#steven is too good for this sinful earth
he-goes-down · 9 months
please and thank you ❤️😻🫶
pairing: Steven Adler x reader
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Warnings: oral f! Reciving
Second person POV:
“Spread em”
Steven order you. Spreading your legs just like he told you too, as you lied back, elbows hosiery yourself up, watching as he lingered closer to you. He licked his lips. Hungry. Hungry for you like an animal that hasn’t eaten anything in days. You were ready for him. On the edge of the counter top, in the middle of the kitchen on the island, where he picked you up and placed you on. You spread your legs even more and Steven moved them aside with his hand. Quickly pulling if your panties, but leaving your miniskirt behind. He didn’t even care for kissing you anywhere else on your body as he divided for your soaking pussy. His tongue pushing past your folds and into your soft leaking hole. He grunted in pleasure, tasting you on his tongue. Once he got even a little drop of your sweetness, he turned into a sinful monster. His face dug into your crotch as he clawed the sides of your thighs close to your ass. Pulling you to him and licking you vigorously like he was tasting the nectar of the gods. To him it was. You moaned loud, watching him press his face even further onto your pussy with every moan. Holding onto his fluffy blonde hair as he obsessively lapped and sucked. From his tongue being in you and doing rounds on clenching walls he moved to your clit. Panting and huffing as he breathed you in, and began to lightly nibbled on your clit, sending shocks through your body making your back arch and jolt. He did one stroke with his tongue over your bundle of nerves before doing skilful circles with his tongue. He knew every inch of your pussy like the back of his hands, he knew what were you sweetest spots and what made your hips buck into his face, like they are now.
Your stomach turned as you felt your climax building down by your heat. Steven knew by the shake of your legs and the pitch in your whines you were close. His tongue rushing to be inside of you again, feeling you clench around it. Anxiously waiting and tongue fucking you as Steven wanted you to cum on his tongue more than anything.“Stevie!” You moaned his name loudly, your nails scratching his scalp, whilst pull his hair as you came all over his mouth and tongue. He was moaning and panting just like you were, having the taste of ambrosia in his mouth and it flooding his sense, making him want more. Much more.
“Fuck!” You yelled as Steven went back to attaching his mouth to your pussy, his tongue lapping up all the juices he missed when you spilled into his mouth. His body ached for more of you. Your body ached as it began to get overstimulated as you had no time to rest from your first orgasm. Your legs stuttering and shaking along with your hips as his mouth found it’s way back to your reddened and swollen clit. You felt vibrations across your area and up your spine as he muffled a groaned against you, along the lines of, “Fuck… I want more… need more-…you taste so good.” With more sinful and obsessive curses added on. With one orgasm gone another stronger release was approaching, taking your nerves by a storm. Shaking and moving under him, he held your legs still with his strong arms, eating you out like his last meal in earth. “Stevie-… Baby…” you whined and sighed hard as your body burned. Your second orgasm hit you, your mind going blank and vision fuzzy as your nerves were set on fire. Steven now having your juices run down his tongue for a second time. He detached his mouth from your pussy, his whole mouth covered with your slick, rolling down to his chin. He breathed hard, staring st the mess he made on the counter, all that going to waste in his opinion, he mouth tingled and twitched as he was now getting a feeling of agitation. “Need more.” He was pussy drunk and his mind only filled with lust and the, what seemed like, far away remnants of your sweet tasting cum. Going back for more like a scavenger on a hunt. After your third, fourth and fifth orgasm, you nearly passed out, he nearly did too.
“I love you so much baby.” He said picking you up from the counter and moving you to the couch. Your mind completely going to sleep, not even hearing him properly. You just answered with soft whines and ‘mhm’’s. He laid you on the couch and he did next to you as well, holding you tight as you quickly fell asleep,
“ You’re everything to me sweetheart” He spoke, kissing your forehead and then drifting off to sleep as well with you on his chest. Safe and sound.
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silverjetsystm · 4 months
basil : does your muse have a love - hate relationship with anyone or anything ?
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1 Lunar Distance is 239,000 miles rounded up.
Khon.shu is grey matter close.
It is said the day begins after sundown. So too does the vigilante known as Moon Kni.ght.
"My son," calling from Moon Kn.ight's mind, echoing moonsilvered light trailing up up up to the glowing cratered eye in the sky. Moon Kni.ght glides over roofs, diving into the fray. Calling cards sing on the same crisp, shining wavelength.
Khon.shu is imprisoned by his own hand. A new note in the spiral. The statue had been sold and repurchased. The bird skull had cracked and shattered into bone dust.
Binaries make everything appear simple. Night and day. Black and white. Vengeance and Justice. Rich man and scoundrel. Rabbi's son and mercenary. Love and hate.
Khon.shu raised him from a corpse to be the moon's knight of vengeance, to protect the travelers of the night by carrying out what he was already incredibly good at. They have saved lives by fists, by tzedakah, by the right person at the right time. Steven and Jake were the best of him/them and they deserved to live when he wasn't white knuckling the wheel, chasing duty. Spector can't let them out for they are the best of him.
Khon.shu had once called for more. Blood, hearts, vengeance. Foot on the Earth, instead of acting through a rebellious son. Whittled away at his life. Steven was too soft. Jake was too defiant. Marc was only good as long as he followed orders like a proper jarhead. He's terrified people, gotten them killed, drove them away. And for what? To be a hero? To make up for his sins? For glory, to be the warrior-priest, blade singing the praise of a foreign god?
There is pride when he is praised for his 'good' work. A balm to sweaty vestments. There is guilt-rage when the 'good' bloody work is held up, encouraged like an embering cigarette caught on the night breeze becomes a wildfire. Because the 'good' bloody work feels good, feels easy when flesh is carved and they stop, they don't do it again. Like every son, he wants to be good. Like himself, he questions and rebels.
If he would do it all over again, he would say no.
If he would do it all over again, he would say yes.
His ba may quiver in his chest. Nefesh in -- well, he never remembered where Poppa said where it lived. Maybe it didn't have a center. Maybe it was in every cell. Not divided, not split, no matter what people believe about his/their mind.
He dies-lives by the contradictions, making his own disassociations. He will continue doing this until he dies his final death with blood on his hands and the Shema on his lips.
It just was.
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stark---contrast · 1 year
@stevetonygames team Future | Square "Helmet" | Earth-90214 (Noir) | 615 words
"Where is it?"
Steve didn't even look up from his desk. "Where's what?"
Tony huffed. "You know what."
"Nope," Steve said and kept working on his sketch.
"The helmet, Steve!" Tony said. "I can't fight in an armor with no helmet! How did you even manage to move it? That thing's heavy as sin and you're—"
"I'm what?" Steve finally turned around in his chair, one bony elbow propped up on the backrest and icy blue eyes glaring at Tony. "I'm too weak? Too sick? Too pathetic to go on your adventures!?"
Tony sighed; he should have known Steve wasn't happy with that particular decision. "You know that's not why I can't take you with me."
"It sure as hell feels like it is," Steve said. "You don't mind Pepper being there even though it's dangerous, because she doesn't have asthma or a crooked back and isn't a liability—"
"It's because I'm weak!" Tony snapped.
Steve's eyes widened in surprise before he frowned. "What?"
"You're my number one weakness," Tony said. "And if my enemies figure that out, if they threaten you or use you to get to me, I…" 
Tony exhaled shakily and squeezed his trembling hand into a fist; just the thought of something happening to Steve was enough to throw his entire world off-kilter.
"If someone holds a gun to your head, I'll do anything they ask of me. Anything," Tony stressed. "And I'm not quite sure you understand how dangerous that amount of power is."
Steve's scowl finally softened as understanding dawned on him. 
"I didn't know," Steve said quietly. "I always just thought it was because I'm…you know, this." He gestured down at his thin body, a vessel for twice the bravery and thrice the stubbornness of any other man Tony had met.
"Well, you're a lot of things, Steven Rogers, but a liability isn't one of them." Tony's mouth twitched up in a sad half-smile. "It's me and my damaged heart that aren't strong enough to go on in a world without you."
"No, hey," Steve said, pushing to his feet and walking up to Tony. Callused fingers cupped Tony's face firmly: even though Tony was a foot taller, Steve was always the one who held them both up.
"How do you think I feel?" Steve asked. "You go on all these dangerous trips and I don't hear from you for weeks. I don't actually wanna hike up Everest or become a pincushion in some ancient temple spike trap—I'm just worried about you, you idiot."
Tony chuckled and snaked an arm around Steve's waist, hand splaying on his lower back. "Well, you have good reason to worry, but luckily this idiot has some very competent people looking out for him."
"And Rhodes is the one reason I even let you go in the first place." Steve smirked, arms wrapping around Tony's neck. "Besides, who will draw your latest fist fight with a yeti if I'm stuck trudging through some jungle?"
"Marvels readers everywhere will weep having to look at inferior art," Tony agreed, then leaned down to claim that smarmy mouth in a kiss.
Steve hummed happily against his lips and the sound made warmth spread through Tony's chest that had nothing to do with the repulsor pump. Kissing Steve always felt just as exhilarating as finding an artifact thought lost for centuries.
"So…" Tony said, pulling away. "Are you going to tell me where you hid the helmet now?"
"Hmm, I don't know," Steve said, tugging Tony back down to murmur against his lips. "I might need some more convincing."
Tony's laugh was muffled against Steve's eager mouth. Surely, the next adventure could wait an hour or two.
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emmathemizfit · 1 year
I know what I say doesn’t really matter to many people but this week has been very disheartening for me. Watching people losing their jobs(Tucker), rejoicing in a divorce(Steven Crowder) and finding some sort of sick pleasure in being right. While these things might seem trivial to some it has weighed on my heart. Not because of the actions of the individuals this has happened to but the people responding to these events. I used to think people can be cruel but held onto hope. But this week I was reminded that maybe there isn’t hope for a future. Maybe our time has come to end on this planet and it will all be over soon. I want to believe people can still be good and kind but the more I see people behave the less I believe humans are capable of being good at all. I take comfort in knowing that Jesus Christ died for this very reason. We aren’t good, we are all bad and it is through the blood of Jesus Christ that we will truly be made clean. I no longer think man can redeem themselves at all. The darkness chocking this earth is too great and instead of fighting it, many have just surrendered to it. Allowing themselves to become part of the darkness, part of the sin. They revel in its power and enjoy condemning others while not even looking at themselves in the mirror. None of us are good and we are all hypocrites but there is a difference between having pleasure in your sin and having remorse. I will not call on Christians or anyone else out because in the end we are each responsible for our own journey and what we did on this earth with our time. I do pray that this Sabbath many take time to be in the Presence of God. Not dwelling on others but asking God to change the sinfulness we carry. Instead of being the ugliest parts of the human race we become the beautiful things God created. Ask God to fill your heart with His love, His Holy Spirit and that He may guide you to be the light for His Glory not your own glory but His. I really hope everyone has a beautiful blessed weekend. May you all find peace in the chaos of this world. As always be the change you want to see in the world. Don’t be like everyone else, learn to be the light God made you to be, and shine in the darkness. ~Emma~
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gatekeeperwatchman · 2 years
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Daily Devotionals for January 12, 2023
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for the Day Devotional Scripture: Proverbs 2:9(KJV): 9 Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path.
  Thought for the Day
To understand verse 9, we must look back to Proverbs 2:1: "My son, if thou wilt receives my words, and hide my commandments with thee…" Today's verse rests upon this condition. If we receive and treasure God's words, then we can understand righteousness, judgment, and equity and know the right path in which to walk. Let us consider the words righteousness, judgment, and equity: The Biblical definition of righteousness is "to be in right standing with God." There is only one way for us to be in the right standing with God - we must accept Jesus as our Savior, repent of our sins and receive God's pardon for them through what Jesus did on the cross. The moment we yield our lives to Christ, we become righteous, and we come into right standing with God. In God's sight, we are as pure as His own Son, Jesus. This is a gift of God and has nothing to do with what we have or have not done. The only requirement to maintain this righteousness is staying in the right relationship with Christ by faith. We are not saved by works, but by grace. Good works are the fruit of salvation but do not attain eternal life for us.
"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life." (Titus 3:4-7, NIV).
Judgment, simply put, is a legal decree or sentence given by a judge. One day, God will judge every man by his deeds. Herein lies the most wonderful truth of Christianity. Anyone who accepts Jesus as Savior is judged to be righteous and will not be sentenced to hell, because the penalty for his sin was paid by Jesus. If we belong to God, we can boldly approach the Father through Jesus and ask for the things we need. We are accepted as righteous and our prayers are heard because of Him (Hebrews 4:16).
To practice equity means to be "fair, straight, or right." When we trust God and obey His commandments, we will reap good from what we sow. However, because it is evil in the world, we will endure injustices. Although we may not always be treated fairly in this life, we can be sure that God will see that we receive fair and just rewards in the world to come. Prayer for the Day Dearest Father, thank you for sending Jesus to die for our sins. We all were sinners and not worthy. Thank you as we confess, You are faithful to forgive and to consider us righteous in Your eyes. Since You have forgiven us, help us to forgive those who wrong us, as You taught us to do. We ask You to forgive our national sins of racism, greed, abortion, pornography, idolatry, and others. Be merciful to us. We deserve judgment, but we ask that You send revival so that we might turn from our wickedness and our land be spared. Help us to do our part to bring change. Although my life may only represent one drop of rain, many others are raindrops too. Add each Christian's life and their godly influence to this sound of rain, until Your love and Your Word covers our dry and thirsty earth. In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.
From: Steven P. Miller
Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, Parker Miller Stevens (Gatekeeper1) …@StevenPMiller6 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman URL: linkedin.com/in/steven-miller-b1ab21259 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElderStevenMiller; #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981
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jdgo51 · 2 years
By Steven Thompson (Iowa, USA)
The apostle Paul wrote, “One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
"On the interstate, I strained to see the road ahead. High-beam lights from the pickup truck behind me shined through my car’s back window and reflected off my windshield and mirrors. I was tempted to check the mirrors, but I knew the brilliance of the light could momentarily blind me. I focused intently on the pavement ahead until I exited the interstate.
I later recognized a spiritual lesson from that experience. At times I allow unforgiveness, regrets, failures, lingering grief, and unfulfilled expectations to blind me to current and future opportunities.
In Jeremiah 29, God told the Jews about what lay ahead. Though they had been conquered and exiled, God still had an awesome plan for their future. Similarly, we need to look forward, staying focused on our present and future. God never abandons us, no matter what may linger from our past." Look ahead and keep your attention aimed at your present and future. God will always be there. Nothing will deter that from you.
"'Faithful God, help us release our past so that we can focus on your plans for us today. As Jesus taught us, we pray, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil” (Luke 11:2-4, KJV). Amen."
