#stay safe out there xoxo
rickybaby · 8 months
there are so many pieces at play in so many teams, i would expect them not to act like scared chickens (all of them not just redbull) and wait for the season to unfold but i do not trust them lol
this move really rocked f1 world...
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The news of yesterday will undoubtedly set off a domino effect within many teams and no one has any idea about what could possibly be happening, but I have to say that this breed of journalists who appear to try to capitalise on things for engagement or to simply be the first to break a story without proper verification is going to be a big problem going forward
I know I’ve said I’m not going to lose it at every single rumour and then I proceeded to lose it at the very first rumour, I don’t promise to not overreact in the future, but yeah 😅 long season ahead of us
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@redheadkittys @paradisekissmoon
thank you both for tagging me on the roses post, really made my day, y'all are just too precious! 💕❣️💕
sorry I haven't done much aside from spam photos off my phone lately once in awhile, been sick for a fat minute and been trying to catch up with friends and other stuff irl so everything's been pretty chaotic lately esp with a ton of birthdays that have been ongoing/coming up akskdjrjr
love you all dearly and I hope everyone has been well and has a wonderful day!! xoxo 💜
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rosylamb · 2 years
Chocolate or vanilla? Fall or spring? Socks or barefoot? Spontaneous or planned? Early morning or late night?
Aw! Hi there ~ !
How are you, sweet anon? Are you having a good day today? I hope so!
Okay, well here you go! I hope these are okay!!
✿ Vanilla! I actually don’t like chocolate desserts. :3
I just like really sugary desserts, maybe that’s why! It does taste good on strawberries, and I don’t mind hot chocolate, but vanilla every time!
✿ Fall and spring! I don’t have much of a preference. They both feel the same where I live (cool with lots of rain) so I enjoy both. :’)
✿ I am barefoot most of the time, ‘cause I like to see my pretty pedicures and the colors I picked out!
✿ Ooh . . . well I try to plan most of the time, ‘cause it’s more responsible, but it never works out and I have found it’s better to just go where things take you! c:
So spontaneous!! Life is too short!!
✿ Late nights! I love to look at the night sky. It’s so magical, and it makes me feel so small.
I don’t know how anyone could not feel amazed looking at all those pretty stars and the moon!
Thank you so much for the ask! This was such a fun little surprise for me, you’re just the sweetest! ♡ ♡ ♡
Sending lots of love and joy your way! I wish you the brightest of days today, anon ~ ! xoxo ⊹ 。⁺ ୨୧ ♡ 🌼🤍
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 8 months
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Simon needing to hold you after a bad day.
The tiny apartment was completely silent as Simon unlocked the door and stepped inside, head hung low and shoulders tense. Lights were turned down, tv was off; you were most likely already asleep by now. It was late, much later than he had told you he’d be back, but he had been struggling with the weight of his thoughts again today and had barely made it in. He would have let you know that he was going to be late… it was just…he couldn’t find the will to even shoot you a quick text.
It wasn’t like him to be concerned about who knew where he was or what he was doing, choosing to distance himself from everything and everyone that could potentially catch a glimpse of him cracking behind the mask, but right now all he wanted was to get back to the place he called home before he fell apart and the world would swallow him whole.
As quietly as he could he set his things down beside the door and continued on through the flat, catching little bits of you everywhere: your shoes lying scattered by the wall, the blanket you’d just been curled up in tossed haphazardly in a bundle on the sofa, a mug on the coffee table that had the remnants of your drink stuck to the inside. Scattered bits of you everywhere across his life as little reminders of what he had that waited for him here and for the first time all day it felt a little easier to breathe to know his angel was close by.
Passing near the kitchen, Simon spotted a piece of paper with his name scribbled on the front waiting for him on the countertop, your familiar handwriting obvious to his eye. He picked it up and unfolded it.
Hey baby,
I really tried to stay up, I promise, but you know how work has been kicking my ass lately. I thought maybe I could just take a nap until you got in, but I was worried that if I laid down I wouldn’t wake up, so I thought I’d leave this here for you to find. Didn’t want you to think I forgot about you. Just wake me when you get in, alright? I don’t care what time it is, I want to see you!
Love you.
P.S. I left some dinner in the fridge if you haven’t eaten yet. We can reheat it and eat it together. XOXO 
Christ, what did he do to deserve all this?
Always looking out for him, always making sure he had a place back in the real world whenever he came home. He held that piece of paper between his hardened fingers, the note more significant than it should have been after the type of day he had. You were the closest to heaven as he could get, more than he ever thought he would get to have and that’s why it was you he was trying to break down that wall to come to for comfort. 
His sight flicked to the fridge where you said you’d left him something; he was definitely starving, but just the thought of the effort it would take to eat right now was too much and the knot that rested in the pit of his stomach made him too nauseous anyway. There was something that would fill him far better than food could and he knew just where to find it now.
Moving on to the living room, he set himself down heavily on the couch and began to remove his boots and the outer layers of his clothing along with his mask, stripping away all the bits of his life as the stone cold sniper now that he was safe here in his little sanctuary. Stripped bare until he was down to his boxers, Simon gently crept towards the back of the apartment hoping he would make it to the bedroom before this feeling took him. 
Closer and closer he walked towards the other half of his heart.
The door stood slightly ajar to invite him inside and as he stepped up to it, he caught the hushed, rhythmic sounds of your breathing as you slumbered. It sounded so peaceful that he could have stood there in the dimly lit hallway and listen to it all night long. Just a few more steps, barely any distance left, and he would truly be home.
The room was completely dark save for the small crack in the curtains that let in just a bit of light from the streetlamp outside, helping him to find his way through the maze of darkness. As those brown eyes adjusted to the lack of light, Simon turned his attention to the bed and his heart skipped a beat. There you were: the outline of your body silhouetted under the covers, your head buried in your pillow, all cares left behind as you slept.
No sound did he make as he crept to the edge of the bed and lifted the sheets so that he could climb inside and up against your body laying in the center. One strong arm slipped up under your pillowed head while the other wrapped around your waist until you were encircled and he pulled you slowly so that your back rested up against his chest. His body molded into yours still warm from being wrapped up tight.
You stirred awake gently at the feeling of that familiar large body suddenly laying beside you. “Hey you,” you whispered sleepily, a smile on your lips as your eyes fluttered as they worked to open. “Tried to wait up, but I got so tired I had to go lay down. I’m sorry, but I’ll make it up to you.”
Only silence greeted you as a response. No chuckle at your predictability, no picking remarks about how you couldn’t even stay up to see him, just the sound of labored breaths in and out as he lay there in the darkness curled up against you.
Silence only meant one thing and you knew it well.
“You okay baby?” you asked, but again there was no answer. Only the squeeze of his arm around your waist pulling you in tighter to his chest gave you any sort of reply as Simon’s nose nuzzled into the crook of your neck, his eyelashes brushing over your skin.
It was clear just from the silence that he was far from okay, that he must have been bottling this up for God knows how many hours so that the world would not see that he was not always the tough, put together soldier he was supposed to be. But he could not hide it from you...he didn't want to hide it from you.
You heard him inhale deeply, trying to capture as much of your scent as he could until it filled his head: your natural musk mixed with the smell of the sheets and added hints of shampoo and body wash. That comforting scent that belonged to only you that he couldn't ever get enough of, the one that helped to relax his troubled mind. Instantly the tension he had been carrying like a boulder upon his shoulders all day finally released him from its stranglehold. 
Gentle, exploring hands tentatively went up under your baggy shirt, one of his old worn ones you loved to wear to bed to keep him close even when he wasn’t there, as he just wanted to make contact with all that delicately soft skin. He traced over curved paths he knew by touch alone: it was soft, it was familiar, it was safe and his heartbeat slowed as the ache in his chest dissipated enough that he could finally talk.
“Bad day,” he whispered finally, warm breath against your shoulder. "Really fuckin' bad day... again."
You rolled over in his arms until you came face to face with those sad auburn eyes, moved by the shame in his tone. It broke your heart that each time he had one of these days he felt such guilt about it, as if he simply should have been over it all by now, as if he wasn't human, but you were not about to let him overthink the struggle. There was nothing to be shameful about.
“I’m sorry baby. These things just happen, you know, but its alright; we'll get through it together, ” you said quietly, fingertips gently running over the line of his eyebrow, down his cheekbone and further to his jaw in soothing circles.
Simon closed his eyes and eased into your hand as you traced patterns across his temple and through the cropped sides of his hair, letting the vile, churning thoughts rummaging around in his brain to fall away. No one else could ever see him like this save for you, no one else's touch he craved more than anything to bring him back into himself after the day had brought him down so low. 
He brought his hand up and placed the tough palm over top of yours to hold it firmly against his cheek as if to make sure that all of this was real, that you were not simply a mirage cast by his broken mind. 
“You’re home now, baby,” you reassured him as he took deep breaths in and out with his eyes closed, only wanting to feel you. “It’s gonna be okay, I got you.”
Home, still such a strange word for him.
Wherever you were that was home. Not a place, but a person, one who made certain that no matter how far he drifted she would always pull him back in. Simon had never had such a tether before, but fuck did he need it. He could feel it like medicine running through his blood, when you held him he could feel the chemicals rush to soothe the gaping wound in his heart.
Pulling your hand off his cheek, he brought it to his mouth and pressed his lips to the surface before leaning in to give one to your gentle lips. You embraced him back with such tenderness as if to remind him of that promise you had made to each other that neither of you would have to traverse the hell of this world alone.
“Home,” he repeated the tender word in his gravely tone, letting the emotionless second mask fall away. "I hope ya know... that you are my home, sweetheart."
You smiled. "You're mine too, Simon."
He took a deep breath, trying to swallow down the lump in his throat. "Bein' near ya is the only fuckin' thing that seems to help quiet the shit in my 'ead these days."
Pulling him back in, you gave him another kiss. "Then get nice and close," you said softly as you squirmed up under him more, setting his arm back over you.
Securing his arms around you again he moved over top of you so that his head rested against the middle of your chest, ear pressed in against your sternum to listen to your heartbeat rhythmically thump inside. With his hand still inside your shirt he drew his fingertips along your bare hips, not wanting anything more than your company tonight. 
Your calming fingers ran through his short hair and over his scalp as he counted the beats of your heart until he melted into your body. Discussion could happen later if and when he was ready, for now this was all he needed. However long he wanted to cling to your torso, you’d let him.
You were his life raft, pulling him back in and no matter how far he drifted and it was because of you that for the first time in his life he didn’t feel like he was going to get lost.  
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caramelkoo · 7 days
warm as you
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pairing : Jungkook x reader
genre : established relationship, boyfriend jungkook yayyy.
summary : Jungkook gives you a little surprise which causes you to fall more in love with him.
warnings : Jungkook is nervous as hell, he's so in love with the oc, oc can't help but baby him, slight smut, fluff, lots of kissing <3, act of service and quality time as love languages.
a/n : hey angels, I saw the latest episode of "are you sure?!" and couldn't help but write this little piece. Jungkook is such a roundie. I hope you enjoy and let me know how you like it. xoxo.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
To be very honest, you've never been a morning person but when you're with the love of your life, your boyfriend, you can't help but eagerly wait to sleep next to him and wakeup next to him. He has a way of waking you up with kisses on your smooth skin and fingers through your brown locks.
Your eyes want to flutter open but you know once you're awake, he will stop and that's something you don't want. Jungkook's lips graze yours lightly causing you to break into a slight smile. His lips peck your forehead gently following with your cheekbones, your closed eyes, your nose, your chin and lastly the hollow of your neck.
"I love you, sweetie. Good morning, i know you're awake." he whispers and much to your surprise, he knows you've been pretending to sleep.
you chuckle and open your eyes, looking at him with so much love. His eyes sparkle like stars above you. No one has loved you like this and honestly, you don't want anybody else to do so. The bond that you share with your boyfriend is different and special.
He caresses your left cheekbone, a lazy smile on his face. It's soft and everything pure.
"What do you wanna do today?" you ask him.
"Is wanting to be in your arms an option?" he nuzzles his face in your boobs. Purring like a cat.
"I don't think that's a bad idea" your hands rub his back up and down, up and down.
"God, I love hugging you. You're so warm, so cozy. It's my own personal heaven" Jungkook puts his whole weight on you, being careful now to crush you in the process.
He makes you feel safe, protected whenever he wraps his arms around you. Being physically affectionate has not been hard for you when it came to him. Physical touch, as much as you hate to admit, is hard for you to receive. You've been uncomfortable with people touching you plenty of times but with Jungkook, it has never been the case. You don't know why but he's had a certain warmth to him ever since you met him. It radiates and lights you up.
"I know, baby. I love hugging you too."
You both stay like this for a while before he grunts and lifts his face from your neck.
"Want me to make you some coffee?" he asks because he knows you can't function throughout your whole day without starting it off with a cup of coffee.
One thing about Jungkook is he's going to notice. He notices the tiniest of things and he's made a mental note of making you coffee every morning just the way you like it.
"Yes, please. I want something sweet to go with it too."
"Perfect. You're the best" you kiss his cheek twice before he gets himself up and walk outside towards the kitchen. Before he opens the door, you call him out.
"Yeah, sweetie?" he looks back, shirtless and you try not to say something entirely different and nasty.
"I love you, too" his lips turn upwards before he leaves the room.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
After you and Jungkook finish your breakfast, he suggests reading together in the hall. Since it's a slow Sunday morning and you both have nothing else to do, you agree. Quality time with him is another thing you cherish the most. He knows that when it comes to receiving, it's one of your preferred love languages.
Since the day you let him know this tiny piece of information, he has tried his best to make it happen for you. Reading, baking, pottery classes, trying out new recipes, even letting you do his makeup, he has done it all.
"What are you reading?" Jungkook asks after picking up a book for himself and sitting beside you on the couch.
"I have been wanting to read this romance book for a while. You're reading thriller again?"
"You know it's my favorite" indeed it is. The thriller section on the bookshelf gives it away.
For the next twenty minutes or so, you both read quietly. Jungkook eventually puts his head on your lap demanding your hands in his hair. You chuckle lightly before giving in and run your fingers through it.
"Your hairs are so soft"
When you look down upon him, he has closed his eyes and gotten rid of the book.
"It's your shampoo"
"My shampoo? You've been using my shampoo?" you're a little surprised but not offended. On the contrary, you find it a little cute.
"Sweetie, it smells like vanilla and I was planning on using it just once but then I got a little obsessed. Couldn't help it." he whines.
"You're adorable, you know that?"
the hall gets filled with your laughter. You continue running your fingers through his hair while also reading your book and just when you think he has gone into a deep slumber, he gets up walking towards the washroom.
