#square root of anything
munkedupmusic · 7 months
Finally! After what feels like a year I finally got this song pitched correctly. This song was solely created for Jenna's AU version of Alvin. Alvin 2.0!
If you know of him, you'll understand why!
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locusfandomtime · 1 year
The maths fandom is wild. “Real” and “imaginary” numbers? I think you mean canon and non-canon. You guys seriously go “this is my number oc his name is i and he is the square root of -1” when in numbers canon lore it’s actually impossible to square root a negative but sure whatever. “Complex numbers”? I think you mean a character x oc ship. “f(x) = 3x - 5”? That is self-insert fanfiction.
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numberonecodwomenfan · 6 months
i need more people to write soap as a math and science genius
like he is a human calculator. gaz shows it off as a party trick even though soap is the one actually doing something. like
“oy, look what my mate can do- soap, c’mere!”
and soap, who has done this a thousand times before, walks over.
“ok, ok- someone ask him a math problem. like- literally anything.”
someone gaz is talking to goes “uhh… seven radical three times the square root of nine,” and soap blinks a few times, stares at the ceiling for a moment, his fingers flick around a little, and about ten seconds later he says “36.37”
and someone pulls out a calculator and goes, “holy shit, he’s right!”
and soap is just like “are you done now?” so that he can finally go back to shamelessly hitting on his lieutenant.
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sculkapologist · 10 months
I’m not sure exactly how to put this to words, but I think it’s fascinating that minecraft players have sort of… figured out a lot of things that make spaces beautiful, but also, the base game doesn’t have to and shouldn’t do them. Minecraft is beautiful, but it lives within its own bounds, where trees are square and come straight out of the ground and rivers are just water with dirt and gravel and sand at the bottom. YOU can construct a natural-looking coastline, or build complex trees, or vary textures of dirt and coarse dirt and rooted dirt and just a bit of concrete powder to keep the pattern looking natural along a dirt path, but minecraft itself has to operate under the rules of what its things are: Dirt is dirt. Rooted dirt is dirt that an azalea tree has put roots in. Path blocks are paths. This holds it back, and that’s good, because if the whole world already looked like a dedicated builder had been terraforming it for hours, then how could you ever build anything there? Every new space minecraft adds looks beautiful but in a way that begs you to improve it. We know how to make Minecraft prettier, but the only reason that’s fun is because Minecraft itself refuses to take our advice. I think that’s neat.
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ceilidho · 6 months
take me home, country road
prompt: 1800s price/reader…. reader flees to his town where Price is the sheriff after a murder in her previous town only to be mistaken for the mail order bride that Price just sent for ….and he’s not interested in hearing any of her excuses when she tells him that he’s got the wrong girl (part 6) part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
And they say if it sways, you have to cut it off at the root.
You repeat that to yourself when you catch the way you glance out the kitchen window again, surreptitiously watching John. It’s hard to pull your eyes away. He walks over to the well to fetch water for you to do the dishes, the chore you’d elected to take when he offered you the choice between that and feeding the horses. It’s a fair compromise since you balk at the thought of getting anywhere near either of those beasts. 
Watching him bend over the well to lower the bucket down, his muscled shoulders tapering to a narrow waist and suspenders drawing tight against his back, makes you bite your lip. Then scowl. Then pull the curtain shut to block out the view.
You have to cut any gentleness off at the root. 
When he comes back, you step to the side without a word to let him pour the water into the wash basin, hot water from the teakettle and lye soap making the water already in the pan sudsy. In a sense, it’s not any different from anything you’ve done back home; the same two pans for washing and scalding, the same cake of soap, and the same dish towel to dry the dishes off at the end. The only difference is the man that pours the cool water into the basin to make it more comfortable for your hands. 
“I’ll be out back,” he tells you, before grabbing you around the waist and pulling you in close to press a close-mouthed kiss to the side of your head. You only scrunch your nose a little. “When you’re done, come get me. Got business in town.”
“Why do you need me to come with you?” you ask, lips cresting into a pout without a thought. You’d never considered yourself a bellyacher, but it’s almost second nature around John. “I can…I can stay and clean the house.”
“You saying I keep a messy home?” John asks, a teasing lilt in his voice.
You look pointedly down at the dirt he tracked into the kitchen after fetching the bucket of water from the well. “It could do with a spit shine.” 
That gets a laugh out of him, a bellow from deep in his belly. It shakes you to your bones. 
“Darling, I’ll be honest with you,” he says, turning you to face him before folding his arms across his chest. “I don’t trust you not to bolt like a runaway horse, and you’ll only wind up putting yourself in danger if you try to make a run for it out here.”
That expression makes your stomach twist. “Good to know you think of your wife as some scared filly.” 
“You talk a whole lot for a woman who’s been over my knee. Do we need to repeat that?”
When his tone goes stern, you lose the wedging piece of candor keeping you upright. Eyes widen and then narrow. He’s been patient despite your loose tongue, but when that patience slips, you can see the steel underneath his gentle exterior. It’s the true root of him. 
You clam up under his stare, sullen and begrudging. Smooth your dress down to have something to do with your hands. You’ve forgotten your place again. Side-stepped it out of intimacy or misplaced trust or naivety or forgetting, again, for the umpteenth time, that the world is not a place for women that open their mouths. So you keep it shut, trap every festering word behind your teeth. 
He must not like something he sees painted on your face because his brows draw closer together, frustration brewing anew in his eyes. The longer you stay quiet, the more irritated he grows, his nostrils flaring wide. 
“See that you come get me as soon as everything’s squared away in here,” John bites out, pointing a single, blunt finger at you. “Else I’ll come get you myself.”
And we wouldn’t want that, you think, surly. You hope it swims across your eyes. Blooms on your face. Perhaps it does. 
The lines around his mouth and eyes grow more defined when he smiles. His whole mustache moves with his smile, every part of his face expressing his satisfaction. It’s beyond infuriating. He taps you on the nose with his knuckle before leaving out the backdoor, not sparing you a backward glance. You nearly shake with indignation. 
It’s hard not to watch him out in the paddock while drying the dishes though, not with him set against the gilded sun. You inch the curtain slightly open, just enough of a gap to peer through. The Stetson shadows his face when he tilts his head up towards the sky, the hard edge of his jaw the only thing that meets your gaze. It’s not the first time you’ve seen a man out in the fields or pastures, but most of those have been at a distance, removed. Glimpsed briefly through the window while your train barreled on past acres of farmland. 
John cycles through the morning tasks of guiding the horses into the paddock by a lead fixed to their halter, replenishing the food trough, and fetching more water from the well to fill the water trough. His horses are striking in the sheer size of them; muscled shoulders and legs, and well-padded flanks. Most of the horses you’ve seen out west haven’t seemed nearly as well-fed, many whittled down to rib and hip bone. 
It says something about him, but you’re not ready to confront exactly what. You turn your attention back to the dishes, scrubbing the last of the dried butter and eggs at the bottom of the pan. It takes a little extra grit, but cleaning is a familiar chore—it’s one you’ve done all your life, what got you into this mess in the first place. 
You don’t like what you find when you finally venture out of the house to track him down. 
“I’m not getting on that thing.” 
You put your veritable foot down with that, arms straight and stiff by your sides, more out of worry than annoyance. You do also give a little stomp for good measure, but you’ll chalk that up to reflexes should John inquire. 
He doesn’t. Just stares down at you with unimpressed green eyes that haunt your days and nights now. Tells you without telling you that you’ll get on that horse, willing or not. 
It’s not for a lack of beauty that you can’t quite shake the nervousness they elicit in you. Buttercup, the one that John saddled up and now waits patiently to be mounted, keeps her head low as if sensing your disquiet, curiosity glimmering in her coal black eyes. Not even the animal curiosity of is this a friend or foe, but the curiosity that comes with pure trust, almost intelligible that way. 
John runs his hand down her smooth, buttery flank. “Did you enjoy yesterday’s walk?”
“I didn’t hate it.” Truth be told, you’d hardly been of a mind to notice it at all. Though your legs still ache from the walk back to John’s house, the walk itself had not seemed especially grueling in the moment. The mind can put aside quite a bit when it has something else to focus on. 
“Well, I’m not too keen to repeat it.” He leaves it at that, tightening a strap on Buttercup’s saddle in such a purposeful way that your shoulders tense. 
“I could meet you there,” you say, a touch desperately. Your stomach turns when you think about hoisting yourself up onto Buttercup’s saddle. It doesn’t seem possible. It’s not something you’ve ever done or ever considered doing. You remember horror stories of stableboys back home trampled under their hooves and stomped to death, kicks so powerful that they could break a fully grown man’s ribs or cave in his face. 
“My wife isn’t gonna wander into town by her lonesome like some vagrant,” John says disdainfully, almost scoffing. Insulted by the whole idea. “And you’re sure as hell not staying here alone, darlin’.”
“Well, figure something else out because I am not getting up on that thin—” You cut off on a yelp when he circles around you and abruptly lifts you up. Your head rushes at the sudden motion, legs flailing beneath you. 
“Quit squirmin’ like a damn barn cat. Little hellion,” John grits out, guiding your heel into the stirrup. “C’mon, you’re just side saddling, so you only need your butt on the saddle.” When he sets you down lightly onto the saddle, you stop wiggling around, acutely aware of the thousand pound horse beneath you. “There we go—that wasn’t so hard now, was it?” 
“I hate this,” you hiss, fingers clamped tight over the pommel. 
“Aw, darlin’, don’t go insulting Buttercup like that,” John chuckles, replacing your foot in the stirrup with his own.
You sit there stiff as a board, perched precariously on the saddle as he hoists himself up behind you. His sheer proximity doesn’t register right away. You’re too concerned with the moving beast under you, its ribs expanding and contracting with each breath. Unlike you, John is more than comfortable sitting astride the horse, not a smidgeon of tension in his body. You suck in a horrified breath when you feel him readjust himself before settling down more comfortably. 
He reaches around you to grab the reins, a sharp whistle signaling the horse to take her first stride forward, looping around the side of the house. Even the slow trot threatens to buck you off at first. You lurch forward with each step, certain that you’ll slip right off the saddle and onto the dusty ground below until John loops an arm around your waist and pulls you to his chest.
You grow stiffer in his arms somehow. Despite sleeping in the same bed the night before and sharing far too many kisses for your comfort or virtue, being pressed up tight against a man never gets easier. Perhaps if you’d been married for longer than a single day you’d be more at ease with the notion, but as of yet, it comes as a shock to the senses every time. 
You carefully avoid the thought that other married women wouldn’t be still in possession of their maidenhead so many hours after their wedding night. That’s none of your business.
The two of you navigate into town at a slow canter, allowing you to gradually acclimatize to the gait of a horse. Part of you remembers riding horses when you were younger, but that was a lifetime ago, long enough to shake the memory from your muscles. These days, you can barely remember the hands holding you steady, the ones that would’ve lifted you up onto the horse and helped you back down. Those people are faceless in your memories. 
John stays silent at your back, only tightening his hand around your hip when you slip the slightest bit when Buttercup picks up the pace, heading towards the familiar sight of the sheriff’s office. It draws a quick squawk out of you, neatly masked by a fake cough. His chuckle at that rumbles through you, clearly not buying it. Another lesson in humiliation. 
You manage not to flail as much when he gets off the horse and helps you down, even though you’re still not used to being manhandled so, particularly not in front of the townsfolk milling about and glancing over with undisguised interest. 
“Are you working today?” you ask, curiosity getting the better of you while John ties Buttercup’s lead to the post outside the sheriff’s office. 
“Don’t exactly get many days off when you’re the only sheriff in the county,” John replies. “We’ve got a few deputies in every town, and a couple here, but it ain’t an easy gig.”
“How many deputies have you got here?” 
“Just the three. Simon, John, and Kyle. You met Simon the other day.” 
His name draws up the faint memory of the masked deputy from your wedding ceremony. “I remember,” you say flatly. There’s no lost love between you and anyone involved with that sham of a wedding. 
“Don’t hold that against him,” John smiles. “He’s a good ole boy. Can’t fault a man for following the boss’ orders.”
Watch me. You glance away lest he see that thought etched across your face. 
The town is bustling with activity this late in the morning. Steps and floorboards creak under the weight of boots coming and going. A man going by in a horse-and-buggy whistles sharply when he cracks the reins, his horse puffing out a low, frustrated grunt. 
