#killmonger scenario
livstarlight · 2 years
Modern AU-no powers-just everyone being regular people type of shit, and it’s christmas because I said so and because everything is more fun at christmas:
Namor (like I said before) is N'Jadaka's best friend, they get along like an hamster on a wheel (except the wheel is on fire, and the hamster is on the highway) ANYWAY they have been best friends for ages but Namor has never actually met Erik's family, if not his father once when he was alive, and Erik always talks shit about the rest of them, especially his insufferably perfect cousin T'Challa and his annoying younger cousin Shuri, and usually Namor tends to believe him because he is... you know, his best friend, and you are supposed to believe and support your friends when they tell you something and because okay they do sound like excessively good to the point of boring people
Except that one day during the holidays Erik asks Namor to come pick him up by his uncle's house and he ends up actually meeting the infamous family, but especially Shuri and okay, when Erik said young, Namor was expecting a child, not a 22 years old beautiful woman with eyes so sharp they could cut him. And there is nothing annoying about her, she is spirited... alright he is probably gone, down so bad and so fast he's already trying to come up with a plausible excuse to see her again soon. 13 years of difference is not that much right? Right? He doesn’t care, he is too whipped to care.
(If in his mind he's already trying to decipher which color should he have to mix to get the perfect shade to paint her eyes that's between him and his canvas... and possibly his roommate Attuma and his cousin Namora who unfortunately share the apartment with him and have to endure him raving about this girl 24/7 day and night for the foreseeable future) [Pray for them]
No matter she seems to have the most overprotective family around her that could rival with the Great Wall of China, or that N'Jadaka would tease him mercilessly if he knew how down bad he was for his cousin (he doesn’t hold that much love for her anyway, so if it ended bad nothing would happen between them, but Namor won’t, absolutely won’t let that happen, she is too special to lose)
She's apparently also a genius and a know it all who wouldn’t hesitate to shut him down faster than the time it would get him to say hi? Fine by him. She can dissect him to pieces with that wonder of a brain she has for all he cares.
Shuri on her part has already heard about him, and decided to despise him by principle because he's her devil-spawn-cousin's best friend so he must be awful too and who the hell decides to call himself Namor if not a deranged egomaniac person.
Except she doesn’t expect him to look like that or have that voice, or to sound way more deeper than she gave him credit for... and alright, he is intense, and stubborn to-the-point-of-idiocy when he wants to. But he can actually make a lot of sense about a lot of things, and they do have a lot in common, and he challenges her, doesn’t let her win easily, she wants to know more about him oh no he is not that bad at all what now
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bizzybkd · 2 years
Cornbread (2)
Killmonger x pregnant!reader part two
Warnings: none
“(Y/n), dear, are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Queen Romanda asked, having put the pan of cornbread batter into the oven. You were sitting at a table only a few feet away as she refused to let you be on your feet. As well as having had you change into a long, beautifully patterned blue and yellow robe she had had made for you when you gave birth, but seeing as she underestimated the size of your coming child, decided you should be given the gift ahead of time to be comfy until the birth of her grandchild.
You were grateful for the gift, it represented a part of your culture you weren’t able to be indulged in, a distant part but it was still a part of you seeing as your ancestors had been twisted and traded with other racial DNA over the generations. You loved every part of yourself of course, but it was nice to be in touch with a specific part, like you belonged somewhere besides being from “everywhere”.
As for the question of your current state, the way you were bouncing your left leg and your hands unknowingly tense around the glass of water you had been given gave more than just the impression of uncomfortableness.
“Oh yes, Queen Romanda,I’m kakuhle ngokupheleleyo.(“perfectly fine”)”You replied, God, those Duolingo lessons really paid off. That, and Erik helping you himself.
Romanda smiled, she loved how you embraced her kingdom’s culture as your own, as it was anyway. “Kuyaqondwa, ntombi.” She replied.
“Queen Mother!” One of the Dora Milaje cried, rushing into the room, the Queen immediately on her guard. “There seems to be an uproar in the capital, citizens are protesting what they have found to be an unfair merchant.” She explained, spear at her side in attention.
“Take me. I must apologize, ntombi, but I must attend to this.” She said, speed walking up to you and giving you a quick kiss on the forehead before going with the warrior.
This left you alone in the kitchen, the gorgeous vibranium and black titanium of the tiles and counters made the entire room feel clean and sleek. You imagined having this for you and Erik’s home, although you knew it’d cost an arm and a leg to install, let alone maintain.
After just a few minutes in silence, you got up to your feet, mouthing a small apology to Queen Romanda, as you had broken you unspoken promise to stay off your feet. Walking the hallways, the cup of water in your hands seemed to be weightless as you looked at the many tapestries and paintings, the tall doors that were patterned so nicely it made you wonder how much time each one took to make.
Letting your mind wander was a speciality of yours, it’s how you passed most of the time when you were by yourself. Creating stories and characters and scenarios in your head and playing them out how you saw fit, if the characters didn’t act on their own anyway.
As you started imagining yourself as queen, keeping the ideas to yourself as you were afraid even speaking something like that completely alone would risk treason, you felt your phone buzz in the back pocket of your shorts, the shorts you had left in the guest room you’d stayed in the last time you were in the castle.
Erik’s contact name “Husband🖤” showed on your phone, along with the blurry contact photos of his butt you’d taken while he slept on his stomach on the couch a few months ago.
“Hello, my love.” You answered, stopping in your tracks and leaning against the wall of the hallway, holding the glass and your hand on your belly.
“Hello, Beautiful, I’m here, I’m just outside by the landing deck, where are you in the castle?” He asked, you could hear the deafening sounds of helicopters in the background until they stopped and the sound of a door closing could be here from the phone and from down the hall.
As you turned your head and saw him come around the corner, you immediately hung up the phone and grinned. You couldn’t run, but you quickly walked up to your fiancé, who’s smile couldn’t be contained as he met you 3/4 the way, he hated seeing you going around with that beach ball in your belly.
He hugged you gently, doing his best not to squeeze too hard before kissing your lips and smiling, he stared happily into your eyes and rubbed your hips gently, your hands on his shoulders before they trailed down to his chest.
“You’re finally here..!” You cheered quietly, hugging him once more, not being able to be as close as you wanted to be.
He let out a soft chuckle and held the back of your head and kissed the opposite side. “Yes, I am, I couldn’t miss seeing your cute ass.” He smirked, tapping your butt.
With a roll of your eyes you stole another kiss. “Yeah yeah, as if that’s not the reason I’m even in this position.” You joked, tapping your belly gently until you buckled your knees, grabbing onto his forearms immediately.
