#srry idk what this is :
imissthestarswhenicry · 2 months
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flower that only blooms in the rain.
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ribs02 · 6 days
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twitter request
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 19 hours
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had the absolute stupidest idea for an au and now it's y'alls problem. im lazy so im gonna steal the explanation i put in discord instead of explaining it in a brief, succinct way:
ok so. monster in lethal company, the maneater(???) thing, the one that looks like a harmless lil baby bug creature at first and cries a lot and when u don't b nice to it it turns into a monster and gets ur ass. so monster sun/moon that start off in a very vulnerable tiny baby state but r actually just like healing or smthn and Reader is the only one of a team of ppl thats nice and protects them and then later one of the ppl tries to/maybe accidentally almost gets Reader hurt and sun/moon go full angy and yeet a mf and then reader is like 'oh my god i have been letting those monster things sleep in my BED what if they have been planning to EAT ME' and sun/moon are like 👁️👁️💕💕 hi we love u
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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bluesnailsstuff · 3 months
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Italian mafia man🤌
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tubhole · 11 months
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EPIC GAMERS investigating n' stuff
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motherforthefamicom · 2 months
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im bored so heres some art frm last year
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fence-time · 1 year
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Guess who’s been ill all week so has been at home and has decided to watch 3 different playthroughs of diversity 3 :)
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mortysmith · 1 year
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btw heres my garnet redesign
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venusandsaturnsrings · 4 months
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despite his mostly metal form, most things remained the same about boothill. his love of whiskey, charming accent, and penchant for causing problems but, more importantly, his alignment.
as long as you’d known him, which was six months at most, boothill had been everything the textbooks said about alphas. strong-willed, a tad arrogant, outgoing, and very much a show off. the latter translated into him being an annoyance more than anything but, alas, he seemed glued to you.
it was the second time this week you’d woken to rocks tapping against your window, boothill grinning widely from the ground; he wanted you to come out. not keen on rousing any roommates, you threw on whatever was on top of your laundry hamper and shuffled outside scowling at him. suave as ever, he gave you a ‘nice outfit, sugar, that designer or what?,’ followed by cackling laughter interrupted when you flicked his forehead. one half-baked apology later, you’re being taken to a super special secret spot he just had to show you at three in the morning.
half an hour and many bottles shot off of ledges later, he’s lead you through a complex series of markers to the edge of a small grove. bathed in the trim of moonlight and beginnings of sunlight, you have to admit the sparkling waterfall and unique flora is probably the most charming place he’s dragged you to. with a faux annoyed huff, you turn to give him thanks through gritted teeth only to find the cyborg cowboy has perched himself on a boulder to look at you like a lovesick puppy; it throws you for a loop. despite all the inflated chattering and chest puffing he does, sometimes you forget he really has a thing for you until he’s silently gazing at you without a word, waiting to hear you. ‘fuck that,’ you decide and claw your way up the boulder to lean against his shoulder. you don’t miss the way boothills smile widens and he practically purrs at your touch, but he doesn’t say a word, too nervous to ruin what’s happening.
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it’s another six months later when you find yourself back at the grove a second time, your relationship having finally blossomed into something more than tapping at the edges of hostility (you were the only annoyed one but he’ll let you have your fantasies). hands intertwined, one metal and one flesh, he carries the bag of treats and a blanket in his other; he proclaimed his partner should never have to lift a finger. something something cowboys honour.
it was three in the morning as it had been before and you were tangled limbs next to the pond. his lips made a path from your jaw to sternum, slightly chapped but fully loving; part-time soulmates, full-time vulgar. boothill let his fingers climb up your thighs and down your sides until you were fully bare before him, bathed in the trim of moonlight and the edges of sunlight, prettier than the stars. pheromones coating the surroundings, he let himself indulge in your flavour, pulling the strings of pleasure so you sing oh so sweet for him. in a haze of his signature scent, musky whiskey and spice, you let him have his way.
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bitterie-sweetie · 9 months
Heyyy! If you’re open for requests, there’s this TikTok that I saw where a pregnant lady had her husband lift her heavy belly for a few minutes and it gave her some relief. I somehow could see Mingyu do that. His wife having a hard time getting used to her growth and him trying his best to help her 🫠🫠🫠
baby ⇢ mingyu x reader, 1k, fluff, domestic au ⇢ warnings: pregnancy, "baby" as a term of endearment, mingyu being his usually sweet self (mostly), established relationship
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"This is all your fault, you know."
At the sharp tone of your words, Mingyu looks up from his phone. 
"This," you gesture at yourself, at the unmistakable way your stomach now protrudes, a little larger each day as time creeps closer to your due date. "This baby is already huge and we're not even halfway there. It's all your fault, Kim Mingyu. You and your—your stupidly big bones and your long limbs and your giant frame and, and—" 
It's another empty complaint, that's all. Lately that's been much of what comes out of your mouth the moment your sore feet touch the floor, having to support your new weight, and when you're rushing to the bathroom again after just having left it. And when you hear Mingyu's mom lament about how heavy he was at birth, you don't even want to think about how the next few months are going to go. 
