#star wars: the last jedi layouts
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archeo-starwars · 1 year ago
You wouldn't happen to have an extensive layout dissection of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant? Or even a list of all notable and obscure sections of the Jedi Temple? OR or even labelled areas that are public and reserved for only temple residents. Both from canon and legends, please and thank you!!!
The best I managed to find comes from Star Wars Complete Locations - you may check out the whole archived version here. The “zoom in” option is pretty good for reading details. Below the pages (I suppose the best is to open them in new tab for better reading):
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As for the list of locations, I recommend wookiepedia's list. Plenty of data, both for Legends and New Canon.
Additional sources worth to check out:
Jedi Temple Locations & Jedi Temple History - both published as official material on star wars.com in regard to prequels and New Canon sources. Pictures and references to various places inside Temple.
Star Wars.com's The Clone Wars episode guide + videoclips from the series, like
A) Jedi Archives Tour (the entrance to one of the most restricted areas of the temple: The Holocron Vault).
B) Layout of Jedi Temple Library (source)
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C) Jedi Temple funeral room + environment illustration by Tara Rueping (source)
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Old Data Bank for Jedi Temple
HoloNews mentioning "a mob of 20 university students attempted to infiltrate the Jedi Temple" and "managing to get as far as the Second Atrium Lobby"
Star Wars Battlefront (2) game wiki provides some map and location description
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and if you have time (and patience) you can watch gameplay from 501st Legion's mission in Jedi Temple for reference, like this one
The wookiepedia's articles should give enough good idea of the rooms, their location and functions, but I'm adding a few source pages:
STAR WARS: FACT FILES #36 provides a lot informations what and where was inside the Temple and some general data about visitors, security, Grand Balcony, Grand Corridor & Towers. Not all is super specific, but worth checking out for sure.
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The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia mentions this:
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and for Jedi Temple entry:
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As for the named locations that are public or reserved for only temple residents, there is definitely a division like that, however I'm not sure if this issue was very well explained. The source gives us some ideas, like for example, Jedi Archives have data accessible only for Jedi with rank of Master or higher (thus most likely separated areas to study). At the same time, Fact Files #25 says that Jedi Archives offers an "excellent resources to researchers, including star-map hologram consoles", but also an access to entire scientific and historical knowledge of the Republic
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so non-Jedi were allowed to use Jedi Library/Archives for their own research and work-related needs. We also must remember that the Jedi Order had various scientific branches, including archaeology, exploring unknown regions, and medicine, so logically thinking Jedi worked with other, non-Jedi specialists of many fields.
We also know from various sources, that politicians and important guests were invited for various occasions. We could see in Republic comics series that Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and senator Ask Aak were allowed to listen to Jedi reporting before High Council about his last battle
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or attending Jedi Funeral like Duchess Satine and Padme Amidala did for the (fake) Obi-Wan's one or just visiting as a friend/comrade-in-arm
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I would need to make more research about this issue as there is plenty tie-in material to Jedi Temple on Coruscant that would take a lot time to study, but at this moment, I think the best is assume how far a non-Jedi may walk into Temple will depend greatly who is that person and what is nature of their business with Jedi.
At the same time, Purge: Seconds to Die has this line "Clone Troopers? This deep in the Temple? Not permitted."
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The Jedi was in Archives herself, so it is worth to take into account that clones could have more limited access to Temple than the average guest before war did. At the same time, clone troopers could make a report before Yoda and Mace Windu/High Council, as was presented by Star Wars Tales (Honor Bound):
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so it is not like they were outright forbidden to enter the temple either.
Hope it will help!
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femmefighter · 3 months ago
For the star wars fave/least fave thing!
1, 3, 8, and 19?
Ohhhhh, so many questions. I’m excited to get my teef into these!
Favourite/Least Favourite Movie
Someone else beat you to this punch, so just the short answers.
Favourite: Rogue One
Least Favourite: Solo
3. Favourite/Least Favourite TV show episodes.
Omg, I’m not sticking to just one!! I kinda need to break this all down to the different series. Sorry Andor, you get enough love from everyone else that I'm gonna skip over you. And sorry Book of Boba Fett, I haven't invested enough energy to know you better yet to have strong opinions.
