#stem croc
arminreindl · 1 year
Venkatasuchus: Aetosaur from India
Once more I come bearing croc news. For the second time this year we are getting a new type of aetosaur, you know, those weird stem-crocodiles that somewhat converged with ankylosaurs? Yeah those guys. Much like Kryphioparma from just a few months ago, this new genus Venkatasuchus is a member of the Typothoracinae and known only from osteoderms. Thankfully, in the case of Venkatasuchus a lot more of them at least.
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I mean sure 8 associated osteoderms plus the connected lateral elements is not that much, but it sure beats the few remains of Kryphioparma.
Anyhow, Venkatasuchus is from the middle Norian to Rhaetian stages of the Triassic of India, more specifically the Lower Dharmaram Formation in the east of the subcontinent. This is actually quite significant as aetosaurs are generally rare in Gondwanan parts of the world and the Dharmaram Formation actually has two: Venkatasuchus and an as of yet undescribed desmatosuchine. Furthermore, the formation actually represents a melting pot of Laurasian and Gondwanan fauna. The aetosaurs and phytosaurs are of Laurasian origin, but the dinosaurs of the formation are Gondwanan lineages.
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Much to my surprise, there is ALREADY an illustration of this guy online courtesy of Scott Reid on Twitter, fantastic art, love how he cheekily hides the head and focuses on the armour.
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Venkatasuchus - Wikipedia
Of course I jumped at the opportunity to write its wiki page, so far I do believe I managed to cover every new genus published this year.
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goblinrockcandy · 2 years
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i drew the funny man from the silly show (i am so sorry if the TW tags dont work with tumblr blocking </3)
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thesiltverses · 2 months
okay but what about faulkner light up sketchers?
I own two pairs of shoes and have no desire to possess any more or spend more time considering the topic of shoes in general, so I'm afraid this is not a distinction that's likely to sway me, but...
...just thinking about it, maybe the Parish would encourage their followers to wear some kind of parallel-universe crocs, since the holes would allow the sacred river to permeate through to our flesh. Are not impermeable shoes in fact a blasphemy, a kind of hubristic personal dam that seeks to stem the White Gull's flow?
And when our disciples are investigating the sacred river late at night, would it not be wise to wear some kind of discreet illuminating device to ensure that your pilgrimage partner can see you in the dark? And would such a device not be one that leaves the hands free in case of danger?
OK, you did it. You won me around on light-up crocs. They make total sense within the world. Sold.
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magicalbats · 1 year
Kinktober Day 8: Breeding
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 6762
Warnings: Afab!reader, Hunter/prey, noncon, baby trapping, lots of pregnancy talk, biting, marking, doggy style (Heh), vaginal sex, cream pie, pheromones, sex pollen? Kind of?? Don't know what else to call it lol
The forest could be a dangerous place if you didn’t keep your eyes open and pay attention. That was the very first thing he’d taught you. A hard lesson to learn after you’d nearly tumbled straight off a high embankment right into the croc infested waters below, just because you’d been a bit too distracted by the lush scenery to watch where you were going. He’d chided and lectured you for upwards of twenty minutes about safety, situational awareness, common sense and self preservation after none too gently yanking you back from the unseen ledge. 
A mother hen. That’s what you’d thought of him at the time. 
But he’d never warned you about this. Had never told you what to do when the impending threat did not stem from the forest itself or the wildlife that inhabited it. When he was the danger nipping at your heels rather than the crocs or the jaguars, or the territorial fungi defending their young. 
Somewhere along the way you seem to have forgotten that Tighnari was still a predator no matter how polite or friendly he may have otherwise seemed. 
Twigs and branches snap a deafening chorus around you as you barrel through the underbrush, barely even seeing where you’re running but just knowing you had to flee. It wasn’t so much a higher functioning thought as it was an instinctive compulsion that had gripped you in a chilling fist when you saw the way he’d looked at you back at the small camp. The way he’d prowled towards you, his well groomed tail stiff and flicking out behind him. You’d never seen Tighnari look at anyone like that before, least of all yourself, and it had scared you. There was no denying that when you were currently making a mad dash through the damp, sticky rainforest on the slim hope you’d be able to make it back to Gandharva Ville and dissuade him from further pursuit. 
But you also felt hot in a way that did not seem to have anything to do with exertion or the muggy, oppressive atmosphere in the oxygen dense environment. A bit dizzy, even though you should have had more than enough stamina to make the sprint without becoming faint. 
Confused and gasping, you reluctantly slow to a stop and reach out to brace your sweaty palm against the rough bark of a tree. The opposite hand presses over your middle, clutching at the deep stitch in your gut that was making it so difficult to breathe. What was happening to your body, now of all times? You don’t get to linger on that thought for very long. 
A soft, deliberate rustle of leaves somewhere behind you brings your head up with a sharp snap. Not only was Tighnari close but he wanted you to know it. You’d watched him track a large male boar that had turned overly aggressive at the height of its mating season rut without making more than a whisper on the forest floor. The wild, mindless thing hadn’t even realized it was in danger until it was much too late … He never would have allowed you to hear him moving around like that unless he wanted you to. 
Mating season? Rut? 
Your eyes go big, widening to the approximate size of dinner plates. But before you can fully process the implication of what that would mean, what it would suggest, you hear the snap of a branch directly behind you and quickly spin around. 
Tighnari offers you what you think is supposed to be an apologetic smile. But his usually crystal clear eyes are so shuttered and glazed over with some unknown heat that it does absolutely nothing to comfort you. The stark flush staining his round cheeks seems to stand out against his complexion like someone had taken harsh brushstrokes to his face. Perhaps most incriminating of all, though, is the way his sharply pointed, proud ears curl down to droop low over his skull. He was visibly a wreck, and he looks at you across the scant distance like you were dinner. 
“Sorry about that,” He murmurs in such a hushed voice you have to strain to hear it. “I knew this time of year was coming, but I thought I’d be able to better control myself than this. I wasn’t expecting you to start ovulating at the same time.” 
A shudder dances up your spine and you straighten, subconsciously digging your fingers into your stomach as you let go of the tree. So that was it, then. “It’s okay.” You whisper back. You were frantically trying to sort through your whirlwind thoughts without setting him off any further, avoiding both quick movements and loud noises. Maybe if you just stayed very, very still … “You just startled me, is all. I thought you were mad at me or something so I thought I’d head back early.” 
You force a quiet laugh, hoping to ease some of the tension sparking between you and him, but when Tighnari opens his mouth nothing comes out. He looks like he wants to groan as he slowly drags his gaze down your front, lingering briefly on your chest before sinking lower to lock on the hand you’ve got cupped around your middle. Shoulders stiffening in response, you force yourself to uncurl your arm and let it hang at your side. It doesn’t work though, and his hazy eyes remain locked on your belly even when you take a shuffling step back. 
Oh, this was not good. This wasn’t good at all. 
“Tighnari - -“ You start to say, but he cuts you off before you can try to reason with him. 
“Can you feel it too? The surge of hormones, the sensitivity … is your blood pumping as fast as mine is right now?” He takes a sedate step towards you then, and you quickly back up another pace. Looking a little sad about that, a little disappointed, he seems to force himself to stand still instead of pressing closer. “Humans can be funny creatures, you know. They’re just as susceptible to changes in environment as any other living organism, but they often overlook the real reason for their sudden mood swings or shifts in behavior. They think it’s some higher force dictating their actions. Like their sentience absolves them from hormonal influence.”
He pauses then, looking at you with such barely contained animal hunger it makes every single hair on your body stand on end. It was like he wanted to consume you. Rip you open and gorge himself on everything right down to the bones. Suddenly, you weren’t sure if he wanted to mate with you or eat you alive. 
But he just licks his lips after a time, clearly struggling to rein in his control. “I know you’re scared. I can taste it on the back of my tongue, but I promise I have no intention of hurting you. It’s just — sudden, isn’t it?” 
“That’s an understatement.” You grumble even as you force yourself to draw a deep, shuddering breath meant to ground you and calm your nerves.
But when you let it out with a stilted exhale Tighnari faintly shivers as if you’d physically touched him, his eyes slipping shut in what could only be savory pleasure. You can see his tail eagerly flicking behind him, like his every instinct was screaming at him to pounce and to claim, and to take; and a fresh wave of horror washes over you when you realize he’s scenting you on the air. Whatever you were currently feeling was only a very small, dulled fraction compared to his heightened senses. 
Idly, you think you should try running again, but he speaks before you can muster up the courage to follow through. 
“Do you know what else I taste? Arousal. So hot and thick it’s even overpowering your fear response. I don’t think you realize how innate your body’s reaction is to me right now.” Letting out a shuddering exhale of his own, Tighnari slowly looks at you again with an expression that is so miserable, so needy, it makes your knees grow weak.
And not because you were scared, you’re more than a little horrified to realize. 
“You’re so fertile it’s making it hard to even think straight. All I want to do is pin you down and bury myself in you for hours on end, and your subconscious hormonal response tells me you want the same. Humans can’t go into heat. Not really, anyway. They’ve long since lost the need for seasonal mating cues when they can reproduce at any time of the year thanks to their societal based advantages … but I think you’re the closest you can get to it right now. You don’t understand why you want me to take you to mate but you do feel compelled, don’t you?” 