“(Y/n)?!” Erik jumped, grabbing your arms as well to hold you up. “What’s the matter with you?”
You gulped and looked up at him shakily, clearing your throat and climbing up his arms and gaining back your composure. You have a shaky nod that made you feel like your brains had been turned to mush, and with the roll of your eyes to the back of your head and the last sight you saw being your worried fiancé, you blacked out.
You awoke to the soft sounds of wind, lying on your back and surrounded by what looked like purple and violet blades of tall grass. You laid under an Acadia tree, the low hanging and outstretched branches hovered over you, as if shielding you from the setting sun. The sky was beautiful, if you hadn’t noticed the tiny biting sensation on your calve you could have stared at it for hours.
With a small yelp, you looked down for the source of the biting, a small black panther cub the culprit. You cocked your head to the side. Wondering how in the world it even got here. Then again, how in the world did you get here?
You got up to your feet, using the tree behind you to help you, despite feeling somewhat weightless in this new place, the mound on your belly still kept you aware of how silly that feeling was.
Trying to look around, it seemed as though you were somewhere in the wild, free from the fingertips of civilization and untouched by that of humans even. All that lived in your line of sight was you, your growing baby, and the panther cub that suddenly stood on its two back legs in front of you.
As surreal and entirely unnatural such a thing was, you weren’t afraid, as if something inside you was telling you not to be scared. The cub slowly changed before you, you didn’t even remember blinking, but you suddenly saw a baby in front of you, sitting on the ground.
It looked eerily familiar, from its curly topped head to the dark brown eyes in its head. As you studied the child even more, you eventually bent down to be face to face, this bend having turned immediately into a sit of course.
“What are you doing here..?” You said, your voice no more than a whisper.
‘Do not speak to him.’ A voice told you.
You froze, the voice wasn’t familiar at all, and it didn’t even feel like it was around you, like someone had played it in your head. You didn’t jump either, everything that would have had your head spinning and think nig you were going crazy around you only made you feel as though it was natural. That this was all meant to happen.
You only nodded to the voice, turning your attention back to the child, who had slowly turned into someone who seemed to be 13-14. He looked like Erik, in an eerily similar kinda way. Was this him as a child? No, it couldn’t be, the child’s hair was different than Erik’s, and a different color.
Taking a second, it hit you, he had your hair. And your nose, and even your face shape. While he had Erik’s eyes, lips, and skin tone, he even had a birthmark on his arm that resembled the one you had.
This was your child. The same one brewing in your belly. You reached a hand down to your stomach only to hit the ground, looking down, your stomach was flatter, not completely but enough to show the absence of a pregnancy. You looked back up at the child who now looked 18.
You scrambled back a bit but immediately calmed down. He looked like you, he’d grown into his features and had locs, one in particular had the tip colored white, with face paint adorning his features. He extended a hand to you, his face still neutral.
Taking his hand, you could feel the calluses, he obviously had some kind of training as he grew. They reminded you of Erik’s. As you stood to your feet, the robe you once wore was gone and you were suddenly in a much fancier attire, you examined yourself and saw how the fabric fell perfectly over your curves and how well it fit your body shape. The glimmering gold and black accents could only shine in the permanent sunset in front of you.
Looking up once more, your son had become grown, you couldn’t even assume the age he’d turned into. He had Erik’s build, and what you could guess to have grown to 6’3 or so. There was a scar across the bridge of his nose and one down the side of his mouth. He gave you a smile and bent down to kiss the top of your hand, it was then that you saw the throne that had been hidden behind his large build. Your son released your hand and stood straight, walking backwards with his hands behind him to the throne, stopping just before it and sitting down, either hand on the arm rests of the throne.
‘King M’Jabe.’ The voice said.
You woke up with a gasp, sitting up too quickly until four hands held you, one on either arm and two on your back. Your breathing quickened as you looked around yourself, the ringing in your ears and the sounds of monitors beeping out of control filled your ears, slowly fading until you heard voices.
Erik was on your left and T’Challa was on your right, you looked at both of them and put a hand over your chest, doing your best to catch your breath as Erik asked you what happened, his voice obviously snitched on his current state, he’d cried, at least once. His voice was shaky and desperate, as if he’d waited ages for you to wake up.
It felt like you hadn’t been gone more than five minutes.
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ambermation · 2 years
Hey! May I have a Yandere Strange Supreme oneshot? Strange is still in the stalking phase. Darling is sleeping and he decides to sneak in for a cuddle. Reader moves and he's scared he woke them up, but they just snuggle with him in their sleep. Strange absolutely melts cause he's so touch-starved 🥺💓
Hi! I’m so sorry this took so long, I was in a slump for a while. I freaking love this scenario so much 🥰 He’s so totally touch-starved baby boy doesn’t even remember the sensation of snuggling 😓
Warnings: Stalking, Soft!Yandere Behavior, Unintentional/Unaware Cuddling (does this count as a warning?) The behavior shown by Stephen here is completely unhealthy and should not be viewed as ideal for real life nor romantic in real life.
Word Count: 1075
If there’s one thing Stephen has plenty of, it’s time. Time to do nothing but watch over Ultron and Killmonger for all eternity. But it’s only fair. It might seem like a cruel fate, but Stephen thinks that he’s cemented his extended (frankly, let’s be real here, nearly immortal) lifespan to this. This atonement, to pay for destroying his universe for his selfish desires. It seemed as though he were doomed to live out this fate, nothing of any joy to accompany him during any of it.
But then came along you. You, with your bright smile and enchanting personality that rivals the stormiest of days. Now Stephen has never officially met you, not yet, at least, (he plans to introduce himself some day, but that time has not yet come), but he’s been watching you for a while now. A few times he’s even stayed in the same room with you, quite literally the fly on the wall. But he never came forth. Why would he, when he's entirely content (as of right now) merely watch you? Just the sight of you was enough to satisfy Stephen. You were both a distraction from the tedious task he’s been resigned to as well as a great recreation from said duty. He’s not sure how he first caught sight of you, when there were endless universes flying through the magic portal he conjured, but miraculously he did. And he has never looked back since.
Quite literally too. He never wants to take his eyes off of you, no matter the number of eyes the form he was in had, he didn’t want to take a single one off of you unless absolutely necessary. Even if he had to, he would find a way to keep at least one eye on you, his pride and joy in this grand multiverse.
