#stay safe out there chat
sleeping-at-sea · 18 days
I already knew the things Calypso did to Odysseus but honestly just listening to Love In Paradise over and over really just finally had it click and I realize how much projection I've done onto Odysseus and how most of it is honestly true and could most likely be true
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malarkgirlypop · 21 days
MEDIC! Part 38 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Hey guys big tigger warning on this chapter! Please be very aware, I do not want anyone to feel triggered or uncomfortable by my writing. I write a lot of things from my own experience, and it does sound weird to say but writing this chapter helped me express a lot of feelings I didn't know I had. If you do not want to read this chapter I totally understand, I have tried to make the graphic scene less so. I hope anyone who has ever experienced SA or worse has been able to heal. Love you all truly, if you want to talk about anything my messages are always open, I am so happy to chat!!
TW- R*pe, SA, Violence, talks of assault, (please let me know if I missed any).
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, @b00ks1ut , @mstiemountainhop, @awaterfalls, @lovememadly92 @lucyfromtheoldhouse @blueberry-ovaries anyone else please let me know.
The man had dragged me into the jeep, the cold barrel of the gun pressed into my side. The replacements didn’t get to me in time, I watched them stand over Grant’s body as the soldier pulled away from the scene. Tears streamed down my face as I tried to muffle my sobs, the man kept the gun pressed into my side. 
I glanced over to him, the purple smudges under his eyes from when Don had struck him in the face. He drove erratically swerving from side to side on the road. I gripped the side of the car, nervous that I was going to fly out the side. I thought about hurling myself from the vehicle, but the thought of being crushed under the wheels and then losing the ability to get away made bile rise in my throat. 
“What do you want?” I yelled over the whip of the wind. 
The man looked towards me, the glare in his eyes made my chest clench, he looked as if he wanted to kill me. He raised his gun, I bit my lip regretting my words, squeezing my eyelids shut, I didn’t want him to be the last face I saw. The butt of the gun smashed down into my cheek, I yelped out in pain reaching up to cradle my now throbbing face. I flinched away from the man trying to crawl into the farthest reaches of the car. But it was no use, I was trapped. 
With every passing second we were getting further away from the base, if we kept going any longer I wouldn’t be able to find my way back. 
“I killed him.” The man uttered, I cautiously set my eyes back on the driver. “Your fucking boyfriend, I killed him. He got what he deserved y’know, no one fucking hits me and gets away with it.” 
My eyes widened, he thought Grant was Don. I didn’t point out the fact that he had actually gotten the wrong man. I didn’t need to give him incentive to go back to base and hurt anymore people. 
I sat as still as humanly possible, hoping that my silence would make me invisible. My hyperventilating made me feel faint. I dragged in deep breaths trying to stop the shake in my hands, but it was no use. The adrenaline that surged through my veins had me set on edge like a live wire.         
The jeep slowed, my eyes frantically searched the surrounding area. I didn’t know where I was anymore. My brain had blacked out the drive we had taken, time had lost all meaning. I didn’t know how long I had been in the car, or if we had turned along the way. 
But there didn’t seem to be anything of note for him to be stopping. So why were we? 
Unfortunately my question had been answered all too quickly. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the man surging towards me, my arms came up to protect my face, but his hungry hands latched onto me. 
“No, please.” I uttered terrified. But it was no use the man tugged me down, until I was laying flat against the car seat.  
He hovered above me a sickening slimy grin shone in the dark. He eyed me like a wolf eyed its prey, I was a piece of meat and he hadn’t eaten in weeks. 
“You’re so pretty.” He muttered into my ear. By this point I was gasping for air, nothing was making its way into my lungs. My eyes burned, the places his filthy hands touched felt like acid on my skin.  
I swallowed, his gun was on the dash. I could reach out and grab it. But what if I wasn’t quick enough, or he won it off me before I could even shoot. I didn’t know where I was, if he shot me and left me out here I was surely going to die. But I didn’t want to be unconscious, not around him, I wanted to know my fate, even if it was dreadful. I couldn’t have the unknown, I didn’t want to wonder what he had done to my dead body. 
