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locitapurplepink · 2 years ago
@aintinacage 's Star Wars Moodboards
(Part 5)
Note : I just figured out these moodboards left when I rechecked star wars rebels reblogs. Can't believe I missed those.
1. Star Wars Mix
2. Trials of The Darksaber
3. Holocrons of Fate
4. Wrecker & Lula
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the-magic-school-bus · 8 months ago
@youjustfeelthemforever @choasuqeen @the-kirbe-anon
Reblogs are so funny like wdym my post is on other people's blogs?? did they just break into my house and take my wall stuff??
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atozphantomsquadron · 2 years ago
Chapter 15: Winged Rage
July 9th, continued.
Anger.  That’s my entire existence right now.  The façade of the crummy hotel is simply so much tissue paper in my giant talons.  I fling masonry and wooden doors down the street, roaring my discontent.
In the room we had been sharing, I can see my travel companions; strangers now, all of them.  My vision is a sea of red.
Michi is right by where the front of the room has been ripped away from the building.  There’s a look of shock on her face, a rare expression.  I think she says something, but I can’t hear her … her voice is too quiet for my dragon ears to pick up.  She throws her left hand out in front of her, trying to power a spell.
My tail flings into the room and knocks her backward against the far wall.  I’m not even aware that I’ve done it, not even conscious that it’s my best friend in that room that I’m trying to kill.
Another roar.  Another enraged swing at the building, and more of it crumbles away.  It can barely be considered a building anymore.  I test my wings against the windy sky, and find they can lift my dragon’s bulk off the ground.  I take to the air, leaving rushing winds below my flapping wings.  All I know is my anger, my rage … it’s my best friend right now …
The skyline of Chicago comes into sight, and already I can hear the screams.  People on street level, pointing and looking at me.
I’ll give you something to scream at!
My giant maw opens.  The familiar churning in my gut comes, followed by the biggest firestorm I’ve done to date, tearing into the street below me, sending people flying for shelter.  I don’t want to stop until every single one of those cretins falls dead in flames.  A familiar-looking black truck comes into view just as I cease my fire stream, with two familiar looking men climbing out.
Gabe and Fahaian.  I think Gabe is trying to yell something at me, but I’m not sure.  All I know is the desire for death and destruction.  My gut churns again …
This time the fire streak gives me a surprise, as Fahaian pops out of my mouth and leaps up on my neck.  I can feel him giving a cursory glance around my head, climbing around to look in my eye.
I stop my flames and shake my head, desperate to knock the prince off of me.  He keeps a tight grip on my hair, which only enrages me further.  I reach up with a talon and clutch him tightly.
“Alanna, stop!  You don’t have to do this!”
I have to.  I’m sorry.
I fling the prince far away from me and shoot flames toward where I throw him.  I watch his body blink out of sight.  He probably made it to somewhere safe on the ground.  Hopefully.
I’m starting to become aware that my higher functions are coming back to me.  I know who I am, at least.  What doesn’t help is that now I’m a prisoner of this dragon, just like I was a prisoner of the Guardswoman at the start of this adventure.  All I can do now is go along for the ride.
My sight turns toward the center of Chicago, toward the tallest beacon in the city, the Sears Tower.  My wings flap faster.  My limbs tuck closer into my body.
I want to fling myself right through that thing!
My mind struggles for control of the dragon, desperate to stop this plan of attack.  No good, the primal instincts coming from the dragon’s rage are overriding anything I might do to counter them.  To the contrary, the dragon’s wings keep pumping faster … as does my heart …
The churning again.  I can feel the heat rising all the way up my long throat, and out of my mouth.  The flames encircle the skyscraper, melting glass, weakening structural beams.  I close my eyes and throw myself completely through the damaged section of the building … not stopping until I’ve blasted through the other side.
Glass shards and iron scrape my hide, but I don’t care.  Once through the building my wings flap once more to keep me airborne. 
