World Reversal Macro Micro
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Kaori's Art page
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kaorich · 3 years ago
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(English follows after Japanese) 今度のGWに、 建物的にはアルーク阿佐ヶ谷さんで 個展をさせていただくのですが、 アルークさんのHPにもその旨、 掲載いただいてます😊 https://www.jrtk.jp/al-ku/info/detail_00092/ ちょうど先週から載ってましたので、 既にご覧の方々もいらっしゃるかもしれませんね🌼 (週末挟んで一部訂正箇所がございましたが、  それは今週初めには直ってます。  先週見た方々は時間等にご注意ください) さて、このアルークさんがある阿佐ヶ谷駅の高架下🚃 事前に何回か訪れてますが 美味しそうだったり、素敵な感じや拘ってたり、 子連れでも過ごしやすそうな感じのお店が並んでます✨✨ 写真2枚目は、ランチタイムに寄ったピザカフェ、 PIZZA FORNO CAFEさん🍕 1人でも食べやすい大きさで、 頼んだボンゴレクレマはクリームが絶品✨✨ (食い意地が先行して、写真撮ったのが食べ始めてしばらく後😅) 店内奥には子供もごろんとなれる広めの座席も🌼 カフェとしてのんびり過ごすにもいい🔖 この連休、人気で混む処を避けて出歩きたい方、 ふらっと新しい所に降り立って歩いてみるにも 良い処ですよ🌸🌸🌸 (高架下なので雨でも濡れませんし) そのついでにちょいと奥まで進んで どうぞ1枚目の子達含む作品達もご覧ください🌼 個展詳細 ◇ ◇香緒里個展【SPRING OUT】 ◇ ◇日にち 2022/4/29(金)~5/8(日) ◇時間 [金]13:00~18:00 ◇   [土-木]12:00~18:00 ◇    ※最終日 ~17:00 ◇ ◇場所  al:ku阿佐ヶ谷(アルーク阿佐ヶ谷) tremolo cube ◇    東京都杉並区阿佐ヶ谷南2-40-1(JR阿佐ヶ谷高架下) ◇     ◇    JR 阿佐ヶ谷駅 徒歩4分(駅東口から高架下直進) ◇    丸の内線 南阿佐ヶ谷駅 徒歩12分 ◇ ◇入場  無料 Got my exhibition posted on the al:ku Asagaya's website too😊 (the place where I'm holding my exhibition) https://www.jrtk.jp/al-ku/info/detail_00092/ yet, excuse me, it's all Japanese as it's in the residential area not next to the city centre in Tokyo🌼 (Though, quite close to the centre by train😊) This place has many delicious & peaceful shops & cafe near the train station like one in the 2nd pic, PIZZA FORNO CAFE🍕 The pizza vongole crema's cream was extremely wonderful✨ Nice place to bring young children and also to take a rest there too🍀 Hope the non-Japanese can be able to come to Japan too more easily like the other countries are now soon🌼🌼🌼 <Exhibition Detail> ・Kaori's Solo Exhibition ・【SPRING OUT】 ・ ・2022/Apr/29(Fri)~May/8(Sun) ・Open:[Fri]13:00~18:00 ・   [Sat-Thu]12:00~18:00 ・   ※Last Day ~17:00 ・ ・Place: "al:ku Asagaya" gallery tremolo cube ・   2-40-1 Asagaya-Minami Suginami-ku ・    ・   4 min walk from JR Asagaya sta. ・ 12 min walk from Metro M-Line Minami-Asagaya sta. #art #originalpainting #contemporaryart #soloexhibition #comingin2weeks #inTokyo #tremolocube #アルーク阿佐ヶ谷 #駅近くに素敵なお店達 #lifewithart #artforwellbeing #絵のある生活 #絵がもたらすモノ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cco9tHZrUeu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kaorich · 4 years ago
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....... out ...'s spirit ...'s frame from .......... #art #comtemporaryart #oilpainting #oncanvas #colourful #theme #liberation #fromorigin #burstout #frameout #letitgo https://www.instagram.com/p/CHCtxy_gwZL/?igshid=ahmd4cb94bes
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kaorich · 4 years ago
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HAPPY🌝HALLOWEEN🌕️🎃 of the blue moon's day🦇 #halloween #happyhalloween #halloweenart #jackolantern #ghost #bluemoon #fullmoon #blackcat #spider #bat #witch #enjoytheseason #essentialoilsforamulet #watercolourpainting #sumiink #oilpastel #japanese #painting #drawing #art #colourdots #comtemporaryart https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAKvKRA-O2/?igshid=zoudykz0e53n
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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colours added and went this way. this time, i've waited till it dries well. while painting, I thought I'm not just expressing the energy or the spirit inside the motif, but also some kind of liberation of the life. #aqyla #paints #sumi #bokuju #japaneseink #墨汁 #wood #kamabokoita #かまぼこいたの絵 #colour #colorful #dots #energy #energyflow #spirit #命 #生��� #波動 #liberation #解脱 #sunflower #ひまわり #art #creative #comtemporaryart #painting #drawing #lifewithart #アートのある暮らし https://www.instagram.com/p/CBSlGllA-kL/?igshid=68r0nlfk9ghf
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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blooming♪ #art #painting #square #canvas #aqyla #paint #flower #bloom #pink #colourful #dots #energy #artist #Kaori https://www.instagram.com/p/CBDHn5cAKzT/?igshid=6vcqv1xsblw0
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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a loud bressing in silence <tranquil> #oilpainting #canvas #art #painting #2017 #angelstrumpet #dance #water #poledance #stoke #wavesurface #drop #tranquil https://www.instagram.com/p/CA2Uy-0gtbJ/?igshid=spsz6z6cgsrd