Men hustle past you decked out in leather chaps and waistcoats, spats covering the half-boots of those not decked out in tall, spurred cowboy boots. There are far less women scampering about town than men, particularly not so close to the sheriff’s office, but you keep finding your eyes drawn to them. 
John grips you under the arm and swiftly pulls you back when you narrowly sidestep a mound of horse droppings left uncovered in the middle of the road. The smell only hits you a second later. 
“Well, that’s lovely,” you remark, deadpanned, putting your foot down deliberately a good distance away. 
“Wouldn’t need to complain about it if you just watched your step.”
“You know, this really would’ve been a nice day to just stay home,” you mutter, chastised enough not to say something sharp in return. 
While the smell makes your nose wrinkle, you have to admit that the air here is far less pungent than back home. In general, this bucolic town is far more pleasant in certain respects than the city you’d left behind in a haste. 
“Where do you want me to wait for you?” you ask, turning to face him now at the front steps of the sheriff’s office.
He frowns. “Wait for me?”
“While you work, I mean. Surely you don’t mean for me to sit inside all day twiddling my thumbs while you work.”
His mustache twitches with a smile. “Thought I’d show you around first—get you acquainted with the locals.”
The idea of mingling with the townsfolk doesn’t appeal to you, but you also can’t think of a good enough reason to refuse. Especially with the curious glances already being sent your way. You duck your head to stare down at your boots when you spot a group of other women clustered together and whispering to each other, their eyes trained on you. Somehow you’ve gone from being furniture in a room to being a source of local gossip, and it’s almost hard to believe that you miss being ignored. 
When you look back up at John, you find him still staring down at you, waiting patiently. Up close, the sunlight almost turns patches of his beard gold; he has a smattering of moles across his face, not the blush of freckles but rather a few dark spots by his nose. Aside from the tuft of hair under his bottom lip, his chin is mostly bare, and when he smiles, his whole face moves with it. You have to blink to snap yourself out of it. 
Your upper lip curls involuntarily when you say, “So you want to help me make friends?” 
“Well, seeing as I know most of ‘em, figured I’d be a help.”
“The job’s really not all that busy then, huh?” You really wish you could learn to shut your mouth, since it keeps getting you in trouble, but the barbs roll off your tongue so naturally. Luckily, it seems to amuse him now more than it did early this morning. 
“Guess life isn’t as exciting ‘round here as it is back in the city, but it has its days,” John chuckles. “Now come on; I’ll give you the tour.”
For some reason, you hadn’t pictured the town being quite so big, but during your walk, you realize you’ve vastly underestimated the true size of it. Though not anywhere near as ostentatious as the cities back east, the sheer breadth of it eclipses anything from back home. It’s spread out on an incomparable scale, the mountains in the background stretching out along the horizon like the skeletal remains of a giant long since dead and decayed.  
It’s not the ramshackle town you envisioned when you stepped off the train the other day, despite the wooden facades and their brightly painted signs. You almost wish you had more time just to admire the craftsmanship, but John leads you from store to store like he’s on a mission.
He seems most interested in towing you around like some prized mare, all trussed up and clean from your bath the night before. You meet so many people that their names and faces all begin to blur together. The worst offense of all is that it makes you lean on John for support, looking up at him again and again for reassurance whenever you can’t answer a question or your answer triggers a moment of awkward silence. 
Those moments come aplenty too. The few people nosey enough to ask you about your life back in the city find themselves on the butt end of a cheerfully delivered lie from John. It unnerves you at first, seeing how comfortable he is with lying. He doesn’t even hesitate for a second when recounting your previous life as a schoolteacher in Connecticut prior to your engagement.
Perhaps it’s not a lie though. You don’t know the extent to which he and his original betrothed corresponded. Certainly not enough for him to suspect you of not being her, but maybe she’d spun him that story. Or maybe it had been the truth. All this time you’d thought that John had been swindled by some con artist using desperate men to fund her lifestyle, but maybe somewhere between here and Connecticut, there’s an unmarked grave with the corpse of the woman that John had intended to marry. 
That makes you feel guilty somehow, like you’ve taken something not meant for you. Even if you hadn’t wanted it—in fact, been forced into taking it. 
You swallow that thought when John leads you into the general store. Your eyes bug at the sight of a blonde haired woman in khaki cloth knickerbockers stocking the shelves, who turns at the sound of the door creaking open, the sharp look on her face melting away at the sight of John.
The warmth in her face infuriates you more than it should. You have no right to feel this way—or, some right, but you resent the fact that you do as well. 
“Hi John,” she greets. Her voice is deeper than you anticipated, springtime crisp like a babbling brook. 
“Laswell,” John greets, scooping his arm around your side until he can palm the side of your hip, dragging you in close. You stumble into him, catching yourself with a hand on his chest. Your neck and face go hot when Laswell’s eyes turn on you, curiosity glinting in them. 
“Your lady finally showed up then,” she surmises. “I’ll be honest, I was starting to think you made her up. Told the boys to think about forcing you into an early retirement.”
John huffs at that. His fingers tighten at your waist when Laswell says your lady, as if the words alone make it fact. Speak it into being. The metal burns against your ring finger. In a sense, it is fact, despite the subterfuge. You wonder if it would hold up in court, but out here, it’s real enough. 
“Well, she’s very real, as you can tell.” He gives you a little shake with the hand on your waist. “Say hi, darlin’.”
If looks could kill, yours would be pit-viper venom. You’d leave behind a festering puncture mark and a body in the throes of envenomation. “Excuse me?”
Your attitude might come at a cost this time because he looks unamused at your back talk in front of an audience. “Darlin’.” It’s said like a warning. 
You bite your tongue instead of lashing out. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“Kate Laswell; I own this little shop,” she says, introducing herself and stepping forward to hold out her hand. You have to step forward to take it, pulling you out of John’s arms. It feels familiar being on your own, certainly more natural than being constantly at John’s side the way you have for almost two days now. It’s also a bit cold after having John’s warmth at your back or side at all times. 
There’s a moment when you realize that Kate is the first person you’ve had to introduce yourself to, John having introduced you to everyone else you’d come across. It hovers on the tip of your tongue when you realize that you could just say your real name, and you find yourself torn between setting it free and the odd fear of John’s reaction. 
You chicken out at the last second, giving Kate the same name as the one John introduced you by to everyone else in town. 
“He might growl like a bear, but you’ll get used to that,” she says, winking.
You frown. Awfully familiar talk for someone who isn’t his wife. Why should she know that? 
You make yourself push that thought away, reminding yourself again that it doesn’t matter. It’s none of your concern. 
“He’s been a gentleman,” you croak instead, smile so thin that it might as well be a grimace. 
A shout from the bar across the street startles you, drawing your attention away from the conversation. John stills too. A series of raised voices puts him on alert, and then someone inside the bar must fire a gun because the violent crack of one makes you scream, the noise pulled involuntarily from your chest. 
“Stay here,” John growls, his pistol already drawn. He’s out the door before you can respond, darting across the street towards the bar and shouldering the door open so hard that it rattles in its frame. You watch everything happen through the window of the general store with your heart in your throat. 
“Good Lord,” you whisper, hand over your mouth. Kate stands beside you in a similar manner, her eyebrows pinched in concern. 
The thought doesn’t even occur to you that now would be the perfect time to make a break for it, with John busy across the street. Your feet are rooted in place; you doubt you’d be able to take so much as a single step towards the door. 
There’s precious little that you can see through the grit-lined bar windows, not as dusty and dirty as they are, but you can hear the commotion from inside. Raised voices and the sound of breaking glass. It makes you flinch, heart galloping at an even faster pace. Like harness horses on the Freehold Raceway. It’s not long before you see a large, masked man hightailing it down the road towards the bar, dust clouding around his boots with each heavy step. 
You recognize him almost instantly as the man from your wedding, the one that signed your marriage license. John’s man—Simon. He nearly takes the bar door off its hinges when he throws it open, barely in there a second before he and John come out each with a man in hand, both already handcuffed and looking roughed up They drag them stumbling down the dirt road towards the sheriff’s office, Simon half-dragging another man whose white button-down is slowly saturating with red blood oozing out of a gunshot wound in his belly.
“Shouldn’t they call a doctor for that man?” you ask Kate in a frantic voice, whipping around to face her. 
She nods. “They probably will once they’ve got the four of them locked up. Doctor probably heard that anyway—he’ll be on his way, I bet.”
“On his way already?”
“There’s only one doctor around here. And not much else sounds like a gunshot.”
“Does that happen a lot around here?” You don’t know why the thought makes you nervous, but there’s a cramp in your belly and a sweat building up on the back of your neck and your hands itch to grab something. When you swallow, it almost doesn’t go down. 
“It’s not uncommon. I reckon it’s not something you’re used to?”
You purse your lips. “I’ve seen a dead body before.” You don’t know why that comes out so defensively, like a slight that’s been levied against you. There’s no easy way to dispel the myth in everyone’s mind that you come from a life of comfort and ease, with delicate hands fit for delicate work. You curl your hands into fists at the thought, conscious of the old scars and calluses built up over years of scrubbing and cleaning. If she were to look down, she wouldn’t see the well-kept hands of a lady. 
When Kate quirks an eyebrow, you realize that your response had nothing to do with her question. “Well, look at you.”
When John and Simon disappear into the jailhouse, the door swinging shut behind them, you sway on your feet for a second, feeling oddly unbalanced. Something about the sight of the man’s blood leaves you feeling woozy, taking the chair that Kate offers you when she sees the way you rock back on your heels. 
“Let me get you something to drink,” Kate offers, brows now furrowed sympathetically at the pathetic sight you must be. “I’m sure you got a little fright thinking of your husband facing down a man with a gun, but I’m afraid that comes with marrying a sheriff. There’s danger everywhere, you know.”
What you don’t say is that your lightheadedness came not just from the sight of the man with the blood leaking from a wound in his stomach, but the grim look on your husband’s face as he carted away the man responsible, eyes hard as steel. No sympathy for the man in his hands. Only another criminal to be tossed away in a jail cell. The punishment for making another man bleed.
Your hands shake in your lap, but you don’t say that. Instead, you smile weakly and take the glass of water from her hands when she comes back from filling it at the sink. “You’re right. Just a little fright.”
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lesbianraskolnikov · 2 years
Worst part of any art classes i took is when we were doing one on character design. The professor brings up some of Elsa’s concept art (The ones that actually have personality) and she goes whats wrong with these? Every answer is so fucking stupid but the worst one is ‘well, these have blue skin, so we cant really relate to that” *Grabs your shoulders so fucking tight* What was that? What was that?!
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yan-lorkai · 1 month
ooh could you do something similar to your octa-trio with darling interested in marine bio but instead it’s darling interested in zoology with savanaclaw?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: This is feeding into my obsession of learning random things so well, I've been binge reading everything about hyenas and lions these past few days lol. I hope you like it, darling!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ "Leona, is it true that lions have a roar that can echo for eight kilometers? And that lions can't purr? And that female lions are the main hunters?" Question after question. Leona feels a growing headache, but also an urge to laugh. They're all such basic and silly questions, yet he's happy to know that you want to know more about lions, more about him.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ His tail is wagging and his ears are twitching but if you point this out, he'll stop answering you and is going to pretend that nothing happened. For each question answered, you have to do something for him; usually Leona asks that you join him for a nap in his room or that you talk about your day, as he likes your voice and finds it relaxing to hear.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A lion's pride is his mate. So Leona holds you close so you can't escape from him to go around Savanaclaw asking other beastmen about their features and habits.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ "Ruggie, it's true that hyenas can purr? Can you purr for me, please?" You ask, softly, shiny eyes looking into his as you wait for something, anything. A sparkle of pink rush to his cheek as he laughed a little. "Oh! And it's true that the 'laugh' is actually a vocalization used to communicate excitement, fear, or submission? And that up to 80 hyenas can live in the same pride?"