Tonight- or was it day? It was impossible to tell in his universe- Stephen was once again observing you. (One could argue that it was also night time in Stephen’s universe since he was constantly peering into yours.) He saw you do your nightly routine before you climbed into bed. And after several minutes, you were fast asleep. Your breathing was steady and calm. Lying there, on your bed, with soft, pale moonlight gently caressing your form, in Stephen’s mind, you looked just like a royal. No, not a royal, something more… ethereal. He pondered over this for a moment before the answer came.
An angel. A regal angel, at that. You were his regal angel.
A mere glimpse of you was enough to take his breath away. And tonight that rang especially true. Maybe if he was a better man, he could be with you. He could be with you physically, not just spiritually. If he wasn’t such a monster, maybe he could be worthy of you. Of your sweet embrace. Of your compassionate reassurance.
His mind began to wander. What would it be like to talk to you? Would your voice be as lovely as it sounds from his universe? What would it be like to hold you? Or even, what would it be like to be held by you? These thoughts, along with a vivid reel of images showcasing said thoughts, swam through his head. Before he was fully aware of what he was doing, Stephen was already inside your room, having stepped through a portal he conjured. Just a few feet in front of him there you lay. A content, almost blank, expression on your face as you dreamed. Stephen, emboldened by your peaceful presence, quietly made his way over to you. The scent of you only encouraged Stephen more.
With movement as swift as a bunny and as gentle as a feather, Stephen was now in bed with you. Actually with you. Not some illusion he cast, nor some dream of his own. This was real, very much so.
It was just as Stepehn had always dreamed of. It was a type of magic that even he himself was unable to replicate on his own.
His arms were snaked around your waist, his head just beside yours. Seeing you up close granted him to see all these minor features of yours he could not pick up before. He devoured every new detail he discovered. As if you couldn’t be even more lovely, there you were again, proving the sorcerer wrong once again. Usually, he’d be very disappointed to be wrong, but for you he’ll make an exception. You kept solidifying your position as an angelic royal gracing him with your presence.
Just as Stephen was getting comfortable, you shifted. He froze. Did he wake you up? He held his breath, fearing the worst. You were gonna wake up, realize that someone was in bed with you, and scream. He was a fool to think that he could deserve anything as wonderful as this. That he could come even close to being worthy of someone like you. A monstrous entity such as himself deserves no such pity from the multiverse. In an existence as vast as this, there’s nothing one could truly hope for without ultimately being crushed by the soulless, contemptuously demeaning reality.
Stephen’s mind was plagued with these thoughts until suddenly, he felt your body shift; he felt you lean into him rather than recoil away. You… you were actually enjoying his touch. As if to dispel any more negative thoughts of his, you gave a sigh of content. The sound made Stephen freeze once again. This time, however, it was out of a happily surprised and shocked kind of frozen. How could someone like you treat a being like him so nicely?
By now you were completely wrapped up in Stephen’s arms with no hint of fear whatsoever on your face. It almost felt like the two of you were a couple. The thought made his heart swoon. He smiled. With his eyes closed, he once again imagined what life would be like by your side in a normal life. Hell, even with how he is now. If you were like this in your sleep, and if you truly were the person he thought you were based on how long he’s been watching you, then there was hardly a doubt in Stephen’s mind that being together wouldn’t work out.
Because if his darling can (subconsciously) recognize the good in him, then maybe he isn’t the monster he thought he was.
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
Stark Supremacy vs The Resistance or Avengers:Dissembled
Tony Stark’s suit of armor around the world phase goes into complete and full effect. Get the right event to trigger it and I think Tony could be sent into Superman mode where he establishes a regime for the world’s protection. Tony takes full control of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the world by force. Captain America would rise up and lead a band full of heroes who are willing to do what’s right and stop Tony Stark and the regime.
Final boss fight. We choose between either Cap or Iron Man. If we choose Cap, then we fight Superior Iron Man, if we choose Iron Man, then Cap.
Avengeance:Fall Of Midgard. A villain like Norman Osborn or Red Skull sneaking into Asgard with Loki’s help to kill Odin and Lady Sif. Events would manipulate the death of Jane Foster. Blaming Asgard and Midgard for not dealing with Loki and his associates for their many schemes, Thor decides to make changes. Thor is broken and the once Mighty son of Odin, turns back to his old ways and becomes a despotic king of Asgard. Thor wages war on Midgard. Years later Thor has taken over the entire world as well as Asgard, and rules it with an iron fist. Villains that don’t agree with him or opposes him are seen as threats are sent to the negative zone. All mutants are forced to register to work for the regime or be depowered permanently and imprisoned.
Final boss fight is Odinforce Thor.
The Illuminati decides they must take power in order to save the world and metahumans/mutants from themselves. Those who bow down are saved, the villains will be put under mind control or sent to the negative zone and those who oppose them lead a Resistance.
T'Challa is assassinated by S.H.I.E.L.D. and attacks Wakanda and Wakanda demands justice. Shuri is consumed by grief and vengeance and it doesn't help that Killmonger and M'Baku are there whispering in her ears demanding Wakanda invade and take over. It's the might of Wakanda vs the world.
Dark Reign trilogy concept from this reddit post
AVX:Half the X-Men are sent away on a mission and when they are away, a SHIELD led by vile Anti-Mutant leaders bombs the X-Mansion, killing a lot of X-Men and innocent mutant children and then the bombing of Genosha Charles Xavier begins to realize Magneto was right this entire time, Mutants must rise up and take over. The Avengers must stop them, but with many members going rogue to try and stop this war.
Marvel Zombies, what more can you say?
Just the thought of Blade turning the world into his Vampire kingdom and doing Marvel Zombies, but Vampires has all sorts of fun!
Something happens to cause Peter to remember. Lets say Paul(ugh) turns out to be a son of Mephisto there to keep Peter and MJ apart. He remembers what he did and he will go to any and all lengths to undo the stupid fucking deal. It's all out war on Mephisto, his realm, any and all demon or would be hero who dares to stand in his way.
Hail HYDRA. Basically, It's Marvel's version of The Savage Time. HYDRA builds a time machine and Red Skull goes back in time and has American Nazis kidnap Steve Rogers and has Steve indoctrinated by Nazis, he infiltrates the super soldier program, becomes Captain America and then kills everyone involved. Captain America becomes Captain Hydra. Then our heroes see the effects of this new horrifying world. Hydra rules the world. Red Skull is the infinite Fuherer and Captain Hydra is his right hand. Eventually they are almost caught, but the resistance leaders Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson come to their rescue. Our goal is to go back in time and stop this nightmare from becoming a reality.
