#steven sloss
writeyouin · 7 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 6
Chapter 6 - Misery Loves Company
A/N – Okay, so for anyone who loves Stand-up comedy as much as I do, I highly recommend you watch Daniel Sloss’ tour, Dark. That’s his first tour, and it was where he coined the term Wanker-Anchor, which is used in this story.
Warnings – None.
Rating – M
TAG-LIST: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @sseleniaa @randomgurl2326 @22carolina08 @astrxwitch @yu-87 @clover-1767 @lil-bexie @thesimpybitch @reverse-soe @koirb @usernameunavailable2 @lavenderkita @kannakanan @mcueveryday @amarokofficial @mbruben-stein @tyrythewolf @lasagna-501 @bizzardvark @firefirefeline @kaylanotkk @missme-07 @memontica @angelsdemonsmonsters @tj4shy @midoria-kinnie @meesachan @fusehoundshipper @velvettenoctus @crescent-z @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @rosiescannibalwife @skylerbutterfly @hamthepan @latersgaters-steven @kryptidkova @sleepyhead-number27 @cherry-4200 @harcourtholmesii @alastorandluciferspouse @holyspacething @kedelman24 @becsmarvel @vash-yuu
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“Whoa,” Charlie said upon seeing you.
She had seen your Demonic form before, but it was a rarity and it usually meant that you weren’t doing well mentally.
“Are you okay?” She asked, sucking in air through her teeth, her voice pitching high, indicating that she already knew the answer but didn’t want to point out the obvious in case it upset you further.
“I’m fine,” You answered shortly.
“Really? Because you uh, well,” Charlie twisted her hands back and forth, “You uh, you look a little- I mean, hey, I think you’re beautiful inside and out but when you’re like this it usually means- It’s normally-”
“You’re fucked up,” Vaggie finished for her, getting straight to the point.
“I’m fine,” You insisted, using the words everyone used when they were decidedly not fine. “Where’s Angel Dust?”
“In his room,” Vaggie explained.
“What happened? He was doing so well.”
Charlie’s eyes welled up with tears and she threw her arms around you, sobbing out an explanation, “It was my fault. I asked him about his contract, and he told me not to worry, but I did worry, and then I wanted to make sure he’d be okay when me and Vaggie go to visit Heaven, but he said he didn’t need a babysitter, and then I got Husk involved and Husk told me not to fuck with things I don’t understand, and then Valentino came-”
“Wait, Valentino came here?!” You pulled Charlie off you so you could look her in the eyes.
“Well, not exactly, but he sent his crew here and told Angel they had to film and I said no, and-”
You left Charlie and ran to Angel’s room. Both Charlie and Vaggie followed you as you pelted through the corridors. No wonder Angel had relapsed. That piece of shit Valentino had used Angel’s contract against him. As part of the deal they had made, Angel had to do any work Valentino demanded of him, and that fucking scumbag had dared to invade the one place where Angel felt safe.
Knowing Charlie, she would have pointed out that Valentino couldn’t use her property and would have to wait for Angel at the studio, but that wouldn’t matter. Valentino would play by the rules; it wasn’t really about filming at the Hotel, it was all a matter of proving that Angel belonged to him and that there was no safe place he could hide away.
Besides, even if Valentino hadn’t gotten his way at the Hotel, he would take it out on Angel the next time he was in the studio. It was a lose-lose situation, something that Hell was always too eager to provide.
When you got to Angel’s room, you paused to compose yourself. It wouldn’t help if you sounded too desperate or concerned; Angel didn’t respond well to that. It would make him blame himself for making you worry, and then he would spiral further.
You knocked on the door, “Hey Angel, it’s us. Can we come in please?”
“Go away,” Angel’s heavy accent came through the door, marking him more as Anthony than Angel Dust, though you didn’t say anything about that; there were very few people who knew his real name, and he didn’t like to be reminded of it.
For better or worse, he was Angel Dust; that was who he needed to be to survive.
