#star six
hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Saving Christmas!
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Summary; Ben finds out why Chad and Audrey aren't going home for Christmas this year and decides that he's going to save Christmas for his old friends. Takes place around d1. Trigger warnings; mentioned death, unintentional neglect, emotional abuse, sick child, unintentional favoritism, sick child, etc.
"Hey what are you guys doing for Christmas break this year?" Ben asked one day over lunch. 
It was a particularly wintery December 1st when the question was asked and Jane, Doug, Lonnie, and four very excited vks answered almost immediately. 
Mal and Jane were going to the Moors with FG to celebrate it.
Doug and Evie were going over to Snow White's castle with his family to celebrate.
Lonnie and Jay weren't celebrating but still had plans. 
Lonnie was going home to visit her family. 
Jay was going to Agrabah after being invited to by Aziz and Jordan. 
And Carlos was going to be spending it in London with the Radcliffes after their niece, Amber, had sent him an invite. 
After sharing that his grandfather was coming over to celebrate it with him, Ben noticed something.
Audrey and Chad had been eerily silent for the conversation. 
And looking back, it didn't take Ben long to realize that Chad hadn't spoken much all morning. 
"What about you two? What are you doing?" The brunette asked, shooting the two a sweet smile.
Thinking that they were just getting put off by the new group dynamics again. After all, it did take some getting use to —going from a tight knit group of six friends to ten almost overnight. 
And Chad always did have trouble warming up to new people. 
"Uh, we... aren't celebrating this year" Audrey replied, uncharacteristically awkward when it became apparent that Chad wasn't going to. 
The blonde hadn't looked up from his tray to acknowledge any of them since they sat down and was just playing with his food, looking downtrodden.
The amount of prunes, chocolate pudding, and pizza on his plate had stayed the same despite the fact that lunch was nearly over. His pumpkin spice latte hadn't been touched either. 
Ben couldn't help but feel concerned now that he noticed it. After all, the prince never turned his favorite foods down but here he was. Doing just that. 
And the fact that he and Audrey now apparently weren't celebrating Christmas—THEIR FAVORITE HOLIDAY—either was just worsened the concern he felt. 
Apparently he wasn't the only one feeling that way either. 
"WHAT?!" Jane yelped, "but you guys love Christmas!"  
"Yeah. What's going on?" Doug added. 
He and Chad had slowly began repairing their friendship after Ben's coronation after Chad had apologized to all of them for his behavior over the year. Plus their families usually spent Christmas together since Snow White was Chad's (non-fairy) godmother. 
No one had mentioned anything about plans changing to him. 
Audrey gave them a tired look– as if almost asking 'really?' Before sighing and halfway giving in to their questions. 
"Grammy is still upset that Ben and I didn't work out, Ariana is smug about it and has a new prince boyfriend, and my parents, aunt, uncle, and fairy Godmothers are too busy to attend this year. And since I really don't feel like being criticized over every little thing this year with no one there to buffer it, I've decided to stay at school with Chad."
No one was quite sure how to react to her snappish response. But the vks– Evie especially– looked downright murderous. But instead of commenting after a few painfully long silent moments, Jay decided to prod some more. 
"And you can't just celebrate with Chad, why?"
Audrey shot the thief a harsh glare, confirming everyone's suspicions that she had been avoiding the question, before begrudgingly answering. "Because Chad has absolutely no motivation to decorate because this will be his first Christmas without his grandfather, Prudence, and Duke who died before the school year started since before he was adopted." 
Ben got a sinking feeling in his stomach as he glanced over at his oldest prince friend. Oh. Oh.  
Oh no. 
Suddenly the pudding on his own tray didn't seem as appetizing anymore. 
Surely he hadn't gotten so caught up in his kingly duties that he had forgotten to check in on his fellow prince to see if he was doing alright? And surely he had checked in on Audrey after the love spell wore off? 
Looking back at the events of the school year and Chad's and Audrey’s behavior made him realize that he had, in fact, dropped the ball on this one. But before he could say anything, Doug spoke up. 
"But, uh, why isn't Chad going home? Not that I don't understand he's upset—" he said quickly after the hard stare the princess gave him—"It's just that he and his family usually spend the holiday at Aunt Snow's with my family and Jane's, and besides Fg and Jane, no one's mentioned a change in plans."
Audrey gave a long sigh. "Doug, his sister has a heart condition, remember?"
He nodded, likely wondering—like the rest of them were—what Chloe had to do with anything. 
Audrey continued.
