#squad six first name culture
recurring-polynya · 3 months
The Zanpakutou Rebellion Arc is always, like 30% longer than I remember it being. Anyway, we're at the part where Yamamoto has slowly started owning up to knowing what's up, and hilariously, he will only refer to Kouga by his given name.
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The (real) Doylist reason for doing this is because the arc is trying slow-roll the reveal that Kouga is Byakuya's uncle. tbh, the Watsonian interpretation isn't all that different--Old Man Yams is also trying to avoid spreading the Kuchiki name around, if he can help it. (Because he feels a microscopic amount of guilt about this? Because he and Ginrei are bros? Because the Kuchiki can and will make his life miserable? Who knows!) It's also possible/probable that the Kuchiki disowned Kouga, but it's hard for me to imagine Yamamoto giving a rat's ass about that.
None of this is important, but because the Blorboist explanation (the one supported by your maximum brain rot) is that this is further evidence that Squad Six operates on a first-name basis, and Byakuya wasn't even the one that started it.
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stargazer-sims · 3 months
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Takashi Abbottsford for @jonquilyst Total Drama Sims 2!
Name: Takashi Abbottsford Pronouns: he/him Gender Identity: cis male Sexuality: bisexual Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast Traits: Nosy, Dance Machine
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Takashi: Hey, world! How's it going? My name is Takashi Abbottsford, and I'm from Willow Creek. I'm sixteen years old, my birthday is August 13th, I'm a student at Willow Creek High, and I like pizza and energy drinks. Actually, my dads always say I probably don't need energy drinks, but hey... we can always use an extra boost, right?
Let's see... Other stuff about me... I love sports! I like snowboarding, rock climbing, soccer and swimming the best, and every time we visit my Papa's family in Mt. Komorebi, I always spend as much time as I can on the mountain. Shredding is life! Yeah!
Um, okay... My favourite colours are green and blue, and my favourite season is winter. I like video games and I like to cook. I also like dancing, like a lot, and I like rocking out to my favourite bands. I can play the piano too, although not as well as my brother Forest, which is a bummer because he won a medal at the youth music festival last year and I kinda messed up during a trio performance with two of my sisters, and of course Forest made fun of me about it. Siblings... ugh!
Yeah, so while we're on the subject of siblings, I should probably tell you about mine, and my two dads as well. My family falls squarely into the category of 'wild facts you could never make up', no joke.
We're a stupidly large family, just so you know. I'm the youngest of six siblings, and all six of us are science babies. My oldest siblings are Camellia and Forest, and they're twins. Next is Matsu, and then there's the triplets; Midori, Willow and me. Oh, and if you're wondering about why some of us have English-sounding names and some of us have Japanese names, it's because our Dad, Fox Abbottsford, is a Canadian and our Papa, Takahiro Suzuki, is Japanese. They met in Japan when Dad was there on a working holiday visa, and they have this absolutely crazy love story, but that's a tale for another time. The reason for our mixed bag of names is because they wanted us to have names that reflected both their cultures, so here we are.
Oh, and fun fact. Me, Matsu and Midori don't have middle names, which is part of Japanese naming tradition. Forest, Camellia and Willow do have middle names, and I don't know if I should be envious of that or grateful that I only had to learn how to spell two names instead of three when I was in first grade and we were all practising how to write them.
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Right. Why did I sign up to be on Total Drama?
Hooo man... where do I even start with that? When you're one of six, 'total drama' is a way of life! I figured I'd be pretty good at it, because I'm used to chaos. I mean, 'chaos' should be our family motto or something.
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Actually, let me tell you the real reason I signed up, besides the ongoing total drama in our household.
When you're one of six, there's this never-ending competition for attention, and this constant need to distinguish yourself from your brothers and sisters. Don't get me wrong. I love all my brothers and sisters, especially my older brother Matsu, but it's hard to be the youngest and the most unremarkable. I don't just have one shadow to live in. I have five.
For example, my absolute nerd of a brother Forest is like, this insanely gifted artist, just like Dad. Forest already has his illustrations in a children's book and he's only 18. Also, despite being Nerd Number One, he somehow managed to land the most popular girl at school as his girlfriend. Also, Forest's girlfriend Caroline is hot and she's a star athlete. Everybody's always talking about how great they are together. Like, how's a guy supposed to level up to that?
My other siblings all have their thing, too. My sister Camellia is good at acting, and Matsu is amazing at sports and the captain of the cheer squad. Midori and Willow are identical, which always gets them noticed just because, but also Midori is already planning her career as an aesthetician, and Willow is super-smart like Forest and wants to become an engineer.
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As for me, I'm not sure what I want to do yet. I'm okay at most things, but not awesome like my siblings, and I don't have my future figured out like some of them do. I'm thinking maybe I'd like to be a police officer and work in something science-y like forensics, 'cause I really love science. Or I might like to be a journalist, 'cause I'm good at finding out stuff that people don't necessarily want me to know.
My dads keep telling me that being nosy isn't really a good thing, but I prefer to think of it as inquisitiveness. Anyway, I'd use my powers for good, so I think it's okay.
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Everyone says I talk too much, so I should probably wrap this up so I don't annoy people too much. Kinda insecure about that, to be honest, but like... I can't help myself. Sometimes I feel awkward 'cause I don't know if I'm talking too much or not and I'm worried about what people might think. Like, 'Oh no, not that guy again. He can never shut up', or whatever.
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Okay, that's it, I promise! I'm super pumped about this show, and I can't wait to meet everyone! Bring on the adventure and bring on the drama! Your boy Takashi is READY FOR IT! Woo!
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noneedtoamputate · 1 month
Band of Brothers Olympics AU - Chapter One
I don't have a great title for this yet. I was thinking about The Vault in Our Stars, a pun on another Shakespeare quote to go along with Band of Brothers. If you have any ideas, please let me know.
This came out of my Olympic obesession, and I've tried to include a lot of details that came out of the Paris games in the fic.
I can't thank @mercurygray enough for helping me flesh out this story and providing some much-needed details. She deserves co-author credit on this chapter, but any mistakes or sections that don't work are on me. And thanks to @shoshiwrites for beta-reading and telling me it was a fun read. That's exactly what I am going for with this fic.
Hope you all enjoy!
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Five days before Opening Ceremony
Four of the five members of the United States men’s gymnastics team lounged in the larger of the two bedrooms in their Olympic Village suite after their designated practice time. Harry Welsh texted his girlfriend, Kitty Grogan, a member of the U.S. women’s gymnastics team and America’s current sweetheart. High bar specialist George Luz balanced a plate of French baked goods on his lap. Team himbo Floyd Talbert read the newest issue of Field and Stream. Carwood Lipton, the youngest member of the squad, sat on the floor doing a v-stretch. 
“My mattress here is worse than the one in my dorm room,” Carwood lamented, grabbing his foot and reaching his head to his knee.
“Yes, but it’s environmentally friendly,” Harry pointed out without looking up from typing. “You can save the world or save your back, but not both.”
“Fuck, this pain au chocolat is good,” George said, his mouth full and his pronunciation terrible.
“You don’t say the last letter of the word,” Tab explained, hardly looking up from his magazine. 
“Whatever.” George considered the pastry again. “I think I’m going to record a review and put it on TikTok.”
“You know French?” Carwood asked Tab. It wasn’t impossible, but Carwood didn’t take Tab as the … cultured type. He knew Dick and Harry pretty well - he was a few years behing them at Penn State, after all - but he was still getting to know George and Tab. Both men liked to joke, although their senses of humor worked in different ways - in strong contrast to Dick, who didn’t really go for jokes when it came to his team and his sport. 
“Kinda. I’ve been doing twenty minutes of Duolingo a day for the past two months. I’m up to Level Six,” Tab explained proudly.
Harry laughed and shook his head. “And here I was thinking the only French Tab knew was mènage à trois.”
“I resent that you think that low of me, Harry - and that’s an important phrase,” Talbert defended, finally looking up from his reading. “Speaking of, any chance Kitty introduces us to her teammates?”
Harry put his phone down. “Kitty’s already told them all about you. And if that didn’t scare them off, she threatened  that if they so much as shook your hand, she’d send their names to the doping agency and they’d have to take extra urine tests.” 
“Shit, I wouldn’t cross Kitty. She scares the hell out of me.” George admitted, brushing crumbs off his chin. 
“If only the American public knew about the real Kitty Grogan,” Carwood agreed. Harry’s girlfriend had worked hard for the America’s Sweetheart nickname, but George was right. Her tiny frame and blond curls hid a ruthless sense of humor, a deceptively strong arm, and a very, very strong protective urge for the other women on her team. (Necessary equipment, she would have said.)
“Well, there’s lots of other women in the Olympic Village,” Tab said, unbothered and unashamed. “And I’ll need some more condoms, too, since someone -” he glared at George - “wouldn’t share.”
“Christ, will you let it go? Harry asked for mine first. And everyone got five to start with. If you need more than that, walk your lazy ass downstairs to the clinic. They have more there for the taking.”
The suite door opened, and team captain Dick Winters walked into the room.
“Hey, have you had any of these, Dick?” George asked, gesturing to the remnant of croissant on the table. “They’re really good.”
Dick looked at the pastry like George had just suggested he eat something toxic, and gave a brief shake of his head.“I just got through talking with Coach Taylor, and he was really happy with the way practice went this morning.”
“Well, that’s why I came to France. To make Coach Taylor happy.” Harry rolled his eyes. He wasn’t on the best of terms with the national team coach, and he wasn’t afraid of letting everyone know it. 
“Hey, Tab, you should ask Dick!” George suggested. 
“Ask me what?” Dick looked over Tab’s way.
“Can I have the condoms that came in your welcome pack? George already gave his to Harry.” Tab still sounded put out.
Dick looked even more offended about this than he had about the chocolate croissant. “No!” 
“Why? Did you use them already?” Tab sat up and looked at Dick, interested in his answer.
“No!” Dick shouted again, even louder this time. “And nobody is no going to need the condoms, because nobody on this team is going to have sex until we’re done with the competition.”
“What?” Tab asked incredulously. “There are 5,000 women here. And 5,000 men, if that’s your thing. Ten thousand people, all of us at the peak of our physical well being. And you want us to refrain from doing anything that requires a condom for a week?”
Dick sighed, more than a little agitated he had to explain this to his teammates. “We have a chance to do something really special here. I know it's a long shot, but we could medal. It would be huge for men’s gymnastics back home. We owe it to ourselves and our sport to do our best, and that means focusing. Abstaining for a week isn’t going to kill anybody.”
Harry shook his head. “Look Dick, I understand what you’re saying, but you know how superstitious I am, and I always sleep with Kitty before a big meet. She does this thing where … ”
“STOP!” interrupted Dick, eyes closed in pain. “Nobody is interested in what you were about to say.”
“I am,” Tab answered honestly, and George laughed.
“Look, I didn’t come up here to talk about condoms,” Dick said, desperately wanting to change the subject. “I’ve been thinking we should skip the opening ceremonies.”
The rest of the team stared at him.
Dick sighed before starting again. “I know we’ve all been looking forward to it, but it’s only two days before our qualification round, and we’ll be on our feet and it will throw off our sleep schedule.”
“C’mon, Dick. It’s one night,” George said.
“I know it’s not a big deal for you, being in just one event,” Dick said, sounding judgmental. 
George sat up straighter. “Yeah, I only won the silver medal at last year’s world championships for the high bar. I have no idea how I even got picked for the Olympic team, because that’s not a big deal.”
The three other teammates turned their heads back and forth, following the heated exchange.
Dick grimaced. “That didn’t come out the right way, George. I’m sorry. But you have to see my point. You get it, don’t you, Carwood?”
Everyone looked at Carwood. 
Carwood looked up to Dick, both as a gymnast and a person, so he was slow to voice his dissent. Truthfully, he’d been looking forward to the ceremony quite a bit, and the idea of not going for something like a sleep schedule sounded … well, lame.  “I want to do well, too, Dick, but there are so many things about the games that we don’t want to miss out on. The opening ceremonies, meeting new people …”
“Mènage à trois,” Harry added with a huge grin, and Tab threw the magazine his way. 
“You know what, forget it,” Dick said, clearly agitated. “Let’s just treat this like one big frat party and forget about representing our country and bringing home a medal.” He walked out of the room.
“Aw, Dick, come on!” he heard Harry call out to him, but he didn’t respond. He’d shared his feelings with his team, and they’d shared theirs. 
How was a captain supposed to lead when his team didn’t want to be led?
Dick decided to take his frustration out in the weight room, and then he got a massage. Back in the locker room, he checked his phone and saw Harry had messaged him.
Harry: Hey, you okay? We’re going to grab dinner, but I understand if you need to cool off.
Harry: I don’t think that conversation went the way anyone wanted it to.
Harry: They’re all good guys and they care a lot, but we all need a little fun, too.
Harry: You don’t have to be perfect, Dick. You’re already a good leader.
Harry: You know I love you, man. Kitty says she loves you, too (but not like she loves me).
Dick smiled briefly at the words on the screen. Harry was more than just a long time teammate. He’d been his freshman year roommate, one of the first friends he’d made at Penn State, and the guy on the team who understood him the best. They had shared wins and losses and ups and downs. Dick was even there the first time Harry laid eyes on Kitty, and she quickly became one of Dick’s people, too.
Thanks. Dick texted back. Grabbing dinner with Lew. Appreciate the invite, though. I’ll catch you before lights out.
He would need to apologize to them all later - he could see that now. Sometimes he forgot that other people saw the world a little differently than he did. But that was part of being a leader, too. 
It’s good to have people who care about you, he thought.
An hour later, Dick took the Metro and walked a few blocks to meet team sponsor Lew Nixon at a bistro. A second-generation tech titan, Lew and his sister, Blanche, needed a way for their father’s software company to save face after Stan’s headline-making fourth divorce. Blanche suggested adopting two Olympic teams that needed financial support and didn’t mind the backing of NixWorks, despite the reputation of its founder. 