My mind is horrified by what I’ve done.  The dragon turns to inspect her handiwork.  There’s a massive hole, right through the center of the Tower, and it’s teetering on the weakened I-beams, threatening … now toppling over.  The building leans and crashes down to the ground like a massive tree being felled in a forest.  From my vantage point I can’t feel it, but I can see the shockwave created from its impact, shaking and collapsing other smaller buildings around it.  Other skyscrapers it hit on the way down start their own collapses, like a massive display of dominoes.
Good God, no!
I flap my wings and streak away from the destruction, eventually finding my way to an open field in a city park.  People scatter from where I land, trying to get away, answering to nothing but their fear.
They should fear me.  I’m a monster, and I know it.
My vision is still colored with blind rage.  I roar, stamp, and create a flaming circle around where I have landed.  Flames light up the night sky, creating a halo around me which no human can cross.  I hear police officers … I think they’re police, sirens at least … approach the line of fire, pulling out weapons and shooting into my domain.  The flames burn so hot that the bullets never make it through.  To prove their futility, I shoot flames once more.
In the brief break in the circle of fire, I can see who it is I’m cooking: Chicago police officers, rank-and-file all of them.  None of them are people I have any beef with.  Many probably have families at home, hoping they return safe every night.
I’m so sorry.
The flames cut through their ranks like a hot scoop through ice cream.  Cars explode as their fuel goes up, sending officers skittering away in panic.  I roar again, defiantly opposing them.  I want nothing to do with these people at all.
I need to get away …
My mind tries to command the dragon once more, only to receive nothing but more defiance at its command. 
I’m going to die today …
Another roar, and another fire stream, this time high into the sky.  The police have a helicopter circling overhead, trying to keep an eye on me, until my flames touch it and ignite its fuel.
This nightmare won’t end …
I’m suddenly aware of someone tackling me.  Not physically, just the sensation.  I turn around and see Michi, her left hand thrust forward, through a part in the circle of flames.  She just concussed me.  Now the dragon’s really angry: I feel my guts churn and I firecast toward her once more.  Gabe barely has time to yank her away before the flames fly past them.
There’s a figure fighting through the pressurized fire, approaching me threateningly.  Why is it so big?  Who could this …
William, please get away!  I don’t want to hurt you!
The figure leaps through my fire, joining me in the center of the circle.  William.  The wendigo is loosed, but he only comes up to my shoulder.
Wait, there’s something else about him … he’s carrying something, clutched tightly in his bony hands.  He growls right back at me.  I roar at him.  He roars back.
“Take this, Alanna!”
He’s got the Sword.  Why does he have my Sword?  I want to ask, but the question comes out as an angry roar.  The dragon’s not going to listen to him.  Instead, I find myself approaching him threateningly on all fours like an animal.  I lunge for him with my teeth: he jumps aside.  I reach for him with a talon, and he leaps up my arm and runs for my shoulders, my throat, claws bared.  I reach behind myself frantically, behind my neck, trying to find the wendigo and rip him in two.
William, please get away!  I’m sorry …
He’s placed the Sword in my hand.  I thank him for it by flinging him over the top of my head and back in front of me.  The wendigo lands with a heavy thud: he had to have injured something on that landing …
“Draw it!  Draw it now!”
I don’t want anything to do with the Sword right now, all I want is William’s blood.  I shoot flames toward him again, a move which he leaps over.  The wendigo’s arms wrap around my snout, forcibly closing my mouth.  He growls in my face.  I swipe at him with my talons, still with the Sword in my grip.
The strain is obvious, even on the wendigo’s face, and William won’t be able to hang on for much longer.  Even now, his grip on me is starting to slip.
William, I’m sorry …
The face of the wendigo changes, mid-struggle.  It looks confused.  Even more confusing, I realize at this point that there are tears falling from the dragon’s eyes.
I’m starting to win control …
Just as I think that, and relax, the dragon takes over and grips William’s torso tightly with her free hand.  I start to crush his ribs.  The wendigo’s arms are starting to shake.  With what feels like the last of his strength, he kicks toward me.