"Well, because of that, it's dangerous for her to get sick because it can weaken her heart more. So their parents decided that with the Pixie flu going around that it's best that they stay home. And since Chloe is going to be in bed and his parents are probably gonna continue to try and get the Tremaines off the isle nonstop even more than they did before your proclamation the entire holiday, Chad decided it's best he doesn't return either. You know, since he could get his sister sick and will probably just get overlooked while he's there. "
Doug caught on "which also means that we can't visit them at the castle cause we could get Chloe sick if we do. And Chad doesn't want to make Chloe feel bad by going anyway."
Ben swallowed. 
He hadn't thought about that.  
Suddenly Chad behavior paired with his unkempt hair and him still being in pajamas made much more sense. 
Chad was feeling forgotten again. And this time, only Audrey had been around to try and keep him out of it. 
It was like Chloe being born all over again, except this time no one had caught onto how he was feeling and people had actually died.  
And Audrey had been suffering in silence alongside him.  
He had to fix this. 
For both of them. 
So he said the first thing that came to mind "why don't you two come and celebrate it at my place?" 
Everyone stared at him like he'd grown another head. 
Chad looked up and Ben felt even more confident in his decision.
"Ben, I don't think that's a good idea," Audrey replied softly. 
"Why not? It's not like you haven't stayed at our place before."
"Your parents hate us."
Ben shook his head. "That's not true. Mom and dad love you guys and grandpa's been dyi–begging to see you two again. "
Audrey didn't know what to say to that and finally, Chad spoke up. 
"Well.... If you're sure they wouldn't mind, then we'd like that."
Ben grinned in response "I'm positive. Trust me."
The bell rang before the conversation could continue any further and as the group flooded out of the cafeteria, their moods lifted. 
Big thanks to @eahravinqueen and @panthera-tigris-venenata for the help. Happy Holidays y'all.
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dizzydizney · 2 years
How do you view the star/hero six friendships?
Just to clarify I mean the main aks (Audrey, Ben, Chad, Doug, Jane, and Lonnie).
Hmm well it is a hard question bcozzz truth be told I don't think about them as much as I do the others. I really like Ben, Audrey is a cool character, Chad is hilarious, Jane and Lonnie are nice, Doug is there
But they just don't interest me on their own like the Core Four or Sea Three. I do like Chad and Audrey's friendship. And I wish Ben's relationship with Audrey before the movies was touched on more bcoz I think it's really interesting. Aaand I lowkey kind of ship any combo of Jane, Audrey, and Lonnie
But that's about it! I need to think more about them first haha
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shutupcrime · 2 months
I feel like so many problems people have with tv at the moment could be solved if we just went back to the good ole days of 20 episodes a season that’s just sixty percent filler and character development. Give the people what they want- less condensed story and more meaningless shenanigans
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gamelpar · 2 months
me whenever i get obsessed with something new and subject my tumblr mutuals to it
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mearchy · 7 months
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laracrofted · 3 months
let me drown
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you meet qimir for a morning swim (qimir x fem!reader)... because i couldn't be normal about that scene.
warnings: 18+, minors and ageless blogs dni, an ode to manny jacinto's collarbones and also his shoulders and arms, slightly painful sex (but like... in a hot and consensual way), possessiveness, pwp basically (wc: 800+)
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Droplets of water pool in the hollow of his collarbone, running down his broad shoulders in rivulets, shimmering in the morning sun like jewels, as Qimir cuts through the water. His muscled arms effortlessly slice into the still surface, sending ripples in every direction.
He looks ethereal, swimming in the cerulean pool. A long forgotten sea god, waiting to hook you by the ankle and drag you below the surface, drown you and breathe new life into you at the bottom of the sea.
It's beautiful and frightening in equal measures.
You wait on the shore, seawater lapping at your ankles and bare feet, arms around your knees, ignoring the puddling water that's soaking through your bottoms.
You wait for him to notice you there.
He doesn't keep you waiting – or maybe, Qimir sensed your presence from the moment you'd stepped onto the shore, from the moment your eyes had opened in the cave and looked for him, finding him gone.
A suspicion that's confirmed when Qimir lifts his gaze, unsurprised, sweeping escaping strands of damp hair from his face, and calls out softly, "Aren't you going to join me?"
His voice. You love his voice, as smooth as the surface of the water lapping at his strong shoulders, as the salt-licked rocks on the shore and the cliffs, as the weather-beaten pebbles that dig into your soles as you stand.
You undo the robe in a smooth motion and let it fall from your shoulders, baring yourself to him in the morning light, and Qimir doesn't look away.
He catches his lip between his teeth, dragging his gaze down your naked form, drinking you in with a kind of possessiveness that feels heretical; coveting you without so much as laying a finger on you, owning you with his dark eyes.
You wade in, and Qimir drifts toward you, moving silently and swiftly, predator-like.
An uneven rock catches on your foot under the surface, sending you forward. You tumble into him with a soft curse, and Qimir catches your arms with wet hands, steadying you, guiding your hands to his shoulders.