So Lew met with men’s gymnastics, promising free housing for its national team members, as well as covering travel expenses and extensive social media coverage. Blanche did the same with the women’s rugby team, and both teams were happy to accept. 
Nix hated athletics - his idea of weight training was 12 ounce curls - and Dick had nothing in common with the San Francisco tech bro. But in spite of their differences - or maybe because of them - the two had become close friends during the past year. Dick appreciated having someone he could talk to outside of the gymnastics bubble he placed himself in leading up to the games. 
Dick spotted Lew sitting at a table for two on the outdoor patio, looking at his phone, a glass of red wine already in front him. 
“Dick!” Lew said, greeting him a little too loudly. Dick thought the glass of wine may not have been Lew’s first of the evening. 
“Have you seen the new dating app we created for the Olympians?” Lew turned his phone around so Dick could see it.
“Yeah. Light My Fire. Great name,” Dick said.
“I know, right?” Lew missed the sarcasm from Dick. “You know, because the torch and everything.”
“I get it,” said Dick.
“And my dad is a huge Jim Morrison fan. Once I told him the idea and the name, he had the programmers start working on it right away.” The waiter came over to go over the specials and take Dick’s drink order. Lew translated and answered back in perfect French.
“Dick, it wouldn’t kill you to try some new things while you’re here,” Lew said, considering his friend over the candle in the middle of the table.
“I don’t like sparkling water. I just want tap. And what’s wrong with ranch dressing?”
Lew tried to hold in his smile.“They call it still water here, Dick. And nothing is wrong with ranch dressing ... if you’re in State College, Pennsylvania. But you happen to be in the culinary capital of the world, and I’m going to let you in on a little secret,” Lew said conspiratorially, leaning a bit closer to Dick across the table. “Champagne vinaigrette won’t get you drunk.”
Dick rolled his eyes. 
Over the meal - Lew had steak frites, rare, and another glass of what Dick learned was Bordeaux, while Dick stuck to water, still, and a grilled chicken salad - Dick shared what had conspired earlier in the day. Dick would have never guessed it when they first met, but Lew was a good listener, always taking in facts and asking pertinent questions. 
Lew took a long sip of wine before sharing his conclusion.
“Listen, I know you don’t have beaches in Pennsylvania, but I’m sure you’ve held sand too tightly before,” Lew said. “I don’t think I need to tell you it usually doesn’t work.”
Dick couldn’t help but laugh. Lew was right.
“I’ve seen all five of you work hard, make sacrifices. You’re all ready for this. Give them a little space, a little freedom. This thing only happens every four years - enjoy it a little!” 
Dick nodded.
When he got back to the room, the team was half-watching an action movie dubbed in English on the television while Kitty was recording George eating another one of those chocolate pastries. Several sets of eyes swung to him and the door as he came in, just as quickly going back to the movie.
He looked down at his feet for a moment. “I owe you all an apology. I came on a little strong earlier, and I’m sorry. I’ve … got a lot on my mind at the moment.” The group continued to watch the movie, but George’s frown had softened a little.
“Here’s the deal,” Dick said in such a way that everyone turned around and stared at him intently. “We’re going to work like hell for the next two days. Then we’ll go to the opening ceremonies. And then we’ll kick some ass.”
His teammates look stunned. They never heard him swear once before, let alone twice in one speech. 
“Fuck yeah,” George answered back, smiling.
“Fuck yeah,” Harry and Tab said at the same time.
Carwood took his time. He didn’t swear much, either. “Fuck yeah,” he finally said, and Harry patted him on the back.
As Kitty recorded the moment on George’s phone for posterity, she knew this group was something special. 
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hastalavistabyebye · 4 days
Reckoning Squad
@the-starry-seas @five-oh-thirst and @divine-valley you were interested by them so here have at it !
So I have this idea of a particular squad known as the Reckonings or Reckoning Squad. The oldest is barely a Shiny and the youngest is a tubie. All of them are dead and are stories told by the clones. They are horror stories but not for the Vode, they're for the natborns. They're tales of everything the clones suffered because of natborns.
And the clones share easily that terrifying aspect of the Reckonings (where they keep their comforting side closely to themselves with the rest of their culture), so most natborns know only those maybe real stories about the clones.
As of now there is six of them.
(cutting here to not attack you with a long ass post)
She's also the one for disabled vode, mentally illed vode. He laugh at the wrong times, startle at the smallest things, get lost somewhere far away in his own mind sometimes. (But I'll come back on this aspect later)
He's black like the isolation rooms. He's a trooper that gone mad, that lost who he was. They're both the Vode that got reconditioned and the ones stuck for too long in isolation, the medics that broke under their duties and their failures. She looks like a fully grown trooper in their blacks, but is faceless.
Rage is grey like the Kamino sea during days of storm. He has blood on his knuckles, knives that seems to simply slip in his fists, cold eyes and a snarl that promise blood. He looks like a fully grown Alpha, his rage all consuming and too big to be contained in a small room, looming over you and touching the ceiling. He's the living weapon the clones were made into, but he only fights for his people.
His presence is said to make one's breathing harder. But if the person he attached himself to is a clone, then it's the difficulty of breathing caused by a heavy, reassuring blanket, not the weight of anger that the natborns could feel.
They are a little particular because the stories have many versions of them, gives them many names. They can be Despair or Panic. Rarely but it happens they can be called Terror. Despair and Panic can be as one person or different clones. They are bright blue like the pills the clones have to take when they can't stop crying and look like a developmentally 10 years old cadet. They have tear-track scars and their eyes are always open. They keep an eye on every clone who's breaking down, takes the burden of every grief and fear that seems to eat them out, and hold their hand until they calm down. Despair is the reminder of just how far natborns pushed the Vode.
She's a small thing, barely old enough to be a cadet, and wear the brown of the mush they call food. She's the pain and emptiness that grow and grow and grow until it takes over your mind. She's the troopers that loose appetite must it be because of alimentation disorders, grief or fear. She's the officers and medics too focused to take a break and the troopers stuck in the trenches for too long.
But most importantly she's the clones' hunger for contact, affection and life. The natborns see her often but not those last facets of her. Those are kept for the Vode only.
And the last two :
Words is a tubie and wear their yellow. He's the "twin" of Hunger. He looks like the youngest but really is the first that appeared. He's a surprise for the natborns, he doesn't seems to fit in. And yet he's the one that always end up to haunt them the most. He's the embodiment of every language, every word stolen from the Vode. Mando'a, yes, but also every expression and vocabulary never taught to the clones that cut them from the rest of the Galaxy, from a "normal" natborn life and from peace. He's the reminder of why the clones don't really know how to say "no, I refuse", don't know what a nice snack is or had to scratch the word "sister" with their teeth and sheer stubbornness. He reminds the natborns that they have stollen the clones "sentience" too by refusing them this word.
And he's also the keeper of the troopers names. He knows all of them. He appeared just for that, when young cadets started whispering their secrets and thoughts to one another. And when they started naming themselves, he was the one keeping those names safe. He has all those names tattooed on his skin. Some of them form a Tā Moko on his chin, as a blatant show of what was stolen from the Vode. It refers all at the same time to mando'a and the culture they were refused, their sentience and individuality and to the fact they are one family, one people.
Grief looks like the oldest but was the last story to appear. It's white as the incinerators, silent and rarely talked about, its name only murmured. It is the loss of the people, the loss of occasions. It is full of the ghosts of everything and everyone that disappeared. It is too young and too old. It is the never uttered shout of the Vode. The natborns very often forget to fear Grief, too scared by Rage and Madness. But just like Words, it's the one that will plague them the longest.
There's also a lot of expressions regarding the Reckonings. "He's with Madness" to say a clone has been reconditioned. "Don't paint yourself in white" is an expression often said to commanders who had a plan go awry, regardless of the real casualties, when they feel guilty or like they missed an opportunity. It doesn't sound like euphemisms for natborns sometimes, but the comforting layer of the Reckonings is for the clones alone.
There's also Vode-intern tales about Grief that say that the white of the armor is the white of Grief protecting them and keeping loss at bay, especially from Shinies.
And the Squad also help the Vode accept some things that would be considered defects by all the ableism they are fed. If a trooper has a panic attack and can't stop crying, even if the trigger was something inconsequential ? Well, it's because they're possessed by Despair and a cadet crying is normal and okay. A trooper suffers from brain damage like Gregor ? Madness is stucking with them and she suffers from isolation, sometimes in isolation you mumble to yourself or laugh for nothing, all the clones know that. Even if the trooper's problem isn't isolation at all, it's still Madness, so it's understandable.
But those later aspects, that comfort, are for Vode only. Natborns only know the horror of those Ghosts stories (who might or might not be real, legends always have a part of reality after all. The clones absolutely tell them as if they're real though).
Some of those ideas are @thivell's so thank you very much love <3
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imgibbon · 27 days
A "Brief" History of Shade, the Changing Man & Woman
In the beginning, ie 1978, there was Ditko, and he gave us Shade, the Changing Man, and it was good.
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Rac Shade was a Bond-type agent of an advanced society on a world called Meta - not an alien planet, but the Earth-analog of another layer of reality, and journeying between them meant crossing "The Zero Zone" and trying not to run afoul of its Area of Madness.
Shade had been framed for treason and the crippling of his fellow agent and fiancé Mellu Loran's parents, high-ranking government officials. Escaping from prison and heading to Earth and making use of a bit of contraband experimental technology that was being held at his hideout for Earth operations prior to his frame-up, the "M-Vest", he tracks down escaped Metan criminals while also seeking to find the one who framed him, who has been hiding out on Earth by integrating into its mafia underworld.
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The M-Vest allowed Shade a range of powers. With it he could manipulate gravity, employ enhanced strength, fire off energy blasts, and gave him an odd force-field that mitigated harm, but was also sensitive to the psyche of those around Shade, contorting to look like a weird image of their fears, as well as reflecting Shade's unconscious thoughts. He was a "changing man" as, to others, he was a constantly mutable and unnerving entity.
Across the 8 published issues (we got issue #9 later, and Ditko purportedly had up through issue #15 plotted out), Shade convinces his superiors of his innocence, returns to Meta, makes up with Mellu, and starts to make his way back to earth to deal with the criminal mastermind behind his framing infiltrating and taking over the Earth observation outpost that Shade's organization had been working out of.
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And then the series was cancelled on short notice due to DC being in financially dire straits at the time.
A decade later, in 1988, Shade was rescued from the void of the Zero Zone by The Suicide Squad, joining their ranks in return for helping him liberate his org's outpost as if it were the next issue and he hadn't been absent from pages for a decade since we last visited that plotline. The mastermind is killed during the scuffle, and with him any chances of Shade being able to go home and formally clear his name. Waller and co offer to help him out while he figures out another way home in the meantime.
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He ran with the Squad for a good twenty issues, taking part in the giant Janus Directive crossover, and even journeying to Apokolips and fighting the New Gods with them. During that arc, he is talked into making a bad call that betrays the team, though he helps them get out of the resulting mess. In the end, when everyone is zapped home by Darkseid's eyebeams, while the rest of the Squad is blipped to Earth, Shade is finally returned to Meta.
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Six months later, mid 1990, Peter Milligan's first issue of the new Shade, the Changing Man hit news stands. And it was... different.
Milligan expanded on Shade's backstory, revealing that Shade had been an aspiring poet prior to being recruited into the agency that trained it out of him, and delving more into Metan culture, while also using Shade as a vehicle for exploring the weirdness of being in a familiar yet alien society he felt as a British man newly moved to America.
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After returning to Meta and before he'd had time to reunite with Mellu, Shade's superiors had tasked him with going back to Earth to pick up an assignment that another agent had been on but failed at: figuring out where the Madness in America was stemming from, and stop it from leaking out into the Area of Madness and influencing Meta. Shade had to journey deep into the Area of Madness to get a bead on it, and ended up on Earth by possessing the body of a freshly executed serial killer, unknowingly leaving his original body an empty lifeless husk floating in the void.
He started travelling the States with Kathy George, whose parents were the serial killer's final victims, and the two eventually are joined by Lenny Shapiro, and sarcastic and witty woman in her own right. The three end up in what would today be called a polyamorous trouple, and eventually confront the living embodiment madness of America, which had infected the other agent, driven him insane, and transformed him into what manifested to others as the giant twisted skeleton of Uncle Sam known as The American Scream.
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Shade's M-Vest has grown in power, and possibly is just a part of him now, vastly increasing his abilities to raw reality-warping levels. He can more or less just do whatever the story needs him to do now, basically.
Once the Scream had been dealt with, Shade died. Not that that really slowed him down at all. He wasn't even really aware that it had happened. His at this point powerful madness-riddled psyche was keeping him around as a ghost of sorts, and Kathy & Lenny found a recent corpse to posses, as someone had just driven their car into the lake near where they were staying.
They only discovered after the fact that it was a woman.
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After a brief detour where Shade transitioned back into being a man (transmasc baybeeeee), he went back to Meta, finally reconnecting with Mellu after what was now some years, only to learn that the agency had told her that he was dead, and she'd met and wed someone else. She has a mental breakdown, asking in tears why he hadn't come home sooner. Taking this in, Shade returned to Kathy and Lenny, to let them know that he was dying again, said his goodbyes, and allowed himself to be killed by the same FBI/Meta duel operative who'd done him in before.
This is where the Vertigo imprint spun up. The next issue, under the Vertigo banner, picks up after a bit of a timeskip, where Kathy and Lenny are informed by the ghost of Kathy's dead ex that angels in heaven have plans for Shade, and they're sending him back, having prepared for him a body to use in the form of a adult man who's been basically braindead since birth and kept in a medical institution. But the angels have kept a bit of Shade's soul so they can exert some power over him, and it's made him a bit less hinged than he used to be.