His hand clamped around my chin forcing me to look him in the eye. I felt vomit rising in my mouth. His greasy hair hung down limp and lifeless as his bloodshot eyes roamed my body. I squirmed under him as he straddled my waist. 
There was no way of getting out of this. If I wanted to live I would have to endure what was going to come. 
His fingers dug into the open wound on my cheek, a cry of pain crawled from my throat. 
“I said, you look so pretty.” The drunk man’s lips brushed my skin with every word. 
Tears streamed down the sides of my face and into my ears muffling my surroundings. I choked back sobs. My body was pinned under his, my arms by my sides. I was stuck, his body weight didn’t even give me wiggle room. 
He flashed me a wicked smile as he pulled back, his eyes were pitch black, the sound of his lips curling up around his teeth had me shaking. 
“Thank you.” I uttered, my voice breaking. 
I love you Don, please forgive me.
“Relax Emily. We’re just going to have some fun.” The man’s voice was hoarse and croaky, his breath smelt of stale liquor.
My name in his mouth made me want to scream, but we were so far away from anyone no one would hear my pleas for help.  
His hands found the tops of my thighs dragging me down further so I lay more flat in the passenger seat. My heart hammered into my chest, so hard that it physically hurt. 
The sound of his zip sliding down the track filled the silence of the night. It wasn’t long till his hands found mine, I felt his fingers brush down my crotch. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself to wake up from this nightmare. I had fallen asleep on Don’s chest, I would wake up back in the room, the sound of the men’s voices would fill my senses along with the warm fire. 
But reality hit me like a tonne of bricks as the man yanked my pants down exposing me to the cold night. 
I know what I must do.
The man’s hot breath fanned across my face, making my eyes water more than they already were. 
He pulled down my pants, to just above my knees. I forced myself to relax, I knew it would be more painful if I resisted. 
I heard him grunt, the sound of my clothes ripping deafened my surroundings. I looked up to the night sky, just past his head. Thousands of tiny flickering lights filled the black void. This wasn’t my body anymore, the stars were my home. I felt myself floating up towards the sky, high above the scatter of thin clouds and into the atmosphere. 
He forced himself into me, dragging me back down to earth. I plummeted back into my body, jolting in pain and gasping for air that never gave me the satisfaction of filling my lungs. 
I focussed back on the sky, trying to not hear his moans and grunts. 
The dark void of the night pulled me up again. So high I could see all of Austria. The lake shone in the pale moonlight, the thick forest was like a black hole pulling all of the light into its vacuum. The mountains stood like tall giants against the night, looking like they were watching over the small town, its yellow flickering lights glowed warm.    
My body was a tiny spec down below, in a vacant street hidden in the trees. That body wasn’t mine, that wasn’t me down there being violated, I was up here in the heavens so far away from earth it was nothing but a crumb. 
But I could still hear her, even from so far away. I could hear her stifling sobs and her ragged breath that misted in the cold night air. I could see the shimmer of tears sliding down her cheeks and into her hair that haloed around her head. I could see her blood stained hands curled into fists as she lay perfectly still.  
The man hovered above her, the muscles of his back tensing, then shaking with release. I could see him pull back, leaving the young girl bare and lifeless as she stared up at me. Her cold eyes held no life, they glazed over not present with reality. 
Suddenly I crashed back down to earth, back into the body that wasn’t mine. I gasped for air, the sensation of my skin prickled and tingeld, I wanted it off, I wanted out again. To not be here staring up at the bright moon that tauntingly hung in the night sky. 
But my suffering wasn’t over, the man’s hands latched around my neck. I wasn’t even present enough to jump at his touch, my eyes bulged as he squeezed, cutting off my oxygen supply. I could feel the blood vessels bursting in my sclera, my temples throbbed from the pressure. I clawed at his hands as my vision started to blur. No, no, no! I needed to be conscious. I bucked against him trying to throw his weight, but the crushing sensation of my windpipe never ceased. His grip was strong. 
