#sparktober bingo
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mylittleredgirl · 5 months ago
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my 2024 sparktober bingo card!! you can get your own card here: https://tinyurl.com/sparktoberbingo2024
(& the intro post on @sparktober is here)
this year i decided to hold myself to no rerolls and no fine-tuning! i always mess around with the list so much to get prompts i really want (or that match WIPs) and then don’t write them because the ideas are too big… so we’ll see if i make more progress this way. there are a few wips though that still match…
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sparktober · 5 months ago
Sparktober Bingo 2024!
Almost in time for the first Sparktober Theme Day: Get A Bingo Card!
Our standby bingo-creation website is inactive this year, so I have cooked up a homebrew solution that will hopefully work smoothly and also satisfy the primal human urge to tick boxes.
How To Play Sparktober Bingo:
Get yourself a bingo card (instructions below & on the google sheet).
Create Sheppard/Weir fanworks of any kind (fic, art, edits, meta) related to your prompts. A single fanwork can fill as many prompts as you can fit in it.
Prompts this year are sourced from other 2024 'tober lists and some new dialogue prompt posts -- see the "credits" tab for links to all the sources. This year's center square is "completed WIP."
Use the prompts liberally! “The Long Goodbye” could be an episode-related fic or a fic about saying goodbye or inspiration for a Raymond Chandler-esque Noir Detective AU. Go wild!
Tag #sparktober to share your bingo card and creations!
Complete a row/column, corners, or a blackout of your card by November 1, or not! Update as you go. Spontaneously declare victory whenever you feel accomplished.
How To Get A Bingo Card:
Visit https://tinyurl.com/sparktoberbingo2024 with a web browser or the Google Sheets mobile app. All tabs have instructions on them.
The Automatic Bingo Card tab is easy mode. Check off which prompt categories you'd like to include, add your name in the yellow box, and generate a random card!
If you'd like to curate your selection manually, the Manual List Bingo tab has the full prompt list and lets you check/un-check individual prompts and even add new ones of your own. If you want to get even fancier than that, copy the whole document and have fun.
Want to make a card of your own to fit your WIPs or un-filled prompts from previous years? Type your own card on the Blank Template tab.
Screenshot the card to share it. You may need to zoom out in your browser or on mobile if the template is too big to capture on your screen.
Please close out of the browser tab when you're done, so other users don't worry that they will interfere with your changes.
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Please let me know how it works, and upload your cards to tumblr and/or the Sparktober discord for all to enjoy!
If you have any issues or this sounds annoying, I'll pre-generate some cards and make a post for folks to pick from. Just let me know!
-mod @mylittleredgirl
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krisrussel · 1 year ago
Rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and finally the fic with the least words.
Most hits:
Look me Straight into my Eyes (The Pretender - Jarod/Miss Parker)
Parker tracks Jarod down to drag him back to The Centre. Of course he refuses because he wants to finish his current pretend. Parker doesn't want to lose him out of her sight now, so she reluctantly agrees to join the pretend. Note: this is one of my earlier fics (second one in fact) and some of the writing makes me cringe. So don't say I didn't warn you ;)
Second most kudos:
Different Beginnings (Stargate Atlantis - John/Elizabeth)
In the middle of the raging Afghan war, Major John Sheppard meets diplomat Doctor Elizabeth Weir. Note: it keeps surprising me how popular this fic is, it being AU and all. And the amazing @xenantis has made beautiful fanart for it that you can find HERE.
Third most comments:
Sparktober Bingocard Ficlets 2013 (Stargate Atlantis - John/Elizabeth)
This is the collection of the ficlets that I wrote for the Sparktober 2013 Bingo card challenge. Note: The 'third most comments' was already mentioned before, so I went with the fourth one ;)
Fourth most bookmarks:
Doubts (Babylone 4 - John/Delenn)
John has doubts after he asks Delenn to marry him.
Fifth most words:
Is it really over? (The Pretender - Jarod/Miss Parker)
Mister Parker appears out of the blue again after his jump out of the airplane after Carthis. The first thing he does is send Miss Parker on a vacation. Note: My very first fanfic! Be warned of cringyness ;)
Least words:
Exhibitionism (Stargate Atlantis - John/Elizabeth)
Elizabeth never thought she’d find herself here. At a football game. Note: This was a challenge for myself to write a fic with exactly 100 words.
