bluntfullofmid · 2 years
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doomednarrative · 1 year
Alright I talked about it with my mom, redying my hair black next weekend~
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serpendency · 2 years
someone very kind and wonderful in my comments for EE asked to read the full version of the chapter 3 end notes, which were too long for ao3 character count, so here it is 💕
link to chapter 3
end notes:
The structure of Sukuna’s shrine is inspired by his domain, which takes the form of a Buddhist temple. However, here it also includes many Shinto architecture elements, such as the sanctuary hall and torii, because during the Heian era (and until the Meiji Restoration in 1868), Buddhism and Shinto were syncretized. When Buddhism appeared in Japan from China and Korea in the mid-6th century, it integrated with the indigenous Shinto, so traditions, religious practices, and shrines and temples often combined elements of both. In JJK, it is stated that Tengen was helping spread Buddhism during the Nara period (710-784 AD). As Sukuna has been alive for longer, his shrine contains both Shinto and Buddhist elements.
The torii is the entrance arch to a shrine. Shinto shrines contain a honden, or main hall, is the building that houses the enshrined deity. The haiden, which Sukuna’s shrine lacks in this work, is the main worship/oratory hall, where visitors can pray. They are sometimes connected, with the haiden in front of the honden. Burning incense is a purifying practice that was introduced with Buddhism. Offerings of food are present in both religions.
The main lighting sources in the Heian period were charcoal braziers, candles, and paper lanterns. Chouchin are hanging lanterns made by covering a bamboo frame with silk or paper. Although the earliest record of a chouchin is in 1085, paper lantern technology has been common in China since the Tang Dynasty (690–705 AD).
As mentioned in Chapter 1, the Fujiwara clan was an incredibly powerful political family during the Heian era. In JJK, they are shown to have employed sorcerers like Uro Takako.
Sukuna’s shrine is in the province of Hida, or the modern-day Gifu prefecture, within the Japanese Alps. Hida’s capital was the modern-day city of Takayama, which also contained its provincial temple, or kokubun-ji, established in 757 after a smallpox epidemic. Hida’s carpentry was so well-known that during the Nara period, an official court position for Hida craftsmen was created. The province provided timber and metals from its forests to other regions.
Hida province had a relatively small population and was categorized as an inferior to mid-level country in terms of importance during the early Heian era. However, during the later Edo period, its importance rose because the Gifu region contained the Nakasendō, one of the five main routes of the time and one of two that connected Kyoto and the new capital Edo (modern-day Tokyo).
Aoi Matsuri is one of the three main annual festivals held in Kyoto, Japan. It is the festival of the two Kamo shrines in the north of the city, Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine. Both these shrines have been established since the 6th-7th century and are both historical “National Treasures” of Japan today. They are named both for the Kamo river and the Kamo clan, early inhabitants of the area who helped establish it as sacred. The festival originated during the reign of Emperor Kinmei (539-571 AD) according to the Nihon Shoki. When the capital was moved to Heian-Kyo in the 9th century, Aoi Matsuri became an annual imperial event. As such, at the height of its grandeur, it’s plausible that celebrations would reach the Hida province. In JJK (in the official fanbook), the Kamo clan rose to prominence after inheriting the lineage of a man named Onmyouji, a powerful sorcerer during the Heian era, though there is nothing to suggest the clan itself did not exist prior to this.
The Nihon Shoki, completed in 720 AD, is the second-oldest book of Japanese chronicles and contains both historical and folk/mythological records. In the Nihon Shoki, Ryoumen Sukuna is described as an inhumanly strong man with two faces and eight limbs. During the reign of Emperor Nintoku (c. 313-399 AD), he terrorized and plundered towns until he was defeated by a military leader from the Imperial Court named Takefurukuma no Mikoto in 377 AD.
However, folklore in Hida regards Sukuna as a protector. He was the patron deity of the Senko-ji, Zenkyu-ji, and Nichiryubu-ji temples for feats such as defeating a dragon and praying for a good harvest, though none of these are recorded in the Nihon Shoki, outside of folktales. One of the stories expands on Sukuna’s last fight; he was ambushed first, then after a long battle, retreated to Mount Norikura, east of Takayama. He fought again there but eventually succumbed. Takefurukuma, impressed by his valor, offered him mercy if he surrendered, but Sukuna refused and was killed. In this work, Sukuna lived, and the man possessing Takefurukuma is implied to be Kenjaku.