Jeremiah 29:1-14
New International Version
A Letter to the Exiles
"'29 This is the text of the letter that the prophet Jeremiah sent from Jerusalem to the surviving elders among the exiles and to the priests, the prophets and all the other people Nebuchadnezzar had carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon. 2 (This was after King Jehoiachin[a] and the queen mother, the court officials and the leaders of Judah and Jerusalem, the skilled workers and the artisans had gone into exile from Jerusalem.) 3 He entrusted the letter to Elasah son of Shaphan and to Gemariah son of Hilkiah, whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent to King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. It said:
4 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: 5 “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. 6 Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. 7 Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” 8 Yes, this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: “Do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you. Do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have. 9 They are prophesying lies to you in my name. I have not sent them,” declares the Lord.
10 This is what the Lord says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.[b] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”' There had been many years of exile. God let's them know that they will be brought out of it. He has great plans for you. They bring you much hope for the days ahead. He will take you back from this long time being kept away. All will be wonderful. Bless you this day! Joe
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errantidler · 5 years
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Steven is such a pacifist he can’t bear to look when he poofs spinel!
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Nights & Mornings with Marc Spector
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Credit @natasharomanovf for the gifs
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Pairing || Marc Spector x Female!Reader
Summary || How you and Marc spend your nights and mornings together.
Word Count || 1335
Warnings || NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, explicit content/language, pet names (sugar, sweetheart, baby), unprotected vaginal sex, oral (female receiving), daddy kink, breeding kink, hair pulling, spanking, rough fucking, multiple orgasm, overstimulation, creampie, mention of bodily fluids. (With some sprinkle of fluff in there)
Authors Note || First writing for Marc! Ignore the double Nights at the beginning. The readmore function just keeps fucking up.
Steven Grant/Marc Spector Masterlist
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It’s been hours now—almost three full hours of vicious and hardcore sex. When you had started, the sun was still shining outside. The streets below were abundant with life, but now as your hooded eyes stared out the window, it was pitch black. The apartment was dark, with only the street lamps below creating some form of illumination in the room.
Your body was aching and sensitive, while Marc was still hard and going strong. Your body was almost limp as you were on your knees and elbows on the bed—ass sore and abused with Marc’s hips thrusting into your behind repeatedly. Your face was pressed into the mattress as tears ran down your cheeks.
How he had the energy for it, you didn’t know, but he never stopped. He never stopped fucking you.
You’d lost count of how many times you’d orgasm, but it was more than you ever had in one night, and it didn’t seem like he was stopping anytime soon.
“M-Marc, I-I can’t a-anymore.”
He fisted his hand in your hair and pulled your head up from the sheets until your neck strained entirely.
“Yes, you can. One more, and then I promise I’m done.” His voice was hoarse as he uttered the sinful words in your ear.
He pushed your head back down, pressing your face into the soft surface. His length penetrated your walls—tip brushing your sweet spot with each stroke of him. His hand found the place where you and he were connected—calloused fingers toying with your aching bundle of nerves.
The combination of all the sensations had your body shudder in bliss. A sob fell from you as the stimulation became too much.
You screamed into the sheets as you exploded around his cock—the pressure in your stomach finding its release once more. Your hands fisted the cotton sheets, tears spilling from you, wetting the material. The pleasure travelled through the nerve endings lining your spine, making you convulse on the bed.
Your pulsating walls enticed Marc as grunts, moans, and groans fell from his lips as he chased his release. A few more hard thrusts into your tightness, and he finally came deep inside you, coating your walls with his warm seed. He stilled inside for a few moments, letting his cum fill you up before he sloppily fucked you both through the earth-shattering orgasm.
Once you had both calmed down and caught your breath back, Marc left a harsh smack on your sore ass. The stinging sensation made you yelp out.
“Good girl.”
He left a series of gentle kisses up your spine as his hands caressed your sides. You hummed a quiet sound at him being so soft with you compared with the animal he had been just a few moments ago.
Once done, Marc collapsed on his side of the bed, pulling your trembling form with him. He held you close to his warm body, and you practically melted into him. His hand petting your hair softly and lovingly lulled you to sleep. You let out a content sigh—eyes fluttering close as sleep consumed you.
“Sleep, sugar,” his lips lingered on the crown of your head, “I’ve got you.”
The strip of sunlight coming through the window woke you up from the deep slumber as the light hit your eyes. The soft bed sheets consuming you were a comfort as you stirred awake.
You stretched—body sore from the night before, but it felt good to relieve the ache in your muscles. The stretching made a content sigh leave you when you felt the relief of the stretch.
You patted the space beside you, expecting to find a warm body next to you, but it was cold and empty. Your upper body rose from the bed as you scanned around with hooded eyes. You almost had a heart attack when you found him standing beside the bed—not having seen him until now.
“Oh, shit, you scared me.”
His arms crossed over his broad and naked chest as you looked up at him. He had a stern look on his face—no pleasant emotions as he looked down on your form.
You knew it was Marc fronting, but you still said his name to make sure.
He shook his head no. “That’s not my name, sweetheart.” Yeah, it was him, but he wanted to play. He wanted you to call him something different.
He nodded his head—pupils widened with desire as you called him by his rightful name.
“I’ve been waiting for you to wake up. Daddy needs his breakfast.”
In a flash, he pulled the covers off you, revealing your naked body underneath. His tongue poked out from between his lips, wetting the bottom one as he scanned you with his hungry eyes. A single finger traced your thigh as he took in your appetising form.
He was quick to find his place between your thighs. Your legs were pulled apart—held open and pushed back by his abusive grip. A predatory growl sounded from him as his face was inches from your core— having a glorious view of your glistening pussy.
“Look at you. You look so tasty.”
Marc drags his tongue through your folds, moaning out as he finally has his taste of you. You gasped out, still so sore and sensitive from the night before.
“Oh,” your fingers tangled in his messy curls as he wraps his lips around your raw clit, sucking the nerve till it becomes swollen. There’s an internal battle happening in your head, whether or not you should push him away due to your sensitivity, or pull him in closer, as your body craves pleasure and release. The decision came quickly—you wanted him to devour you.
“Daddy, that feels so good,” your hips thrust into his mouth as you yearn for more, “don’t stop.”
Marc creates a beautiful dance with his skilful mouth—altering between sucking and licking your clit, and fucking your warm tightness with his tongue.
After a while, you pull on his locks, desperate for him to pay attention to your clit as you want to cum.
“Suck my clit, daddy. Please, make me cum… please, please, please….” The begs came smoothly from your lips as you were so needy for him to finish you off.
His palms rested underneath your ass to keep a steady hold on you as he engulfed your clit one last time, sucking and licking till it became fulfilled and satisfied.
You trap his head between your thighs, toes curling, as you come hard, hips thrusting into his vicious mouth, back arching in a beautiful curve as you fall apart on the bed. Soft mewls and whimpers fall from your lips as Marc doesn’t let go of your clit until you’ve come down from the intense orgasm.
“Fuck, babe,” you comb your fingers through his hair as you watch him lap up your juices, moaning out at your taste. Each lick to your abused core had you spasm and whine at the overwhelming sensitivity. You try to push him away, but his hold on you is too strong. He will not let go until he’s gotten all of you.
Once he’s satisfied with his serving, he looks up at you, mouth glistening with your wetness as a cocky smirk was plastered on his face.
“You taste delicious, sugar.”
He helps to bring you to his side so he can cuddle up with you. You curl yourself into a ball as his warm chest rests against your back. His hand caresses your waist lovingly as his face nuzzles in the back of your neck—leaving kisses on your soft skin.
“Rest up for a minute. I’m not done with you yet, sweetheart. We still have to shower.”
You clench your thighs as a defeated sob escapes when you realise he wasn't done with you.
This man will never be done with you…
he will never stop…
no matter how much you beg for mercy…
he will always want more…
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Thank you for reading🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
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dweemeister · 3 years
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All Dogs Go to Heaven (1989)
When Don Bluth and eleven other animators resigned from Walt Disney Productions in 1979, the defection was so stunning that the development was headline news in Hollywood. Bluth’s group (also including Gary Goldman and John Pomeroy) had been with Disney through the 1970s, working on the Winnie the Pooh short films, The Rescuers (1977), and Pete’s Dragon (1977). The defectors chafed under producer Wolfgang Reitherman’s leadership on The Fox and the Hound, accusing Reitherman (one of the Disney’s Nine Old Men, employed by the House of Mouse since 1933) for exerting too much control over artistic decisions cutting costs for training newer animators. Within a year, the defectors’ breakaway studio, Don Bluth Productions, was at work on The Secret of NIMH (1982) – a financial failure for various reasons little to do with the quality of the film itself. With funding from businessman Morris Sullivan and artistic collaborations with Steven Spielberg, the studio reformed as Sullivan Bluth Studios (often referred to without Sullivan’s name). Two animated features later (1986’s An American Tail, 1988’s The Land Before Time) and fatigued with Spielberg increasing control over all creative aspects of these movies, Bluth inked a deal with independent British studio Goldcrest Films to craft three animated features almost entirely free of outside interference.
All Dogs Go to Heaven is the first of these three movies, and the first Don Bluth movie where almost all of the animation took place in Ireland. The film, with a screenplay by David N. Weiss (1998’s The Rugrats Movie, 2004’s Shrek 2), is Bluth’s directorial vision unvarnished, without an esteemed producer there to overrule him. As such, All Dogs Go to Heaven boasts animated sequences unlike anything seen in prior Bluth movies, but suffers in its second half due to narrative indiscipline.
It is 1939 in New Orleans. German Shepherd Charlie B. Barkin (Burt Reynolds) and Dachshund Itchy Itchiford (Dom DeLuise in a fantastic performance and the film’s second best – more on the best later) explosively escape from a dog pound to return to the bayou. There, they head straight for a casino riverboat owned and patronized by dogs. The owner of the establishment is American Pit Bull Terrier/Bulldog Carface Caruthers (Vic Tayback), who orders his assistant, Killer (Charles Nelson Reilly), to intoxicate and execute Charlie. After a macabre execution – the fateful moment thankfully not shown – Charlie, despite his vices, finds himself at the pearly gates of heaven. He learns from a Whippet angel (Melba Moore) that all dogs, regardless of their life’s sins (and because dogs are naturally good and loyal), are guaranteed a place in heaven. But Charlie attempts to cheat death by stealing a special watch that allows him to return to Earth. The angel warns Charlie that this gambit may cost him his heavenly entitlement and that, when the clock stops ticking, he might find himself in hell. Charlie does not pay this much mind and reunites with Itchy, and soon hatches a plot to exact revenge on Carface. Their lives (but not necessarily their plans) change when both of them encounter a seven-year-old orphan girl named Anne-Marie (Judith Barsi), a human slave to Carface.
Just skimming the above synopsis make clear that this is not a children’s movie in the strictest sense. All Dogs Go to Heaven ends as one might expect, with Charlie’s earthly redemption. But the route to that final destination is abound with terrible moral choices from our canine protagonist and grim moments not appropriate for the youngest of children. The film’s first half illustrates the morality play that follows with clarity and narrative flow. Bluth and Weiss wisely keep the focus on Charlie and Itchy and their selfish, materialistic, and hedonistic ways. Even after coming into contact with Anne-Marie, there are aspects to their treatment of her that directly echo Carface’s. Can the audience forgive Charlie and Itchy for their behavior, given the rough-and-tumble (or perhaps, “dog-eat-dog”) reality of the bayou? The value of kindness and reciprocity is foreign to both. Abuse and exploitation are the near-sum of their life experiences. Credit to Bluth and Weiss for not allowing Charlie any simple redemption, even though one could credibly have questions about how the character arc transpires. Without the first half’s emotional and moral intimacy, All Dogs Go to Heaven might otherwise lose its way in its final stages.
A major factor keeping All Dogs to Heaven from crumbling due to its narrative cracks is Anne-Marie. In American animated features and television from the 1970s onwards, too many of these works have their child characters appear too cloying and cute, their eyes and usually-upturned mouths taking up far too much space on their faces, overdone cheek colorations, bodily movements exaggerated to an excessive degree – sometimes averted if the animators intentionally wished to provoke such a reaction (see: Elmyra Duff in Tiny Toon Adventures, Dee Dee in Dexter’s Laboratory). Anne-Marie feels like a throwback, a suggestion of Snow White from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). Her rather limited movements, slight hesitations in her bearing, and smooth transitions from one expression to the next (whether radical or subtle in emotional change) is a masterstroke of animation. From the moment Anne-Marie appears on-screen, the viewer empathizes with her – a tribute to the one of the best-designed characters on Bluth’s roster of characters in his filmography.
Much of the genius of her character lies in Judith Barsi’s voice performance, which quivers with youthfulness and vulnerability. Described by Bluth as a natural voice actor who could intuit complicated voice direction and having starred as Ducky in The Land Before Time, Barsi delivers the performance of the movie. For Barsi – abused and later murdered by her father at home – this is her final film. With the foreknowledge of what happened to Barsi before, during, and after her recording sessions on All Dogs Go to Heaven, it paints her turn as Anne-Marie in an agonizing, but soulful light. A heartbroken Don Bluth had Anne-Marie’s physical mannerisms based on Barsi to cope with the loss.
For the remainder of the cast, All Dogs Go to Heaven has some of the most expressive canine anthropomorphisms not seen since arguably Robin Hood (1973). The dogs quaff beers out of glasses, wave their paws in frustration as their rat race bets lose them their steak bets, and hold submachine guns like a person trained in firearms. But unlike Robin Hood and several other films from that period in Disney animation history, Bluth and his animators did not recycle any animation effects from a previous film. Directing animator John Pomeroy (character designer of Fievel from An American Tail and Elliot from Pete’s Dragon) designed Charlie, Itchy, Carface, and King Gator. And with Charlie, Itchy, and Carface in particular, Pomeroy sets the balance the canine and anthropomorphic. That style defines almost the remainder of character animation in All Dogs Go to Heaven – never off-putting, and supremely engaging.
Pomeroy also happened to design King Gator, a character who, despite their comedic value, threatens to steer All Dogs Go to Heaven off-course, also representing another glaring weakness to the film – a poor soundtrack. All Dogs Go to Heaven, with music by Ralph Burns (music supervisor on 1972’s Cabaret and 1977’s New York, New York) and lyrics by Charles Strouse (the musicals Bye Bye Birdie and Annie), T.J. Kuenster, Joel Hirschhorn (1972’s The Poseidon Adventure, Pete’s Dragon), and Al Kasha (The Poseidon Adventure, Pete’s Dragon), makes the mistake of having Burt Reynolds sing four times in this movie. This is not saying that Reynolds is terrible (“inoffensive” and “vocally limited” are how I will describe his singing), but he is no one’s idea of a musical star, despite what King Gator says about his howling. With no disrespect intended towards Ken Page as King Gator, King Gator’s song, “Let’s Make Music Together” is a momentum-stopper, screeching the brakes on the narrative at an inopportune time. Yours truly is no opponent of diverting (perhaps even time-wasting) Esther Williams homages, but not when they appear at critical dramatic junctures in the plot. The few songs of note include “Soon You’ll Come Home” (the most organically-placed song in the soundtrack; sung by Lana Beeson for Judith Barsi after the latter broke down during her audition) and the end credits’ “Love Survives” (sung by Irene Cara and Freddie Jackson, composed after Barsi’s death and dedicated to her). Otherwise, too many of the soundtrack’s numbers are plagued with dull melodies that neither do narrative or musical justice to the film at large.