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Oh goodness, you are feeding a little into his ego wanting to know all sort of things about hyenas now. He can't give the answer you want for free though, you have to give him a little incentive, maybe a few kisses, maybe food or you can try helping him on his errands and scratch his ears for him, either way, give your best shot as he is rooting for you. If he feels satisfied enough you will have your answers, otherwise, you can try again tomorrow.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He like this, having you cling to his arm, asking him things, it's cute. As a hyena, he's used to be throw around, to sacrifice and give freely to feed the kids in the slums and work harder than most. He feels a little greedy and he doesn't hide it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ "Jack, I have a few questions... How do wolves choose their leader? Is it true that wolves have an incredibly powerful bite force, capable of exerting up to 1,500 pounds per square inch?" You squint at him, right now, in his human form, Jack didn't seem capable of such things, even more with a mandible like that. His ears twitched a little, he was probably trying to think about how to respond to you, already knowing how you went to his upperclassmen with the same kind of questions. "By the way, wolves have a wide range of vocalizations to communicate, right? And they are also great at adapting to another habitat?"
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Jack stares at you like a little dog, his tail wagging while a blush comes over to his face. He answers your questions to the best of his abilities, taking his time, so you spend more of your free time by his side. Your interest in wolves, in him more specifically, ignites a flame of interest inside him, maybe he really do have a chance with you and he'll do anything to get you to fall in love with him. For now, Jack indulges in your curiosity, he let you get close to him before trapping in his maws.
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“dressing down” - aaron hotchner x fem!reader
after a party at rossi’s, you and aaron get ready for bed. you may or may not be sober. 
tw: tipsy reader! mentions of food & alcohol, kissy kissy but no smut teehee sorry
wc: 1.5k
a/n: read dressing up here, but it’s not necessary to enjoy this!
You carry your heels, pinched between your fingers, as you stumble into your apartment. You wait for Aaron to lock the door before you grab him by the lapel of his suit jacket. Your lips crash into his, and his gigantic hands are on your hips instantly, a chemical reaction. Your kisses are sloppy and off-center, hitting the corners of his mouth, his Cupid’s bow, his chin. Your laugh floats into his mouth. 
He’s backing you up, towards the bedroom, and your shoes clatter on the floor. You didn’t even realize you let them go. Your belly is full of Rossi’s bolognese, paired with three glasses of Cabernet Sauvignon - or was it four? Your shapewear is stretched from your slightly bloated stomach, but you’re not thinking about that right now. Your mind is totally clouded - Aaron, Aaron, Aaron, and nothing else.
One hand cradles your face - his hands are so huge. His entire palm covers half of your face, angled and creating space for your ear between his fingers, and his thumb applies the slightest bit of pressure to your earlobe. He’s pressing that raw spot where your earring sits. The feeling brings a melting pot of discomfort and ridiculous pleasure as the gold hoop earring shifts under his touch.
 “You had a lot to drink tonight,” Aaron says between kisses as his other hand shoves the bedroom door open. 
Thank god Jack is at a sleepover tonight. 
“So what?” you whisper nonchalantly, backing up towards the bed. You break your mouth from his and trace your index finger across his upper lip. 
“So, you’re going to have a massive headache in the morning,” he says, prodding your knee with his. You plop down on the edge of the platform bed and bite your lip for a moment. “Might be better to try and get ahead of it.”
“What’s that s’posed to mean?” you ask, your state of mind catching up with you. The world around you moves in slow motion, like someone spilled molasses all over it. “I feel fine.”
“Oh, yeah?” Aaron nudges your foot with his and you spread your legs a little so he can stand between them. Your dress is an entirely unladylike position, hiking up as your boyfriend rakes his meaty fingers through your hair. “What’s the square root of one hundred and forty-four?” 
“Ask me something I’d know sober,” you snicker, a sound that mutates into a tiny mewl when you feel Aaron’s stupidly large hands brush your hair off your neck. His lips are honey, tongue jutting out carelessly and dabbing at your skin, like he just wants a little taste. 
“Don’t you want to just get in your pajamas and go to sleep?” Aaron just knows everything, doesn’t he? You shrug his obsidian suit jacket over his mountainous shoulders and toss it aside. 
“I definitely want out of these clothes,” you whisper. 
Aaron pulls his head back, looking down at you. His thumb presses into your chin and he nods, leaning down to kiss your forehead so tenderly that you forget how insatiably hungry you were for him when you walked through the door. 
Maybe you do just want to get in your pajamas and go to sleep. 
It’s not that you don’t like having sex with Aaron. It’s sex with Aaron, for crying out loud. It’s always good. 
But your belly’s full, and you’re starting to wind down from the Poor Decision Making level of drunk and into the Introspective and Zoning Out level of drunk. 
Aaron notices this shift as he walks to the dresser, pulling out two pairs of your matched pajama sets. “Kittens or… what are these? Donuts?” he chuckles lowly. 
Plus, he wouldn’t have gone through with anything, anyway. Not when you’re intoxicated and he isn’t. 
“Donuts,” you answer, smoothing out your dress and self-consciously crossing your ankles. You’re dangling from the tall bed. 
He brings your pajamas over to you and stands in front of you again. He presses the front strand of your hair between his thumb and forefinger. “I love you, Y/N. You know that, don’t you?” 
“I know, baby,” you coo, looking up at him and feeling a slow smile laze across your face, like a cat on a windowsill. “I love you, too.” 
“Want me to get your zipper?” he asks, gesturing to the new dress you’d gotten specifically for this evening. 
“No zipper,” you say rather articulately, then lift your arms up over your head with the same gait as a marionette. “It’s a pull-over type deal.” 
Aaron gives a small chuckle and takes this as permission to remove your dress, gathering it at the bottom hem and pulling it off delicately. You’re left in your shapewear and your bra as he tosses it in the laundry hamper. “Think you gotta stand up for this next bit, honey,” Aaron says, tugging on the waistband of the shorts you wore beneath the dress and snapping them against your torso. 
You rise unceremoniously to your feet, placing your hands on Aaron’s shoulders as he takes a knee, helping you step out of the shorts one leg at a time. You’re moving slowly and concentrating hard on not falling over, and when you’re finally only in your undergarments, Aaron stands and smiles appreciatively down at your form. 
“Hi,” you say to him, watching his eyes travel down your chest, your belly, your legs. You don’t mind that he’s ogling you - you’ve been together a while, so it’s nice to know he still thinks you’re beautiful. Aaron’s brown eyes snap up to meet yours. 
“Hi,” he whispers. 
“Come here often?” you attempt a lame joke, flipping your hair with your hand. 
“To our bedroom?” Aaron teases, catching your wrist and kissing the inside of it. 
You feel your knees wobble a little, and you have to perch yourself on the edge of the bed again so you don’t fall over. Aaron’s kissing up your forearm, along your bicep and your shoulder and your collarbone, a grand tour of your arm where the big finale is at your neck. 
“Love you,” he rasps between kisses. You’re grabbing his white dress shirt and blindly trying to unclasp the buttons. “Love you so much, honey.” 
“Angel,” you murmur, just barely above a whisper. 
Aaron pulls back to look at you quizzically, with an amused incline of his head. “You want me to call you angel?” he asks. 
You shake your head. “No, you’re the angel,” you tell him. 
His cheeks blush furiously red at this, and he shakes his head. Bashful was never a word you used to describe your boyfriend, but here he is. A tall, brick wall of a man, looking at you sideways, like what you said is the most out of pocket compliment he’s ever received. Maybe it is. “I’m an angel?” 
“You’re an angel,” you confirm like it’s merely common sense, finally undoing the last button and shrugging his shirt off. “You’re an angel. You’re my angel,” you tell him.
Aaron’s chest is full and hairy and scarred and broad, and you grab him by the shoulders and tug him down so you can kiss him again. He’s hunched over to meet your level, his hands hot as a brand as they press firm into the small of your back.  
“I’m your angel,” he repeats slowly, like they’re brand new words, like he’s never heard them in any capacity before. You run your thumbs along the column of his throat, feeling the words vibrate against your fingertips. 
You kiss him slowly, letting your tongue part his lips. You lap him up in slow motion, like you’re in a chocolate commercial, and Aaron’s hands are gliding to your hips. The pads of his fingers press circles into the pudginess there, eliciting an alto moan from you that he directly swallows. 
Aaron’s back must ache from standing at a hunch, because he pulls back, tenderly squeezing your hips. “D’you want your…” he trails off, a soft laugh escaping him. He points to your bedclothes and snaps his fingers until the word comes to him. “Your pajamas?” 
You giggle girlishly and nod. Aaron helps you into them delicately, like you’re made of fine china, and you pad barefoot into the ensuite bathroom. As you wipe off your makeup, Aaron changes into his pajamas - blue and green, plaid flannel pants, and a George Washington University t-shirt. 
You emerge from the bathroom with a bare face, too exhausted to go through your skincare routine. Instead, you stalk with laden bones over to Aaron and wrap your arms around his torso. His hands are pressed against your back in an instant and he kisses the top of your hair. 
Again, that physical hunger has dissipated from the both of you, and you’re stripped back. You love nights like this, when you see the acoustic version of Aaron, in all his softness. When his edges are sanded down this way, you are privy to a version of himself he saves only for home, for nights like this, when you come home tipsy and take a million detours on the road to bed. 
“Love you, angel,” you murmur as Aaron embraces you. 
“Love you, too, honey,” Aaron’s voice rumbles. “Let’s go to sleep, shall we?” 
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lecsainz · 1 year
request: that one where you and charles have been friends since childhood and end up together
pairings: charles leclerc x friend!f1driver!reader
authors note: It was a request from a while ago, and it was in my drafts, so I decided to finish it, but I couldn't find the request box 😭
✩. . . masterlist !
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liked by charles_leclerc , redbullracing , and 1.783.809 others
yourinstagram week of tests and a bit of my veryyyy boring holidays for you guys.
view all 10.527 comments
ynismylife can't wait to see you racing this season
danielricciardo gonna kick some butts, girl!
⤷ yourinstagram I'll kick yours, danny!
⤷ danielricciardo oh, don't even
tswift the best of the grid
yourmom so proud of you my little baby
⤷ yourinstagram love you ❤️
⤷ landonorris “little baby” 😂
⤷ yourinstagram shut up, head square
landonorris still can't believe you ditched me to team up with max.
⤷ yourinstagram what can I say, lando, I love energy drinks! 😝
⤷ landonorris just smuggle some to my garage, we're good
⤷ yourinstagram deal!
⤷ landonorris 🤝
mcslaren her in the RBR uniform is gonna be the death of me.
⤷ monzaaaaa she must look smoking hot
charles_leclerc see you on the track, Y/N/N
⤷ yourinstagram ready to eat dust, leclerc?
⤷ charles_leclerc I never, but you...
⤷ yourinstagram we'll see, charles, we'll see.
redbullracing check out our new driver! we're thrilled to have you on the team, Y/N!
⤷ ynmine no she is MINE
maxverstappen1 can't wait to go for a run together, mate!
⤷ yourinstagram same here max.
⤷ 44hamiton not max calling her a mate 😭
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yourinstagram - 4hrs ago
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seen by charles_leclerc, oliviarodrigo and 12.681.879 others
charles_leclerc — 5hrs ago
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seen by carlossainz55 , maxverstappen1 and 6.827.971 others
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liked by charles_leclerc , kendalljenner , and 2.683.729 others
yourinstagram definitely wasn't my best race, but hey, I made it to the podium! yeah, I'm gonna copy my grid mates, a.k.a. lando and daniel, and post more random pics. nah, I'm never making an insta for this; I always forget the password I set.
tag: danielricciardo , charles_leclerc , maxverstappen1, landonorris
view all 17.628 comments
charles_leclerc y/n, you gotta be kidding me with this pic!
⤷ yourinstagram but it's your bestie's best shot!
⤷ charles_leclerc I hate you, stinker
⤷ yourinstagram you're the stinker, percival
vsttapen RBR on 🔝!
landonorris since when do you remember anything?
⤷ yourinstagram lando, I just forgot your birthday, no biggie
⤷ landonorris NO BIGGIE????
foryn I'm just loving Y/N's era in red bull
yourbestie miss you 😢
⤷ yourinstagram me too sweetheart 😭
charles_leclerc since when do you root for the lakers, muffin?
⤷ yourinstagram always have.
⤷ charles_leclerc not gonna comment
⤷ yourinstagram boring 😑
danielricciardo when? where? and why did you take this pic of me?
⤷ yourinstagram I've got way more where that came from, danny.
⤷ danielricciardo y/n, you're scaring me
ferrariclub Y/N dropping a bunch of memes for us was just what I needed
lewishamilton we gotta set up a playdate for roscoe and [your dog name]
⤷ yourinstagram OMG! we need that, lew.
sebastianvettel you had an awesome race, kiddo!