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Shade, Kathy, and Lenny, per the angels' direction, set up shop as managers of a hotel, helping the weird visitors who come to stay there. During their time there, Shade manages to get Kathy pregnant, and Lenny reunites with the daughter Lily that she had in her teens before running away from home.
But as Kathy comes to term and approaches the time to give birth, she is brutally assaulted. She dies, though they manage to save the baby. Shade, however, is not in his right mind, and rejects the child, walking out of the hospital to wander, while Lenny leaves with her daughter.
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This, purportedly, was where Milligan intended to end the series. But for whatever reason it didn't, so it kept going, and the status quo was obviously massively different than what it used to be.
After another not-too-lengthy timeskip Shade decides to kill himself, not seeing the point in continuing, though the literal devil sends him back to posses yet another body. Shade, in an attempt to find meaning, sets up shop in a dimensionally transcendental crack in the pavement in NYC, spends some time existing as the floor in a dance studio, and finally goes to check up on his son, George. Who, it turns out, is aging extremely rapidly, due to not being fully human.
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Reunitings with Lenny are had, George ages to death over the course of six months, his soul merges with Lenny's daughter Lily, Shade picks up a few more strays in the form of Angela and Sinita, the latter of which he starts a new relationship with, before everything goes tits up again and he decides the solution is to build a time machine so he can fix all of his (and his friends') problems. He prevents Kathy's parents from being murdered, prevents his younger self from joining the agency, helps Lenny out in her youth, etc.
The series ends with Shade and his now-daughter Lily visiting this new revised timeline's version of Kathy to see if they can strike up a relationship with her.
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Things apparently didn't go well.
The next time we see Shade outside of cameos is a story arc in Milligan's run on John Constantine, Hellblazer, in 2010. Constantine summons Shade to help with some Madness-related issues he and his fiancé Epiphany are experiencing, and Shade, unable to get together with the new Kathy and Lily nowhere in sight, becomes obsessed with turning Constantine's bride-to-be into an idealized version of Kathy. It doesn't work, and Constantine is able to properly wed Epiphany, but Shade is shown to be crazy and depressed and have basically the powers of a god. In the middle of all of that we also met back up with Lenny, who has cleaned herself up and is now a school teacher, go figure.
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The very next year, DC would cancel the Vertigo line, and everything else, and reboot their universe with the Flashpoint event. During it, in a miniseries from Milligan, Shade is forcibly taken back to Meta, where they reveal that A) the vest has grown to be a part of him, and can no longer be removed in a way that matters, and, B) because of this he is, to an extent, immune to all these reality rewrites. Or at least less affected by them. Shade is put in charge of a team, the Secret Seven, but the madness overtakes him (with a bit of help from some double agents for an enemy faction) and he winds up back in the Area of Madness
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Afterwards, in the New 52, we see him trying to forcibly manifest a new Kathy with his godlike powers, but apparently not godlike enough, as she just melts when he's not around. He's interrupted by Madame Xanadu, putting together a team, the Justice League Dark, largely comprised of many of the members of the Secret Seven, and tasks Shade in a leading role to help her save the world from some threats she has foreseen.
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Milligan wrote this series for the first 8 issues, and when he left, so did Shade (as well as Milligan's other OCs he'd brought to the table), but it served as a nice little coda to his era of The Changing Man that had begun some twenty odd years earlier.
It would then be another half-decade or so before we'd see hide or hair of Shade again. In late 2016, DC started up the Young Animal line, a young adult-aimed successor to the Vertigo imprint, with many of the same faces headlining its titles. And among them was Shade.
Sort of.
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The new Shade, the Changing Girl, from writer Cecil Castellucci, starred young adult bird alien Loma Shade, who was raised on Meta and had adopted Rac's last name after becoming enamored with his poetry and counter-culture views while he was acting as a guest lecture at her university before disappearing form Metan society again.
Loma steals what is purportedly Rac's vest, which has been sitting in a museum, and uses it to transfer her consciousness to Earth, wanting to follow in Rac's footsteps, taking over the body of a comatose high school girl named Megan. And leaving her now empty bird alien body behind on Meta for her boyfriend to deal with, oops.
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Living as "Megan", she learns about our culture, experiences dysphoria being in a body she doesn't identify with, and explores sexuality, hormones, and learns how to be a better person than she used to be (and than Megan used to be as well). Meanwhile back on Meta, we learn that Mellu, now getting up there in years, is the head of the agency that used to employ her and Shade, and becomes obsessed when learning that someone has stolen Rac's vest and managed to use it, thinking she'll finally be able to reunite with Shade again after all these years.
Eventually, Loma runs away from home, learns never to meet her heroes, has to deal with Megan wanting her body back, and Mellu wanting Rac's coat back. Her original body dies without her soul in it, and Megan's body dies in the process of Megan trying to get back in it. Shade ends up possessing the body of her favorite black & white sitcom star, Honey Rich, who happened to look a lot like Megan in her younger years, and returns it to youthfulness to attend Megan's funeral.
Mellu also gets the coat back and uses it to reunite with Shade, who had left behind the vest for Mellu and was waiting for her in the Area of Madness where time has no meaning.
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It was at this point that Loma got caught up in a really bizarre crossover event that involved all the titles in the Young Animal line called Milk Wars, which was largely Doom Patrol focused, but saw Loma splitting in five, each color-coded and embodying one of her emotions Inside Out style, and serving as Wonder Woman's personal helpers in a world overtaken by a weird 1920s aesthetic organization called Retcon. It was very weird lol.
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The series then returned with under the new branding Shade, the Changing Woman. We are subjected to a five year timeskip, during which Loma has grown and slipped into old habits, sleeping around with men and women, indulging in food, drugs, and other things to fill the void in her heart. Her friends have all graduated, gone on to higher education, and gotten jobs in their fields. And she still doesn't really know what her place in the world is. So she's been couch-surfing with Rac in the Area of Madness while she figures out what to do with her life.
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And in the midst of all that, the giant interdimensional crayfish that destroyed her birth planet, causing her to be a refuge child on Meta in the first place, begin to attack the Earth.
By the end of the final issue in late 2018, Loma and Rac had become one person, Kathy, Lenny, and Lily had put in an appearance, Mellu got some closure, Megan had come back in a male body and tried to hijack Loma's again, Loma's old boyfriend had become a green lantern, and Loma ended up possessing the body of her dying black non-binary friend River.
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And that's where the series ended.
And we haven't seen Shade, in any iteration, since then.
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nameofallteams · 17 days
666 Amusing Team Names For All Different Games (Categorized)
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Coming up with a funny, catchy team name can add an extra layer of fun to any game or competition. Whether you're playing sports, video games, trivia, or just about any other group activity, a humorous team name can set the tone for a good time and even intimidate your opponents with its wit. To help you find the perfect name, we’ve compiled a massive list of 666 amusing team names, categorized by different types of games.
Funny Team Names for Sports
Sports often bring out the competitive spirit, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with it. Here are some amusing names perfect for sports teams: Soccer - Goal Diggers - Net Six and Chill - Real Men of Genius - The Kickballers - No Pain, No Gain - Footie McFootface - Full-Time Hooligans - Not Fast, Just Furious - The Ball Busters - Misfits United Basketball - Dunkin’ Donuts - Basket Brawlers - Hoops We Did It Again - Net Profits - Air Balls - Hoop There It Is - Alley-Oops - Bricklayers - Layup Artists - The Rim Jobs Football - The Fumblers - Gridiron Goons - Blitzkrieg - Touchdown Turnips - Fourth and Long Shots - The Pigskin Pirates - Fumblelaya - End Zone Enforcers - Punt Intended - Sacked and Loaded Baseball/Softball - Base Invaders - Bat Attitude - Pitch Please - No Hit Sherlocks - The Homerun Hitters - Foul Balls - The Dugout Dummies - Pop Flies - Diamond Divas - The Sandlot Heroes Hockey - Puck Off - Ice Ice Baby - The Frozen Few - Pucking Awesome - Stick Magnets - The Zamboni Drivers - Ice Pack - Blades of Glory - Hat Trick Heroes - The Penalty Boxers
Funny Team Names for Video Games
Video game teams often thrive on creativity and humor. Here are some amusing names for gaming clans, squads, or guilds: First-Person Shooters (FPS) - Headshot Hustlers - Campers Anonymous - Noob Tube - Frag Dolls - Sniper Elite - Killjoys - The Spawn Campers - Flashbang Friends - The Respawn Rangers - Team Deathmachos MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) - Gank Squad - Minion Mayhem - Penta Killers - Creeps and Crits - Lane Pushers - Tower Huggers - The Aces Wild - Raging Riftwalkers - Jungle Junkies - Minions and Chill Battle Royale - Drop Zone Dummies - Victory Royale Rejects - Circle Shrinkers - Loot Lovers - Last Team Standing - The Zone Runners - PUBGlic Enemies - Battle Bus Brawlers - Loot Llamas - Drop and Roll Role-Playing Games (RPG) - The Questioneers - XP Farmers - Critical Miss - Potion Vendors - Dungeon Delvers - The Respawn Rivals - The Level Up Squad - Health Potion Hoarders - The Dragon Slayers - Mana Burners Sports Games - The Button Mashers - Rage Quitters United - The Joystick Juggernauts - Penalty Shots - No Controllers - Pixelated Athletes - Thumb Wrestlers - Glitch Goals - Extra Lives - Score Screen Savers
Funny Team Names for Trivia and Quiz Games
Trivia nights are meant to be fun and challenging. Here are some hilarious team names to add to the experience: General Trivia - Quiztopher Walken - The Quizzard of Oz - Smarty Pints - Quiz In My Pants - The Know-It-Alls - Trivial Pursuers - The Brainy Bunch - Risky Quizness - Let’s Get Quizzical - The Einsteins Pop Culture Trivia - The Pop Tarts - Quizzin’ Tarantinos - The Factinators - The Trivia Newton-Johns - The Masterminds - Culture Vultures - The Sitcom Scholars - Triviaholics - Movie Buffs - Quizzy McGuire History Trivia - The History Buffs - The Past Masters - Quiztorical Figures - Historical High Fives - The Time Travelers - The Quiztorians - Revolutionary Minds - History Heroes - Time Lords - The Ancient Scholars Science and Math Trivia - The Mathletes - Quiztastic Beakers - The Hypotenuse Crew - E=MC Hammered - The Pythagorean Theorems - The Atomic Thinkers - The Newtonians - The Brainiacs - Scientific Methodists - The Number Crunchers
Funny Team Names for Work and Office Games
Bring some humor into the workplace with these funny names for team-building games or office competitions: Office Trivia - Cubicle Comedians - The Spreadsheet Savants - The Office Jokers - PowerPoint Rangers - The Ctrl+Alt+Defeats - The Email Eccentrics - The Keyboard Warriors - The Busy Bees - The Lunch Break Legends - The Meeting Makers Office Olympics - The Desk Jockeys - Stapler Ninjas - The Paper Pushers - Fax Machine Failures - The Photocopy Cats - The Conference Room Conquerors - The Water Cooler Crew - The Overachievers - The Break Room Bandits - The Office MVPs Team Building Games - The Collaboration Nation - The Brainstorm Brigade - The Idea Factory - The Task Masters - The Productivity Pros - The Team Players - The Synergy Squad - The Workflow Wizards - The Deadline Demolishers - The Efficiency Experts Workplace Fantasy Leagues - The PowerPoint Pundits - The Meeting Maniacs - The Water Cooler Whisperers - The Email Exorcists - The Lunch Break Lions - The Spreadsheet Spartans - The Budget Busters - The Workflow Warriors - The Strategy Superstars - The Inbox Infiltrators
Funny Team Names for Board Games
Board games can be intense, but a funny team name can keep things light-hearted and fun: Classic Board Games - The Game of Phones - Monopoly Moguls - Scrabble Scramblers - The Risky Business - The Trouble Makers - Sorry Not Sorry - The Board Game Brawlers - Connect Four Champs - The Clue Crew - The Jenga Jesters Strategy Games - The Strategizers - The Catan Clan - The Risk Takers - The Checkmate Chumps - The Game of Throners - Chess Club Rejects - The War Room Wizards - The Think Tank - The Master Planners - The King’s Gambit Party Games - The Cards Against Humanity - The Charades Champs - Pictionary Pros - The Cranium Crew - The Jackbox Juggernauts - The Party Poppers - The Balderdash Bashers - The Game Night Geniuses - The Social Gamers - The Party Animals Trivia Board Games - Trivial Troupers - The Trivia Titans - The Fact Finders - The Pursuit Squad - The Quiz Masters - The Brain Game Bandits - The Knowledge Knights - The Fact Fanatics - The Quiz Wiz - The Trivia Troopers
Funny Team Names for Card Games