The Mandalorian.
Favourites: Yes I’m giving myself two answers here. Firstly, the Foundling. I love seeing how Bo-Katan goes about fitting in with the Children of the Watch, working out how to live their lifestyle, but then also still showing off her natural leadership qualities and her tenacity. Also, we get the shoulder touch. So fucking gay. Inject that straight (queerly) into my veins.
The second fave is The Jedi. I hadn’t watched any of the animation series before Mando S2, and when she came onto my screen, I sat up and paid attention. Ahsoka Tano, my blorbo beloved. I needed to know everything about her after watching that episode. Cue brainrot.
Least Favourite: Probably the Passenger. Felt like another filler episode. The typical “you only get to progress in the storyline if you fulfil this side quest” was growing old on me by this stage. Plus, giant spiders on an ice planet. Ick. No thanks. And Grogu eating the Frog Lady’s babies, UUUGGGGHHHH!!!!!
Ahsoka series.
Favourite: Time to Fly. It gave me tension-filled Sokabine. It gave me Jacen Syndulla. It gave me Ahsoka doing unhinged stuff like going outside her ship in space to fight off attackers. It gave me Sabine’s gay-panic face. It gave me purrgil. It gave me Huyang being an honest arsehole. It gave me Sabine losing a fight to a cup. I’m more than willing to overlook the completely stupid storyline writing for Hera’s subplot for everything else that episode did give me.
Least favourite: Far, Far Away. Not enough Ahsoka in this episode. And no Hera. So that instantly makes me sad. Also Sabine is written so poorly in this (no shade at Natasha for it, she did well for the poor hand she was dealt). Sabine’s smart, and yet all episode she’s just being all “where’s Ezra?” Smart Sabine wouldn't be standing at her prison door, banging on it and yelling about some deal that can't be fulfilled yet anyway because they aren't even on the fkn planet yet. Smart Sabine would be taking in her situation so much better. She'd be finding air vents to sneak into, so that even if she couldn't escape through them, she'd know the layout of the ship for whenever the New Republic might come up to fight against it. She’s be coming up with a plan to get Ezra and herself back home again once she’s let loose or makes a gaol break. She’d be stealing another TIE fighter with decent scanner equipment and faster travel, not being given a cowardly howler to search an entire planet that Ezra’s been hiding on for ten years on foot. They did her intelligence a massive disservice this episode. Also wasn’t a fan with how contemptuous they made Thrawn of Baylan and the Jedi in general. Chiss culture has a certain reverence for Force-wielders, and even though Kanan and Ezra were the enemies of Thrawn throughout Rebels, he always showed a level of respect towards them. Actually, Thrawn was pretty poorly written for the whole damn show. Bring Tim Zahn to the table to write the character properly, I beg you.
The Clone Wars
Favourite: The Phantom Apprentice. NGL, the last half of season seven of The Clone Wars was peak Star Wars. Fight me. But with this episode in particular, that fight sequence between Ahsoka and Maul, the dialogue leading up to it, the tension and shadow hanging over the entire episode? Perfection. It makes me believe Anakin’s fall so much more, in that Ahsoka’s absence from the events of The Revenge of the Sith speaks more to Anakin’s emotional isolation and manipulation to turn on the Jedi.
Least favourite: Can’t really say a particular episode. There were a number of filler ones that I just yawned through. There was one that focused on Anakin and Padme’s relationship, that was probably my least enjoyable. I get that their relationship was toxic/fucked up/doomed to fail, I don’t want to see more of it. Gives me the ick.
Favourite: Twilight of the Apprentice. I get Maul back. Ahsoka is a badass. Kanan is a legend. I cry like a bitch at the end of it. But Ahsoka’s not actually dead either. Wins all round for me.
Also, Hera’s Heroes. Where we get a real introduction to Thrawn. I love his assessment of her. The respect, the admiration, that he has for his enemy. How he sees her as a worthy opponent.
“War, it's all you've ever know, isn't it? You were so young when you survived the Clone Wars, no wonder you're as equipped in spirit to fight as well as you do. War is in your blood. I studied the art of war, worked to perfect it, but you? You were forged by it.”