In JJK, Kenjaku contracted Dhruv Lakdawalla, a sorcerer originally from the late Yayoi period (2nd century AD). Dhruv already lived a second life in some undetermined era before incarnating into the Culling Game, so Kenjaku might have contracted him at that point and not been alive during the Yayoi period. However, he is likely older than Sukuna due to his knowledge of Tengen, and his age here is increased like Sukuna’s.
In 675 AD, Emperor Tenmu prohibited the consumption of cattle, dogs, horses, monkeys, and chicken during the farming months (4th-9th months of the year). Eventually, due to the influence of Buddhism and the scarcity of such domesticated animals, the ban expanded to be year-round. Deer, boar, rabbits, and wild fowl remained part of the Japanese diet, though meat was never an important staple in the first place. This ban on meat lasted until close to the Meiji era in the 1800s.
Narezushi is fermented fish, likely stemming from the paddy fields of ancient southern China. Sources conflict on when exactly it migrated to Japan, but it was pre-Heian; the earliest extant written reference to sushi is the Yōrō Code, a compiled code of governing rules, in 718 AD. It was during the Muromachi period (1336-1573 AD) that namanare, which is partially-raw fish consumed fresh with rice, became popular.
As mentioned in Chapter 1, Sugawara no Michizane was a scholar and politician during the Heian era who was banished by his political enemies in the Fujiwara clan. After his death in exile, disaster struck the Imperial family and palace, leading them to believe he had returned in wrath. He was known as one of Japan’s (and JJK’s) most infamous vengeful spirits. Kitano Tenmangū, a shrine in Heian-Kyo, was built in 947 to appease his angry spirit. He was later deified as Tenjin, the Shinto god of learning.
In JJK, Tengen is the strongest barrier user in Japan. His barriers are extremely skilled at hiding the presence of the school and cursed storehouse, as well as himself. Reggie calls him a shut-in, and Yuki says he does not interfere with the world. Humans usually cannot see curses due to their lack of cursed energy, so humans in the Heian era perhaps couldn’t either. However, it’s likely that more sorcery-capable humans existed in the golden age than in the present day.
Usually, sorcerers can only turn into cursed spirits through death, but Tengen evolved into a curse-like being by the accumulation of time (and likely cursed energy), enough so that he could be controlled by curse manipulation. This evolution is the basis of Sukuna’s body evolving into cursed flesh in this work. In JJK, Sukuna’s fingers are written as having grown in power until the seals on them became ineffective. The paradox referenced in regard to Gojo’s technique is the Achilles and the tortoise paradox of motion.
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buildarocketboys · 4 months
Send me random asks about your day or questions!!
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technicalbeacon · 2 years
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MAGNAVIS 7HF MPI Ink (black magnetic ink) – 400 ml (MADE IN UK)
Magnaflux 7HF is oil based ready to use black ink for wet method magnetic particle testing. The ink is used in conjunction with suitable magnetizing equipment to locate fine surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferrous materials.
Typical defects found include shrink cracks, welding defects, grinding cracks, quenching cracks and fatigue cracks. 7HF gives clear black indications when viewed in daylight.
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certainwoman · 2 years
“In every society, the promise of happiness clings to particular goals—goals that are deemed necessary for the attainment of the good life—so that those who are perceived as falling short of such goals are also perceived as falling short of happiness. In our society, marriage, with its expectation of lifelong monogamy and reproductive aims, is foremost among such privileged goals. As Michael Cobb posits, our culture depicts singleness as a transitory state, “a conundrum to be solved by coupling off, and as soon as possible,” whereas marriage is seen to end “our tragic twists and turns, nullifying all the bad feelings of misunderstanding and misconnection that preceded it” (2012, 4, 13). As a result, “no one is really supposed to be single”: “there are no real single people out there—they’re all just waiting for the chance to find that special someone, sometime soon” (5). Essentially, as Cobb astutely remarks, “you’re not allowed to be without love”; love is “not merely an activity one adds to a list of things that have to get done in this life . . . but life itself ” (18). 