So I gave up, my body grew slack and heavy. I let my eyes flutter shut and my head loll back. 
I fought the urge to gulp in air as his hands released from my throat. I didn’t dare breathe until I knew I was safe.        
The man’s weight fell from my body, my eyes clamped shut. I used my other senses to try and figure out what he was doing. I dragged in short shallow breaths as I heard his side door open and the jostle of the jeep as he got out of the car. Gravel crunched under his feet, I could hear him walk away and then closer again. 
I stalled my breathing when the door behind me opened. I let my body tumble out of the car as he cursed wildly under his breath. His hands grasped under my armpits as he dragged me off the road. I could feel the texture of the ground change from small sharp rocks to soft grass. 
He grunted as he tossed me, my body rolling down into the ditch on the side of the road. I kept my body as floppy as possible so that he wouldn't suspect I was still alive.  
I lay face up, my arms thrown to the sides of my body as my legs had tangled with each other. I heard him walk back to the car but not get in. I begged silently for him to leave, but his footsteps arrived back to the edge of the bank again. 
Time stood still as I heard the mechanical cock of the gun. 
Five shots rang out in the silence. 
I was surprised I was able to choke back the scream of pain, I clamped my lips shut and prayed. Prayed that he hadn’t seen the jerk of my body as one of the bullets drove into my shoulder. 
I played dead, lying as still as possible, not knowing if he had left or not due to the ringing in my ears. I counted to 100 ten times before I cracked open my eyes. The jeep wasn’t on the side of the road anymore. 
Whimpering in pain I dragged myself up the bank, staying low to the floor. Tire marks imprinted on the gravel road he had left. I finally let myself break down, sobbing hysterically until my voice grew hoarse and the pounding behind my eyes became unbearable. 
Clutching my shoulder I rose to my feet, I fixed my pants and shirt. I gave a humourless laugh, unsure at why I was trying to make myself look presentable after all I had been through.
Hobbling down the road where we had come, I hoped I wouldn’t bleed out before I found someone.     
Malarkey POV:
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After losing miserably at poker, I had made my way back to the barracks. I didn’t check on Em, knowing she would be tucked up in bed fast asleep by now. 
I had just drifted off to sleep when a pounding on my door caused me to sit bolt right up in bed. I lazily wandered to the door cursing under my breath at whoever it was making such a racket in the middle of the night. 
Swinging open the door I found Bull, and the rest of Easy company half awake and half dressed flowing through the corridor with urgency. 
“What’s going on?” I asked, peering out from my door.  
“When need to go, grab your things.” Bull ushered me out of the room before I could ask anymore questions. “Replacement shot Grant in the head, Speirs has given orders to track him down.” 
I looked at Bull horror on my face, he gave a grim nod confirming my question. This was real and not a sick joke.  
Tab led the men down the hall giving orders to the men. 
“Hey Lieb, he wants a noncom guarding each roadblock and at least two men watching every road out of town.” Tab strode down the hall.
Bull and I fell into stride behind him. 
“Bull, Malark, you each take a squad and one of these witnesses on a house-to-house search.” Tab explained as we followed. 
“Can we shoot this bastard on sight?” I asked. I was ready to beat the shit out of this no good son of a bitch. How dare he shoot Grant in the head. I was ready for a fight. 
“Try and take him alive.” Tab said. 
“Where’s Grant now?” Bull asked from behind me. 
“They took him to a Kraut hospital to see if they could drum up any good doctors.” Tab replied to Bull. 
We each took off to do our respective tasks. I wanted to be the one who found that fucker. 
Maybe say my hand slipped and accidentally shot him in the leg.
But with all the men we had out searching my group didn’t find him first, just my luck. 