"Wh- WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" you yell behind him.
"GIVE ME A MINUTE" he yells back. He didn't go in there to jerk off, did he? you decide to leave him be and resume your reading.
Fifteen minutes later though when he comes outside and stands before you, you let out the biggest scream ever. It startles him.
"Is it that bad?"
"Jungkoo-", "what-", "I'm-"
He stands there with his long hair no more on his head, instead he has cut his hair in more of like a bowl cut. Yes, you screamed but not because you don't like his hair, it was because he looks cuter than ever like this. You were just a little surprised, that's about it.
"Seriously, is it that bad?" the nervous look on his face causes you to take few steps forward and hug him so tightly you're not sure if he can even breathe. His arms wrap around you in return. Hugging you has always calmed him.
"I love it"
"What was that, sweetie?"
"I said, I love it" you tell him again. You break the hug and look at him.
"Really?" his expression has turned into a an excited one now.
"Yes, baby. It makes you look so cute but can I ask why? why did you suddenly decide to cut your hair?" you can't help but touch his new hair.
"To be honest, I have been thinking about chopping them off for a while. I know you love my long hair so it was holding me back." he places a kiss on your temple. "I wasn't sure if you would like it."
"Jungkook, I loved your long hair but I wouldn't ever stop you from doing what you want. I love everything you love and you can always grow them back, right?" you smile up at him.
You loved his long hair a little too much. You had asked him to let his hair grow further and he had happily agreed to but you would rather poke your eyeballs out before you refrain him from doing something he has wanted to for a long time. You're just a little upset due to the fact that he even had to be nervous before doing so.
Jungkook nods, "Right. So you like them?"
"Absolutely" you kiss his nose.
"God, I could eat you right now." He hides his face in the crook of your neck and groans.
"Hmm, maybe later".
Later that night when you lay next to him he doesn't let you sleep before he buries his tongue inside you and asks you to grab his hair. When you do, you get reminded of his long hair but his tongue moving in a circular motion inside you makes you forget about it all. You moan, you scream and when he takes your nipples in his mouth while pushing two fingers inside you, you come so hard you're sure you see stars. You hear him whisper "You're mine" before you pass out hoping he'll wake you up the next morning again with his kisses and touches.
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bunnyrafe · 8 days
𓊆ྀིWE NEED TO TALK !𓊇ྀི — when soft pogue!reader gets caught up, rafe decides it’s time for some discipline within their dynamic.
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♥︎ 𝓃otes: apologies if it bothers you that the first section is in one POV and the rest is in another, just wanted to experiment a bit / set the scene. hope everyone enjoys xoxo
content / warnings -> 18+, MDNI. 1.2k. taboo / toxic themes. father figure bf!rafe & soft pogue!reader AU. controlling behavior, use of daddy & dad, manhandling, impact play (spanking w/ a belt), crying, aftercare.
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rafe knows in his heart that his girl doesn't do things to upset him on purpose. at least that's what he would like to think.
he can't imagine her deliberately breaking rules, no matter how vicious her bratty streak may be. she's always been careful to not make him too upset, and is remorseful after the fact if she does manage to get under his skin or do something unsatisfactory. but sometimes, things can't be forgiven so easily.
it all started with a text. her phone vibrated on the bed and that cute, little ringtone she picked out echoed through the room, piquing rafe's interest. she's always given him access to her phone so today shouldn't be any different. he recognizes the name that’s displayed on her screen— a close friend. a fellow pogue.
u act like he's ur dad or smth don't let him control you like that
ugh stop it's not like that :(((
then what's the issue? ??? just sneak away while he's sleeping tonight lmfao
it stings a bit as he reads through the messages, because he knows these are things that normal people her age do. he knows that this is where their age difference becomes a problem even with the dynamic they’ve built…
i'll see what i can do
u better who gives af what that old kook thinks
at first, rafe really tries not to hold it against her. afterall they’re not her words. but as his mind wanders, and he reads over “i’ll see what i can do” time and time again, he wonders how many message threads like this she’s hidden from him and deleted. how many times she’s contemplated sneaking out as if he’d ever give her the opportunity to do such a thing.
he can’t help but start seeing red. he does everything in his power to keep her safe under his roof, only to receive things like this in return. she’ll always be a filthy pogue— he thinks to himself.
maybe he’ll just have to be more proactive when it comes to her.
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when you step out of your bath, you immediately wrap yourself up in your fluffiest robe. you pad into your shared bedroom and think about which lotion ‘n mist you want to put on for the day, clearly content now that you’re all soft and clean.
but instead of making your way to your vanity, you immediately stop in your tracks upon seeing rafe’s belt laying on your duvet. it’s a sign that you don’t take lightly. even more so when you hear his footsteps behind you.
he breathes in deep before opening his mouth to speak. the sound of his voice makes you jump despite how calm he is, “go sit down on the bed f’me, angel.”
your eyes are already burning with tears.
rafe stands in front on you as you gingerly take your seat on the edge of the bed, nervously folding your trembling hands in your lap. yet your gaze follows rafe’s own hands intently when he suddenly pulls your phone out of the pocket of his slacks and holds it up with a familiar text thread on your screen— fuck.
“i promise, daddy!” you’re wailing before you can think about what you’re saying, “i wasn’t gonna sneak out!”
rafe purses his lips and nods, locking eyes with you, “oh, i believe you— but y’thought about it, didn’t you?”
you fall quiet. bottom lip wobbling because you know there’s no way you can possibly escape whatever he has planned for you. you don’t put up a fight when rafe guides you to turn around, when they lay you down and he tells you to stay that way in a stern voice. he yanks on the tie of your robe while you're tummy down, stripping it off of you until you're shivering in the cool air of your bedroom.
bare and nervously anticipating his next move.
out of the corner of your eye, you see him pick up his belt. you’re sure he’s wrapping the leather around his fist, getting a good grip so there’s no doubt in either of your brains that the first crack on your plump ass won't hurt like hellfire.
you smell so sweet and cozy to rafe’s nose, like warm sugar cookies and milk. it almost makes him feel bad for what he's about to do to you. especially when he sees you holding your little fawn that’s been resting on the bed to your chest for dear life, wiping your tears with her artificial fur and sniffling into your stuffed friend. his breathing falters for a second but his hands flex and grip around the leather in his fist nonetheless—
“you know the drill, angel face. take your punishment like a good girl ‘n you’ll be fine— dad’ll take good care of you afterwards.”
5 swats on your ass that you're commanded to keep high in the air. that’s all it is— but that doesn’t mean you’re not in hysterics after each one. squirming and sobbing into your bedding as pain induced heat spreads over your entire body, shakily counting after each one. you’re not sure what’s worse. the biting pain itself or the dull ache it brings on between your thighs.
the number you babble out is always followed by an apology ("i'm so sorry, daddy) and a sniffle that tugs on rafe's heart strings. he's more relieved than you are when he drops the belt to the ground with a thud. by then you're delirious.
rafe’s finger tips graze your stinging cheeks, forcing a mewl out of you before he steps around the bed and sits next to your shaking form. he welcomes you into his arms and you’re quick to grab at him, yanking on the crisp cotton of his button up as you situate yourself in his lap with a sore bum.
“wasn’t so bad, was it?” he whispers against your hairline, but you’re still too stunned to say anything in return—
“y’know, baby— i don’t like hurting you, not one bit, but i can’t have you— fuckin’ talking behind my back like that… especially not to your lil’ pogue friends,” he rubs your sides as speaks, “don’t you respect your daddy?”
“i know.” you whisper into his chest, “i promise i respect you, daddy— s’much… no more talking behind your back.”
“that’s my good girl.”
rafe gives you a fat kiss after that. he tucks his fingers under your chin and forces your pretty, little head to tilt towards him. his lips meet yours in such a needy but delicate way, it makes your head spin as you feel loved but understood in the most fucked up of ways— “my best girl,” he whispers into your pouty mouth while you try to chase after him for more smooches.
he pats your thigh, then his hand travels upwards to rub over the skin of your ass that’s hot to the touch. you wince at the contact.
“stay here f’me,” rafe says, and you’re nodding like a loyal puppy before he even explains himself, “gonna get your lotion and some water for you.”
you’re a little reluctant to let him leave, holding onto his larger hand until he swears he’ll be quick— yet you find yourself smiling as he walks away, head fully in the clouds. nothing about any of this is conventional. you never admitted it was… but maybe you’re finally at peace with the fact that no one else has to understand what happens between the two of you. not even your friends.
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noimnotmae · 4 months
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𝐌𝐈𝐗-𝐔𝐏 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐏 — Lando Norris⁴
summary: After landing in Miami for his race, Lando carelessly places his bag next to an identical one as he rushes to the bathroom. And in a hurry, you mistakenly grab his bag, thinking it's yours. And during the next five days in Miami, everything took an unexpected turn, escalating into something far bigger than either of you had anticipated.
˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷ lando norris x female! reader 🔸
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Part 2
Previous Part
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— "So wait, the guy from the airport is staying at our hotel?" Lhea's eyes widened as she leaned closer, her excitement evident as she listened to your story. "Did you get his name?" she asked eagerly. You nodded, grinning. "His name is Lando Norris, I think," you replied, watching as Lhea quickly pulled out her phone to investigate. As she typed, you leaned in to peek at her screen, only to find Lando's Instagram account. "Lhea!" you exclaimed in surprise.
She glanced at you with a smirk. "What? I just want to make sure he's safe for you, and single," she teased, prompting a playful shove from you. "We only met once–" you began, but Lhea interrupted with a finger to your lips. "Twice, actually," she corrected with a grin. Before Lhea could say anything else, the taxi pulled up to your destination. "We're here," announced the driver, and you quickly paid before exiting the car.
Lhea eagerly showed you her phone. "You need to see this," she urged. "F1? Like the fast cars?" you exclaimed. Lhea nodded enthusiastically. "And there's a race today, tomorrow, and on Sunday," she informed you as you walked, her attention divided between her phone and the surroundings.
"Let's discuss this more at Liv's place, okay?" you suggested, slightly concerned about Lhea's distracted walking. She nodded in agreement, turning off her phone and tucking it away. "You're right, we can't leave Olivia out of the conversation," she acknowledged, finally focusing on the path ahead.
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Miami, Florida
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liked by ynusername, livduh and 504 others
lhea_theitgirl reunited at last 🎉 . . . more
tagged ynusername and livduh
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ynusername took you a while to get here
lhea_theitgirl xoxo
livduh tea time 🍵
lhea_theitgirl yknow it girl 😘
ynusername whoop whoop 😋
user1 lovely 😍
user2 trios >>
user3 full fit?
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Olivia warmly welcomed you and Lhea into her apartment, which looked much the same as your last visit, albeit with a few new additions– mainly, an abundance of cat-related items. You and Lhea settled your bags on the couch as Liv disappeared into her room briefly. "I'm raiding your fridge!" you called out from the kitchen, already opening the refrigerator door in search of a drink. "Go ahead," Liv replied casually, emerging from her room with a ginger cat nestled in her arms.
Instantly drawn to the feline, you and Lhea approached Liv, cooing at the cat, who seemed less than thrilled with the attention. "Why so grumpy?" you cooed, cautiously petting his head as he attempted to bat your hand away. "He's not a fan of meeting new people," Liv explained with a grin. "But look at those adorable white socks!"
Clearly, the three of you shared a love for cats. "Anyways, let's get to the point, shall we? We have somewhere to be in a few hours," Liv said, glancing at her watch. You and Lhea didn't press for details and followed Liv outside to her backyard, where a table and chairs were set up.
Seated comfortably, Liv placed Bib on her lap and turned to you and Lhea. "So, spill. What's the story?" Lhea wore a wide grin as the two of you sat across from her. "Let's start from the beginning, when YN found who had her bag and whose bag she mistakenly took," she began, earning a chuckle from you. "Well, that same person happens to be staying at our hotel. And when I looked him up on Instagram, turns out he's some kind of celebrity–" Lhea's explanation was cut off by Liv's question. "How did you find his Instagram?" she asked, to which Lhea replied, "He introduced himself to YN. Anyway, turns out he's actually an F1 driver."
"No way. Oh my god, talk about coincidence or fate," you and Lhea exchanged confused glances as Liv continued, "Remember when I mentioned we were going to this big event because my brother and his friends couldn't make it?" Lhea grasped your arm as if she had some sort of revelation, while you remained confused. "I can't believe it..." Liv shook her head, a grin spreading across her face. "We're going to watch the race today!" Both Lhea and Liv squealed with excitement, while you sat there, utterly baffled by what was happening.
Glancing at her watch, Liv rose to her feet. "Time to go, let's go!" she exclaimed, prompting you and Lhea to follow suit, still trying to process the whirlwind of events.
[IG Story]
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viewed by livduh, lhea_theitgirl and 33 others
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Miami, Florida
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liked by lhea_theitgirl, livduh and 989 others
ynusername idk how we got here. anyway, go Ferrari? . . . more
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lhea_theitgirl girl, we're here for McLaren
ynusername I retract my earlier statement, let's go McLaren
livduh unbelievable 😂
user4 you're an F1 fan??
ynusername no, lol. just had an opportunity to attend the race for today
user5 one day
user6 Forza Ferrari ❤️
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Part 3 — Masterlist
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A/N : Part two, whoop whoop. Idky but I feel this part is such a mess. lmao, let me know what you think :)
tagged: @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @barcelonaloverf1life
If you want to be tagged for this series, just let me know in the comments.
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jellys-compendium · 4 months
It's Okay to Be Loved
A Nanami Kento x GN!Reader Oneshot
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Rating: T
Pairing: Husband!Nanami Kento x GN!Reader Summary: Arriving home after a long shift, Nanami is eager to spend a relaxing night with his spouse. But when he gets home he realizes that you need a little extra tlc tonight. Cw: hurt/comfort, some crying but lots of reassuring words and kisses and hugs, some very brief spicy implications at the end Word Count: 1.7K A/n: I've always wanted to write some hurt/comfort with Nanami. We all know he'd be one of the softest and most supportive husbands ever! I hope this can bring other Nanami lovers some comfort too. Enjoy! <3
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At 10:27PM, Nanami Kento enters your shared apartment after a grueling day of work with an exhausted sigh. His back is sore and his right shoulder throbs from the physical exertion of the multiple curses he’d exorcized earlier that night. He’d been forced to work overtime yet again.
“I’m home.”
His greeting evaporates into the air, left unanswered as he closes the apartment door. Immediately a terrible feeling of uneasiness settles over Nanami’s stomach, like a tortuous vice it tightens its terrible grip with each passing second.
Where are you?
The sorcerer removes his coat and shoes in record time, haphazardly scattering the articles across the entrance before hastily journeying deeper into the apartment.