Flexing your fingers is almost an instinct, searching for a hold, like scaling a cliff, digging in to the muscles, and Qimir shudders, long lashes brushes against his cheeks, inclining his head to meet your gaze.
"Careful," Qimir cautions, soft and honeyed, a kind of music, and you don't know if Qimir means to be careful with the rocks or with your wandering hands.
You gamble on the former and let them wander further, moving over him, mapping him like an uncharted planet. One of your arms slips around his neck, giving him your weight, and Qimir's hand slips under your knee to catch you.
His hand is rough, guiding your leg around his hip, finding a balance.
He is pressed up against you now, cock hardening against your stomach. An involuntary gasp escapes from your mouth, and Qimir nips at the sound, sucking at your lip, beads of seawater dripping from his mouth into yours.
"Careful," Qimir repeats, only this time, it sounds like a question.
Should I be careful? Do you want me to be?
You shake your head slowly, a fine mist of salt water blowing in from the sea, coating your lashes, and Qimir's lips part in a half smile, pleased.
He's not careful. Careful is gentle caresses and the press of his mouth between your legs, warming you from the inside out, drinking from you like a nectar.
This isn't careful.
He doesn't get you ready, doesn't warm your cunt with his fingers, doesn't press you open in increments. He invites your legs around his hips, grasping at your ass with one hand for leverage, and pushes into you in one long and interrupted stroke that knocks the breath from your lungs, knocks your bones from your body.
You press your face into his shoulder, biting down with a whimper, probably leaving marks. That's okay. He likes marks, likes the feeling of your nails dragged down his back.
You're at war with yourself, split in the same way that Qimir is splitting you in half with his cock; a need to squirm away from the overpowering sensation; a need to invite him deeper, harder, faster.
He makes a soothing– borderline mocking – sound against your cheek and strokes your hair back from your wet cheeks; and holds you there, pinned open for him, fluttering and adjusting to the size of his cock.
"Oh? How does it feel?" Qimir asks, still stroking your cheeks.
He smiles and lifts your chin with his knuckles and drinks a salt water kiss from your lips. "Good. You're ready for more."
It's not a question.
Seawater runs down your stinging cheeks, sensitive from the stubble on his carved jawline, mixing with the moisture that streams from the corners of your eyes as Qimir finally moves inside of you, dragging his cock out and pushing back in with a sweet and lethal slowness that borders on painful, so controlled; reaching inside and unraveling you from a place so deep that no one else could ever hope to uncover it; no one but him.
He likes it that way. Just him.
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windwenn · 1 month
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Colour theory. Is hard. Help me obi-wan kenobi
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carouselunique · 3 months
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Minuette! Someone requested her for the sketch sale so I decided to do a few sketches of her because she is my beloved!
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sixtysixproblems · 11 months
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am i doing this right
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goryhorroor · 5 months
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horror sub-genres: aquatic
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lettersfromxadia · 2 months
If giving humans (presumably) primal magic was a violation of the cosmic order and enough to get Leola killed, I am TERRIFIED for Callum in s7.
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vamplire · 3 months
when a morally grey character develops feelings for someone without being self aware of it & subconsciously makes sure danger never comes their way while also making every excuse to be close to them until they realize their feelings & are just like FUCK. WHY. this is the worst possible thing that could happen ever.
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nerdnameddinkey · 2 months
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worked on the designs of spicy six for my Night School steddie AU! 👀
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here’s them separately!
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muirmarie · 20 days
jim being canonically the shortest one of the triumvirate is genuinely so important to me lmao, like yesssssss, let that beefy babe be shorter than both his boyfriends!!!!
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flambo19 · 9 months
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I want to draw more hsr characters as cat cakes. Starting with the missing Stellaron Hunters & Astral Express
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 274
You know what is fun? Baby Ghost Jason. You know what could be even more fun? Ghosts are Dragons. 
Jason? Aware of none of this. 
He was on comms, y’know listening and rolling his eyes at Dickwing, who used his real name, really Dick, he mocks. It’s just a stakeout, nothing new there, honestly boring when he could be blowing something up instead. It should have just been a stakeout. 
Yet there’s something suddenly there, something behind him. Something that causes his hair to stand on end and his comms to spark into static like some sort of horror movie. Something, something with clawed hands with corpse-pale skin tipped in black, stained or dead or something else, tilting his head up and up and up as he’s frozen. 
“A child, out here? Alone?” a voice crackles, hisses, hums, and purrs, somehow all at once, unnatural in its tone. He can’t move, he needs to move, he has to move, but it’s like the space around him has gone cold and dead, like he’s stuck in the Pits once more as claws hold his head and his vision blurs. “Sleep, child. Rest- we’ll be home soon.” 
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