You probably would have laughed if your heart wasn’t wedged inside your throat, threatening to choke you. Even at the height of his rut — that was the only thing you could think to call it — he was still so scientifically minded and intelligent that he was actively analyzing the situation, even lecturing you in the gentle, prodding way he always nudged you towards the right answer. It was almost insidious how benign this conversation would have otherwise been if you hadn’t been doing everything in your power to ignore the sharp throb in your lower belly. 
He was right. You did indeed feel a stifling amount of desire for him and your cunt seemed to squeeze around nothing every single time he mentioned or even alluded to mating, claiming, heat and, perhaps most alarming of all, reproduction. It was as if a venomous worm had crawled inside your brain while you were sleeping and taken up root there, influencing your decision making with its potent toxin. Your judgment was extremely clouded, yes, but even despite that you still recognized what a dangerous game this was. How foolish you would have been to play it. 
You wanted him, in that moment, more than you could ever remember wanting anything else, but the consequences of taking that plunge were another matter entirely. It was just too soon. You were still a young researcher, still had plenty of time to give yourself over to another and make a family together. Maybe it would be with Tighnari, maybe not. But like this? You just couldn’t rationalize it in your head. 
“Listen to me carefully,” You finally speak up, feeling like you were facing off with a very dangerous apex predator when his ears give an aggressive twitch and attentatively swivel towards you. “I understand what you’re saying. I feel it too. There’s no denying that, but I don’t think this is a good idea for either of us. You have so many responsibilities already and I do too. This isn’t the kind of decision we should make on a whim. I can’t — I don’t think I’m ready for that.” 
Rather than backing down, he surprises you by taking a sudden step forward. “If it’s your livelihood you’re worried about, I make more than enough to support you as well as any kits we might have. I can take care of you.” 
“K - kits!” You stammer, absolutely gobsmacked. 
“Yes, and it’s not like it’s unheard of for female researchers to suddenly become pregnant during their studies at the Akademiya or shortly after graduation. This is a normal part of life, and some of them even manage to return to their fields after having children. It doesn’t mean an end to your work, just a … pause in it.” 
You just stand there, gaping at him in shock and disbelief alike. That was all quite easy for him to say because he wouldn’t have to worry about the toll it would have on his body, the strain and stress of giving birth to another tiny, helpless life or taking care of it afterward the same way you would be expected to. He couldn’t make milk to feed a baby, he wouldn’t need to pause his work to stay up late tending to it or take hours out of his day to change and clean the damned thing. All of that would fall on you, and even if you could somehow manage to find enough energy to work on your research while juggling an infant at the same time … how much would you realistically be able to devote to those pursuits? How much would you waste just raising the offspring he was trying to foist on you? 
Going through with this would spell the end of your career and he had to have known that, so why? Why was he looking at you like what he’d said was perfectly reasonable and logical? Like you were the one with the problem? 
Your stomach cramps so hard it threatens to bowl you over on the spot and you stumble, blindly reaching back to brace against the tree again. He watches you do it with so much attentive interest it makes you feel vaguely like a bug being studied under a microscopic lens but you’re a bit too focused on trying not to hyperventilate to pay it much mind. You felt like you were going to be sick. Never before have you experienced such suffocating, oppressive dread and you have no idea how to process any of it. 
But then, he makes the decision for you. 
When he takes another step closer you bolt, lurching into a dead sprint that nearly sends you tripping head over heels into the underbrush. You manage to keep your balance though, somehow, and you careen through the trees at such a blind dash it’s a wonder you don’t knock yourself out slamming into anything. 
The heavy sound of his footfalls behind you doesn’t come as a shock but it does encourage you to run faster, harder, your legs screaming in protest while you gallop across the uneven terrain as fast as they can carry you. A stray root catches your foot and makes you stumble, but even then you don’t stop. It feels like your heart is going to erupt right out of your chest cavity at any given moment and you just keep running like your life depended on it because, well. It probably did. 
You aren’t sure how far you actually make it or for how long he lets the pursuit go on, but you’re distinctly aware of him right on your heels the entire time, much to the detriment of your quaking nerves. Tighnari keeps pace with you easily enough though, making it quite clear that you were at a sore disadvantage in the forest he knew like the back of his own hand, and you realize it’s a losing battle long before he actually puts an end to it. You weren’t sure how much more of this terrible hunt your body could handle. 
You’re so strung out that it almost comes as a relief when he finally slams into you from behind and lands on top of you in the dirt and grass, crushing you under his sturdy weight. Gasping and heaving from the impact as much as exertion, you jerk your head up as if to scream — thinking perhaps you were close enough to Gandharva Ville that someone might hear you — but you don’t get the chance. 
Aggressively curling himself over your shuddering body, Tighnari slips a gloved hand under your jaw to keep your neck craned back and slams his mouth against yours. It’s not so much a kiss as it is nipping teeth and bared fangs, but it still muffles the plaintive shriek you let out against his lips. You feel him shift on top of you and slowly grind against your ass, his knees forcing you to stay in place where they bracket your hips, and you outright choke at the hard press of his straining cock. He takes quick advantage of it and delves his tongue into your mouth, claiming every inch of you he can reach as you groan around the intrusion. 
It’s like there’s a second heartbeat between your legs now, just as frantic and uncontrollable as the one in your chest, and it pulses so hard it almost hurts when he humps you with increasingly fast, stuttering snaps of his hips. You think he’s completely lost control if he can’t even wait to get your pants down, the total absence of his usual calm, levelheaded demeanor a decidedly bad sign for how this was going to play out. You didn’t think you could stop him … but maybe, just maybe you could reason with him. 
“Tighnari!” You croak when he finally, abruptly disengages from your mouth. Sucking in harsh, gasping mouthfuls of air as he directs his attention to your jaw and your neck, mindlessly nipping at your skin, you desperately try to think of something to say that might persuade him to listen. Easier said than done, of course, but you finally settle on, “I don’t mind having sex with you - -“
“Thank you, thank you,” He practically sobs against your pulse, sounding so needy and desperate it inspires a sympathetic flutter low in your gut. “You’ll be an amazing mother, I just know it. Thank you.”
“N - no!” Blindly reaching around, you try to shove at him with one hand but it’s no use. He’s solid and unbudging on top of you. “We can have sex but — ahhn! But you can’t cum inside! Do you hear me? You have to pull out!” 
A vibrating growl rises low in his chest, bleeding into you as he seems to settle his weight more firmly across your back. You choke at the sensation of him laying out on top of you, his legs splayed wide to press the full brunt of his straining cock into your defenseless backside while his feet hook over your calves. In a move that would have greatly impressed you under better circumstances, he forces your legs apart in this prone position until it feels like the only thing stopping him from claiming you right then and there is the thin layer of clothes separating him from you. Completely vulnerable and helpless like this, all you can do is lay there and take it when he starts thrusting his hips again. 
“If we mate,” He snarls into your ear, grunting at the sensation of his cock dragging over your cunt. “There won’t be any stopping it. No pulling out. You will be mine and that will be the end of it.” 
Letting out a keening groan, so low and heavy it seems to make your eyes vibrate in their sockets, you weakly claw at the dirt in an attempt to ground yourself. You could tell you were slipping under now, your body running so hot on fast pumping adrenaline and potent endorphins that you couldn’t help but crave the release he promised. It was sickening, in a way, the instinctive arch of your back. The way you subtly angle your throbbing cunt up at him, welcoming the pressure of him digging into you. How he just keeps grinding and thrusting until you’re hyper aware of not only how soaked you were but how badly you actually wanted to feel him moving like that inside of you. 
You didn’t just want it, you needed it. 
“Ahhn … T - Tighnari! If you really get me pregnant - -“
“Not if.” He cuts across you so forcefully you seethe, squeezing your eyes shut in distress. “I will. There really isn’t any room for debate on this. You’re so fertile, sweetheart. I can taste it. Your mind might not be in agreement, but your body is just begging to be taken and bred. This is what you were made for, don’t you see?” 
Choking on your protests, you plaintively shake underneath him when he somehow manages to wedge his hands under your sweaty, heaving body. It’s a tight, pinching squeeze and you hiss as he palms at your top and roughly yanks to get it pulled up. Realizing what he’s doing, you twist underneath him with renewed frenzy but it’s useless. He’s got you so thoroughly pinned all you can do is let him inch it up bit by bit until your tits finally spill out and you seethe when they touch the cool ground. You didn’t really want to be taken like this, like an animal in the dirt, but even trying to desperately cling to your shirt isn’t enough to dissuade him, and he soon has it yanked right over your head. 
You just barely manage to snag at one of the sleeves when he carelessly tosses it aside, trying to pull it back towards you even if only so you can spread it out under your body, but you’re not quick enough. Tighnari’s hands immediately slip under you again, and you outright yelp when he squeezes at your chest in a much too tight hold. The sound that comes out of you is haggard and bleating, and he ignores it completely in favor of kneading the bountiful flesh with a quiet groan of his own. 
“You really were made for this,” He seems to marvel, the awed inflection in his raspy voice doing nothing to make you think it was a compliment. “Your breasts have a good shape and the weight of them is pleasing as well, but the fat distribution suggests you’ll not only produce high quality milk but plenty of it too. Even if we were to have twins, I suspect you would have no issues keeping them fed and happy.” 
You twist against his hold, hating the words as much as the way he squishes your tits in his fingers. “N - nooooo!” 
“Yes.” Shoving his face into the dampened crook of your neck, he issues another low snarl against your pulse. “Just thinking about you holding one of my kits to your chest is going to make me cum … I really don’t think I can control myself much longer. I'm so sorry, sweetheart, but … but I’m not going to let you up off the ground until I’m sure you’ve been properly bred. You’ll be with child long before I’m through with you today, I promise. I promise.” 
