#started the show. cringe and embarrassing i know but it’s the truth i like that guy a lot
livvyofthelake · 2 years
i'm so glad people are still discovering the joys of izombie in 2022 <3
oh my god i never fucking replied to this. hi anon you got lost in the drafts while i was neck deep in the Horrors so sorry. now the year is wrong. wow. yeah that’s on me. anyway literally best show on planet earth i’d love to get back to watching it someday…. i didn’t even want to stop watching it i literally think about liv every day i just for some reason have a block in my mind stopping me from actually. you know. continuing to watch it… what the hell is that about seriously
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yandere-sins · 25 days
A Camgirl's Happiness
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a/n: To be fair, I know very little about actually streaming or cammodeling, and it's not as easy to read up on, so take my descriptions with a grain of salt. Also, I know that most people doing that job are really into it and I'm very happy for them, but I needed the drama for the story, hope you can understand! I hope you guys enjoy it regardless, it was fun to write!
Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Content (Reader is a camgirl, mentioning of stripping, fulfilling sexual favors for viewers), Fem!Reader, Life struggles (Debts, Mental health problems), Mention of stalking, Obsessive Behavior
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You knew exactly what you were doing, pulling your legs up on your chair, squeezing your breasts just a bit more prominently towards the camera.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
"Hi SweetsMaster! Longtime no read! We're just talking today, but I'm so glad you made it to the stream!"
Ding! Ding!
Smiling, you watched the crushing waves of messages, your fanbase as active as ever as they flooded you with their adoration. Even when you had an image to uphold, you couldn't help but be pampered by their compliments, giggling and telling them to stop calling you adorable and their "dream girl".
Still, you played along to their fantasies, hid your face behind your palm coyly, and kept them believing that you were this cute internet star they loved so much. Life was hard, but getting an end to your means barely needed more than an hour or two talking about all the cute things you'd do if you had one of these lonely, unhappy people behind the screen as your partner. You didn't complain that they invested their savings into spending time with you instead of therapy.
Not like you ever considered going to therapy yourself, too ashamed of the truths you'd have to share.
You sighed inwardly, forcing yourself to smile a bit more convincingly at the camera as you took a sip of water, letting some drops fall into your cleavage. "Oopsie!" you giggled, forced to appear bashful, hoping no one clipped that. But what were you thinking? Of course, they did.
"Stop that, guys! How embarrassing! People will think I can't even drink!"
Sometimes you didn't recognize your own voice as you put on a show. The pitch was too high, your words made you cringe. As if you were in a sketch, rather than a life performance. You quickly wiped away the droplets sitting on top of your skin, threatening to run down the curve of your breasts as many of your viewers hoped before continuing to chat with the rapidly growing crowd. Being a camgirl had been fun once—unforced.
When you started doing it, you enjoyed the time with every new follower you got. Some were creeps, but some were genuinely nice people who paid you to do things you enjoyed. You didn't feel strange being yourself back then; people supported you just as you were. Taking off your clothes and doing favors was a fun little side hustle to get you through college. You didn't plan on doing this forever.
But even with your degree, your real job, and all the possibilities you had now, you couldn't stop streaming. You tried countless of times! But every time you said goodbye for good, your life was thrown into chaos, your bills left unpaid. You lost your job, lost your home, lost all the friends that couldn't watch your life being ruined.
And now, you were tired. So, so tired.
You got back on your feet, thanks to streaming. You found a new job, a new home. More and more people joined your shows; they bought you gifts and sent you money. Even if there was no one to share your earnings with, at least you didn't have to worry about your debts anymore. You'd stream after work, on the weekends, vacations. You organized photoshoots and sold your pictures and merch on the side, even though no one ever wanted to get hired by you to help with all the packaging and work it took.
> you're nothing like you were when you first started
Someone typed in chat, and your fake voice began to crack as you read it out loud. Quickly, you composed yourself, but it stung.
"Yeah, well, aren't we all someone different than, let's say, three years ago? I've grown a lot as a person since I first started! And thanks to you guys, I was able to afford better equipment, too!"
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
You laughed at the incoming donations, forming a heart with your hands as you thanked your patrons. "That's going to be a new mic soon!"
> that's not what i meant
The same person from before wrote into the chat, their name—DarlingLover—highlighted in baby pink, revealing they were a superfan. You couldn't ignore them, even though you wished nothing more than for this conversation to end.
> you looked much happier back then
"That's not true!" you chimed up, using all your strength to press down the tears you felt shooting into your eyes. It was bittersweet to be seen in this industry. To not be objectified and idolized, but to have someone truly notice the person behind the on-camera persona.
"I love hanging out with you guys! I made so many new friends, and I'm grateful for all the support and love you guys have shown me! I would never have had the chance otherwise!"
Blowing some kisses towards the camera, your donations went wild, reassuring you that your cover hadn't been blown. You had to keep yourself together, you couldn't risk one perceptive fan to showcase how miserable you were. But perhaps you had to take it as a sign. A sign that it was enough for today. You needed to eat something, and the clock on your monitor—10:47 pm—reminded you that you skipped dinner long enough. And once you had some substance, you'd need the five hours of sleep before you'd have to drag yourself out of bed and to your real work.
"Okay, guys, that's it for tonight! Thank you all for joining our talking stream! I hope you had as much fun as I did!"
Slipping your hand beneath the spaghetti strap of your tank, you pushed it off your shoulder teasingly. "And just as a little reminder," you mumbled seductively, winking at your audience. "Join us tomorrow for a very fun night!"
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
You grinned cheekily, waving at the people and blowing them a few more kisses while the donations kept pinging in. Just two more clicks and you had closed the stream, watching it on your second monitor to see if your 'stream ended' notice got displayed properly. The animation had been damn expensive, and you wanted to use it to its fullest until it would be too outdated that you needed a new one.
Watching it for a while, you noticed that amongst the countless messages notifying you that someone left the stream, a few people still had a very eager conversation even after it ended. Immediately, the baby pink name of the superfan who had chatted with you before stood out, the user vehemently defending their standpoint against some newer fans. You clicked their names and checked them out, seeing the varying times from a few months to a few days of subscription to you, as well as the very sparse donation they made.
> i've been here longer, i'd know if she was truly happy
DarlingLover wrote, and you gulped, feeling the anxiety brewing inside your stomach. You couldn't believe they'd go out of their way to try and pull others on their side. Were they trying to ruin your career on purpose?
>> what an idiot lol >> srsly she wouldn't do it if she didn't want to >> yeah what the hell lol
A sigh of relief escaped you, seeing how the others didn't believe DarlingLover. Once again, your reputation was upheld even if it might cost you this superfan. It was expected in this industry to lose and gain followers. Some could withstand changes with their devotion, and others couldn't. You watched as the number of current visitors to your stream continued to drop relentlessly, the sight calming your mind.
You should have gotten up and made dinner, hit the hay before you could pity yourself any more than you had all evening. Your mood was already down the drain, but you were too exhausted to get up, thinking of just dropping into bed and sleeping until morning instead of doing anything else. You couldn't afford to not care for yourself, but it all felt so meaningless.
> Darling, you there?
A stray message popping up in chat caught your attention. You had three more visitors. Two must have just left it open on the side, but the third one was still chatting. With who? you wondered, waiting for someone to respond. But no one answered, DarlingLover, and a whole minute passed by.
> if you read this, can you message me privately? i want to book a private session
You inhaled deeply.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck," you groaned, letting your head fall back against the gaming chair you had bought for your desktop setup. Pink and cute and so expensive. Private Sessions were the only reason you could afford a 500$ chair in the first place. But you really, really didn't want to. Really didn't want to entertain someone who had ruined your evening enough.
< Hi! :) You wanted a private session? Thank you so much, I look forward to it! Do you have a date in mind? I'll check with my bookings, but I'm sure we can find some time this week!
Yes, you hated yourself. But this user was a superfan, and you never let anyone down before. For the right price, you could do anything—or so you told yourself repeatedly. Trying to make yourself believe you could do it, burned out and exhausted as you were. It was just one more private session; you'd get through it, just like you always had.
> i've noticed how unhappy you are lately. you don't smile like you used to, don't tell us about what is happening in your life. you're like a pretty doll that sits and entertains us out of habit. i hate it. i want the real you back
That again. You scowled at the screen, your stomach grumbling in agreement (and hunger). "What do you even say to that?" you mumbled into the silence surrounding you. It was pitiful that you still lived in the same two-room flat since college, all your money going into debt and equipment rather than buying nice things for yourself. It made the dark, quiet loneliness so much more derisive. It was your life, but even so you could do nothing but entertain others to live in a way you didn't want to. You were so lost, your whole life purpose seemingly meaningless as the streams and viewers demanded more and more from you.
< I'm sorry you feel that way! :( I'm always trying my best to be myself and kind. I hope it didn't seem like I'm just faking it for the others! Please give me a chance to prove that I'm still me, and I'll do my best to meet your expectations!
Tears stung in your eyes as you typed out the words. You didn't want to grovel or apologize for how the world had ruined you. You couldn't push the blame on everyone else forever, but you truly felt wronged by your own life. Apologizing for being forced into a role you didn't want to have was way worse than when you made an actual mistake, but if you wanted to keep up the image, it was what you had to do.
> it's okay. i know you work so hard, i'm so proud of you for that
Your supporter's sudden shift in attitude made you lean back in your chair, your breath escaping you as you felt the tension being lifted. Perhaps he wasn't as weird as you assumed by his insistence on ruining the little composure you had in your stream. Maybe he was truly just concerned for you.
> that's why i'm going to help you!
Raising an eyebrow, you couldn't help but cringe. Nothing good ever came from someone saying they would "help" you. They were merely justifying themselves for wanting something unhinged from you, mostly something you weren't comfortable with. You relented to them in the past, but did you really have to put up with it still?
< Thank you so much for giving me a chance! ♥ Have you decided on a day then for our session?
> tomorrow night, 8pm, hotel loveline. i'll book the room, just mention my name to the receptionist, and they'll give you a key
You felt all goodwill shatter into a million pieces as you read the line. Bringing your hands to your face, you rubbed over the wrinkles and tension you held in the grimace of an expression you were making, wishing you could just drop the conversation and go to bed. It wasn't the first time someone asked to meet up personally. You had never done it before and wouldn't break your boundary for that guy now.
< I'm so sorry, but I don't do personal meet-ups! If you want a private cam session, please let me know, and I will arrange it! :)
"Please, god, let him get the hint," you prayed under your breath, but you should have known better. He was a persistent one.
> i'll make sure you gain thrice the followers than you do in one month just from our collaboration. surely people will send lots of donations, too. the only thing i want is you, natural, real. mine for the night
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Mister," you grumbled, slowly getting angry at this guy. Why did he lie through his teeth? How in the world would someone get you thrice the subscribers from a private session? Why make big promises that were impossible to keep? And he was paying for it, so there would be no donations for you. But even so, with your teeth grinding in frustration, you typed out the nicest rejection you possibly could.
< Sorry, but I'm really not comfortable with personal meet-ups! And charging you for a whole night also makes me feel bad; my rates aren't cheap, after all. It wouldn't be fair to you. Let me know if you are still interested in a cam session, I'll give you a discount since you've been a fan for so long! :) ♥
There was an eery silence in the chatroom, and you glimpsed towards the bathroom, wondering if you had time to get ready for bed until he replied. Ultimately, you decided to wait it out, just to be polite, while you scolded yourself for offering a discount. This interaction alone should have warranted an extra charge on top of your regular rates.
> you like your current day job, don't you?
This statement caught you off-guard. You hadn't spoken much about your new employment on stream, not wanting to bore your viewers with such trivial things when they were there to be entertained.
> wouldn't you be sad if you were fired again?
"What do you mean?" you typed back, the confusion growing.
> i take good care of my darling, and you'll enjoy what i have prepared for you. if you can no longer pretend to be happy, i will help you find that happiness again, help you choose the right path
< you scare me
You typed the words before thinking them through. This was the real you, not the persona he knew and wanted to see, and she just messed up big time.
< I'm sorry, I meant to say your comments can be interpreted weirdly, and it's a little scary to read them right now. I'd still be up for the cam session if you're interested, though?
Anything, you thought, anything to stop him from saying more weird shit.
Does he... does he know you? You pondered the thought for a while. Trying to find a weird interaction you might have had before in your real life. One where someone spoke to you like he did. But you couldn't recall it. How did you know about your job though? Was he perhaps a colleague? But even they knew very little of you, and definitely not about your other job.
"Do I know you?" you asked when he didn't reply anytime quick.
Immediately, you regretted showing vulnerability in front of this stranger. From the moment he joined your stream, DarlingLover had seen through your charades, the online persona you had kept up so carefully. They were laying you bare in an uncomfortable, personal way. You've always been so careful with information about your personal life, keeping all your stories vague and unidentifiable, never naming brands of the stores you visited, or talking about the companies you were part of. How did he know where you lived and about your work?
You wished he'd just stop and disappear to where he came from.
> not yet :)   > but you will get to know me—all of me—when we see each other tomorrow. i'll make you smile again, i'll make you happy. you'll be my darling star again, just like before! my reason to live, my beloved. i can't wait for tomorrow, see you soon!
DarlingLover left the chat.
You stared at the message for a while, perplexed and dumbfounded as you tried to make sense of it. You replayed the interaction over and over but could find no logic or reason behind it. You didn't know this guy, he didn't know you. At least, not personally. But he did know more about you than any of your subscribers should.
Part of you hated him, but the rest of you was scared. Scared of what would happen if you scorned him, the havoc he'd unleash on your life. You were scared of the embarrassment he could cause you if he revealed your secret sidehustle to your work, feared how the opinion of you would change now that you finally found work that you liked and coworkers that you could have fun with. You were finally one leg into having a normal life, only for some stranger on the internet to come and ruin it again. It made you mad and drove you downright crazy.
Clicking his username over and over, it stated he was offline. You couldn't open a new chat again, couldn't scream at him how you weren't going to do that! How you wouldn't meet him for real because he could very well be a psycho or murderer! Surely, he'd not give you back the time you lost streaming, the friends you pushed away to earn money, or your happiness in exchange for success!
"What do I do?" you sighed, rubbing your face once more. You were so tired, you had to go to bed. Soon, you'd have to get up, get to work, and decide whether you wanted to attend the meet-up.
Why was that even a decision?
Of course, you wouldn't go! He couldn't force you! He couldn't—
Did you really have a choice?
Flopping into your bed, you groaned. In a fit of anger, you punched your fists into the mattress a few times before the strength left you. Of course, it was your choice. You had started over before. If the worst came to fruition, you'd just do it again. Nothing was lost. You could do it! You could refuse the offer and live a happy life away from streaming and the judgment of other people! It would be hard. So very hard. But you could do it!
Sleep overtook you before you could prepare yourself for bed. You didn't hear the ping of a chat message. All your body had left in it was to sleep away the exhaustion, even if it meant knocking you out for good and without having an alarm set for the next morning. Big decisions would have to be made the next day, but you were asleep, unaware of the weight resting on your shoulders.
And you didn't notice the red light on your webcam, saying it was still on even though your screen had long closed down.