Gives me shivers. I really hope they do future Thrawn vs Hera justice in upcoming movies/shows, but I know I shouldn’t hold my breath…
Least favourite: Jedi Knight. It was an amazing episode. I don’t think I’ve watched any Star Wars (with perhaps the exception of Rogue One) that’s managed to pull such unexpected emotion out of me. And for that reason, I cannot bring myself to watch it again. I dunno. Maybe one day when I’m feeling emotionally robust. RIP Kanan. You deserved such a heroic death, but you also deserved to live. Fuck you, Governor Pryce.
8. Favourite/Least Favourite Concept
Favourite: That the Force is in everyone. (Yes, even you!) It frustrates me that fandom miss the point of there being a difference between Force-wielding and Force-sensitivity. Anyone can use the Force, but those who are selected to train as Jedi from a young age have a natural ability to wield it, because if you don’t have that natural ability, tapping into it and wielding it is hard. Even those with natural aptitude for the Force find it hard! Ezra Bridger? Force sensitive. Had the abilities from a young age, and just required mentorship/guidance on how to best connect with and use them. Sabine Wren? She has the Force sensitivity of a sandwich. She is not Force-sensitive. Which is why Kanan didn’t ‘pick up on Sabine’s Force sensitivity’, because she didn’t have any! She was just a stubborn woman who decided she wanted to try the seemingly impossible and found a master who was unhinged enough as her to try it too. I think a lot more people could use the lesson from her story, about persistence, patience and hard work paying off. Anywho, end rant there.
Least favourite. That ‘falling to the dark side’ is somehow freeing/a good thing/something to strive for. I hate how they made Osha Aniseya seem like she’d achieved some kind of ‘enlightenment’ from having just killed her father figure, abandoning her sister to have her memory wiped, and teaming up with some attractive stranger who had just murdered a bunch of her friends. It wasn’t enlightenment. It was manipulation. STFU.
19. Favourite/Least Favourite Outfit
Favourite: Live-action Ahsoka’s outfits. Yes, even that poncho that hides her gorgeous deltoids from view. It looks so damn cosy. I love that those outfits give those tiny, tantalising hints of skin whilst still being modest and practical. They’re minimalistic in a way a Fulcrum operative would be, but with some random personal touches that we don’t fully understand yet (Like those beads at her belt. Are they meant to be her old padawan braid? Or Sabine’s padawan braid? Are they just rhythm beads? It’s anyone’s guess at this stage!) But mostly, she just looks comfortable. And since owning both the Adidas wrestling shoes from her white outfit and the Tabi shoes from her dark one, I can attest that they are so damn comfortable whilst also feeling like I could run over any terrain or kick some bad guys’ butts. I’m totally here for it.
Also, Mother Aniseya’s outfit. There’s just so much damn detail to that garb. The fabric. The layers. I love it. Also looks like it would be a cosplayer’s nightmare.
Least favourite: This is probably going to get me cancelled, but I must speak my truth. Leia’s first outfit, the white robe. The "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi" one. It looks like a bedsheet. There. I said it. I don’t mind the whole idea of a plain white dress that covers her up, I just hate whatever fabric they used. How it hangs. Just screams worn-out bedsheet. And fuck trying to keep that thing clean.
Also, the padawan boob-tube. ‘Soka, babes. Just no. This isn’t Friday night discoteca. This is the military. Put your teenage midriff away and go find yourself something with pockets. You’ll need them.
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cantsayidont · 9 months ago
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November 1982. The second Annual in the original Marvel STAR WARS series, published almost a year before the release of RETURN OF THE JEDI, featured a flashback tale of Han Solo with the unusual artistic combination of Carmine Infantino and Rudy Nebres. The credits describe Nebres (whose first name is here spelled "Rudi") as the inker, but looking at the art itself, "finisher" might have been more apt: You can see Infantino's hand in the layouts and character designs, but the finished art looks to be at least 60 percent Nebres:
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The assortment of bald guys among the supporting characters and villains is a common Infantino trope, but Nebres makes Han Solo look remarkably like '70s Michael Caine, which is not true of the Infantino SW stories inked by Bob Wiacek or Gene Day:
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One of the odd details of this issue is that original colorist George Roussos colored Han's eyes blue in some of the close-ups, something that the digital reconstruction exaggerates:
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His eyes are however colored brown in the story's last panel (in both versions):
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This raises a complex question: Should digital color reconstruction try to correct coloring errors in the original, or should it preserve them in the interests of fidelity? I increasingly lean toward the latter, but there are arguments to be made in both directions.
