#blonde is used like every 2 paragraphs in the fic I’m currently trying to read
lipstilinski · 10 months
I now remember why I stopped reading stackson fic. That man is clearly a brunette, but all fic writers call him blonde and it’s very distracting.
Also it’s blond, not blonde. Blonde is meant for feminine use…
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Sorry if you don't accept these (currently on mobile) but can I get a five and one for bakushimanari. Five times Denki needed to be rescued by his bf (probably from villans) and the one time he can return the favor for them. If not I'd just love to have little bulletpoints on how each scenario would play out (btw I FREAKING LOVE YOUR BLOG IT GIVES ME LIFE)
So, I’ve never done a 5-1 fic before but it’s something I’ve actually wanted to do for a while now so I’m super glad you requested this especially with Bakukirikami!
Also, I probably won’t accept many of these since they are very long and very time consuming. But I’ll gladly do this for you!
This also takes place after they graduated from UA and are now pro heroes. I included some serious scenes and also some comedic scenes! I hope you enjoy!
Under the cut too because it’s 7 pages long on a doc so it’s a very long post though the scenes vary in length 
The sounds of screams echoed in Kaminari’s ears as he rushed down the street towards the mushrooms of smoke and the blaring of alarms. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to move faster as another explosion shook the ground.
Turning the corner, he froze when he saw just how much chaos there was. Multiple buildings were crumbled to the ground, villains and heroes entangled in combat, civilians pinned under the rubble and caught in the crossfire. There was so much going on and Kaminari didn’t know where to do first.
Gritting his teeth, he heard the cries of a small girl and ran in that direction. The cries were coming from a pile of rubble, formerly an apartment complex. He didn’t waste any time before moving the slabs of concrete, muscles burning as he tossed them out of the way. Slowly, he made progress, digging his way to the child.
Eventually he reached the small girl, who shrank away from him when he came into view. Exhaling harshly, Kaminari put his hands up and smiled softly, trying to calm his hard breathing. “It’s alright. I have you,” he reached out a hand slowly while maintaining eye contact with the frightened child.
Tentatively, the child reached out a small hand to him, holding tightly. He pulled her out carefully, holding her close to his body as he crawled out of the rubble with her. Standing up, he stumbled slightly and looked around again.
Kaminari’s eyes widened when he saw one of the villains throw a large slab of concrete in his direction.
There was nothing he could do and he knew that, turning so that his body was between the child and the projectile. Closing his eyes, he held her close, using his body as a shield and expecting the contact at any moment.
The sound of concrete colliding with something rang in his ears, yet no pain came. Slowly and confusedly, he uncurled from around the child and peered behind him to see the familiar red hair of one of his boyfriends.
Kirishima turned around and smiled, flashing his sharp teeth at Kaminari, who let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Get the little one outta here Denki,” the other said calmly before rushing forwards. To the side, Kaminari heard controlled blasts of explosions and watched as Bakugou soared through the sky, taking down another villain in meer seconds.
Softly smiling, Kaminari wished he could admire his boyfriends in action, but the choked noise that came from the child had him moving to the safe zone, keeping her close as he trusted the other two to take care of the villains.
The moon shone bright as Kaminari sat holed up in his office. Head in his hands, he peered down at the paperwork that covered the expanse of his desk. Groaning, he threw his head back and leaned back on his chair. This was his least favorite part of the job.
Well, it’s more accurate to say it’s his second least favorite part.
The first being beaten by villains.
But paperwork was much more common than that.
His eyes burned from constantly looking at the numbers and paragraphs that littered every page of the seemingly endless pile of papers he needed to fill out. Normally, he could get done at a decent time, especially when he had his sidekicks to help out.
But he sent all of his sidekicks home early because he liked to be the “nice boss”.
He was regretting that now.
The ticking of the clock on the wall was distracting. He looked at the time, groaning even louder when he saw that it was almost midnight. There was only one place he wanted to be at the moment and it wasn’t stuck in his office, filling in the blank places on the forms in front of him like some sort of corporate robot.
“I wanted to be a hero so I wasn’t trapped in an office!” he said to no one in particular, jumping when a laugh came as a response, practically throwing himself off of the chair as he whipped around fast.
He was greeted with Kirishima’s bright smile, calming himself down before standing and walking over to the other, lightly punching him in the arm. “Don’t scare me like that Eiji!”