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< sleep well, darling :) ♥
His lips curled into a wicked, lovestruck grin as he moved the window with the video live feed of your bedroom to the second monitor. Finally. Finally, he'd get to meet you. His idol, his darling, his beloved streamer. He adored and worshipped you since the day you started. Watched every one of your streams since the day you joined his life.
Without you, his channel wouldn't exist. People wouldn't adore him, wouldn't watch him. The masses of fans enjoying his lengthy cock-stroking sessions, buying his ASMR audios to masturbate to—they all wouldn't exist without you. Even when he was down when he just started, seeing you smile and do your best for the few followers you had was what made him continue working hard for you.
And now that he had long surpassed you, it was time he gave back the gratitude he felt towards you.
The thought alone of meeting you was getting his cock rock hard, ready to burst. He wasn't even sure if he could look into your eyes without cumming instantly like a pathetic loser. But he wouldn't mind being a loser again if it meant he got to meet you.
"I love her streams," he hummed blissfully, closing the connection to your stream as he palmed himself over his sweatpants. Thanks to your lovely end of stream announcement, showing all your best moments, no one even noticed he'd be off chatting with you. "She's my favorite streamer ever."
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
Donations went off as he pulled down the waistband, revealing the girthy mass that his followers loved so much. He'd been so ashamed as a teenager for having this monster of a cock, but on the internet, he found solace. People loved imagining riding him, giving him BJs, the whole nine yards, but he saved himself. For you. You'd be the first, and if he did his job well, you'd be his last.
"Before we get to the main part of tonight," he teased, gripping his length in his hand, squeezing and caressing it for the whole community to see. Head rolling back, he imagined your warmth spread around him, his cock pulsing eagerly as he wished to know what it would feel like to pop the tip into your tight pussy.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
He grinned. They loved him so much. Everyone loved the former loser now turned into a hot, sexy internet sensation. And you would, too. Very soon.
"I want to announce that we're going to have the collaboration of the year right here, on this channel, tomorrow. Starting at 8:30pm! Make sure you're here to witness it, Darling."
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
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elllisaaa · 1 month
how xdh would confess to you
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-> words count : 3.3k words
-> genre : xdh members crushing on you, fluff
-> warnings : is extremely cute
-> sorry if I made any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> masterlist | xdh masterlist
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i think that he would be friendly with you from the get-go, always making sure that you feel included in the group conversation.
other than that, i see him as someone who’s very in touch with his own emotions and feelings so he would definitely be quick to notice that he has a crush on you. 
but even if he’s aware of that and that it’s pretty obvious from the way he looks at you, he doesn’t want to confess.
even if he acts confident in front of you, a part of him is still anxious about being rejected. 
poor baby cannot help but overthink everyone of his interactions with you, thinking that he’s cringe and awkward - which is untrue because you just think he’s so cool. 
when you told him that you’d always wanted to learn how to play the drums, he nonchalantly proposed to teach you the basics. 
but gunil hadn’t realized that it would mean spending a lot of time alone with you, and he couldn’t help his heart from beating faster each time he was too close to you, or that you’d look at him with a proud smile on your face because you succeeded in doing what you had just learned. 
“- Did I do it right this time ?”
Gunil was so focused on not cooing at you from how cute your concentrated face was while playing on his drums, with his sticks, that he only snapped out of his haze when he heard your voice. 
“- Uh, yeah, pretty much. But for this part, you should do it more like this. Here, let me show you.”
He got closer to you, his back pressed against your back as he grabbed your hands over the sticks so he could demonstrate exactly how the combo should be done. You could feel the heat of his body behind you, and his hot breath hitting the skin of your neck. You shivered and a blush started to creep up your cheeks - even your ears were red, you could feel it. Your mind drifted away from the drums, only focusing on Gunil and how he was driving you mad. 
“- Y/N ? Are you alright ?”
It was your turn to be snapped out from your thoughts, quickly turning your head in his direction, only for your gaze to fall into his, his face much closer to yours than you thought. You tried to open your mouth and say something, anything to explain why you were distracted and that wasn’t the truth. But Gunil didn’t let you have any chance as he leaned in to lightly kiss you, his hands still holding yours. Your eyes widened in surprise and you let out a gasp as he pulled away. 
“- I…”
Your voice was shaking, and noticing your shocked expression, Gunil cringed at himself. He let go of your hands, burying his face in his palms to shake off the embarrassment. What was he thinking when kissing you just like that ? He was an idiot.
“- Listen, I’m sorry, I don’t even know what took over me, but I’m sorry. I won’t talk about it ever again, we can forget all about it, I’m s-”
This time, it was Gunil who let out a gasp when he felt your lips crashing against his instead. He barely registered the sound of his drumsticks hitting the floor as he got lost in your taste. And this time, when you pulled away, he had a big smile on his face. 
“- Took you long enough.”
“not gonna take me long to take you on a date now, baby.”
do i really need to explain that he’s the most gentleman to ever exist ? 
like he’s so caring and sweet towards anyone, it makes me tear up.
so you can bet that with you - his crush - he’s even more observant and warmhearted and it feels good to have someone watching over you that much
the type to send you little texts to remind you to eat or drink water when you’re studying hard or working a long shift. 
also the type to put his hands around the corner of things when you bend down so you won’t hurt yourself (i’m crying i need him so bad).
his hugs !!! oh my god i just know that he gives the best hugs ever and that he loves to engulf you in his embrace every time he sees you to say hi.
so like the gentleman he is, his confession would be so fucking romantic (i’m crying again).
he would ask you out to dinner, bringing you to a fancy place where he would’ve reserved the best table for the two of you.
praising you the whole fucking night honestly he just fell in love even more seing you in your pretty outfit, and knowing that you made so much efforts for him is making him weak in the knees.
“- Thank you so much for tonight, Jungsu. I really had a great time.”
You walked as slowly as possible, even if the night was cold and that you could still feel the chilly air despite Jungsu’s jacket sitting on your shoulders since the moment he saw you shivering. You didn’t want the night to end, nor did Jungsu. He wished he could’ve spent the rest of his life by your side, simply admiring you. Both of you had big smiles aborning your faces, hands brushing against each other without any of you daring to take it.
“- It was amazing, yeah. I should be the one thanking you for agreeing to go out with me.”
You chuckled cutely, a pretty blush spreading across your cheeks, and Jungsu couldn’t help staring at you like he did all night. 
“- If I can be honest, I’m glad you made the first move because I was too anxious to do it myself.
- Then I’m glad to have man up for once.”
Both of you laughed together, and disappointment filled you up when you noticed that you were now in front of your building, and that the night would’ve to end eventually. You stood in front of Jungsu, finally finding the courage to grab his hands in yours as your eyes dived into his sparkling gaze. 
“- I know I’ve said it a million times now, but thank you for tonight. And I think I really wouldn’t mind going out with you again.
- I’ll keep that in mind, then.”
Jungsu grinned at you, and the urge to kiss your lips overtook him. But it was only your first date, he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. So he simply squeezed your hand in his one last time, wished you good night, and turned away. He wanted to slap himself for being such a coward. He had only took three or four steps in the direction of his car before he said “fuck it” and got back to you. 
“- Jungsu ? What are yo-”
You were interrupted by his lips capturing yours, his hands cupping your face. You closed your eyes as you melted under his touch, your hands going up to wrap around his neck and kissing him back. Soon enough, it was impossible to keep on going because you both were smiling too much. Jungsu pulled away, his forehead resting against yours and pushing a stray hair behind your ear.
“- I’ve waited all night for you to do this.”
“if i had known that, i would’ve kissed my girlfriend sooner.”
he’s truly so fun to be around, a day with him is never boring. 
you like to pretend like he’s not that funny, but he is, and he makes you laugh all the time. 
you know that when you have a bad day, you only need to spend some time with jiseok and that he will cheer you up without even trying because his mere presence just makes you feel better. 
he’s so comfortable to be around, it’s like you had known him for years.
jiseok is also very playful too, he loves to tease and especially you.
that’s how the members know he has a crush on you ; because he’s constantly bugging you, trying to get your attention.
whenever you walk in a room, his eyes suddenly illuminate, and whenever you walk away or talk to somebody else, he looks like a lost puppy (i’m dying, he’s too cute).
he thinks he’s slick, but he’s really not - the way he’s always trying to rizz you up kinda gives it away.
he pretends it’s only for fun and giggles, but truly, he hopes that one day you’ll catch on because he wants to go out with you.
“- Hey Y/N !”
You sighed and rolled your eyes as Jiseok put his arm around your shoulders, a smirk already stretching out his lips. You already knew what he was going to do, he always did whenever he saw you. And you acted annoyed every time even if you lowkey liked the attention, even if it didn’t bother you that much.
“- What do you want this time, Jiseok ?
- Just wanted to ask you something.”
You could feel the pick up line coming, you knew him all too well by now.
“- Go on.
- Do you believe in love at first sight ? Or should I walk by again ?”
The proud grin on his face didn’t flatter, even as you groaned in annoyance. Jiseok wouldn’t let your lack of positive reactions discourage him. He didn’t have the balls to tell you all about what he was feeling straight up, and the only way he knew to confess was by telling all these stupid pick up lines. If only he wasn’t such a loser, he could’ve asked you out, tell you he liked you. But everytime he looked at you for too long, his hands were shaking and it was as if he couldn’t even talk properly anymore, and he chickened out everytime. 
“- I don’t think it’s gonna be necessary, I’m already in love.”
Jiseok was ready to manage another rejection but hearing you flirt back left him speechless. He opened his mouth and closed it without letting out any words a few times, his cheeks progressively growing more and more red. You chuckled at his lack of reaction, finding him even more cute like that. 
“- Cat got your tongue now ? Come on ! You’ve been flirting with me for months and now that I’m finally saying yes you’re getting shy ?
- You just catched me off guard, that’s all !”
It was your turn to grin proudly as Jiseok buried his blushing face into your shoulder. He was so fucking embarassed, but he couldn’t help the smile stretching out his lips. 
“does this mean i can finally take you out ?”
he’s a menace, always up to tease you with a pretty smirk on his face. 
but he’s also very sweet because he has a soft spot for you, it’s honestly pathetic from his members point of view how down bad he is for you.
seungmin is constantly praising you, even for the tiniest things : you did good at your exams = praises ; or you cooked something new and it was tasty = praises.
he’s also always complimenting you, be it your outfits, your hair or makeup ; you can bet that he will tell you you’re pretty as soon as he sees you. 
he’s a little playful with it, calling you darling just to see the blush spread on your cheeks.
however, he’s not immune to the effect you have on him either, and he doesn’t really try to hide it. 
you could only be smiling at him, or passionately talking about something you liked and he’s grinning like a lovestruck fool because he thinks you’re so amazing. 
even if sometimes you feel like you can be annoying or boring, seungmin always makes sure to remind you that he’s there to listen to you, that he’s interested. 
despite that, he would not confess first because you already know how infatuated he is with you, he wants you to make the first move. 
“- Seungmin ! It’s not funny, I need to study ! Give me my book !”
The boy chuckled as he held out your book higher, clearly out of your reach. He wasn’t doing this to be mean, obviously. You just looked so cute with the pout aborning your lips, and the way you jumped to try and get your belongings back was also too adorable for him to give up just now. 
“- You don’t need to study, darling, you’re already smart.”
You wanted to stay mad at him but his praises made you flustered once again, still not used to the way he was always adoring you. But you really needed to work on this, because you didn’t want to fail your classes, obviously. 
“- It’s not a good reason, give it back !
- Only if you give me a kiss.”
Seungmin was visibly very satisfied with what he came up with, his smirk widening as your pout intensified. He didn’t believe that you would be bold enough to do it, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Little did he know you had enough of his games. You were already smitten by him, he didn’t need to aggravate that by flirting with you every chance he got. 
“- Okay, if that’s what it takes.”
You stood on your tippy toes to reach his lips, lightly kissing him as you closed your eyes. Seungmin didn’t even have the time to register what was happening before he let go of your book, his now free hands coming down to hold your waist and kiss you again. When you pulled away, surprise was still visible in his eyes, and it was your turn to chuckle.
“- For once, you’re the one blushing.”
“not for long, darling. it’s my duty as your boyfriend, after all.”
my favourite boy ! he’s so cute i think he’s gonna kill me one day, i swear.
when gunil first introduced you to the guys, hyeongjun was very quiet and didn’t talk to you much.
it wasn’t that he didn’t want to, it was only that you were so amazing that he didn’t know how to approach you.
so you’ll have to make the first move to engage in conversation with him, but despite him being a little shy at first, you discover that he’s sweet and passionate, and that you love him very much.
and hyeongjun loves you very much too, so much that it’s painfully obvious for everyone else to watch.
so much that his members started to tease him about his crush on you, even if you’re there. hyeongjun denies and denies all the time, especially since you’re joking about it too and that he’s convinced it’s because you’re not interested in him.
despite that, you seem to really enjoy your time with him as you’re always seeking his answers in group talking, or waiting to spend time alone with him. 
“- Hey, Hyeongjun ! Look who’s coming !”
Hyeongjun turned around and discovered that you were the one Jiseok was talking about. His friend had a big grin on his face as he witnessed Hyeongjun cheeks’ growing red as you entered their dorm. Sometimes, he hated his band members for being able to read into him that easily. 
“- Hi guys ! How are you ?
- Well, Hyeongjun is always well when you’re here, Y/N.”
Yes, he definitely hated Jiseok, he would have to sleep with one eye open that night. He glared at his friend coldly, but you only giggled and teased him further. It hurt a little sometimes to have you laughing at his crush like that, even if he always said it wasn’t true, he wished it would be. 
“- Do you need help ?”
Hyeongjun was straddled by your voice as you came into the kitchen where he was finishing up cooking for everyone. He told you what you could do to help him and he tried to stop his hands from shaking and kept a casual conversation with you.
“- The boys seem really adamant about your crush, they love to tease you about it.”
You weren’t looking at him when you said that but you had a little grin on your lips. Hyeongjun stared at you for a few seconds, trying to decide if he should say something now or not, but his heart took the decision for him before his brain could think about it further. 
“- Would it be so bad if I really had a crush on you ?”
You snapped your head up to look at him, but he couldn’t hold your gaze for long, his cheeks heating up again the longer he felt your eyes on him. Your eyes were sparkling with joy, your smile eating your face as you watched him nervously run his hand through his long hair. You stopped him from biting his nail when you carefully grabbed his hand, his eyes finally falling into yours.
“- Well, since I have a crush on you too, I don’t think it would be a problem.”
“i’m gonna be the one to tease them now because i have the prettiest girlfriend in the world.”
he has such a good vibe, i feel like you can only smile and be happy when you’re with him.
he’s the type of friend you can do stupid things with and he isn’t gonna judge you because he does stupid things too. 
he could be considered childish at times, but you love it because you can do everything you want with him and he makes you laugh so much.
definitely the first one you come to whenever you feel down, and he’s extremely grateful that you’re this comfortable with him.
i think he would be very touchy with you, he always wants to hug you or cuddle when you’re both watching a movie. 
his other way to hint that he has a crush on you is by flirting every so often, with this cheeky smile of his (screaming).
so when a game night gives him the perfect occasion to make a move, jooyeon is gonna take it. 