All Dogs Go to Heaven possesses some of the most beautiful animation in the Don Bluth filmography. A vibrant waterfall of colors, the film’s classical backgrounds recall the mastery of earlier Disney animated features. The scene where Charlie dreams he is in hell (the provided link provides a rough cut of the entire scene; MGM/UA trimmed the scene for its theatrical release to avoid a “PG” rating from the MPAA – the film should be rated “PG” anyways) outdoes the demonic art Disney cooked up for The Black Cauldron (1985). Those few minutes are unadulterated nightmare fuel – a breathtaking demonstration of animation effects to flaunt the techniques that Bluth accused Disney of abandoning.
After handily defeating The Great Mouse Detective with An American Tail at the 1986 box office and with ongoing turmoil at Disney, it seemed – for a brief moment – that Don Bluth might become the premier name animation in the United States. Upon the release of All Dogs Go to Heaven and The Little Mermaid to American theaters on November 17, 1989, that possibility became undone. Bluth, who had left Disney after justifiably accusing the studio of deserting its creative foundations, was correct in his assessment when he left Burbank ten years earlier. The Little Mermaid was an instant classic; critics, comparing the two, eviscerated All Dogs Go to Heaven. In the following years, Bluth was regarded as a foolhardy Judas to the House of Mouse – harmful hyperbole that has not helped the reputation of his movies. Interestingly, the legacy of All Dogs Go to Heaven is mostly thanks to home media. The film had one of the highest-selling VHS releases of all time. Its success there and repeat showings on cable television (Bluth films aired on Cartoon Network with regularity in the ‘90s and 2000s) prompted a 1996 sequel (Bluth was not involved, Dom DeLuise was the only cast member reprising his role, and there is no Anne-Marie) and a TV series.
With the exception of Anastasia (1997), All Dogs Go to Heaven – a film that beautifully, though imperfectly, reflects Bluth’s represents the last commercial success in Don Bluth’s filmography. Animation in the 1990s belonged, once more, to Disney, despite the mostly-dismissed incursions from Japanese animation into international markets at this time. One wonders how Bluth perceived the irony of Disney returning to its origins of innovation and cut-no-corners artistry during that decade – a change that might not have happened if Bluth and his fellow eleven other animators never left the studio in protest. Of course, the Disney Renaissance did not last, and Disney shows no indications of returning to hand-drawn animation. Once more, Don Bluth’s vision of hand-drawn animation is dormant at the studio he idolized during his El Paso childhood. Yet his vision persists, shared by more people than he might have realized. Perhaps not in the form or in the places (Cartoon Saloon’s Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey, and Paul Young may never have made The Secret of Kells or Wolfwalkers without first meeting at an animation program set up by Bluth in Ireland) he imagined, but that belief in hand-drawn animation’s expressiveness, versatility, and timelessness survives.
My rating: 7.5/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found in the “Ratings system” page on my blog (as of July 1, 2020, tumblr is not permitting certain posts with links to appear on tag pages, so I cannot provide the URL).
For more of my reviews tagged “My Movie Odyssey”, check out the tag of the same name on my blog.
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sparktober · 3 years
Sparktober Bingo 2021!
Back for a new generation: Sparktober Bingo!
Instead of coming up with an Atlantis-specific list of prompts, I compiled a bunch of 2021 -tober prompt lists into one google doc here. (Links to original prompt lists are on the google doc.) Add in a list of Atlantis episodes and...
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How to play:
Choose a “flavor” from the prompt sets below the cut, then paste it into this fandom bingo card generator.
Adjust your browser size til it looks right and take a screenshot, or use the html script if you’re familiar with using html on tumblr. Tag @sparktober​ if you want us to reblog it so everyone knows you’re playing!
  Sparktober Bingo Rules:
Complete a row/column, corners, or a blackout of your card by November 1, or not! Update as you go.
All fan-works are allowed: art, edits, fic, meta... bonus points to anyone who picks the “sprinkles” flavor and goes full mid-aughts by filling their bingo cards with 100x100 pixel icons.
You are allowed to pull multiple cards until you get one that inspires you, and you can also go through the prompt list of your choice in advance to pull out squicks or things you absolutely won’t write. I recommend not googling unfamiliar words from your work computer.
Use the prompts liberally! Episode titles can be treated as the episode or as generic prompts (e.g. “Epiphany” can be for an episode-related fic or a prompt for an epiphany of your choice).
  Flavor descriptions:
VANILLA: Gen prompt lists from Fictober, Inktober, Trektober Gen, and Trektober Trek.
CHOCOLATE: Zesty prompt lists from Trektober NSFW, Kinktober, and Whumptober. The multiple-prompts-per-day from Kinktober and Whumptober have been broken into individual prompts.
CANDY CORN: Fall / holiday themed prompts from TUA-tober.
SPRINKLES: Atlantis episode list (in order, in case you only want to copy certain seasons), along with characters and a few Atlantis-specific prompts.
TWIST: All of the above! (You can also manually mix and match different flavors, of course.)
Text blocks to copy into the bingo card generator are below the cut. Enjoy!!
“I need you.”; “You have no proof.”; “I’ve waited for this.”; “Fine, I give up.”; “I’m not saying I told you so…”; “Didn’t we already have this conversation?”; “That could have gone better.”; “This is it, isn’t it?”; “There’s no right side to this.”; “It’s so quiet.”; “I swear, it’s not always like this.”; “You keep me safe.”; “The things you make me do…”; “Your information was wrong.”; “I like that in you.”; “Not this again.”; “I’m with you, you know that.”; “This was not part of the plan.”; “I feel strange.”; “That’s what I’m known for.”; “What did I say?”; “No promises.”; “This time, do what I say.”; “Is this supposed to impress me?”; “Do you know what time it is?”; “I’m sure this has never worked, ever.”; “You could have died!”; “I don’t have to explain myself.”; “Why are we whispering?”; “Don’t ruin this.”; “Take me with you.”; Crystal; Suit; Vessel; Knot; Raven; Spirit; Fan; Watch; Pressure; Pick; Sour; Stuck; Roof; Tick; Helmet; Compass; Collide; Moon; Loop; Sprout; Fuzzy; Open; Leak; Extinct; Splat; Connect; Spark; Crispy; Patch; Slither; Risk; Meet-Cute; Amnesia; Age Difference; Pining; Sick Fic; Fake Relationship; Accidental Meeting; Epistolary; Secret Identity; Historical AU; Nightmares; Monster Hunter; Reunion; Soulmates; At Pride; Angst; Seasons; Fix-It; Coffee Shop; Movie Plot AU; Kid Fic; Actor's Other Crossover Work; OT+; Getting Together; Only One Bed; Pirates; Making Up; Forbidden Relationship; Tattoos; Halloween; Prime Directive; Lower Decks / Background Characters; Away Mission; Ship's Bar; Aliens Made Them Do It; Observation Deck; Crew with Family; Holodeck; Science Crew; Character Survives; Headcanons; Diplomacy; Decontamination; Trek Crossover; Replicator; Worldbuilding; Redshirts; Sex / Love Potion; Medical Crew; Transporters; Medbay; Interspecies Relationship; Mirrorverse; Uniforms; Mutiny; Stranded on a Planet; Rec Room; Academy Era; Second Contact; Command Crew; Off-Duty
A/B/O; Soft; Anonymous Sex; Penetration with Object/s; Sleeping; Intercrural Sex; Restraints; In/Under Water; Group Sex; First Time; Possessive Behavior; Dry Humping / Grinding; Overstimulation; Roleplay; Rimming; Stretching / Fisting; Power Imbalance; Food Play; Fingering; Body Worship; Sex Work; Voyeurism / Exhibitionism; Safewords; Technology; Oral Sex; Omorashi / Wetting; Crying; Underwear / Lingerie; Friends with Benefits; Pain Kink; Dirty Talk; Trick or Treat; All trussed up and nowhere to go; Talking is overrated; Sticks and stones may break my bones...; Trust fall; I've got red in my ledger; Touch and go; My spidey-sense is tingling; Coughing up a lung; Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated; Oops, I did it again; Just keep swimming; It'll be fun, they said; That's gonna leave a mark; Under pressure; Feed a cold, starve a fever; On a need-to-know basis; Field care 101; The doctor is in; Just a scratch; Lost & found; That's where the blood's supposed to be; They made me do it; You break it, you buy it; One down, two to go; Hide & Seek; You will go down with this ship; “I'm fine, I prom...”; It's (not) just in your head; All work and no play; Digging your grave; Hurt & Comfort; “You have to let go.”; Garotte; Taunting; “Do you trust me?”; Betrayal; Bruises; Helplessness; Pneumothorax; Presumed Dead; Hospital; Adrift; Torture; “This is gonna suck.”; Crush injuries; Delirium; Recovery; “Please don't move.”; “Now smile for the camera.”; Bitten; Trunk; Bleeding through bandages; Cursed; Auction; Self-induced injuries to escape; Escape; Fallen; Passing out; “Good, you're finally awake.”; “You're still not dead?”; Major character death; Disaster zone; Barbed Wire; Choking; Insults; Taken Hostage; Misunderstanding; Touch Starved; Numbness; Exotic Illness; (Blind) Rage; Flare-Up; Drowning; Made To Watch; Burns; Beaten; Fever Dreams; Scars; Hemorrhage; Doctor Visit; Bleeding; Trapped Under Water; Pressure; Demon; Ransom; Flashback; Flight; Waterfall; Vertigo; Nightmares; Too Weak To Move; Left For Dead; Trauma; Bound; Gagged; “Who Did This To You?”; Pushed; Broken Nose; Hunger; Blindness; “Definitely Just A Cold”; Tears; Ice Chips; Dehydration; Begging; Cauterization; Force; Bees; Aftermath; Dread; Cpr; Stabbing; Solitary Confinement; Blood-Matted Hair; Obsession; Pursuit; Revenge; Hiding; Trap Door; Collapse; Panic; Overworked; Ghosts; Prisoner; Losing Control; Threats; Caning; Mercy; Forgotten; Head Injury; Screaming; Comfort; Self-Sacrifice; Trapped; Near-Death Experience; Regret; Tragedy; Battlefield; Anxiety; Gore; Petplay; Bimbofication; Panties & Lingerie; Bondage; Double Penetration in 2 Holes; Breeding; Humiliation; NTR; Incest; Emeto; Omorashi; Free Use; Crossdressing; Public; Three (or more) some; Daddy & Mommy; Double Penetration in 1 Hole; Distention & Cockbulge; Xenophilia; Shotgunning; Watersports; Pregnancy; Lactation; Waxplay; Grooming; Human Furniture; Feet; Prostituion; MacroMicro; Spanking; Cockwarming; Glory Hole; Somnophilia; Body Modification; Temperature Play; Leather; Size Difference; Sounding; Stockings; Tentacles; Medical Play; Stripping; Orgasm Denial; Master & slave; Scissoring; Titfucking; Frottage; Knifeplay; Formal Wear; Breathplay; Fisting; Pegging; Scat; Beastiality; Fucking Machine; Tickling; Boot Worship; Bukkake; Collaring; Foodplay; Non or dubcon; Feederism; Sensory Deprivation; Oviposition; Clone & Selfcest; Exhibitionism & Voyeurism; Impact Play; Sadomasochism; Bloodplay; Praise Kink; Body Swap; Sweat; Branding; Massage; Role Reversal; Armpit; Masturbation; Inflation; Sex Toys; Burnplay; Menophilia; Stuck in Wall; Deepthroating & Facesitting; Dacryphilia; Hate Sex
Birthday; Sick Day; Autumn; Candles; Plaid / Flannel; Leaf Piles; Sweaters; Baking; Cinnamon; Pumpkin Spice Latte; Carnival; Movie Night; Candy; Graveyard; Black Cats; Goosebumps; Pumpkin; Party; Monster; Ghosts; Witch; Vampire; Traditions; Magic; Mask; Haunted House; Trick; Treat; Costume; Monster Mash; Halloween
Rising Part 1; Rising Part 2; Hide and Seek; Thirty-Eight Minutes; Suspicion; Childhood's End; Poisoning the Well; Underground; Home; The Storm; The Eye; The Defiant One; Hot Zone; Sanctuary; Before I Sleep; The Brotherhood; Letters from Pegasus; The Gift; The Siege Part 1; The Siege Part 2; The Siege Part 3; The Intruder; Runner; Duet; Condemned; Trinity; Instinct; Conversion; Aurora; The Lost Boys; The Hive; Epiphany; Critical Mass; Grace Under Pressure; The Tower; The Long Goodbye; Coup d'Etat; Michael; Inferno; Allies; No Man's Land; Misbegotten; Irresistible; Sateda; Progeny; The Real World; Common Ground; McKay and Mrs. Miller; Phantoms; The Return Part 1; The Return Part 2; Echoes; Irresponsible; Tao of Rodney; The Game; The Ark; Sunday; Submersion; Vengeance; First Strike; Adrift; Lifeline; Reunion; Doppelganger; Travelers; Tabula Rasa; Missing; The Seer; Miller's Crossing; This Mortal Coil; Be All My Sins Remember'd; Spoils of War; Quarantine; Harmony; Outcast; Trio; Midway; The Kindred Part 1; The Kindred Part 2; The Last Man; Search and Rescue; The Seed; Broken Ties; The Daedalus Variations; Ghost in the Machine; The Shrine; Whispers; The Queen; Tracker; First Contact; The Lost Tribe; Outsiders; Inquisition; The Prodigal; Remnants; Brain Storm; Infection; Identity; Vegas; Enemy at the Gate; Ronon Dex; Teyla Emmagan; John Sheppard; Carson Beckett; Elizabeth Weir; Rodney McKay; Jennifer Keller; Samantha Carter; Aiden Ford; Radek Zelenka; Kate Heightmeyer; Evan Lorne; Laura Cadman; Kolya; Chuck; Peter Grodin; Steven Caldwell; Lantea; Ocean; Ancient(s); Richard Woolsey; Athosians; Daedalus; Wraith; Nanites; Asurans; Genii; DHD; SGC; Stargate; Earth; Antarctica; Ascension