Nanami calls your name, honey browns searching as he enters the kitchen. You’re not there, but he detects the lingering scent of dinner from the oven and on the kitchen counter he spots one of your signature sticky notes.
It takes Nanami less than a second to pick it up and read it.
Dinner’s in the oven xoxo 
A wave of relief washes over Nanami when he reads those words. You’d made it home safe and sound—but still he can feel in his gut that there is something off about all this.
Nanami’s gaze lifts towards the small table the two of you share. It’s set for one, for him no doubt which is strange. Normally the two of you eat dinner together, no matter how late he arrives home.
Frowning, Nanami sneaks a peek into the dishwasher. Empty, exactly as you’d left it this morning.
His concern flaring, Nanami leaves the kitchen and continues his search for you throughout the apartment. Damn it, you’re not in the living room either.
Something must be wrong. You didn’t respond to him when he’d arrived and it looks like you haven’t eaten a single thing since lunchtime. Are you sick? You didn’t mention anything to him during your check-in texts earlier that day.
Nanami’s eyes catch the bedroom door down the hall, the wooden slab left slightly ajar. Heart pounding, the sorcerer can feel an unpleasant claminess settle in his palms as he approaches and opens the door. 
He finds you sprawled out on the bed, sleeping soundly but still dressed in your now disheveled work clothes. 
This is…unusual.
Again, you don’t respond. Your soft little breaths maintain their slow rhythm as Nanami circles the bed and places his hand on either side of your head, leaning down to take a better look of your face.
Dried tears stain your cheeks and lashes and your lips are red and puffy, likely due to your nervous habit of biting down on them whenever you’re stressed. Something clearly happened to you, and you had fully intended to hide it from him.
Sighing, Nanami rights himself up and ponders how he’s going to approach this issue with you when something catches his attention from the corner of his eye.
Nanami turns towards the nightstand, on which sits a document that wasn’t there the night before. On the first page there are only two large words written in bold, black letters.
The cloud of mystery lifts as the strange circumstances of your sorry state immediately becomes clear. The stinging tightness of sympathy’s grip squeezes around Nanami’s heart as he regards you on your shared marital bed—exhausted and so, so vulnerable. 
As long as Nanami had known you, you’d always tried your best to stay positive. Arming and motivating both yourself and others with that adorably, brave face you put on, you had always been the one to support him on those days in which that nihilistic dread had nearly done him in.
But tonight your armor has shattered, and Nanami will do everything in his power to help you pick up the pieces and return them to their rightful place.
“Darling,” Nanami softly calls, carefully sitting beside you on the bed before reaching down to tenderly brush your cheek with his knuckles. 
“Wake up, my love.”
The gentle touch is enough to stir you. Nanami watches as your chest rises with a deep sigh before your eyes sleepily open.
Nanami hums, charmed as always by your slurred tongue and cute little groggy voice that always accompanies your first few words after a good sleep.
“Did you eat dinner yet? It’s in the o—”
The soft kisses Nanami presses to your forehead, cheek, and lips interrupts your sentence.
He claims your lips again before you can stop him, whispering tender reassurances against your mouth as his arms slowly wrap around your body and cradle you in a gesture of pure, unadulterated love. He wishes he could take all of your pain and self-doubt away, absorb it into himself and then cast it to the void where it belongs.
But that is a power that Nanami does not possess. So, instead he will hold you and love you and whisper into your ear all that you mean to him—everyday, until you whole-heartedly believe every single word.
Nanami feels you break the kiss, your body beginning to tremble in his arms as you hide your face by burying it into his shoulder. It’s too much. The tiniest and saddest little sound that he’d ever heard escapes your lips at that moment, and Nanami’s heart breaks.
“Oh, love.” He softly whispers, pulling you upright beside him on the bed. “It’s alright, I know how much that job meant to you. You don’t have to hide your tears from me.”
You shake your head back and forth, refusing to look at him.
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
And then, Nanami just lets you cry. He silently holds you, hands rubbing soothingly up and down your back as he helps you ride out that wave of sorrow. He doesn’t keep track of time, doesn’t care to in the slightest, and waits for your sobs to slowly but surely cease.
Once they do, Nanami feels you melt into his embrace, your own arms wrapping around his chest as you return his gentle caresses with some of your own. Nanami savors the feeling of your deep breaths against his chest, breathing life and hope into his own self. He can feel the bitter weight that you carry falling from your shoulders with each exhale. 
“Thank you.”
Your voice is small, almost shy. Nanami knows that you’re feeling better, but he also knows you well enough to sense that you haven’t fully recovered. Those lingering doubts and traces of sorrow still hide beneath your sheepish little expression.
Well, he’s going to remedy that.
Scooping you up into his arms with little effort, Nanami presses another reassuring kiss to your forehead before he starts to carry you out of the bedroom. The feeling of your head resting against his shoulder, allowing yourself to be so open and vulnerable, fills Nanami’s chest with the sweetest ache.
“Where are we going Kento?”
“I’m going to run you a bath.”
Nanami notes your silence as he brings you into the bathroom, but he doesn’t press. Instead, he gently lowers you down on your feet and reassures you with another peck to your lips before making his way to the tub, rolling up his sleeves and turning on the faucet.
The sound of running water fills the space, swallowing up the quiet, the words unsaid hanging heavy in the air like fog. Nanami tests the water, adjusting for the perfect temperature while pondering what to say to you. You’re not unhappy, but he knows that there’s something still bothering you.
“Talk to me, darling.”
He watches as the crease of your lips thins into a tight line, your gaze averting his own for the briefest of moments before returning. Tears well up in your eyes again, but this time they don’t fall.
“I just—um…you shouldn’t be pampering me like this, Kento.”
Ah, so that’s what’s bothering you, that persistent self-doubt hissing in your ear that you’ve shown weakness—that you don’t deserve kindness or comfort. 
Heaving a deep sigh, Nanami looks up at you from his crouching position beside the tub. He desperately wishes that you could see what he sees when he looks at you. A person who is kind and understanding, stubborn but exceptionally loyal, flawed and yet still so magnificently beautiful that it nearly steals his breath away everytime he even thinks about you.
Nanami Kento loves you, beyond any measure of a doubt.
And with that wordless admission, the words come to him.
“I’m not pampering you. I’m loving you.”
Nanami watches with satisfaction as your expression shifts from one of sadness to one of total surprise. Clearly, you have no retort for such a statement, because you do the exact same thing for him everyday, don’t you?
Smiling, Nanami stands and closes the distance between the two of you. The pleasured wave of warmth that spreads across his body as he pulls you into his arms is truly one of the best feelings in the world. 
Here, he can feel all of you. Your heat, the dance of your heart beat, and the strength of your spirit. Like when two stars collide, when Nanami holds you in his arms like this, the connection the two of you share is exposed and experienced in its raw and purest form. Nothing is hidden or left unsaid. It’s just two people living out each and every day full of love and hope for each other.
The sweet sigh that wafts from your lips is music to Nanami’s ears, and instinctively he pulls you closer.
“Don’t you ever feel like you’re undeserving of love. I love you, I will always love you.”
Nanami feels your arms squeeze tighter around him, your eyes wide and glistening as you soak in every single word that falls from his lips. Leaning down, Nanami brushes his lips against yours, and whispers.
“It’s okay to be loved. Besides, you love me all the time.”
Nanami feels you smile against him, the soft yet joyful little laugh that escapes you is the perfect ending to the night. You pull back from his lips with a smile then stand on your tip toes and press a tender kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll smother you with love until you’re sick of it.”
Nanami returns your kiss, this time with a hungry and passionate one of his own. You moan an ambrosiac melody as his hands tease at the waistband of your pants before he expertly pops the button loose.
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dividers by @/saradika
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dark-and-kawaii · 1 month
nothing on my mind but Halsin 🐻
Summary: You’re kidnapped by the goblins and thrown into the same cell as Halsin xoxo
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Pairing: Bear Halsin x F!Tav/Reader
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Content: Comfort - Protection - Halsin Has Naughty Thoughts
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Imagine getting kidnapped by the goblins and thrown into the same prison as Halsin. Those small bastards thought it’d be funny to watch the bear devour you- rip that pretty body of yours into a thousand bloody chunks…
You were so helpless, your hands tied behind your back, your breathing labored as you lay unconscious in a crumpled heap… Free for the taking.
“Go on you stupid fucking bear. RIFFLE THROUGH HER INTESTINES! RIP HER APART! I KNOW YOU WANT TO!! FUCKING DEVOUR HER!!” One of the goblins shrieked.
“Yeah! She’s got such a noice smell ta her! You want to taste her, doncha?! Taste her? Taste her?! TASTE HER?!!?!?!??!?!!??!??!?!!?!??!?!?!!”
“If he don’t I might!! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
Halsin growled at the goblins, a low rumble that reverberated through the cell… He looked down at you, watching your chest rise and fall. The slow and steady rhythm lulled him to a place of safety- a place of peace. His mind drifted from the stone cell, through the halls of his prison and into the forest beyond… His gaze lingered on your exposed thighs, before turning his head back up.
The goblins kept goading and jeering at Halsin, and when he made no move to hurt you, they threatened to come over and eat you themselves.
Baring his teeth, Halsin carefully stood over you, shielding you with his massive form. His fur bristled as he roared and snarled, standing his ground, protecting you from the goblins.
After a few moments of posturing and yelling, the goblins gave up, leaving the cell, their laughter echoing down the hallway as they went.
Halsin stayed over you, his ears listening for any sign of their return. When he was certain they were gone, he nipped the rope that bound you before lying down beside you. His large furry body wrapped around you, keeping you safe, keeping you warm as he nuzzled the top of your head.
Your scent was so beautiful- so unique. His large tongue licked the sweat from your brow, tasting you, savoring you.
You moaned softly, still unconscious, your body curling against his as if seeking warmth.
Halsin watched as your hands gripped his fur, nuzzling closer to him… He hadn't had the pleasure of being with someone in a few days... But that was nothing compared to the feeling of your soft, smooth skin, the curve of your hips...
Closing his eyes, Halsin breathed in deeply. It was a struggle not to pounce on you, not to rut his cock into the space between your legs. His paws flexing, claws digging into the cell floor to ground him.
He’d be sure to get to know you once out of these cells- to discover your name, and perhaps if he was lucky enough, he would be the one to have you.
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Hi beautiful, you can make one where Hyunsu has dirty fantasies about the reader, he is in love but is too shy to admit it. then his monster jokes him and makes a move to the reader.
I really like your writing xoxo
Cha Hyunsu X Reader
Genre: Slight smut
Warning ⛔️: slight smut
(Kind of short)
Small summary💕: Chan Hyun Su couldn’t deny that he was deeply in love with you but he was just to shy to openly admit it to anyone let alone you , he grown a small habit to watch you whenever you went out alone just to make sure your okay
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It was so wrong .. Hyun su knew it was wrong as his checks started to turn red , eyes widen in shock but for some reason he couldn’t look away
He kept telling his self that he was just making sure you were safe like he alway did when ever you decided to go alone or sneak off thinking he wouldn’t notice but he does … he always does
As his muscles becomes tense , softly biting at his lip , quickly shaking his head at he tries to get rid of the thoughts that starts to cloud his mind causing him to feel a way he never felt before , minding starting to wander
As he pictures him being on top of you , pounding deep inside your dripping pussy as you let out such sweet moans
Your nails scratching at his back causing him to let out deep groans as he speeds up his thrust , grabbing at your throat slightly as he feels your walls tighten around his dick , back arching off the bed as you let out a loud moan
“H-Hyun su” you moan out eyes rolling to the back of your head as your brain starts to become fuzzy , chocking on your moans as he starts to pound in your dripping pussy with a inhuman speed
Leaning towards your neck as he starts to leave wet and sloppy kiss over your neck leaving bruises every once in a while as he feels you clutch down on his cock causing him to groan as he starts to attack your lips with a violent kiss
Pulling away after a few seconds as you both gasp for air , as Hyun Su’s dark brown eyes stare down at you , lips now swollen as you looked fucked out causing his cock to twitch as he thrust becomes deeper hitting your cervix
Shaking his head as he tries to get ride of the dirty thoughts that played in his head , as he feels his face and ears becoming hot as he stares back down at his feet
‘Oh, so that’s your desire’
‘W-What’ Hyun su thought eyes becoming wide as he hears what the monster inside of him says next
‘You want to fuck the brains out of Reader, don’t yah’
‘N-No tahts no-’
Before Hyun su could finish his sentence his eyes turn a bright blue as he slowly raises his head with a huge grin , slowly walking toward you making sure not to make much noise
Quietly steeping out of his clothes as he slowly but quietly steps into the small lake , stopping once he was behind you as his eyes slowly scan you back as he feels his dick twitch under the cold lake water , slowly raise a hand towards your breast as he softly kisses your neck
“H-Hyun su .. what are you d-doing” you moan out as you feel hands strong rough hands slightly squeeze your boobs
“Hyun Su’s asleep right now darling , seems he was to shy.. but it’s okay we’ll make you feel good ,just stay quiet yah”
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lavendertales · 2 years
Hi hi hi 🥰🥰🥰 any thoughts on writing a fox on reader and Joel Miller where they have an age gap (obvs) maybe reader is a friend of Tommy’s and Joel is a bit protective over her but they end up fucking and the whole time he’s trying to shut her up from the clickers by covering her mouth, choking her but at the same time talking dirty etc etc I’ll let you live out your thotty imagination with this one xoxo
Hiii love, thank you for the request! Well this one was... phew 🥵 hope you enjoy!
Where you belong || Joel Miller x f!reader**
summary: who would've thought one of Tommy's good friends would have such an impact on Joel?
word count: 2k
WARNINGS: this is FILTH. age gap mention, teasing, some dirty talk, mutual pining, male & female masturbation, choking, unprotected piv, vaginal fingering.
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gif: @pajamasecrets
Stubborn and harsh as he may be, Joel Miller knows how to appreciate some of the finer things in life.
A good song, a fine illustration, a movie that sticks with him for a while… and then there’s you.
Tommy’s made it clear that you were a close friend of his and Maria’s, and Joel respected that. He stayed within the limits of respect, never crossing the border. But he did enjoy the occasional sneak peek at you, always when you weren’t looking.
He’s not sure why. It just always felt… easier. Just watching you from afar and keeping things cordial between the two of you was always the easy and safe option, as opposed to actually caring too much.
Caring meant loss. And Joel had enough of that. He just needed something nice for a change. Something good, something that wouldn’t be tainted by the threat of harm.
