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kanavucrosscountryrun · 8 months ago
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"கனவு கிராமப்புற மாரத்தான் - 2024"
நமது கனவு கிராமப்புற மாரத்தான் வெற்றிகரமாக 800 Runners -ஐ தாண்டி பயணிக்கின்றது என்பதை மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் தெரிவித்து கொள்கிறோம்.
விரைவில் பதிவு செய்திடுவீர்👇
https://kanavu.run/kccr-2024/ ( or ) CALL : 87780 92669
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kaorich · 6 years ago
Making of <β-effect> #making #movie #starttoend #oilpainting #canvas #F50 #outsider #outsiderart #abstract #abstractart #space #galaxy #earth #whitehole #butterfly #butterflyeffect #stars #stardust #βeffect #blink #eyes #eyesfromabove #2018 #7stars of the #bigbear #inthenorth #Kaori https://www.instagram.com/p/BvQCecJBsFh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=112xj4yqez4gh
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loymachedo · 5 years ago
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#loymachedo shares Another great achievement.... After 6 months I have finally done it... I completed the FIRST EVER GAME IN MY LIFE.... From beginning to the end.... I have finally achieved another milestone in my life at 43 years of age DOOM (2016) at Beginner Level. Now...lets me get back to my hardcore game....Candy Crush. #gaming #funny #life #gamers #starttoend #doom PS - Special poster to commemorate my achievement! PPS - I also shared this on Linkedin.... PPPS - My wife seems confused....sigh women...they never understand us men.... (at บ้านแม่น้ำ เกาะสมุย) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDWfLB9pQUF/?igshid=14imyn1as63dk
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acaministry · 5 years ago
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#acaministry #God #Jesus #CaresYou #AllTheYear #GodEyensUponYou #GodIsLooking #CaringGod #StarttoEnd #HeCares Deuteronomy11:12 నీ దేవు డైన యెహోవా కన్నులు సంవత్సరాది మొదలుకొని సంవత్సరాంతమువరకు ఎల్లప్పుడు దానిమీద ఉండును. The eyes of the Lord your God are on it at all times from one end of the year to the other. Follow Us: Facebook: @acaministry Twitter: @acaministry Instagram: @acaministry #ChristianVerses #Bibleverses #BibledailyVerses #acaministry #acachurch #dailybibleverses #bible #biblequotes #biblewords #telugubibleverses #telugubible #englishbibleverses #englishverses #dailyverses https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tRZS5lawE/?igshid=vfurzrwk25od
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twinfeatherz777 · 6 years ago
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What fantastic performance #baroqueandopera concert this was. Bravo to you All! I L❣VED everything from start to end! Raven Sky | Twin Featherz Psychic 🌟 Medium 🌟 Clairvoyant 🌟 Spiritual Energy Healing 🌟 www.psychicreadingstwinfeatherz.com #fantastic #performance #concert #bravo #starttoend (at I Musici Veneziani) https://www.instagram.com/p/B19xCi9lDYT/?igshid=6hqya8v0h20r
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studyflourish · 6 years ago
now it’s the last 🌊💧
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first week of school🌿🌈
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chef-gil-evans · 5 years ago
What's your next chapter?
My time lately has been so inundated with signs of new abundances coming. I have had so many amazing experiences, some I can't get the clarity needed to understand what or why it is happening.
Messages of change happens in an instant and if we do not follow this feeling, we may miss out on our next transition in life. It comes in so many ways; the pain in your heart from meeting your soulmate, that gut feeling when something just feels right, the surge if endorphins as you realize you just hit the mark.
Some days we put too much thought into something and the window soon goes past leaving us behind. I find meditation allows me to see things through awakening my sight of what is transpiring.
Don't give up if things don't seem to be moving, continue moving to be ready for the creation of your purpose of life. It is coming, mist stop just shy of their greatness. Not you, not you...
#live #love #life #lifejourney #yoga #motivation #trust #lifelessons #faith #destiny #selfcare #moral #humanbieng #stable #peace #meditation #patience #peace #reallife #pure #purpose #vision #journey #starttoend #onelife #mylife #selflove #creation #god #universe
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hxodus · 7 years ago
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#비포애프터 #전과후 #처음과끝 #변화 #다르다 #끝없는에너지 #아이들 #대단하다 #다이너마이트코리안 #관악어린이창작놀이터 #beforeafter #starttoend #change #different #infinite #energy #kids #surprising #dynamitekorean #playground #funfun #펀펀플레이그라운드(서울문화재단 관악어린이창작놀이터에서)
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kanavucrosscountryrun · 9 months ago
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akascow · 3 years ago
why is it always easier to solve maze puzzles going EndToStart than it is going StartToEnd
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07prem07 · 4 years ago
#line #lineart #blackandwhite #starttoend #waves #wave #pentart #pettern #dynamic #moving #star #end #relationship
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thecaptfalcon-blog · 8 years ago
The start, well the start matters. It is rightly said, the first impression is the last impression, how one perceives a person, a product or anything, first impression matters.
Well, even I started out well, with almost zero probability of being with her, I started well. Working my way against the odds, the paradoxes and what not, I started out well. Falling for her was bound to happen, it was something I could not control, Every single time I had to put myself on hold and give a small reality check, is it really worth it? Every time the answer was yes.
It went on, from being friends to I don’t know what, it is still going on, with zero or no clarity in my mind I am still running, but Somehow Running towards an end, end of emotions, end of feelings. But the optimist in me always wins, I dont know why, but I want it to lose sometimes, because I will lose if this continues. I want the end to come fast, I want the optimist in me to lose, I want the realist in me to take charge and accept what is real and give me charge of my thoughts!
I know, this is just another passing cloud that is hindering my sunshine, for all I care, I want it to pass soon, for my flowers are dying, my trees are craving to fruit, my birds are waiting to chirp.
Oh, Dear end please come fast. I am tired of running aimlessly.
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kanavucrosscountryrun · 10 months ago
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