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eziojensenthe3rd · 6 months ago
Midnight gaming: Blue milk run
So last night i played the 1st level of star wars: jedi knight 2: jedi outcast past midnight, checked socials to find... us congress recently voted to block a cancer research bill.
Yikes, lets start with star wars. Jedi outcast was one of my most played star wars game on the gamecube, it was one i sunk many hours into the multiplayer itself solely because it had bots allowing for a single player to have fun on their own. I played the switch version done by aspyr and it felt....off. Moving felt a bit slippy and aiming was tough, enemies moved rather quick at times and with a lot of weapons being projectile based, i often had a hard time hitting stormtroopers. That certanly played havoc with my memories of the game since i've hadnt had this much trouble mowing down troops with a blaster going full auto. Was it me, the game or the wired controller i was using?
So i decided to try running the pc version on my steam deck. Now steam does say it was "unsupported" but shockingly it ran pretty well, no problems at all. Granted i had to rebind the controls so that this pc game can play well on a controller, i used the community layout by wunderbred which is a modified version of hankopotus's layout with added mouse sensitivity and gyro. It felt slightly better? The gyro did help with aiming so i was able to play a bit better though it left me thinking. Is the aspyr port bad? I cant really make that call on one level right? Aspyr hasnt had the best luck with the fiasco with kotor 2s dlc and being kicked off the remake, not to mention their recent problem with the battlefront remasters. But the switch version ran well enough, albiet stripped down to only the campaign, but it does work? Is it fair critique to judge a version of a game based on the controls for that version? Is a game that has average yet serviceable controls that you can eventually adapt to, fundamentally worse than one that lets you rebind in any way that suits? Again, this was only one level, not really a fair analysis on either version but it was a thought that occured.
After finishing the first level on steam deck, i went back to the switch and replayed the first level again but on the console itself undocked and with the motion controls setting on. It played a bit better than with the wired controller, again tilting the switch worked well for aiming. In the end, i guess its something of a personal perference, maybe someone would have a worse time with gyro aiming and would rather use a plain controller.
Anyway long spiel over, now to news. So apparently the US Congress had apparently voted to block a bill for funding cancer research written by Biden called the Moonshot Initiative and there were excuses thrown around about money and what not but theres also tall about it being personal. Done out of spite to prevent a win for biden. Thats pretty dire and extremely petty if thats the case.
Heres an article from usatoday covering it :https://eu.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2024/05/05/biden-cancer-moonshot-initiative-congress-funding/73525016007/
Speaking of dire and bills, have talked to your senator about opposing KOSA? Cause a full senate vote is coming up on the 30th tomorrow so please get on that. Anyways, talk to you again tomorrow.
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tremendouskoalachild · 2 years ago
Star Wars (1977) #05: Lo, The Moons of Yavin!
Roy Thomas, Aug 10 1977
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I have to say I love that title already.
The cover is, of course, amazing. "Luke Skywalker strikes again!" that boy just can't stop striking. Han's defeatism. The Death Star in action, and shooting from two places at once! (And on the equator instead of the dish as we've seen in the movie.)
Luke has to shake off his grief over Ben and get shooting. We get the first instance of thought bubbles in these comics:
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Gotta love the awkward recaps. Leia joins in:
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... and so does Luke, reminding himself what the Force is:
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The narration itself helps out, too!
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"Mankind", huh?
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I'm not sure how this would work with how the ship's layout is presented in the film but whatever.