⤷ yourinstagram thanks, seb ❤️
lecciardo we need posts like this every week!
maxverstappen1 should've posted a pic of us on the podium, mate.
⤷ yourinstagram couldn't find any good ones 😭
⤷ maxverstappen1 what do you mean?
⤷ yourinstagram charles_leclerc was photobombing like crazy.
⤷ charles_leclerc why am I still your friend?
⤷ yourinstagram cause you love me.
⤷ landonorris friend?
⤷ yourinstagram yeah, just a friend, lando!
ynandcharles I'm dying from this comment thread.
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liked by carlossainz55, taylorswift , and 18.362.071 others
charles_leclerc you are the best thing that's ever been mine
tag: youristagram
view all 23.681 comments
yourinstagram and every time I look at you, it's like the first time
ynfirst the caption 😭😭😭
landonorris finally, you guys spilled the beans, I couldn't hold onto this anymore.
⤷ yourinstagram the first time you kept a secret!
⤷ danielricciardo HOW DID LANDO KNOW AND I DIDN'T
⤷ landonorris DON'T WANNA KNOW, DANIEL (I accidentally caught them both in the act, traumatized to this day 🤮)
f1gossip I TOLD YOU!!!!
carlossainz55 can I be the wedding godfather, lovebirds?
⤷ yourinstagram of course!
⤷ charles_leclerc yes!
⤷ landonorris can I be too?
⤷ yourinstagram NO
sainzmyluv my folks
arthur_leclerc congrats! and officially welcome to the leclerc family, yourinstagram
⤷ yourinstagram thanks arth ❤️
⤷ charles_leclerc you seemed more hyped when we told you
⤷ arthur_leclerc oh cmon I am the fan number 1 of yncharles!
hrryswif them being a swiftie couple >>>>>
maxverstappen1 I couldn't stand Y/N talking about charles all day, and now it's going to be even worse.
⤷ yourinstagram MAX! I don't talk about him all the time
⤷ maxverstappen1 YES, YOU DO.
lorenzotl Y/N dating the rival, christian won't like that very much...
⤷ yourinstagram I'm going to steal ferrari's strategies 😎
⤷ charles_leclerc I knew there was something behind it
⤷ yourinstagram LOVE, WAIT, I CAN EXPLAIN!
yourmom pascal and I always knew you two would end up together
⤷ pascal_leclerc we'll have to rethink our plans for their wedding.
⤷ yourinstagram oh no
⤷ pascal_leclerc it's never too early to have everything planned, dear
yourbestie yourinstagram, you sneaky! why didn't you tell me, but you make a HOT couple
⤷ yourinstagram calling you now, bitch
2K notes · View notes
nanaarchy · 4 months
Hey chat !!!! I'm going insane.
Ever since my first listen to TMA, I've had a huge question that NEVER got answered.
Never. Not in the whole series, not Q&As or the wiki or anything. I thought I would never find answers. I thought it would be forgotten. I thought it was a small insignificant detail and I'd have to live with never knowing the truth about it.
Now with TMAGP 19, I might finally know the answer.
Maybe. Maybe maybe. But It Could Be. And now I'm losing my mind at the implications.
((For the record, I know that the stories and worldbuilding are inherently separate - hell, there are even timeline differences in the cases I'm using as evidence. But the overlap might be important, especially when it comes to the Web.))
Spoilers for both shows below!
Its branches were exquisite, and delicate, swaying slightly from small eddies in the liquid, and they shone with every spectra. I must confess that to look upon it, one was – (sigh) filled with profound wonder at its exquisite elegance. [...] Even I, steeped in worldly matters as I am, recognized The Lord’s words to Adam, and was much dismayed at the implication. Isaac then plucked the delicate fruit with ungloved hands and held it before me. [...] The creature was taking root. Strands of its mottled brown hair were extruding downwards between the floor, seeking the dark earth below. Then, too, its back began to sprout, radiant branches unfurling and thickening before me, reaching upwards towards the sunlight with a seemingly insatiable desire. [...] I tell you here, Robert, it saw me, and it knew me. (TMAGP 19 - HARD RESET)
It was an ornate wooden thing, with a snaking pattern of lines weaving their way around towards the centre. The pattern was hypnotic and shifted as I watched it, like an optical illusion. I found my eyes following the lines towards the middle of the table, where there was nothing but a small square hole. Graham noticed me staring, and told me that interesting antique furniture was one of his few true passions. Apparently he’d found the table in a second-hand shop during his student days and fallen in love with it. It had been in pretty bad shape but he’d spent a long time and a lot of money restoring it, though he’d never been able to figure out what was supposed to go in the centre. He assumed it was a separate piece and couldn’t track it down. (MAG 3 - ACROSS THE STREET)
Re: Magnus Institute Ruins. By RedCanary on Saturday April 23 2022 12:17pm. The photos from the spelunk seem properly gone, but I did find an old wooden thing with a bunch of similar symbols on. Some kinda empty box, not really sure what for, though. Gonna see if I can get the light right for a decent pic. Edit: No dice, I’m afraid. Must be something up with my phone camera. Really not helping the whole paranoia thing either. Anyone know anything about photographic distortion? Gonna see if I can borrow my dad’s SLR tomorrow. (TMAGP 1 - FIRST SHIFT)
Adelard Dekker stood in the corner. He was straight and motionless, his lips moving rapidly, though no sound came out of them. In the centre of the room, stood a table carved from dark wood and wrapped all over with a sprawling, intricate pattern. And in front of that table was the thing that had said it was my cousin. It was long and thin, the tops of it bent against the ceiling and its stick-like limbs flailed from too many joints and elbows. Wrapped around it were thick strands of what I think was spider’s web, stretching back into the table, which I now saw pulsed along its carved channels with a sickly light. The face at the top of that gangly frame was like nothing on earth. (MAG 78 - DISTANT COUSIN)
Now... Now I get it. I get it. I finally gave an answer. Or, at least, I think we'll get a concrete answer soon. But I think I get it.
I think I get where the web table comes from. I think I know what it's made of. why it glows. why it had a hole in the middle. I think I might know how the web gained control and sentience so much faster than the other fears. and, if it still manifests in the same way in the Protocol universe, how it also quickly became "the manager" of other fears, as theories suggest.
More importantly, I think I know what was up with the mysterious tree from so, so long ago.
Now I have an answer.
Why was there an apple buried in Hill Top Road?
I opened the box and sitting inside was a single green apple. It looked fresh, shiny, with a coat of condensation like it had just been picked on a cool spring morning. I picked it up. I wasn’t going to eat it, I’m not that stupid, but more than bleeding trees or phantom burning, this confused me. As I took it out of the box, though, it began to turn. The skin turned brown and bruised and started to shrivel in my hand. Then it split. And out came spiders. Dozens, hundreds of spiders erupting from this apple that was rotting right before my eyes. I shrieked and dropped it before any of them could touch my arm. The apple fell to the ground and burst in a cloud of dust. I backed away and waited until I was sure all the spiders had left before retrieving the box. I smashed it with a crowbar, and threw the remains into a skip. (MAG 8 - BURNED OUT)
And now I have an answer. Maybe.
380 notes · View notes
wayward-dreamer · 6 months
Playing With Fate
Square/s filled: "You need to get your strength back" @anyfandomkinkbingo (quote in bold) |
Pairing: Demon!Dean x F!Reader
Word count: 3,545
Summary: Y/N offers to help with the search for Dean after he becomes a demon and leaves the bunker. Her plan doesn't go the way she intended, but that didn't mean it wasn't a desired outcome.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut: dirty talk, oral sex (male receiving), vaginal fingering, hair pulling, choking, spanking, dacryphilia, degradation, dubcon, rough sex, mirror sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up people), squirting, I think that's it, but lmk if I missed anything!
A/N: Please blame the s10 rewatch I was in the middle of for this. I take no responsibility for the level of horny everyone's going to be after this lmao... Also, I've done things a little differently with this one, so I hope y'all enjoy! As always thanks to my loves @hintsofhoney and @makeadealwithdean for betaing this. Don't know where I'd be without either of you <3
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What the fuck am I doing?
That was the first thought that entered Y/N’s mind, but it was fleeting, disappearing as she looked up at Dean from her submissive position on her knees, her mouth wrapped tight around his thick girth as her hands pressed into the muscle of his bare thighs. His gaze was intense, green orbs that occasionally gave way to solid black, something she had never anticipated would arouse her the way it had from the first moment he revealed them to her. He caressed her hollowed cheeks with his thumb, his other hand in her hair as her head bobbed back and forth, taking his length deep into her throat. It soon wasn’t enough for him, his grip tightening in her strands as he held her still, his pelvis smacking vigorously against her. Saliva dripped in long strings around her mouth as he chuckled, relishing in the way she choked and gagged around him, the glugging of her throat adding to the pleasurable cacophony that reached his ears.
Tears pricked her eyes as she moaned and spluttered around his shaft, her own thighs squeezing together to keep her arousal at bay for a moment. He noticed the way she squirmed, the way her flesh pressed tightly, the signs of her need obvious to him. He drew back from her throat, a harsh gasp leaving as her lungs burned, her chest heaving as she sucked in air and met his gaze.
“Spread your legs, sweetheart,” he ordered, grinning as he wiped her saliva around her lips. “Want that pussy of yours as wet as your mouth, got it?”
“Y-Yes,” she stuttered, nodding weakly.
“Yes what?” he growled, tugging at the roots of her hair and making her whimper.
“Yes sir,” she added, staring up at him.
The smirk never left his face as he thrusted into her waiting mouth once more. Following his instruction and opening her legs, her fingers moving between them and finding her clit already lightly covered in her wetness. She moaned wantonly as she circled the swollen nub, her eyes fluttering with the euphoria that coursed through her. Not only at the feeling of her hand between her legs, but at the way he was using her, and the shame of willingly letting him fading away with every plunge of his cock into her throat.
This hadn’t been the plan when she first found him. Far from it, in fact.
When Sam had called her with the location of the bar Dean had been frequenting, she had full intention of stepping in and setting him straight. He had warned her about Dean being a demon now, something that had happened several weeks before and which she chastised him for not telling her sooner. She could’ve helped and maybe with their “geek brains” together, as the elder Winchester liked to call them, they could’ve found him sooner. She wished she had known; her and Dean were friends, and she hated the fact that she hadn’t been there for him.
Friends were supposed to look out for each other. Especially those types of friends that were sometimes, on occasion, more than that.
Nevertheless, Sam said he would join her but she insisted on doing this alone, not listening to his protests and telling him to call her back once he had found Dean’s whereabouts.
When Y/N walked into that dive and took a seat at the bar, her eyes immediately found him. There he sat, at a table in the middle of the room, whiskey tumbler in hand. He didn’t look any different to the normal Dean she knew, not even when a blonde waitress came over to him and handed him another glass, draping her arm across his broad shoulders. She shrugged it off, now wasn’t the time to get jealous. She ordered herself a whiskey too, taking it and facing the room, crossing one leg over the other which allowed her denim skirt to ride up her thigh. That along with a tight, black tank top and black heeled ankle boots were her attire for the night; completely different to the usual hunter gear she’d be wearing but she needed something to catch his eye.
And sure enough, it did.
Dean had always had a higher level of awareness thanks to being a hunter, but after becoming a demon it had become a sixth sense. A familiar energy caught his attention as soon as it stepped into the room, his head lifting up to meet Y/N’s eyes as she stared back at him. He hadn’t seen her for a while, and if she was here that meant Sam had gotten to her. He had the initial thought of sending her on her way as he stood up, but as he made his way over to her, caught the way her thighs pressed together where they were crossed, he knew he could have some fun with her.
A grin pulled at his face as he gazed down at her, seeing her perfect mouth taking his intimidating length with each thrust, and he was glad that he had been right. It had been a long time since they had been together like this, and it was clear that he hadn’t taken advantage of their situation as often as he should have from the way she was working her tongue around him. She was unmistakably desperate to please him, to be with him in any way possible, even if he did have a new set of black eyes.
He had no problem exploiting that fact.
“Look so good choking on my cock, baby,” he groaned, holding her down against his pelvis.