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esperanza-rising · 2 years
Listen, I'm just a longtime lurker here, enjoying content on various topics and fandoms. My latest obsession is Black Panther Wakanda Forever, especially Namor and Namor/Shuri. I love the content and ideas I'm seeing already, so I'm just putting these thoughts/prompts out there to get them out of my head, hear others' thoughts if they stir discussion, and, maybe a little selfishly, hoping folks who are way more creative and disciplined than I am run with them to flesh them out in fanfiction, art, etc. (If you do get any inspiration from these ramblings, please credit/tag so I can see the amazing stuff y'all create!) 🤗👉👈🥹🙏🏼
Do any of these ideas resonate with you? What in-universe scenarios with Namor, Shuri, and/or their dynamic do you imagine or would like to see explored or visualized in film, writing, or art? Let me know your thoughts!
(1) Whether in a solo Namor follow-up, or even in the Black Panther or Avengers franchises, I imagine a scenario where:
Namor is his usual cunning and strategic self, understandably putting Talokan above all else but to the point where he makes certain decisions/actions that strain the already fragile alliance with Wakanda, or at least threaten the trust of other team members. Does Shuri defend him, despair, or something else?
Although Wakanda or others doubt him, Namor and Talokan definitely come through to save/assist Wakanda from attack by other world powers. I'd love a moment where Namor saves Shuri specifically. Does Namor go too far, though? How can Shuri and Wakanda restrain them once Talokan switches from defense to attack? Is there a situation where Shuri and Wakanda come a little closer to his viewpoint or actually join Talokan in a proactive attack that can be revolutionary or liberatory?
Alternatively, maybe Shuri and Wakanda/the team sees that there was indeed an immediate threat to Talokan they missed that helps them understand Namor's actions.
In either case, I like the idea of further exploring Shuri's trust or distrust of him, Namor's sense of honor, and grappling with the fundamental difference of having experienced colonization vs. not.
In the process of saving Wakanda, Talokan, or another group of innocents, Namor is wounded and/or captured. In the climax, it seems like Talokan might lose their god-king and Wakanda their ally, and the threat is on the verge of victory. But at that moment, whether by sheer luck or because Namor is blessed by Chaac, the sky breaks open with rain, healing Namor to be able to turn the tide of the final battle.
(2) I think this is more of a fanfic route, but could potentially still work in the MCU: In order to strengthen the alliance with Wakanda and his relationship with Shuri in particular, Namor decides to try to bring Queen Ramonda back to life. Since she drowned, he seeks an audience with Chaac, who sets him on a mission/requires a sacrifice.
So many questions! It doesn't seem that Namor is actually a god, but does being chosen by Chaac to lead his people grant Namor any spiritual authority or powers beyond his mutant and vibranium-related abilities? If he has none directly, is Chaac still connected to him? What is Namor's relationship to faith given his role? Would his mission be a spiritual test taking place in his mind or the Talokan equivalent of the ancestral plane-- or even Tlalocan itself? Would he have to do his mission in the "real" world? If such a thing could happen, how would Shuri or Ramonda react?
(3) Similarly, I'd love to see Shuri meditate on faith a bit more deeply. Besides seeing Killmonger and then her mother in the ancestral plane, which she may still explain away with her mind, she can't deny the small miracle of seeing Namor restored by the water after their battle, without the technology she has in her suit which kept her alive. Is it all down to genes and vibranium infused plants? Or is there something divine at work?
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Hello I wanted to ask you something since a few days now.
I REALLY REALLY LOVE NAMOR X SHURI❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
But he killed Ramonda and there's no going back from that 😭😭😭😭
Could you please give a deep analysis of how and why Namor x Shuri can be a thing in the future (IM SORRY IM ASKING TOO MUCH)
There was clear chemistry and I (& many others) HAVE SEEN IT. But damn he ruined everything and my girl's devastated and so I am. How's she gonna get back to him? How will he even make up for everything?
And ugh..... these antis call him manwhore, horndog, toxic and that's really hurting my shipper heart. Even paedo because of the age gap and that Shuri is not matured etc etc.
I really need you to lift my spirits.
And again I'm sorry for the trouble 😕
Never feel sorry for asking me stuff hahaha, I love answering them 💖💖💖
I don't get why people put characters into a box, like he's a villain so that's all he's gonna be. Dealing with anti-heroes, we need to understand that they are morally grey first and that adds a lot of complexity to how they operate.
Now as much as it's difficult to comprehend, none of these characters are real. These characters are on a page and the beauty about that is, their story can be changed however we wish like.
People acting like Namor is irredeemable and making others feel bad for shipping him with Shuri is absolute bollocks lol. I've seen so many ships that are even more problematic and yet people cherish them.
This may not be kind but having been on the other end of dealing with antis, most of them talk about toxicity and all that stuff as though people have not dealt with it in real life. The beauty of these characters is that we don't have to project people we know in real life onto them.
They facilitate ✨escapism✨ and make life a bit more bearable.
So my advise to you is *ahem* build those fake scenarios, enjoy Namor x Shuri, think of them going on dates, anything that makes you happy. That's the point of films and the reason they get made.
The Talokans and Wakanda are two kingdoms, we're not just dealing with two individuals. And in war, the inevitable tends to happen. So many real life scenarios where kings would kill the 'father' and then marry the princess when they conquer a land. Now if you think about it and replay those scenes it's quite clear how everything happens. Ramonda could have easily swum up to the surface and saved her life, but her CHOICE was to go back for Riri.
And what do we expect Namor to do? Put yourself in his shoes and see that he's doing it to save the secret of Talokan. He has no reason to trust these people, but you see him trying to build that through Shuri first. So it's a complicated turn of events. It's as it is, war between two kingdoms. In a scene like that, Namor is a king, Ramonda is a queen, Shuri is a princess. It's political, it's business.
As he hovers there, he can actually conquer the rest of Wakanda by killing Shuri to take the throne. But he doesn't. He's shifted the tide, as a king would do for his country and people, and put Shuri in that spot of being queen because he needs to be reassured of Talokan's secret. He's dealing it like how he would have dealt it because "he was blinded by hope" before.
So that whole bit, you can't actually blame anyone. Each one's doing it for a purpose. If we follow the antis logic, Bucky and the avengers were involved indirectly with regards to the death of his father. Then he should have never been a part of the avengers or helped bucky. He should have held onto that grudge.
To resolve this confusion, I keep going back to Killmonger's appearance. He starts off with the same sentence that Namor tells Shuri. "It's never about the how but the WHY?", killmonger should have been the first to be Namor's fan boy. But he's quoting that like he's a mirror, that Shuri is having those thoughts in her head focusing on the "Why" for her vengeance. He then could have approved of Namor's actions by saying that he killed her or that Shuri's family deserved it for having murdered his father. But instead, there a clear point being made that Ramonda sacrificed her life as a QUEEN not as a mother, to save another life.
