#stay hidden Zoe
zoe-oneesama · 9 months
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She’s so much more dangerous when people actually listen to her.
Episode 51 Part 10 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50
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marsbutterfly · 4 months
The Princess and The Pauper
Summary: Your father has arranged for you to be wed to a prince in a nearby kingdom, but when you tell your beloved, the two of you plan to run away.
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a/n: hey everyone <3 I actually started writing this fic back in 2022 and just went back to it in March, I believe? anyway, this is by far the longest fic I have ever written, so please, enjoy <3
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: medieval au, fem!reader, non-binary!hanji zoe, NSFW, childhood friends to lovers, parental death (mother), secret relationship, mentions and description of disease, panic attacks, mentions of forced marriage, massive age gap (between reader and the man she is meant to marry/ reader's parents), blood, parental abuse, physical abuse, kissing, face-sitting, cunnilingus, fingering, scissoring, not really beta read, we ball.
small glossary: Libet - Lady-In-Waiting | Tegan - reader's cat| Elowen - reader's horse
 ao3 | wattpad | cover by: bbybluemochi on twt | wc: 24.1k
The warm spot on the window ledge had never seemed more comfortable. The sun had been shining right above it all day long, the music that came from the kingdom faded into the background and your cat purred by your feet. You knew in your heart that this was the perfect time of day to bring out a blanket and cuddle up against a pillow, a good book in your hands. These days, it was rare for you to have a moment all to yourself like this, and, deep down, you knew one way or another, your parents would interrupt your peace.
It was the third time you were reading this book, or trying to read it. The story of two lovers from different classes, brought apart by their parents and the stress that came with their titles, a story you knew all too well. You couldn’t help but sigh at the irony, of course, the book you chose had a similar story to the one you found yourself living at the current moment.
The rumors of your secret affair with the doctor’s child had been spreading like wildfire all across the kingdom, especially after a few of the night guards had caught you sneaking around late at night while trying to make it to your secret meeting spot. No matter how much you paid them to stay quiet, the word still got out somehow and you had yet to receive punishment for it.
The words on the book float around you in a silent dance as you lose focus, your thoughts traveling thousands of miles away towards the distant memories of the night before, when your beloved held you in their arms and read to you from their personal journal about remedies they had discovered, about the star constellations they had studied a week before, or just simply as they played with your hair while listening to your breathing in the cold night.
Before you can daydream much further than that, a bad feeling takes place in your stomach. Something in the atmosphere felt… wrong, though you couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was. You quickly close your book and place it on top of the cushion next to you before gently nudging your cat away to give you the chance to stand up. Even though the pet cries softly, you apologize and offer it a small smile, followed by a quick scratch on the top of the head, that’s when you hear it in the distance.
The loud, carrying voices became closer by the second and you could hear loud footsteps against the marble floors. With a heavy sigh and a roll of your eyes, you begin to make your way toward the entrance to your bedroom, your hands going through your dress to destroy any wrinkles before finding a resting place crossed against your thighs. 
The doors swing open and they quickly collide with the wall. You close your eyes tightly for no more than a couple of seconds before regaining your composure, not a word escapes your lips before your father, a plump man with a large beard and gold chains that are hidden by all the facial hair, enters the room. His voice carries around the area, the excitement palpable in his words, “My darling daughter!”
“Father,” you say politely, lowering your knees a few inches while your head hangs from your neck. Once you bring yourself back up, you decide to flash him a gentle and warm smile, knowing damn well that it was nothing but a fake, something you and your family were more than used to, something to stop yourself from actually telling him every single bad word that has crossed your mind in the last twenty seconds, “It has been a while.”
The man waves his hands, silently asking the servants around to leave you be and they quickly do as they are told. Not a minute goes by and you find yourself trapped in his tight embrace, a warm sensation taking over your face as embarrassment settles in, he has always been a man of action rather than words. “How have you been?” He inquires, awkwardly attempting to make small talk. 
His hands fidget around for a few seconds, restlessly going from his beard to the diamonds around his fingers. The smell of cheap cologne mixed with whatever he has had for lunch overtakes the room, the crumbs still stuck to his beard and the small part of his hair-covered belly that pokes out from the far too small shirt are nearly enough to break through your facade and bring out the disgust on your face. But somehow, you power through.
“I have been doing alright,” you respond, placing your hands behind your back while fidgeting with your fingers, nearly pulling out your own nails in an attempt to ground yourself and keep yourself sane. He has never once asked you how you were doing without having another intention in mind, but you decide to play along regardless, “How was your recent trip to the Pephia Kingdom? I hear their knights have recently returned from a quest with a bigger amount of gold than they have ever seen, is that true?”
The man laughs, his breath hits your face and, as an instinct, you look away. Your eyes are closed shut for a second until you force yourself to stare at him again, his face red from the laughter. “Oh, so you have heard about it, yes? Good, that will make things easier.”
You can’t help but tilt your head, your eyebrows furrowing in response to his words as you continue to pick at the side of your nails, the area getting progressively more raw and inflamed, “I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand.”
He clears his throat and takes a deep breath, his face becoming redder than before as his voice now takes a low turn, a more serious expression on his face, “It has come to my attention that you have been... Fraternizing with... A peasant?”
Your breathing seems to stop for a second, all the air is completely sucked out of your lungs and suddenly it feels like the room has started to spin. You weren’t sure what to do, should you lie and pretend that it was a made-up lie by the guards? But how could you know that the information came from the guards? Should you own up to it and beg for his forgiveness? No, you would never find yourself stooping to such a low level. Time seemed to be moving so fast and yet so slowly, the doubt clouding your judgment. Since you weren’t able to offer an answer, he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose while his eyes close.
“y/n, we have talked about this!” He says, his voice has a cold tone to it and it sends a terror-filled shiver down your spine, “You were told to stay away from the doctor’s child. They are nothing but trouble and the entire kingdom knows they are… you know… a bit insane. They are considered the lowest of the low.”
Your face snaps back to look at him, how dare he speak of the one you loved in such a despicable manner? You can feel your cheeks burning, a mixture of anger and embarrassment, while your jaw clutches into place. It’s painful but you don’t even seem to notice it for the time being. “They have been teaching me to become a healer, so I can be better prepared for when the day comes when I become the queen!”
The man sighs, his eyes now squinting as he tries to remain calm, “I was not born yesterday, y/n. I raised you and I know you better than anyone ever could.” Another lie, this man may be your father but he did not know anything about you. In his head, you were still the little star-eyed girl who would love to watch her parents working for the good of her kingdom, but that stopped being the case long ago.
You continue to pick at the skin of your finger, feeling as a trickle of blood now makes its way down and lands on your dress. Your eyes shift focus for a small second before you are forcefully brought back to the situation at hand when your father grabs your chin and your cheeks with his rough hand, the sharpness of his many rings leaving behind scratches on your skin as he looks directly into your eyes. Your breathing begins to tremble as his grip tightens, you want to push him away, but that would only make things worse.
After a few seconds like this, when he finally decides that you have been brought down to your place, he lets you go. Your knees hit the ground and not even the size of your dress was enough to prevent your skin from bruising, your face is numb and you look at him through the hair that covers your eyes, wiping the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Do not lie to me again,” he says, the “loving father figure” persona completely gone now and the real version of him shining through, “have you or have you not been… intimate with this filthy low life?” The disgust in his voice was palpable, his nose scrunching up at the simple thought that his daughter, the perfect princess who was raised with everything good and nice, could have been defiled by someone of a lower class.
“Yes,” you respond, trying hard to keep the tears that desperately want to flow down your face at bay.
The look on his face sends a wave of terror down your body, he clutches his teeth so intensely that it nearly seems like they are about to break, and his face is so red that anyone who walked into the room would assume he was having a heart attack or really bad indigestion. He clears his throat and adjusts his shirt, his hands clutching the fabric, the sound of his shoes against the marble floors filling your ears as he begins to pace around.
“During my visit to the Pephia Kingdom, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that King Pierre’s eldest son was in search of a bride,” he says, his fat fingers brushing against your books, leaving behind greasy marks on your precious and rare volumes, a part of your heart breaks for the once clean pages, but his voice echoes through the walls once more, demanding your attention, “and your name came up.”
“What?” You catch yourself responding, certainly, you misheard what he said and he wasn’t suggesting what you assumed he was? Your own father would not be as cruel as to punish you in such a manner, “Porter? He is… much older than me.”
A smile takes over the man’s features, “That is true, but I was also much older than your mother, and stepmother, and yet, here we are.”
“P-please, you can’t do this. I’ll behave, I’ll do anything!” You try to plead with him. No, this is much deeper than a simple plea, you are begging. Your body is trembling and the tears you tried so hard to keep hidden now shamelessly fall, there is nothing you want less than to be wed to a man twice your age, a man whom you have never met, not when your heart already belongs to someone else.
“Oh, but I can. I am the king and you will do as you are told!” He roars, his fist slams against the wall and it causes you to whimper and cower away in the corner of the room, “this marriage will finally end the war that has been going on for nearly a century. The war between the four kingdoms will come to an end and it will finally put my name as the rightful ruler of all men. You are my daughter, you were born to do your job as a woman.”
You want to scream, you want to beg some more but you know that there is no changing his mind. The thoughts go through your mind so quickly that you can barely keep up, the air in your lungs burns on the way in and on the way out, like there are small particles of glass all around you. “Please.”
“Accept your future, y/n, and I will spare the filthy peasant who dared sully my daughter.” His eyes shot daggers into your heart, the idea of losing them, the one person who you have loved your entire life, is nearly enough to kill you. So for them, maybe this once, you could do something useful. So you nod, your head hanging low as you wrap your arms around yourself, your once light-colored dress now covered in dirt. “Excellent, I will send a messenger over to Pephia and let them know the wedding will happen tomorrow, at dusk. You will be out of here and you will never see that... Freak again.”
The sound of his shoes leaving the room would usually fill you with a sense of hope, but this time, it only meant that you would soon meet your doom. There was no getting away from this, it was your duty as the crown princess to do what was best for your people and those around you, but... The idea of living without them? Without Hanji? It was a pain that could only be compared to the feeling of having your heart ripped out of your chest and stomped on.
You can’t move your body, your face still burns from the mark of your father’s rings, your knees are scraped and covered in dirt and your hair is now a mess from being thrown around like a cheap and replaceable doll. You stay like that, wondering if this was your life now, just another pawn in your father’s sick game for power and control.
The stars start to show up in the sky, the lanterns in the kingdom taking over the once colorful streets and turning them into a dark shade of orange, covered by shadows that dance in pathetic rhythm. Once you are finally able to collect yourself off of the floor, you walk towards the balcony, your legs nearly failing you as you hold onto the walls for support, the tears won’t stop pouring from your eyes.
Your body drapes over your favorite spot on the window, the pillows are now freezing cold as the night air hits the fabric, your fingers gripping tightly onto it as you bury your face in the surface, a scream leaving your lungs. The desperation you feel in this moment can only be absolved by one thing, by the one person who could save you.
You reach under the window for the loose tile on the ground, hoping to find the box you have kept hidden for so long. You were careless once before, the people of the kingdom had found out about your most precious secret, but not anymore. From inside the compartment, you pull a black cloth, the smell of your beloved taking over your nostrils and filling you with a warm sense of security. With trembling hands you wrap it around the window ledge, your eyes finally noticing the armed guards that keep a close watch on your room, your father must know you have a plan.
The different colors of fabrics you hide in that box represent different things: yellow if you missed them, red if you wanted to meet at your usual spot, blue if you would not be able to see them that night, and so on, but the black one is the one color you never had to use before, it meant you were in danger. You prayed so hard that this moment would never come, that the worry on their face when Hanji handed it to you and you laughed quietly, saying it wasn’t necessary, wasn’t warranted but, once again, you were wrong.
The night was cold, a complete contrast with how sunny and warm your day had been up until that unfortunate visit. While a few tears still stream down your face, you decide to get yourself ready while waiting for Hanji to come, you know they won’t take long so you want to be ready, the sooner you can get out of this hellhole, the better.
Thinking of what you were actually going to take with you was a harder task than you’d ever imagined. There was nothing inside these empty palace walls that you would want to take with you, nothing that couldn’t be replaced. Only two things came to mind: the love letters Hanji had written to you throughout your relationship and the sapphire ring that belonged to your mother. The rest? Could easily be bought or traded or forgotten.
In a small bag gifted to you by a young peasant girl from a nearby village, you decide to pack the two essential items and a few more things, such as a small sewing kit, a small book where you have written down your knowledge about every herb and fruit you have ever come in contact with, a hairbrush and, of course, a bit of food that was bound to last the two of you a few days.
Your once beautiful dress is now covered in dirt and some blood, the sight is so disgusting that you can barely look at yourself. When you walk past the mirror and realize the pathetic state you find yourself in, a fit of rage takes over your body and you can’t help but follow your first instinct to throw a book at the surface, shards of glass exploding all over your room as you cover your face.
Your nails dig through the fabric of the outfit you are wearing, ripping it to shreds as you attempt to remove it as fast as possible. The grunts that come from deep within your chest represent the frustration you are feeling at that moment, nothing else could compare. The idea that you are being sold to a random kingdom… for loving someone? Fuck that.
You catch yourself staring into nothing, a thousand thoughts going through your mind and you can’t help but bite off your fingernails, waiting for your beloved to appear, for them to make their grand entrance through the passage you found hidden in your room years before, as a child. The idea that they wouldn’t come crosses your brain and you shake your head vigorously, pushing the thought so far deep that it won’t see the light of day again.
Not long after, you hear a faint knock coming from the secret door underneath your carpet. You can’t help but fly towards it, ripping the fabric off of the ground and throwing it across the room, immediately unlocking the heavy area. The moment Hanji comes into your field of vision, you notice the scratches on their face, the dirt on the palms of their hands, and the growing concern behind those whiskey-colored eyes, even the slight way in which their nose scrunches up when they try to catch their breath doesn’t go by unnoticed.
You have barely any time to react before their arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer. Your arms, in response, grow a mind of their own and immediately wrap around their neck, your face buried in the area as you try your best to muffle your desolate cries. With tears of their own, Hanji guides you backward towards the bed, where the two of you lay for a while, crying in each other’s embrace.
The room is filled with outside lights and the deafening sound of your sobs. Hanji’s grip on you never loosens as you dig your nails through their clothes, your heart has never called their name quite like this before, it’s almost as if you need them to survive, more than food, more than air. All you need is Hanji. After what feels like an eternity, they break the silence.
“It’s true, isn’t it?” Their voice exhales a fake sense of calm that is completely unmasked by the trembling of their arms. They are desperately trying to keep the tears in their eyes at bay, trying to find a way to control their breathing while waiting for a response. You can only nod. “It’s all over the kingdom. I heard from my father that they are sending you away tomorrow?” 
“I didn’t... I - I can’t…” You try to speak but the words simply won’t come out, they die in your throat before even being able to escape and all you can do is quietly gasp for air, clinging onto Hanji as tightly as you possibly can. Their fingers go through your hair, attempting to calm you down but it’s futile, especially when they feel themselves break down as well. Their lips press against the top of your head intensely as they pour all of their love for you into this one small action. “I can’t… live without you.”
“I know..” They respond after a few seconds, seemingly lost in thought, “Do you remember when we first met?”
You pause for a second, the clear memory of the day coming into your mind. It was a rainy day, the dark clouds in the sky making it seem a lot more hurtful than it already was. You couldn’t have been more than eight years old at the time, barely old enough to attend your first meeting between your father and his counselors as they talked about the plans and tactics for the war at hand, nothing they were saying made much sense to you but you sat there and listened regardless, as it was your duty as the royal princess.
In the middle of a very serious part of the conversation, one of your mother’s lady-in-waiting bursts through the door. You can still see the pure look of terror in her eyes, not sure if she was afraid of your father’s reaction to this rude interruption or because of the reasoning behind it. Her breathing is ragged and she tries to catch her breath, her voice trembles, “Your Majesty… the queen... She collapsed!”
The room falls silent and all eyes now rest on your father, analyzing his facial expressions as he stands up from his seat. “What happened?” He asks, calmly. Your poor heart is racing in your chest as you want to desperately run out of this room, to your mother’s side, but you know that if you do, there will be consequences. 
“We were on a walk and she simply collapsed onto the ground, I tried my best to catch her but…” She attempts to continue but your father raises a hand, her mouth immediately closing in response.
“Was the doctor called?” He asks. She nods.
“Yes, your Majesty.” The lady-in-waiting responds quickly. You notice that her hands are trembling and her breathing is still a bit out of control. When she notices your curious eyes, she straightens her back and places her hands in front of her body, trying her best to look as collected as possible. 
“Good,” the king says loudly. Finally, he looks at you, “Y/n, why don’t you go and check on your mother while I finish this meeting? You can report back to me with everything once you have found out what is going on. I will be counting on it, ok?”
A smile forms on your lips, the idea of pleasing your father was always the first one in your mind, with every movement being perfectly planned and calculated. You salute and respond with enthusiasm, “Yes, sir. I will do my very best!”
He offers you a smile as he ruffles your hair, tilting his head towards the door so you can calmly but quickly follow the person who would lead you to your mother. 
The walk towards your parents’ bedroom is long. You can’t even hear the echoing of your footsteps with the heavy rain that falls outside. Your little brain works overtime, trying to figure out what is going on with your mother and what could possibly have resulted in her injuring herself like this. “So.. what’s the doctor’s name?”
The woman next to you jumps slightly, a clear sign that your words startled her, though her footsteps never cease to move forward. She thinks for a second, “I’m not sure what his first name is, but the people of the village call him Dr. Zoe. He is from a small city called Gillamoor, which is hidden in the mountains of the Vatebia Kingdom. One day he simply showed up, saying he was looking for refuge from the war for him and his child, I believe they are about your age. People say that his wife passed away on the way here. So far, he has treated pretty much all of the Kingdom for Sheep Fever and casualties have gone down drastically.” She smiles at you softly, “I think that covers all of your questions?”
You can feel your cheeks heat up as the embarrassment takes over, you can’t help but avert her eyes as you nod. Until one final question pops into your mind, that is, “You said he has a child my age?”
She smiles widely again and nods, “Yes, their name is Hanji. They may be a year or so older than you but I still think the two of you would get along greatly. Both of them are on their way to take a look at your mother, so you know she’ll receive the best care all of us can offer.” 
Once you find yourself standing outside the doors to your mother’s chambers, reality strikes once more. You had been so caught up in the idea of having a friend, in the idea of having someone to show your books to and maybe even play with, that you completely forgot the dire situation you were now facing.
Your small, trembling hands knock on the door but have little to no effect. Your breathing is a bit unstable as the fear of what you might encounter on the other side of the wooden door might be, but quickly you pull yourself together, showing this amount of emotion was unfitting of a future queen. You knock again, with more confidence this time, and, in response, you can hear a familiar and welcoming voice inviting you in.
The door finally opens and your eyes go through the room, attempting to find your mother. It doesn’t take long for her weak figure to come into your field of vision: she’s laying on the bed, dark bags under her eyes and a weird contraption touching her chest. You want to run towards her, to hug your mother and cry into your arms, but instead, you simply walk towards her, holding your hands in front of your body tightly.
You barely notice the presence of other people in the room, the cold feeling in the pit of your stomach never ceases, no matter how much you try to force it to fade away. Finally, you find yourself standing by your mother’s side, she looks nothing like the strong woman you are so used to seeing.
The sound of a man clearing his throat fills the air and you are forced to acknowledge the presence of other people in the room besides your family. The doctor offers you a comforting smile, he isn’t someone you’ve met before. His brown eyes match the color of his nicely parted hair, a pair of glasses sitting on his nose as he places the contraption that was once pressed against your mother’s chest around his neck.
“Your Highness,” he bows towards you slightly and you can’t help but feel your cheeks flush in embarrassment. “I’m Dr. Zoe, I’ll be in charge of your mother’s care from here on out.” All you can do is nod, your fingers lacing with the ones of the woman who lays on the bed. You notice a small figure hiding behind the doctor’s coat, their fingers slowly pulling the man’s sleeve down, the gesture earns a heartfelt giggle from the man, “This is my child and prodigy. Why don’t you introduce yourself, sweetheart?”
Your heart stops beating for a second as soon as your eyes meet the other child’s. Their eyes are a deeper shade of brown than their father’s and their hair is in a messy ponytail, a complete opposite of the adult standing by them. They have a pair of glasses sitting on top of their nose and, when they speak, you notice they have a tooth missing, “I’m Hanji, Your Highness.” They repeat the man’s gesture and bow before you slightly, dropping a few papers in the process. When they notice the mess, they bend down to pick it up and your first instinct is to help them collect the pages. 
You proceed to reach for the last one, not noticing that the other child is about to do the same thing, and, for a split second, your hands touch. It’s a brand new feeling you have never experienced before, almost as if there are flying little creatures around your stomach. You are too young to understand what is going on but that was the moment your first, and only, crush took hold of your brain.
The two of you stare at each other for a few seconds, your eyes meeting as you hand them the loose page on the ground. You notice the reddish blush that spreads across their cheek and it sends your little heart ablaze, almost enough to stop your breathing. “H- here you go,” you say in a shy voice.
They nod and look away, quickly standing up and retaking their spot next to their father. You shake your head and decide to do the same, taking your mother’s hands in yours while she smiles lovingly at you, a part of you can tell she knows exactly how you feel about the doctor’s child and you can’t help but ignore her gaze in embarrassment, which in response earns a weak giggle.
“So… Do you have any idea of what might be wrong?” The lady-in-waiting that stands next to you asks and you realize you were so caught up in the moment that you nearly forgot the reason why you were here in the first place. The man on the other side of the bed adjusts his glasses, looking over the results of the tests he performed on the queen.
“Unfortunately, it does seem Her Majesty has come down with Sheep Fever, this case in particular seems quite severe and in its later stages. It must have been dormant for quite some time now,” the doctor places down his papers, his eyes now looking directly at you when he flashes you a gentle smile, “Are you familiar with the disease, Your Royal Highness?”
You look down at your feet, embarrassed of the response you are about to give. “No, sir,” is all you can say. You’ve heard about it, sure, from the maids, the chefs, every single person who comes by the throne room every day to speak with your father, but you had never actually seen a case up close. The man smiles at you once more before turning his attention towards his own child.