Our heroes get away and Leia expresses her theory that they are being tracked. This is immediately confirmed, similarly to the film:
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Of course, Tarkin's movie convo with Vader actually happens before Leia tells Han how easy their escape was, and Vader's response gets weirdly cut off; "this will be a day long remembered" and so on is moved to when the Death Star is approaching Yavin. In my opinion the original scene adapted by the comic flows better - and I have to compliment the composition here, too. The movie scene looks kind of claustrophobic with Vader and Tarkin standing right next to each other in a small space, while the comic takes advantage of its medium and puts them in the middle of a huge observation room. (I also like the odd halos and Vader's pose in panel 2, he's so excited.)
Meanwhile, Luke has a crush:
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Comic Luke is really into her, huh? Well, it works with what the movie gives us.
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Where did the table in panel 2 appear from? Never mind. Han sees Luke as a friend. ❤
They arrive on Yavin IV. I'm glad the comic is acknowledging that the Rebels set themselves up in a once sacred place.
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I understand Aphra senior's (is he a doctor? idk) frustration with them. Here, have an excerpt from Doctor Aphra's 2016 run:
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... anyway. Back to the comic we are actually discussing.
Leia is bordering on abusing her iconic line (she does actually say it in the film as well; it's really easy to miss though):
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Dodonna is all casual while delivering the briefing, what an icon:
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But he can do dramatic as well!
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After seeing Han off, Luke and Leia say their goodbyes and. Um. That's not a little peck on the cheek, with the handholding and romantic pink background, is it.
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The transition to the next panel is really funny though. It totally looks like Biggs is dragging Luke away from more kisses with Leia - where are my lukebiggs shippers at?
"Blue Leader" shows up (and changes hair color between panels but hey, styslistic choice). He's Red in the film and for fun I decided that Luke knows this. The Biggs reunion is a deleted and 20 years later undeleted scene - I am not a fan of reinserting it into the film without the set-up of Biggs' previous scenes but it is what it is.
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The leader talking about knowing Luke's father remains deleted though. Both versions are kinda odd to be honest - in canon he just takes Biggs' word for it (although without the previous deleted scenes we can assume that Biggs has been with the rebellion longer that the maybe several days it looks like originally). In the version shot he comes off as annoyed and doubtful, warms up after Biggs' line, and then tells Luke about having known his father - but without the realization shown in the comic. The leader's last line is also strange, even without the context added in the 2000s about Jedi not having children and relationships. What do you mean "original Jedi Knights"? Does he assume that many of the Jedi killed at the beginning of the Empire (which I don't believe was established lore either) had surviving infants? I don't get it.
Anyway, Biggs and Luke have their romantic goodbyes with several heartbreaking lines:
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(Seriously, what is more of a tragic romance than two childhood friends unexpectedly reuniting before flying off to battle for their cause and promising to catch up after? And Luke is only there because Biggs vouched for him? "We're a couple of shooting stars that'll never be stopped!" My heart...)
Threepio is unwilling to be upstaged when it comes to dramatically saying last goodbyes to your love:
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The lines "skyboy" and "let's get cracking" seem to be comic inventions and I love them dearly.
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Love the sassy narration. Perhaps both, indeed.
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queer-starwars-bracket · 1 year ago
Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 1): General Bracket Match 37
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Chase Wilsorr | Identity: mlm | Media: ESB/”A Good Kiss”
Chase Wilsorr was the rebel soldier who walked between an arguing Han and Leia, and he was not having a good time when that happened. Overeager and clumsy, after failing Alliance basic training multiple times and being rejected from every other branch of the Alliance, he was a kitchen worker and runner on Echo Base. He didn’t appreciate how essential such support staff was, and he yearned to be a rebel hero. He believed in the self help novel Be Your Best Self, which was basically about self confidence and manifestation. He was an extremely skilled runner, and was familiar with all parts of Echo Base, including tunnels that were created during the construction process but were no longer used. 
He had a crush on the tauntaun handler Jordan Smythe and arranged his schedule to ensure that he would be the one delivering him caf. Despite Jordan flirting with him, he was too anxious to show reciprocation. During the evacuation of Echo Base, Chase used his knowledge of the base’s layout to save medical staff from a cave in. Then, he found Jordan who refused to leave his favorite tauntaun, Sunshine, behind. Together, they rode through the tunnels of Echo Base to reach the last evacuation transport. Upon boarding the transport, Jordan kissed Chase.