“- Okay so your task is to propose to someone !”
Jooyeon immediately locked eyes with you upon hearing his dare. It was finally his chance to tell you how he had been feeling for some time now. You grinned at him like you did every time you knew he was going to do something a little stupid. Jooyeon got down on one knee in front of you, grabbing one of your hands in his and looking you in the eyes. 
“- Y/N, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife ?”
If you hadn’t known him for years, you would’ve thought that he was serious. The way Jooyeon seemed to really be waiting for an answer made your breath hitch in your throat, your heart beat faster and butterflies come alive in your stomach.
“- I guess I don’t have a choice.”
Everyone around you was whistling and screaming “kiss”. And honestly, you wanted to do it. You wanted to reach forward and kiss Jooyeon. You searched for a response in his eyes, but all you could see was adoration. So you didn’t think further and you cupped his face to peck his lips. This time, it was his breath that was knocked out of his lungs, his brain unable to process what had just happened. And as all your friends cheered, the world around you dissolved, tunnel vision to Jooyeon’s face that you were still holding gently. 
“- You know… I wouldn’t mind becoming your wife for real.”
That big smile you loved so much took over his features, making it hard for him to kiss you again, and again, and again. You were giggling the whole time, letting Jooyeon hold you in his arms and twirl you around as if you really were a newly married couple.
“it’s too soon for now, but one day i’ll do it. one day i’m gonna marry you, baby.”
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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dreamland03 · 1 year
warnings include: sexual theme, talking about moaning, Past bad sexual experience with an ex, bad thoughts about self, mention of being the h- word :)
(Any warnings that I missed and should be included please let me know.)
yall this is the first time i'm doing something like this. So any mistake please forgive me. Keep Dreaming 💤 ☁️ 🫧
Thinking about bakugo wanting to hear you moan. Y’all have had sex a couple times before and he’s noticed you’re not really loud.
He’s tried everything to get a sound out of you. He’s tried going harder, faster, slower, softer, talked more, talked less, the list goes on. He tries to read you, but he just can’t.
Then his mind starts to wonder. Is it him. Are you not attracted to him? what is he doing wrong? Fed up with the anxious thoughts, he decides to finally talk to you about it.
Bridgeton playing on the TV and both of your eyes are glued. Until moaning and panting come from the TV. Katsuki shifting uncomfortably on the couch. He thinks this might be the moment. He leans forward takes the remote and pauses the show.
"You good?" you look at Katsuki with a confused face. The room falls silent as he is collecting his thoughts. Thinking about how he should go about this. You turn your body fully towards him.
"Hey, what's wrong?" worry fills you.
"Are you not attracted to me?" Katsuki embarrassingly blurs out.
"Huh?? Where is this coming from?" Usually Katsuki is a pretty confident guy, not that he couldn't have his moments, but this took you by surprise.
"Of course I'm attracted to you. Why would you ask that?"
"Whenever we're fucking you're quiet. Do you not like it? Are you not into it or into me?" Katsuki is embarrassed to ask these questions, but he just has to know. He didn't want to be the boyfriend that doesn't know how to please his girl.
You took a deep breath, readying yourself to tell him the truth. "Oh baby, it's not like that." Heart melting at the thought that your big strong man is doubting his skills.
"Truth is that I'm kind of scared to make noises. My ex told me that the noises I make are ugly. One time he ended up covering my mouth while we were doing it. Ever since then I've been scared to make any noises. I just don't want you to hear me incase my moans are ugly. I'm sorry." The memories of what your ex did to you made you feel ugly, disgusting, and embarrassed. After this you didn't even want to look at Katsuki in the eyes.
Silents fall in the room again. Katsuki was shocked, confused, and most of all angry. How could that shithead do something that to you? His head couldn't wrap around the idea of someone not wanting to hear you?
Katsuki finally spoke "but i'm not him." He moved closer to you on the couch. Touching your chin so he can look at your eyes.
"Im sorry that happened to you, baby. That motherfucker is fucking dumb. I'm far from him. I want to hear you, I want to hear how good I make you feel. You can trust me, angel." Him looking into your eyes made what he was saying feel real. He was being genuine and you could feel it. It made you feel safe and very horny. You didn't realized how close he was to your face until now.
You look at him in his eyes with lips inches away from each other, your guard falls and you whisper "Okay."
Katsuki smiles, he goes in and kisses you softly. He pulls back a little. "promise me you wont hold back."
"I promise I wont hold back."
"good girl." His lips crashing into yours. God, you wanted to moan from how wet your pussy was right now.
This was the moment you fully trusted Katsuki. He officially had your life, love, and trust in his hands. This was also the start of many noise complaints from neighbors.
Im sorry if this is shitty. This is the first time I'm writing something like this. I really wanted to write smut scene, but I 1000000% know it would be cringe and bad. So if anyone wants add a smut scene feel free to. Also please let me know if i missed any tags I should put and any warnings. Dont be shy please tell me. If you have read the whole thing I want to say thank you 😭
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Random Obey Me! Headcanons Part 3
Asmo collects plushies, he finds the little things absolutely adorable and has tons of them in his room. And yes, you'll see Asmo's eyes lit up like a kid if you ask him about them and their individual names. He will also be glad to explain each one's little story and how he got them, and you would be endeared to find that a good portion of the plushies were given by the other brothers themselves, who have known about his love for collecting for a long time now.
Belphie is one of those people who when you ask them for something will ALWAYS blatantly say no at first but then proceed to nonchalantly do the exact thing you asked with no ounce of shame whatsoever, maybe even smirk a little as they finish doing whatever it is you asked. It's a little annoying at first, but you eventually get used to it. He's just likes being a brat, really.
Satan had an emo phase as a teenager, he would dye his hair black, only wear dark clothes, paint his nails regularly ( with the help of Asmo ), listen to typical emo music, the whole nine yards. And of course, he was more rebellious than ever, refusing to listen to his brothers and just any authority figures in general. He's ashamed of it now and cringes hard seeing pictures of himself back then. As any good father older brother would though, Lucifer always manages to embarrass him by bringing up that phase and even showing the "cursed pictures" to friends/potencial partners Satan brings home.
Levi likes to hide in small spaces when he's anxious, overwhelmed, or just doesn't wanna deal with something ( social interactions more often than not ). Oh, you're at a party and you can't find Levi anywhere? Check the less crowded room, more specifically under the tables, he's probably there playing games on his phone. Hm, it's lunch break at RAD and the third born is nowhere to be seen? Inside his locker, or maybe the janitor's closet. He doesn't know exactly why he does it, but it's a habit that's been with him ever since he was a small angel. Those places just comfort him, somehow. And don't worry, he's pretty flexible so it works out just fine. I mean, why else would he be okay sleeping in a bathtub?
MC and Mephisto didn't meet for the first during S4. In fact, these two first met only a week into the exchange program, with Mephisto interviewing MC for the RAD Newspaper. Because of course, the public was dying to know more about the newest exchange student who had just entered the academy, and multiple news outlets were covering MC's arrival and curious situation, given that they had been placed with the seven brothers at HoL, and had gotten into a pact with Mammon so quickly. Being aware of all of this, Mephisto knew that an exclusive interview with MC would give everyone in the kingdom something to talk about, and so he sought to be the first one to get his hands on one. ( Also he was very intrigued and eager to known more about MC, but of course he'd never admit that. )
Belphie and Mammon both have piercings around their bodies. Mammon especially likes the golden and grey ones that match his rings, while Belphie prefers them black ( because of course he would ).
For the first 2-3 months of the exchange program, MC genuinely thought Diavolo and Lucifer were a couple. This happened because ever since day 1 they were hearing "funny comments" about the two of them and just assumed they were in an actual relationship. And no one ever bothered to correct them because they found it hilarious, and wanted to see how long it'd take for them to find out the truth. Some of the brothers even went as far as purposely making up stories to lead MC to believe that Lucifer was out on dates with Diavolo when he wasn't at home and they came looking for him ( and the bastards would immediately start laughing the moment MC left the room ). MC only found out the truth when they were talking to Lucifer about Diavolo one day and casually replied to something he said with "But that's not really surprising since he's your boyfriend" and Lucifer just went ???? "Excuse me?? What did you just say?" and proceeded to explain that he and Diavolo were in fact not in a relationship. ( the punishment he gave his brothers after finding out about this "little prank" of theirs was no joke, but none of them regretted it, it was "just too funny", in their own words )
Lucifer's voice changes DRASTICALLY depending on his mood. Like, the more serious/stressed he is, the deeper it goes, and the more relaxed/content he is, the softer it becomes. You can hear it cleary when you compare the way he sounds on a regular basis when lecturing the others, speaking about work, giving speeches as RAD's vice president, etc, to rare occasions when he's talking about music and art, playfully teasing the others, or recalling a nice moment from the past. It's like there are 3 stages to his voice: usual deep, furiously deep ( that iconic "Mammooon" ), and ACTUALLY SOFT. The ones who get to hear his "nice voice" the most are MC, Diavolo, Barbatos, Luke, and Beel.
One that's already been discussed by other players but that I'd like to add on: demons ( and angels as well ) give humans "uncanny valley feeling" and MC could tell there was something ""wrong"" with brothers ( they aren't humans ) the moment they first laid their eyes on them in the council room. And my addition to this is: although the brothers all give off this feeling, it's to varying degrees that depend on how much they can blend in as a human. And Satan is the only who can bypass this "filter" almost completely, because remember when Lucifer first introduced him by saying something along the lines of "He might look nice but don't fall for it because it's an act"? Well, I like to think that Satan also looks the most "normal" out of his brothers when it comes to the "uncanny valley feeling" because of this too, since he has pretty much mastered the art of appearing trusting to deceive humans back in the day and is still the best at disguising himself as human to not to scare people away when visiting the human world and such.
Solomon has a hobby of solving jigsaw puzzles, like, you know those huge ones that take over the entire table or floor? He absolutely loves them and will gladly spend a whole day focused on completing them if needed. And if you offer to solve one with him? Oh, he'll get so excited it's actually kind of adorable. So do it, it's the road to his heart, even if you find it boring.
Lucifer leaves Beel on charge whenever he has a work-related trip, or simply intends on spending more time out of the house than usual. It's easy, as long as the second youngest keeps everything in order, Lucifer promises to take him to any restaurant he wants ( no matter how expensive ), and to let him eat to his heart's content when he comes back. Oh, Mammon is trying to sneak out of the house to gamble all their money away? Nuh-uh, Beel's not letting him leave through that door! Asmo's planning to take advantage of the fact that Lucifer is out to throw a party? Nope, Beel's stopping him. Satan & Belphie are trying to get into Lucifer's room to prank him? Yeah nah, Beel's dragging them back to their own rooms. Really, it works wonders, not only because Beel has the most physical strength out of everyone and can overpower them, but also because none of them have the heart to actually argue with him.
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Truth or Drink-Colby Brock
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A/n: I just thought this would be fun to write because I honestly found the video super entertaining and funny.
Your POV
I was in the living room with the boys cause Colby wanted to do a truth or drink video with Sam. I was mostly just waiting for them to set up the camera, and I was behind the camera since I'm reading the questions. Once The camera was rolling Sam started with...
" All right what's up guys my name is Jean and his name is Olive."
Colby was reaching for the camera and then when moving back he touched my knee. I blushed a little. Then Colby started his actual intro.
" What's up guys Colby Brock here, welcome back to my channel today. I'm gonna get demonetized because we haven't done a truth or drink in a long time."
While they were talking I was just looking at the questions and some of them made me let out a little giggle. Sam looked over before glancing back at Colby. " Can't show any brands here, but we got some brown liquid and we got some clear liquid. Both have 40 percent alcohol."
They looked right at each other before saying " Food coloring"
Colby then started showing off his merch and talking about their live show. " Let's get it." Colby said smiling
I smiled and got comfortable enough to start. " One more thing I forgot to add is I don't know if the young viewers know this out there, first of all viewer discretion is advised if you do not have the age of 21 do not drink. I don't know why I said that so weird." Colby stated
I was just admiring him because he was perfect. And I was just thinking about running my fingers through his hair. " Let's get to the first question, let's get it." Colby said. I sat up and looked at them and asked... " What's the worst doing the dirty experience you've had?"
They both looked shocked, which made me let out a little giggle. " The worst thing you experience while doing the dirty." Colby repeated while looking at Sam. " Well, last week my uh laundry was smelling really bad and so I put it in the washer and cleaned it." Sam explained
I let out a chuckle and shook my head at Sam. Colby stated... " I don't think we're talking about that dirt." " Oh." Sam said, leaning back on the couch. Colby asked " What's the worst sexual experience you've had. You can't say it online, online." I was just watching them to see if one of them would answer. " Are you gonna answer to you?" Colby looked down and said," Um, yeah I'm gonna answer this. Just one time, I had a female use a lot of teeth."
I cringed a little bit just thinking about that. " Minding my own business and a friend of mine barged in the door." Sam said, staring at Colby. Colby got confused..." Not me, why are you looking at me like that?" Sam then told him. " It was you dude."
I was laughing so much. I was scared I was ruining the video, but Colby just smiled. Once I was able to talk I asked Sam. " Do you think you have better style than Colby?"
He was explaining about it when Colby stated..." So you didn't answer the fucking question. That's what I'm getting at." He then let out a chuckle while Sam tried to explain himself. I then asked Colby. " Why do you post with girls on social media and then never tell the fans what's going on?" He had his eyes wide and let out a laugh. " Um, because sometimes I don't know what's going on all right. I'm just posting to post and maybe it turns into something, maybe not."  I couldn't keep a straight face with them trying not to laugh. They both had to take a shot from the lying question.
" Colby, why do you have a pair of handcuffs in your room?"
Sam was enjoying it too much. He turned to me and asked... " Does he ever use those on you Y/n." I just looked at him and got embarrassed which made both the boys laugh. Colby was getting a shot ready while saying. " You know what, I use them for personal fun." Sam looked into the camera and said..." What the fuck does that mean."
Colby was trying to explain. I was shaking my head and Sam said..." Judge says no." Colby looked at me. " What no." Sam just told him to drink while he said..." I've used them for sexual fun."
I put my thumbs up and Colby shouted out a yay.
They both only had to drink one time and I knew I was going to get one of them out with this question. " Name two dirty kinks that you have?" I giggled at their faces.
" Sorry mom." Colby said
Sam stated, " Oh, you're gonna answer." Colby changed his mind and said..." I already said a kink, the handcuffs. So they already know one." They looked at me saying..." Does that count as one." I hummed in response. " Um, um I liked to be dominant. All right there we go."
I just shook my head at them trying not to blush. Colby saw and gave me a small smile. Sam didn't want to say it so he drank a shot.
We were at the last two questions and both of them were super drunk already. " What's your biggest insecurity?" I asked them
Sam asked something which I missed, but it made Colby laugh. " Holy fuck, nobody's seen us like this before." I wanted to say something, but chose not to say it. Colby wanted to get real. He started whispering and then talked normally again.