Tagged by: @winternightjewels Thanks for making me drag out my crappy first fics ;)
Tagging: @ddagent, @peridotbelle, @havocthecat, @auniverseofimpossibilities, @anretc
If I didn't tag you, but you feel like doing this, go right ahead!
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sourfall · 2 years ago
Sparktober 2022 Bingo Card
HOW is it October again? I was just dusting off the internet to get back into fandom-y things again last autumn. Sparktober is so fun and I'm glad it's here again though.
I still haven't finished last year's bingo card although I have a bunch of unfinished fics for it, but here's this year's card. AND! @havocthecat challenged/bribed me to do ALL 25 of these prompts IN ONE FIC. I mean, they do kinda all go together, huh? I can picture it...
I get super excited to write stuff but then always feel self conscious about posting my work... gah! We will see...
Happy Sparktober!
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I made a bingo card!
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starrybouquet · 2 years ago
here to encourage you to absolutely pull a sparktober bingo card and use it for sam/jack! the last section of prompts is atlantis-specific (a few general stargate prompts but mostly the characters and episode titles from sga) but you can edit those out before randomizing your card, add your own prompts, or just run as is and use the episode titles as keywords instead of episodes. doooooo iiiiiit!
Oh thank you for the reminder!! I queued the sparktober bingo card and totally wanted to try it but then it slipped my mind.
Not much writing happening for me recently but I will definitely create a bingo card and give it a shot!!
P.s. only vaguely related but thank you for the Sam/Jack event support! 💙
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ussjellyfish · 3 years ago
I wrote Sparktober fic! It’s all my favorite fic tropes in a two part fic. I haven’t written John and Elizabeth in FOREVER, and it was fun to try and find their voices again.
Blame the Whales - on Ao3, teen. 1/2. Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan.
         Summary:   Elizabeth and John's relationship is a just once thing, until it isn't and they're close, and then those damn whales...
(Or I try for bingo on my old favorite Sparky tropes for Sparktober).
(unplanned pregnancy, hand holding, John carrying Elizabeth, Teyla being a genius and someone giving birth under less than ideal circumstances).
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huskyblue · 2 years ago
I wrote a thing
Even more than that, I wrote and finished and posted a thing.
This was a fill for my Sparktober bingo card last year, but I'm operating on a 'better late than never' philosophy.
the mind alone without corporal friend (at ao3)
“The act of writing itself is like an act of love. There is contact. There is exchange too. We no longer know whether the words come out of the ink onto the page, or whether they emerge from the page itself where they were sleeping, the ink merely giving them colour.”
Stargate Atlantis John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir Historical AU - Gilded Age 14k
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year ago
in all my years as the @sparktober bingomaster i have never actually mastered bingo! there are a lot of mitigating health factors right now but i can spot some WIP and matching pair possibilities in here... will this be the year??
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i think a bunch of these would lend well to an angstifluff domestic earth sequel to something like ain't no sunshine, which has been on my list to "would love to revisit someday" for years, so i'm thinking about trying to write/post something in chapters... SCARY 😱 because i still feel guilty about that unfinished x-files fic from 2002 because i like to finish and fuss (and fuss and fuss) before releasing something to the wild. but it's sparktober!
advise me!
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sparktober · 1 year ago
Sparktober Bingo 2023!
So excited to bring you this year’s collection of bingo prompts! As in previous years, we have collected a bunch of 2023 -tober prompt lists (found on this google sheet in the tober 2023 tab, with relevant links and hashtags. Check out the originals!). This year, we have also included generic tropes and additional rp/ask post prompts.
Add in a list of Atlantis episodes, crank up the soft-serve machine, and…
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How to Play:
Choose all prompts or a mix of “flavors” from the prompt sets below the cut, then paste it into this fandom bingo card generator.
Adjust your browser size til it looks right and take a screenshot!
On mobile? Can’t generate your own? Generally sounds annoying? Check out this post for some pre-generated randomized bingo cards that you can take!
Sparktober Bingo Rules: (there are no rules)
Complete a row/column, corners, or a blackout of your card by November 1, or not! Update as you go. Spontaneously declare victory whenever you feel accomplished.