Perhaps that’s why he’d grown so fond and so protective of you. Being significantly older than you was certainly another reason why he preferred to keep his infatuation for you at bay, but it also gave him a reason to be your unspoken protector. You didn’t ask for it, yet he simply provided it. For that, you were beyond grateful.
And frustrated, too.
Particularly on this hot summer evening in Jacksonville, when you were out checking the perimeter for raiders or infected, and you used every excuse imaginable to establish physical contact with Joel: a light grip on his arm when you faked a potential fall, soft giggles at his dry jokes that no one else seemed to get, and being face to face with him with every single opportunity you got. Five, in total. You gazed at him, searching his face for confirmation that he understood why you were doing all that, why you were craving his touch so dearly, and still you failed to see that. Joel remained as hardened as ever, and it only grew your frustration more.
So when you got back into town, throwing your gun on the rocking chair in the corner of your living room, you were surprised to see Joel behind you, footsteps heavy, as if he was angry about something.
“What’s wrong with you?” his thick voice asks.
You turn to him, utterly dumbfounded, almost insulted at the question he just posed. Maybe you misinterpret it, too, but hell if you give a shit right now.
It’s been months since Joel’s caught your eye, months of sneaky glances and wishful thinking, and closing onto three years without the intimate touch of another human being.
It’s too much. In this moment, all feels overwhelming.
“What is wrong with me?” you emphasize the pronoun. “What is wrong with you?! Have you not noticed me around you for the past, I don’t know, two hours?”
“Sure I have, how can I not?”
You scoff, hands on your hips and licking your lips in frustration. Gesture which does not go unnoticed by Joel, who licks his own in return, awfully tempted in this moment.
“I don’t know, Joel,” you reply sarcastically. “For someone with such great hunting and surviving skills, you sure lack some basic observation skills.”
He frowns, approaching you. “What are you talking about?”
You grow even more dumbfounded, curious whether he’s playing the fool intentionally or if he’s simply playing with you.
“How long have we known each other?” you ask.
“Six, seven months.”
“Seven months. Seven months since you’ve known me, and you still don’t know a fucking thing about me.”
“What don’t I know?”
You approach him too, your lips parted to make room for words that refuse to come out. Instead, you breathe through your mouth, your body nearly quivering at the simple, yet overpowering sensation of being so close to him, yet so far.
“What I like and don’t like,” you say in a near-whisper manner. “I don’t like being fooled. I don’t like being played or led astray, and I don’t like guessing. I hate guessing games. I was never any good at them.”
“Yeah, me neither.”
You nod several times, puckering your lips. “Clearly.”
“And what do you like?”
The way he says it, so rich with gruffness and tempting, it’s causing your knees to buckle and your heart to race faster. It’s the first time tonight you think he’s actually teasing you, and you feel heat spreading throughout your body, settling in your nether area.
“A lot of things, actually,” you reply, unable to look away from his full lips.
“Mhm. Like what? Tell me. Use your words.”
Yeah, he’s definitely fucking with you. But it’s all the more enticing.
You don’t tell him, though; you simply reach to press your lips onto his, only for a split second, and then you pull away. You watch his face closely, checking if you have his approval. When he wraps a faintly hesitant hand around your waist and pulls you in to kiss you properly, you melt into his arms, and realize that you do have all the approval in the goddamn world.
It doesn’t take long for the kiss to deepen. In a matter of seconds, you find yourself writhing beneath him on the bed, splayed shamelessly by his calloused hands. Under normal circumstances, he’d be a perfect gentleman and ask you out, spend as much time with you as possible, but for the past two decades, Joel lived on the edge, strictly in survival mode. Which means that some relief is all he can allow himself to have.
Your hands hastily undress him, messy just like the kiss you are sharing with him, and your breaths get ragged, as fast and irregular as your heart.
“You don’t know—how many goddamn times I’ve—wanted this…”
Joel’s voice is trembling despite its huskiness, and it causes you to shiver with excitement. The thought of him wanting you this much, this desperately, is getting you wetter with each passing second.
“Never allowed myself to—to want you” he confesses, peppering wet kisses along your jaw while you worked against his belt and zipper.
“Why not?”
“Tommy might kill me.”
“Or Maria.”
He chuckles briefly, prompting the same reaction out of you. You help him out of his jeans and his boxers, your mouth watering upon seeing how hard he is already. It’s beyond flattering, and you’re not sure how much longer you can stay apart from him.
“Thought about you too,” you confess, spreading your legs further so that you are on full display for him.
Joel stares at you in a delirious haze. In the sunset’s gold and red light, he can see the glistening of your pussy, and he swallows harshly. He doubts he’s ever felt this parched in his whole life, the waiting tearing him apart.
“You did?” he asks cheekily, cupping your sex while you gasp in surprise.
“Yes. Oh yes…”
He’s palming you gently, eyes locked on your face and nowhere else. He’s practically working on muscle memory, but it serves him correctly it seems.
“What did you think about?” he demands, drawing circles around your clit.
“Just you… touching me.”
“Like I’m doing now?”
“Yes—I thought about you… while I was touching myself.”
Joel can’t help the grunt that escapes his lips. That sole confession awakens something primal inside of him, something big, roaring in his chest. He pushes with two fingers past your folds now that he feels you wet enough to grant him easy access, and starts pumping in and out while you whine.
“Shh,” he coos you gently. “Easy, baby girl.”
“From this moment forward, you’re being silent. Not quiet. Silent. Is that clear?”
You bite on your lower lip and frantically nod your head while you palm your own breasts. It feels so good just to feel his fingers inside you, you can’t even imagine more. It’s definitely been a long time for you—presumably for him too—so you are awfully sensitive and needy, but just knowing that this is Joel Miller doing this to you, causing your body to react this way, to arch under his touch and whine from his words, it’s making you hotter and wetter than anything you could’ve ever imagined.
“Be a good girl for me and shut up, will you?”
He asks too softly for you not to obey, and again you nod frantically, unable to utter any words.
Joel’s fingers keep pumping in and out of you, faster and faster, and you do everything in your willpower to not scream. You barely let out a few whimpers, but it seems they get Joel going: you catch a glimpse of him stroking his cock in the process, the sight lewd as fuck. You focus on that while you reach in between your legs to furiously rub your clit while Joel’s fingers fuck into you, and his own hand is curled around his cock. Breaths ragged and in tandem, you work on each other to climb the ladder of ecstasy.
“Fuuuuuck—“you mutter, mouth in the perfect O shape as you feel your orgasm fast approaching.
“Keep your mouth shut, baby girl,” Joel reminds you, abruptly pulling out his fingers, now sticky as he takes them to your mouth, and you instantly suck on them, having a taste of yourself.
You don’t hide the disappointment on your face upon feeling empty, especially when you see that he’s not even jerking off anymore.
“There could be clickers around,” he seemingly justifies his command.
“We checked the area. There are none.”
“There are plenty of reasons for you to keep your mouth shut, darlin’. Or do you need me to find another use for it?”
You smirk. “If you want to.”
He doesn’t, though. That’s not for tonight, he thinks. Not when you’re both so worked up and needy. He wraps his hand around his weeping cock, almost ready to explode at how hard he is, and guides himself to your entrance. Muttered cuss words fill the room from both of you, said like a chant on repeat with the first roll of his hips against yours. Your pussy swallows him whole, and he watches mesmerized as you take all of his cock in, coating the hair at the base with your juices. He doesn’t waver with the pace: it’s fast and hard from the second thrust. He slams his hips into you, your wanton cries musically pleasing to his ears.
It’s only then that he wraps his hand around your throat, putting an end to any words you might’ve wanted to say. You only moan at him as he’s fucking you speedily, needy, with a fury you’ve only seen him use in combat.
“Do you fuckin’ know—what you do to me?” he grunts, the impending sensation of his release overcoming him. “Do you, hm? Look how full you are… stuffed with my cock… good girl, just like that…”
With a bit more pressure applied to the grip over your throat, you moan as you come, coating his cock with your arousal. The sensation of your walls trapping him inside you is the final click for Joel when he comes too, pulling out and painting the filthiest painting over your swollen pussy and thighs. His warm seed is all over your lower area, and there’s so much of it, you wonder how long exactly it has been for him since he’s last felt relief.
Breathless, you reach for him, cupping his cheeks and kissing him tenderly, a stark comparison to the rough way you were being handled just a few seconds before.
“Do you know what you are doing to me, Joel Miller?” you cheekily ask after a while.
“Think I’ve got a pretty good idea.”
You both chuckle, the sound shared only between the two of you, in your bed.
It’s the first time in months Joel gets a good night’s sleep. And the first time in months since he’s laughed. All because of you.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
obsessed with bodyguard x mob 😫
what about something where reader actually fights for bucky's life, maybe some attempt to k*** him, lot of fights, gunshots, just action with angst but happy ending😖
xoxo ly! tysm for your writing! 💗
Fighting For You » Bucky Barnes (AU)
Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Bodyguard!Female Reader
Summary: You fight to keep Bucky safe and to protect him.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, language, guns, violence, blood, kissing, pet names
A/N: Thank you to my 🕷️ anon for requesting this🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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“Boss?” You poked your head in his office. “Are you ready to go home?” You asked.
“I’ll be done in 5 minutes.” Bucky tells you. “Wait for me in the lobby.” He says.
You nodded and closed the door to his office behind you before making your way to the lobby. You sat in one of the chairs in the waiting area and scrolled through your phone while waiting for him.
That’s when you got a weird feeling. You glanced up from your phone to see a small group of people. You assumed they were just walking by so you didn’t think much of it and tried not to let it bother you. You were pulled from your thoughts when you got a text from Bucky.
Boss: On my way to the lobby
You smiled at the text and continued to wait patiently for him. You heard the elevator ding and Bucky got off of it. As you stood up from the chair, you seen one of the people outside pull out a gun and aim it at Bucky, making your eyes go wide.
“Get down!” You shouted.
You used all of your strength to pull Bucky down behind the chairs to avoid the bullets and glass flying towards you guys. Your hands scrambled to get your gun out of your bag. It was already loaded so you poked your head out from the side of the chair and aimed your gun at them and shot at them, taking one of them down.
“Stay here.” You whispered to Bucky.
He nodded and watched you quickly move behind a different chair on the other side of the room. The people thought it would be the perfect opportunity to come inside and fight Bucky or try to shoot him. Bucky did a good job trying to dodge them. What the people didn’t know is that you were on the opposite side of the lobby.
You shot at the person throwing punches at Bucky, purposely missing just to get him away from him. That’s when he started coming towards you. You shot him in the leg to slow him down causing him to fall to the floor.
What you didn’t know was that there was someone behind you. He put his arm around your throat, putting you in a headlock causing you to drop your gun on the floor. You used all of your strength to elbow him in his side hard enough to get him to let go of you. You turned around and punched him hard enough to knock him out.
You quickly picked up your gun from the floor and shot at the another person. That’s when you ran out of bullets. You seen your bag by Bucky and couldn’t get to it.
“Bucky, bullets!” You say, pointing at your bag.
Bucky nodded and rummaged through your bag, finding extra bullets with ease and tossed them to you. You reloaded your gun and aimed it at someone trying to get to Bucky, but someone came up next to you and smacked it out of your hand. You turned your head without thinking and got a punch in the face.
You quickly regained your surroundings and fought back. The person kept making you walk backwards as the two of you fought till your back hit the wall behind you. You didn’t have much leverage without your gun so you threw punches and kicks to defend yourself.
Bucky seen your gun on the floor a couple feet away from him. He made sure the coast was clear before grabbing it.
“Y/N!” Bucky quickly caught your attention. “Catch!” He says.
Bucky tossed your gun to you and you caught it with one hand with ease. You held the barrel of the gun against the person and shot him. The guy screamed in pain and grabbed his shoulder before falling to the floor.
“I’m gonna give you guys 3 seconds to get the hell out of here before I blow each one of your brains out!” You shouted, pointing your gun at them.
The remaining people could tell you weren’t lying when they heard the sound of your gun making a cocking noise. They quickly picked up their unconscious and injured friends and left. Bucky stood there, watching them run away in amusement. He was more than impressed that you scared them away.
When they were out of your sight, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding and unloaded the bullets from your gun into your hand. You put your gun and bullets in your bag and looked at Bucky. Bucky immediately got concerned when he noticed a cut on your lip and your bloody nose.
“Your nose and lip are bleeding.” Bucky says with concern in his voice.
“I’m fine.” You gave him a reassuring smile. “Let go home and get cleaned up.” You say.
When you and Bucky got home, you two got out of your bloody clothes and took showers. You grabbed the first aid kit from underneath your bathroom sink and went to Bucky’s bedroom.
“Your cuts need to be cleaned out.” You say, taking a seat on his bed.
“I’m fine, sweetheart.” Bucky says.
“It wasn’t a question, Mr. Barnes.” You said in all seriousness. “Sit.” You demanded, pointing at the spot of the bed next to you.
Bucky obeyed your demand and sat down next to you. You checked out his injuries before getting anything out of the first aid kit. He just had some bruises and a small cut on the bridge of his nose and a small cut on his jaw. You used a tissue to wipe away the excess and dry blood before putting alcohol on his cuts so they didn’t get infected. Bucky made a small hissing noise and slightly winced when the alcohol got in his cuts.
“You big baby.” You giggled. “You’re a mob boss and alcohol getting in your cuts is making you flinch.” You teasingly say.
“No…” Bucky lied. “I’m taking it like a man.” He says.
“Yea, sure you are, boss man.” You say with a small giggle.
You went back to focusing on patching his cuts up which didn’t take long. You were about to get up to put the first aid kit away and throw away the bloody tissues, but Bucky grabbed your arm and sat you back down on his bed.
“You need to be patched up too.” He says.
“I’m fine, Bucky.” You insisted.
“You have a cut on your lip and bloody nose.” He points out.
“My nose stopped bleeding before I got in the shower.” You said.
“At least let me take care of the cut on your lip.” He pleads.
“Fine.” You mumbled.
Bucky used to tissue to clean the dry blood from your nose and the excess blood from the small cut on your lip. He was being very gentle with you. He has a soft spot for you. He then applied alcohol to the cut on your lip. You made a hissing noise when you felt the sting of the alcohol getting into the cut.
“All done.” He says.
“Thank you, Bucky.” You say with a smile.
“You’re welcome, darling.” He says softly.
You grabbed the first aid kit and put it away and threw away the bloody tissues. You then went back to Bucky’s bedroom to see if he needed anything else before going to bed.
“Do you need anything else, boss?” You asked.
“Actually, I do need one more thing.” Bucky says.
“What is it?” You asked.
Bucky didn’t say anything. He walked up to you and kissed you passionately, catching you off guard. You immediately kissed him back. He pulled away after a few seconds, looking deep in your eyes.