They dragged him back to base, gathering in the main lounge. The same lounge we were all in hours before playing poker and laughing. Now the room made my head spin. By the time my men and I arrived the replacement was barely recognisable. 
Tied to a chair in the middle of the room surrounded by angry men, the soldier took a beating. I watched the man’s head snap back as blood poured from his mouth. Easy men were pissed to say the least, they took charge of the beatings. Their fists collided with the man’s face, each with gruesome crunches, as they beat the ever loving shit out of the fucker.  
I stood and watched, there was no need for me to step in, so I watched from the back of the ground with a sick satisfaction as each punch landed. 
The man’s head hung low, too weak to hold it up on his own accord. He spat on the ground, clearing his mouth of the blood. The man only groaned in pain, he didn’t utter a word otherwise. 
The men cheered with each hit. 
The doors swung open, a stoic Captain Speirs stood in the doorway. Taking in the scene before him. I could see under his calm facade the man was raging like the rest of us. The room fell silent as his footfalls hit the soft rug.  
“This him?” He asked, strolling in.
“That’s him.” Bull confirmed. The soldiers surrounding the man stepped back, letting Speirs have room to stand in front of him. 
The man coughed and gagged on his own blood. The room collectively held their breath, unsure of what Speirs was going to do. 
“Replacement. ‘I’ company.” Bull informed the Captain. 
“Where’s the weapon?” Speirs asked calmly. 
“What weapon?” The man replied in a snide tone. I scoffed, how could this person have so little respect. 
Speirs didn’t hesitate, bringing down the butt of his gun and smashing it into the jaw of the man. The replacement's head whipped to the side as blood sprayed from his mouth. 
“When you talk to an officer you say ‘sir’.” Speirs growled in a menacing tone. 
The man chuckled, hanging his head. “Maybe I left it with that whore, Sir.” 
Silence filled the room for a beat, I could feel the tension becoming thicker. I glanced at Martin who shrugged, sharing the same questioning look as me.  
“What whore?” Speirs spat, picking up the man’s head by his hair, getting into his face. The man only flashed a bloodied grin at him. 
“You know, that girl. The pretty medic. What was her name, ah, that’s right Lane. Emily Lane.” The replacement grinned sadistically. 
The room swirled as the air left my lungs. I felt as if I had been slapped in the face.  
That couldn’t be right. Emily was in bed, she was sleeping. Grant had walked her back to- hadn’t he? Or was she with him when it happened. Disbelief clouded my vision, I felt like I could barf. He was wrong, she was safe in bed. 
My heart was pounding in my ears, surely he had to be mistaken. But he said her name, he knew who she was. 
Martin’s hand clamped on my shoulder as he leaned into my vision. I shook with rage and fear. There was no way this was true. Martin’s gaze fixed with mine, he was mouthing something, or he was saying it, I couldn’t understand it either way. My white knuckles clamped at my sides. I waited for someone to speak. 
“What did you do to Emily?” Speirs snarled, the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
“She just lay there and took it, like a good little slut.” 
Another blow came from Speirs as he struck him again across the face this time with his fist. I hadn’t realised but I had surged forward, both Bull and Martin held me still. 
“Wait boy, we don’t know it’s true yet.” Bull whispered beside me. 
“What did you do to her?” Ron snapped in the man’s face. As he laughed. 
“I had my way with her and then disposed of the evidence.” 
What did he mean by disposing of the evidence? My skin felt like it was on fire, the only thing I could really hear was my erratic heart rate pounding in my ears. I only saw red. Rage shook my body. 
“I’ll fucking kill you!” I roared, surging forward to get to the man. I was held back though, Johnny had a firm grip around me. I looked around the room, the men all looked horrified and disgusted. Their stares could kill. It was silent, as the man coughed up blood. I hoped he would choke on it. I was still trying to fight Martin’s grip. Why was no one doing anything! 
“Get the replacements in here now!” Speirs demanded. Someone left the room and arrived back with two skinny looking men. 