" So the biggest now, I don't know, I feel like uh, it's more like a beforehand like if I was 20 or something like I feel like It was a lot about looks and now the insecurity lies in how I come across to other people with the way I speak."
When Colby admitted  to feeling dumb I got a little sad. I couldn't even pay attention to them talking anymore, but I was kind of listening, so I knew when I had to say the final question. " Last question everybody!" Colby shouted
" Want to take a shot for this last one." Sam asked
Colby gave the glasses a once over before saying..." Hell no." I smiled while reading the final question. " When was the last time you " did the dirty"?" I then smirked, waiting for them to answer. I know Colby's answer, but I doubt he will answer it. Colby and Sam both took a shot. I laughed and then Sam asked... " Judge Y/n, which one of us is more drunk do you think?"
I pointed to Colby and said..." Without a doubt." Colby was ending his video while I was stretching. They both then went to clean up, but I stopped them. " It's okay, I got it. Why don't you guys drink some water and rest."
Sam smiled and thanked me before heading for his room. Colby stayed a little longer. He looked right at me, he then grabbed my cheeks. "Thank you. We really don't deserve you Y/n/n." I smiled and pulled him into a comforting hug. We both then went our separate ways after we pulled away from the hug.
I really hope this makes sense. This is my second time writing from one of their videos and it's difficult but I'm trying. I think this one turned out a little better. So please enjoy!
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sallage · 9 months
I'm Not Giving Up
The Unexpected Fight Series
Part 2
Warning: This is a tickle fic!
Summary: Bakugo has been different since his fight with Aya. His lack of presence in everyday activities and his changed attitude have become apparent to those around him, and people are starting to take notice. Even though Bakugo never asked for help, his friends would do anything to support him, even if that means confronting him directly and forcing him to face the truth.
Pairing: Lee Bakugo, Ler Bakusquad
Words: 4,995
Reading Time: 20 Minutes
A/N: Finally, Part 2! I'm sorry it took so long to come out. Turns out, remastering old works is a lot more work than I thought. I changed damn near every word and I'm still not satisfied with it, per usual. I'll continue writing the series until the end, so don't worry about me giving up on it. I hope it's enjoyed! 😇
Read more ∘₊✧Here✧₊∘
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Bakugo was famously known for his temper and volatile nature, which often led him to spend long periods of time alone in his dorm.
However, this was different.
The fight with Aya stuck with him long after it had ended. In his mind, the scene repeated itself over and over again, with his uncontrollable and hysterical laughter echoing throughout the entire scene. He was unable to get over the embarrassing display he had put on, and in an effort to not be questioned again, he refused to speak unless necessary, and avoided everyone's probing eyes.
Bakugo made sure that he put in an exceptional amount of effort during his classes, and his hard work was evident from the high marks he constantly received. He also did remarkably well in his training sessions, and he would always show up the next day to put in another stellar performance. Despite his tireless work ethic, he remained stoic and avoided engaging with anyone.
For the most part, his friends gave him space, but they also worried about him when over time, he became increasingly reclusive. Hesitant knocks at his door gradually progressed to regular knocking sessions and Bakugo chose to ignore it all. With his friends constantly trying to probe why he had become so distant and unresponsive, Bakugo simply brushed off their questions and continued to ignore them.
His stomach growled and he growled back. Unable to ignore the hunger pangs, he got up from his studies and made the short trek to the common room to retrieve the ramen noodles he’d stored away. Looking out of the window, He could see that the night was already set, with only a few specks of light illuminating the darkening sky. There was no sound, just the peaceful stillness that encapsulated the world. The perfect night.
As Bakugo looked out of the window, he noticed a brief hint of movement from the corner of his eye. He turned his attention towards the hallway and locked eyes with Deku. Bakugo felt a cringe run through him, certain that Deku would take the opportunity to try and talk to him. He felt a pre-angry vein ready up in his temple.
Five seconds out of his room and he was already pissed off.
“Oh! Hey, Kacchan!” 
Bakugo would rather drink paint than respond.
Midoriya faltered, picking up on it right away. “Right well…A bunch of us are going out to get food. I know you’re making some, but you should come.”
Bakugo’s annoyance was visible as he focused on stirring his noodles.
“Does it fucking look like-”
“No, your noodles!”
The water boiled over the top of the pot, spilling out onto the counter. Bakugo angrily turned the heat down and took the pot to the sink. Looking inside, he found that his noodles were completely overcooked and gross. He had an urge to blow the entire dormitory to dust, his frustration and anger peaking in that moment. 
Instead, he picked up his phone and shouldered past Midoriya. 
“Hey, where are you going? Aren't you still hungry?”
Bakugo remained silent, walking towards the exit of the building without a word. Midoriya matched his stride, catching up to him and pushing himself between the other and the exit. The blonde closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Bakugo opened his eyes, dangerous energy flashing through them. “If you don't move, I will turn you and this entire place to dust.”
Midoriya shook his head. “You’ve got to stop being so hard on yourself. What happened at the circuit-”
“Holy shit, do you ever just shut up?!” Bakugo’s face instantly grew red with humiliation. Emotions pounded in his head like a gavel, his fists clenched tight at his sides, wishing he could detonate that annoying ass rock sitting in the back of his throat.
“A win like that may have been enough for a weakling like you but I have higher standards for myself. We're not on the same level, Deku! I’m better than you. And for some stupid reason you keep forgetting that!”
“Kacchan, I’m talking about you beating yourself up over something that's just a part of the process. Her quirk was-”
“I don’t give a shit! Get the hell out of my-”
“You’re falling behind.” 
Silence. You could hear a pin drop.
Midoriya quickly kept on. “You never go beyond anymore. Usually, we can hear you practicing in the arena by yourself or with Kirishima, but we haven’t heard you in weeks and Kirishima hasn’t heard from you. There was even an opportunity to shadow a pro hero and you didn’t take it-”
“I don’t need to follow some nobody-”
“No. It’s like you’re depressed or something.” Midoriya bravely interrupted. “It’s like you’re giving up.”
Bakugo's eyes widened, a sudden fire in his chest blazed with determined violence. Sparks spewed from his hands, his eyes set on the green target standing before him. He dared not allow himself to give up or be the laughing stock of the school. He would burn in hell before assuming a role like that.
Midoriya stood his ground, refusing to concede, and determined to face down the inferno before him. He knew being honest with his friend would reward him with something like a bloody nose, but he was determined to anyway, especially if it would help Kacchan in the end.
Bakugo was known for his prideful and arrogant disposition, but this encounter with Midoriya shook him. The younger prodigy’s comments caused the blonde to be infuriated and bitter, but only temporarily. Deep down inside, Bakugo knew there was some substance to the accusation, and it made him feel weak. His energy and willpower were dwindling, leaving him tired, exhausted, and lacking the spark that he always relied on to make him feel like the powerhouse he always saw himself as.
He no longer felt like he could truly measure up, and he hated that.
The sparks in his hands barely left a trace of smoke, leaving Bakugo feeling a mixture of grief and rage.
“I’m not giving up.” He mumbled before roughly pushing past Midoriya and exiting the building.
Bakugo took a walk, wanting to occupy his thoughts. He came to a beautiful forest clearing and sat down, leaning back on his elbows, to gaze up at the stars. Despite his efforts to keep his thoughts away, they still came to him on their own.
“It’s like you’re giving up.”
It was Deku that said that to him. That useless fucker told him he was the one slipping through the cracks. He angrily kicked at a rock near his foot.
“I’m not giving up, damn Deku.” Bakugo said out loud. “I’m just getting started.”
His ears suddenly pricked and his attention focused on soft, sneaky footfalls that came from a nearby spot to his left.
Bakugo warily looked around as he stood up, his senses fully alert now. A plan instantly materialized in his mind before an unexpected loud yell came from somewhere behind him. A dark shadow suddenly came hurtling towards him, which he barely dodged in time. He released a blast in that direction then was grabbed from behind. He was just about to unleash a full explosion when he heard a familiar voice.
“Ah! Okay, ouch! What the heck, Bakugo?!”
“Hey, man! Chill out!” 
“Kaminari?” Bakugo narrowed his eyes in the now illuminated darkness, as the tree that took the full brunt of his quirk was now on fire. He watched as Kaminari hurriedly extinguished some lit sparks from his hair. The other voice came from behind. ”Kirishima?” Bakugo yelled, confused as hell. “What the hell are you two idiots doing?”
Kirishima released him and put his hand behind his own head apologetically. “We heard you were out here so we all came to see what you were doing.”
Bakugo's eyes darted behind the red head to see the faces of Deku, Sero, and Todoroki, who was icing the part of the tree Bakugo set on fire.
“Sorry not sorry!” Kaminari smiled, still picking at his hair. “But I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to scare the pants off of you.”
“I almost killed you, idiot.”
“But you didn't!” Kaminari winked, throwing a thumbs up.
Bakugo scowled and shoved his hands into his pockets, turning his back to them. “You’re all morons.”
 He began walking but Kirishima grabbed his arm. “I’m just going to be straight with you, man. All of us are worried about you.”
Bakugo jerked his arm out of his grip. “Worry about yourselves.”
“We know you’re not okay, dude.” Kaminari spoke up. “You haven’t exploded anyone in weeks. That must be a personal record.”
The others nodded, sharing grunts of agreement.
Bakugo growled. “Do you want me to exploded you? Is that it?” Sparks flew wildly out of his hands. “I can take all of you losers without even blinking!” 
“Let's do it.”
Everyone looked at Kirishima confused, including Bakugo. 
Sero rose his hand as if he were in class. “Five against one? What’s that going to do?”
“He just said he could take us all, so lets do it. But let's make it interesting.” Bakugo saw Kirishima's smile and returned his gaze with sharp, dagger-like eyes. A challenge, even one that seemed suspicious, wasn’t in Bakugo’s blood to refuse.
"What?" Bakugo replied testily. He hated how they all looked at him with pity, as if he was some broken or beaten-down puppy. But he was far from defeated, and he could destroy them all if he wanted to. He would prove each of them wrong, even if it meant blasting them to charred pieces.
Kirishima thought for a moment before answering. “If you win, then we’ll leave you alone. If we win, then you have to let us help you.”
Midoriya knew exactly what Kirishima was trying to do. Bakugo couldn't hope to take them all on at once. There was too much power in this group for him to handle on his own. But, as Midoriya knew too well, Bakugo wouldn't back down.
The angry blonde had been distracted lately, and he was so focused on proving his strength and ability that he might not fully grasp the possibility of failure. Midoriya knew that a challenge like this could finally give them the opportunity to break through to him.
Bakugo turned his nose up, seconds away from refusing before Kirishima added the cherry on top. 
“Unless you think you can't?”
Bakugo's explosions ignited, and he sent a powerful blast towards Kirishima, who hardened himself in response and took the hit. Then, he sent a second blast towards Deku, Todoroki, Kaminari, and Sero, who were all standing together. Todoroki threw up an ice wall to block the group from the explosion. The ice wall took the blast and was shattered into sparkling pieces as the explosion dissipated.
Kirishima barreled towards Bakugo who used his quirk to send himself flying into the air. Todoroki instantly leveled with him on the right, raising his right arm. To the left, Bakugo spotted Kaminari still on the ground and sparking with electricity. Sero was next to Kirishima, face scrunched in focus as he held fast with some tape, and Deku had used his quirk to quickly speed behind Bakugo on the ground, so the blonde was covered on all bases. All of them seemed to have coordinated a plan for their attacks without even a warning that Bakugo was going to attack.
They planned this. 
In that moment of clarity, Bakugo knew he was going to lose.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try like hell anyway.
He shot his hand up and quickly used his blasts to send him back to the ground. Kaminari and Sero released their quirks at the same time, missing Bakugo and hitting each other. The blonde could hardly land on the ground before he was body slammed hard by Kirishima, tumbling unceremoniously onto his side. Deku jumped up and tried to kick him, but Bakugo grabbed his leg, throwing him in a random direction right as he was was tackled again by Kirishima who was trying to get a grip over the blonde’s wrists.
Bakugo wasn’t stupid, he knew he wasn’t going to win this fight. He also knew his friends weren’t going to leave him alone, but passing up an opportunity to fight them? He’d never done that, no matter his mental state.
Bakugo screamed and set off a blast all around him, knocking Kirishima off of him. 
Through the dust and sparks, his eyes widened as he saw Todoroki appear in front of him with his right arm raised, a short burst of ice that was too fast to dodge caught Bakugo’s hand. The blast was harsh, knocking him back a few steps. He slammed his hand onto the ground, using his quirk at the same time to break it. He threw his arm out to Todoroki but his large blast was averted when strong tape closed around his wrist and yanked it backwards. 
He glared harshly at Sero, who waved at him, looking nervous. Bakugo’s hands sparked explosively, ready to wipe them both out with a single blast before he suddenly cried out as Kaminari’s quirk seared through him, paralyzing him leaving a hot metallic taste in his mouth. 
He was stuck for a few seconds, but it was enough. Deku flew in out of nowhere and delivered a hard kick to his chest, making him fall flat onto his back. Kirishima immediately grabbed his wrists, hardening himself in time for a large explosion to overtake them both. Todoroki covered the others protectively with an ice wall, which shattered and exploded around them, falling around them like burnt snow.
Bakugo’s hands smoked and steam rose off of Kirishima’s body, but he was still holding the other. Bakugo cursed and readied himself for another round, but was quickly stopped when he felt tape wrap tightly around his wrists then ice following enveloping his hands in a large block that covered his arms from his fingertips to his elbows, securing him tightly to the ground with his wrists raised slightly over his head. Midoriya, and Kaminari jumped over to his legs, trying to restrain them as he kicked and cursed wildly.
It was over.
Everyone around him was breathing hard, trying to wrestle a feral and partially restrained Bakugo, who was still fighting despite the obvious. A hand was gently placed on his shoulder.
 “It’s over!” Kirishima shouted, trying to speak over his aggression. “Stop fighting, we won.”
Bakugo shook his head and cursed. “Get the hell offa me!”
“No!” Everyone yelled in unison. 
“I said get off!” There was a small chip in his voice. 
Everyone paused and looked at each other, worriedly. Kirishima put both hands on Bakugo’s shoulders and pressed them firmly to the ground. “Bakugo, stop!”
He did. He just laid there silently, chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. He was no longer struggling and no longer spewing hateful words. He was defeated.
But most of all, he was tired.
Silence lingered. Kirishima was the one to break it.
“We’re going to be real with you, man.” Kirishima started, easing up on his grip. “We’re all worried about you. You haven’t acted like yourself in weeks. You’re acting like you’re giving up on becoming the number one hero. You walk around as if someone killed your dog, man and its gotta stop. ”
Bakugo stayed silent for a while. “I’m not giving up.”
“Could have fooled us.” Kaminari mumbled, earning a glare from the blonde.
“Hate to break it to you, dude but you might be depressed or unmotivated or something.” Sero shrugged as a matter of factly. 
“You need support and you need it from your friends.” Todoroki deadpanned.
Midoriya stayed quiet and observed from the back, knowing his input could set the blonde off in a different way.
