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realityanddelusion · 1 year ago
I know the Catholics be having a field day with Blasphemous but as someone who is apart of an ATR who’s practice does incorporate Catholic/Christian imagery and stories this game HITS
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lezet · 1 year ago
V.A.-"Ancient Astronauts- The ancient music of Greece: a reappReciation" is out on 1TRACKTAPE (Greece)!!!
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In 2015 the German netlabel suRRism-Phonoethics released the compilation "The Music of Ancient gReece: an appReciation". Eight years later, as a part of "that sounds greek to me" series, 1tracktape reappReciates the same tracks in the same order, with the same copyright license. All tracks reworked by 1tracktape team including (The) Unknown Artist, DEE (aka Downer Edited Ending), melophobia (μελωφοβία) and more unknown artists!. 80min to burn a compact disk for the audio system in your car! Plus 3 more reworks as download - bonus tracks. “”The music of ancient Greece was almost universally present in society, from marriages and funerals to religious ceremonies, theatre, folk music and the ballad-like reciting of epic poetry. It thus played an integral role in the lives of ancient Greeks. There are significant fragments of actual Greek musical notation as well as many literary references to ancient Greek music, such that some things can be known—or reasonably surmised—about what the music sounded like, the general role of music in society, the economics of music, the importance of a professional caste of musicians, etc" (Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_of_ancient_Greece). The tracks on this compilation are either covers of the remaining fragments of Ancient Greek music, or a reflection of the participating artists on the cultural legacy of Ancient Greece and an attempt to find the music of Ancient Greece in their own compositional approaches." First compilation of "appReciation", curated by Igor Jovanovic (2015). Second compilation of "reappReciation", curated / produced by Dimitris Tsironis (2021).
featuring: Lina Palera Anthony Donovan Dave Fuglewicz Crocodile Tears Hectic Head nobodisoundz Lezet Lomz Ophed Alen Ilijic Mu. Zoran & Borut Seiei Jack BroodingSideOfMadness Daitse Autumna X Triage Jared C. Balogh L o W & CROCODILE TEARS Jaan Patterson
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hoodoohoneychild · 1 year ago
Is your New Year's resolution to learn Hoodoo? And did you want to learn from a 3rd generation worker with more than 30 years experience who also happens to be a Palera and Ifa practitioner?
I got you!
Allow me to introduce you to the Four Windz Spiritual Academy! 26 classes.... On all types subjects. By graduation, you will be competent to run your own spiritual practice. I offer a lifetime of support because after the course.... We family!
The 2024 class begins January 19th!
Get you some!
If you have questions, DM me.
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viajeroindomito · 9 months ago
Título: Badge de Rhóhnʌ 💫 - Mayo 2024 🍉
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Hola a todos 🥳💫!!
En esta ocasión traigo una especie de badge de mi fursona xD, al estilo de palera de colores limitada y colores planos, ello para luego pasarlo al programa de bordado y elaborar un diseño en base a esta obra, lo cual será un reto por su complejidad aumentada en comparación a los anteriores diseños 😼⚡.
Me inspiré en un icono que antes había elaborado de mi fur, sólo que en vez de tener una Analogue Pocket entre las patas, ahora tiene una carta astral 👀🌠. Sumado a detalles para ambientar la obra ;3, la cual disfruré bastante hacer 💚🍉💫🌌.
Con cariño, Viajero Indómito 猫 🐆💫.
La Obra fue concluida el día 25 de Mayo del 2024 🍉.
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skittles90 · 2 years ago
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Quiero cargarte. Quiero besarte la cara. Quiero escuchar tus chistes. Quiero comer contigo. Quiero abrazarte la cabeza. Quiero cenar contigo. Quiero viajar contigo. Quiero que te sientes en mis piernas. Quiero desayunar contigo. Quiero estar acostados y ver hacia arriba. Quiero ver tu cara pegada a la mía (ya sabes, frente con frente). Quiero comer chiles en nogada y paleras de hielo. Quiero manejar y que estés a mi lado. Quiero bajar las ventanas en la carretera porque sé que eso te gusta. Quiero otra tarde romántica en cualquier airbnb del país. Te quiero a ti. Buenas noches :)
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ratatrans · 1 month ago
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Dios nunca me dejes volverme en esas paleras que piensan que esto es militancia
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nfumbewalk · 2 months ago
Practice Notes
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Lots of candles!
I've been going over my practice and I've noted what I do and what I need. Kind of a New Years thing. Noticing what serves me and what doesn't. For instance, though I love Palo, I have to release it as a religion, because it will never be feasible for me due to costs and various other barriers. But Mama Chola has been a part of me for a very long time. I'm not about to ditch her just because I can't be a Palera in a technical sense. She still answers my call when I need her, despite my lack of initiation. I don't think it matters to her. I'm her child.
My Muerteria practice is paramount as well. Rodolfo and the living altar are a practice that I cannot let go of because it has been built by me, and it is powerful in its own right. But I may or may not release a book about it. I'm starting to feel a little strange about an actual book because I'm almost thinking that the information should be free for people. Almost as a gift of sorts. If I get really serious, I may make a blog here for Muerteria.