So I interpret the whole thing differently but ultimately I would say Ramonda's death was an indirect loss because of the Talokan and Wakandan conflict. Yeah Namor will have to work his way back and realize what he had done on a personal level but I don't think he will apologize for it in a politically sense. He did what he had to, to keep his people safe. And diving into why he's like that will need another post lol.
But I don't get people calling him all those stuff. It hurts, I've been there. I literally am staying off til tok and other platforms because I don't want to hear about it hahaha.
Ps- so many books have 19 years old girls falling in love with a 2000 year old demi god or fae or eleven king. Shuri is 25 in this movie and is well capable to make her decisions as an individual. Namor is a mutant technically. Sooooooo age gap doesn't make sense here 🤣🙄
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Hey, Pop Culture Detective did a new video on the MCU Marvel's Defenders of The Status Quo
Damn, thank you for sharing, that was really good!
I wholeheartedly agree with OP that in these movies we see the heroes reacting only when the status quo is threatened and them stopping the villains is considered a win - whatever the villains were trying to change is never addressed, they never engage in any socio-political project. The pattern is always the same: to return the world to what it was before the attack, never to use this as an opportunity for change.
And it's especially jarring given that some of the heroes should know better than defending the status quo. Steve is one of them, the disabled child of immigrants born in the '20s living in NYC in the middle of a rise of eugenicism would do anything in his power to actively fight against the status quo, and yet he's content with fighting external fights and stopping a bunch of helicarriers in TWS and getting his people out of the Raft... what about the other inmates? What about the people who will be taken there once the heroes are gone? What about fighting against the system to get the Accords repealed? Nope, we get none of that.
What OP says about Stark reminded me of Luke Cage and Danny Rand's argument in The Defenders where Luke is telling him his wealth leaves him in a privileged position to incite real change in the world but he'd rather go on vigilante mode instead. It's the same with Stark, he doesn't use his money to advocate for social change, if anything he runs Damage Control and takes jobs from the citizens of NYC like we see in Homecoming.
As OP says: "Instead the superheroes engage in random acts of benevolence. A billionaire gifts the world with some fancy new proprietary technology, a soldier asks nicely that corrupt bureaucrats just do better. In the best-case scenario, a wealthy monarch builds an international network of community centers. These Band-Aid approaches may help a few disenfranchised individuals here and there but they're also designed to keep the current economic and political structures firmly in place".
I think probably the worst case offender of villains being right but having their methods be as immoral as it takes in order to get the audience to disagree with them are Killmonger and the Flagsmashers. Erik starts making a little too much sense for Disney's liking so they have him kill his girlfriend out of nowhere (at least they address some of the overarching issue with T'Challa following Nakia's lead but as said above, that's a band-aid), Karli and the others are asking for redistribution of food and medicine, the relocation of refugees, a change of how borders are reinforced and a stop to mass deportations... so of course The Mouse has Karli kill a bunch of innocents out of nowhere so they can be called terrorists. Nobody wants to side with a terrorist, right?
To quote OP again: "Having the villain's methods always involve indiscriminate killing is a deliberate decision by the writers [...] The equating of social justice causes with outright villainy is one of the reasons why the superhero genre is often accused of leaning conservative ideologically."
Lastly, I really like that part about Alan Moore's criticism of superhero movies and the trend that "speaks to a denial of reality and an urge for simplistic and sensational solutions". I like it because it reminded me of the TVA, how in the Loki series we're told HWR is the only bad guy and taking him down will solve the problem as if that kind of fascism would go away by taking down the main guy, as if that organization wasn't comprised of thousands (if not more) of agents who agreed with his methods and worked willingly for an unknown period of time effectively pruning entire realities and killing innocents. You can't destroy the system by punching one guy and it's almost insulting how the narrative in the series tries to convince the audience that's all it takes.
In short, there's a reason why Disney and Marvel got rid of Nomad Steve so quickly + they're choosing to ignore Sam but they're oh so willing to bring Captain Carter to the spotlight. She's as pro-status quo as it gets. These movies should be addressing social change, not defending the system that gets a lot of people discriminated against and oppressed - especially when a lot of the heroes fit that criteria but of course they're never shown talking about it on-screen.
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princesscatalina99 · 8 months
18+ 1v1 Rps on Discord
Hey. Sorry that I haven't been on. I have been dealing with a lot of crap and I've been in a low place. But I'm back for some roleplaying. This will include lots of strong sexual themes, some bloody violence, some bondage, strong cursing, strong romantic themes, some alcohol consumption, abusive pasts, etc.
I don't have many rules/regulations, but please make sure you follow these.
I only play ocs. I mostly play females but I can play male characters, just not as well. I usually do gxg or gxb but I can do bxb.
I am a literate person so I would prefer it if you could do at least 2-3 lines. The bigger, the better.
A lot of these characters I have past backstories that I have prewritten. If you don't like that, please don't mention it to me and not join. I am very passionate about my characters.
This is mainly a srp 1v1 scenario thing, but if you would like to do a small group, let me know.
Here's the list. It's rather long. Please pick one and I will send the notes/backstory and starter to you.
Adam Warlock
Arthur Curry/Aquaman
Alexander Colborne [Sanditon]
Augusta Markham [Sanditon]
Beomgyu [TXT]
Billy Lee [Bad Times at the El Royale]
Black Adam
Black Canary
Black Panther
Blaise Zabini
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Britta Beach
Cedric Diggory
Chaeryeong [ITZY]
Chaeyoung [TWICE]
Charles Lockhart [Sanditon]
Cheryl Blossom
Cho Chang
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Donkey Kong
Draco Malfoy
Sir Edward Denham [Sanditon]
Edward Nygma/The Riddler
Erik Killmonger
Fangs Fogarty
Colonel Francis Lennox [Sanditon]
General Hux
Ghost Face
Giselle [aespa]
Green Arrow
Goku Black
Harley Quinn
Harry Potter
Hueningkai [TXT]
Hyunjin [Stray Kids]
Jacob Black
James Potter [marauders era]
James Stringer [Sanditon]
Han Jisung [Stray Kids]
Jughead Jones
Julian Blossom [Season 7]
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl
Kylo Ren
Lex Luthor
Luna Lovegood
Miles Morales/Spider-Man
Mingi [ATEEZ]
Naruto Uzumaki
Neville Longbottom
Nick St. Clair [Riverdale]
Ominus Gaunt
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Pansy Parkinson
Peter Pan
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Peter Pettigrew [marauders era]
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
Prince Caspian
Reggie Mantle
Remus Lupin [marauders era]
Rocket Raccoon
Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Ron Weasley
Samuel Colbourne [Sanditon]
Sebastian Sallow
Severus Snape [marauders era]
Sirius Black [marauders era]
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke
Sweet Pea
Tabitha Tate
Thorin Oakenshield
Tom Riddle [school era]
Tony Topaz
Tristan Farnon [All Creatures Great and Small]
Veronica Lodge
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Wooyoung [ATEEZ]
Yelena Belova
Please choose one scenario that you like best or the number. Thanks so much for reading this!