Is he kicking at random, or is he trying to hit something?
His foot catches on something hard and forces it to give way.  The scabbard of the Sword flies away from us.
Almost instantly, the Sword’s power takes hold.  I release my grip on the wendigo, just as the last of his strength fails.  My heart starts to calm down.  My consciousness leaves this place, this fiery hell I’ve created in the middle of Chicago.
I’m back in the field, the world within the Sword.  Only this time, there are no other Guardsmen around me, just Mom.  I’m only now aware that, despite being here in the fields of my mind, I’m still a dragon. 
Mom comes up to me, placing a hand on my cheek.  “Dear God, Alanna … what have they done to you?”
My response is tears.  I don’t dare say anything … she won’t understand me.
“I never wanted you to have to experience this curse, Alanna.  It was mine and mine alone.  You should have had no birthright other than the Sword.”
I’m conscious that my body is starting to shrink.  Maybe I can try to speak.  “What has happened to me?”  It works better than I thought it would.
Mom simply sighs.  “I’m not sure, but I know whose hand is behind this.”
Realization hits me.  It must make my eyes light up, because Mom sees it.  “The guy … the bald guy with the syringe said he created you … he had these scars on his face …”
Mom nods.  “Indeed.  I put them there, when I was rescued by your father and Cyrus.  He’s still alive, apparently.”  She gets a sad, faraway look.  “Listen, Alanna, you must promise me one thing.”
I nod.  “Anything, Mom.”
She places a hand on my shoulder.  “When the time comes, when you confront this man, when you see him next, destroy him.”
The anger rises in me.  I’m very well aware now of who the man is, why he did what he did, and how much he doesn’t care about the welfare of his test subjects.  “I promise, Mom.”
She embraces me.  “Good.  You’ll need to learn to control these new abilities, just like I did.  You’ll have help.”
I return the hug so gently that it makes me want to cry.  “Okay, Mom.  I guess I gotta go.”
She nods.  “Yes, you do.  You’ll be all right now.  Just trust in the Sword and in your friends.”
She walks away into the distance, out of the field, until I can’t see her.  My wings are still unfurled: I flap them and take to the sky, closing my eyes.
When I open them again, the Guardswoman stands in the ring of fire, wings spread, much larger than she usually is.  I’m tall enough to see over the top of the flames, which I quickly extinguish with several hard flaps of my wings.  With that task done, I sheathe the Sword, feeling myself shrink back down into my normal self.
Without the flames, the damage I’ve wrought can be clearly seen.  Six Chicago police cars have been reduced to burning hulks, along with a fire truck and three ambulances.  Smoke rises high above the trees, the result of the buildings being destroyed along the skyline.  Sirens erupt into the air, their clamor unmistakable.  Clearly this is a disaster beyond any the city was prepared for.
And what of my own party?  I look behind me and find them all: Gabe with his ever-present SUV; Michi and Fahaian, rushing over to tend to William, who writhes on the ground, human once more, every rib broken.
And through it all I see Julian.  His eyes show a sadness I’ve never even known existed.  He looks like he’s about to die simply from the crushing weight of guilt.  Before I can ponder this, Gabe is by my side, offering me a blanket to wrap up in.  Michi and Fahaian have William in the truck already.
“Gabe … what did I do?”
I’ve never seen the agent like this, almost at a loss for words.  “This wasn’t you, Alanna.  This was forced on you.  Come on, let’s get out of here.”
He gently leads me back to the truck.  After all of us are safely closed up in it, Gabe kicks it into gear and we drive away from the disaster.
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primevein · 4 months ago
The Prime of His Youth: Book V: Where There's Smoke: Ch16: The Spider Catches the Fly
"Alright, so Human is not my first language." Arcee said to Japheth as she walked up to him.
"English." Arcelia corrected, and Arcee rolled her eyes.
"But, what's the difference between Karen, Carron, and Charon?" Arcee asked Him.