Tag #sparktober so people can see your bingo cards and creations!
All fan-works are encouraged: art, edits, fic, meta…
You are allowed to pull multiple cards until you get one that inspires you (hit “refresh” on the generated bingo card page).
You can also edit the prompt list as much as you want in advance to suit your likes and dislikes. Each “flavor” list is alphabetized.
There were tons of dialogue prompts this year in all categories, so those have been collected together in their own category.
Use the prompts liberally! “The Long Goodbye” could be an episode-related fic or a fic about saying goodbye or inspiration for a Raymond Chandler-esque Noir Detective AU. Go wild!
Flavor descriptions:
The prompt lists are below, in the following text blocks. Copy any or all of them into the bingo card generator!
VANILLA: Gen prompt lists from Fictober, Inktober, Flufftober, Trektober’s Gen and Trek lists, general tropes, and some prompts from various ask/rp prompt lists (additional lists and links are in the google doc).
CHOCOLATE: Smut themed prompt lists from Trektober NSFW and the #fawktober2023 kinktober list, and a few bonus tropes.
ROCKY ROAD: Whump prompts from the ever-fabulous whumptober! The multiple-choice-prompts-per-day have been broken into individual prompts.
COOKIE DOUGH: Dialogue prompts sourced from gen, whump, and rp prompt lists.
SEA SALT: Atlantis episode list (in order, in case you only want to copy certain seasons), along with Atlantis and SG-1 characters and some franchise-specific prompts.
THE WORKS: All of the above! For this flavor, copy and paste everything below the readmore. :)
Mod note: If you’re editing the list, make sure there’s a semi-colon (;) between your prompts. If you have semi-colons without prompts, you might end up with blank spaces. If you get a server error when using the bingo card generator, have some ice cream and try again!
[…] At First Sight; A Very Long Hug; About-To-Die Confession; Academy; Accidental Kiss; Accidental Marriage; Adventure; Advertising; Age Difference; Amnesia; Angel; Angst With A Happy Ending; Animals / Pets; Anniversary; Another Character Ships It; Assassin; Assumed Unrequited Love; Back From the Dead; Bathhouse / Sauna; Beast; Bed Hair; Bed or Tent Sharing; Black Ops; Blind Date; Body Swap; Bounce; Candles / Lanterns / Fairy Lights; Canon Compliant; Canon Divergent; Castle; Celestial; Chains; Champagne; Character Survives; Chess; Childhood Sweethearts; Cinderella Moment; Coffee in Bed; Coffee Shop; College; Comfort / Care; Common Interests; Confession; Corn Maze; Counting Freckles; Court Martial; Coworkers to Friends to Lovers; Crew as Family; Crossover; Cuddling for Warmth; Cyberpunk; Dagger; Damsel in Distress; Dangerous; Decontamination; Demon; Dessert; Dinner Reservations; Diplomacy; Discovering One's Sexuality; Dodge; Domesticity; Dream; Dreams Do Come True; Dress Uniform; Drip; Drunken Confessions; Emergency; Encouragement; Enemies to Lovers; Evacuation; Everyone Knows But Them; Everyone Thinks We're Doing It; Eye Contact; Fairytale Retelling; Fake / Secret Identity; Fake Dating / Fake Marriage; Family; Fantasy; Fire; Fire & Ice; Fireplace; First Kiss; First Responder; Firsts; Fix-it; Fixing Each Other’s Clothes; Fluff; Forced Marriage; Forced Proximity; Forehead Kiss; Forehead Touch; Fortune; Found Family; Fraternization; Friends to Lovers; Friends With Benefits; Frost; Fuzzy Morning After; Genderswap; Giggling During Sex; Glossary; Golden; Hand Kiss; Hand-Holding; Handcuffed Together; Hiding Injuries; Historical; Hot Chocolate; Huddling for Warmth; Humming / Singing; Hurt / Comfort; Imprisoned Together; Injury