Card games often require wit and strategy, so why not pair that with a witty team name? Poker - The Poker Faces - The Bluff Brigade - All In, No Out - The Card Sharks - The River Rats - The Poker Jokers - Royal Flush Friends 228 - Royal Flush Friends - The Straight Flushers - Pocket RocketsThe Check Raisers - The Full House Friends - The Blind Bets - The High Rollers - The River Kings - The Poker Night Pros - The Chip Stackers Uno - Reverse Uno Champions - The Wild Draw Fours - Uno Mas! - The Card Reversers - Skip Squad - The Uno Bandits - The Draw Two Crew - Color Match Masters - The Uno Sharks - The Wild Card Wizards Bridge - The Bridge Builders - The Trump Titans - The Suit Specialists - The Bidding Experts - The Slam Dunkers - The Double Dealers - The Bridge Bandits - The Rubber Winners - The Trick Takers - The Grand Slam Gang Spades - The Spade Invaders - The Trump Troupers - The Nil Seekers - The Suit Seekers - The Ace of Spades - The Trick Masters - The Bidding Brains - The Sandbaggers - The Trump Team - The Spade Specialists Rummy - The Gin Joints - The Rummy Rascals - The Card Counter Crew - The Meld Masters - The Rummy Royals - The Sequence Schemers - The Gin and Tonics - The Deck Dealers - The Card Combiners - The Set Collectors Hearts - The Heartbreakers - The Queen of Spades - The Tricksters - The Broken Hearts Club - The Shoot the Moon Squad - The Heart Hunters - The Suit Collectors - The Point Dodgers - The Flush Finders - The Bleeding Hearts Go Fish - The Fishing Fanatics - The Card Catchers - The Pair Pickers - The Go Fish Gurus - The Deck Divers - The Pair Up Squad - The Fish Finders - The Go Fish Pros - The Tackle Box - The Fishing Friends
Funny Team Names for Fantasy Sports
Fantasy sports teams are all about strategy, but a funny name can keep things light-hearted and enjoyable: Fantasy Football - The Gridiron Gurus - The Pigskin Prophets - The Sunday Funday Squad - The Hail Mary Heroes - The End Zone Erasers - The Touchdown Tornadoes - The Fantasy Phenom - The Bye Week Brawlers - The Draft Dodgers - The Football Fanatics Fantasy Basketball - The Court Kings - The Dunkin’ Dynamos - The Rebound Rascals - The Hoop Dreams - The Slam Dunk Squad - The Alley-Oop Artists - The Triple Double Trouble - The Fantasy Ballers - The Fast Breakers - The Basket Cases Fantasy Baseball - The Homerun Hitters - The RBI Rulers - The Grand Slam Gang - The Diamond Dynamos - The Fantasy Fielders - The Strike Zone Superstars - The Base Stealers - The Pitching Aces - The Line Drive Legends - The Dugout Dreamers Fantasy Hockey - The Ice Kings - The Puck Punishers - The Hat Trick Heroes - The Frozen Fantasists - The Fantasy Forwards - The Power Play Posse - The Puck Handlers - The Blue Line Bandits - The Stick Savvy - The Fantasy Ice Men
Funny Team Names for Drinking Games
Drinking games are all about having a good time, and these names add to the fun: Beer Pong - The Pong Pros - The Brew Crew - The Bounce Masters - The Cup Stackers - The Sudsy Slingers - The Drunken Dunkers - The Beer Bouncers - The Last Call Legends - The Buzzed Ballers - The Keg Stand Kings Flip Cup - The Cup Flippers - The Flip Cup Champs - The Suds Slingers - The Tipsy Topplers - The Rapid Flippers - The Cup Crushers - The Flip Squad - The Party Flippers - The Drunken Dominators - The Flip Fellas Kings (King’s Cup) - The Royal Drinkers - The Card Commanders - The King’s Court - The Rule Makers - The Cup Commanders - The Card Slingers - The Throne Takers - The Drunken Royals - The King’s Men - The Drink Dictators Quarters - The Quartermasters - The Coin Tossers - The Sudsy Slingers - The Drink Dippers - The Coin Commanders - The Flip and Sip Squad - The Quarter Crushers - The Shot Glass Slingers - The Coin Crew - The Beer Bouncers Power Hour - The Hour of Power - The Shot Clockers - The Sip Masters - The Drink Drafters - The Sudsy Sippers - The Power Pints - The Hour Heroes - The Drinkathon - The Sip Squad - The Hour Crushers
Funny Team Names for Party Games
Party games are meant to be fun and social, so here are some hilarious names to keep the mood light: Charades - The Mime Masters - The Silent But Deadly - The Gestural Geniuses - The Act Out Squad - The Charade Crusaders - The Silent Performers - The Gesture Gaggers - The Expressive Entertainers - The Charade Champions - The Silent Sillies Pictionary - The Doodle Dandies - The Sketchy Squad - The Drawing Divas - The Pictionary Pros - The Scribble Squad - The Artistic Aces - The Quick Draws - The Doodle Dashers - The Marker Masters - The Sketchy Characters Taboo - The Forbidden Words - The Verbal Vipers - The Wordy Warriors - The Unspoken Truths - The Taboo Titans - The Language Limiters - The Speechless Squad - The Word Watchers - The Verbal Ninjas - The Unspeakables Catch Phrase - The Quick Thinkers - The Phrase Fanatics - The Word Whizzes - The Catchphrase Crushers - The Fast Talkers - The Rapid Responders - The Slogan Slingers - The Phrase Finders - The Catchword Crew - The Verbal Velocity Trivia (Party Version) - The Brainstormers - The Knowledge Knockouts - The Trivia Titans - The Mind Masters - The Fact Fanatics - The Quizzical Queries - The Thought Provokers - The Trivia Tornadoes - The Brainy Bunch - The Mind Melders
Funny Team Names for Miscellaneous Games
These names can work for a variety of games that don’t fit neatly into other categories but still require a clever and humorous team name: Cornhole - The Cornholio Crew - The Bag Toss Bosses - The Hole in One - The Corn Stars - The Sack Slingers - The Baggin’ Bunch - The Holey Rollers - The Toss Up Squad - The Bag Masters - The Corny Crew Dodgeball - The Ball Dodgers - The Rubber Bandits - The Dodge Fathers - The Ball Busters - The Dodge Dynamos - The Rubber Wranglers - The Ball Avoiders - The Last Ones Standing - The Dodge Demons - The Fast Reflexes Bowling - The Pin Pals - The Gutter Gang - The Split Happens - The Alley Oops - The Turkey Club - The Strike Force - The Pin Crushers - The Rolling Stones - The Bowling Brawlers - The Gutter Gals/Guys Mini-Golf - The Putt Putters - The Hole in Fun - The Green Machines - The Par-Tee Time - The Mini Masters - The Swinging Squad - The Swinging Squad - The Putt-Putt Pros - The Tee Party - The Hole-in-Wonders - The Fairway Friends - The Puttery Geniuses - The Birdie Brigade - The Par-Tee Animals - The Greenskeepers - The Mini Golfers Laser Tag - The Laser Lads/Lasses - The Beam Team - The Photon Fighters - The Light Brigade - The Laser Legends - The Tag Masters - The Infrared Invaders - The Stealth Strikers - The Beam Dream Team - The Laser Assassins Paintball - The Paintball Punishers - The Splatter Squad - The Color Commandos - The Camouflage Kings - The Paint Warriors - The Splat Pack - The Marker Masters - The Tactical Painters - The Paintball Pirates - The Color Crushers Escape Room - The Puzzle Masters - The Clue Crew - The Lock Breakers - The Code Crackers - The Room Raiders - The Escape Artists - The Key Seekers - The Brain Teasers - The Mystery Solvers - The Door Dodgers Board Game Night - The Dice Rollers - The Game Geeks - The Strategy Seekers - The Board Room - The Rolling Stones - The Game Gurus - The Board Game Bandits - The Monopoly Moguls - The Tabletop Titans - The Dicey Decisions Arcade Games - The Joystick Jugglers - The Pixelated Pros - The Coin Operated Crew - The High Score Heroes - The Game Over Gang - The Button Bashers - The Retro Revivalists - The Token Takers - The Quarter Kings - The Arcade Avengers
Funny Team Names for Casual and Social Games
These names are perfect for any type of casual or social games, whether it’s at a party, a family gathering, or just a fun day with friends: Charades - The Mime Masters - The Silent But Deadly - The Gesture Gurus - The Act It Out All-Stars - The Wordless Wonders - The Mimicry Masters - The Charade Crusaders - The Gesture Giants - The Silent Sillies - The Mime Time Team Catch Phrase - The Rapid Responders - The Quick Wits - The Word Whizzes - The Phrase Finders - The Verbal Velocity - The Fast Talkers - The Slogan Slingers - The Speedy Speakers - The Phrase Fanatics - The Quick Thinkers Family Game Night - The Game Night Gurus - The Family Fun Bunch - The Board Game Buddies - The Dice Rollers - The Tabletop Tribe - The Family Fun-tastics - The Playing Pals - The Game Night Gang - The Family Favorites - The Bonding Buddies Outdoor Games - The Lawn Legends - The Backyard Ballers - The Sun Chasers - The Outdoor Outlaws - The Nature Navigators - The Picnic Pros - The Field Day Fanatics - The Fresh Air Friends - The Lawn Game Legends - The Sunshine Squad Trivia Nights - The Quiz Kids - The Smarty Pants - The Know-It-Alls - The Brainy Bunch - The Trivia Titans - The Quiz Masters - The Fact Finders - The Knowledge Knockouts - The Brainstormers - The Trivia Troop Game Show Teams - The Buzzers - The Wheel Spinners - The Game Show Gurus - The Contestant Crew - The Final Answer - The Game Show Goons - The Prize Pickers - The Lucky Guessers - The Fast Money Fanatics - The Game Night Gladiators Card Games - The Deck Commanders - The Shuffle Squad - The Card Sharks - The Ace of Spades - The Wild Cards - The Deck of Darlings - The Poker Faces - The Royal Flush - The Jokers Wild - The Card Counters
Funny Team Names for Miscellaneous Activities
If your game or activity doesn’t fit into a traditional category, these names might be the perfect fit: Scavenger Hunts - The Treasure Trackers - The Clue Chasers - The Hunt Hustlers - The Finders Keepers - The Search Party - The Scavenger Squad - The Hidden Gems - The Mystery Hunters - The Treasure Seekers - The Clue Crew Karaoke - The Sing Stars - The Mic Masters - The Pitch Perfects - The Vocal Virtuosos - The Karaoke Kings/Queens - The Sound Squad - The Mic Drop - The Tune Titans - The Melody Makers - The Vocal Chords Dance Competitions - The Rhythm Rebels - The Dance Dynamos - The Groove Gang - The Beat Breakers - The Step Up Squad - The Dancing Divas/Dudes - The Hip-Hop Hustlers - The Boogie Bandits - The Funky Bunch - The Move Makers Puzzle Competitions - The Puzzle Pros - The Piece Masters - The Brain Busters - The Jigsaw Junkies - The Puzzle People - The Piece Patrol - The Mind Melders - The Puzzle Wizards - The Piece Keepers - The Puzzle Pirates Cooking Competitions - The Spice Squad - The Flavor Fanatics - The Culinary Kings/Queens - The Kitchen Crusaders - The Heat Seekers - The Cooking Commandos - The Taste Testers - The Recipe Rulers - The Gourmet Gang - The Foodie Friends Photography Competitions - The Shutter Squad - The Snapshot Sultans - The Photo Finish - The Frame Fanatics - The Lens Legends - The Picture Perfects - The Capture Crew - The Shutterbugs - The Flash Focus - The Click Clique DIY Crafting Competitions - The Crafty Crew - The Glue Guns - The Creative Crafters - The DIY Divas/Dudes - The Craft Commanders
Choosing a funny and clever team name can enhance the enjoyment of any game, whether it’s competitive or just for fun. With these 666 amusing team names, you have a wide range of options to suit any game or activity. Whether you’re playing sports, video games, trivia, or enjoying a casual game night with friends, the right team name can make your experience even more memorable. So, gather your teammates, pick a name, and get ready to have a blast! Read the full article
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tourporlaindiaseo · 4 months
Dallas Stars
Based in Dallas, Texas, the Dallas Stars are a professional ice hockey team. They play in the National Hockey League's (NHL) Central Division of the Western Conference. The Stars have made a name for themselves in the NHL thanks to their fervent fan base and spirit of competition.
Past Events and Accomplishments: Establishment: Originally named the Minnesota North Stars, the team was created in 1967 and moved to Dallas in 1993. The team's relocation opened up a new chapter, and they soon established themselves as essential members of the Dallas sports scene.
Stanley Cup Win: The Stars' first Stanley Cup victory in the 1998–1999 season was the apex of their achievements. With goalie Ed Belfour, MVP Joe Nieuwendyk, and captain Derian Hatcher leading the way, the Stars won the championship in an exciting six-game series against the Buffalo Sabres.
Regular Contenders: The Stars have consistently competed strongly against some of the top clubs in the league and made multiple appearances in the playoffs. They have developed a reputation as a strong opponent due to their consistent performance.
Important Players: Mike Modano Modano spent most of his playing career with the Stars and is regarded as the best player in franchise history. He is the NHL's all-time top scorer among players of American descent and played a key role in the team's Stanley Cup triumph.
Jamie Benn Benn has been a vital component of the Stars' recent success, leading the squad as captain since 2013. Benn, who is renowned for his tough play and scoring prowess, was named the league's top scorer in 2014–2015 and was awarded the Art Ross Trophy.
Miro Heiskanen: Heiskanen is a rising star in the NHL who has emerged as one of the best defensemen in the conference. He is an essential player for the future of the Stars because of his superb skating, vision, and defensive ability.
Home Arena: American Airlines Center: Situated in Dallas' Victory Park district, the American Airlines Center serves as the home arena for the Stars. The arena offers fans a cutting-edge setting in which to take in thrilling hockey play and other activities all year long. Competitions: Intense Rivals: The Stars have a number of noteworthy rivalries, namely those with the Nashville Predators, Colorado Avalanche, and St. Louis Blues. Fans are captivated by the heated competition and exciting games that these matches frequently offer. Community Involvement: Dallas Stars Foundation: The team supports numerous philanthropic causes and youth activities as part of its active involvement in the community. The Dallas-Fort Worth region benefits from the foundation's initiatives, which are centered on wellness, health, and education. Latest Achievement: Playoff Runs: The Stars have made deep playoff runs in the past few years, culminating in a trip to the Stanley Cup Finals during the 2019–2020 season, further solidifying their legacy. Their effort showed the team's resiliency and potential even though they were unable to win the championship. In conclusion, the Dallas Stars in the NHL have a great past and a promising future. They remain a formidable force in the league, combining youthful, exciting potential with the experience of seasoned veterans. They are a well-liked and esteemed franchise because of their dedication to greatness on the ice and their involvement in the community off the ice.
The Dallas Stars provide an entertaining and thrilling hockey experience that epitomizes the spirit of community and competitiveness, whether you're a seasoned fan or just getting started.
