hard he had as well. You knew that there must have been a moment when he had to fight the urge to turn back to the only way he had known to cope with loss. You were more that grateful he didn’t, even if that made him hurt.         You weren’t the only one who was doing recognition work, trying to work out all those differences. But he tried to handle you as if you were a fragile teacup. You did appreciate the care and the softness, the consideration and sentiment but you didn’t want to live in a bubble.  A few weeks had passed since then. You needed that time to come to terms with what had happened. But you needed to be near him, at all times. You had found a routine that really worked for you, but you could see that he was drifting away. You tried to stop from thinking the worst-case scenario, once again. Your nights were filled with nightmares, and you found yourself not opening up and pretending to be okay. You didn’t want to burden him any further. You knew that he blamed himself for everything. He had nothing to do with that, you knew that, yet he seemed oblivious. It begun as bigger silences, no more comfortable ones, but rather, awkward and laced with agony. Little by little, you were spending less and less time with him – he was wanted in missions, and he found no excuse whatsoever to stay.                 You couldn’t blame him. He needed his space and time to cope and deal as well. But you needed him to know that no matter what, the whole thing was not his fault. He wasn’t convinced. And during a heated argument, you learned why. He still viewed himself as a monster.
“I’m not a good person. I’m merely a bad person trying their best to be good.  It doesn’t come easy to me, being good, because at my core I am selfish, and I am cruel. And perhaps that makes me a monster. And you know what they say about monsters. You can love a monster, it can even love you back, but you cannot change its nature. But maybe it can learn well enough to at least pretend. Maybe, if I pretend well enough, the world around me will be convinced of the goodness I do not possess. And maybe if enough people believe it, it’ll be true. It might even be enough to convince me. When does a monster stop being a monster? When you love it? Even when a monster seems good, their motivations are always selfish. They may be kind, nice, and always welcoming, but have you ever thought of why? A good person is good because such is their nature. A monster is good because they want to be, because they want for themselves the belief and comfort of being ‘good’. Their end goal is to convince themselves of their virtue. A monster can never be good in the way a good person is, and the question lies in whether we will condemn these monsters simply for their inborn nature. Perhaps we should be asking instead which is more commendable - to do as you were always meant to, or to go against your nature for the sake of virtue?” he fought hard not to burden you, you could see that. However, the truth was that he never had been a monster. You were eating dinner in the kitchen. You knew that most of the others had heard you, but you also knew that they wouldn’t dare come inside. You put down your chopsticks and clicked your tongue. You didn’t know how else you could put it – he wasn’t listening.                 “I know you are hurting, Bucky. I know. But you’re not a monster, my love. And even if they had made you believe it, change is beautiful. I know that it sounds insane at first. We have all known the kind of change that made us question our will to still exist. I am saying it despite that. You see, a couple of years ago, I didn't even know that I would be here today, having dinner with you. The only person I want to have dinner, lunch and breakfast for the rest of my life. Every tomorrow was bleak for me. Eventually, I had gotten tired. And the tiredness soon turned into exhaustion. The exhaustion slowly internalised into the urge to not be here at all. Breathing began to hurt at more than one place.          I am not necessarily at my best today. I have seen the worst of life in the past few months, but I am not at my worst today. I am somewhere there between feeling comfortable with the pain and wanting to heal. When you know a lot of darkness, the light you sought once begins to make you nervous. You don't fear sadness, you fear being happy. But change is beautiful to me even then because every bit of pain is a new color today. I paint my purple valley pretty with it. Every scar is a lesson I use to mend broken hearts like me. I am a craftswoman now.                 Endure, dear love. Pain doesn't come with only one purpose. Something like pain cannot just come to turn your skin blue. They also come to teach you how to collect colors from a dark sky and brighten your world. Things just don't get better. You have to make conscious choices to make them better every day. A good life is no miracle. Miracle is you still trying to create it despite the hardships. That faith is the magic people search for. The willingness is. Today maybe excruciating, but there will be a tomorrow where all of this makes sense. I promise” you tried to soothe over his salty wounds. He had given up and was looking outside the huge windows, a beautiful view of New York’s skyline. He wanted to believe you. He would have given anything to be with you in this moment. Including his happiness.               