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
This is a superhero age, considering the current craze spread across the globe. The love that the super characters from comics are getting now, is unparalleled and unimaginative when compared to the entire history of the big-screen depiction of them. Their impact in films wasn’t so charismatic before 21st century. Especially after Sam Raimi’s and Christopher Nolan’s influential portrayal of superheroes. Audiences got to see how and in what actual manner, the superheroes are to be presented in a movie. Moreover, solo superhero films have been so great and meaningful that people have even imbibed their qualities and morals in their own lives too! That’s called a true film and the magic of a comic book based superhero. Here’s our hand-picked list of 6 best solo superhero movies of all-time. 6- Spider-Man 2 (2002) Image Source: images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com There’s no doubt that when it comes to the most loved, childhood superhero of each one of us, it has to be the web slinging, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. There’s something about Peter Parker, that’s so special and relatable which makes you admire him endlessly. But it was Sam Raimi who took this character on a level of popularity where Spider-Man became immortal! Spider-Man 2 is considered a masterpiece for many things. It shows the true character struggle that Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker goes through and you feel it, the entire film’s story. The way this movie’s story connects with the viewer is very impactful and shakes your inner cockles. There are so many scenes where you are about to cry and in some, you just let your tears come out. 5- Black Panther (2018) Image Source: www.aljazeera.com This entry doesn’t need a word. It became a cultural phenomenon of not only 2018 but for generations to come. Wakanda came alive not only on the big screen, but truly in everyone’s heart too. Director Ryan Coogler crafter this marvelous and colorful superhero flick in his own unthinkable and magnificent manner. And on top of it, Chadwick Boseman’s King T’Challa aka Black Panther stole our hearts with his undying strength, kindness, and love for his people. Along with him, his brother or in other words, the villain, Erik Killmonger (played by Michael B. Jordan) also stole the hearts, because his motivation for his actions was equally justified too. The fight for the throne of Wakandan King, between both of them turns out to be an emotional family matter in the end where Erik eventually dies in the end but the expressions on his face even while dying, are exceptional-he dies to be proud of himself! There are many things which this film teaches you. If you want to take any leaf out of its story, you can watch it again and again and become inspired. 4- Wonder Woman (2017) Image Source: i0.wp.com Female empowerment came to a sudden high after this directorial by Patty Jenkins. Wonder Woman brought a revolutionizing and feministic change that was very much required considering the current scenario. Gal Gadot infused life into the character of Princess Diana of Amazon. Her first big screen origin story swayed each woman and moviegoer in a mesmerizing manner. Set during the events of the first World War, Princess Diana also helps in stopping battles among the nations that compromised the lives of those living near borders. In one of the scenes, that is now remembered as the iconic ‘No man’s land’ scene, the way Wonder Woman rises to the moment and ends a long-running battle in a few minutes, leaves you speechless and in awe of her. She calls out for mercy, peace, and harmony among people in the world, but also prepares herself to fight the evil Ares. More: Halloween is going to open big at the US Box-Office! 3- Iron-Man (2008) Image Source: am24.akamaized.net “I am Iron-Man”. This line has become so much integral to the lives of superhero fans worldwide that it’s meaning has reached to another realm! In 2008, Robert Downey Jr. took up the role of his life when he donned the armour of Iron-Man.
Who knew it would turn out to be a game changer, not only for the actor himself, but will make him a different person too, altogether. Director Jon Favreau wasn’t sure if he had made a great superhero film. Marvel Studios was just born with this first attempt and Kevin Feige was the head of it. Everyone was praying it to be a hit at least. And when the film released eventually, the theaters were thronged by audiences and they were just shouting ‘Iron-Man’. And what started after this flick, is a history, in the history of superhero films itself. Robert Downey Jr. has now become synonymous with Tony Stark and it looks like no one wants him to quit this role ever. What more respect a superhero movie can get than this? It says everything, right? More: TOP 7 HOLLYWOOD MOVIES BASED ON MAGIC AND ILLUSION 2-  Logan (2017) Image Source: www.hindustantimes.com The last appearance of Huge Jackman as the clawed mutant, Wolverine couldn’t have been so memorable. Logan made him another kind of character, the one we hadn’t seen in any of his previous X-Men outings. The old man Logan of this film’s story was a struggling, aged man who just, wants to stay away from violence at any cost since he doesn’t want his past to haunt him back. He is trying to save Professor X who’s also physically dying himself! Director James Mangold was so good with his directing creativity in this film that it was touted to be an Oscar contender for Best Picture and Best Director honors. The ending scene brought tears in theaters when Logan dies finally and that funeral was so-so emotional. Jackman will be there as Wolverine forever after this movie alone-he was at his lifetime best. More: Venom achieves ‘symbiosis’ with the box-office! Scores biggest October opening of $80MN 1- The Dark Knight (2008) Image Source: user32265.clients-cdnnow.ru Christopher Nolan needs no introduction because everyone knows what he does when given a movie making camera. As a director he is a modern legend. But with the superhero trilogy of Batman, he did something unsurpassable. And 2008’s The Dark Knight became a benchmark for future superhero flicks, in other words it’s a gold standard now for making comparisons. Joker’s menacing acts combined with Bruce Wayne’s moral codes was so heavily impactful that it just didn’t look like a superhero movie at all. Rather, it appeared as if some great emotional, political and philosophical drama was going on the screen! Christian Bale made the character of Wayne immortal and his every action won the hearts of his believers and all Batman fans. He just nailed it to perfection. But to make him so great there was another equalizer too, actor Heath Ledger’s Joker! Words fall short whenever his name pops up in the mind. The anarchistic actions of Joker challenged Batman’s morals at every point throughout the film. No surprise that this movie was also touted to be bag the Best Picture and Best Director honors at the Oscars. It somehow missed them tough, but won the Best Supporting Actor Academy award for Heath Ledger’s performance. And that says it all. More: Venom Review: Everything collapses, but Eddie Brock and the Symbiote!