Investigate the Golden Triangle: Tour By Tour Por la India Enterprise The Golden Triangle Tour, provided by Tour Por la India Company, will take you on an amazing tour of some of the most famous locations in India. This well planned tour takes you to the energetic cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, highlighting each place's remarkable architecture, rich cultural legacy, and historical significance.
The Tour Por la India Company: Why Choose It? Experienced Guides: Take advantage of the skills and knowledge of knowledgeable guides who guarantee an enjoyable trip and offer perceptive comments.
Comfortable Transportation: Enjoy a hassle-free, pleasurable trip with contemporary, air-conditioned cars.
Customized Itineraries: You can design a tour that meets your needs and interests, letting you take your time discovering the main sights of the Golden Triangle.
The Golden Triangle Tour's highlights include: Day 1: Delhi, the vibrant capital; Historic Landmarks: Start your adventure in India's crowded metropolis, Delhi. Discover historical sites including the striking Qutub Minar, the imposing Red Fort, and the famous India Gate.
Cultural Immersion: Take in Delhi's rich history and culture by visiting its vibrant bazaars, historic temples, and busy marketplaces. Take in the vibrant ambiance of the city while shopping for gifts and sampling delectable street cuisine.
Day 2: Agra, the Taj Mahal's home The Taj Mahal Visit: See the magnificent Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, when you visit the enchanted city of Agra. Find all about the architectural significance and its intriguing history.
Agra Fort: Discover this additional UNESCO World Heritage Site, the famous Agra Fort. Explore its exquisite gardens, courtyards, and palaces. From the ramparts of the fort, take in sweeping vistas of the Taj Mahal.
Day 3: The Pink City of Jaipur Explore Amber Fort, the vibrant city of Jaipur, popularly referred to as the "Pink City." See the magnificent Amber Fort, renowned for its exquisite carvings, breathtaking architecture, and expansive vistas of the hillsides around it.
Discover the elaborate City Palace and be amazed by the Hawa Mahal's (Palace of Winds) exquisite designs. Explore Jaipur's lively markets and rich cultural legacy.
Day 4: Go back to Delhi Last-Minute Explorations: Use your last day to explore new hidden treasures in Delhi or to return to some of your favorite places. Before you depart, enjoy some shopping, dining, or just lounging around. Available Tour Packages 1. Standard Golden Triangle Tour: All-encompassing Exploration: A comprehensive tour that covers the main sights in Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur and offers a well-balanced blend of historical, cultural, and architectural experiences. 2. Luxury Golden Triangle trip Enhanced Comfort: For a more luxurious travel experience, take advantage of the Golden Triangle trip with opulent lodging, exclusive transportation, and individualized services. 3. Adventure Golden Triangle Tour Exciting Activities: Incorporate thrilling excursions like hot air balloon rides, elephant rides, and guided treks with the cultural exploration of the Golden Triangle. In summary Travelers may discover the rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning architecture of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur with the Golden Triangle Tour from Tour Por la India Company. Whether you're looking for an exciting getaway, a luxurious retreat, or a cultural tour, our packages are made to ensure that you have an unforgettable time visiting some of India's most well-known locations.
With Tour Por la India Company, you may start an amazing adventure by scheduling your Golden Triangle tour right now.
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ahz-associates · 8 months
University of South Wales for Studying in the UK 2024!
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The University of South Wales (USW) is one of the biggest and most varied institutions in Wales, with over 30,000 students enrolled. Those who visit its campuses in and around Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, may anticipate a warm welcome. Students at the University of South Wales can select from a variety of graduate and undergraduate programs at its three campuses in Cardiff, Pontypridd, and Newport.
Prominent assets comprise an internationally recognized film school, an award-winning sports park frequented by the likes of Cardiff City Football Club and the British Lions Rugby Squad, and a unique business clinic where students provide solutions to clients facing real-world business issues. Ninety-five percent of USW graduates find employment or pursue additional education within six months of graduation. The school maintains more than a hundred relationships with businesses and professional organizations to assist students in gaining the knowledge and experience necessary to succeed in the workforce.
The real world is impacted by studies conducted at USW. Leading the way in Europe in developing sustainable energy solutions, the school is collaborating with big names in the auto sector to develop the next wave of low-carbon power infrastructure. Approximately 20% of applicants are accepted to the University of South Wales, and 95% of graduates are employed full-time or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduation.
Past Events
The University of South Wales (USW) is a cutting-edge, industry-focused university that seeks to broaden students' perspectives and equip them for the careers of their choice. This multicampus university was established in South Wales, United Kingdom. It maintains campuses in four different locations: Cardiff, Newport, Dubai, and Pontypridd. Notably, South Wales is a cheap, healthful city with lots of student fun alternatives.
Founded in 2013, the University of South Wales was originally known as Glamorgan University. The origins of this public university can be discovered in the creation of the Newport Institute in 1841. Around 30,000 students, including 3,500 foreign students from over 120 countries, enjoy studying in the UK at the University of South Wales (USW), so you can expect a warm welcome to their campuses in and around Cardiff, the capital city of Wales.
The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs at its three campuses in Cardiff, Pontypridd, and Newport. Outstanding amenities include an award-winning Sports Park used by the British Lions Rugby Squad and the Cardiff City Football Club, a world-renowned film school, and a unique business clinic where students provide business solutions to clients giving them genuine job experience.
Places and Accomplishments
The Times University Guide 2023 ranks it 103rd.
The Guardian University Guide 2023 ranks 53rd.
According to the findings of the Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021), the University of South Wales (USW) has conducted a great deal of top-notch research.
With 81% of USW's research impact rated as world-leading or globally good (4* / 3*), the institution has risen from eighth place in Wales to fourth place in terms of impact in just four years.
Courses University of South Wales Offers
Student assistance
International students receive first-rate support and direction from the time of enrollment until graduation. A team of immigration and international student advisors at the institution may offer guidance on a variety of subjects, including immigration, cultural differences, and day-to-day living in the UK. Additionally, all kids have access to a play center at USW Pontypridd, a health facility, and a chaplaincy that offers an open and supportive service to all students. In addition, students can become members of the Disability Program, which provides personalized support programs, and the Student Money Advisory Team.
counsel Zones for help with personal or academic matters, a Wellness Program with free counsel, and student advisers who can answer problems even before a student starts university are all available on each campus. The university maintains libraries on each of its campuses, each with a unique set of materials and amenities. Pupils have access to computers, Wi-Fi, books, periodicals, and a number of internet resources. The university also offers tutorials through research skills tutors.
Life as a student
USW is located in a superb region of the UK, offering vibrant towns, picturesque countryside, and stunning coastlines. Students enrolled in a creative course will be housed at USW Cardiff, a contemporary capital city. Pupils will take pleasure in the vibrant live music and art scene, fantastic nightlife, shopping, historical sites, and live sports. Cardiff is one of the UK's leading hubs for media creation, thus opportunities for creative students are virtually endless.
The University of South Wales Student Union hosts some excellent on-campus locations where students may enjoy the best live music, club nights, international parties, and all the major athletic events. with more than 65 sports clubs to pick from, covering sports like rugby, golf, basketball, hockey, cricket, and soccer.
One of the most well-known structures on campus, USW Newport is well situated to enjoy city living. The retail development, Friars Walk, is right over the street and teeming with eateries, pubs, and stores. Although USW Pontypridd is surrounded by lush, open areas and has a vibrant student life, it is only 20 minutes by rail from Cardiff for a night out or shopping excursion. The USW Pontypridd Students' Union makes sure there's always enough to do while you're on campus, even if you'll be a train trip away from the city.
At USW Pontypridd, students live in either Glamorgan Court or Mountain Halls, both on campus. Mountain Halls offers normal or premium rooms in addition to studio apartments.
USW Cardiff provides Liberty Bridge and Liberty Gardens, which are located in the city center with one just across from the campus and the other a short stroll away.
The Student Village at USW Newport offers housing for its students. Just a two-minute walk from school, these brand-new residence halls are located in the heart of the city.
Move around
London can be reached by train in two hours from South Wales, and the region is well connected to Cardiff International Airport. USW offers three campuses in South Wales, all of which are near Cardiff, a small, secure city that is home to thousands of students.
Traveling throughout southern Wales is made simple by excellent transport connections. Newport, which is near the Wales/England border, is just ten minutes away by train, while Pontypridd Campus, which is surrounded by breathtaking scenery and historical sites, is just a 20-minute train ride from Cardiff.
Traveling to and from South Wales is made simple by the region's close proximity to London via train and Cardiff's international airport.
Tens of thousands of students live in Cardiff, a pleasant, rather compact city, which is adjacent to all three of USW's campuses in south Wales.
Discovering the region is a snap because to South Wales's convenient transit infrastructure. Situated near the borders of Wales and England, the Pontypridd Campus is just ten minutes' rail ride from Newport and twenty minutes from Cardiff.
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masseffectechoes · 2 years
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How do you continue the Mass Effect series in the Milky Way when the original trilogy is so antagonistic to anything being canon?
I'm not talking about Mass Effect 3's ending choices, those are just the tip of the iceberg. Mass Effect’s choice-based design means there are millions upon millions of Shepards, with different names and sexes and races and backgrounds well before we get into the colossal number of choices big and small that shape each playthrough. How do you pick just one of those to be canon?
My "sequel" concept both sidesteps the issue of continuity and embraces the spirit of choice to proudly proclaim that they're all canon. Ludmilla Shepard, the Engineer who cured the Genophage but got her whole crew killed, is canon. Hakeem Shepard, the Vanguard who kept Grunt in a pod and never got drunk with Dr. Chakwas, is canon. Even Shepards who didn't date Garrus or Tali are canon. All of them are canon, because all of them take place in an alternate universe, with similar but distinct variants that make each player's experience unique.
Mass Effect Echoes takes place in a universe much like the one the Original Trilogy introduced us to, reshaped by a single seismic difference: when humanity activates Relay 314, it goes unnoticed by turian patrols.
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While this change alone assures a very different reality than the one we're used to, everything changes in 2186, when millions of alternate Shepards' timelines converged with the release of a catastrophic burst of energy. Regardless of what each Shepard chose to do with this energy, the effect is so potent and simultaneous that ripple effects are felt in the Echoes reality, resulting in three major events: all relays shut down temporarily, every keeper in the Citadel dies, and the Reapers, who haven't even begun their conquest of the galaxy, are destroyed.
Mass Effect Echoes begins in 2192, six years after the Surge upends galactic politics. Committed to finding the source of this shutdown out of fear the relays may fail again, a team of scientific ships are combing the galaxy for answers and solutions. And while they dodged the ultimate bullet of the Reapers, the denizens of this galaxy must contend with threats old and new as fear dominates the Milky Way.
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As a further meta-commentary on this game’s relationship with the Original Trilogy, a major theme of the game is rebelling against expectations established by the classic games. Your squad is full of oddballs and revolutionaries, and your ship’s resident Spectre is David Anderson’s old friend and colleague Saren Arterius, who thanks to a different First Contact War is now chummy as hell with humanity despite his occasional ruthless streak (tamped down due to lack of radicalization, but still present). That said, my goal is creating a realistic alternate timeline, which means characters who were very young before the timeline split will have radically different lives and will likely not be seen beyond maybe a cameo (sorry Garrus!), and any character born after the split will not exist (sorry Tali!); to use Tali as an example, while it’s certainly possible that her parents had a child in this timeline, and even named the child “Tali” if it was a girl, this version would be more like a sibling than the Tali we know, as the odds of getting the exact same kid are statistically impossible (as twins show, not even identical circumstances of conception guarantees the same appearance or personality). The butterfly effect can be cruel.
A final goal is to explore new sides of the Milky Way in a similar way that Mass Effect 2 provided; your crew includes a raloi (an offscreen race whose introduction to the Council was cut short by the war) and we finally get a batarian squadmate to gain perspective about their culture. It’s frankly weird as hell that the Original Trilogy features only a handful of female turians (DLC-only) and zero female batarians, drell, volus, or elcor (unless we count voice lines from Blasto); the dearth of female salarians and krogans at least gets explained on a cultural level. Andromeda does a decent job rectifying this where it could, but for some reason forgets the position of codified societal power that female salarians have over male salarians (somehow one of them is a receptionist?). All of this will be fixed! We’ll see what an actual galactic civilization would look like without the bizarre absence of folks who aren’t adult men, which means we include children as well here and there (we’re gonna see tiny elcor with slow helium voices if it’s the last thing I do).
If this at all sounds like your cup of tea, read on! I've got a full set of squadmates, three games in a trilogy plotted out, and the nitty gritty of gameplay details (new classes! new powers!) all written up. Enjoy!
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recurring-polynya · 5 months
It has been 14 hours since I found out that, according to Kubo, Byakuya calls Renji by his given name "because Rukia does" and I am obsessed with this information.
This is both the best and worst possible answer to this question. I feel like if you asked Byakuya, this is exactly the reason he would give. However, if Rukia were present, she would lose her damn mind. While I do think Rukia's assertion that Byakuya didn't look at her even once in 40 years is hyperbole, over that time I can imagine Renji's name coming up in conversation once, maybe twice tops.
Like, two weeks before she goes on her fateful mission to the Living World, B's been shortlisting Vice-Captain candidates, and over dinner, real casual:
B: Rukia. You know your friend?
Rukia: My who now?
B: That friend of yours who shouts too much. The boorishly tall one. With the red hair. Is he in Squad Eleven now?
Rukia (wracking her brain frantically for people Byakuya would consider 'her friend'): You mean Renji?
B: Yes, him.
Rukia: What about him?
B: Is he in Squad Eleven? The Sixth Seat?
Rukia: ...maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The next day, Byakuya's office, Renji shows up for his job interview.
B: You must be Renji.
Renji: uhhhhhhhh sure why not?