“I need you.”; “You have no proof.”; “I’ve waited for this.”; “Fine, I give up.”; “I’m not saying I told you so…”; “Didn’t we already have this conversation?”; “That could have gone better.”; “This is it, isn’t it?”; “There’s no right side to this.”; “It’s so quiet.”; “I swear, it’s not always like this.”; “You keep me safe.”; “The things you make me do…”; “Your information was wrong.”; “I like that in you.”; “Not this again.”; “I’m with you, you know that.”; “This was not part of the plan.”; “I feel strange.”; “That’s what I’m known for.”; “What did I say?”; “No promises.”; “This time, do what I say.”; “Is this supposed to impress me?”; “Do you know what time it is?”; “I’m sure this has never worked, ever.”; “You could have died!”; “I don’t have to explain myself.”; “Why are we whispering?”; “Don’t ruin this.”; “Take me with you.”; Crystal; Suit; Vessel; Knot; Raven; Spirit; Fan; Watch; Pressure; Pick; Sour; Stuck; Roof; Tick; Helmet; Compass; Collide; Moon; Loop; Sprout; Fuzzy; Open; Leak; Extinct; Splat; Connect; Spark; Crispy; Patch; Slither; Risk; Meet-Cute; Amnesia; Age Difference; Pining; Sick Fic; Fake Relationship; Accidental Meeting; Epistolary; Secret Identity; Historical AU; Nightmares; Monster Hunter; A/B/O; Reunion; Soulmates; At Pride; Angst; Seasons; Fix-It; Coffee Shop; Movie Plot AU; Kid Fic; Actor's Other Crossover Work; OT+; Getting Together; Only One Bed; Pirates; Making Up; Forbidden Relationship; Tattoos; Halloween; Prime Directive; Lower Decks / Background Characters; Away Mission; Ship's Bar; Aliens Made Them Do It; Observation Deck; Crew with Family; Holodeck; Science Crew; Character Survives; Headcanons; Diplomacy; Decontamination; Trek Crossover; Replicator; Worldbuilding; Redshirts; Sex / Love Potion; Medical Crew; Transporters; Medbay; Interspecies Relationship; Mirrorverse; Uniforms; Mutiny; Stranded on a Planet; Rec Room; Academy Era; Second Contact; Command Crew; Off-Duty; Soft; Anonymous Sex; Penetration with Object/s; Sleeping; Intercrural Sex; Restraints; In/Under Water; Group Sex; First Time; Possessive Behavior; Dry Humping / Grinding; Overstimulation; Roleplay; Rimming; Stretching / Fisting; Power Imbalance; Food Play; Fingering; Body Worship; Sex Work; Voyeurism / Exhibitionism; Safewords; Technology; Oral Sex; Omorashi / Wetting; Crying; Underwear / Lingerie; Friends with Benefits; Pain Kink; Dirty Talk; Trick or Treat; All trussed up and nowhere to go; Talking is overrated; Sticks and stones may break my bones...; Trust fall; I've got red in my ledger; Touch and go; My spidey-sense is tingling; Coughing up a lung; Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated; Oops, I did it again; Just keep swimming; It'll be fun, they said; That's gonna leave a mark; Under pressure; Feed a cold, starve a fever; On a need-to-know basis; Field care 101; The doctor is in; Just a scratch; Lost & found; That's where the blood's supposed to be; They made me do it; You break it, you buy it; One down, two to go; You will go down with this ship; “I'm fine, I prom...”; It's (not) just in your head; All work and no play; Digging your grave; Hurt & Comfort; “You have to let go.”; Garotte; Taunting; “Do you trust me?”; Betrayal; Bruises; Helplessness; Pneumothorax; Presumed Dead; Hospital; Adrift; Torture; “This is gonna suck.”; Crush injuries; Delirium; Recovery; “Please don't move.”; “Now smile for the camera.”; Bitten; Trunk; Bleeding through bandages; Cursed; Auction; Self-induced injuries to escape; Escape; Fallen; Passing out; “Good, you're finally awake.”; “You're still not dead?”; Major character death; Disaster zone; Barbed Wire; Choking; Insults; Taken Hostage; Misunderstanding; Touch Starved; Numbness; Exotic Illness; (Blind) Rage; Flare-Up; Drowning; Made To Watch; Burns; Beaten; Fever Dreams; Scars; Hemorrhage; Doctor Visit; Bleeding; Trapped Under Water; Demon; Ransom; Flashback; Flight; Waterfall; Vertigo; Too Weak To Move; Left For Dead; Trauma; Bound; Gagged; “Who Did This To You?”; Pushed; Broken Nose; Hunger; Blindness; “Definitely Just A Cold”; Tears; Ice Chips; Dehydration; Begging; Cauterization; Force; Bees; Aftermath; Dread; Cpr; Stabbing; Solitary Confinement; Blood-Matted Hair; Obsession; Pursuit; Revenge; Hiding; Trap Door; Collapse; Panic; Overworked; Ghosts; Prisoner; Losing Control; Threats; Caning; Mercy; Forgotten; Head Injury; Screaming; Comfort; Self-Sacrifice; Trapped; Near-Death Experience; Regret; Tragedy; Battlefield; Anxiety; Gore; Petplay; Bimbofication; Panties & Lingerie; Bondage; Double Penetration in 2 Holes; Breeding; Humiliation; NTR; Incest; Emeto; Omorashi; Free Use; Crossdressing; Public; Three (or more) some; Daddy & Mommy; Double Penetration in 1 Hole; Distention & Cockbulge; Xenophilia; Shotgunning; Watersports; Pregnancy; Lactation; Waxplay; Grooming; Human Furniture; Feet; Prostituion; MacroMicro; Spanking; Cockwarming; Glory Hole; Somnophilia; Body Modification; Temperature Play; Leather; Size Difference; Sounding; Stockings; Tentacles; Medical Play; Stripping; Orgasm Denial; Master & slave; Scissoring; Titfucking; Frottage; Knifeplay; Formal Wear; Breathplay; Fisting; Pegging; Scat; Beastiality; Fucking Machine; Tickling; Boot Worship; Bukkake; Collaring; Foodplay; Non or dubcon; Feederism; Sensory Deprivation; Oviposition; Clone & Selfcest; Exhibitionism & Voyeurism; Impact Play; Sadomasochism; Bloodplay; Praise Kink; Body Swap; Sweat; Branding; Massage; Role Reversal; Armpit; Masturbation; Inflation; Sex Toys; Burnplay; Menophilia; Stuck in Wall; Deepthroating & Facesitting; Dacryphilia; Hate Sex; Birthday; Sick Day; Autumn; Candles; Plaid / Flannel; Leaf Piles; Sweaters; Baking; Cinnamon; Pumpkin Spice Latte; Carnival; Movie Night; Candy; Graveyard; Black Cats; Goosebumps; Pumpkin; Party; Monster; Witch; Vampire; Traditions; Magic; Mask; Haunted House; Trick; Treat; Costume; Monster Mash; Rising Part 1; Rising Part 2; Hide and Seek; Thirty-Eight Minutes; Suspicion; Childhood's End; Poisoning the Well; Underground; Home; The Storm; The Eye; The Defiant One; Hot Zone; Sanctuary; Before I Sleep; The Brotherhood; Letters from Pegasus; The Gift; The Siege Part 1; The Siege Part 2; The Siege Part 3; The Intruder; Runner; Duet; Condemned; Trinity; Instinct; Conversion; Aurora; The Lost Boys; The Hive; Epiphany; Critical Mass; Grace Under Pressure; The Tower; The Long Goodbye; Coup d'Etat; Michael; Inferno; Allies; No Man's Land; Misbegotten; Irresistible; Sateda; Progeny; The Real World; Common Ground; McKay and Mrs. Miller; Phantoms; The Return Part 1; The Return Part 2; Echoes; Irresponsible; Tao of Rodney; The Game; The Ark; Sunday; Submersion; Vengeance; First Strike; Lifeline; Doppelganger; Travelers; Tabula Rasa; Missing; The Seer; Miller's Crossing; This Mortal Coil; Be All My Sins Remember'd; Spoils of War; Quarantine; Harmony; Outcast; Trio; Midway; The Kindred Part 1; The Kindred Part 2; The Last Man; Search and Rescue; The Seed; Broken Ties; The Daedalus Variations; Ghost in the Machine; The Shrine; Whispers; The Queen; Tracker; First Contact; The Lost Tribe; Outsiders; Inquisition; The Prodigal; Remnants; Brain Storm; Infection; Identity; Vegas; Enemy at the Gate; Ronon Dex; Teyla Emmagan; John Sheppard; Carson Beckett; Elizabeth Weir; Rodney McKay; Jennifer Keller; Samantha Carter; Aiden Ford; Radek Zelenka; Kate Heightmeyer; Evan Lorne; Laura Cadman; Kolya; Chuck; Peter Grodin; Steven Caldwell; Lantea; Ocean; Ancient(s); Richard Woolsey; Athosians; Daedalus; Wraith; Nanites; Asurans; Genii; DHD; SGC; Stargate; Earth; Antarctica; Ascension
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withoneheadlight · 4 years
oh man that one with billy convincing steve to skip work has got me thinking trophy husband billy
Oh, anon! 💗💗💗💗adkahdshdhdkhkhdYESSS. I LOVE this idea!
And I’m SURE he would be the happiest trophy husband. And also the kind that's showy. Has so much fun going over the top with it, being gossip material. All cliché-y, and Diva-like. Basically confirming what everyone thinks about him (about them) precisely because it’s the diametrically opposed to what it really is.
Doing things like:
Mowing the lawn in mini-mini-shorts. Working on his tan on their lovely backyard on the sunny Sunday Summer mornings (in that exact spot where –coincidentally– Mr. Walker, their blatantly homophobic next door neighbor, would have to get out of his own backyard with his eyes closed not to see). Being reaaaally polite with everyone around (Mr. Walker included), smiling and waving his hand like “Hiiii, Janice! How did that new face treatment go?” because they live in a Nice Place now, six years after Robert Harrington made Steve climb his way up the company ladder right from the bottom “Exactly like everyone else”, both as a punishment and a trial; after working their asses out of their shitty one-bedroom apartment, having to prove themselves in every single step (as Steve and Billy, but also as SteveandBilly), but,
Here they are.
And now Steve has a very good job, one he’s genuinely good at, one that pays for much more than hardly the bills and maybe having dinner out from time to time. And they’re happy and they are together and they fucking made it, despite barely anyone around them given two shits. Now, Steve slicks his wild hair back from Monday to Friday, wears the nicest suits, so fitting and sexy and oh so preppy Billy sometimes gets a hard-on just from seeing them all together in the dressing room, hanging in a perfectly tidy line, made of the same material of sins.
He just doesn’t see the point in not treating himself every once in a while.  Make Steve run late for work or not getting there at all. In no letting himself enjoy the way those tailored beauties emphasize the shape of Steve’s glorious ass. Enjoy the certainty that in a big, stylish, impeccably neat office downtown, Steve’s dad is rolling his eyes all the way back into their sockets.
And also.
In not letting himself revel in the exhilarating feeling of sliding full into this ‘hot-mess trophy hubby’ persona almost everyone around them assumes he is. Steve’s Harrington boy-toy. “That California scum. Must be real good at sucking dick to get a deal like that.” Make the rumors roll down the small streets of Hawkins and under the door of his own father’s house. Thrive in the knowledge that every time Neil Hargrove hears any or those rumors or gets even the tiiiniest glimpse of them two together, going out and about holding hands,  feels like he’s about to puke his guts out thinking about what his son has ‘become’.
And aside from that, he kind of––enjoys, this trophy husband thing, to be honest. It’s been ten years since they got together now. Billy likes to keep things spiced-up. So when Steve is promoted and they move to be close to the new office, along with the house Billy buys a pair of powder pink slippers, fluffy ball of floating fur on top, and a see-through, fur-riveted robe to match. Some days he goes to his morning cockteling&tanning session in the backyard wearing only that (“Heeeey! How ya doin’ Mr. Walker?”). Kisses Steve goodbye long and filthy at the door, where everyone can see, opening the robe wide to wrap it around them both together, pressing their bodies flush, biting at his ear and whispering “Bring me a diamond when you come back, honey bunny” making Steve snort but say "You deserve a million of them, babe" making Billy melt, feel a bit like he's dripping love out of all the pores of his body, making a puddle that will permanently stain the glamorous white marble of the entryway as he waves Steve goodbye, scratches with feign indifference at the trail of fair hairs coming out his flashy-green pants to counteract the way Steve's killer smile makes him blush as hard as the first time, a whole decade away, that cold November night when he grabbed Billy by the collar of his T-shirt and said "I'm gonna kiss you. And then you're gonna punch me. And I don't care.”
It’s like a fucking fairytale. The way things were going? The most Billy expected out of life was live if fast, die young, leave a beautiful corpse behind. But now, he’s got the guy of his dreams. He’s got a life he could have never dreamed of. He’s got Steve, now. Steve, who’s good, is caring. Always fights him back. Doesn’t buy any of the shit he tries to pull off. Steve, who's got lips like that moment the earth forgets about gravity when you’re riding down the hill of a rollercoaster. Got eyes that can rip out of you promises you never thought you'd make (like: I do and forever and not even death). That always see Billy when they look at him.
And now, he gets to wake up every morning before he does, put the Moka pot on the stove. Gets to see Steve’s sleepy face right after rolling out of bed, hair still untamed, pouty lips, bare feet dragging over the floor. See the way he beams, smile wide and devastatingly sweet when Billy tells him “I made you coffee, babe”. Gets Steve kissing him like a daydream, laying him over the kitchen table, fucking him before even touching breakfast with his fancy pink robe on.
And Billy thought he would have to change. Give something, to have something. Didn’t really mind. Too lucky to complain. Thought he would have to stop being mean once they got married. Play the tamed part. Thought he was going to have to behave to fit into the rich and respectable life they had landed at. But. No-No. Rich people? They’re way meaner than regular people, turns out. Billy’s just been upgraded to play for the Asshole’s World Championship Cup.
And he’s always been good at sports.
So he goes to the hair salon the afternoon before any important event. Gets a facial. Does his nails. Buys new clothes. Gets all Pretty Woman on himself just so Steve can show him off. And oh. OH. OHHH. Steve does show him off. To his dad. His mom. The whole party. Doesn’t give a fuck about whatever people keeps on whispering behind their backs. Offers his arm to Billy and Billy clings to him, keeps his chin up. He’s never been as afraid of anything as much as Steve not loving him back. He’s fearless now. Because here they are. So he lets Steve walk him through the crowd as the King he was born like. Brilliant. Proud. Letting Billy to deal with the vultures if he fancies to do that.
“Awwww. But look at you!! Anyone can tell you two are soooo in love!”
Fake boobs. Fake Louboutins. Fake Smile. Billy is Queen Bee now. He’s got this.
“Oh, no Miss Treadaway. I dearly appreciate you noticing how good my acting skills are. But it’s exactly as you said to Miss Walton the other day. I only married Stevie here because he’s got a big dick and it’s loaded. And he only married me because of how good I look on all fours. You’re too perceptive to hide it!”