You glanced at Charlie and Vaggie, then tilted your head, indicating that they should leave. Charlie hesitated until Vaggie placed a hand on her shoulder, then after an affirming nod from you, she let Vaggie lead her away.
“Come on Angel,” You said when they were gone. “It’s just me. Let me in.”
“Piss off.”
You sighed, then sat outside the door, and began talking. You didn’t have a grand speech planned, only what was on your mind, and if Angel wasn’t going to let you in, then it became a matter of letting him know that he wasn’t alone and that you wouldn’t abandon him, though you would respect his space.
“I get it. Valentino fucked with you. He love-bombed you, and that didn’t fucking work because you’re stronger than he is and you’re not going to fall for his shitty manipulation tactics. Now, he’s sending his goons here. It’s all just another one of his games, Angel. Don’t let him win.”
There was no response. You stayed quiet for a minute then were struck with a thought; misery loves company.
“Hey, I also kind of feel like shit today, you know? I kept thinking about Hell and… a lot of things. I told Charlie’s dad how I died. That was fucked up.”
Again, there was no response, but you thought you heard Angel shuffle closer to the door. Until that evening, nobody had heard anything about your mortal life, and now you were talking about it for the second time.
“I was murdered for a snuff film. I still have nightmares about it.”
There was a bluntness to your tone. Although it hurt to state the memory aloud again, albeit in less detail, you decided not to put too much thought into it. If your death could help someone, well, there had to be some good in bringing it up.
You stared at the peeling red wallpaper across from you, just so you had something to focus on. “I’m terrified that one day, I’m gonna walk down the street and see the guys that killed me. Like, what do you even do in that situation? Call them out? They’re in Hell, that’s punishment enough, right? Will they find it funny to see me again? Find new ways to hurt me?”
I honestly don’t know what I want in this scenario. I don’t want them to die, ‘cos then they’ll be here, but if they live, they’ll do this to other people. Kidnap them, sell them to the highest bidder, film it for the black market. I dunno… I’ve been here for a year, and I keep thinking about that.”
The door opened and you fell back, looking up at Angel’s concerned face.
“That’s the most fucked up shit I’ve ever heard.”
He lifted you up, setting you right with two arms, while the other two brushed you off.
“So… this is you?” He asked, taking in your rag-doll appearance.
You laughed and imitated his voice, your Demonic abilities kicking in to mimic him perfectly, “I can be anything you want, bay-by.”
“That’s the hottest you’ve ever sounded.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You waved him off blasély. “Just let me in, okay? I can help.”
“So, uh, with the voice, and the-” Angel gestured at your new look, moving his hands in a circular motion, “Can you uh- Be other people?”
“I don’t know,” You said slowly, looking at your hands, “Never tried.”
You concentrated for a moment, trying to transform back to your original self. Usually, it was effortless. Yet, as you stared at the stitches that bound you together, you found it difficult to do more than revert to your original skin colour. Seeing that beneath the stitches was somehow worse, so you stopped trying to change, accepting that for now, you were a ragdoll.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Fuck it. I am what I am, and that’s all that I am.”
You caught sight of Angel’s precious pet pig. Scooping him up into your arms and cuddling him, you cooed in a baby voice, “Besides, you still love me, don’t you Fat Nuggets, yeeeees, precious baby.”
Sitting down on Angel’s bed, you looked up at your friend, deciding that it was better not to let the difficult conversation wait and fester.
“Soooo…” You scratched Fat Nuggets behind the ear, “Charlie told me that you relapsed. Wanna talk about it?”
Angel sighed and flopped back onto the bed so he was lying next to you, his legs planted on the floor.
He dragged two hands over his face, the other two lay despondently over his stomach.
“I- It was just such a shitty day, and Val sent those pricks here, not that they could fill any holes. Wrong kind of pricks, you know?” He half laughed, but it died when he realised the joke wasn’t funny in such a shitty situation.