No wonder, then, that social critics have long interpreted marriage as a tool of social normalization, including the fashioning of diligent workers. Back in the early twentieth century, Antonio Gramsci observed that Henry Ford was among those who recognized the socioeconomic benefits of marriage. When Ford updated the technology of his car factories in the 1920s— shifting to an assembly line process that hugely increased the productivity of his workers (while arguably eroding the quality of the hours they spent at work)—he capitalized on the (presumed) link between marriage and industriousness by demanding proof of marital status as a precondition of higher wages. He even had a cadre of investigators who conducted spotchecks at the homes of his workers to verify that their domestic arrangements were what they had reported. This is because he thought that stable domestic arrangements would produce more stable, and therefore more efficient, workers.”
Mari Ruti, The Ethics of Opting Out: Queer Theory’s Defiant Subjects 
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kafkaoftherubble · 9 months
My sister is an artist too so we've been talking about making a comic together. One of my brothers helps me a bit with dear emperor so he's suggesting my sister and I do dear emperor as a comic
Finally this message has been sitting on my inbox despite I have mentally reacted to it already throughout the weekends:
I have always been quite distant from the webcomic/self-published comic book circle because I simply don't have art friends. For real, you guys are all the art friends I have had since middle school. (Hana, my friend-who-befriended-me-since-nursery-school, where art thou? How art thou doing? And Xanex, where the hell are you? Please don't tell me you still hide your scissors in your water bottle during spotchecks and then drink it afterward...).
I would love, love, LOVE to watch this process so up close. What an experience this would be!
Also, damn your siblings are really stacked in skills. So you have an artist/comic book-artist sister; philosopher brother; philosopher dad (lecturer dad? Or did I hallucinate that part about your pa); and writer-artist-seamstress-general-art-making you. Damn! My family is sooooo boring and unremarkable in comparison.
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decepti-thots · 6 months
Would you ever revisit a media and select scenes of a character you do not like or care about at all to make sure they are written according to the source material and not your personal view of them?
That's not really a 'would you write' idea ig, but. Yeah, of course, haha. I would always do that if I find I need to include a character I don't care about much, because I do that for all characters I write anyway. And I guess I'm a little more likely to canon spotcheck on a character I care less about than one I really love, because if I had to write e.g. Skids into a fic for example, there is nooo way I would trust my brain to have retained like. ANY information about him, haha.
Like, I have a pretty solid confidence in my ability to recall a decently strong Minimus voice from memory on the spot, for example, because I've written so much about him both in a fic sense and doing meta. But I'd struggle to do that for other characters I'm not invested in the same way. Writing (at least in a transformative context like fanfic) is the same as drawing, really, in that you should really use references by default.
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boobachu · 9 months
Okay I was spotchecking my video and noticed this...
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Was originally the final boss going to have multiple titans? Did originally Tails, Amy and Knuckles take control of (the repaired) Titans and join Sage and Super Sonic in fighting THE END?
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Just a thought. Coulda just been a typo tho.
Woulda made sense for how it ended in The Final Horizon tho...
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skinsort · 10 months
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Well I have no chill and spent like 6 hours on this today in lieu of anything useful. Basically I wanted to play around with transparency, gradients, and blurs, and much more abstractly a feeling of being kind of shoved through the skin a little bit with the italics and the off center layout. Most of that time was messing with extremely minute styling details. On the one hand I should probably fkin quit it with that, but on the other hand with something as abstract as the idea I had for this, spotchecking the feel as accurately as I can feels important. That feeling of driving through the skin is proving harder to make consistent, but I'm enjoying it all the same. I feel good about the hero and the navigation (aside from restyling John's dropdowns), they're responsive all the way through, but I have a ways to go yet on the categories and the forums obviously. I'm not sure I like them, but I think I have to finish the forum row first to see if the vision is good or just silly. If I don't like it, I know what the fallback is going to be at least (blur gradients, so many overlapping gradients).
If you code, I only really did one thing that might be new, and included the code for that below the cut.