Bakugo knew deep down that they were right. He would never admit it out loud, but he was unmotivated, stuck in an endless cycle of self-hate and criticalness. Before the circuit, he was convinced that he had mastered all of his weaknesses and found ways to overcome them. Whether it was a new support item or modifications to his hero uniform, he felt unstoppable with every step he took forward. He felt as if he had everything under control, until such a trivial and unconventional weakness he hadn’t thought about since childhood nearly had him begging at the hands of a girl that didn’t even lay one finger on him. Technically he won that battle, but in his mind he lost.
Just like that damn sports festival.
Bakugo shifted uncomfortably, having reached his limit with everyone’s hands and eyes all over him. “Fucking whatever! Fine.” He grunted before he could stop himself.
Sero and Kaminari gasped, making Bakugo want to immediately retract his statement.
“Manly!” Kirishima whooped, shaking the blondes shoulders ceremoniously.
“Now let me up.” Bakugo demanded, pulling at his arms, unable to feel his hands anymore due to the cold.
Everyone’s smiles disappeared, and they looked at each other again. Bakugo noticed the looks and frowned.
Kirishima smiled sadly. “I’m sorry, man. You're not going to like this but,” The red head paused, stealing a glance at Midoriya. “We’re going to help you.”
Bakugo growled. “What the hell does that mean? Just let me up!”
Kirishima braced himself. “We’re going to tickle you.”
Bakugo blanched. 
“It makes sense.” Kaminari spoke up. “We can get your endurance up.”
“Eat shit and die.” 
“It could work.” Todoroki agreed. 
“Are you all deaf or something? I said no!”
“Damn it, Kacchan!” Midoriya yelled. He got up from his position and stood over him. “This is messing with you because you give it power. I know you feel like it’s a big deal, but it’s not the end of the world.” Midoriya’s voice was firm and confident. “You’re not weak Kacchan, but the way you’re acting is.”
Bakugo’s face turned red. With anger or embarrassment, Midoriya didn’t know or care, so he continued. “I’ve never known you to give up on anything, even when things seemed impossible. If you give up on this, you won’t improve. And you could become a liability; the weakness on someone else’s team.”
Everyone was slack jawed. Kirishima even leg go of Bakugo’s shoulders. The angry blonde looked as if he was about to explode, staring at Izuku with eyes that dripped with venom. 
After a few minutes, he finally spoke through gritted teeth. “Then fucking get it over with.” 
Everyone looked at each other then at Midoriya. His eyebrows were raised in shock, as if he wasn’t expecting his friend to even hear anything he said. Everyone shared his moment of shock before nodding at each other and moving. 
Bakugo’s heart pounded in his chest when Midoriya moved to sit next to Todoroki, who applied more ice to his already tightly restrained arms. Sero and Kaminari reinforced their hold on his legs and Kirishima sat criss crossed next to him. In a soft voice, he started speaking. “We’re just going to see how long you can last, and we’ll work from there. The safe word is red. Say that if you can’t take it anymore.”
“This is stupid.” Bakugo huffed. “I don’t need a damn safe woh-!”
Sudden light scribbles over the fabric covering his sides forced his mouth closed as Kirishima tentatively used the tips of his blunt nails to lightly scratch at the area. The blonde cringed and furrowed his brow. If Kirishima had a magnifying glass, he would be able to make out other’s nose twitching, the action so minuscule it seemed wrong to even notice it. Kirishima moved his nails to his stomach, where more noticeably, Bakugo’s body tensed. Kirishima resisted the urge to smile, knowing the blonde would put a stop to this immediately if he sensed any amusement from either one of them.
As soon as Kirishima’s devil nails touched down on Bakugo, the blonde instantly instantly regretted consenting to it. His wardrobe wasn't the least bit protective, sporting a simple black tank top and lose fitting sweatpants. When Kirishima grazed his fingernails over the sides of his hips, he involuntarily yanked at his arms hard, cracking some of the melting ice. Midoriya and Todoroki reinforced their grip on his elbows and biceps, forcing him to bite the inside of his cheek to prevent cursing them out, more worried about laughter spilling out than actual words.
Jolts of ticklish energy moved through his body, striking him at random like lightning in the form of twitches and jolts. Somehow he felt more sensitive, Kirishima’s soft fingers already driving him up the wall. He growled out loud when Kirishima struck a soft spot right above his hip bones and the red head paused before lightly spidering his fingers there. Bakugo tried to pull his legs to his chest but Sero and Kaminari where right there to prevent it. 
“Fuck this,” He mumbled, shaking his head. “I changed my MiHIND!” He cursed at the high pitched yelp that flew out of his mouth when Kirishima nicked one of his lower ribs. He shook his head again and pulled at his arms, face burning. “Did you h-hear me, idiot? I said-”
Kirishima’s big hands closed around his ribs and squeezed, causing the angry blonde to writhe and arch to the side. He wanted to open his mouth and tell him to stop, but he couldn’t get past the closed mouth grunts and giggles that wanted to slip past his tightly pursed lips. Bakugo started struggling, less from the sensations currently driving him mad and more by the need to escape. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on anything else.
The wind, the noise the trees made when it passed, the crickets-
His eyes suddenly shot open when he felt fingers in both of his armpits. He ripped himself from his meditation to lock eyes with Deku and Todoroki who were lightly tickling his armpits at the same softness as Kirishima. He spluttered and started yanking at his arms for a different reason now, but all for the same goal.
Kirishima looked up and locked eyes with the others. Bakugo almost missed the silent message that passed between the three of them, but before he could protest, they all transitioned from light curious scribbles to harsh and rough ones. Kneading, pinching, and scratching up and down his ribs and in and around his armpits.
Bakugo let out a bark of surprised laughter before soundlessly thrashing.
Kirishima used his fingers to keep a good grip on the blonde’s sides while his thumbs got to rotating, kneading right into the groves and ridges of his ribcage. Kirishima rotated his thumbs into wide circles, then would randomly pinpoint a small section that he would focus on, driving the blonde crazy with its unpredictability. Midoriya knew exactly which buttons to push, forcing the blonde to inch away from him the most despite similar treatment on his other side. Midoriya knowingly teased and traced around Bakugo’s death spot, and he was hyper aware of the fact that Midoriya had the golden ticket and how close he was to cashing it in.
“You…Mother…f-fucking NERD!” Bakugo hissed when Midoriya faked out scratching at his death spot, instead going around it.
“He’s not even paying attention to me. Midoriya, what are you doing?” Todoroki talked as if he was asking about the weather or a homework assignment, not like he was in the middle of trying to wreck his friend.
Bakugo shot Midoriya a world shattering glare, but Midoriya just smiled and shrugged, not wanting to be the one to reveal his childhood best friend’s weak spot. “You just have to look, I guess.”
Todoroki picked up the pace, searching for a spot that would produce a similar reaction. Once Todoroki’s wiggling fingers descended towards the bottom of his armpits, Bakugo gasped and shifted away, causing the half and half hero to look at Midoriya with deadpanned victory. 
“I got it.”
Todoroki nodded at Deku, then at Kirishima. A silent agreement passed between the boys and Bakugo’s eyes widened as soon as he caught onto it.
 “Wait, fuck stop! You- Agh! No no NOO! WAHAIHAIHAIHAIHAIIT!” He screamed, arching his back and trying his best to kick his legs out of his friend’s tortuous grip. “AGGHAAH! AAHAHAHAHAHA WHAHAT THE HEHEHEHEHHELL?! NAH! STAAAHAHAHAHAHP!”
Bingo. Todoroki and Midoriya massaged the spot right above his ribs and below his underarms. Kirishima closed his hands into fists and started knuckling the bottom half of his ribs. Bakugo’s laughter went up a few pitches and he jerked around hysterically, attempting to buck his hips and free his arms and legs. He felt cool water rolling down his arms and to his frustration, even that tickled.
Black smoke rose from holes in the ice and Todoroki stopped to reapply it. Bakugo didn't even notice the break, due to Midoriya absolutely letting him have it on his other side. Bakugo sneered and cursed, face scrunched in delirious hilarity. Kirishima’s devious fingers wiggled down Bakugo’s torso, testing new areas for reaction. His sides caused him to writhe depending on the pressure, but he could explore that later. Once kirishima’s fingers graze over his hipbones, Bakugo threw his head back and let out an uncharacteristic shriek. Kirishima frowned, confused for a moment before looking over to see Kaminari and Sero messing with the undersides of his knees. Chucking to himself, He watched Bakugo try and fail to kick his legs, shaking his head and bucking his hips.
He slammed his head on the ground, his face and neck turning a dark shade of red.
Without warning, Midoriya and Todoroki doubled their efforts. Not wanting to be outdone, Kirishima doubled down as well. Kaminari and Sero chuckled at Bakugo’s hilarious reactions and started teasing the top of his knees as well as the bottom. Bakugo’s laughter stayed the same but his thrashing increased, throwing Kaminari around as the electric hero lost his grip a few times.
Bakugo’s laughter became desperate. The spidering along his hips, the fingers in his underarms, the knuckling along his ribs, the annoying and jolting tickles on both sides of his knees and the massage along his death spot was way too much. Through a frustrated yell, his struggling doubled and the ice crackled again, bits and pieces flying off in jagged layers. 
Everyone’s fingers stilled and Bakugo’s entire body slumped, head pushed back, defeated.
“Alright man,” Kirishima started. “That was 4 minutes.”
“I can understand why you think it’s a weakness.” Kaminari stifled a giggle.
“Yeah, dude you're like, super ticklish.” Sero chuckled, nudging Kaminari.
If Bakugo’s face had been able to blush any further, it would have.
“Shut… up.” He gasped. “Get this damn ice offa me.” 
Everyone let up. Todoroki melted his ice and Sero cut his tape. When Bakugo was free, he sat up and dusted himself off. He rubbed his hands together warming them and resisted the urge to smack and rub his body to make the phantom sensations go away. 
Everyone was looking at him, expectedly, wondering if they had went too far. Bakugo picked up on it and groaned. “The fuck are you all gawking at?”
Kirishima clapped his hands together once, eagerly. “Alright well, I say we set up some training sessions! Come up with different challenges that Bakugo would have to face and track his progress.”
“One could be an interrogation! Someone could give him a set of numbers and he would have to hold onto it until a time limit expires.” Sero shrugged.
“One could include combat training.” Todoroki quietly suggested. “We could spar and see if it affects how he fights.”
“Then after a while we could do this again and see if he can last longer!” Sero concluded.
“So it’s about endurance?” Kaminari asked.
“Well, yeah.” Kirishima answered. “That means he’s going to have to get tickled. A lot.” Kirishima felt a small twinge of guilt as he looked at Bakugo, realizing that the blonde's plight was indeed a humorous one, but he also recognized the severity of the situation. He had never viewed being ticklish as anything more than a harmless and fun activity, but he could see that it affected Bakugo differently, which made him want to reach out and be there for him. 
Kirishima had no idea what exactly his friend was feeling, but he intended to support him in whatever way he could. “You have to be willing, Bakugo or this isn’t going to work. You can say yes or no and we won’t push you, but know that this will help you, and it will help you improve rather than hold you back.” 
Bakugo finally looked up at the group, and exhaled tiredly. It was not an angry, irritated, or upset sigh, but one of pure exhaustion.
“Fine.” He conceded, rolling his eyes as everyone’s faces lit up in happy surprise. “No one finds out about this. I mean it, assholes. Got it?” 
Everyone nodded enthusiastically and Bakugo huffed.
The tired blonde stood up and stretched, narrowing his eyes at everyone, gaze lingering on a nervous green headed nerd. “Who told you losers I was out here?”
Without an ounce of hesitation, Sero pointed at Deku, who squawked at the other in betrayal. Bakugo’s eyes flash red and he set off some small explosions in his hands. “Run. Run hard and fast.”
Deku wasted no time, tripping over himself as he rapidly climbed to his feet and ran away, yelling some sincere sounding apologies behind him with Bakugo right on his ass.
Everyone laughed and Kirishima sighed contently. 
Bakugo was back. 
˚ · • . ° .
Part 3
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timeofjuly · 4 months
I’ve been too scared to reread rtc to work out what needs to happen in chapter 13 because I convinced myself that the whole fic is a flaming pile of cringey flimsy garbage, but ya know what, I finally gathered the courage to (skim) read it and it’s not as bad as I thought lol. My interpretation and understanding of the characters has changed a lot since I started writing it (thank you to all of the extraordinarily talented writers in this fandom whose works have since shaped my characterisation for the better) so if I could go back, I’d make some different choices. But - and this is me putting this into words in an attempt to convince myself of its truth - this is a hobby, not a test. I’m not a failure because I’m not retroactively meeting the standards I have for my writing today with words I wrote six months ago. Are there bits of clumsy writing and mischaracterisation? Yes, absolutely. Does that mean I’m a bad writer and a bad person who should throw their laptop out the window and never write another word again? Probably not lol, even if rereading that mischaracterisation makes me want to do exactly that.
I’m glad I’ve pulled the bandaid off and reread it, a) because I kinda know what I want to happen in the next chapter now and b) because rereading it, despite the Shame and Embarrassment, reminded me that I actually like writing rtc. Even the bits I cringe at now - I remember having fun writing them. And then I looked back at some comments and remembered how much I love the sense of community that comes with putting myself out there, even though being perceived by others is probably my biggest fear. I like writing, and I like sharing my writing. Why am I letting shame ruin this for myself? I want to stop feeling icky and embarrassed about things I worked hard on.
Anyway. All this to say: I like writing rtc, despite the flaws I see in it, so I need to learn to work through my learned response to imperfection, which is to just feel terrible about it lol. I’m going to start messing around with chapter 13 soon. I really do miss playing around in the rtc world and I’m so excited to show you all what I have planned for the characters <3
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bittrlys · 1 month
Ok I kind of hate the whole show giving the fandom too much fanservice like can the show please start to focus on important things like developing the characters instead of a cringe ship monologue?!?!?!
Okay, I don't know any C/R shippers personally but did they like that ship monologue? Surely not, right? I also thought it was cringe but more importantly mildly insulting. A real "Okay, time to calm down," moment. Shippers can be annoying but they're fired up about a ship YOU peddled to them and demanded they be invested in. You made your bed, stop with this tongue in cheek BS. Pandering, but in a very patronizing way.
Honestly, I have no idea if the creators actually like Callum and Rayla as a ship or if they just feel some imaginary obligation to give C/R a lot of screentime for reasons of pandering to their last large block of vocal fans of the show. My vibe is they do like them but they wanted to take it slower, but who knows.
Anyway, an unfortunate truth is that social media has dissolved the boundaries between creators and audience to an unhealthy degree. Either they're fighting with fans or they're pandering to them, but either way, it's embarrassing. You know, as wretched as Luke and Laura are, at least in the past responding to fans was like "People want this couple" ... now it's a lot more "Responding to everything our fans loudly say in our show." Shit's annoying. Just tell the story you want to tell without making me feel like the fourth wall's being broken. Whatever happened to being immersed in a story?
This is part of the show's overall problem with constantly pulling back from anything that feels very real, either because they're afraid of scaring the child audience or because they have a regrettable practise of trying to shove humour into every minute of screentime. This doesn't help our characters and their journeys at all.
