#star wars prequels big bang
dragon-subway · 1 month
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Had the absolute pleasure of working with @barbaricyawn for the Star Wars prequels big bag event organised by @swprequels-big-bang! Please check out his fic: Field Trip
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omaano · 1 month
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"Trouble on Zeffo! After his daring rescue by the crew of the Mantis, Jedi padawan Cal Kestis has embarked on a journey to possibly restore the Jedi Order! Following the steps of Jedi master Eno Cordova, hope has never been easier to grasp. But standing in the way is a massive storm…"
My art piece to go with Steampunk Star Wars written by @hotcocoandmarshmallows my amazing partner for the @swprequels-big-bang. Please give it a read, to see what Cal gets up to on this alternate version of the Mantis, and Zeffo!
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ledbytheunknown · 1 month
Pro Memoria
Summary: Crosshair alone in his cell on Mount Tantiss reflects on his life, his choices and all that brought him to that point.
Word count: 1590
Warnings: There is talk of pain, angst, medical issues and contemplation of death. Thoughts or regret and sadness
A/N: Written for @swprequels-big-bang The art is amazing and I just know you will al love it as much as I do when you see it.
it can be found here
" Don't you forget about dying
Don't you forget about your friend death
Don't you forget that you will die "
Crosshair sat alone in the cell on Mount Tantiss, no natural light reached this far in. The garish industrial lights often hurt his eyes, making his head fill with the pain of a migraine. He’d lost count of the days, everyone being the same monotonous routine. Wake a morning serving of sustenance that made the old republic rations look like a gourmet meal on Canto Bight. Guards moving him to a lab samples taken from his right hand, the repeated jabs left his hand feeling weak and at times it had a tremor. 
In the beginning he would be taken to a chamber much like the one Rampart and Tarkin used on him back on Kamino and his mind was probed and shocked as Hemlock tried to twist him and it to make him a perfect super soldier.
The gas Hemlock had used on him when he had tried to get a message to his brothers to protect Omega left his throat damaged and his voice even more gravely than before. It had all been for nothing. Omega was still found and brought here.
She visited almost everyday. Talked about planning and getting out. Crosshair fully believed that she should try, but that she should go alone. Leave him to his karma, his punishment, his prison.
He was not innocent. He blindly followed all the orders he was given by the empire for a long time. There were times when he closed his eyes he could see the faces of every single person he killed for the empire. He could also see the faces of those he knew die around him.
The rebels on Onderon, they honestly did not know where Saw Gerrera was, majority on that transport were civilians and Crosshair had led his squad in opening fire on them and cut them all down. Man woman and child. 
Tightness grew in his chest as the many memories flooded in. Shortly after Onderon there was a mission to Naboo to bring in again so-called insurgents who were not separatists but members of the galactic republic who were resisting the Empire's new rule.  The whole settlement was wiped out again man woman or child it didn’t matter they were gone in under a half hour and their bodies disintegrated leaving no trace. It was like that for a long time and Crosshair could always shut out what he did. Block his mind from remembering.  But now their faces were all he could see. Hundreds and hundreds of people who he was directly responsible for their deaths. Either by giving orders to the troops or by his own hand.
His hand, the right one, had started to tremble shortly after his attempt at contacting his brothers to tell them to keep Omega safe.  The tremors now were more frequent. Any time he thought about what he had done it started to shake. He reached across and held it steady with his left hand taking a deep breath and it started to settle.
Crosshair looked through the bars of his cell down into the stark utilitarian prison corridors that went in every direction. Almost every stall was occupied by former clone troopers, all ones who refused to serve the empire, all were tested and some experimented on but for what purpose He did not know. He often saw Nala Se in the halls and lab. She was his creator, not just in that he was a clone but it was her project that gave him and his brothers of Clone Force 99 their desired mutations. He saw sadness in her eyes when she looked at him and disappointment. It hurt him as he didn’t know if that was disappointment in his situation or in him and his actions.