“Thank you for fighting for me and protecting me earlier.” He says.
“You’re welcome.” You smile. “I’d do it again.” You say.
Bucky kissed you once more, but this kiss was more like a goodnight kiss.
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” Bucky says softly.
“Goodnight, Bucky.” You say, looking in his blue eyes.
You walked out of his bedroom and went to your own room down the hall. You laid down on your bed, smiling contently. You’re happy to know that Bucky can count on you to fight for him and to protect him. That’s how you went to bed. So did Bucky.
-Bucky’s Doll
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Happy Marauders go back to school day!!
Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is Hogwarts Express xoxo
"Are you okay?" Lily asks, watching Remus' leg bounce from inside the carriage as his anxiety mounts. His eyes are practically glued to the window, scanning the platform.
"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine, I'm..."
He trails off the moment he sees him.
He steps through the platform with James close behind, and Remus can already see the switch that a summer away from his family brought on. He's standing a little taller, his eyes a little brighter. As Effie and Fleamont emerge, he turns and smiles at them, his whole body more relaxed than Remus has ever seen him.
"I'll be right back," he says quickly, standing and practically running from the Hogwarts Express.
Once he gets out onto the bustling platform, Sirius turns and spots him. His face brightens in an instant, positively beaming at the sight of him. God, just the sight of him sends warmth through Remus' chest.
He doesn't even know when Sirius starts moving towards him, all he knows is that they meet in the middle with a crashing, bone-breaking hug. Remus shuts his eyes, pulling Sirius closer. For a while, he was worried Sirius would be gone forever.
Here he is, happy and safe and free.
"You got out," Remus murmurs, a little breathlessly. He feels Sirius nod, and the relief floods him so suddenly, it brings tears to his eyes. Sirius must be able to feel that Remus is on the brink of a breakdown, because he pulls away. Gently, he reaches up and cups Remus' face with both hands.
"I love you," Sirius says suddenly, with that damn smile that just... knocks the air out of Remus' lungs. The one that travels up so far that it crinkles his eyes. Then, out of nowhere, he pulls Remus in and connects their lips.
Sirius is here.
He's here, and he's staying.
Life is fucking perfect.
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zvdvdlvr · 8 months
Your Hotchner blurbs are so fantastic I've read them all twice now! I was wondering if you have any thoughts on hotch collecting his drunk girlfriend from the bar? Xoxo
you’re so sweet, angel!! thanks for the love :)
— The One with all the Alcohal (and Jack)
“Honey?” Aaron asked, holding the phone up to his ear.
He heard high-pitched giggling in the background and knew it had to be something relating to you.
“Tell him I love him!” He heard your voice say, quiet im contrast to the voice that crackled through the phone next.
“You need to come pick y/n up,” your friend said, laughing at something.
“Yeah I’m- I’m on my way. What’s the address?”
“Hi Aaron!” You called. “I miss you, baby. Like, a lot. Almost as much as the… what’s that book you used to read to Jack?”
“I love you to the moon and back,” Aaron answered, opening the door for his son to climb into the vehicle, repeating the address your friend gave him in his head.
You giggled on the other line. “I love you more,” you said.
Aaron shook his head and smiled. “You ready, buddy?” He asked Jack.
Jack nodded. “Can i say hi to y/n?”
Aaron nodded. “Y/n, honey. Jack wants to say hi.” He handed the phone to Jack and climbed into the front seat.
“Hi, y/n/n!” Jack greeted cheerily.
Aaron started up the car and peeled out of the driveway. “Tell her we’re on the way.”
“Daddy says to tell you we’re on the way,” Jack repeated. Aaron heard you talking to Jack and then Jack’s little giggle. “Do you really think he will?”
Aaron looked at his boy through the mirror and couldn’t help but soften at the way he kicked his feet in excitement to talk to you- to go pick you up. The ring in Aaron’s desk had been heavy on his mind as of late. “Tell y/n we’re almost there, kiddo.”
Jack did as he was told and kept up the comversation. “I miss you too! Do you think you and Daddy can make some french toast tomorrow? Actually… can you make it for me? You make it better than Daddy. He burns it.”
Aaron heard you laugh through the phone and heard you say something that sounded like “I’d love to, Jackie-boy.”
Aaron pulled up to the bar your friend had said you were at. “Okay buddy. You keep talkin’ to y/n. I’m gonna lock the doors. I want you to wait until I knock on the door to unlock them, okay?”
Jack nodded. “Daddy’s coming in to get you,” he said as Aaron handed him the car keys.
Aaron kisses Jack’s head before shutting the door and hearing Jack lock the door.
— 🧠
Pushing through the sweaty, lewdly dresses bodies, Aaron was glad he made sure Jack stayed in the car. Luckily, Aaron was tall enough to see over most of the heads of people getting hammered.
Then he heard a laugh. It was most definitely your laugh. He pushed through even more people wondering how many people could possible fit under one roof.
“Y/n,” Aaron sighed in relief to himself. You were sitting at the bar, still talking to Jack; your girlfriends taking down shots by the second. Damn.
“Hey, you,” Aaron greeted, a hand on your shoulder. You turned and faced your boyfriend, not recognizing his voice.
“Aaron!” You squealed lunging from your chair into his arms, phone discarded on the bar.
Your boyfriend smiled. “Hi, honey.” Rubbing your back as you clung to him, fingers fiddling with the hair at the nape of his neck. Aaron reached for the phone. “Hey Jack. We’ll be out in a second, buddy. Are you okay in there?”
“Yeah!” The little boy answered, growing antsy.
Aaron hung up the phone and tucked it into his back pocket. “You ready to go, sweetheart?” He asked, turning his attention to you.
“Yeah, A. I-“ you paused and looked up. “Where’s Jack?”
“He’s in the car-“
“Ohmygoodness Aaron. You can’t leave him in there! He might get kidnapped! He’s- Aaron he’s too cute and sweet to get kidnapped. We gotta go make sure he’s safe,” you blubbered, emotional over the fact that Jack’s all alone.
“Okay, honey. Whatever you want,” Aaron said, guiding you through the crowd. Secretly, Aaron felt his heart swell at every interaction you had with Jack; he’d never really seen someone other than Hayley dote on him and love him like their own flesh and blood. Aaron had even asked Jack what he thought Aaron should do. Aaron remembered Jack looking up from his Captain America coloring book and his little voice saying “I won’t be upset if she’s gonna be my new mommy”. That really struck a chord for Aaron.
“Be careful, honey,” Aaron said, wrapping his arm around you waist to ensure you didn’t fall on the sidewalk.
“You know,” you began, liquor destroying any kimd of self control you still had left. “You’re way too good for me. You an’ Jack… both are the best things that’ve ever happened to me.”
Aaron stopped and swept you off your feet, delighting in the giggle you let out and the way you clung to him just a little bit tighter. “If anything… you’re too good for me, y/n. The way you love Jack as your own, make sure I get abreality check when I need one… the way you love us… you’re too good for me, honey.” Aaron said.
But you didn’t hear a single word because you were too busy admiring Aaron’s features, lightly brushing a pointer finger across his features. “Wow,” you breathed.
That made Aaron chuckle. “Hold on, honey. I gotta have Jack unlock the door.”
You didn’t really hear that either, still giving Aaron that star-struck look you do so well.
And then you heard Jack’s happy voice say hi.
Aaron didn’t say anything as he drove home. He had his hand on your thigh to make sure you didn’t move around too much, but was quiet. He listened to you talk with Jack and how involved in the conversation you were, even if he was just a little kid. Your kindness and passion would always knock the wind out of Aaron’s lungs- in a good way.
Just as he had ushered Jack inside the house and gotten you onto your feet, you had yawned and all but melted into Aaron’s side.
“Come here, honey,” Aaron cooed, picking you up bridal style. You relaxed in his arms, even if your pretty dress was growing increasingly uncomfortable by the minute.
“Jack, buddy, I’m gonna help y/n take off her makeup and get her all tucked in before reading your story,” the father explained to his son.
Even though you couldn’t really keep your eyes open, you knew Aaron was doing your skincare routine right because of how observant and thoughtful he is.
And then, when Aaron tucked you into his (!!) bed, he kissed your forehead, believing you to be asleep. “I’ll be right back, honey. I love you,” he whispered, pulling away to watch you curl up and get comfortable in his (!!!!!!) bed.
A sleepy smile painted your face as he padded out of the room: you heard him drop the ‘L bomb’.
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i was a dick, it is what it is
mina x f!reader
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synopsis: you wanted to die so bad, and when you try, you forget about how much it would hurt your mina
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: mentions of pills, vomit
a/n: my mimiwimi 🙁 i have so many drafts goodness its short but oh well sorry to disappoint
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you held the pill bottle in your hand. you were crying, no one was home, no one to stop you. but why were you hesitating? you felt so helpless and at that moment you wanted to live, you wanted to live peacefully and happily without any problems. but who doesn’t have problems?
you had your mom and dad who was never around, you had some friends who you treasured very dearly, and your girlfriend who you would kill for. you were struggling so much and no one was there to save you from it, you didn’t want to burden anyone.
you hated that you felt this way, you hated that everyone had to see how messed up you were. you wanted to care for people, not needing them to take care of you. you plopped the pill in your mouth, swallowing it.
suddenly in your dilemma, you hear a buzz from
your phone. a notification from your precious girlfriend. you read it carefully, you read it again and again. you suddenly drop the pill bottle and regret everything you did. what did you do? why were you doing this? you had so many people who cared for you. you started to remember that, you forgot about it. you ran to the bathroom as fast as you could. forcing yourself to throw up the pill you just swallowed.
“hey lovely, you know that i miss you and i care for you so much right? xoxo your girl, minari”
that was a text that was sent a few seconds ago and a text that mina probably didnt know saved you from almost not being there anymore. you were struggling trying to vomit the pill out. you didn’t want to die anymore. you wanted to hug your girlfriend, your mother who cared for you when you were at your worst, even when your father was being horrible and argued with your mother so many times. you couldn’t imagine how much she would be grieving if you left.
your mouth was full of the white substance from the pill that was meant to unalive you. you vomited it out? hopefully. you wanted to stay, get some help. you felt painful in your heart, you wanted to live but the pain was unbearable. at least you were trying.
you hear the front door open. your mom came home, you run into her arms. surprising her a little, she hugged back tightly, kind of choking each other but you couldn’t care. you almost did not have the chance to hug her again. you kept remembering the message mina sent you. you had to meet her now. you had to tell her everything and tell her all your feelings and problems you have kept to yourself all the months. and how much she has helped you mentally.
“mom can i go to minas house?” you look up at her, loosening the hug. she nods, knowing that you had to say something important.
she went into your room after you left, not wanting to invade your privacy but just wanting to sit on your bed thinking. as she sat, she felt something hard after placing her hand on the bed. she saw the pill bottle, she stared at it closely. tears welling up from her eyes. she couldn’t believe what she saw, she really hoped you were safe, she couldn’t imagine you gone, the very room she was in, your body was almost found dead in. why was she only finding out about this? she felt so guilty she never realised any of this sooner. you were such a cheerful person, never once would she have thought you felt like this. it pained her as a mother that you felt this way. no wonder that was the most warming hug you have ever given her.
your frantic knocking on minas front door begging for her to open up and hug her as tight. you never left the house for days, saying you were sick and your body was sore. it never was, maybe your heart was. you haven’t met your baby in weeks and you never realised how much you took her for granted. you regretted ghosting her without telling her why you weren’t coming to school nor texting her. she was also helpless but she knew something was wrong and knew it was a problem for you to fix. she trusted in you that you would never do something like that on purpose to make her feel bad.
you were a great girlfriend in her eyes, anyone could see how much you cared and loved her. she couldn’t imagine a world without you. although she almost had to.
the creak of the door as it opened up to see a beautiful black haired woman with the brightest gummy smile you have ever seen. she smiled so hard her cheeks were hurting, how could she not knowing you were just fine? you lifter her up, letting her gasp in surprise. you were so happy and grateful God gave you another chance and the realisation that you have people who care about you.
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luvinescent · 10 months
Entangled Fates
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Pairing: Robb Stark x fem!Targaryen!Reader
Summary: The Targaryen name has brought nothing but misery to Y/N— her half-blood placing a curse upon her. She's observed the toll her presence takes on the people she loves; no longer wanting to form a close tie with anyone. Nevertheless, her heart steered its own course. And it steered towards a certain man.
Warnings: angst. allusion to r*pe and death, nothing descriptive. a steamy make-out scene but nothing crazy. not really book or show accurate but f it we ball. also fluff. also reader has dark hair so just pretend u do if u don't xoxo.
Word count: 10.1K (beginning just has lots of background lore pls bear w/ me)
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In life, there are those destined for lavish living and those made to struggle to see their next day. From a young age, Dorea knew she fell into the second category. She grew up orphaned; never knowing the love of a mother or a father. Despite the fact, Dorea was strong willed; she found her own kind of love. Love for herself, love for her friends, and love for her life. She knows that she did not have the best life; her dresses had holes in them, she had to work from dawn to dusk, and she often would need to go days without eating. That ultimately changed the day a close friend of hers had come to her with a new line of work.
“One of the castles maids was executed, so her position is open to take”.
Looking back, she should’ve said no from the way a chill went up her spine. She had heard the rumors of the king having gone mad; but at the time, that was not her problem. Being a castle maid sounded a lot better than being a candle maker. All she had to do was clean the chambers and mind her business and pay would be given to her. The task sounded easy— it should’ve been easy. Dorea had ways of not drawing attention to herself. That is how she has made it this far in her life; from hiding. The peace of obscurity brought her comfort; being anonymous was a safe refuge that protected her from prying eyes and the entanglements of wicked connections. The girl was pure and innocent.
Yet, fate, with its twisted sense of irony, had other plans.
She truly had done all she could to stay out of the eyes of the royal family. She should’ve been more careful, more attentive, more aware of the eyes that followed her unknowingly when she walked the halls. Her foolishness had caught up to her one day when a guard had dragged her to the throne room; thrown to the ground to kneel in front of the king, Aerys II Targaryen. Dorea was ready to open her mouth and beg for forgiveness on whatever crimes she had committed but was silenced in fear. “You will meet me in my chambers tonight”, he said. Dorea could do nothing but nod as she could not go against the kings’ words. The only thing she could do was look to the Hand of the King for some form of help, but they stood muted. Moments later, she was whisked away by some female servants— some of them her own friends— and was prepared for the event. She was washed and dressed properly; never have been so physically clean yet so dirty internally.