Still, you smiled at him. When Angel was sad, he didn’t always need someone to sympathise with him. He needed to see that you weren’t going to change and start treating him differently. Sometimes that meant just listening, but other times it meant making the meanest jokes you could think of and laughing at how horrible everything was.
You were his Wanker-anchor, chaining him to reality by being a dick; Husk was the best at it, but seeing as he was nowhere to be found, Angel had you instead.
“Here,” Angel held up a small sealed bag, with his stash in it. So, he hadn’t relapsed after all. He’d just come very close.
“No thanks,” You joked, “I’m full from all the crack I had at breakfast.”
Angel got up and punched your arm, “You’re such an asshole.”
“Takes one to know one,” You took his stash, tucking it away in your pocket, then you stood up, leaving Fat Nuggets on the bed, and you offered Angel your hand. “Come on.”
“You need a distraction. So, I challenge you, Angel Dust, teach me how to dance.”
“You’re fucking kiddin’, right?”
You shook your head. “You can dance, I can’t and I’m bored. So, come on, give me some lessons. It’ll be good to get moving.”
“When you fail, can I call you a retard?”
“Fuck no. You can’t say retard anymore, what the fuck is wrong with you. You can insult the shit outta me, but keep your terms acceptable, okay?”
Honestly, Angel had thought he was up to date on what insults and trash talk were deemed acceptable, but evidently, he was wrong.
“Alright, I’ll teach you to dance, but you gotta keep me updated on all the latest slang, and what’s changed up there,” He glanced up as if he could see Earth.
“I’ve been dead a year, bud. A lot can change in that time,” You said, thinking about all the ways you were probably outdated.
Angel grabbed his phone and turned up the tunes, “Sounds like a coward’s excuse to get outta teaching.”
And so it was that you and Angel started to dance. It was nothing like his work, or when he was forced to pimp himself out in clubs as a form of ‘networking.’ Instead, it was stupid, fun, and uncoordinated with you as his partner. Christ, he had never danced with someone so terrible. You let him lead, and together, the two of you laughed at each other’s expense and forgot all about the shitty things that had happened that day.
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Up in his Radio Station, Alastor grinned sinisterly. He had heard you quite clearly as he went about his business in the Hotel. You were murdered? How delightful. Victims were so easy to manipulate. Furthermore, you were a ragdoll. Oh, how wonderfully he could exploit that power.
All it would take was an invitation of friendship, a desperate situation, and an offer of assistance. When Alastor had sent Husk away on an errand earlier, he hadn’t imagined it would turn out so wonderfully.
Now, there was a new piece on the chessboard, and Alastor was determined to capture you as his pawn.
Your soul would be his.
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raffleupagus · 4 years
GODZILLA vs. THE LAST GARGANTUA — episode 1 of the Kaijusaurus Podcast’s Godzilla Unmade mini-series, is out now!
Return to the Showa era of Godzilla movies with a new full-cast audio production, written and directed by Steven Sloss.
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daikaiju-yuki · 4 years
Pharaoh of Eels is out now in all formats!
Listen to the audio experience. Get the illustrated novella.
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tv-moments · 2 years
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Emily in Paris
Season 2, “French Revolution“
Director: Andrew Fleming
DoP: Steven Fierberg
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i think. i see. a pattern.with lgbt+ represantation and characters. and i. do not like it.
so, let me get this “straight”
when we exist, and in few numbers that is, in any media, be it a book or movie or a show, we 
1. are a joke
2. are psychopaths who murder people
3. are sexualized and objectified 
3. are brutally harmed and/or raped
4. are dead
PS: sometimes it’s a combination 
PS(2): and when we do exist and get good representation, shitty people are there to ruin our day with ship wars. 