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 years
Charlie Gamble takes the ball to the line for the Waratahs
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/charlie-gamble-takes-the-ball-to-the-line-for-the-waratahs/
The Daily Rugby
Charlie Gamble takes the ball to the line for the Waratahs
Missing out on a Crusaders call-up was a blessing in disguise for Waratahs flanker Charlie Gamble, who has thrived in the Australian system and now has eyes for the Wallaby jersey, once he becomes eligible in April 2023.
The Christchurch-born and raised 26-year-old has been turning heads for his physical play on both sides of the ball, proving himself as a standout talent within a loaded Warratahs loose-forward pack that includes four Wallabies.
The competition for playing time throughout Super Rugby Live Pacific will be tough for Gamble and so too will be earning a Wallabies call-up in a World Cup year, but a brief call with Australia head coach Dave Rennie confirmed that the Australia convert is well and truly on the team’s radar.
The Waratahs pulled off the upset of the season by taking
Yeah I had a wee cellphone name with him at the give up of the Super Rugby season,” Gamble instructed ESPN. “It became just proper to have a bit of clarity; you type of listen about all this Wallabies stuff from all of your mates and outside humans, so it’s top to have that little bit of reassurance from him.
He just desires me to paintings difficult and be constant, and also you in no way know what could appear.
But for me, it’s simply in the again of my head, I love this vicinity, I love NSW, I love the Waratahs, the purpose we want to do is win a Super Rugby Pacific and I clearly consider we will do that with the squad we have in the interim.
But I can just put my hand up through acting certainly well, pushing the group, and if we get outcomes here we are going to get extra consequences with picks within the Wallabies.
When transferring to Australia, Gamble’s allegiance didn’t shift without delay, however now as he methods his 5th year in New South Wales, the hard-hitting returned-rower says he’s “truly” immersed in Australian rugby.
The first couple of years I turned into nevertheless a chunk of a supporter of lower back home,” Gamble endured. “But I owe the entirety to Australia and to this membership right here, they gave me this possibility and I’ll be for all time thankful for it.
While inside the Crusaders academy in Christchurch, Gamble determined himself mingling with Richie McCaw and Scott Robertson, absorbing the club’s well-known triumphing culture.
Now, having crossed the trench, Gamble’s joined within the Warratahs surroundings with the aid of the likes of Michael Hooper, Kurtley Beale and Nemani Nadolo; a wealth of worldwide revel in to tap into at some stage in the Super Rugby Pacific marketing campaign.
The aspiring World Cup bolter doesn’t need to look a ways to find a breakthrough Wallabies success tale, Warratahs teammate Mark Nawaqanitawase’s shape in the gold jumper noticed him score attempts in three Tests at some point of the Australians’ Northern Tour.
Chiefs Super Rugby Pacific delay for preseason game
by debrambuhl on January 7, 2023 at 5:23 pm
Chiefs train Clayton McMillan is hoping a choice to delay the start to their preseason will assist them in next year’s Super Rugby Pacific opposition, however admits it may all pass spectacularly incorrect. While most groups have a month earlier than Christmas to get most of the people of their squad on top of things,
All Black Nick Evans joins England for 2023 Six Nations Game
by debrambuhl on January 6, 2023 at 4:02 pm
All Black Nick Evans is the latest to join the new England rugby coaching set-up, being drafted in as attack coach for the Six Nations Championship. Harlequins have showed that Nick Evans, the former All Blacks out-1/2, will join Steve Borthwick’s England as an assistant coach ahead of next month’s begin to the 2023 Guinness
United Rugby Championship: Dragons vs Bulls on Friday night at kick-off 7.35pm
by debrambuhl on January 5, 2023 at 3:38 pm
After losing their last three matches in all competitions, the Bulls will be determined to return to winning ways in Friday’s United Rugby Championship (URC) encounter with the Dragons at Rodney Parade on Friday night. Ollie Griffiths will make his first appearance of the season as the Dragons take on final yr’s crushed finalists Vodacom
Joe Marler has been banned for two weeks for comments to Jake Heenan
by debrambuhl on January 4, 2023 at 3:24 pm
Joe Marler has been banned for two weeks with a further four weeks suspended for comments made towards Bristol flanker Jake Heenan. Harlequins and England prop Joe Marler, who accepted a charge of conduct prejudicial to the game, made the remarks during the first half of Tuesday’s Premiership match that reportedly related to Heenan’s mother. The greater 4-week suspension
Harlequins and England prop Joe Marler defeat by Bristol on December 27
by debrambuhl on January 3, 2023 at 5:06 pm
Joe Marler has had a lucky escape and his Six Nations hopes are still alive after his latest brush with controversy saw him banned for an initial period of just two weeks. Harlequins and England prop Marler started a fracas in his team’s defeat by Bristol on December 27 when he insulted the mother of Bears forward
“It just indicates what can manifest,” Gamble stated of Nawaqanitawase. “He had a setback on the begin of the year and wasn’t getting any selection, I don’t suppose he got picked for the primary four or 5 (Waratahs) games.
“So to peer a person like that, who knew his ability, simply paintings tough and dig away, he didn’t drop his head, he took the ones steps after which he turned into in our starting aspect, then he made Australia A after which onto the Wallabies, it become outstanding.”
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
St Kilda Saints Andrew Bassat and Simon Leithlin explain why coach Brett Ratten has been fired
Passat admitted that Ratten was “shocked” by the decision, although the two sides had been in discussions since Sunday, when Ratten was first given the opportunity to respond to the findings of a wide-ranging internal report. This culminated in his resignation at Thursday night’s board meeting, Ratten waiting at the club to be informed of his fate. That Passat and Lethlin, until recently the head of football, survive while Ratten, a much-loved character, angered the Saints’ supporters, but club chiefs said a tougher culture was needed. St Kilda CEO, Simon Lethlin (left) and President Andrew Passat.attributed to him:Getty Images “We don’t have the culture of winning or the tough commitment to football excellence that we need. The review has already introduced a new General Manager of Football at Jeff Walsh, and it has become clear that we need a new senior coach with a new style of leadership and a new voice,” Passat said. The Saints are now the fourth club to pursue a new coach this year. While the field is thin, there are several major names available, including Leon, the man who led the Saints to three major finals. “At the end of the day, we find ourselves in the middle of the table. To continue to where we need to get to, to win the flag that this club desires and its fans deserve, means taking the next step in what we need with the attitude, performance, non-negotiables and strong leadership that we desire,” he said. Lethlean “The Need and Participation of the Playgroup”. “It all required us to head in a new direction. The culmination of so many different comments, performances and things we knew about where we needed to get to, brought us to a really tough decision.” Läthlin said Ratten did not “lose” players who were “sad” about the decision. But Lethlean said Ratten has not been able to extract the consistency needed and “our best players are playing at their highest level all the time”. Ratten took charge as interim coach in the middle of the 2019 season when Alan Richardson was sacked, serving three full seasons. The Saints lived a period of quiet trading, declaring that they kept their “dry powder” after losing their free agent Jordan de Guy. But even if they caught up with Collingwood’s star, the “troubled” Basat, fearing the Saints “were stuck in the six to ten” on the ladder, Ratten said it was unlikely he would have survived. Melbourne assistant Adem Yezzi, having failed to win the Essendon and Greater Western Sydney coaching roles, is likely to be a candidate, while the voice of club star Robert Harvey, Hawthorne’s assistant, is likely to be revealed. They can also check out Luke Beveridge, who will soon open contract negotiations with Western Bulldogs. The 2016 Prime Minister’s coach stopped his contract after the 2023 season. The Saints are looking for a new coach after the sacking of Brett Ratten.attributed to him:Joe Armau Lyon, who led the Saints to three major finals, before leaving the club in turbulent circumstances after the 2011 season, his identity is expected to be revealed, while former Essendon coach James Heard is another possibility. But Daniel Giansiracusa is one of the assistants who won’t be in the frame, as the Bombers announced on Friday that he’s re-signed for another two years and will form part of new coach Brad Scott’s off-court squad. The Saints, the club that still needs significant funding from the AFL, will only pay a modest compensation clause of up to six months to Ratten. Passat said Walsh, the veteran football manager due to begin his new role on November 1, had no role in dismissing Ratten. Last year Walsh was a member of the committee that led to the dismissal of Carlton coach David Teague, and this year he conducted a review of the kangaroo, which led to Noble’s departure. Keep up to date with the best AFL coverage in the country. Subscribe to Real Footy Newsletter. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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interact-if · 2 years
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And the next person for Religious Heritage Month,
Mako, author of The Shadowwalkers
The Shadowwalkers takes places in the Oath of the Landwalker universe, on the fringe of the action set in the main book series. Enschka is a large continent, surrounded on all sides by seas, oceans and mountain ranges that keep it away from the rest of the world. Home to six very distinct races, Enschka has been the theatre to a thousand-year war between the traditional and ritual-heavy Ahn’né people of the Dreaming Woods, and the Islander warrior culture of the J’kaï. Each of the remaining four races had to take sides in this sprawling conflict that affects the entire continent.
The people of Enschka wield a power that has many names, but is commonly referred to as The Particles. Each race is able to use and master it in their own ways, and they’ve built their strengths around the Particles. The Ahn’né call it irha, ‘the centre’, and those who become skilled in its use, irhamek, or masters of irha. Fighting in such a long-lasting war has made most of Enschka’s people into warriors and soldiers, and the  Ahn’né   youth is no exception.
You are an Ahn’né soldier, on your graduation day in the Military Academy of Ahn-Seriel, the capital city of the Dreaming Woods. Born in one of three ethnic groups, you belong to House Haravel, and during your time at the Academy, you showed such incredible skill that you gained the Queen’s Notice, a rare and incredibly high praise. That recognition won you something else, however: a space in the secret Ashto’ïreq Guild, the Guild of the Shadowwalkers.
Now a graduate of the Military Academy of Ahn-Seriel, and a secret member of the Ashto’ïreq, you are sent to the front on the Coast to fight against the J’kaï for the very first time in your life. You will survive, whatever the cost, and help your unit with the unique abilities of your Guild.
Meet your unit, build your squad, train and improve your skills, but remember to take some time to get to know the people you’re fighting alongside of. And if you happen to uncover a conspiracy that seems to span the entire continent of Enschka and run deeper than the secrets of your own Guild, well...
You’re the one in control here. Let’s see what choices you make.
• Read more about The Shadowwalkers here.
• Mako’s Ko-fi and Patreon.
Q1) Tell us about your project(s)!
My game is called The Shadowwalkers, it's a high-fantasy interactive fiction set in the world of The Oath of the Landwalker, which is a multimedia series I've been working on for over eight years. The main part of that project is a book series, which is nearly complete, and The Shadowwalkers happens in the same timeframe as the books. You play as an actual secondary character, though with a lot more options for customisation, as you're taken through a world where war and found families are core themes you'll have to deal with.
Q2)  Why did you choose to write interactive fiction? What drew you to the format?
Like I mentioned, this is all part of a bigger project for me, one that means the world and that I've poured so much time and love into over the years. When I read my first interactive fiction a while back, I was completely taken aback by the format, having never encountered it before. I enjoyed it, but never thought about it twice. Then I read what is probably my favourite IF to date, a Tale of Crowns. I fell in love with the genre. I had been looking for a while now for a way to write more for my secondary characters, and instead of the novella I was planning, I went all in on this. The interactivity, the choices, the ability to build an experience rather than simply a narrative, was too good to pass up on. The Shadowwalkers was born.
Q3) How have your identity and beliefs influenced your work?
Oh Gods, heavily. The original book series in this universe is choke-full of references and hommages to my faith, from deity names to holidays and customs. So of course, since the IF happens in the same universe, those influences came with. In my religion, there is an enormous focus on nature and the trees in particular. The alphabet and language I invented for this series were inspired by the actual alphabet we use. I incorporated prayers and dedications, and many characters share beliefs and customs of my community. There is truly no way to experience The Oath of the Landwalker world and not have my religion mixed in.
Q4) What aspects would you like to be more explored or represented in media regarding your religion?
Well, I mean it's obvious that any representation would be nice, since we have close to none at present. What scares me, and honestly offends me a bit, is how often we're confused for Wicca, or even paganism in general. The first in particular is so offensive to me, because of how much the founders of Wicca actually stole from my people and my community. So I'd love if my religion and community could be represented with a bit more research, and not say we don't exist anymore and are a dead religion, or worse just paint us as backwards savages, or witches, or “trend-chasers” looking for the next cool thing when our families and communities have been in this religion and with these beliefs for thousands of years.
Q5) What are you most excited about sharing related to your project?
Honestly, all the worldbuilding work I've done over the years is paying off, the people who played the alpha of my demo all said the worldbuilding was their favourite part, so if I manage to release the demo this year, I'm so excited to share this with you. Hopefully I can also teach a little about this religion and this community that matters so much to me and share it with the incredible IF community.
Q6) A tiny bit unrelated, what's your favorite religious event?
Oh man, definitely Beltane. Though Candlelights is a close second. We actually celebrated Lugus' Feast a couple of days ago so I baked some bread and went out to harvest wheat and it was such a good time. But Beltane, oh my. It's probably our biggest celebration with the Three Nights of Samonios and the Summer Solstice. Before the pandemic, it was all ribbons and flowers and we celebrated the loving unions in our community, so handfastings and Bonding ceremonies and stuff. People going out into the night to make Beltane babies, dancing around the pole to wrap your ribbon around, cooking, so much cooking, singing, praying, it's so much fun.
Q7) Any thoughts or advice you'd like to give to fellow authors or readers?
You have so much to tell as an author that you never want to “kill your baby” as they say. I'd be a little less brutal. Learn how to trim. How to edit. Before leaving the house, always take one thing off. This is the best advice I could have received to mae these eight years into something shorter, with a finished story at the end.
Readers, diversify. You don't realise how deep you've gotten into your comfort zone before you learn that there's an IF author out there who's a Gaulish Polytheist. Who's Kurdish. Who writes about Polynesian gods, about polyamory, asexuality, myths and monsters you've never heard of, stories you've never been told. Look out for more, always. Learn to love what's different, it'll make you a better person, and you'll get so much more stuff to read.