He turned towards her with a deep, pensive look.
"He doesn't know, does He?" Dust Up asked. He slowly looked at her, unsure of how to answer. He shook his head.
"Charon is the ferryman..." He uttered.
"Of the underworld, yes!" Rust Dust exclaimed.
"And the dragonfly?" Dust Up asked.
Japheth looked distant for a moment before turning his head to look at her, "She's with us because she doesn't trust herself." He said, and stopped, and a harsh silence followed.
"What - the - scrap does that mean?!" Dust Up shouted, and regretted it as everyone stared at her. She looked back to Japheth whom simply gave her a tired smile. He sauntered towards her, pulling her in for a powerful hug. She nearly collapsed, it was so wonderful, until He put her back on her feet, gently holding her until she was steady. He stepped back, and she looked up into the most brilliant smile, in awe of what had happened.
"Did you think I didn't know who you were?" He asked.
"You don't even know who you are." Jumpstream quickly, curtly said, and faltered as His head turned towards her. Her eyes quickly darted around looking for some escape. She saw His gaze fixed on her out of the corner of her eyes, and looked into the brilliant smile.
"True." He warmly said, "But I know how I feel." He paused and then looked between the Rust Maidens, "I know, or feel, each of my Rust Maidens deep in my spark." He then looked about the other Femmes, with the obvious exception of the newest, "I feel you all deep in my spark." He then looked back to Jumpstream, and then Dust Up. "I know, or feel, how rebellious you are."
"And?.." Jumpstream asked, and paused, "How do you - feel - that we are rebellious?"
"What she said?" Dust Up asked.
Japheth looked at Arcelia, "He looked up the reports, obviously."
"AND?!" Jumpstream screamed.
Japheth looked back to them, "And." He said and paused, "Your rebelliousness gives me peace."
"How - eactly - does that work?" Dust Up asked.
He looked at her, His warm smile never once breaking. "Because it is you." he simply said. "You would be someone else without it. From everything I've seen, the most I ever have to do is gently tug at your leash when you get too excited about something."
"You know what?" Dust Up asked him, "Yeah."
Japheth then looked at His own squadon, "And each of you care for me so deeply, in your own ways." He added. He then looked back to Dust Up. "Carron is ready to become a warrior." He paused for a moment, "She just doesn't know it, yet."
"So, you going to promote her?.." Jumpstream nervously asked.
"When she gets back." Japheth replied.
"You sure she's going to get back?" Dust Up asked.
"I am." He said with finality. "It will succeed as none of us could imagine."
"You're sure?" the twins asked at the same time.
"He's sure." Arcee added.
"So, what do we?.." Stormclash asked, and turned to Charon, her twin right behind her.
"do about her?" Skyburst asked.
"Travel the river the surrounds the underworld?" Japheth asked.
"Now might be a bad time to point out that the Undergrid is often called the Underworld." Arcelia stated.
"Ah." He added, and sighed, "Then rear-guard?"
"You want me to protect your flank?" Charon asked.
He turned towards her and started walking. He stopped and grabbed her by her shoulders, "A spider to protect our flies."
"And by flies?" Skyburst asked.
"You mean Femmes?" Stormclash added.
"EXACTLY!" He excitedly stated.
"So?" Arcee asked, as she walked up to her, eyeing the spiderling up and down. Charon felt nervous for the second time in it seemed aeons. "Are you going to be a good little team player?"
"Good - is not my strongsuit." Charon uttered, and nervously looked at Japheth. He gave her a warm smile in reply.
"I didn't recruit Shockwave, and expect to get Ratchet." Japheth stated, "I think." He said, and thought for a moment, "I mean, I WOULDN'T recruit Shockwave and expect to get Ratchet."
"Having Shockwave probably would have helped with Airachnid." Arcee said offhandedly.
"Do I want to know why?" Japheth asked her.
"Probably not." Arcee stated, "Honestly, it better that the whole thing is resolved."
"What's resolved?" Dust Up asked.