He turned towards you. You knew that look. Too well. It became harder and harder to breathe. It was the same look you had given him during the forties. This was it. This was it…                 “I cannot do this any longer. I am putting you in danger every single second. You suffered because of me. Too many times”. His eyes were mercury. So were his words. But he wasn’t done. Not until he said it.             “No, no, you can’t be serious. You have made my life worth living. No, I don’t accept this” you tried to grasp on to anything. But you saw it in his face, the lines staining his characteristics even more permanently. He had made up his mind. He was forcing his hands not to search for you. He tried to offer an excuse.                   “Don’t you dare. No. You don’t get to say something bullshit and leave me, so that you can go on and punish yourself for crimes you have never committed. No. I refuse to become the causation” you knew it wouldn’t change, and you were trying to hold back your tears, tears that were chocking you. He enveloped you in his hug. He was shaking.                 “Years later, we will meet again. Maybe in a café. I'll find you settled in the furthest corner that has a window, as always. You'll be working on your laptop. Or if it'd be a Sunday, you'd just be listening to music and staring outside the window. We won't have a lot to say. And when you'll place your order, I’ll mutter it with you - one black coffee without sugar, as always.             Years later, we will meet again. Maybe, it'll be in a different city. I'll see you by chance, and then, I’ll notice him. You'll be with someone else. You'll laugh heartily with him. You'll look at him the way I used to look at you. I'd be in two minds - should I say hello or not? And when I’ll make up my mind, I’ll lose you in the crowd.                   Years later, we will meet again. Maybe after our hair has turned grey and we have wrinkles around our eyes. I'll be alone, and you'll be with your grandkids. We will barely recognize each other. And when we do, we will have little to say. Maybe it'll make sense when we are older. Maybe then, it'll make sense.                Years later, we will meet again. Maybe I’ll be travelling, and Steve will call me and tell me about your wedding. When I’ll come back home, maybe, I’ll have an invitation card on my doorstep. Maybe, that night, I’ll drink. Maybe, that night, I’ll be happy for you. Maybe, I’ll not burn the invitation. Maybe, I’ll google again, "how to disappear completely?"             Years later, we will meet again. This time, you'll turn around to look at me. This time, when we look at each other, we won't have tears in our eyes. This time, we won't say goodbye. This time, we will be kinder to each other.         Years later, we will meet again. A lot would have changed - you, me, our lives, and everything else, but I know, I will always, honestly, truly, completely love you. I love you” he said and kissed the crown of your head. He had made up his mind. You could no longer hide the tears.
      When people said his name, you pretended to have forgotten him. You pretended that you didn’t remember the soft touch of his hair or the silver color of his eyes. You didn’t try to think about the way he smelled like cigarettes and nightmare, or the way his smile was a little crooked at the side. You ignored the cadence of his voice, or the way he said your name, always a little laughing, always a little sad. You rejected the feeling of his burning fingertips over your heart and the vicious brush of lips on your neck. You said you had forgotten him, again. You didn’t tell them that you could still see him in the ripples of the ocean. You didn’t tell them that you could still recall all the blood on your palms and the way his smile flashed dangerously from every mirror and every river. You didn’t tell them that your heart stuttered from muscle memory each time you heard a name similar to his. You missed him; but you were too punch-drunk to admit it. You wondered if that was what people meant when they talked about heartache that drove you insane.            How was it that an uncaring city could feel so sympathetic? The fact was that the lack of glances spared towards you felt like a comforting hug, welcoming you to peaceful oblivion amongst a hive mind crowd, all moving towards some unknowable destination that never seemed to arrive, stragglers breaking off to preserve the shape of the mob as it surged forward through the streets.        Time was constant and irrelevant. Eight thirty AM, the square was filled with meandering tourists standing slack-jawed with cameras poised, busybodies angrily pushing their way through the crowd towards the train, and colorful off-brand characters wandering around in the hopes that someone will request a photo. Two thirty AM, it was just as crowded, with tipsy twenty-somethings giggling in squadrons of four, the grouchy native who hated the whole damn place but really needed a shortcut, and the ever-present tourists, poorly dressed for the city, bare skin in the winter and long sleeves in the summer, cameras eternally raised at awkward angles that would leave their arms aching at the end of the day.  The rumbling beneath your feet at all hours of the day and night was a slick reminder of the inherent mechanic quality of the city. Everything ran like clockwork, automated to the best of its ability, bringing solace in the form of mindless repetition. In some odd way, it was easy to find comfort in knowing that the nullity of the city would never outweigh your own personal relevance.