He put his head back against the wall on his cell and closed his eyes again, this time his mind took him to Bracca, the place he almost burned to death in the fire of an ion engine. That was the start of his downfall, where his troops in the elite squad questioned his actions. It got worse on Ryloth.
Ryloth, it was all a flawed plan by Rampart to fully take over. To frame the hero of Ryloth Cham Syndulla of the murder of Twi'lek senator Orn Free Taa, but it didn’t go as planned and Cross hair was forced to arrest many clone troopers. Some fought back and for that they were killed.
But he survived. He survived the fall of Kamino and spent thirty-two rotations stranded there alone. He chose to stay, he could have left with the others on the Marauder but he chose to stay. But he questioned himself if he did it because he believed the Empire would find him or if he did it to die, to atone for all he did.  The Empire did find him and after making a full recovery it was back to fighting back to killing, though he didn’t do much of the latter on the first mission with Cody. Commander Cody, where was he now? Was he safe? They said he left, that he defected, but in the Empire that could mean anything, that he went to the budding rebellion or that he disappeared to live in peace or that he had been killed. Maybe he was here in the halls in one of the many cells. 
He sighed thinking of how badly he hurt his brothers, not just his batch mates but the clone troopers as a whole. Those who had stood against the empire how he treated them. Capturing them like he had Howzer and his troops or killing some of the 981st that had defected in the time between Ryloth and Daro. 
How he had hunted Tech, Wrecker, Echo, and Hunter. He had been so close to them and now they only seemed like distant memories.
One of the times Hemlock and Nala Se worked on their experiments Hemlock informed him of Tech’s fall and subsequent death. It made Crosshair’s stomach and chest ache. They had been trying to find him, they had been trying to rescue him and now Tech was dead, and it was all Crosshair's fault.  Just as Mayday’s death was on him as well.
He should have been able to save Mayday. He should have been able to get him back to base sooner so that there would be a chance of survival instead of dying in agony on the ground just beyond the walls of the base. He should have taken out more than just the lieutenant; he should have gunned down that whole base. But he was too weak.
Always now too weak to be of use, with a trembling shooting hand and headaches that would come and go but when they came they would stay, it would linger and pulse and beat away at his head, his brain throbbing as if trying to escape his skull. 
He grabbed his head in his hands as he felt another of the headaches coming on he could feel the tremor of his hand against his head. This would be a fitting way to go, he had survived practically being incinerated, and being left to fend for himself on a dead planet but to have that pain in his head kill him make him atone for all he had done that would be perfect. 
He tried to pry his eyes open to survey his surroundings one last time. In the hall beyond the ray shielded door of his cell he could see them. It was scary, bittersweet and calming all in one as his brothers lined the halls, Tech closest then MAyday and so many others, there were non-clone faces there as well, faces he recognized all too clearly as his victims. But they did not look mad, they looked sad or was that more looks of empathy, of pity? They were waiting for him. To escort him to hell no doubt it is what he deserved.
" We focus on your death,
We focus on your death.
You share not the blood of ours,
thus we focus on your death "
The words echoed through his head so many voices in unison. Calling him to his end. So he had taken their lives or failed to prevent their deaths, it was only fitting they beckoned him to his own.
The intensity of the pain grew, his eyes squeezing shut as if to try and stop the growing throb and the searing burning pain that filled his skull. He felt his breath catch in his lungs. Then calm, darkness and silence. 
Crosshair felt his consciousness leaving the void. The soft sounds around him, this was not hell, it was too calm, and smelled too clean. Way to clean.
“Ah I see you are finally waking up” a familiar voice said from a distance away.
Footsteps came closer
“We almost lost you there CT-9904, that would be unfortunate as you still have so much to give in our experiments”
Crosshair opened his eyes. He was alive but he had been wrong; he was in hell. The living hell of Mount Tantiss, and staring down at him as he was strapped to the medical table, the devil incarnate. Dr. Royce Hemlock. Crosshair looked around the room, the voices were gone as were the apparitions. So once again he would be left alone with his thoughts and his guilt. 