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shamelesslypoetic · 3 years
On Translation and Dubbing: an Attack On Titan manifesto by a freshman languages major and a passionate, auditory person with zero credentials
Inspired by my third rewatch in anticipation of the new season, and my growing curiosity concerning the differences between the sub and dub versions. This post isn't for people who assume dubs are all trash compared to subs, but a good-faith analysis. You can prefer the sub, and still stick around to read.
Naturally, as an absolute sucker, I start with something Levi/Eren focused, but if anyone wishes to read more of my ramblings, I will share my thoughts on other aspects; such as Yuki Kaji's phenomenal emotional range, a comparison between his role and Bryce Papenbrook (I consider Eren his best work) the infamous roar vs screech when Eren is a titan, etc
This hypothesis examines Captain Levi across a few episodes, and specifically a handful of my favorite rivaereri moments in late season 1.
One base rule I have learned at university so far is that a good translation isn't a literal one, but one that takes the intended meaning and completely rewrites the text while retaining the original meaning from the source language (SL) as much as possible within the linguistic, social and cultural, confines of the target language (TL). Grammar especially can make this task tricky in many instances, as you can sometimes find in sub translations that sentences may feel clunky or awkwardly worded. There is so much to consider when examining both a sub and a dub's job. A dub places more importance on its task because it needs to retain fluidity in the spoken language as opposed to simply delivering the meaning. It restates, and makes emotion more pronounced, which it must.
So without further ado, here are a few from the endless list. 
Episode 18
Okay so I'm sure we're all familiar with the moment that happens just before Levi puts his back to Eren and protects him from his squad, when they were doing the experiments and Eren couldn't transform.
As Levi approaches the well before Hanji does, the dub says "Eren! Enough! We're done for today!" while the sub version is "the experiments are on hold."
Let's break it down. 
At face value a simple command such as "enough, we're done for today" doesn't look all that different from "the experiment is on hold" except it does and the tone says so much. First he calls Eren's name. When he does, it feels like he is reaching out for him. Secondly, "enough", it's such a small word, six letters, and yet it feels so important. When I first watched the sub version, I couldn't believe it was only "the experiment is on hold". The fact that the dub cast and crew went out of their way to make Levi sound concerned instead of just stating an impersonal fact. It shows how he cares more clearly. I know it's a small difference and many people who only enjoy the sub ship ereri, but for me it stood out. He says "enough," because he knows on instinct this would weigh on Eren, and he doesn't want him to unnecessarily exert himself and hurt, because he knows Eren is the type to keep going till he collapses, he just knows. Even in the early days, he understood him really well. Then, you end with the beautiful "we're done for today" because it's like something inside him won't stand to have Eren keep going. Sub Levi's words being "The experiment is on hold" was like we'll keep going, so what if he's tired, if we can fix it we'll go on, it's worth the risk. Dub Levi is almost irrefutably "that is enough. You will now rest because you are a kid first and foremost, not a weapon to be used at my disposal and I will not treat you like one". He wants Eren to rest. The whole remainder of the day. Sub Levi didn't even specify. 
The dub makes it all the more impactful when we see the confused shock on his face as his eyes fall on the blood and Eren's torn up hands and that look in Eren’s eyes, who is not wincing in pain, but looking up at them disappointed in himself. Levi must think, god fucking damn can you believe this boy?
Maybe I'm reading too much into it. I welcome any refute to this by the way; I love hearing other people's thoughts. 
Closely followed by the first instance, the next scene shows Levi asking whether the bite marks on Eren's hands have healed (personal headcanon, but could it be that his grumpy attitude was not only bred from anxiety about the mission but also anxiety for Eren's health and well being? Isn't the fact that he asked him about his healing first rather than anything else indicative? Don't  we sometimes lash out in anger when worried? Just a thought.) 
When Eren says no, Levi ends their conversation in two ways. 
Sub: "This is an order. Do something about it."
Dub: "Pull it together. And yes, that is an order."
The "order" part in the second half feels like an afterthought, merely an incentive for Eren to get better. 
Then, while he is standing between his squad and Eren, "My instincts tell me so" vs the dub's urgent, earnest, overlapping "a gut feeling". (Emotional translation: I trust him, ya fucks, that's why, now get away from my boyfriend.) 
"How do you feel?" vs the dub's "So are you feeling okay or what?"
Let us take a look at a slightly earlier scene when they were talking about how to restrain Eren if he goes rogue before they went ahead with the well experiment. 
Sub Levi, about Eren's limbs: "They'll grow back like a lizard, right? Disgusting." You can find actual repulsion in the words. The dub is more mellow: "Matter of fact they'll probably grow back lizard style. Creepy little bastard." It's amused, it's light, it's like a term of endearment. Like he accepts what Eren is and thinks it's something to poke fun at, not something to be revolted by. "Style" even implies a quirky flair. 
Honestly the little gestures to make Eren feel more accepted are so sweet, especially coming from a bitter old man. Levi knows no one else would offer Eren this sort of acceptance. They are too scared. And the fact that Levi understood Eren so well after such a short time together speaks volumes. Many believe a good relationship is built on acceptance and comfort and understanding. I feel like Levi offers all that. That they both understand and accept and relate to each other in many ways, but that would make up an essay on its own. 
Another moment from the same episode. "I doubt they felt nothing when they drew their blades on you" vs the dub's "Whatever that might have looked like out there today, I can promise you that every single one of them was conflicted."
The first one feels more impersonal only saying what needs to be said and trusting Eren to gather the rest for himself, and that is a really valid interpretation but the second one, oh my goodness. When does Levi ever promise someone something if it's not a life and death situation? When is he ever gentle? With Eren. Only with Eren. He's so earnest. There's almost a vulnerability.  He didn't need to say I promise, but he chose to. He wants Eren to feel safe and assured. He wants to be someone Eren can trust without fear. He wants to give him this one thing because he knows Eren is going through so much. The weight those two little words hold "I promise". Levi does not make promises lightly.  Seriously, has Levi ever promised anything when it was not when someone was dying, or someone's dying wish? 
Yeah, exactly. When it comes to Eren.
Generally dub Levi's voice is more expressive, and I didn't notice before now, but as an auditory learner (and I know this is nerdy bear with me) who never read the whole manga (I should) and wants to see as many instances of her ship as possible, it really did have an impact. Even when it's just Levi with no reference to Eren. Levi is already so poker-faced and guarded, he hardly shows any emotion. Which does not mean he does not feel, but that he chooses to hide what goes on in his brain. The fact that his voice would show some of that emotion is a relief. 
I can't believe sub elitists go "it doesn't sound like Levi". What sounds like Levi, I ask? A cold, robotic deadbeat? Because that's not what he is. Some of us are slow on the uptake and need to hear the clarification rather than being told or trying to analyze for ourselves, and some of us see more in him than the bloody fidget spinner.
I know I'm being a bit presumptuous but bear with me. The dub gives him nuance. Like I said, Levi is already outwardly emotionless enough, we need this bit of insight. I know others prefer the sub, which is valid, and it follows from his general personality that he would guard his tone, but I don't think it would be that easy. We can police our expressions, our posture, our general attitude. We can try to level our voices and words, but eventually they will warp into what we're really feeling and betray us. Even if the words don't. 
Episode 18
Sub: "Eren! Hurry! Decide!"
Dub: "Eren, come on, make up your damn mind!"
The second one, just from the words, feels a lot more urgent and personal, doesn't it?
Now I don't mean that sub Levi/the Japanese VA is bad. That would be a blatant, ignorant lie. I think it is all up to interpretation of the voice actor on how to characterize Levi and I think they both do a good job.
I don't know Japanese so maybe I'm entirely off my mark, but I feel like even the text we get in sub is probably not entirely accurate. Especially with languages like Japanese where specific words can hold so much extra context and nuance just by how they're spoken, that even just writing it as subtitles probably removes a lot of that to make it make sense in English. A problem known as lack of equivalence at word level clearly states that languages do not describe universal concepts.
Each language comes with its own history and set of experiences. Everyone's experience of the world is different. Language describes life as experienced from different perspectives by different people. Not all languages contain a word-for-word correspondence. One word may be translated into two or more words or even a sentence in one language, and one word has many meanings in both languages.
Aka, shortfalls in the sub are less anything to do with the VA (for japanese speakers he is probably phenomenal), and more just the nature of sub translations making it kind of stiff. Which is why I think restating the words is worth the effort, even if it sacrifices some of the original meaning. The feelings and connotations delivered will change from language to language. So, simply to make the reader truly appreciate what is being said in a way they can understand and more importantly feel written in their native tongue, not as something morphed into their native tongue. It is a worthy interpretation. An artwork in its own right. Pardon my translator ass this is literally my major and language holds so much; emotion and meaning and intent and the words we choose and how we choose to phrase them really make a difference. 
Sub Levi perhaps stays truer to the character. Additionally, I'm viewing through a very narrow lens since I haven't watched many of the sub episodes. But his tone rarely changes. And for Levi we really need nuance, we need inflection and tone and we need specific phrases. He is hard to understand. This reframing and voice work make him easier to grasp. I want to emphasize again that I love both versions. I could ramble on about this forever. I could also say a lot about Yuki Kaji, Eren's VA, who is a fucking masterpiece all on his own. The emotional range, guys. Top notch.
But this is about Levi and the ereri gold mine. So let's get back on track. 
Episode 19:
Sub Levi: "Here we are, after everything we said at the trial. If we go back empty-handed, who knows what'll happen to Eren and us?" 
Dub Levi: "That whole song and dance in the courtroom and this is what we've got to show for it. We scurry back now with our tail between our legs, Eren's right back in chains or worse."
This is probably me being very nitpicky, but notice how the emphasis is on Eren. The first one was everything they "said" at the trial, which is more generalized. I would assume "song and dance" refers specifically to Levi beating Eren up since it is an idiom that, in other words, means an exaggerated theatricality. Or at least that is what I gathered when I first heard it. And again at the end of the sentence he calls attention to what will happen to Eren, like he is actually worried about him, and mentions nothing of anyone else. There is no "us", his focus seems to be directed solely towards Eren. 
I gathered two things from this quote. One, Levi is still torn up about what he had to do to Eren at the trial, even if he won't show it to Eren himself. With that, antis can choke on their abusive Levi theory. Two, he is worried about Eren's fate. He doesn't want him to get trapped, or hurt. There is a specificness that is not there in the sub "right back in chains" vs "what will happen". It's a minor rephrase, but I personally think it is worth noting that Levi feels disdain for how Eren was treated. Moreover, the sub could be just interpreted as what will happen to the weapon of Eren and whether the scouts will they still have custody of him. The dub leaves no room for that as it puts all the focus on Eren and what punishment he may receive. 
Episode 21:
Sub: "This voice. Don't tell me..." and Dub: "That roaring. This isn't good."
Okay I think I like the sub better here actually. Because of the usage of the more humanized "voice", immediately knowing it's Eren, they both implied that, but the second half of the sub accentuates Levi's denial of the terrible occurrence he doesn't want to believe has taken place.  
Another instance in episode 21: 
In the sub, Levi asked Mikasa if Eren died, specifically asked. In the dub, he said it was unlikely that Eren survived. The former is more optimistic, and has more faith that Eren is alive, as if he wants to believe it. The dub version implies he has already resigned himself to the worst. 
We also have episode 22:
"He's alive. Filthy though." vs the dub's "He's alright. Disgusting, but alright." Notice how the emphasis and what Levi ends with is reaffirming Eren's well being, almost as if he is trying to reassure himself after thinking the boy was certainly dead. 
Oh also, this isn't official but, we are all familiar with Matthew Mercer's (Levi English VA) "confession" to Eren, right? That's a treasure and a half on its own.
To conclude I would just like to inform you that the word "enough" is what kick-started this absolute spiral. Ironic, isn't it?
Anyway, as an English speaker this is the only perspective I can offer. If Japanese speakers refute everything I've said, I wouldn't be able to lift a finger in argument except to talk about the language I know. 
In the end, it's all a matter of subjective taste and everyone is valid, but I hope I may have inspired you to reconsider the aot/snk dub if only the tiniest bit :) 
I hope you enjoyed this essay. Let me know what you thought, and thank you so, so much for reading!
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lorenfangor · 3 years
What if five minor characters became the Animorphs instead?
so the problem with this is that it’s actually a really complicated concept - which minor characters, for one thing? - and which people you pick drastically change the outcome of the story. however, I stuck to “humans in middle or high school who were possibly in the area + their friends and family”. The problem here is that in large part the people mentioned are name dropped once or twice with no real personality (except “girly girl” or “doesn’t like Marco”) so of course a lot of this is speculation.
I’m going to eventually reblog this with more commentary about the series overview, but for now, here’s our cast and our inciting incident.
Taylor Ingraham (mentioned famously in #33 and #43) is a sixteen-year-old cheerleader and a bit of a queen bee. She’s captain of the squad, easily the most popular girl in school, and harboring a somewhat unrealistic crush on Tom Berenson, who caused a social upset when he quit the basketball team and said goodbye to a college scholarship so he could focus on community service through local group The Sharing. In public she’s known for for being a shrill bitch and the epitome of every mean girl stereotype, but in private she’s a sensitive, warm girl who’s afraid of being rejected by everyone if she doesn’t make the most of her looks and her charms. Her mom’s a cop and her dad isn’t around much thanks to work.
Lina Davies (not going by her birth name, but mentioned somewhat notoriously more than once in Visser) is Taylor’s six-year-old cousin. She and her twin brother Luke (not his birth name either) were adopted two years ago by Taylor’s aunt Kathy after a brief stay in foster care; their names were changed by their new parents. She’s had a difficult time adjusting to her new life, but she likes Taylor a lot, and Taylor genuinely likes her. Our story begins at the mall, where she and Taylor have been ‘hanging out’, along with her friend Sara Berenson who she knows from choir camp.