His breath catching as if just saying it was enough to make him feel pleasure unlike any other, Tighnari nuzzles into you with an affectionate little rumble in his throat that sounds oddly like a pur. It’s almost enough to stop you in your tracks, because you’ve never heard him make a sound like that before, but then he directs his fingers to the tips of your breasts and you can’t quite stop yourself from squawking when he latches onto the nipples. 
“These are also nice. A little small right now, but I’m sure that will quickly change once you start producing milk. They’re firm but pliant, and,” He pauses to give them a quick, biting pinch and a squeeze, making you wail underneath him. “Very receptive by the looks of it. That might prove to be an issue, though it shouldn’t be anything too major.” 
“Nghn … w - what do you mean?” 
“Hm? Oh, I just meant it might cause you some discomfort at first, with the fangs and all.” 
Groaning, you weakly drop your head to rest on the grass in complete and utter defeat. You were exhausted and horrified at how casually he was discussing this but even that was not enough to deter your own pulsing arousal from robbing you of the will to fight. His perfectly reasonable, if not breathless, manner of speaking on these matters wasn’t exactly helping either. It was a little hard to keep up the pretense of being an unwilling participant in all this when he made it sound so perfectly benign … so normal. So expected that you don’t protest when he hunches further over you to put his face close to yours; big, crystalline eyes taking in your expression from a scant few millimeters away. 
Evidently seeing that resignation reflected back at him, he tips his head and seals his mouth over yours. You accept his kiss without complaint this time, slowly giving yourself over to the steady pull of his lips. Rather than aggressive nipping and biting, it’s something much more tender and soft, and you moan faintly when he continues to flick over your nipples until they feel oversensitized and raw. It takes you a long beat to realize he’s stilled his hips, just resting on top of you now, but you don’t miss why. Even with a few layers of clothes between you and Tighnari, you can faintly make out the intense pulse of him where he’s pressed tight against your cunt. 
It doesn’t last long though, and you take a gasping breath of fresh air when he finally pulls back some moments later. His hands reluctantly drag down off your chest to find the hem of your pants, which he quickly fumbles with to get them pulled down. A fresh sense of urgency rushes in to replace the temporary calm that had fallen over the small clearing he’d pinned you in, and you quickly start to breathe harder as he works your last remaining clothes down your legs. You never thought you’d find yourself spread out on the forest floor like this … but there is no denying the way the vibrating tension in your body doubles, and then triples when you feel air hit your exposed backside. No denying how you shudder so intensely you feel sick with it, and arch your back to present yourself to him like — like a bitch in heat. 
“Tighnari, please!” 
Abruptly, he seems to give up and he leaves your slacks bunched around your thighs in favor of impatiently grabbing hold of your hips so he can yank you back against him. A startled yelp bursts out of you as you’re forced onto your hands and knees, trembling at the heavy press of his cock from behind. Tighnari grinds against you for a brief moment, emphasizing how very wet you are for him when his own slacks brush over your cunt to smear sticky slick, and then he’s quickly fumbling to get them shoved out of the way. 
Breasts swaying, you twist around to look back at him but you don’t get the chance to really see anything. One second he’s reaching between your bodies and the next he’s leaning into you, your mouth dropping open on a silent scream when the blunt head of him starts to sink into your entrance. You’d known you were heady with arousal but it still comes as something of a shock when he simply slides against your guts, gliding easily into your cunt until the sudden stretch becomes too much and you cry out. 
Softly shushing you, he readjusts his weight and brings both hands up to clutch at your hips again so he can hold you in place while he leans over you. You moan, haggard and strained, as he settles along your back not unlike before; but this time when he shoves his face into the crook of your neck he suddenly bites down. Hard. 
“Wait - -!”  
There’s nothing you can do to stop it. At first it’s just a sharp, debilitating pressure and then the next second you feel his teeth break the skin, tiny little canines sinking deep into flesh. The puncture wound burns on the tender side of your neck and you choke on some kind of hurt little animal sound, stiffly jerking against him. But you were effectively trapped with the risk of tearing open your own pulse hanging over your head like this, and all you can do is loose a frantic, pained groan when he starts to nudge his hips forward again, gradually sinking the rest of the way inside you. 
You understood now, why he’d delayed this long enough to let you relax into it and come to terms with the fact you even wanted it at all. He’d lulled you into a false sense of security just so you wouldn’t be fighting him tooth and nail when the time came for him to finally leave his mark on you … it was insidious and cruel, and you wince when each pulsing throb in your cunt seems to reflect in your neck. It’s not lost on you that this is a twofold attack meant to dominate and disable in the same breath, so stricken by the pain and the searing stretch that you just kneel there in the dirt without even making an attempt to struggle against it. 
Finally, he settles into your upturned ass and issues a huffy, muffled groan against your neck to send fresh jolts of hurt shooting through your nerves. His grip on your waist is bruising, but barely noticeable when compared to everything else you were feeling. For a drawn out beat, the two of you just stay like that, perfectly still and panting hard against each other until, at last Tighnari angles his cock back. It’s a stilted, painfully slow drag against your guts but he quickly pushes back in without pulling out all the way, jostling you slightly to make your tits sway. Hissing through clenched teeth, you dig your nails into the ground underneath you while he steadily works himself up to a quick, snappy pace that soon has you rocking against him to the loud plap, plap, plap of skin hitting skin. 
Without warning, he suddenly loosens his jaw and you outright wail at the sensation of his teeth receding from your skin. It’s immediately replaced by the soft, wet warmth of his tongue lapping at the wound as if to clean it, a soft whimper coming from him in apology. Still, though, he doesn’t stop fucking you, his rigid cock spearing up into your cunt so forcefully you sway unsteadily on your hands and knees. It was too much. He was jackhammering you way too hard, too fast, and you couldn’t brace against it. 
“Tighnari — wha - wait a second!” 
That faint, vaguely cat-like pur rises in him again and you shudder uncontrollably when it seems to vibrate straight through you. He turns his head to bury his face in your shoulder, panting and gasping while his hands abandon your aching hips in favor of groping at your front. Your tits were still tender after the first time though, and you can’t quite stop yourself from crying out when he pinches your nipples again. He grunts when your cunt clamps down around him in response then does it again, tugging at your sore little teats until you wildly buck underneath him. 
“Oh! Archons!”
That’s the last thing you manage to get out before the coil snaps. His cock is so hard and demanding that it seems to hit that spot deep inside you every time he plunges inside, and even devolving into a shuddering, writhing mess against him isn’t enough to make him slow down. He fucks you right through it even when you whine in overstimulated agony, pussy flexing around that stiff intrusion so hard it makes you feel faint. Dizzy. You felt like you were going to pass out, and you scrabble at the ground for something to hold on to. You were sure your body couldn’t take much more of this brutal pace but he showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon. 
“Please —!” 
“I told you, didn’t I?” Tighnari hisses against your skin, shuddering against your back. “I’m not going to let you up until - ngh! Until you’ve been properly bred! I’m sorry but I - I promised!” 
Bleating like a wounded animal, you futilely try to angle away from him — just for a moment's reprieve, even a short one — but he just follows you, pressing himself flush to your shuddering frame. The added weight of him settling on top of you like that is too much for your shaking arms and you collapse into the grass, moaning raggedly when he simply follows you down. 
His hands move to squeeze around your rib cage, making your already labored breath hitch, but he just drags his palms down to take hold of your hips again. Rather forcefully, he pulls you back against him until you were balanced on your knees, the upper half of your body stretched out along the ground. You choke on a flustered sound when you feel your tits drag across the dirt, swaying heavily in this position, but that hardly seemed to be the most pressing matter at the moment. 
Somehow Tighnari manages to piston into you even faster like this and each plunging thrust of his hips seems to steal the air from your lungs. The deafeningly loud sound of your sticky cunt sucking him in deep, readily welcoming him and trying to pull him in even deeper, rushes in to join the sharp slap of his pelvis meeting your ass. Your body responds eagerly though, even at the cost of your own dignity, and your eyes start to roll back when you feel a second orgasm fast approaching, much sooner than you could have ever anticipated. 
This was insane. No one single cock should have been perfectly tailor made to slot inside your body like a missing puzzle piece and yet, that’s exactly how it felt. The shape of him was contoured just right to hit every pleasure inducing bump and ridge along the way, the length perfect to stroke you right where you needed it most. Even the stiffness of his cock was exactly what your pulsing guts craved, unrelenting and hard but still pliant enough to adjust to your internal pressure. It was like … 
It was like you really had been made for this. 
That chilling thought is what sends you over the edge, and you shriek so wildly through the convulsions he has to slip his arm forward and cover your mouth. Squealing behind his palm, you jerk and ride out the waves of mind numbing pleasure, jerking uncontrollably on his cock, but even then he doesn’t relent for even a second. He’s got you so thoroughly pinned under the driving weight of his pelvis that you’re forced to keep your back arched even through your shuddering climax, and the sloppy wet sounds of penetration only seem to grow even louder. You felt like you were dripping all over yourself and leaving damp little patches in the dirt under your spread legs, and a hot jab of embarrassment spears through you at the thought. 
No one had ever made you feel like this before, so overwhelmed and helpless to do anything but shake and drool obscene amounts of slick out of your cunt. It was quite easily the hottest experience of your life. 