“Hanji, why don’t you enlighten the princess on the condition?” His child looks at him through their glasses, their dark brown eyes meeting you within a second of the doctor finishing the first half of his sentence, “Maybe it will give her some peace of mind and sound a bit less scary if it comes from someone her own age.”
The nine-year-old takes a few steps closer to you, the papers they hold and the side of their hands smudged by black ink, a bit also smudged on their nose and you can’t help but feel your small heart skip a beat. They stop just at arm's length, clearing their throat and straightening their back, clearly attempting to look and sound older and more mature than they actually are.
“Sheep Fever has been associated with the consumption of poorly prepared meat or the consumption of milk that came from an infected sheep. Considering that the chefs of the castle always prepare the food to perfection and the tasters haven’t gotten sick, I would assume the cause comes from the latter.” 
You pay close attention to their words, entranced by the way they sound so… grown-up and so smart, no wonder they were already taking after their father’s profession, it seems like they have a natural gift. You can’t help but feel your face heat up, looking down at the floor in an attempt to hide the embarrassment that appears in the way you scrunch your nose.
“Symptoms often include muscle weakness and leg swelling, both of which we found to be present in your mother, I mean, Her Majesty, at the time,” they correct themselves before taking a quick look at their father, hoping for approval. The man nods softly and the child in front of you continues their explanation, “Shortness of breath can also occur, and that was the reason why she collapsed during her walk today.”
“Is there… anything else?” You ask, making a mental note of all the information they are presenting you with so you can later report back to your father regarding your mother’s condition. You notice for a second as their eyes sparkle, almost as if… nobody had ever asked them that before.
“Actually, yes!” They respond with a bit too much excitement in their voice. Immediately, they correct themselves, “I mean, yes. Toe numbness and excessive yawning can also occur in more severe cases, such as the Queen’s. Father and I believe the swelling has traveled from her legs to other areas of her body since her fingers have also grown in size.”
For a second, they stop talking. You aren’t sure if they have simply finished their explanation or if they’ve noticed the tears that stream down your face. The once giddy expression on their face dissipates as they carefully place the stack of papers in their hands onto the ground, taking a few steps closer to you. You can’t look up at them anymore, so your eyes avert toward the stack of pages on the ground. You try your best to think about what to say in this scenario but nothing comes to mind, you are just a scared little girl after all.
When you look back up again, you are hit by the sudden pressure of a pair of small arms wrapping around you. You freeze in place, not knowing how exactly to react. Rushed footsteps try to reach you, someone telling the other child to pull away but all you can hear is their voice, a soothing tone ever so different from the overly excited one they presented earlier, “I’m sorry, Your Highness, but if anyone can help Her Majesty, it’s daddy. He learned from my grandparents, who were healers way before my parents were even born.”
You smile softly through the tears, “is that why you are learning?” You ask through the sniffles and they nod, the eager expression taking hold of their face one more time. They look so adorable that you can’t help but giggle once more.
“I want to be a great healer one day,” they respond, the blush that spread across their cheek now deepening as they avert your gaze, their fingers begin to fidget with a random strand of hair that falls on their face, “so if you are sick, I can take care of you… and I promise to save you, no matter what.”
You are finally brought back to reality after a trip down memory lane, your face snuggling close to Hanji’s chest as you are reminded of the situation you currently find yourself in. You nod in response to their question, “Yes… I remember the day we met…”
“I made you a promise,” they say, their voice barely louder than a whisper as their fingers ghost above the skin of your shoulder, “that I would save you, no matter what, didn’t I?” You nod in response once more, trying to understand where exactly they are going with this rant, not that you ever minded hearing them talk, it was definitely one of your favorite things in this world, the sound of their voice contained soothing properties that could only be compared to the lightest of teas. “Let’s run away.”
Your heart stops for a second and your breath gets caught in your throat. The idea crossed your mind and you had already packed a bag while you were at the peak of your rage, but to hear Hanji actually suggesting it… That was a completely different scenario. “A-are you sure? What about your father’s clinic?”
They shake their head, “ever since he passed, the only thing in this place that has felt like home has been the barn outside the mountains where we would meet. The moments I’ve held you in my arms like this have been more comforting to me than the memories I’ve had at that clinic. Besides, my father wanted to expand his knowledge further, to treat more people in other areas but… I asked him to stay here because… Well, because I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember.”
You can’t help but hide your face in the crook of their neck, snuggling your body as close to theirs as you possibly can. Hanji can’t help but allow a small giggle to escape their lips, feeling as your body trembles slightly beneath their touch, their grip on you tightening slightly and it is nearly enough to stop the air from flowing to your lungs. You don’t mind it.
“That’s so nice to hear,” you respond in a whispered voice, “my heart has been yours since our hands touched for a split second years ago. Even before I knew what romantic love was.” You prop your body up on the pillow, your hand resting underneath your chin as you stare into Hanji’s eyes, those adoring glasses shoot at you causing butterflies to flutter around in your stomach, “my heart beats for you and no one else.”
They smile smugly, attempting to hide the red tint that covers their entire face, they bring their face closer to yours, lips brushing against one another ever so gently, just barely enough for them to tickle each other. Hanji’s voice is quiet but their words hit you with the same effect as if they have just screamed at the top of their lungs, “Say you’ll run away with me.”
Your eyes flutter closed and you nod, it’s subtle and almost undetectable but Hanji is more than used to every tiny movement you make. Their lips finally press against yours, gentle at first, caring for you like you are a wounded animal, but it suddenly escalates into something much deeper. Their tongue traces the outline of your lower lip, silently begging for entrance and you quickly oblige, parting your mouth ever so slightly and the way they hum in response lets you know that you are doing something right.
Your tongue dances with theirs in a passionate tango, exploring the inside of each other’s mouth like it is the first time all over again. It’s a feeling you will never get tired of, the feeling of being this close to them, to the person who has been by your side in the hardest times, the person whose name is echoed with every beat of your heart.
Sadly, you are forced to pull away, cursing yourself for needing to breathe, a small string of saliva connecting your bodies and you can’t contain the smile that makes its way to your lips. Your fingers gently brush against their cheek, your foreheads touching for a while as you continue to enjoy this moment together.
“Yes…” You finally respond, your eyes still closed as you teasingly brush your lips against theirs again before pulling away, “I… I’ll run away with you.”
“I don’t know where we are going, but give me an hour to gather some things,” they whisper, slowly pulling away from you. You reach out, fingers brushing against the skin of their arm as they pull away, your lower lip trembling as a sense of panic takes over you, the fear that something will happen to them in the meantime taking over, “I promise I will be back for you, so be ready, ok?”
You nod, watching as Hanji blows you a kiss before disappearing through the small door underneath the carpet once more. The dark shadows of the night dance around your room, taunting you of the destiny you are bound to face if your father were to catch you.
Deciding that you can’t simply stand around and do nothing, you get up, reaching for the water jug that rests on the corner of the bedroom. With a bit of soap, you wash away the dried blood and dirt from your hands, watching as the water turns into a deep shade of maroon, the metallic smell entering your nostrils and you can’t help but turn your head away.
You change out of the destroyed dress, throwing it in another corner of the room. Your heart aches slightly, it was a dress your mother had chosen for you before she passed, something that reminded you of her and your father had, once again, taken that small sense of comfort away from you.
Your memories go towards the times when things weren’t so bad when your parents were still in love and happy with the blessing of finally having an heir after many, many years of trying. The times when you could still see light in his eyes when he looked at you and not the shell of a man who now was only interested in power and full control.
As the night progresses and the moon descends, a bottomless pit forms in your stomach, waiting for Hanji to return. Your small bag had been packed since earlier that day and you were wearing the least fancy outfit you owned, which was still extremely fashionable regardless, you knew there was a possibility that it would cause you to stand out, but that is a chance you would have to take.
Finally, when you feel as if your heart can no longer wait, you hear the sound of Hanji’s knock coming from the ground, a few tears of relief brew in your eyes as you move the carpet away, giving them the space needed to enter your room. They carry two small bags in their hands, one bigger than the other but still relatively petite. 
They immediately drop them onto the floor, freeing their arms so they could wrap around you. It takes very few seconds for your body to respond to their actions, your legs grow a mind of their own as you rush to their embrace, tears streaming down your cheeks as you nuzzle your face against Hanji’s chest, “what took you so long?” You ask, your voice trembling in a mixture of fear and relief.
“I’m sorry,” they responded quietly, their voice shaking as well, “I was gathering things from the clinic, such as a few samples of the herbs my father kept and the book my family kept on every condition we have ever treated. It took me a while to get out of the village, you know how much those women love to gossip,” they giggle quietly and you hum. The room falls silent for a moment as you enjoy the feeling of being in their arms, “I got you some of my older clothes, they might be a bit big on you but… I think it’s better than... Whatever you are trying to go for right now”
You gasp dramatically, playfully pushing their shoulders away and they chuckle, a sound that sends goosebumps down your spine and you can’t help but look at them with lovestruck eyes. The love in your heart emanates throughout your body and all you want to do is jump on their arms and stay intertwined with them forever.
“I tried my best, okay?” You respond, trying your hardest to make sure your voice doesn’t carry through the room. This is the first time all day that you have felt a genuine smile creeping onto your lips, even if you are rolling your eyes and pouting at Hanji the entire time, “I don’t have any less extravagant clothes.”
“I can tell,” Hanji muffles a laugh and you gasp again, your hands brushing against their chest as you land small and gentle hits on their skin. In response, Hanji wraps their arms around your waist, tightly pulling you into another hug while lifting you off the floor, and spinning you around. You try your best to contain your squeals of excitement, biting down on your lower lip as you do so. After a while, they finally place you back on the ground, brushing a strand of hair off of your face, “Go change, I’ll make sure no one is coming.”
You nod, rushing towards the partition wall that stands by the closet. Every small movement you make seems to be louder than the town crier’s voice at early dawn, but maybe it’s just the nervousness taking hold of your emotions. You try your best to remain calm, the plain thought that Hanji is in the room with you is enough to soothe your nerves more than any possible tea could.
They were right, their clothes are indeed a bit bigger and the fabric is not nearly as soft as what you are used to. There are a few holes here and there and the mysterious stains that cover most of the shirt remind you of the experiments Hanji used to do when you both were children, but there is a bright side: the scent of her skin has now been engraved on the clothes and, with every step you take, it feels like their arms are constantly wrapped around you.
Once you walk out from behind the fake, wooden wall, Hanji’s curious eyes fall on you and, even through the dim light from the candle, you can see a dark shade of red spreading across their cheeks when they fully take in the sight of you wearing their clothes. It sets their heart ablaze and they can barely focus on the challenges the two of you are about to face.
“You look beautiful,” they say, their voice is barely louder than a whisper and the timid way in which they look in a different direction doesn’t fail to get a heartfelt chuckle out of you, “are you ready?”
You take their hand, a deep sigh escaping your throat as you two prepare to get down through the secret door on the floor. Until someone knows on your door, that is.
At that moment, your heart stops beating. The fear that courses through your veins is too severe to express and you feel as though you are frozen in place, unable to move, breathe, or even blink. The palms of your hands begin to sweat and you feel yourself beginning to shake. Tears form in your eyes as you squeeze Hanji’s hand, the panic clearly written all over your facial expression.
They place their index finger in front of their lips, silently asking you to remain quiet. You struggle to fight back the sobs that form in the back of your throat, using your free hand to cover your mouth. The two of you stay perfectly still for a while, hoping that whoever is standing on the other side of the door will soon give up and walk away.
Another knock and you can feel your body beginning to sink to the ground with fear. It isn’t until the third knock that the person on the other side identifies themselves, “Your Highness, it’s me.” You would recognize that voice anywhere, your mother’s favorite lady-in-waiting, the one who was by your mother’s side in her last moments and who was also by your side when you and Hanji first met. There had never been any secrets between the two of you, but for some reason, you found yourself terrified of what she would do if she were to find out your plans.
You and Hanji begin to make your way towards the main door, fingers permanently laced together as you place your ear against the door, responding in a hushed though shaky voice, “Yes?”
“May I come in?” She asks, the tone of her voice is full of worry and care for you and it reminds you of your own mother. You look at your beloved for any signs of disapproval but all you see in their eyes is a lot of love and support. Carefully, you open the door and, just by the way she looks at you and holds a package in her hands, you can tell that she isn’t here to yell at you.
“Libet, you should not be here,” you whisper in the most cautious voice you can muster, still tightly holding onto Hanji’s hands as the woman closes the door behind her. She wears a dark cloak above her nightgown, her hair is down in a tangled mess and the redness in her eyes tells you that she has been crying, the sight is the complete opposite of the strong woman you are so used to. “What happens if you get caught?”
She shakes her head furiously, arms wrapping around your body in an intense hug. You can feel your own body trembling as you return the affection, both of your bodies sinking to the floor after you finally let go of Hanji’s hand. They take a step back, allowing you to have some space while still remaining on guard, just in case something goes wrong during this exchange. 
Silent tears stream down your face, the tightness in your chest increasing as you finally stop to think about the good things you are leaving behind. The woman can tell that you are lost in thought, so she brushes your cheek with her thumb, stopping a tear in its tracks.
“I… I needed to say goodbye,” she whispers, hands carefully brushing your face, much like your mother used to do when you would have a bruise or a cut. She reminds you so much of her. “I brought you a few supplies, it isn’t much but it will last the two of you a few days. There are also a few extra seeds, once you find a suitable place, plant those and remember that they were your mother’s favorites. Also a bit of money.”
“But… How did you know?” Hanji asks quietly, kneeling beside you. The woman smiles, her free hand now gently touching your beloved’s arm and you notice a dark blush spreading across their cheeks as they attempt their best not to look away.
“I know Her Highness like the palm of my hand,” she whispers softly, touching her forehead with your own, “and, if she’s anything like her mother, which believe me, she is, she wouldn’t just sit still, and allow her dad to ship her off to somewhere distant, especially if it meant she would never see you again. Her heart calls your name, after all, Hanji.”
“But…” the two of you speak in unison, sharing a look of confusion as the woman chuckles, clearly amused by the expression on your faces.
“You two have never been very good at hiding,” she responds, and your eyes immediately fall onto the ground, too embarrassed to look at either the woman or Hanji. The only reason you lift your gaze is because you can hear Hanji’s inquisitive tone coming from beside you.
“That day at the tower… When I felt like someone was watching us… Our first kiss..” They say, the words fighting to come out as their brain works overtime to form the necessary sentences, “That was you?” Their question is responded to only by a simple nod and a smile. Do you want to disappear, knowing that someone saw the two of you in such a vulnerable state? It makes your face burn and your vision nearly goes black.
The sound of footsteps and shadows dancing outside of your room is a reminder that you don’t have time to sit around and talk. If you were to escape before sunrise, this is your one and only moment to do it. So you take the package from her hands and stuff it in with the rest of the things you’ve packed. It isn’t very big so it doesn’t take up a large amount of space.
As you stand up, you wrap your arms around her once more, her green eyes meeting yours as she plants a gentle kiss on your forehead. Her voice is quiet.
“For guidance.”
Another kiss, this time on your fingertips.
“For control.”
And lastly, she plants a kiss on the tip of her own fingers before brushing it against the left side of your chest, her eyes filled with tears and you can barely see her pupils through the tears, her voice is trembling and her hand isn’t as steady as it usually was.
“For eternal love.”
You want to say something, maybe stay with her for a few more moments, but when Hanji opens the secret exit to your room, you realize you are out of time. So with one more look, you take your beloved’s hand, making sure to take in the view of the room you grew up in one last time.
Before you can leave, you decide to ask for one more favor, “would you care for Tegan for me? I want to entrust his safety to someone I trust and I would prefer it if my father would stay away from my cat.”
Libet nods, “Don’t worry, I will care for him like he is my own. I’m sure he will get along great with my own animal. He’s always had a precious heart, much like your own.”
You flash her another look and she can tell you are hesitating, but when a shadow lingers around your door for too long, she gives you that necessary push you need to finally get things up and running. She smiles at you while Hanji guides you down the steps for the very first time.
“Good-bye, Your Highness,” the woman waves at you, finally allowing your hand to be free to take Hanji’s. Your eyes meet hers and, for a second, you feel like you are staring at your mother. Your heart beats a bit faster than before and you offer her a smile.
“Call me y/n,” you respond, a single tear falling down your face. Libet chuckles, her hand reaching for the doorknob so she can shut it as soon as you and Hanji are completely out of sight.
“Goodbye, y/n,” she says, her voice is so docile it could almost be compared to freshly made honey, “I hope to meet you again someday. But if I don’t, I will make sure to see you in my next lifetime.” Her words strike you like lightning, your whole body feels like it's on fire, the fear of leaving her alone in this castle is so strong that you are only brought back to the reality of your situation when she pushes you at the same time as Hanji tugs at your hand.
Your eyes only leave hers when you are out of view and you can hear the door shutting behind you. Even though Hanji instructed you not to speak, you want to say something, to ask them if this moment is really real or if it’s just a stupid dream your mind created to cope with the situation. But you don’t say anything, you just follow them, their certain footsteps letting you know that they’ve crossed this cramped space more times than you could count.
The walls of the tunnel are covered in spiderwebs, a smell that you could only assume came from a dead animal hidden somewhere behind one of the bricks and the only light comes from the small candle that rests in Hanji’s hand. A thousand thoughts go through your head but, when you notice that they are shaking slightly, you squeeze their hand three times, a silent way of saying “I love you.”
That small action causes Hanji to stop dead in their tracks, their shaky breath finally returning to normal as they turn around to look at you and you can’t help but be mesmerized. Even in this dim lighting with dirt covering their cheeks, they are still the most beautiful human being you have ever laid your eyes on and just the thought of starting a new life with them nearly makes all the nervousness dissipate from your body.
A careful arm wraps around your waist, their forehead touching yours as they silently mouth back the words “I love you too.” No sound is needed for you to realize that they meant every bit of it. With your eyes closed, you lean forward ever so slightly, your lips brushing against theirs softly.
Hanji’s breath smells like a mixture of berries and bananas, a small snack they would often munch on before an important event or when they were nervous. They’ve told you in the past these particular fruits contained soothing properties and were known for the mixture of sweetness and tanginess, the perfect effect to ground someone back to reality. Your heart breaks slightly when you realize just how intense the taste of their lips is.
Their body melts against your touch and, even though you are in a hurry, they can’t help but give in to the sensation. They part their lips ever so slightly, a clear path for your tongue to gain entry and you can’t contain the smile that forms on the right corner of your mouth. 
Teasingly, you brush the tip of your tongue against theirs and you hear Hanji whimpering quietly in response. The sound alone is enough to send goosebumps running down your spine, all you want to do is strip them and just spend some time together, right there in the dirty, old tunnel. You bring your hand up to cup their face, not only trying to calm their nerves but a way of grounding yourself back again in the seriousness of the situation.
When Hanji tilts their head to the right, you know you’ll be done for unless you pull away. It takes every ounce of your strength, every last bit of it to part ways, a small string of saliva still connecting your bodies while you look at them with love-filled eyes. Hanji was your very first kiss and, even though years have already passed, you still hope they will be your very last. 
A small smile appears on the corner of their mouth as they press their lips against yours in a much quicker kiss, they look at you with thankful eyes, almost as if silently saying how badly they need that small token of your affection. But both of you are aware that talking in this situation is not an option, so you are left to only interpret what they have to say.
Once the two of you regain your composure, you begin walking towards the exit once more. Your steps now carry more confidence than before, certain that this is for the best, the doubts that once clouded your mind have now cleared and, even if you are not sure what the future holds, you know that you’ll be fine as long as you and Hanji are together.
Finally, the moonlight comes into view and the cold wind of the night hits you in the face, it is the most refreshing feeling you have ever felt before. You are still scared: of the guards finding you, of what might happen to Libet, of your father’s reaction. But one look at Hanji’s face and you can tell this is the right choice for you, after all, this is the most freedom you’ve had since your mother’s death.
You had never seen this pathway to the stables and you pay close attention to how dangerous it is. Something was covering the ground that you couldn’t figure out if it was mold, moss, or a disgusting mixture of both, but all you could actually tell was how slippery it was. You realized this because, if it weren’t for Hanji’s protective hands on your lower back, you would have found yourself sitting on the ground after slipping. At least three separate times.
This hidden part of the city was different than anything you had ever experienced. It has a different smell than the ones from the main areas, even the way the lights from the lanterns cover the walls seem somehow different. You can see people dancing around in bars, the sound of laughter and music fills the streets, and, even though it is late at night, children are playing around with street animals. It’s a kind of life you had never been introduced to but always dreamt about.
You can see your breath every time air comes in contact with your lungs, your body shivering in a mixture of fear, excitement, and cold. Hanji’s hand in yours is so warm and it causes your blood to flow at a rapid speed, somehow keeping you from freezing on the spot.
“Okay, we are almost there,” they say, their voice so quiet and full of love, while their gaze transmits a concerned expression, “are you doing okay?” You’re enamored by the way they look under the pale moonlight, the way you can clearly see the droplets of sweat that form on their forehead, even though it is extremely cold. Their fingers brush against the top of your hand, comforting your racing heart. You nod.
“Y-yeah,” you respond and Hanji smiles. God, the way one of their teeth is slightly crooked is such a small detail and you would only be able to notice it if you were paying close attention, but for you, it was one of their most endearing physical qualities. Faintly, you can hear the horses as the stables come into your vision.
You and Hanji pick up the pace of your steps, freedom is within your reach, and all you need to do is make sure to grab a horse. From afar, you can see Elowen, the horse you’ve had for a few years now and the fastest one you’ve had throughout your entire life, you couldn’t see yourself riding another horse out of this situation that isn’t her.
Before you have time to reach the building, Hanji’s strong grip pulls you into a dark alleyway, their index finger quickly taking place in front of their lips as they silently begs you to remain quiet, and, in response, you cover your mouth with your hand. 
They lean their head forward, peaking out of the area in an attempt to see what is going on. You copy their action, noticing a couple of castle guards walking by. The two men, whom you’re more than familiar with, are part of your father’s personal guard and it sends a chill up your spine. Could he possibly already have noticed your absence?
It’s not until both men enter a bar nearby that you allow yourself to breathe. Your body trembles and your blood runs cold, you can feel a surge of panic washing over you, is this a mistake? Maybe you should fulfill your duty to your kingdom and not selfishly run away. Maybe you should accept that you are nothing more than a simple tool, maybe... Just maybe... You aren’t good enough.