Bonus, he also had a crush on Han Solo which only stoked his anger about all the cool hero stuff Han got to do and how annoying his will-they-won’t-they thing with Leia was.
Er Dal/Ferize | Identity: alien transgender and poly | Media: The High Republic Phase II
Er Dal and Ferize Kesserine members of the Path of the Open Hand, a gecko-like species. They are born without sex differentiation, and approximately 40% of them mature into egg-bearers, with the being’s will playing a role. In Basic, egg bearers like Ferize use she/her pronouns, but human genders weren’t actually applicable. They formed a triad with the Kesserine Fel Ix. The three of them also had five newly hatched children. During a flash-flood on Dalna, the family was saved with the help of Jedi Padawan Kevmo Zink. After the Battle of Jedha, Fel Ix was chosen for a special mission to disrupt communications in the Dalna sector. Er Dal and Ferize were last seen on the Gaze Electric saying goodbye to their partner and warning him against the treachery of the Jedi. In the chaos of the Night of Sorrow, they and their children went missing. Fel Ix helped the Jedi prevent a space battle aspect of the Night and told them everything he new so they could help him find his family.
Er Dal spent his whole childhood traveling the galaxy, and when he met Fel Ix as he was about to undergo his coming of age ceremony, the young Kesserine decided to run away with him and see the galaxy. Later, they met Ferize, who had already joined the Path of the Open Hand. She offered them the deeper meaning of religion, and they joined her and the Path.
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the-force-awakens · 2 years ago
nym, oh my stars! your layout looks absolutely stunning. i'm in love with it. it’s such a good look on you.
in other news, i just saw a rumor on twitter saying that john might come back to star wars as finn in rey’s new movie. i know what oscar said but, do you think there’d be any chance of him coming back? even if it’s just a cameo? either way, i hope this ne project will bring you lots of joy and mention poe in a way that pleases you, because you’re THE poe exepert and deserve the best.
i woke the other day and realised i missed being your stadurst, and talking to you. i hope you’re doing alright and that life has been treating you well. please remember to take care of yourself and drink some water, alright?
much love,
Ahh, ty so much I'm honestly in love with it myself! It's all thanks to this amazing psd by @/cal-kestis though - when I got done making a gifset for Poe's birthday I decided to go ahead and make a header with it!
Hearing that about John really surprises me, I was fully prepared for the possibility of him not coming back (and I sure as fuck couldn't blame him if he didn't), but it'd be lovely to see Finn again and see where they'd take his story and give him some love he desperately needs.
As for Poe - I'm gonna add the caveat that I've mildly deluded myself into believing this but - I think there is a pretty good chance of Oscar coming back too. He mentioned last year (right around the time Daisy started talking abt it no less 👀) that he'd be open to coming back if the story and director were enticing enough. And while obviously, duh, I don't know him or anything, but the way he answered that question seemed interesting to me because it didn't seem like he was just being thoughtful when he answered it? Compared to other times he's contemplated returning to other roles or whatever, it seemed a lil...sus
Not to mention - Poe's clearly on his mind. It makes sense for Star Wars to pop up a couple of times during the MK press tour, but I mean. "Make love gently to star wars", his (head)canons about Poe in the bedroom lmao, having him promote the Halcyon, etc etc...
I definitely think there's certainly an open door of him coming back. And it's not just Oscar - Lucasfilm went out of its way just last year to publish a short story all about Rey's friendship with Poe, so clearly it's something they want to keep in the fandom consciousness y'know? They pushed a lot of content for Poe, at least, last year (altho some of them were completely terrible, looking at u hyperspace stories), so I feel pretty confident.
I am so, so excited about the new movie and all it entails but I'm also so, so nervous about it too. I don't want anything bad to happen to Poe, and some Bad Blorbo Experiences in the past makes me extremely prone to worrying about him (*glares at aos*). But for the most part, I'm glad Lucasfilm is going full steam ahead with it even though the trilogy gets unfairly hated on (hypocritically, might I add, from a good portion of the fanbase), and excited to see a story about the new jedi order and a grown up Rey (what's the chances we'll finally get that jedi praxeum on Yavin IV? I can hope and dream.)