“Who was with you in the car?” Speirs boomed. The two boys shied away from the furious Captain. 
“Answer me!”
“It was us, Sergeant Grant and-” The replacement stalled looking around the room. 
“Who else, private?” Ron seethed with rage, “Who else?” Speirs' voice echoed around the room. 
“The female medic, she said her name was Em.” 
So it was true.
Chapter 39
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abugsjournal · 6 months
as a barista the urge to write an arthur morgan coffee shop au fic is so strong
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enigma-absolute · 5 months
this just in: Chrumblr RP proven once again for the second time, to be a reason for healing from Unexpected RP Traumas with nothing but kindness
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rickybaby · 8 months
there are so many pieces at play in so many teams, i would expect them not to act like scared chickens (all of them not just redbull) and wait for the season to unfold but i do not trust them lol
this move really rocked f1 world...
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The news of yesterday will undoubtedly set off a domino effect within many teams and no one has any idea about what could possibly be happening, but I have to say that this breed of journalists who appear to try to capitalise on things for engagement or to simply be the first to break a story without proper verification is going to be a big problem going forward
I know I’ve said I’m not going to lose it at every single rumour and then I proceeded to lose it at the very first rumour, I don’t promise to not overreact in the future, but yeah 😅 long season ahead of us
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fridayyy-13th · 26 days
i am feeling So Many Things at the moment but mostly i just feel like a disaster
#friday chats#tw vent#it's like.#new school - far from family - already behind - new crush - really tired - fucking focus would you?! - new show - undone chores#on and on and on#a big ball of highs and lows that - instead of mellowing out into a net positive or negative -#- just make me feel like i'm being pulled in two opposite directions#why can't i just have the good and not the bad#i really wanted to take a gap year to decompress from All Of High School but my parents refused#kind of wish i took it regardless. just ''whoops - missed the application deadline! i'll get it in next year'' and faced their ire#but then i wouldn't have met my new friend at freshman camp#we both were individually interested in the queer orgs on campus and could have still met that way#but idk. it wouldn't have been the same#mostly i'm just worried i'm not cut out for living on my own. being an adult with a job. doing college at all.#not because people who have to rely on others/don't have a job/drop out are supposedly failures#but bc i don't have anybody i could safely fall back on AND live a life that is entirely my own if i don't make it#all i've got is my family. who will judge me for failing and force me to stay in the closet.#and frankly i don't want to live like that#so i have to keep going#but also part of me's like. ''you're ready to throw in the towel only a week in?? for fuck's sake friday come on''#it was just so much. i don't know. i just want to rest. i've been stressed for so long#i want a life where my needs are met and i feel safe and loved. that's all#but NOO i have to get a DEGREE to get a JOB so i can even begin to THINK of something like that#my family always jokes about how one day when i'm successful as an author i'll be super rich and have a private jet or whatever#and yeah that just speaks to how poorly they know me but more importantly IF i make it that big i just want to settle somewhere nice#somewhere cozy. maybe start a garden. get a cat. hold a loved one close at night. that's it really#and it sure would be nice if i could have that without having to bend over backwards getting a degree and a 9-to-5 or w/e#but i can't. so throwing myself at the wall that is my shit executive function it is.
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bachibabe · 1 year
I didn’t expect this Levi rant to get this long but here we are
I really just don’t know the words to use to describe how deeply I love and care for levi like it’s actually so very frustrating. I hate how much space he takes up in my brain on a daily basis. And like, I just want to love and care for him forever. Take him out for nice meals and make sure he’s not stressing himself out too bad.
He was my first ever comfort character. Ever since I first watched aot in middle school he has been. And over the years my love for him has like changed and grown as I’ve changed and grown as a person too and it’s just very strange for me. Like when I was younger I more so just looked up to him and wanted to be like him. To live like a person who lives in the future instead of the past. And it was more like childish puppy love back then. But now as I’ve become older and grown into a person that I’ve become more proud of my love for him has changed into something so deep and meaningful to me. Like, it’s really grown into something that takes on a life of its own, if that makes sense.