Hanji notices the look on your face and the way your eyes are fixated on the ground, the way your body begins trembling once again, and the way you seem to hyperventilate. So they look around again quickly and, when they notice the coast is clear, they pull you in for a tight hug, holding your body against theirs as tightly as they possibly can.
“This has already been one hell of a ride, huh?” They chuckle in a desperate attempt to mask the trembling in their voice. Their breathing is shallow, almost as if they are afraid to let their guard down for even a nanosecond. Your fingertips brush against their cheek softly, a smile forming on your lips as you look up at them, your eyes meeting.
“I’m so in love with you,” you whisper softly, your head laying against their chest, “ever since I first met you, I’ve wanted nothing more than to be your bride.” Immediately, you notice a maroon blush spread across their face and, with it, an endearing smile, it causes your heart to race in your chest and you nearly stop breathing.
“I… I’ve dreamt of hearing you say that for so long,” they whisper, their voice soothing and warm in contrast with the cold air that surrounds you, “I’ve spent my entire life, from the moment I first saw you, trying to crawl my way up as the most successful doctor in all the land, just so one day I could be worthy of a princess. Let’s get moving, the sooner we get out of here, the sooner I can make you my bride.”
“But you are worthy!” You spout, a little louder than you initially meant to, so you quickly take a look around to make sure no one heard you. Once you realize the coast is clear, you continue in a much quieter tone of voice, “You are extraordinary. You were able to study and explore such complicated diseases, finding cures and even causes. There is no other like you, and for my final command as your princess, never speak such things about yourself again.” You say with a serious expression on your face, “Please.”
Hanji snorts quietly and nods, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, “Yes, Your Highness. As you wish.” You roll your eyes but the butterflies in your stomach begin to float around once more, the mere sight of their smile is enough to awaken the turmoil inside of you.
The two of you begin to make your way towards the stables once more, you could not be more than a minute or so away when you realize that Elowen has already been prepared and set outside to wait for your arrival. A pit forms in your stomach as you fear you’ve been discovered by someone else but you are quickly greeted by a message from Libet.
“Your Highness,
You have no time to lose, so I took the liberty of preparing your horse myself. She has been fed and there are a few food rations and treats for her in the small pouch around her neck. I am so sorry there isn’t more I can do for you, but do know that I am rooting for you.
Your mother would have been so incredibly proud of the woman you are becoming. It is unfortunate we will never get the blessing of seeing you as our queen, I think you would have been able to change our world. But no matter where you are, Her Majesty and I will be with you, protecting you from afar.
Please, may the two of you be safe and happy on this new journey. May we meet again under better circumstances.
Your heart is flooded once more by the intense feelings of appreciation. It was a different kind of love, the kind you had been missing since the Queen’s passing. To have someone care for you and want nothing more than your happiness… It was something your father had never gotten even close to achieving, something he could never understand: how to love his own child.
As you read the letter, Hanji places the two bags you were carrying onto the horse’s saddle, making sure everything is tightly packed into place. They quietly guide the animal a little further outside of the range of the night guards, who are too drunk to even realize what is happening. You place the piece of paper into your pocket, ensuring that this final piece of home will stay with you during your travels.
You decide to mount the horse first, seeing as you have more experience with this kind of situation than Hanji does. Their firm hands give you a gentle booster as you wrap your other leg around Elowen’s body, straddling her back. Then, it’s your turn to offer Hanji some help. As you extend your hand, you notice the pinkish blush that covers their cheeks, their fingers brushing against your palm before they accept your pull, and you can’t help but smile.
Once they find a comfortable position on top of the horse, they pull out a small blanket from one of your bags, placing it above their shoulders and making sure it reaches you as well. Lastly, they wrap their arms around you, still holding onto the cloth as they rest their head on your back. You can feel their soft nod against you, the sign that the two of you are ready to start moving.
Carefully but firmly, you poke the heel of your feet against the horse’s ribs and she starts to move, slowly at first but once you repeat your movements, she begins to pick up speed. 
Using the moonlight as your guide, the two of you find yourselves going into the forest. For the final time, you bid the kingdom that raised you goodbye, silently waving goodbye to your mother’s resting spot and the place where she had raised you. But even from an early age, you knew the burden of wearing the crown was too much to bear, so finally managing to get away from it was like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders.
As the hooves of your horse crunch the leaves and sticks that fly from the trees onto the ground, Hanji rests their head on your back, arms tightly wrapped around you while always making sure your body is covered by the blanket, protecting you from the night wind as best as they can. You aren’t sure how long the two of you have been moving for, could be a few minutes or a few hours.
Raindrops begin to fall from above, the earth beneath you turns to mud and it splashes onto your clothes. With a sigh, you take a look around, trying to find a place for shelter. When the rain begins to intensify, you hear Hanji’s voice coming from behind you.
“I remember coming into this area with my father once,” they say, snapping their fingers a few times as they try to think of the words, “if I’m not mistaken, there is an abandoned barn just past the old, dirty road. Turn left on that crooked tree and we should be there in less than two minutes.”
You nod, hitting the sides of your horse with the balls of your feet, prompting her to speed up her movements. As usual, Hanji is correct and the barn finally comes into view. By that point, the two of you are already soaked as water has begun to pour from the sky, and loud claps of thunder fill your ears, scaring all three of you.
Once you reach the area, you make sure to place some food down for your horse as Hanji removes the equipment from her back. The two of you begin to pet the animal, reassuring her that she is doing a great job and how thankful you guys are for her hard work bringing you this far. Of course, she probably doesn’t understand, but you like to think she looked content nevertheless. 
When you look at Hanji, they have the brightest smile on their face and it turns your heart into a pounding mess. They take a few steps closer, their hand grabbing onto your waist as you feel your body heating up from that small contact, trembling softly not knowing if it is because you are soaked from the rain or due to the softness of Hanji’s touch. 
Their hand reaches inside of your shirt, slowly gliding up and down your back as it leaves a trail of goosebumps behind in its wake. Without even realizing it, you avert your gaze, too embarrassed to look at them, only for you to feel their free hand reaching for your chin and carefully forcing you to maintain eye contact, “don’t look away.” 
You nod, your lips quivering softly as you shiver. Even in the dark, you can see those hypnotizing brown eyes staring at you, a devious and dangerous smile on their lips as Hanji knows they have you in the palm of their hand. They bring their fingers back to your hips, slightly digging their nails into your soft skin, dragging a whimper out of you.
“H-Hanji…” Your voice falters and you can hear a faint chuckle, their shadow leans forward towards you, lips brushing against your neck and you can’t help but lean back slightly, giving them better access to such a sensitive area. Just as you are starting to fully surrender to them, Hanji pulls away.
“Let’s make a fire and…” Their eyes travel up and down your body before they smile again, “then we can get you out of those wet clothes.” You can feel your entire face burning in embarrassment but you nod, moving around the barn as you look for things to use as kindling.
Most of the things around you are wet as a result of the rain but hidden underneath what used to be a workbench, you find a pile of dry pine cones. Carefully, you bend down to reach for them, watching closely for any rusted nails that might be poking out or any bugs that could be crawling around the area. Once you feel the rough surface against your hand, you call out to Hanji.
“Hey, I found these, do you think it would be enough until the rest of this wood dries off?” You ask, wiping away the hand you used to prop yourself up from the ground. They nod, taking the plants from your hands and running their fingers through it, feeling the texture.
“Yeah, these would be perfect,” they smile, taking a few steps toward the center of the barn. The moonlight and raindrops come through a broken patch on the roof, so while Hanji is in charge of making a fire, you decide to make your way toward the supplies and retrieve some dry clothes while hanging the wet ones to dry. 
Slowly, you remove your shirt, the feeling is nearly identical as though you still have the wet clothes on. Goosebumps travel through your skin and you can’t help but shiver violently, your nipples hardening as your skin comes in contact with the chill air.
As you hook your thumb onto the waistband of your pants, you feel a pair of hands wrapping around your torso, the sudden feeling bringing a small gasp out of you. Hanji buries their face on the side of your neck, gently taking in the aroma you exhale, it earns a small chuckle out of them.
“You smell so good,” they whisper, their voice is tender, carrying the softest of tones, yet you can still hear that devious sound, the desire that has been brewing for the past few days, from before the two of you even decided to run away. You nuzzle yourself against their touch and your action only serves to fuel Hanji’s appetite. Their hands grow bolder, tickling your abdomen as they make their way towards your breasts, cupping them tightly, “you are so soft.”
A breathless whimper escapes your lips and you close your eyes, leaning into the sensation their hands are providing you with. Their warm breath now transforms into heartfelt kisses, which then proceed to turn into love bites, marking the area with their teeth. Their left hand carefully shifts so that their index finger and thumb gently pinch your nipple while their right hand begins to glide down your body. You moan quietly in response, not pulling away from the touch.
Hanji smiles, humming softly as their hand finally finds its way toward the waistband of your pants, “take these off,” they order as they pull away, leaving you wanting for more. You can already begin to feel the wetness pooling in your underwear, so you nod and oblige, removing the clothes from your legs and standing before them wearing nothing but your underwear. They shake their head, “I meant all of it.”
The seriousness in their tone catches you off guard but, once again, you nod. Your fingers gently hook to the sides of your panties, pulling them down your body before you drape them over the improvised clothing line you’ve hung on the barn. You’re too embarrassed to look at them, almost as if it was the first time they were seeing you naked.
Your eyes are closed, but you can hear the sound of their footsteps as they place their own clothes onto the line. The thought of their naked body exposed to you causes another surge of wetness to drip down your legs, the excitement coursing through your veins almost as if it were an essential part of your blood. When their fingers touch your arm, you finally open your eyes, sensing their body behind you.
Their touch is featherlike, so soft that it nearly tickles. The words that leave their lips are sweeter than honey and they make you melt as soon as you hear them, “You’re so beautiful, I could just stay like this with you all night.”
You try to think of words to say in response, but your body betrays you and not a single coherent thought goes through your mind, the only answer you can provide them with is a low whimper, a vocal representation of how much you crave their grace.
Their bare chest presses against your back, lips gently brushing against your neck while their right hand travels to explore your skin, going from your arms, then gently brushing against the lower part of your breasts, continuously making its way down your stomach, only to finally find its resting place just above the mound of your pussy. You reach behind you to wrap an arm around their neck, pulling them even closer to your body and you can hear a faint gasp escaping their lips, it has an instant reaction in your heart as it feels like it’s about to run out of your body.
Carefully, their fingers spread your folds apart, exposing your swollen clit to the cold night air. You hiss quietly in response, shutting your eyes tightly as you nuzzle yourself against them. They glide down a bit more, swirling their digits around your tight entrance and gathering the wetness that was once trapped inside.
“You are already so wet for me,” they whisper, nibbling on your shoulder softly. Your face feels like it's on fire and all you can do is surrender to their touch, instinctively spreading your legs apart slightly so Hanji will have better access to the most sensitive area of your body. They chuckle, a low and rough sound, “Good girl.”
Hanji moves their hands away and you grunt in disapproval, but it quickly goes away when Hanji flips you around so you are facing them as they proceed to pick you up in their arms, almost as if you weigh nothing. They carry your body closer to the fire, carefully laying you down on the small camping area the two of you set up.
Their eyes never leave yours, that loving gaze you’ve grown so used to analyzing your every move, every small reaction your body may have to their actions. The smile on their lips never fades, it in fact grows wider once you bring your hand up to cup their face and begin to brush their cheek with your thumb.
Hanji nuzzles themselves against your touch, one hand supporting their body upwards so they are above you and the other softly travels through the sides of your body, forcing a mixture between a moan and a giggle out of you.
“I love the way you react to my touch,” they whisper, their voice laced with desire and passion. Their movements become a bit rougher and it turns into an evident contrast with their kisses, which could only compare to the silk pillows you were so used to sleeping on.
“I love the way you touch me,” you whisper in response, your voice is so low that it is barely audible. Hanji smiles, a simple action that could easily outshine the sun if they tried. Your heart races in your chest and you can feel your excitement dripping down your legs, leaving behind a trail of your dedication towards your beloved.
“I know this is no way to speak to a princess…” They whisper, moving a strand of hair away from your forehead, “But I know how to make this night special for you.” You tilt your head, puzzled by what could they possibly have in mind but, before you have time to ask, they remove the ribbon that holds their autumn-colored hair up. The strands fall on their face and the shadows dance with their skin, your breath hitches in your throat and you can’t seem to be able to look away, absolutely mesmerized by their beauty. This is why their next sentence catches you so off guard, “sit on my face.”
You choke softly on your own spit, using both of your elbows to prop your body up, “I beg your pardon?” You find yourself blinking repeatedly, trying your best to process their request, no, their demand. Hanji chuckles in response, laying their head on the floor.
“You heard me,” is all they say before patting their cheeks, much like you would do on a chair or a… Different “seating” surface. Your entire body burns in embarrassment as your eyes meet, the expression on their face indicating they could not be more serious.
“I don’t want to crush you,” your voice falters and it’s now Hanji’s turn to prop their body up with their elbows. They vigorously shake their head and you know exactly what they are thinking, so you continue, “I… We’ve tried this before… And I almost hurt you. You know I can’t hold myself up after a while.”
“y/n…” The softness in their voice is almost alarming, a dangerous tone that they only used when they wanted to convince you of something, “if you start to hurt me, I will push your ass back up with my hands.” You can tell by the expression on their face that they have been thinking about this for quite some time, just waiting for the perfect moment to bring it up to you again. You let out a long sigh.
“Alright,” you nod as there is a sudden light in their eyes that was not there before, “but if I start to hurt you AT ALL, you will let me know, right?” You give them a pleading look, silently begging them to make this promise. Without missing a beat, it’s Hanji’s turn to nod.
“I promise!” They eagerly respond and, with that, they lay back down on the floor, their cheeks a crimson color as a love-drunk smile takes over their lips. 
With unstable legs, you move closer to them, your breathing is shaky and, for once, it’s not from the cold. You can hear your heart beating in your ears and it might as well have been the loudest sound that echoes through these empty barn’s walls. You feel your stomach twirling around anxiously but the sight of Hanji’s eager lips is enough to send a shiver down your spine and put your mind at ease.
Carefully, you place your knees on each side of their face. Your eyes meet theirs and you can’t help but feel embarrassed once more, almost as if this is the first time the two of you are being intimate. The genuine expression on Hanji’s face sends your heart into a flutter and you look away.
As they hook their arms over your thighs, they speak to you in a caring tone, their voice filled with what could only be described as the most raw and unfiltered love for you, “I want you to look at me, please.” Your lower lip trembles but you oblige, tilting your head down so that your eyes can meet, “your scent is intoxicating, I could spend the rest of my days down here, just living in between your legs.”
“S-shut up!” You stutter, the words barely being able to leave your throat. You want to look away, to avert their hungry gaze at all costs but you are drawn to it like a magnet. So you simply look into their whiskey-brown eyes when they first flip their tongue against your wet slit, your body shivering as a moan erupts from deep within you.
Even with their arms wrapped around your thighs, they are able to use their middle fingers to spread your folds apart, giving them better access to your swollen clit. You can hear the wet sounds of your arousal and their saliva being mixed together, along with the sound of their breath as they inhale your essence.
With each time Hanji flicks their tongue, you buck your hips forward in response. The loud sound of the thunderstorm outside covers any noises you are making, so you don’t even worry about trying to remain quiet. Though the cold air feels nice when it comes in contact with you, it doesn’t prevent the strands of hair that stick to your skin or the droplets of sweat that drip down the side of your forehead.
Suddenly, the singular layer of pleasure is split into two when their tongue stops its teasing motions on your entrance and softly begins to enter you. Not only that but there is a second point of pleasure that you can’t quite decipher until you look down at them, their adoring eyes focused on your face once you notice that their nose brushes against your clit. 
There is a blush that spreads across their cheeks, their breathing warming up your exposed pussy as they continue to lap their tongue around the deepest areas inside of you. They gulp down every drop of your essence, their movements are so certain that you can tell they have been waiting and preparing for this specific moment for a very long time.
You can feel yourself succumbing to their touch with each passing second, the lack of finesse to their movements would be enough to make any nobleman cry, their tongue pushing and prodding around the entrance to your wet pussy, teasingly lapping inside before returning to the outside while the tip of their nose continues to attend to your swollen clit.
You can feel yourself growing weaker, not because of an orgasm, but because of the way they make sure every inch of your aching cunt is being properly attended to. Your thighs tremble slightly and you can feel your body lowering itself on their face and, as a confirmation, you feel Hanji’s hands shifting from their spot on your pussy to a spot on your ass, where they use very little strength to gently prop your body up once more.
Moans erupt from you with the same intensity as the raindrops that fall against the rooftop. Their name falls from your lips repeatedly, almost as if you are chanting to the world who is the one to make you feel this incredibly good. The sensations increase once you feel their nails digging at the skin of your ass, a quiet gasp escaping from you as a result.
“Did I hurt you?” They stop their movements as soon as they hear you, a concerned expression taking over their features. You shake your head desperately and it earns a giggle out of them, “Do you want me to do it again?” Your voice betrays you and not a single coherent word comes out, only a quiet mumbling sound and a nod.
The feeling of their nails dragging across your skin and leaving behind red marks is enough to cause your body to lower itself against Hanji’s face once more, not from losing balance but because you are desperately seeking more contact with their tongue.
Hanji makes sure to use every part of their face to bring you the maximum amount of pleasure: their nose brushes against the swollen bundle of nerves that sits at the top, their tongue playfully teases your entrance while moving up and down and their lower lips brushing around the area, making sure not a single part of your aching cunt is left unattended.
Their movements are precise, almost desperate as they work their hardest to bring you some well-deserved release. You can’t help but move your hips in perfect synchrony with their tongue as you feel it entering your thigh entrance, exploring every inch as it drags loud moans from you.
“H-Hanji…” You whimper loudly, and your voice is hoarse as a result of trying to compete with the loud sounds that come from outside. Your breath is shaky, one of your hands travels towards their hair, playing with the loose strands of their side bangs as the other rests above their chest, holding yourself up and helping you keep your balance as your hips grind against Hanji’s face, “It feels… So good…”
You can feel the warmth of their breath as they giggle against you, clearly amused by the reactions they are getting out of you. When they pull away slowly, you whine quietly, annoyed by the empty feeling their tongue left behind, but then you hear their voice, low from desire as lust takes over their eyes, “Moan my name… Show me that your heart belongs to me.”
Their words alone are enough to cause another rush of pleasure to gush out from inside of you, straight into their mouth and Hanji can’t help but let out a delighted sound. The warm sensation rises to your cheeks and you find yourself embarrassed to say it, even if they have asked you to, even if you desperately want to.
“Hanji…” You decide to start off quietly, their whiskey-brown eyes shooting open as you feel a smile forming on their occupied lips. Their tongue continues to make its way inside of you, feeling every little contraction from the inside while the tip of their nose is now glistening with your juices. You’re embarrassed, there is no denying it, but your need to please them overturns any of the shyness, “H-Hanji, please… Keep going… I… I need more.”
Your words are breaking up and your hips gain a mind of their own, bucking against your beloved’s face like a loose horse on a track, there is no stopping you now, especially not since the familiar warmth has started to form on the pit of your stomach.
Hanji’s hands hold your ass up, making sure they are not being suffocated by your thighs. They can tell you are getting closer so they use that knowledge as leverage to speed their movements, their entire face now entirely focused on bringing you over the edge.
“Hanji… H-Hanji, you’re going to make me come,” you say in a shaky voice, your breath trembling just as much as your legs as you attempt to keep yourself steady. They take your words to heart, softly and meticulously moving around. Their tongue thrust in and out of you as their hands tightly squeeze your ass, their nails digging into your soft skin.
They know exactly what they are doing to you, there is no doubt in their mind that they are the only one who can make you feel this way, and the thought alone is nearly enough to send Hanji themselves into an orgasm. 
With a loud gasp, your body leans forward, your legs shake violently and you nearly feel yourself collapse on top of Hanji’s face but luckily, your hands hold on tightly onto a pile of old wood that finds itself in front of you. That is the only reason why you did not come crashing above them.
Their name falls from your lips with ease, cries of pleasure erupting from you as they slow their movements but refuse to cease them, slowly teasing your aching clit with the very tip of their nose. Your walls contract around their tongue and, by the look on their face, you can tell Hanji is in heaven.
The pleasure washes over your body like a crashing wave and it lasts for a while, just giving you this insane high that could only be comparable to the one you have seen from the guards who go venturing in the forest. This one feels different from the other orgasms you have had while having sex with Hanji… Not only more intense but more intimate as well.
Tears form in your eyes as you finally find enough balance to hop off Hanji’s face, catching a glimpse of your juices covering their face before they use the back of their hand to wipe it all away. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment and you want to bury your face on their neck and never look at them again, but you decide against it.
Instead, you lay down next to them, their hand grips tightly around your waist while your fingers gently brush against their face. You lean closer to them, fully taking in the scent that you left behind, lips ghosting above each other before you take a step further and actually kiss them, finally tasting yourself on them.
Hanji’s tongue swirls around with yours, exploring your mouth to the fullest, not an inch goes by untouched and the combination of your saliva and theirs, plus the remainder of your fluids that is left on their face is enough to bring a whimper out of your partner. It’s a taste Hanji has never and will never grow tired of.
Reluctantly, they pull away, the necessity to breathe outweighing the desire the two of you feel in your hearts. The warmth from the fire flickers around you and the shadows of the night dance around their face, making them more beautiful than ever before. The love they have for you is evident in the simple way in which they hold you by the hips, pulling your body as close to them as they possibly can, almost as if they are scared that you will disappear the second you are not within their reach.
“You truly taste like the most addictive treat…” Hanji whispers, their voice husky with desire as their lust-filled eyes analyze every inch of your body, “I can’t help but crave more of you. That pussy of yours is all I can think about…”
Your breathing ceases for a few seconds as you silently choke back on your spit, not because you are embarrassed, although that was slightly the case, but because that was not at all what you were expecting them to say to you.
Not sure how to respond, you bring your lips against theirs once more. Your tongue rushes above their lower lip carefully, taking in every drop of your wetness that you might have missed. You can hear a faint moan escaping their throat, covered in desire.
Slowly, your fingers begin to trace their way down their chest, carefully touching the space in between their breasts. You start with circular movements, using the tip of your nails to leave behind a few red marks on their sun-kissed skin, and, in response, Hanji closes their eyes, finally allowing themselves to be vulnerable.
