#cub anon
Cody the type of guy to have Kevin Macleod music playing out of him like
This mf would walk by you and suddenly Electrodoodle, Carefree or Latin industries is playing in your ear, it's just his theme!!
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rhapsoddity · 1 year
Helloooooo! I got a question about the Mind Games redesigns! I noticed about half of the hermits had glowing yellow eyes in their designs, including Grian. So is Grian influencing those hermits, or is it just coincidence, or something else entirely?
mainly asking bc i saw cub w yellow eyes and went 'holup, that aint right.'
also, could I pretty please be known as the cub anon? if not thats fine lol-
You can ABSOLUTELY be the cub anon :3
:) yeah so Grian is one of the antagonists of the au,,, and he's basically got a small village's worth of hermits under his control
The hermits he's got control of is Scar, Cub, Stress, False, Mumbo and eventually Bdubs spoilers lol
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
Congrats indi! you have officially unlocked cis plus - cub anon
YEAHHHHHHH I've become ever so slightly more powerful
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cubbandanon · 20 days
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I need this. I flipping love the box of hair album!!!
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theweepingegg · 2 months
how will baby mk deal with attackers and/or intruders ?
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MK rarely handles intruder and since Wukong has the Golden Eyes of Truth, he have to go out and chase those people away. No violence thou cause he has his baby with him.
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joifee · 2 years
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Oh no i pixelated your convex!
crawls back into their hole
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shepscapades · 9 months
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I don’t have a goofy caption but I just wanted to say it makes me so so giddy and happy to see people pick everything apart and look for clues and just enjoy my silly art in general <3 I’m super appreciative of you guys being really interested in this au and my silly story! And your tags are very seen and appreciative even if I can’t respond to every tag or ask sent to me :> <3
(also its very fun to see you guys try to put the pieces together =w= )
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sculkshrieking · 1 year
can you draw female Scar?
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funkyplantguy · 5 days
Maybe Permit Manager Cub giving Mumbo special treatment because he likes him? (Bonus if Grian is a little jealous in the background xP)
ohohohoho...yes...incredible, thank you very much... - mumbo liked to think that he was a man who had a fairly standard daily routine.
most days, he started his day off with breakfast. usually an apple (golden), or some other piece of fruit or bread - something easy to eat quickly and on the go. he was a very busy man, after all - he had quite a few farms and projects that he needed to check in with on a regular basis, and one very pesky neighbor who seemed intent on derailing him at every step. (not that he minded. it was just grian, after all - and who was he to deny grian?) next usually came lunch, then the afternoons were typically spent goofing off in some way or another with grian or scar or any one of the assorted hermits he called family. then dinner (mumbo staunchly believed in three full meals a day), then a quiet evening tinkering around in his base until it was time to call it quits for the night. pretty straightforward, all things considered, with only the occasional event or festival to derail his carefully laid out plans.
nowhere in his routine was getting practically eye-fucked by cub as he sat, squirming awkwardly, across from him at his desk, but hey - mumbo could be flexible! he could allot time out of his day for...whatever this was.
what this was, grian had explained earlier, in a huff of bristling feathers and irritated whining, was a negotiation. grian wanted a raise - that is, to be paid at all for the "very important work" he was doing as the assistant to the permit office manager - and for some reason, he thought bringing mumbo along would help him plead his case. unfortunately, all it had seemed to do so far was distract cub. "mumbo? mumboooooooo? mumbo, you in there? hello? anyone home?" mumbo jolted, banging his elbow (quite painfully, thanks for asking) on the desk as he wrenched around to look at grian. his face flushed a deep red as he was met with both grian and cub's direct attention - though varied, in the expressions adorning their faces. grian, for one, looked furious - earwings fluttering in irritation as he stared at mumbo incredulously. cub, however, looked deeply, concerningly satisfied, and not at all like he'd been paying a lick of attention to what grian had been saying, either. "are you listening? i was just telling cub about all the countless hours i spend on making sure that all of the shops in the shopping district are up to snuff, and how just the other day i spent at least 6 helping you restock that god-awful gold shop you have!" that...was not entirely true. mainly what grian had done during those 6 hours was perch on mumbo's shoulder and complain that he wasn't giving him enough attention. but if grian considered that "helping"... "huh? oh, yes, quite." "see?" grian exclaimed, turning back to cub. "he agrees - the work i'm doing here is very important, and deserves to be compensated." cub hummed noncomittally, and mumbo was suddenly drawn to how relaxed the other man looked, reclining slightly in his chair. poor grian. "i don't know, g," he mused, eyes flickering from grian to mumbo, then back again. "i think that mumbo here has just as much of a claim for compensation as you do. he helped you with that sign out front, didn't he?" "the pop-up purge sign?" grian responded, his voice climbing in volume. "the one where he added an ass to your likeness?"
"correct." "i really don't think that -"
"to be fair," mumbo mused, more to himself than anyone else. "it was quite a nice ass." "it was a nice ass. thank you, mumbo." "you're welcome, cub." for a moment, grian just stared at the two of them, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. cub stared back, blue eyes unblinking, as if challenging him to disagree. mumbo, for his part, opted to stare at anything but grian. then the moment had passed, and grian let out a huff, pushing his chair back and standing to his feet. "you know what? fine. compensate mumbo, for all i care. but don't come crying to me when the shopping district goes to shit with just scar and skizz in charge. i quit!" and with that he was off, soaring out the window and into the distance - no doubt going to scar's base to seek comfort (and to complain his ear off for the next several hours). mumbo let out a surprised laugh, then turned back to cub, freezing as he took in the way the other's gaze was now locked solely on him. "so...," cub started, and mumbo felt a shiver run down his spine at the tone. "it looks like there's an opening here at the permit office. interested?"
