#srsly idk what people’s deal is
spagheddiesquash · 2 months
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had the idea to make this
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mrspark7777777 · 1 month
i love how all the km blogs have been avoiding the behind the scenes "we all live alone" question like a parasite or smthing, bc none of you are are actually confident about anything, you just dont wanna leave your fantansies or open your mind a little to other options/facts/opinions. that is not called being insecure but a person who looks at all angles. you all just dont have anything to support your thoughts so just laugh and say okay its your opinion, i dont share it or ask someone else, or some other way of diverting the question labelling all as insecure. guess everything always works out for you or you usually get what you want, so you dont need to even look at other options or think from a broader perspective. also even if some people are insecure whats it to you, to answer each of thier questions. i was always firm in my belief that though they have some special friendship they arent dating bc of so many past inconsistencies, but i have always seen km blogs find the wierdest and farthest explanations for some things to suit thier purposes. bc come on a person you are intrested in or care about as much as you all think they do or jk does, and doesnt even know about all teh content or doesnt even know that jm's face music show performances ended, srsly?! my best friends boyfriend who studies at diff university, still knows more about her even when tehy are both extremely extremely busy. Even if Jm ever says he doesn't like men or he likes women, you all will still find a hidden meaning to it.like srsly someone had to admit it that majority of the km blogs dont have any idea or reasoning behidn ehat was said to suit thier purpose and will still cling to it, by diverting the other opinions as insceure jikookers, or that we have a diff opinion, but i have not even heard that so called diff opinion. bc you all dont have one
Jimin was basically living with pdogg when creating FACE. Which clearly means he was avoiding any distractions. His boyfriend looks like this ffs.
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Can we really blame the dude????
We are talking about a guy who was begging to go to Jimin's while he was half naked in bed
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Surely this explains why Jimin needed to stay away, no?
JK was going through Jimin withdrawals during FACE era. Like hard. So no, I personally wasn't surprised he didn't know when Jimin's promotions ended. Not if Jimin was keeping him in the dark.
As for Jimin saying we all live alone, why is this a big deal? He does live alone. Jikook haven't cohabited since 2020? When did they stop sharing cars? That's when they stopped exclusively living in the same house. So, Jimin lives alone, wbk. They completely laid low last year and kept any time they were spending together a secret. We now know it was coz they had applied to serve together but again, idk what u want us to say here when even we agree Jimin lives alone???
Lets see, what else do you have an issue with? Inconsistencies? Nah, bro. Jikook have NEVER been inconsistent. Ever. Its the one thing they've got going. Its the biggest reason why we believe they're together. Consistency. So I've no clue what you're on about there
If Jimin ever says he has a girlfriend, I believe I speak for many Jkkrs when I say we will accept and support that. However, we shall not be blindsided, we will have picked up on the Jikook break up by then. So, this won't be happening any time soon 🤷🏽‍♀️
And yes, anon, of course we always get what we want. And we shall continue to get what we want. We don't predict, we just talk about what we expect Jikook to do or to have done because they are a couple. When those things come to fruition, then yeah, we end up getting what we wanted because of course we do. Couples are predictable. Jikook are a couple and so they do couple things. That's why is seems like we are always right.
We don't explore other options because we didn't come to the decision to support Jikook as a couple lightly. I personally looked and studied all of Jimin ships before concluding him and JK were it. So no, there is no more exploring. We believe what we believe and are quite comfortable with our decision. If you get frustrated that we refuse to be shaken, thats on you.
I think I have addressed all your concerns. Thanks for stopping by
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jellyaibo · 6 months
got to ramble abt loser to someone last nite right and its always a nice lil refresh for me explaining what actually happens in the show AND MAN its so funny how people are so willing to call loser a jerk or think shes evil bc of the things she did and like ok whatever but did we forget abt all the shit this thang had to go thru like ?!?!?!?
getting eliminated with the most votes so far, isolation in the jawbreaker (which ik tghis isnt a serious deal in the show, DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVE ANGST ABT THIS CUZ IM NORMAL) like ofc getting eliminated isnt enough get into the sensory deprivation chamber SADFJKSHDFKHSDF LIKE !
also imsorry this cunt has ptsd HEHAHHAA WE SEE HER GET A FLASHBACK IN EP 4 THATS JUST NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN (the paper mache incident)
and like. man it adds layers BC AS U CAN SEE LOSER NEVER ALWAYS HAD IT SO GOOD???? so like OF COURSE when him & winner get popular loser relishes in it. BC ITS DESERVED? LOL? WOULDNT U BE ECSTATIC IF U AND UR BUDDY GOT POPULAR AFTER YEARS OF NOTHANG? ITS HUGE!