Once a breathless whimper escapes their lips, you decide to get a bit more daring, tracing the contour of their underboob with your finger. Their skin is soft and you know it would be so easy to leave a love mark if you so desired, but this time isn’t about marking each other, it’s about feeling the love the two of you have shared toward each other for more than a decade.
You nuzzle your face against their neck, leaving behind love-filled kisses that awaken goosebumps along their skin. The smell of their sin has always been one of your favorite things about them, the feeling of their wet hair brushing against your cheek, tickling your face ever so softly.
Your fingers continue to travel and explore every inch of their body, tracing a gentle line above their stomach and it causes Hanji to giggle and then immediately pout. You know how ticklish they are and yet, you just can’t help yourself but be delicate in your touches. 
With a smile on your face, you take a second to grip tightly at their hips, pulling them as close to you as you possibly can, eyes closed as you enjoy the warmth emanating from their body. The fear and anxiety you felt just mere hours ago dissipate with each passing second, the horrifying thought of a life without them seeming more like a memory than a possibility.
“Feeling clingy, aren’t we?” Hanji whispers, a grin so big stamped on their face that you could even see the singular dimple on the left side of their face. Normally, this would be the moment where you would roll your eyes, playfully push them away or even tell them to shut up, but they are right. You are feeling clingy.
“I just…” You begin whispering, trying to explain your track of thought without making a complete fool out of yourself, you are failing miserably, “I love you. I have loved you for so long that I don’t know who I am without having these feelings for you in my heart.”
“y/n, I- I,” they begin but you shake your head, squeezing their hips just a bit harder. Hanji knows that this is your silent way of asking them to stop talking and let you finish whatever it is that needs to come out of your chest. With a deep breath, you continue.
“You saved me, more times than I can count,” you whisper, your voice is shaky is a cocktail of emotions, “so I am thankful for the chance of ever being with someone like you. So yeah, I guess after everything that has happened today, I am feeling a little clingy.”
By the look on their face, you can tell they feel the smallest bit of remorse about teasing you, but it is not like they are going to apologize. You both chuckle softly, Hanji’s hand gently brushing against your cheek as you find yourself mesmerized by the spring in their smile while autumn was the season that stared back at you, those brown eyes doing wonders to your heart.
Hanji’s tongue brushes against your lower lip, traveling from one corner to the other before they proceed to nibble on the thin skin. For the next move, their tongue invades your mouth, swallowing the chorus of sounds that comes from your throat like it's a pond of crystal clear water in the middle of a desert. 
Before you give them a chance to reply, you decide to finally continue to move your fingers down, playfully twirling their pubic hair around. Your kiss continues, slowly and tender at first, bringing out the years of practice you have had with each other, perfectly in sync. Your fingers finally brush against Hanji’s clit, so you gently rub it in circles for a few seconds before using your hand to push their legs to the side, giving yourself better access.
Their desire is undeniable and palpable, they can’t hide the blush that has been spreading from their cheeks onto their ears nor can they hide the wetness that begins to pool onto the bed in a reaction to their lack of underwear.
“Tell me what you are thinking about…” You whisper, your curious fingers dipping a little below their original spot to drag out a bit of the wetness that begins to pool inside of them. You can hear Hanji’s quiet gasp and a smirk creeps onto your lips, “Tell me what has made you this wet.”
You can tell they are embarrassed, not only by the way their entire face immediately goes from a faint blush to a dark red as it spreads to their ears but also by the way they squirm beneath your touch, hips moving forward in desperate search for more contact with your fingers.
They struggle to keep their breathing steady but every attempt is futile, the words they were so proudly flaunting around when it was your turn to be vulnerable suddenly disappear and the only sounds that they can express are breathless and desperate moans.
Only when you threaten to move your fingers away do the words return to them, the response is nearly immediate as a sudden fear takes over their heart, “I… I keep thinking about y-you…” They know that isn’t a good enough answer, they trip over their words, flustered as their mouth dries up. Your eyes never leave their face, admiring every small freckle, even droplet of sweat that falls to their eyebrows, every spec of dirt left behind by the blowing wind and rain.
“What about me?” You inquire, wanting to hear the specifics of their desires. Your heart beats powerfully in your chest, so much that it nearly hurts. Your love for them has never faltered, from the first moment the two of you met, you have been inseparable, hearts beating together as one. The scenery of your beloved by the fire is engraved in your brain as you make a point to memorize every detail about this moment.
“T-The way you looked when my tongue was inside of you,” Hanji begins to speak breathlessly, with every word that exits their lips, you increase the pressure on their clit, rubbing gentle circles while using their own wetness to make sure there is no friction, “all the ways I can make you sound,” they moan, eyes rolling to the back of their head in pleasure.
“Keep going,” you indulge, the devilish smile on your face never once faltering. Gently, you begin to nibble on their earlobe, feeling as their grip around your shoulders tightens. They want to be as close to you as possible, even if it means your bodies will melt together under the fire and become one.
“I keep thinking about the way you look at me when you are about to come,” their voice falters slightly, trembling from desire. Their heart beats at a thousand miles per hour, and a few droplets of rain make their way inside the barn and dare to fall onto their head, mingling with the sweat that forms on their hairline. You can see their breath with every word that exits their mouth and yet, the cold doesn’t affect either of you in the slightest. “I think about the way your lips feel against my skin, especially when they - Ahh..”
You don’t give them enough time to finish the last sentence. You lower your torso softly, bringing your attention now towards their breasts, your left hand supports your body up as your lips tightly wrap around their nipple, tongue firmly swirling around the raised bud while your finger starts to slowly make its way towards their entrance.
Hanji arches their body slightly, attempting to guide your digits towards their most sensitive area. You can see how eager they are, not only by the way their hips buck forward but also by the small quantity of viscous liquid that has slipped from in between their legs, you chuckle quietly as your tongue continues to move around their nipple,
A small part of you wants to be slightly cruel and continue to tease them but when you look at them, those pleading eyes tugging at the strings of your heart until you can’t deny them any longer. Carefully, you slide your middle finger inside of them, their nails gripping at your skin as they close their eyes, a happy grin tugging at the corners of their mouth.
Once your finger is fully settled inside of them, you begin to thrust it in and out, dragging pleased moans out of Hanji, even if your movements are still slow and loving. But even though Hanji found themselves enjoying this experience, they needed more, you had been teasing them for a while, and having you sit on their face earlier was the cherry on top. They weren’t sure how long they would last at this pace. Their fingers drag over your arm, begging for more.
Not only do you comply and begin to speed up your movements, you decide that adding a second finger would be the best course of action. With your index and middle fingers buried down to the third knuckle inside of them, you pick up the pace, your fingers scissoring quickly.
Hanji is nothing but a blushing mess, their moans are loud as they try to bury their face on your neck. You continue your assault on their breasts, suckling on their nipples like your life depends on it, the tip of your fingers brushing against their g-spot, tickling them from the inside out as you try your best to help them reach their climax.
The palm of your hand grinds against Hanji’s clit, adding an extra layer of pleasure to the whole thing while your fingers continue to move in and out, dragging against the walls of their pussy as they continue to dance inside of them. Up and down, one side to the other, there was no direction you weren’t moving in.
You can feel their cunt getting wetter, more desperate for you as they continue to moan. You finally move your lips away from their breasts,  your eyes finally meeting once more as Hanji’s free hand runs over your face, thumb gently brushing above your cheek and you can see a single tear of pleasure forming beneath their eyelashes.
“I love you,” they whisper, their chest rising and falling desperately as they continue to buckle their hips in perfect unison with your fingers, there is no stopping this now. Their breaths become even more dysregulated, the desperation in their voice nearly palpable as they continue to repeat the same words over and over again, almost like a mantra, “I love you.”
“I love you too, sunshine,” you smile, hoping that your words will reach them, “I want to make you feel good.”
“You are…” They move their face closer to yours, foreheads touching as they wrap both their arms around your neck, propping themselves up in a way that allows your fingers to reach even deeper inside of them, “it feels so fucking good.”
It was rare to hear them curse, so for Hanji to say such a thing, meant you were more than definitely doing something correctly. You continue your movements, your lips ghosting above theirs as you speed up once more, the tips of your fingers fully exploring every single inch of their insides, leaving no pleasurable spot untouched.
They close their eyes tightly, mouth nearly hanging open as they barely find the strength to speak, “y/n,” your name falls from their lips with such ease, like their vocal cords were made to play the symphony that is your name, “you are going to make me come.”
“Come for me, Hanji,” you whisper, lips brushing above their cheek, carefully planting kisses on the area. You can feel their walls begin to tighten around your fingers, their pelvis raising in the air as they get closer to the edge, all you need to do is that one final push, “I love you.”
Those three sacred words always did the trick. With a loud scream, Hanji’s body begins to shake next to yours, arms pulling you closer as your fingers are nearly pushed out by the intensity of their spasms, but that itself isn’t enough to stop you. As you readjust yourself slightly so your body is more on top of theirs, you push in deeper inside, the tips of your digits continuing to brush against their g-spot while you slowly switch from in and out movements to circular ones.
They cling to you for dear life, wanting nothing more than to feel themselves being cradled in your arms. Once the intense pleasure wave has passed and their body finally seems to stop convulsing around your fingers, you decide to pull them out, leaving behind not only an empty feeling inside of them but also a long trail of their juices.
“You did so good, sunshine,” you say, bringing your digits close to your lips. Hanji’s eyes widen as they realize what you are about to do and their cheeks become covered by a darker shade of red than you have ever seen before. You smile, taking your fingers into your mouth as your tongue swirls around, taking in every last drop that they have left behind. You can’t help but hum happily, the taste of their pussy being the most delicious meal you have ever had in your entire life.
They watch you in a daze, almost as if they are under hypnosis. A mixture of scents fills the air: the smell of the rain against the grass outside, the smell of the fire crackling next to you, the smell of your sweaty bodies as you become one, but the smell of sex overpowers any and all others.
After a few seconds, you remove your fingers from your mouth, not a single drop of Hanji’s juices remains and, instead, a small string of saliva finds itself attached to the area. It’s the most sensual scene they have ever seen and, for some reason, they simply can’t avert their eyes. 
Hanji places their hand on the back of your neck, their fingers lacing themselves with the strands of hair attached to your skin by a layer of sweat. Once they finish readjusting, they pull your face towards theirs, lips crashing against yours in a hunger-filled kiss, swollen lips desperately searching for some sort of relief as they can taste themselves on your tongue.
Your teeth gently nibble on the soft skin of their lips, pulling the flesh towards you until it earns a long moan from Hanji and it draws a few drops of blood and neither of you seem to care about or mind about the newfound metallic taste.
Reluctantly, the two of you pull away, only a single string of saliva connecting your bodies. Your eyes meet Hanji’s and you are met with a look you are more than familiar with: the necessity for more. A warm feeling takes over your features as your chest rises and falls, you want to say something, anything that would make this feeling go away but the words fail you. All the confidence you had mere moments ago disappears and it’s up to Hanji to take the next step.
“You are so beautiful,” they whisper, their words washing over you like warm water on a cold winter night, “I am so lucky that I am the only one who gets to see you like this, the only person who gets to see Her Highness, Princess y/n, in a flustered state, sweaty and with your hair all tangled up. I want to be the only one… for the rest of our lives.”
“It has always been you,” you respond quickly, your voice trembling with emotion as you continue, “My first crush, my first kiss, my first time, every first I have ever had has been yours and I plan to keep it this way.”
It’s now Hanji’s turn to look away, their eyes are fixated on the wall until you bring your fingers gently towards their chin, moving their face ever so tenderly so they are looking at you once more. Your heart races in your chest, wanting nothing more than to look into their whiskey-brown eyes while you declare your love.
“One time, after I grew tired of reading the same old books in the castle’s library and begging my father for new ones, Libet secretly snuck into this extremely old book,” you begin to explain, noticing how Hanji’s eyes are shining even more brightly than before, they pay close attention to every word that dares leave your lips, “it came from a very distant land, somewhere I had never heard before but somehow it was still in English, much to my luck.”
“You and your books,” they smile playfully and you roll your eyes in disapproval before letting out a heartwarming giggle.
“In the book, I read about something called “The Red Thread Of Fate,” and it’s a theory that two people connected by a red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. The cord may get tangled, but it will never break.” Your voice is now lower than a whisper, blood rushing through your cheeks as you explain your favorite tail, “The following day, I met you. It always felt like we were - “
“Meant to be,” Hanji finishes your sentence and you nod. You cup their face gently, thumb lovingly brushing above their cheek until you notice goosebumps forming on their skin once more. You lean down slowly, placing a couple of kisses on their neck, earning a few eager moans as they lean against you.
Your hands begin to explore their torso, aiming for their breasts while your fingers pinch their nipples gently. When they begin to exhale those sweet, sweet harmonies, you are no longer able to control yourself. You sink your teeth onto the smooth skin of their neck, leaving behind a mark, not a big one, but enough that they will remember it by tomorrow morning.
You desperately want to taste them again, this time directly from the source, but you don’t have the chance to make your way down. Instead, Hanji takes your chin away from their neck, fingers sliding down towards your throat as they ever so gently squeeze around it, earning a moan out of you.
“You’re going to be a good girl and listen to me, won’t you?” They ask, pulling you closer with a devious grin on their face, teeth digging into the flesh of their lower lip. All you can do is nod, your mouth hanging open for a slight second as you pay close attention to them.
You want to respond, you want to say something but words simply refuse to come out. Your brain has been wiped clean and the only coherent thought that even remotely comes to mind is Hanji: their slightly crooked smile, the raspy sound of desire in their voice, the desperation present on their touch as they dig their nails into your skin.
You whimper, that is all you can do in this situation. Their usually sweet eyes are now piercing through your body like a wild animal looks at their prey like they are addicted and you are the most fascinating drug they have ever had the luck of tasting.
Your hands go through their abdomen, fingertips carefully analyzing every little crook and dip, every scar they have acquired throughout their life, and even the smallest strands of hair. Your heart dips into your throat, nearly escaping your body but somehow, you can hold onto it. You want to tell Hanji how beautiful they are, how much you love them, how much you want this, but they are faster. Their words break the silence.
“I’m going to spread my legs, okay?” Hanji says, guiding you through the process. You nod and you catch a quick glimpse as the corners of their lips lift into a smirk, they continue to speak, “I want you on top of me, just like we used to do.”
You nod once more, focusing all of your attention on making sure you are following their instructions perfectly. Just like they said, Hanji’s legs part ways, their left leg is stretched on the bed while they adjust their right upwards, you take in the sight of their soaked pussy, the last few drops of her cum slide down her ass and land onto the ground, soaking the area below.
With your left hand, you carefully move their right leg up slightly, their knee touching their chest as they let out an amused sigh, this being the first time in years that this particular scenery plays in front of them. You slowly throw your right leg above theirs, your wet pussy pushing against Hanji's as you position yourself above them.
As your wet vulvas begin to touch, the two of you can’t help but moan in perfect harmony, a symphony of breathless whimpers filling the atmosphere. With your free hand, you guide Hanji’s palm towards your breasts and, eagerly, they begin toying with your nipple, pulling at the bud while watching for the pleasured expressions on your face.
It’s like something flips in your brain and your hips gain a mind of their own, eagerly bucking back and forth. You push yourself forward, applying more pressure to the point of contact between your two bodies and you can tell exactly where Hanji’s mind is in this moment.
With your free hand, you begin to explore their torso, nails dragging against their sun-kissed skin as it contrasts with the red marks you leave behind. The sweat on their face glistens as the light emitting from the fire washes over their features, their fingertips toying with your nipples before ghosting over to your hips, pulling you closer as they increase the pressure of your bodies pressing together.
“I love you,” they say in between whimpers, their voice trembling in a mixture of desire and need. You can’t help but feel yourself melting in response, a smile plastered on your face as you throw your head slightly back, your hair tickling your skin. Their fingers begin to dig bruises into the skin of your hips, an attempt to encourage you to speed up your movements, the sweet words pouring from their lips like a waterfall that cannot be stopped, “my heart calls for you with every beat, with every breath I take. I’m yours and yours alone.”
Your heart beats forcefully in your chest and suddenly all the moisture disappears from your throat, it’s nearly impossible for you to swallow and you almost choke on your words, but you want to return the sweetness they are expressing to you. So you sink yourself deeper against their aching core, the wet sounds filling the air as it mixes with the desperate moans the two of you let out.
“You’re angelic,” your brain isn’t sure as to what you are trying to say at this moment, so you allow your heart to do the talking for once, your breath is unsteady in between whimpers, “every part of you, every strand of hair that falls out of place, every freckle on your shoulders, every little scar on you is perfect. It’s almost like you were made for me to love.”
You continue to roll your hips, your cunt rubbing against theirs in a frantic rhythm as the two of you search for a high that seems closer than you could ever imagine. Despite what it may seem, Hanji’s body is more defined than they allow other people to know, it’s a direct result of constantly working in their father’s herb garden for most of their life.
From this angle, you can fully admire the silhouette of their body. You can pay close attention to the small arch of their spine, their back no longer touching the ground as they search for an even more intense connection between your two bodies. You close your eyes for a split second, still being able to taste their juices on your tongue.
Once your eyelids lift once more, you realize Hanji’s face is starting to contort into one you are more than familiar with. You yourself begin to feel the familiar tingling sensation as it forms in the pit of your stomach, and it only encourages you to pick up the pace.
"Fuck, baby girl," Hanji hisses in pleasure, their fingernails digging at your hips enough to draw a couple droplets of blood but that little bit of pain only adds to your pleasure. The way your wet pussy rubs up against theirs in a slow grind, the bundle of nerves colliding against one another as the two of you continue to whimper each other’s names. Hanji tilts their hips up ever so slightly, grinding back against you and matching your quick pace. You can feel your blood rushing faster and faster through your body, “I’m close…”
You nod, hands wrapping around their abdomen as you continue to hold yourself against them, “I-I’m close too…” You want to sound like the confident person you were just a few minutes ago, but that persona is long gone. All that is left behind is a whimpering mess, who can’t stand the mere thought of stopping her movements, “H-Hanji… Hanji, I…”
It hits you like a tidal wave. You aren’t even able to finish your sentence before your body begins to shake violently, your grip around them tightening as you throw your head back, you tried so hard to be quiet throughout the entire night but, just this once, you can’t help but scream their name in pure bliss.
Hanji isn’t far behind. In fact, the sight of your orgasm on top of them, your excess of juices dripping onto their entrance and mixing with their own was enough to shake them to their very core. Their nails dig into you tightly as they continue to move, drawing out every last bit of pleasure they can from this interaction.
You hold yourself into place and you can feel their clit spasms against yours, tears of pleasure forming in your eyes as you continue to whimper weakly. It takes nearly a minute for the entire effect to end and, only when the two of you are certain that there is nothing else in the tank, is when you unhook your legs, allowing your limp body to carefully come crashing down above their abdomen.
The two of you breathe heavily, lungs burning in a desperate search for oxygen. Your skin sticks together due to the sweat and neither of you even dares to move, except for Hanji’s fingers, which begin to lightly brush above the back of your right arm.
“I - “ the two of you say at the exact same time. Neither of you can help but chuckle at the situation, before doing it again, “You go first.”
With a small nudge of your head, Hanji begins to speak, “I knew from such a young age that I wanted to be your partner, that I needed to make you my girlfriend, even if at that point, it only meant holding hands and reading books together.” You notice a few tears begin to form in their eyes as they shift their face away from yours, trying to hide how vulnerable they feel at this moment. Almost as an instinct, you bring your hand up towards their chin, carefully turning their face back towards you, a few tears of your own threatening to fall down, “my entire childhood, I was surrounded by so much tragedy and death that I just assumed I was a bad omen, attracting sadness wherever I went.”
As soon as their words leave their mouth, you frown, a pout forming on your lips as you listen to them. You shake your head, refusing to continue to listen to them as they continue to speak about themselves in such an ill manner. But before you have time to intervene, kiss them, or even just tell them to shut up, Hanji takes your hand on theirs, fingers lacing together as their lips plant a small token of their affection on your knuckles.
“You taught me that wasn’t the case,” they whisper, tear-stained cheeks turning even redder as they blush, “you showed me that good things CAN happen to me. After all, I ended up with you, and I’ll be damned if I don’t admit you are the very best thing that has ever happened to me.”
You prop your head up on Hanji’s chest, the most beautiful brown eyes meeting yours in a love-filled stare. No words were needed at this moment for the entire atmosphere to be completely overtaken by the passion the two of you share for each other.
“I thought my life would always be this straight line,” you being speaking, your voice barely managing to get out of your throat, a result of all the moans but also the emotions that you had bottled up for a while, you want to let them out calmly but your mouth refuses to listen to your brain, so you continue, “I thought I would always have to dress up, play my part, marry a man and have several kids to make sure the bloodline and the kingdom were secured.”
“The idea of another person, especially a man, touching you makes my skin crawl,” for a second, you notice as their usually brown orbs turn dark, the jealousy in their voice not subtle at all. Before they have the chance to continue their rant, you plant a kiss on their lips. It doesn’t last long and, unlike the previous kisses you had been sharing that night, this one isn’t filled with lust, but with longing.
“My point is that from a very young age, I knew exactly who I was going to be,” you whisper against their lips, still planting a few kisses here and there as the words pour from your mouth, though your voice is still trembling, you have never been more certain of what you are trying to say, “and then when I met you, I was even more certain.” When Hanji shoots you a confused look, you smile and continue, “I knew I wanted to be your bride.”
A comforting silence grows between the two of you as you lay your head back down on their chest, the beats of their heart directly against your ear plus the sound of the rain outside truly made the entire experience so much better. It felt almost… heavenly. A while passes, you aren’t sure if it is minutes or seconds, but it’s enough for your eyes to begin growing heavy, a smile stamped on your face.
"I guess I haven't officially asked, have I?" They say, their fingers just ghosting above the back of your arm. You open your eyes just enough to look at them before propping yourself up on their chest, placing your chin on your hand in the hopes of not causing them any discomfort, a puzzled expression of your own on your face, and it drags an endearing laugh out of Hanji. "To be my bride."
Your face suddenly feels like it’s on fire. Of all the things you were expecting them to say at this moment, this one was not on the list. Yes, you were expecting a proposal eventually, maybe even at some point soon, but that wasn’t the reason why you brought it up in the first place. Not that you are complaining, to actually hear them say it? To hear them ask the very thing you have been craving since you were eight? Oh, the speed at which your heart beats in your chest could only be compared to a healthy stallion being set free in the wild for the first time.