"Airachnid." Arcee simply stated.
"That confident?" Jumpstream questioned.
"He is." Arcee said, lovingly gesturing her head to Japheth.
"It still doesn't feel real..." He voiced.
"And... what about me?" Charon nervously asked.
"You didn't stalk me, and try to murder my mother in front of me out of shear spite." Japheth simply stated.
"You?" Charon asked, "No. But, what's a mother?"
"We can deal with this later." Japheth said, "I'm sure anyone here can answer that question. But for now." He said, and turned to Sirenia, "Why don't we talk about Sirenia going out in the middle of battle."
"It's... I mean... we could... you could?.." Sirenia nervously asked.
"She means she felt safe." Arcee stated.
"You used to be so scared." He lovingly said to Sirenia.
"Yes, well, being around a Prime that defies logic, theology, and physical reality means..." she uttered, and immediately looked scared. He simply walked over with a warm smile, tilted her head back, and gave her a passionate kiss.
"Take care." was all He said once the kiss was finished, and it took a few moments to sink into her swooning mind.
She blinked a few times and then opened her eyes, looking like the lost kitten she always did. He then realized all of the eyes in the room were on him. He looked between every pair, "Alright, who wants a kiss?"
Arcee looked at Charon, who looked completely uncertain, "Not unless you want to promise to be with him, FOREVER!" she exclaimed.
"Human pairbonding is for life." Sirenia gleefully said to Charon, and Charon gave her a questioning look.
"We have all of the time in the world." Japheth whistfully said.
"Why does he keep saying that?" Charon asked.
"Who wants to tell the story?" Japheth asked, and looked at Arcelia, and then over to Sirenia. Sirenia just looked at him nervously. "You love telling stories." He said with a smile.
"I prefer facts." Arcelia simply uttered.
* * *
Charon nervously walked up to Him, barely able to look Him in the eyes. She finally managed to do so tepidly.
"She has a request." Sirenia excitedly stated.
Charon looked back up into His eyes, "I was wondering if..."
"If?" Japheth asked.
"If I could have... have a?.." She paused to steel herself. "A chainsword?"
Japheth simply stared at her and slowly blinked before looking at Sirenia, "I got mine from... Knockout, right?"
"Right." Sirenia excitedly stated.
He looked at Charon and shrugged, "When we get back to the..." He said, and looked at Sirenia, "The Phthia?" he asked, and she excitedly nodded. "I named it after Achilles?"
"Who's Achilles?" Arcee asked.
"Strongest warrior in Terra's history." Sirenia stated.
"Probably?" Japheth asked.
"I'd love to meet him." Charon eagerly said, and Japheth gave her a look, a look that said she had mistepped, but one He was trying to not judge her over.
"Humans don't live that long." Japheth simply stated, trying his best to not chide her, "At all."
* * *
"Something crawls in the shadows." Arcelia stated.
"Something?" Jumpstream incredulously asked.
"Oh, scrap." Charon stated.
Japheth turned to Charon, "Keep out of sight."
"My Prime." she said without thinking, completely catching herself off guard.
"Keep in the shadows." He continued, and turned to his Rust Maidens. Charon disappeared into the shadows without thinking about it. "Who wants to play fox and the hounds?" He said to his Rust Maidens with a bright smile.
"Oh, for slagging scrap!" Dust Up explained.
"What?" Jumpstream asked her.
"This was his plan." Skyburst eagerly stated.
"All along." Stormclash warmly added.
"I don't know if I'd call it a plan." Japheth neutrally voiced.
"Those are the best kinds." Pyra Magna affirmed.
"You talked about." Skyburst stated.
"Your Wreckers." Stormclash added.
"MY Wreckers?" a confused Japheth asked.
"Under your authority as a Prime," Pyra Magna neutrally stated, "you gave new life to them."
"I'm pretty sure that was Miko." Dust Up uttered.
"You want to get spanked?" Jumpstream asked, and Japheth just stared at her. "What?" she asked.