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Media That Comforts Me When I'm Sad/Anxious/Bitter/Empty/Numb/Feeling Like The Whole World Is Worthless:
- Thomas Sanders (YouTube)
- Queer Eye (Netflix show)
- Dan & Phil (YouTube)
- John Mulaney (Comedian)
- Welcome to Night Vale (podcast)
- Brandon Farris (YouTube)
- The McElroy Family (various podcasts and youtube, esp. My Brother My Brother And Me, and The Adventure Zone)
- Steven Universe (cartoon show)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender (cartoon show)
- any Pixar movie (cartoon film)
- Neil Gaiman (books, movies, comics, shows)
- RM/Kim Namjoon (music. Especially "mono")
- The Hobbit (the first movie, specifically)
- Queen (music, Freddie Mercury was a gift we didn't deserve)
- She-Ra (the new one. Cartoon show)
- Daniel Sloss (comedian)
- Iain Thomas (poetry)
Some of these are strangely specific to me (The Hobbit and Neil Gaiman) but most of them are things with very hopeful, happy, funny vibes that are great at reminding you of the good in the world and in yourself. So. If anyone wanted any suggestions.
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themlin-trash · 3 years
uh, hello and welcome
i figure i will reintroduce myself to whoever is left here
• • •
ky | 24 | they/she/fae
nb | bi | poly | voidpunk
in a relationship
chaotic good | ancom
chronically ill | college dropout
cosmetic tattoo artist
• • •
some favorites and current interests
neon genesis evangelion | mr. robot | legion | adventure time | community | steven universe | bojack horseman | avatar: the last airbender | glow | maniac | squid game | twin peaks | you | the good place | south park | my hero academia
american ultra | annihilation | horse girl | the rental | us | scott pilgrim | jennifer’s body | the double | arrival | life after beth | ex machina
bo burnham | john mulaney | daniel sloss
the garden | puzzle | enjoy | homeshake | tame impala | brockhampton | still woozy | kid cudi | joey bada$$ | willow | tyler the creator | doja cat | sunbeam sound machine | glass animals | mac demarco | beach fossils | the marías | kendrick lamar
what else is there
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Bienen School celebrates retiring faculty Steven Cohen and Gail Williams
Bienen School celebrates retiring faculty Steven Cohen and Gail Williams
Photo courtesy of Ari Sloss Gail Williams, Rosario Galante and Steven Cohen perform in a Bienen recital in 2019. Williams and Cohen will perform their final concert Tuesday before retiring. Bienen School of Music faculty clarinetist Steven Cohen and hornist Gail Williams will perform a final recital together at the Mary B. Galvin Recital Hall on Tuesday. This concert will commemorate 17 years of…
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Ive seen lots of john mulaney quotes used as incorrect thomas sanders quotes,and i myself have sugested roman singing bo burnham songs,so here are two more suggestions
Logan as russel howard,
Virgil as daniel sloss.
Now logan as russel howard comes from a certain nsfw joke involving a jam jar that russel made. @sashaying-on-sonnshine knows what joke im refering to. But the more i thought about it,the more i realized how much i need this in my life. Here are some snippets from russel howard videos ive seen,slightly altered so that logan is saying them:
(Trump talking about another mass shooting) "this is hard for me,especially."
logan in a mock impression: "you dont understand,cuz you dont have a gun. If you had a gun,you'd feel safe."
Logan: no i wouldnt. I'd use it. Im angry all the time. (He gives a bunch of examples but my favorite is) *imitataes shooting a gun* *harsh whisper* youre making noise in the libarary! Shhhhhhh!!!
Honestly i love russel howard.
daniel sloss is fabulously and unapolageticaly rude and has a rather dark and intense sense of humor sometimes. Some of my favorite jokes by him i can easily apply to virgil:
"So this guy in america shot a man. I think we can all agree,by and large,dick move. Not cool steven,totaly not cool. And now getting killed by a gun i can understand that but if you get stabbed its...and now i know this doesnt sound very smart,im not a very smart person but like...if i get stabbed,im willing to take like up to 80% of the blame. Like thats on me. At some point,you wanted to stab me more than i didnt wanna get stabbed." (Theres so much more in just that one joke its so good and very virgil)
"Im a feminist because my mom teriffies me,and im a huge supporter of gay rights because you fucking should be?" (Again theres more but im afraid people might hate me for the joke. But @royal-raccoon knows the joke)
And if its a human au where they are all related,this joke could work. (Had to change sister to brother but still)
"My mom's had four kids. You can tell she loves us all the same but after the second one she just stopped caring. Yeah,she'll always go on how she was blessed with me,then she was gifted with my brother,then she *had* my other brother,and then she'll always remember the day she was diagnosed with the last one."