The only real problem I solved so far was how to make the blur gradient spread across the entirety of the page, not just the view. I wanted the hero to be very clear, and everything behind the forums and stats to be blurry af so I can overlay text on them reasonably. Here's a little code snippet if you want to do a gradient similar that traverses the whole page (and not just the view height!). Put this in some script tags on your board wrappers. This basically listens to the page loading, or if someone resizes the screen, and then sets the height of the element that has the gradient on it- in this case blur-gradient. window.addEventListener('resize', setBlurHeight); $(document).ready(setBlurHeight)
function setBlurHeight() { const siteHeight = $(document).height(); $(".blur-gradient").css("height", siteHeight); } And here's the blur-gradient css:
.blur-gradient { backdrop-filter: blur(20px); -webkit-mask: linear-gradient(180deg, transparent, black 50%); position: absolute; z-index: -2; width: 100%; top: 0; bottom: 0; } blur-gradient itself is just an empty div with that class. It obviously doesn't have to be a blur gradient- you should be able to use this for any effect which you want to extend the whole vertical range of the page.
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Guyz today they spotchecked (or sportchecked?? Idk) our bags to make sure we weren't bringing anything not allowed in school, I found out JUST today that scissors weren't allowed in school BC they took my classmate's scissors. So I hid the scissors in my BRA LMFAOOOO, they obviously weren't gonna search my body. I told my sister about it and she thought the classmate was the one that hid the scissors in her bra lmfao
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Pushead cover for Thrasher in January 1998. Back then you could discover a lot of cool music in skate videos, I don't know why it all gets so monotonous and kinda *boring* nowadays, or perhaps that's only my impression because we grew up so differently in the 90s. I even discovered stoner bands in videos, like Fu Manchu in a 411 video spotcheck at legendary Burnside park.
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technicalbeacon · 2 years
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Magnaflux spotcheck SKD-S2
Magnaflux spotcheck SKD-S2 is a spot check system designed to be used in the field to check for cracks, corrosion and other damage. The system can be used on any surface, but is designed to be used on concrete.
The machine consists of two main parts: a base plate and an armature. The base plate is used to secure the unit onto the ground and should have a minimum of four screws. The armature secures the base plate and has several adjustments that allow it to fit various types of surfaces.
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sexcsaint · 6 months
I'm going duxton to spotcheck today
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teachernisha · 11 months
Week 14 (30 October - 3 November 2023)
MONDAY 30/10/2023
On Monday, we had our assembly at the hall since we have a Solidarity Program. It is to show our support and shared our sadness and empathy to people in Palestine. All the teachers are asked to wear in black colour and wear Palestine mafla to show our support. The students also are allowed to bring their mafla, flag to school yesterday. Then, I just proceed to my 1 PL Aspirasi class and continue my lesson. For yesterday, I taught them grammar which is relative clauses. Later on, in the evening, I went into my 1Arif and taught them writing. We learn about geographical descriptions which the students are asked to write a short paragraph about Malaysia. It was a fun lesson with them.
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TUESDAY 31/10/2023
Today like usual, I just attend some relief classes since I do not have English classes for today. Most of my free time, I just stay in the office and preparing my lesson plans and my journal. Lately, it was cloudy and rainy in the evening so it is so cold especially to be in the office with aircond. Beside, today there is so many things happened which our Disicpline Teacher's phone went missing and it was stole by someone. It was hectic since everyone try to control the situation while on the same time school's prefect are asked to do spotcheck on every class. Unfortunately, it cannot be found as we know something that get stolen won't easily be return back. The lesson that I can take which I should be very careful and take care of my stuffs.
WEDNESDAY 1/11/2023
Since we do not have KOKO anymore, so today we just done coloring activity in period 1 and 2. Unfortunately, it was my English class with 1PL Aspirasi, so I am not be able to see them for today, however I still can attend 1 Arif to continue our lesson. For today, I collected their book to mark and check whether they complete their homework or not. Thank goodness, everyone completed their homework and it was a good job for them. There is nothing much happening today as I finished up my time doing my work until the school' bell ring.
THURSDAY 2/11/2023
On Thursday, like usual I do not have my English class for today, I just got 3 relief classes for today and most of the time that I free, I just sit in the library and finished up my work. It was kind of good day today since most of the teachers coming to school.