You’re so aroused, so very turned on by the total domination of your body that even your mind starts to slip, and by the time his breathing becomes sharply uneven you don’t even have the wherewithal to beg him to pull out. You just lay there, spread out underneath him, eyes rolling in doped out bliss while you heatedly groan behind his hand, and convulse on his stuttering cock. He was close and that was obvious even when you were lolling in and out of full consciousness from getting fucked within an inch of your life, but you still lift a shuddering hand to weakly grasp at his arm where it’s lock around your front. Something told you you’d want to hold on for this. 
“Oh! M’gonna’ cum! I’m cumming, sweetheart, I’m cumming! Are you ready? Ready for me to fill you up?” He wheezes against the side of your head, entire body juddering with the intensity of his impending release as much as the exertion. “I’m going to breed you, I’m — ahhn — I’m breeding you, sweetheart, I’m cumming!” 
Whining low in your throat, aching and sore, and well past the point of overstimulation, you writhe under him and instinctively tip your pelvis up to better accept his seed. He doesn’t miss it and a full bodied tremor overtakes him, making him shake so hard it’s a struggle to keep pounding into you. But he manages, somehow, his hips snapping at an uneven, frantic pace now until finally — finally, Tighnari lets out a deep, half strangled groan that rises in pitch, becoming gaspy and needy at the tail end as his cock jumps and sputters inside you. 
You’re distinctly aware of the moment his semen hits your clenching guts in a hot, stifling pulse and your mouth drops open but nothing comes out. Spurt after heavy spurt, it just keeps coming to settle deep within you until it feels like you’re drowning in it. The sensation alone is almost enough to send you quaking right over the edge into another orgasm, the weakly contracting muscles in your cunt locked up in dizzying tension, but you manage to stave it off as your head starts to clear. Barely, though. Just barely. 
Even in this fucked out state you still realized that the very last thing you needed was for another orgasm to pull his load even further into your body and run the risk of encouraging fertilization. There was still a chance you could reverse this, if you made it back to Gandharva Ville in time … 
Pulled from your muddled, hazy thoughts, you let out a quiet whimper when he slowly eases back and slips out with an embarrassingly loud wet pop. The motion seems to pull with it a quickly cooling dribble of cum that oozes down your cunt, running over sticky creases and folds. You shudder at the sensation even as you gingerly push up to your elbows and glance down at yourself only for your eyes to nearly pop right out of your skull when you see how much semen is actually coming out of you. It hadn’t felt like that much to your abused innards but the proof of it is right in front of you. It’s a thick, creamy thread that stretches from your cunt, dangling tauntingly between your legs, rather than the clear little droplet you'd expected, and you feel immediate panic rise in your chest. 
That couldn’t be right … if he’d ejaculated that much then  — how much was actually inside of you? 
You just couldn’t wrap your head around it. 
Shifting on his knees behind you and evidently oblivious to the internal crises you were currently facing, Tighnari reaches down and catches that sticky thread on his gloved finger so he can push it back inside you. Grimacing at the sight as much as the sensation, you screw your eyes shut and try counting to ten. This was fine. As long as you made it back before fertilization took place, you could still take a contraceptive herb. Maybe two, just to be sure. 
But, to your surprise, when you move to get up, still trembling and panting, he just grabs ahold of your hips to halt you in place and you prickle defensively. Twisting around to look back at him, you choke on whatever you’d wanted to say when you realize how he’s looking at you. Still hungry, still hazy. Oh, this was most assuredly not good. 
“Tighnari - -“
“Not yet.” He murmurs, dragging you closer to press his pelvis flush against yours, and you practically jump out of your skin when you realize his cock is already half hard, quickly filling out again. You stammer in protest, heart thudding a frightened little pitter patter against your chest, but he just leans across your back to put his face close to yours, focus attentively locked on your expression. “We need to make sure it took, sweetheart. I promised to breed you, didn’t I?” 
Ignoring your soft whimpers, he closes the distance and seals his mouth over yours, kissing you so slowly it makes your head spin. You couldn’t believe he still had the stamina or the desire to keep going after that … but more than anything you couldn’t believe yourself. 
Cunt eagerly throbbing in response, you rear back on him with a low, stilted moan, even when every fiber of your being was screaming at you to run. It was like you were intoxicated. Drunk on all the pheromones he was putting out and consumed with a need so great even your higher functioning mind couldn’t fight it. 
And so distantly you almost don’t even notice it, the bite on your neck pulses.
Crossposted here
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hey! i just broke up w my bf of almost two years today and have been really sad.
I wanted to thank you for your works bc there helping me get through this. your hotch x reader works are keeping me sane
idk if your interested but maybe a request of reader breaking up with their partner and is very sad was bc they were so busy w the bau and life so they think its best and hotch is there for her and comforts them. he has feelings for them but doesnt want to make a move bc yk newly single. but he does little things to make her feel better bc he likes to see her smile :)
this is completely self service so you dont have to write but i love you works i think ur my fav writer on here :) i hope all is well love 💜
hi lovey! first off, i'm so sorry that you're going through a breakup. I hope that this can help even just a little bit, please take care of yourself and eat something yummy <333
Today holds new experiences for both you and Aaron. For example, you've never seen him in sweatpants before, and he's never seen you with 4 hours worth of tear-induced eye bags.
As luck would have it, when you turn into the tissue aisle, the metal bars of another cart smash into your own. They weren't going fast, but you were, hellbent on getting what you need and getting out again, so the screeching of metal on metal only makes your headache worse.
"Sorry," You rush, keeping your eyes averted as you yank your cart away from the other. You keep conversation short, but the voice that comes from the person you'd just rammed into makes you stiffen instinctually.
It's Hotch.
It's your boss, the man who you try extra hard to be nothing but professional around. The man who's seen you only in perfectly dry cleaned pantsuits and neat hair is seeing you in pajama pants and crocs with a nose so swollen it looks like you've been stung by a bee.
"Hotch," You cringe, nodding politely as you try maneuvering your cart around his, "Sorry for bumping into you. I was in a hurry."
"I can see that," He grabs onto the bars of your cart to stop you from pushing it anywhere, and you chance a cautious look up at his face; his brow is knit in concern, and his eyes are shining with the same look. But your glance upwards reveals that his son is with him, a boy no more than four years old sitting in the cart and looking at you with a tiny hint of terror on his little face, something that probably stems from your no-makeup zombie look. He's mid-chew on a tiny handful of popcorn that he'd probably begged his dad for at the front.
"What happened?" Aaron asks, pulling your attention back to him, and you're slightly relieved he doesn't go for 'Are you alright?'. Clearly, you're not.
"Uh," You sniffle, chuckling dryly, "Bad breakup. Just- getting some tissues, that's all."
"Oh." He hums, hand loosening on your cart, "I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Um," You glance around the store, knowing not many people are there, but it would still be weird to open up a therapy session in the TP aisle, "No, it's okay. Thank you, though. Really, I appreciate it."
"Okay," Aaron nods, though none of the concern has left his expression, "But if you'd like to some other time, please remember I'm here if you need me. Even if it's late, if you need help I'll give it to you."
His sincerity brings a fresh wave of tears to your eyes that he smiles sadly at, and you smear a hand over your eyes to get rid of them, "Thanks, Hotch."
"Mhm," He hums, looking ready to let you go until his son hooks a chubby fist into his shirt.
"Hm?" Aaron looks down, and leans his head next to Jack's when the little boy tugs him closer.
They huddle for a moment, Jack whispering into Aaron's ear, and the man's hand tightens around your cart once more. Just when you thought you'd escaped.
"I think you should." Aaron nods, straightening up, glancing over, and nodding his head towards you, "Go ahead, buddy."
Jack looks up at you with that same hint of apprehension you'd seen earlier, but he digs a fist into his popcorn bucket and extends the hand to you. You actually feel your heart melting, the organ liquifying and dripping through your ribcage to pool like goo in your stomach.
"Uh- maybe," Aaron reaches for the bucket, intent on giving you a handful that hasn't touched sticky toddler hands, but you take Jack's offering without hesitation.
"Thank you, honey," You croon, and he drops the kernels into your open palm, "That does help, popcorn makes me much less sad."
"Daddy makes it for movie night." Jack's voice is soft and sweet, and you smile, sniffling weakly once more.
"Really? That sounds fun, what movies do you watch?"
"We're watching Monsters University tonight," Aaron informs you, then his posture straightens as an idea blooms in his brain, "Y'know, if popcorn makes you less sad, I think you should come and have some with us."
"Oh," Your eyes widen slightly, and you shake your head on impulse, "No, that's okay. I couldn't-"
"I'm asking you to." It's the firm voice Aaron uses whenever he's giving someone orders around the office; you suppose he can't separate his work life and home life completely.
"I don't like the thought of you being alone," Aaron admits, eyeing the ice cream already in your cart, "How about we pick up another pint and head to checkout?"
"I'll be okay," You reach for a package of tissues, extra large, "Don't worry about it, Aaron."
You don't see it, but Aaron pinches Jack's side lightly, spurring the boy into action.
"Please come over tonight," Jack begs, and you swear he's making his eyes shiny on purpose, "Mike Wazowski is funny, and you can't be sad if you're watching something funny."
Aaron raises his eyebrows at you, and you see the faint hint of a smirk playing at his lips; got you.
You take a deep breath in, speaking on the exhale, "Alright. Um, can I bring anything else?"
"Pajamas, maybe." Aaron hums, "Movie nights are always better in pajamas."