But with Steve’s parents? With Steve’s parents Billy is relentlessly n i c e.  When Robert Harrington won’t even look at him. When Crystal Harrington blows saccharine all over him like in a bad magic trick, deceivingly sweet when she says, “Well William. Maybe it's time you get a real job too now our Steven is running his own branch" cold war buzzing between them when Billy spreads his most honest, open smile, not a millimeter of animadversion showing “But I already have a real job, Crystal. I take care of your son. And there’s also, you know, that side thing I do of running Garage” making her fingers clutch hard around her cup of fine champagne, making Steve’s lips fight to repress a grin, eyes fond, and soft and in love. And Billy will do whatever it takes, endure whatever he has to, if what he gets in return is this:  the way the narrow space keeping them apart feels like inevitability when they're about to kiss.
And everyone thought he was going after the money, when they married. Most still do. But Billy never actually asked for diamonds. Well, not for real. But he gets one anyway. Tenth anniversary and counting. It shines unreal on his finger, as much as this life he has now, as the liquid shine of Steve’s eyes when he says “They come from fire, just like you. I always thought they would fit so well. And looks like I was right” and just a few years before, Billy would have said “This is too much, I can’t take it” too afraid Steve would get the wrong impression too, too afraid to not be up to him. But now, he understands, that this is just another way Steve is trying to take care of him, to show him love. So now, Billy lets Steve spoil him as much as he wants. Take him out for dinner without reason. Hand him a sealed envelope saying, “What about showing me that ocean you love so much?” Kissing him in front of everyone, all the time, ringed fingers intertwined.
Lets him buy them a California King just to make a stupid joke, get Billy Hargrove to blush.
“We can ditch all of this, if you’re not happy. You know that, right? I don’t care about anything else as long as it’s you and I”
Billy shakes his head. “I am happy, pretty boy. Happier than I ever thought I could be” Tickles Steve’s nose with the fluffy, pink fuzz all around his robe until he sneezes and chuckles. “But I wanna know,” he says, tone pouty and tragic “It is true, what everybody says? Am I really a trophy husband?”
Steve shuffles closer, rumbles low in his throat. It’s an early Sunday morning. They’re gonna spend all time left until breakfast fucking in bed. Then cockteling&tanning together ‘till lunch. And then, after, he’s sure he can convince Steve to put on one of those gorgeous suits, let Billy grind against the soft fabric, make a mess out of him. Make him beg and squirm. Pull down his fly real slow, down on his knees. Suck him off. Eat him out. Make him moan I love yous brighter than diamonds when Billy gets inside him. But right now, Steve just kisses him silly, lowers down the covers to take a look down, at his leopard print, see-through, hideous new briefs. The cheapest ones he could find.
Because Billy’s trash. Will always be trash.
“Oh yeah, babe. You are. A fucking trophy. The best anyone could have”
But he’s posh trash now.
The original post (xxxx) xD 💍
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clearlydiamondz · 3 years
Make Up For It
Erik Stevens x OC
Part ONE
After a year of not seeing Erik, Jada has been faced with him in a sticky situation. 
Warnings: Blood, Mention of Medical Procedure
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Jada laid back into the bathtub, letting the smell of the sweet candles fill her senses. She needed this.. in so many ways than others. After working 12 hours all week this week in the ICU, she was finally off for the next three days. She spoiled herself with some crab legs and dirty rice. She caught up in some of her reality T.V and her favorite anime (7 Deadly Sins), and now she was relaxing in her bath tub. 
She was dozing off until she heard the noise coming from her downstairs. Instantly she jolted up. At first she just thought it was her imagination until she heard whispers. She got out the bathtub before walking into her bedroom and grabbing her pistol that her brother King, got her to protect herself. She wrapped the black robe around her body before slowly opening her door. 
She walked down the stairs, holding the pistol taking it off of safety. She turned the corner to hear the talk get louder. “I thought you said she was off these days?” She recognized that voice. It was her brother.
“I thought she was here.” She recognized that voice too. How could she not? That was her ex-boyfriend. Erik Stevens. Gosh she missed him. How could she not? They’ve been together since high school. She was his right hand women while he ran his empire. But after a really bad break up, she cut all ties with him. Now it’s been almost year since she last seen him. 
“Bruh let’s just dip.” That was a voice she did recognize. 
She turned on the lights before saying, “Give me a reason why I shouldn’t put a bullet in each of your knee caps.” she said. That was until she saw Erik and the other boy holding her brother up. “What the hell happened to him?” she said putting the gun on safety and placing it on the side table. 
“We were at the club, next thing you know gun shots were being ring. He got hit.” Erik said as she closed her eyes. He was lying out his ass. 
“Lay him down on the couch.” he was laid down as he groaned. She unbuttoned his shirt seeing the wound. “What time did this happen?”
“Not even 30 minutes ago..” her brother said as she nodded licking her teeth. 
“So you guys think I’m stupid.. right?” she said looking at the two of them. 
“What are you even talking about?”
“If this happened 30 minutes ago, why is there brown dried up blood already around the wound. And you can see around the area where the skin in starting to die.”  she said pointing it out. “I know you like the back of my hand, you’re lying to me.” she snapped standing up pointing at Erik.
“We ain’t lying it’s-”
“I’m sorry.. who are you?”  she asked the random man.
“Oh, I’m DJ.” he said as she looked between the three of them. She stood up.
“Tell me what happened.” she said looking at the three, as Erik rolled his eyes.
“Bruh we’re not fucking lying.” 
“Okay.. play dumb then. I’ma play along with ya ass.” she walked to her kitchen, grabbing her house phone dialing 911. “Wait wait, don’t call 911!” King exclaimed. He looked at Erik nodding his head. 
“We were doing a raid between one of the rivals, it went left. They hit him and we just came back into town.” Erik said as she closed her eyes. 
“Why didn’t you guys go to a fucking hospital!” she yelled at him as King scoffed.
“And risk going to jail. No thank-”
“Shut up King! Do you not understand that you could have died! I don’t give a fuck about none of that shit!” she snapped at him. King sat back, listening to his sister. “And the fuck am I suppose to do? I don’t have supplies here?” she asked Erik tilted his head in confusion. 
“What about the emergency kit we had.”
“I threw it out. Supplies in there was expired. And why would I keep knowing that you-” she stopped herself before looking at her brother. “You need to take him to the hospital. The wound is already getting affected.” she told them as King groaned. 
“Jada look, I understand you’re mad at us but-”
“This does not have anything to do with being mad, look at my fucking brother Erik.” she snapped at him.
“Jada… please. I can’t go back to jail man.” King said to her. She saw the tears building up in his eyes as she scratched her forehead. “Someone stay here with him, we can go to the pharmacy up the road to get supplies.” she said turning around. She walked back up the stairs to get dress.
“I’ll go with her.” DJ said as Erik scoffed. 
“Nah nigga.. I see the way you lookin at her and that shit ain’t happening.” Erik said. DJ stared down at Erik crossed his hands over his chest. “You tryna fuck my-”
“Aye.. first of all that’s my fucking sister you’re talking about. And two, I’m right here.” King said as Erik rolled his eyes. Jada came back down with grey stacked sweatpants, a black tank top, and black flip flops. She had a white rag in her hand before walking to King. She took off the button up as he winced out. 
“Hold this on his wound. I don’t know how much blood he lost so let’s try and keep what he has in his body please. Put pressure on it.” she told him. He followed her instructions before grabbing her keys and her gun placing it in her waistband. 
“Nah, we are driving my car-”
“Do you really think you’re in the position right now to make any decisions?” she cuts him off. Erik smacked his teeth listening to her. He’s not even going to lie, he miss this. She was the only one on planet Earth that he allowed to talk to him like that. 
“Plus, if what you said is true, there are people from the raid all over this city looking for you. You’re car is probably being searched for as we speak.” she said making her way to the garage. They got into her car, as she backed out of the driveway. They rode through the dead city, the car silent. 
“You know I didn’t mean for him to get hurt.. right?” she gripped the steering wheel, before nodding. 
“Erik I know..” she said looking at the road. “But you didn’t have to lie..” she reminded him. 
“I just know how you get when it comes down to him..” 
“Yeah but you also know that I don’t like being left in the dark.” she said pulling into the parking lot. She found a close parking spot before stepping out. He followed her inside seeing her grab the things she needed. 
“We need to stop by the hospital. There’s a couple of things that we need to get that they don’t have in here.” she said. 
After paying for everything, they made their way to the hospital. “Stay here.” he instructed her. “No I need to come with you.”
“Erik It’s fine.. I got this,” she walked into the 
“Excuse me, who are you?”
“Oh I’m the lead for the ICU unit. I left my charger in the break room and came by to pick it up.” she said as the nurse looked her up and down. 
“Yeah. Hopefully it’s still in there.” You know how people can get with their sticky fingers.” she joked as Jada chuckled. She went to the supply closet before grabbing some of the items she needed. She made her way out to the car to see Erik sitting in the car. 
“You got everything.” 
“Yeah, let’s head back.”
After this little procedure, she had them put him in one of the spare bedrooms she had in her house. She told them to leave the room so she could have privacy with her brother. She sat on the floor on the side of the bed as he looked at her. “I know this isn’t how you wanted to spend you day off.” he said to her as she nodded.
“I’m so glad you know so..” she said to him as he chuckled. 
“I’m sorry that I lied to you..” he randomly said as she chuckled. 
“I’m just glad that you’re alive...” she told him as he nodded. There was silence before he spoke up. “You know Erik still wants to be with you.” he said as she scoffed. 
“Erik is the least of my worries right now, no offense.” she told him as he chuckled. 
“I’m serious, give that nigga a chance. Do you know how much he’s obsessed with you? Asking me every other day are you okay? Do you need money? Like damn call her your damn self.” he mocked him as he chuckled. Jada looked down on at the ground playing with her hands. 
“You need to rest. I’ll be back in a few hours to refill your IV.” she told him. She kissed him on the forehead before turning the lights off and walking out his room. Erik stood on the other side of the hallway.
“How’s he doing?” 
“He’s fine, he didn’t loose that much blood thankfully.” she said. 
“That’s good.” he said putting his hands in his pockets.
“I need to talk-” “Can we talk?”
They both said at the same time. They both laughed before she said, “Let’s go to my bar and have a drink?”
They walked to her bar as she grabbed two whiskey glasses, pouring some Hennessy into each one. He grabbed it before taking a sip. “I miss you..” was all she said before he looked at her leaning against the counter. He smirked bringing the glass to his lips. 
“That must’ve been really hard to admit.. huh?” she hit him in the arm as he chuckled. He placed the glass on the counter before looking her up and down. 
“I missed you too... that whole situation spiraled outta control honestly. And it’s a shame that shit had us to stubborn to not talk to each other for almost a damn year.” he said as she sighed looking down. 
“What does that mean for us?” she asked him as he walked closer to her closing the gap. He basically towered over her making her weak in the knees. 
“I feel like we both know.” he whispered to her. “I don’t know about you, but I got a lotta of making up to do.” he said hooking his index finger along the strap of the tank top. He let it hang off her shoulder as tilted her head over. He placed soft kisses on her shoulder as she sighed in pleasure.
“I have to makeup for a birthday, valentines day.” he whispered. He undid the other strap. 
“Erik..” she whispered as he pulled away from her. 
“Can I make it up to you?”
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I don’t need you to respect me, I respect me
I’m gonna miss writing about Amethyst.
As the most sisterly Crystal Gem, a firebrand in the new role of middle child after spending millennia as the baby of the group, Amethyst’s story is about growing from a wild teen to a responsible adult. Like Steven, she feels the need to prove that she’s a Crystal Gem too, but unlike Steven, she already is a Crystal Gem, so she carries a different kind of resentment as she continues to be treated like a child. It’s made even worse by her warrior instincts clashing with her small frame: she lives with the constant anxiety that she’s a mistake, a Gem who came out wrong and doesn’t belong in her family, so she comforts and distracts herself with hedonism and shapeshifting. Her problem goes beyond not feeling respected: deep down, she fears that she doesn’t deserve respect.
But she changes her mind.
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“This isn’t normal.”
The Return and Jailbreak culminated the first act of Steven Universe, giving our characters subtle achievements (Amethyst and Pearl casually fuse into Opal, Greg reveals a deeper understanding of the Gems than we once thought, Beach City comes together as a community when Steven is in danger) and huge changes (Steven summons a massive shield, Garnet’s status as a fusion is confirmed, Lapis goes from prisoner to imprisoner). While not an official finale, Beta and Earthlings culminated the second act, narrowing the focus to five characters as they each reach one milestone or another: Lapis and Amethyst find a level of peace, Peridot defends her new home, Jasper succumbs to corruption, and Steven helps his friends but fails to help his enemy.
In a way, Change Your Mind culminates the third act with an even narrower focus. Sure, it gives big moments to a ton of characters (there’s fanservice galore, and we see the three Diamonds in particular take enormous steps), but we zero in on Steven in the same way the entire act has zeroed in on Steven, because this is a story about identity. It isn’t only about who he is, but who he wants to be moving forward, and fusing all the insights he’s learned from his human family, his Crystal Gem family, and his Diamond family into a song that encapsulates his growth over the course of the series.
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We start in the most lifelike of the Diamond dreams, so real that Steven still sees himself as Steven rather than embodying Pink. Once again, this connection emerges from sleeping in a location where Pink once dwelled, but while he wasn’t feeling her impatience and rage in Jungle Moon, nor her hardening resolve in Can’t Go Back, nor her whimsy in Familiar, this time they share the same headspace when they’re both locked in a tower.
Considering how bombastic things get in this episode, I love how low-key this final dream remains until White Diamond interferes. We’re as lost as Steven at first, worrying about Connie and baffled at Blue’s recognizable mood but incongruous accusations, but as the truth becomes clear, he transforms into Pink off-screen without any fanfare, both in body and in mind: Steven isn’t questioning Blue’s warning about Pink Pearl, Pink Diamond is apologizing for her own behavior in Zach Callison’s voice. Still, looking down jolts him out of it, and after seeing the Crystal Gems poofed at the ball for a more definitive Steven memory, we cycle in Rose’s horror at her family launching a final attack on Earth. The rapid-fire identity shifts that follow inspired the most haunting piece of promo art for the episode, drawn by Rebecca Sugar herself, but I didn’t wanna display it without a seizure warning.
It’s excellent exposition, hitting the highlights of the Diamonds’ many wrongs and establishing Steven’s fraying sense of self in a way that’s both artful and brief; it’s important to remind younger viewers about the stakes, but Change Your Mind doesn’t pretend that anyone should be watching this episode without context, so it doesn’t prioritize thorough explanation. And despite how frightening the nightmare becomes, Steven gains a new sense of clarity after seeing the pattern laid out in front of him. The Diamonds are hurting him in the same way they hurt his mother, and if he’s going to help everyone, he needs to help himself.
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When Blue Diamond returns to the tower in modern day, Steven isn’t afraid, and he isn’t alone. The first of many puns riddling the finale emerges (“Déjà Blue!”) before Connie proves why she’s the perfect partner for our hero, platonic or otherwise. He’s terrible at confronting the people that hurt him—this would require him to acknowledge he’s hurt in the first place, which he’s also terrible at—but if she was comfortable enough with confrontation to call out her best friend when he wrongs her, Blue Diamond doesn’t stand a chance. Connie comes out swinging, loading the bases with candor and sass despite Blue’s confusion over why a human even gets an opinion about this stuff, which makes Steven’s refusal to apologize hit the Diamond like a grand slam.