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gayjedicoded · 1 month
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my pieces for @electrikworm's fic Internal Conflict!
It's such a sweet look at how the batchers feel about their lives as soldiers and what other options they have. I really love how it shows how the brothers are so different but still so much the same.
and of course Uncle Wrecker stole my heart!!!
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@swprequels-big-bang was a lot of fun!! love to do something like this again :)
[version without text under the cut]
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thealluringsink · 1 month
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My piece for @swprequels-big-bang in collaboration with @thisisnotmynamefml, featuring Jyn Erso.
I was inspired by some blurbs that didn't make it into the final piece, in which Saw Gerrera reasons that the best way to traumatize Jyn further is to just leave, because a broken bone heals better when the split is clean.
Fic is here (AO3 only): Evolution of Stardust
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happydragon · 23 days
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Everyone look at this amazing art by @jojobaaaa !!! This was made alongside my Prequel Big Bang Fic for @swprequels-big-bang !!
Many thanks to jojobaaa for the amazing art, @prowlingthunder for beating my fic, and @yeehawgeek for hosting this event!!!
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sun-spice · 24 days
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This is the birth of a woman, coaxed from statue. Padmé had made her acceptance speech while sweating under the weight of her outfit, layers of green-gold shot silk shining like the leaves on the trees of Theed. Eternal summer brought with it peace and plenty, cheer and merriment. The whole planet was thrumming with life, hibiscus flowers unfurled in the Royal Gardens, and before her a great crowd had gathered to listen to her speak, flower petals floating through the still air. Amidala had won by a strong margin, was young and popular and optimistic, and it was Padmé’s solemn duty to transform Amidala from idea into woman. This is the death rattle of trust. “I said, I’ll do what is right.” The tired father of the Republic was erased fully now, unbending steel in his place. The meeting, she knew, was over. Palpatine continued, “That should be enough for your,” he locked eyes with Padmé, said the next word with a sneer, “committee.” Look how far you’ve fallen from the queen who understood the importance of action, his words whispered, Anakin unmoving at his side. A flash of fury burnt through her. Or: Padme Amidala, through her life.
Providence, In Summer by @animazi
Part of @swprequels-big-bang 2024.
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mock-arts · 2 years
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Happy approaching new year all! I just wanted to look at all the covers I’d made for Star Wars fics in 2022 all at once lol
links to each beneath the cut!
Crashing Down by @oakwyrm (art)
Marshal Commander Cody of the 7th Sky Corps is, despite his reputation, mortal. When a severe injury threatens his life and his continued ability to function should he recover, protocol states he should be sent back to Kamino. It does not explicitly state that he would likely be decommissioned, but his vode all know how to read between the lines.
General Kenobi’s response is equally predictable.
Careful What You Wish For by @shadowlight17 (art)
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
In This Our Liberty — currently unposted, series here.
from ancient grudge (to soap opera television) by @eclipsemidnight (art)
The Jedi and the Sith, in fair Coruscant where we lay our scene...ancestral enemies, whose battles these days are more likely to be to first spend rather than to first blood. This does not amuse the clone security forces who have to break them up, or Chancellor Windu who has to deal with them afterwards.
Meanwhile, Maul and Ventress's marriage is arranged by Sidious and Dooku. Obi-Wan and his friends Ahsoka and Quinlan crash their engagement party. We all know how this is going to end--a wedding, of course! It just takes a few hands, the threat of the Coruscant Guard, and a porg-print towel to get there!
This I Vow by @wanderingjedihistorian (art)
To secure a planet's help for the Republic, Obi-Wan and Cody must get married. Having been quietly together for some time, it is an easy decision for the pair to make. They didn't expect what followed. Nor did anyone else.