I've missed having you around as well, and I hope life's been kind to you too 🥺 mines just been super hectic these past few months but otherwise okay 💜
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zachsgamejournal · 2 years ago
PLAYING: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
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I've put nearly 30 hours into this...I think I'll just watch KOTOR 2 on YouTube...
Last we chatted, we found out the player character is actually the dark sith lord, Revan. But thanks to unethical brainwashing and my many good deeds, all the allies are like, "I know you're previously a psychotic mass murderer, but you've been pretty nice to me...so all's forgiven!' I look forward to reading or listening to some analysis of the ethics around this.
To think about it--Darth Vader is an interesting case of redemption, because he basically dies for his sins. Yes, in the end he does the right thing--but is it enough to forgive his past transgressions. Like, if you start a forest fire, and then save a family from the fire, but still thousands of people and animals die--are you a hero? If Darth Vader had survived, what life would he deserve to lead? What would he have to do to atone for his past? As a powerful Jedi, surely there is much good he could do...I don't know.
Revan is different. Revan didn't choose to be good. Revan was killed through brainwashing. I'm less concerned about who they used to be.
Anyway, so we've gone to Manaan. Despite being tired of this game and ready for it be over, I actually think this is a my favorite planet. Though it annoys the hell out of me. Manaan is a water world (apparently Earth was too at one point). It has a natural resource that's good for healing. But it has remained neutral in the war between Sith and Republic. So both factions have a presence on this world, by neither has attempted to conquer it for fear of screwing up the natural resource supply. But Siths are gonna Sith, so they have several conspiracies in play to gain the upper hand, which be bad for this world.
First things first, I hate the layout of my so-called favorite planet. I appreciated how Tatooine had a single hub, that was big enough to feel like a city, but small enough to fit within a single load screen. Manaan is not so--there's about 4-5 separate, interconnected to hubs. There layouts are all very similar but also different. So it's confusing--which T-shaped hub am I in right now? And each hub has 1 or 2 key mission givers or people, so you've gotta run around trying to remember who is where.
That's out of the way...
First thing I did was find out a Republic hero had been accused of murdering a Sith agent in a hotel room. It's annoying, but kinda fun, as you have to interrogate witnesses, collecting evidence, and maybe grease a few palms. Then there's a court scene where you present your case. If this were a whole game, it would be kinda fun--but seeing as I just wanted to be done with this game, I got a little annoyed. But ultimately--I had fun and thought it was pretty good.
Turns out the local youth have been missing. I need to get into the sith embassy to find out why. They won't let me. Some bounty hunter that only values violence spills the beans when I threaten him. Not because he's scared, but because he likes violence. I don't like this guy.
I also get a mission to investigate why the republic is hiring so many bounty hunters that then go missing. While looking into that, I'm let in on a secret. The republic have built a secret underwater facility to get the special resource. Apparently "moderate" locals realize if the Sith win, Manaan's sovereignty will be at risk. Aligning with the republic is the smartest move. But still... political grey.
Turns out something went wrong and they've been sending bounty hunters down there. Oh, but first, I have to earn some good will by breaking into the sith embassy and stealing back data from a downed satellite that belonged to the Republic. I'm given options to break in. I opt to interrogate a prison for their code. Mild threat of violence against their wife and I'm in. Remember, we're the noble good guys.
The code gets me in the front door. But we're immediately found out. Not sure why we bothered with sneaking in if we were just gonna kill everyone. So just like on the first world, I'm exploring a Sith base. Funny how often this happens. I realize old man jedi, Jolee, can stun droids...very helpful. I find the missing local youth and they think the sith are here to help. I have to prove the sith are bad. This entails walking across the hall, find a dying friend, and then saying as much to the survivors. It's enough.
I grab the data and I'm out. Then I get arrested. I have to prove my innocence. I have a defender but he's not sharing the important detail: the sith are evil. The sith conspiring to be evil gets me a pass on breaking and murdering. Now the republic is like, go check on our underwater base. How nice, that's where we suspect the ancient star map to be.