"Do I actually spank you?" He asked with an exacerbated sigh.
"If we've been good." Jumpstream simply added, and He sighed so deeply you might think he had fallen over.
He steeled himself and stood back up, strong and proud, "There's a reason I've had you play that game."
Pyra Magna looked at Arcee, who stepped up to answer the call, "Roxie is on-call, I'll protect her." She looked to the shadows into which Charon disappeared, "Karen hides in her shadows."
"And, like, us?" Jumpstream asked.
Arcee rolled her eyes, "The hounds. Now, bark when my husband tells you to."
"Like, seriously." Dust Up asked, and Arcee let out a heady sigh.
"Siren, tell Chromia." Japheth stated.
"And if?" Skyburst asked
"She is pulled into his webs?" Stormclash added.
"I - identify - as an attack helicopter." Japheth asserted.
"Oh." Skyburst stated.
"Right." Stormclash added.
"Remember," He said to them, "do not approach him alone."
"And, if we, you know, are alone?" Dust Up asked.
Japheth sighed. "Do I really have to tell you to use your blasters."
"Apparently." Jumpstream chided Dust Up.
"Slag off." Dust Up simply replied, as they turned to the doors.
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476b · 9 months ago
an interesting documentary about food adulterations in early america
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davidshawnsown · 11 months ago
Chilean Army 1st Cav Regt (Grenadiers)
Part of my Ukrainian War Universe
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IMU the tensions in Peru and the ongoing armed forces modernization in Argentina under Millei, as well as Bolivian threats to the north and a growing pivot to BRICS, would lead to a renewed expansion of the Chilean Armed Forces planned under the final months of the late Sebastian Pinera presidency and now starting to bear fruit under Gabriel Boric who was the only leftist leader in South America to speak out in support of Ukraine to counteract all these especially given the leftist attitudes in Peru against the rightist presidency of the past years especially in the country's south.
IRL it is a one squadron/battalion (termed Group) regiment that maintains traditions of the Chilean Army cavalry and its a mainly mounted formation that for nearly two centuries, off an on, has provided the mounted travelling escort to the presidency and in wartime is operationally controlled by the 3rd Mountain Division. It also provides guards of honor for state visits. It reports as part of the Santiago Garrison Command alongside the 1st MP Regiment.
IMU such a commitment would allow thus the regiment to have a mixed role as both presidential guard and as a combat formation with two out of its 8 squadrons - the seventh being the training squadron OPCON under the Equestrian School in Quilotta's Camp San Isidro and the 8th being the dismounted honors squadron that provides dismounted public duties in the capital - being mounted ceremonial cavalry and the 3rd being mountain recon that in wartime is a part of the 3rd Division alongside the other two. All of the groups have a conscript company in keeping with the Chilean practice of conscription in the armed forces (the 4th armored group has two). The three mounted groups also have a veternary unit.
The Honors Group also hosts the Cuadro Negro exhibition team - a formation IMU mixed with personnel of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment in the 4th Division, since it is where it had been originated.
The 1st Group also hosts a vehicle company, motorbike company to provide force multipliers to the Carabineros in presidential events and a coach squadron which takes care of the presidential horse drawn coaches and the presidential cars.
Unlike the lancers IRL, each of the ceremonial mounted squadrons are organized as lancers and dragoons/mounted rifles to mirror the historical Chilean cavalry of years goneby. The mounted recon squadons of 3rd Group are trained as combat soldiers only - while the 2 other groups are trained in both combat operations and ceremonial roles, alongside the Horse Artillery Group of the Tacna Regiment - IMU a regimental OPCON unit in ceremonial events only due to its use of horses.