Later that night, her virtue and gaiety of life was destroyed when the king came and took her. She had prayed to the Gods that it was only a one-time thing. But the Gods seemed to find her plea a joke. The king would request her presence many more times and many more nights afterwards. Her position as a maid in the castle vanished overnight. Now, she stood as something different; still, she did not know exactly what. All Dorea knew was she felt shame as those working in the castle started to treat her different, with more respect and caution. She dreamt every night for this nightmare to end, but it only continued.
“The girl is pregnant, your grace”. The maestar told the king. Both fear and relief spread through her body. Fear in the sense that the king would have her eliminated to hide such sin, and relief that he might just send her away forever. It had to be one or the other; from what she has seen, the queen is currently pregnant as well and due in a few moons. Furthermore, he already had two children born, why would he need her? Her thoughts were interrupted by the third alternative she had feared the most, “You will continue to stay here. You will have the child”. Later that night, Dorea prayed once more for all this suffering to end. Finally, her prayer had been answered in the worst way possible.
She had heard the talks of the rebellion, but she never thought it would come to where she resigned. The king’s heir was now dead, along with his wife and children. The queen was now dead; dying from childbirth. The middle child and newest member of the royal family had been sent to exile. And the Mad King was now dead as well; stabbed by a member of his own Kingsguard.
Death and misery surrounded Dorea everywhere.
For her own safety, and her chance once again at freedom, she did what she knew she had to do. She ran away.
Dorea took refuge in a small village that resided in the Reach. Selling all the gifts and jewelry the king had bestowed upon her; she and her unborn child were set for life. A few moons later, Dorea gave birth during a warm summer night. As she held the newborn in her arms, she thought the Gods had finally decided to take pity on her and grant her some kindness. For starters, she had given birth to a girl. Dorea was thankful in the sense that the child would not be seen as a threat to the line of succession of the Iron throne. Additionally, the babe had no features of a Targaryen. Caressing the small amount of hair on her daughter’s hair, she was given hair as dark as night instead of the silvery-gold feature of her biological father. Dorea let out a sigh of relief once the girl opened her eyes— no violet eyes either. Pulling the babe closer to her chest, she gave a quick prayer and smiled down at the sleeping babe.
Dorea named her Y/N.
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As time passed, Y/N quickly grew before her mothers’ eyes. Both her and her mother were beloved by the village folks— Dorea giving money to those who were in need, and her daughter who was tenderhearted and befriended all. No one in the village had known about Doreas’ past or Y/N true linage. And Dorea wanted to keep it that way. She, however, knew that one day it would all come back to bite her. Despite having run away, she knew that there were some people who knew of their existence. It did not help her case more when Y/N had begun to show a great fascination with fire; something the mothers of the village made jokes about, but Dorea knew the truth.
“You have dragon blood within you”, Dorea had whispered to her daughter one quiet night. “You are part Targaryen, but you must keep this a secret. I am only telling you this for your own safety. There are people in this world who will want to hurt you, to take you away from me. Do you understand darling?”. At just the age of eight, Y/N was smarter and brighter than her peers. Hearing such solemness in her mothers’ voice, she nodded, “Yes mother”.
Such a topic was dropped and never brought up again— that was until Y/N turned ten. Since Dorea had the funds, she had hired a tutor for the young girl. Y/N’s instructor was a retired tutor who had taught many kids from noble homes before moving to their village. The old man was just supposed to teach her simple things like language, arts, music, and maths.  Without her mothers’ knowledge, Y/N brought up the topic of history to her teacher, particularly the history of the Targaryen household. And that’s where everything started.
It was one calm afternoon in their shared bedroom when Y/N had asked the question. “Mother, am I cursed?”. Dorea, puzzled, stopped brushing her daughter’s hair and turned towards her, “What kind of question is that?”. Y/N looked sheepishly to the side and confessed everything, “I have been learning history with my tutor. Targaryen history”. Before Dorea could respond, the young girl continued, “You say I am half Targaryen, and based upon their history, I must be cursed”. Dorea questioned what she meant and then let out a loud laugh at her daughters’ answer: “I have black hair mother”.
Dorea caressed her daughters face, smiling and shaking her head, “Darling, your hair color does not mean anyth- “.
“But its true mother!” Y/N exclaimed, “It is shown all over their history. Rhaenyra Targaryen’s eldest sons were born with dark hair, and they all died before they could reach adulthood. Rhaenys Targaryen was known as the “Queen Who Never Was” and saw the death of her two children in her lifetime. Rhaegar Targaryen’s daughter was killed in the sack of Kings Landing. Valarr Targaryen was- “.
“What does any of that have to do with you?!”, Dorea shouted out, startling Y/N. The young girl felt tears come to her eyes as she hid herself in her mothers’ embrace, muffling her words, “They were not pure Targaryen. I am not a pure Targaryen, mother. I do not wish to fall to such misfortunes”. Dorea felt her heart break at the sound and thoughts of her daughters’ troubles. Shaking her head, Dorea raised Y/Ns’ head and looked straight into her eyes, “You are not cursed. Their misfortunes are not yours. Do you hear me girl? This is your life, and you control it”. Y/N could do nothing but continue to cry. "It's okay, sweetheart," her mother whispered, her voice a tender melody that carried reassurance. Dorea cradled the young girl, whose sobs softened but still lingered, the remnants of a storm that had raged within her fragile heart. “I will protect you no matter what”, she declared.
Y/N would forever remember that loving moment, amongst the many others she shared with her mother. While Dorea had said she would do anything to protect her, Y/N should’ve said the same thing back. Yet, fate, with its twisted sense of irony, had other plans for the daughter. Not even a month later, Y/Ns’ mother died, succumbing to a mysterious illness that took her in a matter of days. It felt as though the moment she acknowledged the said “curse”, her world only came to be filled with hurt.
Being only ten years old and now orphaned, the people in the village were kind enough to take the girl in. Specifically, it was a family of three that consisted of a father and mother and a son her age who took her into their home. The boy, named Tomas, had always been a close friend of Y/N. The two would spend many days together, playing and running around in the meadows. He would pick flowers for her and in return she would do the same. There was even one early morning when the two stood by their village’s lake and shared a kiss with each other. Despite still being a child, Y/N felt as though she was feeling the love that was described in the fairytale stories her mother used to read to her.
Sadly, that love was taken from her as well. At the young age of one and three, Tomas had somehow fallen and drowned in that same lake. Y/N had never heard such a devasting scream as Edith, Tomas’s mother, held her dead son in her arms. The village was both in mourning and in query; Tomas had been taught to swim at the age of four, how could this have happened? No explanations were thought of, but Y/N had her own belief.
I’m cursed, she would toss in turn in her bed at night, I am cursed.
Two more years would pass by, and no other unfortunate incidents would have occurred. But there is always calm before the storm. One day, something within Y/N had made her go explore the small forest that was near her village. It was nothing out of the ordinary; she had done it many times before. Yet, she stayed exploring for hours before that same voice within her told her to return. Upon seeing her village within the distance, Y/N should’ve never listened to that voice. She wishes she could’ve stayed back and continue being ignorant of everything. Her village— the homes, the crops, the trees, everything, was up in flames. Running down the dirt paths, Y/N did not have time (nor did she want to) to acknowledge all slaughtered men, women, and children that laid on the grounds. A small amount of hope had sparked within her when she saw that her home was not ablaze. That hope died upon entering the residence— Y/N crying out in distress at the sight of Edith, the women she had come to see as her second mother, dead on the ground. Her sadness was turned to fear when she spotted a large man in the corner, angry and hungry for blood. Before the crazed man could run at her, he was tackled to the ground by Lance— Edith’s husband and her adopted father. He was clearly injured; covered in blood from head to toe but still had the strength in him to scream at Y/N, desperation laced in his voice, “Run girl! Run and do not look back!”. Y/N, not wanting to witness his clear end, quickly listened to his order and ran out the door, trying her best to stay out of sight of all the other savage men as she made her way out the village.
She must’ve ran for hours before she knew she was no longer in danger. A day or two of traveling passed by before she took residence in a small city. That same night, under a dirty bridge, she finally acknowledged all hell that had occurred to her within the past forty-eight hours. The dams broke as she cried and screamed out in sorrow and pain. She cried, and cried, and cried until she had no more tears to let out; now consumed by numbness. Her mother, her first love, her caretakers, her childhood friends, her home; had all been taken from her. What had she done to deserve this? With her heart broken into millions of pieces, Y/N decided that she wouldn’t live like this. Never would she fall in love and never would she form a deep connection with anyone again. She wasn’t going to let herself be tied to the Targaryen name, to its blood, nor its curse. She wasn’t going to let this curse win and see her suffer again.
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And so, she did; well, she tried her best at least. With the little money she had on her, Y/N jumped from village to village, city to city, and made sure not to socialize with anyone. There were some instances of people trying to get to know her, boys trying to court her, but she wouldn’t stay very long and would be gone the next day. It was a lonely life, a life she despised but knew she had to endure. That changed a bit when she came face to face with a woman with a fair complexion and silver hair.
Daenerys Targaryen. The “Mother of Dragons”. Her older half-sister.
Daenerys had always known about her half-sister’s existence; her older brother one day rambling that the throne belongs to a true Targaryen and not the current usurper, nor the “Targaryen-bastard filth” their father left behind. At first, Y/N was wary of the girl but soon found herself becoming fond of her presence. Daenerys felt the same way; with no family left on either girl’s end, they quickly found solace in each other— treating one another as the sisters they are. It was strange at first for Y/N; getting used to now having family once again and the companionship of dragons that came with it. Initially, she was terrified at the sight of the foreign creatures but quickly came to love them and their beautiful nature. She became quite close with the one called Rhaegal, favoring the dragon over the overs. Rhaegal doted and protected the girl the same; but still recognized Daenerys as its’ rightful mother. Y/N could say she just held the title of “favorite aunt” now amongst the creatures.
The thought of the curse still weighed heavy in the back of her mind, but Y/N hypothesized that whatever superstition was out to get her would not harm her sister; a true (and last) Targaryen. Y/N immediately recognized Daenerys as her queen and vowed to help her reclaim her throne. For some time, Y/N felt happiness once again entering her life as she spent more time with her sister and her allies. That bliss, however, turned out to be false hope.
“When the time comes and I reclaim my throne, I will legitimize you as a Targaryen”, Daenerys spoke to her one night. Y/N wanted to decline right away; she was content with not having a household name and did not want to be associated with the Targaryen name. Before Y/N could speak, Daenerys looked shamefully down while holding her sister’s hand, “There is a reason why I came looking for...”. Y/N felt a chill run up her spine and quickly encouraged the Mother of Dragons to continue. “I am unable to have my own children. When the time is right, I will need you to find a man, any man of your choosing..”, Daenerys sternly said as she looked into Y/N eyes, “I will need an heir to inherit the throne and continue my family name. Do you understand sister?”. Daenerys felt guilt creep up inside her as she finally confessed her true intentions from the start of meeting Y/N. She was asking too much of Y/N but, she, however, was on a mission to reclaim her birthright no matter what. Y/N stared agape at her, no words coming from her mouth. She wanted to decline even more— but, looking into Daenerys eyes, she saw the graveness within them and the true tone behind her words. She was not asking this of her as her sister. She was commanding this of her as her queen. And Y/N would do anything for her rightful queen.
“Yes, sister. I understand”. Y/N now found herself tied to the Targaryen name. Something she vowed never to be but couldn’t escape.
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As time passed by, Y/N kept her promise and stood by Daenerys side as she continued her conquest; now finding herself at Dragonstone, her sister’s ancestral home. The preparations and campaign for Daenerys claim to the Iron Throne was in full effect but was interrupted momentarily.
“The King in the North?”, Daenerys questioned one of her advisors who came bearing news. “Yes my Queen. He sent a raven— detailing that he wishes to speak with you”. Y/N, standing off to the side, expressed her thoughts and question, “I had heard that the King in the North was dead”.
“As did I”, Daenerys said sharply. The man before them nodded his head, “Yes. There was an incident that had occurred that made everyone believe he was dead. But he is very much alive”. Daenerys raised her eyebrows up, skeptical about this so called “King in the North”— “And he trusts me with the information of his false death?”
“Well, according to his letter, yes.”
Y/N and Daenerys turned, staring into each other’s eyes, speaking with them. Not much emotion was shown behind Y/N eyes, but she was able to express with them, “What harm is there in seeing what he wants”. Sighing, Daenerys nodded her head and agreed with her sister.
“Send a message back. Invite him here and let him know I agree to speak with him”.
A few days later, Y/N stood on the shores, waiting to welcome her guests on the request of Daenerys. Once she saw the boats pull up on the beach, she made her way but stopped in amazement. Out from one of the boats came a large, thick furred animal— a dire wolf. She had only ever heard about the mythical creatures and now she was in close distance with one. Dragons and now dire wolves; she held a small smile on her face at the uniqueness that was the world. Clearing their throats, the two guards behind her had snapped her out of her daydream, reminding her of the task. Standing tall, Y/N put on her best welcoming smile and stood in front of the party, “Welcome to Dragonstone. I have been sent by our rightful Queen to give our greetings”.
Y/N voice had started loud and clear, but slightly quieted down towards the end as she made eye contact with a man. A very handsome man to be exact, she thought to herself. He stood tall and strong, a lean build with dark curls and blue eyes as blue as the water behind them. He smiled at her and before he could open his mouth, the older man next to him spoke up. “I present Robb Stark. Heir to the Stark household and King of the North”. Y/N raised her eyebrows at the discovery of the handsome stranger being the King in the North. Turning to him, she held a sort of mischief but harsh attitude in her voice, “Is the King in the North unable to speak for himself?”
The men in front of her were clearly taken back. Except for Robb Stark who let out a small laugh. “Forgive me, my lady, I am very capable of speaking. I am Robb Stark”. He held out his hand and was charmed when she firmly grasped it and shook it; opting out of giving her his hand to kiss.  
“I am not a lady. Please, call me Y/N”. Robb was preparing himself to compliment her name but was cut off by the same man next to him. “She’s the Targaryen bastard, your grace”. Though it was meant to be a whisper for only Robb to hear, Y/N was in close enough proximity to have heard it as well. Robb swiftly turned to his advisor next to him, giving him a crude look before turning back to the girl, “Forgive the rudeness of- “
“No, it is quite alright” she waved her hand, “It is all true anyway. I am THAT Targaryen bastard”. Robb nodded, gulping as he tried to ease the tension, “I have heard a lot about you...and your sister too, of course”. Y/N wanted to let out a chuckle at the sight before her; a gorgeous man trying his best not to insult her. “And I have heard very little about you,” Y/N voiced, “Other than the fact that you were supposedly dead, which I can see you are very much alive”, looking him up and down with her eyes. Robb smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head, “It is a long story”. Y/N let out a “hmm” sound, looking off towards the side to the dire wolf. “Is he yours?”