I just. He’s so important to me. And I hate him. And he needs to die cause I shouldn’t be feeling mushy like this.
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johnbly · 4 months
there is a special place in hell for people who lay on their horn at you when you're being a reasonable and safe driver
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inkykeiji · 4 months
hey bb clari, i hope you're having a nice day and feeling good <3
are you still working on chatplots? can we get a spoiler? 🥺🥺
hi hi hi sweetpea!! i unfortunately woke up to some genuinely awful news but i am trying to push through the day!
ah yes!! technically i am still working on chatplots, tho it’s been put on hold for the moment as i continue to try and get my life in order (a serious struggle ._.). a spoiler!! okai hehe, so the chat i am/was currently working on is a touya-nii punishment chats with three routes, each one more severe than the last depending on your behaviour >:) it’ll be a paid chat when it comes out.
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petals-and-all · 6 months
Another mod post ! Sorry !!
I’m taking another break and therefore limiting the number of requests !
Also, happy Eid to those who celebrate it !!
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
kisses you DEEPLY and passionately so that in ur final moments u think about me
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
grabbing rainbow sherbet vodka for the stream because I know it's what ichi would want 🤞
bro grabbing that fucking super mario vodka what the shit 😭
#snap chats#i dont know what im gonna get...... i SHOULD get soju since i can get more for cheaper#and soju's more potent now innit... but i am a sake fan... sake my best friend..#but i like my sake hot. unless its nigori then OF COURSE you have to have it chilled....#gddammit i left my shot glass at my moms. i didnt think id need it </3#maybe sake's the game then.....#just to make sure i dont ACTUALY black out NO DID I TELL THE TIME I BLAKCED OUT FOR THE FIRST AND ONLY TIME#ILL TELL IT AGAIN SINCE ITS TOPICAL IT WAS THE NIGHT OF MY SISTER'S WEDDING#and i went out post-wedding drinking with my dad and my sis and her hubby yeah#and /im/ a master of acting like im fine when im not when i care to and since i never want to look A Fool in front of my father again#i acted fine after i reached the point where I Very Much Was Not Fine#LIKE THERE WERE DRINKS AT THE WEDDING OOFC BUT I ALSO GOT SOME WHISKEY AT A BAR WE WENT TO#AND SO EVENTUALLY MY DAD AND HIS WIFE AND I ALL GO BACK TO THE HOTEL WE'RE ALL STAYING AT#god theyre so embarrassing i was walking (read: wobbling) back to the room i shared with my bro#and theyre just :) 👋 Good Niiiight We're Gonna Watch You Go Until You're Safe :) 👋 <- im literally down the hall from them#and the fucking. SECOND i get into my room im just hhoUUGGHGHHH BROTHER OF MINE. WHAT IS HAPPENING#i dont remember what happened i know i started watching Why Dont You Play In Hell again and then i suddenly woke up in my bed#I WAS ON THE COUCH LIKE I CANNOT STRESS THE ABRUPTNESS OF ME WAKING UP IN BED#I SAT ON THE COUCH TO WATCH THE MOVIE I THINK I GOT 27 MINUTES IN AND I BLINKED AND I INSTATRANSMISSIONED#hilarious. anyway i refuse to let that happen ever again AFLKEFJKAJ#so sake's the call. i think. idk we'll see what my wallet thinks cause the sake is a lil pricier than the soju..#it a special occasion live a little. is what ill tell myself ☠️
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just wanted to say that it’s a lot easier to just scroll by a post instead of commenting on the content (referring to the anon). like it takes less time to scroll past or block someone then it does to be like “tag you stuff” on anon. people are annoying but you honestly have an amazing writing style don’t let someone bother you over this. they’re just a jerk who doesn’t realize the world doesn’t revolve around them.