The regiment's other combat capabilities are 4 armoured groups - 2 armored and 1 cavalry and mechanized infantry each in support of elements of the 2nd Infantry Division (Mot) and the Santiago Garrison Command. The 1st Armored Group, which uses MBTs, operates M60s and Leopard 1s, the 2nd is a light formation armed with M10 Bookers, the 3rd is an armored cav unit with Marder 2s and the nationally produced MOWAG Piranhas via FAMAE which performs recon and light attack roles and the 4th is the largest of the groups performing mechanized infantry roles in a mix of IFVs and APCs in support of the cavalry and armor, with the M3 Bradley, M59s, Marder 2s and the Centauros in assault gun role also to provide support to the combat elements of the 2nd Division's two BCTs.
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vipdout · 5 years ago
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🔥🔥 @s1_cameron ・・・ S1 K-BREAK JZS160 to perfection . . . #squadone #autofashion #autofashionusa #stance #stancenation #superstreet #vip #vipstylecars #vipdout #bippu #garagebuilt #lexus #toyota #gs300 #jzs160 #aristo #kbreak #leonhardiritt #jprintgraphics #falkentire #revisionaudio (at Vipdout) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7AuLyjAij6/?igshid=1e6l0vhoybqaz
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aloyssobek · 5 years ago
i think i’m gonna be spending most of my time tomorrow and sunday playing tlou2 i only got through 2ish hours tonight and then i had dinner and dad wanted to watch the footy on the big tv and also...i’ll be less freaked out during the day
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mackygl · 7 years ago
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A esta serie la llamaremos: Parte 1 / Tequila 1 Todo empezó una tarde con: vamos a partir un pastelito por el cumpleaños de @tututi07 - dijo @blackjewel0710 ¡Vamos dijeron @aiicez_ y @mely_cabr ! . . We will call these pics: Part 1 / Tequila 1 It all started one afternoon with: We’ll have a cake for Tuti’ birthday - Nico said. Let’s go! - Meli & Isis . . . #cousins #meangirls #badbitches #beautiful #crazypeople #brother #sisters #sister #sisterinlaw #sistersquad #squad #squadgoals #squadon #birthday #birthdaygirl #happybirthday #havingfun #tequila #josecuervo @josecuervotequila #birthdayparty #moveyourbump #moveyour🍑 #moveyourass #dancingparty #dancingsquad #wearefamily (en Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJj9AXltsF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q109ub2jnaeu
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nightscalestudio · 3 years ago
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The Carcharodon Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant. You can buy the entire squadon our Ebay page. https://www.ebay.com/itm/354153507618
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skywalkersolos-blog · 2 years ago
The New Republics Amnesy Program is a mess. But the Amnesy Program in the Alphabet Squadon books was worst than what was in the Mandalorian episode 3. So basically the show tuned it down.
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canyouhearthelight · 5 years ago
I will never get tired of Ritia, or Tumin. Or Ywyn, obviously. I always want to see soooo much more of them, no matter how much I get. I mean, Ritia or Ywyn was pretty much in every chapter so far.
The way this chapter loops back and references Ritia's last team felt very, very right to me. I didn't think there was any way to keep her from drawing at least some comparison between the two. Add to that Ritia's toast to a worthy foe and her correspondence with Ywyn...
That felt like a quick note between friends, honestly. Not just two figures aware of each other, but actual friends. Right? Is that just me?
Tiger Squadron Next Generation 32: Onward into Twilight
Ritia reflects on the job and figures out where she’s going next
Keep reading
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usafphantom2 · 4 years ago
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Mosquito B Mk IV coded GB-H of No. 105 Squadon RAF
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airmanisr · 4 years ago
Hawker Hurricane IIa ‘Z2389 / XR-J’
Hawker Hurricane IIa ‘Z2389 / XR-J’ by Alan Wilson Via Flickr: c/n unknown Built 1940 for the RAF and served with 249, 71, 247, 136 and 253 Squadrons. In May 1942 she was delivered to Russia for the Red Air Force but was shot down near Murmansk on 20th June that year. Recovered from a swamp in July 1996, she arrived at Brooklands in October 1997 and has been painstakingly retored to ground running condition, wearing genuine 71(Eagle) Squadon markings. Brooklands Museum, Weybridge, Surrey, UK 20th August 2020
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rbeljedi · 5 years ago
STARTER || @diversifiedpersonas​ - Tycho
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“I didn’t come just to let Wedge show off the new Rogue Squadon.”  OR to help intimidate them, whatever the reason for the invitation was.  He wasn’t a General or even a Commander anymore, and had long ago surrendered his military rank, but that didn’t mean he was in the dark. 