“Yes. His name is Grey Wind. I’ve had him since he was a pup”. Y/N nodded once more, noticing just how well behaved the wolf was, “He’s very beautiful”. Robb thanked her for the compliment, grinning widely, “I can see you are fond of animals. Do you have any of your own?”
Y/N laughed softly, shaking her head, “No. I have children.”
Robb was clearly taken back by her words, a stuttering mess as he questioned her statement. “O-oh? You have children?”. Y/N could sense some disappointment in his voice towards the end as it cracked. Smiling, she shook her head. “No. But I do consider them children. Just not mine. I am just an aunt”. All the guests in front of her were puzzled by her words but ducked down in fear at the sound of a roar from above. Looking up, she smiled at the sight of Rhaegal and Drogon patrolling the skies.
“Seven hells!” she heard one of Robbs’ men yell out. Turning back, she playfully spoke “My children. Beautiful, aren’t they?”. None of Robbs’ men were able to agree or speak; still in shock. Robb, still looking up to the sky, laughed earnestly, “Well, they sure are an eccentric sight to see”. Y/N smiled more at his honesty, clapping her hands together, turning and speaking to the entire party, “Well. I believe that is a sufficient way to welcome you all here. Now, I must welcome you into the castle. Please come, the Queen is curious to known what it is you wish to speak about”.
Upon greeting the Queen, Robb Starks’ words and terms were clear to her. He wishes to ally with her in her conquest to take the throne and create a fairer and just realm. “We both have a clear enemy,” he spoke, “I want the Lannisters dead for what they have done to my family, and you want them off the throne entirely”. Every so often, Robb would cast his eyes off to the side to look at Y/N; something she tried her best to hide her reddening face from. “My men, though small numbers, will be yours to use. We ask that in return, once you take your rule, you allow the North to maintain a degree of self-rule. We will recognize you as the rightful Queen, but we wish to keep the North the way it is”. Daenerys nodded her head, asking her advisors for their views on the matter, and taking Y/N by surprise when she asked her as well. “As I perceive it, the North is biggest land piece in Westeros. It would be better to keep them as allies instead of fighting them off. They recognize you as Queen, and the Stark household keeps the North in check for you, sister”. Daenerys responded with another nod, showing to be clear in thought at all the opinions given to her. The Queen stood up, still not fully convinced, but could not deny all the positives of the compromise, “Very well. I will continue to think about the matter. I will let you know that my thoughts are leaning more toward yes than it is no. For now, your men must be tired. Allow my people to escort them to rest”.
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Later that night, Y/N made her way down the dark halls to the one place in the castle that brought her peace. She almost let out a small scream at the tall shadow that appeared around the corner, “My lady?”. Placing her hand to her chest to control her tachycardic heart, she saw that the dark shadow was Robb Stark. “Your grace. You almost scared me to death”, Y/N laughed, “And please, I am not a lady of noble birth. Call me by my first name”. Robb returned her laugh with his own, apologizing for scaring her. “Forgive me, my lad- Y/N. I was just curious as to why you are out so late”. She nodded her head in the direction she was originally heading in, “I can not sleep so I was heading to the library to bore myself with some reading” she joked, “Is it not late for you to be awake as well?”. Robb gave a similar answer; unable to sleep and practically full of energy. Y/N looked down at the ground for a mere second before glancing into his eyes, “Would you like to join me?”. He agreed to her invite, thankful for the darkness of the night hiding his blushed face.
Dimly lit by flickering candlelight, the shelves towered, laid with books that held centuries of knowledge and wisdom. Robb made himself comfortable at one of the chairs available while Y/N opted for the window nook. “Do you come in here often?” Robb asked. Y/n offered a silent yes, trailing her fingers against the rim of the book she had chosen, “I have not been here that long, but yes. I come here every night; I tend to have trouble sleeping”.
“Why is that?” Robb questioned.
“Nightmares”, Y/N replied. Her dreams were always filled with visions of her dead loved ones.
After a pause, Robb gave a “hmm”; silently admiring the girl for not being afraid to show vulnerability. “That’s something we both have in common” he gave a warm smile. Another quiet pause passed by until Y/N looked up at him, “You say that you being alive is a long story— can I listen to it?”. Robb gave a slight nod, standing up to sit next to her in a close but comfortable proximity.
“I was to marry the daughter of someone who I thought was my ally. I agreed initially but something within me told me not to carry out my word”. He slowly reached over for the book that was in her hands, both hands brushing slightly as he took it out of her grasp, now distracting himself with it. “The wedding still went on; I supplied another man in my place. But, there was bloodshed, and I was betrayed. I barely made it out alive, along with a few other men of mine”. Inhaling sharply, he continued with his outpour, “And I’m thankful I did. I have sources that tell me that even if I went along with the wedding, I was to be killed no matter what. The Lannisters long ago forming allies with the people I thought I could trust”. Coming close to a finish, he looked into Y/N eyes, softly smiling, “I guess it was fate that saved me somehow”.
Breaking eye contact, Y/N scoffed at his words. “Fate” she said with repugnance. Her reply caught him off guard, raising his eyebrows in surprise, “You do not believe in fate?”.
Y/N took in a long sigh, shaking her head, “No I believe in it”, she gently whispered the last part, “We just never have seen eye to eye. My fate only brings me bad luck”. Robb took in her words, trying to calculate what he should say next. “I believe fate can bring both good and bad luck”, he began with, “One can say it was my fathers’ fate to have been killed, or my sisters’ fates to be held captive”, Robb swallowed thickly before continuing, “But, it is my fate to avenge and save them. It is fate that has brought me this far; that has brought me here and to you”, he slowly spoke while staring deep into Y/N eyes. She quickly looked away, hoping her face wasn’t red and was successful in controlling her facial expression. Clearing her throat, she spoke firmly, “You must be confused; I believe you are trying to woo the wrong sister, Stark. Is it not my sister who you need as your ally?”.
Robb let out a low laugh, grinning widely, “That may be true, but”, he slowly scanned the room in a playful manner, “I believe that I don’t see your sister in here at all. So, no, I am not confused. I am speaking to the right sister”. A third pause passed by as the two continued staring, wating for one of them to speak or do something. Y/N was the first— standing abruptly, she moved her hair behind her ear and let out an awkward ahem. “I believe I must retire for the night. It was nice speaking to you Stark”. Before she could make her way out the door, he called out to her.
“It’s Robb”. Turning, she questioned what he meant. Smiling, he spoke, “You can call me Robb. You say you come here every night?”. Y/N nodded her head. “Would you allow me to see you here again tomorrow? Or even spend some time with you come morning?”.
Y/N wanted to say no. She needed to stop whatever friendship (or relationship) was forming between the two before she got too close. Before her curse got to him. He had already suffered enough. Despite the fact, deep down, her own selfish desires won over. She hadn’t felt like this in forever— she wanted this feeling to last forever.
“Yes. Of course, Robb”.
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Come morning, they spent the entire day together, including the night. The next day was the same. Daenerys had granted Robb and his men a longer stay as there was much to discuss. It was late in the morning that he and Y/N were walking along the shores, discussing the most random of topics. Both were making a great effort to make the other one laugh: sprouting different jokes and funny stories. They both loved hearing the sound of laughter coming out of each another’s mouths. A gentle breeze roamed the air, blowing through Y/Ns’ dark hair. Robb stood silently still, stuck in a daze and awestruck by her appearance. Swiftly, he removed his fur cloak and placed it upon her exposed shoulders. Robb gestured to the area around them as Y/N looked at him in confusion, “I thought you might be cold”. She let out a small chuckle, shaking her head but not returning his cloak back. It provided her with a sense of ease. “No,” she confessed, “I don’t run cold that easily”. Resuming their walk, Robb gave her a look of admiration, “You would do great in the North then. Have you ever been there?”.
She answered with a clear no, stopping in her path to match Robb’s sudden cease of movement. Slowly, he placed his hands upon the cloak, further wrapping it securely around her. “I believe you would love it there. Maybe one day, you can come with me to Winterfell. I would love to give you a tour and introduce you to my mother, and hopefully my sisters too. I’m sure they would love you”. No further sounds were made; the distant sound of crashing waves serving as the only soundtrack to their wordless communion. Y/N leaned slightly into him — his closeness felt like a forbidden sanctuary, a place where she found solace and belonging but knew she shouldn’t enter. Y/N only response was a gentle nod and smile.
Many heart-fluttering moments continued to happen between the two. Stolen glances from across the table, hands brushing as they took their walks, laughter and smiles shared in the dark of night. There was an occurrence in the library when Robb had urged the girl to go to bed; taking notice of her eyebags forming from their long night of talking. “I can’t go to sleep that easily. And even if I can, I just have bad dreams I can’t wake up from”, she disclosed. They sat intimately close, sharing an intense gaze, both their features illuminated by the light of the candles in the room. Y/N could see every detail, every pore, every small scar that graced his beautiful face. She was caught by surprise, her breath hitching when he gently grabbed her hand, drawing small patterns into it.
“You can sleep here if you wish. I will watch over you and wake you at any sign of discomfort”. She wanted to decline, but there was something in his eyes that was persuading her. Y/N then found herself in his warm embrace, laying her head gently on his chest. She could hear every breath he took, every beat his heart made. Sealing her eyelids, he was the sole occupant of her dreams. She had never slept better.
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Daenerys was no fool to what was happening before her very eyes. Sharing a private dinner with her sister, she brought up the topic.
“So, you and the Northern have been spending some time together”. Y/N nodded; not being able to lie since there was clear evidence in front of Daenerys. “He is a good man,” she smiled, “Very kind to his men, to his wolf”, she smiled even further at the memory of Robb introducing her properly to Grey Wind. She could still hear his laughter and the concern that replaced it when Grey Wind had tackled her to the ground with wet kisses. “We don’t want to get that pretty face all slobbered up now, do we?” fondness had colored his expression as he helped her back up. The smile upon her face slipped away, a frown and more serious look taking over.
“He’s very kind to me…I don’t think I will be spending much time with him anymore though”, she held her fork tightly in her hand. Daenerys questioned what she meant by her words. “Personal reasons”, Y/N said in a somber tone, “He will be leaving soon, and I plan to stay by your side”. Daenerys nodded her head, a part of her knowing that Y/Ns’ excuse was not the full truth. It’s not an exaggeration— Daenerys wasn’t a fool. She was well aware of Y/N’s standoffish attitude; practically a hermit as she kept to herself, or Daenerys. She saw the reasoning behind it— having an understanding of her past hardships. Additionally, Daenerys once tried to comfort Y/N during a nightmare of hers, hearing the word “curse” coming out of her mouth every few seconds. She badly wanted to comfort her sister, let her know that she was not cursed— life was just not fair to everyone. Daenerys, however, said nothing. Y/N was the only family she had left, and she did not want to lose her so soon, especially to some man. Forcing a smile upon her face, Daenerys tried to hide the distaste she felt towards her own selfishness. “That is good. Family must stick together”.
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As the hours slipped away, Y/N and Robb were spending their last night together in the library. Robb and his men were set to leave tomorrow— all discussions and plans made with Daenerys were finalized. Robb, sitting across the room, was enamored as Y/N read to him out loud. It was a couple nights ago that they created this little routine; Y/N would read to him, and he would give his input at certain scenes. Right now, however, he was not paying attention to what was happening in the story. He was trying to memorize her gentle sweet voice, the way her lips moved with each syllable she said. Finishing a passage, Y/N put the book down to ask Robb his view.
“I can not lie to you. I was not paying attention”. Mouth agape, she pretended to be upset, throwing the small pillow she had next to her. Robb caught the cushion, letting out a hearty laugh that rumbled deep within his chest. Standing up, he walked across the room to her, placing the pillow behind her back. He knew she liked to read in comfort. Y/Ns’ smile was warm, spreading even more across her face at the words Robb spoke next, “You have a pretty voice”. Shyly looking down, she quietly thanked him. Robb’s compliments towards her only continued, “And a beautiful face”.
Biting her lip, she was readying herself to change the topic, but he only continued more. “I remember when I saw you for the first time”, he sat down beside her, sharing body warmth now, “I truly thought I had never seen a more beautiful woman before in my life”. Y/N chuckled, rolling her eyes softly and replying in a joking matter “And then you saw my sister and I was the second most beautiful woman you had seen in your life”. Her heart quickened up when she looked up at him, no humor present on his face, only showing seriousness. “No”, he whispered, “you were still the most captivating and breathtaking beauty I’d seen”. Silence filled the room. Without a word, he reached out, his fingers interlacing with hers. “I leave tomorrow”, he spoke of the one thing they both had refused to acknowledge. “That you are”, Y/N said, her main focus placed upon their hands. Drawing small comforting circles into her skin, he asked her what she had planned for her future.
“My future is a mystery”, Y/N sighed heavily, “Regardless, I will continue to stand by Daenerys and be with her when she retakes the throne. She told me that she was going to bestow the Targaryen name upon me, but I’m not sure that is what I want”. Confusion etched Robbs’ features, questioning her meaning. Her face gave away a gloomy look, “I have never really been fond of my Targaryen blood. Daenerys is the only good thing that has come out of it”, she said truthfully, “I’ve gone long enough without a household name, so I don’t see the point in having one”. A smile graced her lips as she looked at him, “I won’t lie, it is a small yearn of mine. To belong somewhere and become a part of something special”.
A pregnant pause filled the room. The only sound being heard was the burning of the fireplace. Y/Ns’ laughter echoed through the room; Robbs’ next statement finding humor within her.
“You can become a Stark”.
Shaking her head, almost wanting to wipe the imaginary tears in her eyes, she continued her fits of giggles. “And how can I do that- “
Robbs’ next sentence caused all laughter within her to cease, her breath getting stuck in her chest. “By marrying me”, he said.
Another pregnant pause. Y/N stared at him in shock, becoming a stuttering mess, “R-Robb, I…”. Before she could finish, he cut her off, taking both her hands into his now, “I plead that you allow me to speak first”, he smiled but looked ready to cry, “I have never felt the way I have when I am with you. You truly have stolen my heart, and I don’t plan on asking for it back. Come with me to Winterfell— become my wife, my queen”. With affection, he raised her hand and placed a gentle, lingering kiss on it, “Grant me the wish to spend the rest of my life with you”. Robb had poured his emotions out into his speech, mistakenly only imagining what he wanted her reply to be. He was not prepared for what Y/N said next.