This pregnancy is both a blessing and a curse.
You get up from your chair, eager to crawl into bed and let sleep magically melt away your problems if it comes at all tonight. But before you can take a single step, Mingyu is there. It takes him two steps to cross the room and come to your side, and while he usually wears a big smile whenever he looks your way, now it's been completely replaced with a frown. A solemn expression.
"I'm sorry, baby," he says softly, gingerly pulling you into a hug. 
"W-what? What are you apologizing for?"
"All of it."
You take a step back and try to wiggle out of his arms so you can properly read his expression. "Hey, I was just joking—"
"Y/N," he says, shaking his head as he loosens his arms, "it's hard going through all this alone. You know I would help if I could." 
He's being genuine—that much you can see, but that makes you all the more concerned. Is there something going on? What does he mean? So much of your attention has been focused on preparing for the baby ever since finding out the good news that you hardly had a moment to stop and consider his feelings in all of this, and for a second your heart drops at the thought that there might be something wrong. 
Mingyu's never been one to hide anything though. He always wears his heart on his sleeve and speaks without a filter—which is only a bad thing when he showers you with overly cheesy compliments—and even now, one look in his eyes tells you exactly what you want to know. You can see the excitement floating in his eyes, the absolute adoration at the start of this new chapter in your lives, the nerves of being a parent for the first time. 
But also mixed in there is a ton of guilt. 
While none of it is his fault, you can tell that he's feeling the immense guilt of watching you suffer to bring a child into this world while he is, well, still very much his regular self. 
"Mingyu, you are helping. You've been doing all the cooking and running around to get me whatever I'm craving, which has been a lot these days. You set up the baby's room all on your own, and then there are your massages—I'm going to get so used to having this luxury that I'll be asking for them even after all this." 
His frown only deepens. "Baby, that's not enough. I hate seeing you in pain and being unable to do anything about it. I wish I could take it from you." 
"Hey, look at me." You heave a sigh, reaching to take his face between your hands. "I'm fine, Mingyu. You know how strong I am, right? I can handle it. In fact, you should worry more about what this kid might do in the future."
"Knowing the two of us, that's probably true." He wavers for a second before a smile starts to creep onto his face, but he holds it back, almost shyly. "Y/N, can I try something?"
"Like what?"
Mingyu steps closer until the space between you diminishes, leaving only your belly pressed against his. Then in one motion, he takes his hands and carefully places them under your belly, and then lifts. 
"Does this help at all?" he asks, face gleaming with tentative hope.
You slowly relax into his hands and take notice of how everything shifts. The weight pressing on your bladder is alleviated immediately, and your sore lower back feels much better. Even your feet aren't quite as in pain as before. "Yeah, actually. This helps a lot. Thank you, baby." 
"Good. Then I'll do this for you all day." Then he nuzzles even closer to you, burying his face in the crook of your neck as you wrap your arms around him as much as you can. There's still too much space between you with the baby in the way, but when you close your eyes and listen to the sound of Mingyu's steady breaths, it's enough to spread a warmth in your heart that takes you back to the early days of your relationship. 
"Hey, Y/N?" Mingyu pulls back slightly to look at you.
"Do you really think we should be worrying about how our kid might turn out? What they might be like?" 
You study him, looking beyond the spark of anxiety in his eyes. "Well, yeah, but they'll be fine. Trust me, if they have your genes, they'll basically be perfect already. You were a perfect kid." 
"I guess I kind of was." He stays still for a moment, but when he meets your eyes again, there's a mischievous smile threatening to creep across his lips. "Yeah, see, I wasn't exactly worried that the kid might turn out like me." 
"Hey, Kim Mingyu!"
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r-g-d2 · 6 months
I love cosmic beings
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These losers
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these- uh- funny guys(?? too bc they DESERVE, THEY NEED, MORE LOVE 🫵
srsly I need more Cosmo and Orbo content...
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Them playing games :))
Funny request hah
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The original request was first image, But I- uh- Took the idea and got the second heheh
they ar so dumb
Mini Kheiros/Sammy I did while talking to a friend
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he such a goober ngl, I like him, But I still dont learn how to write his name oof-
Kinda, special drawing
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The VA of Cosmic Owl passed away some days ago and I just knew two days ago... I- Rlly was sad, But I already expressed all lets say- So I just wanted to do a simple thing, "simple" bc like I just said, I already expressed all the day I knew, But anyways- you know- I needed this..
Still I dedicate not just this one but all the drawings of Cos in this post to this man.. 💛🦉
Just that 💛
Ok hope you like all drawings!