My other important practice is with Santa Muerte. I've been with her for life, and there is nothing I can do but thank her for being with me for most of my existence. She has protected me, loved me, warned me, and taught me so much. My abuela, I can do nothing but be with her forever because I love her and owe her everything - her blessings I do now count every day.
I've got a lot to be glad about. My lovely spiritual beings are a great way to begin the New Year. I did rituals and offerings to all of them and need to do some more. They all deserve to be honored, especially for sticking around with me. LOL!
So, my writing process is going to change. I may end up posting things online. I'm not sure whether to put the blog linked to these blogs or a total separate creature. It doesn't really matter because it is a separate address anyways.
I did have some successful channeling work for business the other night. It is getting super scary how accurate I am. Downright fucking spooky. I have a Santa Muerte tarot reading lined up. I may not have a ton of work to do, but when I do work, it is very meaningful.
♡ M.M. ♡
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ancaxbre · 5 months ago
Sappho's Nightingale — Ancient Lyre — Lina Palera, Gloria Endres de Oliv...
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reasoningdaily · 10 months ago
Palo mayombe, is closely related to the origins of the Bantúes tribes as part of a kind of religion that developed in Central Africa, was later taken to the Isle of Cuba, where he joined other religions coming from Africa, specifically Yoruba, taking specific characteristics with regard to the traditions of the island, knows more about this religious current by reading this article.
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The Palo mayombe comes from the oldest African beliefs, where “Palo” means tree, and it was considered sacred spirits, because where the souls of the dead lived, this belief reached the northern part of America, especially in all the Antilles, which along with colonialism dispersed towards Central America, however, it is in Cuba, where this religious current took hold and mixed with other African spiritual currents that during that time arrived in Cuba, the Yorubas and the Lucumí. These religions also developed in Brazil and certain regions of the United States. Where they joined with spiritual lines such as Santería and Candombié, creating particular religions such as Shamanism and Voodoo. El Palo, as many call it, has a series of rules called:
It is a religious cult contained in Palo Monte, where the main belief is based on the natural powers and the veneration of the ancestral spirits that have lived in the African regions. It is a ritual that attempts to establish communication with the dead, through songs, dances and prayers in the “Kikongo” language. For many it is a magic that is responsible for keeping Good (Mbote) and Evil (Mbi) level.
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It is characterized by working with the energies of the Nfumbe or dead person and uses two Nganga: one for good and one for harm, it is a traditional and conservative rule. Its practice is carried out entirely in Cuba and has spread to other regions of America, such as the United States, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Panama. However, the large brotherhoods annually receive large numbers of santeros, where they are trained in the ceremonies, rites and activities that allow them to be carried out in different countries.
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Second rule or current within the Palo Monte, which is born from the rules of the previous one. It is very common among the so-called paleros, it comes from the Mayombe rule, where the main characteristic is the use of skulls, in Cuba it was syncretized and Christianized, its foundations are: lightning, zarabanda, mother water, earth. The rite is based on the innovation of the Congo god called Mpumgu, who is the African version of the Yoruba and Lucumi Orishas.
It is a current that derives from the Brillumba, original from Cuba, within the Palera spirituality, they cannot deliver Lucero, it is really a sacred house that the Tatas use to perform the Rayas and it is closely related to this current in the ceremonies and spiritual procedures , is a kind of variation that is a little more complex in the rituals and energy processing.
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The Palo Kimbiza Rule is characterized by linking the forces of nature as animated spirits, to whom it offers shelter to all the souls that inhabit the earth. Its ceremony is performed near a cedar tree called Ngangas, where it becomes a recipient. of the soul of a deceased person, who has previously established to reach Ngangas when he was alive. The Kimbiza order of Santo Cristo del Buen Viaje, created by Tata Andrés Facundo Cristo de los Dolores Petit, is the first completely Cuban religion. The priests of Palo Mayombe are called “Palero” or “Tata”, which represents the father, and “Palera” “Yaya”, mother if she is a woman. Each one must have great knowledge about magic and divination, but to aspire to be a Palero, the person must first pass a test, and check if they are accepted by the spirits, then perform the “Rayamiento”, which consists of a initiation ceremony, where the person assumes full responsibility for all spiritual assignments.
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El Palo becomes a Nguey (newly initiated priest), which represents an Iyago in Santeria. Subsequently, it must be initiated by a godfather or godmother in a ceremony similar to that in Santeria, it is secret and the rules are somewhat strict for the initiates, homosexuality is not allowed and when this inclination is discovered it is rejected throughout the Palo Mayombe community.
The house of a palero is called munanso or house, it can only be opened by the palero or palera himself. Each Palera tradition is carried out orally, its priests are in charge of transmitting the traditions to the initiated in this way, the idea is to preserve the secrets of the Palo Mayombe through the fidelity of the person, the secrets of this religious current They are not easily available in books or texts, they are in the mind and knowledge of each Palero. (See article Olodumare)
The history of Palo mayombe dates back to the region of Cameroon, before the migration of the Bantu to the south and settling in Angola, Congo and Cabinda. From there came a large number of slaves who with them also came the Palo Monte belief, the ceremonies and songs used by the slaves reached the Island of Cuba and began to be combined with the Spanish language, the same influence fell on other regions. from Central America and the Caribbean. Towards the 20th century, Palo mayombe began to proliferate and spread in Cuban communities settled in countries such as Venezuela, the United States, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, where in some countries the tradition remains intact, just as it develops in Africa.