Revealed; Insomnia; Ion Storm / Sci-Fi Weather; Island; Jealousy; Keeping Someone Safe; Kid Fic; Kidnapped / Rescued; Last Table at a Café; Late Nights; Linguistics; Lockdown; Long Shower; Lost Sense(s); Love Confession; Love of my Life; Loved Ones; Lovers to Friends; Lovesick; Mafia; Magic; Map; Marginalia; Markets; Massive; Matchmaker; Meet Cute; Meet Ugly; Melting; Mentor; Mirrorverse; Misunderstandings; Movie Night; Multifandom Crossover; Multiple Universes; Musical; Mutation; Mutual Pining; Neck Kiss; New Occupation; Nightmares; No Trespassing; Nobody Knows; Nook; Observation Deck; Obsession; Only One Bed; Original Character; Out of Uniform; Outdoor Event; Pajamas; Partners in Crime; Path; PhD; Phone Calls; Pining; Plump; Plural; Poisoned; Polyamory; Porch Swing; Post-Apocalyptic; Pregnancy; Present Day; Protection; Pumpkin; Rainy Day; Reading Each Other's Minds; Reassignment; Rec Room; Recovery; Recruitment; Red Alert; Regency; Remove; Rescue Mission; Retirement; Reunion Hug; Rise; Rivals to Lovers; Road Trip; Role Reversal; Roommates; Rush; Saddle; Scratchy; Secret Relationship; Self-Worth / Self-Love; Sex / Love Pollen; Shaken, Not Stirred; Shallow; Shared Dreams; Shared Injuries or Pain; Shore Leave; Sick Fic; Singing to Sleep; Sleeping in; Slow Burn; Slow Dancing; Snowed In; Soft Character Snaps; Soothing Touch; Soul Bond; Soulmates; Space Horror; Spacewalk; Sparkle; Spicy; Spiders; Spin the Bottle / Truth or Dare; Spooky; Spy; Superhero; Supernatural; Survival Training; Sweater Weather; Sweet Tooth; Sync; Take-Out; Taken Hostage; Target Practice; Tattoos; Telepathy; Tending to Injuries; Terminology; Things Have Changed; Time Loop; Time Travel; Toad; Trinket; Under a Spell; Undercover as Lovers / Married; Waking Up; Walking Home; Wander; Warning; Watching A Movie Together; Wearing Each Other’s Clothes; Wing Fic; Wrong […]; X + 1;
69; A/B/O; About-To-Die Sex; Against a Wall; Alien Anatomy; Aliens Made Us Do It; Anal; Anonymous Sex; Aphrodisiacs; Bath / Shower; BDSM; Begging; Biting; Blowjobs; Body Worship; Bondage; Breath Play; Breeding; Caught Masturbating; Choking; Cock Rings; Cockwarming; Comfort Sex; Consensual Non-Consent; Corruption; Costumes; Cream Pie; Crying; Cunnilingus; Dacryphilia; Deep Throating; Degradation; Dirty Talk; Double Penetration; Edging; Exhibitionism; Face Sitting; Fingering; First Time; Fisting; Food Play; Forced Orgasm; Formal Wear; Frottage; Fuck or Die; Gagging; Glove Kink; Gun Play; Hand Job; Hate Sex; Heat / Rut; Hunter / Prey; Impact Play; In a Vehicle; Intercrural Sex; Knife Play; Lap Dance; Lazy Morning; Leather / Latex; Lingerie; Love Bites; Masturbation; Mirror Sex; Monster; Object Insertion; Oral; Orgasm Denial; Orgy / Group; Overstimulation; Partner Swap; Pegging; Period Sex; Pet Play; Piercings; Possessiveness; Praise Kink; Public; Rebound Sex; Rimming; Ritualistic; Role Play; Romantic Sex; Rough Sex; Seduction; Sensory Deprivation; Sex Toys; Sexting / Phone Sex; Shower Sex; Size Kink; Slow and Soft; Somnophilia; Spanking; Squirting; Stripping; Table Sex; Temperature Play; Tentacles; Thigh Riding; Threesome; Tit / Nipple Play; Undercover as a Sex Worker; Virginity; Voice Kink; Voyeurism; Wall Sex; Wax Play; We-Didn't-Die Sex; Whipping;
Rocky Road;