His hand tightened in her hair once more and pulled her off his cock again, a dark chuckle escaping him as he heard her shuddering breath. Saliva hung off the edge of her chin, dripping onto the swell of her breasts, her eyes wide as she waited obediently for whatever he had planned for her next.
“Stand in front of the mirror,” he instructed, glancing up at the corner of the room before looking back at her. “Want you to see yourself losing control while I fuck you.”
Y/N somehow found the strength to stand from her position on the floor, the burning in her limbs only adding to the fire that was rising within her with each staggered step towards the mirror. Her appearance reflecting back to her was already a mess; her hair tangled in certain places, saliva drying and hardening at the edges of her mouth. As she spread her legs and curled her hands on either side of the frame, Dean stepped up behind her, calloused fingers sliding down the smooth skin of her back. Their eyes briefly met in the mirror before his gaze shifted down, following the movement of his hands as they admired the curve of her ass, a groan escaping him as his thumb grazed her puckered hole down to the sticky, wet warmth of her folds. She gasped as she felt the thick digit slide back and forth, no doubt wetting his skin as her arousal grew and dripped from her sex.
“So fucking wet,” he muttered, more to himself than to her, but he finally left his eyes and addressed her again. “Ready to take my cock, aren’t ya?”
Her lack of response earned her a heavy hand against the flesh of her ass, causing a yelp to escape her. Her eyes widened as they made contact with his, narrowed and glaring at her through the mirror. He had barely done anything to her and she was already overwhelmed by his actions. Her mind was caught somewhere between not knowing how much more she could take, and wanting to take everything he had to give. Now that he was a demon, she had no idea how much that was, but she was more than willing to find out.
His hand came down twice more in quick succession, making her jolt forward as she shrieked. The sting was intense but delicious as the sensation spread through her whole body, and she knew this was only the beginning.
“You better be fucking ready for me, sweetheart. ‘Cause I ain’t holding back.”
The implication of his words was clear. He wasn’t the Dean she knew anymore, and she shouldn’t expect him to be.
A brief nod was all she could muster as an answer to his earlier question, and that was all he needed. He brought his thumb to his mouth, glistening with her wetness as his plump lips wrapped around it. He kept his gaze on the reflection in front of him, their eyes locked as she breathed heavily, a groan leaving him as he sucked at the digit and took hold of his shaft, rubbing it through her folds. It wasn’t the first time she had seen him do that; taste her off his fingers,  but it hit differently now.
Before she could register what was happening, he lined himself to her entrance and slammed into her, her walls sheathing his thickness completely as a ragged moan fell from her lips.
The sound was a harsh contrast to the soft whimper that she had tried to suppress when he sat down in front of her at the bar, flagging down the bartender and ordering himself another whiskey. He turned to her, his eyes taking her in as they roamed down her frame, an eyebrow lifting in approval at her low cut top and the way her skirt had ridden up slightly, exposing more of her thigh as she sat.
“Didn’t think Sammy would send someone else to do his job,” he started, sipping his whiskey once it was in front of him. “Guess he’s losing practice without me, huh?”
“He didn’t send me,” she clarified, trying to remain firm in his presence. “And there’s a quick fix for that. Just come home.”
He scoffed, chuckling as he dropped his head and shook it. “No fucking way.”
The bite and careless lilt of his laugh and words stung, but she couldn’t dwell on it.
“Dean, this isn’t you,” she reasoned.
“Oh, but it is, Y/N,” he countered, as he turned on the bar stool and leaned his forearms back on the bar, his eyes never leaving her. “It’s the new me.”
Green irises flashed to solid black, holding her gaze long enough for a fear she had never experienced before to run down her back. Along with another strange yet familiar feeling between her legs. Strange because this wasn’t the time or place for it. As his eyes quickly returned to normal, Y/N’s jaw clenched as she stared up at him.
“Dean, look, you don’t have any options here,” she stated, pushing her drink aside and reaching into the left pocket of her denim skirt. “You’re coming with me back to the bunker, and Sam’s gonna get to work on curing you. End of discussion.”
Dean sipped his drink as he watched her take out a pair of silver handcuffs, devil’s traps carved into them. He slowly placed his drink down as he smirked, his gaze shifting from them up to her. “I think those are gonna look better on you tonight, sweetheart.”
She rolled her eyes, but she knew they weren’t as effective as usual. He was getting under her skin and they both knew it. From her other pocket, she pulled out the top of a flask as she stared up at him, waiting for him to look back at her as he glanced down.
“Don’t make this harder-” she started but his sinister scoff stopped her.
His green eyes, that once held so much admiration for her, were now void of any kind of emotion as he finally looked at her. Slowly, the shift almost imperceptible, his face hovered an inch away from hers.  “I thought you liked it hard, Y/N. Hard… fast… so rough you wanna feel that ache between your legs for days.”
A shuddered exhale fell from her lips, one she hadn’t realized she had been holding, causing him to chuckle.
“So how ‘bout you stop wastin’ your breath on this back and forth,” he continued, gesturing between them as a smirk spread across his face. “And admit that you’re real curious to know what it’s like to get fucked by a demon.”
Their gazes remained locked as he tested the waters; tested whether temptation would coax her into letting him corrupt her for no other reason than pleasurable amusement. He saw the way fear, guilt and thirst circled in the depths of her eyes, and he hoped it was the last of those that would win.
As Dean peered into those eyes once again, through the mirror’s reflection, he saw all of those things give way to euphoria as he pounded deep into the tight heat between her thighs.
Y/N barely recognized the face staring back at her. Hooded eyes, her mouth agape as a string of erotic noises escaped her with every slap of his hips against the curve of her ass. He had been right. She did enjoy sex when it was harder, faster, so rough that she felt the constant throb at the apex of her thighs. The Dean she knew was well aware of that fact, and this Dean, this… twisted version of him was using that to his full advantage. She wasn’t sure if she was willingly letting him, or if he was coercing her into this sinful act, but it was bliss.
A heavy hand slid up her back and into the strands of her hair, pulling harshly as his sweat slicked chest pressed up against her. His breath fanned over her ear and cheek as they stared at each other. A loud, lustful cry erupted from between her lips as the head of his cock drove deeper into her at this new angle, reaching places within her that hadn’t been explored in a long time. A tear brimmed at the corner of her waterline, rolling down slowly as another followed from the other, her thoughts as overwhelmed as her body by everything she was feeling. He laughed in her ear, the sound wicked as it rumbled from his chest against her back, watching the tears make tracks on her face.
Dean leaned down, the tip of his tongue slipping out between his pouty lips and dragging over the skin, the tang against his taste buds making him groan. Her eyes widened in disbelief, but her core tightened within arousal from the act.
“So fucking hot seeing you like this,” he whispered against her ear. “Just mine to use. You can’t lie to me, Y/N. I can see it in your eyes, can feel it from the way you’re squeezing around me. You love my cock inside this tight, little pussy. You don’t care anymore that I’m a demon, do ya?”
Y/N couldn’t remember the words she had spoken in agreement to leave the bar with him. All she could remember was his hands on her hips, pushing her up against the brick wall, rough lips fused to hers as his thumbs played at the strip of skin exposed between her top and her skirt. All she could recall was the way his fingers slipped under the hem, making her breath hitch as they danced over the flesh of her inner thigh and pulled her thong aside, moving between her folds.
He smirked into the kiss, pulling away and looking deep into her eyes. “So wet already, sweetheart. My black eyes got somethin’ to do with this?”
“No,” she whimpered, trying to remain defiant but she was flailing.
The amused grin he had given her in response then matched the way he was staring back at her through the mirror at that moment.
“N-no,” she moaned, a small smile playing on her lips. “I don’t care anymore…”
Her words had somehow emboldened the pace of his thrusts, the scream silenced in her throat as his calloused fingers wrapped over it tight, his other hand groping at her breasts as he slammed into her. Her own hands struggled to hold herself steady against the mirror, the frame shaking from the brutal force of his hips smacking against her. Her walls clenched around his girth, causing sounds only akin to a feral animal to come from him right against the shell of her ear. Along with the loud squelch between her legs and her own choked moans, she knew it wouldn’t be much longer before she fell over the edge into the deepest depths of hell with him.
No matter how heavenly it felt to have him inside her, she knew she was headed for the fiery pit for what she was doing. It was debauchery at its finest, and yet she couldn’t care less.
Y/N wasn’t sure when it happened. Maybe it was the short walk from the bar across the street to the motel, maybe it was when they stepped through the door, or when they stripped each other of their clothes as their kiss became as heated as their frenzied touches. Maybe it was when she fell to her knees in front of him and wondered what the fuck she was doing, allowing a demon, something she hunted on a regular basis, to invade her every thought and sensation. Even if it was a man she knew very well, it had been wrong.
But it had also never felt so right.
The familiar pull in her core had her eyes squeeze shut, but a tug from Dean’s hand in her hair had them opening again. He made her watch their sinful actions in the mirror once more, as he felt her walls like vice around him.
“Such a good slut just for me,” he groaned, nipping her earlobe. “You’re all mine now, right?”
The lewd moan that escaped her wasn’t enough of an answer for him, as his hand cracked against the globe of her ass, causing her to shriek.
“Tell me,” he growled.
“I-I’m yours,” she finally replied, her voice sounding like a stranger’s from how hoarse it was.
“Damn right,” he grunted.
Her eyes rolled back as her air was still cut off by his heavy grip on her throat, but suddenly it dropped to grip her hips tightly with both hands, as his own began to falter with each frantic thrust. Her lungs burned as short breaths left her, moans turning into loud cries of his name as she reached that euphoric peak, her body convulsing as a stream of liquid gushed down her thigh, pushing his cock out as her wetness spurted against the mirror and dripped onto the carpeted floor. Her chest heaved as she breathed harshly, her vision blurred and unable to focus.
Dean took hold of his shaft, slicked up by her release and pumped his hand back and forth, expletives and groans falling from his parted lips as his cock pulsed in his grip. With one last tug, the veins in his neck strained as he let out a strangled grunt, his eyes flashing to solid black as ropes of his release shot over the small of her back. He grinned as he looked at her with those demon eyes she had found herself aroused by, and she smiled back slightly.
This was definitely not how tonight was supposed to go.
“Fuck, that was hot,” he muttered, grabbing her by her shoulders to steady her.
“Yeah,” was all she managed to push past her heavy breaths as she came down from her high.
“Well, I’m good to go again, but,” he smirked as his eyes flashed back to green irises. “You need to get your strength back.”
Y/N was taken aback by the concern, but she knew better than to assume it was for any other reason than needing her recharged for another round. He moved away from her, but not before smacking her ass once more as he walked away. She stumbled to the edge of the bed, still able to see herself in the mirror, her hand admiring the scratches and bruises forming along her skin. With a strangely content sigh, she fell back against the bed, unbothered by his cum sticking between her and the sheets underneath. She glanced to the side as he sat down next to her, his hand roaming over her body, fingers flicking over her nipple, making her moan softly.
“Take five, sweetheart, ‘cause I ain’t done with you yet.”
She bit her lip as she looked away from him, staring up at the ceiling. She heard a small buzz from her phone in the pocket of skirt, but made no move to search for it on the floor. It was no doubt Sam, texting for an update on how things were going. This was definitely a unique way of laying a trap, certainly not one she was planning, but at least this way Dean would never suspect that she had him right where she wanted him this whole time.
She’d let Sam know where she was eventually. She just wanted to enjoy playing with her own fate a little more.
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st0rmyskies · 2 months
What Your Favorite Link Says About You
A.k.a. The Links as tarot cards/your rising sign/your blood type.
You're likely an older Zelda fan. Ibuprofen has become a food group for you. Anyone who thinks OoT isn't the greatest Zelda game has you clutching your pearls and tutting. Kids these days don't know how good they have it.
You are a person to whom young people come for advice, either in your career or in life in general. You're happy to give it, especially because you love to help, but on the inside you're silently screaming, What?? Why me???
You may have trouble sleeping through the night. Even if it's not every night, there are some where you just can't turn your brain off and worries or worst-case scenarios just keep playing and replaying ad nauseaum.
You enjoy time in solitude to appreciate the beauty of nature. I bet you know how to braid a mean daisy crown.
“The flow of time is always cruel...” - Some event in your life took your innocence from you, perhaps much too early. You grew up quickly because of it.
Either you had a crush on the emo kid in high school or you were the emo kid in high school.