Once Upon a Dream by @glimmerglanger (art)
The man was still warm; not warm enough but he obviously hadn’t been dead long. Cody thinned his mouth, looking at the man. He had a fall of copper hair and a beard, scars here and there on his body. He looked like he’d been a fighter, all muscle, trim and--
“Sith’s spit,” he added, cutting over the chatter in his bucket, as his assessment reached the man’s hand, curled, even in death, around a familiar metallic cylinder. “General Tachi, I think he was a Jedi.”
OR, the one where Marshal Commander Cody finds a mystery figure three years into the Clone Wars, and it changes the course of history.
Or Why Comes Thou to Caterhaugh? by Afiregender (art)
In the midst of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan very abruptly goes on leave to attend a "personal matter" on his homeworld Stewjon. Both Cody and the Jedi find this somewhat odd, and Cody goes on leave himself to investigate. He finds his General at a banquet meant to celebrate the new Fae King... which turns out to be Obi-Wan himself. Or: Tam Lin but Codywan.
Descent by @kutaisi (art) (we’re just getting started on this one!)
As they're fighting in the rain on Kamino, Jango Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi are thrown forward in time to a version of the galaxy that neither of them could have imagined.
Finding themselves fifteen years in the future, their struggle to get back to their own time is complicated by devasting discoveries and a nightmare of a reality that they have no idea how to navigate through.
...and also by each other.
I also illustrated a bunch of other fic this year, that didn’t necessarily get covers.
Soul Found by @darthtarvera (art)
It had been five years since he’d dreamed of his soulmate. 
Five years since the council broke the bond between them. 
Now, a last test as the council sends Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to Mandalore to protect the Duke of Mandalore and his two daughters. Obi-Wan is determined to prove once and for all he has what it takes to be a good jedi. 
But can even the jedi truly break a bond between a jedi and their soulmate? As Obi-Wan discovers more of the culture and people his mark ties him to he realizes that maybe his path isn't so rigid as he thought.
i don’t wanna feel stuck by @ghostlandtoo (art)
Three years after the war, Obi-Wan has stuck to diplomatic missions from the Order, tired of fighting. When he's burned by the Republic on the tail-end of one such mission, Obi-Wan finds himself stuck on Myam-1, a beach planet in the Outer Rim. Work doesn't stop, even on a vacation planet. Reunited with an old flame and a few old friends, Obi-Wan can't help but help the several people on Myam-1 in need of help, even if he lost his lightsaber a few planets back.
This, too, was a gift by @lttrsfrmlnrrgby (art)
The Rako Hardeen mission was a success, but it left Obi-Wan Kenobi sick at heart after the empathic stresses of the mission, and questioning whether the mission was worth it. The troopers of the 212th welcome him back, wanting nothing more than to assure him he did the right thing, and Obi-Wan works to make their trust in him worth it.
The Force, however, shows Obi-Wan a detailed vision of the future to come. He eliminates the threats posed by the Sith, but feels he cannot return to the Order or to his men, and sets out alone, letting the Force direct him to the grimmest parts of the galaxy and the people who were always overlooked and underserved. 
Marshal Commander Cody takes his general's warning and evacuates Kamino and all of the clones from Republic space. As the Jedi work to recover from the Sith plot and the Republic stalls out on how to move on, the clones settle a new world, try to heal, and look for their missing general. Along the way, apart and together, Cody and Obi-Wan make discoveries that will change their and the galaxy’s future, and learn how to move forward even when things are broken and like nothing they'd planned.