Thank you for the ask! ♥ I hope that season 7 gives every main character a real episode to highlight their journey as it matters to them, and there's zero fan response, but we'll see!
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ticklystuff · 7 months
Hellou~ hope you're doing oke! It's been a while since I chatted with anyone here ^^✨️
I have teams for both so you get to pick~
Genshin team xiao (Boi is c5 now- so close to c6T-T), baizhu, yae and zhongli
And star rail is Blade, Kafka, Jing yuan and Argenti (the team makes no sense I'm sure but I roll with what I have^^)
ask game is closed!
hi mochi! i hope you've been doing well. i got xiao already, so pls take the rest of my luck to get him to c6 ✨ (congrats on c5 though! his c6 is very fun)
also i was dumdum and didn't see to just pick one team until halfway through so uhhhh have both LOL (also there are so many parallels in your teams: xiao/bladie are darker and aloof, miko/kafka are very gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss, zhongli/jing yuan are the senior citizens, and baizhu/argenti have flamboyant ways of speech but in different ways)
who’s the most ticklish character
xiao is the only right answer here hehehehe sometimes zhongli will reminisce about the old times when xiao was younger and he'd tickle him more often and HE DOES THIS IN FRONT OF MIKO AND BAIZHU and xiao is covering his ears and cringing while zhongli keeps talking and then he gets mad at zhongli and is like "you're embarrassing me on purpose" and zhongli swears he isn't (he is)
i am.. very biased and i'm going to put jing yuan here bc i love him and i think he would have the best laugh. like he doesn't try to hold back or stifle it so it freely flows and it's soft but also has that low growl to it that his normal voice has ahhhh i love it and him
who’s the character that most people would assume isn't ticklish, but actually is
hmmm i don't think this would apply to your genshin team! like even the craftier characters like miko people would assume she's ticklish because how is she good at it and how does she know all the good spots?? surely this means she's ticklish as well hmmm
oh i am putting bladie here because he is so intimidating and aloof but jing yuan and kafka KNOW the truth and the day they meet argenti they drag blade by the arms to him and jing yuan and kafka just smirk at each other and bladie looks at them puzzledly until he starts to feel their fingers scribbling up his sides and the sudden shift from his normal dead expression to a wide smile and outburst of laughter kinda freaks argenti out
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
xiao! but they go after him separately and he's always the default lee of the group. like zhongli might stealthily run his fingers along xiao's knee while the two are having tea and xiao will just suddenly spit his tea out and give zhongli a scowl. or baizhu will insist on giving xiao a checkup because of all the fighting he does and sometimes he'll sneak in a few pokes and when xiao giggles baizhu will be like "oho~ looks like your nervous system still works" and xiao just grumbles "i guess.." and i feel like miko would have a soft spot for him, so she goes easy on xiao compared to the other two. she loves to take him shopping because he's the only one that looks like he's ready for combat all the time so he needs more casual clothes, according to her, and she'll give a few pokes whenever he steps out of the dressing room in a new outfit and she can't help it because he always looks cute in whatever clothes she throws him in, especially any outfit that shows exposed skin ehe
oh this one also goes to blade lmao kafka and jing yuan are always at the ready to wreck him and the worst part is that he's so clueless whenever they're planning a tickle attack against him and he can't defend himself while laughing. argenti also joined along because "you have such a beautiful laugh, bladie~ 🌹✨" and blade wants to rip him to shreds
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
zhongli and miko! miko would absolutely go around revealing tickle spots in a very sly manner, but zhongli is a good man and doesn't like to do so. the only time when he puts his knowledge to good use is when he feels like xiao has had enough tickling. he'll suddenly pull miko or baizhu off of xiao and start wiggling his fingers and they're always caught off-guard because it's usually xiao on the receiving end of tickles
kafka and jing yuan! neither would go around revealing tickle spots, but kafka does use her knowledge as a threat to others. jing yuan is much more subtle, though, and the others aren't aware that he knows all of their weak points, so someone like kafka is always confused when the eepy general is always able to hold his own in a tickle fight
who's the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
baizhu has ticklish ears and a ticklish neck! changsheng told xiao one day and she even proved it by flicking her little snake tongue around said areas. she would've revealed more but baizhu strangled changsheng to stop her
for all the times bladie has been tickled by kafka, he does have one thing over her. silver wolf told him one day that she does have ticklish shoulder blades, but he knows the potential consequences if he dares to try
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
xiao is a flop when it comes to tickling others and baizhu has like 0 energy 110% of the time lol so miko always thinks she has it in the bag bc zhongli serves big grandpa energy but then she's suddenly swept off her feet and in zhongli's arms as his fingers wiggle all over her good spots and she tries to squirm free but he's surprisingly strong
jing yuan for the same reason as zhongli! like no one expects it from him because he's always so drowsy and laidback but then it actually happens and he manages to pin them one after the other ehe~
which character has a kink for tickling
miko on some days, i think. like she'll experiment with it and sometimes she say does, but then other times it's no interest to her
oh kafka absolutely. like her whole thing is psychological warfare and she loves the mind games she can play when she involves tickling.
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
oki so i know i said earlier that changsheng would know some of baizhu's tickle spots, but he's never really been tickled by other people because of his frail state. it wasn't till he joined the team that miko gave him some tickles as part of a welcome ritual to the group (he was on the floor wheezing after a few pokes poor thing)
i think none of them! kafka and silver wolf get into tickle fights all the time, blade is tormented by kafka all the time, jing yuan got into tickle fights with all the members of the quintet, and i'm not too knowledgeable on the knights of beauty yet but argenti has such a handsome laugh i hope the rest of the knights tickled him all the time aklsdjf
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
not necessarily tickle fights but zhongli tickles xiao so much he just wants to see his boy smile. they've very sneaky and unsuspecting pokes or skitters of his fingers and the funny part is that xiao never expects them because he's very comfortable around zhongli (which makes things easy for zhongli nyehehe)
oh kafka and jing yuan bully blade all the time lol most of the time they'll fight blade alone but sometimes they'll tag team him. like, they don't even discuss getting blade, they just communicate by looking at each other and they just know and blade can never fight back because he's so incapacitated when tickled lol
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
A Virtual Romance Part 3 (Steve X Reader)
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A/N: My last chapter! Ugh I love them. I wouldn't remind revisiting them from time to time.
Warnings: Hella smut. Protective and fluffy Steve! Reader goes over some past trauma. Very brief. She also stands up to Carol (get her girl!)
Word count: 3272
“I can’t believe I told him the truth. I’m so stupid.”, you lean your forehead against your locker. 
“I can’t believe prince charming is Steve fucking Harrington.” You try and shush Sam as she pulls her head back from your hand. “I mean, I seriously didn’t picture him as the romantic type.”
“What am I going to do?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Talk to him?” She loops her arm in yours as you both head for your next class. “In fact, how about right now?” Sam plants her feet as her eyes gesture to your left.
Steve was leaning against the wall talking to the girl you remember seeing him with at the restaurant. Your heart dropped as you watched him smile down at her. 
Now that I told him who I am maybe he’s rethinking about giving her a chance.
She’s not you…
“I’m going to go. I’ll see you next period.” Your head hung low as you started your walk in the opposite direction. 
You abruptly ran into something solid as your body fell to the floor, your books scattering around you. 
“Jesus! Can’t you fucking walk!?”, Carol sneered down at you. Tommy came up to his girlfriend’s side. “This is the second fucking time she’s been in my way.”
Sam grabbed your arm, helping you to your feet. “Fuck off, Carol. Don’t you two have somewhere else you need to be?”
A small crowd started to form around you guys to watch the show. 
“I’m sorry and who are you? That’s right. No one cares.” Her heavily made-up eyes look towards you. “If I have to tell you again to watch where you are going it won’t end well.”
“How will it end, Carol?” Something inside of you snapped and you ground your feet, facing her. “I’m not afraid of you but I’m tired of you being a bitch to me all the fucking time.”
Her and Tommy chuckle as she takes a step forward. “Do you really want to embarrass yourself like this? Because I can end you just like that.” She snaps her fingers to emphasize her point. 
“Don’t fucking touch her.”
“Look Allyson, I’m sorry. I’m just into someone else.”
“Come on, Steve.” She reached her hand up and placed it on his chest making him cringe. 
The sound of students gathering down the hallway caught his attention. Without saying a word, he moved Allyson to the side as he slowly headed in that direction. He caught Carol’s aggressively bitchy tone and Tommy’s snarky laugh. He stood on his toes to peak over some of the other kid’s heads. 
That’s when he heard your voice. 
Steve began pushing through the crowd to get to you. 
“…Because I can end you just like that.”
“Don’t fucking touch her.” He positioned himself in front of you and your friend. “Let it go, Carol.”
“Steve, what the fuck are you—”
“Shut up, Tommy!” The students murmured to each other as Tommy moved Carol behind his own back.
“Do you want to fight because we can do this right here.”
“Steve…”, you voice comes out small behind him. 
Both boys continue to glare at each other before the energy between them finally explodes as Tommy grabs Steve’s collar shoving him against the lockers. Kids begin shouting and whistling as they tumble to ground. 
“Hey! What’s going on here!?” Several of the teachers come out of their classrooms trying to make their way through the crowd of onlookers. 
“Tommy! Come on!” Carol grabs his arm, pulling him down the hallway. 
“Let’s go, Steven!” Sam grabs you and Steve, pulling you both out the door and into the parking lot. 
“Geez, who would have thought Steve the Hair Harrington could throw a punch. Here you go, pretty boy.” Your best friend hands him a can of soda she bought at the nearby gas station. 
“Uh, thank you…”
“Sam and, of course, you know Y/N.” She roughly pushes you forward. “Oh my god, I was so focused on your prince charming, are you ok? You fell on your ass kind of hard.”
“Yes, thank you, Samantha. I am fine.” You sigh as Steve smiles pressing the can to his cheek. 
“I imagine bumping into her is like walking into a wall of hairspray.”
“Thank you, Sam!” She chuckles at your embarrassment. “To be fair, the first time she shoved me into a car. I didn’t bump into her.”
“That day in the parking lot? When she knocked all the stuff out of your hands.” Your eyes meet at his recognition. 
Sam clears her throat. “Well, since I’ve escaped, I’m not going back to class. I’m going to walk home from here.”
“Hey, I can drive you.”, Steve points to his car. 
“Nope. I’m good. I’ll just get my car tomorrow. Maybe you can give me a ride then after Y/N finally opens up about her feelings when it comes to you being prince charming!”
Sam giggles as your head falls into your hands, waving before disappearing down the street. 
“Prince Charming?”, he asks nudging you with his shoulder. 
“That’s what she calls you. Well, StealthyNinja02.”
“Yeah, that’s me.” Steve watches your face as you continue to look down at the ground. “It does bother you, doesn’t it?”
“Then why won’t you look at me?” You lift your eyes to meet his sassily and his soft smile pierces your heart. “Can we go somewhere and talk? We can go to my house. My parents are out of town again.” Steve rolls his eyes. 
“Can we go to mine?”
Steve casually takes in his surroundings as he follows you up the stairs. He smiles at the pictures on the wall, stopping to point at one.
“Is this your family?”
“Yeah, that’s my dad, me, and my stepmom.” You point to another picture below it. “These are her kids from another marriage but they live with their dad.”
“Do you have any pictures of your mom?” 
You motion for him to follow you, heading for your bedroom. Kneeling down, you reach for a photo album, handing it to him. Steve takes a seat on the edge of your bed as you sit across from him, crossing your legs. 
“You said she just left, right?” He flips slowly through each page, taking in every image. 
“She left my dad when I was about four. I don’t remember very much.”
“I know it’s not the same but when I was a kid, I used to wish my dad would leave. Just disappear so I wouldn’t have hear him tell me how much of a failure I am.” He grins as he points to baby you. “You’re cute.”
“Steve, you didn’t have to do what you did today. Everyone’s going to be talking about it you know that, right?”
He sighs in frustration as he closes the album and places it on your bedside table. “What do I have to do or say to convince you that I mean it when I say I don’t care. Y/N, I don’t care about that stuff anymore. I don’t care about Tommy or Carol. I don’t care about my family or any of that superficial bullshit that this town is obsessed with. I. Don’t. Care!”
“You say that but I don’t think you really understand what that means!”
“Oh, yeah? Let’s flip it around then. You’re the popular kid. Tomorrow when you get to school all the jocks and cheerleaders love you and your now Carol’s best friend. Would you treat the kids any differently? Would yoube any different?”
“No but that’s because I’ve been on this side, Steve. I know how ruthless they can be.”
He stands up and starts pacing. His eye’s flick towards yours before he stops, placing his hands on your hips. 
“I’m only going to say this one more time. I don’t fucking care. If you want to keep pushing me away because you’re scared or something that’s fine but don’t sit there and pretend like you’re doing me a favor. I knew from the moment we started talking that you were different. When I saw you at the dance in that gorgeous dress, I swear to God my heart stopped. I couldn’t believe a fucking angel like you had been talking to me all this time.”
A snort left your nose as you covered your mouth, making him smile. “Don’t laugh at me. I’m being prince charming here.” 
Steve got down on his knees in front of you, taking your hands in his. “I’m serious. If you think for one second that I don’t genuinely like you or that I’m just going to go back to being ‘King Steve’ then… ouyay…areyay…umbday.” With the last word his voice cracked, not sure if he was saying it correctly. 
“Did you just call me dumb?”, you grin down at him. 
“I think so but honestly I can’t be sure.”
He cuts your laugh off by bringing your lips to his own. Your hands reached down to cup his face, deepening the kiss as you guided him off the floor and on top of you. 
Steve’s hand glides to your lower back lifting your body and shifting you around so your head is resting on your pillows. A quiet whimper echoes from your throat as his hips grind against your own. You wrap your legs around his waist trying to pull him as close to you as you can manage. 
“You know, I loved you in that dress at the dance but I hated I wasn’t able to be this close to you.” Steve craned his neck so he could watch your face scrunch with pleasure as he pressed himself harder into you eliciting a small groan of his own. 
“Always something in the way, hm?” You smile up at him as you lift your hips to pull down your pants and kick them the floor. “A screen, a dress…” Reaching for his hand, you guide his fingers between your legs and place them on the outside of your now soaking underwear. 
“Nothing in the way now.”
“Jesus…” Almost too delicately, he moved the piece of fabric to the side and slid his middle finger through your folds. “You’re going to kill me.”
Steve’s eyes focused in on his hand as he slowly pressed circles against your throbbing clit. Your moans were music to his ears. 
“Um, you can… you can go faster or harder…if you want to.” He turned to look at you as you licked your bottom lip. “It’s ok.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Am I teasing you a bit?” When you nod your head, he leans down, placing his head on the pillow beside you. Steve’s heart skips a beat when you slide closer to his body so your side was pressed against his stomach. After so many months of not having next to him, it was euphoric to finally be experiencing it and when his brown eyes locked on yours, he knew you felt it to. 
Your hand caressed his face as you brought your lips to his. The moment his tongue touched your own his finger entered your core, making you gasp. Your head arched back as he set a steady rhythm with his hand, his mouth dragging down your throat. 