You glance disdainfully down at your outfit, ragged pajama pants and a sweatshirt, "Check."
"Perfect," Aaron chuckles, finally letting go of your cart and turning it towards the ice cream aisle, "Let's go, buddy, if Y/N's coming over tonight, you need a bath. She doesn't wanna sit with a stinky boy."
"I'm not stinky!" Jack insists, looking like he's never been more offended in his life.
Aaron leans in, theatrically sniffing at the space near Jack's shoulder. He bugs his eyes out, turning his head to the side and fake-coughing, "Woah."
Jack roars with laughter at his dad's dramatics, feet kicking at his Aaron's stomach, and the sound of his giggles make the popcorn you're munching on taste a little bit sweeter.
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oh my god ok i posted that and then almost immediately logged off to go to a concert 🙈
but girl dad buck! this has been a collaborative effort with my bestest friend @probablynotpoppin that all stemmed from this text
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her name is lily :) she’s 5 years old
her mom was a one time hookup pre-abby. she did intend to raise lily, but exigent circumstances caused her to relinquish custody. that is when buck finds out about her. and of course he takes her. that’s his baby girl.
she was born in october of 2018, and came into buck’s custody only around a month or so before the firetruck bombing. so buck was STRUGGLING trying to take care of himself AND a 6 month old. luckily, his family (namely bobby and eddie) steps up.
but anyway, on to lily!!!!
she ends up with her mom’s dark hair and eyes, but she has buck’s smile. buck thinks she looks just like a little maddie :)
she LOVES bugs. she’s the kind of kid who walks around with worms in her pockets and catches bugs at recess. she wants to be a bug scientist when she grows up (eddie HATES bugs and Will Not let her bring them into his house)
she also loves crocs and the color yellow and having princess tea parties with her dad and eddie (and eventually tommy as well)
the first time tommy meets her, she’s a little shy but he explains that he used to work with her uncle chim and auntie hen and grandpa bobby, and he’s also friends with chris and her uncle eddie. that makes her giggle and hide her face in buck’s neck. tommy asks her what’s so funny, and she tells him through her giggles, “not uncle eddie, just eddie.” then buck asks her if they can be friends with tommy too and she says “ok daddy :)” and that’s that!
chris is definitely a big brother to her, but they don’t call each other that (yet). she tells everyone chris is her very best friend in the whole world. she loves to play video games with him (even though most of the time her controller isn’t even connected)
tommy never thought he’d have kids. first because he couldn’t hold down a girlfriend, then bc he was gay, then bc he was getting older. but he falls in love with lily so quickly and can truly see himself watching her grow up with buck by his side. but the longer he sticks around, the more he sees just how involved eddie is in their lives. that eddie, buck, chris, and lily are a little family, their lives are so intertwined. and the longer he stays, the more he knows how bad it will hurt when he has to give this all up.
(but it’s okay because eddie will love him too and they can be a family of 5 😌)
that’s about all i have for now 🫣 but i love lily so much, she is my baby 💕
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Pterosaurs being refered to as birds is as accurate as Postosuchus being refered to as a croc. Heck, or Smilosuchus, if phytosaurs are back into pseudosuchia. Even a better parallel; earliest diverging branch that fills a (generally speaking) niche comparable to the crown group. Nobody has an issue with deeming each and every stem-croc as a croc, but oh boy if the same is attempted with stem-birds.
omg I literally just wrote that in a response to someone commenting but this! exactly!
we call all sauropsids reptiles, even if only saurians should get the word. we call all pseudosuchians crocs, even if only Crocodylia should get the word.
In the end, the point is that all Avemetatarsalians are just as Birdie as Ornithosuchus is Crocky, and that double standard that we can call the latter a croc but not the former a bird is ridiculous
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maribeilschmidt · 7 months
tercermundista argentlaia au
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below the argentina tercer mundo au
Edit because i got more ideas and mai friend say I should stop thinking in spanish that im not making italy drunken if not almost dead
he goes to a public argentina school (in the interior of Argentina to make it worse 😊😊) Thats why he use that ugly uniform, ARE WE MAIDS OR SERVANTS OR WHATEVER, LITTERALY ALL PUBLIC UNIFORMS LOOKS LIKE THAT
He wanted to choose arts or social studies as a modality in 8th grade but he didnt pass all the assignments and there were no vacancies in arts n social studies, so he had to chose natural sciences/stem with the nerds (Germany n japan)
He almost had to repeat the year, but Germany taught him EVERYTHING by February, but the stupif idiot failed PE and he has to re-take the exam in June
On the first day (aka UPD in arg) of his senior year he got like 2 liters of alcohol on his blood, but he went to school to attend to see Germany and Japan as flag bearers
He will go drunken and say stupid things all day with Germany just wanting to shut up, prob fell asleep at last course and Germanay will take his home
If germany and italy were dating at that time that night italy would have cheated on him like more than 6 TIMES
Also his BRC would say he doesnt care abt cheating in Bariloche lmao
He wears pajamas and wears Crocs in the summer, it's surprising that no one has told him anything about his clothing
Plz Germany wanted to go to a boys polytechnic school but They thought he would end up gay and there was no money so they sent him to a public school
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arminreindl · 1 year
Baru iylwenpeny: The Last Baru
Happy to announce that there's just been a major new publication for mekosuchines. The Alcoota Baru, which I briefly touched upon in my post on the genus, has finally been named. The new name, Baru iylwenpeny (pronounced eel-OON-bin-yah), derives from the Eastern Anmatyerr dialect (part of the Arrernte language) and means "good at hunting". A name that seems quite fitting when you look at the skull.
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As a reminder, this animal stems from the Alcoota Fossil Site in Australia and dates to the Late Miocene, making it the youngest of the three recognized Baru species.
Previously this species was already referred to as being "the most robust Baru" and they weren't kidding. This thing looks more like something out of the Cretaceous than an animal that lived a mere 8 million years ago.
The morphology is interesting in many ways. Many of the ridges that are so prominent in Baru wickeni and less developed in Baru darrowi are absent. The seventh and eight tooth are so close they theres basically no space. Instead of four teeth like other Baru it has five in each premaxilla and the nasals reach the nares, like in Baru wickeni but unlike in Baru darrowi. The teeth also show the same small serrations as Baru darrowi and, unlike either of the other species, the jaws appear much less wavy not because they are but because the first festoon of the maxilla is followed up by a second one so developed it makes the first look almost flat. It's a fascinating mosaic of characters that makes its relation to the other species a puzzling question. You'd think that the ridges for instance point at it being derived? After all wouldn't it make sense? Baru wickeni had the most developed rigdes, Baru darrowi smaller ones and Baru iylwenpeny none. Plus, the teeth of Baru wickeni are smooth unlike those of later forms. Yet at the same time.... The fact that it has five teeth instead of four and the fact that the nasals reach the nares are both ancestral traits, so you'd expect it to be closer to the base.
Left: Baru wickeni Right: Baru darrowi
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Well, while I think this isn't going to be the final place of this species among Baru, the most recent phylogenetic analysis suggests that Baru iylwenpeny was weirdly enough the basalmost species. Which means that it must have split from the other two species at the latest during the Late Oligocene and outlived the both of them without us ever knowing.
The paper also discusses how these animals may have gone extinct. If you look back at Kalthifrons, you might remember how I mentioned that mekosuchines kinda had a drop in diversity when transitioning from the Miocene to Pliocene. While the new paper avoids calling this a drop in diversity, it does highlight that there certainly was a turnover in fauna. The reason is an old enemy of mekosuchines. Climate. Yates and colleagues suggest that Australia was hit by an especially nasty dry period at the end of the Miocene, severe enough to drive Baru to its death but not severe enough to whipe out all mekosuchines. And after Baru was gone, Kalthifrons and Paludirex moved into the open niche.
There's also a final little piece of information that's not focused on yet really fascinating. Baru iylwenpeny had a friend. At least one other croc lived at the Alcoota site during the Late Miocene and tho it hasn't been studied in full yet, one thing is apparently known. It was a relative to the Bullock Creek taxon that coexisted with Baru darrowi and a relative to "Baru" huberi, the small croc that coexisted with Baru wickeni. This grouping has yet to be given a name, but its fascinating to me that each Baru species seemingly coexisted with a much smaller mekosuchine. Alas, like Baru this lineage seems to have fallen victim to climate change.
Baru wickeni and "Baru" huberi, in truth an unnamed genus.
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The paper is accessible here for those that wan't to dive deeper into the matter. I'll also be working on an updated size chart, this time featuring all three species of Baru, tho I can already tell you that despite being more robust its surprisingly not that much larger.
The last Baru (Crocodylia, Mekosuchinae): a new species of ‘cleaver‐headed crocodile’ from central Australia and the turnover of crocodylians during the Late Miocene in Australia (wiley.com)
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aberooski · 7 months
Fuck it.
Random Yu-Gi-Oh GX headcanon dump part 2!
Part 1
Once again in no particular order, just the order they pop out of my brain.
Most of my headcanons are upsetting so we'll see what gets released from the vault this time 👀
Atticus takes care of anyone and everyone but himself, to an almost self-destructive degree at times.
The J-Squad kept in touch with Chumley after he left
Atticus is 100% a theater kid
Of the Primary Color Trio(tm), Syrus is the only one they trust to cook. As we've established, Jaden will burn down the kitchen if he tries, and Hassleberry isn't a bad cook, but he's the kinda guy who will have something really good and then walk away and accidentally wreck it.