You might be jaded by the world, but you still have a solid work ethic and a soft heart despite it all. Even if you hide it all beneath a healthy layer of sass.
You possess a multitude of skills, not all of which are related. Anytime a friend needs a piece of clothing mended or a picture frame hung on the wall or a leak in a faucet addressed, you have the tools and the willingness to help.
Either you have a history of moving frequently when you were young, or you have a restless spirit. You may never quite feel 'at home' in any given place.
"But, verily, it be the nature of dreams to end." - You’ve suffered a meaningful loss in your life and you have a hard time opening up again because of it. 
You root for the underdog, or perhaps you are the underdog. Any of those "against all odds" stories just hit you square in the chest.
Somewhat quiet by nature, you do vital work behind the scenes but you aren't the type to seek out a leadership position. Leave the limelight to somebody else, please.
You might sell yourself short when it comes to your skills and abilities, but you should believe in yourself, man! You can do it!!
You have a capricious streak in you that rears its head now and again. That smile can look sharp and devilish in the right light.
"It's dangerous to go alone!" - You either already have or are destined to find 'that one person' with whom you can open up and truly be yourself. 
I'm willing to put money on the fact that Twilight Princess was your first Zelda game.
You have a strong sense of justice and get really bent out of shape when you encounter unfairness or flaw in the system, whatever that may be. You might be considered an outsider in some way because of this.
You're the friend who scoops spiders up in a cup and sets them outside. Live and let live.
You were the 'wolf kid' in middle school. Come on, those amazing tie dye shirts? Wolf Woman? Julie of the Wolves?? Even if you kept it inside, it was there in some way.
"Your current power would disgrace the proud green of the hero's tunic you wear." - You put a lot of stock in the opinions of others and hold yourself to a higher standard because of it. Sometimes that standard isn't achievable, though, so try to be kind to yourself. 
You, my friend, have a soft heart. You're generally a happy-go-lucky sort of person. You're likely to make excuses for those who've been mean to you in the past and come out as friends on the other side.
You're crafty, or at the very least good with your hands. You're the type to give someone a handmade gift rather than go buy something for them for their birthday, a holiday, etc.
You have a strong affinity for your friends. If anything bad were to happen to them, you'd turn violent at the drop of a hat.
You may have some level of chronic illness that affects you. Although you might do things in a different way or at your own pace, though, you still come out on top.
"You fight like no man or demon I have ever known." - You have the capability for great things. World-changing sorts of things. Don't give up!
You're some flavor of neurodivergent, if I had to guess I'd say ADHD. You have 42 tabs open in your brain at any given time and you have no idea which one the music is coming from.
You're an incredibly creative person, although you might have trouble finishing tasks/works-in-progress. Doesn't mean you didn't learn something along the way!
Rigid guidelines or deadlines stress you out. You'd rather be given a goal and decide for yourself when and how to get there. When you do have a deadline, you're a bit of a procrastinator.
Sometimes you don’t get the 'right' way to do things, but you carve your own path--although sometimes it's unorthodox--and get there in your own time.
"Courage need not be remembered, for it is never forgotten." - In spite of how your life changes you, for better or for worse, you have a driving inspiration or ethic or vocation that moves you forward at all costs.
Those who don't know you well tend to boil you down to one or two trite traits. In reality, you contain multitudes. Most people couldn't handle all of you, not that they deserve to know even part of you.
You tend to lay it on thick--be that your charm, attitude, or whatever else your social shield might be--because you're hiding some deeper secret or insecurity at your core.
You're the mom friend or the planner in your group, or perhaps you're the oldest child. You’ll pass on an authority role if and when you can, but likely you’re still involved in some supervisory capacity in a given situation. 
You kill spiders with fire. Show NO mercy.
"You dare raise the blade of evil's bane to me? So be it. Hyrule's blood will be on your hands." - You have strong convictions and you aren't afraid to take risks, major risks, to do what you know to be right.
Babe, if you ain't short, you've got short person energy. You scare me a little bit tbh.
You were praised for not being a problem child growing up, or for being very responsible at a young age.
You have a vivid imagination! You may have had an imaginary friend as a child or lived in your own little world altogether. I bet your notebook pages were strewn with little doodles in school.
You're a lover of information. If you could choose between an afternoon at the library or a movie matinee, it would be the former.
"Hanging around with you fools is dangerous for my health." - You're the snark friend, aren't you.  
You are extroverted to a fault. You need the company of others to recharge that social battery. The quintessential golden retriever friend.
You had active involvement in the music and theatre department. I'd be surprised if you weren't in at least one show in high school.
Having adventures is where it's at! You're a big fan of travel, either cross-country road trips or international flights. You could happily live out of a suitcase.
You tend to make friends easily wherever you go. If everyone in this classroom/workplace/bar doesn't know your name already, they will pretty quick.
"I have been waiting for you, boy... Do not betray my expectations.” - Against all odds, you've proven yourself to be worthy of great things. Screw what fate has in store! You're the type to take your own destiny by the 'nads.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 2 months
I know you made shorts for Sora, Riku, and Kairi, but do you have any other thoughts about Kingdom Hearts?
Ik this is kinda vauge and you get these kind of asks all the goddamn time, but I hyperfixated on those games for most of elementary and middle school and its always cool to see your favorite Youtuber talk about stuff you really like. Not to guilt trip you into answering this one or anything, just. . . I'm very tired and it would be very cool lol.
Again, saving my character design thoughts for some more shorts, but I adore Kingdom Hearts. Like, the first game really ISN'T much more than a cross-promotional branding exercise for Disney and Square, same as any of a dozen other similar crossover centric franchises; it's a Saturday morning cartoon show that wants to get you invested (or keep you invested) in a bunch of fancy IPs to buy toys of, but it's a really good one of those.
And it's a game that understands that the central thing that's going to hook people IN to that kind of thing is characters that are willing to believe in what they've got going on with one thousand percent sincerity. Which I think is the thing they nailed more than anything. Sora cares SO MUCH, and he wants to find his friend and his love interest (Kairi and Riku, respectively) SO BADLY, you can't help but root for the poor kid and want to believe in it.
Then, with the first game successfully managing to hook a solid fanbase, the creative team went "hey what if we had even MORE extremely earnest cool anime people getting deep in their feelings?" and now we're off to the races with Organizations and Oblivion Castles and fractions of 358 days.
And the thing that makes all the hyper-convoluted wheels-within-wheels plot machination nonsense WORK is that down, deep down, right at the core of what the franchise is always trying to say, is that love will save us. Yeah yeah hearts and darkness and unversed and nobodies and keyblades and blah blah blah (to be clear: I adore all that nonsense), but all of it is top-to-bottom in service of that singular central thematic clarion call.
Love will save us.
What holds Ventus together after Xehanort tears his heart apart? The love of Sora. What keeps Roxas the nobody from fading into Sora? The love of Xion and Axel, and Hayner, Pence and Olette. What brings Xion back? The love of Axel and Roxas. Hearts ring together and resonate and bind themselves to each other and there is no darkness so deep, no tragedy so absolute, no villain so foul that the cry of a loving heart cannot defeat it.
Roxas is a nobody doomed to darkness? Fuck you, Kingdom Hearts is love, no he isn't. Xion is a mere replica puppet, a failed experiment that nobody will remember? >>EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER<< get seasalt icecream'd on top of a clock tower at sunset, IDIOT.
Over and over again characters sink into despair and loneliness, they fear that their connections are fake or fading, they fear being forgotten or left behind (Riku in the first game, the breaking of Ventus, Aqua and Terra, Roxas thinking nobody would miss him, Aqua in the Realm of Darkness), and over and over again they are proven beautifully wrong. There is always a hand reaching out, there is always someone who will miss you. Love will save us.
And this absolutely gets hokey, of course it does, it's a saturday morning children's cartoon. It's a bit simplistic, maybe a bit naïve, but honestly in a world where you can't walk two steps without bleak-minded doomer cynicism forcing the assumption that nothing truly good is possible and that the worst will always happen, Kingdom Hearts is a story so absolutely drenched in hope, sincerely held, that it feels like a fucking balm.
Also, LITERALLY where the fuck else are you going to get Woody from Toy Story reading an edgy anime villain for absolute filth? Nowhere, that's where. ONLY Kingdom Hearts.
None of this is to suggest I don't have criticisms of the franchise or that it's faultless. I could talk for several hours unbroken about all my gripes and problems, chief among which is LET KAIRI DO THINGS OH MY FUCKING GOD the franchise is low key misogynistic towards its female characters sometimes but I am talking about the things I love here let me just be happy for a second.
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maghamoon · 1 year
Placements with Creative Energy and Appeal:
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Creative energy and sexual energy are the same in astrology. People who have a lot of placements like the ones I have listed about are blessed with more of it. It isn’t about the amount of energy you have, but the way you utilize it.
-scorpio rising, taurus rising, aries rising, libra rising
-aries sun, taurus sun, libra sun, scorpio sun
-moon in aries/taurus/libra/scorpio
-venus or mars in aries/taurus/libra/scorpio
-sun conjunct moon/venus/mars
-moon conjunct venus/mars
-venus conjunct/square mars
-sun square moon/venus/mars
-moon square venus/mars
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 1st house
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 2nd house
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 4th house
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 7th house
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 8th house
-sun/moon/venus/mars in 10th house
-pluto conjunct sun/moon/venus/mars
-pluto square sun/moon/venus/mars
-pluto in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/8th/10th house
-mars in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/8th/10th house
-venus in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/8th/10th house
-ketu and rahu (north node and south node) in 1st/2nd/4th/7th/8th/10th house
-ketu and rahu conjunct sun/moon/venus/mars
-ketu and rahu square sun/moon/venus/mars
-ketu and rahu in aries/taurus/libra/scorpio
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How to increase creative energy:
-quitting smoking, drinking, any drug usage
-not engaging in activities that involve the depletion of sacral chakra
-sacral chakra meditations
-belly dancing, any dance movement that involves the lower abdomen
-working on your survival instinct, if you are still stuck in survival mode (root chakra) it will take energy from your sacral chakra!
-doing anything creative that energizes you
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soracities · 1 year
"Persephone Writes a Letter to Her Mother", by A.E. Stallings
First – hell is not so far underground – My hair gets tangled in the roots of trees & I can just make out the crunch of footsteps, The pop of acorns falling, or the chime Of a shovel squaring a fresh grave or turning Up the tulip bulbs for separation. Day & night, creatures with no legs Or too many, journey to hell and back. Alas, the burrowing animals have dim eyesight. They are useless for news of the upper world. They say the light is “loud” (their figures of speech All come from sound; their hearing is acute).
The dead are just as dull as you would imagine. They evolve like the burrowing animals – losing their sight. They may roam abroad sometimes – but just at night – They can only tell me if there was a moon. Again and again, moth-like, they are duped By any beckoning flame – lamps and candles. They come back startled & singed, sucking their fingers, Happy the dirt is cool and dense and blind. They are silly & grateful and don’t remember anything. I have tried to tell them stories, but they cannot attend. They pester you like children for the wrong details – How long were his fingernails? Did she wear shoes? How much did they eat for breakfast? What is snow? And then they pay no attention to the answers.
My husband, bored with their babbling, neither listens nor speaks. But here there is no fodder for small talk. The weather is always the same. Nothing happens. (Though at times I feel the trees, rocking in place Like grief, clenching the dirt with torturous toes.) There is nothing to eat here but raw beets & turnips. There is nothing to drink but mud-filtered rain. Of course, no one goes hungry or toils, however many – (The dead breed like the bulbs of daffodils – Without sex or seed – all underground – Yet no race has such increase. Worse than insects!)
I miss you and think about you often. Please send flowers. I am forgetting them. If I yank them down by the roots, they lose their petals And smell of compost. Though I try to describe Their color and fragrance, no one here believes me. They think they are the same thing as mushrooms. Yet no dog is so loyal as the dead, Who have no wives or children and no lives, No motives, secret or bare, to disobey. Plus, my husband is a kind, kind master; He asks nothing of us, nothing at all – Thus fall changes to winter, winter to fall, While we learn idleness, a difficult lesson.