you have unique ideas and you illustrate them really well. i particularly like the “golden retriever” characteristization of foul legacy. because yes he protec but most importantly he want head pat. you balance his need for affection and attention but the animal instinct very well so keep your head up royalty !!
the most ironic thing is that if they had just asked politely i would've done what they asked- it's perfectly ok to be annoyed with seeing my posts and they're right about me not using the "x reader" tag on some stuff, buuuuuuut i am also not very motivated to comply with the requests of people who are rude!!
and thank you for the kind words anon!!! i try to strike a good balance of Childe's in-game personality + feral + soft fluffy Foul Legacy because one of my favorite things is having Childe who's seen as dangerous and scary to most people but the moment a certain someone walks into the room (it's you) he's whining and tugging at your sleeve to ask for scritches <33 if one side of his brain is yelling for battle and the other side is yelling for snuggles the latter will ALWAYS win!!!!
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
hellcastle moved countries to get away from terrorism and now there is more terrorism in the place he moved, awesome
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ghaziyounes1967 · 2 months
" This too shall pass "
I believe that good will always overcome evil, just as spring comes, and with it eternal life, overcoming the bitter cold of winter. We will overcome this genocide very soon with God's help and your continued help and support. One of the advantages we achieved during the war is to convey to you our voice, which has not been heard for many years, and to reveal the nature of this occupation and its actions that have been covered up for hundreds of years.
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I would like to introduce you to my simple Palestinian family, who lived in peace in a very beautiful house consisting of a ground and upper floor and a charming garden that we renovated shortly before the war, but the occupation had a different opinion regarding the barbaric bombing of civilians and homes. The occupation destroyed our dear home, which reminded me of my father, the dearest person in the world. My life, may God have mercy on him. The occupation killed every happy and even sad memory by bombing our house.
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This is my aunt with my younger brother Ahmed, in his last year of school before university. My aunt's house was next door to ours, and she had been single for years. She was not married, and since we are a small family, I have no uncles, It was always my duty to check on my aunt and provide her with everything from food, drink, medicine, and everything else. Before I went to university every day, I always liked to go there to have breakfast together, chat and get her approval before I went to my studies. every memories the occupation destroyed it.
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This our beloved home before and after Israeli bombing 💔
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My priority is to help this kind old woman, when the Rafah crossing is opened, to leave the Gaza Strip safely for Egypt. I do not care about the homes destroyed by the occupation. Money can be compensated, but the soul cant be compensated. Iwant to see my aunt again. I want her to be with us again. This is really what I want. I want to send her money so that she can support herself in the northern Gaza Strip. The prices are crazy, folks, especially the food prices.
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this is my friend Ali Al-Tababi, and my name is Ghazi Sheto, he was closer to me than many people in my family. I met Ali at university, and we had a goal: to graduate and work together. I will stay up all night to make this dream come true. He was always at my house, playing, studying, sleeping together and going to university together. We were conjoined twins. Ali and all his family members they are all died because of Israeli bombing.You can see the massacre of the Tabatabai family. May God have mercy on them all. I want to fulfill my dream and my friend’s dream and bring my aunt to Egypt and build my house again if possible.
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We asked for 30 thousand as compensation, less than a little for what we lost in the war. Frankly, our homes cost half a million dollars, but I asked for 30 thousand so that I could bring my aunt and protect her soul from being killed and so that she could do that. Come to Egypt safely and give her food and drink while she is stuck in northern Gaza, but unfortunately I have only collected $500 so far.
These donations will go to my aunt, the old woman stranded in the northern Gaza Strip, to give her the opportunity to travel, protect her life from being killed, and secure her daily sustenance of food and nutrition. I ask everyone who can help, do not hesitate, because we really need help. Thank you all, and I hope you don't suffer as I do. We suffered, especially my weak aunt.
i Hope you all good thanks you for our support towards our cause 🙏🤍
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sopafia · 2 months
I will never understand how someone can meet the kindest and sweetest person and instead of loving and adoring them, exploit and abuse them out of their selfishness
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