Hassleberry has never measured ingredients in his life. He doesn't know what tea/tablespoons or measuring cups are.
Bastion's top artist on Spotify is Frank Sinatra
After graduation Atticus and Alexis made Chazz write down a list of things/experiences he's never done or had because of how restrictively he was brought up and they make it their mission to make sure he can cross off everything on the list.
Alexis has painted Chazz's nails for him more than once because she does a cleaner job than he does. 💅
Alexis also taught Chazz how to do eye liner
Jim tells people Shirley is his seeing eye croc when they ask why he has her
After graduation, every single one of them eventually starts going to therapy
Jesse was the one who finally convinced Jaden to at least try therapy after he repeatedly insisted to everyone that he didn't need it. He did
This is kinda canon actually, but Hassleberry doesn't remember what happens when he goes dinosaur berserk mode. The headcanon part is that it's not just like fuzzy memories or anything, there are just straight up holes in his memory. And it really bothers him.
Yuki is Jaden's mom's last name. She's Japanese but his dad is American and when they got married, he took her name.
Eventually, Bastion does return from the other dimension with Tania. Everyone is happy to see him. No one ever forgot him.
Aster carries Echo's memory with him until the day he dies. Just like his father, he'll always remember the poor girl who was murdered for a card. The girl he couldn’t save.
Crowler's the teacher everybody added on Facebook and all that after graduation because they're not his students anymore so they're allowed to be friends with him on social media 🤭
Syrus really does love his brother a lot, bit therapy really opens his eyes to how so many of his personal issues and fears and anxieties and inhibitions stem from Zane and how badly he treated him and how badly it stifled him as a person and is able to bring himself to hold Zane accountable for it all so he can actually find a way to heal from it all and they can truly mend their relationship.
Jaden regrets not holding Zane accountable for how he treated Syrus past their duel in episode 8 where the subsequently drops the issue because of Zane's dueling skills.
Bastion can play the piano
Chazz is the most bisexual little man on the planet 💖💙💜 pretty sure we all agree on this one
Atticus is pan 💖💛💙
Jaden and Jesse have gone as Jed and Octavius for Halloween at least once
One year Atticus used the fact that Halloween is his birthday as an excuse to convince Chazz be Snow White for Halloween so they could go as Snow White and Prince Florian.
By the time they're grown up and he and Atticus are living together/married the only family member of his that Chazz still keeps any contact with is his mom
Aster has intense trust issues after learning the truth about The D and his father's death
Hassleberry tilts his head like a dog when he's confused
Syrus actually gets sick a lot. 🤒
Zane giving kids cards to stop them from bullying Syrus was a common occurrence when they were little kids
Before Zane went off to train at Sheppard's dojo and before he started abusing Syrus in his own ways they were actually decently close considering Zane's inherent emotional distance
Slade and Jagger hated Chazz from day one.
Alexis has nightmares about Atticus being taken away again after he comes back. If they're bad enough, she'll go to his dorm in the middle of the night to check on him and make sure that he's safe, and often ends up sleeping on his couch for the rest of the night.
Chazz knows his family is homophobic so after he cuts his ties with his dad and his brothers, he comes out to Crowler because he's the closest thing to a genuine father figure he's really ever had
Crowler officiates Chazz and Atticus's wedding 💍
Inspired by Yusei, Jaden got a motorcycle post Bonds Beyond Time. He thought it would impress Jesse. It did.
Jesse is the first one to get their driver's license
Axel is the only one who has never crashed their car
Axel will always come whenever anyone needs help. No matter who, and no matter how far away they are.
While working on Chazz's experiences list Atticus and Alexis took him to the mall. She left them unsupervised for a few minutes to go to the bathroom. When she came back, they were gone, and when she found them again, Chazz had his ears pierced. Atticus had taken him to Claire's. She will never leave them unsupervised again. 🤦‍♀️
I think I'll call this one here for now!
Maybe next year I'll come back with part 3 🤭
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dragon-sentinel · 1 year
I have already seen my fair share of
"Barbie is great because it teaches girls they can be hyperfeminine and pink and glittery etc. etc. and still be empowered. Barbiecore!! It has nothing to do with pleasing men. Men hate the movie, see?
Also, it's not bad if girls are taught to "have fun" with make-up from an early age on."
And I just get so tired. I wish people would understand the effects and the role of femininity (even the version that "supposedly does not revolve around men and is hated by them") in our larger cultural context and how femininity is part of a gendered hierarchy.
It does not exist in a vacuum and cannot be divorced from the damaging history of femininity's social function as a reinforcement of sexism, patriarchal dynamics and gendered hierarchies.
It doesn't just go away because of a fun movie.
Don't get me wrong. Barbie is a good movie and I am not saying it has no value or doesn't also teach women many good things.
But two things can be true at the same time.
Barbie can reinforce good messages (women can have great careers, STEM jobs, be successful, call out sexual harassment etc.) while also reinforcing harmful messages with regard to other cultural facets such as beauty standards, make-up culture and the alienation of women's natural faces (and this being pushed onto young girls too), fear of aging, having to embody a set of pleasing "aesthetics", wearing clothing/looks that can be unpractical restricting and demand lots of self-monitoring (increasing a woman's cognitive load because part of her attention always has to check whether her skirt didn't go up too high to prevent flashing her underwear, whether her make-up smudged, whether her hair is in place etc.) and spending lots of time, money and resources on beauty and fashion-related products and practices.
Those things ARE harmful femininity. And only because you think a subset of men don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't reinforce and teach these basic concepts of women being valued immensely for their decorative appearance.
(Also, more on that whole "men don't like these aesthetics" down belove because I think this claim also needs to be looked at with more nuance.)
These messages are not mutually exclusive. The same piece of media can absolutely provide very good commentary on one topic while giving bad commentary on another.
"But pink is just a color and there is nothing wrong with glitter."
I agree! But Barbie's aesthetics are the full package of femininity.
Because it is not just about glitter or about pink. Barbie's default isn't running around in pink sweatpants with a glittery oversized hoodie and purple crocs with messy hair and no make-up. Or some funny fantasy clown make-up.
Barbie generally looks conventionally stunning.
She wears carefully selected, perfectly designed beautiful and feminine outfits, styled through and through from head to toe.
And even if there is some ironic twist somewhere in the movie, its entire advertisment and PR are very explicitly focused on those hyperfeminine aesthetics.
Her event and PR outfits referencing iconic Barbie looks and the hyperfeminine aesthetics in trailers and promotional material to grab people's attention are a core part of their campaign.
That is also socialization. It still presents these things as attractive and desirable, as it reinforces that people should find these things appealing and direct their attention towards them.
I am aware that the movie also comments on body odor or cellulite.
I know it has moments like America Ferrera's monologue and I appreciate these things but this doesn't erase the rest of the aesthetic narrative of the movie, which does want you to enjoy and have fun with those pink hyperfeminine aesthetics. It is part of your viewing pleasure.
Despite the good points it makes it simultaneously also wants you to be positively and genuinely entertained by the aesthetics.
When it comes to this, the movie has an "eat your cake and have it too" mentality because they want to (rightfully) criticize some damaging expectations superimposed on women by feminine gender roles, i.e., femininity. But they clearly also want to keep others. They think some of them are not actually harmful but fun, empowering, even though a thorough look at the femininity they promote as worth keeping will uncover that they still have disadvantaging effects on women and keep crucial parts of the patriarchal hierarchy intact.
And in some regards their messages are even contradictory. Because on the one hand they do want to criticize unrealistic beauty standards (see Gloria's monologue) but at the same time even "self-centered" femininity, wanting to look good, feminine, pretty "for yourself", expressing your "identity" with a certain type of feminine fashion, still has the aforementioned mental and material effects (altered relationships with our bare faces because of make-up, even if your "eyeliner that is so sharp that it can kill a man, is for yourself and yourself alone", spending lots of time and money on restrictive clothing and make-up products, placing a significant amount of value on your looks, constantly monitoring your outward appearance).
As women we have learned to lie to ourselves and live with this cognitive paradox constantly.
"We don't need to shave. But we do it because we "want to", because even though "we don't have to" for some reasons we all collectively still think it is unattractive and unfeminine. But hey we "choose" to shave so it's different!
Aging is totally fine! Women are allowed to age! But at the same time we invest lots of time and money in anti-aging products and routines but this time under the guise of self-care. We don't have to of course. We are perfectly fine with wrinkles! It's just an (odd, collective) "personal" preference that the majority of women would still rather look youthful forever. But this time it's different! It's a choice!"
Materially we are doing the exact same thing that we are conditioned to do by patriarchal norms but thanks to the rhetoric of positive femininity, choice and personal preference we do not need to actually change our behaviour. We can let the words, the impressive-sounding monologues, do "the work for us" to absolve us, while our actions remain the same.
At the end of the day, the movie doesn't really deconstruct the entire cage of femininity, its roots, and all the aspects that harm women. Instead they reframe and rename some of the same things as a celebration of positive femininity.
But simply keeping something damaging in place and renaming it doesn't remove its negative material effects.
It just serves as a dazzling, soothing paint job to distract you and make you feel better about liking it, even if it doesn't serve you.
Hence, it's clear that the movie wants you to think that these aesthetics themselves are or can be, on some level, still fun and good.
(Again, that doesn't mean that it doesn't also promote good messages at other moments.)
And the public reception proves it. Otherwise we wouldn't have those aforementioned takes on how "Barbiecore is empowering because it doesn't revolve around men and "women-centered" hyperfemininity is good."