        This was an Epilogue.
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ohsymphony · 2 years
|| masterlist ||
bucky barnes
steve rogers
sam wilson
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MidnightsWithDearKatyTSPB’s Recommendations '23: January
Welcome back to monthly to semi weekly fanfiction and more list recommendations. It used to be VelvetCardiganBucky’s list, but I changed my name. New Year, going through residential treatment soon, new me, new name. A lot of new here at this blog. I follow my username in hashtag form, so tag me in your fics, challenges, to be added in future list. Do not be afraid to message me I will answer back as soon as I possibly can! — Katy K.
This blog and its content is attended for mature audiences, so unless you are over the age of 18, it’s best you turn back now. I’m not in charge of your media consumption there, for you cannot come for me when you don’t like something you read. Thank you.
<< April '21
February '23 >>
My Masterlist
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Start A War by @angrythingstarlight >> Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader x Mob!Steve Rogers - Summary/Request: Another take on what could have been if the reader had decided to stay with Steve, not Bucky, in Pretty Little Liars story. | I always love reading anything written by angrythingstarlight, whether it's on here or it's on AO3. I have yet to read Pretty Little Liars, but this snippet has made me add it to my to-read list.
Looks Better On You by @navybrat817 >> Lumberjack! Stever Rogers x Reader - Steve can't stop thinking about how good you look in his shirts. | You got yourself the perfect amount of alluded smut, and you got yourself the lovey-dovey stuff. It's perfect, just perfect.
Could've Just Asked, Baby by @wndalovebot >> CEO Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader - Summary: All you wanted was, was some time with your CEO mate Bucky, but he seemed to busy for you lately. Well maybe calling attention to yourself was the best thing you ever did. | Did the room suddenly get 10 degrees hotter?
Still into You by @loverwebs >> Peter Parker x Scarlet Witch!Reader - Summary: You and Peter didn’t end things on the best terms and wind up seeing each other again at an Avengers party. | This is what I can picture as a realistic relationship with a fight between a super couple. The ending is *chefs kiss.*
The Happy Couple: Chapter 6 by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor >> Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader - Summary: Your father makes a deal to marry you to his top capo. (mob au) | The story just really picked up, but you can't really ever go wrong with reading one of Roo's stories. They are just so good.
In The Mood by SkylarJames22//@skylarjameswrites >> Mob!Bucky Barnes x Shelby!Reader - Mob Boss doesn't take too kindly to the beautiful Skylar trying to take over his territory in America. He comes to her to make a deal and get her to back off, but a Peaky Blinder never backs down from a fight. | HOT! HOT! HOT!
And They Were Roommates by staygold483 >> Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x OFC - Summary: Luka has just finished her college degree and moved back to her hometown to live with her boyfriend. She runs into some of her old high school classmates, who support her when she really needs them. One of those people, is her high school crush, Bucky Barnes. | I read this story after it was completed and loved it, the ending is okay, but the story it's self is what holds it for me.
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Sweet Nothings by @secretswiftymarvelfan >> Chris Evans x Reader - Summary: When the world is out there pushing and shoving, all you’ve ever wanted was sweet nothings. | I'm pretty sure I have to go make a dentist appointment with Robert Evans, that's how sweet this is, and I love it.
Jealousy's My Best Friend by @cockslutpadalecki >> Professor!Andy Barber x Student!Reader - Summary: You can’t help but be a little jealous when Andy pays another student some attention. | Oh, don't act like you wouldn't be jealous if someone gave Andy extra attention. I know I would be.
Trust by @worksby-d >> Chris Evans x fem!Reader - Summary: Your second first time together. | (Read Warining, then proceed if interested.) I found this one-shot to be adorable, as well as sweet in how caring Chris was. I would definitely come back to read again on my sad days.
Housewife Duties by @lilacevans >> Ari Levinson x (non-descriptive) Female!Reader - After Ari's been gone on a long grueling work trip, you want to do whatever you can to make him feel comfortable. | I need to start my Thursday mornings, or any morning in general, honestly, reading stuff like this. It would put me in a better mood.