I love that Steven’s flat “no” takes Connie by surprise as well as Blue, because yeah, it’s uncharacteristically blunt for someone who’s spent his entire trip to Homeworld bending over backwards like he usually does to accommodate others. When he doubles down by explaining that he isn’t sorry about creating a show that celebrates queer characters whoops sorry I mean fusion, Callison makes it sound like the most obvious thing in the world, and this is what upsets Blue enough to inflict her tears on him. We’ll learn even more about Pink’s temper in Steven Universe Future, but the simple act of not bowing to authority makes Steven “worse than ever” in Blue’s mind: violence is more acceptable than insubordination. (Also, violence in cartoons is more acceptable than queer folks just sorta existing in cartoons, but that’s neither here nor there.)
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Change Your Mind is about combating bigotry and cycles of abuse, and Blue is the obvious first test. She’s a bigot who doesn’t think she’s a bigot (compared to Yellow, who doesn’t care that she’s a bigot, and White, who’s quite proud of being a bigot). She passively perpetuates a toxic status quo (compared to Yellow, who actively perpetuates it, and White, who established it in the first place). It makes sense that she’s the first of the remaining Diamonds to change her mind, because all it takes for her to realize that something is wrong is thinking about it a little harder.
This doesn’t let her off the hook, of course: Blue’s sloth—the sin, not the animal—might not look flashy next to Yellow’s wrath or White’s pride or Pink’s envy, but she still chose to do nothing for thousands of years rather than contemplate how her actions and her society might have wronged Pink. If it was this easy for Blue to realize she was hurting Pink, it makes it that much more of an issue that it took her this long to figure it out. Unintentional bigots might be the “best” option by default, but they can be just as harmful as intentional bigots, and there’s a special sort of damage that can come from an oppressor who truly believes themselves an ally.
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That said, while it’s important to acknowledge her blame (emphasized here when she only stops attacking Steven when he calls her out rather than the Diamonds in general), Blue is also a victim. She’s one of the most powerful beings on Homeworld, but she’s still trapped by White Diamond, and resorts to putting others down as a means of reclaiming a sense of that power. In the same way oppressed people often turn to sexism and racism and homophobia to make themselves feel bigger, Blue (and Yellow) reinforce White’s sweeping bigotry in the same way they echo her family-specific abuse. It’s not a good coping mechanism, in this show or in the real world, but understanding the problem is key to fixing it.
So it still feels like a victory when Blue turns, even though it should’ve happened ages ago, and even though she’s a tyrant. She isn’t just deciding to help Steven, she’s breaking out of that cycle in a way that allows for growth beyond our hero’s immediate concerns. Lisa Hannigan captures this transformation beautifully, shifting from manipulative whining about Pink’s behavior to a crushing realization that she’s the one who’s wrong. And even as she joins Steven’s side, she remains weighed down by her longstanding prejudice: Hannigan stutters as she refers to the Crystal Gems as his family, and her triumphant defense of Steven’s name to Yellow comes with the caveat that she’s still misgendering him.
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But before we get to Yellow, we take a pit stop that grounds us back to Steven and Connie’s hunger. It may seem small, but this is a critical moment in establishing Steven’s humanity in a way the show has quietly done from day one: with food.
The very first scene of Steven Universe establishes our hero’s human half in a donut shop, upset about dessert. From there, the next five episodes drill in that Steven will take a unique approach to his magical Gem heritage, and they all involve food in a major way: Cookie Cats, then his father’s saying about pork chops and hot dogs, then the Cheeseburger Backpack (important enough to be the episode’s name), then the Together Breakfast (ditto), then creating a monster based on fries.
It’s not just Steven, either. The first few Connie episodes involve eating and drinking in ways that show hints of growth (worrying about trans fats, then sneaking food into movie theaters) and mark key moments in her life (sharing a juicebox, taking her parents to dinner). Lars’s development is tied with his love of baking, and on top of him and Sadie working at the Big Donut, the Frymans and the Pizzas are so tied to their food service jobs that it’s in their names. And speaking of names, we’ve got Vidalia calling her sons Sour Cream and Onion. It even extends to the Gems: Amethyst’s connection with Earth means she loves food, and Pearl’s greater distance from humanity means she can’t stomach it.
Food is fundamentally something that humans require and Gems don’t, and just like we saw in Lars’s Head, Steven’s physical body forces him to think about his own needs despite his usual focus on others. Both his humanity and his ability to stand up for himself are key to his eventual victory, and what could’ve been a generic transition between Blue and Yellow’s big scenes instead becomes a quiet Steven scene. Steven changing into his usual clothes (including his mom’s star) and Connie changing into her own outfit (including her dad’s jacket) is the perfect finishing touch before we dive back into the drama.
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True to their natures, Yellow Diamond gets a starker introduction than Blue’s dream sequence: as the lights burst on, we get two shots focusing on a horrifying number of mutated Gem Shards floating around in the room, then the Crystal Gems’ thankfully intact gems in one big bubble, before panning down to the villain who caused all this pain. The menace is palpable before she even opens her mouth, but Patti LuPone’s low tone keeps the mood from boiling over just long enough that when she loses her cool, it hits like a freight train.
Blue’s passive bigotry endured because she lacked introspection, but Yellow’s active bigotry requires constantly justifying actions she knows are cruel by presenting it as a matter of superior reasoning. We’ve known from her first appearance that Yellow’s seething fury undermines her reputation for cold logic, and now more than ever the connection between her behavior and that of “sophisticated” bigots is clear. You know the type: openly, smugly hateful, but couching their hate as something derived from some deep knowledge about the subject, whether in religious convictions or whatever “science” they can scrape together to confirm their worldview.
Sure enough, even in her rage, Yellow lays down what she sees as a rational explanation for why it was okay to mistreat Pink, and why it’s okay that they themselves are mistreated: if they make exceptions for anyone, even other Diamonds, they must make exceptions for everyone, and chaos reigns. Besides the slippery slope being a fallacy, her argument is punctured by Connie’s second big retort of the night, pointing out that this extreme conclusion of Homeworld Gems living free actually sounds pretty nice. But you can’t force this type of bigot to change their mind through reason; if such a person was actually interested in logical worldviews, they wouldn’t have become a bigot in the first place. You need to change their heart.
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Fortunately, emotions are Blue’s domain, so she’s just the person to help. Unfortunately, in the same way she still can’t get Steven’s pronouns right, Blue lacks experience with healthy communication, and strikes a first blow against Yellow on instinct. The ensuing brawl is brutal, switching between the massive scale of two warring titans and the smaller scale of Steven and Connie scrambling to save the Crystal Gems as Blue and Yellow unload millennia of baggage on each other. It’s so important that Blue is the physical instigator here, as it fuels Yellow’s white-hot self-righteous streak like nothing else, and it keeps the fight from being one-sided all the way through: Yellow pretty much needs to be the one dealing the final blow for the scene to stick, so it gets balanced out by Blue’s opening punch.
Blue uses her powers on Yellow, and Yellow uses her powers on Blue, but Steven’s power is talking. So just like with Blue’s conversion, Connie gets the opening words while Steven gets the finisher. When he finally gets her attention after being ignored throughout the scene, he makes Yellow listen to him by using the same food-based expression I mentioned from all the way back in Laser Light Cannon. It’d pack a bigger punch if Greg said “If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hot dogs” at literally any other point in the show, but it still does the trick.
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Blue was emotionally ready to accept that Pink was suffering, but hadn’t considered the Diamonds’ role in that suffering. Yellow knew that Pink suffered thanks to the Diamonds, but suppressed her emotions to the point where she couldn’t empathize with her sister’s plight. Blue needed to be more thoughtful to change, and Yellow needed to be more in touch with her emotions to change, and thus the stage is set for the Battle of Heart and Mind against White Diamond.
Except that this isn’t the lesson of Change Your Mind. Blue and Yellow show that some bigots can be reached, which is great! But despite their differences, Steven uses the same basic strategy in both: he doesn’t let them belittle his identity, he confidently dispels their wrongheaded assumptions, and he gets help from allies instead of shouldering the burden himself. We spend the beginning of the episode seeing that in the right circumstances this approach can work, but from here we’ll see that with some bigots, it’s a non-starter.
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So long as you can engage with bigots while maintaining your self-respect, it can be good work to try and help them see the light. It’s not an obligation, but if you want to change hearts and minds, Steven provides a good template for how to do it. Now the rest of the episode can focus on the bigger lesson: if someone refuses to respect your humanity when you’re steadfast and forthright, it isn’t your job to breathe in their poison, or to hold your breath until you asphyxiate waiting for change.
But more on that after the break!
I Can’t Believe We’ve Come So Far
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As we reach the end of the original series, it would be criminal not to acknowledge three long-time storyboarders who are on their way out. This isn’t their final contribution to the series, as only one of Change Your Mind’s twelve credited writer/boarders didn’t go on to work on The Movie in some way (Christine Liu, whose tenure was brief but great), and Hilary Florido stayed on as a supervisor for Future. But I wanted to write the big sendoffs here, as this is the last proper “episode” that these three worked on as regular boarders. So it’s time to say goodbye to Katie Mitroff, Hilary Florido, and Jeff Liu.
First up is Katie Mitroff, who clocked two early knockouts with Alone Together and The Test alongside Florido. Mitroff’n’Florido went on to make other classics like Maximum Capacity and Joy Ride before the former teamed up with Lamar Abrams and the latter teamed up with Jesse Zuke for their next batch of episodes.
With Abrams, Mitroff deepened the lore of the show with We Need to Talk, Steven’s Birthday, Bismuth, Buddy’s Book, Three Gems and a Baby, and especially The Answer. She gave us the harrowing revelation of Back to the Moon, and the most ridiculous episode of the series, Restaurant Wars. Her final partner was Paul Villeco, finishing strong with The Trial, Back to the Kindergarten, Your Mother and Mine, Pool Hopping, What’s Your Problem?, Reunited, and Change Your Mind, 100% of which are either in my Love ‘em ranking or my Top Episodes. (Oh, sorry, spoiler alert I love Change Your Mind.)
It’s strange, because she didn’t work on any of the major episodes of Amethyst’s big arc at the end of Season 3, but Mitroff is one of my favorite Amethyst boarders: she’s the consistent thread between Maximum Capacity, Back to the Moon, and What’s Your Problem?, three cornerstones of the character. She excelled at going outside the show’s usual style, as seen in The Answer and Your Mother and Mine, and it’s no coincidence she helped animate Isn’t It Love? to bring Cotton Candy Garnet back for one last ride.
Katie Mitroff is an absolute rock star, I wish her well and you should too.
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killmongerkink · 5 years
Behind Closed Doors - Part 2.
Summary: Erik, your roommate and friend, comes home from work drained and sick. After heading off to bed, you awake to strange noises and follow them back to his room. Little did you know what you would find behind closed doors. 
Pairing: Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens X Black!Reader
Warning: if you read part one then you already know, that’s all i gotta say.
Length: 6.3k
BTW: please don't hate me, i know this is long overdue, but i really didn't expect people to enjoy part 1 so much. this took me forever to write because i kept overthinking and putting it on the back burner, but here we are! i really hope it lives up to your expectations! enjoy! and sorry for any typos. 
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Every time you closed your eyes, the image of Erik sitting in that damn chair was behind it. It had been over a month and since then, you had been avoiding him like the plague. Were you being childish? Yes. Did you care? No. That night ended with Erik making a mess of himself and you as you made out heavily and as amazing as it was, you couldn't help but feel awkward and weird about the whole situation. A line had been crossed and there was no going back. There was a time where you prided yourself on not being another notch under Erik's belt. It made you feel good to know that you could resist him, while others lost their mind as if he was some rare artifact. Now, all that was gone. You were now lumped into the same group as all the other girls you used to shake your head at.
As much as you regretted it, you had continuous dreams of that night. Waking up in a cold sweat with damp underwear had become your new norm, fantasizing about him during class was starting to mess with your grades and staying up all hours of the night in hopes that you’d hear those same thumping noises again was most definitely fucking with your sleeping schedule.
Something had to be done or else you were going to lose it.
It was currently 7:30 am on a Sunday, which meant Erik was already working out. Since he was a maniac and found staying in the gym for hours “light work”, you knew you would have enough time to relax and walk freely throughout the apartment. It was a shame that you had been walking on eggshells in your own place, but it seemed easy compared to actually having to face Erik. You knew the time would come someday; you both did live together after all. There was absolutely no way of avoiding the conversation when it would inevitably come up, but you were content with holding it off for as long as you could. Knowing him, he probably wouldn’t want to talk about it either. Hopefully he would just act like everything is normal so you could follow suit.
After getting up and doing your morning routine, you hopped back into bed and threw your towel off to the side. The sun trying to fight through your black out curtains casted a sweet glow around your room, setting the mood for what was to come. It wasn’t long before you were scrolling through one of your favorite sites, the videos showing a slight preview as you scrolled past them. ‘Not enough ass, way too much ass ... why does his dick look like that?’ you thought to yourself as you clicked to the next page. Beginning to get frustrated, you were about to give up and just use your imagination until a particular video caught your eye.
‘Girlfriend Gets Fucked Silly in Chair’
Your finger hovered over your screen nervously, thoughts of that night once again rushing back to you like a flood. It wouldn’t hurt to watch it, just to refresh your memory since you didn’t really get to see it the first time. You decided against grabbing your headphones, the excitement of being able to listen to it loudly filling you with excitement as you flipped over onto your stomach. With your phone propped against your pillow, you clicked the video and then proceeded to press the play button. As the video started, you got into position. One leg bent, hand resting under your mound. Things started off slow in the both the video and your bedroom. You watched on as the couple proceeded to make out, the man’s hand rubbing on every inch of the girl’s body until he got to her ass where a loud slap hit your ears. Between hearing her whine and watching her jump, you slowly began to grind down on your palm, your clit getting rubbed perfectly by your hand.
They touched each other as if it was their first time. Both of their hands exploring as they continued to kiss, the girl grinding down onto the man's lap as he palmed her ass in his large hands. All you could think about was Erik and you in that same position. A shaky breath released from the back of your throat as you moaned quietly, your lower half rocking into your hand harder. You were having a hard time keeping your eyes open. The sounds of the video and the images in your head was enough to do the job in all honesty. 
“Fuck...” You mumbled to yourself, your hips having a mind of their own as they moved involuntarily.  
Maybe it was your pent-up frustration or maybe you were just horny as hell, but you could feel your build up approaching fast which caused you to move quicker. You had to force yourself to stop and breathed heavily as you flipped over onto your back, your knees raising towards your chest before your hand was slapping against your pussy a couple of times. You were imagining yourself in Erik’s room, in this same position in his chair. With your eyes closed, you could see Erik standing to the side as he stroked himself over you. Moving your fingers in a circular motion, it didn’t take long for you to continue where you left off. The video was still playing loudly next to you and your hazy eyes met the screen, the girl bouncing up and down in a steady rhythm while the man held her tightly, a look of concentration on his face as he forced her to take all of him. The power he had over her body was evident, her constant moaning and vulgar language causing you to follow right behind her.