This area is kinda interesting. It's a zombie like scenario. When trying to harvest the resource a loud noise made all the locals go crazy and start killing everyone. The locals are fish-ppl. Turns out there's a mythic giant shark that no one has seen. But the harvesting machines disturbed it. I guess it wants to protect the ecosystem.
So I have to do some underwater walking, just like the space walk. It's slow moving. But I have a sonic weapon to kill sharks. I feel about killing them. I wish it just drove them away.
Turns out there's two ways to handle the shark, either poison it and save the equipment or destroy the equipment and hope that works. It does. I don't know if there's a consequence to destroying the equipment, but when I'm later interviewed by the local judges in my THIRD trial on this planet, they seem to appreciate the preservation of the shark and resources. Seems the whole planet's wildlife could have been wiped out.
Oh yeaj, and the star map was by the shark.
So the shark sensed a threat to the planet and so called upon all sea life, including the locals, to fight in its defense. Tho against their will. Interesting, but violent.
So now I have the star map. Time for the end game...I think. Hopefully it won't take much longer. I'm concerned about the final boss fight. Some accidental reading has led me to thinking it'll be tough...and I'm not very motivated for a tough fight.
So, I dont "love" the story. I appreciate the gameplay and dialogue choices, but the dialog is not written particularly well. There's an impatient anger behind it. Like the writer assumed gamers would get board with the story, so offered them harsh dialog choices to compensate.
I've watched several videos from someone claiming to be doing an analysis. He hates the story more than I could dream of. But he's calling out tropes and structure issues. He's not always over critical.
Oh well...
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brandofpie · 2 years ago
Reading Response #1
The Barret reading is about time and movement in arts. The main point is to inform on the various types of time, like implied time and actual time. Along with various types of movement, such as implied and actual movement. An example being how tempo can be used  in film to make events that span weeks feel very short. Along with actual time art pieced being more performance based and abstract. After reading I am still unsure if videos are actual motion or implied motion, since film is many photos shown in succession to give the illusion of movement. I do think it could be both, but I am still unsure. I feel The Author is speculating on how motion and time included into art considering they are a lot more of an abstract concept compared to Space, mood, and value.
The reading focuses on the archival and the quality of various pieces of art, that some would non traditional. Film, digital, and even video games. I believe the focal point of this article is how some pieces of art are not given the same treatment for preservation that other mediums are given. Many films will not be archived if they are not in the standard 12-35mm reels. I learned that many “illegal” sites that stream pirated shows and movies, don’t do it to circumvent the law and to distribute it for free or just for the fun, but rather to share it with other people. This did give me the idea to properly archive some of my digital drawings correctly so I would be able to come back to the original uncompressed files. The part I did not fully understand was the idea of “perfect and imperfect film”. Aside from the author pointing out that imperfect film was generally of lower visual quality, I did not really understand their point. In defense of a poor image is speculative of the hierarchy that some art has over others. How depending on the subject or medium or even the way its preserved is given less priority over other works of art.
One of the Arts I liked from the perfect film reading was the second life buildings created. While second life was before my time, it reminds me of large Minecraft worlds people create and how they wont be properly preserved later in the future. Since they aren’t seen as “Proper” artworks.
Another I like is the “Queen of hearts playing card being hit by a .30 cal bullet. I love it since you can feel the power and the weight behind the bullet without actually seeing the card being hit by it. It leaves your mind to imagine what it may have looked like
The last art piece I liked was the storyboard of “Return of The Jedi”. I am a total star wars nerd and love everything to do with the series, especially the special effects and seeing them layout the groundwork for the practical effects that would come later is really awesome. Along with with how iconic the Death Star II explosion escape scene would become.
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lokiphobiia · 4 years ago
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the last jedi poe dameron icons ( part one of ?? ). like or reblog if you save/use.
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mondlevan · 2 years ago
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dylan minnette x star wars layouts
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calfecir · 3 years ago
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jennie kim + sadie sink (all too well short film) + olivia rodrigo — star wars headers
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editfandom · 4 years ago
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star wars layouts
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selpinktea · 4 years ago
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bingeate-r · 6 years ago
Kylo Ren Layout
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daisyridleyicons · 6 years ago
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The last Jedi Rey layouts ~screenshot for better quality
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