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Closer to Me by @kiki0005 >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: After you get pregnant with Tommy's child, he is adamant that you move in with him. | If I'm honest, I would let Tommy Shelby tell me what to do any day. So this one-shot of him was up my alley because he's asking and telling. Definitely worth the read.
*I'm Yours by @sunsetbeachesandwriting >> Tommy Shelby x Reader ft. John Shelby - Summary: Your body is for Tommy and Tommy alone. | I'm a fan of possessive Tommy Shelby, and I didn't know it till I read this, or I just forgot. So good.
Dada Tommy by @quinnsbower >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Tommy is left to watch over his 6-month-old while his wife eats with his sister. What could possibly happen? | This was so adorable, funny, and just plain loving. I love Dad!Tommy, especially to baby girls. Makes my heart go pitter-patter.
The Clap by SunsetBeachesandWriting >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Jealousy never looked so good on someone like Tommy Shelby, especially when all he wants is you back. | If a man ever did this to me, I would slap them. If Tommy Shelby ever did this to me, I would swoon.
Promotion by @sunsetbeachesandwriting >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Y/N is Harry's daughter and works in the Garrison until Tommy decides to "fire" her. | This is both a mix of hot and sweet. I could picture season one or two of Tommy doing this with a massive smile on my face.
Love Is Sweeter Than Vengeance by @pherelesytsia >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Burglars break into the mansion in search of the safe and stumble upon the lady of the house. | This was so suspenseful as well as hot. Just how I like my Tommy Shelby.
You're Everywhere, Love by @sunsetbeachesandwriting >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Everyone has Tommy feeling overwhelmed. He walks out in the middle of a family meeting and goes to the one place he knows he'll find some peace. | I'm definitely not crying, and I'm definitely not going to suggest you have a box of tissues on standby when you read this.
The Boy in the Window by @notyour-valentine>> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: (Y/N) thinks the boy her daughter sees in the window of the neighbouring house is nothing but a childish fantasy; after all, no one has lived there for years, but when she brings that boy to lunch, she realizes that he is in fact very real and above all- the son of none other than the infamous Tommy Shelby. | While I'm only five chapters into this story, it's quickly becoming one of my favorites that I've read. We get to see more of Charlie and more of Tommy's sensitive and protective side.
*Tommy's Red Right Hand by HisRedRightHand >> Tommy Shelby x OFC - Summary: As if being left in charge of the two youngest Shelby siblings wasn't enough, Tommy decides to ask a redhead as ornery as he is and her six-year-old sister to take up residence at 6 Watery Lane. | At 115 chapters so far, I took my time to cherish this story because that is how much I thoroughly enjoy reading this. I highly recommend that you head the warnings that come in the tags in the summary that come with this before you dive in. The author does a fantastic job warning you about each chapter as well.
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A Flower Petal by @jelsasnowflakes1 >> Geralt x Fem!Reader - Summary: When being teased for still being a virgin at Kaer Morhen, geralt comes in and "comforts you" when he sees you crying. | It's fluffy and smutty, but it's the ending for me in the end.
Sleepless by @sgt-seabass >> MobBoss! PrimeAlpha!Nick Fowler x Omega!Reader- Summary: Nick wants all of you. And he will do whatever it takes to claim your soul. | Nick knows what he wants. This is sweet because he knows he will have to make an effort to change how he acts around her.
Happatance Pt. 6 by @teds-mustache-wrangler >> Henry Cavill x OFC - Summary: Henry is about to go to bed one night when he suddenly gets a text from a random number he doesn't know. What happens when you accidentally text the star actor of The Witcher? Memes apparently. Lots and lots of memes. | I was privileged to beta-read this chapter for Wren and am honored. This is a spicy one y'all so sit back and enjoy some Henry and Lizzy!