and yeah ! her up n' leaving winner wasnt the best but you srsly gotta keep in mind this is losers dream . to her winner just didnt want to support him anymore AND U COULD SEE LOSER WAS CLEARLY UPSET ! hes ALSO losing a good friend too !!
butohmy god im getting off tangent just. you know . loser has gone thru some shit and its funny how many ppl i see just dont talk about it !! AND LIKE !! ON TOP OF THIS LOSER IS STILL NICE !! IDC !! loser has always been helping people n doing her best . and even tho her fans keep flip flopping (shoutouts to cake) she still keeps her chin up
PLUS having all these fans adds another thing: expectations, expectations, THE HIGHEST OF ALL! bc loser is soo popular, everyone sees him as perfect and strong WHEN LIKE WE SEE LOSER IS A HELPER AND A NICE GUY YES but at the end of the day ! shes a guy ! (thinks really hard abt cake n eggy arguing then it just cutting to loser craving nuggets . see maybe this is just me looking too deep into it but it shows the contrast of how the fans feel abt her vs how loser rlly is . just a kinda quiet?? guy that likes helping ppl)
this shows even more in post split when loser has a #normal moment over "a fan doubting her" YOU CAN SEE HOW IT AFFECTS HIM BC EVERYONE HAS SUCH HUGE EXPECTATIONS AND . as u could see ANY ONE MISTAKE WILL LEAVE LOSER ALL ALONE AGAIN ! OFC SHE WILL PANIC INTERNALLY SKFHDKSDFH
and idk where to put this but taco calls him "cuboid" and like see itsounded so derogatory when she says it GAJHAHAHAHA ITS LIKE??? not object slursIM NOT SAYING THAT ITS JUST SO FUNNY TO ME . IT SOUNDS LIKE A DEROGATORY TERM MAN ITS LIKE GETTING CALLED uhhhhhhhhhok other than the f slur i cant think of anything its like shes being called a faggot ok whatever I NEED TO STOP TYPING
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dustorange · 5 months
Genuinely seriously asking what is the secret sauce u it into dick grayson characterization because it is so seriously brilliant and enchanting and addictive. Like what is your secret)? /srs <3
scream thank u so muchly this is like the biggest honor u r sooo darlinggg 😭i think my main deal is that
I have a lot of common personal icks that i try rly hard to STAY AWAY FROM (i Haaaaaaaaaate characters having broken noses/nosebleeds, contemporary memetalk, italicized standalone onamoteopias, etc) bc they totally put me on edge and i think a lot of people share the same sensisibilities so its like a lowstress reading environment
i dont rly write introspection i just write the actions and emotions happening so ppl can put in dicks head whatever they want
ive gotten to be around people who srsly have a Soul that u can just sense and i write dick with those experiences in mind. Like everybody yes everybody does have a soul but like 80% or 90% of the time irl u can talk to someone and they can be having the most intense emotional response or wicked intelligent or crushingly kind but it’s still like WHY ISNT THERE A SPARK HERE why isnt there anything in your eyes there’s some missingquality there’s a gap a space unbridged like idk how to describe it but there’s a soulquality or soul presence that u can sense, but maybe only ever sense, not measure or diagnose, in some people. and bad mean stupid people can have the soul or great kind intelligent people can have the soul or anyone in between there isnt really a set of characteristics but you know it when you see it and it’s just like a wild magic and i think dick is one of those people and so i try to write it with this sense that he’s hyperalive and has that soulthing this sounds sooooo dumb woowoo crunchymom but its what i feel so strongly
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flowersbark · 6 months
Holy shit. Okay. Hi. I’m also a csa survivor. I’m legit so desperate for anything sort of recognition on this issue I’ve been having for almost 2 years now. https://www.tumblr.com/flowersbark/740288973409288192/fellas-is-it-a-proship-to-project-cocsacsa-on
It relates to this post, except I am going to get EXTRA personal on this.
Tw for r//pe, gr///ming, Self-h//rm, and csa (obvsly)
Okay so I also really really reallyyy don’t like proshippers, I am hypersexual, and I have zero access to any sort of help atp in my life. Now that I have those things out of the way right now, I am essentially in a dilemma a lot like that post. One major problem, it’s not me JUST wanting to project, it’s me wanting to BE in that spot of the victim again for some reason. And I mean like srsly getting assaulted again and all that horrible stuff. Like, i THINK these ideas, thoughts, and urges I have are called “intrusive thoughts”?? But I’m not sure. I’m disturbed by them regardless.