“I heard about what happened,” He wouldn’t say the place’s name, in case it was too much to talk about with an old friend, but it didn’t escape Luke’s notice that with a whole new Rogue Squadron, one of the best pilots wasn’t even flying an X-Wing.   It seemed cruel to ask that of Tycho, after every thing he must have already been through, but he also didn’t believe Ackbar would put him in this position without having fought as hard as he might. 
“Look--” He said, shifting his weight a little where he leaned on the door frame, “I know it’s not a lot and not as glamorous as being a part of The Rogue Squadron, but if you ever want to get out of here, I happen to know a Jedi Academy that could use the help of someone who knows how to keep unruly upstarts in line.”  Maybe it would be good for him to get out of the military, out from under all this scrutiny and doubt.  Luke, for his part, didn’t doubt.  And Tycho would always be his friend, and always welcome wherever he was. 
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g-29astarothtrinity · 5 years ago
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MSK-008 Dijeh [Amuro Ray Custom]
A.E.U.G./Karaba Prototype Mobile Suit
Custom Showcase
High Grade Universal Century 1/144
Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta
The Dijeh is a lowkey favorite non-gundam type mobile suit. It’s design is most likely based on the Gelgoog which is my favorite Zeon mobile suit from the One Year War, and it’s the funky, chunky mobile suit that Amuro Ray piloted for the duration of the ground war in the Gryps Conflict. Some of the best battle moments for me in Gundam Zeta were of Amuro Ray bringing the hurt to Titan forces in this mean green machine.
As a stock build, the HGUC Dijeh has solid articulation and joints. The arms especially have an interesting design that allows them to be pulled out and swiveled for additional range of movement, which gives this somewhat bulky kit the dexterity hold its weapons with two hands. This is also handy for achieving extreme poses especially with all the bulk on the right shoulder. The legs have about average range of articulation for a modern high grade so they can’t pull off the extreme poses that maybe more high end High Grades and Real Grades can but it’s still sufficient. I feel that the dual thrusters on the back unit could have benefitted from a joint system similar to the HGUC Sinanju and Sinanju Stein to provide a better range of movement, but it’s still solid enough.
For the customization aspect of this kit for #Project Rivalry, I noted in my WIP posts that I wanted to create a “retro-anime accurate" appearence. Since the default colors of the kit are for Amuro Ray’s unit, I kept them the same but added more red to match it closer to the RX-78-2 Gundam color layout with red in the shield and feet areas. Also added minimal markings and decals. This helps the kit fit in a little better with the Real Grades while also standing out. I’m proud of the results of my work, and this marks the third kit that I’ve painted. However, there are a few things I would do differently if I decided to make another custom Dijeh that was more stylized and closer to Real Grade appearence.
I am satisfied with the markings layout, but I think that I would want to add more for a stylized and less anime accurate custom Dijeh for Amuro Ray. Probably more caution markings, and a squadon unit marking as well. Maybe some trim markings. There are also a few other color scheme ideas I would be interested in: A simplified color scheme that replaces the yellow for more cohesion or a realistic color scheme based on real life air force color schemes. Finally, I’d also want to add additional geometry and panels with some pla plates. Mainly the feet guard and backpack.
I really enjoyed this build. It was also a very nice change in pace to build a high grade again. I consider High Grades to be the heart of Gunpla kits, since they are the most accessible and have the greatest potential for customization all while remaining economical. With the completion of the Dijeh Amuro Ray Custom, Project Rivalry is now basically half complete. I’m already setting up to start on Char, the Red Comet.
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