I think that’s it as far as Star Wars fic I’ve illustrated/made covers for goes? (There’s a little bit of punisher/daredevil fic I’ve still been working on illustrating this year but that would be off theme lol)
if you’re a Star Wars fic author I’ve worked with this year and I’ve somehow missed you, let me know and I’ll add a link in! I’ve had an absolute blast collaborating with everyone this year, and I’m looking forward to digging in next year too! ❤️
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acryliccassetteart · 1 month
guess i might as well post my art for @swprequels-big-bang
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drawn to accompany this wonderful fic by @letsquestjess 🥰
alt under the cut + link to source for the poster on the wall
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i didnt draw that poster and ain’t claiming to: i got it from wookiepedia
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sunrisemcash · 6 months
Ahsoka, Anakin and the twins are playing 'Never have I ever' Luke: Never have I ever been in a jail. Ahsoka:So I drink? Leia:No no, you have to drink only if you have done it. Ahsoka drinks. Luke: I can't believe you have been arrested aunt 'Soka! Ahsoka:And I can't believe your dad hasn't! Leia: Me too!
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wipbigbang · 2 months
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Round 2 Of Artists Claims For The Regular WIPBB Are Open! Round 2 lasts until July 31st! You may claim 3 fics this round!
This is one of the fics open for claiming...
Star Wars (All Media Types) Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy) #105 Title: Burn the Land Pairing/Characters: No pairings - Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin Skywalker, Xanatos du Crion, Feemor Rating: Teen | T Warnings/Tags: No Warnings apply Summary: A very awkward family reunion with all Jinn Padawans - current, former, and disavowed - gives Qui-Gon the chance to repair his relationship with Obi-Wan, who left the Jedi after Naboo.
It's an AU where Obi-Wan takes Maul down on Tattooine, so he, Qui-Gon, and Anakin do not go to Naboo. After hunting the Sith for a couple years, Obi-Wan left the Jedi and wound up connecting with Feemor and Xanatos, Qui-Gon's former Padawans, and realized Xanatos wasn't quite as evil as they'd thought. The story takes place a couple years after that, when Qui-Gon and Anakin end up being rescued by Obi-Wan and they team up to investigate a group that tried to attack them. It's heavily focused on Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's relationship, and centers around forgiveness and growth.
Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy/The Clone Wars) #109 Title: Defining Home Pairing/Characters: Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Rating: Teen | T Warnings/Tags: No Warnings apply Age of Sail AU, Mandalorian Pirate Cody, Nobleman Obi-Wan Summary: Obi-Wan realizes he can no longer put off a visit home to take care of some of his affairs. Cody, naturally, accompanies him as does Wooley. Cody doesn't look forward to meeting Obi-Wan's father, but there aren't many things he won't do for his beloved husband so he sets aside his misgivings and goes on the trip.
The list of remaining fics and the link to sign up are below!
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kanerallels · 1 month
My submission for the @swprequels-big-bang! I had a lot of fun writing this and working with the artist, it was so fun!!
First lines under the cut!
Taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @day-to-day-thots @accidental-spice @heckin-music-dork @opalknight @cassie-fanfics @ana-cantskywalker (DM me if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!)
It was pouring rain over the province of Lothal, and it had been for the past three days. At times, it would slow to a lighter drizzle, but by now the roads were turned to thick troughs of mud, and the skies seemed almost permanently gray. Anyone out in this weather would be soaked through and chilled to the bone in minutes, even with a proper coat.
The citizens of Lothal seemed to recognize this, as there was no one out on the streets. No one, that is, with the exception of one figure, huddled in a doorway, trying to stay out of the wind if not the rain.
Shaking a few droplets of water off of his face, Ezra gritted his teeth, trying to keep them from chattering together. There wasn’t any real way to stay warm—his clothing was thoroughly drenched, clinging to him heavily. Still, he kept his arms wrapped around him, trying to at least preserve some illusion of warmth.
He had a spot to hide from the rain, and had planned on staying there until it stopped. But his tower was miles from town, and he’d been out of food. Perilously so. So Ezra had pocketed his tools, a knife, and a few other essentials, and snuck onto an Imperial transport heading into the nearby town.