Furrowing his eyes, he dropped one of her hands but still held the other. Shaking his head, he began to apologize profoundly, “I-I’m sorry. I thought maybe there was something between us. Did I ask too soon?”, he looked desperate in front of her, “I can take back the proposal. I can court you properly if that is what you wish – “
“No. No, Robb”, Y/N let her hand drop from his, both now becoming colder by the second, “I can’t marry you”.
The tension crackled in the air as Y/N words hung between them, heavy and unresolved. The room felt suffocating, each second stretching into an eternity. Robb’s jaw clenched, his gaze fixed on the ground, struggling to contain his emotions and appear unaffected, “Can I ask why?”. Y/N bit her lip, her own emotions consuming her, never wanting more than to cry. “Robb,” she sobbed, “marrying me— being with me would only bring you hell”. Shaking his head, Robb grabbed ahold of her face, staring into her eyes, “What nonsense do you speak of? That can be far from the truth”. Y/N wanted to push his hands off her but was brought warmth by his touch, “But it’s the truth. My presence alone carries a curse. All those I have cherished have been harmed and taken from me”, he delicately removed the tears that were dropping from her eyes, “I’m not supposed to fall in love with you”.
Robb didn’t know what to say, how exactly to comfort her. His only reply being, “there is no such thing as a curse”, which angered her to some extent. Standing abruptly, she screamed out in sorrow, “Yes there is! My mother, my first love, my home— everyone suffered because of me!”, she started hyperventilating, burying her face in her hands, sobs echoing through the room, “You have suffered enough Robb. I do not wish to cause you more misery”. Robb sprang up quickly and encircled her with an arm, drawing her in for a reassuring embrace. As she cried, he felt her body quiver against his chest. He rubbed her back in gentle circles, giving her a feeling of comfort and safety. “Shhh…”, he tried soothing her, “Even if there is a curse, I won’t let it get to me, or you. I will protect you with entire life; you will never be subjected to such pain”, he leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her head, “I can’t let you go— living out the rest of my life thinking “what if?”.
Shaking her head, she gently pushed him away, “No, Robb”. Y/N stared at him, her eyes reflecting her inner sadness, “This is for my protection and yours. I would not have the strength in me to live if something happened to you”. Walking swiftly towards the door, she ceased her movements when Robb called out to her.
“Y/N. You deserve better”, he spoke truthfully and with sorrow, “You can’t live like this. Someone as extraordinary as you deserves to be happy. To be loved”.
She gripped the door handle, almost hurting her own hand from the pressure. Turning her head, she offered him a pained smile, “Maybe you’re right”, she opened the door, “But such fine things were not made for me in this lifetime”. And she was gone.
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Y/N was unable to sleep the rest of the night, tossing and turning in her bed. Come morning, she mentally prepared herself for a conversation she knew she had to make. Standing in front of the chamber rooms Robb occupied, she knocked. A few seconds later, he opened the door, clear surprise on his face at her presence.
“Hi”, she spoke softly. Robb did not verbally reply to her greeting; opting to nod to her instead. “May I come in?”, she asked, and Robb moved to the side to allow her to enter. Looking at him, his tunic was unlaced— a clear indication she had interrupted him in the middle of dressing up. Y/N was informed that Robb and his men were to leave early morning; all they had to do was suit up and prepare their ships, and then he would be gone.
Facing him entirely, she gestured to his packed supplies in the corner, “I came to wish you a safe journey. I enjoyed our time together”. Robb registered her words, taking a deep breath, “Thank you, my lady”. She didn’t have the strength to correct him. All the while, Robb was struggling to tie up the last laces of his tunic. His hands were shaking. Walking slowly to him, she reached for his hands, moving them away to replace them with hers, “Allow me”.  Robb felt a fire ignite inside him as her gentle touch sent a chill down his spine. Focused on her work, Y/N laced up the complex pattern, her breath quickening as her fingertips touched his bare chest. Finishing up the last lace, she patted his chest and smiled up at him, “There. All done”. She only took one step back before Robb wrapped his arm around her waist, pushing her back to him. Y/N gaze softened, a silent acknowledgement passing between them. Slowly and hesitantly, she placed her hand upon his cheek, caressing him. Stretching her neck, she placed a small kiss on his lips, pulling away in mere seconds before either of them could comprehend it. Robb did the same; the two now sharing their second kiss.
For a while, they stood in each other’s embrace in silence. Robb took the next step, closing the small distance and cupping her face in his hands. With a mixture of yearning and desire, she leaned into his touch, gazing up at him as her heart ached. Reaching down, he kissed her with longing and tenderness. Y/N reciprocated right away, moving her mouth with his to match his rhythm. This kiss was longer, both wanting to savor the moment a bit more. The kiss had started off slowly but quickly came alive as they both deepened it. Robb fingers wove into her hair, pulling her closer to him; despite being as physically close as possible. Y/Ns’ body felt on fire; Robb’s touch both gentle yet firm as he traced her body with his other hand. Gasping into his mouth, she was taken by surprise (but did not fight off) at Robb picking her up by the thighs— walking to the small table in his room and dropping her on it. Opening her legs widely, he stood between them, both breathing heavily as they’re lips continued pressing together. Y/N did not know what to do with her hands, moving them all across his body and landing upon his hair, tugging slightly at his roots. Robb was the same; still opting to trace his hands across her thighs and up her breasts— igniting a moan out of her moth that he swallowed with his. Both their lips parted slightly, allowing them to slip their tongues into each other’s.
The room was heating up by the second. The only sounds that could be heard were their muffled groans and heavy breathing. Parting away, Y/N went to work to unlace his tunic— undoing her work. There was some urgency in the way her hands moved, Robb staring at her, intoxicated by her face contoured in rapture. He went straight for her dress, moving the fabric down to expose her shoulders, planting kisses on her. Y/N let out a loud whimper; the feeling of Robb biting into her neck sending a jolt of pleasure and goosebumps over her body. Grabbing his jaw, she returned her attack on his lips; their kiss now getting sloppier by the second, teeth almost clashing against. Y/N was readying herself to further pull her dress down but was interfered by Robb pulling away. Almost desperate like, she chased his lips but was denied.
“No,” Robb spoke, almost sounding to be in pain. His breath was ragged, chest moving up and down and fist clenched to his side, “Not like this”. Y/Ns’ common sense returned, slightly embarrassed that her hunger for him had taken over her completely. She was thankful that Robb had the strength and respect to keep her virtue safe. A few moments passed and their breathing became stable once again. Y/N watched as Robb gazed down at her, his lips red and bruised. Taking a hold of her face in his hand, Robb placed his forehead against her, “I love you”. Y/N could do nothing but nod, wrapping her arms around his torso, “I know”.
He smiled sheepishly at her, caressing her cheek, “Write to me at least. Please. Write to me about anything…even if you have nothing to talk about. I will always send a reply back. I promise”.  She gave him a tight-lipped smile, kissing his hand lightly, “I’ll try”. Robb knew she was lying. As they held each other’s gaze, time appeared to stop and the outside world became less significant. With one last kiss to her temple, Robb picked up his belongings and went out the door.
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Y/N waited a decent number of minutes to pass before she exited the room— making sure there were no prying eyes around. She was hurrying towards her own chambers; wanting to be alone and allowed let all her tears fall free. She didn’t make it far, stopping in her movements at the sound of someone calling her name.
“Y/N”, Daenerys called out at the end of the hallway. Approaching her, she offered her sister a happy smile, “I was looking all over for you. I came to see if you wanted to bid the North men a goodbye- “, Daenerys stopped talking momentarily. Her eyes taking in Y/N disheveled appearance, and the obvious love mark on her neck. “But I can see you must’ve already given your farewell to the King in the North”, she teased.
Y/N nodding, staring down at the ground with her hands picking at the skin around her nails, “Yes, I have. So, I have no need to bid them a further goodbye. If you excuse me, I will retire for the day”. She was barley able to turn her body around before Daenerys grabbed hold of her forearm. “Hold on”, Daenerys said letting out a low chuckle, “It is still early morning. Why would you retire so soon- “. Her amusement dwindled into silence, fully grasping the emotions displayed on her little sisters’ face. “What’s wrong? What happened?”, she inquired anxiously and hastily, “Did that Stark boy do something to you?”, now anger appearing in her voice. Y/N was quick to deny her accusations, “No. He did nothing. It’s what I’ve done to him”. The queen placed a comforting embrace around her sisters’ figure, soothing her hair. “He offered me a marriage proposal, Dany” she sobbed into her shoulders, “And I told him no. I broke his heart”. Daenerys said nothing to the information given to her.  A short interval of silence ensured; disrupted by Daenerys taking in a deep breath.
“Do you love him?”.
She hadn’t expected such a direct question from Daenerys, especially about something she had been trying to conceal. Y/N hesitated for a moment— deciding there was no use in denying it, “I do”.
The older sister pulled away, smiling down lovingly at her, “Then why not go be with him?”. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, stumbling over her words, “Because I promised to stick by your side. To help you,” she defended. Staring back at the floor, Y/N inhaled deeply, “Because I am cursed- “
“That is a load of shit”, Daenerys cut in. Y/N gaped at her older sister in disbelief for her vulgar language directed at her. Daenerys persisted with her speech, “You are not cursed, Y/N. Our history might show that our ancestors without the inherited Targaryen traits suffered greatly, but that does not mean all of them will”. Putting both hands on her shoulder, she reassured Y/N, “I know that in their lives they were still able to experience contentment and love. And you should too”.
Whispering softly, Daenerys hold on her sister tightened, “You've gone through a lot, and life has made it difficult to look past your own suffering, I won't deny that. But you need not forget the positive impact that you have on others around you. You undoubtedly brought happiness and love into the lives of your mother as well as those from your pas, and me toot. I'm even more positive that you introduced that into Robb Starks' life as well”.
Daenerys took a moment to recover after her extended address; watching Y/N register every world she spoke. Placing a gentle hand on her face, Daenerys gave her final say, “So, why not go be with him?”.
Y/N expression mirrored her surprise at what she heard. Shaking her head, she repudiated, “B-But what about you? My promise to you- “. She was cut off once again. “I’ve been thinking it over”, Daenerys began, “And I’ve asked too much from you. You are my only family and I wish to keep you by me, but your life is not mine. You control it”. Y/N held her breath, a small tear forming in her eyes. A sense of déjà vu had come to her— those were similar words her own mother had told her. Daenerys smiled widely at her, taking both her hands into her own, “If I am to be a good queen and rule with fairness”, she gave her hand a gentle squeeze, “I should let you live your life. As your queen, I give you the order to go live a life of happiness with the man you love”. She sustained the cheerful curve of her lips, “Go to him— go be with him in the North. A change of scenery can be good, don’t you think?”.
Y/N didn’t answer her question; instead, she sprang and encircled her sister in a warm hug. “Thank you, Dany,”, she expressed her heartfelt thanks. Daenerys words had opened her eyes; Y/N was not brought into this world to fear it— she was brought in it to appreciate its gifts. The gifts being family, happiness, and love. Daenerys suppressed a laugh that wanted to escape her lips. Pushing the girl slightly, she encouraged her further, “Now go and tell him. Rhaegal will be sad but he’ll live”. Y/N was quick to turn and follow after Robb, but stopped abruptly at Daenerys calling out to her.
“Don’t marry him too soon”. Panic coiled in the pit of her stomach at the thought that Daenerys was taking back what she said. The older sister waved her hand, shooing the girl away, “I just meant that I wish to be present at the wedding. Now, go”.
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Robb stood beside a couple of his men and advisor at Dragonstone’s port. He watched his men load up the ships, trying to listen to what his advisor was saying but his mind was elsewhere. He came here to acquire the Dragon Queen as his ally— and now he leaves with that success and a broken heart. He traced back the memory of their times together, the warmth of her hands completely enclosing his, the way her eyes sparkled with every grin. A longing buried deep in his chest arose with every thought of Y/N. It was a bittersweet anguish. His advisor next to him cleared his throat, grabbing his attention when he nudged Robbs’ side, “Your grace”. Following the direction of his advisor’s eyesight, his own landed on Y/N— clearly out of breath and showing urgency.
“Y/N”, he called out. Robb was quick to grab ahold of her forearms, inspecting her body for any signs of injury, “Are you okay? Is there something wrong?” he asked, concern shown deep in his eyes. Y/N nodded her head, calming down her breathing as she watched his men leave to give them privacy. Staring up at him, she confessed, “I will not write to you”. Robbs’ brows drew together in a frown, feeling as though she was taking a jab at his sorrows. A normal reaction would be to spit fire back, but he was too in love with her.
Swallowing thickly, he responded, “I figured that already- “
“No, let me finish” she interrupted him, “I will not write to you…because I am coming with you”. His eyes widened in disbelief at the statement— not given time to properly respond once again. Swallowing the lump in her throat, her palms grw clammy, “Robb…I love you”. At last, he managed to respond, "You do?" with a tone that hinted at both surprise and joy. Y/N nodded, vulnerability showing in the blush of her cheeks and grabbing a hold of his hand, “Yes. I should’ve told you from the start and I should’ve said yes to your proposal- “, she sucked in a trembling breath, “I care about you deeply and I’ve never felt this much love for anyone”. Y/Ns’ heart raced as her words lingered in the crisp morning air. With a subtle shake of her head, she redirected the conversation. “Though I’ve come to see the foolishness in it; I still don’t know if my curse is real or not. All I know is that I wish to spend every minute— every second of my life with you”. Biting her lip gently, she broke eye contact with him, “It is a big risk, I kno- “.
“A risk I am willing to take”, Robb finally cut her off, “I would do anything for you.” In their moment of confession, they wrapped each other in a tight embrace. With their foreheads resting against each other's, a warm yet hesitant smile spread across Y/N face. “So,” she spoke shyly, “is that tour of Winterfell still up for grabs?”
Robb reciprocated her smile with his own, gently lifting his hands to touch her bottom lip. “Yes. It still is” he breathed out, “And my proposal too”. With a gentle tilt of her head, Y/N moved in closer, “Then I say you take me to Winterfell and make me your wife”. Their lips meet in a tender and heartfelt kiss— all their troubles now resolved. A quiet vow of eternity was spoken as their lips moved in rhythm. A familiar roar was heard; Y/N breaking the kiss and laughing as she took notice of Rhaegal in the sky. Robb found himself smiling even more at the sight of her joy; pulling her closer to him.
A cheeky grin formed across her face, “I think Lady of Winterfell has a nice ring to it, don’t you?”
Robb chuckled, caressing her face, “I think Queen of Winterfell sounds nicer. I also think the title of “Robb Starks’ Wife” suits you even more”. Y/N jokingly jabbed her elbow into his side, slightly squeaking as Robb reclaimed her lips in his. They both were filled with excitement and anticipation for what their future together awaited.
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