#stackson fanfic
thotpuppy · 1 year
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Under My Skin by ThePurebloodPrat
Rating: E Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Jackson Whittemore, Stiles & Lydia, Stiles & Derek Tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Torture, Heavy Angst, Panic Attacks, Gerard Argent, Adrian Harris, Canon Divergence, Post-Season/Series 02, Asphyxiation, Non-Consensual Oral Sex, Oral Sex, unintentional self-harm, Trans Male Character, Trans Stiles Stilinski, more tags availabile in link Summary:
When Stiles gets kidnapped from the lacrosse game, Gerard and his hunter lackeys get more information than they bargained for and far more than Stiles was ever willing to share. When Jackson’s shift is finally what it was supposed to be in the first place, he learns that what he’s been running from doesn’t have any less power over him – the hard way. Both boys are self-isolating and traumatized and maybe have far more in common than either of them were ever willing to admit. ----- Stiles gets nonconned and Jackson gets bad touched and maybe they should bond about it.
This is chapter one, but I have 12 chapters/36k written and a deadline of having it fully posted by October 21st since it's part of the WIP Big Bang 2023. I will likely be writing another 5-10 chapters between now and then, so wish me luck! I'm aiming to post 2-3 chapters a week until the Final chapter goes up then. I've got 6 chapters queued up on Ao3 and I have been DYING to share this fic with y'all.
Please, please, please, mind the tags.
[Click Here to Read Now]
All art included in and used to promote this fic by @Skargasm
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goddamnblazeinthedark · 11 months
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A03 Wattpad
📸: @adrianfridge
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thatqueerfangirl02 · 1 year
Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets obsessed over Fanfic authors.
Like I’ll read a fic that’s just amazing, and I need more so I go to the author’s profile. I always start with the same Fandom/Ship/Trope of the first fic (it depends on how many works they have). Eventually, when I’ve read all of those, I’ll move on to other fandoms that I’m in and they write for. Sometimes I’ll even go into their bookmarks, because they clearly have fantastic taste. I even keep the profile open in it’s own tab just so I can check for new content every few days.
Just, you know, fangirling over fanfic authors.
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As a multishipper I have no problem shipping a character with different people. There's very few ships I genuinely dislike. So here are my top 5 Stiles Stilinski ships.
5. Stiles X Malia
I loved this. I was super excited when him and her got together. It wasn't my all time favorite couple but it broke my heart when they split up. As much as I do love other couples more than this one I would have loved having them a little longer.
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4. Stiles X Derek
It's a classic ship. I do believe that they would have made an amazing couple. It hurts that they didn't get their chance. I fully believe that Stiles was Derek's mate.
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3. Stiles X Scott
This is a ship I never saw myself loving as much as I do. It's not even about them being gay for each other. It's about them being happiest with each other. They're inseparable at times and make me feel like they're two parts of a whole. I love that in a dynamic.
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2. Stiles X Lydia
Lydia Martin can step on me and I'd thank her. I get why Stiles is obsessed. She only becomes a more appealing character as the show progresses. I was ecstatic that they finally happened. That ship has shaped my brain and changed me. Despite thinking there's a better ship for Stiles I truly believe they are soulmates. This has been one of my favorites forever and is barely beaten out.
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1. Stiles X Jackson
I go feral for these bitches. Maybe I'm just really into assholes. But this is my favorite enemies to lovers. I mourn the scenes we could have gotten between these two. If we had had more time with them I feel like it would be as big as Sterek. Jacksons character didn't get the character development and arc it deserved. I was devastated when Colton left the show.
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whimsicalmeerkat · 11 months
"Stackson Friendship Movie Fixit" for this week?
Make Me Write
"I did what I needed to to keep you safe. I can live with the consequences."
Stiles barks out a harsh laugh. It's so bitter it burns as it leaves his throat.
"Yeah, well, I'm not so sure I can. And I think you know that. Why did I have to find out about this from Jackson a week after the funeral?"