(Though it has to be noted that whereas pink and glitter are inherently neutral, they have been assigned certain meanings, hence when they are used they do serve as social signifiers and messengers for certain ideas. They are like a condensed proxy or short-form of femininity that quickly and efficently evoke certain gendered ideas in the viewer just by having them look at it.
I think sub-cultures are a good example: Goth and emo fashion for women is not considered attractive by many average people, including average men. And I am pretty sure most goths and emos would tell you they wear this kind of fashion for themselves, to express themselves and not to fulfill any gendered (mainstream!) expectations.
But. Within these scenes there are very often STILL very distinct differences in the type of fashion men and women wear. And oddly enough they often align more with traditional gender expectations than they like to admit (even the higher degree of androgynity in male fashion in those scenes doesn't undo those dynamics - the sexualization and pornification of women in those scenes is very prominent).
Funny. One might wonder why this is the case.
So you still have feminine, pretty, sexy, lady-like goth and emo girls who might not appeal to the general public's taste. But within the scene they very much appeal to that scene-related male gaze.
So the basics of femininity are still taught and lived.
And in addition, if for some reason a woman were to change her style and leave those scenes she might let go of her specific fashion sense but she will most likely take the basic teachings of femininity with her: that there lies immense value in her being decorative (for men).
I honestly think many women are in denial about the fact that yes, even their "self-centered" femininity benefits men as it consolidates certain tranditional gendered roles. And I also think that women are often taught to lie themselves (amongst others by liberal feminism) with regard to how much they actually appreciate men's positive attention and feedback (and I don't blame them for wanting those things, that's how we are socialized, even on purely platonic levels. As a lesbian even I notice how much I often value and unconsciously want positive (platonic or professional) feedback from men in particular. We as a society value men's opinions and attention deeply.)
Coming back to Barbie I think all of this can be applied as well.
First, just as with non-mainstream femininity in alternative scenes "Barbiecore" still teaches the same basic concepts of decorative femininity, encouraging many of the aforementioned damaging behaviours connected to femininity (money, time, resources, cognitive load, value of external attractiveness/appeal), even if women believe they do it for themselves.
And if a woman moves on from pink, glittery Barbiecore to another type of feminine fashion these fundamental values will probably remain with her. At best they have not been challenged by Barbiecore, at worst they have been reinforced, but this time under the pretense of "self-love", self-care or focusing on one's self, ostensibly not serving the male gaze.
Second, it is naive to believe that no man finds Margot Robbie's Barbie and her looks attractive in the movie (just like there are enough men who think unconventional, i.e., non-mainstream, displays of femininity like gothic/emo etc. are attractive).
Given Margot Robbie's attractiveness and the fact that beyond the pink color palette, Barbie's feminine fashion itself is not really "outrageous" (vs. some scene clothing) I wouldn't be surprised if the number of men who are attracted to her movie character is actually higher than the "men hate barbiecore" idea wants to make one believe. They may say they don't but in my opinion it's an act to save face and demonstrate ostensible superiority, just like when they call beautiful women "mid". (Also as we know men are very well willing to fuck what they hate; it's just another display of "dominance").
I am actually very convinced that there is a significant amount of men who would totally dig the very same looks she is sporting if her behavior was different.
I believe they hate her despite her good looks because her personality does not align with their gendered expectations of what a woman should be.
So out of spite, as a punishment, they call her and her aesthetics ugly and childish - because they know beauty is one of the things women are primarily valued for in our society, hence it's an effective target to attack.
If she kept the look but acted like a 50s house wive I'm pretty sure many men would openly say how they are attracted to her (and objectify her).
And even if a portion of men may find the focus on pink genuinely childish they can still like the overall femininity the look reinforces. If you kept the same outfit but changed the colors and removed the glitter it would still be the same basic type of femininity. So with regard to fundamental gendered concepts nothing is really challenged here.
So yes, I genuinely think men hating on "girly" femininity is a lot more aligned with the "Margot Robbie is mid" defense.
They are very clearly attracted to her but they try to paint themselves as not interested, as above that, to display their "superior status and power" over her, because they hate her as a person now. (Or use it as an attempted power play to make girls insecure and - as another post said it perfectly - withold beauty from women because women are taught it's their social currency; so if even women like Margot Robbie are relegated to "mid" they feel self-conscious and weak and will try to win the men's favor to receive their approval - and thus be granted some of that withheld beauty.)
In essence, I really don't buy that men don't actually benefit from "women-centered hyperfemininity" and that it is the looks that don't appeal to them as a class (obviously individual tastes vary).
I am not saying that everything that received the label "feminine" is inherently bad. Compassion and empathy come to mind of course and in an ideal world we might also have separated the harmless parts of the aesthetics (cute fabric patterns like flowers etc., soft but also relaxing and practical cothing) from the harmful practices that reinforce regressive gendered ideas and also lead to increased cognitive load, self-image issues (esp. regarding our bare faces), spending lots of time, money and resources on these things etc.
But we do not live in this ideal world.
We need to treat femininity as the thing that it is in the real world right now. It already has a meaning and this meaning won't be deconstructed by elevating all of it and saying that the harmful parts are actually empowering, too, which is what is happening with those celebrations of barbiecore and pink hyperfemininity.
Your celebration of femininity does not occur in a vacuum.
You cannot pretend the social context in which you do this simply doesn't exist because it spoils your fun and pretend it doesn't actually have any unfavourable consequences for women.
It does.
Gender is a hierarchy, in which femininity is an active tool to place women below men.
That is the reality we need to deconstruct.
A little extra that just came to my mind:
The gothic lolita scene used to have (and perhaps still has) the same kind of rhetoric, too: "We do it for ourselves. Not to appeal to the male gaze. Men don't like this kind of fashion anyway." But a) this is clearly…not true. Gothic lolita, including the non-revealing styles (which make up most of the styles actually), is still popular and fetishized by certain groups of men, precisely because of its (distinct interpretation of) feminine appeal. And b) it still ingrains many core believes of classic femininity into women that transcend the fashion style and reflect accepted and desired ideas about feminine gender roles in broader society.
So the mindset of "doing something that is in line with our sexist society's expectations "for yourself", hence it's different and does not reinforce the same sexist ideals" that women often adapt is a common, recurrent cognitive strategy to justify these preferences to ourselves and others.
Barbiecore is therefore not unique and suddenly above reproach. On the contrary. It perfectly fits a commonly found pattern.
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enha as twenty first century american teenager stereotypes (up until 2024)
I LIV LAF LUV playing association with enhypen because they're my interesting little stinka-butts who, in my opinion, are so frozen in this whole kpop ordeal and i need them BROKEN FREEEE
Hybe, babes, let them explore the real world and interact with idols and people who don't gaf about their latest random single release and just wanna vibe w them I BEG
+ Yang Jungwon aka "Maicah"
Maicah Jungwon Yang is the middle man of your class. He's involved, he's energetic with the dude-bros, and he's on the JV basketball team. He only has okay grades but is somehow on Student Council. He's friends with a ton of the Varsity boys, and he's got lots of cool friends. Jungwon is super bubbly but he's really put together. His rl engagement in school and enha leadership compels me to think he's responsible enough to be in Student Council but bros also just an athlete. He'd also probs be on the track team as a 100m sprinter or smth. He'd definitely have a lot of friends but he might have a surprisingly unconventional bestie. Maicah wears the same two pairs of nike sweats along with Yeezy slides and a black hoodie. If it's cold, Maicah brings a Spiderman blanket to school.
+ Lee Heeseung aka "Ethan"
Ethan is the ultimate trend maxxer of whatever Bay Area high school you have imagined. He wears string earphones, never sporting shorts, and always has a damn beanie on. Absolutely not in sports-- is THE arts student. He's on the junior group of horn instruments in band, probably plays the trumpet, and isn't all that great but he's a fast learner. Hee would be top 30 in his class, but would most likely prioritize his rising Sound Cloud presence post-Grad. Doesn't date but he has a lot of younger friends, flirts with girls two years younger than him but also maintains a homoerotic friendship with his childhood friend in college who's like a year older than him.
+ Park Jay aka "Jay"-- DUH
Jay is the batman. He's farms or surfs (depending on what region you imagine we're in the context of) by day, and is in a garage band by night. He has a super duper close knit friend group of equally spunky guys. Has absolutely no female friends-- not out of misogyny or anything but bro is just such a dude idk. He's pretty smart, def a AP Chem warrior but stinks at stem. His focal point is the school guitar group. He probably gets his community service hours working with the lunch ladies. Jay is charismatic and super sweet-- but he probably deals with anger issues and was def that kid in behavior management during elementary. Despite his emo TM status-- Jay wears the fluck out of his chino + Sperrys combo.
+ Sim Jaeyun aka "Jake"-- DUH
He is the captain of the Varsity Soccer team. Jake is popular as a mf; has a big friend group, dates around, is loved by the teachers, and most of the school appreciates his mega vibes. Think Jeremiah from The Summer I Turned Pretty. Jake probably gets zesty allegations cause he wears lots of jewelry and paints his nails but he doesn't mind cause trust-- he's pulling every female bro-lover in the COUNTY. He's super duper competitive and is a strict captain, which is the only reason why someone'd have a problem with him...but he makes up for it by being a beast on the field. He's also on Honor Roll, cranking his Class with a 4.6 GPA and Salutatorian status. He's a chronic overstayer at school with him being in sports and academic clubs year round. Jake probably has some weird connections with Parker which throw people off like Junior year. Chronic Croc wearer. Bro's committing to Notre Dame for Soccer.