"Please, Your Highness," they begin, a smug smirk stamped all over their features and a giggle escaping their throat once they notice how you roll your eyes at them, "y/n... will you give me your hand and marry me?"
Now it's your turn to laugh, a sound Hanji could never get used to, for it always meant more than the entire world to them. For some reason, they seem so nervous, almost as if they are afraid that you will actually say no to their proposal. You shake your head and place a kiss on their cheek, "I will marry you. I will gladly take your last name and get rid of my father's. I want nothing more than to live a long and happy life with you, Hanji Zoe.”
The light from the fire makes your shadow seem angelic like a goddess descending from the heavens just to bless them. Hanji can’t help themselves. They immediately pull your face closer, their lips meeting yours in a tender kiss, their voice is a mess of hums and whimpers, but there is no sexual connotation behind the sounds.
After you pull away, Hanji doesn’t open their eyes. Instead, they pull you closer into their chest, burying your face in the crook of their neck while their fingers hold onto your back tightly, desperately hoping to keep you from moving, but it’s not like you had any plans on doing so.
There is a smile on your lips that refuses to fade. The warmth from your beloved’s skin plus the sound of the pouring rain are enough to lull you into a deep slumber and for the first time since the night your mother died, you find yourself free from the nightmares that have haunted you.
By the time you wake up, the thunderstorm feels like nothing but a distant memory as the dark clouds have been replaced by the bright sunlight that enters the barns through the broken windows and the cracks. It takes your eyes a second to adjust and, by the time you become fully conscious, you realize you are lying there alone.
Your naked body is now covered by the previously rain-wet blanket and the fire next to you is now extinguished. You take a quick glance around, and can’t help but frown when you can’t seem to find Hanji anywhere. You stand up, finding your dry clothes lying next to you and the small hairbrush that was once in your bag now sitting on a compact mound of hay.
Once you are dressed and miraculously remove all the knots from your hair, you make your way outside. The first thing you see is your horse, happily eating and drinking by a small lake a few feet away. The pout that once took over your features now dissolves into a happy smile as you make your way towards her.
Carefully not to startle her, you place your hand on her flank, fingers gently brushing against the soft fur as she turns around. The horse’s head bobs up and down a couple of times before she immediately returns to her previous affairs and you decide to leave her be.
From the other side of her silhouette, you can hear the water splashing around, so cautiously you find yourself making your way toward the origin of the sound. Your heart immediately melts and you have to fight all of your instincts to prevent your body from turning into mush as soon as you see the view ahead:
Hanji’s pants are cuffed up to their calves, they aren’t wearing a shirt since it would just make it completely wet, so the water droplets fall directly onto their skin. Their hair is tied up in a messy bun and they hold a knife in their hand. One quick glance over to the side and you notice a quickly handmade basket holding a handful of fish and some fruits.
You take a few steps forward and clear your throat, wanting to make your presence known without alarming them. Promptly, they turn their head around and flash you the brightest smile you have ever seen, your heart rapidly swells with a thousand emotions, but the most prominent ones are love and affection.
“Good morning,” they say, taking a few steps towards you. Their arm wraps around your waist as they pull you close, a grin tugging at the corners of their mouth as their lips press against yours in a quick and messy kiss. It doesn’t last for long but it’s enough to make you smile from ear to ear, a truthful reminder that when it comes to Hanji, you always wear your heart on your sleeve.
“Good morning,” you respond once your lips part ways, your voice having a sluggish and almost needy tone to it, “you should have woken me up, you know. I could have helped!”
Hanji chuckles while shaking their head, their grip on your waist tightening as they place the knife on their belt, “I didn’t need help. Besides, you look so beautiful, I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up.” That stupid response, always made your entire face burn and always made you feel so shy just to hear it, but this reaction is exactly what they are looking for. “Let me make you some food, you must be starving.”
At the simple mention, you can feel your stomach growling. Your fingers brush against the fabric of the shirt that covers your stomach, allowing you to feel just how hungry you are. So you decide not to put up a fight anymore, simply nodding as they let go of you and reach for the basket on the ground, picking it up before making their way back to the barn.
Your eyes keep tracing the outline of Hanji’s body as they walk in front of you, the love marks you left behind on their neck are oh so visible when their hair is up like this. You can see every small mole hidden on the back of their neck and it sends a shiver down your spine, the thought of the previous night returning to you as you feel the heat growing in between your legs once more.
The only reason why you are pulled out of those thoughts is because Hanji dries their body off and puts on their shirt. A chuckle escapes their lips as they notice just how deeply you had been staring but, for once, they decide not to tease you about it.
Instead, they walk towards the spot that used to be the firepit, reaching for the same objects you used to make a fire the night before in the hopes of igniting it again. Gently, they pat the spot next to them, silently begging you to take a seat. It takes you less than two seconds to make yourself comfortable, your head resting on top of their shoulder as they begin to clean the fish.
It takes around two hours for the both of you to eat and clean up after yourselves, wanting to hide any and all traces of your stay as best as possible. While Hanji makes sure to cover up the fire, you place everything back in the bags, looking around for signs of anything you might have forgotten or anything around the barn that might be useful.
When you’re done, you reach for the piece of paper with the visual representations of all the lands explored by men. Your eyes go back and forth, trying to analyze every and all possible scenarios, the most hidden yet safest paths, and routes that might lead you towards freedom. Though, it is hard when you aren’t exactly sure of where you are going.
You can feel yourself growing more anxious, your breath trembling while a knot forms in your throat. It only dissipates when you feel Hanji’s presence behind you, the warmth that emanates from their body immediately calming you down as you realize they are just what you need.
“There’s a village a few more miles west,” Hanji says, pointing towards the blurry smudges on the map that slightly resemble a pair of mountains. Their chin rests on your shoulder, fingers brushing from the paper towards your hand and you can’t help but smile, “Maybe when we get there, we can get some more supplies and I think Elowen here would appreciate some more fresh carrots and apples.”
You hand them the map and nod, resting on your forehead on your horse’s muzzle, your heart beats at a rapid pace as you scratch her favorite spot on her chin. Her fur is warm and she doesn’t seem to be in any pain or discomfort despite the extremely long journey, so you let out a content sigh, knowing that this is all you could ask for for your most loyal friend.
“Do you think we will ever stop running?” You say in a whispered voice, a subtle hint of regret imprinted in your words but it is enough for Hanji to notice it. For a few seconds, all you can hear is the sound of the wind blowing the leaves of the trees and you ask yourself if they heard you, but before you can repeat your question, they sigh.
“I don’t know,” there are a lot of feelings laced in their voice: fear is the most prominent one, but also a bit of sadness. However, never once did you find a single shred of regret in their words. They continue, “But if it means keeping you safe, I will go with you to the ends of the Earth. We will go beyond the areas on the maps and form a little life of our own at the edges of the universe.”
You feel your entire face heating up at their words, even more so when you feel their hands wrapping around your waist as they place their head in between your shoulder blades. Your heart nearly skips a beat and a brand new wave of butterflies awakens in your stomach. It’s your turn to sigh.
“Do you mean it?” You ask softly. You already know the answer and still, your heart yearns to hear them say those three little words yet again. Hanji nods and you can feel them as they smile against your back.
“With every bit of who I am.” They respond, their fingers digging at your hips as they flip you around so the two of you are facing each other. Their hands continue to rest on your hips, thumbs gently brushing against the dips while your arms wrap around their neck, your face standing mere inches away from theirs. Their voice is now smooth like butter, as they finally proclaim what you have been desperately craving to hear, “I love you, y/n.”
A shaky moan escapes your throat, your body melting as an immediate response to Hanji’s words, to their actions, to the mere way they look at you. It’s like your lips gain a mind of their own, immediately seeking solace and comfort in their kiss. 
Every flick of their tongue raises the hairs on the back of your neck, the moment their saliva mixes with yours, it fills your taste buds with a flavor you could only compare to the sweetest nectar derivative from a sunflower born from a drop of sunshine. Your eyes are tightly shut but you can clearly see their face in your brain: the small way their nose scrunches when they are moving their head, the twitch on the corner of their lip when they realize how badly they have you in the palm of their hand, or even the way their eyelids tremble, struggling to remain shut.
As Hanji’s petal soft lips continued to brush against yours, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself, all the fear you once had about running away melting with every beat of your racing heart. For the first time in a while, you fully allow yourself to be submerged in the overwhelming feeling that is loving Hanji Zoe.
The need for air begins taking over your body as your lips tremble against theirs but your mind is too clouded by the need to stay in this moment to pull away, so unfortunately for you, Hanji is the one to listen to reason and separate themselves from you. You pout, sadness clearly engraved on your features but it doesn’t last long. Hanji brings one of their hands up from your hips towards your face, their thumb brushing against the skin of your cheek ever so softly.
There is no need for words to be said between the two of you, so all you can do is nuzzle yourself against their palm, a trembling breath making its way out of your chest, almost as if it had been sitting there for as long as you have been alive.
You sigh, turning away from their touch as you take a few sure steps towards Elowen, who begins to excitedly clap her hooves against the ground when she notices that you begin to adjust her saddle. You can feel the warmth of the sun soaking into your skin and into your heart as you watch Hanji place your bags in their designated spot. They smile shyly to themselves as they gently pat the horse on the ass, a playful action that earns a neigh from the animal.
Once the two of you find yourselves ready, you are the first one to hop on the horse’s back, carefully scooting forward and adjusting yourself so that your beloved will have enough space to sit down. You reach your hand down carefully and Hanji giggles in response at how delicate your movements are, the blue blood that courses through your veins still apparent. 
Nevertheless, their rough fingers brush against your palm as they grab hold of you. Their foot shakingly touching the stirrup, unsure of when it would be the appropriate moment to leap from the ground. So in hopes of giving them a bit of assistance, you squeeze their hand gently, tightening your grip just enough to give them a boost of confidence.
That simple small action works like a charm and, within milliseconds, Hanji finds themselves sitting behind you on top of the horse once more. They wrap the cloak around the both of you once more, making sure that at least your heads are properly covered but not blocking your vision. Then, once you are both settled, they wrap their arms around your waist tightly, their cheek resting in between your shoulder blades once more.
You can tell that they have a smile on their face and the warmth of their body provides you with a sensation that is more than enough to keep the cold fronts away. So with a sigh, you carefully hit the heel against the horse’s ribs, kissy sounds making their way past your lips as she begins to gallop towards the village Hanji mentioned earlier.
As the trees pass you by, a sense of calm washes over you. “I would be getting married right about now if I had stayed behind,” you think to yourself. You can’t help but wonder if the royal guards are looking for you right about now if everything is okay with Libet or even Tegan. If your father has had yet another heart attack while having a fit of rage.
You shake your head, pushing away every thought that could be related to your old life. Your Highness, Princess y/n, the king’s only child and heiress to the throne died the moment her father discovered her secret romance with a peasant.
At this moment, all that matters is that you can’t wait to find out who it is that you can be now that you are free from the chains of royal duties and responsibilities that tied you in place. You can’t begin to conceive of a life in which you aren’t with Hanji, a life in which the two of you aren’t living together in a cabin far away.
It’s a life you have been dreaming about and finally, you are about to discover just how happy you can be while living the simplest of lives. After all, that was one of the many benefits of being a pauper.
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absolutedream-art · 2 years
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Dart's long time friend Zoe and her son Paleo come to check up on the rowlet.   I like to imagine that Dart (and Zoe) are able to evolve if they want to, but choose not to.  In Dart's case, he prefers to stay small and hidden.  Of course, this may not always be the case.
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windforestsso · 2 months
OC map 2024!
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It was not long ago since Valedale been updated and it shows. Many OCs have moved there.
I have not included OCs from the old map as I didnt have access to the old file and I dont want to jump between multiple posts to get names and photos because that was just too confusing. I have done a google doc list with the Ocs so next update will be easier. But even if I didnt include OCs from the old post, we went from 73 to 95 Ocs, the population is growing.
I will not update this untill a new area been updated or added. But if anyone sees spell mistakes or wrong infomation given for ocs I can edit that. But I will not fix the map pic.
Address book is under line:
Central Jorvik:
Jorvik city:
Breasha Keane - Somewhere by Leonardos Lottie Emberwoods - Lives in Governors fall, she have no horses. Have a twin in South Hoof, Charlie Mary-Ann - lives close to Leonardos
Crater of Jor:
Alexei Sparrowhawk - lives in the mountain between Wildwoods and Dino Valley Sora Sparrowhawk - Kallter witch in dino valley searching
Moa Windforest - Hidden shack in the forest  Ryland - lives at the ranger station
Firgrove Village:
Adelaide “Swift” Swiftheart - A kalter from Icengate lives near Firgrove Alexis Carolina Nightjar Elaina Hawkwatcher - Lives with her grandmother Luca Goldstone - Wilderness enthusiast. Big brother to Max in Tailtop village
Starshine Ranch:
Athena Rockstorm - Calamity Claymore - Charlie Emberwoods protoge, soul rider and chaos child. Have a big brother, Kit, in Cape West Fishing Village Daine Dusty Claymore - A retired cowboy. Uncle to Calamity and Kit Claymore Rora Dolphinheart -
Goldenhills Valley:
William Ravenyour - haunts the hayloft on Goldenleaf Stables (belongs to Dakota Ravenyour) Willow Crazytree - (no photo)
Cape West Fishing Village:
Adriana Braveheart Bella Highgirl - Officially owns a house here but has a second home in Avalon’s Meader where she stays under busy soul rider/druid times. Used to hop from hotel to hotel. Cody Hunter Doveshovel - Rents a bed with the Jorvik Fishing Club, but travels frequently for work and soul rider shenanigans. Kit Claymore - A fisherman and Amnesiac. big brother to Calamity in Starshine Ranch
Harvest Counties:
Crescent Moon:
Feya Elfchild - Lives alone
Alyssa Evelyn - Lives close to the rocker hairstyles shop Everlee Songbird - lives with a roommate thats also a member of the keepers Iris- Neightbour to Linda. Frequently visits the family in Cape West Fishing Village Johann - Lives in the northern part of Jarlaheim. Joins Ruth on adventures often Lucy Flowerhill - Lives with Linda Niko Northlight- lives in an apartment Riley Wolfstorm Selena - Lives by the vet Yasmine Westbank -
Jorvik Stables:
Amira Monsave - 19 year old, rents a room. In jorvik to look for Anne Arya Mistwood - 24 year old, works and lives at Baroness’ racetrack but because of renovations she currently lives with their half sister, Shilo, in Jovik Stables Brook - Lives behind the white double doors Monty Lionheart - A fancy lad just vibing Shilo Stormfire - 18 Year old, dorming at the stables during the summer to train and compete with her Lipizzaner, Glory. Currently have her half-sister Arya Mistwood as a roommate
New Hillcrest:
Blake Silvercrest - lives in the stables Lucas Roni - Lives with her two dogs Opal and Potato. She works as a waitress in the local café during the day
Azalea “Az” - lives around Dundull and work as a ranger Bodhi Applewright - Charlie Emberwoods protoge, soul rider and wanderer. Big brother to Toby in Redwoods Vendela Zoe Silverborn - lives alone
Astrid - precise location of home is unknown Heather - Sleeps in the hayloft of the stables in Redwood Point Max Goldstone -Charlies protoge, soul rider & adventurer. Have a big brother, Luca in Firgrove Rachel - Redwood Point Ranger Station Toby Applewrights - A junior ranger. Little brother to Bodhi in Dundull
North of Northern Mountains:
Donna Buttergood
Alina - lives in the field between Silverglade Manor and Nilmer’s highland
Fort Pinta:
Esther Darkdragon - 26 year old, lives with Svea Darkdragon in an apartment Morgan Saltcrest - Pirate in the sea outside of the Fort Pinta Rose - Svea Darkdragon - 24 year old, lives together with Esther Darkdragon in an apartment
Moorland Stables:
Esther Northberg - lives in the hay loft above the stables Jamie Nightlock - A baby doing his best Kit Applewood -21 year old, lives with Mrs. Holdsworth, thinking of getting a small place in Valedale Montana
Silverglade Manor:
Nahla Wolfwalker - Half kalter on a quest
Silverglade Village:
Adelaide Odenburg - Lives in the pink house in the circle with two others Amelie Emberwoods - Lives at Steves farm as a riding camp instructor. Is cousin to Charlie and Lottie Emberwoods Athena Peacecry - Lives with her parents Aurora Bellavance - rents a room, wants to move to Firgrove or Goldenhills one day Ava - Recently moved to the north side of town, close to the championship Lady - Lives with Big Bonney
South Hoof Peninsula:
Ines - Lives in the cottage south of the Rescue Ranch
South Hoof Rescue Ranch:
Charlie Emberwoods - Work as a rehabilitator, have a twin in Governors fall, Lottie. Juni - travels a lot Vilda Ravenhill - Accidently roommate with Hugh Wynonna - Rents a room
Damian - Lives with his family
Silversong River:
Rowan Riverborn - she a näck chills as a horse and is a danger to children Zelda Krüger - 22 year old, rents a room in Avalon’s Meander
Valedale Village:
Corinne Eaglebridge - Lives alone Evangeline Bitterhouse - A druid in-training. little sister to Genevieve Genevieve Bitterhouse - Charlie Emberwoods Protege, soul rider and a nature witch. Big sister to Evangeline Halo Starborn Joseph - had an apartment in Fort Pinta but let the lease run out Kelly Nightborn Lexa - Moved to Valedale Village after she used to live with her family in Moorland Marie - Lives in a house next door to Avalons Renata Rose Riverlee - Is a Pandorian hunting for someone, lives in valedale when not in Pandoria Sadie Algren - Take cares of horses at the village stables while their owner is away, travels to pandora to study flora and fauna Sora
Alou - contantly traveling with other shopkeepers on the Southern Jorvik event circuit Juli - Either in Pandoria or traveling, he supposed to live in south hoof but wont stay there. Ruth - drifter, can be seen more frequently around Jarlaheim and Greendale
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flightfoot · 8 months
ML Fanfic Recs for 2023: 10K - 20K Words
So I’ve been going through and adding particularly good fics I’ve read throughout the year. Only Complete fics, of course. Enjoy!
Chat Noir and Marinette decide to fake date in order to get Buttercup jealous enough to confess. Why won’t that boy make a move on such a wonderful girl as Marinette? And why is he beginning to hope that Buttercup stays blind?
Adrien wakes up in Nino’s arms. Neither of them have any explanation for this, considering they were nowhere near each other the night before. 
Marinette and Zoe uncover a ring stashed away in a closet. Why does it have an unusual effect on Chloe?
Felix isn’t careful enough when he goes snooping around the Agreste Mansion. Gabriel decides that he can’t let him roam free.
Kim bets Alix that she won’t be able to attend all of her friends’ weddings in a row. She has never been one to turn down a challenge.
All this and more below the break!
May I Introduce Myself, Your Highness? by @chocoluckchipz
Whether picking up a stray animal off the streets or saving a dying child at the market, Adrien had always strived to be the best version of himself. Truly, he would've been the perfect candidate to be snatched up by a kwami, were he an orphan, dying somewhere remote after a short life full of nothing but suffering and misery. Yet as it stood, the sole heir to the French throne had little to complain about. Apart from, perhaps, a complete absence of a love life. That is until a mysterious girl, wandering around his gardens at night, catches his attention.
I love Fantasy AUs. It’s a bit unclear what’s happening at first, but it all gets explained in the last chapter. Also don’t worry about the age gap between Marinette and Adrien at the start of the story, I promise it’s not a problem in the end.
do you think I have forgotten about you? by @roseinaugust
Based on the song 'About You' by The 1975. Memory Loss. Told in alternating time lines, one leading up to and one dealing with the aftermath of Marinette relinquishing the Miracle Box and the guardianship. Marinette struggles with her life after losing her memory, though there is a persistent voice that calls to her that always seems just out of reach in her memory.
Beautiful memory loss fic here, with seeing Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s relationship before she gave up the Miracle box, juxtaposed with the present day, when Adrien is only a stranger to her. I could really feel how Marinette was struggling with navigating these new circumstances, with her friends seeming to expect her to remember, to be who she was to them, to Adrien especially, before, and her just... not knowing whether she can do that. It’s got a happy ending though, for those who are concerned about that.
Creative Lies and Destructive Truths by @azuriteartist
Alya and Lila are two sides of a never-ending fight. The fight between truth and lies, between honesty and deception, between justice and personal gain. And now they have the powers to elevate that fight to a city-wide level.
Can Alya stop the deception before it destroys the city? And can Lila stop the truth before it destroys her?
So everyone who’s been around my blog for awhile knows how much I love Alya getting the spotlight (I mean my sideblog alyaappreciation is dedicated to her, because frankly, she needs it), and azurite’s lovely fic here is no exception. Fu ended up giving Tikki to Lila and Plagg to Alya. There actually isn’t tension between them at first, they get along well to start with, but Plagg knows Lila’s lying about things and eventually pushes Alya to take action once they grow alarming, until the two of them are both accusing each other of being liars as superheroes, and the public doesn’t know what to believe. 
I’m betting there’s more of this AU to come. I hope so, I love the consideration and agency it gives to both Alya and Lila.
How Marinette Learned to Stop Worrying And Love The Ball by @rosie-b
Hidden from the crowds thronging around the busy fairy portal in Paris's town square, a fae gate sits at the edge of the forest, locked, rusty, and full of ancient magic. Marinette thinks that this abandoned gate must not work anymore... but one day, a fairy disguised as a black cat steps through it.
Ah, Fantasy Soulmate AUs, my beloved XD. This ain’t the only one of this fic type I’m gonna be recommending. This is just a cute fluff fic without much strife. I love Marinette and Chat Noir being able to be childhood friends via his visits, even if he has to pretend to be her cat whenever he comes over, and I ESPECIALLY adore Alya being his chaperone and quickly becoming friends with Marinette in her own right. It ain’t a complicated plot, but it is a nice and warm fic.
Vengeance Noire by @phiellydinyia
After a horrific argument with his father, Adrien escaped from the mansion with his heart in pieces. In hindsight, it made sense why an akuma was sent his way. He shouldn't have let his emotions get the better of him.
But he never expected Plagg to be even more upset than he was. He never expected his own kwami to be akumatized. To become the threat of a city he swore to protect. And what's worse is the fact that Chat Noir can't jump in to save this one.
But Ladybug can. And that's why he has to find her as quickly as possible, suit or no suit.