This post took me so loong! dang-heh-
And I just wanna say- I'll disappear next month, kinda- again- bc I ALMOST didn't post for all this month- DANG, ehem- since Im starting school and I just wanna see how I go w it, So Im probably not gonna post in kinda loong time
Just that! :))
I dont have much more to say or show Byeee!!
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
So Steve obviously loves Valentine’s Day.
This didn’t ever come as a surprise to Eddie, and in the years between when they started dating and when their kids were born, it was something that never changed.
When Steve walked in the door fresh off the afternoon carpool route with their three daughters in tow and said, “Dude – I swear to god this has gotta be the best Valentine’s Day ever,” Eddie wasn’t exactly taken aback, more just unsure what could have happened so early in the day that had him this confident that V-Day of 2012 would be the best one ever.
“Why?” Eddie asked suspiciously.
“When I dropped off Ava, David invited me over to watch the basketball game,” he replies, still with a massive grin on his face even as their daughters dump their backpacks and jackets and shoes all over the ground instead of hanging them up like they should be doing.
Eddie made a face – David, one of their neighbors and an unfortunate addition to the elementary school carpool circuit, is notably a total fucking loser. 
He’s also obsessed with Steve (and not even in a gay way, which Eddie could at least understand – no, it’s in this weird, loser, ex-jock who peaked in high school kind of way).
“I know, right? I’m pretty sure he’s that fucking desperate for something to do tonight that isn’t his wife,” Steve continued.
“What’s wrong with his wife?”
“Ed, believe it or not, it gets even better.”
“Tell me,” Eddie demanded, finally getting that Steve’s got a whole-ass story for him.
“I’m going to, man, holy shit,” Steve shook his head as he stepped over the mess their kids left behind (because one of them would be corralling them all back downstairs to deal with their shit like they’re supposed to)
So Eddie listens as Steve launches into a retelling of the conversation he apparently had with David, who, predictably, acted like a total fucking loser about how Steve actually wanted to spend time with his family on Valentine’s Day.
“What does this have to do with his wife?” Eddie asked when Steve reached a stopping point, “Other than how incredibly sad it is for her.”
“Right – so get this. David ended up telling me that his wife is going out tonight with Chris, and I figured he meant Chris, like Christine, Liam’s mom, because I know they’re friends, but it’s not. It’s Chris, the divorced dad on the PTA, and apparently they hang out all the time.”
Eddie’s eyes widened as he pieced together what Steve was implying.
“No fucking way.”
“Right?!? And, look, you know I think cheating is wrong, but…I dunno, I really hope she has a fantastic Valentine’s Day.”
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relicofkorax · 7 months
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bonicedemandarina · 9 months
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Uhhh here u go vat7k fanart to start the year!!!
Sorry it looks so messy it was supposed to be a lil sketch but it got out of hand very quickly
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Listen, I know there are already reasons that Charles has anger issues and is a people pleaser but that doesn’t mean there can’t be more-
In this essay I (as someone with ADHD) will explain why I think Charles ADHD headcanon is so valid. (‘S gonna be a lot so it’s all under the cut.)
Symptom number one: Irrational Anger
Gonna get the more obvious ones out of the way real quick. Now, listen, Charles has every right to be angry, but his tolerance window for anger seems to be pretty low and I’ll bet anything that’s cause he doesn’t like to be angry. So he just refuses to learn how to cope with it.
症状数字二、八方美人 (Symptom number two: People Pleasing)
I know their are multiple factors for why he’s like this but EVERYONE has multiple factors for why they’re like that so LET ME HAVE THIS!!! But yeah Charles lives to help his friends and feels useless/worthless when he can’t do that.
Síntoma número tres: Enmascaramiento (Masking)
Sir “It’s squinting.” Rowland. We’ve seen him pull on a mask and shove down his true emotions SEVERAL times in the show. It happens after the Devlin house when they meet up with Niko, happens on the lighthouse with Crystal, happens when Edwin is trying to confess and Charles mistakes it for Monty.
Symptom Antall Fire: Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (It’s the same in Norwegian I guess??)
He did not like it when Edwin kept secrets from him AT ALL. With both Cat King and Monty. He absolutely felt rejected from knowing more about his bestie/being allowed in to help.
Symptom Number Five: Impulsivity (Ran out of funky languages, sorry.)
“Should I grab it? Should I not grab it? I went with grab it?” *Proceeds to smash it on the ground.*
Symptom Number Six: Stimming
When he twirls his bat or juggles the ball.
Symptom Number Seven: Forgetfulness
“Charles. You have a bag that can hold an infinite number of things.”
Symptom Number Eight: Lack of Filter
This man. THIS MAN. “Oh, yeah. I know we’ve known your for, like, an hour or two but Edwin went to capital H Hell btw.” “Oh my god, haha. This song reminds me of that time my dad busted my Walkman lol.” “Mate me and Crystal literally just snogged.”
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