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My What If? Scenario Ideas
What if Tony Stark allied with the Ten Rings?
What if the TVA never existed?
What if Nick Fury didn't get dusted?
What if no heroes got dusted?
What if Marvel Television heroes (The Defenders, Inhumans, Runaways, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., etc.) were more important to MCU?
What if Killmonger got taken by Wakanda as a kid?
What if villains helped in the Battle of Earth?
What if Hulk was able to revive Black Widow?
What if the Chitauri portal sent Tony Stark to Sakaar?
What if Nick Fury became President of Earth?
What if Star-Lord killed Thanos on Knowhere?
What if Odin conquered more realms?
What if the Ravagers worked with the Nova Corps?
What if Maria Rambeau flew Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S.?
What if Scott Lang never committed the heist?
What if WandaVision ended happier?
What if Loki Series ended happier?
What if the Jotuns beat Odin?
What if the Infinity Stones never existed?
What if Odin adopted Thanos?
What if Hank Pym's suit worked on the nuke mission?
What if Wanda and Quicksilver had joined the Avengers immediately?
What if the Accords never happened?
What if multiple students were bitten by the Radioactive Spider?
What if Luis, Kurt, & Dave became heroes?
What if S.H.I.E.L.D. found all of the Infinity Stones before anyone else?
What if The Other retreated and defied Thanos?
What if Thanos sought the Embers of Genesis?
What If Tony Stark died in Afghanistan?
What If Mordo became Sorcerer Supreme?
What If Peter Quill submitted to Ego?
What If Captain Marvel stayed on Earth?
What If Shang-Chi returned to his Father?
What If... Wanda Maximoff hexed Avengers Compound?
What If The Red Room raised Kamala Kahn?
What if Wanda revived Pietro instead of creating the Hex?
What if Bucky became Captain America?
What if Thor was the God of Mischief (basically Thor and Loki swap roles)
What if Thor went for the head?
What if the Avengers remained divided?
What if. T'Chaka never died?
What if Captain Marvel never learned the truth?
What if Pietro lived instead of Wanda?
What if The Winter Soldier killed Captain America?
What if Malekith succeeded?
What if Hawkeye didn't rejoin the Avengers?
What if Venom was in the MCU?
What if...Thanos won again in Endgame?
What if Hela killed Thor and took the throne?
What if Thanos never adopted Gamora or Nebula?
What if Nebula beat Gamora in battle?
What if Yondu never died?
What if Star-Lord didn't kill ego?
What if Nebula did the Snap in Endgame?
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koipepo · 2 years
Killmonger/T’Challa is 💯. I like Namor/Shuri too.
hell yeah! murderous hot cousin coming to claim his rights is an excellent scenario (and *ehm* also to claim T'challa as his consort bc why not *ehm*). i'm still devastated that Chadwick passed away. i can't imagine anyone else playing T'challa :(
haven't watched the sequel so i don't know anything about Namor/Shuri
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killmongerkink · 5 years
Eatin’ Good
Summary: A birthday surprise for the birthday boy. 
Pairing: Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens X Black!Reader
Warning: fluff, domestic!Erik (???), lightlightlight smut. 
Length: 1k.
BTW: this has been collecting dust in my drafts for a lil min, but i wanted to get bcd p.2 out first before anything else. hope you enjoy and sorry for any typos! & let’s pray this gif doesn’t get my page in trouble lol.
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Waffles. Check. Biscuits. Check. Eggs. Check. Bacon. Check. Sausage. Check. Cake. Double Check. 
Smiling to yourself, you looked at the time illuminating the stove clock before walking over to the table and setting his plate down. Your heels seemed to click louder than usual against the floor, your steps careful and precise in order to not scratch the wood that Erik was so adamant about having when you guys were house-hunting. 
It was his birthday and although you had the luxury of taking off, Erik’s line of work didn’t permit it. As a paramedic, his schedule was pretty straight forward. A 24 hour shift, followed by 48 hours off. He had promised that you both would celebrate tomorrow, but that didn’t mean that you couldn’t do a little something for him on his actual birthday. 
You heard him shuffling around before he was jogging down the steps, the sound of his new shoes (that took you an entire month to find might you add) that you gifted him early making you take a deep breath before rushing to stand by the chair he usually occupied by the table.
“Happy Birthday baby.”
His head jerked towards your voice and he stared at you for a moment, leaving you to wonder what he was thinking. A scarf/bonnet and one of his t-shirts was your usual morning attire, but with your braid out already fluffed and lingerie providing little to no coverage, you could tell that he was taken back. 
“I know I don’t usually have time to make you breakfast in the morning so ... surprise?” You trailed off, swaying a bit in your shoes.
“Come here for a second.” He threw his jacket and backpack over the banister, head tilting to the side. “C'mere” He repeated and beckoned you over with his hand when you didn’t move.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped around the chair and walked slowly towards him, stopping before reaching the short hallway. Erik always said that he didn’t care what you wore, but he was a man. You were pretty sure that he wouldn’t actually be opposed to a sexy fit if you donned one and you were right. He peered at you closely. Your big hair, big titties, big hips and big thighs all exposed for him to see. Your fluffy tummy was slightly hidden by the thin material of the lingerie-styled apron and you crossed your feet, the thin material of your thong now damp. It seemed as though the atmosphere had completely changed in just a few seconds. You twirled around on your heels and spread your feet apart, ass jiggling lightly as you shook your hips from side to side. The sound of the heat turning on was the only noise made in the quiet home, that was until Erik was throwing off his beanie and moving to pull off his shirt.
“Uh-uh.” You turned back around, causing Erik to stop. When he took a step forward, you took one back. “Stoooooop. I’m serious.”
“I'm serious too! Shit. How you expect me to not touch you when you looking like that? Shaking ya ass like that?”
“Sounds like a personal problem. Now come eat.”
You made your way back to the table, heels clicking loudly again before a loud “Bruh!” bounced off the high walls. If he was mad now, he was going to be seething while he was at work because you had no plans of stopping your little teasing session once he got to work.
With a playful eye roll, you pulled out his chair and waited until he was seated to mess with him further. You didn't even bother asking for permission before you threw your leg over him and plopped down in his lap. One hand rested behind his neck, while your other went to work by popping open the syrup and drizzling it over his food. Waffles coated just the way he liked them, your finger caught the remnants of sweetness that dribbled down the side of the bottle and you made a show of circling your index finger with your tongue before sucking on it lightly, releasing with a pop once it was clean. You even went as far as cutting him a piece of the doughy goodness and holding the fork up to his mouth, his eyes set on yours and full lips opening. Light conversation was held between you two and Erik must've thought that you were distracted enough when he tried to by-pass your thong and finger his way between your cheeks.