*A Twist In Time by Comet96 >> Tommy Shelby x Lupin!OFC - Summary: Romy Lupin was a walking cliche. She has her father's metamorphmagus abilities and also seems to be a seer. During her last year at Hogwarts, Tom Riddle is brought from his teenage years at Hogwarts into the year 2047, and soon after, Romy finds herself being sent back into time. Back to 1926, when Merope Gaunt was still pregnant. It's Romy's job to protect Tom Riddle Jr. from being taken into the wrong hands. It was all going to plan until Merope knocked the time turner, and they ended up in 1916, in the middle of the first world war and with no way to get back to 1926. There she meets the Shelbys and somehow manages to find her feet in dingy Small Heath with the help of Harry Fenton, Squib, and a distant family member. | At 43 chapters and hasn't been updated since the middle of September, this story is Harry Potter, pre-Fantastic Beast meets Peaky Blinders, and I'm living for it. It has everything magical-wise you could ask for and Shelby-wise as well. I just wish it would be updated, but dreamers can dream.
Legacy by cl410 or @i-like-plan-m >> Darcy Lewis x Bucky Barnes - Summary: Darcy Lewis meets the Hales from Teen Wolf. (My poor summary.) | I love Stiles from Teen Wolf, and I love this What If twist that the author has done with Darcy. The whole series is good, and I recommend everyone give it a read if you are a fan of Darcy Lewis or MCU and Teen Wolf.
Blue by galaxiejoon >> Louis Tomlinson & OFC >> Summary: Elle is a seven-year-old girl who meets Louis and asks him to describe the color blue to her. | This is adorable and made me tear up the first time I read it in years. I still tear up every time I read it.
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@peakyscillian - Looking for a masterlist to binge or just a variety of Tommy and Cillian? I would check out Laura's page and her writing.
@teds-mustache-wrangler - Are your Henry Cavill needs not getting met? Do you feel like perhaps you need to read about Henry Cavill, but haven't yet? Well go on down to Wren's blog, she has all your Henry Cavill needs met.
@gypsy-girl-08 - If you are a fan of Cillian Murphy or Peaky Blinders, then I would check this writer out. They have many Thomas Shelby series to choose from as well as Cillian Murphy
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February 2023 Fic Rec List
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All kinds of genres, but I think mostly fluffy romance and smut. Not necessarily together. 🤣
Some new-to-me authors, too!
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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The Girl Called Sparrow ~ @watercolorfreckles. Author's Summary: None (Original Content; Fae x Human)
A Date With Danger ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Bucky x Reader)
My Heart is Still Yours ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Stever Rogers x Gender Neutral Reader)
No Title ~ @girl-next-door-writes. Author's Summary: None (Valentine Drabble; Clint Barton x Reader)
Sugar ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Bucky Barnes x Reader)
The Unexpected Valentine ~ @cockslutpadalecki. Author's Summary: When you decide to spend your ruined Valentines getaway alone, you’re thankful for the peace and quiet but when a mysterious stranger catches your eye, your Valentines weekend turns out better than you ever imagined.
Before The Show ~ @wayward-dreamer. Author's Summary: Y/N finds a way to help with Jensen’s nerves before the concert.
No Title ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Sebastian Stan x Reader)
Something About Fate... Chapter 1 ~ @jawritter. Author's Summary: Y/N has been homeless and living on the streets of Dallas, Texas since the start of Covid. Until one day, a handsome, green eyes strange notices her and turns her whole world upside down.
A Few Moments of Madness ~ @smellingofpoetry. Author's Summary: “There were several things he shouldn’t have done that night, one in particular. He shouldn’t have fucked her on the kitchen counter.”
All Along The White Line ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Take a drive to nowhere with your favorite Winchester…
Bubble Bath ~ @justagirlinafandomworld. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Caught Up In You ~ @lanea-1. Author's Summary: None (Dean x Reader)
I Don't Mind ~ @avanatural. Author's Summary: Four different hunts. Four shared motel rooms, four shared bathrooms, four shared beds. And four times that Y/N doesn’t mind getting closer to Dean.
Imagine Dean being flirty whenever you have to work alone together on a case... ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author's Summary: None (Imagine/Drabble)
In Living Color ~ @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior. Author's Summary: Y/N never knew how much color existed in the world till a green-eyed hunter stumbled into her path.
Love is in the little things ~ @thinkinghardhardlythinking. Author's Summary: Dean shows the reader he cares as they bond over the season finale of ‘Dr Sexy MD’.