That was the first day, before the roads had become impassable. Now, Ezra didn’t have a way home, and he was running out of places to hide. He’d stolen some fruit from a vendor on the first day, and the man running the shop had promptly sent the Empire’s soldiers after him. So Ezra had spent all his time and energy avoiding them—hiding on rooftops and in barns until the owners found him and chased him out, sneaking around and barely finding time to sleep.
He’d almost nodded off in the doorway when he heard the tramp of boots through mud, and shrank back into the shadows, praying he wouldn’t be noticed.
Sure enough, two soldiers appeared around the corner, both wearing heavy cloaks to keep the rain out. “Can’t believe we’re still looking for this thief,” one grumbled in disgust. “If he’s out in this, he’s either long gone or long dead. Good riddance either way.”
“At least we’re not with the patrol near the Dume Library,” the other said. “That place gives me the creeps. They say the guy running went blind fighting a wizard who burned his eyes out with a magic blade.”
The first soldier scoffed. “No such thing as wizards. He’s just a washed up old warrior from a forgotten time.”
“Yeah, well, at least he’s warm. You think Kallus is gonna let up on this thief and let us rest?”
“Not a chance.”
The rest of their conversation was lost to the wind as they carried on, not even glancing Ezra’s way. But he’d heard enough.
The Dume Library. He’d never been—a street rat didn’t really have time or a reason to read, especially not Ezra—but he’d heard the stories, too. The ones about the madman who lived there. But the Imperials avoided it, it would be dry, and it was closer than his tower.Good enough for me. Reluctantly, Ezra stood up, wincing at the chill of the air around him. Glancing back over his shoulder to make sure the soldiers weren’t turning back, he took a deep breath, then darted out into the street.
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swprequels-big-bang · 5 months
Alright, I’ve had a couple of people ask about dates for this so i’m gonna post around when things will be due
May 4th: signups close
June 4th: authors need to have their summaries submitted
June 9th-15th: artists will choose which fic they want to draw for
June 16th-17th: pairs will be announced
August 17th: all final pieces will be due
August 18th-24th: pieces will be posted on this blog
There will be a check in with all participants every 2 weeks from the time pairs are announced to the time final pieces are due. if anyone needs a time extension, please contact a mod or this account. Thanks to all participants and people who are interested!
Explanation for how pairings will work
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rinn-e · 1 month
Me? Posting a new Obikin OS? More likely than you think ;)
Cursed on a backwater planet, Anakin turns into stone. Only true love’s kiss can save him. With Obi-Wan at his side, he must find a way to get to Padmé in time. But is it really she who can save him?
I wrote this fic as part of the SW Prequel Big Bang @swprequels-big-bang and got paired up with the wonderful @kittonafoxgirl who provided her voice and went to great lengths to make an amazing podfic out of it, so please listen to it <3
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catboydogma · 2 years
team #23's entry for the 2022 codywan big bang!
writer: @catboydogma | ao3
artist: @olives-and-lilies | ao3
art pieces, in order of appearance: in obi-wan's quarters | on umbara | lozenges | art nouveau obi-wan and on ao3 as well!
promotional tumblr posts: i ii iii
rating: T; tags and warnings on ao3
word count: 36,766
major pairing(s): commander cody / obi-wan kenobi
"And there are some, like me,” Obi-Wan said, voice softening against his will, “who relapse. And relapse. And… and it never quite leaves. I’m afraid I’m rather susceptible to the kind of emotional distress that the flowers thrive in. There is so much love to be had in the galaxy, and I can’t help but… even when it hurts. Perhaps especially when it hurts. I let it get ahold and it’s chronic at this point. Even if I never loved again, I will always have… this.” He spread a hand over his own chest and already, he could feel the stuttering slip of petals and leaves threatening. He kept his breathing slow and shallow, and the threat passed—for now.
OR: a peek into a galaxy where Obi-Wan suffers from chronic Hanahaki, a condition where flowers grow in his lungs, and despite his best efforts, he waters them every day.
read on ao3: https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/series/3405973
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happydragon · 1 month
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