“Sorry. Figured you heard me come in.” Kirishima wrapped one arm around Kaminari’s waist and pressed a chaste kiss to the other’s temple, causing the blonde to smile and his heart to flutter. “Wanted to see what kept you so long.”
Sighing, Kaminari sat back at his desk, gesturing to the papers scattered about. “Ah,” Kirishima made in acknowledgement. He looked around for a moment, Kaminari watching him in confusion as he grabbed a chair in the corner and pulled it up next to him.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna help you of course!” the redhead told him like it was obvious. He reached forward and grabbed a few papers, reading them over. “This is from the subway attack right? I can fill these out for you since it was a joint effort between us so all you’ll have to do is sign.” Without waiting for a protest or a confirmation, Kirishima grabbed a pen and began to fill out the summary of what happened.
Kaminari watched him, relief flooding into him as he bumped his shoulder against his boyfriend’s. “Thanks Eijirou.”
Pain was the first thing that Kaminari picked up on when he became aware again. There was a dull throbbing throughout his entire body but the most intense pain was in his arm.
Slowly, he opened his eyes. He didn’t want to move much, not wanting to exacerbate the pain, but he did look around. It was hard to see, the room too dark to make out many details. However, he looked to his right and noticed that his forearm was snapped. Chuckling, he found out what the cause of the pain was.
Kaminari began to panic slightly as he started to feel other things besides the pain. He could feel rope around his wrists and ankles but he was too weak, in too much pain to try to get free of his binds. So he just sat there, listening to the drip, drip, drip of a pipe somewhere in the room he was in.
He tried to scream but he was unable to, overcome by a metal taste in the back of his throat as he coughed. No noise was being produced by his vocal chords.
He was truly helpless.
Sitting there, he tried to think of ways to escape. The thought of using his quirk to fry the rope was his number one idea. However, even though his tolerance and usage has increased, he wasn’t sure how many villains were around or how much of his quirk he would actually need to escape. And he didn’t want to risk frying himself out in the middle of his escape.
A few more possible scenarios ran through his mind but he was distracted by the sounds of screams, thuds, and mild explosions. Not wanting to get his hopes up, Kaminari braced himself for the worst, gritting his teeth to try to hold back his own scream as a sharp stabbing pain rang through his arm at the slight movement.
A loud thud rang out through the room, Kaminari assuming that it came from the door. Hinges squeaked and he squinted his eyes to try to see who was coming into the room.
“Oi, Sparky!” Bakugou’s angry voice yelled out and Kaminari had never been more happy to hear it before in his life. He let out a relieved sob.
“H-Here,” he managed to croak out, throat protesting at the use of his voice. He could hear the other quietly curse as he walked up to the blonde. Kaminari smiled at his boyfriend, whose red eyes held a mix of relief and complete and utter rage in them. It was obvious that Bakugou was debating whether or not to just escape with Kaminari or to go back to finish off the people who hurt him. Kaminari chuckled. “I-I’m so g-glad.” His breathing was becoming labored as he slumped forward in the chair, something sharp in his chest.
“Shit,” was all that Bakugou said before kneeling in front of Kaminari and carefully untying the ropes that bound the other. He felt arms around his back and under his knees, letting out a pained cry as he was hoisted into Bakugou’s arm, his broken and useless arm dangling to the side as Bakugou carried him. “I got you,” he reassured Kaminari, voice unusually soft, the same kind of softness that was saved only for him and Kirishima.
Kaminari was able to forget about the pain, feeling safe in Bakugou’s arms and knowing that he would be okay.
There were hands around his throat, cutting off the air to his lungs. His vision was growing blurry, limbs numb, ears ringing. He couldn’t think, couldn’t even remember how he got into this situation.
All he knows is that he can’t breath and his feet are not touching the ground.
Slowly, he cracked open his eyes, seeing yellow eyes shine through the blurriness. Kaminari tried to kick, scratch at the arms holding him up, but he was growing too weak for his fighting to be effective. His lungs were burning unbearably and he was growing deprate.
A tear streamed down his face as he began to accept his doom.
Somewhere off in the distance, he heard a familiar voice call out his name. He couldn’t focus on it, though, because the hand had suddenly disappeared and he was falling but there was no floor underneath him.
Finally, he was able to take a deep breath, lungs thanking him. But being able to breath wasn’t any good if he was going to fall from an indeterminable height.