“Steve, please.”
“Can I taste you?”
You nodded your head aggressively as he quickly rose to his knees and lifted of his shirt. You did the same as he tugged your panties down your legs with a smile.
“You’re so gorgeous, Y/N.” Steve leaned over you placing small pecks along your stomach and down one of your legs as you reached over to run your fingers through his hair. 
You mewled as he reinserted his digit into your pussy. “I think you were right. I don’t think two fingers was enough. Then again,” he pushed in a second finger and you cried out in ecstasy as he stretched you open. “I hadn’t seen how small your hands were. Mine are much bigger.”
He leaned into you, wrapping his mouth around your clit. 
“Yes, Steve. Please, just like that.”
The sound him suckling and flicking your nub as his fingers began pumping rapidly inside of you filled the room. You leaned up on your elbows to watch him as his eyes glanced up towards yours. Your legs began to shake as your cunt started tightening around him. You placed your hand on his head, holding Steve to you as you came. 
He licked you clean as your body twitched with every tap of his tongue. “You’re so sensitive. I love it.” You sit up, grabbing his neck as you pull him to you for a sloppy kiss. You moan as you taste yourself on his breath. “You taste fucking amazing. Way better then I pictured when I would fantasize about you while I touched myself.”
You sigh as his fingers reach between your legs again. “It’s fucking hard for me to stop. I just want to eat you out all day and watch you cum like that again.”
“Please. I want to feel you inside of me.”, you plead with him as your hand rubs the massive bulge in his jeans. “Please.”
You watch with eager eyes as he bounces his body to the edge of your bed, pulling off his jeans and boxers. He pauses for a moment, searching through the pockets. 
“Um, we may have a problem. Fuck.”
“Oh no, Steve Harrington. Whatever will we do.”, you grin at him sarcastically as you reach into your nightstand drawer and produce a condom.
He laughs as he takes it from you, stopping to kiss your lips. “You’re an angel.” Steve’s body freezes, closing his eyes when he feels you scoot closer to him. You lean your chin on his shoulder as one of your hands rubs his chest.
“Are you okay? Do you need help?”
“No, I, mmm,” his chest deflates as he lets out a low moan. “I like feeling your hands on me. Not just sexually but even just this.” He places his large palm over yours. “I know we’ve been talking online and everything but, I don’t know, it feels like you’ve been gone for a long time. Like I’m seeing you again after many months of you being away.”
He turns to lock eyes with you. “It’s been lonely out here without you.”
Your mouth connects with his before he focuses his attention back on his original task. He tears open the condom, sliding it on before throwing the wrapper on the floor. As he begins climbing up your body, you place your hands on his shoulder, flipping him on to his back. 
Steve grips his cock, guiding it towards your entrance. You mouth opens in a silent, blissful O as the tip of him breaches your body. 
“Oh my god. Fuck…”
As another inch pushes in, he lets himself go allowing you to take over at your own pace as you adjust to his size. His hands come up to grab your cheeks as your face hovers over his own. 
“There you go, baby. You got it. You can take it. Just take your time.” You grind your hips cautiously, taking more of him in a little at a time. “Such a good girl. Fuck, you feel so good, Y/N.”
You both whimper when he bottoms out inside of you. As you slowly start to bounce against him, you feel Steve’s warm pants against your cheek as his hands reach over to grip your waist. When you keen back into his touch, your breasts graze his mouth and he immediately takes your nipple into his mouth, sucking as you moan his name.
“I’m never going to get tired of hearing you say my name. Say it again, Y/N, please.” His eyes open when you don’t respond, your own squeezed shut as you gnaw on your bottom lip. 
Steve’s fingers pressed harder into your skin as his hips thrust up meeting your own. “Yes! Steve. Fuck! I’ve never…”
You fall onto his chest but his palms come up to lift your head. “You’ve never what? Tell me, baby.” He hangs onto your lower back as he flips you over without pulling out. Steve’s forehead rests on your own as he keeps encouraging you. “Please, tell me.”
Your fingers cling to his shoulders as your lips reach up to kiss his. “I’ve never…had someone…so deep. Steve, you feel…fuck so fucking good. Don’t stop. I’m almost…almost there.” You nod your head brushing your nose with his. “Make me cum, Steve. Please.” As you continue to repeat your request, his mouth opens as he whimpers over you, slamming his hips into yours.
He pushes two fingers into your mouth and you suck on them willingly before he pushes them between your legs and aggressively rubs circles on to your clit. 
You cry out, shouting his name repeatedly as the coil in your belly snaps. His head falls in the nook of your neck, chasing his release as he grunts into your skin. You run your nails down his back, kissing every part of his skin you can reach before you feel his pace faulter and with a couple more thrusts spills into the condom. 
Steve's body completely collapses on to yours, pushing him deeper into your now over sensitive pussy. His head shoots up to look down at yours as you wince and moan.
“I’m sorry. Am I too heavy?”
“No. I’m just too sore.” You giggle as you watch the lightbulb go off in his head. 
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry. Hang on, honey.” Steve lifts up on his arms as he tries to carefully pull out of you. He tugs off the condom and throws it in your trashcan before laying by your side. 
“I like hearing you call me that. Honey. Baby.” You smile at him with half open eyes. 
“Definitely better than Ouyay.” He chuckles as he reaches out for you and you move your body to lay your head on his chest. 
“Steve?” He answers with a hm as his palm pets your head. “Thank you for not giving up on me. I was so scared to tell you who I was. I’m glad you pushed me.” He turns to kiss your forehead.
“I hope I didn’t push you too hard. I just really wanted to do all those things I promised you I’d do.” Steve smiles when he sees your eyebrows knit together. “Wrapping my arms around you every morning before school and every night when I drop you off. Kissing you every chance I get…”
You laugh at him as he turns over pressing kisses against your cheek. 
“I can’t believe you remember saying all that.”
“Oh yeah. I remember all of our conversations especially a particular sexy one where I mentioned eating you out until you were begging me to stop. Now that I know how sweet you taste I know for a fact I wouldn’t stop.”
“Steve,” you playfully push his shoulder. With fast reflexes he grabs your wrist and throws your arm behind his neck as he looks down at you with soft, caring eyes. 
“Thank you for giving me a chance and not just seeing me how they do.”
You place your other arm around him as you pull him against your body. You groan when your phone beside your bed rings. He grins as he rolls onto his back allowing you to answer it. 
“So?”, Sam’s voice chimed through the earpiece. “How did it go with Prince Charming?!”
@tessab154 @snackycake1975 @lunatictardis
@k-k0129 @sillypurplemurple @aree-you-sirius-rn
@selfdeprecatingnerd @blackholegladiator @xtrokeme
@strangerthingsstories5255 @hllfrclb @ladysteddie
@bebe0701 @rebecca-johnson-28 @etherealforever234
@trikigirl271 @marimarvelfan @ssababe @love-kurdt
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pachu09 · 1 year
Tobirama had only noticed it just because his Nara friend had pointed it out.
" Uchiha-sama has an unhealthy fascination with your wrists and neck " he really didn't believe the man.
At first.
He thought the man was joking. So he put that strange remark in the back of his mind for the time being.
Until a week later — he accidentally saw through a reflection that Madara -san indeed stares intensely at his aforementioned body parts.
Tobirama came with the realization that he can't confront the man with hostilty. The peace was still fragile ( even if Konoha was built two years ago ) he didn't want to be the reason why another war broke out just because he blabbbered to Anija that Madara-san is giving him threathening looks whenever his back was turn away from the man.
And so Tobirama thought up an ingenious solution. He started to cover himself up. As a Suiton user he is always naturally cold. It is no problem if he wears more clothing. He started wearing arms bands and ( Okaasan's ) blue scarf even if its in the middle of the summer. Its not a problem for him to cover up and he'll never have to worry if he'll overheat himself. He is not a Civilian who would faint or die from heat exhaustion. There are techinques he himself invented if he wanted to cool down himself...
But then he noted that Madara-san had started to look frustrated when he shows up at work wearing his scarf and arm bands. He doesn't know how to address the man's issues so he opted to pretend he's oblivious about it.
Until one day, Izuna decided to have a talk with him.
" Okay, Tobira. Spill it to me. Why suddenly wear a scarf and arm bands. "
Tobirama clamp his mouth shut. He nearly told Izuna what the problem really is. And he refuses to be the one to tell him the ugly truth.
That Madara-san still hasn't forgiven him and he's probably contemplating how to kill him and where to bury his body without Anija knowing.
When he refuses to answer - Izuna suddenly grinning gleefully at him made him extremely wary.
" Is this because you finally found out Aniki is ogling your neck and wrists?. "
In an uncharacteristic behavior, Tobirama hack the mochi that got stuck in his throat.
" You did, did you?! " Izuna crowed smugly. " I thought you'd never noticed his admiration. What finally clued you in, huh?. Did you -- " and here Izuna leaned close to Tobirama and whispered in his ear. " Did you see Aniki's hard on for you? Is that it?. "
Tobirama spluttered more and he felt the mochi finally dislodged from his throat. He nearly spit the food on Izuna's face because the man is looking at him eye to eye. Luckily he managed to spat it out of the window instead of his friend's grinning face.
" Don't worry about Aniki, Tobira. He won't put his hands on you. Unless you show you'll be returning his interest. He just really really admire your delicate, graceful, smooth, perfect neck and wrists. " Izuna shrugged. " Forgive my Aniki if he sounds like a pervert. "
Tobirama down the hot tea in front of him in one go. All of a sudden his throat had felt parched.... He noted Izuna had cringed at his quick gesture.
Slamming the tea cup down on his desk. Tobirama gaped in shock at Izuna. " That's…I don't even know what to say, Izu. " He slowly covered his face with his hands as he felt embarrassement at his misunderstanding.
Izuna cackled and patted Tobirama on his back. " What?. You think Aniki was threathening you or something? "
When Tobirama answered with mortified groaning. Izuna howled with laughter. " For such a genius. You're a dumbass when it comes to romantic gestures, Tobira! My poor Aniki. So that's why he looked so confused and upset whenever he came from meeting with you!. "
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martin-gahore · 25 days
I Feel Loved
required reading (not) based on The making of I Feel Loved
Commentary by Me, Martin.
I felt terrified during that whole shoot. Sometimes I looked at Dave and I thought to myself “I wish I was that confident in front of a camera.” 
The whole shoot had me on my nerves and I was there barely half the time Dave was. He can just keep that energy up for hours.
Me, I prefer a good two hour show. That’s it. Sure, do that a couple times a week and it gets tiring after a while but that’s why tours don’t go on forever.
It’s the perfect work-life balance for me. At the beginning work feels like a party and toward the end of a tour it starts feeling more like a job. Then… you get to take a long-ass break. Hopefully.
Sure, interviews have famously never been my favourite but that’s not because I don’t enjoy talking per se. I just don’t like talking about myself and my work. And well… I put so much of myself in my work? *makes weird hand gestures*
Sometimes it’s hard to separate. And then I have to talk about both to promote Depeche? It makes me uncomfortable to say the least.
So, anyways. We’re at this shoot, right? And it’s my turn to do some takes alone. Dave is behind the camera and the music is going so fast that it is impossible to even lip-synch to. So, the only parts I can really get right are the “I feel loved” parts. They shout at me to just roll with it and I start singing the song to get into it. I end up really belting it.
They don’t yell cut and the music just stops and I’m over there screaming in front of dozens of people. I felt mortified.
Dave reassured me. He tried so hard and I thought it was kind of cute.
When I look back… - I know A LOT of work goes into making these videos but… sometimes something like “enjoy the silence” can seem like such a simple concept and be so simply produced yet look so stunning.
Then we have me. In the “I Feel Loved” music video. I’m like, barely even there. I show up for all about five seconds (Dave looks hot as fuck the whole time, figures) and I look… Well, the most self critical parts of me wants to say that I look like shit but whatever truth serum you’ve got me on won’t let me say it that directly.
When I look at this I cringe at myself. I was so drunk, it’s embarrassing. I tried really hard to relax but… saying that I realise what an oxymoron that is.
Again. David comforted me. -After the video was ready- and we’d just watched it together I said those things to him. That I was barely in it and I looked like sweaty trash in the bits I was. He said “Well, I’m sweaty too. Look, you can literally see it dripping!” He just doesn’t get that when he does it, it looks hot. When I do it… Not so much.
I absolutely did not notice that in one of those moments where I tried to ‘act extroverted’ that I had totally missed Dave being an ADHD cutie. (Not that I objectify any conditions that’s just hyperbole on my part) No. I was doing this cringey hip-hop improv bit with the drummer and David is just there touching all the hanging ornaments. He bops the lamp. *laughs*
He’s charming and adorable. I wish I dared to say that to his face.
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saratinz · 1 year
Maneater (Chapter 9)
pairing ➩ Ex!Bucky Barnes x Promiscuous!Reader (College AU)
series warnings ➩ drinking, asshole!Bucky, enemies to lovers, exes to lovers, love triangle, smut, slut shaming, cursing
chapter warnings ➩ cursing, implied smut, hospital setting, reader does some embarrassing stuff, reader was drugged (nothing happened), pet names, making out, pda
synopsis ➩ Y/n finally admits her feelings.
word count ➩ 1.1k
a/n ➩ as a little gift from me to you, I give you the finale two hours early.
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“Hey, sleepyhead.” You wake up groggy. “The police are asking to speak with you later.” Great. You start to wonder what the fuck you did last night to end up wanted by pigs and in a hospital gown. And what the fuck is Bucky doing here by your side, acting like the two of you are in love or something?
All of a sudden, memories start flooding back. You’re overwhelmed by the onslaught of hazy conversations. Oh yeah, Bucky being here makes a lot more sense when you remember you found him after being drugged by Jane. And it turns out the worst thing that could have happened, did indeed happen. “Oh god, James.” He cringes at the use of his first name.
“It’s Bucky.”
“Bucky, please tell me that I didn’t tell you I love you.”
“Drunk words are sober thoughts.”
“Buck I wasn’t drunk, I was roofied, I would’ve told Steve that I loved him.”
“But you didn’t, you told me.”
“Steve was here?”
“Yeah, and you told him to his face that you love me.”
“What did he say?”
“He, umm, still hasn’t changed if you’re asking what I think you’re asking.”
“You dodged a bullet there. He has no empathy. Told me the only reason he came was to have sex with you again.”
“Maybe that’s a good thing. After all, I don’t deserve shit.”
“Y/n, I wasn’t serious when I said that.”
“Call Steve for me, please.” It’s mere seconds before Bucky is pulling out his phone and finding Steve’s contact. He puts the phone on speaker, hoping that he will say something awful about you, and you'll finally realize his roommate isn't the one for you.
“Hey Steve, Y/n is asking for you.”
“Perfect, I’m actually on my way there already.”
“Wait, what?”
“I wanted to see her.”
“But what about last night?”
“You really want me to say it?”
“You were right, I want a chance to be with her.”
“Okay.” He hangs up, surprising himself with the amount of jealousy that is festering in his body. It courses through his veins. He turns back to look at you. 
“Jam- Bucky I hope you understand, I just don’t love you. It’s just the truth. And it’s okay, because you don’t love me either.”