"You were already overseas by then. You wouldn't have been able to get here for it." John is trying to sound matter of fact, but Stiles knows it's an act.
"You should have told me anyway, but then I guess talking about it when someone dies isn't really your thing."
John's eyes shoot up to his, showing Stiles' arrow hit its mark. He knows as well as Stiles that they aren't talking about Derek anymore.
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lipstilinski · 10 months
I now remember why I stopped reading stackson fic. That man is clearly a brunette, but all fic writers call him blonde and it’s very distracting.
Also it’s blond, not blonde. Blonde is meant for feminine use…
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mintmx · 1 year
In the spirit of writing more and second-guessing myself less, I am starting this series that combines some of my favorite stuff: Stiles being shipped with everyone (usually as a bottom/sub), muscle growth, strength kink, and more stuff related to that like body hair, musk, omegaverse AU, and muscle worship.
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My self-imposed rules for this collection are:
100 to 500 words
No beta, we die like mne
Post as soon as possible
Write in one go
No wrong choices, only bold ones
I will try to pair Stiles with as many men as possible, even ones outside Teen Wolf. We'll see how it goes!
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lamlelywriter · 1 year
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Took me entirely too long, but here is my fic for the @stacksonreversebang at last. Inspired from the fantastic art created by incredibly kind p0em, this was so much fun to craft together. Thank you for being such a good partner and making my first Bang this much fun!
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triskel-samulet · 1 year
Stackson Bingo Fic Chapter 2
Title: Once and future jackass: chapter 2
Pairing: Stackson
Warnings/tags: No warnings, Merlin fusion, Lawyer Jackson, Alternate Universe, Playboy Jackson, Non descriptive sex scene (NSFW), Other tags to be added
Summery: While Stiles loses hope of ever finding his King, Jackson’s father decided it’s time he shapes up his act.
Link to chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47399362/chapters/119533714
Link to beginning of fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47399362/chapters/119439643#workskin
@steter-stackson-bingo card number 105, square: millionaire playboy
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domesticated-feral · 2 years
4, 14, and 25 for both Scott and jackson?
here you go! thank you for sending in an ask :D
4. How many people I ship them with?
Scott - right now, I ship him with Jackson, Isaac, Stiles, and Derek. There's a whole polycule thing going on with him and those five guys but I've also been thinking about Scott/Boyd and Scott/Erica AND Scott/Allison (tragic s2 version though)
Jackson - as usual, Stiles, but also Scott. I've been really craving Scackson these days as opposed to my usual Stackson brainrot. I don't actively ship him as much as I thought...huh. that's bizzaire.
14. Best storyline they had.
Scott - im basic, i love his s3a true alpha storyline. Some of his best moments exist in that season.
Jackson - s2 kanima storyline ftw because a s3a storyline doesn't exist for him and it could've been something so made for me yknow. Putting bitch boys through the angst has got to be one of the best things to exist in media.
25. When do you think they have acted the most ooc?
Scott - in fanfics asjkdhkshd :') but that aside, i feel like s5 scott was a bit off from his usual characterization but i shouldnt have a say in this, im overdue for a rewatch of the later seasons.
Jackson - THE. MOVIE. I don't mind that he was there for comedic relief mostly but why did they make him so ooc???? Bitch boy wasn't bitching enough and all i can say to hand-wave all of it is that the movie takes place years after so sure he could act diff. but like, man sounded toned down and npc-like.
But tbh, the most ooc thing they've ever done is not kiss each other after that one moment where Jackson corners him at the lockers asking what the hell was wrong with him. They should've smooched, even just a little bit. (im in such a heavy scackson mood rn)
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thotpuppy · 1 year
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Under My Skin by ThePurebloodPrat
Chapter Three
"One minute Stiles is crashing his mother’s beloved Jeep through the wall of an old, abandoned warehouse, the next Lydia is making out with a newly de-scaled Jackson.
Gerard has escaped, Derek is being an asshole again, and suddenly it’s Monday morning and they’re all counting down the days until the end of the school year.