+ Park Sunghoon aka "Parker"
The hottest loser on campus fr fr. He's well known for being the numba one hallway crush but bro has no school friends so everyone kinda just assumes he's a little bit of a bitch (in the best way possible). He never stays longer than he has to but he's a hard worker and the history teacher loves his compassion for AP Gov.. He's a club Volleyball player outside of school but he's not in school athletics (he's got connections to the Athletics Dir. tho). He's always at school early to use the weight room and he's an avid lean pump master poster on IG. Hoon was super isolated as a kid so I imagine that Parker would probably have a hard time being social with just normal kids (Parker's homeschooled in elementary for the plot). He was probably chubby in middle school and then had a gigantourous glow up freshman-sophomore year: 6'0, lean muscle, "clean guy" aesthetic. Guys def wanna be him but they're jelly cause their girlfriends are obsessed. Closet gay but no one knows until a random IG story during college where he takes a pic w his boyfriend or something idk. Wears Jordan 4s.
+ Kim Sunoo aka "Sonny"
The typical friendly gay bestie minus the obnoxious Netflixed exaggerations (i.e. loud and super sassy). Just think about the token feminine gay guy at your school-- he probably has a group of girl friends, is kinda introverted lwk, wears either super outdated 2018 IG fashion or is the most fabulous Hollister warrior. He definitely has a weird situationship with one of the popular guys-- top athlete, unlikely to be friends with him but is anyways...you know the shabang. Sonny's pretty witty, pretty scholarly-- excels in stem but has a soft spot for English. He probably listens to Ariana Grande and is a Olivia Rodrigo die-hard. Sonny probably bakes, too. Overall, he's on the low but anyone knows that unprovoked, that mf is loud sometimes. Will not hesitate to beat a bitch up too.
+ Nishimura Ri ki aka "Nico"
The skater boi TM, bahaha. Just kidding, but fr, I think American Ri ki would skateboard. Like-- in an East Coast way not a West Coast way if you catch my drift. He's a New Yorker at heart-- going to a crowded arts school somewhere idk. He's constantly outdoing himself with the fits-- the girls love it. He's can be shy but has a knack for being a trouble maker-- probably went to special group as a kid, the guy with ADHD (not that that's a big deal but ik we all got that one guy in class that's hyper to no end, n to me, that's ri ki). Nico's got a couple friends, plays basketball in his free time, and his specialty is, of course, dance. He leads the department by a long shot so everyone either loves him or hates him. Nico isn't afraid to be flamboyant or outgoing (as Ri ki is competitive and a little bit of a diva) but can come off a little high strung sometimes.
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blubushie · 9 months
2/1/24, 6:25am
I think I'd forgotten what loneliness felt like.
It doesn't hit me until now when I'm sitting here in Darwin and trying to sleep after spending the past 3-ish days in multiple different major cities, but I'm lonely.
I got maybe a half-hour of sleep, and then I woke up and went out on the balcony for a bit to have a smoke, and a beer, and I've missed the taste of VB. I've missed the smell of rainwater in the Top End, and the squawks of cockatoos in the mornings, and fresh meat pies, and Jatz, and golden gaytimes, and vegemite, and heading to the shops barefoot.
And back home? Oh.
I've missed the sounds of dingos, and the chitter of flying foxes, and feeling thunder crawl through my skin on every roll. I've missed the whistling kites and the smell of wattle--it's summertime down south, and the wet season here up north, and some of the wattle is blooming. I've missed the blue kookas and the sweetness of cluster figs and the trumpeting of brolgas and the crunch of waterlily stems, and the saltiness of croc meat, and playing two-up with my brother but hiding it from my boy because gambling is a bad influence.
Call me insane, but dare I say I've even missed the flies and mozzies, though there isn't many right now because of the wet.
But I also miss Misty. I miss Misty desperately. I woke up and panicked for a second and called out to her so she'd come to me, and then I remembered where I am, and that she isn't with me. And, iunno, but that made me really sad for a few minutes.
The beer's good though, and I get to watch the sunrise. But I can see clouds on the horizon, and lightning, so it looks like a storm will be rolling in by the time I have to be up and about. Hopefully it rolls in fast and gets gone faster and doesn't ground my flight.
Can't wait to be home.
But my brother rang my sat this morning! And he's bringing my boy with him to pick me up at the airport. :]
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piratesofhyrule · 9 months
The Story That Will Never Be Told 6: Guest Stars
This one will be a thread, several reblogs detailing each different Celebrity Cameo. And to start us off, my favorite of these special guest stars; The Kremling Krew!
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This band of crocodile pirates hails from the RareWare-age of the Donkey Kong franchise, originally appearing in Donkey Kong Country and going on to be the villains of the whole series along with one of my favorite games of all, DK64. They were under the command of the infamous King K Rool and first sailed to the Kong Isles aboard the battleship, Gangplank Galleon, until Donkey and Diddy thrashed him and sunk his ship. Their home island was sunk by Diddy and Dixie Kong (admittedly by accident) when they defeated K Rool a second time, leaving the Kremlings adrift in scattered clans. Although K Rool returned for the 3rd DKC game, he had to do so in disguise because the Kremlings were actually sick of him. His infamous Blast-O-Matic in DK64 was the last time he and the Kremlings got a major appearance in anything and it was disabled whilst K Rool was sent flying into the ocean again.
And from then onwards, the Kremlings and K Rool never got a proper appearance in any mainline games.
They were in a similar boat as Waluigi; designed by a 3rd-party that was working with Nintendo instead of Nintendo itself (Camelot actually devised Waluigi, the Kremlings and all the Kongs post-arcade era were by Rare). Ergo a bit of a debate on Nintendo's end if they kept any of these characters around, Diddy and a few other Kongs got to persist thanks to their popularity. But the Kremlings? Nintendo wasn't keen on them appearing again in a mainline game until Smash Ultimate.
Of all the guest-stars I had planned, the Kremlings were the first. They have such a rich roster of a crocodile cast across the 90s, a bunch of delightfully devious lunkheads determined to one day get even with the Kongs. And what's more, I even had that wonderful DKC tv show to draw inspiration from and provide a leader that was significantly more popular amongst his underlings; Kaptain Skurvy.
The history in my continuity was thus; DKC 1-DK64, with a light sprinkling of the tv show, happened as they canonically did. The Kremlings that you've gotten to meet in my fic are but one of many small factions, this crew of crocs led by Quint Skurvy the Fifth. Thanks to how tyrannical AND disasterous K Rool's leadership was in the past, Klubba led a mutiny aboard the Gangplank Galleon, deserting the former Kremling King with his prized battleship (as an aside, Klubba is from DKC2, a powerful Kremling that actually helps out Diddy and Dixie as "K Rool treats us rotten, I hope ye scuttle his plans"). Once at sea, the crew held an election for a captain (pirates in actual history were democratic), Skurvy winning the vote and he has been in command ever since. He's led them to great profits and spoils of war, earning genuine loyalty from the Kremlings under his flag.
What brings the Kremlings to Hyrule actually stems to the original Quint Skurvy, the current one's great-great-great-grandfather. He had obtained the legendary Crystal Coconut, but was betrayed by his navigator. The navigator, a man history refers to as "The Ancient Mariner" had stolen the Crystal Coconut, hiding it in distant shores from Crocodile Isle. When Skurvy caught up with the traitor, he threw him into a pine box and hurtled it overboard. Ever since, the SKurvies have hunted for the Crystal Coconut, the current of their lineage the first to sail Hyrule's waters.
For the Yiga battle, the Kremlings would actually have been allied with the Gerudo and our protagonists as they mistook the Yiga for the Kongs. They reveal that the Gangplank Galleon has an All-Terrain mode, allowing it to leave the water and assault the Yiga Stronghold itself. Upon finding out that "the death cult of assassins are not the gorillas they've a blood feud with", the Kremlings decide to just loot the stronghold of everything and leave. From there, that would've been the end of their little arc.
At least, until I watched this AMAZING video;
Then I thought up a soft-sequel for the fic. Running with the vid's plot, K Rool is able to reunite the Kremlings under his rule once more. After hearing from Klump, Skurvy's brother and K Rool's former supreme commander, about the wonderous lands across an ocean that no Kremling or Kong have sailed before, K Rool decides that salvaging whatever magic and technology they can from Hyrule might finally give him the edge over the Kongs.
And thus a decade or so after my fic's conclusion, Hyrule recieves word of a massive battle fleet sailing for the kingdom, led by a mobile island fortress that resembles a crocodile wearing a crown.
And of final note, you know who Quint Skurvy the First's navigator is. Submit your answer to me Askbox to recieve the special prize of choosing the next Lore Post!
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seaoftheworst · 1 month
Katakuri, Croc änd Buggy Do they get embarrassed easily when it comes to nsfw things? Or are they shameless?
not formatting my usual way cos i wanna actually post this on Sinday
Only if the relationship is new. This stems down to his insecurities about his face, but when he trusts the person enough to show his face all bets are off and he is beyond shameless
He's not easily embarrassed when it comes to NSFW, in fact he is almost apathetic to it. If he was embarrassed then he couldn't have run his casinos (he def had a strip bar in there).
He gets rather embarrassed when it comes to NSFW, usually cause he is often caught off guard. Most people see him as a bit of a joke so when NSFW happens he is surprised by it.
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