This has been so frustrating to deal with bc first of all, I’m not a victim to gr//ming, second, yes, I am a victim of csa at a young age, and third, I find myself having some sort of YEARNING to be hurt in such a way. (Not cocsacsa, just to not let things get mixed up btw) I have looked around on the internet for so long about this issue and I find NOTHING on it, like, am I just going crazy? Am I trying to cope with it in the worst way possible? Like, I genuinely don’t know, and it drives me mad because on one hand, I have this massive theory that it’s a mental attempt of “self- h//rm”, and then on the other hand, it’s a bizarre extreme version of yearning for touch and affection, but I’m just so unsure because I can’t find any other personal accounts of anyone else!
I acknowledge that your post wasn’t about this oddly specifc scenario, and I’m so sorry that this is so out of pocket, and possibly even counterproductive (idk) but as another csa victim, would you be able to offer some sort of insight? Is that something I can even ask for on here? It’s okay if you can’t, or don’t want to, I fully understand if I just never see a response to this. I really hope things get better for you and that you’re a having at the very least, a decent day regardless. Thank you.
Also p.s., sorry for not being able to answer that question, I myself am also uncertain on a definite answer for that. Like, the most I can say is that I think it’s okay to explore unhealthy dynamics, so long as they’re both acknowledged as bad/unhealthy/traumatizing things, and not put out to the public since people can take/look at things and get weird and nasty🤢 (so generally just used in a private and secure setting)
HI !!! uhh
first off, yes you can ask for advice, insight, anything. thats why i made this blog, other than to just vent to strangers. second, thank you for giving me your opinion on the csa proship situation.
i do think what you're going through are intrusive thoughts, and i get those a lot too. especially about going through what i did again, or worse. i also fucking HATE those thoughts, especially because my mind makes it by people i know irl, especially classmate im close to. it makes me feel disgusting and like im sexualizing and making my classmates horrible people when they ARENT. intrusive thoughts arent a reflection of who you are, theyre a reflection of who you DONT want to be, thats why theyre so disturbing.
again, the almost yearning for it is intrusive. it's also a trauma response. like how people who are used to being mentally abused will seek out and be with people that will treat them like that, its kinda like that. its not a good way to cope, but its not the WORST. as the absolute worst would be repeating the cycle.
im sorry if this doesn't help, its kinda just my word vomit with no revisions,, but i hope it does. it gets better, i promise. keep going.
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
tbh dani i dont give a fuck about the clave or alec or david or (th eone i never understood or care for) kincaid (like bro even gabriel killed his demon father all he had to do is out his dad or take a stance against him but he wants the damn glory and feels tied to his destone and no i am not willing to hear anything in support of this familywho somehow is still more powerful than lance), nor do i care about that bitch victoria( bc no matter her mental problems I HATE HER), or that asshole fucking hope he gets mauled kyle,
I only care about max and lance and david (and yes that is right i really dont give a shit about arthur either)
I think its obvious i am high on this chapter's feelings, idk i feel strongly for accountbaility where its due and revenge in general but esp for lance. Though i had hoped lance would burn idris or get revege by killing people , bc arthur got hurt i wasnt that mad like i was mad bc of teh reasoning behind it and bc i hate kyle but it was sort fo his fault did he think it wld be all lalala land if he goes to idris that littel shit anyways, BUT BUT GWEN ?!? DANI , wow wow i am speechless but in a mad kind of way. i dont accept this. nope no no no
how much is that family esp lance and david going to hurt, i just want a proper revenge for them at teh end, like people begging for thier/them for forgiveness sort of, i know they are never going to be apert of the shadowworld but i had hoped it alawys had shadow demons over them, i hate them that much
i also dont like that kincaid was so easily able to defeat lance and people celebrated it, I loved lance in this ch like wooo go off boy, and wow max being all powerfull and manipulating blood was sooooo cool, go be badass baby, also arthur should be grounded for a decade or so or even for life, i hated how kincaid downplayed lance and arthur relationship like idgaf whether arthur CHOSE you or not, lance is superior sorry kid.