Aftermath of Failure; Alleyway; Animal Trap; Betrayal; Blanket; Blindfold; Bloody Knife; Body Modification; Borrowed Clothing; Brass Knuckles; Bridal Carry; Broken; Broken Phone / Radio; Buried Alive; Captivity; Cattle Prod; Cold Compress; Collar; Debris; Decoy; Delirium; Drugging; Emptiness; Examination; Flare; Flatline; Floral Bouquet; Glass Shard; Goodbye Note; Gurney; Hunting; Journal; Lab Rat; Made to Watch; Makeshift Bandages; Matches; Miscommunication; Mistaken Identity; Neglect; Outnumbered; Overcrowded ER; Panic; Pinned Down; Playing Cards; Polaroid; Psychological; Radio Silence; Recording; Red; Reluctant Whumper; Restraints; Sacrifice; Safety Net; Scars; Scented Candle; Seeing Double; Setbacks; Shadows; Shaking; Shock; Solitary Confinement; Stalking; Stranded; Suppressed Suffering; Swooning; Thermometer; Tortured for Information; Touch Aversion; Trapped Together; Troubled Past Resurfacing; Vehicular Accident; Vows; Water Inhalation; Working to Exhaustion;
Cookie Dough;
“Absolutely not.”; “Are you with me?”; “Be honest.”; “Be still.”; “Can I ask you something?”; “Can you hear me?”; “Come with me, hurry.”; “Did you miss me?”; “Did you plan for this to happen?”; “Do I look like I knew that?”; “Do you even know what this means?”; “Do you ever regret it?”; “Do you know a way out of here?”; “Do you know how long you were gone?”; “Do you know what you’re doing?”; “Do you recognize this?”; “Don’t do this again.”; “Don’t move.”; “Don’t shoot.”; “Don’t stop.”; “Don’t worry, I got you.”; “Everyone leaves.”; “Everything hurts.”; “Everything will be okay now.”; “Fine, explain it to me.”; “Fuck off.”; “Fuck you.”; “Go away.”; “Hey, wake up!”; “Hit them harder.”; “Honestly, why would I care?”; “How come?”; “How could you just show up after all this time?”; “How many fingers am I holding up?”; “I can’t wait for you.”; “I couldn’t tell you before.”; “I disagree.”; “I don’t feel so good.”; “I don’t know if they will accept this.”; “I don’t need anyone else but you.”; “I knew.”; “I know.”; “I love you.”; “I may not get another chance to say this.”; “I missed you.”; “I need you by my side.”; “I never said it would be easy.”; “I thought [X] was with you.”; “I thought we were past this.”; “I thought you were dead.”; “I told you I would come back.”; “I was worried.”; “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”; “I’ll never leave you again.”; “I’ll take care of it.”; “I’m done.”; “I’m fine.”; “I’m glad to have you through all of this.”; “I’m just getting comfortable.”; “I’m lost.”; “I’m not saying I didn’t like it.”; “I’m seeing this through to the end. With you.”; “I’m sick.”; “I’m sorry for leaving.”; “I’m sure.”; “I’m up, I’m up!”; “I’ve got you.”; “If you don’t stop now —”; “Is it really over?”; “Is that a challenge?”; “Is that you?”; “Is this okay?”; “It made me think of you.”; “It should have been me.”; “It stopped.”; “It wasn’t my choice.”; “It���s all for nothing.”; “It’s been a while.”; “It’s broken.”; “It’s good to see you.”; “It’s not too late, let’s go.”; “It’s not your fault.”; “It’s okay, I’m here now.”; “It’s raining.”; “It’s you.”; “Just hold on.”; “Just in case this doesn’t work.”; “Keep quiet.”; “Kiss me.”; “Leave me alone.”; “Let me see.”; “Let’s go.”; “Let’s talk.”; “Long time, no see.”; “Make it stop.”; “Maybe you should stay away from me.”; “My mother adores you.”; “Never mind.”; “Nice outfit.”; “No one knows us here.”; “No one will find you.”; “No way.”; “No, you won’t understand.”; “Not here.”; “Not much longer…”; “Now what?”; “Oh no, you’re a morning person!”; “Okay, show me.”; “Please listen.”; “Please stop.”; “Since when?”; “Slow down.”; “So… what’s new?”; “Stay here.”; “Stay low.”; “Stop distracting me.”; “Stop that.”; “Stop yelling!”; “Take it easy.”; “Take me with you next time.”; “That’s all? Easy.”; “That’s impossible.”; “They don’t care about you.”; “They’re not breathing!”; “Things were better before you left.”; “This better be good.”; “This sucks.”; “Try me.”; “Wait, you love me?” “I always have.”; “Watch out!”; “Watch yourself.”; “We agree?”; “We