You didn’t care that you were being loud or that your bed was creaking loudly under your weight, all that mattered was how close you were. Your hips were moving on their own, your hand trying to mimic the pace you had used on him that night. It wasn’t the same at all, but it was doing something and the drawn out “fuck” that your throat released was proof of that. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head and you immediately stopped, a whimper trapped in your mouth as you denied yourself from finishing. You physically and mentally weren’t yourself, that was the only way you could excuse your behavior as you snatched up your phone and ventured out into the apartment naked.
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Walking into the apartment, Erik locked the door behind him and made his way to the kitchen. AirPods blasting Welcome to The Party, he pulled out a water bottle and chugged it down. He pulled off his Nike Pro shirt, discarding it on the barstool without a care. Usually he would spend a couple hours in the gym, but today just wasn't his day. He slept horrible the night before, tossing and turning as if he was going through withdrawl and the headache that he was met with when he first opened his eyes just made everything worse. Instead, he drove around and tried to clear his head. When he was leaving this morning, he was tempted to send you a text to let you know that he was heading out. He didn't really have to since you knew him like the back of your hand, but it would've given you a reason to respond to him. It was a shame he had to do all that just to get you to talk.
Things between the both of you hadn't been great since that night and he was worried that he pushed you too far. That's why he decided to give you your space for a couple weeks. He had no regrets about what happened and honestly wanted to do it again, but he could tell you were beating yourself up about it. That's just what you did. He leaned against the kitchen counter; arms crossed over his chest as he debated on what to do. He was getting tired of your shit to be honest. Either you guys were going to go back to being just friends or you guys were going to fuck and get together. It was simple as that. He was generous enough to give you time to process whatever the fuck you needed to, now it was time for you to face him. Calling out your name, he removed one AirPod from his ear and stayed in place, the loud beat now filling the empty kitchen. When you didn't answer, he called again.  
Erik froze in place, heat rising up his body until he could feel it in his ears. He had to be hearing things because there was no fucking way you had some other nigga up in his crib. His headphones were left discarded on the kitchen island, his phone right next to them as he marched down the small hallway to your door, hands threatening to break as he clenched them with newfound strength. Steps faltering slightly when he noticed your door was cracked open, he had to mentally get himself ready for the scene before him. The last thing he wanted to do was commit a sin on the Lord's Day. He took a deep breath, his eyes black as he glared through the small crack into your bedroom.
"The fuck?"
A look of pure confusion filled his face as your empty bed met his eyes. He had just heard you, he could've sworn ....
Erik's neck snapped towards the other side of the apartment when your hushed voice met his ears. He had to be tripping. There was no way on God's green earth that what he thought was happening, was actually happening. He stepped away from your door and took his time walking towards his own. As the indescribable noises got louder and louder, he found himself inhaling a sharp breath as he walked in front of his open door. The scene before him was something he'd only imagined late at night. Nights when you would unknowingly say or do something suggestive without even realizing it. Nights that would without a doubt have him masturbating in his room like a horny teenager.
A look of pure ecstasy passed over your face as your mouth hung open, your fingers working together over your clit in a quick pace. You weren’t letting up as your head thrashed back against the chair, eyes still set on your phone that was propped up against his computer. It was crazy how after living together for almost a year, this was the first time Erik had caught you in the act. Your moans and facial expressions brought him back to that night, his dick hardening as he absentmindedly began to tug on it through his sweatpants. He couldn't understand why you had resorted to all of this when he could've been giving it to you without a problem. The background noise finally caught his attention, a small smile causing his golds to peek through. It was slightly muffled due to your whines, but he had those sounds damn near memorized by now. And knowing that you were playing the exact video he had shown you made him feel some type of way, no longer giving a fuck as he discarded the rest of his clothes before walking in.
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You were seeing things. That had to be the reason. One minute you were hearing his voice, the next you were seeing him by the doorframe. Although you were starting to get tired, you couldn't stop rubbing yourself. Your leg that you had thrown over the armrest was shaking slightly, while you other one was set on the floor as your toes dug into the carpet. He walked closer to you and you almost lost it, eyes straining to stay open as you stared at him, scared that blinking would make him disappear. He looked like he was out of it, but you didn’t have much time to dwell on it because his presence taking up his room had you seeing stars, a rush washing over body as you finally came. Unable to speak, you stayed still with your mouth open as you bucked your hips slowly and you rode out your high, body going numb for a moment. When you came back to yourself, you could feel something licking long stripes along your slit and when you looked down, Erik's dark eyes were on you. You blinked once, he was still looking at you. You blinked twice, his hair was all you saw as he began to dip his tongue in and out.
Eyes bouncing from wall to wall, you tried to come to terms with what was going on. He was really here, in between your legs, tongue working overtime to lap up the wetness that was left behind. He repositioned you in the chair roughly, you blindly following his twists and turns until you were positioned to his liking. Your body was turned on its side, one thigh pressed into the seat and the other hovering over his head as he ate you sloppily. Your hips started to rock against his face and you craned your neck in order to see him past your bouncing breasts, both sets of eyes meeting except yours were brimming with tears while his were glaring.
Cloud nine.
That's the best way you could describe the moment. The entire room was blurry, you felt like your body was going to give out at any moment and the vibrations every time Erik groaned or spoke against you had you lost for words. Your mouth hung open in ecstasy as he allowed you to hold his head in place as he literally tongue kissed your pussy. This was real, this was happening and now all you could think about was his dick choking you as he guided your head up and down his shaft. There wasn’t any time for you to overthink or be shy, all you knew was that it was time to stop denying yourself of something you needed.
Trying to get him to stop didn't take much convincing once he was pleased with his work, you vocalizing how much you needed him down your throat had him up and assisting you out the chair. He didn't say a word as he moved to make his way towards his bed, but you pulled him back, a hazy look in your eyes as you pushed him into his chair. The force had him rolling back a bit as you descended down to your knees. The position brought you back and you remembered how you were only given a taste, time not permitting you to actually show him your skills. Finally having him at your mercy was a beautiful feeling and knowing that you had a few tricks under your belt, it didn’t take long for you to really start getting into it. Drool was coming out of your mouth like a fountain, a long trail of it running down his dick and to his balls, your hand working over them lightly as his head continuously met the back of your mouth. You released him briefly, hand gliding along his length as you admired how much precum his tip was leaking.
The words "fuck it” were whispered under your breath so lowly that you yourself barely heard it over your heavy breathing, but of course Erik caught it, a deep grunt from him making you grin. You rested your palms against his thighs as his hips began to piston upwards, head bobbing wildly from the sheer force of him fucking your face. Forehead wrinkling as you cried out, you could feel yourself clenching as you tried to deep throat him to the best of your ability, his thick member defiling your innocent throat. No longer having to imagine what he would feel like, you weren't too sure if you could go without him being there at least once a day. Erik pulled you off of him by the back of your frizzy ponytail and you wrapped your hands around him without missing a beat, a trail of spit running past your bottom lip as he bent down and began to kiss you. The entire act was so wicked and impure. Almost like he was trying to devour you, trying to turn you out and make sure that you'd always be left feigning for more. His plan worked because you were shamefully leaning up and trying to capture his lips once again when he pulled away and sat back. A look of concentration was set upon his face, his breathing becoming more uneven as your hands sped up.
You couldn't believe this was Erik. The same Erik that would ignore you whenever you begged him to kill whatever little critter you ran into when you were minding your business. The same Erik that would eat your food and claim he didn't, as if he wasn't the only other human being in the house. That Erik was the same one that fingered you in the most amazing way a couple weeks back. The same one that other girls were willing to do anything it took to get his attention. The same Erik Stevens that just had his dick so deep in your throat that you could still feel it even though it was no longer there.
"You somethin' else, you know that? A real trip." He grunted his first words to you in weeks, hand still holding your hair. "You been avoiding me all this damn time and now you up in my room fucking yourself. What type of freaky shit is that?"
Erik moved closer to his face, his nose nearly touching yours as his dreads rubbed against your skin.
"You wanted me to catch you bustin' it wide open? See you with ya pussy all on display and leaking all over my fucking shit like you own it? Huh?"
He jerked his hand suddenly, your head forced to follow and the motion making your neck snap back.
"And what about it? Huh?" You mimicked his tone.
Maybe you should've thought twice before getting smart because soon enough you were being manhandled to your feet, Erik towering over you until his body moved swiftly behind yours and pressed against you, impelling you forward. Your knees met the cushioned seat and you spread them as much as the chair permitted you, one hand holding onto to the back of it as your other one pulled apart your right cheek. He shuffled behind you, breath tickling your ear and making your eyes flutter as he bent down. With his large frame practically shielding you, you could feel his body heat engulfing you. Your fingertips met his abs before trailing down, his short pubic hair grazing your fingertips before you were holding onto his dick. You were happy he was letting you do your thing for now, his slick skin moving back and forth as you stroked him lightly. You quickly released him and grabbed him from under you, wiggling your ass up in the air and pressing him against your folds, his head separating them gently as you aimed it towards your hole.
You lowered your face into the headrest in an attempt to hide your grimace as he pushed forward. It took a while for you to get used to him, so much that you had to stop for a while to get yourself together. Erik's hand wrapped around your stomach, lips leaving light kisses from your back up to your neck and revealing a side of him that you didn't think was there. He was handling you with so much care and precision that you almost didn't believe it was him standing behind you.
You finally started to move back and forth slowly, circling your hips as you closed your eyes and basked in the feeling. Erik pushed forward every time you pushed back, a little more of him entering each time until your ass was pressed against his lower stomach. When he felt like he had given you enough time to get comfortable, he rested his hands on your hips and quickened his pace, a steady rhythm found between your bodies as your walls were forced to accommodate his size. He was still gentle but was exerting enough force to remind you that he was the captain now. His skin was on fire and your hand, still beneath you, rested over your mound as your index and middle finger split wide, palm stimulating your clit and fingers stroking his length simultaneously. It was hard trying to not lose yourself while you basked in the feeling of his dick stretching you out. And to think that you had been missing out on this treatment for so long, what a damn shame. Erik's hold on you was tightening with every other stroke and when you felt his footing falter a bit, you jumped at the chance to push him overboard and started bouncing back on him.
"What's wrong? All that talk and now you stumbling?"
He was trying to keep up and regain his authority, failing horrible when you started showing out by adding an extra jiggle every time he sinked back into you. A series of teasing purrs emitted from the back of your throat, ass slapping against his skin so abruptly that your performance had the wheels jolting beneath you. Erik was unexpectedly pulling out minutes later, painting your ass with a fresh coat of cum and leaving an empty feeling in your gut.
Without even thinking, you gathered some on your finger and popped it in your mouth. You didn’t know if it actually tasted good or if the fact that it came from him made it ten times sweeter, but either way it had you sucking your finger clean and sticking your tongue out at him.
Erik tried to hold himself back, he really did, but damn. He was annoyed that you had him nutting this quick. And the cocky look you threw him as you took a taste both turned him on and pissed him off. He grabbed a random shirt he had laying on his dresser and wiped you off hastily, discarding it on the floor before speaking.
"I got more for you, don’t worry. Assume the position." He ordered and the quick command had you up and on your back in seconds. He seemed pleased that you were privy to what he wanted without him having to explain, but his words had been stuck in your head ever since that night.
“Dreamed of fucking you in this chair, your ass hanging off it as your knees press against your chest, big ass titties bouncing for me.”
Erik stood silently before you with his dick twitching on its own, your inner devil fighting to come out at the sight. You had executed his dream position swiftly: hands behind knees that highlighted your breasts as they were forced to lay plump and high in between your legs. He was even nice enough to even adjust the seat, making it more comfortable for your back and neck.
What a gentleman.
You couldn't stop yourself from clenching around nothing, your pussy tightening and releasing by itself just from him standing in front you. He was teasing you, that much was obvious. The both of you had been staring at each other for what felt like eternity. He refused to make a move and you were scared that if you did, he'd just make you wait longer so you obeyed, the cool breeze from the air conditioner tickling you places you wish he would defile.
He used his hands to grip the handles of the chair and pull you up to him, hovering over your body and accentuating those muscles of his. The sudden jerk once the chair stopped caused your chest to bounce, Erik's right index finger raising and tracing the outline of each areola. You stayed still, both nipples already painfully hard since you walked into his room. He softly brushed against your bud, the sensation bringing you some peace as he was finally touching you, but the sudden rush of him dipping his head down and sucking on it harshly made you cry out. You couldn't begin to even explain how hot it was. His thumb bared the weight as his four fingers laid splayed out on top, circling around the sensitive button before licking it lewdly with the flat of his tongue. If that he wasn’t enough, he teased you further by blowing against your skin, the coolness making you ache.
Now you had two wet spots and your second one was still begging for attention so you sneakily released the hold on your left leg, maneuvering between the both of your bodies and wasted no time with massaging in circles before pressing down and moving upwards, the pressure against your clit turning you into a moaning mess. He moved onto the other one, a deep "fuck" vibrating your ear drums before he was back to it, leaving tiny bites and kisses around the entire span of the area before making his way back to your nipple. The feeling and sight of his mouth paying such close attention to you had you in another world, your fingers now picking up the pace. Your sloppy mistake caused Erik to snap his head up, eyes digging into yours before he wordlessly slapped your hand away. You listened and for a moment, sweet Erik made an appearance by pecking your lips randomly. The quick kiss only lasted for a second before he was back to normal. And his ability to change in the blink of an eye had your feelings in limbo, not knowing if you found it more sexy or scary. He stuck his tongue out, nodding his head towards you and you listened, sticking yours out and welcoming his middle and ring finger. You sucked down on them, moving your head back and forth, almost as if you were giving them head before he took over, forcing his fingers in the back of your throat and causing you to gag before he was pulling them out, a wad of spit following.
"You just couldn't sit still. You always been so disobedient?"
Nodding your head quickly, you couldn't even think of a response fast enough before Erik was acting. A light tap met your second lips, causing you to twitch suddenly. He had a devious smile on his face as he roamed his thick fingers over your entire pussy before he was delving his middle one inside, only playing for a few seconds before adding the ring finger, his large palm covering your upper half while his other two fingers pointed upward. He wasted no time moving them at high-speed, giving you no time to get aquatinted with their intrusion. Between his fingers fucking you and his palm rubbing your clit, you felt as if you were on a high. Heavy breaths and loud sobs raked over your body as he relentlessly continued, no remorse in his eyes as you stared up at him in awe. You couldn't even fathom how he was moving so fast, this was the type of shit you only saw in porn. He kept his pace as he walked beside you, his other arm coming around and groping your chest roughly before he was holding onto your ankle, forcing you to stay splayed open.