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allastoredeer · 29 days
"Alastor doesn't bottom because of his ego" = broke, kinda suspicious to think bottoming is lesser or more humiliating than topping
"Alastor bottoms because he has more control over his partner's pleasure + he doesn't need to be hard to bottom" = woke, more up his alley, doesn't assume topping is automatically an ego thing, while bottoming is vulnerable and the "weaker" preference
I hate the assumption that bottoming is lesser, humiliating, or the weaker preference. I know people like to bring up the era Alastor grew up in, but that guy has been in Hell for a LONG time now, okay? Even if he never had sex with anyone, or wasn't interested in sex, doesn't mean he hasn't seen it all. (AND SEX AND LGBT+ INDIVIDUALS STILL EXISTED IN THAT ERA, AND IN FACT, A LOT OF LGBT POC IN NEW ORLEANS LIVED IN THE FRENCH QUARTER IN ALASTOR'S TIME, WHICH IS WHERE ALASTOR WOULD'VE MOST LIKELY HAVE LIVED, SO TAKE FROM THAT WHAT YOU WILL).
Love this, Anon 👌 It's perfect. No notes.
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NOOO WAYY!!! IZVA FANS ON RTDT (real-total-drama-takes) ? THIS IS AWESUMM!!!! same :3 honestly I love their interactions and I wish we could see more of it. Also why does ship/character/anon hate exist? Why don't we also have the opposite of it like character love or ship love and anon love???
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halsinsgate · 4 days
Halsin would dote on you if you felt the slightest bit ill or overly tired. He will let you use him as your own personal pillow. And his hands are somehow always warm, which means any aches and pains are sorted.
Halsin can see it in the younger companions eyes. How Shadowheart struggles to keep her eyes open when on watch. How Astarion tries to adjust to his sleeping schedule now that he can walk in the sun. How Wyll writes letters to his father… never to be sent.
They all yearn for warmth and care and Halsin provides.
His presence soothes them. Like something in the air had shifted; a gentle mist with a rose water scent. More often than not, they find themselves with their cheek resting against Halsin’s bosom. His large hand cradling the back of their head. His other arm is wrapped around them much like a blanket.
Shadowheart can’t remember when she’s had such a peaceful sleep. No rude awakenings by the wound implemented by Lady Shar.
Astarion can’t remember the last time he felt so safe. Cuddled against the gentle giant who swore no one should touch him while he slept.
Wyll can’t remember the last time he felt like someone was proud of him. Horns and all.
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
If it's your adhd meds I heard caffeine messes with the meds? -cub anon
OHHHHH most likely, I think I've heard something about that as well, I wouldn't be surprised
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solidwater05 · 6 months
Hermitcraft Enjoyer spotted
Give me yuor Ramblings
(/nf ofc)
Yay!! Here's my nonhuman headcanons for everyone I watch!
Mumbo is an android! He's completely human-passing, he tends to do things the 'human way' (building things instead of modifying himself), and he has never ever mentioned that he's a robot, so everyone thinks that he's a really weird human. He does not know of human concepts like 'fear of death'. Nobody understands why he never got redstone poisoning despite his complete lack of PPE. It's just because he's not organic
Grian is a parrot avian ofc but he also gained cod-like traits when he started spending more time near the ocean. It happens
Gem was human at the start of the season, but she's an anglerfish hybrid now! Same reason as Grian
Doc being a creeper goat cyborg thing is canon so I'll share a little hc on his cybernetic enhancements. He can detect redstone signals! It allows him to locate problems with his machines without having to look around, saves a lot of time. A side effect of this is that he knows that Mumbo is an android because he can detect his redstone!
Etho is a phantom hybrid! He needs very little sleep and he still manages to be sleep deprived. He doesn't use fire res potions to protect himself from the sun, instead he wears his clothes over his wings. He says that it works perfectly, so why would he change it?
Tango. blaze. we all know this one. He doesn't take any special precautions around water. In fact, he forgets that water is a thing until it starts raining and then he screams really loud about it
Pearl is a shapeshifting salmon! She enjoys her human form, but she will correct anyone who calls her a human because she's actually a fish
Joel is a moth hybrid. Yes, he does like lights. Just look at his base!
Well Cub being a vex isn't exactly a headcanon is it. Specifically I hc that he used to be human and became a vex later on, while Scar was born a vex! (the cannibalism is unrelated to this. there's just something wrong with him)
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theweepingegg · 6 months
The celestial realm and their army would be NO MATCH for Baby MK !
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This is how I imagine Baby MK made his entrance.
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mammoth-clangen · 1 month
ohh, i already love Bat and his singular brain cell… was he born without his leg, or did he lose it?
Tyyyy! He's my special little guy, I care him a lot ❤️
And he has amniotic band syndrome! Aka congenital amputation.
Discussion of medical nonsense below ⚕️
Bat was technically born with all 4 legs, but the constricted one was already dead and had fully withered away be the time he was a few weeks old. People who have cared for kittens with ABS have said the limb tends to die even with intervention- so I imagine it's sort of like band-castration in steers.
Bat doesn't remember ever having his right leg. It already had no feeling when he was born, so thankfully, he's spared from phantom pain that later-in-life amputees get. He does have a fully developed scapula and part of his humerus, hence him wiggling the stump in Moon 4 part 2!
I don't want to get into spoilers, but while Bat doesn't get phantom pain, he's not free from amputation related health issues. Little/domestic cats aren't a 1:1 comparison because Homotherium is (obviously) much heavier on their joints, and much more reliant on grappling large prey.
Make of that what you will for now...
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