I also HATED RAFE , but that is normal for me now, i havent liked him in lbaf for a long long while. i hope they lb family just cuts all of thier siblings and cousins off, like no contact and they fucking realize or feel how much that family suffered , like of wow you didnt have sun for 20 years big deal bro, there are places on earth which doeasnt have that for 6 mnths every year since eternity. they DESERVED THAT isaid what i said, i am just getting bored of rafe and his reasoning like oh NOW you decide to fight harder what does he want congratulations?!
the idris people and kincaid deserved the bad thinsg happening to them for me, like i feel it isnt enough, also madeline srsly you knew abt lance being david kid and possibly inheriting the demon blood, did you think it was a good idea to go to idris when pregnant with your husband like i think you vicariously consented to the liability and possibility of damage when you also knew david can do shadow demon shit.
so yeah i am beyond reason in this fic when it comes to hating idris and all living being there and only support lance and david and max ( yes i am deliberately leaving arthur his idiotic naviety that kincaid cares about him when it comes to him vs his own family or so called destiny he is irritating me , like sir he doesnt give a shit about what he said to you idk why he believed kincaid's promises.)
i just want someone to lecture them after locking them in a room preferably alec i have no hope for rafael in this fic he is beyond any hope for me and so is kincaid so
😘thank you for teh rollercoaster of the chapter bye. But i hope you give vengeance to lance and his family against idris. 👿
This was A RIDE lmao.
I love when y'all take it personally and get emotional (shows me I am doing my job 😎)
I can't promise you anything. But I can tell you that I believe in happy endings, but I don't think everyone gets one. A story where EVERYONE gets their happy ending doesn't make sense to me. Some people do and others do. As to who will get it and who won't is entirely up to (in this scenario, me lmao).
So we shall wait and see :)
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Rewrite cuz I accidentally sent a unfinished ask, Chris is such a creep and a criminal. Why didn't they take away his goddamn TV license or idk his hosting abilities away when he was sent to jail. He also is very fugly as hell yet people somehow find a way to simp over him which I don't really care but srsly there's better looking people on this show than that annoying scrub heck chef looks better than him. I'm not making a big deal about the Chris simpz but Chris defenders is what make me confused cuz what is there to defend since his actions are just right infront of yalls face. I want to assassinate him
In short, Chris sucks and the guy is a dictator (this was an amateur take but I'm bored)
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vgilantee · 2 months
Hun no, it's hard ik (been in the same situation) but trust me you do deserve it. For multiple reasons!! First, living is hard cus srsly the world is hard and you're still alive! Second, writing is HARD idk how you do it but trust me so many ppl cannot. Yet you do. You come up with all these amazing ideas and stories and literally share it with us too?? That's so good, that's amazing! I love your writings and your lil thoughts and other ppl do too! Not to mention you might deal w mean anons which makes it harder cus why. Then you're doing things, you're going through life, you're doing your everyday things and making it through the day. You have achieved so much in life and maybe it doesnt feel like it or like you dont deserve it, but you do. You very much do. Even for the little things you've achieved in life.
I just wanna tell you that you do deserve it. You deserve all the good things in life, even if you've done nothing tdy you still deserve it cus you exist. And a lot of people are glad you exist. That's an achievement itself, so just know you do. Even if you dont feel like it right now I hope you realize that you deserve this and more. Ily please take care of yourself <33 (u dont have to post this btw just wanted to tell you nd didnt know if I could dm u 😭) ilyy YOU DESERVE STUFF. GOOD STUFF. Dont let the mean subconscious dad tell you otherwise, he can stay unconscious in there <33
i’ve read this over like four times and my eyes get all wet every time bit it’s the last bit that is the final punch in the chest that spills the tears because god i hate how much he still fucks with me. and he never even loved me so why did i ever care what he thought?!
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
Gotta vent. about the dlc.
For double safety spoilers under the cut (it's about the stadium mission).
First, don't get me wrong. I do enjoy that PL dlc in some way but not for the story these FIA gonks got me into. Hands' gigs are far more interesting than the main story is. The further I go in that main quest the less I like their little big shitshow.
I sided with So Mi for this play bc it makes no sense to go the other way. Arki would never delete Johnny for the sake of this new supposed good ending later (yes I looked it up bc I avoid playing completely blind. It needs to fit to the character is very important for me) but I wish I could have just left because I know neither side will get me satisfied.
Also I'm not satisfied how less time Hansen has and that we get less content with him and all is about this FIA stuff. Idk maybe it's only me but I'd have rather liked a cooler story around Hansen, who is such a big name in Dogtown – all the people of Night City come to his friggin cool club! I'd have loved more military shit involved, more Militech, more shady weapon deals, more war bc IT'S FUCKIN WAR ZONE Dogtown.
This feels like a joke.
When I get to DTown with my other boys, I'll let at least Ryder and Vijay have say: "do your shit alone and leave me out."