I love some good Adrien angst, especially with a delicious side order of Plagg and Adrien’s bond with each other. Even as Adrien’s barely functional, though, he’ll do everything in his power to save Plagg, even if Plagg wishes he wouldn’t go quite that far. 
the best laid plans (of bugs and bakers) by @mexicancat-girl
Paris is buzzing with the appearance of a new ladybug-themed hero, Scarabella.
Alya decides to use her second hero identity to help her best friend Marinette. A bit of her flirting with Marinette is bound to make Marinette's crushes jealous and finally ask her out! Her plan is fool-proof…!
Except when it's not. Not enough people are talking about Scarabella flirting with Marinette. How can Alya properly help her best friend if the news can't be bothered to cover Marinette's budding romance with Scarabella and only posts things about Marinette with Chat Noir?! So Alya puts her all into her plan, upping up her flirting each time she appears as the newbie hero Scarabella.
This totally does not backfire in any way.
I adore fics that center on Alya, I haven’t exactly been shy about that fact. This is a nice one for some Alyanette adorableness! (And some Scarabella and Chat banter, I really enjoyed reading that as well). “Fake” flirting to make crushes jealous tends to turn real very quickly, and this is no exception. It’s hilarious, Alya’s the last one to figure out that her romantic relationship with Marinette is very much real XD.
Control by @generalluxun
A fun and rebellious gesture by her friend Zoé leaves Marinette accidently in possession of something more precious than she ever expected to hold.
It's a blessing. It's a curse. It's life itself.
She has no idea what to do. There is so much wrapped up not only in WHAT, but also WHO. Her friends and partners can offer advice, consolation, and support, but in the end when you are both Ladybug and the Guardian you are the one in control.
This is a fantastic SentiChloe fic. Marinette ends up with Chloe’s amok and isn’t sure what to do with it, whether to try to give it to Chloe, whether to try and use it to make Chloe a better person, or whether to just hold onto it secretly. Along the way, she ends up getting into Chloe’s head, getting a better idea of Chloe’s mindset, what she thinks and feels when she does the things she does. I loved seeing her struggle with figuring out what to do, it ended up being a great character study for both Marinette and Chloe!
Within Your Heart by Inkyibis
It's Valentine's Day and Ladybug just wants to her superhero partner to find his love.
And what she wants, the Lucky Charm will create.
If only she could remember what it is she did last night.
Adrino fic here! Marinette’s drunk and feeling awful that her superhero partner is alone on Valentine’s (she’s in a loving and committed relationship with Alya), so she creates a Lucky Charm to help Chat find love! In this universe, Ladybug’s Lucky Charms have the power to create new rules for the universe to follow, such as making one that demands that if you have any magic in you, you have to tell the truth or else you’ll freeze. Or in Adrien’s case, that he has to wake up in the arms of his true love every day XD. It’s very sweet and I love both Adrien’s and Nino’s relationship, and the relationship between the rest of the Miracuteam members as well, even though that’s not the focus.
This Distance Between Us by @coffeebanana
After defeating Monarch, the search for the Peacock Miraculous brings Ladybug and Chat Noir to a hotel room in London. But it's hard to enjoy the victory when Ladybug can't figure out why Chat's been so quiet, why he seems so sad. How's she supposed to help if she has no idea what's wrong?
This is a great Sentiadrien fic, with Chat freaking out about it and feeling like he’s not worthy of Ladybug’s affections, but not telling her what’s actually wrong because he thinks she won’t want him anymore if she knows. Of course, he’s wrong about that.
Also there’s a pretty intense confrontation with Felix, pissing Chat Noir off is a bad idea.
Auspicious by The_Rabbit42
Entry #6 for AU April 2023: Reverse-Crush Kwami-Swap
Adrien is quiet and reserved whenever he's not consumed by stress. And between extracurriculars and modeling and his responsibilities as Mister Bug, he's often stressed. He appreciates his kitten, but he loves his bright and outgoing classmate. Not that she knows that.
Marinette's parents have always allowed her a good deal of independence, but she's felt her confidence skyrocket since getting Plagg. Simply being Lady Noire allows her to be more flirty and free. She likes her friends, but she loves her stoic and heroic partner. Not that he knows that.
This is just a lovely fic that’s exactly what it says on the tin. I like how Rabbit goes into what Lady Noire’s and Mister Bug’s dynamic is like here especially.
Of Crisp Days and Crispier Cakes by @scribeofrhapsody
Gabriel wants to not be sick. Adrien wants to make a cake. Nathalie wants a chill birthday. Maybe they can help each other. Maybe it'll be a disaster.
So this starts off as just the cute fluff fic of Adrien and Gabriel attempting to make Nathalie a birthday cake that the summary indicates, but soon evolves into a more action-filled drama fic when Gabriel makes the terrible decision to akumatize a cashier while sick... a cashier who happens to be in the same shop as Nathalie and Adrien. Who are willing to put their secret identities at risk in order to save each other.
After Irritation Do Us Start by @scribeofrhapsody
It was the most difficult decision of his life, but Gabriel did it. He let go of Hawk Moth. He moved on from Emilie. Now, all he wants is to enjoy life with his son and new wife. Unfortunately, a certain nephew of his seems to be determined to unearth what Gabriel needs to remain buried.
I love this look at what could have happened if during the season 3 finale, Gabriel had decided enough was enough and given up on being a supervillain, moving on with Nathalie instead. How much better things could have been if he’d just decided to stop - though Adrien still wouldn’t be happy to discover why Hawk Moth had suddenly stopped attacking.
Oh yeah, there’s an OC here called Gerald who Adrien’s puzzled by, since he’d never heard of this guy before the past year. At the end of the story you find out why he’s included in the story. It’s not a major thing, but it is kind of funny and fits well with the rest of the story.
Rocking the Cat-Eyes by @buggachat
“I like being a girl.”
“That’s the alcohol talking,” Marinette snorted.
“I’ve always been a li’l jealous,” Adrien admitted.
“... Of what?”
“That you get to be a girl,” Adrien murmured, “and I don’t.”
When Marinette and Adrien host Girls' Night at their apartment, Adrien is easily welcomed to attend as "one of the girls"... but has a bit too much to drink. Some drunken confessions are spilt, some assumptions are made, and most of all...
Adrien is confused.
This is a great Genderfluid!Adrien fic. Marinette actually figures out that Adrien’s not entirely cis before he does, and tries to let him know she’s supportive... but unfortunately Adrien comes to some incorrect conclusions...
Anyway it’s a lot of fun, and Adrien rocks a dress and makeup!
Desperation by OuzoAthena11
Marinette is at the end of her rope. There seems to be no hope for defeating Monarch, not now that he has most of the Miraculous and has figured out how to transfer their abilities to others.
Tikki has an idea: Awaken the memories of who Marinette was in the past to see if any of their knowledge across time and the multiverse could help.
But this means that Marinette might forever be changed, and so will Chat Noir, if he should choose to do this.
Little did they know that they knew each other in their past lives, and how frequently they crossed paths and even were a couple... well, that meant that they are soulmates.
Star Wars crossover fic here, with Marinette as Obi-wan and Adrien as Quinlan. I like how the reincarnation aspect was handled here, with Obi-wan’s and Quinlan’s memories being prominent and them “waking up” in a way at first, but those settling back down after a bit and Marinette and Adrien going back to being mostly themselves, but with a lot more life experience under their belts and some cool new abilities - which comes in handy for taking down Monarch!
Family by @unecoccinellenoire
“You know,” Nino grins, “if you need advice on being a big brother in a year or two I’m sure I could help.”
The bottom of Adrien’s stomach dropped out.
Adrien struggles with the concept of his father and Nathalie having children.
So this is a world where Adrien and Marinette managed to defeat Gabriel, taking his Miraculous, with them giving him an ultimatum: they won’t out him as being Hawk Moth so long as he doesn’t cause any more trouble and does right by Adrien. Gabriel does, in fact, move on finally to Nathalie, giving Adrien a lot of mixed feelings to deal with. He still loves them both despite everything, but he’s also angry at them and he definitely does NOT want them to have children, both because he thinks they’d like any biological child they had more (he’s also harboring guilt from indirectly being the cause of his mom’s death), and because frankly, they screwed up too much with Adrien for him to want them to inflict that on another child.
And then there’s also Adrien dealing with the realization that he’s a Senti on top of that and wondering why he and Felix look the way they do, what Emilie’s reasons were.
It’s mostly just Adrien getting to talk things out, navigating this emotionally fraught situation he finds himself in now that the dust is settled.
Galaxy In Your Eyes by @liiinerle
Arriving in Paris, Kagami almost immediately finds herself assaulted by a dark, infectious butterfly. When she wakes up, a ladybug-themed superhero is standing over her, and her eyes are like holes into an empty, vast, and incredibly alluring universe...
An AU where the two main Miraculous function differently from the norm.
Nice Marigami fic here! Or should I say, Ladygami - technically Marinette doesn’t exist, only Ladybug, who’s an immortal creation goddess, or something like that. But she still fights to protect Paris from Hawk Moth alongside Chat Noir, who is still a normal, squishy human underneath the suit.
Anyway, there’s a but of inspiration from Nimona here, with a lot of people being scared of Ladybug because she’s a bit... out there, especially when she shapeshifts to have like, 6 extra arms and a lobster tail. Kagami’s into it though XD
Stay Weird, Ladybug by @diadraws
Ladybug receives an invitation at the end of a patrol!
Contains some of my own headcanons, most notably: MIRACULOUS HOLDERS ARE CREATURES!!! They get actual animal traits when transformed instead of just a costume. My tumblr is diadraws where I elaborate some more on my headcanons which may add some additional context to this fic if you are interested!
CONTENT WARNINGS: *major* depictions of panic attacks, discussion of child neglect/abuse, and a minor emetophobia (vomiting) warning towards the end.
I’ve loved the comics and fanart I’ve seen dia create for this AU, with Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s more animalistic designs, so reading a fic set in that AU was a real treat! It’s mostly just a Ladrien sleepover at Adrien’s house, but it’s very nice and cozy, with some good character development of Adrien helping Ladybug with panic attacks she keeps having.
Trapped by @consistent-chaos-corporation
Felix asks to visit Adrien as soon as his father is gone. Gabriel catches him snooping, looking for Adrien's Amok.
Everything gets worse from there.
Damn, poor Felix. He came to try and help Adrien, but instead Gabriel stole his Amok, forcing him to obey his commands, holding him prisoner in his basement for months. If you want some quality Felix whump, this is the fic for you!
When Secrets Come Undone by SortaArtsy
Ladybug promised not to tell Adrien... but she never promised not to confide in Cat Noir. What happens when Ladybug unintentionally vents to the one person who wasn't meant to know any of it?
May not be season 6 compliant when it comes out.
This is a “Adrien finds out what everyone’s been keeping from him post-S5″ fic, and I think it’s handled really well! He feels very hurt, betrayed, and disbelieving initially about being a Senti and his father being Monarch (...mostly being a Senti, it ain’t that hard to believe that Gabriel was a supervillain), and is angry at everyone who kept it secret from him, but he still handles it well, going and talking to the people involved, getting their reasoning and perspective. 
Wanted: Catnap by SortaArtsy
Adrien Agreste has barely been sleeping, trying to be everything expected of him. What happens when he spreads himself too thin? Sick!Adrien/ Cat Noir
Adrien’s just pushing himself so hard, trying to do his regular duties, until his illness forces him to rest. I love how concerned everyone is over him - even GABRIEL eventually relents and wants him to rest. It’s just cute and nice and fluffy.
Felix is Fine by SortaArtsy
Felix wakes up sick, but is determined to keep it under wraps. Kagami refuses to be fooled. Feligami fluff. Implied past trauma/ abuse, though nothing explicit. Set post S5 so there are SOME SPOILERS!
If you want a Felix sick fic, this story’s the fic for you! I like how Felix and Kagami actually talk about why Felix is so determined to keep the extent of his illness hidden, what caused him to feel like he needs to do that, and Kagami’s understanding about it. Colt sucks.
Our Tales Are Endless (That’s Why I Tell Them) by @joonapeach
Marinette lives a simple life - one surrounded by pretty dresses, fresh macaroons, and the calming view of Paris. It's a life she thinks she has always fit in.
And yet sometimes, when a certain boy comes by her shop with a flower and a new adventurous story, she can't help but wonder if there's something else she's missing.
This was a truly gorgeous story. It’s the classic “Marinette gives up the Miracle Box and loses her memories” storyline, exploring her life two years later. Even though she’s had time to heal and recover, she still feels like she’s missing something, something big. At least Adrien’s stopping by regularly to tell her stories about Ladybug and Chat Noir, even if she doesn’t understand why they resonate with her so well.
a winter so warm by @rosekasa
winters were hard for even the best of vampires, but at least adrien had marinette to keep him warm with her cuddles.
december was going to suck without her. so it was only to be expected to get extra cuddles in before she left, right?
(well, not really, considering those heating supplements he was taking, but she didn't need to know about that).
This one’s mostly just cute cuddly adorableness! It’s basically like all those “Marinette gets the Ladybug trait of needing to cuddle up to someone for warmth”, but with Adrien instead. And of course featuring Marinette being a very talented witch who just wants to help Adrien stay warm when she isn’t there XD.
The 8 Weddings of Alix Kubdel by The_Rabbit42
The bet is simple: with the Rabbit Miraculous, Alix will be speaking at all of her friends' weddings. No matter what age they tie the knot, she'll be there looking the same. From Alix's perspective, she's going to each ceremony and reception one right after another in a nonstop bender.
This fic’s a lot of fun! I loved seeing all the different weddings, as well as how Alix slowly felt more and more out of place, with going forwards in time. Some of the weddings could get, uh. Exciting as well XD. And while there’s been years in-between Alix’s appearances for her friends at the wedding, for Alix, it’s only been a few hours, if that...
and I thought I heard you sing by @into-september
When Hawkmoth has been defeated and unmasked, Marinette is left with two problems and no solutions.
First, that Adrien is further out of her reach than ever before, and no-one can tell her how to get to him.
Second, that Cat Noir is far more troubled than she knew, and the only thing she can do is wait for him at the place they agreed to meet.
It’s your classic “Hawkmoth’s defeated and taken into custody but that means Adrien’s in for a rough time” sort of fic. Everyone’s worried about Adrien and wants to give him what comfort and support that they can, but he’s being hidden away from everyone (which I mean, honestly that’s a good move), so that’s not really possible. Plus, Ladybug’s noticed that Chat’s having a tough time in his civilian life, which worries her.
Time Locked AU by PumpkinPatchworkQuilt
In Time Locked, instead of just fixing the damage it puts everything post akuma back to exactly how it was, people, buildings, memories, time. Since it’s more extreme than in canon it requires both The Cat and The Ladybug to complete the Cure,(and visually contains both as well). Because of this only those with a miraculous can recall the events and only those who cast the Cure will have any lasting effects from the fight and even then it’s limited to scars, phantom aches, getting a tad more muscle definition and of course spatial displacement in extreme cases.
Since technology is slightly resistant or incompatible with the miraculous magic, footage of right after the akuma attack will survive, on a technicality and as such only reappears when the time catches up the the recorded time, that could be minutes, hours, or days depending on how long it took to defeat the akuma.
First story: Alya’s Guide to Surviving a Magical Terrorist Which You Can’t Remember
In a world where the fight against Hawkmoth is kept secret from the public, one Alya Césaire sets out to bring the whole thing to light, (and possibly win a journalism award while she's at it)
This was an interesting AU, I loved the focus on Alya especially and her investigative abilities, figuring out that there was a battle between good and evil taking place in the background of everyone’s lives even though most signs of it are wiped clean after the battle’s over. And Adrien and Marinette pick up on her cleverness and want her to help! I love how much appreciation this fic shows for Alya.
Stitched Together by @nedjsmlfavs
Stitch Witch Marinette was just supposed to be having a nice, terrifying outing with her best friends. She never expected to find a magically trapped kitten, but here we are! Whatever happened to this poor little guy?
Poor Adrien, being transformed and chained up for ages, having no idea that he was gonna be rescued. But at least he got to have fun at Marinette’s place as a cat! 
Most of this fic is adorable, though with some dark undertones lying in wait. After all, SOMEONE chained up that poor little kitty...
Love Remains by @kasienda
Marinette stood in the center of her own room. The pink walls were adorned with sketches and photos, and other unfamiliar souvenirs of her life. Her eyes jumped curiously from a hand made purse to a bowler hat decorated with a feather to a cork board covered in pictures of her friends.
She loved her room. Which made sense, she supposed. She had theoretically been the one to decorate it, but she didn’t remember decorating it. And now, the room was like a cave filled with treasure.
Because each little piece of it held a secret - some part of herself that meant something to her, a clue to what her life had been like before…
Before she had woken up in the arms of a boy wearing a magic black catsuit. His heartbroken sobs had caused something in her chest to twist painfully. She hadn’t understood why then, but from that very first moment she knew she had wanted to make things better for him.
She had no idea how to do that now that she understood what she had lost.
Sixteen years worth of memories.
The echoes of which were papered onto the walls and notebooks of her room just waiting to be rediscovered.
No one else seemed to share her excitement.
Unlike most “Marinette loses her memories” fics, this one isn’t super angst for Marinette - she takes it in stride. Now, everyone else, not so much. It’s really interesting seeing her contrast who she appeared to be before with who she is now, particularly when it comes to her previous self being in love with Adrien and not Chat, while she’s in love with Chat and not Adrien. Of course eventually she finds out certain things that makes that make a lot more sense. She isn’t so different from how she was before after all...
Betrayal by @jennagrinsoverml
Ladybug planned to use Viperion's power of Second Chance to get Chat's identity to Su-han without Chat knowing or agreeing.
Of course, then the world went crazy, and she didn't go through with it.
But when an akuma exposes Ladybug's plan to Chat, he doesn't know that. He just knows that his Lady betrayed him.
He deals with his feelings in the best, most mature way he can think of.
He disappears.
So I, like a lot of others, wanted more follow-up on Ephemeral, and particularly on the betrayal of trust it was for Marinette to try to trick Chat Noir into giving up his identity to a third party without his knowledge or consent (I wrote my own take on that at the time, called Transcient, that I’m proud of). This fic did a good job of exploring that, with Adrien reacting in a manner that made sense to me (repressing his negative feelings about the situation as much as possible and trying to justify it to himself, but still feeling terrible despite his own best efforts), and how Marinette realized that she messed up, since Luka keeping it secret that he knows hers and Chat’s secret identities caused her to be upset as well. It did a great job of exploring those negative feelings and letting everyone talk things out, explain their viewpoints, and rebuild their relationships afterwards, which is something I really value.
Swimming in Circles by @generalluxun
Life has moved on for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She's not where she thought she would be seven years ago, but she's still in a good place. Classes, hobbies, friends, her life is full despite the lingering shades of her faded yet sweet middle-school romance. Then just as quick at the first time, someone drops into her life and turns her into an absolute mess once more.
Love and crushes might be her undoing, but she's got a little more experience this time to weather the storm. This fateful stranger stirs memories as well as emotions inside of her, and with a forthrightness her old self would be jealous of, Marinette takes the plunge.
So this is a Trans fic, with Marinette’s new crush being a trans version of a certain classmate who she doesn’t recognize, who’s changed a lot, for the better. I like how it deals with the baggage she has with that person, has her think that through.
Three’s company by @torvalvt
Kagami has been doing her best for years to ignore her feelings for her friends. It doesn't help that Adrien and Marinette insist on spending as much time as possible with her, even going so far as inviting her along on their dates together. If only the affection she felt for them wouldn't get in the way of their relationship. Because it is growing harder and harder to tamp down her feelings with how close they are getting to her.
This is adorable. Adrien and Marinette really want Kagami to join their relationship and she just doesn’t dare hope for it. If you want some adorable Adrigaminette from Kagami’s perspective, I recommend checking this fic out!
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Austin has said many times that he likes to keep his life private, that he hates paparazzi and that NY is a city where he feels like he can't be calm because the paparazzi are after him, but Kaia has been in Los Angeles for more than 2 weeks and we literally don't know anything about Austin, we haven't even seen his nose. Here we are clear that Kaia is the one who calls the paparazzi and that everything is calculated between the two, where they give the street time and they take the photos. I don't want to make Austin a victim because he is in this game and I can't even imagine what karma he is paying and what kind of agreement he will have to allow all this, because he doesn't look happy doing it either. But my point is that Bad Bunny, Zoe Kravitz and Matt Smith have all been spotted these days even though they are filming, but Austin prefers to stay hidden and agrees with what he says about not liking being photographed especially if he is working, which is why everything is so confusing regarding what is going on with them and so revealing the fact that if Kaia is not there is no trace of Austin.
Yeah I don’t like making him a victim either but it really does show how calculated everything is.The man can hide out when he feels like and when he wants to. Stay low, and then Kaia comes and that goes out the window. I feel like whatever agreement there is , it was only meant to favor Kaia for the most part. Austin may get some benefits from it but this was definitely more for Kaia and making her level up.
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marvels-meme · 9 months
you got any post The Marvels headcannons? i loved the movie
Sorry this is so late!
Kamala, when she gets back to school, drags Nakia and Zoe into the bathroom and immediately tells them EVERYTHING. Nakia is amused, but Zoe is so so excited and asks every question under the sun.
Kamala immediately zoom calls Bruno and starts rambling about meeting Captain Marvel and by the end of it they're so hyper
Carol canonically has the second bangle (she's wearing it at the end), but she only wears it when she's visiting Kamala. It unsettles her a lot, especially since it's a reminder of her Kree half. She usually keeps it well hidden.
The Khan's just sort of forcibly adopt Carol. Bruno is gone and they needed a new white person to force into family gathering and there was this sad sort of pathetic white woman lying around and they were like "perfect"
Kamala wants a baby flerkitten. Ammi immediately says no.
You know that post about Steve not having a drivers license and bullying cops that try and pull him over? Carol does that 24/7.
Carol avoids moving ANYTHING in the Rambeau house if she can help it. Literally the only things she changes is some stuff in her room.
Carol does her best to keep the house clean and tidy for when Monica comes back
Monica passed out not even seconds after she saw her mom
Monica tries to adjust to a somewhat normal routine, but it's extremely difficult when she has basically nothing. No house, no phone, no friends from her universe.
Binary Maria finds it... difficult. She doesn't have a daughter in this universe, and wasn't prepared for her daughter from another universe to be spring onto her doorstep.