Just look up russle howard and daniel sloss and see how perfectly it works.
@royallyanxious @illmamnim @fluidityandgiggles
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kaijusaurus · 7 years
Kaijusaurus Podcast #28: Godzilla ‘98 LIVE Discussion!
The Kaijusaurus Podcast: Lifelong kaiju fan Steven Sloss and newbie Ross Menzies make their way through the thirty-plus film Godzilla canon, sharing their thoughts and waxing lyrical on each film per episode.
Steven, Ross, and Laura take to Facebook to broadcast a LIVE discussion of the most controversial film in the entire Godzilla series - Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin's 1998 Hollywood feature. Will the much-maligned film be given a fair trial, or will it be sent straight to the gallows? Either way, one thing's certain - there'll be a lot of fish.
Show Notes
Of course, a huge thanks to everyone who tuned in and interacted with us during the live broadcast itself. We love you!
We’ll be announcing the Wolfman vs. Godzilla poster winners soon.
Contact us!
Twitter: Steven | Ross | Laura Instagram: Steven | Ross | Laura E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaijusauruspodcast
Find us in the iTunes Store!
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raffleupagus · 4 years
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The Kaijusaurus Podcast presents: GODZILLA UNMADE! A series of three fan-made full-cast audiodrama shorts, all based on unproduced Godzilla movie treatments.
I wrote GODZILLA VS. HEDORAH II, a short audio drama based on Yoshimitsu Banno’s original unproduced sequel concept.
This is going to be a really special project. Steven and Daphne have done a great job with their own scripts.
I tried to make something that feels distinctly like Banno while also being my own take on what I’d do with Godzilla (which I hadn’t seriously written before).
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daikaiju-yuki · 4 years
Outrigger trailer for the story from the Scythian Frost anthology.
This short excerpt was made during the recording sessions for the Pharaoh of Eels audio version. Consider it a proof of concept for the style used in that production.
Narrated by Steven Sloss, written and featuring music by Raffael Coronelli.
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tv-moments · 2 years
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Emily in Paris
Season 2, “Do You Know the Way to St. Tropez?“
Director: Andrew Fleming
DoP: Steven Fierberg
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provigjen · 7 years
Stronger than you - Steven Universe
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“Stronger than you” kommer fra Rebecca Sugars serie Steven Universe. Den synges av karakteren Garnet (Granat). Garnet er en fusjon, en fysisk sammensmelting, mellom to andre karakterer, Sapphire (Safir) og Ruby (Rubin). Garnet blir et fysisk og levende symbol på deres forhold. Sapphire er opprinnelig en diplomatisk krystall med evnen til å se mulige fremtider, mens Ruby var hennes bodyguard. Mens Sapphire er tålmodig og rolig er Ruby utålmodig og oppfarende. I denne sangen synger Garnet om hvordan ingenting kan skille de to, og dermed henne, fra hverandre. Kjærligheten er sterkere enn all motstand, og når krystallen Jasper prøver å slå dem må hun forvente en hard kamp. Den danske er generelt bedre enn den norske. I den danske versjonen har de en fordel fordi de har muligeten til å lage en del nødrim som vi ikke kan på norsk. For eksempel “Du tenker sikkert det her det blir en lett sak, men du glemmer det stoff jeg er gjort av”. På dansk vil sak uttales sa’ og av som ‘a. Slik for også den danske versjonen et mer naturlig preg, fordi den er mer muntlig. Som vanlig må jeg si at jeg mener ikke min versjon nødvendigvis