Also this facial implant? it the most disgusting thing cdpr may have forced onto a player's V. Maybe some do like that and the tech is cool yeah. But MAYBE I didn't wantthis shit and stay with the real face? How about that. Reed could as well hopped into playing that part but ooh ya right, we need to play it bc it is a cool part. Watching the ripper rippin' not even my V's face off in 1st person had me feeling sick. I'm not gonna be "normal" about that, sorry. I know it's a game but I'd NEVER want this for any of my oc's.
Thank you for your attention.
Srsly. I didn't like it a bit. Just to have a small talk with Hansen and. That's what the man was good for. For two times just talking and then he bites dust … I know the other side will let me have fight him but srsly? I expected more with him. He interested me the friggin most. And then I get FIA Plörre.
Edit: this isn't meant in any way I hate the new introduced characters. Their designs are cool, their characters well thought out as well as fitting to the setting. and I get why they do their actions they do throughout the story. For example I enjoyed the little talks with Alex the most. Reed is equal to me. I just do not vibe with him even I do get why he is like he is. I do even understand So Mi why, she did what she did and all but it's simply not my vibe...
Gonna take a break now, since I escape outta D-Town anyways and will met with Panam. Need to see a friendly face for a bit.
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c4rl4-k1nn13 · 4 months
So erm update on my PJO au
-It wont be my main au/focus/what my tumblr is about (my tumblr is mainly carla/carlonty content either way), ill still make new chapters but instead im making a new au!!
"What is it called?" ITS CALLED KG MEADOWS AU - The school is called "Meadows private school"
OKay so, this au is set in a boarding school for "bad" kids/kids with issues. A little bit like the movie "wild child" but boys and girls mix
-My tumblr will be centred about this au, i will very RARELY make art, and if i do it will be bad..!
-Asks will always be open and this au is a little bit of my own writing (like the intro/when everyone arriving and their own beginnings and stuff!!??) And one shots yall can ask me to write in my ask box !!
-Not centred around any characters, but will have the most carla content because i adore her so tw for that ig? I will write about other characters but it will be mostly carla because she gets up to the most shit and trouble at the school
-Penny is not a robot, the events in kg 1 and 2 didnt happen, but they still went to the same kindergarten but fell apart after kindergarten.
-There will be random characters (ocs kinda?) But they arent relevent, they are just there to fill up the school
-They are all in highschool (freshmen) during this
Reasons why everyone was sent to the school:
-Protag; People thought he went insane due to him "rambling" about his childhood resets
-Nugget; People just thought he went crazy ages ago/willingly went to the school
-Cindy; Beat the shit out a girl and stalked another.
-Buggs; Anger issues, aka throwing a chair at a teacher, threatening to stab students, etc.
-Jerome; His mom thought it would be a healthy way to deal with his dads death (no the kg 1 events didnt happen, his dad died from smth idk)
-Monty; Got caught dealing weed/selling stuff he shouldnt of been in the boys bathrooms and other things at other times
-Lily and Billy; both got caught stalking/spying on someone for an "investigation" (it got bad)
-Penny; Had a mental breakdown during class (in this au she has major anxiety and alot of other mh issues) and told a teacher, "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU DISGUSTING (p-word)"
-Carla; Exploded the girls bathroom and has major anger issues
-Ozzy; Beat the shit out a kid
-Ted and Felix; Already at the school (their dad went there, so they were forced to)
so guys hope you enjoy this au! Actually ask about it, if not i will cry /j but srsly ask!!
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shaunashipman · 4 months
What do you make of the whole "Vertigo movie poster edit that Tim Minear posted with Oliver Stark as Midge" thing that has buddie-stans believing Tim's hinting at canon Buddie?
srsly, this is what i wake up to? (not directed at you nonny)
i think this is people once again ignoring anything that doesn't fit their view. eddie and shannon/kim are clearly not a one-for-one copy of scottie and madeleine/judy. for starters the relationship between eddie and shannon is completely different what with them being the married ones, so the feelings involved are coming from a different place. and also, you know, i don't think kim is gonna die at the end.
but they think buck is gonna be a direct stand-in for midge regarding his feelings. ignoring that, outside of an alternate ending that the TPTB demanded that wasn't shown and that hitchcock didn't like, midge disappears halfway through and her and scottie don't end up together. i've already talked about how deleted scenes aren't canon, and i think we can agree that a deleted ending that was only filmed to satisfy the hays code and that the directer is on record as not liking and wasn't actually discovered until 1993, is definitely not canon. so that would actually mean that buck is going to disappear halfway through this arc and eddie is going to have to deal with his fear/grief himself, which hey, kind of fits with ryan saying eddie was going to be isolated, doesn't it? funny huh
so, buck is probably going to be in the midge role, as the one who expresses worry about eddie/scottie's behaviour and tries to help him, not in terms of feelings for eddie/scottie. because like i said, this isn't a recreation of virtigo, it's using the elements of vertigo to address similar themes
oliver and tim have talked about not wanting to go the route of "this character is now queer and in love with their best friend" and you want him to be pining for his heterosexual best friend while said friend is stringing along two women in a mental spiral?