FRIDAY 3/11/2023
On Friday, I was asked to be an MC for Program Kasih 2023. So I have already found a student to be the emcee and prepared the script for the program. The program is about to show support and empathy to Palestine so that our students know on how to be grateful and thankful with our country Malaysia. Overall, the program ended at 3:30pm and all the students are asked to go back into their class and start the lesson like usual until the bell rings.
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lunatells · 1 year
Proud of you, Self! ♡
Maraming nagtatanong sakin ng tanong na, "WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS?" tbh, yan ang pinakamahirap na tanong for me. Kasi oo nga no, ang tanda ko na pero pag naitanong sakin yan napapaisip ako talaga kasi wala. Wala parin akong plano. I mean ofcourse may mga goals tayo pero syempre di kasi lahat ng plans natin sa buhay masusunod natin. Well, swerte mo if nasunod mo exactly what you planned, pero sakin kasi hindi. Lahat ng plans ko, ekis. Pero kasi mas better ang dumating. Kaya pinapaubaya ko talaga kay Lord lahat. Ginagawa ko nalang lahat ng best ko and Siya na bahala sa iba.
Ang dami kong napagdaanan na work. Lahat yun sobraaaaaang nakakastress, nakakawalang gana, nakakairita, nakakaewan. Kasi never akong nagtagal sa work, kung hindi kasi dahil sa company kaya di natagal, dahil naman sa fam or sa sarili ko mismo. Kaya ang goal ko talaga e yung TUMAGAL muna sa company and everything will follow.
Sabi ko, last push ko na sa BPO and if hindi na talaga nag workout baka magibang bansa nalang ako even if I don't want to. Kasi baka nga don ang life ko and hindi dito.
So ayun, nakapasok nga ako. Pero ofc may training pa yan. So ang goal ko lang talaga for now is to pass the training. Pero hindi lang yun ang binigay ni Lord sakin.
I passed the training tapos TOP 1 pa. (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)
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> Top 1 OVER ALL 100%
> SR QUEEN (Most Number of SR Tickets, 19) hahahahah
Who would have thought na after all the breakdowns I had all throughout the training, all the sleepless nights na kahit RD walang enough sleep, lahat ng anxiety na dumaan even sa training room e magttrigger siya e eto yung bunga. (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)
Pero these wouldn't be possible without my inspirations, without my support systems....
My family, friends and God. ♡
Pero syempre special mention dito yung mga taong araw araw kong kasama, araw araw akong minomotivate at tinutulungan, araw araw nakikinig at araw araw akong pinapatahan....
My Ate Daisy,
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Thank you sa lahat. Sa lahat lahat. Thank you for always checking up on me kahit di naman kailangan na palagi. Never na talaga ako nahiwalay sa'yo kahit nareshuffle ang team, sayo parin ako. Sobrang naaappreciate ko lahat ng effort mo di lang para sakin, di lang para sa team natin pero sa buong wave, ate. Kaya deserve mo yung award na yan e. Sobrang mahal ka namin, Ate. Thank you palagi lagi.
My Lucky 7,
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Hindi niyo alam gaano niyo nacoconvert yung moods ko. Napaiyak niyo ko, napatawa, napainis...lahat na ng emotions naipagawa/naiparamdam niyo sakin. You never left my side since DAY1. Thank you for that and for all the good/sad memories syempre. Mahal na mahal ko kayo sobra kahit nakakabwisit kayo, I will always be your baby girl. ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ
And of course,
My Nanay J,
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Ilang beses ko bang sasabihin sa'yo na sobrang swerte namin na ikaw ang naging LS namin? Na siguro kung hindi ikaw, hindi ako tatagal. Na siguro kung wala ka, di ko kakayanin. Thank you for always pushing us to be better, for pushing us to get out of our boxes. Dahil talaga sayo lahat ng 'to, Nanay. Thank you for being a Sister, a friend and a mother in one. Sobrang naaappreciate kita/namin. I love you so much.
WAVE 543 ⊂⁠(⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠つ
Thank you sa masasayang memories during training and Nesting.
Thank you OM, OMA, SME's and Supports sa sobra sobrang suporta and assistance. Sobrang spoiled namin sainyo. Huhu
See you all sa production floor.
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