“How do you know I don’t love you?”
“Because you don’t leave someone you secretly want to be with.”
“Please, you have to stop bringing that up.”
“You broke me.”
“I left you because I didn’t think I deserved you.”
“But you got with my best friend within weeks.”
“I’m sorry, okay?”
“You don’t get to do this, you don’t get to come into my life, only to leave me again.”
“I’m not gonna leave you.”
“You said that last time, too.”
“I mean it this time.”
“Why should I believe you?”
“You shouldn’t, but I don’t think I will be okay if I lose you again.”
“Say it.”
“Say what?”
“I love you, Y/n. I never stopped, I didn’t break because of Natasha, I broke because I had to watch as you became me.”
“Get out Bucky.” Tears flow steady down your face. He leaves without another word. Five minutes later, Steve walks in your room. You try your best to wipe your tears, but they’re still falling down your face. 
“Hey Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“Just Bucky, he’s an ass.”
“What did he say?”
“He’s just, he’s like a pathological liar or something.”
“I’m not following.”
“He uhh, he told me that he loves me.”
“Yeah, and I know I said it last night but I was high as a kite. I didn’t mean it.”
“You sure?”
“Yes Steve, I’m not over you. Can I please show you that I’m more than just my reputation?”
“No, you can’t.”
“Oh, okay. Can I ask why?”
“Because I’m a shit person, and a shit friend, but even I wouldn’t get between the two of you.”
“There is no ‘us’. I don’t even like him.”
“Maybe you don’t like him, but deep down you love him.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? I fucking hate him.”
“Who’s the first person you think about when you wake up? Who’s the last person on your mind when you fall asleep? Who can you not ever seem to forget, no matter how hard you try? Who haunts your dreams? Who can get under your skin so fast he should earn a Guinness World Record?”
“I, uh, what do I do now?”
“I saw him in the gift shop, he’s probably there picking out a meaningful apology gift.” He suggests, snarky as ever.
“Thank you Steve.” You get out of bed and walk out of the room, still attached to your IV pole. You roll it to the elevator, impatiently pressing the button over and over again, despite knowing it won’t go any faster. Shit someone is coming, please close. You decide to be a good person and hold the door open, even though you just wanna get to Bucky. The stranger beside you presses the second floor button, damn it. It doesn’t take that long to get to the bottom, but you’re just so nervous it feels much longer. You head over to the gift shop, but you don’t see him. You wanna cry this is so embarrassing rolling around this big ass cart.
You’re about to give up, but then you spot him about to leave the hospital. He’s a step away from the door. Without thinking, you scream. “Bucky!” You feel eyeballs on you, suddenly, you feel very conscious of your attire. You thank god he heard you, so that you only have to go through a little bit of awkwardness. You run to him, almost tripping multiple times. When you finally come face to face with him, you forget everything you were planning to say. “I love you too.” You finally blurt out. He looks a little shocked, but then a big smirk starts to form. He lunges forward, pressing your front to his. You felt a little weird about making out in public, but his lips are so delectable you can’t stop. You finally come up for air, putting your forehead against his. You hope this feeling will last forever, for you're not sure what you would do without Bucky. You would have been tricked by Steve, or there would have been a video of you getting naked on the internet. But worst of all, you wouldn’t be in love. You pull his face towards yours to whisper in his ear. “Let’s go to my room.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Hi! What do you think about this?
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Is it true? Or ss shippers spread lies as always?
It is legit. And he isn't wrong. However, Sakura is not really the heroine in this story, Sasuke is. One of the anime's directors also said this btw, lol. It's very hard to not see it. But Kishi obviously cannot say that in his interviews. He can't openly talk about the gay love story that he wrote in shounen. Sakura is a girl in the same age bracket and in the same team and she is used as a plot device to develop Sasuke and Naruto's dynamic. So she is given the epithet of heroine when the truth is that Sasuke gets all the tropes and visual imagery that a heroine gets in a love story. Naruto and Shippuden are love stories. And that's just a fact.
Kishimoto also said that he wrote team seven as a love triangle. SS think that Sakura is the centre of this love triangle when the very evident truth is that it's actually Sasuke. Lol. But they just conveniently skip anything that does not act in their favor, they are cute like that. They twist everything in the manga to suit their insane theories and when that doesn't work, they use novels.
Anyway, the excerpt of the interview you shared doesn't really speak in favor of SS. All Kishi is saying is that he felt embarrassed writing that scene. Honestly, Sakura WAS very cringe in that scene. She is obviously a fangirl, always was. She rebukes Sasuke because he doesn't share a single word with her, doesn't tell her anything. I find it very funny when people hype up team seven dynamic when one of the members doesn't even willingly talk with the other but is always ears for the third one ie Naruto. I don't know what makes SS feel so proud because the truth is Sasuke doesn't show a willingness to talk to Sakura at all. It's Always Sakura who tries to get his attention or get in close physical proximity with him.
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Regardless, at first Sakura does seem like she is handling it maturely, without trying to manipulate him.
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She is right when she says revenge in itself won't bring Sasuke happiness. Sasuke also understands this, and it thaws him a little towards Sakura. Which is why he relents and explains in more words than he has ever said to her, that his goals are central to his existence and he must do everything to make them materialize.
Kishimoto deliberately makes it cringe after this though. Sakura keeps talking about Sasuke as if they were a couple. Sakura says - "Revenge won't bring anyone happiness, neither you Sasuke, nor me."
Lol. How exactly does she figure what she feels is important to Sasuke when he doesn't even talk with her? Lol. Why and where does she think she fits in this whole equation? Sasuke is right, him wanting to avenge his clan has nothing to do with Sakura. Or Naruto. Or Kakashi. So why does she think it would matter to Sasuke how she feels about it? And so he tries to explain it to her because he is a kind boy and doesn't deliberately want to hurt her feelings for no reason.
But she really makes it worse after this, by making it all about herself.
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She compares her loneliness, she who has parents, friends, and teachers to care for her, with Sasuke's loneliness. Who has no family. And none of the people in Konoha understand what he has been through, no one was there to care for him when he went through hell, all alone as an eight year old. Being with Naruto starts to heal him, like Oro notices very keenly, but then Itachi's visit happens and everything is unraveled.
She compares her apples with his oranges. Seriously, she has no sense of proportion, does she? What an insensitive thing to say to an orphan. And then, when Sasuke is not affected at all, she confesses to him. So. Much. Cringe. First time I saw this scene, I was like, haven't you embarrassed yourself enough? I was just trying to reconcile to the fact that you mocked Naruto for his orphan status, and then you say this to Sasuke?
I am sure everyone here knows people like her who make everything about themselves. It's quite exhausting to talk to them. But Sakura reminds me of this character, hardship one upper. Lol.
Kishi is such a sensitive writer when it comes to writing emotions, he writes the emotional scenes, especially with Sasuke, with such nuance and delicacy. And then here's Sakura, just crowding up the station with her freight train like confession that morphs from caring about Sasuke's feelings to caring about her own.
It started with - Sasuke you won't be happy even if you got revenge.
To - I won't be either.
To - I won't be happy if you left because I would be as lonely as YOU if you did. (And no, it's not the same as when Naruto tries to stop him from leaving, because for one thing, their love is mutual.)
To - Because I love you. So stay in the village for MY sake.
To - Or take ME with you.
Which is really sad. Because the reason why Sasuke mocked Sakura and called her annoying in chapter three in the first place was because she compared her predicament with Naruto's. She really has no sense of proportion, does she? What does she even know how it feels to be in Naruto's or Sasuke's shoes?
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Which is exactly why Sasuke mocks her back. Which she remembers and even reminds Sasuke about it.
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This is so ironic. It's her core memory about Sasuke and yet she really learnt nothing from it. Nothing. Sasuke schools her about the difference between her predicament and Naruto's back then.
And he schools her even in this scene.
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Sasuke realizes that Sakura has not changed at all. She does the same thing here that she does in chapter three. She fails at understanding both Naruto's and Sasuke's feelings. And makes it about herself both times. Well, she is consistently portrayed as a self absorbed, narcissistic and entitled girl, who must acquire whatever she wants, even Sasuke, who doesn't want her back. Because blimp sized ego. She was trying to manipulate Sasuke so he would stay, for Her sake. She constantly overestimates her importance to both Naruto and Sasuke and fails every single time. Lol. Like when she fake confessed to Naruto thinking Naruto would jump at the chance to get it on with her and quit Sasuke and then she gets rejected lol after which Naruto confesses to Sasuke on the bridge and pledges to die with him. She again attempts to confess to Sasuke at the end of war arc and she again makes it all about herself. Because Sasuke's wish to get justice and reform the world is equal to her wish to have him stay with her because she can't help loving him. Lol. She is such an embarrassment man.
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Finally Sasuke has had enough, this was a very satisfying panel btw. Idc if people take offense. But it's not a coincidence that every single time Sasuke gets triggered and calls Sakura annoying, it's always in response to her saying something very selfish, insensitive and disproportionate.
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SS can give however many ridiculous (non) reasons, painfully twisted beyond recognition, but lol, they are just trying to cope.
Sasuke is a very perceptive person, deeply attuned to how different people think. He knows Sakura's true nature. He knows how shallow and self centred she is and that her treatment of people is full of artifice. That is why Naruto stands apart and one of the major reasons Sasuke likes Naruto is because there's no artifice in him. What you see is what you get, warts and all, his closetedness is also a part of his personality. Naruto is honest, raw, unrefined and gritty. He doesn't mix words, he is not really very skillful with them. And he doesn't care. Because what matters to him is his emotions, he wears his heart on his sleeve proudly, and Sasuke is in awe of his emotional generosity, just as Naruto is in awe of his intensity and resolve.
Coming back to the interview, Kishi is talking about how fans could perceive it (and SS have) as if they were lovers because Sakura gets so weepy and mawkish, announcing her confession in such a cloying manner. And this scene uses the common trope of the aspirational male character leaving the village to accomplish something and the heroine trying to stop him from leaving, punctuated by heavy emotional beats. But that's just the surface level reading of this scene isn't it? Kishi loves his parallels and his foreshadowing. He is very careful about the way he develops his characters and he won't write them to deviate from their characterization without a reason. Sakura has given Sasuke no reason to actually like her, in fact, she only underscores her inherently shallow and self absorbed personality with everything she says, which has undergone no change whatsoever till date.
Kishi painstakingly keeps her character consistently unchanged even in Boruto. She is the same manipulative, emotionally violent, self centred and egotistical person in Boruto, Gaiden at least, who treats her own daughter so badly when she asks Sakura uncomfortable questions about Sasuke.
Anyway, concluding this winding answer, this scene is quite cringey and Kishi is right in saying that it was embarrassing, because Sakura makes it so. Every. Single. Time.
It's so funny to me that fans simply ignore the fact that the emotional core of this story is based on the concept of truly understanding each other and empathizing. Sasuke doesn't give up till the end and only relents after Naruto lets him know of his feelings that finally resonates with Sasuke. Which finally makes him realize that he is not alone, and it makes him cross over to Naruto's side. Naruto makes a fine profession out of it for heaven's sake, his talk no jutsu being the tool of his trade.
Sakura never understood Sasuke. She never even attempted, she always kept on about her own needs regardless of how Sasuke felt about her or even generally. No one understood him, not Sakura, not Itachi, not Kakashi, no one. Until Naruto. That's why the story ended with their reconciliation. And not the war arc. Because the story is about them.
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jxnmzko · 12 days
I keep thinking about when i went out with a friend recently pretty late at night to a place i don’t necessarily like to see anymore. I don’t really know him super well honestly so it was us just talking about our life and selves and our struggles. I sorta feel embarrassed because i started to cry, i felt i could really say what i felt without judgement which is weird because i don’t know him well enough 😭 but i voiced my fears and insecurities and all that went through my mind like I even thought about this moment when i went hiking and saw the waterfall. Im able to be vulnerable around my friends but this was a different level it was so weird not in a way where i see him a certain way bc we both established im gay and he has his own thing going on.
I talked about literally everything from me feeling so icky in my own skin since i developed an eating disorder to me crying because i feel like sometimes i can’t give myself the happiness you’d typically get from a partner. it’s funny bc he called me out on something, in my past connections there’s always been “that ex” that they tend to miss or whatever so i ALWAYS tend to feel like a last choice and i think deep down that’s the trigger and that’s unconsciously what i bring in. I definitely need to work on those triggers because i didn’t even realize that feeling/insecurity has been present since my very first relationship.
I devalue myself because i see myself much smaller than the person i “idolize”. SURE, im not entirely a bad person with my actions and intentions but i have my negative attributes that i need to address like im clingy but not that normal cutesy shit. but the type that stems from needing to feel validated constantly so i know im not being cheated on or to stop feeling like they’ll eventually leave me. That is the truth i want love but im scared once im in it because it’s hard to believe someone could love what i can’t love when i look at myself so therefore i yearn for it from people who can never give it to me. I devalue myself and pick myself apart to try and figure out how i could be better. should i eat less? should i do things i don’t want to do to be more appealing ? should i put aside my morals and desires to fit their morals and desires just because it’ll mean ill have them still. It’s scary because i looked back on messages where i can literally see the insecurity showing and it makes me cringe so bad because like what the actual fuck am i feeling afraid for ? like im thinking from the first 3 i can think of and that i felt something for. like ok Im afraid to lose someone who never pleased me in any shape or form? to lose someone who can’t fend for themselves and abused me emotionally? and finally, i’m afraid to lose someone who is as equally as traumatized, picks the wrong people therefore too afraid of love? and to top it all off i look at the people they wanted or dated or whatever and i tear myself apart calling myself ugly bc i don’t fit their type. like bruh my brain hurts and im tired, the only thing i need to do is be happy in my own skin and if im not then change it right ? that’s it there’s nothing too complicated about it
and for my life. I feel so behind sometimes not in a way where i want kids or want to get married bc fuck that rushing shit i’m not stressed about it. It’s more so being more independent and feeling like i need to flee the country in order to feel fulfillment. I was hating so hard on where i live that when i did finally adventure out it, it definitely made me so much happier. I didn’t even need to leave the state to feel that way and even if i did leave the state which i still think would be cool, it wouldn’t rly change how i feel. i think that’s something i definitely need to heal before that because then ill just take it with me and if im going to a whole other place where no one knows me i rather be a version of myself im happy with.
okay imma stfu i’m actually rly tired and my brain hurts and i’m thinking too deep about this shit again bc i stopped taking a med and i think imma crash out but not in a way where im gonna do some fuck shit but like where i’m gonna sleep for hours on end and maybe cry just a lil and not because i hate myself or my life but because i deserve exactly what i want and more and i can’t keep calling myself ugly bc this is the skin im going to live with until i die unless i get a lot of surgery and change my whole face but then ill just look like a freak when i get older bc it’ll age really badly and maybe i might cry also over how i wanted things to be a certain way and it wasn’t that way but that’s life so i prob won’t cry about it much. In the end tho im fine and the convo i had with my friend will live in my brain for probably the next 2 months maybe ??
i just keep repeating myself lol but i gotta drill it into my brain somehow
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