as for tim putting buck's name there, idk, it's the only other name that stands out on the poster so he wanted to change it, there is no gavin elster stand-in and people either don't know who edy ganem are or they do know who she is and don't like her, so he used buck as the only other person who's gonna be playing a role in this, which we already knew from interviews
oh, yeah, and tim minear is a little shit goblin.
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fictionfixations · 4 months
twst spoilers (im looking through this through the lens of twisted wonderland)
I have a bunch of movie DVDs so I’m watching them.
watched part of the little mermaid (i ended up stopping cause the rest of the audio after the deal was just gone and there were more and more frame freezes and cuts)
and then aladdin
Anyway since I’m on a twisted wonderland fixation I wanted to watch the movies I had. So I’m going through little mermaid. I don’t think I have the second
..there’s one at 80 mins. It says disc 1. The other is titled ‘Ariel’s beginning’ idk the difference??? apparently ariel's beginning is the third movie, and a prequel. i didnt get around to watching it cause at this point im tired)
Guppy is an insult (i swear ive heard floyd call someone a guppy but im not sure where)
THE TWEELS EYESSS (and the white glowed yellow???? Or is that an artistic choice??? i have no idea what they did because i couldnt hear them and i didnt figure out how to turn on subtitles or rewind )
I love the yellow fish so much (hes just explaining it while lacking so many details you cant really follow)
Triton a shit father???? No I hate the crab (hes. kind of a bad influence.)
Ariel can. Be out of water with her tail? And speak? And
breathe???????? huh!?
SHES ON SAND AND ISNT DRYING OUT??? (so her only problem with it is that shes not human. and thinks he'll only get with her if she's human. it feels kind of dumb but i guess it kind of isnt if they have this huge thing against merpeople but they dont even know they exist? although there could be negative consequences ofc if they did find out but i really dont think ariel's aware of that. or if she is, then whyd she go so close if she knows they could be a danger??? ???
..i mean. its better than signing away your best magic for TEST answers. and then working for the lounge for the rest of your years at school??? with probably no pay. like. seriously?? people just accept things?? i mean i know nrc wouldnt accept kindness. but. ..apparently accept azuls deals without reading...)
'Beautiful girl singing.' (or it was beautiful singing voice) (What if she was a siren???? like cmonn) I couldn’t hear what happened to Ursula that left her away from the others ngl
...Tritons really the kind of dad to destroy Ariel’s stuff when she reveals she’s in love with a human. Okay yeah I don’t take back my thought of him being a bad dad
Well it’s human stuff but srsly???
THE FAN TURNED ON (curse non-soundproof walls) DURING MEETING URSULA ('poor unfortunate soulsss') IM CRYING NOOOOO (i didnt know how to turn on subtitles. i only figured it partway around watching aladdin :( )
I can’t hear the deal :(
Weird that Ariel still got married (and had like the foundation thing that helps merpeople get used to land??? i forgot what it was but it was because a princess in like the sunshine lands blah blah blah) Meanwhile Ursula is just. Admired fo being so kind. Do they not know??? then again they do admire jafar while he also still lost. ..i mean the stories twisted ig so we cant really know what happened. if it followed the movie or if something else happened. In twst* Sound disappeared. I think it’s the movie dvd cause there are weird cuts
im. gonna end it there because otherwise im not gonna understand a thing
aladdin go brr
The frame froze on jafar closing the parrots mouth 😭
I FOUND WHERE THE SUBTITLES ARE oh my god were the crackers a reference (in the game kalim kept shoving crackers in grims mouth and i was just so confused???) I just wanna give the tiger a hug (i dont remember what gender but so so cute when turned into smol bby)
I can’t really blame animal sidekicks that cause an issue in stuff (and kind of annoying) since I got attached to grim and I hated him for the longest time lol (anyway abu ended up helping out by stealing the lamp anyway when before there liekly wouldnt have been a chance. so. good on him)
Jafar just keeps calling him Abooboo throughout the movie. …i cant take it seriously its the funniest thing ever
Why is jasmine surprised (or at least look surprised) she could’ve just assumed jafar was mistaken since Aladdin said he went in disguise and stuff to hide why he was there????