can’t do this on our own.”; “We can’t.”; “We only have each other.”; “We shouldn’t be doing this. Not here.”; “We’re fucked.”; “What happened to me?”; “What if we’re wrong?”; “What now?”; “Where have you been?”; “Where to?”; “Who takes care of you?”; “Who’s that?”; “Who’s there?”; “Why are you here?”; “Why did you come back?”; “Why did you leave?”; “You ass.”; “You coming?”; “You could have said goodbye.”; “You could say I’m fond of you.”; “You didn’t even try to look for me.”; “You don’t have to pretend.”; “You have me, always.”; “You in there?”; “You knew?”; “You left me to die.”; “You look awful.”; “You look like hell.”; “You need me.”; “You owe me an explanation.”; “You said you’d never leave.”; “You shouldn’t have left.”; “You told your family?”; “You will regret touching them.”; “You’ll have to go through me.”; “You’re a liar.”; “You’re here and that’s all that matters.”; “You’re joking.”; “You’re miserable.”; “You’re right.”; “You’re serious.”; “You’re the reason I came back.”; “You’re wrong.”; “You’ve changed.”;
Sea Salt;
Rising; Hide and Seek; Thirty-Eight Minutes; Suspicion; Childhood’s End; Poisoning the Well; Underground; Home; The Storm; The Eye; The Defiant One; Hot Zone; Sanctuary; Before I Sleep; The Brotherhood; Letters from Pegasus; The Gift; The Siege; The Intruder; Runner; Duet; Condemned; Trinity; Instinct; Conversion; Aurora; The Lost Boys; The Hive; Epiphany; Critical Mass; Grace Under Pressure; The Tower; The Long Goodbye; Coup d'Etat; Michael; Inferno; Allies; No Man’s Land; Misbegotten; Irresistible; Sateda; Progeny; The Real World; Common Ground; McKay and Mrs. Miller; Phantoms; The Return; Echoes; Irresponsible; Tao of Rodney; The Game; The Ark; Sunday; Submersion; Vengeance; First Strike; Adrift; Lifeline; Reunion; Doppelganger; Travelers; Tabula Rasa; Missing; The Seer; Miller’s Crossing; This Mortal Coil; Be All My Sins Remember’d; Spoils of War; Quarantine; Harmony; Outcast; Trio; Midway; The Kindred; The Last Man; Search and Rescue; The Seed; Broken Ties; The Daedalus Variations; Ghost in the Machine; The Shrine; Whispers; The Queen; Tracker; First Contact; The Lost Tribe; Outsiders; Inquisition; The Prodigal; Remnants; Brain Storm; Infection; Identity; Vegas; Enemy at the Gate; Ronon Dex; Teyla Emmagan; John Sheppard; Carson Beckett; Elizabeth Weir; Rodney McKay; Jennifer Keller; Aiden Ford; Radek Zelenka; Kate Heightmeyer; Evan Lorne; Laura Cadman; Kolya; Chuck; Peter Grodin; Steven Caldwell; Richard Woolsey; Samantha Carter; Jack O’Neill; Teal’c; Daniel Jackson; Janet Fraiser; George Hammond; Hank Landry; Carolyn Lam; Vala; Cameron Mitchell; Jonas Quinn; Alien Technology; Ancient Technology; Ancient(s); Antarctica; Ascension; Asgard; Asurans; ATA Gene; Athosians; Atlantis; Balcony; Control Chair; Control Room; Daedalus; DHD; Earth; Genii; Goa’uld; Infirmary; IOA; Lantea; Mainland; Mission Fic; Nanites; New Lantea; Ocean; Ori; Pegasus Galaxy; Puddle Jumper; Sentience; SGC; Stargate; Stasis Chamber; Storage Closet; Wraith
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sourfall · 3 years ago
Yay, my first bingo square halfway through Sparktober but it's cool cool
Title: Another Way by sourfall
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: John/Elizabeth
Tags: Episode: s04e02 Lifeline, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Unhappy Ending, Lifeline's Hallway to Hell, Replicators (Stargate)
Words: 5290
Inspired by the scene between Elizabeth and Teyla in “Adrift” after Elizabeth wakes up from her coma and says they shouldn’t have re-activated her nanites, followed by: “You have no idea what I went through the last time.”