Magical Blooms ~ @iprobablyshipit91. Author's Summary: None (Dean Winchester x Female Reader)
Mine ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Dean gets a little rough with you, leaving lovely little marks behind so you remember who owns you…
No Title ~ @girl-next-door-writes. Author's Summary: None (Valentine Drabble; Dean x Reader
No Title ~ @thoughtslikeaminefield. Author's Summary: None (Ficlet; Dean x GN Reader)
Nothing Left To Say ~ @kittenofdoomage. Author's Summary: You let it lie too long, and now it’s time to move on. It’s escaping unnoticed that’s the problem.
She Smiles ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean x Reader)
So, How 'Bout It? ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean x Reader)
Used to This-Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V ~ @trexrambling. Author's Summary: You’ve lived with the Winchesters for years as a fellow hunter, and everyone has always stayed well in the friend zone. What happens when nightmares come haunting and Dean offers to help? Will things change, or is it all in your head?
~The Boys~
Checkerboard ~ @zepskies. Author's Summary: You’re not a supe. You’re breakable. Soldier Boy sometimes forgets that.
No Title ~ @charnelhouse. Author's Summary: None (Soldier Boy x F!Reader)
~Top Gun: Maverick~
Stick The Landing-Part 1-No One's In The Room Mini Series ~ @princessmisery666. Author’s Summary: Good news, they made it to the safe house. Bad news, a blizzard hinders their rescue. (Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Ryleigh 'Rodeo')
Personal Vegas-Part 2-No One's In The Room Mini Series ~ @princessmisery666. Author’s Summary: As much as Jake would like everyone to believe he’s the terminator, Ryleigh doesn’t buy it. Stranded for a few days, she tries to discover who he is when no one else is in the room. Jake worries about being vulnerable and doesn’t make it easy for her. (Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Ryleigh 'Rodeo')
On Patreon
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Colder Weather ~ Summary: Dean’s always been the one for you, but his life - hunting, fighting, almost dying constantly- it hasn’t given you a chance to try. Until one day, things seem to change…
Every Inch of You ~ Summary: None (Dean x Reader)
Of Whipped Cream and Body Heat ~ Summary: After getting jumped on a hunt, Y/N and Dean find themselves locked in a walk-in refrigerator. Can they brave the cold and each other's temper until Sam sets them free?
Someone To Watch Over Me-Parts 6-9 ~ Summary: Y/N is married to a very rich, decidedly unscrupulous and powerful man.  A man whose inability to trust means he hires someone to watch over his wife while he isn’t around. He hires Dean Winchester, a handsome stranger to Y/N, who is soon to become a very big part of her life.
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aikaterini-drag · 2 years
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Whether you’re here for the romance, the smut, or a bit of both, you’re in the right place.
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Hello friends! My name’s Aikaterini and I love to create stories/oneshots from my favorite fandoms. I also write original stories with dreams of finding them a cozy spot in a bookstore someday. That dream takes a bit of patience, so for now, I’m super happy to just create my favorite fanfictions.
▻ Bucky Barnes ♡
▻ Steve Rogers ♡
▻ Loki ♡
▻ Rafe Cameron ♡
▻ August Walker ♡
▻ Vikings: Valhalla ♡
▻ Love Between Fairy ♡
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I strictly FORBID any form of reproduction, replication, or translation of my stories. This includes reposting my stories on other websites, platforms, etc.
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aww-canon-no · 3 years
WSC: Bucky Barnes, for crimes as the Winter Soldier, you're sentenced to death. You'll be hung 
Steve Rogers (from the back): HE'S ALREADY HUNG! 
Bucky: Your honor, please un-cuff me so I can high-five my husband.
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stucky-asks · 5 years
Hello, lovelies. I thought I should let you know that I’m gonna revamp this blog! Since the summer is just starting and EndGame is out, I’m excited to announce that the boys are coming back and are more than happy to answer any questions you have!
I’m about to post something listing out the changes from EndGame canon, and I will include as much detail there as possible so you all know what to expect (and what to blacklist if you haven’t seen the movie). I have also removed all the previous asks, so that we can start on a clean slate.
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funnyfacelouis · 2 years
Fellow stucky enjoyers and possibly tony haters and even mcu peter parker dislikers please vote in this poll for stucky!! The ir*ndad freaks came out in force to crush wangxian for some reason and that is a crime so we cannot let them advance further. Also stucky love story of all time
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