Who the hell would believe jafar’s word? The sultan. But jasmine hates jafar!
Jafar only wanted to be with jasmine to get power??? So why does he want her now? I refuse to believe he’s in love ew
EWWWW THEY KISSED (well she did it to distract him while aladdin was making his way on the plan to stop jafar. but EWW it didnt even work because he saw aladdin's reflection in the crown!)
So gross HOW OLD IS HE!?
So glad jamil wasn’t like that but also it’s not a romance game thank fuck
'Still just second best’ OUCH thats rough hearing that insult
and its deserved. but also knowing jamils backstory makes it ow, although jamil never really. went as far. ....like. nobody actually dies. theres no attempt at killing someone excluding overblot actions and actions pre-blot BECAUSE its on the way about to overblot that what you normally wouldn't do you kind of do, and i really doubt you can be blamed for that when it kind of just. removes your morals, sort of? lowers your inhibitions. but like. makes what caused it so much more intense so then you break and boom overblot
something like that.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Ello \(⁠*⁠꒪⁠ヮ⁠꒪⁠*⁠)\ 💙
[uhh idk if i'm using tumblr correctly-]
I wanted to ask,
If Desmond and his main ancestors or generally any Assassin's creed character [+anyone you want to add], were part marine creatures , what would it be?
[Since i am not tht creative and not really an expert and deeply hands on in Assassin's creed franchise]
I'm just interested in your and anyone's opinions really-
Plus since it's May and I just found out about the mermay challenge aaand I am currently havin the biggest art block ever [help me], maybe I could take somethin out of this idea and draw it :D
[cuz I could feel myself slowly becomin restless- srsly help me--]
[and i don't even know if you had answered this qns before. [sht, srry if you did alr]]
I haven’t exactly been asked about what marine creature would Desmond and the others would partly be before but I had been asked about a merman!Desmond before and my mind got away with me in this one
From there, there’s the selkie AU from @twitcherpated that brought to life this little Ibn-La'Ahad Selkie AU
Now, as for my thoughts on which marine creature they could partly be:
A part of me wants to say angel fish because he’s our angel (awwww) and also because angel fishes have bright colors. But, I know this might be a bit ‘wtf?’ but, how about an anglerfish? (and no, this is not an "I can be your angle..." joke) I know they have a bad rap for being, well, not really pretty, but if it’s a human top-fishy bottom deal, look at this photo of an angler fish and focus on the bottom half.
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It’s a distinct look, for sure, which worked well with how ‘special’ Desmond is to the eyes of the Isus and the way its fin glows is a nice-ish callback to how the Reader glows in AC Valhalla. You can even make the latern-like antenna be part of his bottom part as some kind of tail.
If the angler fish is not to your liking, how about the Mariana Hadal Snailfish? They’re known to be strong enough to withstand lots of ‘abuse’ and they have wing-like fins as well (they don’t glide/fly though as they’re in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench).
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Honestly, for me, marine animals that glow are a good match for Desmond. (Glowing marine animals in the deeper parts would also work well for the Isus and making Desmond be one of them would show his ‘deep’ connection with them)
Altaïr’s probably the easiest to think about for me. Since his name doesn’t just mean eagle but ‘soaring/flying eagle’, it’s gotta be the flying fish (even if they just glide).
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If you want him to have fuller wings though and don’t mind basing it on extinct animals, the Thoracopteridae is usually described like this.
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Okay, let’s get this out of the way. Ezio would be one of the prettiest ones out there, like a beautifully patterned goby or, if you really want to make him fabulous, a betta fish and, honestly, any of those fishes would work. I am a sucker for koi though, especially a white and red patterned koi that would remind us of his mentor robes in Brotherhood.
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Alternate suggestion would be a Leafy Seadragon because, goddamn, just imagine Ezio swimming like he’s sashaying with that kind of bottom. It’s definitely eyecatching.
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Ratonhnhaké:ton would make an awesome orca. It’s one of the best predators in the ocean and their closeness with their fellow orcas will be a good show of how much Ratonhnhaké:ton treasure his people. An apex predator that deserves respect is definitely a good combination to a part-marine Ratonhnhaké:ton.
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My alternate suggestion would be a Lionfish though. Mainly because it’s beautiful and metal af. They move with grace but a certain deadliness to them that reminds me of Ratonhnhaké:ton.