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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to be a woman #oilpainting #canvas #sizeP10 #2010 #painting #art #figure #figurepainting #gypsy #pride #woman #rights #femininity https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0EGDQge5C/?igshid=1ietq6q4btd19
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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after spreading the geranium oil on the flower part, added the reds, pinks, white in volume. Then next, I'm on to......... #draft #oilpaints #canvas #art #painting #oilpainting #sizeF20 #colourson #onebyone #flower #intoavolume #sphere #theme #birth #stillnotfinished https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxS_v-gPd7/?igshid=1rpl2d4t9lx3f
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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like the tortoise at home looking up high to the sky channeling with .... who? (: #oilpainting #impressionism #art #painting #canvas #2014 #healing #heart #insideyourself #artist #Kaori https://www.instagram.com/p/CAu0yT0AHwz/?igshid=musbo0k80s0y
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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when I paint with oil paints, I add some essential oils in it. Usually, it's the lemongrass, but for this time, when painting the petals in volume, it was the geranium oil.... Things links to each other (: #geranium #essentialoil #inart #youngliving #lifewitharoma #oilpainting #art #notfinished #flower #lady #feminine https://www.instagram.com/p/CAsJa3IgsbE/?igshid=1c06348b0sp5u
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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new flower came (in a bud), can't wait for it to bloom♪ will draw & paint it then! #oilpainting #art #painting #partoftheart #flower #circle #spirit #suckingforce #suctionpower #energy #positiveenergy #february2020 #exibited #artist #Kaori https://www.instagram.com/p/CApyPlrgWKI/?igshid=1veuk6df086j7
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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seems like I'm doing the same in the painting and cooking... 😁 #oilpainting #flower #petals #partoftheart #notfinished #oilsardine #tomato #potatoes #inradial #cooking #ovenbaked #cheeseontop #beforeoven https://www.instagram.com/p/CAnIUu7g7a2/?igshid=130vw1buto8bo
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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what if...... #oilpainting #canvas #art #painting #blue #field #mountains #man #scenery #not #float #fog https://www.instagram.com/p/CAkfS72AYEB/?igshid=e4cungwdke47
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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after pink, added the red, then the crimson...... now the flower got back better.... before next, ....... #draft #oilpaints #canvas #art #painting #oilpainting #sizeF20 #colourson #onebyone #sphere #theme #birth #flower #stillnotfinished https://www.instagram.com/p/CAh32aNgrkh/?igshid=opu4w4ucfrxc
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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an old photo again of the drawing just before adding the colours. Adding the colours, it went like the 2nd pic. #basedrawing #wanttodo #coloring #yourself? #ink #japaneseinkblush #paper #flower #aloe #art #painting #drawing #watercolour #circle #colorful #energy #floating https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfYmDMgIXy/?igshid=1s64256nr84d3
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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old photo of the drawing just before adding the colours. When I add the colours, it would be like yesterdays' (I've posted again here in the 2nd pic too). What about you? Like to do the colouring yourself? #basedrawing #ink #japaneseinkblush #paper #flowers #inaline #art #painting #drawing #watercolour #circle #colorful #energy #floating #dimension https://www.instagram.com/p/CAcyPSKgbwz/?igshid=96hqke973vg
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kaorich · 5 years ago
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past -> present -> future #watercolors #watercolour #ink #japaneseinkblush #paper #flowers #art #painting #drawing #contemporaryart #circle #colorful #energy #floating #dimension https://www.instagram.com/p/CAacSUIAzAp/?igshid=9jvxu26ma6ac
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