Dark and twisty. Sparktober 2021 Bingo Prompt: Condemned
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sparktober · 1 year ago
Pre-Generated Bingo Cards
Go to THIS POST for Sparktober Bingo information and to generate your own card!
If you are on mobile (or would just rather have a pre-made card than make your own), a collection of randomly generated cards is below the readmore.
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sparktober · 4 months ago
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Thank you all for an incredible Sparktober 2024!
What a wonderful festival this year!! It was wonderful to reunite with old friends and welcome some brand-new fans as well. The staying power of this ship and this fandom is amazing. Countdown to Sparktober 2025!
Roll credits! Sparktober brought to you by: discord master of ceremonies and creative director of daily themes and questions @havocthecat, watch party captain @al-the-grammar-geek, bingomaster @mylittleredgirl, and @anretc who brought us the @swficathon twice this year! So much extra appreciation to Mod Al who kept us on track all month on tumblr and behind the scenes. 🏆 MVP!!
Special thank yous this year to @krisrussel for the always epic con pics, @nhawk-1 as chief researcher for prettyhellday (and bringing us stable friends in the pets channel), and what would Sparktober be without wonderful gifsets from @happycabbage, @samueltanders, and @sheppard-and-weir! (Also check out the #sparktober tag for some bingo fics that haven't made it to ao3...)
What's next? Sparktober procrastination mascot @mylittleredgirl's invitation to...
All those creative ideas and WIPs you didn't quite finish? Just remembered that you pulled a bingo card on Oct 1 and haven't looked at since? Want to keep the party and creative encouragement going with new and old friends? Sparkvember may be for you!
The discord is quieter in the off-season but remains open year-round, and the question of the day will continue! In the off-season, track and post to #john x elizabeth on tumblr. Bingo card generator will stay up, and we'll update this tumblr with surprise events. You might want to follow @swficathon too in case there's a repeat of last year's off-season fic exchange.
discord invite | ao3 | bingo cards
Have an awesome year, everyone!
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mylittleredgirl · 5 months ago
there's no chance i'll finish this fic today, so here's a little snippet from a wip set during "the return"...
Afterward, he pulls her close to him, spooning behind her. She smells different, like floral shampoo. He brushes her hair aside and rests his nose on the damp skin beneath it.
He breathes in and closes his eyes. Like this, he can almost believe the white noise through his window is the ocean instead of I-25.
He doesn’t realize that he’s tired enough to fall asleep until he wakes up to her wriggling out of his arms.
He yawns as he watches her put her bra on. “You don’t have to go.” His eyelids feel like lead weights, but the clock on the nightstand says it’s only ten o’clock. “I’ll order something in.”
“It’s a weeknight,” she says, as if that’s a thing that matters, as if they ever took weekends on Atlantis. She shrugs into her wrinkled dress. “You should sleep.”
“Elizabeth.” He reaches out to touch her arm or her hand, but she slips out of the way.
There are no midnight alarms here, no people who shouldn’t see them.
“I’m going to go,” she says anyway.
He doesn’t want to fight with her. “Okay.” As she walks away, he tries to come up with some eloquent way to ask her to come back again, or to answer her damn phone, but can’t figure it out before the apartment door closes behind her.
Theme Day - Oct 2 - Earth Setting
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Share fanworks, headcanons, gif sets, meta, and more about any episodes or scenes set on Earth!
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sparktober · 5 months ago
Theme Day 11 - Drabble Day
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Write a drabble, rec a drabble. Having trouble thinking of a subject?Claim a prompt from the 2022 Sparktober drabblefest.
Up next:
Oct 12: Bingo Card fill Oct 13: Elizabeth Weir's Birthday
See all Theme Days in our pinned post.
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sparktober · 5 months ago
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Welcome one and all to this year’s Sparktober, the annual celebration of John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir from Stargate Atlantis. Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or just discovered this ship yesterday, please join in!
discord invite | ao3 | bingo cards | theme days | watch parties
If you're participating in the Sparktober fic exchange, stories are due October 12 at 7 pm EDT. It's too late to sign up and request fics, but anyone can post prompt fills and gifts to the collection.
dreamwidth | ao3 collection | tag set | requests | @swficathon
We're updating the tag system on this blog and will update this post when finished!