Erica and Boyd don’t show up for class."
Stiles struggles. Everyone still needs to finish out the school year. Someone unexpected becomes a friend.
CW for allusions to depression, loss of appetite, Harris existing, and discussions of bruises. Make sure to read the full tags at the link.
As always all art for this fic made by @Skargasm
[Read Here]
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clotpolesonly · 2 years
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
💖 What made you start writing?
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
oh god, there's a lot of competition for that one 😂 i've got 52 fics tagged "fluff" and i'm honestly surprised it's that low. because there are so many, and because i'm an indecisive little fuck, i'm gonna go with my top five: Kiss? [sterek] These Gentle Hands I Love (Love Me) [sterek] Better Belated Than Never [stydia] Step Right Up [stackson] If You Wanna Be My Lover [merthur]
💖 What made you start writing?
honestly, no idea. i've been writing in one form or another since i was a kid and my memories of childhood are spotty and vague at best, lol. it's just something i've always done, at least a little bit. i used to carry around notebooks and asks friends for, like, a name and a word to use as a prompt for little one page stories.
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
i love comments dearly 🥺 they're very important and i go back to reread the comments on my fics on a regular basis as a way to hype myself up and remember that i'm good at this, lol. as for critical feedback, that's a more complicated question. it's important in order to grow as a writer, but only if you're receptive to it, and the only way i'm receptive to it is if i ask for it and get it from someone whose opinion i respect. feedback is appropriate, imo, upon request before publication, when the option is still there to make revisions and apply the advice given. once a story is published, the window for critical feedback is passed and what remains are negative comments that stick in my craw and haunt me for the rest of my life (still not over that one comment about "idk what i expected, i guess my expectations were too high" 🙃).
send me fanfic writer emoji asks!
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tabbytabbytabby · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Stiles Stilinski/Jackson Whittemore Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Jackson Whittemore Additional Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Married Couple, Teasing Summary:
Jackson crosses a line and has to find a way to make it up to Stiles.
For Day 3 of @stacksonweek
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reputation. by c.smith           AO3
Jackson and Stiles have been secretly making out and hanging out for the last two years, since their first kiss Sophomore year on the away bus. They are doing a good job at keeping everything a secret, Jackson dating Lydia and Stiles just being himself, but soon Stiles realizes he can’t hide anymore. Will this revelation make them stronger or mess everything up?
Complete Story Out Now
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whimsicalmeerkat · 1 year
"Stackson Friendship" for WIP Wednesday?
Thanks for the ask!
Make Me Write
“Let’s have it, then. You two can catch me up on all of the horrors of the past few weeks before we play a rousing game of ‘what we’ve been up to since we saw each other last’ and drink.”
Lydia pulls a bottle of wine out of her bag.
“Jackson, get the glasses and decanter. Stiles, why don’t we actually start with how and why you are no longer human.”
Stiles resists the urge to sigh. It’s not like he didn’t know this was coming.
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Rating Teen Wolf pairings (according to personal taste and how fun I think they'd be) not counting cannon ships.
1. Jackson x Stiles
Literally has so much enemies to lovers potential. Pure stupidity. My favorite all time teen wolf ship.
2. Scott x Isaac
I wasn't a fan at first but one fic got me hooked. Could have been soulmates.
3 . Stiles x Derek
I'm a sucker for sunshine and moody dynamics.
4. Melissa x Sheriff
5. Lydia x Parrish
I was kinda shocked they didn't push for this. I know stydia was endgame but the actors seemed to have some chemistry.
6. Stiles x Peter
Another case of ao3 corruption. I promise it wasn't weird at the time. A single fic pulled me in.
7. Scott x Stiles
I love them. They're the best of friends but I truly believe that they could have fallen for each other. Probably did too. Just at different times.
9. Lydia x Kira
I'd let them step on me.
10. Allison x Stiles
Ao3 is wild.
And yes. Half the list is Stiles ships but I mean Stiles x anyone not related to him is a valid ship. The boy is a bi dream.
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