He does not fully understand why I write letters. He says that you will never get them. True – Mulched-leaf paper sticks together, then rots; No ink but blood, and it turns brown like the leaves. He found my stash of letters, for I had hid it, Thinking he’d be angry. But he never angers. He took my hands in his hands, my shredded fingers Which I have sliced for ink, thin paper cuts. My effort is futile, he says, and doesn’t forbid it.
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jobean12-blog · 9 months
A Place Made for Love
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader (No-outbreak Joel)
Word Count: 5,081
Summary: You're new to the small town Joel's lived in all his life and just the sight of you has him feeling a certain way so when he learns that you've bought the old bookshop and you're moving into the apartment above, it turns his familiar world upside down.
Author's Note: This one got away from me. I love the idea of Joel just living his life and doing construction and being grumpy and then reader comes along and really gives him a run for his money. Had to include a bookshop for this because along with Joel, it's one of my favorite things. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always!❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics Thank you Daisy! 🥰
PS Bold font means texts and anything italics is like an inner thought lol
Warnings: grumpy Joel, sassy reader, tension, flirting, softness and smiles, fluff and sweetness
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Pedro Pascal Masterlist
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You trudge down the canned food aisle feeling completely indecisive but hungry and growing more aggravated by the second.
As you round the next corner you’re sifting through the contents of your basket when you walk headfirst into what feels like the wall.
“Ow!” you yelp as you stumble back.
A strong arm wraps around your waist to steady you and you look up, blinking.
“Better watch where you’re goin’ there darlin’.”
Your body tenses at the feel of him pressed against you and you mutter something inaudible under your breath before slipping from his grasp.
“Not even a thank you,” he muses as he turns to follow you.
“Weren’t you going the other way?” you shoot back.
“Just realized I forgot the pasta,” he says, leaning over your shoulder to whisper the words close to your ear.
You force your betraying body to remain calm at his proximity and then ignore the comment.
“What the hell are you gonna make with that mish mosh?” he asks as he peeks into your basket.
“Why do you care?” you counter with a brittle smirk.
He shrugs as the corners of his mouth turn up into a grin.
“Maybe something to poison you with…that would be nice.”
Your sassy remark makes his whole face light up with a smile and it momentarily roots you to the spot.
With one last disgruntled glance you stomp off in the other direction. “Since I’m new here you’d think you’d be a little more neighborly!”
“Fuck,” Joel mutters as he follows you.
“Ok darlin’.”
“Ok what?” you ask as you turn to face him.
“Maybe…” and he paused, studying you. “I could be a bit more friendly.”
He looks back down at your basket.
“You know if you grab some beans and a pepper you’ll be well on your way to making a great chili.”
“Chili,” you repeat.
You look between him and the basket. “That works. Although…”
“You’ve never made it before?”
At his question you fight back a sigh.
“No. I haven’t. But I’m capable of looking up a recipe.”
“Or I could just tell you about some good take-out places.”
You roll your eyes.
“I can manage to cook my own dinner, thanks!”
At the sarcasm in your tone his grin widens before he starts to step around you, his arm brushing yours with the motion.
“Great darlin.’ Just don’t burn the place down or anything. It’s the only bookshop in the neighborhood and we all love it.”
He winks and saunters off.
The urge to turn around and watch him is almost overwhelming but you square your shoulder and keep your chin up. “I can make chili,” you assure yourself.
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Joel sits across from Tommy and sips his beer, waiting for his brother to make a dinner choice.
If Tommy notices Joel glancing too many times at the small bookshop across the street, he doesn’t mention it.
“You’re quieter than usual,” Tommy remarks as he drops the menu and leans back. “What’s on your mind?”
Joel grunts before looking across the street again. “Work.”
“This new job we have is a big one. I want it to go perfectly so they hire us for the rest of it.” Joel continues.
Tommy nods in agreement but he’s battling a smile.
“Somethin’ you wanna say brother?” Joel asks.
Tommy grins. “I might have somethin’ to say.”
Joel grinds his teeth and tightens his grip on the beer bottle.
“Heard you had a little exchange with our new bookshop owner at the grocery store this mornin’.”
“Who said?” Joel asks, pinning Tommy with dark eyes.
“No one of importance,” Tommy shrugs. “You’re starin’ a hole through the window.”
Tommy’s eyes glitter. He’s clearly enjoying himself. “Heard she didn’t back down and run off over your…charm.”
“You’re worse than a school girl. Spreadin’ gossip around.”
That makes Tommy laugh and he takes a swig of his drink.
“Still,” Tommy says. “I can’t blame you…she’s real nice to look at and probably a lot of fun when you get her goin’…which you seem to enjoy doin’.”
“Tommy,” Joel warns as his jaw tightens. “Don’t go sniffin’ around any of that and don’t ask me to explain why.”
Tommy dips his head in understanding, his mouth tight in a straight line but his eyes bright with amusement.
“Not a single sniff. You’ve got my word brother…”
Tommy’s head swings around and his attention settles on something happening in the street. “What the hell…?”
Joel jerks his head in the same direction and in matter of seconds he’s out of his chair and charging through the door.
Without thinking he runs toward you and let’s out a breath when he looks you over, the large pot between your fingers and a garbage bag over your shoulder.
“Are you hurt?”
“No,” you breathe, staring at him. “Where the hell did you come from?”
His relief at the fact that you’re unharmed is obvious even as he takes the pot from you and grabs your wrists, turning your hands over to check.
His skin is warm and his fingers are calloused. The sensations cause your mind to go blank and you stand there motionless.
Once he’s satisfied he looks down at the pot and the black contents inside. He’s still holding your wrists.
“I burnt it,” you say quietly. “The whole upstairs apartment smells awful so I thought I’d better get rid of it quick before the shop started to stink.”
“I can take care…” Tommy begins to speak and Joel whips his head around just now realizing he was even standing there and glares so Tommy snaps his mouth shut.
Joel looks back at you and slowly releases you, the loss of his touch something you instantly feel.
Tommy covers a cough and you drag your eyes away from Joel to glance at his younger brother.
“Hey,” Tommy says and extends his hand.
You reach out and shake it to introduce yourself.
“I was saying I could help you out with that but I think my brother here has it under control,” Tommy quips.
“Damn right I do,” Joel says, hands on his hips.
“Thanks Tommy, I appreciate the offer,” you smile.
Tommy tips his head and walks back across the street to the bar.
Joel’s hard eyes turn to you in an assessing way but he remains silent.
“Aren’t you going to make some shitty remark about my cooking skills,” you snip.
His broad shoulders slump and he holds out his hand.
“Here, give me the bag.”
You hand the bag over and watch as he empties what he can of the contents and then stares down at it with pursed lips.
“Might have to…” he starts.
“You can just get rid…” you say at the same time.
He drops the pot into the bag with a laugh.
It catches you off guard and when he meets your eyes again the surprise is evident in your wide-eyed expression.
“No shitty remarks darlin.’ Just glad you’re ok…and you didn’t burn the place down.”
The last part of his comment trails off into quiet mumblings but you still catch it.
“Couldn’t help yourself huh?” you say but you’re fighting back a small smile.
The two of you stand there on the sidewalk for what feels like forever until Joel clears his throat and you look up at him through your lashes.
“Guess your dinner’s ruined,” he states.
“You could say that. I’ll have to go aimlessly walk around the grocery store some more in the hopes of finding food.”
His large hand runs through his already mussed hair before it settles on the back of his head and he shoves his free hand into his jeans pocket.
“Hey uh, listen darlin’…I’m sorry if I was rude earlier…at the store…and the other times before that. It was wrong of me.”
Your expression softens.
“Thank you, I accept.”
Joel hums and flicks his head toward the bar. “I had just ordered dinner before you came running out. Go in and eat it.”
When you stare at him he plays back his words and realizes they came out as a demand.
“If you want to,” he adds. “Join me. For food.”
You smile and slide past him. Your distinct and soft scent wafts up to his nose and he instinctively inhales, his eyes closing briefly before he starts to move to follow you.
He motions to the small table and pulls out your chair, waiting for you to sit before he does the same. His thick fingers wrap around the fork, making it look comically small, before he hands it to you and pushes the plate closer.
You stab a French fry and pop it in your mouth.
“So Tommy…you guys work together?”
“Yeah. Construction. We actually have a big project coming up in the city. Working on one of the new fancy hotel buildings.
“That sounds exciting. I guess it’s not really a 9-5 job then?”
“Nah, not really. Some days we spend doing small, odd jobs around the neighborhood and other times we’ll be on one job for weeks or months.”
You nod. “What do you do in your spare time? Besides follow women around the grocery store and make snarky comment on their food choices.”
“Gonna hold that over my head for long?” he asks.
You look him over and pretend to think about it. “Not sure yet.”
“Fair enough,” he sighs, noticing you stopped eating and nudging your arm with his elbow. “Eat.”
“Are you always this bossy?” you ask as you chew.
His eyes drop to your mouth and the way you lick the salt from your lips.
“Maybe,” he replies, the sides of his mouth twitching with a smile.
“Fair enough,” you tell him, mirroring his earlier words.
The whites of his teeth appear with his lopsided smile
“You plannin’ on trying to cook chili again?”
“Maybe,” you answer, loving the way his eyes crinkle at your repeated and mocking words.
“So now that you know a little more about me why not tell me why you’re here in our little town?”
He settles his forearms on the table and leans in, watching you with intense eyes.
“Well,” you start with a sigh. “I’ve always wanted to run or own a bookshop but my job in the city was keeping me so busy I barely had time to read and of course it’s easier said than done. For a while I didn’t mind…the work that is. Sure I was busy but I figured my life was just what it was supposed to be. Had a nice apartment, steady job, steady boyfriend…until I didn’t. He broke up with me over a text and then refused to answer my calls and explain why. After that, my job became less and less appealing as did living in the city so when his opportunity came up I had to jump on it as scary as all the change is.”
You wait and hold his gaze. “What are you thinking?” you ask.
“I’m thinking a lot of things,” he says quietly before stealing a fry off the plate.
“Like?” you ask.
Like where I can find your ex-boyfriend so I can give him a proper beating.
When he still doesn’t speak you continue talking. “I’m thinking about the renovations I want to make to the bookshop. It’s nothing crazy. Just some minor changes to make it more of a cozy space.”
“That sounds nice,” he answers. “It could use some upgrades.”
“Definitely. And the door to my apartment upstairs doesn’t even lock! I need to get that fixed first.”
Joel’s eyes narrow at your statement. “That’s not safe.”
You smirk and steal the next fry that’s dangling between his fingers as they hover over the plate.
“Maybe I’ll look up some cute contractors online to come help me.”
He sits back, crossing his arms over his chest and spreading his legs wider under the table. Your gaze moves to the way his biceps pop under the tight fabric of his shirt.
“You could. If you wanted the job done poorly.”
“Are you saying you’d be able to do a better job?”
“Damn right darlin.”
Was this still about renovations to the shop?
With that thought still floating around in his brain he watches you stand and pop one last fry into your mouth.
“Thank you for sharing your dinner with me,” you say before rounding the table. “I like it when you’re nice.”
And I even like it when you’re bossy. Maybe too much.
You kept that last thought tucked away and lean down to kiss him on the cheek before lightly brushing your hand over his shoulder and walking out the door.
Tommy drops into the now empty seat, grinning ear to ear.
“How’d that go boss?” he asks.
“Shut it,” Joel growls.
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Later that week with the sun just peeking above the horizon you hear a knock at your door. It startles you into alertness and you sit up with a gasp, dropping your book to the bed.
Your feet hit the cool floor and you ask, “who’s there?,” hoping to keep the shakiness from your voice.
“It’s Joel.”
“Oh,” you whisper, now suddenly even more alert but much less jumpy.
Before you open the door you quickly run a hand over your face and scrub away the sleepiness. You turn the knob and have it halfway open before you realize you’re barely dressed, the only thing covering your body is the old tee shirt that hits way above your knees.
You stop and peek through.
“I’m um…I’m not really dressed. I was in bed reading.”
“Shit,” Joel mutters. “Sorry darlin.’ I didn’t even realize the time. I can wait till you’ve put somethin’ on.”
He doesn’t move away from the door and you open it a little wider before slipping away to grab shorts.
“Fuck,” he mutters quietly but not quietly enough and your lips turn up into a triumphant smile.
When you return you open the door invitingly and then notice the toolbox at his feet and meet his eyes.
His cheeks are dusted with pink and not even the scruff lining them can cover it. It’s hard to hide your smug satisfaction but you do your best.