Sara Berenson is eight years old and just as mad about the world as Lina is. They bonded over having the same favorite book (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) and they’ve stayed in touch thanks to living in the same neighborhood. Her parents are divorced, and her older sister Rachel gets stuck with babysitting duty most nights; this trip to the mall was a break for both of them.
Brittany Chen (no last name given, mentioned in #29) is the younger sister of Taylor’s best friend and former fellow cheerleader Hilary Chen. Hilary is attending an exclusive boarding school for her last few years of high school, and Taylor misses her. When Lina and Sara want to go to the mall, Taylor (who has a car) invites Brittany and her two best friends Allison and Darlene along. Her dad’s an actuary and her mom’s a real estate agent; her family’s been in the US for over a hundred years after emigrating to San Francisco from China.
Allison Foster (mentioned in #29) is a brainy fashionista who sees clothing as performance art. She’s one of Brittany’s two best friends. Her dad’s a programmer who moved her family to Santa Barbara from Tahlequah, Oklahoma in the 80s to work for Matcom. Allison is Cherokee with European ancestry on her mom’s side, but is enrolled with her tribe and considers herself connected to her culture. She dyes her hair red because she thinks it makes her eyes look more striking.
Darlene Smith (no last name given, appears in MM1) is the most popular girl in the seventh grade, but her best friends are Brittany and Allison. She’s a jock, but her sport of choice is figure skating and her idols are Surya Bonaly and Debi Thomas. She dreams of being the first person to land a quad in competition and of being the first black figure skater to win gold at the Olympics.
Of these six, only Taylor, Brittany, Allison, and Darlene wind up being active combatants on most missions. Sara serves as support/surveillance in bird morphs, and Lina only has the morphing power so she can hide or escape quickly.
How do they get the morphing power? Taylor is driving everyone home after an evening at the mall that she pretended to be way less interested in than she actually was (she does love kids deep down under the superficial bitch facade) and they witness a strange ship landing in the construction site near the mall. Assuming it’s a Navy plane from the nearby base, they park the car and go to help, only to find an Andalite emerging from the wreckage. He calls himself Captain-Prince Nerefir-Ascurel-Keniag of the Dome Ship GalaxyTree, and warns the six of them that their world is in danger. He tells them that he is planning a last defiant stand against the Yeerks, and that the Andalite fleet is coming, but that they need to run, and they know enough that they’ll have to hide. He gives them the morphing power explicitly for concealment, and tells them that fighting would be foolish.
What happens to the cube? Unlike the kids in canon, these girls don’t lose track of it - Allison puts it in her backpack purse.
Do they watch Nerefir die? Sadly, yes. Taylor gets everyone moving quickly, but they don’t make it all the way back to her car on the outskirts of the construction site in time. They hide out in the half-finished foundation of a building and watch in horrified silence as he loses his fight against Visser Three. They keep silent, somehow, and escape; they wait a long time before they feel safe sneaking back to the car. Taylor tells the parents of the other girls that she had a flat tire but that they got it changed together, and switches out her tire for the spare to prove her story.
What happens next? The six of them meet up at the mall again the next day, hanging out in the arcade where it’s loud and they can’t be easily overheard. They all resolve to do nothing until they know for sure it wasn’t some kind of collective hallucination, but the trouble finds them quickly - Allison’s friend and classmate Melissa Chapman breaks down crying in the bathroom one day, culminating in a frightened confession that she doesn’t think her parents love her anymore. Allison comes over to study - she’s a math whiz, and Melissa struggles with it - and accidentally acquires Fluffer McKitty. When she says she’s leaving to go home, she stashes her backpack in the yard and morphs the cat for the first time, following Mr. Chapman downstairs and overhearing a meeting with Visser Three. The war is real now, for all of them, and they’re going to have to find a way to help this girl and keep from getting caught.
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demonslayedher · 4 years
Love Breathing Not Fully Bloomed: A Kanroji Mitsuri Meta
Some thoughts that have been brewing since we got a deeper look at the birth of the Breath of Love in the Rengoku Gaiden, boiling down to that Mitsuri had not yet reached her full potential.
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While we don't have any reliable timeline for this series, we know that Mitsuri has been practicing swordsmanship for only about two years, likely less. The "two years ago" stated in her flashback to her failed engagement was back when she was 17, so let's be generous and say that was 2.5 years ago. But, we must also keep in mind that she's been a Pillar for at least several months by the time Swordsmith Village arc takes place. The Pillar meeting Tanjiro met her at was possibly her first of the twice-a-year meetings, but I wouldn't put it anywhere beyond her second. After the failed marriage discussion she would have spent some unknown period of time dying her hair and starving herself, before deciding to join the Demon Slayers. She accomplished her Flame Breathing training under Rengoku in six months, roughly half the time most Breath users train under their cultivators. Tokito is noted for becoming a Pillar in two months after taking up the sword, but Mitsuri probably stumbled her way into Pillarhood within months of passing the Final Selection; making the Kamaboko squad's quick ascension up the ranks look like nothing as she blows away the usual five years it takes someone to become a Pillar (or if they are especially skilled, more like two years, as stated by Gotouge in Taisho Secrets). While the way of swordsmanship and battle became Mitsuri’s everyday way of life, thereby leading to huge improvements, that's a really short time to develop actual battlefield experience. Among the Pillars, she is the least seasoned or naturally inclined for battle, it really is by accident of her bizarre strength that she’s gotten so far. That's hardly surprising, given her background and motives. For context, her interests are very domestic what with all the pet-keeping (four cats, a rabbit, and a whole hive of bees, by my count) and sweets and recipes, and her stated hometown would have been in the heart of developing city culture, with shopping and restaurants and movie theaters. There would have been no exposure to swords and the culture that goes with them, making her justifiably embarrassed of how monstrously her strength makes her stick out. Her inability to fit into a normal family life makes her feel worthless, even if she does have a base of love and support. (*Put a pin in these things, I'll be drawing a comparison to another character later.*) However it was that she was introduced to the Corp, it must have taken a huge leap of hope and/or desperation to leave the otherwise comfortable lifestyle for a life of battle. While Rengoku's home is not terribly far from hers, it still would have been a total break from the life she knew before, so she must had been betting everything on both her ultimate wishes; living in accordance with who she is, and finding a husband. Let's refer to these respectively as Wish A and Wish B. Note that "becoming a strong swordsman" and "elimating demons" are not among these goals; they are merely means to her goals. Now if we try to to follow her path as a swordsman chronologically, six months since taking up the sword under Rengoku, she's passed the Final Selection. On a mission with Rengoku, who now treats her as a peer, she's nonetheless filled with shame that she hasn't really picked up much skill and just waves her sword around with brute strength. 
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I love this bit of characterization because that is so, so easy a trap to fall into with martial arts. Even if you understand things in theory and do your best on proper form when taking things slowly, all of that very easily goes out the window when you're using them in the heat of the moment. The less experience you have, the far more likely one is to do this. Falling back on just throwing a punch as hard as you can instead of throwing a good punch makes Mitsuri so, so, so relatable. She is a normal girl with abnormal strength, not a battle genius. Like us normal people, and even like Tanjiro, she can only improve her battle sense with experience. This puts her in a very different situation than the other Pillars, who she meets either when they are very experienced, or when they are outright geniuses. This gives her a different sense of shame, which we'll come back to. While feeling ashamed that she can't live up to Rengoku's teaching, her fighting suffers with this lack of self-confidence (which, again, makes her very relatable because this is applicable to just about all of us normal people), and she only realizes the Breath technique when applying it through her own unique emotion-driven fighting style. While she goes on to name this Breath after Wish B (given that this is a romantic version of "Love"), it's powered more by a philanthropic love, realized only when she is protecting other people. This becomes a newly discovered third wish, as well as a source of confidence.
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In the side story novels, Mitsuri later on suffers another blow to her confidence which compromises her fighting and makes her fall back into wanting to hide herself, for she is ashamed of how her motives compare to Shinobu's. Besides Shinobu's encouragement and giving Mitsuri a venue in which to openly express her love and appreciation for other people, another child whom Mitsuri has rescued looks up to her and says a few things to restore her confidence. Getting that feedback and being able to express herself openly (Wish A) is the cycle that powers Mitsuri's confidence and keeps her ultimate weakness, shame, at bay. This, combined with words of encouragement from Ubuyashiki and Rengoku, is what really empowers her to embrace her unusual constitution and develop the Breath of Love. While it's said that this is an offshoot of the Flame Breathing she's formally trained in, it's more of a stretch than the relationship between something like Snake Breathing stemming from Water Breathing, and more like she's hit at the basis of Breathing itself to create a technique suited to her, like Inosuke did with his entirely self-taught Beast Breathing. (*Put a pin in this self-created Breath style thing, we're going to come back to this too.*) So, Mitsuri went on to become the Love Pillar. With the rate at which Pillars cycle in and out (based on how many the Upper Moons claim to have killed), I have to wonder how fast the Lower Moons getting cycled in and out too.  Even though these are her peers and we never see any other Pillars looking down on her, she sees herself in a lower position than the rest of them. Case in point, one thing I love that the anime did is that when Tokito chips the rock at Tanjiro and tells him off, Mitsuri is silently fangirling, and then when Tokito orders the Kakushi to draw back/leave, Mitsuri silently and automatically obeys and shrinks back. That wasn’t directed at you, silly!
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Though her Breath requires confidence, she still has a ways to go. When we see her again later, she's in a position of being a protector to everyone around her; the swordsmiths and her juniors, and she's treated with the awe and respect and acceptance of a Pillar; in this kind of setting she is fully in accord with Wish A (reinforced by her less formal third wish) and, thanks to Shinobu's encouragement, not ashamed of Wish B, thereby eliminating a big part of her shame-based weakness. She's added all this power and just as importantly, experience to her preexisting raw strength and flexibility.
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The experience is key here; she's gained a lot of battle sense since her first mission. She's not as taken off guard by demon abilities, and with her risen confidence, she's also gained more flexible thinking and can make quick adjustments in battle as needed. 
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Not entirely, though. At her core, she still relies on that brute strength.
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Ultimately, though toward the end she thinks she might be overpowered after all, it's that boost of confidence and cycle of philanthropic love from her juniors and desire to protect them than she recovers and makes use of her mark. (I'm glad no one's told her that this means she's doomed to a short marriage, should she ever even get one.)
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Following this historic feat; acting in a way that is natural to her and to her Breath to unlock a mark she didn't even know existed, she still feels a little shamed among the other Pillars for being so shamefully inarticulate about battle technique; despite this being what she's dedicated her life to. Again, it was never her natural desire to be a fighter, so it’s unsurprising that this part doesn’t come as naturally to her as it does to all those geniuses in the room.
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Moving on to the battle with Nakime, this is mostly played for laughs because Mitsuri's lack of battle sense compared to other characters is put on full display. She's emotional from the get-go and easily overwhelmed and this affects her concentration drastically, leading to stupid mistakes and ultimately having to fall back on her brute strength to break through pieces of the fortress instead of survive and fight through observation. Getting called out on this is meant to help her, and she absolutely does her best to summon back her battle sense, but it's all downhill for Mitsuri and her Love Breathing technique from here.
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As the battle with Muzan starts, that third wish is thrown back in her face as so many of her juniors die protecting her. Since he's powered by philanthropic love and confidence, she cannot recover any battle sense, and quickly falters so much that she must be removed from the battle rather than weigh everyone down. The difference between her and the other Pillars here is stark; her inexperience and lack of natural fighting inclination is, again, painfully obvious and relatable to a lot of readers. She has natural strength, but not natural talent. When she does return to battle, she only has that core strength to rely on again--no room for peace of mind, only brute emotional strength resulting in a panel that made me throw my fist in the air and cheer out loud because damn, that is hardcore, girl.
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But, in the end, Mitsuri succumbs to her injuries, and only right before death does she get closer to Wish B. Even with Iguro's promise, it's too late.
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This is super frustrating for a number of reasons, but if we're focused solely on the actualization of Love Breathing, it's because Iguro could have said something much, much, much sooner if he wasn't so ashamed of his own blood tainting her in this lifetime (not that she would have cared). Words from other people have such a huge influence on Mitsuri that if she had actualized Wish B, for which her Breath is named, she could have made humongous gains in confidence before being romantically loved, and having someone to openly shower in love. Imagine what she could have unlocked, if that shame she still carried for being too monstrous to be married could have been eliminated. But that's not all. What if the timeline had been different? What if she had not two, but five years’ experience? Or even more than that? What if, for a long duration of her experience as a swordsman, she was also experiencing a happy marriage? I invite you to consider the implications of a Mrs. Iguro Mitsuri who has the comfort and confidence of being herself with a husband, in addition to being in a leadership role in the Corp? A Mrs. Iguro who, with a little honesty from her husband who feels bothered that she’s embarrassed, stands up to Maeda-san and says that as a married woman she needs a more modest uniform?* A Mrs. Iguro who gained a level-headed battle sense that can only be refined through experience, not based in brute strength alone? She'd be such a happy badass. *(Not looking for a modern-era Western culture based debate on this; this is defined based on Mitsuri's desire for a proper Taisho Era marriage.) Now, remember those pins I put in place? Consider someone else who realized a natural Breath technique all on their own, who attained a mark without any intention to, who felt like a monster due to super human abilities that made them shamefully unable to fit into the ideal family life, despite only wanting a peaceful, happy wedded life? Someone who valued bonds with other people, a kind person who lived to protect others? Now, I'm not saying that Love Breathing is as powerful as the Breath of the Sun, or that Mitsuri is as innately powerful as Yoriichi (their natural skills were of different types entirely). But, as all Breath techniques stem from the same natural Sun Breathing source, Love Breathing might have found its way back a little closer to that source, in some way or another. Which is all to say, never look down on Love Breathing or on Mitsuri just because she didn't play as big of a role as the others in the final showdown. After all, that Breath was not yet all it could have been, and as a swordsman, she was not yet in full bloom.
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