er bedre. Jeg har for eksempel ikke tatt hensyn til at teksten skal passe med animasjonen av munnen. Allikevel er det et par ting jeg har mer sansen for her. “Kom og slå på hvem du vil” er en referanse til leken slå på ring. Garnet vil ikke spille Jaspers “spill”, men sitt eget. Det spiller ingen rolle om hun slår Sapphire eller Ruby, begge er uansett Garnet. I den norske versjonen synger Garnet “Kom igjen, bare oss to. Kom igjen, det blir en mot to”. Her brukes samme ord to ganger for å gi inntrykk av et rim. Mot slutten synger hun “Jeg er deres sinne, jeg er deres styrke, jeg er deres samtaleemne.” Her er det egentlig greit at det ikke er noen rim, det er det heller ikke i den engelske originalversjonen. I den danske er det lagt til et rim med “vrede” og “alltid til stede”. Jeg syntes det ble bedre flyt, og valgte å gjøre det samme. Det kunne passet med “Jeg er av glede, jeg er av vrede, jeg er en samtale”, ettersom nettopp verset "I am their fury, I am their patience, I am a conversation” har blitt ikonisk på engelsk. Men jeg valgte å bruke “jeg er av sinne, jeg er av tålmod, jeg er alt de er tro mot”, fordi “fury” og “patience” er ment å skulle vise til personlighetene til Sapphire og Ruby. I stedet for den norske versjonen “og det gjør meg så sterk” har jeg gått for “det er større enn deg”. Det er en referanse til hvordan kjærligheten beskrives som det største av alt, selv større enn tro og håp. Jasper er også en uvanlig stor krystall, og større enn de andre karakterene i serien. Allikevel kan hun ikke slå Garnet. Jeg gjør dette kun som en øvelse, og tar gjerne imot konstruktiv kritikk.
Det er større enn deg
Granat er oss. Jeg er vår egen, Og vi gir aldri opp for en slik som deg. Jeg er deg overlegen Og hvert et fiber i meg skriker Jeg har teken. Vi to gidder ikke spille ditt spill. Dropp det jugg’let, kom og slå på hvem du vil. Kom igjen og la oss sloss. Kom igjen, det blir deg mot oss. Kom igjen og prøv å slå meg om du klarer For jeg er mye mer enn du erfarer. Jeg mener ikke dette som en fordom Men jeg tror at du føler deg ensom. Du får ikke splitte det vi er sammen. Vi to holder alltid liv i flammen. Skill oss ifra, vi er snart tilbake Dobbelt så sterke og lar deg få smake På ren Kjæ-æ-ærlighet Kjæ-æ-ærlighet Kjæ-æ-ærlighet Dette her er meg. Å elske er mitt liv. Alt det som de føler Er mitt vesen og mitt driv. For jeg er en stemning Som er for evig tid. Så hvis du skader mine venner Og mitt hjem skal du få svi. Kom igjen og prøv å slå meg om du klarer For jeg er mye mer enn du erfarer. Du tror at jeg er svak og du tør dvele For du tror det du ser er det hele. Men jeg er mye større, kan du tro. Ikke bare én og mye mer enn to. Jeg er av sinne Jeg er av tålmod Jeg er alt de er tro mot. For jeg er ren Kjæ-æ-ærlighet Kjæ-æ-ærlighet Det er større enn deg.
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raffleupagus replied to your post: Shado Control is one of the most terrifying,...
the review contains the line “we see his ass in the only nude scene in the film”
A vital detail that was not mentioned at all by Steven “The Deceiver” Sloss in his own review.
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huttson-blog · 4 years
The Indelible Pop-Culture Legacy of Return of Ultraman — Our Culture
The Indelible Pop-Culture Legacy of Return of Ultraman — Our Culture
Read more at Our Culture
— by Steven Sloss: The kyodai hero is a keystone of Japanese pop-culture. Transforming giants prone to wrestling monsters and fighting the good fight have been a staple on Japan’s television screens and beyond since the mid-‘60s. They have, however, largely struggled to find footing in Western territories and cultural consciousness…
Image courtesy of Tsuburaya Productions
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