Something wrapped around his ankle as he fell and he felt himself jerk, back hitting a concrete wall and knocking the wind out of him yet again. Kaminari coughed as he felt whomever caught him pull him up.
After a few moments, he was pulled onto what he assumed to be a roof but, before he could get his bearings, he was being pulled into an embrace, two familiar arms wrapping around him. Turning his head, he was met with red hair in his face but smiled nonetheless, returning the embrace as his boyfriend held him tight.
Kaminari laughed as he was forced to sit on the couch in his office, mind blank. There were voices all around him, all ones that he recognized but he couldn’t make out what they were saying.
His mind was absolutely fried, the outcome of going over his voltage limit.
Somewhere buried deep, he knew that he had to recharge but he couldn’t stand up, couldn’t walk, and couldn’t talk to tell his new interns what was going on.
It was their first day and he didn’t have time to brief them on what to do when this happened and no one else was around either.
“Where is he?” A familiar voice boomed through the office and the interns jumped, cowering behind each other as Bakugou stomped into the room.
“Wey!” came a noise of excitement from Kaminari as he waved at his boyfriend before falling backwards on the couch, laughing again.
He missed Bakugou rolling his eyes and giving him an amused smile as he walked over.
“Y-You can’t be in here,” one of the interns told Bakugou, fear lacing her voice.
“The fuck I can’t. Now move out of the goddamn way unless you know how to fix him.” No response came. “I fucking thought so.”
Kaminari rolled to his side, watching Bakugou rummage through his desk drawers until he came across a charging cord and wall outlet. He’d been through the process many times, finding the nearest plug and handing the other end to his boyfriend, who put it into his mouth immediately.
Bakugou lifted his head and sat down before letting Kaminari rest his head in his lap, running his fingers through his hair. They sat like that in silence for a few minutes until Kaminari started to come to his senses again. “You need to get smarter interns.”
Kaminari stood frozen at the scene.
There was fire, debris, blood, destruction, everything that could have gone wrong did. He didn’t know how things went so bad so quickly when everything was perfectly fine not even thirty seconds ago.
His eyes drifted the unconscious forms of his boyfriends. Bakugou laid on the other side of the street, face down and not moving. Kaminari couldn’t even tell if he was breathing from that distance. Turning his attention to Kirishima, the redhead laid just a foot away from him, body covered in the rubble that was supposed to cover him, not Kirishima.
He couldn’t contain the tears that spilled out onto his cheeks. Sobs wracked his body at the guilt and sorrow he was feeling at seeing the two people whom he loved most lying motionless in the street.
The laugh of the villain echoed throughout the speech, Kaminari freezing as he heard it. His sorrow didn’t disappear but rather took a back seat to the rage he felt at that exact moment.
Slowly standing and walking forward, he screamed and broke out into a run at the villain, electricity shooting out in a controlled way, puncturing the villain through the abdomen. He increased the voltage the closer he got, feeling himself sway but also able to control himself. A dark part of him wanted to fry the bastard that did this but he knew that wasn’t the solution.
After a few moments of releasing high voltages of electricity, he collapsed to his knees and watched as the villain fell, unconscious.
He was unable to revel in his victory, immediately standing and running to Bakugou’s side, shouting the other’s name and flipping him over onto his back. “Katsuki!” he shouted over and over again until he saw the other’s face twitch, a sign of life. The adrenaline coursing through him allowed him to drag the other over to where Kirishima was, not wanting to leave the blonde. He removed the debris from off of Kirishima’s body, sobbing in relief when the other let out a choked gasp.
As the sirens got closer, Kaminari sat there, holding Kirishima’s hand and gently coddling Bakugou’s head in his lap, crying tears of joy that they were okay.
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wistfulwanderingone · 8 years
Hey, @mikosarthouse​, here’s the correct answers...I re-did them for you.  I have no idea what happened to them. 8,12,22,28,37
8.) Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
What constitutes a snippet?  This is probably longer...but I love the whole thing because I feel like it was a perfect way to reintroduce Arnold and Helga to each other.  Not to mention the other characters are so in-character here that I love it!.
         “What are you doing here?”
           She rolls her eyes. “My job.”
           “What job’s that? Destroying my dig site?” I say this teasingly, but I’m seriously annoyed that her clumsiness almost destroyed weeks of work.