Details and a calendar of theme days/events are below the readmore:
What's Sparktober?
Sparktober started on Livejournal as an unofficial lighthearted call for Sheppard/Weir fluff fics in 2007, quickly expanded to all genres of Sheppard/Weir fanfics and other fanworks, and was formalized in 2010 in this vintage lj community. It's now an annual celebration of this ship and a wonderful community of fans that are still making friends and creating fic and other fanworks after all these years.
Where to party:
Discord (invite code): Join the Sparktober server for conversation, events, fanworks, and watch parties. New participants welcome!
Ao3 (Sheppard/Weir tag). You can also add works to the Sparktober collection, or add/claim prompts in the ongoing drabble collection. In addition to new works, this is a great time of year to archive any pre-ao3 fanworks as well, or share a list of recs/bookmarks...
Tumblr: @sparktober. Post in/follow the #sparktober and #john x elizabeth tags.
Bingo cards for fanwork inspiration are available for 2024! Info post on tumblr | Card generator
Theme days: New this year, we have theme days, with a topic for each day of the month to inspire discussion/fic recs/new work. (Theme days don't expire; feel free to reply to prompts on other days.)
Watch parties: Each weekend, we have watch-along parties with live chat in the discord. Announcements are tagged #Sparktober Watch Party. We watch two episodes, starting Saturdays at 22:00 UTC [which is 6 pm Eastern time; 5 pm Central time; midnight Sunday Belgian time; and 9 am Sydney time].
Fic Exchange: See the dreamwidth for more info.
Theme Days are in plain text and other events are in bold.
October 1 (Tue): Bingo Card Theme Day.
October 2 (Wed): Earth Setting Theme Day.
October 3 (Thu): Fix-it Fics Day.
October 4 (Fri): SGC Theme Day.
October 5 (Sat): Post a Sparktober bingo card fill (or excerpt). Watch Party (check posts or discord for episodes & times)!
October 6 (Sun): Angst Theme Day.
October 7 (Mon): Fluff Theme Day.
October 8 (Tue): Women of Atlantis Recs / Fanworks Theme Day.
October 9 (Wed): Post a Paragraph of Your WIP Day (as a little treat).
October 10 (Thu): Women of the SGC Recs / Fanworks Theme Day.
October 11 (Fri): Write a drabble from one of the prompts of 2022’s drabblefest.
October 12 (Sat): Post a Sparktober bingo card fill (or excerpt). Sparktober Fic Exchange fics due & Watch Party (check posts or discord for episodes & times).
October 13 (Sun): Elizabeth Weir’s Birthday Theme Day.
October 14 (Mon): Kate Heightmeyer Theme Day.
October 15 (Tue): Post recs or drabbles based on your favorite romance trope.
October 16 (Wed): Teyla Emmagan Theme Day.
October 17 (Thu): Hurt/Comfort Theme Day.
October 18 (Fri): Best Joe Flanigan / John Sheppard Picture Day.
October 19 (Sat): Post a Sparktober bingo card fill (or excerpt). Sparktober Fic Exchange fics revealed & Watch Party (check posts or discord for episodes & times)!
October 20 (Sun): Radek Zelenka Theme Day.
October 21 (Mon): Best Torri Higginson / Elizabeth Weir Picture Day.
October 22 (Tue): AU Theme Day.
October 23 (Wed): Evan Lorne Theme Day.
October 24 (Thu): Favorite Stargate Picture Day.
October 25 (Fri): Offworld Adventure Theme Day.
October 26 (Sat): Post a Sparktober bingo card fill (or excerpt). Sparktober Fic Exchange authors revealed & Watch Party!
October 27 (Sun): Favorite Sparky Fic Theme Day.
October 28 (Mon): Laura Cadman Theme Day.
October 29 (Tue): Pretty Hell Joe/Torri RPF Theme Day.
October 30 (Wed): Filled Bingo Card Theme Day (or however far you got!).
October 31 (Thu): Spooky / Dark Elizabeth/John fic.
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