Currently the Palo Mayombe culture is very large, especially in the Cuban regions of Santiago, Matanzas and Pinar del Rio, most of the practitioners are black, who in turn are followers of Catholicism. (See article African rites).
Vista como religión
Palo mayombe, also known as Palo, is considered a religion that mixes the shamanic current and elements of spiritualism, black magic and Catholicism, the main root arises from the Congo region that later expanded to other regions of the African continent and with the arrival of slaves to America, it spread throughout almost all of Latin America.
On this continent, the Palera religion began to take its first steps in regions where African tribes were beginning to establish themselves, these tribes were Mondongo, Bisongo, Timbiseros and Mandingas, who maintained their tradition of Bantu culture, in this way it took shape until that the three most important currents were born and then dispersed throughout the island.
Its strength consists of possessing and using the spiritual criteria of other religions, the mixture of African and European spiritual concepts allowed it to become a strong spiritual current, each one (Mayombe, Criyumba and Kimbiza) establishes a series of criteria that each palero must comply to the letter, however there are communal elements among them that allow the implementation of the Palo Mayombe criteria.
THERE ARE MORE THAN 50 Remaining Pages of this very important Historical document on Palo Mayombe - so if you click the title you can read the entire piece. Use Google Translate to make it your language in one click.
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pbcnita · 1 year ago
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🤣😅😄😳🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ Free your minds. 🙏🏾#wearespiritfirst #sundayservice #sundayspecial #faithoverfear #jesusistheveiltokeepyoufromyourpower #thereisnohell #thereisnodevil #weareheretolearngrowelevate #weareallhavingahumanexperience
#ourancestorsguideandprotectus #yourguidesareheretihelp #spiritualityiswhereourpowerlies #blackgirlmagic #spiritualityoverreligion #melenatedmagic #eggunwoman #palera #collares #spiritualmeme #brujalife #witchcraft #protectyourpeace #timeisnonrefundable #protectyourspirit #needsoverwants #growthisnecessary #lessonsrepeatuntillearned #everythingfromaplaceoflove #youaretheesource #spiritualityiswhereourpowerlies #spiritualityoverreligion #melenatedmagic #maferefuneggun
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camposriscosaltos · 1 year ago
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veilody · 1 year ago
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Palera Howerz, thinking which book she could read next :0c Expression practice and colouring experiment
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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“Des hommes qui achètent l'or de porte en porte,” La Presse. March 10, 1933. Page 3. ---- Encore un autre "racket", diraient les Américains. Cette fois, il s'agit d'hommes qui passent de porte en porte à Montréal et qui achètent l'or que les ménagères confiantes leur offrent. Evidemment, ils ne paient pas le piein prix, et il parait que les profits sont considérables. 
Il n'y a qu'un tort. C'est que ce commerce est illégal. Harold Muir, de Toronto, comparaissait ce matin devant le juge Maurice Tétreau sous l'accusation d'avoir conduit un automobile sans permis. Il avait son permis de l'Ontario, mais cela n'est pas suffisant lorsque l'on de vient faire affaires dans la province de Québec. Surtout si le commerce est Illégal. Or, Muir, justement, d'après la déclaration de la police, achetalt de l'or de porte en porte. Aucune accusation, cependant, n'a été portée à ce sujet. Mais, pour ne pas avoir eu de permis de conduire, Muir palera 85 d'emende.
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sapchats · 1 year ago
sapnap please get this right . please plea epleapse lpeape lpae
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primitive-roots-conjure · 5 years ago
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Primitiverootsconjure.com #primitiveroots #Primitiverootsconjure #spiritualservices #witchcraft #brujería #folkmagic #rootwork #hoodoo #conjure #braucherei #espiritista #cunningfolk #yayinikki #munumidnight #palera #aborisha #spiritualist #thedeadspeak #blessings #healing #powwower #healers #communityservice https://www.instagram.com/p/CEf2Sc0nn0b/?igshid=nnltir9esn50
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ifaabeyo · 5 years ago
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Just know that I am removing those ceilings that folks will try and put over your head . I came to far to just be average , hell I did come and be no ones follower either I am unique and divinely created . #standonit #respectthamagic #itsinmothershandsnow #getmugged☕️ #lovesuppliesbotanica #seemycolor #ithitdifferent #weseeshitdifferent #bayoubaby #reddirtmama #palera #santera #spiritualist #rootworkersofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #oshunsmirrortarotdeck #entrepreneur #writersofinstagram #poet #motivationmonday #lifecoach #seerer #mojoworker #embarkingonaspiritualjourney #itsoktoclosethedoors #ifaabeyo53 (at Duluth, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5k8vw4pqg7/?igshid=lghwjwhy40lm
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