"So fucking wet." He kissed your forehead before pressing his against yours, his dark gaze pulling you into a trance. "You hear that pretty pussy talking back? She got a nasty lil' mouth on her, just like her fucking owner. We gon' fix that though. You hear me? We gon' fix that."
Your stomach tightening was a tell-tale sign that you were close and as much as you wanted to push his hand away, you knew that wasn't going to fly. It was too soon for you to be cumming again, but with the way he was going, it wouldn't come as a surprise. You clenched your teeth, attempting to hide your cries and grabbed his wrist, a vice grip on it as you tried to form words. So many emotions were racing through you at once. You were trying to talk to him, your drunk babbles sounding like actual words in your head.
You gasped in a large breath shortly after, your head banging against the back of the chair as you soaked the chair and carpet, your juices splashing as Erik kept going without a hitch. You were writhing so much that Erik had to force you to stay in place, your head shaking from side to side as you tried to tell him to stop without words.
The room seemed to have gotten darker, your eyes barely registering your surroundings anymore. You felt as if you could finally breath once his fingers left you. Your breathing was jagged and harsh, the last remnants of your wetness dripping down to your ass and tickling you slightly. There was no time to show how embarrassed and shocked at the fact that you had squirted, not when Erik's loud grunt had you lazily turning words him and blinking lazily, a pleased sigh leaving your mouth. The same hand he had used on you was wrapped around himself, your wetness coating him nicely and causing him to shine. He made sure to avoid his head and only paid attention to his shaft, walking back around in front of you and the vein popping in the middle of his forehead was a telltale sign that he was itching for it just as much as you were.
“You good?” Head still fuzzy, you couldn't do anything but stare. He offered you a bottle of water that he had sitting on his desk and pressed it against your lips, holding onto it for you as you chugged it like a child. Saving a bit of water for him, you watched him polish the bottle off before discarding it back on his desk. You really didn’t know how much you had left in you. You wanted to show him that you could keep up and that you weren't some newbie, but Erik seemed as though he was on a mission to make up for lost time. When you saw him moving closer to you in an attempt to get things going again, you stopped him by pressing your foot against his chest and decided to earn a little time by talking your shit.
"1 to 1." Your voice went in and out, the breathy tone of it making your fatigue and nervousness clear. “You came once, I came once."
Erik tsk'd evilly, his tongue poking through his cheek.
"2 to 1. I had you grinding on my face like you were in heat, or did you forget?"
“Are you really taking credit for work you didn't do?" You arched your foot and dragged it down to his bellybutton. "Don't be a colonizer." Traveling down further, you tapped your foot against his dick and watched it bounce. “That first one doesn’t count seeing as how I pretty much did all the work, but thanks for cleaning up my mess maid.”
The way his faced morphed from a smirk to a full-blown scowl was priceless. He grabbed your thighs roughly, pulling you closer towards the edge of the seat and you eyed him cautiously in hopes that he wouldn't let you meet the floor. He held his member over your mound, rubbing it against you for a few seconds before he was sliding in. Physically feeling yourself open for him had you shuddering, Erik’s hands now behind your knees and you put yours to use by attempting to touch every inch of his upper body.
Skin that glistened to a glow as he perspired, abs that continuously tightened each time plowed into you, veins along his forearms that protruded as he held you open.
It felt like you were dreaming as you watched Erik stare down at you hugging him and when you followed his line of sight, you understood why he was so focused. It was addicting watching him dip in and out of you with such ease. He was taking his time, making sure he was feeding you properly and you found your breath getting caught in your throat when he made it a habit of slipping out completely before using just his hips to guide himself back in, slamming into you each time without a care. His slight curve had him hitting your spot just right and you found yourself fighting to keep your eyes open. You already knew that he was aware of how good he was making you feel, but that didn’t mean you wanted to boost his ego anymore. Resting one of your hands on top of his, you used your other stroke his neck as an idea popped into your head.
“Do it. I dare you.” He mumbled, already knowing what you were thinking.
You honestly didn’t know what the hell you were getting yourself into. This was your first time and while a part of you was a little scared that you’d look like an amateur, you knew that you weren’t strong enough to actually cause harm so fuck it. Nimble fingers wrapped around his thick neck, your thumb finding a small indent on the side and pressing down lightly.
“Weak ass hands. Do it like you mean it bitch.”
Glancing into his eyes quickly, you pressed down a lot harder and dropped your mouth open when he paused, his eyelids fluttering before his thrusts started to get more powerful. Who knew his rude ass would get turned on by getting choked? You let out a breathy laugh, a loud curse following afterwards when he started drilling into you. It felt like he was literally trying to break you in half, a burning sensation in your thighs causing you to grit your teeth and hold back your pleads. He was trying to get you back, you knew he was, and you purposely squeezed your hand harder in order to match the energy he was giving to you.
"That's it baby. Choke me like you choking this dick.”
Erik leaned down and pressed his forehead to yours, not letting up as he kissed away at your face. Slow and sweet, the stark contrast between his lips versus his dick had your head in a fog. When your hold on him started to falter, he made sure to remind you of the task he had set upon you, your hand trembling slightly as you tried to focus on not cumming.
“Look at my big girl, my big baby.” He chuckled deeply when you tried to push him away, your pout masking the butterflies swarming your stomach. “I mean you always been my girl, but now you my girl. You feel me? Yeah, you feel me. You feel this dick too, diggin’ you out, bustin’ you wide open.” His head followed yours when you tried to look away, a small game of follow the leader ensuing as he continued until you finally surrendered, a satisfied look in his eyes when begrudgingly looked at him.
He kept his comments coming, talks about the different places and positions he'd have you in by the end of the day, how he'd fuck you wherever and whenever in front of whoever. When you egged him on by confessing how this wasn't the first time that you had sneaked into his room, the combination of your blunt confession and his roaring grunt in your ear had you tightening around him and milking him hungrily. Feeling him pumping into you was something otherworldly and knowing that it was you that had him losing his grip on reality had you patting yourself on the back internally. He continued, fucking you slowly and the motion caused his cum to squelch loudly, the indecent act turning you on more than you would like to admit. Your hand that wasn’t still wrapped around his neck slipped down to where you both were still one and grazed him lightly, his chest expanding from his heavy breathing and hips jerking on their own. When he pulled out slowly, he was still convulsing and you hummed lowly to yourself when you felt him still expelling from his tip, fingers lazily dancing across your lips as his substance coated your fingers. You watched him watch you play with yourself, his eyes stuck on your hand even after you brought them to your lips and swirled the taste around your palette, your show provoking another physical twitch from him.
You weren’t surprised when he pressed his lips against yours, but you definitely were when he forced his tongue into your mouth as if you hadn’t just treated yourself to some of his kids. When you felt as though he was trying to get you started again, you pulled away and felt a string of spit slap against your chin, his own lips wet and glistening.
“Nasty.” You both spoke at the same time, his soft chuckle filing the room as you smirked at him.
“You good?” He questioned again. “Wanna shower with me?”
Nodding your head, your eyes spoke for you as they widened at him picking you up with ease, your heart beating out of your chest as he bounced you happily in his arms all the way to the bathroom.
You didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, nor were you really worried about it. You liked Erik and after taking a moment to realize all the things he had done for you since day one, you could tell he liked you too. Now, it was just up to you both to take it day by day and see where you’d end up.
the end 💕.
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taglist: @lostncrowned @honeytoffee @marvelmaree @iamrheaspeaks @janelledarling @thehomierobbstark @madamslayyy @hidden-treasures21 @missmohnique @killmoncoochie @thiccdaddy-mbaku @shay-iamiam @journeytomeee @theblulife @yoyolovesbucky @queenflaws @chaneajoyyy @killmongersbaby @blueoz @nickidub718 @wakanda-inspired @raysunshine78 @marvelmaree @pananegra @eye-raq @itsqu33n @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @caramelbunn @smuts-toriess @unholyxcumbucket @l-auteuse @supersizemeplz @savagescorpion @hey-taylor-hey @bidibidibombaclaat @thighsof-betrayal @mrs-thompsonnn @curls-and-crosses @endlessmockery @vickyfortes @soulsparker @ladymac82 @loosewindmill @shalynn-m @palmstreesallday @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @twistedcharismaaa​ @cosmogyrl​
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gatekeeperwatchman · 2 years
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Daily Devotionals for January 12, 2023
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living Devotional Scripture: Proverbs 2:9(KJV): 9 Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path.   Thought for the Day
To understand verse 9, we must look back to Proverbs 2:1: "My son, if thou wilt receives my words, and hide my commandments with thee…" Today's verse rests upon this condition. If we receive and treasure God's words, then we can understand righteousness, judgment, and equity and know the right path in which to walk. Let us consider the words righteousness, judgment, and equity: The Biblical definition of righteousness is "to be in right standing with God." There is only one way for us to be in the right standing with God - we must accept Jesus as our Savior, and repent of our sins and receive God's pardon for them through what Jesus did on the cross. The moment we yield our lives to Christ, we become righteous, and we come into right standing with God. In God's sight, we are as pure as His own Son, Jesus. This is a gift of God and has nothing to do with what we have or have not done. The only requirement to maintain this righteousness is staying in the right relationship with Christ by faith. We are not saved by works, but by grace. Good works are the fruit of salvation but do not attain eternal life for us.
"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life." (Titus 3:4-7, NIV).
Judgment, simply put, is a legal decree or sentence given by a judge. One day, God will judge every man by his deeds. Herein lies the most wonderful truth of Christianity. Anyone who accepts Jesus as Savior is judged to be righteous and will not be sentenced to hell, because the penalty for his sin was paid by Jesus. If we belong to God, we can boldly approach the Father through Jesus and ask for the things we need. We are accepted as righteous and our prayers are heard because of Him (Hebrews 4:16).
To practice equity means to be "fair, straight, or right." When we trust God and obey His commandments, we will reap good from what we sow. However, because it is evil in the world, we will endure injustices. Although we may not always be treated fairly in this life, we can be sure that God will see that we receive fair and just rewards in the world to come. Prayer Devotional for the Day Dearest Father, thank you for sending Jesus to die for my sins. I was a sinner and not worthy. Thank you that as I confess my sins, You are faithful to forgive and to consider me righteous in Your eyes. Since You have forgiven me, help me to forgive those who wrong me, as You taught us to do. I ask You to forgive our national sins of racism, greed, abortion, pornography, idolatry, and others. Be merciful to us. We deserve judgment, but I ask that You send revival that we might turn from our wickedness and our land be spared. Help me to do my part to bring change. Although my life may only represent one drop of rain, many others are raindrops too. Add each Christian's life and their godly influence to this sound of rain, until Your love and Your Word covers our dry and thirsty earth. In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.
From: Steven P. Miller
Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, Parker Miller Stevens (Gatekeeper1) …@StevenPMiller6 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman URL: linkedin.com/in/steven-miller-b1ab21259 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElderStevenMiller; #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981
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im honestly mad that i mad this. Ok, imagine this.
Philza was an emerald from homeworld, known as one of the fiercest commanders, a shatterer under yellow diamond, the angel of death. he crash landed on earth and got really taken by it, probably sometime before pink diamond, so now he just lives there, everyone on homeworld thinks he’s gone. he participated in the rebellion, since this planet is his home after all, but wasn’t corrupted because he had been bubbled for being too violent, like bismuth. his gem is located on his back. his wings aren’t really actually wings, they’re made of the gems that he shattered and are heavy with the weight of his sins.
techno was a defective perma-fusion, a horrific mashup of both gem shards and whole gems during an attempt to create a cluster warrior, giving him his terrifying piglin appearance, but still humanoid enough to pass as a “regular gem”. he considers himself as one gem, with multiple voices in his head, rather than a fusion. during an attempt to shatter him, he fought back and escaped homeworld. he participated in the rebellion, but got corrupted. however because of his odd gem physiology, techno was only partially corrupted, which gave the voices a little more autonomy. his gems make up his crown.
techno found out that phil had been bubbled and freed him immediately, before the two ran away together. they lived down in the arctic and thrived down there for a couple thousand years, but they come back to society every once in a while. phil gets really into japanese culture, while techno gets interested in monarchies and that gives them their skins. they travel regularly to keep updated with the humans, but still live in the frozen wasteland. i can’t figure out where the world domination happens, so we’ll ignore that for now.
couple more years pass, phil’s more chaotic tendencies have calmed down, same with techno’s raging voices, who he now refers to as Chat. they’ve built an ice palace and life is great. and then they meet wilbur.
wilbur was a 17-year old who never went to college and aspired to be a musician. he’s a bit estranged from his family, so he lives on the streets. philza met him during a performance at a gay bar, and immediately decided to adopt him. wilbur, being the way he is, goes along with it, because this man is pretty nice and the next thing you know, he’s 21, he travels the world as a street musician with a few albums, and he lives in the arctic with two intergalactic immortal gems. its not that bad though, he figured out how to hook up free wifi from phil’s shipwreck, so now he has free wifi wherever he goes. he teaches the two gems about the internet and occasionally tweets dumb things about his life. they are semi famous because nobody knows if he is joking or not. wilbur is on a tour when he meets tommy and tubbo.
tommy is the 15-year old foster son of sam, a mechanic and tinkerer, while tubbo is the 16-year old son of schlatt, a recovering alcoholic. they’re all friendly and im giving us good dadschlatt because only happy. they live fairly close to beach city, so they are used to weird stuff. tommy sort of forced himself into wilbur’s life and oh, look, he’s here to stay and we all know, wherever tommy is, tubbo is close behind. they know each other for about a year, but they’ve become a family.
by this time, plot is happening and the crystal gems haven’t told steven about the defectors, in order to keep him safe. despite living on the same planet for thousands of years, they have no idea where they are. then one day, wilbur comes to town, tubbo and tommy in tow. he meets the famous greg universe and lets the two others run off under assurance that the little town is entirely safe. tommy and tubbo are exploring when they meet steven and connie.
tommy runs his mouth like always and tubbo diffuses the situation somehow, and they hangout. steven’s showing them around when they run into some wacky gem trouble, but they don’t panic, even when steven pulls out the bubble and connie pulls out her sword. the clingyduo pull out their axes and call wilbur for help, who in turn calls techno, who in turn informs philza of the shenanigans happening. techno and phil show up to beach city, fully intending to just pick up the kids and leave when they run into the crystal gems.
of course the crystal gems have no idea that phil and techno have “reformed” and are very on guard, believing that they are kidnapping the three kids. said kids, of course, are very angry at this thought and vehemently defend phil and techno. the gems are very confused until they learn that the two took new names to become their own individuals, and were living in retirement in the arctic the whole time. they get invited over to the house for lunch or something and, hey, it turns out that the axe of peace wasn’t destroyed, pearl had it the whole time. that gets returned in an attempt at being peaceful. and tommy and tubbo seem to like steven and connie, so they may as well let them hangout, and oops, now the sbi + tubbo + sam + schlatt are all part of the plot.
i have ideas for the dream team too
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