Seeing Binary Maria wear the bangles spooked her a little bit, but she refuses to talk about them because she wants to protect Kamala even in other universes
She has no way of knowing that Carol stayed and is afraid that she left again
There's a Goose in this universe, and this Goose also recently had flerkittens. Binary Maria lets her have one.
A reminder to boycott all Marvel products until Zionist superhero Sabra is removed from Captain America 4.
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happyk44 · 2 years
Nico who doesn't let Percy leave without him. Nico who makes Percy bring him along. Nico who misses his sister so fiercely he walks into a shadow and appears right at her side. Nico who follows them and refuses to go back without her.
And he's so insistent. And she's so angry that he followed them. Percy, who refuses to take Nico back, so focused on wanting to save Annabeth, rushes in between them because Nico is about to start crying and Bianca looks so devastated and frustrated and Grover pulls Nico away to calm down and Percy asks her why she's so reluctant to be around him, he's her brother, yeah he's a little annoying, but he's just a kid and she stares at him.
"My grandfather said so," she says. She peeks at Nico, pulled into himself and sorting through acorns with Grover. Thalia and Zoe look bewildered behind them. "He said if I stayed with him, he would die."
Percy pauses. This grandfather sounds insane. "I thought you said you didn't know your family."
She scratches the back of her neck. She won't stop watching Nico. "He comes to me in my dreams." She shakes her head. "I know it's crazy, but you have to believe me. I know he's telling the truth."
Percy is baffled. He wants to argue. Wants to question. It doesn't make sense. He whispers about it to the others. They don't know what to make of it either. But Nico refuses to leave. Every time they try to ditch him, he shows up, tired but untouched. No one knows how he's doing it. He just says he's walking. But there's no way that's true. It's too late.
Then the junkyard. Nico exclaims when he finds the Hades figurine. He wants to take it. Everyone says no. He picks it up anyway, just to get a closer look. He's never seen the Hades one before. The robot awakens. It bats Nico away like a bug on the ground.
He dies.
Bianca screams. Darkness explodes out of her like a bomb. The night sky seems to swell and move with her anger. The stars disappear. The robot is torn apart by ghosts, skeletons, shadow-like hands.
"I TOLD YOU," she screeches. "I TOLD YOU HE WASN'T LYING."
Oh, Percy thinks. That grandfather.
Bianca is clutching Nico close. Darkness pools around her and dissipates slowly across the edges. She's sobbing. No one moves.
And then her sobs soften. They quiet. The silence of the night is damning.
Then, "You promise?"
Her voice is small. Nearly hidden. Shadows crawl up her legs, across Nico's frame. There's no response, but she's hearing someone they cannot, being spoken to by a figure long dead, so far beneath the earth only a child of the Underworld can make out the words.
"Okay," she whispers as darkness pulls across her face. Her angry raging eyes are the last thing Percy sees before she disappears. "I'll do it."
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dont-f-with-moogles · 8 months
hello! I saw your festive prompt.
could I request idea 6 or 27 with Levi x Hange, please. 💚💜
Festive Fics 27: Confessing A Crush When It’s Snowing 
The Last Two People on Earth (modern AU) Levi x Hange (mentioned: Zeke Yeager) 1835 words 
Levi was struck by hot whips of panic. His breath rasped in his lungs as he glared wildly into a haze of white. The frantic scraping of his windscreen wipers did little to relieve the snow as it pummelled down with renewed ferocity. It was quickly becoming impossible to drive in such a blizzard; the tightening of his chest warned him so. And yet his eyes were fixed upon the darkness, searching amongst the pale limbs of trees which lined the road for a lone figure. Every shape emerged as human company, only for his headlights to flash over it and extinguish all hope. Levi was terrified that he would pass them without recognition… leave them to perish out in the storm. How long had Hange been walking? They had left moments before he had run to his car. How had they managed to cover so much ground in that time?  
Then his lights caught a shape. Stalking against the wind, head bowed, arms wrapped around them, was Hange Zoe. 
Levi’s tyres crunched the ground as his vehicle slowed to a halt. He flung open his door and scrambled out.
“Oi, Hange!”
His voice tore in the snow-flecked gale. Hange stopped, arms still folded, refusing to turn around. Flakes dusted the shoulders of their coat; tangled in their hair. Levi’s shoes sank into the carpet of white. Snow littered his chest and arms. He brushed the flakes from his face with an impatient hand. Within a few short seconds the cold was already beginning to seep through his jacket. 
“Of all the places this guy had to live… what is this, Count Fucking Dracula’s Castle…?”
“Well, no one asked you to drive all the way out here!” Hange burst out tremulously.  
Their breath coiled like smoke into the wind. Suppressing a shiver, Levi wrung the snow from his arms. Then he placed a tentative touch upon their shoulder.
“Hange-” Slowly, they turned to him. Their lenses were smeared, eyes clouded with hurt and fury. The gale had whipped their cheeks raw. 
“Come on. You really think you would have gotten very far walking in all this?”
“I only left because you showed up uninvited!”
Hange’s stare blazed the ground. And yet, they did not resist as Levi drew them closer.
“We can’t stay here-” The cold air grated Levi’s tone, fraying every word until they hung hoarsely between them. “We’ll freeze.”
His arm tightened around Hange’s shoulders. The fabric of their coat was so icy it chilled his fingertips. Turning back, they struggled towards the car. Hange refused to speak another word, even once the door had slammed shut upon the cool interior of the vehicle. 
As they rolled into the night, there was just the rustle of flakes upon the windscreen and the creaking of Levi’s wipers as they battled the onslaught.  His eyes strained, exhausted, into the whirl of white. Only minutes had passed before Levi could hardly see more than a couple of inches of road curving in front of them. A sudden bend caught him unaware, forcing him to press upon the brake. The car crawled feebly, defeated by the elements which rained down upon them.
“We can’t keep on going, Levi…” Hange’s voice was heavy with tiredness.
“You mean…” Levi turned to cough into his damp sleeve. As he lifted his head, he found himself unable to finish his question. The silence settled heavily between them, as suffocating as the snow which clung to the corners of the glass
“There’s a high school less than ten minutes from here,” Hange suggested, “I remember visiting there a couple of times for inter-school competitions…”
Levi obliged by pulling over by the side of the road. He removed a torch from the glove compartment and retrieved a spare sweater from the back seat - this, he flung upon Hange’s lap.
The school building loomed into view; a hidden relic encased within the swirl of a shaken snow globe. Arms clinging to one another, bowed against the gale, Levi and Hange staggered forwards. They moved in slow motion, like aged versions of themselves cut out of time and place, left to wander in a world of white.
“Evening cleaning staff stay til late,” Hange’s jaw chattered as they nodded towards the lit windows. “I doubt they’ll be leaving anytime soon…”
Frozen footsteps left a trail of ice-water across the hardwood floors. Crossing an eerily quiet reception area, the two of them entered the first ground floor room they passed. It was a small space connected to an adjoining classroom. A faded display adorned the wall; paper turned pale by the sunlight of endless summer afternoons. Fresh chalk had recently been scrawled over a small, wall-mounted board. There was the scent of plastic, of paint and marker pens preserved in the still air.
They removed their wet shoes and placed them beneath a traditional column radiator which ran along the space opposite the window. Levi shook the water from his jacket and placed it over a classroom chair. The sudden warmth after such exposure drew the heat into his face. He ran his tongue across the roof of his dry mouth. Then he removed a tissue from his pocket to wipe at his icy nose. Hange sat with their back resting against the radiator, Levi’s thick sweater spread over their lap.
Once Levi had settled beside them, they lapsed into separate spheres of thought. The window opposite was a black square framing flakes as they drifted upon the night like feathers.
“Is it true?” Levi broke the silence at last. He appeared to address his arms, which rested upon his knees. “What you said before?”
The sleeve of Levi’s sweater slid off Hange’s lap as they shifted against the metal coils of the radiator. They retrieved it a little pedantically, smoothing the fabric out with several strokes of their hand.
“...about what?”
“That you only left because I showed up?”
“Well, how else do you explain it?” Hange turned to him fiercely. “You appeared out of nowhere. Of course Zeke assumed he was getting in the middle of something! Now I’d be surprised if I ever manage to get him on his own again.”
Levi reached out to check the dampness of his jacket. “...I see.”
“I don’t think you do.” Hange shifted so that they were kneeling next to him. The sweater lay crumpled at their side. “This is how it works with benefactors! If a department needs funding for equipment then they have to kiss a pompous ass here or there to make it happen.”
Levi’s mouth twisted at their words.
“I know it’s not the same in your job… but to us, donations are everything.” Hange glared down at their trembling fists. “Without them, we can’t continue our work. We’d be left stranded years behind in terms of research…”
“It just…” Levi lowered his head and coughed into his sleeve again. “It shouldn’t have to be that way.”
“Well… it is.” Hange sat back on their heels. In this posture there was something childlike about them. “...and you implying that there’s something seedy going on when it was just dinner and the offer of a guest room in his house… well, that really stings, Levi.”
“I never thought…”
“So why then, huh?” Hange’s voice rang in the small confines of the room. “Why did you drive all the way out here from your place?”
“I…” Levi cleared his throat again. Then he leaned his head back against the plain plaster wall behind them. “I… just think it gives the wrong idea.”
“So what… you rode out here to defend my honour?” Hange laughed derisively. “Give me a break…”
“Don’t be stupid. I mean it gives him the wrong idea.”
The corners of the windows were misted with white. The darkness beyond was speckled with wisps of magic.
“Moblit told me about the last time you both met that guy… he said there was something off about him. You all felt it. And… I didn’t like the idea of you being stuck with someone who makes you feel that uncomfortable.”
Hange wrapped their arms around their knees. They turned their face away and remained still, half-hidden by their sleeve.
“It’s not your job to rescue me… I don’t know why you think it is.”
In answer, Levi drew towards them. Wordlessly, he picked up his sweater and swept it around Hange’s shoulders so that the sleeves embraced them around the neck. His hand lingered upon the material; his eyes intent upon their face. Then he moved back against the wall.
Silence lay upon the scene once more, only broken by tiny, incidental sounds. The humming of the overhead lights. The clicking of the radiator. Rustlings of snow whispered their secrets against the glass. The quiet rasp of Levi’s breath. Within that small room surrounded by flaking plaster and old paper… the smell of chalk dust and dried paint… Hange heaved an exhausted, tearless sigh. So consumed by their anger, they had hardly noticed Levi. He was sleeping, his head resting against the faded wall. His face was drawn and pale.
Removing his sweater from around their shoulders, Hange draped it over his lap. Levi gave a small grunt in response but did not stir. Hange placed the back of their hand against his forehead, withdrawing as his skin burned them.
“You idiot,” Hange chided him, “rushing out into a storm to save me, even though you’re sick and trying to hide it… who do you think you are, a knight in shining armour?”
Hange studied his pale brow, tightened with worry, even now as he slept. They mapped out the contours of his angular cheekbones; the small, curved nose; his sharpened jawline.
“You were born in the wrong era, Levi. You ought to have lived in the time of fair maidens so you could ride in on horseback and be the hero.” They gave a sparkling peal of laughter, their tone far lighter than before. “It’s just… I’m not cut out to be a damsel in distress, I’m afraid.”
Levi’s dark fringe tickled the back of their hand as they stroked it away from his face.
“You see… you’ve got it all wrong. You don’t need to worry about me… especially when it comes to Zeke.” 
The room had grown colder and emptier without Levi’s brash interjections, but Hange would not have woken him for the world. As his breath whistled quietly down his nose, Hange marvelled at the steady rise and fall of his chest. 
“...because I can take care of myself… just how I take care of you.”
Instinctively, Hange’s fingers felt for his. They knelt beside him, Levi’s hand held gently in theirs. 
“Thanks to you we’ll be stuck here until sunrise…” 
Hange touched their own forehead lightly to his. Resting there for a moment, they savoured the warmth of his skin as it flared against their own.
“...we could be the last two people on earth. Maybe we should just stay here forever… just you and me.”
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agentpheoness · 19 days
Lore dump + Doodles
In missions the two alternate when going on missions but sometimes both agents join a mission at the same time!
Operation: Friendly Skies
Agent Pheonix is in charge of the first mission while Pheoness is on standby. Pheoness prays that the poor guy doesn’t die on his first mission, and if he does, make it quick. Phoenix’s reckless behavior results in some close calls but doesn’t die a horrible death yet. When Handler tells them that they could get a vacation from this mission, Pheonix gets happy like a caffeinated puppy and Pheoness, while skeptical, is also pleased. Unfortunately, Handler admits they don’t get that vacation, which disappoints Pheonix but makes Pheoness even more annoyed at their Handler, even threatening him at times.
Operation: Squeaky clean
There’s really no lore in this mission. Pheoness goes on the mission and creates the antivirus safety, although, there are a few funny moments like when Handler says he doesn’t know how to make an antivirus, Pheoness starts yelling at him in Spanish and plot twist, Handler speaks Spanish too. The two are just arguing in Spanish while Pheonix has no idea what they’re saying and is just like😐
Operation: Deep dive
Pheoness decides to take this mission again because she thinks it’s too dangerous for Pheonix. Since commutations can’t reach underwater, Handler nor Pheonix know if she survived or not. But while she’s there, she tends to miss her two work associates. She’s able to survive and make it to the surface. Once communications have been restored, it seems both Handler and Pheonix were extremely worried, which confused her since she’s not used to people caring.
Between Deep Dive and Winter Break:
After 3 missions, an agent’s Handler has a meeting with the higher ups to decide if they want to stay with their current agent(s) or move to another agent. As you can tell, a lot of Pheoness’s handlers have not been with her past this stage so she goes a long rant about how their current Handler is probably gonna keep Pheonix but not her while pacing the floor of her office. When Director Morales shows the results, to her surprise, Handler wanted to keep working with both of them! When she confronts Handler and asks him why, he says that he thinks she has a lot of hidden potential. Though she’s annoying at times, he thinks she’s an amazing agent on missions. This leaves her speechless and the events of my comic with Pheoness and Pheonix occur
Link to comic:
If you don’t understand, I’ll explain. Pheoness is in her office. She is going through a whole inner conflict questioning her thoughts toward her business associates, especially Handler and has a panic attack. Agent Pheonix sees this and goes to comfort her. When asking what’s wrong, she shows him something she’s never showed anyone. Writing in invisible ink on her office wall. The writing suggests she keeps track of her Handlers. It is revealed that this Handler wasn’t her first one, in fact, he’s her 8th! The rest of her Handlers quit or moved on. Phoenix finally understands why she’s so uptight and hugs her, telling her that he thinks that Handler really cares about her. Pheoness, not being used to physical touch, takes a while before she sincerely returns the affection. (The last panel was a joke and not actually canon) Operation: Winter Break
This is the first mission where both Pheonix and Pheoness both do the mission. They immediately had to fight for Zor’s chair and playfully annoyed eachother before getting back on Handler for the whole “vacation” thing, they make him extremely concerned by burning down most things in the lodge. They find Zoe’s weapon and destroy it with the crystals. Another successful mission
Both Pheonix and Pheoness didn’t believe him when Handler told them he got them a vacation on a train in India, but they were overjoyed when they found out it was real. Just the two of them, chilling on a train…but..why are Zor’s guards stopping the train? They hear about the Ex-Zor employee and help her get the pardon she needs. While taking sips of tea at the worst times, they defeat the Zoraxis employees. To be honest, both of them were happy that the Ex-Zor employee was able to survive the whole ideal. When they found out they had to pay for their “all expense vacation” Pheoness was going to yell at Handler in Spanish again, but keeps her cool to everyones surprise.
Between FIRST CLASS VACATION and Seat of Power
Between these 2 missions are another comic I made. If you don’t understand it, I’ll explain. Pheoness notices Handler has been having patterns of staying up all night to do work. Concerned, she points to him. They have a little discussion and she realizes Handlers job is not the luxury she thinks it is. Feeling guilty, she apologized for her yelling and mocking him in previous missions. Handler forgives her and he finally gets some rest. While this is happening, Pheonix peeps his head through the door to see what they’re doing and is happy when they see the two getting along.
Seat Of Power:
Only Pheonix is doing this mission. After a whole minute of pretending to be Zor on his throne, he’s able to get the plans for the death ray. From the elevator, Pheonix and Handler and Pheoness (who are listening in) hear Hivemind and his bees. Phoenix, being the innocent child he is, wants to see the cute little bees. Unfortunately, Hivemind’s bees are very mean and almost kill Pheonix. This makes Pheoness hate Hivemind even more. But even with that setback, they get the info on Zor’s death ray.
(I’ll leave the last mission for another post)
Also, here’s some doodles that basically sum up this post.
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crescentcampbell · 1 year
The Roommate
Summary: Theo Dimas has sins to atone for. Maybe letting Mabel move in can help him do that just a little.
Theo Dimas wasn’t sure what prompted him to ask Mabel to move in. Mabel was part of his past. Zoe’s death, the thing that had haunted his nightmares for so long. He’d avoided her. When she moved into The Arconia again, he used to wake up in the middle of the night, sweating. When was she going to tell the truth? When would she ruin his whole life? Then, the truth was found out, and in a weird way…his life wasn’t ruined.
Because when Mabel came, his dad went away. The minute Teddy Dimas was gone, it was like Theo could breathe again. His secrets were no longer hidden. Which was why, when he found Mabel crying outside of The Arconia, he couldn’t help but stop and ask her what was going on. Mabel had freed him from his darkness. The least he could do was help her in whatever way he could.
In a shuddering breath, she told him, “I can’t find an apartment. It’s too expensive, and the only way I could afford to stay is if I sell out to Cinda Canning…I don’t know how I’m going to tell Oliver and Charles.”
Theo made a face. You can’t do that, he signed to her.
Mabel nodded and wiped her tears away. “I know I can’t. But how else can I afford to live in the city? I’ll have to go back home…”
He owed Mabel Mora everything. The least he could let her do was stay at his place, rent free, and maybe atone for his sins a little. If such a thing was possible for someone like him. Stay with me.
Mabel squinted at his hands, as if she wasn’t sure she had understood him. “Theo…. I can’t stay with you. Wouldn’t that be too weird?”
Theo shook his head. Only if you make it weird, he signed, I’ll even help you pack your stuff.
Mabel laughed. “You don’t have to do that.”
He insisted.
It took them one day to move her in, and less time to help her pack. It was the easiest choice Theo had ever made in his life.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 1 year
Have the origin of my fic Things that Won't Last! (I'm still archiving old AU's)
So, Douxie and Krel get off on the wrong foot. Douxie cuts in line, and he isn't able to make it up by freeing Krel from the ice bc in this AU it was Zoe who helped to make the time trap. Afterwards, Krel is a little rude to Douxie for the cutting in line incident, and Douxie is rude right back because his grief over Merlin is impacting his ability to be polite to people who aren't polite back. Their friends try to get the two of them to maybe be a little nicer to e/o but eventually give up. Besides, it's not like Douxie and Krel's snark is actually hurting anyone, it's just annoying to deal w/the two of them.
It goes on like this for years until the Arcane Order kidnaps Douxie and Krel. (They also knock out Claire in the process, and by the time she wakes up Douxie and Krel have been so thoroughly hidden away that she can't find them).
In the mean time, Bellroc and Skrael forcibly merge Krel w/Gaylen's core. They also try to steal Douxie's magic from him, but all they can manage is to mess w/his connection to it. It still hurts, of course, and makes Douxie feel empty, but it doesn't completely break him. What does break Douxie is when Krel comes to kill him. His steps are jaunty, and his eyes, the tips of his hair, wings glow a sickly gold, the same gold of Morgana and the Green Knight. Douxie doesn't have the magical strength to fight back, so he pleads with Krel for a few short moments before shaking his head.
"There's nothing I can do to reason with you, is there? I know you hate me, but please just make it fast for the sake of our friends."
Douxie closes his eyes and waits for a blow that doesn't come. He opens his eyes, and watches as a neon red and electric purple light burns off the gold.
"Speak for yourself. I… I never hated you," Krel says before he takes Douxie's hand. And they run, and then Krel flies the two of them away from the base until they awkwardly crash-land in an empty field. Douxie is too tired to say the instinctual biting words at Krel. They find out they're slightly closer to Arcadia Oaks than NYC, so they decide to start a roadtrip together.
(They for some reason can't pick up burner phones, and of course between Gaylen's core and Douxie's new Magical Trauma™️ Claire can't portal to them.)
They decide not to kill themselves by renting a car and driving w/o stops aside from switching off drivers, so instead they have to stay at a lot of motels that, coincidentally, only have rooms with one bed! Technically, said beds are big enough that Douxie and Krel can go to opposite sides of the bed, but more than once Douxie wakes up to find Krel clinging to him. Maybe an excuse could be made for how Krel has wings he didn't have before and sure, one of them is stretched out behind him, but the other is protectively laid over the two of them.
Douxie doesn't say anything because even though Krel gets on Douxie's nerves during every waking moment (or at least he did before their capture) he's always found Krel attractive… and Douxie knows he ruined anything they could've had
Both of them silently agree to be nicer to each other, and yet they also both are unnerved by how nice their companion is being. And yet, when their conversations don't devolve into biting snark too, they find they like each other as friendly acquaintances. (They both consider themselves too far gone for more.)
After multiple close calls in fights (and multiple times of listening to Douxie cry himself to sleep, not reaching out bc Krel knows that Douxie dislikes him for no reason and yet once he's asleep Krel reaches out to comfort and hold Douxie) Krel ends up tinkering w/some Akiridion technology he had on him when captured and attaches it to Douxie's staff, and this amplifies what magic Douxie can summon. Douxie thanks Krel, and it's probably the first time he's ever given such a genuine unguarded smile to Krel.
"I never thought Akiridion technology and magic could have ever been so compatible." I never allowed myself to wonder if we could've been so compatible.
And then, sometime after this, the softness couldn't last. Krel is lamenting the changes brought about after having been merged w/Gayen's core, and Douxie tries to make a soft comment about how not everything's changed, but. Douxie is tired. It's far too easy to make an assholish comment about how thankfully Krel's still slightly shorter than Douxie. He's found that he really likes Krel, though, and internally he's screaming because he doesn't want to go back to how they were.
On instinct, Krel snarks back that Douxie should wipe the smirk off his face, or Krel would remove it for him. He doesn't want to go back to their rivalry either. Douxie asks just how Krel would remove said smirk.