"Stop being fresh."
After feeding him a few more bites, you left him on his own and got started on his lunchbox. Leftover salmon, rice and asparagus was the main course with a couple protein bars and granola as a light snack. He had been on his healthy tip for the past two weeks and trying to be supportive, you had joined him. That didn't mean you weren't hiding a pint of snickers ice cream behind the frozen fruit bags that were used for smoothies. It took you less than five minutes to pack everything up and just as you were about to grab his coconut water from the fridge, hands were trapping you against the counter and hips were pressing into you. 
"I thought I told you to stop being fresh."
He gave you one of his infamous 'i'm not really listening' grunts and peppered kisses along your neck, your hand cupping his cheek before your other one went racing between your thighs, catching his a bit too late. 
"Erik, you gotta finish eating."
"Whatchu think I'm trying to do?"
As much as you were trying to play it off, you really did want him to touch you and Erik knew that. He used his middle and ring finger to rub the front of your thong roughly, the force he was using making you back up against him, and you didn't dare stop him when he slipped his thick digits past the material. You felt him pause and smirked, turning to look back at him. A surprised curse left his lips as he looked back at you, a small grin forming as he started rubbing his fingers against your smooth skin. It seemed as though all the tears you shed on the message table was worth it. 
"Oh yeah, I'm bout to be eatin' good tonight."
"Please, you were gonna eat whatever I gave you."
"Shit, you right ... you right."
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melaninkpopimagines · 5 years
Hii sooo I just got out of a relationship that was really shitty and stomped my creativity because he wouldn’t let me write fanfics 😞 I had no privacy and the little bit I did write started a fight because he said it was too dirty and made me delete it. BUT I’m going to slowly work my way into writing and posting again 😩 I’m sorry if my work isn’t that good for a while but I promise I’ll get better.
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cammys-imagines24 · 6 years
Being a Photographer, and T'Challa showing you the beauty of Wakanda.
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
Marvel's Injustice.
My pitches for NRS inevitable Marvel game if they go the Injustice route.
Game titles
Marvel:Dark Reign
Avengeance:Fall Of Midgard
Story ideas.
Scenario 1. Disassembled. Tony Stark's suit of armor around the world phase goes into complete and full effect. Get the right event to trigger it and I think Tony could be sent into Superman mode where he establishes a regime for the world’s protection. Tony takes full control of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the world by force. Captain America would rise up and lead a band full of heroes who are willing to do what's right and stop Tony Stark and the regime. Final boss fight. We choose between either Cap or Iron Man. If we choose Cap, then we fight Superior Iron Man, if we choose Iron Man, then Cap.
Scenario 2. Avengeance:Fall Of Midgard. human like Norman Osborn or Red Skull sneaking into Asgard with Loki’s help to kill Odin and Lady Sif. Events would manipulate the death of Jane Foster. Blaming Asgard and Midgard for not dealing with Loki and his associates for their many schemes, Thor decides to make changes. Thor is broken and the once Mighty son of Odin, turns back to his old ways and becomes a despotic king of Asgard. Thor wages war on Midgard. Years later Thor has taken over the entire world as well as Asgard, and rules it with an iron fist. Villains that don’t agree with him or opposes him are seen as threats are sent to the negative zone. All mutants are forced to register to work for the regime or be depowered permanently and imprisoned. Final boss fight is Odinforce Thor.
Scenario 3. Dark Reign. The Skrull Royal Family, escaping from the Mad Titan Thanos, strikes a deal with Norman Osborne to conquer Earth in a secret invasion. Queen Veranke of the Skrulls kidnaps and poses as the Scarlet Witch to destroy the Avengers from within. In the chaos, Norman betrays the aliens in order to get his hands on their technology. He is able to place his own Dark Avengers as the new Earth's Mightiest Heroes with the aid of Loki's illusions. Loki manipulates Norman to lead a siege of Asgard using advanced Skrull weapons. The Avengers must reunite along with new heroes to topple Osborne and Loki's Dark Reign once and for all. Post-Credits Scene: As Loki's manipulations come crashing down, he pulls a last ditch effort and influences the traumatized Wanda to use her reality-warping powers. He forces her to say the 3 words "No more heroes". Final boss fight. Iron Patriot.
Roster ideas:
Stark Supremacy:
Iron Man
Reed Richards
Hank Pym
War Machine
Nick Fury
The Hulk
Doctor Strange
The Punisher
Black Widow
The Thing
The Resistance:
Captain America
The Winter Soldier
Black Panther
The X-Men(wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Kitty and Rogue)
The Defenders
Sue and Johnny Storm
Pro Regime: Thor, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Punisher, Red Skull, Zemo, War Machine, Beta Ray Bill, Hela, Surtur, Enchantress, Doctor Doom, Killmonger, Namor, Maximus the Mad, and Ghost Rider
Anti Regime: Captain America, Fantastic Four, Black Panther, Hulk, Ant Man, Winter Soldier. The X Men, Valkyrie, Magneto, Inhumans, Heroes for hire, and Black Panther
Dark Reign:
1 - Captain America
2 - Iron Man
3 - Thor
4 - Black Widow
5 - Hawkeye
6 - Scarlet Witch
Independent Heroes
7 - Wolverine
8 - Captain Marvel
9 - Spider-Man
10 - Black Panther
Fantastic Four
11 - Mr. Fantastic
12 - Invisible Woman
13 - The Thing
14 - The Human Torch
New Avengers
15 - Valkyrie
16 - Elektra
17 - Luke Cage
a - Hercules (premier skin for Ares)
18 - Green Goblin
19 - Namor
20 - Dr. Doom
21 - Loki
22 - Doctor Octopus
Dark Avengers
23 - Venom
24 - Taskmaster
25 - Ares
26 - Songbird
27 - The Sentry
a - Symbiote (premier skin for Spider-Man)
b - Daken (premier skin for Wolverine)
c - Iron Patriot (premier skin for Iron Man)
d - Yelena (premier skin for Black Widow)
e - Moonstone (premier skin for Captain Marvel)
28 - Super Skrull
29 - Thanos (pre-order DLC)
1 - Vision
2 - Shang Chi
3 - Blade
4 - Moon Knight
5 - The Punisher
6 - Worldbreaker Hulk
7 - Hela
8 - Dr. Strange
9 - Daredevil
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