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waltzedintherain · 1 year
how do y’all deal with anons like srsly 🥲🥲 i am doing what a lot of people say which is just report and block?? but they keep coming back and it looks like the same person??? HOW IS THAT POSSIBKE 😭😭 like HI BITCH IF YOURE THERE ARE YOU HAPPY?? you have literally made opening this app dreadful. youve made me cry are you happy? is that what you wanted to hearrrrr? congrats you scared me off the app i havent been active like i was before for a long damn time and you bringing out MY mutaualships and friendships is fucking low because you dont know anything about them (unless youre one of them 😭plz lmao that could actually be it IF YOURE A FRIEND CAN YOU JUST TELL ME YOU DONT LIKE ME??? OR JUST BLOCK ME IDK)
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canpandaspvp · 1 year
I forgot, your other thing, bro people who've been dteam from the start or for a while, they don't know the horrors. Idk about your experience, but for me, like, I had an old twt account and as a writer I mainly followed writers but also just some stan accounts
But I liked having dteam stuff show up on my dash, but they're also vicious over there and I didn't want to risk someone seeing "__liked a dteam tweet" so what I would do, is I would see a dteam tweet, and make sure to interact with it, click on it, read some replies maybe open up the qrts and then not like it, all to try and let the algorithm know, hey I like this keep giving it to me without leaving any actual marker that I was there
And having to just keep my mouth shut when I saw people trashing Dream. In discord servers I would only mention him if anyone brought him up first, all my dnf bookmarks were private on ao3. I was stealth supreme lmao
Kinda sad looking back on it, especially cause now I just liberally say, ooh look Tommy's doing this isn't it great, guys Tommy's so funny etc etc
Also, this might be a hot take, but low-key dnis are kinda useless. Like, people like us who duel-wield creators like tommy and dream, I can understand like dni if you dislike someone I like (which I've noticed is a way more common way to do dnis on this side which is an interesting trend)
But on the other side they're like, dni if you enjoy xyz
I followed so many accounts that said dni if you like Dream. So many. But they would've never found out that I liked Dream, none of my socials had it, not one mention of it in my fics
Just an interesting like note lmao
STOPPP I HATE THAT ITS SUCH A SHARED EXPERIENCE :(( i literally did the same "coaxing the algorithm w/o actually liking" thing bc i was so scared of ppl judging me and like. that should've been my sign to gtfo but it's hard when it used to be an otherwise (mostly) enjoyable community. and i also had to be a fake dranti for a hot sec (and in public i keep my mouth SHUT) bc it is terrifying out there 😭
it's srsly so nice to like a creator outside of a subfandom and not have to deal w extreme neg and vitriol !!!
and do not get me started on dni's cause i find them so hilariously stupid sometimes 💀 they work but not in the way that they're intended to work yk?? i tend to use them as more of a blocklist than anything. and ppl who have "dni if you like xyz" in their bios are so funny cause like. how the FUCK are you gonna know and police that if they just don't say it Out Loud???? it really serves as more of a denouncement than anything but then WHY USE THE TERM DNI??
i could keep going but i will refrain, partially because my thumbs hurt and also bc it's too late (early?? idk it's like 1:30) for me to get so heated over dni's
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I'm here for the antimatcher event<3(or more accurately, </3)
1) I rly don't like people who are emotionally distant in a romantic sense, bc it just makes me feel like I'm not romantically involved if you know what I mean(?)
2) someone who expects me to do a shit ton of stuff for them(actions r my thing but there's always a limit) like I'm a parent. that stuff will srsly drain me
3) short tempered ppl, 1/2 of my family has this and same with me sometimes, but I am so emotionally drained from dealing with all that stuff.
Are you proud of this since you ruined it?
I'm so fucking tired of you
So emotionless, something I can't fix
And I'm just way too good for you...
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, babe
ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴇᴀʟʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴇʀ ᴇx ɪs…
ɪᴢᴀɴᴀ ᴋᴜʀᴏᴋᴀᴡᴀ
Socks, y'know, Izana couldn't deserve you. You need someone more willing to go 50-50 on y'alls' hobbies, for someone to take note and interest in your interests, and well, I don't know if Izana ever experienced that for himself. Hasn't he kind of fully adopted other people's interests, or thrown himself into his own passions? Maybe that's why he always seemed so distant when you two came around. But i'm proud of you for calling it when he snapped over you confronting him (rightfully) about his obvious preference for delinquent activities,,,,
𝔐𝔦𝔱𝔰𝔲𝔶𝔞 𝔗𝔞𝔨𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦
Y'know I know a guy who's artsy with a good head on his shoulders. Idk if it's a bonus for you, but his style is sick and he has great taste in music and he's inked. Anyway personal preferences aside, he's responsible and even keeled and good with kids. I don't know many people that can't get along with him really. I can introduce you if you'd like.
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