And finally, the tension that's built between them for years finally breaks when Krel kisses Douxie, and Douxie kisses Krel back before Krel can apologize for overstepping. This time, when they fall asleep Krel is already holding onto Douxie.
(When they get back to Arcadia Oaks and their friends, said friends are thankful that the two of them are alive but also very confused by the way they're holding hands)
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imeternallylove · 1 year
Secret - S.Holmes; part five
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Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Genre: purely angst, upcoming age and some smut
Warning: none
Word: 2k
main mastetlist  | request & ask | prompts | theme song
Chapters index
prologue | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part night | part ten | part eleven | part twelve | part thirteen | epilogue
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"All right, ladies. Let’s see what we still didn’t have."
You parked the car and gave yoghurt milk to two little girls, then kicked the driver's door shut with your knee. Took Zoe and Elle to entry the great mall, where two or three items for both of the girls' parade outfits had to be purchased.
You got a call from Elle's father this afternoon explaining that her mother needed to stay in the hospital for emergency surgery, so you volunteered to pick Elle up and send her home today.
"Please, please, please mummy! Elle and me need a chaplet, can you make it with your flowers?" Zoe pleaded. She's embracing your legs and hopping up and down, her puppy dog eyes shining brightly exactly same as the way her father did.
Since when did you become effortlessly swayed by those huge and splendid eyes?
You exhaled loudly and conceded defeat, knowing that saying no would never end it. "I promised I’ll make the most gorgeous floral chaplet for you two, but I need you both to be on your best behaviour now, okay?" You told them firmly before smiling at their overjoyed expressions.
"Can I have a pinkie pinkie carnation, auntie Y/N?" Elle asks you, tugging on the outer edge of your sleeve. "Of course, darling," you answer gently. I'm going to make pinkie pinkie for you and baby blue for Zo-zo!"
Your daughter and Elle giggled with glee, "yes, yeah! Thank you so much, auntie!"
You hold both your daughter's and Elle’s hand as you head them toward through a crowded area filled with people who all appeared to be renowned or very important. You froze on the edge of the mall for a split second, peering around the mall wide-eyed.
Then Sherlock showed up with a broad smile on his face, and you almost had forgotten how to breathe, when he walks through the crowd come to your way.
“Oh! Uncle Detective!" Your daughter exclaimed with delighted happiness.
How the fuck did he get here? It’s like a god trying to play shit over your head, because everywhere you went, you'd run into his curly brown hair and black long coat.
"Remember, best behaviour," you whispered under your breath to the girls before straightening up and smiling a little shyly at Sherlock, see him with nice fits class suit again, who was approaching you. You still hadn't decided what you were going to say to him.
“Hey. Don’t tell me you are here to watch me and John, eh?” He exclaimed quite loudly near your ear, his arms flailing at his sides as if confused what to do. You then observed that there was a little chaos behind Sherlock's back, with police, hospital staff, and a slew of media. Still, you could tell he was perplexed, and he began to suspect the two toddlers who were hidden slightly under your legs.
You scrunched up your nose awkwardly, trying to think of something to say. Zoe is already taken aback when she sees the real Sherlock, her 'Uncle Detective'. She has no idea that the man in front of her is her father, whom she had been requesting to see for several weeks. "Nah. It wasn't even close to the truth.” You pretend to laugh and it’s so dryly. “Well, er, I just bring the girls here to shopping," you stated carefully, telling him half the truth. "But why do you look like an actor or something? Mr detective?"
He chuckled and ran a delicate hand through his hair before returning his focus to the girls. "And who exactly are these two?" With a wide smile on his face, he asked, stooping down to get closer to their level.
As you could have predicted, hiding them was no longer necessary. "This is Zoe and this is Elle," you introduced them, letting them walk out from between your legs while maintaining a firm grip on both of them. Behind your ostensibly calm demeanour, you were uncomfortably holding your imaginary breath, asking with any god who might listen for Sherlock not to recognise himself in Zoe as you did.
"It's nice to meet you, Elle," Sherlock remarked warmly, putting out his hand to Zoe.
"I'm Zoe, that's Elle!" Your daughter said quickly, placing her bag on the floor so she could shake his hand. You felt yourself holding your breath as they touched, Sherlock's large hand curling around Zoe's. It was peculiar to watch the two of them interact, father and daughter, and neither of them acknowledged it.
Sherlock, too, shook Elle's hand before looking up at you. "Did you enjoy shopping here? Sorry for the inconvenience; the mess will be cleaned up in half an hour." He said, his gaze darting between the three of you.
Zoe didn't hold back and soon began expressing her delight. "We just reached here and it was incredible! This mall is so big! Uncle Detective!" She flowed, barely pausing to breathe between reports.
“Ohㅡ Wow! I'm Uncle Detective now? Would you like to meet Grandpa Detective? John Watson over there." Sherlock replied, tilting his head and beaming at the two girls, whose faces lit up like fireflies in the dark. "I'll take that as a yes," he laughed, rising to his feet and peering over his shoulder.
Then you notice the man who was busy chatting to a group of workers come in, a small greet happened, his name is Lestrade, and Sherlock will make its way back to his jobs.
Meanwhile, your daughter was shaking with excitement. You'd never seen her act this way before...But you'd seen it in Sherlock: it was exactly how he reacted when he got 100 scores on a biography exam. Seeing that in your daughter made you smile and panic at the same time. She was exactly like him without even trying.
"Does Little Zoe look like she needs something?"
"Perhaps some selfies with superstars like you." In response, you put on an artificial wide grin.
As Zoe's favourite person approached, she instantly wrenched free of your grip and ran halfway towards him, Elle joining her in an instant. He knelt on the ground and hugged the girls tightly. You quickly reached for your phone: Zoe would be upset for a week if you didn't capture a photo for her wall.
Sherlock stood beside you, poking you in the ribs with his elbow. "They are your children?" He asked a solemn expression taking over his usually jovial features. 
Your heart sank with fear. What exactly were you intended to say? Should you tell him Zoe was your daughter? He wouldn't instinctively think she was his daughter, would he? Would telling him Zoe was your daughter just raise additional questions? Oh, you were facetious, of course it would. You were talking about the great detective, Sherlock Holmes..
"They're part of a programme I volunteer for," you lied, your gaze fixed on your phone so you wouldn't have to look up and see his face. He would know you were lying just by looking at him. "Someone else was supposed to come today, but they needed emergency surgery, so I'm here instead," you explained gently. It ached to lie to him, but there was no other option without destroying his universe.
"You still should have told me," he said next to you. He sounded glum, but when you caught a look of him, he was beaming like a complete idiot, watching Zoe and Elle converse happily together. Your heart tightened silently, wishing it was a smile of fatherly love.
You sighed quietly and turned to face him, feeling bad for all of the lies. "Will the meal at lunch make up for it?" You offered, lightly touching his arm. 
He smiled at you, lifting your hand from his arm and gripping it tightly between his own fingers. "It's a start," he teased, lingering around your hand before returning it to your side. 
The absence of his touch brought you back to your senses, and you shook your head as if to clear your mind. "Zoe, let the poor man breathe for a second," you reprimanded as the girls dropped their chokeholds on the attractive man, and that man is Zoe’s father.
However, duty called, and Sherlock's existence as a renowned guy drew him away from you to give an interview to a mob of journalists. You gathered the ladies and walked towards to find the listed of items you need should be, the shopping category, not knowing what to do. As you approached the entrance, Sherlock caught your gaze and grimaced. Instead of dragging him away, you simply held up your phone and smiled at him, told the girls to waving ‘bye bye’ to their Uncle Detective before leading them out.
Sherlock is beaming and waving at you three in responses, while something about you appears to be over his head.
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The cab ride back to the flat was peaceful, with John calmly watching the lights of the London Eye pass by the windows. The case today had been physically tough on every investigation team from New Scotland Yards, and now that the adrenaline had left Sherlock's body, he was drowsy  Instead of feeling enthusiastic that he had solved another puzzle, he was satisfied to just sit back and think about seeing you at the mall today.
When he saw you in the crowd, he couldn't believe it. It was like the throng vanished the moment your eyes met his, and all he could see was you, shining in front of him under your own tiny spotlight. Seeing you babysitting the girls instantly re-energized him, removing his exhaustion and leaving him determined to put on a good behaved as John needs when him and John start interviewing.
Seeing you in the throng reminded Sherlock of the days when you'd cheer him on at high school and football games, screaming the loudest and applauding the most vigorously. With a quiet sigh, he realised to himself what he should have known all along: he missed having you by his side.
"Sherlock, who was the woman you introduced to me today?" John asked abruptly, his gaze returning to the hushed car.
Sherlock exhaled a long breath and turned in his seat to face his flatmate. "She's just a girl I went to school with," he explained, missing a few key facts like how you were his best friend, the only woman he used to have sex with.
However, as he grew older, John became increasingly perceptive. "Is she just a girl? Come on, Sherlock, I saw your face when she showed up. I think she's more than just a girl," he spoke with a chuckle.
"She's a friend, but only that," he said, tugging his collar up to hide his blushing cheeks. He'd mentioned you to his friend in passing when telling a story, but he'd never gone into detail about what you meant to him. "We've been friends for years but lost contact when I moved to Boston," he added, pinching his lips together to keep the smile from expanding.
John leaned back and crossed his arms across his chest. "And the kids? Were they hers?" Curious, John questioned.
Sherlock quickly shook his head and reached into his bag for his drink. "No, they're part of a programme with which she volunteers," he replied, taking a long gulp to moisten his throat.
"Hmm," John hummed back, stretching his lips as if engrossed in concentration. "I thought one of the girls in blue dress looked a hell of a lot like her," he remarked gently, smiling up at Sherlock's face. "Are you going to see her again?"
Sherlock nodded and gulped hard, still drinking. "Lunch next week, I think," he claimed triumphantly, a smug grin on his lips. 
"Do you want me to clear the flat that day, or are you planning on staying in a hotel?" With a sly smirk, John mocked Sherlock, quickly dodging his strike. 
Sherlock turned his back on his childish friend and glanced out the window at the blur of lights, frowning cutely till a small crease formed on his brow. All he could think of were the secret wardrobe visits at school and the late-night phone calls in the back of his mind. His fingertips could recall how smooth your skin felt under his touch, and his lips were still etched with the memory of your kiss.
You were so pretty when you were younger, but as you grew older, you were even more beautiful, with curves defining your body and making Sherlock nervous anytime he saw you.
Returned his phone to his pocket, Sherlock had just texted Mycroft for your civilian information which he only received ‘I am busy,’ in response from his brother but he knew soon the report of yours lifeline will be forward to his mail box. He knows it's a bad idea, but you never know how much his grief was caused by your insistent efforts to fade away from his life when he studied relentlessly in Boston. 
Six years later, you still had no idea how much of an effect you had on his heartbeat.
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tag: @bunny-skz00 @zen003xx @cemak
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😶😃😨👍 👎😡🎉🔞❓
For Anitha and Ria
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hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
One of my HC's about a secret that Anitha keeps is that though Atlas scorns Disney movies, Anitha once saw her crying at the end of Frozen, when Elsa hugs a frozen Anna. Since then, she has been using that against Atlas when she wants to get something done.
Ria does not tell anyone about her cancer history, because she finally feels that people at Berry High like her for what she really is, and not come to her out of pity. The only two people who know about it is Maria and Emma.
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
Ahh...what to say, there are a lot of happiness-related HC's for Anitha. But one of my favorites include one of her and Griffin going to the Jersey Shore and enjoying the broadwalk rides and games, and mind you, Griffin is a sucker for teddy bears (+especially pink ones), and Anitha wins him one big, cute, fluffy one.
One of my favorite happiness-themed HC's for Ria is the first time she had fast food. Being sick and all, she wasn't allowed to eat all kinds of food, so when Scott took her out to McDonalds, it was a huge treat for her, and ended up having too much ice-cream that day. Nevertheless, it was a happy memory.
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon
During the events of TE 2, when Atlas accidentally got hurt because of Anitha's blood magick outburst, she gets scared that she might lose control and hurt someone else and locks herself in her dorm room, refusing to meet anyone until Shreya drags her out and helps her air her emotions out.
The thing Ria fears most is abandonment. She is scared of screwing up and driving away a person she loves. So, around the time when Maria was considering moving far away for college, Ria was worried about how it would effect their relationship and tried to stay calm, but her nerves took over and she had a full-bout panic attack. Since then, Maria would encourage her to be more open if she was worried about something.
hc + 👍 for a headcanon about things they like
Anitha is a nature kid. Being outdoors makes her feel that she is more in her element. Some of her favorite activities include playing sports (Thief and soccer are her favorites), going for motorcycle rides, hiking, camping, and stargazing.
Ria likes calming and soothing activities that usually does not spike her adrenaline up. Some of them include playing the piano, writing poetry, baking, and curling up with a good book.
hc + 👎 for a headcanon about things they dislike
Physically, Anitha hates being holed up in one place and needs open spaces to think clearly. Emotionally, she dislikes letting others down or others trying to fight her battles.
Physically, Ria is not much of a sports person, be it watching it or playing it. Emotionally, she dislikes it when people ghost her without giving a proper explanation because she would think its her fault that it was happening. Additionally, she hates conflicts and is the most conflict-avoidant person.
hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
While she loves her foster parents, Anitha did feel momentarily angry with them when she found out that they knew that she was an attuned and they tried to keep that part of her life hidden from her. She felt that she missed out on a lot of things that an average attuned would know about and blames the lack of knowledge from her parents as the reason she felt out-of-place.
Normally Ria is a calm person, but once she gets ticked off, she finds it very difficult to control her anger. One such incident was when Zoe called Maria a control freak and Ria lashes out and could have broken Zoe's nose if Maria wasn't there, squeezing her hand.
hc + 🎉 for a celebration-themed headcanon
My HC for one of the celebratory events for Anitha was her pre-wedding sangeeth (a fun event where everyone sings songs). I haven't decided much on what happens in the sangeeth, but it was truly a melodious one, considering how the bride and groom are both gifted singers.
For Ria's high school graduation, she didn't expect Maria to come due to her heavy college schedule, but then Maria surprises her by coming for the ceremony. Ria's face was a mixture of shock and surprise before she ran over and hugged her, nearly knocking her off her feet. After the ceremony, Maria takes her to the cliffs for a private picnic to celebrate.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
(for a weapon-themed headcanon)
Anitha's favorite weapon would be the the shadow-powered sword that she fought with in the mirror dimension, and the mace of Penderghast that she took from Dean Geoffe's office before battling Raife.
(for a hair-themed headcanon)
One HC I have about Ria is her hairstyle. After she started to grow back her hair fully, she was determined not to let it go to waste and insisted on straightening it, curling it until she settled on classic waves, and would streak her hair ends with different hair dyes.
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
P.S Im not really good at nsfw's, so I apologize in advance
Anitha and Griffin are more into rough sex. They both like to do it fast, especially when they are hyped up on so much adrenaline after a victorious match.
Ria likes sex going slow and sensual. She wants to savor every last moment of it and enjoy it. She is the little spoon of the relation.
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windforestsso · 2 years
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Last update of the OC map.
The english map is bit smaller then the swedish one so that why I include them both. So there is now one everyone can actually read, and one that has the potraits in little better quality.
I might update the map again when more areas get unlock and peoples OCs start to move around again. But for now its closed
Here is the adress book, in location alphabetical order:
Central Jorvik:
Jorvik City: Alexis Cometshield Aspen- Lives right outside of Jorvik City Clementine Campbell - Apartment at Aideen’s Plaza Gun “Glam” Lavashovel
Crater of Jor:
Adelaide “Swift” Swiftheart - with her clan beyond the Icengate Endre - a Kalter that lives in the valley of the hidden dinosaur near Icengate
Moa Windforest - Hidden shack in the forest
Firgrove Village: Catherine - In one of the house in the back close to the entrance of Wildwoods  Elaina Hawkwatcher Florence - Road leading to the Gate
Starshine Ranch: Aurora Calamity Claymore Rora Dolphinheart
Goldenhills Valley:
Willow “Will” Tree - Lives near Goldenhills Valley
Cape West Fishing Village: Kit Claymore Zoey - The ugliest building
Harvest Counties:
Crescent Moon: Feya Elfchild
Jarlaheim: Everlee Songbird Hazle Underford - Lives with her dad Irene - apartment Johann “The Pirate” - Northern Jarlaheim on the top floor of a fairly unique building Monty Lionheart Riley Yasmine - In the dark narrow allyways Zoey Pineheart - Dumpy little aparment building
New Hillcrest: Lucas Crowsong Max Goldstone
Allison “Alli” O’Knight - Actual home between Firegrove and Dundull. But spend most time at Ranger outpost. Lucy - Ranger Cabins
Dundull: Azalea ‘Az’ Vysdrak - Cabin outside of Dundull on the Old Jorvik Highway Bodhi Applewright - Dundull Vendela - Dundull Zoe Silverborn - Dundull
Wildwoods:  Carolina “Arrow” Stawberrystream - Redwood Point Nora - Tailtop Village Toby Applewright - Redwood Point  
Fort Pinta: Alina - Small apartment Avelin Gwendolyn Deerwood - rents a room in Fort Pinta’s Inn Lana
Moorland Stables: Kit   Kit Applecastle - Lives with Mrs. Holdsworth in a spare bedroom Montana - Lives in the attic
Nilmer’s Highland: Altair - Lives currantly at the Cirus but true home is in Pandora Rosie - Lives at the circus Wren - A Psychic that lives at the Circus
Silverglade Village: Adelaide Odenburg - live in Pink house in the circle with two others Alice Friendside Athena Peacecry Ava - In the house with the gargoyle statue Bonnie - In a small apartment Emmy Emberwood Evangeline “Eva” Eveninglove Liz - Rents a room in Daxton’s house. But also live in a demon door at South Hoof Farm. Siri Greenhaven - Live in someones attic
South Hoof Peninsula:
Charlotte Rainford - Near the Lighthouse
South Hoof Rescue Ranch: Charlie Emberwood  Ivanna  Juni
Hollowwoods: Damien “Dami” Darkwalker - in a family home with his sibling
Silversong River: Dakota - In the old water mill along the river. Rowan Riverborn - Silversong River
Valedale Village: Claire - Lives in Elizabeth’s house Corinne Eaglebridge Genevieve Bitterhouse Liv - Rents a cottage Lydia Silvergale Marie - Neighbor to Avalon Rose Riverlee - Lives alone but wander around a lot Sadie Wolfdawn - Shared druid housing
Alou - Constantly Traveling Max - Technially homeless, but stays with his twin brother in Silverglade village at times. Ruth “The Mute on a Mule” - Drifter that squats in abandoned storehouses in Jarlahaim’s dank alleys or Greendale Woods. Vivien “Viv” Tennfjord - Travels
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“We’re Just Friends” (“Or Are You More?”) II || Iain x Amy
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(Not my GIF)
Iain kicked himself mentally, he’d nearly slipped up. He was sure Zoe and Max had picked up on it.
“Yeah! Let’s go.” He followed her out, sure that to those around him he looked like a puppy following after his owner. As they got to his car he got in, letting out a sigh “Sorry love.”
She turned to him from the passenger seat “Don’t worry about it love. We’ll tell them soon anyway. Will knows. Zoe and Max have been on the track of figuring it out. It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if they did.. would it?”
“No. It wouldn’t be. But, you want to keep it hidden from Cal don’t you?”
“Well I did. But odds are if Max knows about it, then Big Mac and Noel will know. Which means it won’t be long until Cal finds out about it anyway. So the way I see it we might as well get ahead of it.”
“Fair point.” He laughed “You wanna call in the order? That way by the time we get to yours, it’ll at least be on the way.”
She nodded and pulled out her phone to order the food as he drove towards her house “What movie were you thinking?”
“Why don’t you pick?”
“What about Ghostbusters?”
“Oh that’s a good one. Okay.”
“Cool. Are ye staying the night?”
He laughed softly “What? And drive you in in the morning? I’m not sure like.” He acted as if he were this about it “Amy. Why do you think I have my bag? Course I’ll stay if you want me to”
“I’d love you too”
“Alright then”
“You know? You stay over quite a lot. We don’t drive in separately nearly as much as we should.”
He laughed softly “What are you saying Amy?”
“Just that… If Max has worked out we’re together. He’s probably worked out that you drive me to and from work most days.”
“Ah well.” He laughed “let him believe what he wants”
“Are you sure?”
“I’d love to live with you. But it’s your choice.”
“Okay, but which one of us’ll move?”
“Amy. Don’t panic.” He said gently “We don’t have to talk about it now. We can just have our date and talk about it later okay? Relax. It’ll be okay. You hear me?”
“I do hear you, and I’d love to have a conversation about it.” She said softly getting out of his car ad he cut the engine. She grabbed her bag and pulled her keys from her pocket. “You coming?” She grinned moving toward the door.
He grabbed his bag and followed her to the door quickly.
He followed her through it and stood in the hallway as she went upstairs. “I’m gonna go change. You wait for the food get drinks and come up? Then I’ll set up the film while you get changed?”
He nodded cracking a smile he knew she couldn’t see “Sounds perfect, shall I stick on the heat?” He asked as he went about making the drinks “No I think we should be good. But bring it up on the standing bed tray would you?”
“Yeah sure.”
He grabbed it from the cupboard putting the drinks on it. In the 20 minutes it took for the food to arrive he went into his bag, pulled out and arranged on the tray the popcorn, Sour Patch Kids and other snacks he had brought for the evening.
When the food arrived he thanked the driver and collected it all on the tray. Securing his bag on his shoulder, he picked up the tray and slowly made his way up the stairs.
He walked into her bedroom and put the tray down. Amy’s eyes lighting up at the sight of the food. He laughed and made his way into her bathroom to change leaving his bag in the corner of her room.
“You know?” She called as he got changed “Even if ye don’t move in, or I don’t move in with ye— depending on what we decide…”
“Amz, yis are rambling.”
“Sorry— uh, I can clear you a drawer.”
“You want to?”
“Iain. We’ve literally just been discussing moving in together. Yes. I would like to clear you a drawer.” She laughed softly.
He came out of the bathroom leaning against the door jamb “Yes. Please Amy, clear me a drawer.”
“I shall do it later. Now come here I want to watch this film.”
He grinned slightly “Ah you bossy mare.”
“Shut it. You love me. Come here.”
He kissed her cheek as he got into the bed and as started making the plates and she started the film “Yeah. I do love you.”
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