“What’s that for?” you ask.
“I came to change the lock for you,” he explains hoarsely.
“Oh,” you answer, feeling your stomach erupt with nervous energy. “Why?”
“I’m leaving this morning. To go to the city and start on that hotel job. Won’t be back for a few days. I just…”
He kneels down and starts rummaging through the tool box, metal clanging against metal so you can barely hear him when he adds, “wanted to make sure this place was safe and secure.”
Your fingers fiddle with the hem of your old shirt.
“That’s really nice of you.”
“Well.” He stands and starts working on the door. “I saw you hadn’t done it yet and I didn’t want you calling any random guys.”
“Because you can do it better. Right?”
He doesn’t look up from his work and just grunts his acknowledgement.
You take the opportunity to move toward the small kitchen area and start making some coffee.
“Coffee?” you offer.
He looks up at you as you lean against the counter with your bare legs on display. His eyes drag down the length of them before he shakes his head no.
“Already had a cup thanks.”
He finishes the lock and puts his tools away before approaching. His hand moves to his back pocket and he pulls out some folded papers, setting them on the counter.
“I brought some take out menus.”
“It’s probably too early to be insulted.”
“This isn’t me telling you not to cook. These are just in case you don’t want to cook.”
“Ah,” you answer. “I could have just looked this up online.”
“Yeah well I don’t have your number so how would you know the best places to get take out.”
You stare at him from over the rim of your steaming mug.
“Maybe you should take it,” he says abruptly. “My number…in case…”
“I need cooking advice again?”
He makes an affirmative nod and smiles.
“Ok, what’s your number?” you ask as you reach for your phone.
The relief on his face doesn’t go unnoticed by you and he recites the digits as you punch them in.
When you hit dial on his contact his eyebrows draw together as if he’s trying to figure out where the sound is coming from.
“That’s you. Now you’ll have my number too.”
You giggle and the corner of his mouth lifts a little. “Right.”
You set your coffee down and push yourself up onto the countertop.
With one more almost imperceptible sweep of your legs he coughs into his fist and turns toward the door.
“Thanks Joel!” you call after him.
He waves with barely a turn and flies down the steps.
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The rest of your day is spent figuring out the renovations for the bookshop space downstairs. You clean, declutter, and really start to map things out in your head. By the time the late afternoon sun is setting you realize you’ve missed lunch and you’re starving.
“I should try chili again,” you say to yourself.
After a quick and much less exciting visit to the grocery store you head back with a bag full of Joel’s recommended ingredients and get to work.
Two hours later you have a large pot of bubbling and unburnt chili on the stove.
Without thinking too much into it you snap a picture of the food and send it to Joel with the caption, “I did it! And it smells amazing!”
Before you even put your phone down his response dings in.
“Wow darlin.’ Looks amazing. Save me some.”
You’re about to reply that you definitely will when another text comes through.
“And I’m hoping you didn’t burn anything down?”
He follows it with a silly smiling emoji and you answer with, “nope! Everything and everyone is intact,” including your own smiley face emoji.
“Perfect. And I meant it. Save me some.”
“Please…” you type and then send another message saying, “so bossy!”
He responds quickly. “Save me some. Please.”
He adds a kissy smiley face and you giggle before sending one back with a thumbs up.
It’s easy to flirt over text. You aren’t overwhelmed by his masculine and sexy presence. By the smell of him. Woodsy and spicy. And his hands aren’t there teasing to touch you.
All you can think of while you enjoy your bowl of chili is how you can’t wait for him to come back this weekend.
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When Joel returns from his trip he rushes home to shower and change. It’s already late but he needs to see you and you should have a bowl of chili waiting for him.
When he pulls up to the bookshop and parks his pickup he frowns at the darkened space.
Maybe you’re out? With someone…
Pushing the invasive thoughts aside he gets out and walks to the large windows, peering inside.
The scuffle of feet pulls his attention away and he catches sight of you sitting across the street by the park, your feet dangling along the pavement.
He approaches slowly, making noise so you don’t get scared. You look up and tense but instantly relax at the sight of him.
“Was wonderin’ where you were,” he murmurs.
“You’re back,” you say. “I have chili for you.”
You half smile but your eyes fall.
His chest tightens.
“Darlin’?” he asks before sitting down next to you.
His thigh brushes yours and his arm is close enough that you feel his warmth.
Your sniffle and hug your arms around your body.
Hesitantly he lifts his arm and rests it lightly across your shoulders.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
When you don’t pull away and instead lean into his strength he tugs you closer.
“I tried to start doing some work on the bookshop. I just wanted to take off the old and peeling wall paper but I think I fucked things up. I’m not sure how to fix it and really I have no idea what I’m doing. It’s a mess.”
Your confession softens him and he runs his calloused fingertips along your smooth skin, sneaking them under the sleeve of your shirt.
“I’ll take a look at it. I’m sure we can fix it.”
You were so soft. It took everything in him not to pull you even closer and wrap you in his arms.
“It’s a mess. I’m a mess. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing!”
“Don’t do that,” he says. “Don’t put yourself down. It pisses me off.”
You look up at him and gasp. “You? Pissed off? That’s new.”
The corner of his lips lift and his eyes sparkle. “I deserve that.”
You wipe your nose and give him a smile.
“Maybe. But only a little.”
You lean your head on his shoulder and sigh.
“We’ll sort it out,” he assures you.
You look at him with soft eyes full of gratefulness. His gaze moves lower…to your mouth and his lips part as if to speak but the sound of a loud car horn makes you jump apart.
“How about that chili?” you ask as you start to stand.
“Sounds great darlin’.”
You walk toward the building, tensing at his side the closer you get, knowing he’s going to see the disaster you’ve made.
He stops you with a hand over yours.
“For what it’s worth,” he whispers. “I think you’re really brave for comin’ here to start over.”
The tension slips from your shoulders and you take his hand, giving it a squeeze.
“You did it,” you murmur. “I’m still upset but…I feel better. More hopeful.”
He smiles before you turn to unlock the door and your hyperaware of the feel of his hard body behind you. It takes everything in you not to turn around and throw yourself at him but you manage to get the door open and offer him some chili.
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The next day, being Sunday, should be a day of rest but your new-found determination has you up and out of bed bright and early, ready to conquer the wallpaper debacle and then some.
You’re saved from wondering where to start when the front door of the shop opens and in walks Joel with a tray of coffee and a bakery bag.
“Hey there darlin’,” he says. “Thought you’d be up and ready to work.”
“Hey back,” you wave.
He fills the doorway with his body and you try to focus on the smell of fresh coffee and sugar.
“That for me?” you ask and point to the tray in his hand.
He crosses the small distance and places the tray down on one of the old tables. You reach for the coffee and open the top, inspecting the contents of the cup.
“You know how I take my coffee?” you ask, raising a brow.
“I pay attention,” is all the answer you get.
You stood dumbfounded for a moment until you remembered that you had made coffee the other morning when he fixed the lock on the door upstairs.
“Thank you.”
Your gaze travels to his and there is some kind of silent communication between you. You can’t believe how much he can convey without actually speaking. Your breathing becomes shallower as he continues to look at you and you know, by the determined set of his jaw and confidence simmering in his gaze that things have really shifted.
When he finally pulls his eyes away you let out an audible breath and take a sip of your coffee.
“What’s happening here?” he asks as he looks over the mess of a wall. “You want to get rid of this?”
He moves closer and toys with the wallpaper.
“Yes and then I want to…”
You start rattling off your ideas in a long run-on rambling sentence without taking a break and when you’re finally done you find him eyeing you with both an amused and thoughtful expression.
“Right,” he said. “Well I know a good place to get lumber and all that so we can shop later but for now let’s get this cleaned up.”
He turns and strides for the exit, passing your trash bag from yesterday that was too heavy for you to lift.
“You want this out for pick up?” he asks.
“Yes, please,” you respond.
With zero effort, he tosses the bag over his shoulder and walks out. When he returns he’s carrying his toolbox.
You peer through the window and see his pickup truck and one trip at a time, he brings more supplies and tools.
Grabbing the back of his sweatshirt he drags it up and off, bringing his tee shirt underneath along with it, and you catch a glimpse of what’s beneath.
“Shit,” you mutter.
Now that he’s only in a tee shirt you can see the deep cut of his triceps and forearm muscles every time he lifts or handles something.
“Shit, shit, shit.”
“You alright there darlin’?” he asks when he hears your quiet reflections.
“Huh? Me? Oh yeah, just fine thanks. Um…I want to help so just tell me what to do…you know be bossy. You’re good at that.”
He steps closer with a sideways smirk, his warmth coasting over you, and his gaze falls to your mouth, taking it’s time before finding your eyes again.
“Keep ripping that wallpaper down. I know it looks a mess but you’re doing it right.”
The words themselves hold no sensuality at all but the way he says them, the way he leans in close and whispers them along your ear…it sends a shiver right down your spine.
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As the days pass you continue to work and make progress on the shop. Some days it’s just you and Joel and other days Tommy joins you both to help. On the days when Joel has to work he gives you detailed instructions on what to do and how to do it. You’re proud of how much you’ve accomplished together but also on your own.
At the end of the week, with the late afternoon sun already making it’s way toward the horizon, you notice the shop is oddly quiet. No sound of the saw or hammer.
“I have something to show you.”
His low and gravelly voice pulls you from your current task of polishing the small table tops and your nerves fire up.
When you stand and walk closer he looks you over from head to toe. You’re covered in dust and your skin is glowing with a light sheen of sweat.
You look down at yourself then back up at him.
“Is it that bad?” you ask with a halfhearted smile.
“You look beautiful.”
He holds his hand out and you take it, letting him pull you toward the back of the shop.
You step behind the last row of bookshelves and stop short.
The large bay window is now framed by two brand new floor to ceiling dark shelves. The polished wood gleams in the setting sun and every beautiful accent swirl and grain is highlighted.
“It’s amazing! I just…I love it. Thank you!”
He takes the rag from his back pocket and cleans his hands while he watches you from under the dark strands of hair that have fallen over his forehead.
“Glad you like it darlin’.”
“No. I love it Joel. How can I ever thank you.”
“Have dinner with me…and not here…on the floor of the shop like we do some days. A real date.”
You suck in a small breath and curl your fingers together. “Did you think you needed to build me this to convince me to go on a date with you?”
“No,” he says as he shoves his hands into his pockets. “I was workin’ up the nerve to ask you and this was a good distraction.”
“Oh…” You say the words and your mouth forms a little ‘o’ shape. “I…I mean…of course. I’d love to have dinner with you.”
He looks down at his feet and nods firmly, a smile playing on his lips. “Alright then.”
He starts to gather and pack up his tools. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at six.”
You shake your head yes and realize you’re not speaking and as he turns to walk away you move forward while calling his name.
One second he’s holding the tool box and the next it’s on the ground next to him and he’s turning toward you. Your momentum brings you right into his chest and his arm wraps around your lower back.
He waits for you to speak, his eyes wandering over the features of your face before focusing in on your parted lips. His fingers splayed along your lower back dig into your skin and he tugs you closer as he dips his head.
Your palms land flat on his hard chest and slowly dance upward along his broad shoulders.
“Thank you.”
The words are just a whisper but you manage to get them passed your lips and he looks like he’s about to speak but instead covers your mouth with his.
The kiss is worshipful but you can feel his restraint in the tense and flexing muscles of his body and your fingers find purchase at the back of his neck and comb through his hair.
His hand slides up your back and he presses you closer as he lifts the other to cup your jaw. The callouses on the pad of his thumb scrape deliciously across your soft skin and he moans like you’re the best thing he’s ever tasted.
When the need for air finally takes over he releases your mouth just long enough to look into your eyes before he dives back in, stealing your breath all over again.
The door to the shop opens, the newly installed bell atop it ringing loud and clear through your kiss filled haze.
“Oh shit, sorry,” Tommy says sheepishly when he appears by the window.
Joel breaks the kiss, his chest heaving with harsh breaths and he stares at your mouth for a few long moments while you cling to him. His hand eventually drops away from your back and his fingers trace along your jaw and then down your neck to pull your ear to his lips.
“Tomorrow night,” he murmurs. “Six.”
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@hiddles-rose @lorilane33 @lizette50 @littleseasiren @blackwidownat2814 @kmc1989
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