           “No, Arnoldo.  I’m here to interview a crackpot archeologist for The National Geographic. Apparently, that's you,” she adds with one of her smirks that I’m all too familiar with. How could I forget how much Helga Pataki lives to tease and rile people up--especially me?
           “Then why do you seem so surprised to find me here?  Wait a second,” I exclaim, “crackpot archeologist?  Who says I’m a crackpot?”
           “Um...everyone,” she quips throwing her arms out for effect. “You claim that San Lorenzo's Green Eyes are descendents of the Ancient Egyptians. That’s like oceans away from here,” she laughs.  “And to answer your other question, I’m surprised to find you here because I wasn't actually given your name.  Just initials and 'team.'”
           “So how'd you find us here?”  
           She gives me a look that screams ‘what, are you an idiot?’ “How many eccentric archeologists do you think there are in San Lorenzo that think the Green Eyes are actually Egyptians? Geez, Copernicus, it’s not like you’re hiding or anything. I’ve been all over Central and South America and there’s definitely no one like you. And as the top National Geographic journalist in these parts, I am telling you I have been all over.”
           I raise an eyebrow at her in surprise. “I thought you were going to be a novelist or something. I didn’t know you were into this kind of thing.”
           She smiles genuinely and it completely transforms her face.  “Are you joking?” she laughs.  “Traveling the world...adventure...going off the beaten paths and investigating for stories? This is so totally up my alley!” she cries, throwing her arms out wide.  And then her expression turns smug.  "What's not my thing are these little boring 'interest' pieces about crazy archeologists with insane theories.”
"We have plenty of evidence, Pataki. And I'll prove it to you."
           "Only time will tell, I suppose," she replies, slight sarcasm in her voice.
           “Arnold, we...we, uh...we need your help,” Sandy calls, approaching us at a run.  Glancing to Helga she adds, “If you can spare a moment.”
           “Your wife summons, Shortman,” Helga quips with a guffaw.
           Sandy puts her hands on her hips and narrows her eyes at Helga.  “I’m not his wife, whoever you are,” she corrects her with a terse tone to her voice.
           “Her name's Helga. What’s up?” I ask Sandy, standing up and dusting off my pants.
           Eyeing Helga suspiciously, she finally turns to me and answers.  “Well...Soren’s stuck up in the tree with a bunch of monkeys.”
           “This is I gotta see,” Helga laughs, standing up and clapping her hands together.
           Approaching the area where Sawyer had found the monkeys and Soren had been goofing off, we look up into the towering branches of the tree.  There's Soren, high up, cornered by a group of monkeys that are either really curious about him or about to tear his face off.
           “You know spider monkeys are some of the most intelligent monkeys of the New World,” Richard states, looking at Antoinette as we approach.  He smiles proudly at himself, waiting for her answer.
           “Fascinating, but not all that helpful,” she replies sarcastically.  
           Richard’s shoulders slump slightly and he kicks a rock dejectedly in front of him.  “Your mama’s not helpful,” he mumbles under his breath.
           “Not the time, Richard,” Antoinette reprimands sternly.
           “Get me down from here!” Soren shouts suddenly as a monkey swings over to him, and then hangs from a branch so he’s face to face with him.  
           “Quite the brilliant team of scientists you’ve got here, Arnold,” Helga retorts, behind a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
           “I was never a huge fan of Tarzan...and now I’m married to him,” Sandy groans from beside her.
           "You could do worse," Helga says, nonchalantly. However, the way she eyes me makes my stomach sink with dread.  It’s like I know she’s up to something, like she’s going to say something that I don’t want to hear.  "You could actually be married to a football-headed oddball of an archeologist."
           …And there it is.
12.) Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Honestly this is kind of hard for me to answer...there are a lot of episodes that inspire me for different things, so I don’t think I can really choose just one.
22.) Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
This was really hard.  I have trouble rewriting stuff...once it’s written I feel like I can’t mentally think about a different way to change it but I will try.  For this I just chose a random paragraph in the beginning of my old fic “Weathered Too Young”...something that I am still really proud of and I hope one day to rewrite and finish.  
Arnold stared into the mirror at his reflection. He hardly recognized himself these days. He was twenty-six years old, but felt like he was eighty. The last couple of years had really been hard on him and he felt exhausted, hopeless, and helpless. Sometimes he felt like he had wasted the last four or five years of his life. And there would never be any hope of getting them back.
He rubbed bitterly at his eyes, trying in vain to dispel the fatigue and get rid of the large purple bags that hung heavily there. He did this every morning, but never to any avail. The green of his eyes had gradually faded to an empty gray-green that no longer held any light. He put some gel in his hands, rubbed them together and tried resentfully to restore his hair to its once bright, blonde, energetic look. No use. It still looked pale and limp.
Arnold Shortman stared hard into the mirror. A sad, aged face stared back at him.  Was this someone he knew?  Was this really him?  He could hardly recognize that tired, pained face that gazed back at him.  He was barely twenty-six years old, but he felt like he was eighty.  
The past couple of years had been loathsome and draining.  If he thought too much about it...let the aches of pain and regret take over...he’d start to feel like he had wasted the last four or five years of his life.  Wasted them...and there was no way he’d ever get them back.
And sometimes if he continued on this train of thought...he’d get angry and hateful.  But it wouldn’t last long...the gloom and anxiety would settle back in, much stronger than the anger and work as a distraction.  A miserable distraction.
He rubbed bitterly at his eyes, trying in vain to dispel the fatigue and get rid of the large purple bags that hung heavily there.  Every morning as if out of habit, he did this.  But never to any avail.  The green of his has had gradually faded to an empty grayish-green that reminded him of the dying, drought-beaten sagebrush he’d seen one on a trip to Arizona.  Rubbing gel between his palms, he smoothed it into his hair, trying resentfully to restore his once bright, blonde hair to it’s former glory.  But like always, it still looked pale and limp.
Tell me what you think! Is it better?
28.) Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Well, I think it only makes sense to start with @pointyobjects​.  Why?  Because she was the first HA! author whose work I fell in love with.  Everything she writes is always exactly the quality and content I always crave. It always makes me laugh (and i love laughing) because I think she has a witty way of looking at the world and describing it, and I think her writing style is in some ways similar to mine and maybe that’s another reason her work appeals to me so much. Her stuff is golden. I’m never disappointed.  I’m also jealous of her drabbles...there’s just so much perfection in such a small amount of words. 
Second would probably be @polkahotness​.  It’s funny...I had never read her stuff until I saw her post looking for a beta and offered my services...then I started reading “Spanish 2 Was All For You” and I LOOOOOOVED it!  Her fluff is golden.  But I also love her poetry...it’s gorgeous, like so beautiful and inspiring.  Not only are her actually poems like that...but the way she writes and describes things in general is so poetic...and while I SUCK at poetry I can read it and know it and appreciate it’s beauty.  And her’s is amazing.  She also writes really deep, emotionally beautiful fics and they amaze me.
I think for the third one I want to shout out to a few authors.  I suck at reading fics these days, but I’m started a few and if only time would permit I’d keep reading it.   @turchinorain whose pirate AU “The Promise of the Sea” fic calls to me constantly because I can feel it’s going to be awesome.  @ps118daily whose “Leaves” I’ve only read two chapters of...but, dang I want to read MORE.  I feel like there’s going to be some amazing depth there.  @aibou-ftw who has written my most favorite ever one-shot “Yes, No, Maybe”.  Seriously, favorite EVER!
37.) Talk about your current wips.
“The Shadow Around His Heart” -- that’s my baby.  I love it.  i have sooooo many amazing plans for it.  And as hard as it is to write...it’s also the easiest thing I think I’ve written because i’m so passionate about it.  New Chapter coming in a week or less!  I promise!
“No Competition” -- It’s back! This is my HS fic...with lots of tension and while its funny, I feel like it has a really unique plot with lots of surprises coming and a bit of drama.  So hopefully more updates more frequently!
“Secret Upcoming One-Shot”-- I hopefully will finish this soon...but it will be the kids as 9 year-olds in a style fitting an episode.  I’ve had this idea for a year so I wanna finish it soon!
“As Yet Untitled Drama” -- while watching a show I had this idea...I’m so excited for it...it’s gonna take lots of PRE PLANNING so it’s in that stage now.  Just think drama and ALL the characters as adults...it’s gonna be probably the most drama I’ve ever written.  Stick around!
“Pride and Prejudice AU” - Still planning on doing this but it’s taken a back burner to my two current projects.  Never fear...it will come one day.
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